araiinafl -iiWfinvnrw-i n i f v. TUVKbDAV, JINK , tm. H. A. LONDON. Editor. School committeemen tor every public school dietrict iir this Statu vVore appointed, on lust Monday, by t lio board ol commitis'ioners of ihuir respective comities. Tliis was done ih piirSJance Of' an act of our lute ''reform" Logislaturo. Yes, instead Of allowing the people of every school dititrict to elacc tlieir tteliool commit t'eemen, our "reform" Legislature gave to llio county comaiissiotier.s ft o power to appoint them. And yet, uuo of tbo standing cuiipuign tfliiirges against tlio democratic par ty, lor many years past, lias been tli at, the people were deprived of !tliJ right to govern themselves" because they could not elect t!vr school committeemen. During the last campaign evcy "reform" can didate ohriekcit himiu'lt hoarse nvi-r this great outrage, and promised if umt faithfully to restore to the pc.v plo this great right. All "reform" orators declared that it was depriv ing the people of the right of "local Soli' government", if they were not permitted to elect their school com mitteemen. They declared and in sisted that the peowle of the .everal afL'hdol districts were just as cotiipo-. tent and callable to elect their school ommilleemen, as they were to elect j their county officers, and of course Mieretiire everybody expected that tiie "relorm" Legislature would promptly give them this right. liui alas, like so many other cam ' , , . . . ?aign pledge.-, made by tho "reform. ers", they utterly tailed and refused lo redeem this pledge. Aud not on IV did thev refuse to let tiie people I elect the school committeemen, but t'ley also refused to let the people elect the school examiner in every Co'.rniy. Yes, the Legislature estab lished tho office ol school examiner iu every county, in place of the eowity superintendent o cdrcation, and, instead of giving lo the people of each county tho right to elect Jim, they gavo to onk man (the flerk ot tho superior court) the power to appoint him. tow, is'nl this restoring to the people tho right "to govern them uelvcs" with a vengeance f And this is only one of the many illusiralionsol the hypocrisy of iheso trailed "retoriners", whoso only idea 'of "Vcfortu' id gelling koiiic office ! The season lor school and college commencements is now in full blast. All over the land hundreds ol audi ences are daily assembled to greet with npplansH the young orators ami , rsweev girl graduates". From the "classic shades" ot our State L'niver Bity to the humble log school bouse in tho back-woods fond parents are assombled to see and bear their children appear upon the arena 1 1 oratory, and how happy and proud aro they as the applause and flowers of friends greet their efforts ! It is gratifying to all friends of education to know, that all our irisli tutions ol learning, schools, colleges and academies, are now iu a more prosperous condition and more large ly atteudod than nt any previous period in our Stale's history. Our venerable Stale University celo brates, this week, its centennial an niversary with a larger number id aludents on its catalogue than din ing any previoirs year tit its century existence, And the denominational .colleges arc all iu bettor condition than ever beloro. Their standard ol scholarship is higher and the num ber ol students larger tban.ever be loro, and their upbore of usefulness is every year increasing. The Pacitio Mteanier Colima sank off tho western coast ol Mexico last j . . , .... .. , . wc ..u .o iii....B -v',.i,, ! d-rownod. Itwusonool those appal ling disasters that, now and then, shock the world and forcibly re, mind us of the uncertainly ol human life. The second officer in command of this ill fated stoamer was a son of ' Capt. John O. Miller, who removed irom Ibis place lo Calilornia, shortly alter the war, and his mother was a daughter of tho Ilev. Oeorgo W. Langborno who married a sister of the lalo James Moore, oi this place. This unfortunate officer bravely stood at bis post and was drowned while attempting lo save othorsi Ho was just 30 years old. Tub State Fair will bo held at .' Haleigh, next October, as heretofore. At one timo it was feared, on account of tho Fair's indebtedness, that no Fair would be held this year, but we .ire pleased lo learn tint it will he hold as usaal. The citizens of Hal eigh, with their uual liberality and public spirit, bavo contributed a sum sufficient to seenro the payment of ;ho premiums, and arrangements -iU at tHiee be tu4e for a big lair. Washington Letter. (From our Roiulnr usrrespbbi!uit.J Washington, May 31, lSi5. President Cleveland never bad closer or a deurcr friend Secretary Gresbam. His not have beeu greater Lad died. Ho insisted that the retafy should bavo the military funeral only oue other ci vilian, (the late John A. Logan; was ever accorded that bouor -although ,, ii l , , i l .1 Mis. Giesbaiu at lii6t desired that ri,i.i !, ,.,;.i A...1 although ho bad himbeil not beeu well I 113 CH.4 IICB DIIV'LIIVJ UD I'lllfllO, UUU for some dnvs before ijeeretarv tires- ham's death, he dccidtd at ouce that he and the surviving members of the cabinet wouhl accompany the remains i.. 1 1,, ;., i... i i i 'i, ,n which was au honor never beloro e- ! hiL;U. l"llU'c- "". J oiupiiis corded a d,a,I official. While the i 1,0 V,ll'.el t,xW'f liuav bodies have al.eady begun to!'" 1 ".'tod Mates, .t probable gue'ss audeui-ist tho name of the l,tt.c. consideiat.ons and nest See.ieta.vof State, it is certain H't'! .nomenclature made so ibat tho President j grief Las beeu (1, P.-, ; 1 r-. ( l.u I too deep to give the matter a thought, aud probable that all or the great, r part of the thirty days allowed by law will expire before tho sell etion is uiuae. l no Ui-mociaue imi ( v is iicni , ,,, . . . ' materi-.d and Pri-std"iit Clevehi t:".Ys the deserved reputation of be . I : . i - ( ....... i. n . c . . i ... they come irom the dwn ship names, no oecitoiou lor uuv vvorrv ubout a ., ' . . . .' , , I ; . , ,i, ,"..,: .,, Jiu in t he case ol this road t he u m-mi.-! :ko tn-iiiLf mado in the i-o.eetiou. , , . . . ,, . ., . TLo euiov of Senator Voorlu es ' nlU' Js '"'!"7'- on the hie Secretary (, al j ult l.r.nigh an uudevc oped , ou :,- ihon.'h ronoiii sse.l into a SLiori felo "O 1 ; griti.i,:jent toS'. rgert.ii. r.t-Arws I):ight ot the Si iiale, wnl h.iril.y oe surpass ed bv anv of the many longer one.- to hd written or ipoken. Mr. Yoor- bees t-aid -listiititM 13 in mourniug ! forLerm.jt di;-t inguu Led ri at ivo b-.n n ; ,,.!,,.., i,,,;;v j UiJjl,uuj uulltcA cour,ge. J Y.,;;t , Q c;es!i:uu lived uud died j the glial t-uidie:-. the great iur'n-t, aiul !t' K'-?at Seerotai-.v. No manlier j s 1 V; " 1:0 truer nor more v.itnutie liC-ut ever I (.( aa ,0 (.... J, o, cd uu j bo;- us hin-if im.l his eour.tiy more than himself. His name and fume wit! continue to Jiveou the fest pages of Auieiican histoiy as long as that j fSlatcs Supremo Court at Washing history itself endures. You and I ton. Tin; card, which was mailed will Lover loe cm his bko again, xno puoi.o service lusts u siiuesiii.m. you aud I Iosh a friend beloved. May : i ir ..i.i - l ... . : .. 1 . ; . ' ueu uiess me oereaven uik's iu um darkened home. Politicians of nil parties who hap pened to be in Washington when the news of the easy tiiumph of the For- aker men over the McKinlcyitcs iu the Ohio n publicari State conveutiou ' was n ceivt J. agreed in expressing the , opinion tpe McKniUy Loem was : the reby heavily han iicapi'e.l. not- ; withstanding the perfuuetury McKin j ley resolution that was afterwards j adopted by the convention. McKiu j ley stock has been dropping for some j time, und if the idea once tela accept oil that there are a large iiiituher ol I iiilhitLlmi republicans iu Ohio who, I while pretending lo be for him are in reality engaged iu bargaining with ; tho other candidates for the nomiua tiou, it will ill op out of sight aud the name of .ilclviuley win not even go before the republican Nulioual con veil lion. IL-eie is another tLiupr about the Oijio t.0Uvt.iltiuU ulHt was much com luented ou by the politicians. That was Juuu Sherman's speech, which radicates almost to a certainty the in tentiou of the republicans to try to juggle the silver question through another Ni.tiouid campaign by the adoption of a platform that both the silver uud the gold republicans will interpret to bo iu their favor, and which will in reality mean nothing, except putting off a seltleiueut of the quosliuu to some iudcliuito future time. Among tho many things told to the credit of the late Secretary (JresLam is the following, given as bis remarks lo Geu. Graut who visited hitu while he was iu command at Natchez, Miss: "Why, general, I regard tho enmity of these people as the most natural thing on earth. We aro all made by our geography, moulded by our en vironment. If you or I Lad been Lorn iu the South, reared in tho South, you and I would both have been in tense Southern men. Wo reprtstut the sentiment of ourpeople aud liieso Southern folks represent thiiis. To mo il all appears very tmtuiul. Aud, to tell you the truth, general, when I liud a Southern man who is not for tlio South I xperieuco all that in stir.e'.ive. distrust for him which I do for a eoj:j)ci Lead. I don't ipiito Late him like i tlo a copperhead, because he's siding with me ami I'm too weak 10 I" 01"0 'l,' 0,1 "'I. v.j m itti r whero they como from. j., j!s a fiU.4 ,.,.,,,! whi-ii I find a g1' iilhern uiiiii who is a;'aii;nt the South, I somehow disbelieve in him and c.iu't give hiiu credit for being tilh'jr manlv or honest " Hlocds'ii'il iu South Caroliita. Cou MtiiA, ij. C, Juon 1. At Ciin ton this moinir.g Stulo liquor Con stable S. M. Duncan aud former Chief of tho Constabulary force in the up per portion of the State, J. IS. Woik man. Lad a fatal shooting ufViay. Workinau was a deRjierate man. He charged Duncan with being tbc causo of his removal from the force. Tho lie passed and it is said Work man fired the Cist shot. Workman was killed bat not until Duncan whs brought dewu by two bullets iu Lis hips. He is not thought to be fatally injured. This morning liquor constable Oar den dropped Lis pistol in tho State capitol ami aLot constable George Martin. It was a pure accident Mm tin mt-i ely jot a Ilet-L wound iu the leg. There- lias bet n bad blood between Workman and Duncan for some time. The French steamer Dom Pedro Las been wrecked off Cape Corobdo. Part of her passengers and crew were saved, but about eighty persous were drowned Politics on a Railroad. Nkw York, Juno 3. Tbo West Virginia Central and Pittsburg rail- road is jiceuliarly a political affair, rt runs from I'ledmont, W. Va., to tho town of Flkins, and its chief iioo uitcn or coal, iron, and limner .-..i. . i i .. i land, and mines each year several hundred thousand tons of coal. Hut it is not that tact which makes t of i ll In 1 . ,a1 " m"hlM 11 l" imriicuiar iiuercm 10 a ureal many " i'". ui me names 01 no van. ous stations, i neso near me names ,.r ; : ur... i;... ;.. Was hinglon. .... . . Tho names of eight stations are, inuom, Diaine, norma n, iron- Slll'l' all I 111 IM CSMMMI. llllMltilll HilS i "' '""I" 1 V ' , .' u""1 u, .uuo ur.ia. . oiuie n, inc.. mens o, ! Jranspoitat ion are slight the ",0I" ; " ' . , . ,, "... ' , til I f K1 .1 , II . - 11' I I , . , l ! ani.oai. section oi tnnu.ia. .veeorn to the ordinary plan of Insuiw.-. m uues upon ine siii;nMi, ! . J ' -"' nl""' i ! dence ol I lie town itself, and seem to have been lew, it :. s 1 1, ere features that suggested names, sii as rivers, mountains, valleys i. ul pioneer settlements, the simple plan was adopted ol utilising the names ol p.ililieal leaders, especially ol those who were interested in the i oal. Aliiisiup: Tin1 .Stipi ciiii' Court. HosToN, Mass., June 1. 11. II, JJryant, a citizen of Cambridge, was held iu -."itii) bad today by the ted States ratnl jury foi f ending a scurrilous postal card lliiutt.'.'h the mails to the .1 iistices of the I'nited on April f'th, had the liosioti post . ; maiiv on u aim was nun lessen ; l o the prostitute J udges of I he Suprcnie o l. .i.e. I-.:. iu... . tl- i. iicncn oi ine i. n.icn oiaics, u.-u- tngton, J). t . On the back was written the lol - lowing: "Alter Judas had done his dirty job he had enough manhood loll to icttii u his bribe and then forever put himselt beyond hutiian right. ' His exumpm is worthy ol yourse- ions at tent ton. 1 ri vale i ncoine Irom Lind is unmixed iijn-iiee, as the utile springs from public effort, and s beyond the reach ol private en teavor. No doubt (hat millionaires needed In support their lordly e.-tab- ttsiimeuis in various parts ol llio world and their luxurious harems ; that float upon the seas, liut mil-l liouaires, you've always been a curse to all people iu all times a deadly and far-reaching rol to the entire gamut ot morals, doth puhlic and private. You illustrate one phase ot that rot. (Signed) II. II. I'.ltVANT, Somcrviilc, Mass., April !t, lM'.V tsryani lias very strong views oti the matter of taxation, and the in- come tax deetsmn at Washington is supposed lo have inspired tho com- municalioii to the ju-tieis. Congress on Silver. New York, Juno .' Tho World published yesterday a telegraphic poll ol the next Chngrcss, as hir as obtainable, upon the silver, tariff, and income lax question, it sums up the result as follows : In a general way it may be said that out ol 1 Hi members win) gave unequivocal answers to the free sil ver queston, 5.') are unqualifiedly ia favor ot freo coinage, 41 lavor hiinc tallism generally, with ihe proviso ol an international agreement. Only seventeen can fairly be class ed as favoring a single gold standard and the attitude ol these even is not definite. '1 ne South and lar West ern Slates are almost unanimous for tree silver, with international bime tallic qiialiiicalions, and it i- only in Now York, New Kii'-land, and adia- cent Fastern Stales that there are any avowedly gold standard men. In regard to the taritl'.only I wenly eight memborsareagaiiislall ebange, while thirty-five favor moderate changes and thirty eight aro pro iidu need tor radical changes. A tew are Iroe traders. The moderates are chiefly those who think changes will he necessary in order to increase revenues. The income-tax question brought out many sharp ami piquant answers Forty nine t ongi t ss nen say they lavot'tho prineiplool the, tax. Forty seven opposn il. A great many eva ded tho question, or tailed to or it. Silver and Hood Times. Esiriu-I Hie .,f n.,M. .J . 1 . 1 1 I'-ineiv- n'' 'l Ti'iillrcelt!, IU ll.o .llwlllj-iil.t "Si.uiul M so - C'l illVi-li'.l HI. A.-k any fanner what was the most proejieroua period agriculture Las ever known iu this country, and if he is old enough or intelligent enough Le will tell you that it was between 1850 and 18G0. During that entire decade we coined not a single silver dollar and were absolutely on the gold standard. When Las the fanut r bad the most trouble ? He will tell you within the past sixteeu years, and during that period we Lave coined over fifty times inoro silver than was coined from 171)2 down to 1878. Hiiiiis Iu Nebraska. Omaha, June 2. Heavy rains Lave been lulling in Nebraska lor tour days. Fven tho small grain which in many places was thought to he ruined is coming out. Farmers are replanting what corn was killed by il Ito-1, I than tliolote . ... " k,lllmvl - - -Haturdav, Junel,185,indicatoaverv g rief could k i V senator irom o1 o jiuno jh oj'hj i ui,ui" favorable week; crops have all in - EwbroUur" th Btreets and for a momeu every: j nuJ ' , P fc to dead See I povclovtvom West pno was dazed. It was ul hr.t thouGbt ' Utjl0tl . cultiva(i "r honor of a! v.M",,la- V' f0,n'"11 ?n r , B , 1 T a t grass. The week ot.ei.eil A Terrific Explosion. Pittsburg, June 1. A Bpecial to lke Leador from ParkerBburg, West i Virgino, nays: About 5.30 p. iu. to "y mm ciiy was euaiien aa h uy an earthquake arid a tremendous report 1 I I I ....... .. .... A -""' uuiiui mm mu muu nj. i trip to t lie river, However, i om ino story, A large bkiflf, Wile.! with uitro clyeerme being taken up the J . ,.,, t !i .... I .. , 1..,,.,..,. from " V " " '"ui, 1 , hum imni.jni;; mv, mml. df f !ii lUmii! v lloiil was i n 1 H i , utO the mouth of .Seal s inn opposite -it fiM i . i tho mill, lbe cans were hot and in . "-i k i'" tOilllii' CXl.I'lNlOll f()!I(Ulil. llll' iiinii mid bout ivpic blown into atoms. . i n ..: f . bodv Ix iug picked up hundred lf , a.d poor slaud. Consul yards from th se. no of the explosion. I J-'lul,, was replanted. Chopping cot Tl,...,. lUiv .iv, oi-ut A.m : " 1101 Pl hmshed. Corn .s grow ! , i ..i 'I i-,.,' i, ... .... i. -" " - . ..... ... " .. , , c'o e.ploc. and LU.i.d a led , ?., i... ., ,, ;,, - ... . , . .. .. . . .... . of Umidu breaking of -lass audj, the wiiekiug of l.- 'Ht.s and barges estiti.'itid ;.t :--7.,tittl). The 1,-usim Streets it tilt' city i'I(: slli wi! with! g!.i' s ami v.n ekiige. Numerous pi r , son.- were cut end it jnted by f.ilhngj I,',;::- in d ttuibeis. J he grr-alei-t ihuiiiige was I'.oi.e in Soul h l'.ii k : ? burg. lltMi.-i's caved in and the phis leiin feh ( IV the v:ti!s and e iiins. Hom s Mere Iri.jhteiie.l ai.d I'.iss i'.wav, ami l?eil!.'.!n ger.eraliy broke loose in this city, ife tow lioat Heat Lenngtoii was badiv wrecked. . Slioot ing SiTitpi'. l l'. ill tl.n A-li'M,!f CltU-r. .e -sot a ,i pi. ii able thooi in rj nii'air th..t neeuried al JSuruf-viilf, Yancey count y'j, el; !ti:l. Sunday i veuing. bus li ui li. d A' i;. v;l:o. Iho story istim wh;!.' .J. !;:- h.ini Hay. a son of t J;,iy of II ii ii.-vi!!e, was drc-i-in, the. law olliee of l", 1'. Wai.-on. 1.!,M at ' W.j M. Ho-'.- iede nj) on a mnie ami ai-kee U.v lo lend i.i.u a pitoi. JJ -iv. see ii:g thai Hoss si emeil to be under t Lt ii.llueneo of lionor .efuscd to let him mV(. tho weaimu. This action uut-er (.,1 Jloss, who ilisuiounteil ami, With hj3 hatid iti hi in bis biji pocket, utteinpted lie i i:ice. II a v pushed Hons (o elite) the i liiee. ISav t u:lt (,f the doorway ami told him to : rr0 home, j At this, so the evidence goes. Hoss ' pnid he intended to shoot lt.iv r.tid ( npproaehi d him as if to car ry out Lis , lnvat. when liav shot him. Hoss lived i nly a short time, j,iV is di-eii';ed as n p rfcetlv sol'i r iu Hoss was r : ipiict eitien whin iiot under Iho in fiiieiteo of liipior. I'p to the time ol the difficulty the young mm had been fast friends. Much sympathy ixists iu Huriisvillo for llcss' lather ai.ii faiuilv, whilo young Hay. all s3Uipa!hi.e with .Mai l ied His Fourier M ii'o. Sr. JosKiMi, Mo., Juno 2 (ieorgt , Ia venport , of this city, will ho mar ' ried to his wile a second time at : Columbia, Mo., iu a few days. Il i- I another Fiioeh Anion story. They were married many years ago and I have been separated since Haven - ....... ...,,, tf) lh(. war. His wile be j ,k,Vl., ,,im j.j ,1Uin i01 UL,;u. jlt. ije!ievi-il his wile and child dead L.,,1 CVC1. Went back to his old Inline. When Davenport went into the army ho lived on a small larm ten miles south ot Columbia. Ho was wounded at Shiloh and left on the field to die, but recovered alter an illness ol more than a year. Several years alter his wile was married to John Smallwoo'l, a friend oi lit r youth, and lived with him until be died. Davenport wandered to Call fortiia, where he lived nearly thirty years, and finally drifted into the Soldiers' Home at Leavenworth. Al ter leaving llio homo ho cai .o lo this city. A lew weeks a ') he read something in a newspaper which convinced him that his son was alive. He wont In Columbia and found that his wife, too, was alive. It was sumo timo be fore ho could convince her of Irs identity, but she became convinced and they decided to remarry at once. ".Mooiisliiniug" Iu IVuifi'tiiLiry. Fi: vxKi oi;T, Ky , May ill). Ti e Warden of the penitentiary here wus much mvslilied three davs ago lo dis ci.vtr one of Lis prisoners, a Iny mountaineer, in Lis cell dead drunk. I'Lo convict was known to bo penni- i less and without irii tuls. Hn did li ! 1 get si,ber enough to taik until ye. j teidi.y. Tht ii ho eunfes: ed. ! lie knew Low to make w Li-key ,u d : when he got thu assistance of a negro ' convict iu Iho cook room all was plain' sailing Tim negro took mola-st s, stale corn bread and rainwater. Thisj uji.-.tino w:n ..!ereted in u barrel Mid: allowed to stand as mash for eight, days. It was then put in a teajot1 uud boiled and was run from the im ! prevised still into a big iron pot. I These drippings were taken to the: ruiunlaiueer, whose taste they litleii : exactly. For fear some ouo would : discover the liquor iu bis cell Le sa.u hi) drank it all, something like tLiec quarts. FmsTiHs. Send your addross to II. E. Duek len tt Co, Chicago, and get a fue sample box of Di. King's New L'fe Fills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action aud aro particularly effective in the euro of Coustipatiou and Sick Headacho. For Malaria col Livei troubles they bavo been proved in-! valuable. They arc guaranteed to i. ! perfectly f:ie from every tlele'c-riou-substanee and toboiniroly vegt table, j They do not weakou by their action, hut by giving tone to sti.maeh aud, bowels greatly invigorate tho system. Regular sie 25c. per box. Sold by . O. It Pilkiugton- Druggist, 1 Weekly Weather Crop Bulletin. Central Office, Jialeigh, N. C. The reports of correspondents of the Weekly Weather Croo Bulletin. issued by the North Carolina State j leather Ser , ......i-..,,,,.!,. ..., .,.j i ,i..:. . - n. ...... .iv .-.n ,.. i ... .. , . ) . ".vi, u, , a . .... ," , ! degreea. Iho bnght sunshiiio and ' niperaturo a.e beta licriil, but u.e entire wi-. k has beeu drv. liffht , i.. t... : v., ' ' . . " in j; in u n.-eneo .... ilieato Uiat llui piti ' favorj.l:i for farm All rcpoi is in t week W8i Very work, and that rvrrvi i, in.- U (ovwin.r i,.iv . ry, ;u . ." " ,n " . ' ! ho; 1 1 1 1 ; i i . ; to be needed. Cotluii has ,'!'! oved thoui'li still email inn n!"' rapidly aud is bong worked foi , lUo tir.t time. Some corn is yet to 1 1'!"' 1- p. o;;i e,s has br.n , jh tra1H tlwcc0t wlU.h '-s g,in' !!'(: !' nieelv, ilmii.v ' ..r ....i ...... .... i . i . . i . i . . 1111 " , ' " m'.l " '" 'y e. ii ciitinii lliliusecil iv lut) IK ill. i Clever and buy bein;' hat ve.;tod l'ruit lr'..le:i (.11 eotis..:! i ably. (ilape ate oui. of b'.oni.i and big crop has set. Si ra win iiies p,e!i;ii'ul. Farmers are in luueh better spii its. 1 have two iii tii- grand children who a io teething this hot nummcr weslL'er '-nd are troubled with bowel complaint. I give them Chamhn's Coiic, Ckolciu and Daiiho.'i Uiiindv r.nd it nets lil.ti a ihnnu. J ear. e llv i ee imieend it for children with iinwe! troubles. I was invsell taken with a n n in aitai-k of blood j ii'.ix, with etHiii)is and pains in my sioiUHch, one lliiul of a bolllu of this reinedv cured me. Within I four bom s 1 was out ol bed and d.i- m noKsi1 wol K, .urn W.ii lJiin n.ijaii, lion initio. Hickman Co. 'l'enn for . aie l y liynuui tV Jleadet), i'itts bor:. N. C. ' w: i;.-. i-, Tojn ki in-i Much. !:. r. li.ii t:er. a la -.i.'uim. i:l newspaper man ! i of i.i l ygiif. rv?;i; , was taken wi.h cholera nioi Ims vi rv scwivlv Ti. ni.-in e.eiK ai run nun 1 wnere On iva.- j stopping happened to haven boitl, I of Chumi.ei Imis Cehe, ( !holi ru ami Ih .ill Id and titixe him three dose which uiiived him and In Ihii.l s save 1 Ijj.s life. Kvcry iami! should keep this le.-ntdy iu iheii Limit: at all lieies. No one can tel! Low soon it may be needed It co-Is l.i.t a lull.- i:d laity be ll.o means oi sivi::- iinieh si;;V; mi ;r and pes Imps il.. !.:. . r '. i:.. i; !i. .e !:,-;. -.; :ii, l ,")'.) e- l.; L.'tiies lor ..-!! l;, Hy cum a: lleaden, Pitts! oro. N C. The ciiirercv Li'l which Iws ifcent ly pissed both Houses of ti e Cliileai Congress, (.dies Chile out of i-ilvie standard naii.uis. cs it makes Hit mcn'tary unit of country tin gold dollar. Silver wid be coiiitrd but the ratio is fixed at about .'!.') ti 1. ihe present market rate. To those living in malarial districts Tutt's Pills are indispcnsible, they keep th system In perfect order and are an absolute cure for sick headache, indigestion, malaria, torpid liver, constipa tionand all bilious diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills Carrot, md Trudc-Marki obtained, and all l't Dt biiiinni eoniJactcJ MotmiTC F. ai.i ran ..Turo a:,:ni iu icat tiiuu iliau lliixs rcmnt rrnm nlniiL't'in. Send nioiii'1, drnvlup or r'o . v. .Ill do-orln tlnii. Wc adtiM.-, if l atrutahlti vr iut. free ul tlidrpr. Our fee dm- i ! lutein ficiiri-l. A PHPHLIT, 'IIllW IO OliUllI l'!li." ith ra'iii" of a, n. il co.-Dirf in yuur fctat.', count; , or towu, ei iil free. Ail.lreso, C.A.SNOVV&CO. Off. Patcht Omen. WaaMiNGTON. O. C. Poor Health i means so much more than i K'ou imacfine serious and i fatal diseases result from trilling-ailments neglected. Don t play with Mature s greatest gift health, - iiymiareieeiiiig i out o( sorts, we.itc J and pt utrally ex- liausieti, iteivous, have an atpi'iiie and can't wofk , M begin at oncciuk ble itrenKthening medicine, which ia Brown's Iron Bit ters. A few hot thm cure benefit comes from i very first doae mo r stm Urlh. mud pleaunt to take. It Cures DvjDCDsIa. Kldnev and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood f Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. Get mily the RetiuitK il has crossed red linen on tlie wrapper. All others are suh stttutes. llll receipt ci two w. atam we will semi set ol Ton Beautllul World's Fair View and book Iree. vice, for the week endinc i : Browns Iron Ditters AND WE WILL SHOW YOU AS HANDSOME A STOCK OF GOODS AS YOU EVER SAW. 0 U: CO TTOX .'A'N.S O OOPS A HE f. 0 YKL I' AM) SO Clll-.A F: Heuutifu! ('iilii'iif i ci uts. nice I'd iiiIch for 8 to 12.J oeuts, Largest and liamUnna-Kt of ( linyliiims from ! cents up, Sice Challieu foi 5 cents, ui iiOai Luwus aud O.gaudiis as aro made,- and very cheap, Salerno, black and nil colors, firm? IJj 1 ems up, c'(ins aud other ('tinkle good-, iiiee l)iiuite for 1(J renfp.- Br Wlca Bress Cecils Have Would en I i your espeeinl ntt nt u.:i Sd cull your spci-il Hlteiitioii to our 1JL('K Oi' )!-, I r f i-i i;i (I;) mi's u, s.Vntlid, , won). UT.1, cent. l n p'U r- in i;i oo et n's u, sp.t'iiilul All Hie ne V- h i' -'ods i:i lti.iel, ! hue ;if Hiik for V.iits, fu .v rui! Our U inif ( I ' 1.1 ! J'. .-, cents per v:ird. A-ls to ire our I) it ted Swiss, I cents to 10 eenfs. Ail si it's i f Laces i-.t;-.l Tiiiitniiiigs elieiipfr than you ever dreamed of. Ii lilies nice Shirt Wa;.-I a Imv i ;t5 cents. W e have an Vitil; rllit or I'ar! f ,r everybody, from 25 epnR up. Fans as low as 1 t ent. All Limit nt F.nie Notions. Our MILLIrlKHlf Depaitmt lit i.- lull lo nvei flow. I; nlie-you cm be plenstvl. (live us a look. Our I'AN IS (JOOD.S l. p irtni. i:t bss'not, beeu forotfcn. Cottonado as low us S els. Fine Cassmirres U'e I;, ep the linost and cheapest SHOES, in the county. Aid; to see our haml-iici.le Shoes. 7,ov Shoes, all styles, fiom HI eenis to oil .cr puir f.a:l;es Vt cts, from 5 cents lo tho finest Silk, (ients I'lidctrh ris. from '2?t cents. A largo assortment of men's ami hoys' Suits, f..i !.": men's Funis as low as -it) cents. A nice lot of boys' Clothing. Cfuno and see our nu n's and boys' Huts, they will talk for theniM Ives. W e let ji t t ii II n g nbd will not be undersold by any oije iu liny market I'm' the ein-h. No trouble to show goods at W. L. LONDON & SON'S. FiHshoro. N. C, M u '.). S'.)J5 (DMDSS ILIIHIEIEIAI f,M(U (9 1Y, !., SPUING CLOTHING. Our New Sine!-; rrii ks first in importance Our New Assortment is a nifti vi-l of henuf y, i tyle aud exeelli nee They are ri-Ht up to date and of ailislic make and shape. The mateiia! is the highest tpialily and the w oi kni'ii. ship is giiiiriiiiieed the boil i selected t Npreusly for you and each article n.ailu.l a! a ; rice yul t ai ciloid In p-iy. 1" ' " pn v i os s;.", on l.mi) we I n u able to collect an nssorlmeut so v eil adopted lo the wauls nd it ipiiieiiioiif s of nur customers as we call idler in our Mock. A fair examination I in iih ihe t ide of trade to our eouun I ers and the suvii ;;s it. ft, your pocket. Inspect our seasonable line, learn I he prices, you will i.i t be disappointed, (be tnic'ilion will arise in your mind bow can such line goods be bold for so littlo money. Take time to think, then tmri your ihoiights to our store where the value is deep and you will make no Aptil 1 1, 1.SD.1 CLOTH L(i FINK AND MEDIUM! Here wo are full i:p wUh CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, .1TJD O -S2fJTS' iFTirrcx-Tisiiisror GOODS. You enli liny lliiuie t -mis new in BURLINGTON, N. C., nt eur Durliniii pirVes, wliieh ore still i!;o lowest over ktion-o. 15 V Ba u! 'tiltis AiecUon in Our linc ! When in mil lliiiviii; t-ity loni. f. r tin' ( jiiivum i'ii. 'JIIK CUHHIKU AND FUKNISHKIt, Main NSr'el Si Ml l7,1V4 TfKY, .V. . CONDENSED KKL'OKT OF THE CONDIllON OF TIIK Commercial and Farmers Bank, or i: a i.i :i; 1 1, ,-s. :. A3 l;i:XI'Kl;K.H Til THK i(.TK TIl.U.M UIJI US TIIK l'.lri! liKI'KMHKIt, 1801. UESOIUCKS. I LIABILITIES. Ioaiis ami Diseuiint., Jj-201. I flifOnpitnl Stock imid iu OverilrHftit, -17- N"-'' Ounli, !:15.(K)0N. C.-lpr et. 15cuitls,:M l.Si.nUmliviili-il rroCts, Baiikiiit; IIoiihi', Fin iiituie, jDm; to IJ.niliH, mill Fixtiiif.H, IS. 7(12 12! ilt 'tiils tjulijecl to Curre nt Exit'iisesuii:1 Tuxes. I.(i:t:! !l I; l lieik, Duo from Hunks. 1 i ." t -I "2 T -T t Cusli iu Vaulis, Jl.'JhThl Wo Holirit vonr colli eiimi.t iiihI We will bo (ileiiHt'il lo font ejimiil cli.iDt'8 or oiei:in liew iieeuuntti. J. J. THOMAS,, GlMSTGH INSTITUTE,! Ji air.H, af, aew eaiiii riiifti i i.,.-.., n. w., . vashin(;ton, i. ij. A si lei t It inliiiy iiml I .iy iSelniiil for Vo'.inu; I iuliiH iiml (iirl.s. SjK'fial a'lviint.ii'.'.s in Yoril ami It hlfiinii'tit tl Mii.m.-, llfawi"', Fiiritiii'', antl Mii'lern Laiinaucs. f " A i(iur.-e nf tliiity left n res t-n tliestmly nf Sliakspi'.-nv, ti lie veil iy Mis Slatia a (ay, will liegin Oi-tolter l.Vu. For catuloguo ailjresa Mk. a;;i. Mus. U. R. MASON, Out. 11, 1S.)1 lViue ials. Sineo it rri'iy lio unlawful for you Cbatliuui folks to "run at large' in your own county, wo invito you to i!ome across tho lino to SAN FORD iiiil buy your SPfllNQ SUPPLIES nod tell your biii jiIus moiluco. We can niul will navo you money. l:,. f'l.'Tri'tT VI'Mf'!.' ..,,.1 AW I.IK OKl.ItAU hillUl ami AH- FUL CLOSE l'UICES. . BIcIVERS. S ANF0IU, N. V., Apil 2., 1895. 1 Never Been EpMi in this Town. to our DUCK Ol)')D- rtergp, ml wool. Ui.i cents. and Coloicd. from 10 ecuts to 1.25 r'. (inis In $1 R: peronl. ;;i huge uud cheap, commencing at 5 8100,000.00 21.623.11 11,325.63 311,195.90 ImsineHR. We guarantee eatiefaetioa. with tboBO wLo couleiiiplato tuakiug li. S. JEIOIAN, Cashier, C. F. & Y. I RAILWAY. JOHN (JILL, Receiver. Condensed Schedule. Iu effect May lUtb, 1895. DAILY. r rul ii . ...I m; M.irili: Tltllllliiilllgtiotllb SI nil rnwui(or (0. I. Mall a l'maoonRof Li'ttvi. W ill a. m. I Wilmington, ' I2.t p in lFa)ViH'lllo, " 'J. Ill irlilllfi.rd, Arrlvo H an " isiicr. Arrlvu, 5.50 p. nt. fSK) 11.60 10.11 1.u a. m l.i p. in. iircciiRixiro, ih Mu Airy. Surih Uouuil .No. 4. South Bound No. 4. 8TATION3. llclinoiuvllle Maxbiu Itisl XprintCii iiuihi amiH fnyi'tlovllln Arrive tuip. nu Uaive IJ " ) " 41 " 4 ,.H " . b..uih Hound. tNn. It. MIXKU. til -M '." rrlY.' ..rili Hound INu. 10. MIXkU. BTATIONS. ft a. in. Lonvp ltamacur eitniax flnwutii.rii OnMinHlmi-o rilolciwiiaiu Madlrtoa Arrive 6 00 p. id Lmva 4 JO a " Arrive 3 " Leave 1 i 7 M ' 8 'i'l Arrlvi U " Lou vt 10 50 " 1 to " Arrlv f Dully oljopl Buuday. NOUTIl IlOt'D CONNECTIONS. Truing N. 2 antl 4 connect At fayoMeTllle Junc tion with liui Ailnnilc ('..nil Mtifi tt all polntrt Norih anl Kfbt. 'fraln No'. 3 oounwta at tMAtiltvit wlih the tx'Hni'iird Air Lino, Nnrib and tkmita t'ounil, ami nt (inicniUini wl;li iho lllctimnnil IihiivIIIo It. It., Norlli nuil 8.1111I1 boutxt, aud St Vtaiiiiii Cvn wltli the Norfolk a WneiffB ft. H. lo WliinM4i.SHlin. Train No. 16 connects at Madlaoit wiili ihe Norfolk ft Wmi4ru H. 11. lur Uoauokeanil nil poluls NoriU and Weal. BOl'fll BOUND OONNKCTlONi. Train S. 1 Oisneem nt Witfni Oie with th Norfolk a wutr K. n. rnf notinnkeamlall lnta N mi l IV1.1.1, and nt Hrinaborn with the Hteh' moii.l ai lUfivitiii II. a. North and nouili bounds nl Kufor.l Willi the Heatninrt r Line lo1 ..u ( t,laM1 ,i ail i-.ttiia North anil !AfiU'i4int I. Ino lor fharliMUm, Jai-keouvllle. anif nil riorlitn uolinn. i riifn No. ' mcuj at Mil ton wliM trirt SmiKmr.l Ah- LHm lor eliarloiie, Al aula and nH xiliiia Momh. W. K. & YLP. Orn'l Paaa AwdIi j.w. riiT. nwr. I'WMUHMfimf nun igutmmni