Feminine Ingenuities. Of the multifarious uses of the hair pin, some at least, aro well known. They are suggested by a French trar tier's description of a pin which the Indian women of Peru wear as a fus- teulng for their shawls. Its head Is In the sliapo of a spoon. In fact, It Is a spoon and a shawl pin In one. It Is odd, the Frenchman says, to see a woman pull out the pin, letting her Shawl drop from her bare shoulders, nd proceed to u.io It for eating bor soup or porridge. After tbo repast fehe passes the bowl of tho spoon care fully between her lips two or throe times, gathers up her shawl, and fastens It In place. The same women uso their ullppcrt lustend of pocket-bmiks a point III which they may bo said to have tho advantage, of their North American Bisters, who, having no pockets, or nono within comfortable reach, aro compelled to carry their purses lu their hands. Th money of Lima consists of bank notes, which go very well Into tho bottom of n slipper. As to the effect upon th; bills, perhaps the least said the better. There Is an old saying that money always smells sweet. Madge oh, dear. It's so hard to de clde. Alice What? "Why, whether Charlie ought to save his money to Imllil us a lioiiie In the uj'rliii; or tako Hie money lo go sleigh riding till Inter. ClllcilKo Intiv Ocean. Tracing up a man's ancestors Is noth ing compared with tracing the neigh bor who hest borrowed the rake last tniiuuicr, t!itlt .tinlo. dentin Annie wits the girl who wnt forth when til" Hiri".ig-tt'iie enme to irutlier will tlowero, - -diunles ali'iiu tin- hillside, ami tr tM her rnW'r. She .am Lack with net feet, f.il..wei I'V the went ease nf lieliriligtlt slieever had. K. Ttini.itely she w.w told Hiid li.illeiie kii"Uli ihul furunv kind "f nen mlgie affectem St. .IneetiH Oil s tin- merit ro markatile r"ine.lv ever us"d. All the year rumd liny mil' sul'ji"'t t.i sllell attacks Hit" Mild net fail i i have it in lh limine. I'nr nil a -Im's aiul I'.-iiiiH which at all times luvsct ns there is n 'tlilier I" e ii,i it. Nerve pain "h- I tally ure lipniiclit en lv sudden changes if temiicralur.', I i r the ireiil remedy, ap plied premi'lly. will surely eiire. A n an der.-a't look a le'tv at n I'lano n girl; but. as a tnle. he sennits pptli- r. STRONG NERVES I'lepends u! '. n jiiire, ri -h, re I, iieiiri.-lilne, Mreiigili-glving hlo.'d. Th" nerves ,lerlvi their sustenance from tiie Muml and when they are weak u s l.e'ims,. they ,1. . rwt r reive the ii' 'iiristiinent ne".lc:. The true .-iir-i f"r le'rven-ir's.- wiil n- -t f"iia,l in . ij.i.it" er s-ilaiiv" i"iiiiHiinii!ri. 'l'!iee enly allay tin sjni't"!ii-i and d" ri"t per'naiienl ly cum. Sarsaparilla remove- the '-'inse l.y purifying and enrich- Ing the lil I, giving to it iust th -vw qualities whieh are demanded for the proper eiiiinrt Of til" li'Tvous sytnm. Hundreds nf j .e, i 1-3 who once siilTefd ft" en iiirvi)iisne.s, wrlto that they hav till; en ! f . nl"s Saroaparilla and ii"rvotisnes. ha-difai'i'ivired. Tlii was I"" raiise It '".I s Sarsai iirillit purlllod their ll 'ii I th" following! Weak and Worn Out i we eillii"nient enns'-s thin, depleted lilo.nl, mid that lu-d f.-litig. Heed's Sarsa parilla civs urn I'le.-d, appetite iiud BtreiiLth. A v.-ell kn -ovn telegraph eperator it., ji- writ' as foil-WK: MOOd S " I have lao n several hot- arwnaril!'. ""' "f s"rN,i,"r,M''1 Out Odal Kid and am e.'iitinulng with It regularly. It dues every l3K8S ,l,;,t i-l"i"ii'd f'Tif. It '.- an ex.'. il.'iit Mood .iirl RiCll ' V e.imni"lii'e 1 ag II led s sarsapanlla 1 Ir i' m- I with linparn '. l-i'.s mid l'iniples Red Blood ;v, In-.. e,.i;( i. ii my I ..-;-. l-at n ov they hiva entirely di.-;i ; a "I. II . IV. Sarsai-nrilln it nn exeelleiit n. -!: n-' f' r that lire I feeling. P l:s new llTe ml" W'-.-.l; :illd tin'd "lit pee. p."." Mn. res s. pi : rr:-.Kii. 'j:iTl North Third S'v t. Phila 1 1 i i ... , I'.i. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier lly purifying the mental, digestive and 1 i,li l It gives nervo, strength. Hood's Pills the M'tiT-ilinner pill and l eiilly calharik'. 1'Oc. The Greatest flcdkal Discovery of the Arc KENNEDY'S Medical Discovery. DONALD KENNEDY, OF R0X3URY, MASS., Ha discovered In on nf onr eomraon pastaro we'ds a remedy that eures every kindef Humor, from the went Bir.jtula down to a cninnum pi::; I". He lias trieil it in ever elevn hundred rases, anil nevr faded eeept iu t wo ms-tn fl'i.th thunder hnaeir). He has now in liin pessefsl, hi over twn hundred certifi cates of Us value, all w.thin twenty miies of lioston. .Send (iosIhI eard for hook. A lienellt im alwayMeN.erienee.t from the first I'ottle. and Bp 'rfeet enre Is warnintisl wheu the ri'lil ipituittty Is taken. V ten the li.n.'S are aiTneteit It onuses hootiiu a:ns. like nee,e passliu threueli them: thn same with thn i.lver or Dowels. This cause I by th diieW betntf tnppl, and always disappears In week after taking it H"ad the label. II tin stomach is foul or bilious It will ca ." "ipieamish c 'llns at llrst No ohaugB of diet eror neoeseary. Eat tho lie" you can et, nod enough of it, Doso, oun tahlespeouful in watur at bod that, ijolii by aJi PruggUU. 10 It FA KM AM) UKIKX. now TO DE-IIOUM. This is tho way I de-horn caitlo writes Androw Doty. When they tiro email calves two to four weeks old, wet tho place where tho horns (-row with cold water, and then rub in concen trated lyo thoroughly. This has been tried with goo I success, as the horns never grow after that is tloue. DELICATE FLAVOR lF Ill'TTKR, As a rule, the supposed delicate flavor of fresh butter just from tho churn is duo to tho small nuantity of buttermilk left in it, fur perlietly fresh butter is wholly insipid and with out liny marked llavor at all. Very soon the buttermilk develops the Usual strong llavor, and this is found iu the butter, unless it has been thoroughly washed free of buttermilk. Then the true butter llavor develops itself iu a lew days, and at first it is very plea sant, and has a delightful iiromn, but this soon becomes strong; by the de velopment of tho fatty acids of the butter, and gradually increases to what is called rancidity. It is best to wash butter thoroughly, if it is to be kept more than two or three days, but for immediate use it will not need so much washing. American Farmer. Olt.lNH Till' it VIINKKM. Itel'ure the busy season coiiilneiices on tho farm is a good lim to oil the harness, and if uuy seams are be ginning to rip repair I hem. either with n few stitches or as we c uiiinoiilv di with copper rivets. 1'irt thorotighlv wasli Hie harness so as t.i nave it live from sweat and dirt. We thid th easiest wav tn aeeeiii'ilisli lliis is b take the harness t.i pieces nu i s-nk It over hie.ht in stroll ,' soijinhIs, having the water as warm a- is com ii r 1 able to hold tho hand in when the harness i first put in. If ton hot it will icald the leather. When taken out in the morning, most nl' the dirt is e.m and a little rubbing with a i'.mr. lag will remove the spids that did li.it soak olV. Neat's-fnnt nil is in the l..n r run tin cheapest oil we have ei r loillld for oiling leather of a i.v kind, an 1 espc ciaily harness, as it is e;.ose I to the notion of dirt, sweat, and very often is out iu the rain. If tho harness is lint very dry, a half gallon of oil will be enough for an ordinary set of har ness, though we have seen h iriiers so dry that a gallon would be none t o much. A nickel's worth of ivory black will give it beautiful color and polish to the leather if it is mixed with the oil before using. I!o stir", though, to get ivory b!ao!; and not lamp black, as tin; latter rubs oil badly. Have the oil warm and as you t ike the strips out of tho water run them a few times through the oil, wipe off with a rag and hung up to dry. If not then soft cumi ;h repeat the operation. Trent your harness in this way and it looks like n " and if it is oiled aboii: three t i in s a year will outlast three or four sets that ih Vi T receive any oil. It is an old saying that "live oil ings rinal n new liitrucnM." Farmer's Guide. SHOUT lll'K TALK. "Kverv one has a way of their ow n" js an old adage, a:id I suppos j -i-t in api'lioable to those that handle hoes a-, it is to any other work. !ut us we are never too old to loirn, o!'t ntimes we are benefited by comparing notes, facts ami experience. To be sure Ih ie is not u foituiie for everyone in beet,, yet if properly conducted "bee keep ing" is not to be despised. For tiiu b 'iieflt of those who have had little or no experience with bees, I will drop a few suggestions. As bei s nrc very much annoyed by u dse, place tin in lis far as possible f no i siieh, and w hen- there is the it a t dau.'er of their being disturbed. It is u good plan to have your hives where they can rcaiily be seen from the house ; in thit way much trouble is avoided. Ii:it a c that they aro well protected fr :n the sun mid w ind. Wo never oppose mir bees, but always work ipiietly. Using plenty of smoke ; fm 1 that decayed wood is preferable to sulphur. Those that nre afraid of being stiine might find it a good idea to proti-cl the bands by a pair of rubber glove, and a veil for the lie id and face; veil should be long e'lou ;h to reach we'l unil er the coat. As the bees are busy about noon, wo plan to work among them then as thev lire easier handled, iu transferring there is little danger of attracting rub bers. In the fill if there nro any weak swarms, always unite. Some make the mistake of housing their bees too soon ; they .should imt be put iu their winter iiiarlers until severe weather begins, and then care shoul I be taken to give good ventilation from above. Never place them where it is damp or poorly ventilated iinlcssyoii want dead bees. If your cellar is inclined to dampness, a pipe two and one-half inches in diameter pass-'d up through the floor and connect 'd with the stove pipe will servo to overcome the damp ness Unless the winter is exceptionally cold, bees m ly be safely wintered on their summer stands, provided they lave tho hive well protected with Btraw, and re given plenty to live uu, ' fr.nn thirty-five to fifty pounds of honey makes a good allowance for bees wintered out. lljnerally Kpeak i u fr, I would not a lviso all to loavo the hives on the summer stands still I assert it may In don j if precaution is taken, and think, on tho whole tho chances would bo no greater than to undertake to house them in adamp or poorly ventilated collar. Farm, Field and Fireside. IlKAIItNO YOt'Nll TfHKEtS. It is best to conliiie the brood for a week at least after hatching. Should the mother hen then becom 1 restless, she may be let out during the middle of tho day. As the turkey retires early and dislikes being disturbed af ter setting down for the night, be sure and coop them bo 'ore the sun sets. The young turkeys will cat but little the first week. Feed separate from the mother, for slit; w ill devour all the food within readi. For downright greediness, aa old hen turkey bus few eipials. Dry bread soaked is sweet milk is one of the b- st foods for the young, us is curd from fresh butter milk. A whole Mock has been rais' d on warm curd. A custard made of one egg to a pint of milk, thickened with bread, (no sugar), is u good food. When about two months old. feed wil d,, nit -lit , part of thetime and mix com in nl with their fe '.1 ; this should uol be led exclusively. Allow plenty of 1 1 1 . r I v , us ciin'iiieineiit w ill kill i otiiie turkeys. When the mother hen begins trumping wildly from olio dde of the c .op Pi the other, better let her mil u;.l s: th" weathes is liufa Miiul.le. Win n nboiit the sio of partridges mid ol 1 enough to follow the mother ii long ramble-,, the oiing will need but little attention, simply a little fo 'd ii. ! n i ii i an I evening. Thev much prefer bugs, i;i a i'hoppi i s, insects and seeds to a more e:vilie l ration. not neglect to bring them homo at night an I ii uu ler shelter until old c -Hough to il , into trees and care for theiiisclv.-s. Turkeys do not always ... I. c wisely the best resting dace for the High), hence Vellllll Solllet linos alt ieh and annoy th in. Teach them to coin at th s eiu.l of vour voice ; it w lil -av in any a wi ary tramp in search- j i ng woods a 'i I li el-s Six weeks' tim is Midi '-.oiit to fat ten for iiMiket. Feed twice it d iv all t in' whole corn I hey will oat, but do not attempt c niliaem 'nt, as a turkey chafes under restraint an 1 will lose llesh rather than fatten. They will not take more cx"rois? Ih m is neces sary to keep in good health. Ameri can Agriculturalist. FAUM AM' ! A t: I K' I li)od drainage, n itnr SoTK.-l. or artificial is essential to slice s ;. Tb.e bu y season is now approach ,ng. Are you ready for it? I! 'member on ploughing days that n horse's endurance has a limit. lonot be in a hurry to keep the cow - out of the stable at night. Iu the spring wlem tho rondi are heavy don't overloa I the team. See that all t!i f irming utensils are in order for the spring mid summer 0 unpaigii. 1 t iii't work the horses too h ud at first. L t them gradually become no customed to it after their long Winter's rest. Ten pounds of go I clover seed may b - own lo tin- acre with good results. S uiie iisetwic' thai amount. If the seed is good twelve or litteoii surely mi ghl to be i Hough. When setting the curly sitters do not give them as many eggs as you would in warm wealh r. Eleven eggs are enough for a small hen and thir-le.-n for a large one to cover :.ie"ly. Ham manures are generally more economically used when applied to f.im crops thin when applied to orchards ; ye! they can bo us .1 w ith good results, particularly when re juvenating old orchards. A good graft iug w ax may be made by taking resin, jour puts by weight, b 'eswax two parts ; td ,,w, one pirt. M dt together nad p mr into a pail of col. I water. Ih- n grease the bunds uud pull the wax 1:11 nearly white. A lesson to learn in the poultry business is that egg pr idiietiou is far more profitable than chicken rai-iic as commonly followed. A doy.cn eggs brings as much in winter as a chicken of '2 or II pounds, uud are much easier to raise. Trim the wool from th 1 cwch' ud der 1 eforo tho lambs nre dro pcd. I'lieliitli thiiigi will waste more ef fir! pulling at these dry tug locks 1 na:i the milk they get wi.l p ly for (live the little fellows it clniiico to got their milk easily. Alfalfa is u-. ontially a hot dry weather plant but for best success it needs some good rains and seems to 1 tho best forag i and seed plant now n where irrigated, but it will make some crop if soil in right w here other crops are total failures The tin cans filled with sweetened water and place. I at various points iu I ho orchard of the Oklahoma Experi mental Station proved very efficient bug traps. Several hundred May beetles, crickets and grasshoppers were e aught This plan of utilizing t ese hitherto uselens articles it fullj justified by resulta. qi'Aiyr AM) (TKIOUK. Friozo was originally called fabling, rum brocades wore lirst used in dross of men. t'lliocs with hcelrt were first made iu ruris, iu 1527. In bleaching, linen Iosch one-third of its weight; cotton, one-twentieth. Genuine cashmere shawls were ox- ported from Caabm.'re to Home, A. D, 271. One hundred years ngo England pot all her o jtton from India, tho West Indies and E ,'ypt. China cat 10,0()i),000 dogs annually. The United Htalcs hnvj over 1,01)0 light houses and us many light posts. A phyhician at Copenhagen Pen mark, hits a collodion of Australian stamps for which ho has refused $'2, 00.1. An elootrio wire with a bit of ohoest? on the end is thn up-to-date- r.it-triip. The rat that fools with it receives its death shock. The ancient F.gyptinn cats were, yel low with reddish stripes such as are occasionally seen nowadays, and called by soiiiu Venetian cats. llullocks have no foreboding or fear of death. They will witness t heir companions b dug killed, mi l yet go on placidly eating and drinking. '"I'liclo" l'et'T Iiacy, one of the colored eliarai'U rs connected with the Alabama. Iloii.e of Kepresclitiit ves, is a great narrator of war stories. a was born iu Is I'.I, mid has been at tfie Alabama capital since I s I' I. John Fnrragher, an old Chicago OXpl'eSMii ill, beeamo demented by the loss of "?!, 1 1 nl iu greenbacks, which be had in a chimney. Farrat;h?r lost ?1 1,0110 by failure of a bank in lST.'l, uud since that time lie. has had no faith iu banks. The ItiiKHiaus have a singular lie Hind of extorting disclosures frmu pria lit ers, lu their food is m xed a drug which It is tho effect of making them delirious, an 1 in this Mat" they aro watched and interrogate 1, when so rrels aro divulged. A process of producing exactly tho same artistic Hurts upon Chilians those which cost the artist at the pres ent timo several days of patient labor, has bee n invented. Tho most delig b fill designs nre obtained in a few u o meiits, and cheaply nt that. Cockroaches aro never wittingly slum by Chinamen. They coiisidei them ottered insects, and think it por tends ill-luck to step mi them. Aj they never iimko any effort to exter minate them, the Chinese ipmrti rs nre usually overrun with these posts. Suit for UO.inv) has boon com menced in Salt hike Utah, by a man who was a member of tlio city chain gang in lH'.CI. While working iu u quarry he was struck iu the eye b- a piic 'of rook and made blind in tint eye, for w lich ho bliu ios tho oily. Hence the suit. A I'liiiiue Ambulance Service. The establishment of uu "ambu lance t.treot ear" servic iu St. Louis i thu puttsiig into effect of an idea long contended for by the health commis sioner vt that city, lr. George lb man. Efforts to lecurc lcgt-l-.tion having failed, Dr. II unun succeeded in interesting the ellieials of a street ear company, who have built an ambu lance ear after a pi m made by the doctor. This vehicle in ilwlf is oiiiv It module I street oir, especially con structed for easy and relatively noise less running iiloti : trolley linos, and fitted 1 1 J with such appiratus as might bo needed by invalids who temporarily occupy it while eu route to a ho. pital. Hut the plan on which tho ambulance car is to operate is lielieved to be a' together miiipie. It will puss over reg'iltir routes, inoiu ling, presumably, nil trolley lines of the city, for the ex clusive purpose of conveying Hick or injured orsoiis to and from hoipitals, As it runs aec ir lmg to schedule! pa tients may be in readiness at any given locality at the lime w hen the oar is due there. It is expected that hospitals not oti a trolley lino will build termi nals connecting them with th" nearest railway that patients may bo brought by the ambulance car to their very doors. II irper's Weekly. I tililv (if American Stone. The I'nit 'd States geological survey is ninkin,' an investigation of the utility of the varieties of tho stun u in this country, in cons rooting roads, and n report giving their findings will soon bo issued. The state department has beer, asked to transmit carefully prepared inquiries to tho prope bureau in Franco, England, (ici muiiy, Austria. aid Italy. The various countries aro asked to m ike reports on the ipies; ion : Is there any sisicuiitic method where by the slon to be IIS d ill ro id con strlictioli is collected ntll tested, and if so, what method. Atlanta Journal. Ibist In The Eye. When a sp. ok of dust, or m til g t into the eye the best plan is to shut it, and keep it shut for over a minute. N'atnre will th-n come to the relief, nnd there will bi enough "oir-hke miostureto get rid of the obstruction, which will bu found in one of the corners when theeye is finally opened. New York Telegram. EVOLUTION EVEN HERE. The Don Bark Una Become More Ei preaalre Ilia Cultnre Advanced The most curious Imitations which wo find In dogs Is ns to the measure of expression to which they lmvo at' tallied. Among tho envage forefathers Of the modern dog the characteristics Ct all their utterances was, to a great extent, Involuntary, nnd once begun the outcry was continued lu a me chanical manner. The effect of advancing culture on the dog, however, has been gradually to decrease this nnclent tinillffereiitl nted mode of expression by howling und yelping, and to replace It by the much more speech like bark, says a writer In Scriluier's Magazine. There Is some doubt whether dogs possessed by savages have the power of uttorine the sharp, specialized, note which is so characteristic of the civilized form of their species. It Is clear, however, that if they have the power of thus expressing them selves they use It but rarely. On the other hand, cnir high bred dogs have tn n great extent lost the power to express themselves In the ancient way. Many of our breeds appear to have become Incapable of ululating. There Is no doubt but the change In the mode of ex pression greatly Increases the rapacity of our dogs to sot forth their states of mind. If we oateli a high bred dog -one with a wide range of sensibilities which wo may may find in broods which have long been closely associated with mini we may readily nolo live or six va rieties of sound iu the bark, each of which Is clearly related to n certain (slu to of mind. That of welcome, of fear, of rage, of doubt, nnd of pure fun arc almost always perfectly distinct tn the educated ear, nnd this, rllho.igli the observer may Imt be aeipialuted with the creature. If he knows bllil well be may be able to distinguish varl oils other Intonations those which ex invss Impatience, mid even an element of sorrow. This last note verges to ward a bowl. A WAR EGFIO. i:vr!tv iiovoit isi.i: viii-kkin sl ut i:s a ii:nsion. And llir I.'iue Mini, Is mil tie, Only lle.i- :i for it liover illli'ilt ll-n .li' 1 Kit her. (i'mni .wm.i', .vision, ,1V.) Senuel It. J ir.laa liaji"t givn tin J r- n if ita it count of his life, which in view of Ids extremely hard lot for tin p t.t few yem will lie na t witli interest. "I ion 4s years old ti'i 1 have always liv id In New rortlaud. I enlistu I in the iirruv in IsiUasa private In I'oniiiauy A, 2Sth M". Volunteers. My army oxperien v injure:! my health to snmn extent, although I worked at Ida ksinltliing soni" part of th i time, vr.'ieu su Ideidy, several years ago, I was prostral" 1 with what u'de physicians prmioiitio I I, i. Cienotor Ataxia, At flr.st I could get aroiiii l s )ii-Hvhat. yet th" dU'.ts" progressed ipitto rapidly until I In 1 h ir.lly itnv f" ding In my I'Us.iiil foot. Hi. felt lik- .sti"l;s of W 'l and I grew so much wire that I euildnit inova for three years with ml help, as my nuighli irs au:l frlen la il l testify. I em ploye! several physicians in my vi-lulty, ami elsewhere, and they all tol l tin that me-li-riiius would not help tn ', that they could do ii 'thin:; to I'tTeel a cure, an I thai in tinn I should become entir -ly helpless. I lieeauiit discouraged. I was a great e ire to my wife and friends. Shortly after I nv-t an old army foiiiralo, Mr. All. Parlin. a resident of Mad ison, Maine, and he iii'V lialally meiitione.l how lie hud tried lr. Willia ii ' Pink. Pills for II severe oils.- of rho'i iriti.eu aa l a spin il aud malarial trouble, th it hn hal siiT'rel wall ronse.ii"!it of his army life, and l"en greatly lieiieili", l.y their us", P,y Ins earnest ree. o'linn n l:ttioii I w,n in line I totry tlo pill-. After basing them for a time I liegaa to fed prickly scaMiilons in my legs an 1 :i return of .sif.ingili s i f i .ial I in ive tli":n it little. !er it few woi'1,8 I li -gan t (eel a ma'ke I Im provement iu inv e in litem. ! s on was ca a'de I to w.tli, ar.iuii a little w it rt the helo of crutches. Alter taking for sonn time f can now walk witnonl erut ui t. my general health is inii.'h imprevel an I I hive r-'-g:uncd inv nld-time vigor. I can w u about na I enjoy life ea 'c monv for wau'u f f el ve:".- thankful, an I this liapi v result is (lit-t" th" ui ef i,.. Wiina ns' lha. IMI..' Dr. Williams' IVik Tills fer Pale IV .;.! are not a .'itenl no liclue in tho sise t ..it name i.iiilie . They v'n Uct i''.ai,..ui i ! I as ,i iir scnj ; .ij ii-.il ise, as su. li iu general pr.i'liceliy an eminent physician. So gi at i wa s their cill. a.'v that il was i. .1 wise to 1 place them within th" rea- h el all. Th 'V are now inanuU lured by the Ir. Williams' Mi-ll 'ine C nia.iy. Sele'iic'la ly, X. V.. an 1 ', lire .sold in b ':". (never in loose form b) the ; doi'.en or liuii li".!, and the put. lie are eau- tioned agaln-d iiiirtiereus imitations Mold iu this sh.'ipe llf ;"0 cents f lio, or six tnix-v for J.."H), and may ls had of all druggists nr di rect by mail from r. Williams' Medii-ino Company. Your d.ivs nn numb 'rod." 'ay tb.3 b'.ut ter to the calendar. The Hlilll nml Knnnierfga Ewmtll to I be pr tuciiuu of the mut per fect and p ijiular lax it Ive romo ly knmvn hav enihixr die Ctlifn.-ait Ki Kyru;i Co. to rhlevo agrott sii.-. st In Ilia ruput ntiun of IU re-uedy. Syrup of Fiss, im It Is conceded to be i be universal Illative. For :ila by a T druid'tats, I uu a invented guap.iwdcr, I ut it win 8 i Ion . ii go dial she forget what il was fur. rntnrrh ( siinet He Cared With 1or.il ii pp le Onus, in th": ran :n it roneh til" seat of the ills.' . t'at.irrll is a III 'l r colislitillieii..'. ili..iis', lent in oi 1. r to rum Il vim in i-i l i. " Intern il r 'ned ei. II. ill's Cninrrh i are i ' taken iao i nail , . and nets ili rectiy .ui lb" I.I hi.1 in.! i" i. n il siiilaee. Mull's 'airrh Cure in uol uu i k Me.ln .ii.-. Il was lireM'rilie.l by icie of III ' best iliysieiaiis In this country for years, uud isnri-gular pre-iTlptiiui. It is rnmtKise I of l'ie b- st leiees Uimwe. riuil hinisl wii.'i tlio lct bl.Mi l pnrillers, iieting di ris llv cm tliu inn. ens surf io s. The pvifect riiuiblnalieii nf the fvo iinireilicnls is lia. I'rudaiaiM Mich wnuderfiil re-itlts ia curin r via arrh. Send fur te tim minis frer. K. .T. t'lir.srv ., I'reps., Toledo, O. Hold ly druiigi-t pri.-o 7.V.. l l enuinwho b c .irrw n uu eessfiil l:v o i ra lias to wi rk lit it every d ) iu t!i wee. 1 i. hllunT'i Swamp. Hoot fira II Ki lney nnd Plalder tro il livj, I'muplilis: nnd (.'onsaitailon fruit, lilorntorv liiairluimloa. N. i. Sh. r IT' veil I-1 .1' n.l 1 'i !o a lll"ieliallt ,! I'l d 'III" lest. ' yl So'i Knou'i lor the ,lif:-tr, but n li lie nil ..:.! Is It ;iu, i'l Hil-i no'l! I reive ill .'111' c.l-i'. ills Velio ll.lVj til 'UI .1:1 Is. 1. 1. 1 ur J'l.l -aeli e:-. is; k. I'n'iiii iiie s d I e aru ma.-o e mf.ir'.a'iie II ridden ball-puni: e I. Mm. Wlnslow'i Si.nOilnai Syr-.iti .'nr r'lUdren tertbln, snllena the minis, ie.l.11 u . nl unei i. lioa. lijys nam. euros m l cel. . ' e.alaiitii. I ho lust ",ress I'npri y -r ' :s it good ligur . A ler six y a- ' -iiT' ring, I was cured, by p i'o's (nr1. !n TiU'inrsov. at'i ' (Hi ', Ave., Allegtu-nv. P .... March Hi. In Mi 1 I p.e i r t-i.t is ndiii . e ci . f tbe d iinltl t i- . lib I if nffllrte I with tvireeyco use Pr. l-vmr l liemi en'n Kie-wuter. liraasL.U'iwHMl-a ivr Initial It le very bard to a I in It 'hnt man joangei (Imo yeurt-e ' tut more d rtiShest.ti0 I The Mere Money Getter. There Is not 111 the world n nioro Ignoble character than the mere money getting American, Insensible to every duly, regardless of every prin ciple, bent only -on amassing a fortune, nnd pulling his fortune only to the basest uses whether these uses bo to speculate In stocks nnd wreck rnll roads himself, or to allow his son to had it life of foolish ami expensive Idleness and uross debauchery, or to purchase some scoundrel of high social position, foreign or native, for his daughter. Such a man Is only tho more daiu-eroiis If he occasionally does sonic deed like founding a college or endowing it church, which makes those good people w ho are also foolish forget his real iubiiit.v. These men are eipially careless of flic worklngincii, whom they oppress, and of the Slate, whose existence they Imperil. There are not very many of iheiu, but there is a very groat num ber of men who approach more or less closely to tl'o type, and Just In so far as they do so approach, they are curse to tiie country, j lie man w ho Is content lo lei polities go from bad to w.u-mo. joMing ut the corruption of politicians, the man who Is content to see the maladministration of Justice without an immediate and resolute effort lo reform it. is shirking his duty, nnd is preparing the way for inliiiile woe in the future. I lard, brutal indifference to the right, aud an equally brutal shortsightedness as to the liiot liable results of corrup tion and Injustice, aro baleful beyond measure; nnd yet they are i haracteri.-- tic of il lireat many Americans tvlui consider themselves perfectly respect able, mid who .'irki-eoiishiereil thriving, prosperous men by their easy-going follow citizens. Theodore Koosevclt, in The Forum. Tho Aermotor oil Steel Feed Cutter Worth I.. Ut iurrtt .k Mo ...I .wri.')-, ..n. on' tn uM fvr i ! I .e, i; .. J. .;!. ...i ral,acl ...( .( r.,s, ,..,,.! ..,, ,.,..( ..,...,.i,,. ih. tn.lrr ki.v-n ,r' .....I'v ...,! (.. ..- . t iilH.utL,l m,t il,.,.- I. V., ...( re.( e. Ie.'y J.i in I.u- (. .. u. . J,l, , m,.,r., .rat i.l n io ..fi.,- (.. ,..,.l.r ..I s . e. .ei .. ..,;( re. u ,.,.. r . , ro mi,,: Ii u !! :l,, n f.M mini I. il'lno." I f o. It. If l)i. ,. I (i .u liHiicli bvutct n.rli orr npp'l -f .(lU-lrrar. I...I ... , f ll,m -I i Ur At MOT0lt CO. ClCcafto. WALTER BAKER & CO. fk PURE, KICH CRADE 5VC0COAS A:iD CHOCOLATES On thia li-iiti-.cn;, h-ivc rece.Tcd HIGHEST AWARDS m tho nwit nduslrial and Food EJIPOSITIONS In Europe ano Mica. e... I'm. 1. riia-raa.es , tfca- "",; ,. . I I., hi v .1 II.. -,r ,.,r.,.r.li 11a. 'T..-:r ili-iii .0 111'.:. IK .'' r h o'- lulily l-iio -j I ,.,I..Li.-, un t.- . ' i'....1.a r. -eui-..;i. 60L3 PY r,IU)ili::l EVCIIYWHr.RE. WALTER DAXrJt&GO. DORCHESTER, F..A3?. t,lk O.ltl H II -V T',.'ll.l...lt.vrrj, l "7."!'. i,!'.M,,.'i;.'.ii,' IU :t 11 ' I -'.. . HAVE YOU FIVE OR MORE COWS ? It nit" liuby " Cream Scram ;or will earn Ueoiwt for von every vcar. Why coniinue nn Inferior eystem i !iethcr year at en irn-et i loss If lmiryi" ' tbe .n:y (.rcBci tle f ceturo of Asrteulture. l'roerly cpn 4.aitsl it nU-nve iKiys well, sad must pay you. lnu 1 es-il a tk-imrator, nud you need tho HKsT, tne II:v. All tvW and capacltlee. Prlooa, '. V Hrd. FotiJ ior new lSna rautlejtue. THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR CO.,. S.iao'i CS.-.ist Gtneril 0Kict elc:., :lu 'ti conrutc: et., Nzvy ycrx. lVrliaiis you may think that Scott's Emulsion is onlv use inl to fatten "hahics, torouiul up the angles and mako omiclv aud attractive, lean and angular women, ami till out "the hollow cheeks and stop the wasting of the consumptive, and enrich and vitalize the blood of the scrofulous and aiucmic persons. It will do all this but it will do more. It will cure a 9 J .aM v.hen the (ordinary cough syrups and specifics entirely tail. 'l"he cough that lingers alter the t. rip and I'neu mcnia will be softened and cured by the balsamic heal ing and strengthening influences of this beneticenl food-medicine, namely, Scott's lCmulsion of Coddivei Oil and llyi'oi-liosphites of Lime and Soda. Kcitsc substilutcs. They are ttever as iooJ. Scott 6 Bownc, Nov York. AH Druggists. 50c. and 3 1 Powder 9SSS :rstretg - nt SQS Absolutely Pure Cannot Comr otc with Africa. J. ltosa writes In the Engineering nnd Mining Journal that since thu dia mond discoveries In South Africa the Ihnzlllan diamond-mining Industry hnv fallen so low that the annual output In now not over fIfsVMW, when thirty tears ngo It was upwards of $U,.rino,0)0. ituullliin diamonds are so much smal ler than the African that. It does not pay to nilue them against African cum uclitlon. "Do you think a girl oiuht to lonrn to cool; before she gels innrrled?" asked the practical mail, "yes," re plied his dyspeptic friend. "Klther that, or else she ought to bo willing not to try." Washington star. The Door of l.llc. Tho four of pain and the dangers of parturition lill many a woman' breast with dis may. There is no reason why childbirth should frail elit with danger and distress. It is a natural function, and should be performed iu a natural way without un due suUoiing. Nature never intended that women .should be loituud in this way. taken during gestation I r. Tierce's l'avorite rrcscriptioii robs childbirth of its dangers to both niothrr and child, by preparing the system for delivery , theicby shortening lalior, lessening pain and ah hreviatiiig, the period of Coiiliiii-mt'iit. Jff heart Is very Mil tn-ntiilit, I'lirest is la the ntr, runnel toll Ju.t what it Uviueopsla. or despair. t It Is dyfpepBl.t. and A 9 Ripans Tabula will dispel It. 1 , m m rev d $3 SHOE ' IS THE BEST. FIT FOW A KING. 3. cordovan; FRNCHaVCNAr.'LLLCD CALF. , .P Fine Calf&K.incarcii 3.50 POUCe.3 SOLES. jv5602.WORINSMFN'c. '4- EXTRA FINE- ."DOYSCHMLSilOES. SCNOri'JCATALCC'.l'; W-L-DOUGLAS' l.OlrtIU1.1lUa, Over One Million I'ropKi onr tho W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes Allourhoesare equally satisfactory They (rive the best volue fir the monr y. They ctuul custom chocs In style rnJ lit. The prtceft are unit.trrt,-- stumped on fola h'rotn f l to f uvftl over tithrr inukcs. OALESMEN !!!ErSS n il nn -lait l-ii vi-rv liinliii sa mini er llrini lib- 1 ... .1 . ...I. ,, I r.,r ...lv.., lUliiu nil. I Ur.i'iiMis 1'iTiiiei' kiuuii'. KlNii .u il ter .alvertUhiK un l llell. A.l..riaa, wl'll , U 4' I. Ul.-llfc-U, 11L. Oil SA tlll.l.- I- I.Ktt Kit "; frr We S.S-1 in. ire th-i'i 'Jii - a iiumls -iils.nu'oiv k slll- l.ln- 11'ceii.ei. lie I II,'. le f ivi" aiuii;e an. I puck W -la rn.-l I il'i l'i" ii'iu-'si fe 111" "' iw till le " fr.i'inl'. sellil '"I'. ""'I K': I. I'l'lU'i'- A lia 'l l. 1'1'H I'l.. Kieim lill. V.f jliilp mm i (ft pi J ' t gi lll'.st elu'll S) Tlip. 'I'lU-UM li'KKl. UPC pj