Till ItSIIAY. Jl'LY 4, 1S05. XOCilL BECOKDS. - M UKDILE PlTrSllttKO' It. K. lhc amUr irnlo no the riltfebom' rnllrni.l inivn nunboM' daily, eicept SiiudajH, at u.Ma ii....i.il3.3(i..in.liii.drrlvM8tritiBlK.r.. t 11.45 . ir.iiLil6.45i m.,n.kli.BcKei-..Lii.vtl..ii nt Montane Willi the train llial leuvue Itiifeltli at i iu .. in. Today Is the '-Glorious Fourth", The auoual season ha again ar - rived for the 'tirst cotton bloom." A Rinall lot oi (iuano and Acid Phosphates on hand at Dynuin A: lleaucn s. . Chatham supm-ior court, which wnl A great reduction in prices of begin on the 2oid day of Septom liiiya' and men's straw huts at 15y- ! ber and continue two weeks: tm m & lleadeu's. (1. W. Stanh'3', T, J. Ivkins, Stephen M. Scott, Levi Cavinoss, Tho next session of the Pitts J(,hn W. Tongue, O. A. Ilanner, (). boto Academy will begin ou the th st S. Johnson, A Iphciis Siono, S. II. Monday iu August. See "ad." Morton, SI. Kossor, J. SI, Williams, . N. 11. Diinlap, Fletcher Thrift, A. reaches aro ripening mcoly. A, WaltoiM, A. C. Coekman, J. C. Tho most luscious that wo have seen J):lvis, M.J. Jordan, Atlas J. llry. are some scut the Lecoiip by Dr. L. UM) j.j M j5niy( MariMt Womhle, A. Hanks. I Jl. 'p. KiL'gsbce, N. II. Saunders, . .. - mi v t...,,,.. w v:iih - 1 ho next uuar erly conference of the Motl.od.Nl churches on tho Putsboro circuit will ho held nt M ...... mi m.vt Mut tii-il -tv mill Nil n Moncuro on next Saturday and Sun day. A n old landmark has been re -...i :.. ,i ,., ,t,,... ii.., ll'Ulll Ml Hi" tti.iimii ' v.. ...v old store, adjoining tho Hm.u., ol J. lice, to make room for tho now s.oro , of V. L. London & Son. On inaii3" farms tho crops aro luidly "in tho grass" hecauso tho -i i'in ml Iiiih lweii loo wet to lilow. t- - - - i Tho corn ifenerally is looking re- inarknbly well and promises an I " -abunduttcrop. , Items -t)ur former conn ' . t.v mail, Sir. Johu A. Udmoro, is on a Mrs. David Johnson, of Oakland visit to bis father, Sir. Nathan A. township, died on last '1 utsday j Oilniore, in Oakland township. About night, aged about ninety years. Kl.o and her Husband, who survives hef, wero about mo same ao anu nan been inarriod over sixty years. W. H. Kd wards, dentist, will visit Hynum on Slonda3' and Tues day, and I'itlsboro' on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, following the third Sunday of each mouth, pre pared to do all kind of dental work. Oflice next door to Hynum & Headen. Tho oldest tax payor in this county, as appears from tho tax lists, is a colored man in Williams town- ship, named Fred Stone, whoso ago Is listed at 103 years. Ho is wotl preserved iu body and mind, and can now walk several miles in u !'. Sir. William lhight, who lived near the Wake and Chatham county liue, died very suddenly ono day last week. After breakf.ist ho went to his work, appareutly in good health and at midday was found dead. Hwut disease is supposed to have bon the ciuse of his doath. He was about 72 yeais old. Ladies bats and other millinery goods aro selling very low at W. It. London k Son's. They have made Mashing reductions iu ready made clothing. If you want any goods you can now bu3' Ihoiu very cheap. The' aro anxious to reduce stock. It ring them your blackberries, they want 1000 bushels. Our Usual mid summer sales havo commenced. Wo will now allow a discount lor tho cash of 25 per cent on straw hats; all lawns, ginghams, cballies and white dress goods 10 per cent ; laces and trim mings very low at W. It. London & Son's. Silks for waists at cost ; a Jargo lot ol ladies vests very cheap. On last .Monday and Tuesday Sir. It. H. Linoherry, school exam iner, held an examination for public school teachers, and granted jirst yrado certificates to Messrs. T. H. I.asHter, J. A. (Joodwin, I. J. .Morris and T. E. White: and second grade certificates to Misses Sue Thomas, Kilie Marks, Slyrtie Gunter, Fannie Farrrl), Fanmo (ii'ith arid Josie Hatch. School Si Aiistirs. Through the courtesy ot Sir. J. T. Paschal, regis torof doods, we are enabled to pub lisli some statistics about tho public schools of this county as contained iu his official report just made to the Stale Superintendent of Public In struction. Tho number ot white children in tho county betwoen tho nges of six and twenty ono years is i.lUO, of whom 3,118 aio maUs and 3,052 aro females. Thero aro also 3,l!)(i colored children, ol whom 150a aro males and L'l'.tS aro females, quite a strungo coincidence. All these chil dren, however, do not attend school, lor Ihu number of while children eu rolled in the public schools is only 3,07b', of whom 1 13 1 aro males aud 1715 aro females. Thero is a larger number ot colored children, in pro portion to their relativo .1 u in hers, attending school, there being 2,7)5 of thorn. Thoro are 92 r-chool districts lor whiles and 45 for coloicd. The avo rage length of school terms iu tho county is leu weeks for whites ami not quito niuo weeks for blacks. Thero are 20 white male teachers ot the first grade and 10 of the second, and 10 whito female teachers of tlio first grade, 12 ot tho second and 3 ot tho third grade. There aro 7 col ored male teachers ol the first "rado, 10 of the second and ( ol the third: J 1. Paschal, for services as ami -1 colored female teachers of tlio clerk ot board, first grade, 7 of tho second and 0' of John Uarringer, for repair the third grade. j ing abutment ol Lockvillo The average salary paid tho teach- bridge, ers is 822 a month for white males, ' Polly Hums, for washing 820 tilt lor w hite females, 822.23 for I at jail, colored males aud gl'J.13 lor colored IcinuUs, Weatiifr Forecasts Through tlie CO OpCI AIIOII Ot 1110 I 'OSllilllStfr Ueli- oral aud Ibe Secretary of Agriculture tt... 1 I l i: ' .i. . t, .i iuu uiuijr pre uiciious l'i uie m-aiucr lurcan will lio tclrcraphctl every (lav to flio postmaster at this plaeo (urn nt nil distributing offices), who will bulletin the same uul also mail copies to the oul lying offices ubieh Call be I Cached iu time to Illilko the forecasts of value. Tiiia servieo may ,H 0 tuci, vae (o tj,c flirm(,ls c . . ., - .i,,i,0 warnings for frost aro Bent, wonderful how accurate are It is these j weather predictions, for while they ! some times aro not realized yet gou 1 erally they can be safely relied on. List or Ji'korh At the last meet if; of tho cn n lit 3 coin mission ersthey drew tho names ol tho fid I iiirtin jururn km liiu iii'Ab term oi p,,;,,; 0 c j'u(ll) ( Woinblo, K. SI. C. Witik ' o. J. Hutch, J. V. Hobby, . . ' J' Willis Durham, John W At water. J). C. Iloberts, J. 11. Joseph Vates. Johnson, FouSkconi) Wkf.k (J. I). Laslov, ... ,, , , , Punier, M; A .arbcr, i t1!.,!l1,.oro'4 !Iu?!m Vsla.'' '"" 'm N. A. Poo. William (i. Brooks, J, A. Tillman, Carson Johnson, John W. Perry, Kobcrt P. Dorselt, John 11. K kins, 0. A. Palmer, 11 (i. Womhle, .Noah K Smith, W S. Webster, 11. Hon . j "o'son A SI. Self. mice jeirs ngo ,UI"1 ''"V bo became a sale.- furniture liouso at Richmond, and next month ho will, with a partner, himself opeu a furni ture establishment iu that city. Tho Rti;oi;i) notes with pleasure bis do served success. Sliss Bertha Harris, of ltaleigh, is visiting Sirs. J. SI. Loach. Mis. II. H. Sutton, td Haleigh, is visiting Sirs. Speneo Taylor. Sliss Slaude Hackney, of Durham, is visiting Sirs. J. J. Jenkins. Misses Lavinia and Alice Holt aro visiting relatives at Hurliugton. Sliss Alice Sparger, of Sit. Airy, is on a visit, to Sliss Itessie SIcrritt. Miss Slary Polk Davis, of Wil minton, is visiting Sliss Lucy Lon don. Sir. John C. James, ot Wilmings ton, is here on a visit to Sirs. Fanny T Taylor. Mr. E. C. Hackney and family, of Durham, aro here on a visit to Sirs. L. A. Hanks. Sir. and Mrs lO. S. Poo l.avegono on a visit to their daughters at Kock Hill, S. C. Dr. M. A. Bland and daughter, of Charlotte, are visiting his lather, lcv C T. Bland. Miss Katie Donson, of Haleiith, is expected tomorrow on a visit to Sliss Slattio Ihrie. Sir. J. II. Rose, of Winston, is here with his brido on a visit to his brother, the Hev. W. W. Hose. Sliss Sally London and Musters Henry SI. and Jack London l ave gone on a visit to Sir. J. II. Carrie, near Fayetteville. Sir. Ii. II. Hayes has gone on a visit to his mother, who is at pros ent residinir with ber son. Sir. I. 15, Hayes, at Kershaw, S. C. Sir. S. C. Bruce, who i r thirteen years has been foreman ot the Durham ovor.tr, arrived here Mon th' and' began hi.4 duties as lore man of tho liKcoito. Mr. J.I. .Morris, who has been tho Kivoitti's laithlul foreman for nearly tiiieen years, will leave with his family, next week, for Texas, and wil! carry with him our best wishes. Com inissioiii'i V Yiivl 'mix. The o. inly commit-siitners held llieir regular mm.ihiy meeting h.st Monday and Tuesday, and audited the tiihowin-r accounts: S. SI. Holt, insolvent fees, $ A 17 T. B. Fowler, insolvent lens, 2 05 C. O. Hatch, for supplies, 20 do W. L. London ,V Son, tor supplies, -12 15 J. P. Boon, for repairing shoes, K l wards & Hroughton, for stationery vc Harm s Hros .tor blanks c. 1. T. Itrooks, insolvent fees, III) Alfred Johnson, tor repair bridge across New Hope, Dr. L A. Hanks, as super intcnileiil of hcah h, 11. A. London, for legal services and advertising, Womack it Hayes, lor le gal services, Uarnes ilros , for tax re ceipt books, J C. S. Luiiisdcn, repairs in jail, J. J. Jenkins, jail fees, Fred Segroves, lor convey ing Ann Shaw to jail, Kd wards & liroughlon, for blank books, Han-ell's Printing House, for slationeiy c. Dynuin & Headen, for sup plies, J. A. Slarks, i'lsolvent foes, 1 00 k; ni; 30 50 2S !0 IS TiO 1.1 40 10 20 2 00 M) 20 10 18 15 00 2 17 2fi ti. 10 00 1 2.-) 21 00 j Dr. W. SI. burns, for flour, OnUrnJ, that A. P. Terry bo I granted liecnso to rot ail spirituous! lllplOl'S at I'lltst)!)!'!). j Or.lm-I, tliiit William T. Hradford i i i it i. . . i i hiiu j. J. itainiu mi exempt irom I poll tax on account of poverty ami ! infirmity. (;'iVV.7. that a levy of hve cents on the if 100 worth nt property and 15 eents on the poll ho made let- the purpose of working public roads vv 1 1 ii convicts. For thi'iuvouo Micr my Miui.gs. Su.i'.u Cn v. July 2u.l, 18!)., Vegetation is looking liue, and we have bad r.tiu in abundance for the i i" to foul the prisoners, l e was knock, past two days, and if it quits now itkd down at the door, his revolver will leave cerj thing iu u line glow- taken from him and four of tho pris ing condition, loners made good their escape. Iu Toe factory building is completed, j some manner they bad at.-cured uiateh uiul luau-iger (liejson is lu.y uu I es and after burning llu-ic way out td loading tho niachinei y aud placing itU"o cell, awaited tho jailor': app. at iu the building, the whi.-.tlo wi till stai tlo tho residents in the course of o'Oduye. Kev. E. W. Fox occupied the pul pit in tho SI E. Chinch ou Suuday morning, and hia libit was very creditable indeed to Litu, and would havo bcou complimentary to an older preacher, llo will join the Conierenco th.s fall and due to iaci, uh n.3 mumu uia lumuuvi sui u to Greensboro. Quito a number will go from heift on the excursion to Red Springs on Sututday, the 0'ih instant. It is go ing to bo a delightful trip, and all iu this section ought to avuil themselves of tho oppoitunity to spend a day of pleasure, with tho Suuday school workers from Si'.er to Fayetteville. ltev. T. T. G.ithrie is very sick at the homo of bis fat hoc, but wo are pleased to note al this writing that his condition is somowhat improved. Prof. Cox has been offered a very Haltering position at Iliyh Point, but we trust that be will not accept il, for wo cannot do without him, for be is one of tho finest penman iu the State. State Lecturer Hatcher, ot tbo Sin sonic Fraternity is in town, and was to deliver a scrie s of lectin es to the masons, but duo to tho busy season, it has been postponed iiuk linilely. Wo aro having fruit iu abundance now, aud considering tbo lato spring, tho peaches aro excellent. A good fruit crop means money for the farmers iu this section and adds much to the business of (ho mer chants. Sir. D. G. Fox will operate his cannery again Ibis summer, and will dispose of the fruit anil tomatoes in this vicinity. They havo a thresher in connection with the roller mill now, and a fanner can haul bis wheat, thresh it and have it ground wiih one hauling. The eaipenleis have coiuinoncod ou tho houses for the factory operas I lives, and as soon as they aro oomph-tod, our population will bo iucreas oil by ipiite a nice percent. The decision at. present is to have tho speaking at tho rcuuiou in the grove, adjoining Sir. A. 11 Siler's place. It is a beautiful grovo and will bo cool and pleasant for speakers aud audience, and no prettier spot could bo selected We want our Chatham people to keep tho date in their memory, remember it is Tlmrs day, August l.M, and wo want them to come, ami help us greet Col. W. 11. S. Dingy won, and the other speak ers, for it will bo a pleasure to them and I know it wid lie moro than a pleasure for us to wcico'.no the resis dents of Chatham in our midst on that day, aud spend it in a social gath ering. Sliss Bctlio L Tucker, of Peters burg, Vu.. id vioitinj ber sister, Sirs. 15. N. Slann. Sir. J. D Slann l as been very sick, but he is uiu.-b better and expects to be out in a few da s. They havo a guest at Sir. Tank ' lluuters, on the hill, an. I she is 1111110 a pretty and charming 301111-; lady. Citizens of Chat ham can wo not. havo an agricultural fair for the coun ty ? Is not Chatham as fJouriching and progrtssivoas her sister counties, Cumberland and Alamance 1 know that she i-i, .so rouse to action, and throw elf the letliarey, and let mu spirited minded eitiei.s, ii respective ' of pally, come fiU'warO. and let in place tiar county on t he Mime parallel, for Chatham e m a. id oin. t have a fan 1 as ei editable as Alai.iai.ee. Let 11s iiesr Ii otn some of our l iliens on this subject. liojilN Ai-Alll. J Mexico's Silver Loan. j rroin Uio New Ym-k Wi.tl-l. j SIoico is lloating a now loau in Kurono. Sao is to pay o per cent. per annum intercut on it. and she is I to tret only !'.) ttnta for each tioliur of it, which makes the interest rate rather more than 7 per cent . to say nothing of having lo pay at maturity 100 cents for every (10 cents received. Ibis ih what free coinage without 111 ; j, twthv months old child. suU'e:-. tcriiational agreement means f.u any 1 j,,,, flom jnii,;,: dianhoca, to me. j nalieu that elects to indulge in that j it i.a wcaucl at four inont;,-. , f d ly. j old and hud alw.ns been sickly. 1 " jgiveil the ii: iial ir, iili.ienr ij such ! A U ill l illlt Fill OtIO Cl lit. eases but without beui tit. Th" WKi:ixor.)N, Juno2;i.-A wairantivb.iidk. pt growing thinner until it ; for 0110 cent was drawu at tho lieas ; weighed but little mom thmiuhen: my Departmont today, made payable 1 1l"'' 1' perhaps ten pounds. I then j to'C.rover Cleveland, Piesidenl of tho j started the father to giving Chain Uuiled Slates. In calculating tlio borlum'rt Colic, Cholera and Dial -j amount due the President each mouth j H"medv. Defore one bottle of; thero has been nn underpayment oftl'2. cent 10 bad been used aj 0110 ccut, and this could Lo rectified ! marked improvement was seen audi aud tho Treasury books kept stiai-btii'SPoutiuued use cured tho child. only bv drawing a wariaul for that ! It" weakness and puny constitution j amount iu the President's favor. I'll I'O for Headache. iia lluit:il tin nil 1111 ui.-i m tti.io- ; n .. -.,.,,...1.. .. n f .r ir 1 ai-he Electric Hitlers has proved to! J bt tbo very best- it effects a permit-! V II. Xelson. w ho is in the drug uent cure and the most dreaded ha-1 business at K'i';vil!c, V.o., has so bitual sick headaches yield to its iu '.much conlidei.ci' in Chamberlain's llueuce. Wo urgo all w ho are aliliet-; CoHe, Cho'ei-i and Di,irihoea Item ed to procure a bottle, and give thi-i ' t-lv tb:.t lie warrants every boffl. remedy a fair trial. Iu cases of habi 1 and r.ft rs to ivfond ttie money to tual couslipatiou Elt rtrio Pilli-rs custom' it who is not suti. iii .1 aflu cures by giving tho needed tone to ur.iug it. Sir. Nelson takes no risk tho bowels, and few cases long resist in doing this because the n niedy is the use of this medicine. Try ltouce. : a certain cure for tlie diicass for Large bottles only Fifty cents si (. which it. is intituled mi l he knows it It. Filkiiu'tou' Diog tjtoie. ill w fon.alu bv Pynum Hoadeu Nlale News. ! Charlotte News: Sir IIik'Ii lSeid I . . . '.' ' . . 0f ifi-iili'lilnirJ. is the owm r of the ' ,.i ,,, mill'm- Tluumw utmnm and of ordinary stock, vet. id each : milking she gives six (! i gallons of milk. The fanner who reported the , case to us suvs ho has often heard of cows giving six gallons per day, liul not fix gallons at n milking. How- lever that is tho undoubted record of j Sir. lieid'a young eow. Carthage Blade : Al about. 7 o'clock this morning as Sir. A SI. l. Wil liamson, Moore county's jailer, wonl i anno at the door at the foot, of th. stairway and c:capoJ us above btated. Favoltcvillo Observer: A reliable gentleman told in yesterday of a marvelous but no dfu't. truo inci dent. Ho said that, while fishing the .llw.i. .1,... I, L..,. n 1.1.. ,, Wut four feet Ion,, j.oke ,tu"l.oad illfa tho ll(now of ' tl0f. tLl, .,ni, , . . , i v ,., ,., ,1 l., 1. its tail into the hole, and after a little skirmishing, bring out, three young rabbits iu tho coils. The gentleman killed the snake and two of tho lab bits scampered off, the other one hav ing been crushed to death. R'ltherfordton Democrat: A 12 3 oar old son of Nelson Lewis, color ed, was drowned while bathing in lliekii' lisli pond near tho Fail grounds, Saturday afternoon. Iu company with two smaller bo." she had gone iu bathing. Ho was on one sido of tho pond, while they wore on the other. Ilo stalled to wade ! iu, but got into water over his head aud, being unable to swim, was drowned. The boys gave tho alarm and a crowd soon gathered. The water was turned off and the body found within a few foot of tho bank. Durham Sun: About tho lD:b of the present month, the widow Gat. liuu Roberts, who lives in Slaugutu township, this county, was run over by a cow uiul severely hurt. Her iu jiii iea wero of such a ualuro that she died on Tuesda3' last; her sulV-niugs having finally ti-rminalud iu loc.kj iw --There is a curiosity at the J'jrwiu Cotton .Mills, a weaver, by the name of J. A. At I'MilK-n, who eats glass as bo would a stick of candy chows it up and swallows it with a hearty ro lish. He gave an exhibition of hi:, powers yesterday evening when Le chewed up a lamp chimney, showed thi! pai'iicicH iu his mouth, then took a bi; draught of water and dow n weut tho masticated chimucy as if it had been a d.iiuty morsel. This is a fact llo once traveled with a show Ho say he cau d nice barefooted on led hot iron, and split the back of any chair in Durham with l;ij teeth. Ho is in deed a curiosity. Ch.ulutlo Observer: L 0. How zer, the well known well ill; has ; juj,t completed a well ou the proper ty where tho new roller mill is to be established. Suuday two negro chil drcti, a boy eight 3 earn, a girl six, were playing i.ear the well. The girl had passed tho Well il fe,v feet Wlieli she heard something fall into the well. She looked around ip.iickly, and miss od ber brother. Tlie nearest house was ltK yards off. She ran as quick ly as possible to tho bout,e for help. A colored man named llargravo lived in tho house. Fortunately he was at homo. He got a long pole as quickly as possible and ran wiih the girl to tbo well. He looked iu tin well, but theic was no si ':i of :ti, bov. H pushed tho pole down into tho w ni which lijcio was l.j feet of watei. Ilo fell it strike against soinelhin,,', and then felt sometime; grab hold 1 the polo. Ho knew it was tho bo', and calling to hint lo hold fast, hi di'ew him gradually out of tho t d. There was a haiVc) :,, at h, and 11 ir grave hung tho boy owa" iho b.iiiil and a n i.inlitv of wan :' r.tu fmni I.: - ,uUi and iioje. JI,: v. a j all 1 v'.it yeoteid iv J Ail In i' 1 ual .li.ictiiuo. Dim is. Ju! 2 A lab;.c:, wa:ki; g ibre.iigh Jloyiie strict thid af 'eri.o:ii, ; picked op a tin can wbie.u was lyin;; j in iho roadway, l'e attempted to; reiuovv ti t-i-.ive'-, wtn-n the ci.u ( x- 1 plotted, hiNtaully kilting the mat., who was riddled with iron peUei-s, vi.h; which tlm vessel was iutiu. 1 lio toil ' mid bottom t;l tlio can were co;iUe . c.l on li.e ilisnto bv a wiie. The !to j t nt a of the e:piosive con , can is not known. titled iu the Last June Dick Ctawfo.d bioii jii ilinappeaieii .inu lis laiucr ami my self believed tho child's life was saved by this I'Huiedv. J. T. Mar, low. Si. I) , Titmaroa, lil. I'or sale . ,, t . Biirhlft.'s Arnica Salve. I Li.." ' i t jl : i. It' s r K.u, r iii tho world f;ir Bruises. Sorf, L leers. S-vit lihiu.!'. IVvcrS.iie.i, 'i'eiii r. Chapped I m l . Chilblains. Coins. :o.d a;l Skin I u pf i !.:, ;,i,d losiiivlv i-iiics I'ih-s. or no pay lr e.'jited. Ii is .rua:--anlred fo ;ivo p.;: to.-l at i:-f:iet i-u 'I money r fitnd-'d. liie. : ecu! .- per box. For Palo by fj. Ii. I'll i;is.ri N. , IV IKiJ!l M. I in I--villi: -.'!ni'llll'ln:i.'i- t J--n M.-Vi.lr ii-i !.: ! ', ! -,lit lieitiltluil lnll'0 i I -I .ii.l Ii. -IU' liiun on in I-', j iin-J uranit.1 n nt Mr. J. l: iiici.i :.', wl.--.-i.' : .e I! ! wiui wiifli-1 Inl.i tlio ii-iwly i; ,ie-i "I l-in-ii --ii i Jiiiin Uili nl H a. in., ill Uu? him "i is 'niiiuli.-i. Sf.i' ; WHM .1 I'l-ailieill ll 'IHT l.l'. l l!:i-l Jl!.-l . JH'IM-t lis iMi'lor li'ivi'M to ri-i-.-lvi! Hi" hi nili wyn '-r tic-ri'-lnt: 11111, w I. I'M !iln i'ir:i-.'-r t..iw 111. mm vlnti llllll ill 1 lie C' Ii :ilil OlU le, ,i! . y.-,li' I -v. 1:1 'iic bi:.. fi'i in 1. -I'-u niil'.'i u I I'V ll.o s.-un-liiiv: r.'iy.; "f Uio tua ii.i II n iihhI ih ii,;: ii'in. Ai.-l hhI'.j-, Ji in- mi .Iii. V, inl l.l nil.) f tin) hi' nl I'l-iuclfll! t.-w-i-rd I li-it .- uu il-.i! Aii-ll.' I'mi-l ni-'.:i. i I:!.' SavlnrV lliioim, i a Iii! will wati-!. f a-y.iii, ni.il v. i.i-ii ;-I" B'i l' l.i.-U li"?i:rt.-1 will Ik tl:. tint in wi-l.'.'iiic ynu. May O" I Mi- aiul I'diiifoi 1 tlu' vi-t nvMi'inl'i'i' til l' i!iy "Mark1!-" !i ih.i ili'i'.l Inn l.i ii'w ro-'.tiiii ii.-ai l!i Ijo:":ii "I .I'--im, v.vilil:!., J.-r I'litnia .'ei'i Mamik V i-ni'lii-,-" lil.'.'li' c t-y. New Ailvcrlisoiiiei'U. piiTSBOBQ mm. For Girls and Boys. IKKitH ltibu;!i 111 1 $x flam! a; Tho hill Nitl"U will In-tin MO.'.IHY, Aiutu: .'III. IKI.i. Tliur"ii;:li liiia'.i."l-.ii r. ulvou lmi-1 1!" i'in 11 Sl''l" l lirVU'lH'-S 111 II I IIU-'ll !' whl-li wo Iimv-' n h'.i;!i Hulii.'il nn. I i'l ii.t. Ml il'iu'iniiit, v. Ii.-m-yntiiiij 1111 11 aii'l V'-aiii- I i.lli-.- urn iiii'i.-iii"! r- : .-..Hi';;., nr tin- pr.'i'-.icnl icTilM ..r II. , Til.- a il.lll-..l"' ..I' .1 ji"i-:.!l r..ii;s!-tn iln'.iry uii-1 (iw.-lkv "!' li'iti'iiliu will lio i:lv.-:i t-i.'iuy wii 1 in .y illili'!;.:i:o l.'il.'lili.,1,. T-iUl.ill p-ir lii-llMl .if i-.ill' ,j n l'llhiicv i:.:-U-li lirmi 'in!.', Jl -'.'l lii'rnu -llai'i IvilSli l!:'.iii.:!:ud, 'j.im A.iv.iii.'o.l t'iH;!i..i llraa.-lii'M, j:i 11 1 III I l.'ll'.ll I'l l) 1'iT .s-.-i.il'in, i .Hi Tiililuii in usi in, pall i'i-'iiiiii'.ly at th.i i-n I ni . I' ll ii.- n'.l:; 1111.I 11. 1 .li 'luri Ion will '. 0 ni.i.lo f. -r ii'.hwi.i'i!, rX'i'i-t In rasi-'j i-l' 1 i'.i:r.u-U"l lllai'iiH. Wrlidai r.'i- rt.-i w ill Iji- soul lo U10 la'i.'iij al Hi ' cn 1 nl i u. Ii sut-nl. 'U. July I, IW."), A DSIIMSTIIAToli'S NoTICK SSa llava.,: -iialU!--l :i- : ri-! ni l:i :;.irni "r ..f Siiniii"! T i:.i:.: . rrv. .1 11--I. 1 ln-n l yii 'ilij all .iT!.i!l ll"l'llll!i I'l.lllllH lli, iit,Mt sal-t litvi-ll-n .1 !.' i-xlcl'i: Ui. .-.line i-l uu: 1. 11 ..1 tii-i-ifii Hi.- i.li .! ly j.i:y, i-.'.'- w. m.stuaimua:-!. Jul: IS'J'l ANI SALi: r.V VIUTl'K OF ii J , i-.li-r "f ill" s-iiiivlnr O'i'.ii'i of Mi. cli 1111 I'-'Un'.y. i.':i.l ;-i' l 11' tav i.'i-ai MJj la 1)1 .-a- i of .. II. I'- l'i-y Kx. ot al v-. T-n-i Al.nl'.li, 1 will .ni ihu .''Ii lay .-I .'uu-i Is'.i.i ..l!--r i..r cil-.Ii in IU-' lilii'-tt lil i l.. i- 111 Hi. ---uri 11. ni.-,! il. nr Iu I'liisii -r. N. O . I in I- l; -il l'.-' I ,l: I: A UMOI "f la'i l ,i.:.. 1: 1'. 0:i-l.-u'l. i( '1'olli M.iel.' I'll t In li'-l'.ll, Cain. I. I TtiM.!ia i-ii 111" a.-t. 'Imvii'-i- H. i...'i !' I'll liul ...11 h aii-l No; :i oil,-! Al.'.na liuli 1 11 s-i.u W'otil cn- Illllllll -')"l .li-lVJ III 'I" "f li'1- U II. 11 A YDS, L'- I'.IL.Iill-lOL.'i. lili-. July i. 1, 1:'J" 3 A.NDSAI.K- B .111 iii li-r of ii.ii -ii 'n-ti'i-i'-l .n i. I'm n: : -ki'.'-l...!' il a! v. l-'lii ay . I AiiK'ini l"i .11 i;v viktci; c:-' p. 'itor I'niui of elia l.aiti Hi tl.i'1-ai..n.f A. II. li ny 1 n-. I will - 11 l. i- ."1 '1 ho , mri ii- ii:.i' .1... r 1:1 Sill- il III- l.lL'lll'.'l I'l l- .1 'l' for -il - Il '-'.-1 Ir-l.-l ol lu'i I ti. ail it hy tlu- so'. I f.-ai 1 Hi- ti.ir I W.'l l.. .ii. I.-.: mi Hi . ii-Ttli u 1 1n1 1 -ii I : Ii.-. Wcl.Mir, ...1 Hi.-hi.. 1 I.,-ii.ii I.c.l. ! 1 1 1 o 1 1 Ly r.-iiii M.;.-u nf lli-iai l ia- !.ai-. w.'i-i-i.-r. .-ii Hi- nn.nli uu 1 -": !' nn' ..i: v:.-;-.n" Ian I - ai.-l -n alaM.,: M a.' a : o . r l ". . Ii. :i. li.W I: -, 1 - 111111 d '1 m i'. I'l.!., l ily Jo I. !-.'i. AMis.M.i: -i;v Vii.'T a i'. I'lala ;'i: ok 1 1-.-. J : ..'.! tt. .' !ll Ii '.I In III.' ill!!) i-l ' i '.tin l';n I ' ! 1 1 ; ;l . tflT 1 ' : 1 i - f 1 is ! li, ni.-ti t:i N. iii. ( !!ll I'.Ul' 1 Iioilor, o en ys :i V fill :i to Wii :tn' ;t IK I'l Il l's. Umili CCulPAfiY, C! I A i; I.O lit., N. C IS am Since il m-iy bo md.iwfnl for "tl I'iiaih.ini foiits lo "run at i-iro' iu your own county, we invite 3.11 to conic, a-ii'i s Ih,: line to SAN Toll l and buy vour SPRING : iu l '-ell your 1 111 pi II- pi We e-oi ami u ill sat t Iii- CF.NI'.ilAL STm( Fl'L CLOSi: PUIClvi ni money, and AW- McIVEIttS. fi.WFOKl! N. C, Apnl 2'i I-s'.ie H ANU HALM --BY VIUTl K OF 3 i ail .1.1.-1' ..I 111.' Mill-. II- 'I' I'l ("I' ell'Hl lllll -..liinvi I"i-. .il "Ii ..l-.'-iil A W...:i!n-U.'hIiT! Sil.i- ,.:i'i:. V M I n.lH-l i'l .11, I will, Ml; 11, ii I. -l.i --I .l.,-. I :C 11 nil: II.-I1'-' I tu l ; .... N. e.. . il-i- ! i i" ' ! ill.1.,. l.'il.-wli. l:,i' I-. i .1 "I."' 'ii : i ,.!'.! r.. I.i.i-N -I '.'''--ri !'. si'iv.!li..ni. ; i:-ii-I.. I ai 1'iir uu I ..ih-'i". ij an; mi '!i- w.;.'n" , ..-W ll 'l ! i. n-.ill'in.. ;.;! ::i V '''' 1 ; 11 1 . '.'.'. ii I 1. 1 ! 1 I " ' -l I ' 1 1 ' ii'i "t I'l 1 1' t' j. . I'.'-"' 1'- j -- i! u i. M..a.i ! . n. ..: l i- ' -. ! i. : i ,ii : l- : ;.-.l 1 .1. -. ;.i !..!. : " ' "' ' I. . WoMAia.. --!: i ' W-:n:i !. -v 1!.!).. :e : ) J ' Ail !.ii;h- oi hi. ' ?-i i:i.'U ''iii: a! th: j PITTS doro shuttle: mjll ; i i'i w .',-.! i'l; . I'i.i; " ' ' . i! i:v:i I Ihu.i s.ie.. .i to urd.-r ci s!:-:rl loiic ! C.ikv! tV iiiii- and S-" ' . ? r i r al,,i,:i.i3 P: : iit o'.lv y't ''i ; r P1-' i'o. t. D2l rcii, :rr. ! :-;.T!. i:;. is:n. mm iqusses. o We g:: ii'o.toe now on the way and jdtio !o m i ni 1:1 a Ii n- Oays some ch ice Lev; crop '.'dilscav-nlo M.dii.- i . in liog.-heads, ti'ices 111. 1 baric!.; Write its fur sample and pi ico. 0. l. bUV 2Mw 5 Mil &. vJ,, V. iLMlXG l'vN. N C Apiil 1 ;. 1 '" I iiTt 1 ''itii'JcL-'.'v tviW t Wit.1! , I nUil i Ii C-M.J - t-i .5.' J, This i ' a bom;' Insuranej f-.r the I lil'iileel lull i.i t'a' lll li.'iliiei'l '. Lilllvii !ao.t;st losa bv '.:. 'wind, or hyMH j .V C!i:li!er Was oblaiiicl tl.-Mli-h the last l.'.-;.;isi.i: tii'.i by which each I County can be oi-gatiiiuid inlo a dis- ti.-cl Siraiicn, ali i such 1'iancli is only li.iblcfor Ioslh-s sustained wit!:iu such HraliCii. L.isses aro ( aid by a pi o rata assessment of all the n.euibois of any Lirancii. A policy can bo si curt d for 5i) cents on .SltlU worth of prop.erty iu sured and is good for a period ol thirty years wiihout nddilioiial cost, except for actual losses in your own County. This plan uf insurance has been opeiated for twenty years in flu Western Stah s al a cost of only Si o l to S2.tltl oil the Sl.tltIO insurance. Local Agiitils aro wauled in the Coiiiily of Chatham. For further information, ad lie. -s, Di:. V. COIJLK. 1'i.i'AsAM- G.i.iu-:.s, N. C, 1 r I'i i r.-,).,. 1:0, N. (J. mm mim, M-'....-l 1. W. Hnduil! , i'lilJil'ioiiM':- til' BATfftf i'.t mm Uiiia .w'n We aie pn pared lo i iiiiiiii i!ie !. -.! maw and mm i 1 , r::o I'm' iom u m- : 1 1 I I ' I'i i-l - I - II lot It ll Hi iuiiiiifciiliyil I'itolSjiiliii. ii..-' Je:jti( : t!.:,: y;.u tt.i.- M-i." I.i ll ..,i;i;i, ,i:i.,,! :, uv..,; u:r:vn ivmnm- ikJ-tL'i-.iJ ioi;' i it ..iS i;'.: .!, N. Ai.ocii 7, io ISlVZcl. hi the past, T j? & ' : v $ 1 -' j7 s -V a Ci- 4s si u i -.i- ..a i 1 ii 'n in Tt.i-: i Vi ill eoiihH2e to ! 5 VMl lliili:. rMhysh Hie Sat- 15 , " 3stfk i t-t. H W 1) intl This is a ib'iue eempiny and dt - j 1 serves the pattens, o of all Not lit SI ti a S S fl S V IM VVS- C.'il'oiil'.iats. It was or-oii.-.c'l iii 1S.:S ami in, JKig.HM' 03 VVhSCii pc.i'l over hall' a million dollars in lo'scsau-l thero i , not 0:0. cMe. :-,n fa rVAiiU1 Shall chii'-.i i;.;uinst it 1 ah i',...,sp.d i'.o,,:l.t!,-. be ashamed. omdt nt man ini'd io imam his; j i ' ! "; 1 . For U . :'is, iij.'p'y lu. It. A. LONDON". ACJINT. W S I'iUMUi.)-'.!:. President. September 2il. l'!e 1. E f" VEHY CITIZEN mm mm OUGHT TO rn'immm to tt . S km e BHv omy paper p3sS)Ih;5iied hi this veiy person H i i OJSHI !( KCCI) .A iais vouttWs af fairs by reading has coiigity pa per. Tlie EtECORD Ssas ahvaji done lis benl to pro mote the pros perity of all the people, and to advance espec ially tlie inter esis of Chat ham. The KKCOKD t a 1 s v' 3 3 e 8-pa aeaor, Xi'itti ii 5. (t i i X hiu ?omfl- flHLYTflllF.SCai'rSAWESt SUSSSBlgS AT GHSE, 2S fill. min fvtt T '"'iWfilliwiBiisy