i re of n.i'.i-h 01 e tl'.li'.'Ueri THlUSiiW, M.l 2, i: PlI'VV LmcO U'.-ierred Ir Mm I:.)vi-Vvr v III n I lu'x t -.. i : . i i'b:-.l ; ho i.iii.-! i i ' i '. si I Co ni.il. .i. I. Tn h...i h:i!!o, VV'ii lillV" l! c urrai : !y ho I'r.;lil" 'K-ir tar i the I V '..I lor 111. Kn.-hiii .veil i-. nil':; ( f M iy. wi' ' tl.i MV'.' I'" i,i n i i i-f-t-.. to kHiji tho ii.-iu. ii.l.i!rn-.fiiL ft tendered it I'ccepHi n t.i their y tSUIKlH I,K IMTTSBOSJO1 15. K. 1L .nmriiK.'r lialn .'it Un-1 lU.-!j.r.." ri.ilr..i:'l I' llVWS ItllHlOl'K'llHtly, W,t KlMlllHjK, i'l li 'l. Ul.ittltl It ill) II. III.. Mill IU'1'lvt-Mll l'IHnl... ill II. '1 H, 111. ai d 3 45 ii in. , it life. II y ! -f v ('lia: ham, which l.i sol tor fllday, t!io 10;h. PntsONAt. Itf.ms. Judge Henry K. Ibyun, nl Now I'.oi n, pi-tit l ist nii.n at Siiiiilny :i i J MiMuliiV nl I hi place, lady irii'iHis nl ft i lor, n:i ia:i mi nir day night, at tin- residence ot Mr. I!. M. Jlann. Th hoti-.o was beauti fully dccnralcd, ami lent enchant -I-:-". l!:u!l I- !.-... "I Litcraiy Siirioiy kninvs lur.v nwi ny soldier:! we i ,(!.:! I. Ill have. YlllH J.'ilt, i t-MlllW, Wlill (niv om' '0i'i:l:s, bi'.t won l.l'nt I c be :i wretch o( mi emperor who would abuse mioIi confidence ? There MV l hoitsands of mint jeopl. in I hi t .1" -tu:. urn red !" ti! ( ivl !N' brrs ("i:il I'V. . - !.!.::r.v:lV.i'.o:, 11. i'l.o ov i I .vi, -lii.'.-i- l".e!tie. .-;.(.; s it:, TAX SALES. f.ih of ?! 1:1 .pre 0 lit i'rii'it lli M... i iu. uiewlMiilieiialiiilintliav,Kiililfc-li'.3.li) In visit his HOW ir r.-i ml. hi I!.;Ii! or. ineiil to tho beauty and ei.ivnli y thai hind v! ICi-iced tho halls, polbicid The evening w.n spent in music n.illy do t roc.i:".;:-. their i.l i'.'OiIm aril won'. I In' oli'i' MitNiioil wi!!i anything ihat child rub"' would il.. Tho -. I ia; t in. ii;i!o ll.o of Hi i;iili W.'.on a li.i-.so i I rial (iojMily rtlioiill's au.l il.M.r. s covoroil t'io Ii i;.'1. vva Mi.oii .il!i a:. si,-r f-i !- Mil! MT-sto.l til 'ia ti nti' a : li'.'im; liio.l mi ciilnf A S Dowd ,1 .7 ('.-rii'.bull .'.Y, i N t:.vc:t, 'i'i'5 ?.3 :t-jt on lliiriiri i'i ,J A iii.riifl i ( .-.1 Wiliis Heiuldn r, . MOMMY, ti i'-;. 1 wi!i srll I'm- fi!' lit jr .'i;.;-., lit !n'' r'.ii'.'l wii(iiis;! il, i 1'illflvKi', N. J., iLh fiillowii't' i'f.t:io, lislol liv tlio persons inniio.1 H.n::soa Hcmloti !.;! !.. Li! il f iiiH in Hie i.aviiicr.t nf : Wn-lfv Mhib'i t'.i i'.o inn ooiiii'v tn.vs, nii'l I'dstH, Mis Siillin Ii Snijica lf8 lino f;r lii'i yuii' LSI! 1. ' ,hw (J SmilU 70 ,m i;ui.'!i r Tn-.viii". I Albert St-ulon (' .lulin !' .Mliriiilit J r2 arrest i Airs ?.wy V, i y'Mt I-r7 Look out lor tlio bluo - mark, mid I'otiKW your eulisoriilio!i. If tho dlicrin soils nost Monilny nil lliu land a.lvortisoil by liim, lio will bo ki l vory busy. i.vnmvnisv. i!ovolnin,or.!s jiiicd by bis will! ami Iwo r.iilts. lr. lliiuIiton lliric s iiiiico s o i j Coi stv Link 2nd floor in 'l'anisoy llotol ". lli urs . ',(.,.0 UVl ,, ,,xv ts 0 ii. in. to o p. in., daily. - A pair nl mules wuiiIk! by 15. Noov, Jr. I'aib to woifjli lHlt U.K. and lo be not over 7 years i'bl. Mr. I'arrv 1 lin io In ivimiwd and tiiiiiiilar t;a!iu'M, atior wl'icli rt'-'. t heir to (,'arlliao. wlioio iio will pr.ti.-li.JO Irosliinorls, ton; po.od nl tl.o loadii ' majority fi llio (iorinaii in' ion limls m j i ci .ji rlnrrsiiip willi Mr. 11. dolieuoii's n tin- soason, o.'o'-.. sorvi il, oxprossion tlirotib tbo ompr mr. 1 1 Soawoll. ;ni)d at tli" hour id nihiuiv l-.t, tln-y who is suppiwod to roprosi'iit ir wimn Mr. T. '. .'.inn's, ol Wiliuin'ti'ii, disporsod, talintc that tlio roooption ; way nl! tmil is u"'"d and irn-al in bis, iinivod luro i. i.i l Sa'.urdav and ro-' would ovir ho one: o! tlio most iiIo.k- pmivirv, ! I. is I i iuiivor and !ath- tiiriioil homo on i iios.ia ncooiiipa- rni ciiihouo.-oi inoir iiik. Ki.r.lN An.M'i. A llOPIill Uiiblr Tin r i' bc!lU- ti loiiis I'' Alhimht Ml I Vili : l im. Alll'ibt 7 H.in y O. bio 40 U' K '!!,.. b.dn 12 J,tv. i i I Ini an ly's. heirs lliJ :-n ih V. Mwi'.in 100 104 acres 97 30 11 fi 8l m " 4 80 :7 l s 375 9 22i " 1 4$ :w Alt C 89 1 4 3 W .8 94 'ilol-l W. Mr. S!i". Jfofiirsni. Si, a iiTi.w.v, N. (!. -Tin' ground is lis wot, r.nd tlusj roads uro as muddy and miry now, j asaluny ti mo during tbo winter. WbiMi you i-onio ti wrok bi: mi iv lo ronow y tion. II you do not come yourself, boikI it by Mime noiMior. Tlio oldest inhabitant doos not romombor so in noli rain in any pre rious April as loll last month. Th, ruin lull was unprecedented. A protracted nieolinjj is benif; belli at the Methodist rhiirrh, at llii Iilace, by the pastor, the lb:v. V. V. be, assisted by llov. J. W. Jenkins, ot Cury. A hen ol Mr. A. I. l-'arre'l, of this township, laid twin es, ii low days ago. Iliohvoos worn laid at ono time and wero connected lo gether. Tiie reooiit rains havo Imtu.ubt out mII kinds of vegetation very rapidly. The trers arc now almort in lull loliaiio, and the wh-jat crop lias iui proved wonderfully. A mortuuo. was recmitly execu ted and registered in this county, payable in iho year 2lHi. Tlio par tietic-vidoiitly inlondod llm vi ar lihlll, but it is plainly written Ji'iu). One ni'ht last weuk sonie tm known person or per.vths cut up and ileHtroycd a plow ol .Mr. Albert .Snipes, in Hickory Mountain town ship, which be bad loll in the li-.l l. Wo aro indebted to Mr. A. T. Jlollonian, tho priiioip.il ol O.ivo Chapel school, lor aa invitation in itUwnd the closing i xoroir.os wiii' h will bo hold on the 17lh ol this monthv Kev. O. 1j. Si rinlieid will Uulivvr tbo annual address. W. II. Mlwardi, dentist, wi l V;'t lJyniiin on Monday and Tues day, and IVtlsboro' on Wednesday, Thursday ami rYelay, t.-ihiwin:; the third Sunday ol c:n h m- '.lb, pre ar d to do all hind of dental w. rk. UllicelieXl dour to liynuiiiiV Ileadoii. Two M.ii'iiiiiii missi'iiiaries were bore- on lust Triday lor the piirpe.ee nl con vertiiiii sou.o id our l.'eliibto'l Chrisli.u,.-. hut they did m.i tarn lony. They visited a lew houses and loll sumo id their trai ls, ami then quickly made trucks lor purls un known. Another larifo lot ol laities' and ?nissi's' hats just arrived this week lit W Ii London .V. Son's. Let Miss Iiurtoti show you a pretty hat it you want nomcthin stylish. Also, an other lot ol lad icsd l ess onds. They would call your Mtoutioi, to their Bplondid stock ol white dress goodu. 1 be railroad fare to J!a!oirh, on tho 20th ol May, will bo much lower than that heretofore, published. It will he only one cent a mile lor any body, which will bo only s" cents for tlio round-trip liom ibis pltee. Thin unusually low rale will enable many too, who otherwise could not attend. Yesterday being the l.-,t of May recalls to mind the obi custom ol celehralinthatday with the ' (loen j of May,'' which nowadays is never! beard of. 11 is an oM l-.ulisii cus tim that )revai!ed in this country before tho war and was observed lor Komo time after the war, and is p'oasuiit'y remembered by all who ever participated therein. ; ei laiid ihut ll soldier : lib- en the batlle field. I public cannot iiudeistan 1 : I-'hs analyy." this rebitioti .i ne I to his siibioi t's but Ibel'e i . i . i .... i . I . I SI l Ii!'. .l- V V I ; I . . . .... . ... since last wi'i'ii in mo. manor m i no lUiim; iiathilie iinoiil i;,aiei"i ii nl v line i-oii'iovcrsv between I M it. HditoII : lor months the adniirod. It ha.; alwnvs I e-u A'.aiiiaiico and (.'halham. Ac then i poop!..' of this town have be IS wait- ' tuiniu to mm ., . siie.-iee I . statid, the riirvey was f'ejjio I by jing ami listoiiintr !or the rolerins ' elder Wibi. ! in in : ho re - : i : wu in ii.'inv'.ni!i I'.sii.-I liy ,l ii.!;o ft, ur aceomplii-.iio'l ny .i.nse.-i ii r. .-on . ; I ranee; hov v.iicn riiii.irov 1-or weeks, in lacl nun. Ins, he bad , battle field I." v.edd .iismm: been pi'uinisiiiji l.i b ad the wandt-r-. j the side ol a d it si'lil'ei' to ini; children into :i !:m 1 of plenty, i some, v.-.n-d o! i-ti. ''. i t ami bow vv In so.ai'.Mi and out nt season, at home both were melli'd iu'.n tens and abroad, on the church irronnd wan iur would nasi away suteeii anil at social al lierin;. he had loel hack and on the llUh ol this month, at this place, Judge, (live no will des lido wlulher tins injunction sb nil 1 1 ii coiitinued until the ceso ( !u bo ,.i ,.vi 1 rc lii.iriv tl'io'l at the tall term of ir suhscriii our court. It. is rumored that ijuiln a brilliant array ot cnuiicel will rep-re-eiil Alamaiieo o.i ihat occasion and both .vihs will closely contest the case. Tito Alamance newspapers, while ol coi!i-e aiiMoii- lor tiioireouniy to acijiiire a portion id' t'l-nthani, yet are Very kind and pleasant 111 their comments on this ii'ii-lli"l for con troversy. The i'i'i. Iid', in closing an editorial on the subject, says ''A great many I'liathamiU s are moving lo A lama nee and wo expect a greater migration tnan over, whether the Kiirvcy holds or nut, on account ol tho Self bill and other o'lll-es " Ami the riurlitigt-jn .ut" has this to sav : "I'to. Lon loii of the Chat ham Kl:eoui is very indignant at a part o! Chatham being t lirm' i into Alamance, and vory justly, t 'io i'ho S.'ir- want.-; to assure I'.re. I. .n. den that there Was mi ameer. nl action on the paitol our people lo have this Mirvey iii:'.de, ami oil l Sena'or, Mr. While, mu-l have been hisown counsel in tne mailer. Ala manci) county as a whole dons imi need, or " ant to roll Chatham, ami wo hope the brother wi:l conliiii.e to rhoiit at So.f, Hryan, W lute X ( ' i., a ho has boon doit.i:. .Some ol the people in tint lerritory want to change, olheis do n.-l , but Alamance will ircal them all rb-ht." Wo are re,i,ib: iiilorincl thai il I he now survey should slam! Ala mance wciiid gain 1 b voters ir.-iu llinfey township. l whom only :'o itiv dciiiocrats, and from Ailirgh township aboul 2ial vo'.eis would l.e taiion, imi one loiiilh ol whom are den, m i als. But il Cii:;thii:'i should not lose a mnitlo, soinary ile t:iei-.i' by this new survey, yet iho Jit' oiiK won d oppos.i her ibsnieuihormeid jus', as Hirongly as il they wore all d.m i rais in tin contest wo are It r ci. r eouiitymen without regard to their iiolities. Ilirhr.io:itl 'tauibliiigs. !:n-;;M.-Ni, N. !., April :'ei, 1 ' Wc loarn'thal Mr. i' A. I'hilli pes, o! Ilaiptr's X 1 'en. Is. had a very nar row ,:-i'ai'e id his Ide one day la-U wee!;. S hiio he was a1 work to. a I baiel wheel al. his steam mid a k.-v wc Ige caiii'lH in his clot hi n-.r. con; plololv stripping '"! l'1'1'- deniially he was but s ighlly bur!, :ilih"U:.'h i'ii escape was by a hair c bre'idili as it weie Mr. W. 11. Adams whu has been so seriously e i -. ti 1 1 e 1 1 to his ro mi with paralysis lor the last two months is l ow jusl alive. IU' has been bleeding al the nos-i O'lhc last three hours and there seems to bo no poMblo v-hanco for Ids ret ev ery ill this w riling. LoNii SlIANKi - 1. 1 11.11 l'.l.i-.ll.l.. Si'.er City Siflhi r-i. Sii.kk City, X. C , April ''X. Our town i-i on a do. : led b.;';. , and i.i m.iviiig lo the fronl, lor on evt ry side is In al d I he sound o! the hammer and the buz, ol the sa-v. The ione expected cotton faciei y isal la e. a roaliiy, and work men are busy engaged ill creeling the build iug for the machinery, ami on or by Junclcl, wu wiil be greeted with the welcome sound ol the loom. Mes.-T.-i. llalloy, Pernios A; Co, hiive ro-.ip.'i'..led with the Cotton Mdi Co, and (no new cotton lactory will be operated by that cor porai ion, as they decided to move machinery from Staley. Dr. Jos'so 1) a v. ry lim n happy in the ihcu still - !-; ..mr to he lb- with r the I by )!. l't-.-in II. r Ci'nl ' -iinu'i le-iil 11. lif.v. id Lew is. who has been iitiliclcd -t vi-1 M't lin r7 ali v. iitUr In i hcumuti in. is out itgiiin l 'nvil N Miimi t 1-S and nil i Inn 'u one of the iiieiiieim s , ('i d::ii:l s 'fhomr.R -lli ndvfs: ti.-cd in our i (i!innns. Afii r r.i io.vin tdwnsiiii lljin-f (venlhi'ig pos.sibie, be u ed ('.,' , in f i ( I: fndil l.Vr Ch.iinfi iht'n's I i : K-tili.). which ' is C () Ciiitrblii'ld 4" ii 'e'vc.l bun of all i-i-i'i, i: cm which I'lmim'. Cook lie was e ii:-lir.t : !i'''"ii" and loin :.-(; fluke him lit i i d .ti V Wo know ivid bus beili ;i yi . ii : ii!';'. !(! :. I'd iUCglad to:-: l-ill: ...;... I ::g ::i. For ide bv Jb itiiiu 1 1 :i!i !i. l;i!!:bi.ro. NO. Alien ) Iwnrds Wei Cetil'tillgloli Mis Mnl l a Jones Tiindf.'iy ?iiei lis L. e tv i I ( el i I ' i v 1 'JS O M Webster Bl ll ! iiu k -uv MoiT-fAis Trwssnip, 1803. : ., ..,! H 11 I'i ny 0 acres, bal. 3 8f 'I ; , ' Lie.vis White n!) -''! .; 1! 11 mtthi.-vii In'.tssiifV. 1 '.'- i John ClSiiL-k Hl acres SiC 9i ;5 '.I'i i .) V Curler 1 lown lot 1 19 OHDoi B. tt 50 acres 8 43 Mrs Surub Dorset I, 1!M " 6 7 J4 MiaMarvEDaist U 114 Ufl LJ Dark f.Sl 40 aei(B 2 l: Ii L Disoa 1 1I 1) F Kdwiirila 47 J J Fox Sr 214 1) 11 Fox 2!8 W .1 Hackney bS Hackney Mill Co 7 HO 1 !.'. lib n Mi, I'enn., on lust Tucc- j 11 S Sellurs ni ; lilt :t r,; 4 17 :t i i 1 lis 1 (12 :t 12 R J'J tl.nt his l!Ie ol Ihe wickedness and corruption of was being offered up for his -oi,it!ry tho domoci ills from the rising of , i,l ib-it l,js .;(ii, ns had won hint the sun to tho going down of the ibe approbation ol the Kaiser. same ho had shown tne oiiprc: and injuries of Iho peopv at tins hands of their enclitics. Anilaith j fully had ho exhorted the iiias.,os lo rise in their might and i-mi.-h their foes fioni the lace ol ll.-i earih that! tho good work ot the laiiiilul ii.ight : belter be felt. Loudly had he proclaimed the in justice ol heavy taxation, Ihe iinnee-i rssary expenses ol the (ioveriinr's Maii-iou, and Ac v. ,'.,(--('; 'it' y.'.i'i' itt iu: ,i-j.:4th'nr- And I hey had boon told iintiss they drove the plutocrat from power tho dreaded slocii-law with all its 1 have not rsi'iinscd the principles of nirnarihy for my political creed, but 1 do think il baa it i own excel leiieies as well ;m our Kcptd'!'.'. baa hers iiml a more ihorotiirh Imiow!- b'e, of tbcsi! would briu;; about a uinler-dan t wocii us of the N peoplo of the Old. lime mi:' ually b- . ow World and the KlI.ST.sT T. liV M M. 1 we..!;. hnd (.'on tors would he inflicted on them am ail atii'iialrt would l-o without iiu l.iovemoiit. The election I'asscd, I !,'. 1' and so wc ali wailed with oneaci lor tho reduction ol taxation and ! cents cotton. So, with deep rogrels, lhisgre.it slai" ni.in loll his homo and loved ones, nnd, with his little I), ujaniin went firth to light tho battle of rolorm. .Some havo boon so unfair as to say that Ihe Loitis'aturo did not red me taxes, and sa'arics ol (d'i ms, but Chi.lham had been ploinieed re In noli itient ami n :orm iin-i w men j ,Kl ,j) f, I it is idioul lo receive. Scarcely had ! p,,., (.w iho Lc.:i-l:ilU'e aiijimi nod when our : ureal reloruis eio heard of il be- 1 ' , I an ctnicall'i'ml .-lit ieiy l :cy in once bo..;. in to teach lis that instead of being in Chatham many ol as were really in Alaa.aiico. So, wilh ihcir non-j.ai iis.ni board hoiiming al the centre of another couuiy have found a corner where no man bad over dreamed that Chatham elided, or Aliieanee began. And bad it not been lor this yreafrnibrm" g I nhll'huihaiii ivoitld douhtl'-s brv el iinieil us all as her own, i: -id we should have remained ouu (oiinly and olio poop!'' Wh'tti'Vct' else our j reformers lailed in Clia'h'iui h id ber 'n' form and "ri7'i i.'.7'. lit . stead of oiii' pirtihjht lino on norlh t'cTo. weuld he ;'i,v,' ( i .rhi' h weul I rti'i down Ihe i from .)( ! Ii wi si to soiilh-e :-. it ;:it a Dart (d Chatlniiii won n ."In ol ti p u t id Alamance. .N o.-. I the beaut V nl thi f ' reloi ni" is t-ocn wb ii they propose to oul elf aboiil ot e-! v.elfth'of tbo land e. Chatb.am, ami bill three rliort brid.i Ono i f Ihe many ipm-tiiei:; aslced :-. would the p- opto ol I hi.-, s.'cli in bo put under the ploe.k-law, or would I bey bo allowed to enj y Sidl's law of stock impro' onmi.t '! And an other is if a man's dwelling is left in Ohaiha-n and his barn and stables are taken into Alamance, in which county would be have to pay tax on his korsiM and ('tittle? And still another i:-, what and were will Ihe next retrenchment ho ? J.. I". Tii:1 Champion WulKcr. I"f.ill llll- liiill l..lli. Oli.'i.TVel'. Mi. Ie iiimoites, t!i mail rurrirr (.n the slur loulo f mu 1 b.n isbury: !: !C'lp,ir Crook, desorvos the bell. I lo is the chtiii i ion walker. Mevera! dayc wed from (i n. in to S a. in.. 1 a mi'.o fo i bu ri -i tirg. ct ll.o i'i',:! ph. I struck out. Ilewiul. fioni i I Ian i-do.lig t( I'ioie cr Mills. Ibcuec jiot 'lcar Clock, u i.'isie'ieo ol 20 miles, land i'fiek over tho i'.;mc riuitt) ami : bonus iii.'iin Ih.il t vi idng isbout dark 'i'tvo Lives Stivcd. JFrs. l'iiO( bo 'J helnM:', of J'lii.if.;i City, 111, v I the So .! bfl !o!d liy b( 1' ilori. ts rlie 'ion iiml tbttt i u'.-iij w (. . r, bill t.vo boltle.-i ih. ).): eov ry cmipleli ly ' : :.n r.ii's ii siivetl h i s !;;: is. loi) b'h iida St. S;iu Fl'iil'.li ; o. : liO'ci t il from ibi..i fill cold, apj l'.i".ihil:g ('oiti'ii!!ip ii n:, tried withnili K'.-ajll dVe! V i l.in-.-el.-n then boviglit (.no bid i i t of Dr iving's New )i';env( rv aid in two weok'l wail cured. lie is lietni' My Ihaukfitl. It is such result of wbieb lLo o are tc-mplps, thai p'.ovo the woiide; f'd 'Tii"i"y of this medioine in Co'::.;hs il Odds. Free I it. I t.oilb s i.t . II. Vi i.ir.glre.'s . tig .Store. IbrVilar ;: "On. .f.l if I I'll i is it L'l-pi'.lal tijii of Nimv VdiU Cilj N:.v. Vi.:., April 2'..--?.I.ivi Sirtnig !a'.. liii iviir.!,.; !i:a,t puliiie i b eel :!. i i " in hr-i c.l ly the olii '. dep:'.rt:ni r !. The .(li.ii'il il.-t'trc.; : how if..: !ii:i iber of mill's in Iv.-.v Yolk eil- (., b(. '.2-).M!;1, ami the l.i .r:ber i l i'.- . !' !"J 1 .":e!, ir t'l'tn l t.n.'il t-t ! . 'il.biid. The iii.-renec' ;i : : f t l:.r. ci'.V l.'ii.i ( !-t obor. 1 X'.' '.ooHet 'I'o'.v nsclid , and hii son. band Ab and John Knbr -ilied in a si r eel d l I, I he Ion.; standing itaarroi .r.ievis TOWN.iuir, ISOlt. At. New' day, ::. u Iteaiiregar ban vm re I reri'ilt of ; with a trivial herinniiii A ni'is (('- of liiiniai) i liduiai en Iiiih i;i.m: i l;i:i ii towssiiii-. be: :i iiucie by a painter of M.0 rciiles ! Aicld'.' Andrews IS acres i'.iuicd Diiritn'd. Ouu wag' r of 10.000 F,.i ibelh C Daik '.'7 " Aarni eld w ji r ds Mrs Abii iba .Tones Limb-iy Morris !l' b I't'i ry SO acres ID 110 " bab l :w !l fiai.es lie i ciiiiMictl Mumliug in oini poidtimi on a pedestal for twi'iiiy oiir'n! thiVS. II W Scott I'll , 'Mi !?0 !" a! '! ' c, t):j 406 3 92 07 1U31 4 35 1(5 24 5C7 649 ir.'ci.lea's At ni'M M.tUr. j'e:: Ki.m Si r in the wmld for thils, D nisi ii. .Soli's, Ho. in, Sail I Kholl !), I'i vei S.. e:i, Tidier, Oh ljip-'d J It. iiids. Chiiblitius Corn-., mid nil I I i;:-..'.;: ;:i.i;h; T.,.'e ii'i'. ISO:! 1 1 AV Scott !'0 acres : 1 14 ' Lli.-.hcM. O Dark 07 " 2 I'O j W W ibav Agl M D IV.iv 171 2 :( Win M Ibirpor 810 " 12 OH I'.inpliotis, and jiosiiively cure: i n: vv. V. Hie D,,ii d.iHS ,1! Tt l lll V, Ol Ml mtee.l o moiiey let bus. For p.. I CI 1 1 1 1 1 I A. I i is j.;ii.ir I Aioi ris A vent. ;ive porfeet f-iiliid'action or i Win A ikins ie,d. ,l. i riee Jo centf. per sale by (b lb I'll MNoii'N. M.A if. til !:!). in. i. e. ..I .in"-!,- !!i; l iifirt i.'iir.v. Ii ..! ! u-.... r'.'llV'.l s.'Veti O'liiM It 111. .1 K Alston j M J F-ovd j 'i ho'.' Chiii-ciiill I A .1 I ick( iis Miss .1 ii':ii. l.)i!tl;o ' Will Doilghl.-rt I ) A (i'liiii r evNsun'. IT, acres Si 22 :ti; :!22 io " :t A :io l io i;7 " :i .r)" 1 Town lot. 4 0H lis acres H H2 10 I i;.ri l-1 i:.;i Miv-UANN.- Act .1 seii, i l.-li. iti.l Mr. ,1. I'. Viilllll, Ail'. VAI.1I.I .'II. I Ml ! lit ..KM A JI i.NN. Ilev. . M l.vltts. ii;s. - .1 li. l h,.ir... in l:,.l. l:.-li, w Ailvi-r! :-I Tit iis II. Wain .Mr. I'.ilvlii Vi-.-.'. al cinriMs. pi i in l.'V.ll.'il, iinki I'.iioiej. I '.).'" (p.( -ice. i lisiu ). ".' the :'l!.i;:il incl'CUM j-.-i- in:- They lire selling the most stylinh pents' furnishiiig goods, consisling of all blylesol fancy shirts from 2.") CV ' i'i, , : I-.. , ,, - Creel, and whin cmpli tec iloves. mon s trau.e shirts Irom , ' touts a), at W. L. London .t S in's. Also, the largest and best stock of men's hats Irom M cts. to ? t They would call tho merchants attention to their largo stock of tinware which they will job to meet any market. Crnnaiiy'.H (iovt'i iiiiieiit. In a previous ietler 1 have ilescrib od some features id Ihe. Corman i;ov. crnmeul which do nnl with 1'cw World idea-:, musily the result ol n."tuial condi- lions, are fully ollsct by advantages j which are stramiely l"r .-ign to us. 'i'hese shortcoiiiins ii: I ' i-uiiiny's ninent are tot) lor ! .; mo.-l an- strii' t irii.ci)los r.nd '.lure b) much truth in Pope's lines : over M-riitH ..I (.-. wi urn. t.i I 'i ' c v.u it Tl.:u nlni'li Ii li.it U'litilnl.-,'.. .'.' I It. l --.il." The charge ot inaladiainislr ition is !vl war. I. is erecting seldom brought against a (.'oruiaii idelice on Matthew I ollieial. Id Standing at the head of the execu i .r.ll'l.l! SOtlev - J A Jri'itt O.Ter. The fwiee a W'Ck" edition f The N.-w Vi.'tk Wt.ild (I'liitncily tin' Wt fk l'i i:ii proved a pheiiO.'iu lid UCC. Ll, ii a Si'.iui Weckiy of fi j''g' , ireiticl Tiiosdays uiid Frii'i.v.-. eii-.bl Ciiltiiel M lo the page ; f" ly ei .-": O.'.'.l'ir. Ciich iveilc. It. i.'t-ei ill.' in '.V: i';ibi iiflif a v ri.i- uiieiiii e! uny wee!:!v peper, n.'et, '. :!. t '..- lii.ie. vrt.iiif all tbo id! I'..'.', ii!,"'. 'ibieial, iiiii-eol h'l.y iilel ot i: r : ':rt:irc: i!'ieh nrnd Tm: Wim.iy Wi-i.Tii so p-.jeili.r. Yit ti... price :. v '.: D.n i.i: a For l-il'lipk Co;-!; i. M.!..'i-( sslbe World N. Y. .'.i " 'line. i''iie.'i,;s hcvebi cn mucl larmoniz.) ,.v w! j. i, ,. :il.ni,l, t.0 ;.;,:oi;.. nit these,, , ,,,,, Twice r. Week Ncv Y.n!; 'Worli nil f..rV2 2.-. i y.-nr. Tak. iiilv.iiiir.g.! of this ( ll'.'r and get yoi r j own 'oral paper (the Cn.vi iiav lii:t'n:;n) uiid the Twicc-a-Wi ek World at tbi..1 spreia! into. lb-tail i hoe dealers have b; en in. tilled by jobbers and iiiauuiacic rcr thiit jirices for fall g.ud.i wil! be. about ''." per cent, higher than for the last twoyears. The L.-athor Trust, which controls tiio in.-. rket in hides, is re sp uisihle for this advance. v .. .i 111 v.. It'll- hie TiTlliS.-fl.tll II it flf. el i : in or.r.iiii N 'F. I IT an 1 will, .mi ilm i'- li ..r.-rrv - k In "I..-0 " ,ii t: i-i-mi I.- i.i 111.' I,.:-! . ! l-l-l-l. r. lint -II III" IB V. Illir.f. II. I'M . 11 ol l.tl ilPtll!!. M-IJ..Hlll.C Hi.' i-. i:.!,-. .in-ill i;..ihin ii a a i l'.ii.'kl. u:ii.i'..:'ii ini .tfi. r.-.-.r li'iir ett-li, 1U..I 11:,' l.itt .ll. o .int.:., witli Iui. ii- i ,i lai. ,1. A. Wi MVCK, C..int:iUi.i'.ll tr. 20 2:! nvi- 'flioa W Hiiriingtou 1 bl ls,? I A A Ibiriiimton 14.") bd n A Harris D Harris Jobufou IS1. A J L.-ti. ris I loo y Lett 22 ."Ici'i'i mil k heirs loO W C :.I.ublnx 52 Mi i ?I ti Iiu Maddux 2'." II II I'oe 07 S'l'iio Sjiivev 20 J L .S'icp.pnid 2it'l Mrs Jane Thomas 17 .bimes Thomas 'r2 J 11 'I lioinaH id J K 'fb.omtis 42 .1 U Wonnie.k 00 VVJSS8 '-22 OS (1 W Wiimac'i Eliztbeib Windham heirs 11 CKXTIIK ToWNSilir. 1! 70 1 71 7 II 0 S7 1 10 1 2S 22 50 1 :! 0 2! 5 35 12 12 ;t :ti 1 io 5 OS 1 01 r. 1 1 82 4 05 ,r f)5 0 0-1 80 I'M w. iiariiiil( o now ci tbo way nnd : r.i id vi. in a few days come very e new i Top ".'! iiso.ivado Molit-s-cs tierces ; ic.;1 i.l lmrrcli I l.o;r:.hc l':ii:.' : ; lor : .iinti'e :,nd C. G. COViNGTSK CO., WILMLN'.U'ON. N. C. Apiil Is', !.-.'.'. TO CMIliTES! Sincj ii to..' bo uiihuvf.il for Chatham fo!k: b "run nl, tiiif, voer ouu riir.nl v. wo invite v em :e a. ro:e: llu litic b ! . !J FOIi I) in .1 tniv your I l'dv Alston 40 acres COO Jacob liingiiani 2 104 M L L'oiis 5:t " bnl. I OS iUctirv Vvv,r 1! " 5,02 jlbimi'ih Dciiiiifi'eurciti:i2 " 2 02 Liyit; i)urli'tui 2 " 1 25 '.I.ibii l-Vonr.il !!' " : , J I W .1 I Ia; mon Agt 105 ' 5 11 i lh!l ITani.i 7S '' 7 OS ! J A 1! :r.is 17-! " HOI ! !: l),iM Johns ui 0 " 1 :-5 12 .':n:U'.. .1 ) inaeh 01 11 10 Mrs I ' A 1, -.:-.; or 2!:! " 7 07 i'lank ! M .y ii. " 7 70 Su.in Mi'e'.ied SS " 2 00 fame.' M.duio.sh Hid " " 00 Ibminii I-ves 12 " I. 05 IVm.ks 'bios est i " 1 02 I'.ool.el' lii'-es o'i " 2 05 Simon 'i'imiin Agt '!." " 2 01 .'run n Tmniu 11" I 70 C urie Wnmblo SO " 2 85 John II Yew 75 " 2:ti i .t.v;:: Tinvxsinr. bS0:t. i" j M L r.erns t.-i III 1 Htiaugb'in 5:5 acres bid !-o 75 15 ncri.H bal ! 7." m.iii surplus pr;abieft. .ii al tl will :;ve vim nciiu y. ;;ig ;i:M'i;.L st ki;l clck 1'irici )CU AW- ''-V TTT "S? '& Ci i 1 7 I'.rookH ill "j" j;ri;.,bt. t' W Carroll Mr I (!. W. Dowdy i 1!: iijniiiiii l).u k j i) c r.n.ius j I'.t-lmi Hart S J J.-.cl'soii j W !' Ki;ki.nn I iv.-;s!!ii'. 10 acres 7'. " 205 4 " ot It -1 112 " i:ti " lb? ' 5(0 " i:i.i " I K'i Si ivr r S t-v. A two yoai'Miid child ol Ituck liich, ol Durhiuii cor. nty, fell in a small hole ol water and was drowned. b) hud been matlo in gillmg i lie much In the boar.ly id our town. . li .e ..hieeis in the .siato is the om- Mes.si'.s. D Joidan ami i illiam peror who lools hiuis.ei iiiMiieiy Wreiiii mo building residoiiccs, both eouimis.-ioiicd to have justice done ob-giinl and commodious. to al! parlies aiiko li s teiiilie ol e iiro paino'l to note, thai iSu.'L otuco ni lor lite, i:i.- incomo is siicn i .1. ...i M ! Ii.,1.- I,.,,! ! .... ... . I., ii iwOiii:t .'h..-e. J;,IIS sou ... u.-... y ...... .. ...it.... I ; .,:,,. (,., t !. ,,1,1-nosil Of tlullbill!' 1 to li:idcl'"o tl'.o paie.illl operation 'n j ho IS I .i.iepouuoui. oi ricncs it mi tieen i ... ., .. Trtrt .TTZ, ,.:rr nn ol k..i Ids right . oxmu-Ud UIhH la-er to the rich for i.iibie.ice. , ''a. n-am. u.. e.., .. . . . , - Too Mt I'll IiAIN n .I'.ioi.nt oi i . ... ., , ,., - .... : ,. t ,iu- -.suv to sav ih.,! ho i mother was oil a short distance milk- tbo frenuent and heavy rains, I Ins i " 1 1 n. n .) i j . i'-- . j j 1,10 1,1 1 . , ., '. :. ... ;. i.. ii... ...... .,.i. Ill u ms net es.,:. iv ' , .u -s not be oio' to altV llartV Ol'iraul . .... , I.i.,n.,.u .It'll Ml' 11"' 1- IHU i.i.'i ... - . .f - . . . - bind Tn their work tl'i'.n ban almost J Ut pertoi ni ope. ali ever bolero boon known in this ......ni.. V..fe h.o liiiv.- as vol ' J . . , ...i ti, I ir nor i Vo. . I laws, ; planted any corn at aU, and tbatied to save si-lit , .'..ilioii nnd lliureloro Ihe sp uis s s- ll was lieritirmed bv i tern, iho crowning evil in American eiisb,.i'.i, N. C , as-isl j jioliiics, finds no congenial soil D. Iviwards, ot litis I w.hei'ejin it can li;livo in (iermany. ! or jiiiblical badcis lo reward u licit linn ii,.pii ii anion wi nroiiaoiv ! i"-"1 ; .otcomeup. "hcsitm.lio.iis.p.ile; CommeneeiiH-nt wtii embrace .he ; hcnehmel. with tne peop.e s o.i.ccs '...t.l .1,.. tlook vorv 20th, 27lh and 2Sth ot May. K. v. ; lr party services would ho regarded utooruyr' Kvcii if it now stops ruiaV J. A. Thompson, Itiirlington, N. Chero in much the same bgl.t as .1 i ? . l. I. ii will be seve -il tbivs :will i.reaeh Ihe annual sermon, on I Lev were to take so uiueh moiiey , So. . . iiil '.tul.:: -.!.) My 2.:S... mi . , hVom IhoSlato treasury for Iho saino . . " I The eoiilesl for Debaters medal iiirpose. I bo ii'litois of Ibe last .V """" "' between the Ki asinian and Problie C Legisbiture alLn ds a si riUing oh- Tho "peedies iit the 20th of May ceroinonics at Kali 'gh will be iiiiide trom ll.o w, at portico of Ihe capitol, which is ijuile near the mo:iii;iii-m. The New Y.-rk Legislature has pa-sod a resolution favoring tho an r.eXali'jii ol Canada. AgiviNiMv Surprised. 'I bad a (iy sefif cold on my lungs ihat ('anno 1 much hoici eiis and gave me cue-id ub!n unca: iliCi-s til any rclorm jiarly whicli does mil ; regar d to loo i .-Uit. err, j .or. i . r.. will embrace strive lor a merit system in the .lis- 'rviiith, ol l.il.oiica. Ji.iss. a mcai Uiili'iliou ol oilices is unworthy of, druggist, called my .rtlcnl io:i io Cham isu, ii. I. w. Hurl lev.., Raleigh, H. C, I'ffiju iotoi's ol' mmi wm mm Wc aro icpaicd to fiirnioll the best MARBLE AID Giil Fl( 1 ' O" belt i V. 1' l in is Agt., 1 town lot 2"i ISO." :N T M ix.icll !0 acres -jlieo W Ol.Puiiil 50 " 5 H n P4 ! S 1 ) ( ll.lhai i 5d " ; Sam K n-s M. I Kopr Agt 1 town lot 7 acres N 11 llerilii.'e 1 (own lot (ImI) 2 7Q W C Jones 3 acres 3 10 A A fi (1 Jones 211 " 1 01 Oscar Latio 1 town lot. J A . U (I Moftitt 200 acres Fred Mitchell 10 " Jl.it.ildn Jlarsb 100 " Andv M u sb I town lot S L Miller 1 " Murphy Ib'osiJ ' 1'. F. Overman 1 " .! V Puj li 10 acroe (ihiii liiitis 1 lown lot 3fi OfRT 3 18 ?I 81 Sit J Smith :'.oo acres Wm J .Smith 212 " IUI Sours HHI " W S Webster 70 " 11 W Webster 100 " Mi s J II P.rooks 00 ' Mrs E Fox 40 Nl:w ii. 'i:TnWNsiiii. I, like llyiiinii 'U HT'I Ani'.it llyiiinii ll- rn-ri c..i..er A I l iuri.l KiUiim liiinliior lie .I K- 11. .11 Mary Munlmwu ltl W T Min.ii t.ll-.lll oiivu l).ii'K I'. wi'll, lit. Mil, Siisitu l". -ii 13 54 COi ; 8i 9 14 5 14 JtOt 223 iui Ilk) 'JI 4'J Wi'sori Slitll W M Thomas - " W M Thomas l.tro IS " on TowNsinr. lbOlt. ; Mrs ! C FJkins 112 acres : ileliilorHOli (ioldstoil 01 " in any ami :i1 I VIC 1)1" S'llAIlL' l.iwo-l juit'i's. C;i'i! or v, rilo lor ilr.-igns :un ; (lastiii: U'irf. S .1 J l.'kKUl ' W F Ivikuiari ! Fi'rd L'l'.ibert 1 W Ol.llu ni ! S 1) Oldham : Kiliidni Oldbuiu 1 Aiiroii Kivos , Wilson Stith ; W ?I T'nomaq W M Tiiomus Fro Martin Thompson , Laura Wtitsou 1 ::5 1 !S i l :io 50 .")!) I ) ro 7 :?5 :i 5 10 ii vi't.Kv TowNsiiir. ston Bt.prntim CiiiT- Tho Mav term: Literary Socieii?-. wiil bo bold on Med lesson of this, and in my opinion , I Cbatham superior coin I will begin ; Monday nigbl May 27lh. w hile com next Monday. The residing judge iiicnccmen I propi wi Iho II. Hi. L. I- C roe i.o, who held Tuesday Iho 2'ih. our February court. There are III JI rs. JL 1 . McNeill, Lemon Springs, t-uses on tho State docket, but none N. C, has been initii..; her fulher, of them are ol any iinpoiiaiico ami Mr. i W. Coble. all oii 'Iit to I'" db'p.i.'H of in two Pr d. Seaton Snipo-i, of v'artha:.'e, ilayH."Otl the ti':'. i--Uo dtu-kct N. C, l.oieniMi our town, with h:s Ihor are -wo, w4 liv ol 'l"-ie , Ubiniul (KiniMny t. .bi,y-; ag.. K.bnm.d Win it Ansley Josridi HoggS d'llii Dark ' W C Duib nn Thos C L'lt lorloli JI. nl ion that you nuw this Heury (S Tliomas n iho lii.cuiii., whin writing. ju'ifos on any kiiol ol' SSSHSniaiiTSlSS ;.:. acres 41 " 11 " CO " 11- " 2' " 100 " ".; oi 0 40 ."' 1 OS !! 27 5 7S 7 20 5 rr 5 o 7 18 1 10 2 21 5 KJ 5 07 0 10 1 40 1 00 1 50 5 70 :! 2s 5 CM 5 !(i o 7 bS 5 SO 5 10 0 1 12 1 01 1 20 1 50 2 20 :t 05 1 OS 4 00 1 10 ." 1 1 1 55 7 85 5 o!i a oi r.iwiu r..o W F H..lli I II 'l ie linn Tlt..iiiiti. Williams Ann Wniiililo S M Wllwnt Mrs i: i: wiisi.ii II..1JITI 11 Wll3t.ll oAKI.VXI. T.iWNSIIir. Aiu-nii Alsi.ni lii'lni twain II .1 lli-.klT tl,.,.ri;i. K.,it.ii...) Henry iiilnt..rp W W 'i:,tiT " Mim Mitiy A liticliT Mrs Sniiilt .1 liuulcr ! . aiiiin On en W Ivltllu HiirrlH 5i Nttltey hi'illmlUH' iO M II '.'lv.T Xewii'ii M.'ihten ..Ii V Mti'liiir.iiiii Mien VHi'kH Al U Si .1 .MelViir Vi'l'liiTstin .V Uailley Mnlt.'ila Mnnl.l..ii Mitt M t I'alllctbllll .l.'IM W l'..f Mik .linn) I'ei-ry O..W.I l'.'tl I .'in.' TityL.r .I.ik c TM..r Viny o Tyn.,r I'lley .V Wel.sifr ii. ti Wfikio m " J .1 s-mlili, Kr.. W " W J l.'uwkli a inii!M..ll i.ll " (lAiil.VMl Ii' V. N.'Ull', Win II clink Hi a.-ii's A ll .nn,. . r ' ' Miiry A (iiniiur : " Sio uli .1 ii mu er :-l " IviUill.l IllltllX oi W .1 llnwkttM wi " Win .Ii.. I I :i AllMIH li'lilisnll I'Jt " lli ii Murks 1 " 1 .1 sniiilt. Sr.. :;.A Wl,l 11MS . lVHtll'. W M llarlieo 17:i news I 11 Hell llflls MS " I I Kiiljflit lulls IU " Vt I KnlKlil 50 ' Nick Mitylio ill " K CM. nine " eoTlllcy liij I S Wllll.-iliin l"l " 1 T Wlila It.-el ln.1 nei'i Whu. .iie.tii ii.i 1 iililn li.tkur 4'i " 11,1.1 v . 'l.nvr iur, 1KKI. :4 3S8 1 L.wii let !l (ICfs IB ' 8.VI B 1SII 17 l:i 1M III'.! Jil M I li.W'll lt 1'lnlil. Hark. I W M li.iri . .. W 11 IV. kiviih I. Hint 1 . hi Int::, .a I. T ll.tw.u.l W ! hitiirltl Uei.iy M..'.ltts Nl.k M.tyll.i 1, li o'Ki lly Cl'Tllley .' 11 Wil'.l.iinn w K r. ,.ntni;i..n 4-1 acre! 17;l 11 It 3I i ia ii H QI S3 ltd 0t Uii 1 Sli 91 IIS n j sn 1M 161 1S 1! 1 4 tn 1U 10 t ti 6IT 9i 61 9J 6) 21 1 1 10 1V8 5 Oil 2 It I'iKl 3 OS U i iu 6 lit 113 ih; SD'i an tort! 14 3 0 It 4:f d4 31 3S it art 48 10 ,i;u lliHlalti'i-) Ji 0 si 4 01 Vlt Mi I lialHiico) 37( n4 u ti vd Mi J. J JHNKJN.S. Sheriff; April 11. 1S05. TAX KU.KS. on M.isnAY. tin' L it ..I Mit, 1WJ, I will trtlfh'f .-.i ll in iiui.lli' itii"ii..n, m i he i.iiiiri'itouM l"iir Id I ii:.v....i-... N. (:., Ha. r..li.in liii: nul rwime, llaiwl liyllie l" rs..in n .iii.-1 1., I .iv. I.ir .Inrnull III lli .hj in.' iii ..f back tioiiiH ami imuib due I Hereon; BAM'IVI.N Tun'NMliir. 5iartli.il.owlb UOaer lint' cut, n:ii Tiiw.hiiir. !' C M.inn 3r. a. f tl if i:nii:k -iowMiiiir. Mihn Kalti Umilitt ltnwnl.it 96 4S M.VlTlll.WS TtiwNHIllt'. tiilin M F'i 1 lown let ll Vt nlKUAXli T-WM.ill; W I lliiwklns w m re8 tl U Wll.t.MMS TOWNSHIP, Ml.llt II..T.t..l T H ol.lltam .liiiiii-s W lli.rt.'ii Zlinii IUcknIh!!) It":rn Li-nlfi .T..1H.S s I. Hem. I. ni llAM.r.V TOWNSIIIIV 1 S'.i'l. E lcuiu.I Alston IIU acres Oil to n ti. i-n " l"0 ll. " '.i :i l ;ii7 ?n n tl S. W. I'.UKWHl, ex SUeriffi April 11, lH'.td. coiilidence. The predominant i-lea "I gov I liiont here is paternal and tbo peror stands in much the saiu.i ti.nls t,. bis stibje. I.. :. .i ..:' ; i,i i el,.l,.'cii, A Mtnkn..? c i- I ber! iiu l. Ci-u.-b IbUiied . od on hi 1 1 ci'. mend i' inn 1 ;;:i'.t .lie reme.lv I 1 1 i-ii. The n i;,l. surpi u d ' '. ."'.- ! i i:'it I 1 ' ill Ibl cC ti:i .:.' i..-: ' -t' I ... i -y i il ..!,.,. I'jli ,!,,..,... V C 1 I'll. ill all oiil.T I til li'tll IOII oiVOll ti) I :'. CCOrKU I'db'H'KUliS, ii.ii.ii...., N. C. llti'K .'liV MorNTAIN ToWSsllie Mrs Annie K Ahiton 720 ncres 27 02 Jlrs L l Ibo.vu U0 :oi W C. Howci-a " 5 lTlb.i.-iks or. " oo;: I W Cee W5. 1 f;, TAX HALLS. Oil MOSliAV. tUe filll el MAV. Ili:i5, 1 Will It'll loi i-jti.h nl fil'iilr ati.'M !!. -ii ll.e c'ltii-t L'lUovdK'r Iii HiibIj...- ., N. (!.. ll:.- I, lt :.vli.g I hxlill", HbiW l.y tlKi jif.rH..iiH iiai!-.-,l li. ..w. ..f di'talilt Id UiS .:.yn.i'nt nf i Statu hiM i t i iHsl-s. hU1 tdSit. dul i. t iho ynar lfvi. nl !. M.m ifivM liii'. i:r Annlo 11 Ili-.nli S'..a nr. arrtf Mil rpM-i.K T'ifUir: J.ilin An.'.erHnn lilvpA V, seibs Uit Wll.LtAMt. TnitHlllP. L 1 HnW'.nl I W Te4 tj SPHNCH TAYLOK) ex IShlriff-