( ja'.- i .- ;.-." v ;:viMv. .tvi.? , W. ... i ' ! : -!. V- --.i, : I':,'' ' :1a a. :.!.- : a l.-.d .- .- ,; i : '. , d i- .1 : ! 1 i. i. i - .. i', .-. .i i ,-t '.';! - i , apl..!;, I i ; . ill ..:'! : . :.'. 1 'at I:.:.; !...- ih-il.i.i- i,..i: I . l.i-l. i -1 .... .' n-i i -. : ,,- ; v' .1 In .j..,; , ( ' . .".''.... , ;. : 1 - -. i il a a.; in.-. ; -v ... i.'.-jf j..- : . . : .. 1 i i ' (s ; . I : . - ! ' - o. lev vo vr' .. a.i,-.. . ...:. I i ib.glali.l . I... '. ' !.-- lei '. 1. 1 a di i-i.ii'.i. j..., ,.; - . . r ! . y -.'i , ! .'a- -'. .,' ... v ,, . ' - - ' i il in ii' i ai i . .. ' -- -. e-hih- ....'.- . -.. j-t-rt io a- :. take U.ei-i: j; . ,. ,, uad, as id-a, a i, ,, , , . n.au Mi'. . . i . ' ;.. I "''"' '' - : - ;xr'jir,:il )ry dct.-ain I 'v:u !""(.'. v - bv lion. Wall. Seward, iho Si'iT - : la-ay i f Slute, ho toirplic tlu'ivw itl bv ::po'o--.in- .-,J t-nrtvudcring Sl;.lo!i and Miiri.ni to lbiusli st.anner. v lir. li s.it a - ' lll'ii ) l!.. ;r dr- .aelti'.: : : r.i-.'y this. !..' Mi. ; : ' -ll, i oi ..:y lo I, oa ii:-l I t u.l si. : is v ii. :ii 1, i.i.- : I.i- !i .1 iv. 11'id iy. lo;l . 1 t;n"-o I.:.'. l.t th.-it i.-i -i l i I a ((.!.!. ot The j' 1111 , a. s cn hy a n-i ii. Y r iu.Vi li ri'lillv lie I'. ill). .-.Ill, I ca.l -.villi 1 1. air 1 ....... Iran. -I p. i ..." i . -iy !.r;.psi!c, J ' .;iii tt - it. - ' '"'i'511" '''; !l!-' .li. !..;. is to in , -Ihc ho ;i i:.i:.t.'. .Man i . " -1 1 1 1 1 . i.'.i rate U'e ;:, ... tll. i i . 1 1 . . . . . -tin-: !'vo.;.:'iiy ,i .,( . t ! r:' ' il -.' a) pre, 1 li.- i a ... it wire pa rah !. ;...! i!i.- army ot' ! :. !.'-.:!!: riiei I'V li.:.':.'- thai eoai.i l'i..-t..ri. -s ie -.;iari r in-.i.i.-ig on so a: a a., ha -hi upon ll e ; -. - .'d .vlo a', e.'t I ..... :.s Lev , ii, i i as l.r.v .'is ilan-ily li.i'iy and I aiaio'l ; ei. ; i . i i .- i ;' a ! " a' I'i' a il .a'.-"! :i'i'i :' ; a ia -' u a:.'o V.''l.!t Ver ;. ii I la . !l'n i:;i. boias (he ai-3 oi i!-o at -i i:i-,'t-.'.i i ' - -a ; a;; lh" "ii ' iveroai'-nt a!.:.: v.-ry d -.Mar . an 1 l !"'.. n' the .1. I'll '-Vis (,. I t . v. th " . , i. e ; . i -. i ; ... a i v.r :. ( I .n.t i;.- blli - i'1'M". lioltell ! 'I !.:-.' :: .ai. h'odv MlO'l i .. an t J 11 l j.','. ,'.;, ri i . i .-a a. i.i a 1 I ti.t . 'i I w i a .. , ii... IO e t::.(t ill ;-,.!. ;- .d Ma. i... i-Ken i e, b: ..i.e.. II I I.i-. I" j.al li r-' l n i ', na l a e. . aie I 1 ti.'i..s,.!v's'- to .it.,. -i : a. i tiiiirc, 1 j .'3 tituVi c-, His WiiV. ' - ir-ia :r..i c:....iou.-oi.....rv.r. ' "on ulli.ir ocurri-u near fucts tl ,,; UB v us could nuniersviac y Mcriiuy uiuiriioou, mo .ll ,!,, to ,.,;,.-; T. ;...;.:.;..: l,r- v , '" ,!',!.'' ,' " ' ' o.jj-er. w.ie viv tto-.-.i I,.-i v.. . , :hrt l.oys ..... i:r ;'"'.v :..iit n- i!i:-n';l i. li i'i i-i so 1 ll... 1. t 1 IllV , . , !.. .a;..'.!!...;. o:-c of 11... I -. ; " :;:'',t '', ' " " H-'-! ?" " ,,r!" lr" ,'' . r. 1 ; ;"! :...:,:. .-.?. :.: Iwi.. p.. !!. v ...-f -.I.-.- I,: a 1. in i ;.'( ."iiH'.i! v 11 .'. .'i r .1 !v !!,: p:U hi. ! i ti.iew i. at i'i; !. I i.i I iri i.iji jLi.-i;. ', .1 ,.'..! .it. ll.:- I I !!. ; .:i !ri ( ,,f u,. -; 'I.HT'.e I'. it ! Ml ! IKI.icI' 1;I.' e'.c, 1:; (li..''.;hf, i-io!-!.!i;y v.:.'.i!.di:.ir hi. 1. Sniisti.cn a.-.".:-, ill-- ! .i ,1 hi.- h'.il:..-. i 'v.!'! 'i ' " ct'i.-iii',:, :-: ii liiviidnj; iu! ;itivi Iv mat ': , he i.c.c.nf .'..ii i- !;i 1, !:Ui ..flic j ' house an I aetos." l!.:- j'.cld. Two l.nvs ill the !il l .:v; ?i;i tiii'.l l l-. i . i i Weather crviee. for 1 no vo k iin" " ' " wunwcn ..n...-, . ly .-a,- A white urn,, named Sons, who w I g!ltiml ji:Ep 2;7, jsj3 iwVmim nn , lr rent. ,,. .:id': turin.-r, Ii-.oh r.c:ir lli'idt i svtllo. ,, . , , , .... I IV-rck. July 1--Tho cnirh.vrs mrd, in ! - ' -l '"; W'M ' Lirmtur,: l-is nvetagod ono or two Wood .V Co.'h 1-Soioi.ee Iron ! 1 ,.. i" t,.',;;,M '""i ,,r ,,,liV Wrs b.,ve iu.i-.nal.wiihaho.it tl.e! Woilw wet to wo.k today in better VV.'i-. ' "V. '." ;i 1 1 nvii.-we nunont of minshii.c. Sc:it- ' ''rt ll.nt. thu.v hv: for nom I !.... .'1! i l l nmi 1 -i--Jt.ntijr :i!iy ! ,11:1, iiui .'if Ki. ,;i 1 a , . , , . . , 1 ... . Alt., win', li i;:liU'iir'il iicaliy mil 01 , ., ii-i. .1 1 1 h. r 'Aits, Lad Li d :m. 11. Iho In 1.'. .... , , . . , , . 1 1 :;i lU-iai hied l.ti.sbai.d, lin pist. a . . , i.i- '1 :ti; 1:. i.iiii. , tcui; i.na lis nm.ii an he .. .: e ...1 . ; : .1 . . - 1 : .. . i . ; .ol in laneo of hia wile and hied. !'.. .. ,, . 11 SjS.c 1. !!, ine i a!l Having' stiili k !a r - in thl) Il.idv". ,:ias tln'ii pin uio pis- 1. Ilo i.ls v.lfcs tdiili.e an t lileil, , , , 1 lv : : i u 1 r in r iii.stiini.v. .. ' . f. 1 , ,1 , i- 11 1 Sl'.i. ufl l.ls wile in till' ll.'ld wi 1- . - 1 11 1 1 . . . ten;i ; in l.ci'dWK 1. ou.I anil wt lit to t, r i i i? . . H.:nU-iui ai.d i'iivm l-.iniscii up to nil-- -.1 .i ii i .i ... . - j . iv .ui. lien. no sum iniiu'i son i'o kilbd bis wih, was that 1... Kn-v ncvvouM c.lber be, I.'.ing ..r .cm to tin. pn-.tcitiirv for hf.i f,., I ' ' '"" . " ' "' - , oolg tho l...v. au.l !,o eonM nol , . " " , i r .. . , i .. Hi; Ii iv who wan alio, waa ta:;t!) , .; . . . i il l: lU'H i i'i',:. i;i nit: r.v'.vu in ; i.i igiib'.n i-;,' li. ;':-. and a physii ian t '.aii.'n.ai.'d. Jlis ciuiin-'.-s loi' iii'c a...1 "V. .. w.ls j.,.,,,.,,; i,v j.,., ,,;,.'. t. ;.v' Mr.'j.M. D..v.: and' lodged' ic'I. a I nil:! a!....it. !':iil for Iho s.'.-i e .f ,h..,,i.:,r.er to l,-:d an i-.'..vl ,-.tr ;;. b)dv of tm- !i'...l.V..;!.l'.l. ... , ,-. M 5 .1 ll.-i il.il.l ,iiii: I u.n. I -,NV '.. ( f l . ; ;a;e i . .e m-ir- To , '';.:!. Ill '...tiii iiiwvtr. .in-! .Mu-h f'a:.:iy l; i i Aiki': oa i-i ihr IliUI! .ui. .;i ..I' aii iinti-Minl romaiice. J.'iss Aikiei.iii was !. e 1. d la Mr. T.uvnes win n siio was one y a;' old -i;,.'! ! v.as i-nlv tio. Th.-ir pai-' i.t- a. i" c!;...; fra uds, and Ihc mother f :.. nttlo i:srl so l.-v.-d tho lull-- boy tiai' sl:o made n f aaialgifl :,i a in -vri'it'g of her ebi! 1. '1 si. 111 him l v thsovti-i': lo.'i.s ;.t . . . . , 7 1 , . , '1 1 nu t v. 1:1 !"' feneral la xt wot 1; : manv linn, ilo in nod i-li Ihn 1'O.S llllil;, . , ... 'and u ''it a i-hot at tla .u, I at th", . . . Ji .. 1 1 ,. 1 . . . " , , ,. ; n.fi'i n.'i. O.ta about ria.lv also. ran .'-lul - hi. awav fiuln hii... i.. , .... -, n . - , , . i- .S.ntii..' f:ils are -'ettin:;' ripe. I hero ile teen pMsiiud aial eaa.:nt ins . ; .;,..( n 1 ; 1 f .1 ;., .1, The fin. ilie.s s;.,,u-,it...i idini ily af, j.iii.ing t.irai, ii;hlning ignited out lir this. It was not ui.til Towncs j,.in, .Ullj lur were hurncil. -.-:.., t ..vei. . .ii i old thai !.e again .;,.. M; , At!.:;,..;..!,, lie tnw i.oth- !::g of !ii" prcihai -gift' of r";!it. en L,,viir Muss, Juno 2S Light years b. f no isnlslhc had taoen in j ,,;,, slnick the honso of Thomas iovr- wiib young lady, ft'.) w is i i. ,:,., jlt Te'.vl.sbury. t his luoiniiig hen a ..indent at Co!:::u!.um Colieoo. istani:v ki:!e 1 Mr. and .Mrs. After t,.adaa!ir.n ho whip to At iol-ior, who" were in tho kitchen. ! ;nt" M;--i Atkinson i-ad. in tin" . f.l . il, 1 i-i-.n aio p nordairs escaped r.:'Ti. '..'-.'. c.si:,n b.-ro to ffiicli s.-l'.ol I uii;.ji:i'od. W'!i u To.-.:.. .; h- aid of the .!- '.? Xbo c!d"ft o:i wi. uwaliotied b : ii'. !:. il- . iai .'d !.a- he v.-a-i y.; to , ,;, .. ,ia;!,.b rbolt and bar !.-r b, b. and ilo la .;l!ir.-, who! (, . jj,, f,,,,,,., fllh :...d .'.uu.-ii il. wis present a', the ; a,.., ; , .x ;lt Ull, brckfasl i r. : -.ve.hi,..-.- iv. ,i 'h rc?-.:i!..'d .- n ! t,.1;'o with a knife in l;;8 lu-ud. and ''!-:! of her pre la-la n. nx aht,- lav iif. bv aa..n tlm Jl .or be A .'! itnlero'is Mot !: .1 rvi .::(. NV.i. i.!'. i:.., y in.. T:! ing si ;hl met the c es , ,i ! i C ,i .it I'I o'. i... k m.a'i.'r..: v, ii.-ii she vi-i'tr-i li,. Mi In :-. :.-! i. a ::..' groaiid l! i..r -he I '0 : : 1 tin- bh'h M I .nil "1 Ivi:t I)cli - !, i 1.V I tea: ...:.::, aged il .-.', l , t :.l l .. : l . . ; . iait.-r -a....in'. In- W-.'.h an I i . j ' ylV p,.., i . ,i , .j,.,. li.-i ii.-.l ( l-'iili, ...i. .- I'll. , l. ,. , i.:. I .. ; lad a '-l-al ai ion., to !.:.i lier i na. - i liei'-ie!!, SI..' ear.-lally hi-i'si'il and i-'i ; ! i.'-'ii in ..'.... her iay in a ma ate, u-l-iic In- bodies i.i her .-ial a-n. .villi di-- linen .r Una r ntiriai. 1 1 I... I I . H,;.... 1,1- !, ; .,, No no-lv is :i,,i .,,.- s i-.r ll.-i! I ..i.i what l.'-ison si,.. aiboini-Md is not known. .Mr,. I'.nn.i'lt ilo. -vile n li- i,s m i;.'ia.. U, a Miotiv- en , ii". r, 'Viai i-.j.ni; oi'i ide at 1 ndian:: ; .li- a P. i.-, neiii':u I nlole' aiiice. ' I'r .--i !,- r-.-ivl ' ii . ' The 'V;:,l,ii.l-ai I. st men lima two a -!;'.!.':i s el rel.ga.!.-'. uit'.lcr uni'i: I ha I .a:o i an h ..r by bel:-.'Vi CM' . 1 blot Olir I . I : : O i i I'l.l'l i .. c:v.i .ai.ioa. t.'m; s tie -entc!;. teg i o: a . a.d in:'.,,, veal. i .lay U-piat. a . .1 .-real Sail:, ot (.-..rgia. In a oa ti,i! ( nam gang tor .'-1 i.-a.g in. lav, and tlio .lin. r is I'.o ..!.-i : ;., ..;. ..... ..... ;,, . -..a, s.,,.-. . oi a e.io:ur.i! i oi . ) ma ii nir . . . - holding ojnoi :ar mi'clings. 1 nc . day n-l tins wee!:. Why should he ' !..! ininished any more, than the I iiv oieivs w in. u: noi ousci v n oi:u jd:? Tin-S-iivatioii Army captain : vvas acting affording to lim .iietaa n ot her coiiscieneo and d.aib.les-; .,, II. i; e,,,, . ui'l S "ll i-lit.-.! was an in- sua. to iiie .-allse I l.ui' Mll:in:.V. M i Wi.i. No! I ( o -hraii. a, . I a m v. m a i.ur I ti.,o:ui .. i : in i.. I-a i i a. l IIV II IIO OI 1 HI ..ll' II O I'' II IO I OS ' IU , . ., ' l.i I ',' OTIS li Illll' li'.rll.'h I " " j I.i.d.l ni ng stiii. k a lion.,.' at II, an- !.:ht ('a " ' -il . Ki.ong sev.-ii j.e i alio i.a.,1 7 '.'an a ' tin v.' oi be. s. WccMj' Weather Crop I.tillelin. ('mint! ';'. . mii ';', A. C. Tho reports of eom-KpoudetiU of!2'""0 persons weut lo woik at Hut tin WYi-kly Weather (hop bulletin, 1 1'1"1 oaVv at inrreHsod wnees. The issued liv Uio North Carolina Slato Kroulrpf. advance in that of tln'imrrow ... ...e ,..i7.t.iin ..!! ili. lii.-. .spec f,, !.. ,.i'tii' .ic. 11 p:.i 'f the s, .,'(,. !,., j.t now i.M.h .l. j . .(( .i;i j,.,! ,.,.,,., , ,j ;;;.!, , 27tli vi! !....it I..H-. s;-..o:i.-i.l;ri.-i;'e C 'i i io.l hi. nil- in'r in li e ... t':" r 1 l.ui'i m of the! 's'ato ( 'oi'i i- ! ii:ir M .y and !' ''' t'oiepany le.s pnsteil ,t notice of ' f ,. !r -Z, ;!,,.,,,.,.'.:,. , 'n,.,,.,! i,:a Pi perc.nl. inc. , , in wa. p, !,. wiu-.n .'. i.i-'t ir-is. I'mit is on.-' k'"""j: '"'' ' i j,, uli .,.....-i:inl!-. I I. vtli.i receivers. A!v,.. (Viand V. .). -, . ; , .The 1 1 i 1 fill ! !i is ' i'cido-.v, ami . (Vicls all departments iv. 1 K l as I'Cei: .r: ei;-::r!y .:.s!n! ..:ti ,1, vnh .i:ivi-.,li lai';, I i)eV( i'. at. nml p!i(( e--: t" !;.-cp cr-.ps i'i a tlnifly eon ..:i.i:i. i';-'.i'.V itiii'.'. 'i'h hail and l.ivli '.ii. I. At .' - :n'- i'.'ii'!:;.' i:i i-iil. ..f (Vol-e:,!! I ( i':il'. ::!'i. Aiei.n ;i.i.I tl, i I'.' .' fciv ,-l iti'itis ic - im; : : ii-. 1.11 '1 ( '1 i ! i - -i k 1 ii!n : o.d .-I '. Is ! . i ll 1 ly. ('ottoa hluoi.i.' are a'. n e -'."! Wheat, in a ly ali h;! v. I '--i. d 1 o'idili.'i: an ! h - Ill; 1iik:,i-1. TiiM'ii.in las l.ii.nla Imllle an. I I re;in il h use and from .r ' . " " ....'.'.- "i" i ... ....... . ,, . . , hi. '-, esi'i'iiallv in north western pur. ,. 0 .-,:. 1. ,1 :., . . . ten o! di.-tl let. 1'eiis aie la III.' plant. , . ..111 . 1.1 1 1 . .. ed 1:. st uhhlc hind, lilaekhei 1 v crop . . ... ,, , -. . ' ., ." 1 . 1 L in., cniiiii;.' la ill a. 'l. a. iiilU'e. 0 Kit Io.l !.v l.i.'h t .. iin'. ., ,, . ,. hi.-.u nii iam. Ahi., Juno J'i. - Dur . ' , , , '. , ,, ,, 1:1 ir 11 hiia.il I'stoi in in hv near l ink j - - .1 : . 1 t .1... 1 iiiiu j,.iPi iji. . 1 u.-.i 1 1 1. . , , . " , tv:i, I'ltill.'-i m. took tidier mi.!. a- a i v ' . ,. . . . .. , i tec iii a h -M where Ihoy wrro a , .. . . . .. i ""kt U-dMmng st n.eK Ihc tree '''"' U WJ V kmcl. ! At L-nc..,, Jaim.s llaek.c y vrx :.. I.:.. .1 ......i,;.... ii... .-'" ............... :sl..iiii win is the lions.- v. as s! riiei; liv , ' . 1 1 i.i w:k who was staiubiig near !v. wa i h. vrielv shocked. Mmiih's Mill.,. Willi.'.i.'i Mclb- an I Mis wife wcio overtaken by 11 ''"' r 1 "'"' A l,U(' 1'y'in roal 'l "'V' J'.'"'';"' ! I;' 1 "" ,liu'l;0,"' " ,l,t; ' A . '. .'o", ; 'tl,V,!'! V,MS kl'""1' i i-i T"i"i'"i ' I ,;,-l! Hil-Ill. rv.; ; N, X. t, .Ic.nc 27 Mr ,aa li.-il, an o; i and nine!, rc t.-.l .-il!x ;. was s! r-o-li hv ii:.'!'l- , ...,.,1 ,s!-ini!v !.i'!o.l vcslerbiv oveiiiiig while win king on his larin near "( os.' Nest", in this county. Two negroes who were in the lieid with him were bad y stunned, but not s..Tt'.a:.!y hurt. t.' i..vst: iiio. N. .!., .In no 2t Lilit- ;,;.- ki !!..! Robert Dunn, a larme toj.. j I,;.. ,rst near Clayton, last e.-i'iiin-'. On Patrick Mitchell's ad Killed al. TbIr hroakfast. I si.k- bint, holding a e .'!;' pot. Tin k.l ii.( ii v;..- ,-ii.kid, tho eiel- of ! iie room ',.! : blown out and a aal.-. fn'o feel in length torn iu I'm e'limtiey. Tii. ; were no marlai on .1' !.;! side of the bo.-i-.l. The Jle-iitiis in K"iitttt-ky. i i- ..i, a..' r: i viij.r.i-. r..- r i. i'o sum no the 'i"t rpniltd of t'.t I . ,, . . . . . , : l'.,vi.ia tiOiiv.-n-.-Mi. u nns pi-.co i j !-yo:.J doubt t;u poi-ui-in of Jvon- I ICKV OH 1:1 Cl.l ra.irv U'lC-tlOIl 1 . J , ' , , ! secures an hoiifi.t. m .:,?, deh-jratioii from Kentucky to the next D i.-io era'.i Nation i! Conve-ilioii and i 1 k"'' lw '" Incivaii, ''i;ln n t!i" next election for lV.-S' J -nf- it nnaiiy iiesiroyH til" u -p'ia ! '"" "ope'.oi proi.ting ny U.-aifanai . livisjon oa ilm cur. eni-y uc ,t .on and j stcaung into control oi ttia a.iiiutn-i lnriiioa .d K' uliickv"') Salt': g'i',"iti I'rof. 1! ac '.-,, Iho fanioiM ',n ,'lis). s-'ieaiist. died on la-it Siturday. Mr. ii. P.i.r-.ich, Ciiai lath 's iaracst v goods mcrchai.t , ma! an i.,si;.'itnu-nt hut Momlay lorlh be.. ai. i i hi.-, i re liters. 1: '" j Wia!" iisbep iii her room in t'- i ''ry i . Vis. J. A. Fox bad a l. air el I ,;:i;1.j(,, t.ar. ri.lS!j cut out of hi r : ,.;u p.- i,:il'gar with a large knife 1; i .'!,;-,.. I i,-, Iw-r. 'and c . i (. ,,, t. e.u i Mr. C. Haiiilen, n Winston, dnr ing lh. w.-.r mado a pledge to the ; , , , . . i:ii-, i Li.iit i;u .ii, ui.. nv.i nu.i.i- ....... ,. . .L-a . f;i ,i Ko-alli whip ped the North. He sayf that h" h.i, iifpl ins l-iedge iitid wi'l ; I Tin- fait i value of tbo hay crop of j I -S-necor beg to the idatisticiia: of t'ti" Agricalfural DepaiiliiOiit, Kn- .T-ni,in;.ni, uiiiniiij iiiiiii mraiir f am value of hist. y hi 'h wbtut CP p mi l .;l!'.0:..').0H:) iui.ro tliuu tbu valui of 1 ist vein's corn croi The lane at .pot id the Seaboard Air M .. ...... .1 li .... St.. ,, , ... i , I i; 1 , .. , ,1 , .'ay li irnl l..y Inrht long, tho current - ' . J . . oiliowiii.,; mo wares in;o uie oniee and tgt.ibn' paj.'.is, (.t..., .n I be I -i.iiies. li was il '. . .i vere-1 wlien in ., smibl !! a,.;,', t .- a I; ii.'ii i.divd. Wages Still Increasing. Ni;in:t8T0ws, 18., July 1 Nenrly v.-iu'i-H vill tnke 1 Ifrct to.i.iirrovv. '1'hi 1 -i:h.n'"C r.'iOiu.n. I l!--'.-o..Ti.N. N. J. July 1 -TI,. i('i!nil'ei laini Nul nmi lion (;oinpnn j iipi.au d ojk-.-iI i ms l,....y. alter .... ! idleis of over u y.r. Kuiploymenl ,s lv"' to lol) Ilietl. "i i vm nii, O. July 1. Tim Oii- There nre SIM) men cmployeil t I lie win krt. 'l iic DiscoM'ij .Saved Mis I.ii'e .Mr (i Clilhuielle. ),il(.'.;ist, licnv. ism!!., jll.s.iis: "To Dr. K.n's j N .v Dicsivirv I oaciav life. Was IliUn uithL-i ( li !.. and tried all 1 iiiti .hvsiei:iiis f.ii- noli h iihmit. I.11I ..f no avail and was iien up mid tol.l I could lldl live. uili;r Dr. K mi'k N'iav Diseoverv in mv slt.ro. I senl fur the til al dose la (,' in to v.l helter, and i.ftcr ii-iti,. thr. n hnlUe.j was up and about, tiiiin. I', is worth its weight iu nold. W'o won't, keep stur.s or bouse without it.'' (I.'t a Ireo trial at tl II. I'iikiiieton's Drug Slo.o. Ilownle Senleneed. VAs'l!X(ilii. July J IliliTf Me t'oiuacli today seiiti'iiceil o j: ai n Henry W. Iloivgatc to oi:;hl years' in. pi'.stin intMi t in the Albany peni tel. tiai-y lour years on eaeii eharu'e ot li'i'irei v and cailn ..lenient. Mr Wi.rtiiintoii, eouii'i'l lor How-rate, lili'd a 'notion ot apjieal, ami askeit that llowtfalo li- ii'loWcl to I'l'.nain . . j , j M..1.ji,1. ..ti.. j by the t.'.Mirt ot Appeals. llo.vtf:,to i w.4 iU.,,np:,i.'. i .,.,,,-t bv his iiaiii.'liter. lioth took the s-.'nici very uneoiu eriiciliy . ('han.bei 1 tin's is tii. bet of nil iVint'cn'. J Jh.i li!. of l,i!i'iin: v. f i-.v.i 1 ( haaihoi Iain's Chamber j., ("oiigh K "ii:(! lv 1i.-i;i ver in j ll(.c.j ,,f 'n.., Iicinc ..r cm-hs ami ' '"I'!s!' !'"' lh" I'"1 ,iv0 ! ai, . one asl.s ,., w hat. id-.d of eoug j modieia.. I c-e. 1 rcp.y. Camhcr. I'di.'N !!.,t is the best of a !. 2.1 and l''tb.i i'or sale by l.vi.mu V MI,;,,,. ' A i.orsa ki.-ke.l II S S'nb r. i f the rre-'iiiV" r lb. no Midd'.eb'irg. j N. Y o i t io knee, v. lac'i hv.l him i p in bed andcuiii'd tin. knee j .bit in hfcni.K KlilV. Afii. nl re fuumiiede.i lain louse (Miaiubnrb'iiu's Pain I aim which he did. and in two days wa able to b:. tiroaiid. Mr. .h.fterb s iieommeiiilcl it l . many others nun s.ys it is excellent for auv kind of a bruise or nprain. This sumo remedy is nlso famous for its c ires of rmn iiiiitism. For silo by Dyuum A Ileal bill. Dragged to Death. S In I in lh ! eiinrlouo Olmortnr. Si . i:svii.i.k, Jit.ii! 2) Mr. J. S. J-.UIK-y, I'lilleJ Sblte.i Hlorckeppei and g'ingoi'at iho distillery of L. I'. Moiiny, iu the unrthcru part of Ire b-il o.-'U'ity. wm f.tiiud ili'i.d, hang ing ia tno vvbcols of his two-wboob'd i"i ft this morning about Minns-', al most in sigiit of bis homo. Ho win .ftesi ding to his duties aM d iy yes '"..'ay at tho distillery, and started 'e.a:.'" iu the id b r.a.on, driving l. spirited horse lo a two-vvhef l eai t lie stopp.-d at O.iu and j.urehiscd n ;'. w ai'i.-ie.i, b-aving that place about snn.aj.va. About, a nolo bojoid Oiiu I he wheel of his ci.t struck n Istiiinp on ti e ni b-of Iho road, throw t.iT iam torwai'ii oetween tae wlice in I i he st-uftsi ,.f th o.i-l. his f.io a'cidi e iu the bottom of tlmcnl :. avine ,iju hu.,pi'i.,b d iu this mi.', a r v.-r.'n ll.o ho. si- in.nni.gi.wav am d kr g him in the lead .aid shou d :ft at !il.!io-l ( very j i.np. Prevention better than cure. Tutt's Liver Pills will not only cure, but if taken in time will prevent Sick Headache, dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, constipation, jaundice, torpid liver and kindred diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS ABSOLUTELY CUKE. ... . AN'l) J.")7 S'cblils ill III I ) p'.'l I eo 1 . fi-."i ! Sia!" :a:d d;l t'.ia.'in . -' P 'o .?':'l p 'J s board and tuition f.n iiv. -I. oaths. Slu l.-.i'.- ,.!-.-','irf I II, :;p, '!'. a.liill el Hii.-i !,.-. r. I- i.T..,!,y, M.. 'v.iai-i.', M.I-H-. Art, A.. Mi'l.-llll I l-'i i-l.ii'.. I'..- iMisi... I I.-.-'.. I'l Ij.il.-.- ...I I..r li...!.li. Oj-i.s Am-. nt 1 1: li. I.,i:,. .a:i I' V'll.' S,'l! '11 . V. i'l' I". W. T. WMITSETr, Ph. D., a r.-i. .1! 1.1 el. N. ' Si'l' Jin." iT, a-' -,. tub Yli.T'.-K or I'i. a a .a i -iil'i in-.n u i it,1 a., j I A. II. l l'.i.l. i n I ivll.', 1 . :i!',l. M n Oi- HI, -In .' Vm-.'li, 1-'.'., (- A. 1 . ! n-i in- i., l- . . t n x vv.-.-l i.. r -. n. i , n. -u i. ..Hi'' I, iwi.fli I, ii- ,v ..lu- a- I uni-'ii'l, w." will i.ii i'i.-.", !i ,1 iy ..i A'l-'.l-', Is.'.i. ill-' i'H" li-u-. I i 1 1 '-.I. T . S e... ,-ll 111., I. in Is ili.f.'riiit-.. In s ..-I iii.-t 'fij,' l'.l'. a:- . m,!,, . fin, lv -in i,. i. I a s.a.l liiii l, ,i-i -i .In- li"ii i.-i.-.i'i In, -I...... ..: ..i I 11. r.r. na, nn'l ia ini llvili- l 1 1:1 ,'I ,- I ! Hi.. i..-i. K. M. Ul'.'HII I.I lli.'-.ll iin-1..'.. . !. tii.ii . I. r.-i- fi.rau.i- a. s,-i ij. i..i r,.,,'.i is In, -I' i,. Milt l i.. II .'ri.'" il 1. l,.', I, .lay i-vH-,.r.i.-l u, il ta. ei il.,-r. 'i.,a r . I ...t-.l ' I 'l- Cll.O!:l'.l ' I'O'. i.i il , Is i s. . .g.. ...',- Sit I llia..-s,N Vi.Allll.tiitJ.-N. A. I.. M-'N.-i 1. All in,-. . )-iu..- i-i'',. AND WE WILL STI0V YOU AS HANDSOME A STOCK OF GOODS AS YOU EVER SAW or; corrox i;:ss a oof s a : tor ely akphociii.ap: IVhutiful Calicoes ." ci-iitH, nice l'eicalca for S to 2 OttlitS, Tiii. eeal ...i.i hniidsoniest, liac of ( iiiighaiMM from 0 cents op, Niee tllndlies for 5 ceiits, as neat Luwiin and Oigftudies ttn are made, and very cheap, Sal i i.h, black and nil colors, from 10 cents np, Ciepoas and other tlii. kle goods, nict. Durritcws for lOrenta. lil tll'U in CSS Wool, I cab your cvpei-ial altelil.oii to our liLVl'K CJOODS. ( i inii(!.! f ft in (i'l cents up, pplendi-l Serge, nil wool, St7.J oenta. All the new slvle goii.li in lila.-k and t'olore.l, f.o.u 10 chdIh to $1.25 A full bne of Silk for Waists, bom .'!() c i.tH to $1.50 per yard. Our lino of WH1TI-J (l(.)(JDlS is tra large and cheap, commencing at 8 ci-nis jier mil. A'k lo see our polled Swiss, TJ cents to 4(1 cents. All styles of Laces ami Ti iminii.g, cheaper than you ever di coined of. L i.bci'. nice Shu t Waist as low a bo cents. We h ive an I'liibri-lhi or Parasol for even bn.lv, from 2o cel up. Funs as h.w as 1 cent.. All kinds of Fancy Notions. Our MILLINERY I It I m i I.e. id is lull (o ovci llo.v. Ij .dies on cm be pleased, (live US a look. Our FAN IS (;O01S I . pirlm.-'iit. has nut. been forgotten. Cot ton ail e as low as S eta. Fine ('iissimerea. Wt, keep the finest and cheapest SHOES in I he co, mi y. Ai; lo ( c(i our haiiil-iiiade Shoes. Jioiv Shoes, all tttylee, f i tun 10 cents to s2 ail per pair Ladies YcsIh. from 5 ecu is to the finest Silk, (ients t'lidi'i sliii Is, fiom cents. A large assort men t of men's and boys' Suits, for .; men's I'anls as low as 40 cents. A uieo lot of boys' (Moi hi. ig. Foiiii' and see onr null's nu 1 boys' Hats, they will talk for t'.it iiim-Ivch. W ii I.. p . v. i il ii g nnd will not be nndeMohl by any one in any niatkct for Ihc cash. No trouble to show goods at W. L. LONDON & SON'S. ri'ldiorn, v C, Mnv !), IS'.'o. CONDENSED ItlU'Ol! I' OF THE CONDITION t 1" TMK Commercial and Farmers Bank, OK KAI.l'Sttill, ,N. as u si iia;. ':n rai: iitai-. ti:m sr;a i: i .s tiii; l'.hai iii:fK5icKn, 1891. Kl'SOCIt! la. LIABILITIES. Loans and Discounts. ;J'.I.4-'i i .!'. -apitnl Slock paid iu Overdrafts-. 47.'-J Cash. flOO.000.00 .:ir..l;H)X C.4pr.c. B Is.ol 4SJ .. --d'ndivided IVntits, 21.fj2.Tll Dai. i.iie.' ibnise, Fuiuiluie. Da-to Hunks. 11,325.GJ and Fixiu.cs. IS. 70:2 4'J Ib-poH ts Subject to Cunt id Expi i.sesa-id't'nxes. l.t;:!:t !M Cbcfk, 311.495.9G Cash Due from lianks, ll:.-S"27.7.i' Cash in 'uu!t!-, 11. "2X7 S I V 17 1.44 I 7-.- We i-nlieit eiir colh ciions and We will be i leaMil lo correspond cl-i i.ees or ('i-ening new accounts. J J. THOMAS, Fiesideiit, In Poor Health means so much more than i you imaoine serious and i fatal diseases result from trifling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature's greatest gift health. Kyou urefeelini? out ol norm, weak and K'nerally cm hausiril, nrvnus have na appetite and can't work, beRiti at once tak ing the most relia ble turetiKlhenitiR medicine, which is Brown's trim Bit ters. A lew bot tles cure benefit comes irom the the very first dose kwn7 Atom jtour tictt, ana it's pleasant Iu take It Cures Dvmertsla. Kidney and Liver J Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria, Nervoua ailments Women's complaints. r tines on the wruitner. A it others atesuti- 4 Crt nnlv t-t-nuini it had rrmeil r..,! W sliiutes. tin receipt of two ic. stumps we F f will send net t.f Ten Beautiful World' Fair Views and book Iree. 1 JACKSON SPRINGS. It is r,.!- In sail' r with In-ILvs- i ai. I ;. so. p. i -i. in-.'!:- i i:.ri In.- -, K idai x . i i.i.i. ii-r or I'ea.a'i' t r. iiii.li s '.ibi'ii v.i'i .-ia iio rpoo. iiiv .--a. I pt--,-i,:.!k h! Iv i ia-, .! i.v la ii.Uai-'.I a-!a-,ai S; iri-is v.-.ii.-i', i i.l:ei' .:t I ii- Springs ii lV'-iii i:..:i!,-s siiipp.'d ! v, .u. We .-a. e l-'S'i' -'. a; lis ;'.'., oi o-ai a.-' : ,-:!'.- ;-. ii ams -aid pb .-i - .-1 1 1 diat il ii i- i-i ; : - 1 hundred' '! niliel's. It e.i-1 CiliV v.i l. 'l'iit- hotel i.-f...W ..i-i'ii for etiists, nail ti:e wa'a i' i- b. r.-.'j 'app.'d ia iatil' V'.b'.a i-. Mies ii-:. .!...ei! t.. I!..:- ! ii- !r;ais at Wast ia.:- parti.-.iatr- aj-ply to .!:) X W. MIO.'.USHN, - riopiitt'r, .. .IAS V.. IdbiOKS. M .nn-er. V.'. sr r.Mi, .Moo io county. N. C June ti. If;;) 1 1! lUILiL'Ill Ui liUUIll bilUUblilil C.iinp.iscs I lie I'u.vei sity, tbo Col egf, the Liw und Medical ScIiooIh. nd I be Summer School for Tmcbcrs. I'uiiiou '('a : "5 l'i:iiebcrs, 171 Stu ii I.t3. A lib ess President WINSTON, Cii.uML II i li, N. ('., for Ciitiib frno nd bundb.iok on '-Lxi .vri.it y lvluc.it iuii' . Ju,.0 27.1S'.io. iloiioc to 'fts-Payers ,, .,, :, a cm: ,in .-,.,,. whi m.-.'. i, n,r .,,-,. .ii Ml.,.,,... ..o N.MV.,,.,.s..i I ,y i.f Juiv. I-" .. f"i' Ui" t u:p s,".t reviaiiij II.k ii. x K - .- ,ii. I In .1 In.' it'.! p, ..i.,i. i.jviii.i lo too ,. ,...,. . , ,, . ,r w ... i., e . M-, ..nit ..r I V...I.I, ..u . i. i, , i. , .r.y !..- i...jut ..r ...,li,i.V" i n,-1 u.l -.litui. c.ll. siorr, In. .- .'T ii, 1-n.'.. OI11O1.U.1U. I : Browns Iron '.n-.A ui iters S 174,14 472 busiiiesH We guarantee i-at isf action. will, those who contemplate making B. S. JEUMAJf, Cashier, l"avi!.. ai.d Tr.i.,!-Mark ohlainwl, and all Fat. put i.iimii..ig cxnUurted for MoorsuTt frca. Oua Orricc i Oppositi u. S. Ptht Orrie and ...o cuii irrur pai.-nt ia k-ns time lUau tLota. ri'inou fri.in Wn-hlneC.n. Send mo.I.., ilrrw iiif; or photo., with dscrlf tion. We aitvii, if paiimislile or not. fre of cbarpe. Our fc no. duo .ill palcnt ia trenred. A PaMMLrr, "How lo ulnain Patanta," wllll rarnvsof ac.nal cli.uia ia juur Btalo, county. town, 6tul trie. AJ.IrC'S, c.A.srjow&co. Opr. Patint Orricc. Washinotom, D. C C. F. & Y. V.. RAILWAY. JOHN (1ILL, lttttivKK. Condensed Schedule. Iu effect June "idtd, IS'J.3. n.ir.v. rniiii..'.iu n rili' loiln i.l.u iiur. NO. I. Malt ft I'nHaouirrr Mull ft l'lisuonor. U-to.'. -... ".V a. .ii. Wlliiiliiiit.iii, Airlvw, &..V. p. m. U...-ii in I'ny.'iu.vill,', l.wiv, a.ts " 1. Hi .siml'TJ, ! " I1U Air.VO H.W Sil.T, I 1 1 .SO t.Ji p. in. Or.sMisI" ro, I 11) 'JO " 1 -.'3 " Ml. Airy. I " 5.i,6 n. m. j i H I V ;i in, Lt'iiv. ll j'.l " " lionm'tii'villo (Arrtva 1 'J" p. m. Mnxu.ii Leave f, I'i l!. si r i ih '. ' 6 ' " Hop- Mills I 4 Ji " Kiiy.'t.cvillo 4 !.. " "l-ili ....tllitl 1S.. 111. sum. i). N-u.li Ik. oud. IN". 15. J1UKH. STATIONS. 1; imsoiir Arrive 6 on p. rn. I'liiiiiis, ;l.ivo 4 '20 " Or- ..i;.i,"r., i " 3 im " Or.'.'tisu.r.i Vrr.vo 'j in " i..e s l ilo l-avo I US " Ma.lij.'U i " li W " .'..i " Arrlv. I Unity i' vpl Sunday. N..i; rit ll il'Sli COXNI-I'TIONS. I Tnili.s S... '.' .in.! ' "mi ''t ft. Kiivi'il 'Vlllr. Juno : i..ii null Hid Ailiii.'.l' t'...'1-.l I.lin- l"i- nil p..lnm .N-.rili im I K-is'. Tir.m N.. -J , ..,i,ii.", ill Sunt. r.l wl'li ih- s,ii'..,.u l Air l.li.,., Not-ill mid K..inh I .ini.l. and hi iii.'. iii...i'. wlili Hi" lii.-tiiii,,ii'l 1 H'vi;:.. 11 t: , N-.i-.i nu I s..-.iai i..:in,l. nnd nt v a. , n c.,v,, wl'.li Hi" N. i-i..lli w. ai.'ni 11. II. for Km, .'ii-Siili in. Train S". 10 ,-..i:ii".';s ll MmlN.-.u i ti li .N"i--"lk .V vv.--.u rii li. 11 I,,r li.aut.kuand nil piniiis N.'V.i. and Wi ,i. sort ai nofsi" a nvixt: iss. Tia'ti N- l i.i - s .v. w;,::.a: .'.vo vt:h h N. r . .'i '.V,.-il ( .r I., an ."..ni lnil p,,in.a N. r ii ni't w..-', .. .1 hi .c.-.s-niinr ' w.lh Ui" liK-h-m n l ft ,.,..v.ll,. li. K. N. rili a:. 'I S...1U1 lloun.', mi l atsanl r l nlili Hn S.-ili aid Air Line f r Hal. ,l;Ii hii. A, I. net .hi. I ail points N'.ri.i and s. inli. in. i. hi I v.it.'Wilo .lun. iii'.i with i. io Al lan: i.- r nni I uio fr .'liui losmn, la, k,iirlllo.,iiiH nil H..' I'l l p.-in-it. Tralo No. :. ionno,'l nl Max I i. ii will il.o si ui.oar.l Air Due for Cuarloil, at l.iuia mi l all .inis s.iuOi. j w. K. KYI K, Oen-I rs Agaul. I J. W. IllV. lii-n I Mttuarfoc. Gunstoh Institute, j ;.':in, Ji,4ii, lima CumlTldge Place, u. w., WASHINGTON, 1). C. A m l.-ct lloirdinand 1 ;ty School I'or Voaii"; I adits and (iirls. Spcciitl iidvai.ti.ges in Yocvil and Iiistiiinii-i.til Mnt', Drawing, I'i'intinjr, ut.d Modern Languaecs. I A conrso of tl.iity lectures on I the study of Shaktipeafe, to be given J by Miss Mat. a. a (iny, will begin 'October l.'lli. j rur c,l(a,(iguo aiKlre3H Mu. vn.. Mu,. lb 11. MASON, Oct. 11. l.S'.M. 1'riucipuls. SXKCUTOK'S NOTICE. HAV- ri,llo ,, pri.,.. nl lln-lr .-IhIiiis .., Uio iiii.n.nlgi-,l t ..r l...iro Hi" 'jnilt ly t Jui.. l'J'. or llila uoiKo will lx plial In bur ot iheir rw.vwy. hAMl'LLJuliOAS BkllTU. w,,in.i. li.tyvo, Auurucya. Julc li, IBWi.

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