3 Cfhalham Jecord TH1 KSlUt. .11 LV 18. 1S!)5., XOCAL KECORDS. ht llKIH l,i: IMTTSHOKO' K. II. ilie HHPptiKcr train n ilio l'lttMlmrn' rntlrnait iviH liitHlmru mill)-, cxupjii riinuniH, tti. niitl .vu Mi .. n uhll'K rli'M- o.i.iiiHii. in hi: Mntiruro Willi the l ruin UiiU Inuvua linltl;;ti ui il to I" ' The urteruoon train in I in ttlior It K. now uri ives here at fi 2i instead of 5 4" as heretofore. Tlio blackberry crop in bnunti fill, mid grout (piiinliticH ure being sold beie itt forty cents a bushel. Mr. C. V. Jiyiitim, )l liymini, writes u that- I he Koller mill will m 1 1 lit ilown the 'JOlh, about two weeks lor repair. --Dr. W. II. Edward wiil lift fill bin appointments at this pi hop and ill bynum this month or August, as bo will be iu Baltimore taking h Npeciiil course in dentistry. Tho niiiiiiiil district Conference of tlic Methodist chiirchos on this (the Fayclloville) distrtet will ho hold at Jnuctdmro, beginning on Tliui'Hilay, the 2fth inst, Wliilo Homo parts o( tliiN (nun ty have been favored with incut sea mumble rains, there aro other parts wlicro it in very lry and rain in imicli needed. On tbo whole, bow ever, the corn crop in very protnis in-;. Our register of deeds issued two in iitiii,'.) I i i:d 1 1 mi's, mi last, Monday, to lour persons mulled Phillips, and nil living in 15ar Creek township. Il is iii i U a coinciiit'iico that both brides and both grooms should all bave the same name. 'J'hey are selling ready made chilluiig at W. L. London A. Son's lit still lower figures. Ask to see their extra pants. You can buy clothing now loss than ever sold in this place regardless d cost. Thi Htock must go. A large lot ol pant floods ut red need prices. They still have Homo ol those cheap bargains ltdt at W. L. Lon don ,t Son's. A splendid lot id In dies' and Missi's' .-ilk mitts, and oth fr lancy goods. Law ns. nnisliii. gingbaii.s, still going at reduced prices, liavo yon seen how cheap they arc selling hamburgs and avviss edgings? Wo lake pleasure in recom mending, 1 rum personal knowledge, the superior advantages ollcrol by (illusion Ii.s ilii'.e, the location ol which bus recently been changed to u more desirable part (d Washing ton, near the Thomas Circle, one id tho most lo:iiili'ul und attractive portions of ihnt city. Se "ad". Tbo Stale Agricultural and Mechanical College, though only six years old, enrolled last yen- 2 HI students, but tint one Iron) Clint li.iin although this county is entitled ! Mend two there free of mil inc. tic . member that, on tbo 2nd ol August. :i competitive, examination wi.l be. held hero of applicants lor Chat bain's two scholarships. On last Thursday some revenue ollicers made ii raid in this county, mid in tho northern part ol Ibihl win township captured and destroy d an illicit Mill and tixlures. A noted negro irnoiishiuur, named Lewis Marlcy, was ut tho still gel ling it ready lor u "run," but in Mead ol running tho still he ran himself, and, alter rjuilo an exciting chase, made his escape. Cotxrv Alliance Tbo regular (unrterly meeting ol tho county al bunco ol Chatham was bold al this place, on last lluirsday. Jl being tho regular tiuio for tlnjannir.il dec tioii ol oHierrs all this old officers were re-elected, except tho treas urer and that oflb'O was consolidated with the ollieo ol secretary which ha been so acceptably filled bv Mr. W.N. Straugliiwi Mr. S. L licrio. don was elected delegate to the Statu Alliance, which moots next month at Cary. Tho attendance was quite small, much smaller than the large meetings which were held here before tho Alliance went into politics and was captured by the Populists. A Linkn Wkdiuxi On last Mon. day night tho llev. C, T. Plain! nod wife celebrated thoir "linen wed ding", or tho twentieth anniversary ol their marriage: or rather wo should say that their friends cele bruted it for tboin, lor they were I fpiitu taken hy surprise, not having been previously informed ol it. A great many loving remeni briiiices. or "wedding gilts", were presented them not only by the members ol ! their own church but hy tho mem bers of other churches in our town. These gifts consisted ol linen table cloths, handkerchiefs, napkins iVc. A largo number ol their irieuds were present lo extend congrai illations and the occasion was much enjoyed. A KoM A Nile M AiiiiiAt.K. (julte a ro in it 1 1 1 ii: marriage was announced last week, which occurred a year j on last Friduy morning, taking from i other vine plants were shipped. The ngo, between n young lady and gei.- their ii.id.it one of their dearest and ' grope crop is badly damaged, tloinan who nre well known to many best sons, and one of our mostes-l - of our readers. Tho lady is Miss . u-euivd young men. Thomas Troy j Sl'W N'niili Cm iilinii Coll (ill Mills Uessie .Moring, a daughter of the j (iuihrie, third eon ol 51 r. Joe li. j Rai.ek.ii, N. C , July i:5.--Tbree bite lion. John 51. Morinir, ami the J Guthrie, died last Friday morning, f new cotton mills aro jus-t contracted gentleman is Mr. Willie II. llooue, : ufu-r an illness of '.tilajs. No had for iu Ncith Caroliua one lit Wel ti son ot the Uev. (.'. A. Hoone, who jut n turned boino from Trinity , don, with 12,000 spindles, which are now resides at Fh-n College. They , Cc-llcec when the disease heizeii liim to be increased lo IJO.OtlO npindlcs; were secretly married on the 3rd of : for its prey, and though ho sutler : ouo ut Maysden, with lo.Ollll spindlCH July, lf-'.M, mid their secret was so ,.,1 cxcruciattiii: pain, ho bore it with . to lie increased lo r.O.OOO, ami one at well kept that no one suspected any- thing ot the kind, and their friends were creatly surprised, last week, at receiving Cards announcing their inai i iago ami that tin y would hold hieicp'ion iit the residence of the gloom's lather, on the night id the UUIiuiot. A 1'hacj'Iv'ai. Farmer. In Iheso dnyH of gonoial fcomplnints mid chronic grunilders it is refreshing to! . find a man who takes a more hope .1""' i oniereiicc tins 1:111, inn in I fill view ol life and who still thinks , 8tl"id ol an intinerant appointment bo i tho country is not "going to t he ! n keen ordained and received mi Idogs". Such a tine called at the eternal one with tho King of Kings. limutn office, a few days ago, to to i 'l'1" the second death sum I now bis snbi-ciiption. 'and in ,.m-j ""ns that has visited this family in ai inn close 01 l ne nur, an ins 'lon erty was swept away except his larm. but in nowise disheartened hv went to work, and since that time he has "dug out ot the ground " by hard work (and not by any specula tions) enough to buy and pay lor in cash a thirty-five hundred' dollar larm. And in that, time he lots reared lour daughters, to each of whom at her niurriage ho gave enough to go to housekeeping coui lortnhry, and he has .also reared two sons, to cauh ol wliotn he has given n good education (which is better than property), both iff them having graduated ut the State V i.i vcrsity. Ol course he has always raised his own supplies, ami sells bacon every year jet. lie does not owe a dollar in the world, and still manages to make a comfortable living out ol the ground. It is needless to add thai this practical and successful farmer is not a . populist, nor does he lie awake at night wishing foi "free silver." I'lusonai. Iikjis Mrs. llufus II. Jones and Miss Lula Jones, of Cary, are visiting Mr. A. II. Merrill. Miss M.'iggie Harris is visiting Iriendb at Carthage. Mrs. T. 1!. Womnek, ol Kaleigh, is visiting relatives and Irieuds at this place. Miss Kinma P. Tuj lor, of Ilaloigh. is here on a visit to Mrs. Fanuy T. Taylor. Misses l!')ssie ami Augusta Wig gins, ot Wilmington, are visiting Mis. J. M. Leach. Mrs, l1'. A. liissiugcr. of Winston, is here on a visit to her grandfather. Mr. A. (J. Headeii. Mr. W. A. Maxcy, ol Sampler, S. C, is learning telegraphy in the railroad office at this place. Mr. IJ.ihcrt S. Thompson, who is now a resident ol Athens, lieoigia, has been hereon a rdiort visit to bis old home. Mrs. II. M. L'oyd, of this county, has gone on a visit to her son, M t. II. U. Lloyd, the agent ol the S. A. L. at (irceuwood, S. C. The editor of the llt-voito is attcn ding the annual meeting of the N. C. Press Association winch is being held, this week, at (i reen sbol o. He returns tomorrow. y-t l!u Ktolir. Silk Hope Happenings. Su.k Horn, .N. C, July .S, 1S!C. Silk II ope is on a decided boom now, t be buzz of the hammer and, saw are constantly beard Air. (ieo. W. l'ci ry is having a a large and handsome dwel ling creeled o.i his place hero md it will add a great deal to (he looks of Silk Hope. Mr. S. V. I'crry is a very indus trious larmcr, the earliest one we have heard of having roasting cars. Several ol our farmers went to Uurliiig'on on Ibe 4.b Intake in the horse racing. One ol our fairest young ladiis was raptured on last Sunday by a very ihicrcfting old widower. Mrs. C. 1'. Towii.-oicI, of fi. C, is now at the home of her lather, .Mr. Stephen Henley. The. young men ol this section have foriurd a very ii.loivstihg so cie.ly and will give a public tichale iit Love's Creek on next Saturday night l.'i'.h iust. Hon Ami. The above letter was, by some body's, negligence, delayed so long as to .arrive too lain lorour last issue. IOd. IIkcoiid l.T IR- KHVlll'. Silor City Sil'lings. Su-KU City. July !, 1H!),". Thcrn is very little news afloat this week. The people arc very busy attending to their crops and gardens, taking advantage ol the favorable weather. Tiic committee ol arrangement lor tbo Cohlcilcrate Reunion met last week and have issue I a call lor a meet ing of the residents ol Silcr and the people in this vicinity to period ar rangements lor the reunion, and to decide upon the bunt method for the bUCCCfa" ol it. Any one living on the line ot the U. i'. & V. V. would not think thai the people were crying hard times, judging Irom the number ot excur- sions that pass through this place All seem to be crowded, and it is a wise conclusion on the purl ol the people to lay aside their trials and cares lor a day, and spend il in ro- creation There will be an excursion to Wilmington on '.be Dili iust., run! by tho managers of the cotton lac- lories, along C. F. oi V. V. I!. II , ami they expect to tarry tho largest crowd over carried to Wilmington, The fare is onlv Sl.h,") for round trip. und is within reach of all. Tho iiianllo ol death was again thrown around one ol our families. ' Chiistian fortitude, never once inur-j mored, and was glad indeed lor the summons to that celestial home on hih. : ilu was loved and esteemed by itll , j,, this place and elsewhere, and ev- ' i-i von-j had the utmost confidence iu i i"f omii.ie,'' and his pivuuiluic death (-at gloom over tho entire community. Ho bail conspcratcil ,lia li,,,J to tho ministry mid was to i.i nays, aim mey nave tno synipa thy ol ail in this dark hour of be reavement. Hoihn Ad.uk. Tho above letter although written on tho '.lib did not arrive here until the 12.h. too late for last wocK s issue, which delay is vers aggravating and we hope will not occur again. Kn. WkcokiiJ Si i. Kit Cu v, July 1(1. 1S!I.". We are having favorable weather for the laying by of crops, and the farmers in this section will bo over their rush alter this week. Pursuant, lo a call uiioK' last week the committee on the Confederate Reunion lor August 1st, met Satur day afternoon at tl o'clock ami ap pointed as a solieling committee, to solicit supplies Irom their respective neighborhoods fur (lie dinner, for Silor: Mesdaiues, 15 N. Maun, l. (J. Fox, A ('..Jordan, K. O. Sijer and Miss lvnuia Coble, with (he bil lowing gentlemen to lake charge in their section: Messrs. W. W. Kd wards, Abe Lane, Simmon's (irove. J. M. l''oiiht, Ml. Vernon Springs Ur. O. ii. StiouJ, Ore fliil. K C. lirown, II. P. llice, Pall Creek. llev. A. II. Perry, Hickory Moun tain. (ieorgo Petty, Siik Hope. James Jordan, J. d'eorgo Hau lier C. J. Poc, llev. L. J. Smith. A. P. (iilberl, Collision. They desire the committee to go to work ul once, and wo trust that the people will respond und aid us in tins .iii k, ami help us to give our oiu eicrans a goon dinner, for they deserve il lUtiugh the. echoes ol the war ure past, jet Ihcy are Hie sumo tried and true Ihal dolonded you ami your cause so uravcly, so when this committee wait upon von, do not wall lor lliein lo ask, but show jotir love lor your county. anil jour people oy staling to lliein ut once that you ure willing lo do your pari. Then coiuo and help us give lliein a glorious day on August Ut. The committee also issued a call lor :i mass mecliiig of the citizens td Silcr, and the resident!) of the conn ly who have this cause ill liearl to nioi t at Silcr on Saturday allcruooii iit '.' o'clock sharp, to perfect ar rangements lor the reunion, and let every one thai can do so come, mul the committee is requested to meet also al thai time. lo not tail to come, let each and everv one ivm imnd to the. call. J urn requested to state that tbo following noted gentlemen have been invited, and are expected to he with us on August Nt: Col. W. H. S. Jiurgynno, Henderson, Col. J. S. Cat rand Mj. W. A. (itithries, Pur ham, and lion. C. M. Sledmao, A.-heville, besides ijuite a number ol old veterans from oilier counties are coming, and one nil in her who now resides in Tennessee, wrote last week that if he lived he would cer tainly be with us al our reunion, so let us do our b.st lo make it an enjoy able occasion, und let every one pul lliuir shoulder to tho wheel, and give it vol ving push, so its to keep it ro llouts AtiAItt. (JcorgiVs ii. A. K. Colony. Atlanta. July 0 Tbo ndvnn.ee guuid of tho grenl, (1. A. 15. colony bus reached (h-orgiu. ('apt. P. II. l'ilzgorald, of Im!i Miapolis, who or gmiizod tho colony, is hero, and lias P25,(lO() with him, be says, to make the fust payment on tbo piircbaso of 1(10.(100 acres. The land lies in Wilcox and Irwin Counties, and is said to be ri-pcciiiily adapted to the raising of fruit. Tho company is to bo organized under the laws of Georgia, and a city of 12.00'.) population will be laid oil' at once. Tbis will probably be called N'orthen, in honor of the ex Governor of that tnini". who handled the Georgia r-iid of the negotiations. The American Tiihiine, a (1 A. U. j-iipir published in Iiidiiimipolis, wdl be brought here. Mr. McCltire. an Illinois banker, bus inrniiged for bunk?) in the different towns. The colonist, piospcroiis farmers, ure going to make the journey hero in wagons. 61 I ons of II nil. IIaktfoiiii, Conn . July 15 Fuller accounts of the damage done by Ibe storm of Saturday afternoon hLow that in (Huston lung alone ISiltl ucits of tobacco aro ruined Tbo greatest dtumigo was dmio in that vicinity. It ivih culciilatod that the weight of tbo hailstones on a four acre field was ; 1 tons. Iho hail wa-4 gathered ! from a section 8 by 1(5 feet and ! weighed. It was found that Iho fa I j was '2W pounds to fho sipi ue rod 'or .TJ.nOU pounds to the acre. The bail tell iu stieaLs. Whoever it fell iu quantity, tobacco was mined and grapes, cucumbers, tomatoes find Ilillsboro, with (5,000 spindleu. Work ; ia now in progress on twelve mills, j and additions nre being mado to the j e.piipmwut of as many more. j . . . I1 'aid that tho Pennsylvania- Uailrowl has "heeun a fight" on the Ordwrtd ' Hail way Conductors. 'Slnlo News. GroeiiHboro Patriot: A company Iiuh been organized with :I00.U0LI jCHpita! lo utilize tbo water power al I nfnvn Itiiiiiila. Hen i- Madison Messis Friei, of Salem. Ruflin. of Kooky Mount, and a capitalist from Roanoke, Va, are the ju inci ul fctookboldcrs. A mammotli cotton mill will b:; built ami it. will bo inn hy the water power there. Woik will be Legun oiy Kboitiy. Wilksboro Chronicle: On June tlie H) h near Goshen, this county, (lining u stoi m the 7 .year old dmigh tirof Junius Jumcs was killed by a lightning etioke. The little gill had Hone to gi ami pa's atnl was coming across tbo field on her way home, when she was ftruck. Her father hhw her full and ran to her, but she was dead when bo reached her side. It ii sail. Iloikinglnim Jeickfi: An enter prising citizen of I'uiou County, has established n new industry which, if successful, will bring fame and wealth to him and bis county. He owns nn aero or two of boggy bottom land which bo lias couveitcd into a turtle farm, lie has built a dam, m ule n pond and stocked it wilh young turtles, and will patiently nwnit re suits. Verily, the lesourcesof the South me uiinuiul.'ci cd- Monroe Iviquirer: Mr. lv P. Cha ncy, of tbis place, was a good Con federal n soldier, and since tho inpin orahlo battle of Gettysburg be has curried a forcible reminder of that feaiful contest. He wbh wounded iu the shoulder in the battle of Gettys lung and from t hid time until now the wound bus been paining It tit) at limes. On last Friday Dr. J. H. Pi ice cut a slug of lead from bin arm and now, nfler "'2 years, the wound is iu 11 f lir way to recovery. Morgat.ton Herald: Mr. Kistlt-r at the tunijiry fells ua they have bough! about 5,000 tons of Ian bulk this sea-on, and paid SI 00 p -r ton for it. This aggregates 20,01)0, and till this money lias been turned loose light here iu Jiurke comity during the but seventy five tl:iy.s. This moi. oy was nil silver, and wo arc satisfied tlie.t the g realcr part of it is still iu the county, in cucu'atioii or hid a ttuy. This saino JJuike Tanning Company bus spent over a hundred thousand dollars for balk alone in this county iu the hist three years. Seoll.mil No.k Poinoc.rat: Mr. George Pope, a laborer at Mr. J. U. Coluber's saw mill near lovn, im t wan a iiiosi uon lino uoain nwi rn-i ,lt. o.-, ,., ), b;m m been used a day moruinjT. Ho stepped ou tbo j ltllll iiujinnvnicnt was seen and ciirnao as it was running back lo ; jt3 ,., inil(.ti us0 c1Vli die niovo a "d-ig," which he thought wns j jta WP,.,l.iicss iin l i-imv coiistiliiliiMi going to slnke the saw. He unseal disappeared .-md its father and mv ciihitc.i in lr.s ellolt and left (he ob jsrif hclicvcd the child's life was st.ruetion just where be did not in i h-hved bv this rcuinlv. J. T. M-ir . tend it. It struck the saw, ilw up i (IW jj. 'j.) , r81rtroa', Iil. Por Hale and dealt bim a severe blow on fhoj ,v JM.uiu llemleu. side of the laeo and head. From the) blow be f.-ll on tbo Paw as it wns I W II. Xelson. who is in Pie drug running. One of bis arms was pawed ; !!t.inc:-"s at Iviigville, Mo . has so completely off', tho saw sti uck his side and cut tbrou-'b bis ribs and cut bis thicbs badly. Ho was removed lo i tho shinty near the mill, and pliVKi ! eiims weio sent for, but before they reached him be was dead. Iluthorfordton Democrat: Mr. Oeo. UiggerstufT calls our attention lo a rather iein.it kablo circumstance. Kv i cry sliorift ciecled in this county ' sineo lSijt! is still living. Mr. John W. Craton, of thia place has a ' giado Jersey cow, two years old with her first calf, that gives five gallons of rich milk per day. Sha 1 as lo bo i milked threo timos a day. The strangest commodity that bns been j offered for sale on this niatket lately, was a pair of young skunks. Mr. Joe F.ldcrs wns the purchaser. Their perfume factory removed, they arc said to make famous raltorp. Lint week we mentioned the fact that fho: infant of Mr. and Mrs. (t. W. Logan : hud been terribly burned in its mouth 1 and throat by swallowing cologne! from a bottle given to it by its tiurso lo aniline it. Vo aro informed that the nm se, a 13 year old negro girl. . named Ola , deliberately pour ed fho rpirit down the bribe's throat. Tho child lias be.-n in a critical con dition ever since. rnivt'isily Catalogue. Tho University catalogue for ISO-l Oo shows 171 students, as follows: Three hundred and Hcvenfeen in the college, 78 in the law school, ,2C in the medical school nnd Jill in the Mini mer school for teachers. Tho facul ty embraces 'Mi professors and in structors. Tho catalogue contains 1 lit paires, is carefully indexed and I ..: :..t .i.T.i il. t'. : ivun iiuoi iij'i iion tiiMjiii, mil i-iiMei- sity. Wtito for copy lo President Winston, C'bapel Hill, N. C. Frre Pills. Send your address to II. K. Duck Ion & Co., Chicago, and get a free sampla box of Dr. King's Now Life Pills. A trial will convince you of llit-ii liw.rilu TLfNa little ni-n nncit i n action nnd nre iinrticulail v effective 1 in the cure of Comtinatioii and Sick Ilcadnebe. For Malaria and Liver troubles fhev have been proven in J valuable. They are guaranteed folic' perfectly free from every deleterious subHlaueo and to bo purely vegetable They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tono to stomach Am bowels greatly iuvigorate the eystriu. Regular sizo 2"o. per box. Sold at G. It. Pilkington's Drug Store. ,V" rT ' Jt t:;:t;z Cuts, RruiHes. Sores, T leers, Sa't 1 Ubcum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped; Ilnnds. Chilblains. Corns, and nil i Skin Eruptions, and popitively cures ! Piles, or no pny rcipiired. It is guar- j anteedlo give perfect fat iiductiou or; money i( fund. .1. Piiee 2." erntH per bo. iorsalel.yti.lt. 1 4i.kini.ion. 1 Tlif August Number Of tbo Delineator is called tbo Midsummer number, and contains a j !u''K) variety of interesting mutter j suitable for HieSeiiHon. Lidies who deferred completing their Summer win ui ones win lie mi i leiiiui n neri-u with this number, for theslyles weio never luore dainty alnl uppi i.priato. A special article is devoted lo Urcss ing for Stout Ludies, and uiiothi r to liithing und S.vmiiiiiii . with illiis trillions of the L'ltesl Fashions in H.ubing ('ostiums Mrs. Roger A. Pi vol's iirUcle on The I'.tiipioi io ol fjet ler Wi it ing bears the st imji nf mil hoi it y, and wiil be helpful to every one v. I o re'nls it; nn.l tl e 'iiier on Art Needie.voik in the Lmploy incuts Series will direct th" attention of many women to tbis oiviipal ion us a means of liveliho;) I. The Onl i ! i io L-idies' ('ollege is interestingly do ' Kclihed by an J'',x(!raduute, the pop ii' ir Kmdetg n ten Sei ies is coutiiiiic.I by Mrs. Sua Miib r Kirbv, and Il.n riet Keith Pobes, contributes an ar i-tie paper in Ho strlis en R.nnt Work. There is very piaelien! u nolo on Clciining and K-'liovntin,! Laei s. Peal hcis and Gloves, and a variety of useful infni inatioii is given 111 the monthly talk Around the Tea Table. The housekeeper will find some new recipes in Seasonable Cookery, and j much that will help to iimke house-1 wink easier in Things the Housewife ! Should Know. There is also an i x- i ecllcht article on the Newest Hooks. ' and otbciH on Flora! Woik for August mid The Relations of Mother and ; Son. New designs aro illustrated and described in Knitting, Tatting, Lace Making, etc. ! Tbo florist who occupies a modest section, only live feet by seven, of the area of the'Oiand Ccu'lral Depot in New 1 hi k eil v is said to ii.iv ii riiiin.l rent of SI.OiM) a year. At Onlvefton. Tes . on hist S.dur day the first new bale of col ton of tbn season iu Texas, classed in strict mid. Iliii'', was sold at auc tion loKohn it Praiissen paid whs iMOO. The pi ieo L'lst Juno Dick Crawford brought bis twelve niiuiths old child, miIVci intf from iuf.inlilo iliarrboea, to me. It bad been weaned at four months old and bud always been sickly. I k'.-ive it the usual trcatiueut iu such cases but without benefit. The child kept prowine thiuner until if weighed but litllo more then when born, or perhaps ton pounds. I then stin ted t he failnr In ivili,' Chum berlaiu's Colic, (!Iiolcra ami Iiar- 1 1' I hoi-a lb niodv. Pofure one bottle of ' nnicli coul'nlciicf in C'uaiubei Iain's 'Colic. Clmlein a'i.1 I i:irrhoo:i l.'cni fly Unit he warrants every bottle and offers fo refund the money to customer who is not satisfied after using if, Mr. Ncl.son taken no risk in doing this because Ibe remedy is ! ecitain onto for the diseases "for 'which it is im b-,1 .md he knows it. J L i - for.-ulc. by Pwiuni iV Iloiilec. New Advert isciiieiits. THE CHEAPEST" (i(ll)l) SI 110(11, IS T II K SIM Til. 111(111 1111 NT IXsl". I r I K AM) ll -ll;ss col.. i.i or. m.m.i: m h:i.i.k. l ull li-rtil U''Iiih .iiclsl llllli, is."",, fhII-li, I.hIIii ' lir.-ek, i.i.nr.-iii.- 1 elio-ii'i-i.-.i, l'..i:iii'ei .lil. I'.. "It Uft'i-in', M)te, Ti...(!r.ii liy, "Si, i.r! lcml. Il.-ur.l h I!--.-.. Imi'-lli.tr. fs ir ir.-inli. T.i- lil. ii ii (J 1. 1 i.i r r ' ' r.r in.' N. l: c . !. r ;im 'iti.,mi S.'Ii.m.I, Sl,.- 1 III . N C , lull i:4i . t'l.li ... lliu Ilillll.;-s l.'..ll".l..l'. O.....I I". 1,'li l-iitl-ilii'-. !!-.-: j fr.ii.i l- mi l nnl.-ii llilse II ill I' it lei null r nil .i"...el ... n 1 Ir."-. .1. M. ttl M ill I.I.V. Sii,,, :i,ii.i.n: t. .'!!;: II ('AU')I IN v CI s? Tlio l.rx! -C-I-I..1I ..f 1 .-:!---.- will l.Mll S. li'llll.(T.'i:ll. V"lllii: lii.-.l -I siring l '.. -Iint'-ill e.lil l ull. -il ni nil ui.il-u'iily l"W e.isl will l w.-ll 1. ii. ly .,1'i'il'al. 'ii- In a iiolla;v-y. Pies . Uii. igh, N C. Gunston Institute, W ASIIIM2T0N, li.-linitrilitiu iiin! i n i : i lmlii-s wil I), r. I;IV M'ili'ul ln"iit ils :i'lh. nl for 1'0, i ,j i ' I - Milf Si' I 121 I 1 llli Miv.-i N. !W. III lUO'lfrn IilllUil;ii's, 'o ral ami Inst nuuiMiliil Music Piiiiiling;, Draw in";, l'liysical (Julliiff iiinl Mliictitioti, 1 ho host till viinl tiki's iin j:iviii at cost as l'l-axinalili? a is coti sisHMit wilh t!ie oiiiiiloviin'ii!t 'l I )i'st tillrtit. For catal no addi ess Mu. and Mas. P. K i.s!:. M.VSOX, Principitlii July IS " Wo liavo Loon liiiiMino- oii pinos for noiii ly liO yotirs. Our liusino.-s has crown from a mall licgintiiiig; ami has ciir-lyoor rioil lis into manv lu anclios ol: toaoliinory. Wo do work t'or!1'"' ,,,,' .v",r spring supplies ' ' '.., 1110 Matc-ginnorios. saw mills grist mills, oil mills, ootton iills. Write for oiitsilotio ami pj j,. (() LIDDELL COMPANY, I CHAULOITK, N. C. S ACADEMY, 1Q7fi MM C.R SILER, I ies. i; M..' I V Sl'lllN'.s. (' II. lull T.rin will "lien Aui.iHi r.. lur. I. ail K. .. r 11...111I1 I'e.ir.l In eli 11 Im:i..t in .ii 1 1 1 : Mu i f..r ul li'Oi. 'I'm ij 'tt p.'r ni'.nili. .' .VI i-er inuntli. I Il Is liiti-r In saerlfl.v I u-y lo nnln- in-n 1 nu I W .'l.i II. Illllll I" sri.'llll. e elllMll ll ! Ilinkl , n. .iii-y. P1TTSB0R0 ACADEMY. For Girls and Boys IE! rtitifti4 I UH4 Ctl.'IIH J MKikkelV ! I I:.! I.lll .11 Will l.i'u'tll V )SI'W Aili:i .1 Mli. is.'... Tli..r ii :li hiiT'i.vl .ii I- clv.'.i Ci'i'l Uio.,..ii'iiv.ii S. ll . l.r.lliel.e-. Ill ft.llllll'.ll ! K'lll. li IlllU'll liiilii s.'l I mil .1 is.-l.Ml it.-rlin.'lil, kIht.' y-.'HU! in. ii .'iml i 1 1 1 tr l i'IKw rve prepiir l . ciIIki;,. i.r in.' piTi.-il.'.-il niTiir- ..f In.', Tlii n.lv.iiinii; i el ii sp.' -ial .in-.' In llieei y :n. 1 l.r.n-11.'.' .1 '."M-iilie.: will i-'iv.'ii i.'iiny le. nmy nni.-l..it.. lf.-i-liliii... fin I- n p i in .i.ili ..f r. .or w.'.-kr l'lllll.i'y t:ii;:il-lt lll'in- I 'l ' i Mi.-rn -- ji.-i-.- r.isnKii a. ti !' A. lv in.-- I I 'rr'.-'i liniv!..'j, 11 ' III. 11.11 .il I . T -'rsl S full I. ii iiiii-i l t -1 1 .!.o:iitly f il H'i 'I i-:i li ii.-.n Ii; ici I ..) I -n will I." I -r i ...: in ;i I III.-.. Wrin.'ii r I,.- en 1 f 11 I - i.. :l .;er. at 1 1 ANiis.M.i: r,v 1 1: 1 1 i ' J.Hx'',''.'i Tl ,',i,'u,' cnii .i.n- ..i r. i.r '.' r.' '.Tl',' '. rJ ' '. , .', i'. hti'i i,.,-,. .-..i i. I ill ..n Hie ''li .1 iy .! ahk-i !,''',',. lift II..II-I' . III.' lil.'ll. f i-r:i.niie! r. 'I h .i.'. ;v....i i...i. t. ,1 .1 III l'lll-l LI I'l.T I"! 11" II " '"- I I" I l Ill II ash Hi . lie .. I . II l.l-l.. Tien II, .-if nm ' W :-' Kill' -41 I I i...: Hi wrli l:i .iii-r Im- I i . II. . -.1: I.i -1.1 II-::- i.i.i i: e- .1. in- oVii. ..' 'i:ii in. -lull . I- ii nl ,s', ... lil.-U-lv, I Ti ll-n, C-lll-'lllllll 1'-" 'fi-'". in '" ' .11 .1". l.I li .M;l -Woinm-k tl-.j" s Aiiyi. THE FARMERS5 MUTUAL OF NOHTH CAROLINA. This is a home Insurance, for the protection of farm property tonlvi aga u.-t loss by lire, wind, or light ning. A ('bailer was obtained through the last Legislature by which each Count v can bo organized into a dis tinct r.rainli. and Kiuh liriincb is only liable for losses sustained within such Ibatieh. Losses nre paid by a pro rata fist--f.-Mm.ul of all the laotnbois of any lllll'ieb. A p'di'-v enn hf secured for r0 cents on 100 worth of property in -mid and good for a perlo i n! thirty years without mMiliona! cli .. except for actual lom's in jour own Comity. This 0an of incui'iiiico has bi-in opeialed for twenty years iu the West i I tl Stales a) a cost of only Si. SO to S- "Il on the '1.0l!() insurance. Local Agents are wanted iu the County of Chatham. For further information, address. Fit. V. COIM.K. Ft i:sax r f Aimi n, N. C., P irisf.-.t,... N. C. MORYOORBEAB COOPER SnOTHEBS, iSi.vi--s. ri U. I. W. Dm -limn., Raleigh, H. C, rniirii'lois of m mum mm m maun ,tt We arc prepared lo furnish the la s MARBLE AND GRANITE in any slvlc or sliapo ami a nw'.-d juii'i's. Call ur wriu' lor li'si-tU rifi's oil anv V m. iw I hin wi it a.. s-i' Md." -Mention thaf in fho I!i.i'i.iii, I'l'Oltl jd all orilors. altoittion givon i:oi)Pi.ii i'.iioriii'.iiS llAI.I toil. N- Mai ell 7, 1 '.'.". C. flllill I.) Sinco il nin v bo ut liiwfnl for vim ! Cbathnin folks to "iiin at large'' in own connly. o invite you fo eome acmss the lino lo SAXFOHl) i and kcII your sin plus produce. I We cm and will save you money. P.ig (IKN'F.li L STOCK and AW- vvl cLosF. pi:ici:s. .IILjJ. i S .M'01!I, N. V April 23, IHIK, EVERY 01 II.nlN -Or unum counu SriJSCIJJE TO "THE" published isi litis great county. Every person laf io keen iaiforESBed about bis county's af fairs by reading county pa- per. RECi HI has aSvavs done its hvst to pro- mote i in perity of a peopEo, mid to advasiee espec ially the iUer esls of Chat ham. life COUD was established hi Etspres- et asul ps"opiietor9 i?s S;sceess- foeest naiir--In ' VI J. eosiu- pis Uhe past, as the will is's the Sat' est sieu s mul be a faH'siiv pa pei of news which its readers shall I not he ashasned stop mmm m tms A'f TTYD Tlk THP MiMmnttii

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