Mi Till KSI1AY. 31.4 V M, IMC bliUUtLE I'lTLSliOUO' II. U. Hw tm-RC)r lialti ou Die- I'll lsl).,r' rnilmri l tratt llilnlior..' dully, ne.-pl Kuiulii.ic, ut '.' i ft Hi. ainl 111..HCJ arrlvm.nl 'ltiM..-, nl 11.15 B. in.NiidMAl m., le.ikli c -l"-.-e o'luifMl n 1.1 Wt.'.-uie wllh Hie train tint l-.uvra Kiili'lgli iil3.4i.' Hi3"M should road "ml", ol i. II. Purker. Fresh cucumbers mid ctibbape at John L. Council. Dr. Hati iiiou Ilnio'u nfiico is on :2nd flour in "Kuinsey Hotel'. J I . n 1 8 JJ a. in. to ii p. in., daily. I( is to be hoped that t last wo j may have some summer wcallicr. :Ho cool a May ha randy ever before been known. Mr. Preston r.ix, ol Matthews tow tirlii (, claims to have t better ttlial nV tlio t;po l lillcfli months .gave birlli to a tall. W si tried, 8lr.l! lor ii pood sec, ond hand Columbia, solid tired Sale Hy Bicycle, suitable lor mini t'l- boy. -Apply toCil.v C. JoNKs, Cameron, JX. C. .... Mr. S. llapiioi t, optician, Will U). .here, at Mr.i. Cross'i? hotel, from today until the4iliol June. Call on ibim and let 1dm txamiim your eyes ifttid fit you with the proper speclti- tMoU'M. C. Hatch, haviti!,' opened a general Htock id inerelialidi.io in the old Alliance store ut pittsboro, will be ploimed to have bis friends tali '4iinl' mako pitrchasefl at tho lowest ,riecn ollered in litis market. V. II. IM wards, dentist, will visit Byiiiini on Monday atid Tues day, and Pittsboro' on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, hdlowiiii: the third Siindiiy ol kcIi nionlh, pre pared to ilo all kind ol' dental work. Otfieu next iliinr to iiyiuuwV: lleaden. Have you potion a nieeiiummcr bat? Il not, now is your time. You ran buy cue ol tho 'latest styles, at very low rates at W. L London k Son's. Would luiaiti call yotiratten thin to their Ktdei.did line ol thin .dress floods tun! irini'iiiiiirs. I.ool: .at their handkerchiefs and gloves. As there is plenty ol Irltit, V. iIj. I don & Sou would call your iiltentioii to their laru'e sioek o! Iruit 'jars, also extra lops and rubbers lor jMuhoii'h jars. Jeily liin.blets, pre . " . ... i .i Kervui" vcllles. all K'lins a mi Irom it! cents iili to a line brass one. Ituy yournu.ir bei n o il 'ot:' inin r. Chatham Moox-hinkks A ):re.-.t many Cnathamit) s are visitir. II. t! tih this week, but they are not en jiyiiijj their visit an much as did those who went I hi l e last wo k to the Unveilin;:". Indeed most nl this week's visitors are not pleasure seekers by any means, nor wero tin y very anxious io f.o. Several were .escorted by deputy marshals and are led and lodged iree id' expense to themselves. Other.', went in accord .jtneo with h t. I.i beretolore liivtii h.r thtir uttondancc, and their return homo is dependent upon the vtidn l of twelvoof their peers, ln other -words ijuilo a ntimb.'n.l our county tuen tiro ulleiitlin the Pederal court GtK;lloi('h,dini't:ed will: "mooiisliiii ing", and a "clou 1 id witnesses'' accompanied them. No M.MitsTti.vrKs' .Mkktixii.--Poi itho tirsl litno in many years the magistrates of Chatham will not meet hero, on the lirsl Monday in 3 lino, in joint session with tho coun ty commissioners. Heretofore they havo met. hero on thai day lor Ihe ijiUrposo of levying tin- county taxes, voting appropriations tor bridges, and transacting other iuiportaul CilUlity business, but they V.'ill do this no longer. Tho last Legislature has abolisheil this, ami now till this power and all these duties devolve Upon tho county commissioners; nlono. Yes, our three comity com missioncrs ulono can now do every tiling that heretofore has been done :by thorn and tho tnaislrates jointly. This may bo n iCod "relorm" and , rtniiy be restoring to tho people "the It t to povorn thoinselves", but it ;is litudly such o pood "relorm" as justified Iormer democrats in tiban lionin their parly in order to :e .enaiplish ! School Uxkucisks. Tho closinp; exorcises ol the Pitlshoro Academy wore held on last Tuesday nipht, nod wer lunch enjoyed by tho larpe jiudietico uresont. Tho nroi'ramtno was as lollows: A Little Story, iljimi Uanus; t'oes any uito ivuow r uu,i ih:vi no court co;ld restrain j llontiot Nooe , The Sniaeh in School, tu,m. When il wasarpiied by Chat Annio Taylor; Tho lhivon, Stella mm's iiltorneys that tlio commis lH8chal ; Doll lrill, Company A ; . bioners hud iiiii.consli tied the law Jlionzi's Address to tho humans, it'rod IJynum; .1 udpe Ihown s titer melon Story, Myrtle Moore; Boys Will Bo Boys, Chiriinco holt; My tCtrundmii, Clara r.istbal ; IMay : Spirit ol Indeendeii';o ; Sellinp the iUabv. Mary Bynum ; Tho Polish Jloy, aartiii uanus; josiau milieu n , W ilo at Stewart's Store, Sallio Lon- j aan; rurui iy s .-inp, iimni . Clnrk ; Ttunbouriiie Drill, Company Jt; Triumph ot America, Marvin j Jvlann; Tlio Minuet, Annio Littler j Joh ; Katie Lee and Willie Cray, ; JJary Hill ; I'tilantsSecUiiip Patron pn: JJy lour boys; liiilepemletice Usui, inie inapiii; noiip . u.itsc Up Tito Banner, ll.insom's Kiilopy , on Vf.i, I.Ionry M London, Esay f ;"'?: shinps, .Miss f.va 1 aschal ; Kc?! f.-.5'r , llistinctions. Tt'w i.i'i "' J propramme was m. t jdostwil'" tud rii'-ccsiiliiliy carried ;L- rn.;e!' .vdit lio'.u f.n cral feat ures of tho exercises were of a iiovid character, t-sj ncia I ty tho "doll drill", and all were trrciit'lv cn joyed. Where all the participant did ko well it woulu bo unjust to dlHi'i'iiiiiioitf. l'fcitsuN.M, Irt.Ms. Mr. md i.Ir.s natter f.rniisou, oi t at mapo, navo lu i'!i hi'io on a vitiit to litr nisier, .Mrs. 1j. II. Jvxlino. Mibs Noiiin Lindsay, v Orange, and M:ih Ida Kermidle, of Ahi munee, tiro visiting Mrs. j. J. Jen-: kins. Tho many Irionds d Mr. V. II. Hatch will he nleased to learn that' nu hum i i:i i:i -lieu umiiu ouuu ican - tred. Mr. S. h. Jae!;son htn? f.;one to his I'uturn home in Chiruo, where his i. . I I l It It iei.ds liredu t lor him i;reat sue- e-ss, which will Miivly bn atltiined .over, bv taking tiway ,ri I Mpiare ii it can bo by indomitable, oiiery, ' miles. I'or this extranniiuary "re iiuil.oiial natural talent and l iiberal J lorm" our county men will he indebt ed ucatior.. j ed ixtirt lij to tlio '-i dormers", or Mis A mm Merritt, of this place, ' liiMoi.i.-u". U w;is their "relorm'' !.' rad ii ill ed last week at the training ! Leinlaturo that ehacted tho extrn s. h.iol lor nurses co!ine led with tho didinaiy law thi'.t aa'Jiori;;''d this I'.ist-d'radiiate Medical School and divisioii it Chatham : all the coni llot;pital in tiio city ol' New Vol k, j i:iis.ioners aiiiiuihUd to execute this v.'nicli - hiia liad i;ecii nlteniiiiijj lor the past two years. .- 1 1. 1: u Com m I'M" i: m k nt. W e a 1 1 e 1 1 d ed lor ii lew hours, on last Tuesday. the commencement, exert iscs ol lhe'll0w MlisTmd ! ThomiiMiii Si lioul ut Silcr t'ilv- As soon as the ;-oti'.t.iis:-i;oiicrs com- wiiich pass.-d oir very pleasantly. jTlmtiiiy was (lelinhtlul, an lileasant ai.d lavorable as could have been i i . , i lesii ed,i ii st ii kill contrast to llie rain and mud which had so ol'ieu inter len d with the cnnniioncomoiit exer cises id' this school. The exercises beati at Id o'clock with a joint contest for doclaiiutr's mi- i.il tii'twceu tho repieseutativcs nl I lie i-s asiiiiaii ami 1'rolilio socio tie.',. I no ileelatlliers Ol tlio IM'as- tttiiin were Messrs. Ii. W. Codbobl, d Marion, S. C ; J. Parke Taylor, id Paikewood, jS'. C; W. A. Maxey, ol'i Slimier, S. C, and J. 1!. H.ileiiian, ol Stone Creek. X. C. Tlio Proliiic ! Society was represented by Messrs. Unbind Pitliuau, ol Epworlh, X. C; C. Ade.ins, of Laurinhiii''' ; W. 15 Wel'ster, (d J-rankliiisville and V. (i. Weeks, of Kpwoi III. At the close of these declamations the literary address was delivered by Prol. 1'M wiu Mims, ol Triiiity College, which was an earnest and ihouhll'iti aru iiieul J ! Iho lull and bi;li develop uietit id t ie hiiman mind in literarv piii'.-iiil.i instead of u Hordid rac Ul Itle alter money. Alter this address there was inter mission ol au hour lor dinner, and tnen at tho iin'Miii; I the hell the lar-o i.udieneo reasseinhled to hear ! the contest lor tlio orator's medal, i'liese contestants were Messrs. II. P. Cox and V. D. Siler ol the Prolific Society, and J. W. Johnson and C I. i;;iir Matthews of the Krastiiiaii Society. .Much intere.il was taken this Conte.st, us there is (j'lilo I rivalry hetween tl'.e two sneu:ties. IPivinp ieil before the tfii.tei I closed wo cannot jitildisii tho result, but this will be published in the l.'t:i'.uii next week by our eti leflai ni t. Si ler I 'ity curi'isp. indent. A very lare crowd was present, initi-t. larger than miht have been ted til eo btls-y a Hi'lli-oll, and enied to enjoy ;;reatly the day's all cxerci.-es. 1 ne la Iits were out in fit 1 1 I'.'ivo and presented ii most at Iracih c appearance. 'I course ihe crowd was orderly and well behaved, as i- customary with our Chatham alli"tii.;:s. As we pazed upon that iare audience ol Well dressed and line looking men, and lovely holt arravcl in becominp cstltmes, all ; bo bus been at I. odin school ill Sm appeal in;; plcas.id mid contented, itjt'd, X. C, for the pisd i: v; iiKmth.i j tut not r.eem liKe the limes are as hard as some chronic ifrumhlcrs are cont iiilially complai u in:;. Bvcii l.o lore the war, "in the pood old days ', a better dress.id or more contented audience never assembled in Chat, ham. X.ir did tho p'ophi ot that era havo more to nforis than our (.'ilb.eiis now have. Ami as lor 'crciil tire coinlort" ami pom' thinps to ct.t, there was the greatest llbllleh.l'.ce ol the Vet) best to feed all who were present. Wo would certainly have "foundered" it v.e had aeecpled all our kind invitations to dinner. - ' . - - - Cot: nt v Link ('ask. J udpe (i reene rdusi.'d to coiitimio the injunction apaitist Messrs. Thorno, Cotilo ami Lincbcrry, and on hist Monday Ihey completed thcil location of tho conn ly lino between A lama nee and Chat ham its at lirsl bepun by lliem. As our readers are aware, on account ol Judpe lireeuo's sickness, when here, the hearnip of thin ease was post, polled until last Friday tit (,'rahtim, when utter heni inp tho attorney's on both sides he decided that ho did not havo 1 ho powi't'or jurisdiction to ton. liinm the injunction, lie decided that the Legislature had .ippoinUd tiio commissioners t,i locale the line and t hat their decision must be final, irom w hieh tho and transcended their authority, the Judpti held this di( not j.'ivo the courts uny power to interfere ami resirain iiieiii. ..11,1 wncii n was asKeil tiio ju.ipe, -.-snpposo tl.o com. , liiiiisioners li.nl localeil their I: no thirty miles larthtr south and had tmis laivcn A I.L ol t liatliam, .Inl lie ! il,inli the courls could not tlien in -! leriore a-mi resirain u.ctii f I o tins ; (jueKlion bo unsweieil thut it they ' ,a,( .lone, this tho courts could Hut restrain them and the only remedy (,r hope of redress would bo an tip ) plication to the next Lepishituie ! ! ot course au appeal has been taKei) lo tne uircmo lourt, wliteli ; however cannot bo heard until next- October. In tbo meantime, the i iii- zetis id the territory in dispute will I not Utiow wliether they are in Ala- liiatii o or Chatham, ll the Supremo (. ."lit re vet Mr, J ud.'e (irceno deci . ion, ilitii lie nit, ir,p:d l.i, atiou will roCu It war imcotivoiotir .for some , ' 'id ".! I'f' i.'ittli-s for Pale by By '" : v2iJ. s.&'t-tbv tfrtiHtc! ti'.-i'j un, l..i aor hdr? recovrt"!. '? .. ffi.'ii. Pdf-'iMo. -T. C hi!!! Ivdonp to Chatham. fins territory, thus tut im by ; ostraordinarv line, is about 18 miles Ion;: ami Irom 2 to i miles wide,! tinbnu in:.' an urf a ot about "i I s.piare miles. It W- said Hint Ahmancy wiil in onee claim all l ins territory uim attempt to exercise jurisdiction over h, uixl (t course ( tint ham win also, lis (iilzcus will lo-obab'" lit their :la::ableH in both comities, but iiay, to it alter the KuiMeme Court's deci.-iion j r.iim'.ill f-.r tbc wcr k was a' tirmtiy is rendered, to lliat toi:niy in whoso , not (;enerl'tv rxefBivt, Ln! I in- si: int? hivor the decision is thtn made, j bus bteti to wet that u small amount It will thus bo seen that inanj'iof ruin mn!;en the Rrotnid too wet to Iicmoiis will Jie put to frrettt ineon- venienee, even il the Supremo Court t i : . . . . i l oeeiui S I II l.ivor m t . nitl n;i in, ii no il jthat tribunal uf-inns J ndtre . (irecne's J,:eision then Chathatn will indeed bo 4,ro lormeii", i hat i:', its Kl o'iaphi- j cal lorm or shi'.i'e be idiansred or made law are "relormcr , ami it was a "ltl'riu" jud,'o who refused tore strain litem. So, it is altogether a "rrl'ortn" moveinent, and wo hope that ot: i' 'lu;t!.am "rdorfntrs" tiro pitted their survey and had located the comity Inn', tho Alamance com niissioiiers b.'i.'.in, on last I uesday, to survty and divide up tho newly aeiuired territory in'.o towmdiips and school ilisii'itlM lor Alamance if this mutilation ol Chatham is allirtncd by tiio Supremo ('oiirt, it will leave ll.nll"V ami .Alirint tov.nshirs with but little oi-r i ,lt of Ihtir iormer urea, and may render iiei crsaiy iinnminj of oi r town:ht:s. As tho hluck prevail:; thro;u;hotil till "t Ala mauee eouniy, id omrse tho commis siim"is ol Alamance will at once declare t he sioek la w in hu'co i n this territory plundered Irom Chatham, and tho cit:y.. iis o that section will have lo submit to it whether they want to or not. :n!i,in so suddenly j upon thion il will I c ii slut) to many. And it iusianeo id any pert ol Ch.-itham j 000.001) Sou! 1; C.ii'idina jiroduee.d j except f if aol.md ! .;.;( i ever bavin;; been placed under thttjahout l,!)0i(,('(i;i, (leoigia VP'.000,.Uj11Il.jy Mode law without any petition or ; election lor mat ptiipose that ptiiiiose. ics, let, I hose persons wno are opposed to . siocn law, retiieinoei' mat mu nn z ois ot this "cut oil territory tire placed t.iitie;' tho stock law out their wiihes beiii! consulted til ad, atid yet our "relorm" Iriends pretend to ho i.i iavof ol '"local soil eoverinnenl The A'f' tiit'l (.'''.'(."i''' says that the original ol the Act of the Legis lature, aiilhoi i':n. the location ol the county line, shows that it was passed on the l:i;h ot March, two ears b-doro tho Legislature nu t ! " .Silk Hope Uuppt'iihus. Sn.i; lloii., X. i),Mn 2S, Sit a'.vbi ri u s uro ripe. Siik Hope i". .l.'i.ie.iiy on a "boom" and ie honi.' tiiui i io. '.in it may be a ph.ee of importance ".'ome day '. We a:e ;;lid to iie.il'ol l.ie hopclui tee. 'Very ol Mr. Jame One ii.iv la-l '.'.'( ' k oi Lindiev. of Mr. Svru.- Lili.Ue.Cs hor.-l-a tan a.v.iy reeelVltig inj'iiivs from which it .be I soon a iter. Ourl'iudi.r, Utv. U C. S ill, prcie.h i l a mo. t r.. i'iii .ii m i iii'mi " hist S uid iy at Mi- Vernon t-hur.-h. Littie Miss Mnv 1. Sii.iuh.in, has relumed loui:e. Mail at this p!.;o. tin t o tmies per wttk lio.v hi lure : icpettim 'iiKi'olil) lli til sil.iy iimtead oi S.iiiiiday. Chickens soon i.j l.-ir-' cuoah to try- A pciiliellian who l.-i 111 tm llaott ot . citliinp tit a i!'i';!iii'..:':i home, and the j I . 1 . t . ..!... 1 '.. ..I.. ... Htl ' IM.I aiw avs c ,! es-e.j iiiutu j.n u.-v j tiro oil si-nil-; iii:ii, Ddii l:t.v, Jtii j itl'u r vw h ill U'llMit;-'-! tt Ltii'i w li:.;..iinr.s fi oui Iho j l0V CMltrlC-l lM;,!t. TllJ flillo- j eo and ,'iil.cd, UYV. t)U (1-t.l t' fn.' !1 .....i.uy ! AO, Why not m.V little mm tho pci.tleimin continued, i i5-.ru;:sO lii.imnia dim'l w Hit ion ' l.te J v.ilh lhv Speiis, Klectrie l!;t coum pnid iiohiiy. lb-re Vc mother I (prs js ttui lu.'dicino you need, lleiilth loolic.l ti-iu-r'.' r.l Inr into son, ami bee. lino crimson. L'ut Jobity saw tiolhinp. Mind wlm! y i,:ty beforn the chilihmt. It is I'tiid one of our yni.'np tir n bad a vciy stvore thill v. lrlh'at ehurth some time since, the t'.nw; il is mid rt'ils that "wii'ki olhi'i' fellow" walkbil in with bill -b.-st pirl ". r...r; Ami. rayetleviileOb.-civ.r: U'i.ih' li.-h inp in the Capo Vov.r Kiver n.,L Fri day iiihl Mr. Jno. Oveilon ibopptjd dead Iron: heart di sense. S.u:ir one ndiiii; on the bank heard a sei'l'tlitiK v il pi'o.iii, tin ! ite.uietiiato ly put Ol.'t 111 11 b lilt I usel-l i.itu tlio trouble. When Iii! reuehed tho bout lu found Mr. Overton slreichcl out in the bottom d )i.i. Sev. :;d chad we: o idso in t lie ho d. ,. , , , Lutbetfordton 1. ;.;.jcint ; J hero was h sovei o u.umier ti.oi in at r oi esi was h sovero ll.uii.ler hiorm ul l oiest t tt.v 1 mirs, ay. A l.i-rw Ik L.tipinp to Lou lt.n..iii was ll'.,'k and killed , jH,,s to ii.,l.ti hioi tit for duty mhui bv li.'htiiin-. The not so was in tbtlvv.. i ii..;i i i ' '. stnl.le, t'tit turt i. wc.rn iiomaiks o thu buildinp to show that it had been i an i;en. Aews riaelieil us yestcr ilay of n ond alV.iir which occurred n few dys apu in the !mvt r part ofl'oih county, near tho Sor.t'i Cacilina line. Two brothers iiannd Cibbs Imd a fipbt. Thev fou-ht "list and skull" for three hours. Finally one pot the oilier down ami belt lion to deatli. A few days npo trt C'pht monlbd i old child of Mr. ,). A li.vna.d vmih plnyinp mound a tub of water in ti n I vard. it tumbled in heilinc -t ' Its aunt happened lo i.eo llm child wLon it fell in and run ut .tico So tin ! Wocl.ly Weather (Yiiji BnHi'lii I'mtr-il OifitW, lull) , V. V. The report of torrefip'.n.tot.N if the Yv'cikiy V-fdhcr Crop Bulletin, issued bv tbo North Cnn'lb n S'nto t tin ncr -I'lvie,.-. mi mc us timing ; Monday. May 27th, indicate I ut hum propicss tuner in i.inu won; or tlio 'owtb .fciop, on ae.eoiuit of tbo ; eontinuid cord, rainy wfvitl.f r. Tlio plow. J!ot. tow t:Mef1'.!1deiits ! ! port tlio ucd; a joot! oi:. for work, i. ..il ....... i ..i it. . m:iJ ioi 1 1 pm . wiu (jinn 1 1: 01 el ops. j Tlio tempt riiluro was d-Tidedly he- I biw normal. Li;;!;!, Iit,i-t (ircmrhl t I over a laro portion of Ihe Slate on1 tho .!, Inil ltd very c'l-iil dai:i.'i,-e, Kboweis oefiiircd iieurlv cvil vwhel't on four days of the week, lv.tiie fields, of cotton tiro beiti;; plowi d up on Koino f.irnss find turn or cotton hn:ti-d tijfii!). ('oil) is i-loiv o lis cover from the ft'. cts of rf ei tit fnisi. .Mtloii vinisRcem to bo I ho i'KC!id prey of hittets mid thy at a btit p ruined in many iihees. 1 ho cool weatl.er in vi-iy fiivuiibli; forthe woik of cut . worms nudputnlo buys. Tr.ir.s jdatititi of tobacco went m fairly wcdl ilurii'p the week, and ttiost ol lim crop is net out. The week dosed fair but cool. Sotitl'.crn (iulii .Mines. WAHitis.rrox, M:ty 2.". The report of Geerjjp J.'' Ileeker, of the Cleolof;!. eal iSui'vey, who Las boi n invi'stiyat inj,' Iho j,ohl prodiieir. districts of the S-Jiitiitrn Aiipiliii'liiau region, hub becu completed. Mr. .Meeker wr.s tent out on this woik last AuiUnt, aud Hpei.t the lhi-.e follow iiig months ill JU'oste.iillu it. ihe ''le.itcr p iti ot Iho lime l;o was m the l.n)oi:na: utid in (ieoria, Vi heie the .'old rcgiou ia U-..1 deliucd. These diiiliiels havo bc"ii ptodtie in:,' ydd for ueaiiy ti full century. Gold has !so 1,-,-tii foi:i:d in nearly all Iho other Southern Siuies, but mil in vciy ton. -id' i .ildo (tia:di!iti.. li.i cutti e .S.iul ii has roitiioi.'d noon ir,iKh!,0o') woith hl s:ue.i) 1 1 th), rent hard-j .r'lo.hUd.umJ ot v..:i; ii cuojo from j is Iho iirsliiicorpia and Ihe Caruiiiias. Of the O'.IU ami Mm ill Carolina i;2'J,0Uil,00t). Caburrus eoitnl v. in Xori h Carolina. if) ,jL....rti piirt, j ai, ntul is fa- ,llo,s foV io iin-''i is thill, hr.ve I'uen ...ond tkeio. la Llm e.trlv nail t.f the with-je,.,ilury the larpcst nuel on reeotil ! lo Iho United Slates was diseovfTC'd tborc. Just a month nyo one wclh log over tight pou.'nl i was ilucovtrt.J. France Al'raitl oi' .Silver. l'.u:s, Slay IS. 'the Ftennll So cifiy of Political Emnoinv dt vob'd its hi.-l. sittinp to a cons. i ): Ohm of tiit luoiiefary cri-d.-, in ihe I'uited S:at;:-; fiie illl'.ix of pool frotu tht'ie is, i i".i'illli;.: I) ! 10 I'li'ltiOi'l s ol i tie society, Idite to feir entertained bv I:' iropiiHii C'lj.ilalists t ls.it tli; silvei' men may e it llm upper him.! in I'ot pi' ss and l. piilizo titiiiuii; el p iym.it.ts in siivt', Km op'. ii: c.i;)i!aH::ts c.ciseip.i'mM v h.l -toi! I.j 'va !..) th)'ir Aiooiii nil s:;- nl it ics of biiv i',:'.!v so,s on which c.itipotis lire : iy.,!.;; in ;:!. I. The . ii bdi a val of pold vv .uid c.-'is.' 1 .13 it bv iini 'ie. if I'l.iiiio.' in financiers 1 j W,,.,. ,.,'. vinecd I bat Urn I'l.itc-l Slate. . .vo,,!(i i:,,'.i:ii,u.; to pav its d.t.ts in j jj,,,;. Xhe monetary "crisi-i there i:t J . tin In the i. ll,,it I . iivr Iil.'lV iliu Ihe iiscelldenev Such tu')! the views of tho leading; couomieal soetcl v in L ianec. i u it er ifiiy be lledr iutiin de v. duo t hoy ire iiiterc;.; .ti;' as no indictiion ol tue stale of ( .'.peit Ihi'iuci:'.! opinion on tbij side ol I lie At Hut ie. Dili Vd'.i liver Llieclrie i..tl,ers art a remed v for lionbies? U not. ;;tt It bottle did pel relief. fills incdieine p,y xm'ir ' m,v h.(..i :ui.l to 1 i. fiili-iriwi l t;.l- ; iu to (Ji(. u lif uh ,mium)I niri'Vin.-Jf : (.tiu;)liii:tl cxtTi in a w tKuhu ful t j , , .j ,., (.,, ji( fj VI1ii I ft 1 'I'll Klh) ' ,,f Appetite, I oiist ipation, lio.i I tehe. Ki.inti.i.rSoell '.oi ,., .. Ve. voim. Su t i . lv;c.iatih', Mehiiicholv or tie .ii,, 1 Sireli.-tn me emit autre, bv lis use. JjUiro tiottlos only iilly tents iit(. U l'ilkinpton's Ih i:;; S'.oro. The old Suith Carolimi liihva-, which runa l et. vei n Ctia!lc.-.ti;n n.:Ci I Columbia, was tiio le.tdinp engineer-1 inp phenomeuoii of its day. not, otil.v ' i:i thin country, but of tho whole! world. J t was Iho t.eoi'd to be con- I sli'ueted. mid for many yeHi.'i it. was! tho lonpe.st r.ultoad in tho Undid1 States. llstll. I Kniu HiOrl n I", line. Il'iil Kurlev. ' j David Leu is, . ho has li i;n !:';. i i J.'SJ j all inter by i heuiii ui' in, is oui aviir J j and till ibio 'o one ol the nu di 'oii s : j advtltised in our eolcmus. At:ii:j f .'" fiif? ' ''e f 'i!'? ; tryi:tf Kvorvlhiup possible, he usid.sij lt isi!i-i ii'sf UjUViiil ' ' h"h.unb. rb.iu'h 1'i.iii Jhilm, uhieh 1ms hi.; - ,.,! l,im ol all liam, fi om whie oiant sutVe. cr and i.ro.u- sljfi'r rci aud tirc"ia.l top. e I ici uiouii I Vor M:,d.v ih'nitni'& lie uJtn ! I'llts'l),)!')!, C. A pi ct'tibly Stirt :i'!. ''I bud il vciy severe cohl on my lunps thai cau.-i'.l much soreness and pttvo u c.i.isid.'.iulile i incus m Ir. T. Ii ie:.'.iiii lo Hit n -lit M'lii h, of Iid'mien, M.o A loeai ;.;i' I ) ol- .1 inv ntle:.tun to t liam ai::' t'ou,;!, Ih on . 1 y, mid on bi iii.iei la' inn 1 pave I hi- l.-iuiilv u! :l lit.il. 'J'hn icsu'.t t tiit iisid tient i 1 r .ei f .! in! i:,"!v in l.'nif o. ih.vs llnc'ilciCs t mien Salve-. Tin I'.; r S.m.v. f. i;i tor- win Id f''i' Cut'". I "1 IJiS :J. SolO, T'll'l-iV, Hlh K!..-u;n, T vtH. '!, Teller, Ch.'piJ Hinds, ( i'iii'!:;i: . Corns, and till ;i l'.; iij:: ions. :n:i! p.ii-iir.'-iv c I'm s, or i:.: p iy it iiiili it. it is pun:' anti-id lo pi.o peifed t-ntisfiu'linti or money rcl'iu. di d. rneo 2." ct tile er bcN. 1'or ?.ilt 1-v (J. II. I'n M"i; ion". N ii" .Ailvi i listiiii'iils. riiin: for iivs. A r.iill.V..iK.i i;,n,i,i;.vCMtM i: l" '-' ""I;'- .w""f ,,u"' " 1 lu J ll,-N "-'J ,ul 1,"'"L slll;y f;,n ,. r ,u,,;iy ,,,...f rn-d. N...i:or.ii ,iu-hj u. a..-1.-.-..mi . -iii-i -iu.. n-.i uivv. A.:tns(. it. i'.i:i;i:i;, i .ih t.hitr, n. e. 3im!ot"ii Cinitt l ies. I 'i.l you ever n c a ininlern fjin' le i;si .' It U :.;i:i(..-! as cle:ii (U a (..ond iio iso wiiV .i I'.iteiii li. Tho. col toti is tni.en firm tho vrn;oli by !i:a iliiti' i V r-:i I i.i lint l.fimlSod till !:dcd. X oil le) wa- to f.tnl ibitir: r from' Sio n .'.need to tl. ininiiuiiiii. Wo1 ' fu id h the full (piipmeiit and latfi t ' drnute'.. It is lim lvt,;le Cotton (tinj : On', sys'oiu. We ntike tho tttj:iu's. ! I boih rs, pu'lryH. sh.ifiiti'. prtsc.s. tie. : ! Wi iiensfor jiieiurts and jaietH. f.Il) j ' I) I'LL COM PAN" Y, Charlotte, N. 0 I i i!S FARMERS' MUTUAL; fl!F i18 iuu iUJUiiui'un au I II f I it I l M i K 1 OF Hm CAROLINA. lids in n boii!--. iimtrniic for the proioelion of fain: property (only) tiRati-t loss bj lite, wind, or ILdit- A ('biut'i' vm obtained throiirh line hi.t. ijC'-bhiluro by which (aeh I Cr.;nl y can li.i nv;atiizo 1 into a dis . til.et Ihiim li. at.d tutch U.'uue'.t i- only lhi'tiie fur lo si s i;ustaiued within to-rcti iiraiich. j L.i.'rf s Riv paid by ft jro rata i Kwn.'im.i,! id' all the i.jciiib'.ii-' of am, 1 J.'-rani r. '!h".' bn (;e,;i(d for 50! cents on :1lM woith of ii:'om i tv in I ..ure.i aud is pood for a pi riod ol thinv vear.i without additiotiid cost,! in your own Inn) jtl.iti o;"talc l f;ir uranco has been u' v vearn in the i . ct i; Si ;ies :i a r.n;.l of only ".;a .10 to S:l n;i on the Si. IMS'.) iiisnri.tice. Iiotal A'.'i t i mo wauled in the Ci'uiit.y of Clif.i hum for Kift'scr in!i!ri::n;ivn, au ires", l)'i. V. CODLK. :-; !;.m:i-.:, X. C, li'j, v. U. 'means so much more than 'you iinaeine serious and 'latal diseases result lrotn 'trilling ailments neglected. Don t play with Nature s ' greatest gift health. If you are feelin out ol sorts, vc;ik atid frmcraliy tx hausteil, iKTVotis, liave no appetite ninl caii't work, becin at oncetr.k- Brown's Iron inir tlur most Tcli.i- mrdiriiK'.wlucii is Hunvn's Itmi fit ters. A few hot tics cute bent-fit comtfs from the very first tluse- it won't stain ycur Bitters ttth, a ii a it's pleasant tu take. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver ncuruim, i ruuiMcs, 'Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. Hot ontv tlic ti'iiuinc it has crossed red ' lines oil tin-WKirpiT. All ottli'rs are sub stitutes. On rt'.-t-iiil of two 2. stumps we ' will svn.l svt f Ten fWoutlful Wurld'k l uir Vloli auj but. k free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, MD. 'O t 1 'i all A "i i ' Thh. ilio ci 1 1 una. in, any and ih.- ! t..e .i.ile ,d! No! il. :ii'd in i.iul has , ' i; I.T'.'lioti doiiars in so.-t-ts a claim a,. Ail i pi n ii ii! i r.u-u .. Olllci.t.d ii, st it : .a s paid prcmptly I cl'i.'.ht i. II. I I vi ry i. his l'.-r u X.-., apily In II. A. !.. i.NDO.W ACCNT. W. ii. ri;!lM)SK. 1'iesid.id. fSiCe.'.K.;- '.",). U'U. l;S" i I I ifln ; Poor j: Health ! LUMBER! A!;ki!:drf LCMIlidl for huU nl U;t ; PiT1Si200 SHUTTLE MIL'. ! V t AT fc-s E R-E 9 ABO 1 8 Q, j CHL1K8 km FLOORING, J "r. ni i am Kii.:; )::ii-.!), cu llovon DillM miwhI to ui.'.i r ;'t short liolite j Good Ceiiiiijf and Mooring ahtu iy j Ukk--:.!.;. ut v,v i'l.'iH p-r 100 feet. ! Si NCOE, Jr. j Sept. l;. l k.i i. TQ CIMIIIIES! .''.it.cc i: uiiy bf .! 'iv.'f'i! for yon ( 'iin L.'.m i.divs to "i i.n at lar'o"' ia your i:wr c::i'..ty, no ii.vili- you to coi :" :,: s. l: e hi..! to SAXrOim i! !; t; ;,--:r ui.d so;! i":c s-.in.'hi p i' n1. nee. We !"! :i'.d will c:;vm you money. r.i;r t;i;:;';i;A!, .to-'K at.d Av- 1TL Ci.Osi: I I! I' PS. MelVERS. s i:nti: n. c, a; rii -z;. is-..-,. mm Y0URBEA8 -!. n, .. I. v. .-:.!.:.i... i. .v-... - ... A v. V-., l':','i-;"!' iV ,; ft r' ??.9t1.f ?! w'-'Vi f.r.tr-tS.-.l i"'i:ii'j:.. K IPl ft. ViVi'ic ;; cmu'c; to ii1.-ids'.! tin best HAKBLH AHB GRANITE I in any .s!y! or s'rijn1 : 1 1 ; 1 :tt Ii.V.l'sl JU'ii's. .1;tll or wi ii.t f.n' il i-dsriLs iiml .l it rs mi any kimi ui" IMIM1SIM. !!';;" Meiition that you G ivv this "ad." in thu Jli:':;:-, wlita writili;.; lid. Proitijit alk'iiUnu oiyoii In till lIpU'lV. CDOPl'.U P.liOTIlEUS. ii.'.l.!.V.:l, X. C. March 7, UZ. C. F. S Y. I RAILWAY. JO;i.' (M.r.L.. ;-livi;k. t'oe...1. j-nc.'-il rc hoaule'. Ii. .lo t M::y Mdl. l:;Hd. I'' 'I ',' N.i. !. Jnil .v 1 i.i eii.-el , MiliW. I'. L.'HVi'. 11 ..'I :.. 11.. V- ;Im!,i-: II. AM'.Ve, ."..r,:! j.. ill r.'.r. .-iii i .-. ..i;i'., I..-..V.'. : : - " V ei ail-T'l, " 1- .""I ' Arnv.i .i 1 ' -i!.-t . " i I. a " " l.'.i ,. i,, I., ..., , ' l i.ll " " t ..'. " Ii. 'i v. " i.' .' .1. in. . ie. Mm :l .Vi " . I :-er I :- " ." I ' ,1 Hi ' " ; ll", M.il.. " 1 .'.1 ' .1 :. " Arriv. I'.--' " 4 ..:" ;.. i "i:..iu, i ,i:0i e. iiii l. i ,:... el .-l.'i ;os. . .N.. r. ! ! . I I.. MIMl.. .'.' :i. in. Lew. r . 'iir rrivo :,n - .'. , ;...) i v S Am u ill- f r :. : n I.l " 1 . ., Or. .-I..-;, r i in .'i.i , .:. U"-!.'l- ; M..a: x ' ft : i.i' I iy. , X'.l. I'll ::"I'S'0 i iNM ,"l'l:iN:i. rraia.- i .n.-l i ;u I ..'. it. )! i .tl'.li villi 'I.' . .I-.'.. ! i-l l.i'i. ! r ;:il i .N..rOi :m 1 I: -. ; i:i : . ,i r, :. :e s..i,i i.i . '.Jv;,;! 'ii li'ii'o .'. v . "... -i.'.-i -i I" .ini'l. m.il in V.: i:,:l I , ,- nllll II N V!. II-. ... '....; n II. Ii. f, T V.,i.s.. n.-.,l.-:. 'I mlii N... '.... i.i..'.".- i.i ...- .: wi ii .1: .-ti...u i u ii. u. i 'i .),-ai..t ! i.'.l n.v. N r i. an 1 V..-:. ! Z ! I., v.li :.!,.l . . .e.'l i.i ' i,.: .i:ii Hi" i.i.-Ii- j l.. "I Si.l.r... H .ll i I.i' S. I. ,r,! . I i . .' I. I i;-,l-.-:i. iiu.l .'i.,i,i-i I ...I ,.; :"' ! s.'iiiii, fiii. I ..I I .i,i li'i. ' I. a i ,'.' v. i ll." .'.t , l.aii i '.,.i. I l.ii',' 1 i .e. i.-u. I.i. ' ill.Miiut inil ! .'i i la i",,'i. . Tr.ia .: ..:-:: a V.is I I, ll well l' .-e , u 1 )T I.il'v I, i : . .' ! ll' . At ' in. .a ; r. I .ill e u' s ti. j V. i . I. VI I. '' .' i I .- A.'. 1.1. J. V.'. I l. V, O ;. i Ma;. . ; Keeps the scalp clean, cool, healthy. The Best Dressing Restores hair which has become thin, faded, or erav. Dr. J.C.Aycr & Co. Lowell. Mass. r-vi.'-.-s-..-.-'. i, -v-- .rj p 1895b a is? a EVERY CITIZEN OF- OSJQlftTTO SUHSOUJE t6 THE - Th only piipe'r published in tliik great eouiity. Every pcrsoi oisght to kceji hsforosed about his e()85ty9s af fairs by reading Ills county p$i per. Tlic RECORD lias ahvays done iiti best to pro mote pros fi. peri(y oi" nil the j people, t6 advance espec iaily the iEiter jesis of Cliati The KECOllti . iii8I8yitsp res- .siti b i 5 St s ?AI I j Chatham counrf jSjUami ii success ful career has j . ,x. .. s . ... , Oct.- U v iilill r .3 tiC , f , l tfkl't'll Ilii k ' -. X 1 S.rlL Ui Vt roll m iouiv I . B i . , .. . I ISdl Ilo. . In She. f?!(uret is u the past, est ne v? s and be ia fiisnily iiewS paper m vhielt its readers shall jnot be ashuaieil; ! stop immm ni i : I OHLT WM CISTS A WEEK". 'Sussex AT

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