-f5 Big Prices for Trifton. A party of auetloucers en route from Oh!cago to Kuffalo wore In tUo stuok Ing room of u Lake Shore bleeyer tin) 'other nltflit telling stories. "Selllim horses uml farm Bluff by auction Is ull rltfht," sal J one, "ull light, but for kcii uliit' fun j,ivo iiio tin? private sale uf u rli'h man's furniture. Yutu Aiwluuiy l)rexel illoil there ttviv a lot of thing!) which hail personal roiiilulrifeiiees con-pui-teil w ith them which everyouo want ed. It was linally Uoeuled to hold a family unction uud sell them to tho highest hlthlcr. The Hist tl'ilnx I put up was a small clock, worth, I suppose, uhotit .1M. "Til give .'.110,' wua the first bid. It came from a uephew. " 'Make It fl.tK".),' Interjected u f ouuger son. , , "Til'teen hundred dollars,' repHci! the nephew. "The nephew warn and t,'"t the tweti ty dollar cluck for money with which he could have bought the llnest clock In rhlladelphla. I never knew what the hlstorv of the clock was. but it must hae had a peculiar oue. Then 1 put up a big mm chair. It was the chair m-cxel had sat in for ever twen ty years, ami it had a valuable associa tion for each one of the family. A mar ried daughter and you in; Anthony l'l'i .i were the s who wanleil it the uiosl. and llie bidding, which open ed at !?l.i"i, was spirited and lively. I finally wM the cliair to Ainlemy f..r Jii.."iii. 'J'lic day's sales broiu:hl In over Jil'.l.l""!." "I never hail anything as ppe.l as that," saiil another auctioneer, "but I sold the OiihU . Moots the same way. The chief contest was over "f those old-.'ishi 1 tall clocks. I'liilds' eld- st son finally I -lit it f-r .l.v"". ami It Is now- in the l-eile..!' olliee In Phila delphia." fhicau'o Times llcrabl. i no lliiiitlretl Vciirn of War. A highly iiiierenn study of what a hundred oars of war have cost l-rutice In human life has just been made pub lic by 1. l.-i-'iie . ii. iiii'Uilier of the Academy of .Me.li.Mu. of l';iris. ;inl U found in the Lancet. When the rem ltlli"U broko otit l'latoe's effective urmy was oul. pjiijimi men. p,.r the wars ua.ued duriiu' ten years in l'.el filial, nil the Saml.ro, the Mouse, the Itlnno, the Alps, i he Pyrenees, in the Vendee, and in K-.vpi there were called out i',Mi.imii. At the census made in the ninth j. jr of the republic there remained of thes ly i;?7..V.'.s. In killed and in dear ! y disease the wata (T the lu-a. republic cost lYaii.e l'.Il".', 4'C men. l'r..in l-.ol t,, Waterloo loT.o'.'s tuoll se.-e, l;, slitliee.1 to till the blanks whli-ti it :iii in.'es.aut war llU.'lillst e,,!;, billed LlIIMpe l'l'tllice in- curivd at Aiisti-iiit.-.. ,1 .-i ,;i . u r-.mdt, Kriedlaml. Sa r: ..ss:i, IVknwhl. ISs lili:;, WiiKi'iuii. 'l a ra 'o'ci, i iens'v, Moscow. Luton, l'..iuizen, I iivsil.n, I.eipziL: a in I Vaier...i. in, in- the res toration, l .ciis I'hdlippe, and the fec und leptiMie. it, sj of the war In Hpaiu.ds.'.b. t! niio.st of AIl-I.ts ll-on. ::t,, the i..kniu of Amwerp, Franc passed thro'uh a pen..,! ..f comparative calm. Ti.e army number id about L'l."..Tls. aiid 'he mortality liverauod per 1 .1:1 in. In Is.",'! '.Vi co lllelieed tin poch ot the great wars - Italy i ls"!i 'tin, I hiu-i ieo i lsi;-j ":-. i . and 1 1 r 1 the t'rimea. il-..:o oh, M. disasters of 1 1 ii t!io i 'rii'iea. ,,iir ,,f .-,Mi.miii then- died is..;;.-,; in china, ! !'".o; and ill I'ochill I'llill.'l s jier I.iiimi. i 1 he s nd empire cost Prance about j .'. I soldier.-.. A riling to I .. j .a..'lle.l'l'.s delMo ;raj.hie labl--s the i.'tl- tury t'1'..m 1 7: t.. I -:C, wim. ssed tin-1 :. ath in haul ! .lis, -as., f Ci.oiai,- ("Hi l'reiii h soldii rs. I'l'i'lli'Il lll'f lollH. I The l'r.-:;.-Ii !e of eoliilllclltiL.' ' it i 1 1 1 - is .ail., r i-itrioiis. In sab-s .if ., i- JiotlaUce the iclair IS Jihl.ed III hands of a iciarv . v. I,... ..f the th tini.i beiiiL'. b :nes a i :. tic ! .;i,-,-r. The all : j tiop or i pr. i.:.-! with a number of Mttall wax taj.ers. .-n-'i i ;pab!.- . ( burning about ii; t litoit. s. ,s .s,.,.i as a bid is madi . one f ii.-s,. t.r.e -s ' ,S placed in fail View of all lll(elesle. parties, and lighted. If b.-tore it expires, an. 'her bid N l.;!'et'ed. it is imiilediatelv e I ill'l;..' d. aad a f :-.! i tap.-r pl.e . d in n.i Htead. atid so on until one Hi. -k.-i-s and ille.-i out of It-elf, cle ii I'-,, last bi, becomes irtevo, aide. This sp. ..,!,. ,i.,n prevents all i-.,t,.n lion ,'i:u..iu' rival bl.ld.-rs. and afford-) it e.t-..n able tii,. for nul, -en... b lore I'lakim; a lnli. a- oiV, r ihau the ..,e pre '.'tin :. :. this to.-ans. to.,. tl. an.- tlolleri- i pr.-WII.-l from eXeleisjn; undue i a. -lie., iiji.ui tic bidders. ,.r hastily a eepiiu- lie bid ,,f a faioriic. Dyspepsia An I di-tress after culm-; tire cured bv tress lift, e. upp, ti the tipiiio, iippetiing, bio.,.) purifviiig If. els of Hood's arsiipal'lli this Idler : lead " I Iripi'V t. wril" a few w.r.U III... Ill III. go, II I'S .S.irsiipiirllla has i..im III". I W lstoll.e. Willi dy -p.-p-i,'i. My f I .Iisims.i .i Hie an I f h i I diy .pells and :i dull, hiaiy feeling in in v lead. ,Sni.'.' using several I., ttl.s of H-onl's S.irsai arill ii. food no I ,ngi ribs- te-S,M me at all Hint r. li ve.l from all di.zy onitn. nd Hood's Sars:i bled as 1 was." lb. Mill . iry, Venn. .nt. parilla for any to Jf. t'l.K IU.ANI1, ll p Hood's Sarsaparilla Is tho Only True Blood Purifier Protiiiii. iitly in the pulili.t eyo. Hood's Pills:.,;: vvi-TOt A5K VOl R IRlKiilST TOR The BEST Nursing Mothers.Infants CHILDREN JOII.N CAK1.U A biiUS, New York. 1t 1 lav tii'u-l has l.-'i-a fnelU 1 gladly r.- .pi iOlt 1.1UM AM) AR1E'. KAISl.NO I'HIOKISNH. While uuder fuvorublo circumstuiiccs the hen mother is tj bo preferred, jot tlio step mother lias sotne inlvaiitacH, particiihuly at certain seuHous. It in poHsiblo to j;ivo the chickens raiseil iu brooders more cure and attention and to titiarJ them uyuiust wet grass and exposure to cold. They also start iu life free lrom vermin. Whatever method of raising thu chickens is adopted, the importance of these two points cannot be overestimated. A birue hatch avails nothing unless the rearing is tijuuUy i;ood. New York World. riANIi ON' TOl' (IF TIIK llil.li. I u raising melons, miuhsIics and io inalocs on a heavy soil like mine, w i lies a sub-crib r in the Massachu setts l louhiu in, I tlnd i;reat advan tage iu Usui;; sand on top of the hill, s.-iv a collide of inches thick ; the sand draws the heat id the sun, which more liioi'oii : ' 1 1 1 v warms it. the roots, ami when wet iiicM,v absorbs the moist nr., which when unite; doe: not i ruck, which in le avy looniy noil tlieea .o. This ci ack ite; is v rv bud for the urowth of tic pliints, us it breaks oil' tic small loots uud lets the drouth into the lull. iu IT. -I' i. lira i .so be .1, do tlollo; insects me the oct lo, or chall'er ; fit ti;ri. black Miny and powdery mildew. The n i tie continues to I the cf- d -Ci'llt 1'ts, but ret I i I' 1 1 1 1 1 Is fort-. I he hi sf I liio.l v III ll . . To prevent rose li.-etle, bla-k roeli uml uuM. w iu jurv, spr i 'I i itli the J.'i oailoii bor ieiiux mixture, J 1 t befoi-e the bu Is I u 1st ; niiin with the J'loailoii bor- !eau mixture, an I parts e recti one p. mil. I to luu o ilioii-; top -at when tin- p t.ils fill; I, spiny with bordeaux mixture alone ut intervals of two p. tear we. I,, until liutt i. t w o-thirds crown, w lii a .on- or two spriiyin ;s of a tn iieei me il ctirbo!mt" of copper i..u;d b. a 'I I wall III I e ll t ;IC We 1 1 III -1' Is il.llst A n.r l'a! V 1 Ihn-I.s ;ir 1. an all .Ian. -tic low.:-, wiici pi'operlt tn all I. lb. i-din ducks niu-t be kept wmv. .Mil cmtortabl.. tliioiieh the C"i I to . : i Hi -. ( ' . ,p In in msehe-, w ith 'I. t. i .aiiti . In .luiiuar and I-', brii.irv ihev bcittu t..nv. The r i a.-iy in tic morning, and It- ".!". lli'lsl be o:lIi,, ti l 1',,1'e V l.e.'olll. ciillied. K eji tlletll, i nd d..w n, w h at bran for ml h. A I ilia l Hiii.i't ou r I h In at 'it wiil help r.:a:u waruith. 1ml i.iald be ! :.!' . i l'i the lin .ruin :'. tie . e-,s .,. eoinm.iii h n I bit': aio' b I ;. r in a :n y lu-,! an I I Ic In ow f I d ale I a' ir e iri in irk. t. , llty ell ill d. ..k all. r tie in, f K e, the ducks i tine, for they t plo'ital'le nil i i . it ion rci aires If ti liiitehed r tl lie nag ducks in, n..t I'.'A how 1. 1 lua liai.'e I n. Hi ut In .1. i.'li In ii le.ui I I." pine d in ii Imii-e i n d bv in r-cll, I'l e.l III lil'st tied gg and coni-nii iil bread, mid keep w it' r by t In-ill in shallow they mature feed coarser potatoe- an I iimr wu,er, ceii stniV, mi -I, a, jia;,. ,,r p fresh m. ail and but little n a l.-i t li in get wet in u ailow ing iii swamp T than letting tlo iu go to cams. m, ne ui .Agricul- p.l, boii, a a .lie I iirmps rain. Ic IV v i Is p, lels, ttll 1st. I.I LIS I.IK in I' I r.noii.'l, has been st it I to show tin In ci ss ..I a cliange of lie following nr.- foiin I t. l nles p. observe in . radio I. Crops id the same crops I.: tic best peeies and l.r.sh. mid I i It of the s.'C a- n ilural not succeed each other. I 'hints w it h o-i'i M in I ifii lar roots . le.lill sNCOee lh.ee Willi spread i 11:.' an I iirtilici il roots, nil I moo orsa. it. Crops winch occupy the soil for si v . i -i I y. urs dike u-parugu-i, rhubarb, elc,, should be followed by those of -hoit dur.it i. hi. I. To ci ops alike favorable to tin.' eiowthol weeds should not occupy I Ic ..oil in succession. "l. ( 'lops taking largely fr the soil tile sulphates, phosphates and ni ll'ogc Ills pnnclpleM s,,i, ,,,,( ,,. low eiieii oilier inn I In t -! , but be siicei died I'v III. .s which draw less from the soil and more from the tit - laosphel'e. These c ha list i llg crops ihoiild bo followed by those which lieur and will profit bv heavy immur ing. ii. Plants grown fr.nu their roots or bull's should not follow those i row n lor the sumo purpose ; and still less should plants grown for their seeds follow each other directly in succession. I'l.ia i n si rim ii.i.r.ii. There Is icl v little d If- I. li ii the i iiemiciil eolisl it iienls of I he iblfei eiil species of clover, hut lli'Vir,. greilt ly III their growth, so. no belli;; e cec. Iinglv feeble and dwarf III habit, li i It- ot Ii i s are rank growers. White .liar it ..I .liv uf gi ow l h, iiioi!! hint- .lilc for lawns and she p pasture than I .r a lei 1 1 1 i.er. The coiuuioii rod clover is th. species mod geiiertilly i mp'oye.l for what is cull ! green i a, in,; o.' " Iimyliiug under in the more Northern Stuiea, but in Dola- waro uud Muryland'an lUiiiual Kjiecies culled scarlet clover is tho favorite for this purpose. It is sowuf late iji aum- iner and then ploughed lUnlcr the fol low ing spring as uouu as il iconics into bloom. It takes two sea.'.olis to get ll good stand of red clovcr.althoUgU-oU some very rich soils tho plants mj;;ht reach u fair size tho lirst Kcaaoti it the seed is sow n in March, but as a rule they ure uot largo enough for turn ing under until the second year. In our opinion, Jiowev it would lieu waste ot time to raisu clover to make a cotuost (or violets, because you can secure 1 1 o .amo fer tilizing materials in oiio-ipiaiy or of the time bv siiuplv usin the coinuioii varieties of the garden pea, and more than twenty timestlie iiiiiiutnt on the imiiiu urea of laud. Sow the peas iu rows us usual, uud when tho vines tut well tilled with green an I liat-ripr-ued pods pull up and compost between lay ers of eaiod. rich soil. Vouicatl raise several successive cropsot the peas lua season, adding each to your compost heiip, and by tuiuiii,' it over oiica: a mouth, you will secure what , oil ure seeking iu one season instead ol . hav ing to Will'. 1WO, llll.l lilell i ll!lp.. fall unless the weather is f iv-i able. l as uml clover In long to the :,aiiie iaiuiiy id l'lauls, uud if inn will look up the chemical analysis of both, you can see how slight is the difference lu their eoinposil ion. 1 1 you want to e.i I tho lull belli lit of tic pens till' II li ltlller, o .iupost thes I. tin. I ail the loots pulled tip It ll the villi's. t 'olllllloli giir. lea beans urns bcutilied iu the and are iiliin la en 1 1 . ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 i .pial New V. I n ils f. Sun. I'.VIiW AM. o Mini s Nol l: ,. Never Use lin ti laud I lltcllded lot' potatoes. Cultivated berries ale b - liable to injury by fr.. t or drouth. It" illi plants lu wls set f ill t . live, put otlcrs in their place - at on Tic fiaill an 1 ve'epibb- g ml g ii deii ic on It Hie. . b.st for I ll'olu It. pure richi st soils and I. I, all farm w.u k it p Aofk dolle, and sllllels In lect, A in s ,,- ,,h, r loi.-is ..I p.-t eh Ml I Ipi.Iic meal b I'llll. i i - for p Se lily d 1 it.'l als w ill ill I .piailly of ll e lie- vi. id. p.ppr. but : mat Her Lie p '. ol I hi ggs in iv I.e iik'i . a ' 1. Tie Vaii ..te lew lavs a l.irer -g-; than sh . did wh.-n lirst mtr.i luc 1. Most fruit Ltard. n arc d. Ileh lit lu potllsll. All llpj.lll'allo.'i uf who I a: lie.'! will supply this want aiol la i.spi elally valuable tor light miihv s ills. Cultivate often. It wiuiiis tic soils iu early hprin:'. It allows i v( n light ruins to penetrate tic soil and retains the moisture f if Use in siiiiiuu 1. l'Vi'ipiont cultivation t-liniuiab s an elllU , Vigorous gl'oW III. I he -.H ike dei p into the III- llow soil, tin-ordinary drouth i- li i: ,n h .-s. In pruning lie ra-pln i ly and b i.i-ri v, cm .dl' tie lou.t sl.-nder I '.lots and acl lab r- 111, led C.lllLl I., III work ,s l,e- ntiti- fit .in u lie each largo ic I'- uls, forming an even, wi ll p. bush. K move all P-lll iii weak troiu the hili. The secret of easy cult iv.it ion stirring the soil as soon a-, a vi ill aflcr each lain, killing tie- u,, fore tliev are visible and piav. a crust from fipiining. lie wial. r I ' i 1 1 I Vtl I - 'j round lie mill mulch I.I I Wi straw li. I I I" s l ows. St ir tli plant, replace berries, and i. peeled. ll and ll' ot t 111 IM ill I V I ho best tl lie to hgul ,-bli is b.-fore they appear. I he iriithol tic o, savne. "An nun f pr. v. ii- ii. u is wortli a poiin I ol i'H la ,' is no where more appal, nt liian m thu poiillry leu e. It is gen. rally considered a iged I'llle to retain aboil! tell p I' l'i ill ol the best i we lambs, and to soil that proportion of ill.' oldest sheep each year. Th ' le i p i oil t be Hil Hsiui, ,, young blood and steadily euh inc. i, the VallC of the llo do llusiiicts Wlii ie llie li.iu.i iii (.inn-. The lai get linn pi am iti.iii , m J.i iiiaica arc owned and op. rated In a liosloii conipiiiiv . ll ciiliivai. s , Oil acres, ''M.ilil ,,f winch il ,.wu, and Itl.llllil of iilivli it h is . Ti,,, , riu Clpul Clopa are bii'iau as and coco mill .. Last year it shipped ii.o I i,ii, bunches of Inn aiiai an 1 ."i,h iil.iiiid couiiuts and lots iM olher ir.ipieil truck to this country, einplov lug X steiiliieis, v li it-It the t'ouipiiiy owns. It takes ginger to carry ou i lib rpi et ui' that sort. t iiiibli.'l N.lino the llo ik or llie llililo. At a gi ut In-r i ti g (,f minist , and inciiib, is ot various religious denomi nations recently the i l. slum at'oHo as to how many in lie company could repent the I ks of the Ibble In th, ir order. (Mil of tint 2. Id m more pi,h. out, one pei'sini only, and thai person a ivoniau, had the eotili leiiee tu raise her hand and aokiiow ledge that p-ho Was cipial to the oec isioii. Nevv lie . ford, Mush. , .loiuieii. Columbus, Ohio, ,.s the vv heel men's par i. lis,'. It lias I JI miles of asphalt pavement and everybody rides. yiAIM AMI t I KlOiy. llouru is six cents a day iu India. A Dundee (Seotland), mail is work ing ou ii Hying iiuicUinc built ou the bicycle phiu. In the pSuharu on a sunnier day it is ju.-.t about as warm as it is iu the let room of a Turkish bath. Iu 171KI Virginia was the most pop ulous State iu the I'uioii ami it held this positiou for thirty years. One out of a tli.nisan 1 folks liven to be sovciity-l'ive. Not more than one iu ti.UUO reaches the century mark. C. 1. Cory, of liosloii, icceiilly killed a crocodile at Cord Sound, Fia., measuring thirteen bet si inches. The letter sounds odd for a lr.nue, but there is a dist i le' iished finiilv iu llilgiiiiu whose iiaiic is(, no more uud lio less. I 'ope Leo's triple crown of gold ami jewels is too heavy to wear and ut solemn fiinclioii-. he uses a papicl iiiaehe imitation of it. lie I'l'ltl.-li .vill i iiiii pos .esses a Hi etlonof old ( ii-.i k a Ivel liM no Ida printed oil eadcll plates, which stiovv that the practice h, verv ancient. An icebn.it ran from Maeinae I. laud, Michigan, to I! .is lilauc Light, a dis tance ol si von in les, in three and a If minute- one day last winter. Ovar I 'd diamond-, i, iv known to v. been iicovcred from the nun, of ll ibv Ion. M u ii v are iiiioul, but most polish. I on one or two sides only. S:i.'tii! h mathematician, lignriii.g oil' av . I ag allowaii-' for sleoo, ill lie s Mi I tic like, says a In i li of I ll . fly lias r.-aily lived only about Court c a or lilteoii v eais. Tu t. sliliio for laud, re hours, ai a .pi ut. i A Pal,. t.ii.ai diir.it mil o! bright siin- l week ill Aberdeen, So d nily am. unite I to iiiie in I, Hi loll but a httic ovci I an luiiir. .acred tire, w iiic'i is burn- in a b tuple ut li -igule, I '. rsia, is know II b Mill'.' t In lived Iwi A CHI Assam, tho roof to the la d.ud bo, I have Hot bei ll i MIllglK du d d I V i of K I ll.ol etll, who V' c -III III li s ago. His burial cii.doni exists in 11 coi p -i s arc lowered I nun Willi rope.-, it being coiiliarv aw, i f tin: coautry lo cany u dy through a door. M ihar 'j ill of Kuch 1 1 liar i Iliad, for ) 1 1 1 it in lill in i let 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 , I, a sill . r doss, 1 1 s, i v ic. w Inch lie 1 1 1 I 1 1 L lilclalel, a si v ill e .st iu liill'ty-tliH c Ins father in tlUO people. .' than .-r'lo.i'il '. als ot age ami s n sil !. II rules ov lie e ec.l.,1 :' li' H I. - A or ,p., the 1 ll! HI lll.'balice r tin .! liuitioii p. eir don niiig" the ti'i Version ol it I- IVell : i "spooning p.itt it I . e i soiin .piarl Is. i,.. from a g o I old La:- s are popular il . t ike ( leu- H mi li di word, v, Inch calc the allele. was ml. nded to ll lie '- I aiila d ic ae ions f a v uug iiciu or a '- young woman wli i : in hive. l',,r j some r. ii am, win -h lei one ever could j explain, ov, ry'iio l . p ,k -. lua at the j lover. lu fact, tied unhappy chine i ti-r I . never heroic iu r a! life, u i m il ! tor '.v ii.it great g d.. ..f h-roi-in are j pili .1 about him o:i iii,- singe, and in I all tie roiiiaulic lory books. Tho ! girl in love and lie boy in love, nro i sal I to be "spo.iiey. " i When a "spooiua .;" party n given j the t'oinuilttee iu eh ir-'e of lie ev.-lit receives a spoon fr-.m . ich person who j attends, or else pr. -cii'.-i each guest wilii a spoon. These spoons are j laiieifully .Irc.-s d in male and femab aiiir , ali i are iu no i ithor iiy simi 1 n it v of coslinni; or by a distill ,'illsh ing ribbon. The girl, an I boys whoa: sp pole ale mates urn lApeeled to take care of each other din ing the coiitinii. alee of the so 'ial gathering. ii course, tiie distribution of tho !! lis i. mule with the greatest pos- Ml.le t'.il'i'f : l i Ii s ., the aim belle t..:-., place tbt tu as to properly lit the e.i.s of th" voiim; people to whom they arc pres. Med. The parties arc usuailv givt u bv tiie young people of home in ighboi hood, viler. tho p. isimal pleb relieo of i acll hpoollcy i i well known, and liny are the source of mi i nd of Inn. It is possible, uLo, that j tU.y serve a, aid. h in iti luioii , a i Well, III! 1 arc lil -lef ,r ' C I ll II 11 I I'll", s ll an ..vowai 1 t made mole easy lu a dilli l. nt w mi after ho feels that hi.-, passion is not a secret, but th litis weakness tor a spooney in lid n ki w n to his fi len.lsaii.l enemies on th coiu lllltlee which tllsp.tli.i.tM til.) Ka.mli, It m IV be iiiciitioncd that u'.ter tilt' s in have ii -i'H distributed aiuoiiig 111..' guests, i a ll couple retires for con sultation r .ai ding the re isoim which . an i d I lie a il ,1 of initial p pooiis in lilell' C.lsC. This coll till I ti 1 1. . li is know l by the name of "spooliin ;. ". St. 1. 1. 111. lepiibllc. Vowels ami "M. -I. C ," a I: public render ol Win-cling, W. Vii. , writes as follows: "That ' ii a lie oddities' in the ll pi, Id ic IiiiiiiiimIi 1 i ot n. thing eipiallv us e. il line. lb'. Iliibci t, of (li'et libl It I coiuitv, his Si. ilc, is the father of lif . t n i liildi en w ho-c names all begin w il h t lie loiter L and end with a vowel. I'll oh olr. n's names are L alouu, I. nil a. Liv I, 'in, Loreliu, Lyceiia, Ln III -.., I, a. n't , Liiocllii, L idiliai, Leoinda Liuaa. Lf.l.tiio. Liiuegi, L. iinlii. and le-she." St. L iilta Iv 'public. i CFil V ft other powders i 1 Cwll are c,leaper made 1 S II l?- and ineri(r, and 1 MsoJS'te'O ave either acid or S Pure alkali in the food. g pXHORTIN' DOWN IN GEORGIA Culored Freuebcrs Ut'Bcrl pt tou of the Trip to tho l.uutt of I'ronilne. Struyiug Into a darky church Iu the "low country" of Georgia, says a writer la the New York Tribune, 1 happened upon a real 'e.vhortlu'," which Is u very different affair from an every -duy "nieetln'." A toothless, white haired obi preacher had reached the red hot stage of "his disco'se;" singing and swaying lie was shouting out a protest against "do trials ob de present life, bredderu," li n. I picturing with lusty roars the con trasting Joys "ob do life ebberlastiu"." lie used his text - which seelned to have nothing In common with bis re murks to till up the waste places, ring ing It in whenever he ended olio th"U'-ht an. I before he started o:i the devious paths of (mother, lie lecinod to use It on the hiiiiio principle that a stutter ing man sw ears or w hisiles, to launch himself successfully upon a sentence. "An' blow ye do trumpet all ai'oiiu' about do camp; What is you uiggahs guild f,i', nny leu, down in ills vale ob tcahsV Vo iilu't no 'count iu do per Mdernsliun ob do white fo'ks, unless it's de Voiln' time In de city! An", bred deru. takltf in do slstern. doti' yo" know flat down on do yenrth yo' n!i-l got no holt ilowh.'ir loligside ob do w hite fo'ks? Yo" liyeara po' ole iiig ' ih now. an' yo' know hits do turf lie's a lolliu' yer. an' Jo" jet' belter done eolno ills day to tie Livvtl. When yo' go to make a little Jant mi il railrojiil train, yo' can't go in do white fo'ks' waiilu'-iooni In do eyar sheil, uu' yo' can't go In do white fo'ks' eyar on do train, yo' done gutter go In ,e plaee f, do lilaek fo'ks. Ill de fell. mis yo' can't run up agin dein white fo'ks. jii' i, ins' ullers stay vvid de eullud 1 copies lllll' a heap night better Colli p'ny dey Is, too!) Yo' can't ebon go to do w hite fo'ks' ehu'ell to bear do Word ht di- I.awd ob lis all. iiless yo' frl In do siiesher.il .seals fo' do eullud fo'i.s" --voice very loud ami sing song herei -"but w hen We git IX ready for to lueo up dem ii wings bress ilo I.awd! an' to cross ober dat Kihhcr .Ionian iin' go thu' them a pearly gates Into Canaan up there-we won't lind no t liieli I' -'li.,' wiill hi'-rooin ! Ho gospel Irain'll take us right Into tin; preseiioo uf the great white frolic. An' do black man shall bo deiv, and do yalh-r man ehall be dere an' an' do red man an'--an' do blue intiu! an' blow ye do trump i.t all 'roiiir 'bout t'.g caiup!" DISMARCK A WEALTHY MAN. Ilia A it ti ii ii 1 Income Approximates! If 175, (MM - A Ilitf I.iitnl Owner. Triiiee Itioinarck Is one of the larg est laud owners lu Prussia. The grants; which have boon made to him from time to time constitute the bulk of bis I'oi tiuio, Ills eslate of Viir.in was jmr ; chased bv him iu lMl'i with the liOi.iMim idiot, od to him after the Auslro l'rus ijau war. Adjacent to it he owna a distillery, where spirits are manufac tured entirely from potatoes grown on Ids land. The profits from this indus try ate estimated ut t:i.ii per minimi. At Slioeiihaiisen, another of his estates, lie has u large cattle breeding farm ami numerous llocl.s of geese, producing' together a yearly Income of not less than from ii.'t.ooo to t l.oixi. After the Franco Prussian war lu 1 ST I tho liiiipeior William allotted to him from the indemnity paid by France tiie sum of iliio.noii, with a portion of which he purchased the domain of I 'ricdrlchsi'iih. I le e ho has establish ed extensive sawmills, w here the Wood, nil grow n iu Saehseii Wald an eNletis Ive forest given to him by Lmperor William Is cut up and forwarded tu Hamburg for shipbuilding purposes. The proiit dermal from this industry Is niioiher Imp. .riant ilem In the ex I'ban feller's Income, and is probably not less than f T.iHHi a year. I lo has also a yeast facility nt or near Siadt Hanover, which yields him mi income of i l.inw). In addition to these sources of rev enue I'lillee llismaick Is credited with having a .'imiiicial interest in a brew ery, a paper factory, uml other Indus trial concerns. His Jewels, pictures, plate, etc., are said to represent not far Short of tllHI.lNIII. If we lake the ileum Kpccillcl. aiid add to the amount they lepresoiit other Items of income derived from his .smaller irrdiiig operations, I mice Itisimirck's average net iucoiuu cannot fall far short i f t.'l.'i.iHNi per 1111- li'itn, by no nie.Mis a small revenue w hen We take illlo coiisiileratioll tho uverage run of fortunes lu Prussia. Ills l.orilslilp's Joko. r.efore the bildgc of HaUerf, III Lan arkshire, Scotlauil, was built, about forty years ago. a ferry boat was kept there by Itaiiehle l.ee, ii very eccentric character, possessed of great shrewd ness and humor. The Fail of ll.vn.l ford the last of the title had occasion very fetpiently to cross the fcrrv, w hen he generally gave l!aiielde a shil ling, although llie charge was only one penny. His lordship cracked many u joke with ltaiiehie. who, iu relut li, hi ilillgetl In ;t good deal of freedom; but the former, ou a particular occasion, del.a mined to pu..lo the ferryman, and, having got aeross the river, his lordship leaped out or the bout without so in mil as pulling his hand iulo III t pocket, lieaiichle, apparently thunder i.truek at tiie occurrence, eyed the Fail pr a vv bile, and then, after be had gone a few paces, ran after him wit Ii tho vehement vociferation: "Mln", my lord, gill ye hue lost your purse, it wasna in my boat!" The good Karl laughed heartily, retraced Ids steps, nnd re warder Bauchle wllli it double gift Noino iiiillwuj Map Muktu. "This won't Uo," said the general pas BonKerngout, lu annoyed tones, to thu map maker. "I want Chicago moved dowu here half an inch, ho us to come ou our direct route to New York. Then take Huffulo uud put It u little further from the luke. "You've got iM'troit uud Nevv York on different latitudes, and the Impression that that Is correct wou't help our road. "And, man. take those two lines that compete with Us. and make 'em twice as crooked as that. Why, you've got one of 'em utmost straight. Yank Itoston over u Utile to the west nnd put New York a little to the west, bo as to hhow our passengers that in Ituffalo division Is the shortest route to l'.osloll. "When you've done nil these thiiigu I've said, you may print ten thousand copies but say, how long havo ymi been In the railroad business, any way '"New York Herald. Vou liou'l lluvr lo Sueur (lit, Isavs llie St. Louis ., rnnl f Ayri. uHi.r, iu an i dit. .ilal iii... ut Ne-T..-lla.',tliefani. as to- ii '"'it . me "Wo Uiow ot many cases p ii i i d by N.-T. -Pat', i n... u pruiniiu nt SI. ). ma ar.'liit. .1, Hiiioketl uiid clicvve.1 for Iw litv )i itis; two Ihixiw I'liri'.l 111 ill witli.it even the sun II of t. .1 a. v i initio's film "i.-k." Nt -Te-llic m.IiI uml Kuiiriintitil .y Jinn;, gists even lu re. No cure lo j av. Jim k life. Sterling ll. . icily to , Now i'ork ti ( lii.'.'igu. J ; il-t'- money t!o'.il.i Ic euij. ! lit) li in sou wagtu. PLIIa- Voi-r Thau Hum. Jl.ttlgi-sllell sited-flier.' liven tlciti rtii.i. Hut vou iliial; u liiive "iiiiii iiaii" or ";riii," or s, ai.t-i .aiu wi.i'.i-. 'I'ht' tioablt) H all la t lit) ilut-iivc iriici. Ib. his Tulialt't l.rlii a sort ot .tllllt'liHIUIll vt till tin-Ill. Oau glved rolief, ana tl.t-ii li 1 1 ill ii. 1 1 use to i-ps t liv w liulu ib;uu1 la ttii.t'. i t ilit an ut vo ir tlruKi;Ul. lbs tl iidvK'n :o u tlipli'r -".Slaiko h i o! li," 1 A. M. Priest. Iiiu r.;isi, Slii llivvii: , Inl , i nits: " Hull's 'al.orli l nr.. i-ivi-t Ci. Ii. -t nf ' Klilstllilliill. lull eel plenty of test 'III" lll.'it -, I us il cur.-.- evt l one w li p lakes ll." J'laiggirli j mil ii, ;-'. I ll would bo il ci d thing I! i up ii ivu'.tl let play tliu viulia until itiey kuuw Icjw. l'l.ek. J I. Kilmer' Swr-ltoof earn til Jvl.lnoy inn I bin. I, i.t uouia.ML i'mnplilot an. I (.'eusa.tailou litci. LaJximtory bliigliiiiutoii. M. If. 'J In ancient I'.-'j ptiaus u-e.l iv.n Ji'u rollers to I1IOVO tlil'lr IlllgO biut'lif t'f tlJIJO. llinili-rrorim li a Miiir-lc Iti ui.-di, lint it tukis mil i riiH, aiol vvh it n runs. plain. n it is I lakc walidiigii plt-a-iill c. I'm, ut druggist'-'. Wli tint logs nte blii.po.l Ireia Mi sniiii dire t to fiiriiltur.) mnker-t in So tl. hi I. Mr--. Wm-l.iw V Stiotlilng Striiif..r cliildi en III :ln!ii, M'll.'lis tin- villus, rial in i- ii tl a ii -lli.t-II. HI, ull,ll- I' nil. t Ull-;- Wile I l'i li. . '..,! Iinllu ColtoUM'e.l iiiciil is ii yisourl rotluvt. Wife n-i-.l "MoTiiiai'K I'liirMi" lii-fere first chin! wasijincklv ii'li- vcl'.Miir.iell.iil liilii-; iL'toviry rapid, li. I i. .Iihi.vst..s, liufauki, Ala. Ariilieiiil cloili is ma lo of W'.).).l nip. I hiliiVe I'io.'- I'llle furl 'II-llllll.t iell -.1 V . d iiiv Ii hi la -I summer. Mr-. .Via.ll. llol 1,1. V Ss, l.i I.e., Midi., tl. I. '.", 'I'l lt f. el i 1 1 n olio's own giea noes ii to t o- ll VI. 'lllll of iTlllli.ll gljllt. I'lU't. llfl Ill-lit Wh l'i I'lirUi-r i. (ioiii-r T oil t lll-l-l lllll II la tils iii-ire tlcui ullicr ui' il.. i lia; , fur evi l )' tot a uf tll-tr. Tho Ilaiijo. Pexlcogruphers hare n greed that "banjo" Is a corruption of the Spanish "bandore," which has words of simi lar sound, spelling ami slgiiilieatiee in many tongues. It is ipillo likely that the Arabs, iu their compiest or by trade, may have In'roduccl the guitar mid banjo Into We tern Africa, vvheiicu It was brought to this country. imSIMiCTIVI: AU)TIII:KS and those soon to hcciinic in o I lii'i s, should know lli.il I ir. J'ii li e's I'.ivui ite Pie iiiplioii tubs child hnth ol its I. .lint, s and tenuis, a-, wa 11 as of Its d.lllgels to both in. ah. a and child, by aiding iiatmc in pie paling llie system 1. 1 li n I in ll i. n 'I'ln ic by " l.ibol " and the lieliml of I'lilllllle uu ul aie gn ally i ,,1,, ,, i, ,ie,1. tnni of an child. It al.o pioniiilt s the secic it in 11. 1 .1 tit - ol ii. uu isliaii nt for is. Il.iliv A. lie I IIKIl:, of ihlUfr. Off) Ion Co . i, wnii's vv tu n I t.iit.iii iakim: Doti.ir 1 r nlv t , , i ,u, 'a .,i,-i ,t, .uic N..w t .l-nll my hmisrwoik. wiisliiiii-,.-.i.ikiiis. hi w lilg .ni l t it'M lliliii: I'H iiiv i tinny ni t agin I Viiut ' l-.it.iiilt' I 'li-si iipln.ll ' is llie InI lo take lit l .lt t ..iiliin uu III. ol ill least ll pt.it.t,l so wall! in.-. I in vt i siiiit-ii .l mi liiilt- wall any ul my villi, Io n as I .II I Willi in v last " C" Fairly jumped into success M Pearline. Riht from thu vi ry start. Not rrw withstaiulincr all these hiuulreiln of years of precedence behind that old 'fashioned, back- Lave been used out any nslj ol harm. at the head of every washing-. Wmkm Aa WMVmai MMH Hungers in lit,(-Vuter nottlra. Many as ure the blessings of the hot water bottle, it must not be forgotten that It Is also a source of some danger. (Always see that the stopper is absolute ly tight uud never use It without a ;thlck cover. Many a painful burn has jit given, especially to uu unconscious juutlelit or lo uu old person, lu old Uge, It he circulation being weaker, the vital lty becomes low. A thick cover will kefp the wuter warm longer ns well us Insure against burns. Pilling the bag oulte full vv ill also cause the heat to bu letulned for a longer time, but will not , '(1 , ....K.f,,,.,.,!,!,. us whcii half full, i leu uot iu use, the biir I'laptled. should bo To Clean Oil I uliitliign. Wipe the picture oil' with a soft wet cloth, no soiij), uml then rub them gent ly with a raw potato. Potato does not remove the variilshj it simply cleanses. OIV 15 I3NJOYS Both tlio method nnd results whea fcyrup ot Figs 13 taken; it is jileasaut cud nfrcrhiutr t' tlio tai-'to, and acta renlly yet ironiitly on the Kidney, I.ivtr r.iid J'otvil.j, clcausts tho eys tern cllectuully, digital colds, Lead allied uud fevcra nil i rnrra habitual cittipatioii. yrup tf Figs ia tlio tiily remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing t tlio tasto and ac icptalilo to tho ebiniiieh, jirornjit in its action nnd truly licneficiul 111 its (ilei'ii, jirojiarod only from tho niot I.caltliy mid Siorecahlo euhstances, its iiiiinv excellent qualities commend it to till nnd havo mudo it tha moat tic pillar reiiiedy Lnov.'ii. Syrup of l igd is for ealo in 50 cent Lotties by all leading drug giets. Any rcliahlo drttogist who may not havo it on hand will pro euro it promptly fir any ouo who wi. !. . a to try it. L)t uyt accept any Cllbitiil't). CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ICLKViUS, lit. t.t,V YORK, r. MEM AND H ftot to IrHrii all ftiioai Jlt.ri.il t llow in I'li lt out a . Uuotiouct Know Imperii'.' U'n anil mi Uu&r.l a'alp'i Fr mil Pi'trd lilara-c i.nl I ff . Cum wlit'n Mktnu U Mo ; ten llie it-:.- I. Uielevllif W lini lo i all Uu. l in. r. nt I'urU of Uaa Anlnail lluu In sh.s. u lluiao I rep.-rly All thai tint nili.'r Va u Info, inailnii run I oiitalna-l bf Rallm our I Oil-1' A (.K 1 l.l.l'MTIt tTKB llo KM-: IIOOU, vtlil Ii we will forward, peat avd.u'ira. i li.lof ouly XI teule In alaiuea, BOOK PUB. HOUSE, 134 I eonard St.. New York Oltf, T' I' "I INI NI'" art. Il.it I' sl llll.l Most Frontill.l nil 1'.. litis uifl l.'utts vt.'ili, lla-y nrn ic'itlaof fine 1-I.1C -1. l,.,ili K..l.-d Ainsl.ttl iiliki., amt I uu r-vtaai-i,e, eii. . ..Miir isi.,ii.t I,, iw., ui 410 v nt l.ttr lilii. 1. J 1,. 1 it mil, war ttvij nil ( Uik mil A boiof T. ii cllaiuor five I'airu ul Culls (or T-l-fle C't-ots A s.iiiii.l.ii't.llaran.l l .tlrof Ciiflh.t all for 8tl Cellta. N411.11 Htylu ttn.l b zu. AU.I.i-se HLV LlialULli C ll.LAIl I'C'JI'ANT. n rtankl.o Bt., Mew York. HI Kill. HI., BueUtav tiji-f.eiw!ti:iigi.hL: T tURtS WHIHt All libl (AILS. ., uJ Heat ( iumti Myruu. Tiistoe Umnl. Uee H III lime h-.l.l In .Irimiiislii. BOYS! 1111'i.d. i, .vi.ii' i". mown, i.imo PA "Ti J PARKER'S W&Utfa HAIR BALSAM r.ftLM-1 Cl,.ai,. un.t I.....I.I... II. .' lulr. I'.. ,.. ii I.IV.......I n..lli. EJfrtgi' . i i N.-v.-i- F11I11 l.i llt Bliin- (lry lli t, -if ' '' '" Vu.itl.l.,1 Co or. .::i:.;'tr.Y!:.y;,? breaking way of washing with soap, too. Now, why was it? Why is it that hun dreds of millions of tiacka jts of Pearline in the few years since this wasiini'; coinpotiiKl was invented f Just do your washing and cleaning with C Pearline for a int..ntli, and you'll see. It takes away the rubbm1- but v ith- That puts it aid fur tiujwn "H JK&W tt-HiUI: IS1- '?? SB

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