1 TUl'kstlAY, MAI 83, IMtt. I.OCAX BECOMES. . Sl'UEDlLK 1'ITTSBOKO" K. K. Hie lanseticer train on Hie riiulmru' rnllm.nl li vni rtitationi' dully, eiceul Kutulu) h, at .SS n Hi.Hiid 3.30 p.m., aud arrive at llttrhrrn atll.lS ni.audS.i5p in., making i1i6Mi.nrvtl'U at Jlmi'iire with the train that leaves Kak-lli at 3 W )i in. A lot of corn lor ealo on time by J. L. Council. Dr. Ilaughtou Ihrio's office is on 2nd floor in "KamneY Hotel". Hours iinney 30 a. m. to 5 p. m., daily. It roally sooms ns if tho ' cool pell in May1' would never end, and that wo will have no summer this year. Tho dosing exercises ol the Pittsboro Academy will ho held next Tuesday night, and will no doubt lm much onjoyed. Vo are indebted to our esteemed friond Capt. O. F. Silor, tho popular yrinc.ipalo! Holly Hprtngs eauomy, Jor an invitation to utlond the clos ing exorcises of his excellent bcIioo', to bo hol'i on the SOth inst. V. II. Edwards, dentist, will visit llynum on Monday and Tues day, and Piltshoro' on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, following the third Sunday ol each month, pre pared to do all kind of dental work Oflice next door to Bynum& Ileaden Thoc7 F. &"y. V. 11 It. will give reduced vates to Siler Ciy on account ol tho Commencement oxer cisom of Thompson School on tho 201 li, J7lh and '-'StU inst. These pecinl rates can bo had Irom 2"U to 28th inclus:vo, gootl 10 reuirii tm tho 29th. Head tho new "ml." d tho Far mers' Mutual Fire Insnranco Asso ciation, which is mooting with much iiccoss. For the month ending May l.Stb 800,830 worth ol insurance was written in Chatham, and in addition 51G,7."0 applied lor. Mr. II. L. Cob!" is actively canvassing tho county, !)id you have a good timo at Kaleigh ? Wo did, but wo did not hoo any prettier or cheaper goods than they are selling at W. L. ln don & Son's. Their hats will com pare in styles t ) any we saw, ami their prices are much lower. Ask lo roo their 0 cents Corsets if you want a beauty. They now have on hand a beau liful lot Muslins, Organdies, Lawns, Domosticsaudolher thin goods at W. It. London & Son's. Come and see thir Stock if you want somethiiiL' tool and nice. They have tho hand aoriiwt lino of Whito goods they have ever had. Splendid line ol Mitts: white tan and black. If you want your eyes correctly and properly fitted call on S. Uuppcr ai tho Johnson House, Siler City. JIo will bo there on the 27th id May nnd nittil the lirst ol June. 1 ho greatest care in examining eyes and adjusting glasses lor children. No cliargo is made tor the regular opti cal examination of your eyes ami vision. A Runaway Acviuknt. On lasi Sunday Mr. James l.indley.of Had Joy township, and his little grand won wove returning Irom Burlington in a wagon. As bo started down lUe hill lo Little Cane creek his team ran away with him ami tho wagon -UiMirao struck some timber ol the Itridgo across the creek and threw Mr. Lindley and Iho boy down tho abutment of the bridge on some rocks and bruised them badly. Mr. Lindley is probably fatally hurt. Ha was carried to tho homo of Mrs. Mann tho widow of Mr. J. O. Mann who wa-j killed by a falling tree last August, where ho is now under the treatment of Dr. E D. Mann. Chatham at Kalkihii. While all of Chatham was not at Ilaloigh, on last Monday, yd (hero was a very i-.ousidorablo portion ol ii, and it really seemed as if all tho State was there. No such crowd hail cverj before gone there from this place. An extra train left bore at S o'clock in the morning with over 20(1 per trjns aboard and a great many more got oi iii Moiicure and Merry Oaks. And.'lully as many uioio went through tho country in their wagons and ()ther vehicles. Thb ex Conloderato soldiers o Chatham turned out in goodly num bers. The Le.onidas J. Merrill Camp No. 3S7 ol roiled Confederate Vet erans, with Col. John 11. Lane as Coinmauiler ami it. A. i,oiKion as ; Adjutant, formed in lineal tho depot in Ualoigh on the arrival (if the train and marched in a body in the grand parade. The following is a list of the veterans then present : W. L. J union, A. P. Uilbort, (J. P. Alston, james E. Burke, Isaac II. Struughau, A. C. Cockman, II. M. Burns, A. II. Perry, M. (i. Elmore, (iroen Brewer, O. S. Johnson, E.bert Biggsbeo, Jesse Itichardson, W. W. Edwards, John K. Fousheo, B. li. Lambeth, W. C. Burke, J. li Farroll, 11. Henderson, J. L Hay, M. II. Clark, Eevi lingers, V II. Ilarnor. 11. F. Holder. J. E. Eubanks, Ambrose Eubanks, tioorgo . Brooks, J. l. l.irseii, John it. Bright, A. 11. Moan, John .Moore, j Wiikeio.i was st i uek by lightning in ache EU eti ic P.ittt i s has piow d to be J. it. liunter, Wesley Hunter, 0. M. j ,;s 8,j, ti,,or today, and was killed. ' tho vn v bent. Il effects ,i permanent Holt, B. (i. Womhle, J. 1. onilile, ii0 wtts -itanding by a telegraph in- euro aiid the mot dreaded bi.biiual John Barringer, W. J.Woinhle, l ied stniuieiit. wliieh was disconnected sick hcadaelu s yh ld (.. iia inJlaenci Smith, W. D. Harrington, TlioniasJ. fn,M1 ,olv wire, bnt a !on-e wire was We ur-o nil who are a 111 cte.l to pro- Harrington, W. D Bright, W. Ii, UJ rontai t wit!i his body. The other euro a boltle. and givo this remedy a l'atlishall, II. C Clogg, James !' ' end of Iho w ir.-w is f.ist'ened to a pine fair trial, lucasesofhabitu.il eiui Thomas, Thomas Y. Minis. Calvin (l0 iMlt ni; ft.,.( w,,v. When , slipaliou Electric Putters cuies b Holder, Ilendtrsou Holt Ii. li. liar iWilkeison's bodv was uiubes.ed, a giving iho ueeded tone lo tho bowels, grove, Lilcien atcs, I, I-. lia-land, pcl.fCl. pietur.. of the pinn tree, from and lew cases long lesist the use ol C.N. Uobe!-Tth: 11. ,. Johnson. C.'H,elop to the p ..nt at which t he w ii e thi. medicine. lryil once. r;, 11. Patt.shM! nribert bolliiifl . ; ,v., ,.,!, w.,., fa,uil p!,t...,Holud on bottloulv Fti'tv rents. -.1 i U P.lk IMUT, U.i.Uarl,,. f. ......' v-f i, jut the rm. .nutous DiokS.ote. L. C. William", II. Soars, Berry An-1 p iY'i J'-r . V: J-'V'01 Washington, May LY Private 'r! i "rl1'' , , t-'ol"1C1'- I Socretary Thurber wnn busy with it hacliofthoUttitham votcranBW8;very .,rtro n)14j .,. Tho WoiM presented by Capt. . L. London ; ,.om.sl,ll.lU (..,e(j on him today win a no il iwio 01 icu. ami ribbons, the U.tliJernto colors. I' - fore tho parailu bo-nn a sqaad ot Iho I hall u nites called on btonownl I Jackson s widow, who received am greeted mem mosi giatiousij , unu it whs qujto (Ti'fl i n if lo wit ncss thirl mooting between tlioso old battle scarred soldiers Mid the widow of their groat e.hicllain. All returned hero that night at 0 o'clock quite fatigued with tho day'H exercisus, hut without any accident i"' anybody being hurt in tho crush "' crowd. Tho only mishaps weio live of our coiintymon having Iheir pockets picked on the train. Weekly Weather Crop Hill let In. Ct iitrttl Ortitv. l,'ilci,jli, JV. ('. The renorts of coi respondents of thn Weekly Weather Oi op Bulletin, issued by the North Carolina State Weather Service, for tho weekending Moudsy, May '2dtb, iunVcuto that Iho first live days of tho wek were ex eoedingly unfavorable for the growth of crops. Such low temperatures rarely occur in thn middle of May. Front occurred in nearly every sec lion of the Slate ou Vouno?d.iy morn ing; varying in severity from killing in tho extreme west, here snow and ice is niso reported by two or throe correspondents, to very light in the south-eastern couuliea. The damage by frost alone is generally thought to bo not groat, but. the continued cold weather, together wi:b frost on one or two mornings was very bard od young cotton, corn ami beans. Tho damage eauuot be e.oi reetly estimated yet. Tho cold weal her brought out an army of cut wot ms and bugs in all eclinii.j of the State, and corn uiul obaceo fields are being attacked, with . orioiio t'cHiilts in iniwy eases. Many corif sp. indents ii p ut S'i;iii damage by lm:l during the week lhe rain fall for the week wan apparently nut excessive any where, except puihaps ill suuio of tho coast co'iulios, whel'e heavy rauia oeouried on Friday night. Thorn were several days of favorable weather for farm work, and cotton planting h generally nearly comp!et od. A great, deal of ooru and col ton is being planted over, however, and it will I alio soiiio timo to lini-.li this. Fruit is fal ing off badly, but the prospect isslillgood for average crop. Wheal mid oats reported good nem iy everywhere. The week closul with ujuderatoly wsrin, fair weather. KY.rthqtinke In Italy. ri.o;:r.NcK, May 20. Tremendous .:i t i.j;i.il:es shook the grey 1 1 a- put ot Tuscany last nigi.l, causing orcui damage and loss of :ito. The tdiocks were especially severe in Florence and vieinny, being the most vioh nl since the. hUtorii! earth ipiake of I i lo. l'i!lv :,i)il buildings were partially wrecked, and the great. cntlul:u', an niipos.ng example or ai chi'cc! are. and t he most reiuai icaoh building of iu kind m Europe, was il.llirige.l. The p.e..ji'o wr-ro thrown into n panic by tho i :i! llnjilakea l'eophi who wen1 in their hoii.-e ttheuii.o li:s! iLtic.!: caiiio ran. terror stricken, into i he stii'.is. a:ul ll'i ir wil-l cries cotil I be Ik ui .1 every wl.ei e. Him-ji s mvni ed like i hips and ro-fs fell i'n, injuring ininy persons who had not M;i.;ht safety i.i lligh'. Tiio wildest scenes were at the iho a res, where pei fonn ii.es weiego i g on. Amid bhouts of "cartlupntke, tho crowds made wild rushes lor the exits, mad tviih terror. Severe Storm In Surry. Wivsiox, N. C, M.y 17. V do strueiive wind, luiii, and leul storm reeeelly pissed over the Westti.'ld soclion of Surry county. The storm did much d image, and assumed tho propoi lions of a cyclone, demolishing timber, wrecking orchards, and level ling fences. Thirty thn o apple tree i iveio blown down in one orchaid. The bail was phenomenal and w-i sewT.il iii.-l'es (teop. Three cows and several she.-p wero killed by light lliti;-. Mr. JoiiuJiiyee liada t-dmcco lui ii d'ls'ioyed. Mr. li. urv l(am m was plowing when iiie stoun runio ii'. , !l.ih of lighmiiur slnn:'ic-d him j somewhat, ind caused his mule to run away, tie nr..t the lines wiappe t ai our.. 1 his hand, and he was diagged some dislanct', Mistainiug serious in juries. Tloi wheat- crop in (no jia'h of tho slonn was ruiiii'd, and vege tables were beat in the ground To '.uieeo pi i:its wire also Ondly ilamag cd. i - 'i' i ...i -- . ii'iiiecii i on ii iiiii iicn. l. i:Na. t., M iv 2i -A winn.iu was ei gti;;oil in Li atieg her curling iron over a lo rosr-i.c lamp m tho hoinu j of a French f nnily tn at Fonda's Inn:- j her yaid yesterday when the lamp , exploded and scattered the l! nn.-s over Ihociiiia !. which initio d alei y ; caught fire. Tims was started I'ue most disastrous lire that ever visited n Vermont town and which before it had b en ext inguished had burned 7.") acres, sweeping the heart of the btisi ness portion, destroying propel ty valued at ToO.OiK), and wiping out 40 business plaet s and KM tenements, all in three hours' time. Fivo hundred -homeless people are sheltered in tho churches and M-hools of tho city. Photographed by Ligiil uiiig. Pknsm- ii.a. Fia , May 1 1 folia T. I Too Many Namesake. ; Hn, iviniirkcd that ho was probably ,l(J() Sy to ho interviewed. ! .. ,,.. rX(..lirm.(l Mr. . T , , lt,.r, "I just waul lo homier vi(iWl.,i. want to hlop this m.n- . 6 ,lu. ......m., w-lio i.ru blessed Willi twins, triplets anil unttruplcls writing to the President that they j havo named their youngsters after his family mid nslcing lor money. I havo had lorty two letters of that kind today. 1 have denied over and ovor again that story that S."00 was eent to tho lather ol triplets in In diana, but the story seems to be still believed, and wo tiro being deluged with bogging loiters from all over tho country. No attention will bo paid to thorn." Ami Mr. Thurber began vigorously to tear up two score or more epistles announcing that the population ol cirlain Stales was increasing by leaps and bounds. "Ti.i.t ;")()!( story," continued tho Private Secretary, "has led one man lo announce that he is tho father ol quad ru plots. There are any (puui" lily ol twii.a and triplets mentioned in these forty two letters, but only one case of loura. The lather has selected three names from tho Presi dent's family, but is a little at a io.-s to got the fourth, as the ejuadrtipleUi are girls." Alter sonu persuasion Mr. Thur ber read aloud the letter from the man lo whom fours were dealt. It ran tis follows : "To Ili.s Excellency, I i rover Clove land. "Dear Sir: I see by tho papers that you just gave 85'KI to triplets. We just had tour of a kind. They was all queens. Wo havo named three ol them Francos, Kulh and Esther. What shall we nanio tho other? We thought o! naming her Ijroveretla, if this is satisfactory to you. Wo are in poor circumstances lo havo so many children nt once. Do you not think you could remein-. her us, as you did tho triplets, as wo have gone then one belter? Yours with obedience, i No amount of urging would in duce Mr. Thurber lo disclose the iianie ot iho writer of this letter, nor would he comment on the nppropri atones;' of tho namo suggested lor tho fourth "ijiieeu". One ol the other letters contained this sentence : ''Can yon help us to keep our liitlo (Jr-jver from the grave?'' Little (i rover's lather said he had been a Democrat all his life ml could gel a nice little homo for ."nil). 'What Fools tte Mortals He." remi the SmtiwvUlo Lniuliii.uk. Friday afternoon a modicino voudor struck the town Ho advei tiso 1 him- If by driving about tbo atreots ar rayed in a priest likfi garb and making proclamation at. conspicuous points. 1 ha! evening he opened up rushc n the vacant, lot adjoining Iho court house, but befoic he b.id gotten wo!! under way tho boys cpened up on him with a rIkv.yi r of pgs. None ol i ho eggs dropped on the medicine man but Foveral bystanders were hit. L'Lo vender t.iok the orbing in a tuat ier of oour.'O and went away. J!ut he was biding Lis tinio. Saturday utloinoon ho drove up olivet in n l-.iggy and t -ok a p isiticu near tiie square. His uuu.-u.il garb attiacted aitention and he soon had a crowd. After speaking for some timo about his wondelful euro fill he eatuo down lo liUoinesa. l'.o began hy selling a pickago nf med cine for a small amount, say 25 cents. Thoi ho would givo tho puitlmser lii-t money back and 10 coins additional making him a present of the medi cine and tin owing in it: K) rents. This was the bait si.d the lisb lui readily. Then medicine sold higher, tho jiurchaso money wna tetiiinod and a larger present tf ea.!i thrown in. Finally, when tho excitement had about leached the rliinax, medi cine so'.d for if per package. lJ'iy e.is were eager, 't hey expected to get tin) medicine, tho fl back and about oil cents thrown in. When the fakir had taken in all the dollars hr could get he pass". I out the medicine, po kited tho dolhiva and ipir.kU drove away. Several of his victims cii.L'uvori il to stop his lui.'gv ami einbiaei! him s. nnieh in love with iiiiu were they but he eluded t'n grasp. They got what they des(.ve ) and they deserve no sympathy. A NpcHtHou iJi'lortu" Piipef, '.i., , i.., ,.,.t;,. i.-, ...-: t :,. recent issue, speaking of counterfeit mouoy: "If they uso silver and put tan proper amount in a dollar, lot it circulate. If we were to find a man coining silver wo w toil. 1 not tell it on him " Several of our 'Miitinipoi alios h ive eXiilvssed siiriuise at this bold endorsement of a thing m. imped bv th.i la.vs nt tiod and man as a crime. Wo are sui prised at their surprise, ll Iho Pro" I essive Farmer should ad I vise men who waut money to crack safes und get il, or to go ou I ho high way and hold up men who havo it, -uch advice would biing with it no i astonishment to us und should not to auy other regular reader of thai paper. I i , ... .i... i ...... i 1 1... .i i m I11U IH-Pt HJI-IH, illll lll'til Ult'l had ill North Ciroliua. Cure lor Heiulaeh As a reiue ly for all forms f Head The DeUiirator for June, 1 is railed tbo Oulii.g Number. Sup. p'omenting tbo large display of Sum- mer Fashions is a finely illustrated article on Garments foi Sporting and ; Outing Wear, in which Ladies, Misses I and (Jills will find I heir demands for Athletic Outfits fully patislied. There, . is an article by Mrs. linger A. Pr.yor !onlbeCjuvonieue(ajI'orundKtiquette 1 of Tr ivelliiirr hv Sea and Lund. ni.il i an inteiestniif eNposiliou iy .wrs. K. i II. Uohnca of what Itoso and Violet Culture offers as an Employment, for Women. Around the Tea Table is also seasonable in its subjects, and the article on Cookery deals largely with Summer Foods ami Dishes. A woil-wrilten paper on the Ohio State University brings the present series of Coeducational Colleges in the United States to a close, ami the end is announced also of tho chapters on Vcuptian Iron Work. Mrs. Kirbv's popular treatise on the Kindergarten continues, and tho subject of liuixt Work becomes more interesting to tho student. A delightful "Conv pa'ion" between Edith Thomas and Dr. Elliott ou tbo theme of Woman as Artist, is wound up by n bit of dainty verso m .Miss lhomas best vein. Serving and Waiting nt Table n tally treated in tbo seres ou lhr Home, thn niticlo on Preservation and ltcnovatiou ileitis with cleaning Lamp Shades and Oil Paintings, and there is an instructive pujir-r on The Newest Books. The Experience of i Training School Life are continued. and a novel otdcrtaiuinent is given as A Studio Party. J here are also spci i'd contributions on Knitting, Netling, Tatting, Lice Making, etc, etc. The Smallpox at Staunton. Washington, May 20 --Tho epi demic of t mall pox nt Staunton, Va., appears to j of a virulent character. The local authorities weioin doubt nr. to whether tho disease was small pox or not and at their request (as stated in these dispatches) the marine hospital service detailed Dr. M. J liosei'fiu to make a thorough investi gation of the situation. He has re ported the existence of 52 ca;i:s in tho city and seven in the c aunty. Hard Lines. Every editor of a newspaper thinks ho has a hard timo of it, but the fol lowing clipped from a Tennessee pa per downs them all : "Wo are mad! Darn tho people! How can they ex peet us, out here twelve miles from i railroad, twenty fivo miles from a river, millions of miles from heaven. about two miles from tho dovil and about two hundred yards from i: whisky shop, to get out a lively news paper !" History of the Last Legislature. j:ry osk, oxi.y ten cents. A neat, attractive pamphlet 100 pages, with ornament a! cover, devoted U Iho record of Iho Inst Legislature, the worst Legislature, save that of 1 K;8, ever assembled in the Slate This book gives its record plainly and uu!ufi;!ly. It gives facts and nauus anil is thoroughly reliab'e it. has been prepared by some of tho besl i). mooratie writers in I he Stale. Every patiiot, every eitieu nr.d every Democrat i'nould have a copy Price 10 ceut i per copy. po.t j.aid. Lower prices by iho bundled. If nol ou saio at bookstore or drugstore, ad dress, K. ;M. UZ.ELL. Printer and Binder, Kaleigh, N C. Sanl'oiil Express: Tl.o Car I a; e Free Press suspended public-it ioi last week. This was due, wo suppose, to a lack of support. Theieaie more papers in Moore county th in thepeo p!o can well support. None of theni get tho Mipporl tbey dosi i ve. If ve had fewer paptis, the people would ustaiu them bolter. Tin ru arc conn ties in North Carolina, the equal i f Mooie in eveiy respect, that have but one local paper, but it is well sup ported. Lrxington Dispatch: Daring the severe rton Morin last Fiiday ovenii g the residence of ll"V. Thomas I'ai rick, in the southern section of th" town, wvs struck bv lightning, tearing sev eral Inick from the chimney, and pass ing down through I ht; same it divided, a s the chin. iioy was a double one, a il .en! hit o :i different rooms, t'nrii.j. pi h. ei in;' from iho walls mid brink jug sovenil household articles. It nine lore soul" weal hei boarding paitiy off No one was hurt and i d very teiiou.-. damage was done. A Kciii.u k.ihlo Cine of Ithciunu- j tism. rn.m llin On.;.. n iVani'iUcut licvlow. David Lewis, w ho has la en al'dicted all winter by rheuinali.-lii, is out again and all due to one of tno niedii inet. advittised in our eo!umiis. Afu: trying i verylhing ie -sihie, he list d t'hani'iei hou's 1 am r.,!m. which has it Hi ved him oi ail pii.n, from which ho was a constant siil'ieier and prom ises to m ike him ill for duly t oo' . We know Divid has been u gte. t sul't'eror and are glxd to see him at otnid again. For sale by By nuin A: Ho nh-i , I'itlsboro. N C. Carthago Bl ul : We learn that' Messrs F. D. Koch, of Cotish ihnckcu. I'a, and .) F. ll.ahfing, of Phihv, havo purchased a I'row nstone quai I y and wai or jiower on McLcndon'.s creek from D. A. McDonald, and have ipplit d to tho I'letk of tho Supeiioi Court for a charter to operate and work ou snid property. They expect to be;;ill opcral ions v, it bin the in xt ninety d ivs. Tim;,. .Monioiui ry eoni.l v, is to have. railio.id t'l.c ciiiioi-ol Trey l.iM iisl'.p ll le .-llh.-CI ihed s 5(l(il) i'..i i i.o vi iim in ui tno Page load iiou; Abel dei-n lo T:oy. Jnba MeCiilh n. a young wl.i! inun f V ivi.e county, while plowing ii i-ciiii held U-t Fiiday. waiixhnt i ,.i. ,oie-;i l.yau m.kirjW'.l Ras-iSsi'.. mm. I !..; i.;;,v iiiju. td The nrmnql reunion of the Confer. eral veterans is beiu"; he'd this niv. lit Houston, Texas, ami is largely at ' tended. Near Gainesville, Flu , Mian Mil Mori iaon. njjcd IN, is dun- of hydro phobia. Hue was billon by a poodie three months ago. Tim next annual mo-tin- of the v.,,,1, mrnlii.-i Prcis Association i ...;n i. I., i i ... i t I.,. t i7tj aUi- j;.jU 0f ,j,,y. Agreeably Surprised. 'I had a very severe cold on my lungs that caused innoh soreness and gave mo cons ideinlile utiensiuess in regard to the result,'" says Mr. T. E. Smith, of ihlleiica. Mass. A local druggist eailed my attention to Chain biTlain's Cough Ivninedy, and on his recommendation I gave tho remidy acaietul trial. The rrnult surpiised me: 1 recovered cut ii civ in three days." 2."iand fit) cent bot lies fov sale by Hy nuin , Headen, Pittsboro, N. C. HiicUIeii's A rn iea Salve. Tin: Ulst Sai.vk in (hi world for Cuts, HruisoH, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Hhtuii, Fever Sorea, Totter, Chapped Hauds, Chilblains, Corns, end all kin Eruptions, nnd positively cures Files, or no pay required. It is guar ante.ed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Flic-; 2 j cuts per boc. For tale bv G. 11. Pilkinhion. r T N.illct'S ui ili ailm iiii.l la in l.ip-H Insrried on. 0!iiiti.-..n..d c:.iiri;).l m.'Vmii isa.-.b ti llii. HATCH. Ni.ir I'iiislii.r.i, N. C, i.n 1I...I1VI1 Insi. ASMK, l.-iiiuliti'i' ul Cluii ii...-, c. ami Cum llaum. In iLe 1.1111I1 yi-.-ir ui hia- fiji. "Oi sui li Is tin. Kiim.lum ul ll.-iv,ai." New Advertisements. 10,000. This 11 iinber i('pres;.uts soinelhing like tho number of factories, mills, gins and mines iu which, wn have inn chinery in opera: ion. It, ia a cooper vative ostiinate, for our records show something over nOllO cotton presses. 10K0 saw mills, loot) engines and boil ers sold. That would make 7000. 1. it too much to say that with all the pulleys, shading, hangers, couplings, gearings, mill spindles.;, etc.. etc, the ligure would uoticach 10.000 ' Write ua lor cat ilogun aud ju ices. Liiiiu i i. Co-iii'asv. Charlotte, N. C. THE FARMERS TI ilu IltiiUilUHUli ndiiUljlUlIUll 11 1 1 1 1 1 OF NORTH CAROLINA. This is a home Insurance for tin protect ioti of farm property i.only) against loss b.- Iiie, wind, or light uiog. A Charier was obtained through tho last Legislature ly which each County c-iu bo orgauiiod into a dis tinct I'rnich, nnd such Branch is only liable lor lossc3 sustained within Sil :b ijl-iuch. L)s03 are paid by a pro rata assessment of all tho members of any, i0'ieh. A policy phi bo secure .1 for ')! co. its on 8100 worth of propel I v in surid and is good for a period ol thirty years without additional cost. xeept for ucli'a! losses 111 your own County. This) ilnn of insiuance has bttn epeiated for twenty ycais in tin Wosiein Siatis at u cost ol'i.ulvtfl 5,' to t?l DO ou ti e 1 000 insuia ice. Local Age: ts no w.;uted in tin County of Chatham. For turther int'onnutioii. iidlics', Dn. W. COBLE. Fl.KtsANT (JAlll.KX. N. C, or PirTsii .1:0, N. C. in I Poor means so much moro than , you imagine serious and ' , fatal diseases result from, tniling ailments noplectcd. Don't play with Isfaturc's greatest gift health. iBroMsi If you arc fooling out ol sorts, ami cmtTal ts, we.ik J rally cv haitstetl. tu t votis have no appetite nnd can't work, Iron neum at onrtM.ik ini? the most rcli.i ! !c BtTeti;,tlu'iiitii; medicitic.whifli is Hrowti'H Iron Bit- Bitters ties cure heneht ery first iinie-i teeth t a n A it's pleasant to take. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Rad Blood Malaria, Nervous nilmentj Women's complaints. nnlv Iho ut nuine il !.:. -rnnQi.il TH line-soil Ihr wntppcr. Aliollicrs aicsuh- On lectiot of two ac. stamps we hi send m-t ot ion tauiilul world 3 Fair View and book lice. HUSCIUDO MOUSSES. We gu-iiiintee now on tho way :;iel duo to anivt iu a feu d ly s : onie ei x choice new eroo ?1 iiseav.nlo Mola;-i ill ho;;s!ieaih-, tierces and land;. Wlile for sample r.nd puce. C. G. CCVtHSTON & CO., WILMINO I ON, N C. Ai til H. v"" It. II. HAVES. Gilbert & Hayes Hnvo f..i mml n cnjiartnoiHlilp fr I'ltACTItlKliillio flduiai. contra oM.y. biicci.ti Bttonti.n tn 1 nr.-i iinl Itnvruur I'dbi'il. May lit. IS'.H. All liltiilsof LCMUElt for sale nf, the PITTS BOHO SHUTTLE MILL WEATHER-BOARDING, CULING AND FLOORING, Pi.tNKn and Kn.s-lniKi, oa Rot'on Liils sawed to order nt short, notice (looil Ceiling and Flooring already Pnnssni nt only !?1 20 per 100 feet. IE?-. NOOE, Jr. Sept. 1:5. lS'.ll'. Gunston Institute, II.ms, n in, :u.l-2 CHiiil iiili!" l'lniv, u. w., , WASHINGTON, 1). C. A solce! Jloirdingnml layNc!mol i"iir Vii'ing; I ndii s and I iris. fr'pi'e'.il ad aid; g -s in Yootl nrd Fist ltd ?.! ist-, P rawing, :i:d Mo-icrn I.!!gii:,cs. rse of tlii.ty hctures mi P.-i.l!'!iir. ".la A course t'lestu ly of 1 by Mis .Mat ikspeaiv, t In-given a iiv, will bo: Oclol.cr 1 .".lli. For catalop-ue nddress Mil. ami V.v.s. V.. 11 ."r.vsox, (V 11. 1S:1. Principal? ii mrnrnm Since it may ho unlawful for you i.'liiitliaui l'o'lib lo "run nt large'' in nui own county, wo invite yon to conio across the line lo S.VNl'OIiD a ul bnv vonr SPRING SUPPLIES and sell your surplus produce. We ci:i and will savo you money. P.ig C.r.XKIiAL STOCK and AW KL'L CLOSK PlilCKS. MoIVERS. SAM'0i:i, N. ('., April 23, 1SD5. COOPER BROTHERS, (S.1...WS..1H lo I. w. Durham), Vrojifiotors oT wm um mm. Wo picpnred to furnish the best MARBLE AHD GRANITE ii any si lo or .liatie ami at )vot prices. (.'itil or v.-ri'o lor designs nnd j t ii'i's on any kind of HiffieisiiiDiiBnois. E;" Menlioii that you saw Ihii ad." in the Rr: 'i;r., when writing Pi'uiip.il alUMilioii "ivon to coopku unoTiiEiis. J i.I.l-.ini!, N. C. ,-h 7, l'.h-). Mar C. F. & Y. I RAILWAY. JOi'.N C!LL. I!k. t'oudonsed Schedule. In etV.-ct May Ptb. LS'.r. A. V. (IILI'.LUT. Tr .in i.. .tr. n ..lit 1 1 . ui,. ii. . N... 2. NO. 1. li.U'a:i.is.T. Villi a; l'.i.n'n?i'i i rio,-. -.1 K. I'l. W !lllilli." .l. An ivi-. :."n . n IJI'i Ml iNtv. !!. l,n, I.IIM'. :l i j ... - .i i, is .i Mi; -.' : :i.i v " I'.v I.-, i in -,il.. r ., ' in II ' " b jr. ;i. Ai.-y. 7. ii ti. in N -r'n -....it.. S...IIW iti. I i. si A I'l i i. N .. ;i. s i: .i in, I i.. n: ill. mtIvh 7 J 1 1.. in. '.I-...I M. i.e. .11 l.i-HV.. IHJ ... :.; ' , ll.-.l .r ni- 1 1 HI : ' Mi'l.- " 4 '.7 ' i.i j . n .o l :.y..i..- i,. ' 4.: .."mi - ! ! n..ieh ii..iiii.. 1 v.. 1.. STA l iO.X.l. IN.. 1". mimii. .niM-.n. ."..' . .-I . II". I..'.i-.. irtnl' III- itiv .". ISi . ni 7 :: " I llllMX I l av t .'.I H ii Al l lV III . ..n-.li..!.. ; ll ' Vl.i l.'Hi. Ill, I'l I. !. AlllVK 'ill " to .".il " .m.'Im -.lulr l.i nvn 1 :(' ' 11 .) ' Alio ; iia..i-li . IV I llallj- i'. . Ml-.l:iy. . sol; I'll t. i xn coNNn rioNs. t itli-l I .- .1 ll.- l ,11 K,l-elli-vll...lilll .mi. urn,- i-...-1-.i l. mo i,r nil I'.'iiiit, i. '1.-..IH v... -.: i-.-ii:.-is at iNinf .ni I'onr I Air l.lno, Norih iiii'1 So tell i;h ll.. I on .-ii'-l."!--. w ell Hi.. li.-lillii-!iil & ; ; . N-nh mi I ti i-.iiii.l. in.. I ,n : -,;!i in- N"i-iolk A Wi-iiitii II. li. r.,r j n. 'I t -I : ! V ... ll. 1 11, . :ii M.i.Iim ll ib '. i ii i i:. ioi i.'i.ui..k,-iiii.i ! til .in I Wo..:. .11 ! I M'l'l'll ,111 Mi C iNNI TIONS. 'li.lln ,. 1 .-..lilio.-!:. il SV.ilhill -..vo Willi 111, i ., t ., . s . . .,; i, i, ii i .r i. ..in k.-.n, i.ei , . , i, ,., I v.. . . .ii I .i' l.r. ii-...... Willi On 1,1. It . i- 1 1 -. i-. ..in.- i. li :-..ioi ji.i.1 n 'mi i...a, i, i I It' .ll S.11,1. I il- s, ,,l I AIT I. Ill,' 1,1 I !l ,i,i.Vi .im.I All. .i.i i i. ". I i.il I' liiH' N'H'ili i:nl j . .ii.i, hi.. t -il I .,,,-,: Mtt- ltt:i,-it,,fi Willi Uit AI I ; ...i,n,-1 -,,i.-i I.n ., , i- i li ii !i..i,iii, 1 i, k:,ivll,,, inn; I' III 1 l'4 I'l t Hill:.. 'I l.tlll J ,'tini'i Ih jl iiHK ,li wi.a ill" -i'.hk .r I :r I. no li.c I'liiirl.'llw, A I xtttu ..H I nil i-olitl- ,,'.l!l. I w. i.. h". I K Oi tri l ime Agout, ' ' . I !iV: ... n'! t.. i.t. r. 1878. every dfizM OF- CHiTHM sxiBscriiji The only pajicr published in thH great county; Every persoii ht to kceii mio inibi'incd about his county's afi fairs by reading his county pa per. The RECORD always done its best to pro mote the pros perity ol all the people, aud tot advance espec ially the inter ests of Chat ham. The RECORD was established 1878 l.v itsp refe ent proprietor and ils success fill career has been phcnoim nal hi North CaroHaa nalisnK jourJ In as hi the fiiiuikii il I it RECORD will coininiie to publish the hit4 est news and be a family neWs- paper of which its readers shall not be asliasnedi stop mmm IP ITI fill II! OHLYTHlUECSflTSAYiEEKi Su2scf.i" ki Once ,

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