irtlKbDAI. MAY 0, 1SU5. II. A. LONDON, Editor, i ' T- Caption,, of tho Acta of tho ; last Legluh.tnro have been printed ' " . . .... t throughout tho Stato. From these ' i captions a person can form awne nlea ni wliui ilw, I ii -, id. ik. ! TIicho eanlioiiH theinselves innlce a : .. ..... . . immplilet 01 llt pagep, anct wi.en" -n, the acts are printed in Jail they will j make a book of ai.o. The captions hIiow that the Legislature nacted 823 now laws mid 31 rcsolu 'tioi.rt, which ought to he cnou-h i - awa to govern ny Vet,V0, even .1 there had befl'i no laws heretofore. i'orliupa our leginlatorn thought that they would make mi in luuuilihj "what they lacked in tho i-uililij id . a . their laws! Of course the great bulk of this : i 1 1 1 .... lasi uiij tii m!v iuTum iui;;u tn forrecliy prinieti oy 1111s aiiunici m Vrivuto acts, ant! do not coneeru the Senator I'ritchard. ll begins, iu its onerul public. Indeed wo have opening paragraph, bv speaking of , , , .1.11., , ,,' " . iever known a Legislature that had tl,0 h,to waras"lho rehelhon against passed o many private or local laws, the linvt rnment", an expression that 'Our legislators seemed to have for-; Vance would have died before ho -j'olloii tlit-ii- .iinm.ii.'n n v ui "Lho ,,, !.l I, , v.. ,1,1 i.-,.,l Lis (.i!l.uwoin. massea against tho classes", and to, miles by uttering, even in the pies 'have legislated chiclly for the classes p (nce of a P.ostou audience! and very little for the masses. In-: r,.,t tllC cUM to,,i(. o( Senator Mead of legislating tor all ll e people ; speech was his earnest 'and the public in general, they leg- j .u;VlK..u.y t a (.jU protective tariif, Elated chiclly lor tho benefit of cur- ' , j h . . 1,,,,., wnj mvally ';ain persons and localities. For in Mance, the very tirst law passed, ami is mat'Kcu .,). i in tue usi 01 tiaplions, is for the benefit of oniy bue iwdividual, and is entitled "An net to reduce the ollieial bou Is of '.ho sheritl' of Pitt county". Now, why should the Legislature hi slen ".o jiass an act to reduce the bonds 'of one particular sheritl? Why not Jot the same law apply to all the slier i... Ci i.:.: ,,ii..... i iin III LI1U ntuiu i 11 II in.toou lil, ; why not let all the sheiills have the . ,.jU.,;ird tl, tvprcsent hei ?" And tenciit of it? And if it is not a good . 10W o,,!,) ,. 'uvlorm" friends law, thou the sluriff of l'ilt should .answer thin iiii.siioii ? 'not had the benefit of it. This seems I Yes, il does seem so strange, so eimplo justice and common sense. Vl.iy j .,con.islent, that the '-lelorn.-Wo notice in the list of captions ' t North Camlina, who hereto an act, passed on the tirst day or ,liro u.j nrofeasef to he against a two of the se:sio:i and marked No. 4, entitled uAn Act in regard to tho public printing'', which repealed the act passed by the previous Legisla ture letting the public jTiiitiiig to ; .ho highest bidder. This certainly i scorns a peculiar kind of ''reform' viiid was a bad beginning for a '-ro-form" Leishilare. Yes one of their cry first acts was the repeal of the ifeinocralie law which let the puhli printing to the lowest bidder. Per this outrage our "rchrm" legislators were so justly uenoiincen that, some 'Jays after warns, they passed manlier itet (marked No. -10 j autiiori.iug tin public printing to bo let to the low est bidder, lint this law was not obeyed, and t'ne public priming war ! !iot let to tho lowest bidder. I ndeed i this public printing matter was one of the most scandalous "jobs" perpe trated by our "reform" Legislature. Three Mxpert printers (.two ef whom wore republicans) examined tho bids snd testified that tho bid of the Stewarts was S5S1 higher than the bid of Edwards k Broughton, mid yet tho Legislature gave tho contract to tho Stowarts, who Ittfi'i-titc-l to be republicans. - - - "has been waiting, hoping, trusting 'i'Ht Un mi.iS'iol tiie Confederate .and praying that the Fusion parly ftonumout, at P.aleigh, on tho 2nth 'night do something honorable, but of this month will" bo one of the has been bitterly disappointed." , i . i. . He further writes that he is "iisham grandest and yet saddest occasions j (( M,di a llU)l.kery (l, jusli,.Pt SIIll, over known m the history ot Nin th j ashamed that he ever helped to Carolina. It will he the largest am! j bring out such a stato of at'air.s." most notabla gathering of ex-Cotis " I"1'"." s"ys he, we are always com federate soldiers that has been ho'.d i .milli."r rrr U,a."k .(io,i- ,u' I w t.-iiltilal .'in, I lust to loitm-ii it it-n a this Stato since Lee's surrender. ! and il will also probably be the last. 1'r that o hundreds, and per Vij'i ! ilo,)-;.: ,ts jf old soldiers, W ho had kmgiit ,u,,i -.-utl'ered togt.'ther for foui will meet and exchange j, reelings lui tiie first time since they So sorrowfully separated at Appo- 1 mattox, and wiil once inoro "ti'ht 1 o'er their battles" in social converse and pleasaut reminiscence. Tiny win rr.eoi lo 'omnioiuorate tho vaior i Of tl9ir fallen comrades and to par- ticipato iu the impressive coiemonies with which tho State of North Caro lina will then dedicate her magnifi cent momorial in honor ol :er heroes, who at horcall rushed to arms and on so hundred battlefields, from llethcl to Appomattox, nflected imperish able lustre on her proud escutcheon. As tho long li no of veterans many of them disabled with wounds and drecrepit with ago march through the slreots of italeigh on that day, how g:oat a contrast will be the scone and how different will be their filings Irom those stirring days ot the war when, with all the eager! ... i r.eal ot youthlul patriots, they so proudly marched forth to battle for iboir horues and native land To thorn what mighty changes liavo the past thirty years brought F Tr'j'y should a grand ovation greet d ovation greet they meet i.C ttc idd heii "! w he Raleieh on tho 20th inst., aud noi welcome too warm or cordial can be 1 extended them. While then honor. kiv o. ...--.-..,.., , proper honor should aleo be rendered v l, ( ....;.,;., ' , . " n On that day the younger generation - l survivor of tho-M brave soldiers, who chafed i.i I, ..;.,!,(., .,( c.iti-J f . , ... . . , ii i ii ii . i fj i.i; .ii. i i'.ntir:ii it oni m !Kn(i'i.ilr.ii,;fl mi !iv their bravery P(,'"' iv.m.a, aim ny uuir mmu; in battle mid fortitude in adversity , Uio name i mo ....j ...I.:;.... r j Xuirrn Carolinians, who cherish' tlio memory of their beloved Vance (10 prineides which Iwadvoea trJ. will Mush with dhamo and barn ..... . . . , I w,th ...dignat.on when they read tho Hpeeeh recently made at JloNton by Sciialor 1'iitehard, whom our "re- i,,rii,'' LetrWaturo elected as his smx-ssor. ' This speoeli was pub- . . , . . , . .1 .shod ,,. last weeks issue of the Winston U.Vcui, ami is of course . 1 1 .. .1.:. . 1...; 1' Massachusetts inaiiiilaclurcrs. ,l,,,,y lid he proclaim his own advocacy t f protection, but l e ;in nouiice ! tin: I the people of North Carolina ai.-o favored it and ilo use his words) declared that "North Carolina isa rroieclion Stale." Ami , , . , . , I,- i.i- no ooiiiii nis neaieis t)eneeu in is statement, fo erlv ask, "if they might very prop- orili Carolina is not a 1 protection State why did she clo t i 1 . . .j i a protectionist as Senator protective taritl', should have elected as N ance's successor a man who goes to ISostou and boldly declares that 'North Carolina is a Protection State ' . ...... . - i riisi'on Mairisl rale's I n i list ice. : , i rnu Hie'ii,i''i;,,ii Otiu ,, r.i:. A eorrespoiid.'lit wriUs us IV .Myrtle that a few dajs ago u gang three netrroes 1 'an Iiavis, his unit her and sister went to the home, aller having been h,rbiddcn the lirenii.-cs, ot A. A. Hardin, a white man in hvble health, assaulted his daughter w iih a rock weighing three or lour pounds, broke open his stable I door and took nil' a i ow. i A wai rant w as sworn out before K-,i PuiL'ason, anil the negroes wore arrested and taken I), -fore him for ll'':'h ''"''.v Mlidavit that they founj not get justice at ins hands and had the cao removed to t-. L. 1 ree- man oiie in tho newly appoint! u Pushtu iua;islraies, who tried il We 1 nesday. Allhougli tho guilt of the negroes wascleariy and unmistakably proven by the testimony of a nu miter of white persons, the Fusion magistrate dismissed tho cases against them upon their paying tho costs. Our correspondent, who is one ot the good men led off into the Fu.iinn movement last year, savs that ho , ... ; , i. i .,. ,'i ;. ,,. .... ini'ake onr sins. ( ur correspondent asserts, and his a-serlion is home out by the lacts. that the uiacistrate was influenced in his high handed and outrageous ,.,.ti.,,. bv il, l o t ii,ui Dm i.ii..,,..,!-. . wire negroes and Keptiblieans, while' their victims were decent w hite pen I I'cmocrats. .,!, tinse inree negroes, who we cam are negroes ot had charaete:'. o to the house ot an invalid and oeiei.cciess wnito man: comiiii. an assault with a deadly weapon upon leteuceless while girl; break down his stable door ami take off a cow (we inter, although onr correspou. dent does not stato so specifically that the cow had been iniounded,) and go un whipped ol justice. lho fact that the negroes were guilty oi two grave crimes, to wit : j assault with a deadly weapon and . forcible trespass, was clearly proven ! by reputable witnesses. The inagis ! trato had no jurisdiction in either1 ease. His only function was to in ; vestigate and bind over to tho supo-l rior court. But ho arrogated to ; himself tho power of a judge ot the. superior court and passed scnleiico. ll will not lake many such occur rencesas this to put such men as our correspondent back into the Demo eratie pirty and it is just such out D 1 1. ;, 1 1. ., i .... i... 1 1. . ii . 1 i.'T i.-1.... ' fa' Ku Klux. A young man, sou of Mr. Luiz. Kennedy, who lives near Maud, in ; i;.nnol,li county, while out hunting e.eiid-'.-inlly thot snd k4J4 himself, Swretairy Smith on Silver. Macon, G , April 30. -Secretary j Uok. .ith of the Intcnor ., : 1 tllefiualH.;.lillU(Stiol. and defined the differences of opiniou'ou tho currency v;i.. ;., il.n ,..,v ,.'i i in ,ri,i ..,i ;'(, vrcoi.t. Ho though h, in uuni"L fc eFltPil H ;el! (hl. t,om,tl v. 1 i . i i i. i:...:... i i. . i i . .1 j t. . 1 rnmionr. in i in iii'tioiiMt ton uii l ii , unlimited ooiiuieo of silver at a ratio . - v..:i.i ti. , ..,,.-,.0.. :..(., .i.....,, ,,.,,! ,ouomcal - .V....11:.,... ..-.i , Wul.u...l, "',",., lie did not think that tho gold atl!,"limti i "-i.o their right ouometaliuda wore strong en.mgU;;? d l-r-rly est i g ii 'to become a factor iu the campaign j but that the insue would be for ui:d ! ngaiust Mlver inonometai:iM:i. Hi- thi'iij-ht that the fiee and r.n!.iiU'd .. &t (h(, rt ia,jo j)V t,ja tvuutiv r.ior.o would ncan 'nothing more or le.-.s than silver lucnonn talh.-m, lor if. mniw ftiat tl'll)' ,l t"''1'0 '"f "ilvu' li;1',li0" '''.Sun in the dis'.M.saiv f'.IUs: i not niateuaiiy aoviineo, no onitr mi 1 , ",!,,, , w,.llKl bo Yu-MUted at the mints! , l!- ;. 1 f) ' ; fol. a);,,a. : d.y.e.-ept . ...! .ysau.t ..etio.Uf:i fiM . ,t .. u....i...... ;tl"i!--e to stlii.vt. Ji:e icai 41:1 si i-.iu, mi' pit.ii.'-'.i i thought, was whither or iml the fit e: ,uul uulindted coinage -f Mlnrat a; ratio of lo to 1 would inuai'co I!,: ! v( 1,ullll,I1 h0 thllt it 1 . i,t .;r tho relative value to gold of M ' to 1, which was tho pioposed i.iti It it would not. thcu the count iy' w ould not Lave a bimc tallii' cunem y. j Tho Seen t. try levu wed the history ! of the cociiliy's eiinei:ey and said tLat both -'ji tl'eiiion ftUvl Il.ii.ultt't! liei'gui.v d tiie f;iel lh.:l Lie ratio of coin :ge icin t be fixed upon the coin mi rcial value et the m.-t iu the uiiiil'.i t. Iu 1 T.'I. when fur coinage was ! pen.hd by the I'nited Stud'., the silver iu a dollar w is v.onh ivoie than the i.i Id i:i a goi.l doilsr, but that lime tho ,h n:oi;eti '. ioi: i ! silver by other louutiies had a'dowtd its value tiivp t" the pi ice uhieh it would biiug for imiuulaefuring pur : poses. j Tho value o: an ai tice tnibt t'c! ,, , .r . . , . ,. j. com rolled. .Mr. Sn.ii i s'lid. bv th for lis Ut available. 'J he act ail the Mipply pluuvcd that the deiuaud Ua I pra.-'.ieally e.-asod, while .i ,.. ! .. I ...... .. , i. .-l.l. I 'l l.:., lllC SUOOM l.ilil it.lLIO.'l HI, . !, was true. Hi Muleofthe fact that since LsTH the I'lihed Slates I. a I more silver than iu the eighty ytais pnor to that t i nit. Can any one, ' asked the Seero t'irv, "study tin s fact.-- without con cluding 'bt if thii (iioiinoiis is.-iu' by ti.t l i i'.i 1 .'states was jn.-uliieii nl to siri'ly thv lad of riivir di.i'ii the past fwiiily you.- ui;':i n.ii e.l coinage by the I'td i d Stales au iu- worJ.I i,o! be si tih'ici.i to li slo.e it.-; bullion vai';c !,. - I'. is, Itieitfcio, not oll'eij.'-lve crit icism, but onlv a slaieiiiont id' lojiical conclusion whu: f insi-t t h it nulin.i'- d eoinago i f siiv. r at the ratio of l(i to 1 moans m'.v.t iiionnmetallisni ' Cnder such n law, all the silver pro .bu t of the woild wtinhl turn to onr laii.ts, and thi a would cou.n tho sil ver Li'lfbdoin inanul'aetui e,i into cheap Mi' Again. ci!vr would iuer: ase. and the i .! :u -lion in l-es.l.rces WO'.lhl he 1 1' I l-l' , 1! 0, i by ll:.- exchange of riivei dolla' for the bui lion. "Wi'h fret-eoinagi" we would v i i -tually change oar roan, laid to one worth C iily one half of tic presi i,t stanonrd. and the e, mmi rcial v.ihn: of a dollar tie1 wo-id ovt r w : ill I be only rtd cents. Wl iio eoi.iiuo lilies- : might Sill bar twice as many i!".Uls. ' ti.eir ruai value would remain un i chaucud The enliie country would j bo coniU30d, until ! accurate test i the tl no Value of t!o- liww slamiard was ascertained. The result would be a cessation of trade, and tho can j lions business luau would inv ilve biuisell in no contracts. This uii ! certainty would create seiious busi ' nesa troubles, and too pi aetieal ens 1 pension of all enterprises, ' Secretary Smith could m no bene fit likely to arise from a chango in the u.uiov standard, and iionn e-poe ially to thoje w ho win Led f r w age bi'i-au-e tiny were always '.hi- hi.-t to be reco-n.zcd iu iiicK J, uu di-r the use of a tie- l eci-ded citireiiev. Tho proprietor of an enti ; pi ise wouhi iufist tiait (uiployes s! o:i! l take the ri-k. lie did n it belie.-t. the ihange would benefit tho debtor diss, l e causti so many loaus hi 1 bun niadt- i'oii the cold basis, and ll btov "um" """ri1 ,u tl" " ket 1,,ul pnrdn-o gold width to meet. hi. obligations. A . Ic tin otln r ll,;'1,K ,f u,,s ""-V 'larger of Sllv,n' "n"tona talhsni there would be no elcu.,iou possible. llcaaoidr-K on the e lint s. he could see in) bem lit even it the channel should he I iioiiht about. One class ! insisted that t'.o I en, tit would be in the inability of the : mploycs to exact ; double Wildes. To t I t-.-e selfish em ; ploytrs. some l i ne'it ini-ht come, i but it would be found thai after the' tinal iidjustiui nt to the new Condi tions. pi ices would be nomiua'ly ins j creased ail around, with no real bene 1 fit to nnvbodv. ' Mr. Smith doubted the proposition ; that other countries would fail inlo i Do,Julul irise hl Vtl j line, tho action of tb.s:,,, ... . 1 """" j- u, . ,r., , uo stami , l)U,u hl 1Ill0 s.oux Centre. The appreciate ami d.-bts cou t01.m(lil jsf. . t uoHhv during the depreciation would ; tu 0a,eoU Coulity. l'ive aie I lucrease as the value of silver mcreas-1 , kiUtl tuutt. 1Uu bloliUH I f - and the class Bought to be bene -I l0 u olii,iuali3A one and a! d again be burden, tl. j ,. mik.tJ oUliiWtthbt uI lSloUX tVnt.n. -' -secretary thoeght the ag.U .,,om Ui u d lLct.t)U11 ot lb question was c becking the y lu tt lim tilt U6ltll iy aueet.oii, eios 1 "." f.f prospe,, ty but l.o J lLc riiouxU, (luJj SultlMtu tiut k eouUdt-nee hat the ph.n of HieuuttwounlfSUortLolSiouiiCeunu.: b'lve, t"4'" wviM ''0 oaU j Alj()Ut a Ul( mV bt,U(Uit u bl.euisj , i , 1 T , . , J -. ' ., ... . , I ! conclusion, Secretary Sunt I, said: , , of th7 Pn,ted Sta.eVwU I ; le oi'ix.seil to tho unlimited eoiuiioe ; of silver at It; to 1."' George Mills washau. ;t dat llnleigh, : ! on last Pritluv, for the murder of his ; , niece, laoa Viribrly. iiav Apis lastiour school houses were tic sunt ed j 'jane - 'hiie ihe schools were in steiou. A Norlli Carolina Dispensary of tLe faft 1 Lftf J. KSJ&i " "V 11 was autborizod by the last h-isla- , hne, l,.V special enactment, and n. now in full operation, ihus f-r it, I li(l(,1Lia t0 Ll,vvl,iUl,! wi,. Thef.rstl manaoc.iioni at UVnesvido. I the seat, umA ... .k, .and tho. second dsv y lir..-,l)icss t as about On a with Ud,: li is the general opinion tint the) ftnu wi:l bo on I'ci abh.' to the i o-1 i,'im with so e ille 1 prohibition with commissioner ii ro line.' of the best 1 .,,5,., 0iH,lVwood count v and u- IIO SHIC lit lllliOMl'lililK. 1 til 1 r 115 i.'Ji youth Carolina business iu this, 'l'ne! ; cotiiiir.saioni'rs aie working solrlv for the safety ami well bi-iir; of their y and the iiiiiiii; ij niity ha.s imi ji.i.e into tho bunim as a nioucv- i unking eutei prise ; Tl; rule.-, tiiiil retriilaiictiS whieli 1 1. . ....1..... 1 ..! 1 ... ,. i ... 1 ! ::. Any .suiter p uso.n pi lawful up may puuiiasi- t-pii iiuons, vinous or M ill ianio.'s. in tiny 'lantity not less I ban hall i I ; provided it is not bought tot-nil again. If the niaimgir bi lievis any poison is buying iapiors tore sol:, lie shall immediately iipul t the fie t to I he eomiiiissioiii is, who will lake act nn as mpiiitd by law. ;i. No iinil'ila wiil be sold Ii) intov. i.'ntcd 0''iso:..-. or tonuiiory, on ord. ii. or othciw ise. Only adults will be dealt Willi. 1. 'the mai.agct shall eell hqUiMs I !nly for cash. I it. No poi sou shall o i u or drink' any ho.uois in i , e ili.-pi nsart, nr on' the piiiuiMS oceupiftl liy ti e fame j ( No r.-o:i shall loiter in or I ,iiio,U I he I i s i !s,'ii y . uiul it is the: duly el ll.i' iiiaiisgei' to enfiueo thisj icotil.tiiou b c.iiii'g on the poiue if: l.eei ssary. ! IAA ui' Il'iitorni j .'Uaislials. 1 r 'in i in- i:.ii.-:;i ., ... :n.a oii'i v,t. ' The:a iii-uai i for the uuvi liingcere I luonits on li e iOih have beeu iili-j no.. nci ,1. Tin' names of man) promi j neiii North Ciiio.iinaiM aie included, j i iie follow Mo.; are the honorary j marshals npj oiuted for tho 20lh of .Ma : I .M.-j den. K F. Hoke, Hen. Huston ! Lewi.-, den. .M. W. Jiausoii). Hell. T. L. Ciingiii.oi. litti. W. it. Cox, Jni. J It 1. Vanct. Hui. 1- S 1 hiker, Hon.! L' o S. ()v. ro an. lion. Jos. P. Cald- i veil, tlinlgi' Spier;'. Capt. li. : P., It i u tieoige IXilis, Col.: P. M. Paiki I. r-iaj. ilo an A. Uiount. i.ieiJl. th-v. I; A.' P-o.ight.-n, C'd. i;.l i'.ah.i'o!,. i. '. .M'C-,'l.', t'ol. Wiliinnj ' Saoiuh-lt, ll it. l'mkil', Hull. 11 A ; Lm.iI'.u, U li P.iadiev, Hon. Cyius li. Watson, Coi. W. 11. H. Cow lis.) Hon. lien. P s- y. Col. W. 11. S. liur gwyn, lion. V. S. Lu-.k, Judgo Aim-1 oU-ad inn wi il. lion. J. 31. Moody,! Ju.lgu J 'lines Mcliao, Hon. Jaa. A : Prran. Col. W. il. Ci.eek. Judgf! Jm.ic.-, !'.. Sin plu i.i, Col. J. It. Lane,! Col. I. !!. Star, A. A. Mosch-',! Jn.Le Va','t-r Choi Coi- H. C Junes,; dpt. t. ll. S 'lion. iti.j Jhs. i; i Ci alge. I .',il Jaini - tt Ci aw ford. Cap!, j it J. Pel blef, Pi,.i 1; Means, lion. Thomas J. Jarvis Col. W. p. Uiecn, Jndg" 1!. 1'. iii i n !t. Prank liay. 1' Lmu -back. Col V I. J)eJiossetto,Ciil. I U i.:.: ton fir.m, Hon. ). W. HLo-k- j nail, Col. W. 11. Y.ti borough, t'apt. t C. M. Cooke, Hon. (.). W. Sandcrlm, j t0j o 11. Lucas. Ti'M'iiii' l.Sllolie 111 loWA. Si, as Cirv, Iowa. May 3 .Sioux on lo no this ufteii.oou. Tho storui; eame from the noithwest and b'riiek j Sioux Centre, a tmadtown, forty tivu! miles noith of thio point, at -i o'clock, j l'eiegl aphie rcpoi U fioiu lho sceno ol ; lho slot i.i aie ei meagre, the wire.. L'.-iug down, but u i undeistood lhatj a cunsidemb.ti nuiabcr ieie killed, andit,juied. lispatehes fioia Sioux Contra ut. ; !i;."id o'clock say that three bchooi-: hoiiacsand at ie.ii-l twiuti leaidelices and bains were a wept away. At I ho! school house two tea; hers and three pupils were killed, and many iiijiucd. j 1 li j dispatch .mo 4 lii-i; at least u Inn. died cople muat have beeu killtV, j Partlea Lave bet n bcnl fioiu Huh, Sio'is. v entre, and Online City, in igh- bul'illg loWns, but tlitU Wnlk is bellig '.allied d.o l;uet,s, and in' tho iiinht of a In.-..., lunula wind and! titiii siotiu. ll is coiisctjueiilly plo-; gi e.-aiiig slow !y. A numi'i r ot bodies j L ivealicudy been l'tyoveied, although I ihti exact nutub. r cannot be learned. I livery one is violently excited, uutij tii ihiili accounts eauuot bo obtuiued I It is sa: 1 tin'.; Perkins, a t.uiall lowii bitv.teii ."-ttoux L'oLire hui! Doou, was duvet iy in 11. c path of the Moiin aici 1 was alinosi ii.tiioiy wiped out. Tici; wiica lidding to iluto alldowu. 'J'Lo! It'a, ks i.i ai a,! washed out, and the cannot he palely travolleii ovei, ii.ii,g lo the ni .nntr iu which tin s weie g'.iliied by tho lain. It ia cul.- tiapicnlly no easy matter to reach H. I ,.. i, il..,! li, ..,ut, . have changed its course to the north- u uist.u.k Peikius and S.blt v. I . As h eane asccrUined tU ton 113 ttutcu SllilClell tvt'iv ivihii.0, Sibiey, Doou, mid Hail, and Sioi.i Centre. Theio ia eveiv indication! ""l the number of lives lost will I r "W'U sevi nlytive or one Luudieil. Negroes (Joingfo Liberia. I 8avannaii, (in., May 5 Tho In ternational Migration Society has I been quietly at work in this county I yelling up a snip loaa ot negro col- I onisis lor Liberia ever sinco the; Ilorsa sailed, on Jlareh 19. Two hundred and twenty two have nr- I ranged to nail trom Savannah about May 20, and the same steamer has been clou !. red by thn -ociciy, 1 Ihn h person p:; sSj tal. jin!....i-, i The .'Yond (rip ot the llorsa means the coinmoneoiiiont ot a great exodus ' nl Southern neiot s lor Alrica Tin" : :ile arrival id 'he tirst ship load at : Moncovi.-i mid the satislactoiy letters ' which have been, received trom theiil ' have caused a desire in every pari ol the South to join tln society's1 movement. The society's strivt lul till men! all promises made is aiis other impetus lor the negroes lo emigrate. Ii Hi!; Ill of I lie MiMTiilu'os. Ti e Stiili" Connnanih l wiilis lis' f.o.n Lii'fii'n. Ni b.,s iol'ows: "AS I tcr ; uliiM' lia da-inea fur soi-nic I lo bo a vim y i-h- linule cough; in our two children wo tiied lr. 1 Kiiij,' .-; Ni-w 1 lisc'ivei y ninl at the end of t'.o ilavs ti.o ei "iin oiitirely ) ft them. ' wid not be without it j ... ...,,. ,, .... .. .v, ,,111-oie , notes,. that it eiiips w here all tin r wmedii s fail. Siifiied I' V. Meviac-. Slate t.'o:i:. -Why o t t;i'.e this ;.;rci,t loedi cine at link us il i guarantor.! nini trial hot ins in,, lii-c at (1 IM'iiking ton's l)i a;.; Stoie. Po'gular si.'.e iidc. and M TO. A iiiud-Hi ai li d I'.diinr. Ivlitors. as ;i rule, are kind hearts! el and libera;. An ext haiioe Iclls! ol a subscriber who dud and lelt leUl'licli y.'.'il.i' slibserip; ion unpaid. The editor ol the paper appeared ju-t ;.: ll'.e ndei ; : kef was si i e w i ii; iln w n Ice colli ii lid, and put ill a linen ! duster, a 1 1 eriitomelcr, a palm lea! j Ian and a receipt f ir making ice. ... j Hank (Hl'ceis in iViiitettliiii y. i jr. r,i -he v V- i k W'-rM. -,,rii:cr haul: oliic is in the mi'iisj her offixty-i :g!.!, ail servin-f sei.-i len -c.', in one p ni'ici.lial ) I hat is ! !h-' reinai M.h.e I.-o ! tvnicn wiil :i s' per ill il:,' f'll'liieciiiinir report ol'i Warden IP. yes, ol the Kins t'ouniy I I eniieol ;;u y. 'I n he mote explicit, thci c are iio',. w ill. in the t oid gi ;,y and black w.-.ils ol Unit iostiMilio:: seven men who. w hen aiTi-stcd for t'lnhi '..Vini'ui ol deposi ol s' lands, '.Vi l e pi. .-idelils t I I nalninal li:iiili; twelve nnn who, w hen l -on i, tU d ii :i in a, ca; 1 1 r ol crime by the strong arm ni'iiie law, were honored and rcspccic.l cashiers j ol national hank--, and f rly i;ine ' other n,e:i ivlni Were trl,si,-,i c;ei..s t r tilli rs in banks ,-1 i;,e san.i el.iss. ! It t.'id the P.iisi.i, :.s. j Mr. J. it. Cobb, j i;' i; dier of ike Minor, at liioetnti, N. V , wiys "l-'or nt'aily tw i viarsl' i- Mi:i, r has '.nin pnbli-hiig lie ittlvenisci 'Oldrt ol Cl.aii.'nei lain s In nictiit's A finvtlal. n cr the wiiter was si. If, ling from a bo ivi I li'ienblo and l"S(,rle l to nil olil i iiied v hn h ,!. 1 1 ml pi ovei I'.i. aeious. lii-ally' ho tried CL. iu'o h..'t (,!;e. Cholelil and 1 li iri l-.i-1 11 r,,,,'y f..n! two tiosoii !.d the I u.-iut.-s. ela ekiae it i o;-.i; le!.-!y. 1 or sale l-y Pj nuin ci ill :ldi ll. i 'i! t lioi'o, N C. -.- Mr. P. Wiley. o )o-,l n itsti i'. P.1;. cl Cl:tk. '-1 , wo- .- i -: ... I is ..hinliii viib I !. on ; I ' . . o, 1 ab'e ! i ho i. bin an mi lit w ll h cants, t.i i ven !l it caused himpriut j i; u Ale r u -;;,' t'hiiioberliiin's i'iliuUi in I n was so unieli iioprovctl that I.i llilr.v :,vny his (-".in s. Ho PIUS P I-bi,i.',:-i l liita i,;o, i otiod than id oil. or nn h'-ii es io, d treatment j u1 logciin r. For sa,e al .10 ei-ills pi I b.iltlo 1 v liynuiu Her.den, Pitts 1 ore. N l'. As-rcst ili;:v.'isc l.y the timely use of Tutt's Liver Pills, an oM anJ f tvoiiio remedy of increasing jionuhntv. Always cures S3CK M HAD AC HE, sour stomach, malaria, iniliges tion, toqiiil liver, constipation ami nil bilious diseases. TUTT'S Liver PiLLS LUMBER! All kind, of Ii'Mi'.;.il f..r salo at th PiTTS'JOrfO fjHUTTLF. T.'L'. WMIiEH-BOAnDiHS. OiiLSNG AHU FLoOniSG, Pi.Nr- K;t.x l!;:ii-, o'l blorni, 111,!- .:.'., .ill ,M I r l'l .-1,1,1 t lioho. (it.'.i.l I 't i ii,;; i. in I 1'ii '.t'lng already l ':.i S-l ' ;.l ...,l , S P-JH ... - ll II r'vei. xtocj, jr. Sept. lo, 1S.U. T0 CHITES! Siuco it may be unlawful for yi n Chalham folks to "11111 at iarge"' in your own ct-nnty. we invite you io come acioss Ihe hue to SANl'Oli'D and buy your SPRING SUPPLIES and sell jour surplus produce. We can and will save you money. I'.ig (iF.NKUA 1j Sl'DCK and AV Fl'L CLC' l't l'lUlMlS. McIVERS. Mi.Nr'OUl). N. t'., A-ril 2S, lSO't mmm awb m&m w AND VK WILL SHOW YOU AS HANDSOME A STOCK OF GOODS AS YCU EVER SAW. oi:n vottos .'- n)oi m;i i.ovei. asd so ciilap: P.oiai'ifoi Ci'lii"es ,j ciios. niif Peieal.'s f ir S to 12A epufn,'. f.i'.d"i.ii :,i li. ,o of (b, ,.h Mini bom 5 cents up, Nice Ch iU'o.: foi H cents, a t Lnwij-t l, ltd (.. gulidieii us UMile und. v iy cln ap. Sale, ii-, I l'i"k ii'id i:d c'tlots, from ij eenla up, I'n pons -in, I c-:l:vr Crinkle goods, nieo Diniilees for 10 cents. Gur Wocilru Bre GocJs Have im M EpaFei n iiiis Ton. 'i ou.d ca h yvi ( spi , i,:i aiti ldnui to our HLACK (iOODrf. Cu poees fioiu Ctl t( l,i no. s'li-A d Sei '', nil wool. :17.) cenf8. A I I he n-iv stvlf v tiI i in l viaek i ml '.ihti nl. fi om 10 cents to 1.2 A fall Kin- of ! ik for Wnisle, I.i m .ill icnia to i.-l M tier aitl. Cur line of W 111 1 l'l (i(;i)l).S i.-; t.:ia Iioge and cheap, eoiiiinencing at 5 1 1 n' s i i ;. ui I. Ak to stf i, ni United Swi:-'-. l'J e.-nt.-i ! -10 cents. AI! styles of Laecs and TiinouM ps cheaper InnJi Von ver dreamed of. Ii-idus nice Sh'.rt Waisl in. low as .'.i eot-ta. Wo have an I'ciinoiia "r l'aia.,..'i for ki lyi-ody. from 25 eenls up. I'm.:. i.k low rt- J . ei i. A!i kinds , i J ,n.i- Noimns. Our MILLISEUT i ep:, li'i'-nl i- lu l on-i :l ov. J,-, !:,'s on can bo pli asetl. (live us a look. Our PAN'IS GOODS I lep u i on i.i has n,j been f '.irgoiieii. Cottonado as low as ,S i ts. 1 me t'a:-...iiii"ii s '.'. l;i , p tho iinest ninl cheapest SHOES in the county. A-k to see onr hai-.t'l-nenlo SIuk-s. Low Shoos, nil fctylos, from -IO coins In s-J n 1 per pair LnLi-n Vests, from i cents to the finest Silk, t it'iii Pi. il. i. ihii is, fiotu iln et nis. A laige assort uu-nt of men's and h,iv-' Sad -, : .r s'l: nn i.'a Pons as low as P) ecu's. A nico lot of l.oj'.i' Clothing. Come and t ci:i- un n's and b ys' Hals, they will talk for tinuinhes. We I.i i p c i; '.-1 u g i w ill i.ot be in ili-nuhl by any (am iu any marl-el for ll r. c-i-h. N trmlile to show good at W. L. LO M DC M & SON'S. PiMsboro, N C-. V, .-. ;. iv.''."). SPIUXG CLOTIilXG. Onr N w YU-vk i imi..- li:. i in ;; p. I li.i ce Our Now Assort tur-lit is S nun vol i f l.'i iinty. sl ile mid c llenv'.'. They aie ii,..hl op to date and of Hi I i-t 'f. la.'ikii and s!.!pi' i lie linibliai is lie hi;hcst (pnilily and the w o; hi.,! ii.-Jj ij is ;, i: -i; 1 1 1 d I hn la- t : selected i-xprtsid', for ton and each uiiii'U' loathed i.i : j lice u n can a .Void 'o pay. In no pit vi.-ojs ta ason Lave ue In on abie In eolleet an assortment ro wil adopled to lho woils ,nd icipiin incuts of our cus' oiiiers as we cau off r in onr stock. A t.rir t vnniii.t: ior. tunis ihe tideof Hado to our eouu-t It is aid I he savin;: into yin- pod.t t. InspiM-l our seasonable line, learn the piit'tv, ;,o'.i v. id in i he li.sappi.iiiUtl, ihe tpnsiion will arino in your miitil hniv can nch iin.- o.'uds tm soh) lor m htllit money. Take lime to thin!., thin t ii i si v or th-iiii.ts to our sloio v. litre tho value is deep auil von will make no mist !,;.. Anil 1 J, l'.'-"). CI.0TI 1 1 N(i FI N K AND MEDIUM! IKre we are full up v ii h CLOTIIIMG, GHOEG, 1 1 ATS, .1TT1 s IRITIS' XTllcriSI-ZIdMCr GOODS. You can buy lhio ,;,,,ids now in BUELDTGTON, 2T...C. al our I nu ham pii.s. which uo., ill :i.r !,v,vi..l o,ir lifi'mn. lifV fjfwtt Wfisv &rv? stta in Oifr .inc I Wiit-n in our ihiivin tiiy I 10k for Ihe liL Ci.nvaa si'i. ".UV, CLOl'HIKU AND rUHN'ISHEl?, con::i:n.-'::: i;i:rour of tmk cmnuition i r ni'- Commercin-I mul Tanners Bank, or k.v r .j i. . '. .',.-i k.m,;;!' to YnK , ; , 1 1; 'i ; s ;. ,: 1 : i,:r. hi. 11 on i.Miuai, lS'.U. lli st-l iii I', '. 1 J.l VP.lfd lTh; T o il!-; and 1 i i.uiw s, t Jbi, t'i 1 Otf rdiai't .-:, -IT-'i seio.llilON C -ipr.el.rMtmW.l -bS2 lli!iki!l;C MOUSO, I'uillitlill'. uiul (''isluit :!, IS. ?!):? Cui'i'.'i.l IlMiriiM s and raxes. I. Il l t Cm h 1 -ii.! from Hanks, 1 l:t. !J7.T"; Coh in Vaults, -11.-S7 h-ii oMVUjTt' j 471,411.72 We solicit your rolh el ions ami businefs. M'e pinuantee hatisfaction. We will be pita-i d to cinicppond Willi thtaio who coiiteuiplato luakiiijj chaili'ert 01 ot i.incf lit-vv uecotliils. J. J. THOM AS, I'resi.h nt, B. S. Jl'.llMAN, Cashier, HONOR YOUR OBD COOPER BROTHERS. ISiu, i ..H .rn In I. W. litirliami, Raleigh, N. C, I'nij iio'.ors of mm ms& wurks. Wo are prepared to furni.-h the best MARBLE AND GRANITE ill llllVKtvlv 01' slulUO Uiul lit lOWl'st JUH'l'S. Call or write for ilo.-djins uiul jiricos on any kind of niMiiscmisii C-i" Mention that you aw thin "ad." in the IIkii'Iii,, when writino us. Prompt uttfiition given to all onlerM. COUl'T.U liUOnillliS, Km. 1 11,11, N. C. March 7, 10.". I AN1SA Li 1 I N ..LKu'lKNt'i:. MJ 1,1 ia,. ,.r id- ot ii,.- curt 1 wai. nn o 1, :,..''.,?..,'i,r;i- "..".-. '." '".'?'.".,-"u. i 1.-. ,u.,ilti ,.rr-.r l,,r .Hii. i ll,,- 1.1 -l'. ' t.1,1 I ' ri'"! 't tut. .!t,'i "I 1,1- ,l,-.i h. n -ij ..1 iii On- ' i,.,i ..t .1.-,, i:..i,.!4. I n .!, 1, i- .1 ..-1, I rot. ..11 1 li wt. r i-l UiifUlt Til 1 r..-k ia C ; l-V u t. wn-ln,t .tl,' il; ill, 1 . in-.p. Is, , 1: in - 1 . -t '1 -ni ,1 ee 4. ,'luk, Al,lll H. IJrt. Vlii'ij,i.'lti'r. :?:tj '.i d.d Stock p,i;d iu M: t C: h, ." l'n.!ivid. d I'li fif.-i, ;i)lle lO Ihlllkrt, iJjlteposits Subject 10 il i t'heek, J10rt.000.00 ii,:i'23.(i:i 3-11,41)5.06 a a J aCKs6n- I piTTseoro. n. c. I'liufisie in Si at 0 ami Federal Courts, j ColhetioiiHof claims a specialty. THE FARMERS' MUTUAL I FiM ISSIliltl ASSOCIATIflK I OF ItOitTtl CAROLINA. liy On' i,",.ii. una i"i- oin eo-'i'io. I her i. iiiu-.i ,i-"i i'iiy filly. 1 N, 1 .-1.1,11 ii-.l '.niftn-.-i t.,ii."-t. N,'.-.-..i:-ei,i i,.t.:iri. u. !dssrrKr.tsr-- I 1 will in In tlio tMuitly 10 nrKinisn the flral ol j A lll, 1 A 1111,1 tl s in.' atiiifl iliiiu "HI nioel l ilu-cuuiysin. t'lfxel'U" a 0' n-sulHciM ol WKSl KY IXttU.E, M. D., Oi'iiuml Ab'tiul ntUiocitutily, I'Lt'AU.t.ST OAMl'KN, N. 0. Gunston Institute, 3t'js, St in. iu Cantl.rKlrio l'laco. n. w., WASIUNOTUN, D. C. A select I'O.iitlinijaiiil Day School f,u- Vu:mi; I ndits ami t iris, ! 1, ,.,t ; vvil nn.l Musi-, Drawing, raintinjr, and Modern Laiiiinaycs. , A ? "" U tho stud v t Minkspoare, to itcpivo A ctutrso of tliiitv Itrturcei on riven 1... m:... r . will Iu.m11 WcllU'Cr i-'lll. j .'.,, .'ataloirUO addl't'Sa .Mi-., am. Mas. Ik R. MASON, Oe!. 11, 1HJ- .Viiucipttlst

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