' Every new pair of shoes risually d relopa a new pair of corns. On th. Spot. "0:it damned aiiot." was what troubled Mrs. Maitxith; but It wan aouiathiug iotnn gihln that hb: saw. In th active Keivnon of spring and summer sport bro are npots that are not vlatonary. but whlna briua; with tbnm pain and great di'nnifort. Hniltwn, blank and lilu, are the aeonmpanimnnia of every aftlvs sport. They often orlpide and are alwny a are trouble, (,'ame from what gourde they may, the thing- to do on the aot is to use Ht. Jaeutie Oil frwly and promptly. Thar la nothing surer and It wipett nut the )mub as we would wipe on a mat, iu nice manner gudilen attae.ks of rhomnuUwn, to which people lire llablo at thin wta, can be promptly enrxd by applying Ht. Jacob Oil to the pain spot. K thl en Ire ojuatrv woio n populous as Runite Iiland itt inlinbl ants w uld uiulin 815,70 i,aoO. Hen in In i oar Vent l'orkel ! A box of Milium 'fannies run be stowed away In )uir vest pocket. It wt you only M rent, nuJ limy tiive you as many dullura' worth of timenud doctor bills The war of I ho last soven'y year have eoht Iiiissin tl,lj,' UJ.0U0 and tlio livo) ol 6C4.0UJ men. J r. Kilmer' 4 S w a m r-Itoo r cur all Kidney and lslndder trouble 1'amphlot and Consultation fro Laboratory liincliamtoa, N. X. Juilnnd was originally Ju'olnuJ, or the I a I of the Jules, ii tloililn tribe. F. J. Clieney Co., Toledo, O., Prop of Hall's C'atnrrh I'ure, utter finu reward for any riwe of catarrh that cannot tin cm-mi by taking Hall's 'alnrr:i Cure. Send for testimonials, free. Sold by DrujHtlsts, 7'k. Mrondclo b, cc:illed, from Kg width, w.w flr.'t made In K'Klimd. tfra, WlnsWt Soothing Sjrriip for rMMrea (thing, softens the kuuis, reduces Intlarama. lion, allays palii. uru.i wind colic, Hoc. a bottle Knirl.-ind an I V:i!'M li:it simieth in; like 10,UH) In in s nlKhtly. I'I'o'h Cure f.ir on-it tn n' ! ' n Inn no fi as a ( nntth nn'dlciii". I'. M Aiiii 'i'l, rein-en St., linlTiilo, N. Y., Jlny ;t, t.vi-i. Tobee oceu; b'. 21 JiO.nOO ncie-i In llie United ; tati . 4W Scrofula Taints Lurk iu the blood of almost everyone. Even iu its worst form, however, scrofula can be cured by Hood's Hnr saparilla. This is proved by the fol lowing and hundreds of other ca-es : " I wrii" t i what 1( " S,ir-.i.in-ill: hit- done f..r tne. JIvea.-e 'vni .- fe, In In its tvorst form. V Inrno tuni"f vntner.'d imh!. HflArf'fi "'v '"hiu "ii the l"i't -i'li' an I lOlltlllll'l ti W M'llll it r 1 lei l It lun-o I :iu I had t PlirifiPS keep a poultice "ii it nil tho mimed ,lmi. t ,m,, ,,.,, m.inv ,,.,. ediiv, but my troiitde liuer I il 8 D.OOU ed and I hit I ab"Ut --iv.-n ip when I happened to ren 1 ,-iri. .in H..Vi,l Sar apnrllla. I eeicduded t try it, :uid iiffr taking almost .ii-n-ii Imtth's I am iik'nin "i,. oylng the bust of health. 1 tie ..re i cm- pleteiy healed, II I s S.'ii'sa.iii'iil,i eiYcctiinr a perniaiieiit cure." i i.aiik.m i-- Ai i kn, Uii t'lty, Kentucky. le'member Hood's Sarsapariila Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently iu the public eye today. Thi Is the seit-ioii when such u nietlicine is nest neeiled, Leeaus- a' thi- time tin- Mood is .'nil )f impurities. ie t Cnly II I Hood's Pills !1; iliniicr )l iiiut tlnirilc. ;V. y . SWALLOWS If WHOLE. Hcttcr than mineral waters 1 Veil, I should smile. Three dzin In a box, cad , You can carry tlx In your vost picket. Tako one every eight. After dinner, or at bed t ime. It beat CoTi(rr.'ss water all hollow. Or KIseeDKcn. You alH ns have it h.in'ir. The elTect Is better, and "When you travel V .uc frrljM. I am aa old traveler And I Ret Inlnijs d' wn fine. A Ripans Tabute Is worth more Than any sprliiR in exineico except n door siiriuu I hnt a ilraiiKh! ! Tlie ,I.IINB jretlio Ocut and Most Eoonomt Collars and Curt worn, thry are u-.uU of tine Die. one couar nteiiunl to two ,.f any of Ur JMV n( iiwu, jcrar mil ant urll ksu lit wriL mar Ten CoUarnor Vivel'sirsof Cuffs for T-tr-i"ive Ceute, A K.mnlik Onlltf an1 nf Cff. h .tl ,.. at. Oauta. S.mu style awl size. Aad-is REVEBSIBLB COLLAR COM PANT, IT Vnaklln St., New York. S7 Kilbr 8t.t Dostosv ASK YOl'R DRUGGIST FOR The best Nursing Mothers.Infants CHILDREN JOHN CARLE 4 SONS, New York. ft 1 Jm ltel'liei. Aiigrlo. IlLiuein, I ui It iu estimated that tourists up tlio Nile spcud 85,000,000 eaelr season iu Egypt. Many people ia the State of AVauh iutou who tlibliko tho abbroviutiou "Wash." aro tryiug to substitute "Wu." for it. A great deal is being said in Lou ilou at present iu fuvl)f selliug eggs by weight. hopkoepers do Uot look ou the proposal with any great fiivor. Piulcrcwski, the pianist, snys there nro onJ.y two nations iu tho world that are nuttirtilly nnijiieiaus, tho Heb rews and tho Gypsies. With all others it is a taste neiptired by cultivation. Tho use of the Krso latigungc is Hln ailing iu the schools of Ireland. Over 1,000 candidates presented them selves for examination in their native t.'tiijuo lust year as compared with M0C in 1M'J.'J. Ceylon's tiittimt of tea for the cur rent year is expected to reach S.U, 000, 000 pounds. The industry is rapidly growing, planters me making fortunes aud the whole island is enjoying un exampled prosperity. i .lust nt present the biggest efllinl lock in th! world is the ('uuadinii otio atS.itilt Ste. Sliirie, !!,0 t'ci t long and sixty feet wide; but, according; to the Sew York Recorder, I'nele Same will have a biggff one finished in a few mouths on liis side of the line. tliio is about to follow the example, of I'etiiiy-lvania iu ei-tulilisliiiig n state colony for imbeciles. IVnnsylvania has proved on its idiot fiirtii, main tains the Chicago l imes-Hi laid, that properly attended, imbeciles will form an indu-tiioiis and self-sustaining eol ony, to tho advantano of nil eou coined. A biiHiness-lilie woman snge-ls that railway book stall keepers and travel ing new sboys allow posililo purchas ers to Mimi lo wares iietoie bitving. Kvery uieleei.bd eiisionier looking vaguely at the iioiieoiiimitial titles of llli' boi'ks should lie allowed to leilil live minutes for five cents, and then to pureliaso Iho volutin- at its original price, minus the live cents, provided he liked it. liull ligl'.tiug is a good business in Spain, if the fellow who follows it miinage.s to keep out of reach of the 'mil's horns. Mr. (iiicivtta, who is all ulist in that hue, has put the ipiiotus ou about 1, loi) Lull . in his time, and scooped in a fortune of jfii'Hl.INO by Iuh performances. If the gentleman worked in a Chicago slaughter-house, and was paid killiug wages at so much per bull, the Xew Orleans l'icayiine opines that he would tarn less, but he would bo ever so much more useful iu tho world. "Flitting'' is the term used by the Pennsylvania Germans for u family moving. This is also u Scotch usage, and it is nearer the original meaning of tho word tLitn is the more modern acceptation. Philologists coujeetiuo that the word has reached its present common meaning thrinigh u fancied relation to the word "fleet." A llit ting in the colloipiiul usage of the Pennsylvania (ieiuniiis does not mean a hasty removal, nor has it any half huuiofuus intent, sueh us sometimes marks the word. Tho growing sentiment in favor of cremation as a means of disposing of the dead lias encountered what tho New York Tribune considers u serious bstacle iu Philadelphia, where Judge Michael Arnold, speaking as Grand Master of the order in Pennsylvania, has decided that funeral services over the ashes of a cremated person do not constitute a Christian burial under the Masonic law. The ipiestiou nms.' iu the c.is j of a M huii whoso earnest de sire wu tint his remains should bo cremated, ami it is significant of Ma sonic inrliienee that his family decided to disregard his wishes in the matter rather than violate the spirit and rit ual of the order to which he belonged. It is unfortunate for tho cause of fun eral reform th it cremation is thus op posed by an order nf sueh character and influence. The approval of the craft would have added enormous! v to tho advance nf a commendable movement, ami its disapproval will uecessaiily retard it in eipial degree. A Legacy in a Vai iiiin,' Pun. Large sums nf money have nft-n turned up in odd places, l.iit $1,0110, 000 iu a warming pan is a little uniii re. An old lady of k:1 named Tanics recently died at her country house in Franc.", leaving all her for tune, which she said amounted to 31."), 000,000, to the city of Paris. Tho house was carefully s 'arched, ns was her tint in Paris, but nothing could bo found. SliHwisiiot known to havo any banker, and the authorities of Paris were beginning to think that they were victims of an old woman's self-tl dtision, when some ono peered into an old warming pun, without a handle, which was stowed under a sink. The pan contained tho wholo sum in gold, bank notes and bonds. Xew Oibans I'ic iviuie. The French mere mtile marine shows igns of deelin . Iii lM'tl its tonnage reached U, 701, 101 ; in 180J it waa 8,382,311. run FA KM AMI (mhiu:x. Ml'I.CHINll Cl'HllANT ncSIIES. After you have thoroughly worked .'kbotit theeuiTHut bushes in your homo garden this spring and given thorn the m.'ecssary priming, next givo them n .Loavy mulch of stable manure, thick enough to keep the ground about them always moist and to prevent the growth of weeds. You will ijeo how well this trifling labor w ill pay when the fruit begins to ripen. Treat gooseberries iu the same way American Agricul turist. OM'TKS MEAI. Ft ll HOliSES. Gluten meal lias been much used ns feed for much cows, but it is even better for horses that nro working. We havo often used it for working tennis, niid regard it as neatly or ipiile as jood as an equal weight of oats. The gluten meal contains all that is left niter tho ciiidnili volrates in tho corn have been changed into sugar. It is slightly laxative aud is therefore bet ter than oats to feed with timothy hay. Clover luiv is also laxative, but if horses are given it iu small quantities with a mixture of grain and gluten meal they will do good work qu it. Horses like clover too well. If given nil they cnu cat of it they will gorge themselves until nature Rets up a diar rhiea to rid the stomach of its burden. Of course this will unlit any horse for good work. Timothy hay is not liked so well and its tendency is constipat ing. That is one reason why it is pre ferred by horsemen. Put this consti pation injures heiiitli and shortens life. American Cultivator. VKSril.ATISO A SIA1II.K. In "A Talk about Hums," by Waldo V. Hiown, he sais the best way to ventilate a bain is through the hay chute. Experience tells me this is the poorest plan that can be d-viscd for ventilation, snys L. I. Smith in the New York Tribune. The breath and foul odors nro earned to the loft, con densed bv tile Col I, a ml settleoli the huv or fodib r, rendering it unlit for slock. H is plan for o stablt' is good, ec -pt that the hay chutes should be m the ends, so the mow may be filled full, and these chutes should l,u covered with tight-fitting hatches to prevent the breath of the stock and 111-.; odors of tho stuble from coming iu contact with the feed. I put a ventilating shaft iu each side of my stables, iu the rear of the btock, extending through the roof u sufficient height to give it a draft. A ltnvfor!: is a necessity iu every well regulated bam, and to operate it suc eessfully'tuid get tin most mow room, I put on what I call a "gambrel" roof. that is, I cut my rafters in two pieces; the lower piece I cut about 1 lv.1-, and tho upper one 8x12, spliced w ith an eight-inch board on each sid, wiJI nailed. This does uwny with purliu beams, posts or braces. IIAIS1NO CU.VES HV IIVNP. When our cows ore about to calve we nt them in n well-b -ddcd stall and keep watch over them until alter calv ieg, says II. A. Fricke. Then we let thecowd lick tlu c lives partly dry utul then put them in a stall away froni tho cows. Then we in lk the cows and feed the calves. For the first throe weeks wo givo them about three quarts of whole milk twice a day and then gradually change to skim luilk, always takiug great care to feed at regular intervals, and lmvu the milk of the sumo temperature. We keep ljright hay, straw, and cut corn fodder in their reach nt all times, and give all they will eat of oats and corn and cob meal, consisting of one third of tho former to two-thirds of the latter, to which a little nil meal is lidded. They get this ration up to six mouths old, wheu the grain feed is re duced a little. In tint Winter they nre housed in a warm Mnblo, and on nice bright days are let runout inn sunny lot. In Summer time, they have tho run of a gra4flot. It hand ling in thrt way here described, we have had calves to weigh over poven hundred pounds at their first birth day. I may a. Id that wo breed pure bred Shorthorn, but I think calves of any other breed could b fed iu tho tame way. ISreeder's Gazette. ItOW To KEEP CHEESE. Cheese must not be kept in a warm nnd dry place. The best place is a cellar such as would lie called dry, which will anyhow have some moisture in it, nnd soino is necessary to the proper keeping of cheese. Darkness is preferable to light, ami a low tem perature, but not lower than fifty-five degrees is ib-siroble. The choso will becomo moldy ou the outside; tho mold is permitted until the surface is covered, when it is scraped off, and the cheesa is washed with water at eighty degrees ami all the mold is re moved. It is thoa wiped dry aud greased with sweet oil or butter, un salted, to till tho pores iu tho crust. It is thus left for a few weeks aud this is repeated. In this way the cheeso slowly changes its character, improving all the timo iu flavor and texture. It becomes fatty by the change of some of tho caseiue into a kind of fatty matter, and a peculiar mild aroma is produced quite differ ent from the intolerable smell of Iho j conrso Kinds of semi-putrid cliecsa known as liimbttrger, or soino of the overcurcd German cheese. Tho cur ing described is that practiced with tho Rrio and tho Roquefort cheeses, us well aa that finest of nil kinds, the English .Stilton. As a ru'e we do not givo requisite attention to curing our cheese, and lionce its want of high quality. Tho euriuu of cheeso is a slow process that requircsskillful con trol, or it becomes decomposition. American Furiucr. T It A N S V U A S T I N O V El i 1 :T A 11 1 , Kli. lo not bo iu too great hasto tc transplant vegetables to tho open ground. Wait until all dinger, not only of frosts but cold nights, is past. Tho young plants aro tender, and if they receive n severe check nt the start they seldom recover, and it is important to secure n vigorous Hteadv growth from tho start. Harden off before transplanting, so that they can stand tho night air without injury. Do not water the plants twenty-four hours previous to transplanting, but give them a generous sprinkling just before taking out of the hot-b.'ds or window boxes. The ground must be well mellowed ; if a little poultry immure or well-lot ted stable manure is hood into the surface soil it will be found beneficial. Make n hole for the plants the shape of an inverted saucer and large enough so that the roots can be spread nut naturally. Cover with well-pulvef-i.nl soil when the ground is very wet or soon alter a heavy rain; th:s is otten neglected and the tender roots are covered with lumps of soil, which soon harden an 1 prevent their taking hold. Finn the soil around each plant, tin u clou Iv d iv or after stiu- lowu is the best time for transplant ing. I lotect the plants lroui the sun until thev are rooted. Cultivate often and very shallow while the plants are young. Do not ciiltivnto when the soil is too wet; if the tools will work well tho soil is in the i i ht condition. Cultivation means mom than keeping down tho weeds; the soil must In- stil ted mid pulverized. Ifasten growth by the use of liquid manure, tiiiekness of growth is nec essary to the quality and tenderness of any vegetable. Ilirly iu tho morn ing or iu the evening is tho best tiuio to water plants. Givo a generous supply to the roots twicj a week and cover the wet surface with a little dry soil. A libera' sup dy of water twio a week is better than a little every dnv. Do not uso cold water; till a barrel aud let it stand iu the sun a day or two audit will be about tho right temperature. American Agri culturist. I'AtiM ASP (1AI11IEN XOTES. A recent novelty is the climbing cu cumber. Newly planted trees should bo well mulched. Too niu.'h washing spoils tho flavor of butter. Don't bo iu too great a hurry to set out your bees. The pig mi I tho hen nro the natural allies of the dairy. The early pullets lay the early eggs Ue.xt full nnd winter. Iu buying trees see to it that tho roots are us perfect as possiblo. Incubators unswer b, tter for hens aud ducks than for turkeys and geese. The ret 'iitioti of too much water in the butter is tho c itiso of many com plaints of short weight. A II the little jobi ab nit houses and yards should bo finished this iiuutU earlv, b. fore the field work domauds ull your time. It is au important item when tho hem aro cloieiy confined, as is often necessity, to seo that tho foo 1 and water are kept clear of tilth. Manure the orchards and fruit plats. Many, many trees are starved, to speak plainly, yet the owner wonders why ho gets no fruit aud his trees hto unpro ductive. To maintain n high standard of flavor it is necessary to churn often, nsernnm, after being tnk- n from the milk, soon takes nn an old flavor, which it trans tuts to the butter, thus losing one of its chief attractions. Dehorned cattle sell batter than homed cattle fur all purposes. They nre preferred by feeders, shippers, slaughterers or exporters. They look better, feed better, ship better, sell better and kill better. Animals have spring fever ns well as human beings. The long feeding on dried grasses and fodder deprives tho system of its natural juices, the blood becomes thick and sluggish, and thero is consequently languor aud loss of appetite. Set the tree out with care, pluciug it in rich soil a i l packing the fine, melow earth thoroughly about every rootlet. Leave tin uir sj ao.'s between the roots. The soil may bo packed more properly by sprinkling water upon it as the earth is thrown iu. Potash may bo hud in wood ashes and muriate of potash. It is most commonly used iu tho latter form. An annual application of potash should be Hindu upon bearing orchards. Of tho muriate from 500 to 70 ) pounds may bo used to the aero iu mature orchards. qi'AIXT AXD CURIOUS. Dahomey is tho smallest state in Africa, Portland, Me., sends lobsters to v.ugland. Tho first English Derby was run ou May 20. 1781. In Chaucer's time a woman's gown was called her cote. English leather gloves wcro sold all over Europe in 18-17. Hats were first nuido in England by Flemings about lolO. Tho French Montpeliergnvo a name to tho Vermont Montpulier. William Jenkins dropped dead from joy at being released from tho iiisauo hospital at Spencer, W. Va. Charles Hiker of Elwood, I ml., has a dog which, having lost a litter of baby dogs, has adopted nn orphan P'f?. A Maine woodehopper recently cut down a tree containing a peck of buckwheat which had been stored by mice. Au odd palindromic sentence one which reads tho same backward as forward is "Draw pupil's lip up ward. " Au English court lias decide I that tho copyright of a photograph belongs to the sitter when he or she orders it and pays for it. There is a spring on Pecos river in San Miguel county, New Mexico, which throws out a stream til'tcen feet wide nnd threo feet deep. While playing with a rop near a street sweeper Frank Whiltliu an In dianapolis, lud., boy of six was drawn into the machine and killed. The inch was formerly divided into threo "barleycorns," these divisions being originally the length of a well dried grain or "com" of the barley. Washington had a slow, deliberate way nf speaking. His voice was low, but strong, his words were always well chosen, and his tones carefully modu lated. Th- Japanese begin building their houses at the top. The roof is liit built and elevate I on a skeleton frame. Then it affords sic Iter to the workmen from storms. Fishing is good now in liuflalo's water pipes, llscertly an employe of the water department while llushiiig out a street hydrant collected a string of good-sized perch and pike. Next year will bo the fourteenth ceiiteuniiry of the conversion of Frauce to Christianity, King Clovis and his warriors having been baptized by St. R uiiy in the yenr 100. Tho event it to bo celebrated nt Hheims, where that historic seeno was wit nessed, by fetes which arc being or ganized by tho Archbishop of tho diocese, Cardinal L tngeuieux. A Tale ir tlio Fighting McCooks." Edward, one of "the lighting Mc Cooks," while governor of Colorado Territory, had a good deal of trouble with the Indians, and especially with their chief Colorow. With a party of his braves Colorow came to Denver one day aud after drinking heavily, told his followers that ho wus going up to kill McCook. The governor had his ofliee iu a two-story building and had his buck to the door, with a looking glass on the desk in front of him, so that ho could see any olio com'iig iu without turning round. McCook was expecting soino trouble with Colorow, mid was seated at his desk when tho Indian ennio iu. Colorow had a pistol 'in his hand and approaching McCook, he Mood by his side and grunted: "McCook liar." The governor never looked up but kept ou writing. "Mc Cook heap liar," repented the Indian, but tho governor never noticed it. "McCook heap big liar," continued Colorow, aud still tho pen scratched away. Colorow mistook McCook's silence for fear nnd let his pistol-hand drop until his arm hung dowu straight. In an instant McCook graspod the In dian's wrist and iu and in another tho pistol fell to the floor. Turning him around the governor deliberately thrust him down stairs and out of the door into the circle of Indians who were waiting for the expected trouble. "Colorow's squnw, " ssid McCook to the assembled Indians, and giving tho chief a parting push ho returned to his ollicc. Argonaut. Mexico's Peons. Tho peons of Mexico Bre a queer set, as their ignorance and stupidity is equalled, perhaps, by no other race of people in tho world. They aro to stupid even to bo instructed. They still persist in carrying the ore from tho mines in bags on their backs. A contractor once secured a number of wheelbarrows, thiuking to help their labors. They accepted barrows all right, but they would not use tie in as they were intended t j be used. In stead of wheeling them, says the Balti more Herald, they would till them up with their ooutenls ou their backs, as they had dime with the bags. An other amusing c iso of their stupidity was shown when an American, living down there, purchased a stove for Ins servants, who were peons, to cook mi. Thoy would not touch the stove, but persisted in adhering to their old cus tom of sitting iu front of a eharco il fire, fan iu bnml, and waving it to make the pot boiL A I'rotttrb'e Investment. The history of gold mining in Cali fornia, is full of instances where aban doned claims have .suliseiUeiitly yield ed n. rich return and where shai'ts sunk us t'nr its ciiiiilal would permit have nflerwanls iinule rich fortunes for more fortunate capitalists. The stories told about such experi ences In the Coinstock and iu other fa mous mines are us liollS'-llohl wolils in mining circles, and there are neciisioiial anecdotes Iii cniiiiecllon with less his torlcnl enterprises, tine story ivhilo.s to the casual visit of John .llllsou to Slslvh ou Conn y years tigo in sen red of a recreant debtor who owed him foOii. Times were hnrd, nnd .llllsou, when be found his innn, accepted I'tio "on uecouni" nnd started lu me again. "What Is hind worth here?" asked Jlllson. "Not much of anything," w:is the re ply. "Hut you fellows seem to like it," persisted Jlllson. "Only because we can't got away." "What will you take for your claim V" asked Jlllson. "One hundred dollars ens'n." "Done," said Jillsnn, going down Into his pocket. Tho price was paid, a deed given, the sellers walked away, the buyer took off his coat and went to work. The next day he struck It rich and In n month cleaned up 1 1.'(,0oo.--Snn Fran cisco Chronicle. Old ortVnilcr-"W'iit yer arrestln' mo fer? I hadn't done nothiif fer a year." Olliccr -"That's the time ye lilt it right; tho charge Is going to be vagrancy." Kate Field. 0 1ST 15 EXJOY8 Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho tafto, nnd acta pently yet promptly ou tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleauses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Pyrup of Figs is tho only remedy of ita kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho tnsto and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in iU action and truly beneficial m its effects, prepared only from tho most healthy and ngrce.il do substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have niado it tho most popular remedy known. Syrup of 1 iga is for 6alo in B0 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wi' hes to try iu Do not accept an substitute, CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. SAni fHANCISCO, CAL, LOUISVILLE. Kf. HEW 0HK. N t. The Washing of the Feet gets to days 'V but it's Beware Jt-011 an imitation, to honest ttnd il iuci. ix r Ar&r v 1 ! J-'ivo ;enerat:ui In l'osssssion. j In this restless ago and country, says j the New York Tribune, It Is rare for live generations of ono family to have lived In uninterrupted contlnunuee In the ancestral homestead, but Mari etta Hollcy, tho delineator of Joslah Allen's Wife, can claim this distinction. Jletween PlerpoDt Manor and Adams, In Jefferson County, and not more than seven miles from Lake Ontario, Is situated the Ilolley homestead. The five generations of Holleys have lived quiet, peaceful lives ou this beautiful spot. Tho pnrents of Miss Marietta Ilolley moved Into the little brown cot tage the tiny after their marriage and remained there until borne to their last long resting place. Dr. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION FOR WEAK WOMEN. n fintt Imrorincliiff thin worKI-fnmed medi cine to the oflluttd. and tor ninny years there after, it w is ftokl niilrr n positive dual-ante uf li ving entire satisfaction in every case Cor vt-hu'ii it is rcconuiH inU'd. $o uniformly sue crssln,' 3iil it prove in curing the diseases, do raiiKf ttHMtts nnd wcakntSMS of women thnt claims t jr the return of money paid for it were exceed nt;ly rare. Since it manulactnrcr.s can now pom to thousands of noted cures effected by it iu nery part of :hc land, they liclicve its past recot a t;iTictent guarantee of its great value as 4 punitive aK't- therefore, thrv now rest its eta. ti it to (he confidence of the afflicted JOfWritpoii tVt record. Hyall medicine dealers. W.L Douglas 90 Oi w HT FO A KINS. 9 3. CORDOVAN', FfltKCHaXNAttCUCDCALF. ' ?4.35P FincCalf&Kangaroa 3.B?P0UCE,3SOL3. 2.l7-BBOYS'SCHMlSH0El LAD1C3' l 4 BE5Tt0NG0 DK0CKT0N..MAJ3. Over Ono Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give th. best value for the money. They equal custom (hoes In style :id lit. Th?fr wearing qualities aro unsurpassed. The prices aro unllnrni, stamped on aula. From f 1 to Si saved over other makes, ii four denli-r cannot supply J ou via coo. NO MORE HITCHING STRAPS! Now invention, adjusted to lines; can't to lost, stolen r forgotten ; It is out of siitlit ami ilm-Mi'l liilcrfuri' Willi horse, Imrni or vulii cl. Do you drive a horssl If , nt'iut for a HANDY HIICHER. Onco uvit, you wnu't part Willi it fur tun tunes its iirice. with full dine tiuiiB furxtc. Rochester Novelty Co., ltuch., N.Y. YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU WANT IT I nTrettedfre. f rui..ir ct asa mill V)?JI M BMiSlaa. III. riiic-t mtnr tiloa. nmiiutd tiootleu. From Slit dote ivmptoaii .li.ntr, a.1 In if 11 leiro taiT'liof ill .yaipU'in i r.ni fj. unfl c.trft no- IOK of 1! T. 1 .1 . 1. . . I. . """1 DM U ij be a weighty matter, in these when colored stockings will Mi Wi-m news Boot I ouKta tiyrup. Tubt-'B Uol. U r7 In ttm. t.'M tlrnyttM'w. TL shed their colors. Pearlinc docs this work beautifully. It's not only thoroughly effective, healthy. Doctors recommend r Pearline as a soak for rheumatism. Try it in the bath. It will giva you a new idea of cleanli ness. Bathing with Pearline is a perfect luxury. reddlers and wme unscrupulous grocer? will tell yon, "this is as fjooj as" rr "the ssini a l'esrline." IT'S FALSE 1'carlino ii never iicdiileil, if your procer sends JAMES I'VLK, Htm York.

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