CfTt jfft t Qf mostcarncsily deprecatory attempt I merchant a rush lo force collect iona , Weekly Weather Crop Ittil lotlu. j All Eccentric Widow. bM VLflHiaarii 2,ttCM ;to drivo any democrat out ol hin , of all debts, a b-iuk .panic aud count-, Grtfrwf tH.v., i.jh, X. C. I Holly. Midi , Juno 24 Tho fun . !r.irty because of this difference o TT.'Z't1 Tbo reports of correspondents rf'oral of Lo Grand Bu.l, who died -nrlV.i;. -opinio,, Wo .1, r..j oa.l.t "j H. A. LONDON. Editor. Tub tariff law, passed by tho last ''Congress, is seldom spoken of now adays nnd yet its Rood effects arc 'duily feeing experienced and becom ing more apparent. Whilo it was Hot such a revision and reduction of lio former tarilT law as wa-jvi'craily greatly to the material upbuilding riesired hy democrats, yet it was so of that city, he will bo kirtclilly re 'grout an iniprovemcnt on the odious red :t. the Kciicrons and pub- and oppressive AlcKinlcj hill that 1 e spirited donor of tho silo lor the ' :t has almost eliminated tariil discus-1 A. M. CnVe and of tho tract of eion from American politics. ', mow as "Pullcii Park'. 'I'liis new tariiF law has been iitiilis sU'l bcnclactions were al-'"jort-d only a few niontiis-consi.ler I made quietly and silently, stu- 'ably less than a year and its full vffocts have not had time to be thor 'unghly icit, but even thus far the "vnuiilry ban been greatly benefited. Mi opV;l!? had ominously pro dieted that it would chut down niui 'close up many mills, mines and other ,;ndnstrics, that were dependent on v. uih pi'oloctivo tariiT for their maintenance. But none of these yreiJielions have been realized. On tho contrary all manufacturing es tablishments are now as prosperous 's they have ever been. Indeed a flow and fresh impetus has been given to all iiianntaeluring indus tries, and new ones are lieing estab lished all over the I'nited S'.atis. tl was also contended by t!s.. i n of our new democratic t-.:riii law tiiat it would diminish ;.i:d de crease the wages ol all laborers usd .ie earners. Indceii it wa insi-1 cd that thousands ol workmen would bo thrown out il all cuipioyn out nd their families Le redded to 'beggary. But this also proved to be a false prophecy, and the result bus been just tho reverse of what was predicted. Instead of workmen ''being thrown out of employment, now industries are being established -giving employment to more work Sit!). And instead of their vage. '"jeiug reduced, as predicted, their "wages are actually being iiiiwcn, Nearly every day the papers an nounce that tho wages ot the opera lives in some factory or mine have 'been increased. As an illustration of the truth ct this i.tatemeiit an! omt ot many siuiilitr instances, we cite and copy tho following: "ClItrwiH, June 20. --The present 'tremendous boom in tins iron and steel industries throughout the conn try has shaken tho high pi'oleciioi theories of liond'nl Manager Walk. !' of tho Illinois Steel Company . When tho Wilson bill was weath ering tho legislative storms ol tin 'House and iScnate, Mr. Walker de clarcd that if the bill became a law the n;hedulcs then in force web! close most of the iron and sloe plants in tho country, drive tl workmon out of employ inonl : n Bond wages down to the .-larval m point. The recent reaction from t ho Ion: 'period of business depression completely upset Jlr. alker s Ian! views, ami it is said he is becoming -convinced that the country nidus "trial interests hud never a mor .prtiising outlook than now. Tho company is operating it plants in North Chicago, South Chi cago, Jolict and Milwaukee nigh f.nd day. Today notice wax potoi raising the wages ol 7,011') men It "per cent. Such a practical and forcibi-.i objeci lesson as it taught in Iho above tele grata speaks much louder than any words or argumonts could. This i.- ono of many similar instances ot tin wages of workmen being voluntarily increased by their employ rs, untl all this under the democratic birill law which, it was predicted, would reduce worknun to beggary! Ukc.vuse democrats may differ and disagree on tho "free silver' question fs no reason or excusn tor their dis rupting their party. And il is folly if not political suicide, for the frei silvorites to attempt to drive out ol tho party those democrats whom -they call "gold bugs": and in lik manner il is supremo fully lor iln opponents ol free silver to uiteint to drive out of tho party, or stigma tizo as populists, those democrats who advocate free silver. There has rarely, if ever, been any timo in the history ol the democriiMC party when there was not a disagree ment aud difference ut opinion among its strongest members upon sotm ono question. Kvuu when tho dom B iratic party so strongly advocated tariff reform ami tiro great bulk oi its monvbers wero bitterly opposed to a protective tariff, many staunch and able democrats differed and dis agreed with their party, and nobody thought of driving them out. It is Well known that tho Hon. Samuel J. iiandall, of Pennsylvania, was one of the ablest, truest aTid most disliu guished domoeiuls in America, and yet ho differed widely with liin pwiy On tbo great tariff question. And wo must respectfully insist now that democrat) may differ on ibis financial question without im perhtiig their party fealty, and v in.. winiui. w our section, wouiiiiau&uiiu ior years. , low cii'.h other to differ on ut least onk question ' 1 v A I K I : 1 1 mourns tho loss of lie mvatest bei.cfi.etnr in Iho death Ci Mr. II. S. Pii!!t-:i. who died in that city on lust Sunday, in tho "3rd year ot his no. While contributing d:oi!-!y avoiding any appearance ol parade and osier.iation. Lie never subscribed his name among any list ot contributors, but quietly paid in cjish whatever he wished to give for any purpose. A striking illustration ol this characteristic of his wo once witnessed, in ISM a meeting was held at li.deigh, one night, for the pin pose of the company to hold the State Exposition ol that year. Ivithu-iasiic speeches were made and i considerable sum of incticy subscribed as stock and the loMij any organized. Not one word had been s.iid hy Mr. Pullen, bul next morning when the newly elect ed diree'.vr- ol iho company met in the lobby of i he Il.i'.ise ol Kepresci)-:a;:vc- Mr. l'.ilien appeared in his . M'.al i;:i!ei manner and beckoned lo L'i -Moni i', who went to iiiiu rnd in a !ew moments returned io the d .rectors with a check in his Lirt id t' f ;'."oi'i, which belaid Mr. I'ullen had presented as a jilt and not as a .-ul -crijition to the slock ol the company. A Si -cia i. equality, or civil rights hill, was p;i.--cd by tho Legislature ol New Vol !.-. a few weeks ago, that is now creating considerable trouble in that State. ly the terms of this hill a eiloiid person must bo ad milted j;i-i ll.e same as a while per son to any hulel, restaurant, barbir -hop, theatre er other place of public ac oi'.imo-iatioii or aninsemcnt. And iho i-ro; riet.-r of any such place ".vl.ii n -tuses iidi:iis.-:on to a colored :.ei-oi,, i.- iiiible to ;; heavy penalty. This is i t:e of the reforms given ;he peoj ! c! New York by the;r re puli'li ;.i. I.egi-1 idire, but it is cun i'i::i is very distasteful to a nuijority ! I ! i o wlii'e i-ili.-MiM of that Slate. I will, a'i their boasted love tor do i.ei;io our Northern brethren have :.- li't'-.1 u-e tor him socially as we ol the Smith, Tki: Stall - 1 1 lo Ltiiuhibirh, not satisfied with being the best Weekly in the State, is now being publislud is a semi -weekly, and ere long will n duubi become the best Daily iii t ic Slate. Dcmociittie fSniuid Money Club. A iiuiuber of the leading democrat.' d Wiimingtou held a meeting, a few leys sgo. and organized a "Deiuo tiilie Sound Money Club" aud adopt d a series of resolutions oatitled u Dechuatioii of Principles", which he llroonn is rcijucstcd to publish us follows : "While fully appreciating thegrea' oustuess ilepressiou from which oui people, in eoimuou with all the nationt of ti e c nil h, have been suffering, vi 'en no evidence to lead us to believt i at it is caused by an insufficiency of inotiij either in this or in any iiher country ; and we do not per cie how tho evil cau bo cummarily n-moied by silver legislation; there oio wo declare our adherence to tin .'ollowing principles, which we couli- leiitly ass i t ure iu accoi dance with S'.'ttlud Democratic, doctrine: Fust. Wo hold it self evident thi t ,ho powers of the legislature should he limited to tLo enactment of sucL a s us sbull mUifeio as little us oos- ,ibl u wiih the peisoual liberties of the ,'coplu uud hitll allow the freest aud fulicst ccopo to the iudepondeut de- ve.opmfnl ot taeli ladividua'; that g .veii.uu.ntal protection, whetbei .eu to the manufacturer or to thi i"ii: ow ner or to any other class ol (ii-isi ns id odioiu uuil unjust, that ui .,overiiuciit cau by niero Iegislativ .ct create tbo protijx rily, wealth, oi oii'.eutiuent of ali of its citizens, anu all seheiues of legislative action hat are offei cd as panaceas for human lis aie founded on a misconception of the functions of government, are talso in theory and uio fraught witL langer io tuo comuiou weal. Second. Wo believo that the pres out free silver agitation i-j specially uuruui in it! results to our section of the country, ta that it tttuds to create pprehousiou iu tho minds of capital isis aud prevents them from engag- ug iu inuusiriai enterprises and civ nig employ mcoit to labor. The South wns no silver unites, but it has vast undeveloped resources, needing onb capital operating with confidence. ilniJ. e beltevo that the mere acuounceineit upon tho morrow of in flection Unit tho 'Tree Silver' movement wus triumphant would uuse u scramble amoiig holders of iuei ieau seui ities to sell oul: thai tli-i whi le talo selhm would cause an immcdit to uud heavy deeiiae in all pi ices, a u.onetnry e.iisis, a ntopnace i-f all HeeouiiMod!.tiiBi In faruieiud Fouitli. We assert that experience teaches that il is beyond the iiowtr of nuv Government to I uiaLo pold and silver circulate i-s i luonev in nnliiLiileil uuanlittcs at a lft!j0 (bat does not co n spend with 'the unukct v.ihio of the tro r.u-tals, and we beiitTe that the passago of au ', net by the I'nited States alone pi o ; vidiug for the free and unliiniud: coinage of tilver at a latio -f ll! to I, . when the in:. I kit lfttio is 1 lo 1, in ; stead of ii tinting tho currency ;uu! esdsing an ndvuucn of all pi ices as! couiuiouly believed, would, iu the !iis! , lu.-tiinee, juimedia'ety dnvo out it circuhitiou six hundred and twenty oiue millions of tjold dollars, givo us pure silver uioiiometKiism end eon tract tho existing volume of currency to the extent of about one third, ert ate nn instantaneous scarcity of luonev. disunaiige all bu.-iness calciihitions. deter nil persons fro!!i rnteiing into contrncts; and in fact paralyze indus try, throw innumerable persons out of employment and cause iiuuio.ij.ur-1 able loss and sulVei ing. Fifth. That in the absence of an i mercial nations, we favor the ictcti tiou of the gold di liar as the ultimate 1...1 ..t .1.,. !!.. .. D bWftlllU 1 V i'l t lilt) C J Pill u b1 r ,).t . ,i. ., . n i -., i .. silver as cau be maintained without . i . l : . t a l. . r . .. , . , . , . , . ' B , J, ' r- oi ueui-piM uig "in. oi iiie ii o securing the only possib.o im. Siuh Wo si; silt that those who clamor for free ;.;i.i uulimiu-d eoi!::-:i- of silver en oneous. y cad t ncmseivi s "bi metalii.-is," and wc di immd tint they point out luv the puiiy now being nniiut lined between goid an I the vanous i nonuoiis issues b-'tii of silver and p.iper money c in be con tinned except by the coiitideiiee ot the holders then of iu the a'ei.iiy ai.d iuteiition of the Cn.veruiueiit lo cs-; change on demand the one for the ulher. The Liv.vcr:i;neut ownii.g no ; natural deposits of precious iuc'.io'.-: : legishitioti being iii!K;lei't to' values; Lo.v can parity lie niaintaiiiei ..i,.i. i..T,-.ii.,i, f,:,;.; . v!-,,iii...l i,, .ii. ' de credit is unable to suppiv .-unieieiit : f thA i.i.i -i valmiidrt .i.a'tii.,.litv t o ! jnlisfv ti,,. ,;,.i.i-u -Is .-f the cuvm rs nf ! t io least valuable ' The answer ij so self eviiieut lLat we declare the is.-ue cau ouiy bo npnn civ between silver inououiJtaliisijt puie'and simple, and ,old monometallism f upplcmciitcd by nieh use of iulv r and paper its low j biain-: '.'ctwccii tiien'Hud.ird of ,-.!-ie i it' iho i:.o.t backward aad U'.n t ct: j Hen d nations and that of the I most a lvaui i -1 and prosperous. I Seventh. We favor and ! an ,.. i,. it. ,r,-.., i. i rr..u. i iry (or "Siici u.aii' I notes and sub ii t iting ti.erofor bunk not iuere IV elituuniliuLr an element free: our mociary .-ystem that is a standing uenitee to the n.ilioii.'.l eiedit ; tin. to t -ntion of which must ever i pe:.te ts an iusiipi li.bie obstacle to ti e es '.dblishingi fa round liuaneial t- m. Lightb. We favor thi n n. r.l of the cu p r c--ut. t:ix oil ntate I'.int- to be end that, under proper -lifeguards mil restrict ions, such institutions n:-.;. -xcrcise the lijht ( f issue, therein nahling thetu to provide the in e.u .'or eai h to regulate tin volume of currency to toriespion-l i( its own needs. Ninth. We invito all who think as AO do, or who de-ire to study the tiuaucial ipieslioiis of the day to uuite vith us and wo earnestly urge the foi u.ation of Sound Money Di-uiociatie Clubs ih iujhout tho Slate and South. AViigcs Increased. Dm Now V- rk M'ori.l. The wages of not. b-ss than 2"ivl,()iM! lien iu the I'nitod Slates have been idvanced luulerially within tho last ubiety days. Careful inquiry through ut the country indicates an advance iveraging nearly 12 per cent. The World has compiled a list which ein i a aces moro than 250 llrins which mvo wiihiu the last few weeks ad vanced voluntarily by Iho employers The season has btou icuiaik-ibly fret iroiu strikes. During tho lost thrco months, be sides those firms which have mado an mcreaso iu wages, many new fortune or old ones which have been idle fo sevtrul years havo openod, thus giv mg employment to uddilioual bnuil Theso uuuibcrs mo estimated at '2'1't factories, furnishing employment tu over 5!i,0(l(J pcrsctns ir:-vious!y out ol work. Tho average advanco iu the wages of employees is 11 J per clu fn a great many mills the udvanei has boon g .'oiler than thai, aud promising feature is that those lim.s where the ad vance is about I he aver- igo are tho ones eiui-loviug tho ui:.;t bauds. Four Ilig SiiiTCsscs. Having tho needed merit lo more than lniiko j.H".1 all tho mlvei tisiu claimed for tliei-j, tbo following font remedies have reached a phenomena! sale. Dr. Kind's New Discovery, for consumption. Coughs nnd Colds, each bottlo guaranteed Klectric Differs. tho great remedy for Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, buekleu's Arnica S.ilvc, the best iu the world, and Dr. Ivini's New Life Pills, v hieh are a perfect pill. All tlieso lL-iite. lies ure guurai- toed to do just what ii claimed f r them and the dealer whoso name s ittached heiowith will lie glad to teb you nn re t thi iu. Sold at U. 11 Pilkingtou's Drug Store. Treasury o.Ticiale amic pato that iho .iy n.e i t of tho Chinese war in demuity of 2'Jd.lluO,O'.J0 Isold will re suit iu a material increasu iu tho mar ket price of silver. An international monetary confer ence will be culled by (Jernmuy. it is lVt i pcet'.;d. before October 1-V ' L. Weather Service, for tho week ending' Saturday, Juno '21. 1S13, indicate further iiopioveiueiit in all crops j Tho week was vciy favoiable for lmr vesting grain and bay. Tho f.iit' tlirco days ui ic bi low tho norma! in tetni-i'i at ore ; the l ist pfti t of the wee . oivoree and luarnage occuned the was" wsnuer ni. d bcni'tieiiil. Tin-1 san?o wei k. amount f Mit.shine was abovi noi n::;I. ; At tho limn of the j.igp Mrs. Tie i siiituli v s dfci-i.t for ho'l-u.ll published a lengthy m tide ii; vv i!;. bul local .howM'i occurred i.n tho loenl njiei s, lurking public In T f.-ii! i! .vs. I r.-Mit.; Ii t ivpx coi. liuiic :iO i-rv fe Unf.iv picp.r s aie ii i i iven. ;ii,.i u:e blighter. Tht nevt week vei v warm, with shoveis thi ! c. Is ure il be mild'' poi tion. Ckni!:i DisTiuer (,'.j1 rihis the f!iv!y viol rf ll:o wt el; IiiliilcM ii ll.e giic.vth of crops some, but the l iitir pajt wax warnn r, und gfiieiallv dry, with sentleu-d showers 21-t and 22d. I ho week was a lie one for f irm woik. with the gionnd in good con ditio!: for plowiu-: every i'.y. lhiin is bef;i;'-Uttig to be lu-edi d, thiiugh crops rtie u -t suC.'img. U:irvfs!ing!(5 i.ijl) ai o atYcc-ted. rsm proeei ilii'g r.ip: I y. i!nl w i:i l: about cm pit-led nt xt wct'k; the yield will befioi: ibeie ure I ill few coiu- 'sout!:e:n jortioii of the district- cot- ton is being ii hired a little by lice mi i ' loo'ice.) n growing well. Woim.x some d.'.m ige to corn ,i now. wLile some? late Laving bv j coi ii tr b; !ig p:.ite.l. 1 oaehes i ipeu uu.. ,4,1-ij :l rop: some early itielus . , i 1)1 leicheines are ; lle.ll IV v.ab plenti crop, M-io: . to suite! I roiu in-ceit was saved diiriiig ti'.c ure in ijood cui: !i- All t; lii::; t)iit of V a '.l ale of Well b:ed tld t Lis .Slate I i.i ee year ns 'low us apiece, p. ice si evli'i-ii Ii d" nuv h.-.-o orle.-a i: d.-n..t In .11! I the i .-. wad Tii At pay to l.iii-c who made I-: of a businrsx . r.i. ai.d tb" L-lve.L'JS o .-ale di i !-) to g t out n i hu g: -r p: vii-i.'o'.j i.. l ilt o;i? t( .r.:.:iy. Tho ng lai.i.llv : ii'i i':-o le 1. Their hoiso is l ui'io tt.ietio:'. luiti.'-.s ati.i oiio r mo 'hatdea! desi. .-. aie greatly nduciug I h" d. i i-ird I or d: ,iugh!-ho; set vice ":t oni iu e cities but in small roads towns an t even upon countiy 111 : '0i. p-. p-'attui regions. canmM. i.u lar oil w.ien 'bItf !ce!iie railroads will be-in beany fu-.g'.it as well passengers, doing away with drays, trucks - llld couutiV ag)-d tJ ll vciy larg-.i ;t no .-..yco ;s Li.i'ig in M.;..e., i . saodie w'!'-- is wit a iu; but tiie net: with ail but s. I a- :ek ( Neicn-.e nnd l::ri y. luiimge m i .' h I I I ear: i.iges victoria.-, piisci.ily a'j-.I wh.u i.t ixi.iliitiofia i f hoi'S' le-a ii I'raaee indicate ta it our l;;cil;; and Cib.i will 1,0 liriveti without horses, all t i:. :.i .veuit n's are perfected it is imt unlikely that we .-hall e.i:;:e r.t his! to I he Cliinese eusj tout of i x.i'.udiug i i.'tiiely froia t!e -U-. it- . t' cities. r.-.eii on f inns li.e -fc;:'U jtbiugb. the sham ihrcsh.r and toe like ure n-ducii tbo lu ed i f h'.i 'es lo a Liinimuiu. d'hcie is no doubt thr.t progrcsnivu in-el. iiiicil i.i.priu . :ui ii. ia tho ii-.l .i! athm 'f elee'lieily as u motive n-ever for vuried u.-o-i, w ill I still further fliiuiu.i:" tho b.iiso from all our culc.ihitioiij necessary aid.i t ) huii.nii woi k Aitnthcr lU'i.'iuikiitdo L:iv.. Kfi'lll O.lO li lli'ln-lt Snws llll.l Oi ,-ot Tsr. Another o i leliee of the careless ness and incapacity of tho lecent Fu siiai Lei-latui c has been discovered. It is a bill entitled "all Act to enable Po.k to issuo bonds." a-id is found in ch.-.p'cl IVM, page 412. of tho Public Laws of North Carolina, si ssiou 18'.J". Il w ill be roe i I h it while tho Act is fi r the pur ose of enabling Polk county to issuo coupon bonds to the iinount of $.).000 for tho purpose of purchasing for Polk county a farm, .t provides that this f irm, purchased by Polk county, shall lo for tho main leiiunco of tho poor and paupers of Divio county, nnd that before the bonds ore it sued an election shall be noM iu Davio county to decide wheth t-r or not the bonds shall bo issued iu Polk county. A Spidt i 's Poisonous Jlitc. Cincinnati, June 2.7. W. C. Owens, Ueprcsentutive fioni lite Ashland di tiiet of Kentucky, who defeated W 0. P. Jtieckinridge. is poisoned by it -piders buo aud bis condition l thinning. II" was bitleu a week ago iii i milt is tciriiily swolleu. ile l.ud been attending the races here, bin left hurriedly f.-r Lis homo last night ou i .special linin. A ihj'slciuii iu the city told him 1 1 at I. is an.i v,t..ild h:;vc t ) b;; Aiopu t: te 1 lo save his life, lie goes b' have Lis. Lome surgeon do tho work Cousins Drowned Tost'ther. Vilki;.sd.uu,k, Pa , Juue 2o. Louis UeCaithy aud Bow Harding, cousins, were out horseback riding today. They drovo their horses into Harvey's lake to cool thciu off. U'ho hoist McCarthy rode becaim; fiighteuet't and threw him off. McCarthy could 'lot swim, i larding jumped from his uorso and went to his rescue. Doth wcio dr . c. tied. The two horses swam a-thoro. Largest Cot Ion Mill in America. Noutu Adams, Mass , Juno 22- The largest cotton mill in America is to bo ouilt ut oxicu iu Adams. This wtt- decided at a nici ting of capiiaiist. hel l hist night, 'iho mill will employ over l,0Llt people, and will havo 80. 00U spiudi.s and 2,100 looms. It will citat Sil.OOO.niH). It will be 42 t Ion" and 1 10 feet wide, with an :oi 1 vviH b". ;ve "tortes hih his widow will preach Iho funeral sennou Mrs. Uuell created a sensation three years ajjo by securing a divorce from lb v John I' Weathirell, of Clm enable her to many liuell. '1 h , rca-oiis lor I V lllg I noi I, Ii ich wax lo icf Ir t in Iroiu Ins cxecsiv This the failed lo Irinking lo. lutbilc Mrs. 15ue.ll for years wrote for the 'ending song journals of fhe country. Wags liiciciscii. Scp.ntos. l'v, Juno 22X- ticc' w.i9 given this afn rnoon by the Lack awanna Iron and Steel Company that the wiigws of stool men, m chanics, and laborers would be increased at the rate of 10 p;r c ent., t take ffjct fioni Ju'v 1st. Uelwecn ii.OOd uud A sou of Mr. D L. V.'illiatusn. of Meekh iibiirjy eountv. was struck iu fhe eo while placing baseball nud its siybt h entirely gone. Wiiile Judge W A Hoke was riding in a buggy, a few days ago, theboise fin away and he wa- thrown out t.m his right arm wis broken. I liocKniUiim llocl;!: If si ve i wete Coined and di.-lrthulcd tioo j some people would grumble brcitua ..ill In,, itiilv.iia ni.l ,vioi-l.ii-u if.,... ,i.,t 1 diliars. j News for h Ali-saiidor couii I ty thai seeiitl i r.-ni.s havo 1m n jseiiou.xlv pi.jsoiu d by i sling boiey. i ll is supp-si d tl e jioisonoux bo-iey is eol'.cete 1 from the luojutain ivy or launl. "I'ii I'enr.svlviini i I'gislature h 8 ,ip,j,r pi iaii d !. n(io for mi evhibii in Aii.inta. Oi l Irs .v-S il; su will be ib i "oied to tie WoMi.oi"- 1 1. iptrl mi lit. The it..!oni t! exlolii: wiii 1m e-pecial-i., including lh L;l, rty Jb-iland oi!. r li lies of g1 eat vaiucst-ut ly lln Pliiladeljihi i general eou'icil. r.tyi It. ille Observer: A train with twenty si ens. Put, led with cu cumbers, passed through here on ti e A. C. L i ne day last wi ek The C.litiva'ors of small funis de liiidiiir. a good market fi.r their beiries. We hope they will tdi do wi ll Mr. A S lldsko showed us a te'egram from H is! on, iho i t'.er day , reporting 2(1 n.'.ts a q i ii t ieciin,i fur ibeeceV dew ben u . - -! ::; S!;e: ;tl' I li i t or Mc Neiii was h7 M-ais old i n the .'list da of M IV. The d i f,d'oi n o, his solis with their '.. i o.-. ami daughters, will their biisb.iiid.s i.tid li. errand elil dice. togc'Lii v.:ii! ii f; ,v of his im mctuitu !( -labile r s gatbeu'd ut. tin old hr.i.r,', and ill ele ll:n il iv UK with speeches aud music, uud an oli il.iiii : I have two Iii tie grand childiei who are let-thing this hot. suinmi , wi'itli.-r and tin- iioi.b i.l with howi j cei. plaint. 1 giv( them Chalnbei biin's Colic, Ciioler.'i and D.iirrlae I 1'-. ujedy and it nets like a ehni iu. J ' carne-tiv recomiiiein! it for childiei i with bowel troubits. I was mysel - lakeu wiih a si vi le attack t f blnoil Ibis, with cramps and pains in in jsto.ue.eb, one thud oi a hot lie of tin remedy ctiied mo. Within twentv j four hours I was out of bed and do I ii g ui house woi k. M-s W. Ij Dun I ngen, Don titjita, linkmiui Co , Tcim i For s tie bv Uviium llo.ideti, Pitt. ! bor., N. U While in Topek.i hii.t M uch, lv I IVobcr. a proiiiiiieiit newspaper lino of Li Cygne, Kin, was taken will ehoiiia morbii:. v I y severely. Th i.ight c'ei k ut the hotel whi-ro be iva- sto'pil.;r b tppt'lred tohavoil b iltl of Cliauibei litin's (lolie, Choli ra aiu' Diaril.ii't Hemody tiiul gave Lini thre. doses which relieved him and b thinks saved his hfe. li cry famil should keep this remedy in thei. home Ht all limes. No one can tei how soon it may be needed. Il cost hut a tulle am may be the means o sawng much sull'eiit.g and peilntp I he life of some member of the famih 2.") and fit) cut bullies for side by P.y ituui . He idi n, Pi;ts!.o;o. N. U. A Fatal Kxplosion. Cnif.Mio. June 2'i. mi-ii wer-kilh-.l. a scoi c of peisons w i s e ii jureil ind n great crowd of excursionist wire thro vii into a panic by an ex p!o.-io;i on hoard ll.e bi; whalohiiel. steadier Chrtstoper Coiiimbu. run ii'i-g from Milwaukee to this city, las night. A "iJefuriH" .i ill del t'f. l'l:AI.I.I i, I 1-iii.i. J.i'.e :. I'nul P. Ltwson, a i'opiili.-.i . x nit-inher of 111. I.hiho L"'gi-l-i'U i. v.-.ih found guilt' on Juue 11 if iiiurdo- in the fi.r degree fir kiding (1 .n-e W V it-oi.. near Ilo-J:j!on, Custer Coui t--, oi May 1-", an 1 wai .-.eiiteneed to b. ; a ;," ! J'rv tlC. Secret of Beauty is health. The secret of health is the power to digest and assim ilate a proper qtianity of food. This can never be done when the liver docs not act it's part. Doyou know this? Tutt's Liver Pills are an abso lute cure forsick headache, dys prpsM, sottr r.toinach, malaria, constipation, torpid liver, piles, jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness and kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills mmm aww bee AND W13 WILL SHOW YOU AS HANDSOME A STOCK OF GOODS AS YOU EVER SAW orn; cottox .'.vA.';; lovely axu so ciii.ap: lii-ioilifol Culienes o cents, idee l'eicales for S to 12. eent.x, Lmgest aud haiidsomest hue of ttinluiiiis fiom r cents up, Nice ('Inillies foi 5 ci, as neat Liwus and Oi gaudies us are ajad, and very eheitp, Satei-ns, blink and all pnlnrs. fioni 1(1 cents up. ('ii-poiis and oilier t'linkle gimd', nice )imii f M' v oonts. Our foclto Ems Goofls Have ITcver Econ Epali i:i His Tom Would call yi.ur c-peei.i! allen'ion lnonv I:i,i'! i : Cm pones fi.-tn till et-tils up, s-p'elaJiil Selge. till ,';V:'. Cciii.i AM i lie lie-v shin go(,,l... in P.l.-irk ,ti,,l Colon d. f;oni 10 ,i-nts i,( Sj.25 A full line of S-ik for Wuistw, f . . rit '.,) edits to Si ;V) per yunl. Our line i f Wlil i r, (t)tUS is i xtia huge and i i:e.-i,v comanetng at 6 cents pi-r yasd. A-k lo see i, ui Pntied Swiss. cei t- In 41 cents. All styles of Laec snd Triuiiuins eheiipor than yon ever di earned of. L-idies nice Sinn Waist us h.w a- en,l:i We have nn Uinlueila or Parasol for evuyliody, from '2fi cckIs up. Fans as low a- 1 cent. All kinds of I'Vuiey Notions. Our MILLINKltY Department is full lomo flow. I, i.iiux y,m l: pVi.n-.d. (Jive us a look. Our PANTS OOODS Depuriiiu n has not been f-agolleir. C-otlonnde ns low lis 8 i ts. Fine Citssiiucii . W i km o the files i nnd ehe:ipe.-t SUOK3 iu the eouiity. Ask lo see our hsnd-m ide Si.oi.i. Low Shoes, nil styles, from ill cents to ."ill pur pKir l. tdies Vests-, ii ft eeiits to Ihc finest" Silk. nl "J.'i eini.x. A hti sj.-. Ht-.sorliueut of men's and boys' Suits, for .?."; men's Pauls n.x bc.v us p) ei-nts. A nico lot of boys' Clothing. ( -onto mnl : eo niir nu-n's an I boys' li tis, they will talk for iheuisihes. Wc kn p ui; thii g mid v. iii i.. be ui ileisold by any one iu nuv umiki t for the cash. No Iroubh- to siuw goods at W. I. LONDON c: SON'S. Pittsboro. N C. Mmv tl, K'$. I AVOID BuIK Soda I Bad soda spoils good flour. S Pure soud the best sod? S only in packages. bearing this trade It costs no more than inferior never spoils thi Hour always keeps soft. 1 Lfcware of imitation trade marks and labels, S and insist on packages bearing these words I ARM AND HAMMER SODA i Mide only by CHURCH & CO., New York. Sold by grocers exerywher. S Write lor Aria and Hainmcr Book ol valuable Rcclpes-rREE. 2 CONDI'NHKI) llEl'(Kr i.K Commercial and Ol - as rr.M'i nr:' to tci: stavk iuai itr.strib i:s. Loiins and Dincnuitts, $2'il.4:tl Overdrafts. -17"i Cash. 5t:i5.(HtOX.C. lpr.e'. P.o!,ds.:i I 1S2 I'udividi d J'rof.ts, Dui.kino House, Fin niiine, 'l)ii ( ?i.i,!.-i, ami Ftxliiies, JS.7H2 I". Deposits Si, bji ct to (.'urici.t llxpiiitestiiiii TtiMis. -I.iloo !'i I hi Cash Duo front Hunks, 111!. 127.7; Cush iu Vaults, 41.2.-7 o .' 17 1.1 11 7: We solicit your colltclious and Wti will be pleased I o fori espond ehi tigi-8 or opening new ticcouiits. J J. THOMAS. President, J&CKSON SPBIRGS. It is fully to suiter with Ilidiges lioii. I v.pei-:.!. ( 'lironic I i:irrln!-i. ' idney , ! ll i i-ii vlu'ii you cm 1 tianeiiilv cured -jiriiigs wafer, ei: .r from b itths We have ti lent citizens. il: im s ui hat it li. is cured liv.ndruis It can cure y.oi. The hotel is now op..'!! !' and the water is beini;- s half gallon bu'ities one ho ca.-e. Hotel Hack I'uei tr.iiits i.t We.-t Ki.d. ; For ;irtielll.'l!s iinpl V to ' JOHN W. TlIUMI'SirN, i'.-rp! i t ir, r JAS. K. liltOOKrf. Maimger. j W.sT lNO, JloOlt COlltllV, N. C. June (i, ISOo. ' j Gunstqn Institute, i aws, iM.i, :U ninii'i l.l.i 11-iiv, ti. v., J j WAMIINtnON, 1). c. i. A select "oil-din.:: and !.iy Scliool or Vo'iii Iii'i'-s nud (liris. SH'e!.il ;(! v .11 1 1 :'LC' in Vn.-il ,-in-l ll sd llini-lit il Misj-, 1 i; .i in;', ; l iutin, ai l Mo'C ii luiijiiii: c-. j coiirso of tltiity lecture- mi tlicstudy of csiiakspi-iiie, to be :'ivtn by Miss Mati a u (:iy, will iiein October l."itli. I l For catalogue address Mr. asm Mns. li. K MASON, Oct. 11, 1801. Principals. IXECUTOIVS NOTK'K IIAV tuff ttll(lol Mnxo.utMr.J Sams..uSint. Uoroascil, litis la to tinli.'y uW rrinliturtt nf IiU mmiotn iirusi'ut ilmlr elHlnii) i.t tint iiiuIitsIcih-I on nr U.f.irn lti smh Uny nf Jum-, Ik-., nr tliki , uoilce lll Iw .lcl In lr..r their rnornry. i HANI l-.I.JOILUAni S.VI111. WoiaKflc Ai Uavea, Aitruvya. 1 Jum 17, ISM. ' i " ORTOAGIi SLK JIY VIU tita of a m.iriftC--iil-.l lo ni- l.y I. A. """I. nud roglsu-ri-.! In lt.-k '-cr bh 6"6 in Ihn i. nf tho n vl.u-r nf .li..i .1 t tuelinni oitnty. will w II (nr i-h n ili"i nn tmiivi. .,.,r In, N. e.. mi MONOAV. tin- llr.-t iluy nf nly, IK95, ihr ii.vt nf lnn.l Wm H..-I iIiphIh in Biitiiiln ai inp.'irupri.r j. j. crinni. and T. L. Lasau-r, runninj wiuih ulih i. ). Crtinip'a II n mi -r lo a sink. II sm-e oust 0"rivlpllliin win. T. 1.. Ijui iU'i m IIihi l.uir acri-Blnou to astalio. ii.ili ..ns ar. wlilo loT, It. I,iwalpr-s llns. tbr:ii-vt -li T I , Iviii- i r'n line to fltsi .:h..iii it,e r.irii.T of lh!.'r ' ami eriiMil- uuilua.g I . uracr. -. . .,. V ..,,,.,!.. .... ,,i. . imi e speedilv itlu! pi -.J be .lrii.kiiiL'.rueks..!! l i-r ilie Sprin;:.- t:iTiry'--r75?aj ti:o..t, ir cm. I FAr z m m sjixi v ;r.cs!s, 1 i p ied iu ; . MP! rl4(. package soJ.i i OF Till-; C0N1.ITKN ru:-: Farmers Bank,, ;- . . srm i: on t'i-- P.r!i m .-kmi ::i; i.iAfwiiiie.s. :' 'l.ipital Sink l'.tid in 1S34. !?l!l(t.0H0.0fl 2i.t;2:i n 1 1..T25. C3 oil, 103.90 Imsineir, with tin 17 1,41 1.72 We r ui-.i and o snt is faction, sc v. Lo eoiilei.-ip.'ate making-. D. S .(I'.t'.iAN, Cashier, NCTICE TO TEACHERS. ll.-i;.i;rr.-:ce.-.:i:.iM-.i! ..; u,.l.- S.-lm To.lch-r.'"- Hhl , ., M. i, i.-.j-. .luiy l-t,i-,.,ril!, W..UPf I..V, .ill'; :,.. '!.-!, U j IU-.-ul .,ys n CO nf tl. li.T ill III U-.nyilif. Aiil. . will cl" ta" I Tiiio ivrtuli ;t:c- i.f eliur- "'i. li. ii. LINKI'.KIiliV. .in in-'.ii, is,-,, o.uinj- i:.xiitiilar. Cvc'i'. Trai'.-Kai-Si l-;i:icl. and all PU . fl.t t.iiiii-ii- t- i:.'.!i.-lc, f.T Moccniri rets. Our Orricc o Otoitc O. 8. PATfNT Orne nil wo cs:i si i-n.- j sii :t in lc.-w limu iltau lhu . l.-mr.l. frotu r-i.;,it'.;i.iu. Send nioil.-l. ilr.-Hvin or phnfo., wtth iWrta lion. We L.l' isc, if iitfi. ciulitr nr tint, frso of f l.ari-f. Our t - n.n lino till im'cnt In fccurcd. A PiPMLfT, How fn Obtain l'otoit.' witli Ein-.o: i:f si timl c'i ni in your fcUttc, couutjr, 0 tun, 6iDt Ii cu. Aildrtvn, t c.A.srjow&co.! Op?. Patint ornct, Wo4)r;aTOt. D. C. i c. f. & y. v. JOHN HILL, Ukciuvlb. Condensed Schodala. In ifl'cct June 2:lid, 1833. li.MIV. n.iiiu.. in ,-t..uin -.7" Matu'l-i'-"-i - ; . l. .lull & l-'itucuKor Vtl!iilti:;i..n, Arrive, . iu, I i.)i-iti;ll.-, U'ltirtf, iii ', 1 " .-il.T, i " ll..'n ' . O.-nill-il.iTii, 1 " I".! ' Ml. Airy. I " 7.1-6 it. ni. riu li..unl s.inli lljunil N... 3. .i iiMi 7 -jo p. in, I.1-.IVO li I 541 4 ,H TATIoSS. tl-.i llsVllll- 13 a. in, Li'iv, ; 1: :u;i.ii li. .1 .-MP l-L-li -1..- Mills l-.-i.-tti-.-l!l.- .Snr:!l I1..UII.I I tv... Hi. UIM.U. A r-o a. in. Lohw! 7 .a " I S an ' Arrlvi-j . t...iiuU. I ij. MISIU. rrlvo lit) p. a. I., hvj 4 it) 3 (10 " Aril vn a 10 " i.i-n.t-1. i as l: ui-.-ii n r Climax Oi-iiuitMiri. Ort'nili .ti. MllkOM.ll.iU I M Aliiv llmlly i-4J-il Smi'lay, Ni.liTII li-U NO COS XI CTIONS. TmlnH S. 'i uti't 4 ii-i:ii'Tt &t Knv ttitvllli JuuC m wun un Aiiuiett: uiio mr mi hui Nnnli mul . Train N.-. i .imi-i nl SHUf.nJ won tu M-iiif.i Air i.him. s..i-iii iiiiu s.iii ii - .uii.j, ,i. ... iiii-.-iiMii.ri wi.ll inn UM-uniiiini LluiviiIk k k , N- rili un.l SihhIi tmiuui. nnU M Wnliiut eve villi, i in. Ni.rtiilk 4 K. K. Uf W iiu.iiiii ni. 'I r.tin No. Iii i-i.iiitot'Ui al ftlnillHO Wllllltlli Nnl'l.ilL JL Vi,l-nll-t-lt li. II. li.r K.JLUlkUll n i-mt n--ninu.i ,i. sofTII HoCMi CUNNl CTIONS. Ti-.-Uu No. 1 i-..uinv-i at c..v with thf N,,r - .ik A Wi.n-rn it I.. t.,r li.wiwki nml nil wilnta N..nh m l w. .... .-.-..1 m i i..r. wtui iimltli h. niund ,v I'aiiMlln li li. .v.rn iiinl hmitli llouuil. ., Hl sunt.-i.t nh iln' f nmni-.l Air Line l.y icni. - ini. &ii,l aiIiimui Hint ml i.umu Nnrih and smiili, ami nt l-in. i:ili Jum-itnii Willi the Au ImiUo ii. l.m. .-cnirlini..ii, Ji.. ksi.iilllr,aii4 Hl I Inrl.ln .lni... Tr.un No. il i i.ihiik-i at Mini , m, u si-iciuM Air Uno I-.r CUiirlolto, At .u.a01, i aii ....ihia s,kcIi. . . . r.. n ii.r, .ru i itoj trr, comes mark! I i.!,x.-i -i.-i:i.. IMnrX.ttZ&sMMEFVI

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