r (Eliatlmm Hcml. l)at()im Urcorfc. ii. a- i-ois ioiv, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, itfjim RATES ADVERTISING One square, one insertion- (1.(0 One square, two insertions l.W One square, one month 4 CO For larger advertisements lit t-i) t.u nets will be made. $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. VOL. XVII. PITTSI50U0 CHATHAM CO., N. C., JUNE27, 181)."). iff NO. M. Abide With Me. Abido with luej fur darkly looms llio future's ) mystic way, SUy stratum" eyes yot full to eutch tho glow 1 of coming day, Will iu tho gloom nil fears give way ull shad- ows swiftly Hoc, LA thrill of peaia) illuminates if thou ubido 1 withuiu! lAbido with mo, while morn is fresh, e'er ' noonday's seoroliiug heat, With lash of tiro, lays bursliug blooms iu i itskoa ut my feet 'Abido with me, wli'Mi all sooiUJ lost wlicu all the un-Iody Of lifo is choked -yet still I'll siug-if thou ; ubido with mo ! Vlion softly eris-ps tho droopiu"; suu nl'wii tho wivslcru skies, Vlieu from tho glories, Himodiug swill, llio goldou sunbeam Hies, And when tho close uf ,J iy is near, aid blind- nd on i j not see, I'll sink to s'eop to sweetest lost if thou abido with me! Atluuta Constitution. "To Let-Apply Within" VY iiKJ.KN l'i)Hlil;sr (111 AMIS. "There ! ' suid Miss Lobelia Lynn. "I guess 1'vo got it black enough Howl" Miss Lobelia bad been wrestling with pun uinl ink. Nut that she xvas u lilorury Juily that was far from being tho case. Tbu c'll'iiuiun upon which she was uo Jiurd ut work was neither nenc nor laaa thau u big "To Let," printed on tho back of il sheet of her deceased luthcr's scriiiuii paper, uud hhc viewed it with solemn satisfaction. "To J.et - Apply Within." "1 won't pay any real estuto agents' Joes," said she, "nor I won't pay sgood, hard money for ii notice 1 can jpriut myself. I've economized all lny life', uud I'm not going to leave oil now. Eunice Kiiuioc, I say!" In answer to tho lut wold, spoken in quick urbitrary uceuiits, u bright cyod girl of seventeen eunio running in, wiping her dimpled hands o:i u frilled gingham upron. II. -r cheeks VCro Hushed with holls.hold exercise, iier shining bl own hair win coiled in u lustrous braid ut tho back of her head und her long-lushed hazel eyes sparkled like diiiinoiids. "What is it, uuuty?" said Eunice -Lynn. "(let tho pnste-put mid a brush," Huid Miss Lyuu, "and put up this 'To Let.'" Euuico looked first ut her aunt and then ut tho fut, black-lettered sign iu klismuy, "Auut Lobelia," said she, "ale you going to move?" "Yes," said Miss Lobelia, "I've luudo tip my mind to give up house keeping." "Where are wo goinj, Aunt Lo liclia." "I'm going to Vermont," said Miss Lobelia Lynn, "to keep house lor .Cousin Peter Lyuu, whoso wife Cc tinthia is fccblcjuud euu't keep im eye lo things." Eunice colored visably. "Jlut, Auut Lubeliii," said she, "it Vas mo that Cousin Peter wrote fur to Come and liolpCcriiithin and be u com panion to the girls." "i'eH, I know," said Miss Lobelia, Vith tho iudill'e reiice of utter scllish lioss. "Hut l'eter hadn't uny idea Low young uud inexperienced yon are, lilld l'vo wrote to him that I will come there, if he'll pay mo liberul wugca and feivo mo the complete management of everything." "Hiit.Auut Lobelia" "Well?" "Whut is to become of lile?"ple.idod Jioor Eunice. "Homo people lire always thinking i themselves!" said Miss Lobelia, bharply. "Why, whin should become tt you? You cau gi t it place with is. Sowitup iu tho millinery busi ness; or you can go out us companion. And now I think of it, it was only yesterday I saw in the daily paper that (Sell .V HlntVor wanted u dozen smart young women to stand behind the counter- There are always plenty of things for a woman to do if only she lias a little ambition uud energy. Ami liow don't stand there, looking us if your senses were all llyiiig up chim ney, but bustle out and put up that notice as spry us possible, for it's a liioo day, and all llio house-hunters V ill bo out. " Eunice Lynn obeyed, with an in describable feeling, as if tho whole world wero turning itself upside down. Ami as she leaned over tho iron rail of tho sti'ps, fastening the big "l'o Lot" ngai'ist tho mildewed brick wall, a certain see nt of greening giusi and opening dandelions sainted her senses, while tho warble of a prisoned thrush in a cngi! neross tli; street reminded her of visit sho had once m ide, years mid year ago, to tbU sum i (Viiisin l'otor Lyuu up ioug the maple sugar rovs of Vermont, Tcurs cuaie uubiddeu into Eunice's eyes. "Oh, how delightful it would bo to live iu the rcul country I" she said to herself. "Aud I know I could mtiko myself useful ut Cousin l'cter's. J3ut if Auut Loboliu is going herself, thero is an end of the mutter. " Eor Eunice was too well used to ht r uuut's overbearing egotism even to attempt u btrugglj uguiu-it it. All her life long she had b;on tUj victim of Aunt Lobelia'u seltishue ss. It was too laUs foi uuy rebellion now. Aud theu Auut L beliu wont up to her room to pack her t ruuk for Cousin Peter's while Eunice returned to her dish-washing aud ironing. Ail day long the hotiso was beHieged with im eager throng of house hunt ers. All day long Hiinicj marshaled them over th .' premises w ith untiring patience, aiiiw ring more ipiostiou.i thau uuy cale.-Uioin could contain, bearing patiently with rev rt insult, nnd keeping up a ch : rful front while every bono in lo r p lor little boily ached with weariness. And Aunt Lobelia criod: "1'ired ! Why what on earth hive you done to be tired?" :i the afternoon of t!ie se.! m 1 d iy Sliss Lobelia sho it vl shrilly down the back staircase to her neieel "Eunice! Euiiiiv ! Hurry iij! Here comes Mr. ISjuediot, the rich idd jeweler from dow n tow n. He's looked at the 'To Li t', he's Colli ill;,' ill. Put an extra lifly dollar a yeur on the rent if he'a to take it !" "lie's not t o very ull Aunt Jiob. -Iiu," said Jhiuicj huriidly lliu ing oil' her kilciieii apron an I battening up the stair.;. Auut Lobelia utter il a resjunding si. ill'. "lie's no chicken," Miid she. Eunice smile 1 to h ;r.i ;'f. She ha 1 not bji.'u iiu bs;rv nit of all the wibvi that her u nit h id put. forth to capti vate this sum ) Mr. li.uiudict. SIu had not forgot ten that Aunt Libcliahid not spoken to her for a week tho l ist time Mr. li.ue'diet ha 1 v ilko.l homo from church with h.-r (ljiuie;.) iuitead of with her uitnt. Iu her .secret hoirt h1i-j likel uud revpjcted the btiiwart iniddlii-uged man, who hi I always mingled so chiv alrous a eoui'tosy iu bis m inner to ward her, po r dependent thoitjh wu, noon Auut LjIilIiu's gntdgingly-ex-teiided charity. Mr. lieucdiet ea:.u in, kindly shak ing hands with Ivime,: in he did so. "I see you house i i to let," said ho. "Ye," answered E itiicj. While from tho he id of the stair w iy Aunt Lobelia ilispu.' I lurs-df to listen. "I'm glad that girl didu't shut tho parlor door," said she". "I inn intending to ehaiigo my local habitation," observed Mi', lljnediet. "Are you," said E.::iio "l'erlrijis you would like this house?" "No," said Mr. Duudiet, "i don't think care about tlu luiue. " "Kudo old lnon.jter, " muttered Auut L ila lis. "My mint is going to Vermont, "said Eunice. "is she, iudesl?" utterjd Mr. Ibm i ilicl. "I am thinking of going to the country, too." "I wish I'd goiio to the door my s II," said Aunt 1. ibelia to herself, "i know I could have im i I him to coin1 to M iilo drove, " "Tho I'aet is," add.: I Mr. H-uodict, "1 irn tired of the city, Mm Eiiuici. i have male upinv' lulu I to llvea'u mg tho d lisies uud buttercups." "( liaeioil me' !'' m;isol Miss L ibj III. "I'll put o:i my liest 'irout' di rectly an 1 ooiiid down. I b di :vo tlu mau has luuii milly iu lov i w.th mi all along, and u iw ho Ii u deciilo I lo unite our destinies. " Aud uway hhe seiilll id in her old c.irpet slipp u.i to bo unify hoi'iolf a. expeditiously as posmblo. "And you will cm-hs.) tho interest of an old friend, Misj K mice," kindly add 'd Mr. IS .undid "out what is to bo your fate?" "I don't know," said E in ice, widly. "I should like to go to Vermont, too, but Auut Lobelia thinks 1 had b.tter stav hero and Im a shop-girl." "What do you think about it?" said Mr. I'.eiiedict. Eunice's dark-fringed eyelids drooped. "1 havo no choice," said hhe. He ga.cd kindly at her. Her heart began to throb a pulso or so faster than its usual wont. What pleasant blue-gray eyes he had I What a frank, nailing mouth! ")o you like the country?'' said he. "1 don't know," faultered Eunice. "I have seen so little of it. Hat when ever 1 think of heaven, it seems to mo as if it must hi beautiful green meadows, with violets opening iu the Miass." He leaned forward and took her hand. "Eunioo," ho baid, gently, "your rrords eucourugo mo still uioro iu the mission upon ,wbich I ciiuo. I Luvo, bought uu old manor house ou tho Audrosooggiu River, with u farm and pleuty of greeu trees. Will you go thither with mo Eunice, uud bo tho Evo to my little Purudise? Will you marry a mtiu who,u!thotigh he is closo ou forty, is still young at heart, uud who will try his bebt to muko you huppy?" And without a shade of coquetry or a purticlo of hesitation, Euiiicj joy fully answered : "Yes!" "My own sweet girl !" he exclaimed, drawing her close to him. "You are ijuito sure that you can leuru to love jne?" "I I don't know!" murmured Eunice. "IJut I think nay, I urn certain that I love you now !" At that very m nn 'lit the door opened with a long, creaking groan, uud iutripped Aunt L ibelis, with her ueweot frout of curls au I her W in lay smiles. Hhe started back witii an exchtmu tioii. "Ell!" Slid she, iu soin : emb irrass meiit. "Do not he alariii'-d, Mis L ibelia," said Mr. JSenedic'., resolutely let liuiu:; the hand that Eunice would fain have drawn away. "This young la Iy has promised to be my wife.aud when you go to Vermont she will uceoinpany me to Wallacj Manor llouse.on tho shores of the Andio-coggiu river." "1 hopj you won't bj vex.'il, Aunt L ibelia," sai l Ivtnic ', h ilf exp.'cting to be tcolded, us of yore. Tho fortitude of woman ii prover bial, mnl although tie; report of a cannon could not have eleetrilied Mi s Lob din Lynn any in no than did this occurrence, she rullied promptly. "I I'm sure I cougratulat ) you," said she, with a little gasp. The house was let that afteru u to a widow who winded to take u fe'.v gen tlemen boarders. Eunice was married the next week uud went to Wallace M inor House a superb old tdoiu mansion, which seemed like ii palace, to her unsophis ticated eyes. Aud Aunt Lobelia sorrowfully took her way to Vermont. "I'm afraid I've mismanaged mut ters," sai l bhe. "Jf I'd Belli Eilliico to Cousin Peter's at o ice, perhaps Mr. lieliodict would hiivj proposed to me!" And even this dubious "pcrhups," was a comfort to poor Aunt L ilulin. Haturduy Night. Krstornti . i ruinous Oak. A remarkable and indeed uuhpio process of restoration Iiu boeii cir ried out iu the interior of a tree. Tho tree is tho faiiiou i "It illo's Oak" which is to bo seen within au easy distance of Rouen. It is declared to bo tho id ntieal oak upon a branch of which tho lirst Duko of Normandy used to hang his gold chain to see if any of his subj jc'.s would lik to hail , thero instead. If it isn't it is, at any rate no ol I that it lias c impl -t ely lo'it its inside aud w.u liable t j collapse at any moment. It has now been re lieved of thi i liability. An uhorieul turist Inn lilted it with a solid new inside of iu iso ii ry. Th ! masonry is made to follow and lit every turn mid twist uud guurl of tin patient aud there is the vet 'ran solid iii a rock again. Then the lissiires uud cracks ou his exterior have been neatly tilled up with cement and the cement hai b 'en arti tt ically colored so thtt you would never know it from the natural bark. It is expected nnd believe. I that the tree wilt not know the differ ence, I'ith 'i', mid take to lloiirishing again unit did a few centuries ago. Still us no tree has ever been Hun re juvenated before, its behavior is being watched with some anxiety. Pall Mall (i i.elle. Oldest O.ik in 4jr-.it Hi Main. Dr. A. tf. Harrison, in tho current number of the X ituralists' Journal, says th i oldest existing oak i i Grout Britain is cousid sred to bo tho Cow thorp j or Colthorpe inn growing near Kilisloiie Hall, iu tho West Riding. "It is only a remnant of tho torests of ancient JSiitain, but a monarch among tho king of trees." The cir cumference of the tririk close to tho ground is snveuty-jiglit foat, and three feet higher forty-oiglit foot. Tho trunk is uow hollow ed, uud is capa cious enough to contain a crowd. A few years ago tho vicar of St. James's Wctherby, and tho church-w.irdenc uud selio d-c'iildron, to the number ol ninety-live, got insido tho tree, and while tho vioir raised the union jack, tho children sanr tho "Old Htm dredth" an I tho "Nationil Anthem.; Australian h ro lireo lorn aro pro posing to tax stallio.is in order to im provo the stock of the colony. uiiLDUi;xs :ui.v.iin. THE INTrlli.'.TlNli i. v. f know u little la I lie of a very prying mind j I To m ike inv 'sligalinin li" is won Irou-ly ii- eliiicl. lie luu-t r aelithe (..j. :n.,t brnueln s vf thu very liig' est tr. e ; lia'-li passing (tay iMeeiou lie is right ou hand to see. The deep Inner l it! -jle of the tliii ke-t swamp h ku .; Kaeh pel.bleof th -l.-mk h is f. lt tln pres sure o( his t ie.. lie riiiirn.i.'is ihr i,'h all the hini-eiii sjiite of locks mid doors; The fari'n-M, Lhn-k' st eneru be m dauiit- 1-ssly explores, lie mounts Ui OU til'' housetop, and ouee he even fell (The n siilt of peering over; to t!i I. nloiu i t the we!i: Hut woe i.-, me! the teaele r; i f this pryiu;; la bile say That when lie e en"- to b i,i his p.v-ioii Works nn .l!i r way ; I'or when h -e m li'i t-x' -! !: in .-pile of se ild an I frown, To get to the I ii t ei, of them h-'tlllln them np-id down! - Aos It. tt'i.i.i : , in th Outlook. A 1'AII'III I I, iiliM It V. The found itioii l m In try disci pline is lllliplestiouili;; olie dlclice, lllel no punishment can h : law lull v M il 1 on ii isoldier, for uli vino any i r ler, however absurd. In one of the., in htituliolis tie- siiji liutelident is u z ;il uu i 1 1 isci il i u a r in u , mi l that is Imv. he got into trouble. One ,uy oiij of the juipihi was doing eiind duly ut t'o outer gate when the superintenilenl entered. The s-ntry s ('ut d und I. I him pasri. In-!an!!y Ih; ; upel'iiio ii delit turned oil him uud demanded to know why he was not challenged. "No matter," mid the man, severely, "you must challenge everybody--i! is your duty." "Very well, " wii I tic sturdy pupil, lowering his musket und bringing it to u chuij'c, "J challenge you. liivo the colllitiTsi;',!!, i.ir ! " Then it lladied on the z "doiis Mijieriuteudi'iit that he didn't know th j issword au I he tried to explain the matter; but the senti nel would listen to liocxeil .e. "Stand there," ordered the nentry, Meriily. Just then the porter made In . appear ance. 'Young lain," sinl he iu niU'USoiu ;ut "don't you know the sup erintendent?'' Iiiilautly the i,e:itrv turned on him, uud cried, "tine the couiitersi.jn !" Oi' course tin; porter didu't know so ho had to i taud up with tho superintendent, and there they bo.h stood, looking and feeling very foolish, until the young officer of the day saw their pre. lie uncut an i re lieved them. The sentry should have been promoted but quite lil.eiy was not even thanked. Atlanta Const. tu lion. Tin: MOMii:V A Nil mi-: m oaii. A t ime monkey iu India nc ntly was given u lump of sug.ir in-ode n corke I hottle. The nioukev was ol nil i ii i j n i ti ii g mind mid it nearly k.lled him. Sometimes in an impul-. ot dis gust, he would throw the bitlle away out of his own leach mid then b; dis' traded until it was given back to him. At oilier times he would sit with u countenance of the most intense de jection, contemplating the bottled sii rar, and then, its if pulling him-ell together for another effort tit solu'ioii, would sternly take up the problem iilr. hunl gaz ; into the bdlle. He would tilt it up one way, and try to tit ink t he sugar out of the neck, uud then, suddenly reversing it, try to catch the sugar u.s it fell out ut the bottom. I'uder tho impression tlint ho could cipturo the i.iigar by hiirprise, he kept rasping his teeth against th ) f;lass iu futile bites, uud, wanning to the pur.-uit ot tin' revolving lump, used totio himself into regular knots round the bottle. Pits of the most ludicrous melancholy would alternate w ith spasms of delight US it new ideil seemi ii to suggest itself, followed by a fre-h scries of experi meiits. Notion j availed, however, un til one day u light was kIi -iI upon the problem by a j ir containing bananas falling from tlu; table with u crush, and the fill t rolling about iu all di rections. Ills inoiil eyship contem plated tho catastrophe, mid lessoned upon it with the intebigence of a Humboldt. L It in ; if bo'.tle high iu bis claws he brought it down upon the floor with a tremendous noise, smash ing tho glass into fragments, alter which he calmly transferred thi sugar to his mouth nod munched it with much satisfaction. Cirisliaii Advo cute. llliic Heard." The nursery tale winch has ehann generations of children uud tucii elders, known as "Hlno Heard," was writteu by a French author. The ori ginal of the character of Hluo Hem d was a marshal of France who lived in Hiittuny and who was charged with inur Icring several wives a id over ono hundred children. Reiug eouvided of iioicery, ht was burned. -Philadelphia Times. CARCO OF SXAKHS. A Queer Mississipiji Craft's Load of EtjitiltSi Its Oivner hi flu "Jl-.ittl .'snak'. Kiiyur IhuR'jL-kici." Early hct winter tie re llo.ite 1 down the M'Nu.ttiri liivei oin; ol tie; most iiniijiie cargoes that i v. r "tii d U" at tin; A)e!ii.--.u wharf, it win a boat load of hiiakes, and was iu charge of Cimrlei IlisholV, co urn u!y filled "Montana Charley" all. I liUown to all the show people th World over ns the "Kattlesu tl. - King of the Rockies." Charley had a peculiar craft. It was on the Noah's ark p ith rn, and was fitted out wilh a siudl porti :i ol the spue ; for him elf, daughter, mil two sons, while th hi'1 ; T part of the t'pnoe above all 1 all In-low was ur lali "u I f. hi t II aie.'e e irg. . The sli ike dealer went South, v. hi re, be disjio.. -I of his "Mock" to : oiin circus brokers, m ide new i-ant ; act -, und jirepareii to ia turn North. In March hn daughter siclo ;ti I and died n i I the two son s ohj cte l to return ing to th "ir old h unit , nn I s -ltle 1 in Niiteln. Ii.it (Via I y ii i I his new contracts, ou : of wiil'-ii w is with a well-kuowu ciie i -, wiicli he mud till, an 1 he n t'll'lied to At -hi-, hi, says u Kansas letter t i th New Y ok Tunes. "Montana Chat ley" seems to In; "at home" among the lul s, blutl's, and caves about Atchi on. lie has been so successful that he h is nlieadv made two hhipnieuts to the circus lirni whichplopo.es to have the biggest exhibition of sunk s iu the world. This famous tnake man is perhaps the most thorough ophiolo 'it in this sec tion of tl iiiuti'v. II; says that if his knowledge of -u-ikes w . re us lim ited uud erroneous a i tii.it of mod of the men who pretend to discourse tci etitilicnllv about them, he would capt ure but few, mid would b; i "iiornnt of what to do with the fi w he might succeed iu laying bis hands ou. As his liobriipn.'t indicate:--, his specially is the ratth r, and iu his hunts In; is ever on the alert for that kind of "stock." He uppeurs to under , laud just where to dig in order to uncover their dens, nn 1 li" has thein iu captivity before they are fairly out of their stupor. In discussing dphiology, Charhy utterly ignores tin; popular ideas ubout i tiakes. He -ays ilml it is nu error to suppose that each j out of the rattler on n rattlesnake represent s one year of the reptile's life, as he has I'reipi enl l.liowu a joint to be fully d Velop d iu eight or niii" w 'l ks, uud il is not uu 'ommiu for them to add two joints 10 their rattle each year after tin y me threoycars old. II says the rat tle is Used by the Mi. ike not so lunch to give warning of its intention to strike as to protect itself by frighten ing aw.iy uu approaching eiielnv. When some of the local hunters who have b ell f reipieutcrs of tie; locdities where Charley is atherin ; Mieli tine Isr ;e Hpecimi us expressed to him their ilelel nillist lo l to give th im; localities a wid" berth, lie to. I them that us u rule, th ru tlesiiuke would run us ipiickly us a iii iii would, and that if let nlolie tin: rattle would seldom show light. A NulMiliilo lor Tea. A horticultural ng- I is lespoii.- ilile forth) statement that au excellent substitute for Indian or Chinese tell has been found. The ten plant will not grow ill Is i land, save uud r very rate mil exception tl circumstances, but the new plant, which is au nc.-li-uiuted slu lib, the Cliiiiionaut hu i fl ag raii ,1'li'it brougli fiolll .1 span to En ; Ian I by Aduiird Harvey, possesses all the cs-elitial requisites of ten. It has live varieties, all eipiillv serviceable for "lea." The b.-ver age mad from tin-Ill is quite as good a . the lie.t greeli tea, w ith cream uud sugar. At pres ent we are toll "the plant is "rowing very well ut l!n k Inn -.1 Hill on a sandy soil with a southern n.pect. It will do equally well iii K nl, Sussex, 11 nits, l irsel, I) vim an I C iruwsll, where in i li V thousand acres of laud now vacant, oryeild.u unproductive crops, in iy lie used for a new and profitable in liisl r . " New York Tele gram. riiMltil'uc tory. A Wcll-k.iorti vicar gives a curious CXpel'li t -e w.neli i : Weil worth relat ni . It was his custom I point Ins I I ills withellh r, "Do il ly beloved . i.hreii," or "Now, my brothers," until ou ; day a l idv nieiii'iur of th con jr.'gat io i took evc-p io i to thi: aud asked him whv Ii.miIw i s preached t i 111 g -nil.' ii -u au I never to the ladles. "My d ar 1. 1 ly," sml the lieamni ; vicar, "one e nbraces th i other." "ISut not i i the ciiui'clil" wu the rep'v of tl(0 lls!oll'se. I v. -Til- Ibis. raved by a Sjiarrtfl'. 'The nbiqtiitoiit. Jugliah i-jiiii'row is ulwuys 'breaking out iu u new place," so to sjienk. While passing down C iroiidoh t th'j other ults riioou on u still hunt for htartliug game, writes a New Orleans l-.ii l esj 'olideiit, I chanced to witness the- following unique battle, which took I'hice in the retired front yard of one of our well-known resi dents. Tho fight was on when 1 arrived, and was a pretty evenly divided hand to -haiid contest b 'tween a C it und a Una-king bud. The bird tvi h titly hula lust in it big In 'guolia which crew in a col le r of tin; yard, and it wasiipniliv as apparent tiiat theleline hud design s upon I In.- colili nts of the song:. tit's h ibit -it ion. As the mo menta Jl.-w- the batthj waxed lielcr. The bird w.cs little mid the cat was biy, but agility and alertness favored tin: loinier, and poor Tom was c.itch i ig it iu tin; luck un 1 no mistake. 1 he bird cheeped aud chirp d, llut-ti-ri d Mini scratched all 1 pecked uu lie reli'uNv, only about one iu u hun dred times c itching u bru-.li from Tom's paw. Iu fact, thoeat played a i ii:ig hau l at .-ry de l!, uud no d iiibl would have b; II pretty c in sidi lalily used up had not Int.; Ill th shape ol all English sturr iw collie nobly to his rescue Without u word of wnriiiu,' tin- lit tie blown fellow, who bud bi i u watch ing th scrap from tin- b.uiqu t In low liobbed Up ; leli. Iy ill the midst of tile tight and swooped down upon (lie uusuqi cting nioeking bir I like u sui ili i-yclo-ie. To the tune of double quick the tide of battle turned mid i he guy lougsiel's liiilne was luild. The sparrow pioVed uu uniiiercilu foe and granted no qii irli r. Taking advantage of tin- I'avorabI conditions lie- cat letnri'.il t tin; charge, and would soon have consummated hisevil designs upon the liest bad Hot the male mocking bird appeared in the ni.-k ol time to iiive his home lioin destruc tion uud hisiu ite from death. Pit ila di lphia Tillies. Iililte l( ii uily of the liiricle, There are pi oplo who d dare that there is a f rt tin malicioii uiess uboiit u bicycle's behavior nothing short ol the miraculous. Doubtless we riders nil renu mber the delight every bicycle takes in guiding the beginner .straight toward any bi;; bowlder that may be insight; the road may b.; tifty feet wide, und that the only bowlder within hull' a mile, but do what we may, the bicycle lnukes unerringly for t at stolie, ( Veil if it tidies Us twelitv .eel out of our way to do it. And f there is uiiv thing the bicycle likes bet ter than a big, sharp bowlder, it is a deep puddle. A llllld ly hole of liny km I is a perfect magnet to the bicy cle when ridden by u beginner. Ex pelts insist that the beginner's ovvli in I'Voils fear is ut the bottom of such mishaps, bill tin- beginner knows bet ter. Vribncr. A Joke on the Mayor. R.ulcy I'. Wneg -in r, the newly elected Mayor of Atchison, Kan., re cently pluvial u Uu nn trick on himself, returning l.oliie late one night, he found u cow grazing on his lawn. It made hiui veiv mid, so he telephoned for a polic. 1111111 and helped drive the uiiiuial to tin- pound. "It i- some sat-i-fatioit," said Mr. Wu 'gelu r to the ollieer, "to know tint the owner of this plagued cow will have to put up a do'lar to get her out." The next inelliing Mr. Wiiggelur foillt 1 out that he b id iirreded his own cow, uiui now the whole town is nuking merry w ith him. Kansas City Journal. Milk Sullied by Itlasting. A curious sound has been developed at the Milage ol b ailout, III., ou lin ing Chicago driiiiiHgo canal. The milk tin re nil sours in u lew In hi i --, much to the dlsOouilol t of I he cili -us. The milkmen uud a number of the thinking people have in l ived ut the conclusion that this is d un-by blasting on the canal, which they think nets on the milk just as thunder does. It appeal's that the place will have lo do without fresh ur Ik till the ca ul i i complete I. New Orleans Pic tyiiue. The Ti pen r iter iu I! u a I favor. Now it is the tvyew l iter that seems lo have met with royal favor. The German emperor compos n many ol his speeches al the sum ' time that he is writing them withthe in ichine. The King d' Wiirtemhiirg, the Duchess ol Yolk, Princess Mail 1 of Wales ami the King of Denmark have attained considerable proficiently iu tho use ol '.h typewriter. Chicago Times-Herald. ' II Milken all the Hill'creiicr-. Willie h o-o-o ! Is that "lent big dish of ice-creaiu for you, grandpa? Grandpa- No, Willie; that's for y on. Wid.o-l'm;'h ! What a little bit. A Ming (if bond Times. Bing a sonir of goo I times CllUlill' Up till' Silope ; All tin- world u-jiiiKliu' Withtbo silver bell-of IIo! fcl.iig n -'Hii' of irood times - li Hiiid to coin" .at I'l-t ! I. oki-f lo the- tul are l orgettiii' uli th" past! hint! a song of i?ood times - Me' ! 'em by im' by : II "ii vi n e.iiiiiii" nearer. Au' the world u-r .lliu' high! Atlanta Constitute.! Ill MO It 'JUS. If candles were made in the shape of a cro-s many people would burn thilii ut tin; four i lids. "U'noi, Pat, ye've had yer hail cut." '.-Shiire, now, uu' who t.dd you that? An' I iniei. din' to Mirpi oi .c ye, too." Amateur Yachtsman- What do you lo for an.U .elneiit lip lu n ? Clal.i ilv...,.rWc watch you city fellows s ill bouts. lie's tree III 1:1-1 II p.llll HU-I U' llC ; i iih - I'.alm i- on In- bnovn ; lb- :,i la. young wife's angel lie-. An 1 le 's an .an gel n ".' .me men can take in w luiiiiture und iu ik. it loot; us if it was m nle l century ago," uiys u uiruullst. So can i olne chlf li eu. She Tiiele's tin II in talking, It's the small things that iinuoy on e most, lie -Y. .. Even a llll'e mosquito boles III'- il'lgbtfully. Lawyer - Did th ' parties come to high word-? Witness--No, ur- Tin y were about us low as I evi l In ai d colli.) out of uny body's bp-. Tin- time js here vile li li 'i' a .ain Wu fa'-e the painful si -lit -The home team n.elting down ln-lur" 'Hie ..:,l..-r lllliplle's ,-pite, E In 1 -I mi ip is oif-h ilf one hears iu .'.eiil;.- Isn't tin-', i s i.? M imiiii No; it'll the other ball' is so fright fully iiu -id, you know. Mis. li II. In 1 I -Mr . Oil.hiu l ha.i a great -.-ret. Mr . I iiooml'n ld Oh. lio! S'.iecm't have. Why lint? If hho hud he would have tol l it to me. "Why was the bee s.-h cted as II modi 1 b. industry?" a h "1 1' b i : ha:.!. '-11 cui.c bilsiiii'M- with him is always liuuiuillig," replied Gllder sleeve. Wit !. Ml- lie leave he st-.l" a kis.-. lie did O.I, 1:11-! A -!i ,r;i oiiiiiiaiid w is pr itnosly I. is : '.In -I put th it b:i'-U, I teli von tin-, Vvheie .t belongs,-' spoi.e iia'lg',1 y lnl-M. lleillil! II', bll-s! Mi's. Smith I declare this leg of mutton has shrunk away almost to nothing. Little Nellie -- Pi rhaps, minima, it ciiiue oil' the sheep us my ll.iuuel did. 1'ir, I Wull Flower How gracefully Miss Western hold , up li r tram. Second Hull Flower It ought tJ come itituial, for tiny say lu T fa her hllll led l.l'e a:. II loud llgellt. New woman -Wi ll, I iii uried the only mail who ti -ver told me he loved men! Old w iman Why did you do that? Ni w Wolll !. IS.'Clllse I thought he oilelr lo be c eile.l. The la'.i- a ei's brave who sin To light .1 elill" or . Mil.-. Pal luave. 1 ir Is Is- .ill. W '.irs I tie lir-! -tia'.v hat ! spring. Ml. Fo-.dick- I want gn dares go.,,1 tea. I" that genuine lloln e. Mr. I'eei. (as he w Holiest now? lis it out) - Yes :ir, I w ib guarantee it. I belive that hon. id tea is ill best policy. "Can I vv l ite my :i:ime und' r the re ceived pay in 111 oil this bill?'' asked the c.dh dor who like.-, to put things US delicately Us possible. "No, llllllllv you," r epliod Mr. H.ohcly, "I'm no llllto '.l apll flelld." .Imiiii. You're " 1 1 ni I ter light, thni':. what it is. Thomas No, 1 u I ii 'l ; but if 1 light my m dlui'll know uud lick me. Jimmy How will she liud It out, eh? riioui'is- She'll sec I In- loctor going to your house. She WilMi'l Afr.tbl of Siiakcs Most little ehlldlill, unless tiny have been tua do iifrnld by their el der's nonsense, wall pica up worms, bugs uud toads us readily as they will doners or pebbles. It IS no womb 1 Mrs. William dishing of Parker's eii I was startled the other day when I he look d around in response to tho pleas d cill, "See, inaiuiu i, see," by her two-year-old daughter Grueie. The child was Imld ug a long snake near its head, while its body wits wound three times round the child's nun and the tail resting on her should. -r. The father being present th - child was soon rein ved of Iter companion. Who snld the -utility between women and snakes was iustiucliv ? Lewistoii, Me., Jou.'iial. A proj.-et is under considers! ion to etilr.e th waiter po.ver of th Lichino Rapids ii tr Montreal, local capital ists being ehiolly iul -reie I .V largo number ol turbines and a iin.iler of dyn .iu 1 1 uiu to bo put n.