Ta Chanorrjr. Tho futidn In court lu 1MM amounted to the huso total of fiH,075.1S7 Is. Id.; hut tho proportion of thin mini In went of owners' Is not stated. It Is Interest lnu to note Hint during tho iirceodlii;; jour payments woiv nuulo to success till nls anil others ninouiitini: to il(i.:tL'l,l."'J ,'!s. TIiito Is nlso u lariro Mini in court under the lio.-iditi); "For t'lsti Currencies," made tip of rupees, crowns, dollars, tlorins. f nines, Kuild crs, lire :ind marks. Uefercnce tdintild nlso he mudo to a Ioiik list tit' liexes and other miscellaneous effects reiimlnliitf In tho custody of tho Hank of I-hishiml, on In-half of tho Suproino t'ourt of Jiidicaiiiio. vu otiicinl list of the titles of Chan eery causes uudealt with for lifteen years m- upward is piihlislieil triennial ly; 1 i t as the name of the testators m pel':olis eiililleil lo the funds ale ill the majority of eases not staled, tho infor mation is of litile vahii- to the ijeiierai puMic. To nive an instance: In ls'j.'l Nathaniel Uriels, one of the next of kin of Thoin.is Sl.'ike. who died in lTd'i. uas ailvcrlised for hy order of tin t'ourt of Chancery. 'I'lie fund was not claimed: and in the I. Hist list of dor luant funds we hud tho title of tin fliaiifol'i suit idvetl I 111 ; "I'olueiox s. I'.ii-wer." .No mention Is made tliat tin- next of Kill of Thomas M,'Uo are u;,i,ti -1. An iile.i of the la rue intnil-or of Mini lar eases in i. he ;;;n'iii-i from i!n- fact tint the li -i ,1 inii laliiicd funds lill.i ls7 .,. l,i. list is only an index to the tiile of accounts, and is not in any M ils,- , iil i a register of next of Kin wauled, or of l.-ips.-d l.-ua. i. s, lutes, tales' estates, iirilaiined dividciids, l-ri.o mollis, i ' . t.'h.j ":boi's' Journal. 'in i-iii-jc Shafts of I t 1 1 New ti-s :ir- coiclaiiilv I'oiin.l for w I 1 1 1 .i.is in exch.iii::,., i in.. of tin- Ian s ile. ices i-. l!i amitae- Hire i ' I' i '. 1 1' '' I i j i slniis. woo. I ulp till I mi .inn lu-ii u iih ir-.tn i r i the chief materi il. e h'i i cciiiou -,f le.i i her. l'ali- H . I' i l!,c iiiculioii li:ue I n lalo-n o it in l-V in.-,-, l-imdaii-l au-l l!e- til :ii.-l il is . -I t i e i i Mini 1 1 i t s'kiI'H are i ri sir, ,n- .,n. in, I ,j . , : , I ,!.-, a point , :..ir..-. ,i. i i; ,. ,ii 1 1 1 1 . .is f.-ira- Mlloll "' J 1 '11' Is , ,,!! !- 1 . -. . 'I'llos.: shafts arc : 1 1 1 ; I in u,- in I'aris, n:i.) lln-l Il"l th.-ii a p i M- -I lo .-all on tier '. f 'i :::. ir -Il ellUl li. hut fol par i ' ' . . i -licapni- -s. lllO;t0M. l.'l paper eolielli.p , -in A pi count low in I ti I,.. .', i w eddillg wit!, Iho f.,. . i p. i - it : ti in,.. linen ii! : e l-l-i..--. .. Ill's pi .-lilt lo 111, I w a - ti 1 1 : i il l ,itt" dia iii-e 1. 1 brooch id. si l. lua II 1 it beautiful things In l. I inn.-. .;. Illlltle. t'.M 'I 1 1;, t - -1 1 -- I!'. N' I' I I-1 I I .. ail. I : : I i luie -. I: i. -a- I n- A ., N-w i p. n't T. '.ay.'' In-, rl. I itv , Si. N it-aiaa -1, ml I , a m.in ivli-i li.i.ln't ml Tlonl, III, ei.fl hhlti l-.ls-. lti4 I - u It o !' Vl-o 111-' a-v :hi illlhl to ionic ' tiiay hn it.. 'el t in In I lir t'nlrp'L , '-. Ill :ll,a lil-kp ol,s !ie-e -llt- . Mlimt.i. Gil., are tin r l: --n -iih Tut. i- C.ii l.i i . t.oi l,l. Il lull.... '. II - W llll 0 i" r- l i aa.il- i.Iy I.y I at-eii- In Iv ..I ( lll.lt 11 tlll'le.4 il.tl a :,j Sir-.. Win. i.e.. : In I i. -. i. . 1 1 I KM., .li'.n.- run. . i N i. lv-,:, I ' !l :. .,!: u !i. I-:, ii.'.v I'tii .ti i iMi.-n H IL. ul!. I lllllllu J II II 'H M.i i) ii, par k ui- a i I p . U i-,.. Illill -s t-iiip-raiH.-) in all l lli 11 111 ' nip i . II i i-t ,,i t ioi, r'.i -t ' i '. !- ill I'lr-i i. t l, i .r.i.. .l I ! u , I I I I-..I.-I-f'1.11). .11 II.-, u ,1 , t I III. a ll"'i rp.i. pr v t l,y tenia.' XV 1 1',, rliil.l ." I.. f..r,- first i- l i. ill lilt:.-; . KiUio.l i, Ma. I li.C i l, f.T :i.:v All Out of Sorts TiH-,1, il; :,n I v -.ii-y. o,. llli.,;,, ,l,,, .,i,, I Inn:,'. tr. i'ii .! oi'-n a-t-1 :rr- y-t i if -,ii d i ii-,t ,'i S i-. it. ii ilhi i tie- l,.-. i ta'vO. Il 111- uliar p. If tliii is v ur V-.li nn-.-i ."tilTer.-r 1 misery iiwuiN il ii-'-jt II l's li-'iii" y. in .-n ,-.-r t i ton... iiinl slreu:;tli,-ii the ..toni.ii.h. le-mi-uihe- Mood's Sarsaparilla til" only Irm ly in I'l'- . Ill-lie l-I-i m purilier i-r niiiiieiil vt to lay. il, sixforjl. hSariiip n II ti. v.-. Ai'-K XWi IWKiOIST TOR iPERlAr THE BEST tr Nursing noTHERS,lNFANTSr CHILDREN JOHN CAKLU A SONS, New Vork. it ton txiin ami ..viiik.. COVKIUNO SKKl TOO HKKPLY. As iiiipiuvcl impliuu-tit for oultivnt ius Hit: soil eiiiihlc fiirmers to K''t it in better tilth, lliero is a constant ten ilciu'v to pliinl too iloeply. This to hoiiid extent oll'sets the mlviiutiijpj from liet tcr eiiltivution. Where grain is drilled tho drill win-els siuk luoie deeply iuto tho liuely-pulvcrizeil seed bed, mid this lowers tho tubes from which tho seed is distributed. Tho roller to eoiiipnot the surface might to precede tho drill in such easi-H, mid even then the drill lubes should bo lais -d lis much us possible. lio.-iton Cultivator. i.ixii: as a i i:i;iii.li:i;. rroni iiciny tests in, nl.; ttj m land in viiri i us p ti ls of the State, it bus been foiia. 1 tint mueli of tin plain laud of lUiode island is perhaps mure acid than it should bo for most profit able cultivation. I'pon l ui I that is acid the. npplie.it ion ot n u - hiked Inn in ipmiitities of one to three ton evenly siri a, I ami 1 1 1 r i olil wori.e iuto lln- soil alter tin I in,l is plowed for it crop, litis bi-. ti productive of p., uid n suit s. If tin- laud referred t in- vonr en respou-lent is overgrown with iiio.s, "woiii-unt," or fails t prow clover w lieu s-w n, 1 should not hesitate to apply one of two tons .if nir-sliiked lime per acre an 1 thorough ly Work It into the soil by repented Inn low ill:-. The liuie will probably hasp n th,- dceoiiip.isiliuu and make the f, rt iht ii.; material in the soil nn-ie ipiieK I v aiail.tble, which would be d- sir ilde lor any early crop. The uppl e.itloii of llie Pi:,' is e-p- ltally desn-.dde if laud is to I,-, s, -.- .., t,, cloM r in the in ;ir fntiiro. American Agiieiilliiii-t. A COW 111 I r l.t IK. Ml I.K. This fault h -be- t.i lip- .m,-u, si .if t'n iiui-ole thai closes the end of tin in li. duet, called the stridor muscle. I ins consist-! of a ore-it ii it m 1 -r of libres, winch cross eueh otmr all aroiui 1 tin- eti of the t at, so thai wipui tie- uulk is n 't ll.iWIIIg, tll'-se, b e ititr ic ioii, ,,r rath -r, by the return lo their normal condition of c -titraetioti til'i.-r lo s, niu,' during the li 1 1 ! K i ii e!.,s-. il. nil ,ui, tinis pr, m u: the ,ii of t It.- iniilv. I! it it foratiy iv i" m thtseure w,:ik, atid ,1., I1..I ,-uitr.iei with siillieput force t,, Close til.- duet, th- u:k will ,. tmuillv running. As tin. is a nut urn! delect, it will be necessary to nl-l the lii'isi'l-. by sonio HP clitiliie il help, such as to apply e dbi lion to tile end of t he te it us s io-1 a ; the e,ov is milked, nil ns tin-, cuitracts in dryiu.r, it dr iw- tli" luin.'b; t-.: tii r u i I -r. Vetils tie; l.et; of milk. Tile lil'll oj c.iUiidioii is i.o thin tiial it u broken at the til -t touch of tin' tent ill till- ne! mi I l,i icg. It will he a further h-lp to put ii strip in' siirgoju's riihb T plaster ai'oiri I tin- b itlo.n of th- teal, dialling it t iglil. - New York Tnu-.-s. ! i: i : i i s. i ; si,, ii',. a geller ,1 l-l. f th it Tie ping cows lloW of 11, lln lier.ldv luei'easel thill' an I t li it t he i e u t nig x it id is eori'i'spotidiuelv poor in l-u!- I r hits; and t, prove or di pr-n, ihis.the i. j ii r mi.-n t station at (iaelpli, Catnd i, has for the past two years h -en experimenting nl-iti ; this line, an I to their surprise there is praeti caby nothing in th - belief. The cows, when lc, the gram in form of slop would, if b 1 on.-.- a d i;., eiv.- slightly lower, but not iiiiUorm, p. rc-nt-i-.-e of lui, nl.oul n. ,,f on,, re lit ; lull in evi ry in -tote.- win-re t-lup was I,, I twice a day there was a marked full ing oil' in milk i. Id. Tin-so tests u, re coudiietol in pe- in l ! thirty -lavs each, so as to p i (lie lull elVeet of the f I, and in the general averages the dry-griun f,,,l cows calm.' out ti in a-l. As to the variation of fat contents of the inn!-, the sum total ,,! all tho uv- rige, slpiived t'uat ih-re was n m .re loss in the end than tin- variilina found in t!u-fat c intents nf cows fed dry loud-,, and the sum total of two years' experinp'Uli isagiiust the idea thai slop food increases the milky ii Id. I I anything is to be d.-due.-d from the t - ; it is that cows guy,. 1,-ss milk it tin- d-iipin ; was very marked, mi l the percentages of tut yielded were aelitnl, . liicouseipieiiti il s.i far us b oigo was eoiicer!,oi in either case. The conclusions nil- that the best "slop"' that can lie . , to a cow is a good ration of corn, silage, roots or uiienred grain fodders, and the drink that a co.v has is hostl in lie- form of good water, governed by tho inclina tion of tho animal to drink. Now York World. WASIIIVO TKl'KS. Trees of nil kinds, and more espec ially fruit trees, will repay any euro they may receive in the early spring. Young trees especially show the food i Herts of cure, and while it js not so readily apparent in old, neglected trees, they will m tinio respond, and marked dill'ereiico soon bo noted ill their general appearance. As noon us the weather gets mild enough so that it does not freeze, make u thin lime, ivush and give nil the trunks of your trees both fruit mid ornamental a thorough washing; this will penetrate evorjr crek ami crovico, and conse quently reach the larva of the insects now about reti ly to h itch, and inako short work of them. .v tew weeks inter wneii U- j spring rains have, washed uiueli of the lime di-essing olV, tako lihh oil of any kind, or iiitiko ii strong mids of whale, oil koiiji, and again give Hie treeu a thor ough washing; this will finish the worn ot tne iiiiio us lar us insects are concerned, mid t'ivo it luster and briohtnoHs (o the bark that is mrpris ing. With old trees, it would bo well before the i.eeoinl washing is applied to sennit! nil t lie old loo io link from t lie tree. 1'hii will give the oil n bet ter chimeo to t iko ell' -el, an. I will mid much to the uppi.-urniie.- of tli-. tree. Iloinovin ; the carih from tliib.ise and allow ing the w isli to be used plen tifully th'ie, will r. a, !i niieets which hurl, or in the wood belie ith tlm .siir fiu'O of ill - gl-tlllll 1 Til! ii.: - of tin.' oil or mids o:i ymi ig t roc i al-up-, w ill show splendid rcMilt . If you liuv not the time to give two w isliiiii try one, a id vou will s -en real i. i that it is tine- an I laii r well applied Farm, Field mi I Fire -iilo. .'i n:si k ix- i n- ir i ; i. it-u -.. If w-t review the history of the bearing of orchard we will I'm I that the condition-, of pl iiit in -, al tiisl emu biue.l ii fresh toil lii. , I with plant food all I a In x. I tt g of s it-eies ntel va I Ii ties of I lees, ll hereby CI-'S-efi It l! i.titioti was lii-iiie I, an I the er,, iiivertitied, said Professor Mun.it before the 1! .iM. ui Scientific Society. In tin s - , iv . .,f sp ctail. il In. I how ever, whole oreluirils are planted with pit eiseiv tin- same irn ty of fiiiil.iiud as a result ill i e is an imperfect for tili. it i. hi an I til c." io o:t"ii la:U . icti in beiiri i : i : r-. 'I be ihm st ig-u urns of seieii 1 1 lie ii i'ii hav-' nlr. i ly t !uo u much hg'it on the in c'i. inics of for tdi.atioii, and further niicstigalioin are lu i-, 1 1 1. I II tlio t-'llll ' 11 IV ill' pl-i-ess of graftiiit: is not uu-l- i stood, nii-l the . 'fleets of the original s,,ek on )i,i -cioii and ot t Ii 1 seioti (In- -dock tire by no luc'i n . e .t iblp 'i d A griilt with ii'itried in, tics is nlnays in the nature of an . xp i ini ul uu I lu it-li in stigation I - li e,i, , le re. As one of the li tl i -nltii s in the cub ttll l-of tin-vine and Iruits, the lllllglls presents It-elt. It a. no! u:il,l I ss-.' liiat iinv i ue'i wa, in ad.- int. i the II it lie ot lie- 111:11, V I'll 'Ills w hich ut- st t't fruits and lie- m i,ul sim-e that tune lu v siigut ,,i , have be - Il lipid 111 iiiauv , I li ters .-Hi I pr, iciilivcs of these Ire. il. n I can e. ot crop failure. e being ,li-cov, red. Final', v, the j.-lut li i li -i of the plant to tilt- soil til- li.it fully iind 'I't-iod. It known ill it tli' s itl is like a bank, d tie- sl.-i i ,r-i!t of food elem, tits wili, iifi- i-a while ., uu .oil ri !i it as to be .1 -Iriineiit i p. turther i lalil rowlh. Fin in r- know thi-, an I they II I lo supply tile ,1 ,'li -i(--. J ins W ine, ho.ieier, Willi lep little kti-nil-g.-of the problem-, of plant lile. if ex iiuplet Inf.; line ,liga!o's have shown tint the p ar t c.-g will draw Ironi the soil twice in mttcii potash and phosphoric acid as i!,,- uppl.-. an I f . it t hat reason t he mhi-- t re i tin- nt of t ho vo seiis ia in,! ti'itiiiiiiii'iil ,,r philo 'phtc T. It may Hills Ii : sei ti tint there i. inii-'h that the ii. nt i.-h 1 1 11 ri-.t is to l.-irn from tin leutnic mves- gator - and the lints of future ,e- ic lopm-ml in pl.mt ciiltjire must bo those mi .'ge.sted In sii. nee. l-i -t 1. 1 is v u I x i At this sca-..'ii of the liiel'e is till II 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 . I l .1.1. i-e lleCO-sal'V I I nil., l ie feeder-, ll-.t I I . iTle, year, when c, c li e W ill by liberal I the fowls. I n. le w ill lie i:Ml-. or ovei fec ling t ii-' chicks. 110 danger of us It ial.es all they c Hi 1 el to iil.'lli-h tllelll bone, IllUsCie, le'itll.-l', 1, .id ll 'sh. Spud up thegriem I 111 the ch'ckell yard Iw i or three tunes a week for 11 dusting bath lor the fowls. A spue,: eight or t-'ii fe- t will be enough. The foil Is enjoy 11 imd the spading will purify th-' ground by turning under the top stiat 1 ol eiirlli, which his be eoiiic cotita iiinat. d with droppings. As the ne ither b -cmiies hotllod and warm the fee ling ol meat scraps e 111 be largely .lisp iisi-l with, beeitisu all fowls that hav oiii,pe ruu-e will lilitl 11 o'lgh worms, b igs and ins ets gen erally to Hiitisiv an I provide tile ani mal food they le.piire under restricted limits, in winter and early spring. The ground bone, In-wever, with oys ter shell, is always ii.eeHsiiry, nnd the box in the lieii-hniiso may be kept full nt all M'a-ons. When there iiro a few pull, ts or cockerels in the br I that outgrow the others ii'i l show ex'ra vigor, m irk them and keep them to breed It. 1111. This is the way to hud 1 up the sinmi int of the ll-ieU. Tint habit too m my farmers have of sdliug tho xira growers bee inse they bring a litllo more will soon ruin any thick. Dis posing nf th t b st 1 . - 1 v . s til poorest In breed lioin. an I tie- llnek will in tuna become lad ed a very unprofita ble one for any purpose. Don't condemn the man you have bought 11 setting o. pure-bred egg from beeaiisii the cli eki-ns do not show the rnri' et markings when first hatched. Wait lunii full, until they gettheir winter dress suiN on. If you compluin wli.-n lh-v an.- first hatohed It iv 11 b.- 1 vide ice , if your first appear iho ; on the chicken stag. of jmro bree-ls. STKAXC.K BURIAL. A Grook Arclibishoj) Carried in his Chair to tho Grave. Pooplo Tlirono; tho Church to Kiss tho Prclato's H iml. The death of the (Jreek Archbishop of Corfu, which took plao u short time, sine -, iill'oi-.le.I uu opportunity of witnessing tho curious funeral rites accorded by the (J.-cck Clillich lo bo exalted llli eccb-Nia -t IC. Tho Archbishop w.is .111 old man, and his death was tnd unexpected. For more than 11 111 mtli the cathe dral II I. I been prepared for his "hit ting in state." Th b.-.-ath was hardly out of his body wii 11 lir; corpse win d se-d in cpi.scup il rob 1 1, and, w ith out li. iug embalm d, t 1 .eti to the, i- il he !r il 1111 I placed 111 a t- 'l-l 'U urn chair, .surrounded with light, ,1 Pipers, with th - initio 111 one hand and tho (iospi 1 in the other. The populace thronged to iho church to view the b uly and to ki-.i the arciibisliop's hand. The priests desired to keep the body there for three days, but the authorities had to interfere for the hciieiit of the public health. Tin- funeral was accordingly arranged for the second day. The church bells tolled eoiit in 11011. ly, the th- aire ainl shops were closed, llags welt- hung at half III 1st and the street lamps lighti-l and draped with crape. The whole of the inhabitants, how ever, t rente. I the oeca-lou as a f. le day, mid appear -. I in their gayest colors. The fu 1er.1l proo-'ssiou stapled from the cat In , Ira! at .d a. 1:1. Three st ill lard b -al'i-rs with church st iiidar Is lly iter preceded it, followed by about a d -en church beadles hold ing light, d elided lanterns. Next came three town baud :, play lug u funeral much; then buys carry artificial ureal lis. Thirty-live priests followed 011 t acit sid- (tin 1 an ollieer of the artiiy holding a cushion with the tir.ek cross oi tin- Siiioui- mid the Kussian (ban I Cross ol Si. Atllio. Then com.- the corps.- tied to tho iiriu ciiair -still holding the mitre and 1 10- pel -carried by priests in gorgoom vet. Inp uts, w n'u the chief (Ire. k olli eialst tking th-- place of pall bearers on each sid--. I Pr, cly behind, fol low, d lie At ch'oisliojis nii-l the lepro selilallles of 1 nelgii powers. The 111- u of the garrison, including tho mounted buttery uu I the elew of 11 irotiel.nl, broil jh: 11:1 the rnir. (hi 111 rival lit the C.inetety the body was taken into the church and from there to i.he eravc, wh ich was like a small room. A stoin-ciiair h id been lnii:t in tint iii.ibi,.-. on whicli tne corpse wa , seated, and 11 hanging oil lamp was in ranged fi..ni the nrch ubove. When the b id .- was lowered nnd some earth thrown in, a salute of twenty. nut. gnus was lir- d from the fort, as well us three volleys of mus ketry over th-- grave. The bunds then returned playing opera :n:s. The hipping I'ud. Centuries ago th t Mo ,ic ny in tlieled the penalty of lorty strip s Kiveolle for th plllll u-li.'ll! of oli'ell-l-ers. Thai si Hteiu ha . 1 n i ll followed throughout I'.urop', ru ,., th v.ui- oils elVlll.ed lltlt lotl . ;.s ,e;; us the barbaric. C-.irporal p oi;,di!!.-pt is to day the principal nidi: ,,1 of enforcing obedience to the ru!.-. :-'.d ,'egiilal Ions of I he prisons 111 . i;t. .1 eoavicls are Colllilpd. It possesses the i.dv ilitti .e, w hi 11 i propel iy liillicted UP I 1 ,it, ,i c il upei- vision, of not 1'ijiii ; 1 . -.1. - !., .,ltii of t lie criminal to who. 11 11 i , applied, mo ot' interfering xvith his personal avoca tions. At the hlllll:- tun the llillli'lloll of phi sical pain is , tiiaii; w hich the lower class nf el iiu n ils iiihIiim-1-ively dr-ii'l. from whnh they shrink, 1111, 1 which th- v will wiilmgly avoid if they can. It is 1111 iirgiinii lit wui.-U th. y etui iippn eiate, no mailt r how illiterate tin y are, t-r how deb.i ed by crime, nr liowliesott.il l-i t'n iiitb'hgctioc in lnpior. It is louee.ied to be i lleetu d when applied, and t h i t u!i in that lisp, d is best -I10M n in ii'ic r-fiti ,that of IMawiirc, whir- for 1 a'-i n !,.; been n sorte 1 to lot- III p'.iuishmeiit of minor nll'- iises. N:,' .'-. A1.1 ra-;n lb view. '1 llrart's lb 111.11 k.i'de Ijti -ruy. ( :ie of the most leligo iiiible things iib iiit the heart is the amount of work U dee.' Considering tin- organ us n pu r,., whose tick it is to d -liv. r 11 known tpl.iiitlly of blood, !i-;illl-t ll known "in ad." it is i-my to kIiow that ill tweuty-foiir hours a iiiun's heart tines ulioiit 1J1 foot tons of work. "In other word-, ' says 11 contemporary, "if the whole force i-xpeiided by the heart 111 twenty-four hours were gath ered into one huge stroke, such a power would lift 1'JI Ions one lout from tint gru 11 nil. A similar calcula- Ittioti lui, 1 11 mail.- respecting the 'iiiiount of work expended by the muscles invoivitl 111 breathing. In tiieiit.v-foiir hour these muscle do ulioiit tttctity-uiii! font tons of work." The I ii 1 ;ir ui sIk-iI Fact. He Aii-lie explorers 1110 tho hiifi-Ht men in I he world to triiit yourself to. She -Why so? lie (with 11 lut xv haw) Tlie.y are al ways eoul in the time of greatest duu--r. Detroit Free Press. tflWlYr AM (TKIOt'S. T'hu seipioia is the big treo of Cult forma. A piuutcr near Alp'i ii--tt:, Ctx, has a largo field of red cotton. lu Hamburg, ( ierinuuy, the author ities tux u dog according to itshi'.e. The driest place m tho world is that imrt of Kgypt between tho two lower falls of the Nil -. More than 1. (Hill, 000 horses lllld mules have been throw 11 out of 11 job in the United Slates by the trolley wires, A lilst-water il i 11 llli llil, Cligrnvod with the figure of 11 two-lieiided bull, Ii 1 i b,-,-ii ili-C ivel'ed by tlu cxeavators at I'oiupeii, An unpublished letter olCoIiinihus, ldresN.-d to two ollieeri of the King of Arragoii in 1 I'.io, wa, read at the last session of th - Acinb in y of Moral in I l'olilieal Science in I'aris. 11. M. Chatlell of Chicago, has uu Ivg.yptiiiii coin more thini 'J, POO years Id. It is 11 silver piece of the time of ti'uccn Dercnice, wife of 1'iulemy III, whn rcigm-d abo.it lilo H. C. Ciistum ullicers near I'.eigrade re. ceiitly sr.;; d a lot nf hum in bones cousigui-d t.i a Vienna hone-boiling house. Th- y had one b- loiiged to Ktis.sinn uu, I Turkish tu'ilu r.i who full in tin war of S"S. L ".1 is I'ici r:i nf liatuvii, N. Y.,i, ii wound, d twice in the last war, uu I lets been slriiek by lij-hliiiug mice, twieo hliipw reeked at m :i, mid i tu.udied utnl crmheil in several nimiwav-. The other day 11 linger was crushed. It is r. lal. d of u I'oi'lluml. i;ng- land ship owner, who nnd of his ves sel being reported that ho took th lot 1 1 11 In and Ion ,'itude in which the Vessel was said to have been s, en, ulid fnitud she was in the do.-i i t of Sahara. Hunk notes, or "living motley," was first issued in China MM I!. C. These note,, were printed in blue ink on paper limn the libro of the mul berry tree, (l ie issued in lli'd'.l I!. C. is i'ie.ei ve.1 in th-..- Asiatic museum ut St. l'elelblllg. Among the Arabs a pl'ieliee from Inn" immemorial has prevailed of churning by p hieing tho milk in leather sklus, which urn shaken or beaten until the butter comes. A bag of milk is tied to a short rope, tho other tlid of whicli is fastened to 11 Slid lie, 11 -iil the horse 111 ide to trol. A Dentil)' Disease nf Our Tim,--.. lu connection with the cock-sum M.-iteinolit nf Mr. Ilowells that the pi, s- nt nice was iiev. r so healthy 1,11, 1 i-lioii!; as 11. .w, it i. interesting to read 1 he lollow in ; paragraph, w ritten by T. S. Cloiistoii, Superintendent of lb..-Moriiiiigsid-. Asylum, Scotland, lie sins : "One terrible form of bruin dis ease, with Mental sy iiipbiins, is ei r tainly iiiorcusiue. That mal adv luiii- be de. er'b d us a break down of the gn at c ni 1 c of ntitid mi l motion in the br.nn; il iiiivays goes on Iroui bail to worse till it renders ll vii'ltm utleilv lielph s, in mind 11 1 1 I body, and kills him 111 11 lew years. No i n,-e, and scarcely any mitigation of tin-, latter-day curse, has yet been d vt .ed. It is a disease nf cities, uf Ii ties , live , n! active bruins ill their print.-! sometime! nf difsiputimi and d' iiauch- iy, of III'.- nt high pressure commonly." I luring the past year the asylums 01" Scotland teeeived loll new casi s ; those 1. 1 r.iiphmd, 1, I'M, and those of Ire land, "-. l lie :is v 1 11 111 statistics nf this country show an even greater num ber. In a single asylum oi New York, for example, that at ( Igdeiisbitrg, there lu re among tl"- ,'i.V,l admissions 111 cat cs of general paresis. This would Make tie- plnport ioti of general peie sis over four )'er cent. Among sevi 11 -.t .t" asylums, to which l.'.UJ patients were n Imittcd in IS'.). I, tin r ' Were til! cases oi general paresis, i-i a III tie o,ei- thru- per cent. If four per cent be the general rutin for this disc in the state of New York, then tho total number of paretics among the li'i.tHH) insane Would be about III'). As a maiti e of fact, ih number i.i much greater, bee oise the proportion nf tills dlsi-HHO is larger ill tin- Nett York fin I Km;; county asylums than in thus,-- nl the state at large. lint even if there were bip, 4,01)11 cilses of general paresis umo'ig iho llM.IHVl in sane of this country, if would bo mi extraordinary evidclici of tho devcl 1. pun-tit nf 11 dise.. sit which III the lust century was certainly imt known, even if it did exist. Modioli! Ii -cord. III.' Mountain but a Stupid Animal Altlioiit.il the 111 1 1 ti 1 11 1 1 1 go it is it rty H'irc-fontod and level-h'-iuled mii. null, lie is said by those wlm have hunted him (of whom I conic. 1 I inn not one) to bo 11 very si lipid iiiiiiiiid lllld eil-lly killed when 011C1I the ll 11 li te I' reaches his haunts. In .ictuul weight he is about the size of tho Vir ginia deer, but in bulk ho seems to be larger because of his shaggy lleecu of wool Mini hair. The horns nro small, sin . t li and j t black, and the hoof is a strange conibiiiutioii of rubber pud oil the inside mid k.iife-cdgo oil the outside, to hold tho owner on stiow, ice or btiro rock without slipping. .St. Nicholas. Highest of all in Leavening a svC7 4B50WTEEV PURE STRANGE THINGS IN MISSOURI. Tliry Arc I-'nuiitl In tho HotclH of That Famous Old State. When there nro only two hotels Aw n Hiniill miiii try town tho ontonto cor ilhilo Is quite froipieutly et rallied. For Instance: It was In Missouri. There hnil boon n suihloii Influx of trade nnd the register contained six names, the record for tho year. It was iho evening of tho second day, also Hiipper time. Tho first man In tho dining room kiotleed tho tibsonco of butter, y imtli he to the Hollo of tho 7iirk uh.i waa distributing prunes mid other delicacies: "Kindly kIvo ine some butter." The ltellc of the Oznrks piuised a moment. Then she decided to make 11 clean breast of the whole affair. "I'm sorry, sir, but wo ain't got none. There's none lu town, except at tho oth er hotel, nnd they wou't let us luivo none. They're Jealous because wo'vo got you gents. Will you liuie some apple bnlter'f" The humor In 11 small hotel Is not always furnished by the people who live therein. In one case also In Mis souri It was the letter bond of the In- Milutlon thai furnished a-smile. It was built something like this: Tin: a v knit: ihu si;. litest III Town.) MltS. I'.inVAIill SMITIIKUS, I'roprh-toress Ial Suilthers ihusbumll, Clerk. And yet the village gossips say thorn Is imt a female siilTiaulst In town. They do not seem to realize they are entertaining the "new woman" una wares. Tho man who Is responsible for tho following Is not addicted to tho llshltpg story habit, neither has he ever made a campaign nllldavit. So his slory Is at least entitled to some consider:! 1 lout ".lust across the street from my room - this nlso was in Missouri -was the town clock. 1 had left 11 cull for li. I was awakened by a vigorous pounding on Iho door, and when I responded 'nil tllit,' the man w ho was doing the work of au alarm clock drawled out: "Must wanted to tell you, stronger, that If you heard that clock strike tl you have twenty minutes more to sleep. The clock's that much fast." " Tin-re's tuie town In Missouri on the Santa l-'e not far from Hie scene of a recent train robbery -In which there me seven bouses, l'ive r.f tlieiu bear the sluu "Hotel." Tin- others llaiiut a legend "Itooius to Kent." As trains only stop tin-re to take water it's pretty lunii guessing where the revenue enmes In. I'l'llill I '001 Is. T'.raln workers require the most on-Cellli-ilteil lllld easily digested foods; they should eat fresh beef uinl mutton, lish, eugs cooked In many forms, but never hard boiled lior fried -oysters, nml nil fre.di green vegetables, espe cially cool, crisp salads, lettuce, chic ory, tomatoes, watercress, etc., with iiiayoiniais.., or l-'reiich dressing. Tin y should begin the day with fruit, and make It form the principal part of luncheon; and be very sparing In their use of cereals, eschewing entirely white bread and oal meal. CXXIS ENJOYS 1'iotli tho method and results when fcyrtip of Figu is taken; it ia pleasant mid rdrceliine; to tlio tajdo, aud acta pcnlly yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and lWula, cleausea the sys tem cfiectually, dispels colds, head nclies and lev era and cures habitual constipation. ivrup ;f Figs is tho t i;ly remedy ol" its kind ever pro dined, pleasing to tho tasto and ac ccptaMo to tlio stomach," prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its (Herts, prepared only from the most l.calthy ai'.d a;;retabIo substances, ita inany excellent (jualities commend it to all aud have niado it tha moet popular remedy kuown. Hyrup of Iij is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliablo druggist .who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try iu Do not accept an substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SV fliifiCISCO, CAl. lUUISVlUE. HI. W YORK. t. .11 V JT k-sT-fT- eS; "Wash us with Pearline! " Tliat's all we ask. Save us from that dreadful rubbing It's wearing us out ! " We want Pearline the origina. washinc-comjiound the one that has proved that it can't hurt us Pearline! Don't experiment on us with imitations! We'd rather bo rubbed to nieces than eaten un." vt rower. Latest U.S. Gov't Report 1'roTcroa of Bavmgcn. -The proverbs of savages aro shrewd nnd pithy. -The Hasutos say, "Tho thief catches himself;" the Yorubas, "Ho who Injures another Injures him self;" Wolofs, "Ueforo healing others, heal yoiirseU." In Accra thoy say, "Nobody Is twice a fool;" Among tint OJI, "The moon docs not grow full In 11 day," "Tho poor mini has no friends." A l'iishto proverb says, "A feather doe not stick without gum." Others are "A crab does not bring forth a bird;" "A rnzor cannot shave Itself;" "Cross tho rlvor before you iihuso the croco dile;" "Truth Is spoken only by 11 strong man or a fool;" "l'erseveriuice alivnys) triumphs;" "The thread follows tint ih-cdle." A Witty Judse." Mr. Justice Hawkins Is 0110 of Lon don's wittiest Judges. Ho was one day sitting hearing a case, and whllo tho counsel for the plaintiff was ad dressing him was obviously more In tent on giving Instructions to the at tendants to close n window and try to stop a draught than attending to the arguments put forth. At length, when his lordship was inore composed, the learned y. C, annoyed at his argument going to the winds In such a manner, said: "I am not quite sure whether your lordship caught that point." The Judge was all attention again. "I am Hot ipilto sure I did," be said. "There's only one thing I nui sure I have caught, and that'lsa cold." Dr. PIERCE'S Golden fledical DISCOVERY Cures Ninety-eight per cent, ot all cases of Consumption, In all Ita Earlier Stages. Although by many believed lobe incut .1 ble, there is tilt- evidence of hundreds of livinc witnesses to the fact that, in all its rattier stages, consumption is a curable disease. Not every case, hut .1 n.yc ffittti.uf ; I'iMi'.i, and we believe, f'nlh- 'V !; !. ai e cured by III. Pierce's I'.oldi-u Medical Discovery, even after tin- disease has ptngri-sscd so far as to induce Tcpealcd iih't-iliiifis from the lungs, severe linuct inu coiikIi with copious cxpectoratimi (includ ing tubercular matter) gnat loss nf llt-.?U and extreme emaciation ami weakness. IF YOU OIVK TIIKH IIKIT. Ynti rnnnt ito tliift uuloNK ym uii1-r-fMinl Uu in rni'l knv tnw I'Mittt-r ri lltt lr rriilrt-iuiiit-; ,iiiI ymi tuti'dl tp nl y ii'x nml ilultiirn It'.triiuiK U mtIimkv, you niiiti Itiiy (h knou )ctt;f ttjn r ! I iv iitiicri, W'v (Tir Hits (ti you for t nl) i cout. YOU WANT THEM TO PAY THEIR OWN WAY, '-en If yon merWv kc-it thi'iii iim h Iivhih. hi ir d r to Iuhi'IIm Ki'wU jtiillri nislv, m mint kin' .4tiitt'ililM4: iiUnir them. !' nwvi i tils wntit wut cf a jT.i.7.-.ii iN-tHtrv r;ilMT for I Will J iubi Mrt-nt) ttv,. inr. Ii w:w wrltt n um.ni wtm ) ul II bis mlii. I, (i in I tlttH', anl Muttit-y I nmklnn a mi rsf t hl.'kt n raliHiie mil ana ( Inn. Mil a - iln'!iH-.Tit If ynuwlll pnm ly liln iwriify-tlv it AD ' work, you cau many Chirk annually, Uihh ChU km." an,t iniiko v.iur Kt.wls i-iirn .l.-llar for yon. Th l-.int l. lli;,l .-" iiiii-l ll,li- lo O.-li i t ir.-nhli-in Uu- l'..iiln v Vnril at .iii an It H.niir, nu.l kuoir Ui.w it. r.-ioe Iv ll. 1 1,1s li... It M ill I. , li - II loll, ll-.w I.i ll..tl',-l un.l enrr lil-.-.-lM'; It. fi'i-tl fef PKlrt ami uls.. fi.rriill.'iiliiiti wliltli f.iwln losuveffr l.ri't'ililiK iirist-, au.l issrvll,ni, In.l.'.'.l, S-" theulil kM i.ii IhH iuI.J.h I l-iinnkt- II .r..ili,ill... B.-iii ..o,i,l 1 r,.rii-iii ilvi-o-nis in unuiii s. Book Publishinc House, 131 l.Kon.iw st.. K. Y. city. Tlf "T.tNPNK" n tliii Tk-sl uil Miwt Kcononil rnl Clltim an.l OiiffH w,-iii; tl,i-y am li-u.la vf lino rl.-th, t-ilh atili-a fltnsli.-.l atiVi-, anil ts. iu .worHi 1,1,., miM-nUnr laftiniii to twoyl any otl,r kliul. Il-,- t tl iw, Vftr mil Mill l"fK trell A l-eiof T. ii Cullaraiir Fivel a,rol Cuffa lor T-'ily-t'lva CA'siinrl'-ollaranfl Pair of OufTa r,atl lor BlI Cauta. Ku-noatylaandaizo. Atltlrisa IIK KU.B1DI.K COLLAIl COMPANY. nrraaVlio BL, Be York. 17 Kllby tit., Doitoa. PARKER'S UAID BALSAM Clramt-i ui..l lnl,.a the hair. l'r..,i..t,a a luvuimil un.win. Nrvrr Knila to Ht-atoatf Oray ll.ni- to llii Youllilul Color. (,'iuci. i"'l' 'i -,,-'" hair l:inij. .VI-. nv HI -it i.n;-a,.n Chickens nn mi duiicy Itil'liftcl. Ali.'l.-. llul" im. l.ii"-i T cuHts MkH iii Lst Tails. T 3 K tloat ouilh Hyrn. Toslrt HihhI. Uae Jl ln '' - jf j jJ al