lUH&Ulittll-AIPf n 3 THANK THE LOT ELLS! To Them Mora Than to Ollirn In Hue Fulr I'Uy Acconlod lo Wliee.mon. From the bclnnin? of cycling In thin omitrv tho mukors lmvu l.eeu its slr.un:'st bulwarks, mid to thoni isilur tin credit fur tl: vrouil position rl.lors if tin- hii' lmM. T i th mouihors of the trado. therefore. v nmrh. us tt wn tlii-ir pluck an-l thoir moiicy that huvo uiudo for nsoiir position. rot . rr.s ?. s. i.ovrt r A 'n an;: th" in''" wh ' "a'dv fi'li f ' h.'nf !l!s rf .v.-liiu.-. m l .li t ii. i I'.sitai" ! x .il l 111 'll.'V. is I '..o.'l lt"l S. l.i.Vfl'. "I Ii Trc-i-iirer of tin' I 'i'i I'. 1- v-'ll A rin - ( ' ! -1'llllV, of lll.ll '-'IV. 'I'll' II" firm num.' 1 :n Invi'i II funoiiur ..11 l.'f -ver llflv ...-iy, Ii IV- lii.; I la'.h h- 1 ii. iMii. 1. -ii -r a r- ing goo. Is mil Lu.ii. M-in:. ii i kin. In .1 f in. I... it . I. in it i-.i i it-ni i'l- v s ...ill. I i-Mi..:i.;. in l'if 'iM'iin:: :i:t I scllili : -t l.i"V.'l. ,j. Thru- -n. has ! i-i-n ii'il i I.-.1. in they Imv l. a.l" ! l.ani'j I. -r I h" I , .v 'II I'i.i'ii'.iil r"!" i- a fa'ii'hai-I - - li... "ii" in every liaiiil i i'i 111" l-iti.. Ii is possil'l- inn- 'l a:.-1 1 mt with. -lit i'.l. jiti.l ii -ii -it. 1 1 -r-i' 1- . ii". t-'. us r"a.a i-f i-iii-rent liP-ratnr.- will .i. I n: M . f. -r li:i v.- ri--t (ill ..f lis .ii..,.iliec. III" - V 1 1 1 1 I i - H...ll "I.. V.'ll I'i IM1..II.I-. ' T !H1. Ht" 111.' L.T. -i aii!..i;li! thai tun I ": -1 1 - I tor a Ivrti-- 1 ti lt W'.'ild I " a .hi!'.. -it It l.u-k. I. nt it i- - that eolisldela1 Iv i i VI t I' '.'IH'I Wa--,"lll hv th.'in luring 1 'I. A ii th" I. in Kit-tern In I ! ; lia-l flit in- . "''I h 1 I. t - -a in .ii-v. Iill l 111" "a M Hi"- 'ii:.'.l nam v pa.:. exploit ing I...V-II I'...-- :i . t'v -. Can it 1 1" ..ii l"" I at. Ih"l'. that . - -'. i 1 1 r .,ls I ......M:" . pa',!", when li. "ii le.e I'.'l .I" I I...V-U -pen! su.-h -im;- 1"" .1 - .' i:,.h.ii -l I. .v.-ll is T." i-.i.":- ..f ill" .1 .h:i I'. l...V"li Arn.- I' "ipai.v. -.i.-l i- a man "f ro- 1 'i-lii"-.-. aUati'lii iHTii-ii"" i'i I an III . rival' ill" il" t.vtll "f . -v.'i-v ." M.iita-I . ,11.111;. ..a -.1 I v I. a ..-1 I" .;u.. ii I h i.i . I..-, i.. J.' .-nt i ia i.. th I i. .v. rn i I. a '. ii..w: nil l-t:i'T. lh-I'.,-' n r..av -nil. .a an '. ; ift ..i hi- i. n . i-hi- -..i ' .- . a .. . I' r . II ' 111 . .. -I...I th M-il. a., I n ..'' l '.i.-v l I I. .a- 1. -." i i'l.l U Tw a;n's 15 lern ma. la.'V M M'U 'I w am . to a i I' ll I !! iJridi.'.u i 'bib Wiisaiii::!.::. 1" Was sell I tilii.. hi by return mail, the club !.:'"i ! had I'. ell !l -.;Ie, ihat an iiive.ii' uii.l hts r. ,!'".-H.-e.-i 1.-: .... I l :s i,. ."ity 1'i.r a i:i " 1'hi.s" u ." " I -a Isaa.-V" "II' mail my n il" 'r lln; an !""!" plaiiifl' thai 1 I'i's at:.! iuv.t . w hleli in fie .a . ('.insist!'.! ..f iv:; them. W lit-ii a ether lialli". the ly: -I ,i..,.'t Ue .. and sh,. t...l I have t'.'i-u .ii"ii lie is .:....i:,".l Ii"!'.-!1 ll." !:i.. Wh"h I I v. !! hi .-!n:i it- - a' ! I and 1 .!.-:.': l!i". ; -I i', 'i' . i eeii-iiii v.'ii a'- a 1 1 1 -i ! ; 1 1 i ii-'-" fvmls ij i . that's i;.- i. ! . t"ld l.itu - !!; 'I-aae. w !: -n I i Kt. IV:..,- i Pi..r:i:ii;; ::n. n-: p.'lit" f:il-"li.....N name, and 'inei I' phet I'.'l' "U t M". i hied I bat 1 eil ill!'.. 111). W :i. I. Mr. I I en id iu ' "W'i. . H Ilea !'.!" :t ha V- : ::-. M :!.' UI'sVV 'T-. I' iii i : "I f . 'ti- ai way s ."s, jHi. then laini.-l i.ed vv aa t Is Isaac's illlu 'l ist replied. sj.. . My vvil'f ! lit-.- I him. .' hat !-?s IlJliile s. Put 1 . all him Isaac, as f " l i " liia' nearly ' s ai ol' Ah.a'i.iin. hi.'IhI to cut him up n:i i.!"i .hi :':" altjir, ' ; an.:. !- Icil, r till a. ' "I esn't e "f it ! -W "I's y..i:r II" , - I't. always and il.l-. I Si.d I: 1 1 y ier !,.,.l; all an al.'oi.' Ioeay Kept i't !!ay. Mod.'!- te e;.;!.;- ' I : i . . 1 1 .: !l' i!'e doe iniii Ii to retard o,d a::e. A mei i "ti taiiiins :i l : i i i ' : 1 1 1 1 1 1 -li'i-c'it ..f earthy p:!-iie!es p;-. -..'..; ' . s-. -o ie. from l.iii. li.'i.jil b!. .a-...'.-. i-sii'c 1 1 . : i 1 1 . t (leposil". in ll;e body l.iii.' .lears n'' in tliiiiKin' diet must be dis solved .'is far Jis pr.aef .-.a i .Ie. Ailentiotl must 1." "ilea t.. tiie dritikitii water; Cllleli of ii ... Hiatus lill!.- in .-eessiy.-prol'orti'.ll. of ol'.ier inilleral i-lel leills. Iiistilleil water and acid fruits ;i,c . tU Ciieloiis and I'.e 1. :i.-t li.i t icful. Their elietiiie'il :i,ii..!i t'.'i.ii'ls :!.- s' ill'ellit'-i of the joints, rli.-'iiiiaiisin ai !. in fa.-t, old ti-:.'. The daiiv u--.- i -f dii ill. -.1 w ti ter is. ill'ler middle ii.'e. ' of the most Important means ..f pi on: seci-"-ti"iis and the . t.-tn 1 1 i . i 1 1 1 of heabli. 'I'll is rule ol.sery.-d. and takim: .letitv ff fruit, especially jui.-y 1 1 1 1 -. U ! tip ples, av .iiliiii; .all f Is rich in earthy Halts, physical decay or ."tiTinratiim Will be kepi at bay. Always Tired a .laic-.T". is c..ii liti.m, h.van-o it , irenii' that 111" y.lalily is 1. .miii fxlriust- rd l.y r.-iis.ia .it impoverish "! l'l "" I. nv new life to 111" vital I'ui'l an I 111" a-i-v.-s and I nmseles will i;n.v str..i:i-'"r. Ito" l' Sar-a- parilla s'ivs str.'iu'lh. I auso it makes pure, ri-'h I.I 1. ;.-ai--:ni.f r Hood's Sarsaparilla Is til. in tiie only tni" pahli" ev ....I .iiriil.-r j.roiii'iH-iilly ' "' Tl ; "lx f"r '' iililly (utLurlic. -j . ASK VOI R PRl (i(ilST I OR The BEST FOOD FOR Dvspeptic.Delicate.Tnfirm and AGED PERSONS JOHN CARLC & SON.. Hsw .irk. 10 K r A KM AM (iAKt EN. TARIUNrt l'IIW3 AT Nl.lllT. lt in oik' (if tlio ilini Ivatit nres of pasturing thai it necessitates oottiii"; the cows ut ii i.L; lit iu ii ynril I'm- hiilU iug wlioro they arc iiMiuliy lol't until liioi nitif,' without fcuil. 11' cows cotiKl huvo thoir way tlicy would ilo most of their griizini; tit in''lit, whilo the nir is cool, only lyinj; ilown when they hail lillt-.l tlieiiisi'lvei. It will jmy to cut some yrnss for tlio cows put ii in the yni'il, nucl when this is ilnno tho i-ll'ect of incivnseil yiclil will imluco tlio laniior to titalilo his cows iliuiii' the hi nt of the ihiy, mnl provide trroeti food for them. At ni;;ht tho cows iiiiht ho allowed to run in some pus till'..' lieiir the ham, putting them up in the morning. ()nly ti feed nt tioou and ni'ht would thou bo required. Lioton Cultivator. hiii i'.ss wiru saiii:. The I.idy who iinpiiiod iiimut the cultivation ol mi:;" should purchase n p.iper of l-'li'llsh 1 "ond-lent' seed, of Milne rtliali'.e el'ower. 1 prefer the leviid-leaf n it ii 1 a;t to run to i-a d. I'i. p.u e a I'ed for the s ed with a lew 1 :i Iff tils of th" MirfniM from tiie hen yard, and mix that with the tint in the seedbed thoroughly. j When the plants are lai';;o eiioiiih trali-philit in inws Is inches njairl. l'i'ieh oil' the biidi when they appear; if allowed to ) to seed, it is injurious to the plant. When tu" leives tire lari'O enough, pick or cut them olV an I spt'i ii I in a dirl, warm room. The sooner it di:e- th.' better it i--. When dry place it in an iur-U",iit bur. 1! i'.'t'o a ruin it H wa ll t" throw a spadeful ef li"!l miuui'e lib. ait tin plants. Miitittr t.ik. n from the Mir l'aee of the yard is best, :l-. it i-li't s. Miv:i '. Xow Ivi-jlaiil !l en --t"ad. :-vi;n r-i r ni.l'liv l'l r. LVetl! ill- l-e lliliou p. ry precaution lest you into your promises. ui'iy sliow lie,' lh" si lU.try, briii;.: li . n. t .lightest ; which a, for a buy p j trace you h , niiM tr.'iib i those ii Ui- -a- ', or i-euiiMine; V.' the sit ;llle-.t sll .pi.'i i.i .'as o in ay ... iv -. p .. if vour ii. iitrodue out ll .ok : sil) ii'-. a sirioti r.v.iy from , iliv if t.n ii'-. have or Il iv.- hnl any .lis. a- ', ti III .l.'siiifeet all sueh f.e.Us lln iii.e,:eut they show any unfav arable svinp! .m . I'' hot h t lheai remain witi, ii..''"-. Kill oil' tii-. Hints in a; .--i th-.v b s. l:. ma! -tin .I't."!' I -t tuio li .-..'.v the ..,'. r. d. I'. ii 'i t ii i i'ird-, or burv th .pi'.eh. I ! buri. d i'i l he ii'icjirllie.1 by d. a .I.- -a " si-i-ecl lheady sick rar preventive Ir. at:; l'l oil' 1 il" ll:.-"!!-.'. :r . ihd th y b. t.i lh 'nil;: , but pro ma v a, o, a. 1 ie .pucker a al'il t ie- call of l! i . t itbb; the I not I . eiiti'.ifs id I til'. I V.eii t-'ttls nil liable o contain Vm l ie in A rrieiiit- "e-rms of .lis. tins'. i i: i:i.v m v i'. ! :!' i i: vs. '1 U" ..r-i r. all of hnviu"j tiie team tiie v-'iily muck. I in vv.e.k is that neither is abi. to . et l il - fail power in puiiiu i ll" sio-.v and fi-tni"ii hinder-tiie oticr. and neither can do i;-b'st. I'iii i is a prael i" il basis for the aueieii: inj'iu' :n tie- law .0 Mo.-es thai the oxiindthe lis- should not be yoke l t. luetic r. Tu- re is ills., a lie d 1 u- 'in : proportion i n't wo. ll the team and its driver. Tu it m ijor ity of farm work requires that the driver shall walk, and a slow team hunt- the ann.iitit that an aciive, abb -bodied mall au iiccoiiipllsii. We Weil r -uieiuber v hile a b iy on a farm pk.wuu with a:i ox team that could led In.' mi le to turn over an acre a day. A siuarr horse team with th" s mie pb.iv would turn at. acre and a half .r two acres. Such n dili". tetiec as t explains why much farm help falls to earn its va'os. Th'team for farm .v. ok should be active rather than pl blue.'. This activity is not nt all hie i iipatio!" w.t'i sip rior stren'.'lii and ciiduraiiea. American Cultivator. wu vr l li.i.Ki' iiiiKs'-. is. 1'iil "1 die. .-e is an imitation cheese mad" II' .in skim milk, whel'. lo at the curd foi'miii": period certain oieatfin nus matter is added and tin cininicaily (nk -n up iu the cell of the card. In their makeup then! is n chemical i nihility whatever, no change of con stituent demerits. Tim skiin-inilk curd simidv holds the added fnttv iu itter, whutever i! in-iv b", uiechiiluc ally. The curd is ih.- capsule, tho fat js jts coiit 'iits. If heat dissolve, or inciBiou dir.ui it I he cover in ;, tii.-n the fat exudes. lake a s'niiii.e of tilled . ii ti i j ciccso aii't i no ii in unr iiu.i ! you rub out all the Int and separate the curl mi. I its contents. Your j hands will then be covered with 'crease, imd the ciirdwlnoli held il j will be sepunit" and distinct. A pile of b .X"S of tiiem iu a h d siiiumer's i day will drip "reuse i..,d m ike a pool iul' refiiso iipoath" sloi-o floor about j Ihein as the st and. Pr.ieticilly, the I neutral oil and the curd micjlit put as I well be served at ft table ill sepamto 1 dishes, as to have tho oil conveyed to ' the consumer in the cap-ule of tho ' cheese curd. That Mich clumsy provision o! pren.'io should be sup iiosd to inipos" tipjun tho "liiininii" is ii Mrr con, incut upon the ability 'of tlio. race to t ike care of itself. A jmblic4!iat can not protect itself nninxt sueJi fo'.ly i.i not u competent in tho selection and uso of food as mi 3Uttdli;i-ttt horse, which, if cheese wcivi hisfiliot, could never be fooled bytsuo'i compoiiiids as theso imitations. One tiling is certain, "the ii.aiiiifaet ureis of this HtulV havo". nlwiiys boon mnl always will lie s. v?relv imiiisheil by heavy loses. "Veil fetne is mine. (Miith the Lord, 1 will.? reti tv," has never b.'on more fully d"iuonstratod than iu tins history of 1 1 fooii .huess, very truly remarks n'.i cxchaii";.'. Dairv World. ft i.riv.xii.iNjor Ai'ri.f utteii vtiiis. When ute plained ill moist linn I m valleys ou Hie liniilers f rivers ami j small streams, see liner the land to ;:rf ss when they are si to ten years uldiuniv nut prove li.jiirious !o the treiw, ns the erasi al ls in the vaporatiun of the moisture, bat trees lihihted in 1'1'lni.iK in i.ur naliirallv rathei-dry cl uuale iiMialK- siill'rr for the want of moisture duriie; tin- slim mer iuotit lis ; r.ui apu nt !y we cannot name a time when a i iiple oivhnr I would Jiot be b. iiehted by I,, enilli; tho i;rotllidYultlvaVd ii'iioti- th" lle.'S. If the hill. I1 in sod led down 1! should never be with era-- s formin-; a close, t it.'h sward, a-u-u i! with vio'i kiti.U as blue .;fiish and red I ip. U si clover and orchard l;:iiss are be-t l..r sucli purp and t!l"l' e should not .ii'iin more b .f .re they I a ehl'ieii o'.'lell tlot.e .-. or thro - i i ars l ' l Ilii del' I'll I lot. il. Hut ue have when f irm rs at- tha: tempt to cultivate lu-.Ii' . they leas a a I.-n-e;i" p i:e weeds n;i ml the stem -imply b c.iii-..' liiev 1 ,'ht'i I I'd I . an I ;l a .1 iii trees. Kill.' I run tiio p'.otiffh or en; I :v f. !' eio withoiit l.U.'i-:lii ; oil' t the w Ifit'ib'tr.a s .an 1 n -e u;i to thetn birk with i: hot the iT.'ii cu.t.vat" I in t:i iciiar 1 p men .. to xtr.i Will skip the i o I pile cut tie in up iv. tir . labor. S. a and w eed ai of the tieis ale ec places ..f lh" app'a-ti-i other i:i- cts, aa 1 lor ili -neh Mh lis r h .ul. I b s b. ei llt'ie "lit i in- i t. ins I. :ii hiding i'orer and is r, :;-,,!i ail ivm 'Veil imd al'. eih I 1 lie iron-, "inw ati'l iiel li- r in;. We are. a spa si"!ll - ii-;4 p! ol several led :ld be kept tic. . at all tunes, are old "t y..u to think that lneliii-d f lii. oUs . ..f th" I I . an t r suit than hi- t.. ipidiy i than York 1 u. :n el ot cut ivat loi !.--. ' lis. eis lhjui uiiiliipiy more land I- iiucu 1 i v a'i , CUiliVllU'l. NlW I tnnt wic r. I VliM M' l. Alii" .on have a il-';: n: . It v on have a d-u: ' .- tiiat h has hot idetitv of Cool wal'T .tariii'; th' f Cool wal'T d iys. '.very Stat - an I Tert itor country has one or men. i x stations. To make the most i .it : f led o: iy imi t the . , 1 1 iljty -..f ihl"t be n '"il iuit ll ni'l-t be the ni'irk't in the most form, and It miis he .1 li" ii this n in -nt put upon attractive and rei; uiarl v if I ha trad built up IS lo I-, hei.l. ( be- jidvaula ...' of dairy in : la ." id e in vv nil d h r f it iii wo.-U i it al ls iu sccuiili,' leuiarilv. make 1 il" h-asl .-urns-, t il" fee t hat To 1 1 lljs'. mi. Mil". i - it-- re iy to lh and : i 1 1 ii i- ' I"'-' other work ; and this t. nolioii of a r llolll I bo ids fi-eiit-"uiiir svs- tela ill ail that Ice Wnelin r it is b s to lie dou '. -t t.. fe. d th w'liie siie is oil paid pasturii",.. luil-t d 1' lid oti what Iced is worih ami what butt' r or milk is wortu. Where bran or oil mail or earn meal cm bo secured nt low pr:c -, while the milk itu. I butter i' iu b" m irki te l at a "ood price, it is often iclvi-ibie to do so. Lick of care m sillnu' often ruins tie lir. ii. I in butler. I'. ... c .arse s ilt Is il-d, and then pl'op.-re.'1'c is not taken in taiMtiu; it thr.en;'! the iu ish of Initio!' Hill, in Cfe 'j'l'-UCe, i lit" o-aiu ol tie- liutter i. ail broken up. l hi" decided advanlau-.' in brine s ilt lie; is thai this Is a'.inosl entirely avoid ,1. ( lue of the ino.-t important iti ms in making winter ln iry i n-j i tit i.i ! i, in luakiu"; ihe cow-cdmf .rliilil". Tii slnblcs should be reasonably warm an 1 dry, and these should be provided in Kim I sens. in. Th" nvera.'e farmer can not iill'ord to maintain animal heat hv feeding f;rain, nnl with the dairy cows this is especially tru--. While the partienlar form uf the pneklie;.. in which Ihe b itler Is sent to market must conform larcj'lyto th... demands i f the market, there is une fact that ill all cases must be tlio rule, and that is the pie;, cpi mu-t he in nt and attia -live ; an I a ran ; d or mad" so, lh buli.-r will In- in ;,'.... I eo .ili tioi when place 1 in m i!e. There is one ii--in in dairvin that is too often overlooked, a i i Hint is the proper feeding of tii" c nv in order to innke the most out of them. While liberal feeding is ipt'te nil item, the cost must always Ii an niiportniit fac tor. To kno.v how mid ulmt to feed in order to produce the most mid the lu st iniik is fully as important ns hi. e ni I leedint;. (JI AIM' AM Cl'ICIOI'S, The coldest place itl tha io.'-hio; is UU lenient!! the ice, not on top of it. The Siiah of I'el' ii his just ex pond d ?-,IHlll,llli) for a new layer ill";. The t'liine.-o m ike caiidie of u vege table wax, the l'1'oducl of the cnlidlo berry tree. No picture is hull"; on the walls ol tho Louvre, in r.ui-, nul l the artist' shall have been dead ten years. Frank Sin 1 Ion, ihe pint" -sional pedestrian, walked tuun Chioaeo to New York in twenty-live days, u:i I witiiini ; n wa -er of fsl.Hllil. The Word "llillall ill," accotditi',' to Lord 'h"sterliehl, was manufact ured byLidy France! Shitl y, who n.-ed it in the i x let sen ." a'.t ictie I to it to-day. Aboil! loll the apron was an llid;--pen-ablo part of every laly's dress, il w as m id" of nil suits .ii costly m i teri d , an I was "."ii rally bor b. led tt ll ll line laee. Th- lliike ol File, it ntay itiN r. at the 1 in it MUM! to Know, Keep, tulva suits ;; at th" sai.i- lime, an I III Vcf w. the saan I I s t '10 Sll! lollies tw hv W I l'i!!l'ri,' w is lir t introduced into Muslim I iiuii i ;tli" rei.:u of 4n n ll i.: ili. t h. Tiie liisi piece iinporlid nil. pies ule 1 to lln Vir;;ili ,lilecli to make a t all' for h.-r Ii ;:. L Her can n t- in London t omo- 1 1 in- - I eray beenii- of the v.i i number i.i streel which nave the i-;. til" lei m . 1 In l e i'.' 'Ji! I Vie:. ii ta i ts, op) Aiiieft street . in. 1 I'.'l sir. "!-, '.'I I I'r stu e s, '' I J 1'iiar sir. Wlsil ! li'i li are tiio h:tcrt A car I with a j things 1 i: v. li hboli" quotation lain:, i m Iii" c ut. r and n V, J Ittl II b 'lleaill Is to, u in I a pi ce "lyeu to a la Iy lll'lli l esiee: ,', e!y. l'.'li t- , cur -d bv m itehiii ' th : Tii'' 111" t M in the I'.'iit .1 M-lllCos, i:i a s,. Il l a i Had., cjiuon. or t.i nun- Soil f the C IV.- drcil feet ri'"l;i til p.'iidicuhir sid and how lh"ii- i ha b dto'll of tic- p. l' if I li" e iiiou wans, CCiialili ;;ailied III- pr s. is a luv st iy A trill of a" I "ViT illu-traie I re ht!v w lieu a wns .VV II Liiu'li-h at 1 1 -I m t le a paiiiti'.i, .. h.iiii;' old b. eh trees ill a K.-nt p.i turc, which In- s d I tor .".-l, tihb Th owner nf ihe pasture -.yld his land the trees to", tin r f,ii- .--"ilMI, im I e. It a oo i -n'e at that. II I I cil I lire null Ili- Side. Tin re is on" man in Si. Lnu , wh i is Ullll'-'le to take Ilo 'I rishtll. Ill iu th I'l dinarv way, and l fed tliioii . ii a hole in Ills Sid". The pate nt is Wiiaiy K is, low, sexelity ycarsiif a ;.', whovvji-. . . j r.-it I upon iit his home, corner uf Mane :ics ti T load and lir.l.'id av line, re. '. day. Ix c-ehi-.v hat in i:i" Ho,ii nf ihe ii'irt". Tor six months i has been Mi-l nui .1 entirely tin..;, iepud f I. I. a! iy iiis condition ;.'-' w v. ry ieri nils, and for a period of live days pre c diiu; the operation it was impos-i .o for him to take nay nourishm.-u' whatever. Ir. doseph S. IS.nir, ie sist.d by lrs. Louis I'.nir, W. V. Kingsbury and J. J. Nlt'oll;;, operated upon him. lt was impossible f r tii nir;:" hp to dniu'iio ,o the case, bill th - siippo-.i-tio.i was that a cancerous urow tii had term d in the -tola ich. I! peite I a' temps had b"cu m tde to ..pep til i s i pha;;'is, leit wiillotlt Ml s. A'.'.t I a i i niralice had been mile into tic stoniaeh n l-il'fi! tunior "I III .' ii nta, just above th" i'sohu::us, vvju foiin I. llwai linposililo, however, ti re move th" tumor, would have lesii't. 1 in tii ' pitient's ih ath. Tii1 problem which t! o surgeon's had to solve was Innv to nourish tile path-Ill. An aitiiici-il mouth was made, n i l tliloiih this he will bo fed. i.e eeiitly for th lirst time since the ope ration, he was i-appli 'd with nourish lil"lit. Ill- diet hereafter, will be w holly liipiid, a- auythiii"; re-piirui" must lent i. .ii coiil 1 not be diuested. Ir. los. ph L. IS in r. "i spcalviipej nt tn,. case, said tha Kas- low e. mid pl'obai'iv b" kept nine loi -..ill-. -Si. I.. ill. tdobe llciiioerat. An anuiui.' for his On a Funeral. This is a cheerful story that Mr. Thwentt, the Kastein passenger il". tit of ili! Soiiilnra Kiilwiy, tol l m . due day there came into his New Yoik olliee n ih llcale-lniiklU"; mill, who l,Co.r,.,l H levvinonioiiis' pi' i vat t e co n v e r satloli. h.-il il was granted he said . "I Clime to see about hnvili", a dead body carried to Florida, I want to make nil the in I aneiip ids so there will be no confusion n,,r mistiik.-." And he nvc the inline and address and every possible direction, except the time nt which tho body wns to be culled lor. When Mr. Thwcatt asked that, the man said : "lcin'ttell you that exactly. It will be within a month, mnl you will hi' notifp-d of the time. Inter." "Why, w lios" body is it?" gasped the nstonidied passenger ae;eiit. "Mine," whs the answer, and iu los than a month it w is all ns lh sick man had said. Fvorvthiug was done as li hud directed. W'asuinirtou l'ont. r.lnnt Oi l llisninreU. Haron rrukcscli. the Austrian pleni potentiary mid president ef lln- liet. In the early days at Frankfort, was much In the habit of bullyiii";. tine ovonint,', when at a lari;o social K.-nher-lii"T. llisnuirek and l'rokeseh, sitrroiin l ed by a brilliant "noiip of diplouiiils, well ilisenssiii a protocol based oil certain eipiivoeiithcis, rrnkesch said, look iii.i; straight at liisinarcU: "If that were not true, then I, in the name nf my imperial master, should have been guilty of lyiiiK!"' Keluniiiis his jsiiw without a syinptoin of fnltoriiij.', "I'io cisely so. Jour excellency," slowly said Iiismnrck. The troiip. tlnnulersirnek aml embarr.isseil. scarcely Knew which way to turn, l'rokeseh moved nway; but later, at the siippcr-ttiMc, he mine ever to liisnuirek' with a cjass of chain panne and "Well, let its make p.-aee." "Assuredly." said ltisinnrck. "hut Ihe protocol mils! he altered." And it was. "Matt inn. rnouniatle matiinn, for use mulct flair carpets, is a recent Invention. It raves tho carpel, and reduces the noise made In ascending or ileseelulinn the stairs. Tiii P. trail sh. (T v,, f It was pnMi.'iy talii"! foii'ile, Ml.'hi ;aii, forsoan all ova;r I'l n tiai h"firi t in ; r t i H.iv 'r to ! matt -r. II i :,;-i. , t' l -" ,t a re;, i billy nive.sti;; i! Iii (' iuit linally w 'id, h i I w puMi-.'.i t -- lav U : fall I ' ri. 'i'im (' eait-i's ar pr euia -at i i'l", t ii 'ii-:!i Mn. I'. in r-sji ,ns t i th ) iH --ti il wii.'ia.'r sh n '.j 1 t) li-luvt int.'rviewi' I, t il l, ''r -rtalnly n it." 1(. r st iry follows: Ah mt II y ':i"s ii ; vvi) ileu le.l t,i ta'pi iia ..'I.- a'. . 1- in 1) ivar an I everytliiti went i.'i.a ; s a i..t lily f ir several years, li.i-iii"-s pr i'r.'si ' I, nu t h"in nf a .saving temn t.i la.'iit we a".'U'iiiihit 1 unit" an aai iiiut. Oar (.caily in Teasu 1 in tin) yar i-ollel l.y a i I w. a ev have 0 .'liil Iron living, til" ol I --t 11, y.i'inj.oi il, lee si,";;! i.. jt, vvay int i r Ii aw amll, nnl do 'tars l.iiU li 1 - 1 lip n a-, an'il w ' li ive lcthiii l"ft hnl mi ll "Hi aa 1 til's s-: eliildi-Mi. l'.v 'ryt'lin ; V. 'lit p. satisfy th .-hai'ii- ..f o'lvsi -iu'i-. " '."iit thr"" y.'.i:-.- a; . I ii 1 1 a tais -r.i'.l-i t" -ii'iiM' tii" I' l 'U "t in v " o -, i!,y riifiit h ci I I - i -ii - -!-.i' - I :: i 1 th p'xt vi -it lo my ;n-una I tln-oai. aa 1 would ail": I'll ll-l I e.Vi. mi mi 's for ila v'i I I I !,1V as il vv :a', inv i w is ,..f.,r.,i !. w i- dr awn to " 1 1 hi"..!, hide. a 1 1 p: "it -1 n .! ap!."i'.ei-v "1 nr.- li i: .i;-al I Pi il" t leiy. - I, exn -a din ; n ver In -i.i! expr -- -. -ns. 1 racil , i i.-i-ius '-ll I h" pi-...' la " is ..f .lolhir- fortlfir sarvi' ..'.at i- 'aid ii .lohniin r.'li'.'i'. Al l.iif,1l.'y spit- I a, . i' i- was liev n 1 tip. re.i 'll o,' in.'. Ii..l s'.il', Hal il woiti l I." hut a sh ..-I tiai" until th .en I w aild eo'ii -. Tiiis e "rtainly was n ! v 'tt f a ...iiraciii .: t i in.., bat ( 'never ir.iv" a li.ip". lo o. .im" -i w jih r" '"ivinu' ih" a'. l'ti ! in .T p i -i '.a-i-i I liav.i trie I ev-.'r l-i'sii";:"' Lu p. t'i"ip 'th--a-y hut tew r l "-'iy.'. nay i-'li"' until Jr. Wilii.'cus' p.ais 3'. lis for 1' !" I'e.e.l" eamo f.v i.-.v ai .t i-i . )i'i""i'.' I ha ! taij" i hall of the ilr-t h.xta il-f'-rnily i'i inv hi had l"li in . an I I. ''.' f'.nr I- Im 1 l.e. a .-..iisutli' 1 th ' p.irnl.v -is Inl dis:ne."r"l .'alir.-ly, and niii.'ii l . my nirpri-" 1 f-!t li!,.- a ii"W wotnan. I liav.i i.-t tico n ai.y iti'-1 i -i ti .-i hid (.'.riio,, j'l-t tp'.'ii' a yea:- a;.., iii, my troiihl- Iia; n ! iipii'-a-e I sa-'. 1 e.v. tu v li.'.-ilth, my li.'" lo hr. U ilhaa,-.' Pink l',H . "A :li-e'. . :i " m v hill" l.,n- J 'V Wa- a Hi I w.ta St. Vita-' da i II) c .'ii '. li e walk jit. :ii" r i n with. oil ,v Hslan -I-, in l.i'i n -we'll. I fall all i.v.-r hi'a- II. I. al i.'l'i- t.ioii: a f.'VV I'lX"- of If. I Williuai.-' i'liii, l'.li-. . Vit n -' daa 1 ea'r - Iv left lull', lill I II I tr.'l- - of III" anttetioll H l"!t. 'I'll".- - I'i 1 1- ;ir" w rr ti t'e-ir iv 'iehl in C"! !. l.'ii imv sav in liii-e "i:c -h ai line I iiai Willi::" at any ti ic .. oi i'.-- ailldavit I . tii" I I'll 1 1 1 of tlio M ltfl:"llt , im I 1 n t-i Ii--.- , lliol , 1 wjil ali-iv-.-:-any e laer.ii :,i"ii!i..i eo I 'riling my .-a-", a- I . .ashler it i t i 1 1 1 . more than riuli: ai. ! j i-t tiiat 1 shoal ta : -t I nitV--iii:-: Imaiiiniiv." i I'r. w niiaais j-mk Ihll- e niiaiii :i! l a I'leae nis lie '. -arv to ea" in-w life and ri .!-,. iii'-s t.i thi !:..' I an I t pr" s!i:iterel li'TV.-s. 'I'li'-yar ' for sai l.y all ilne; ' it may Pe iia I I v aiail fr en' Pr. V.'ilh.e.e ' M. 'die, ii" l o.ii.aay, S -h li tad.". N. .,i- t iij eeiji.s per hex, or six ho.vs lor !.irri.iges in I iiigtiind. Marriages in Knglaiid ui" on the In cren-i". I'v. ry ni-i ii wiio t know i "' lie in V .-i'i .ernes as'i t -.nn.1 that may o ii.'ik 'li.'ia ho Hindu I y The l.mllp. The IileiV'BllI i Ift-cl and perfect foty with whii li iH.pes ni iy n o ih,. I u ifoi ni hqa j laxalive, Syrup of V,.;-, under I cou III na. makes it i heir lav.. rile renn-ily. I'd (jet tha true nn.1 genuine article, lo k for ila n un.' nf Ihe C'Blif.irnla I' i S) rap l'o., I'I iule.1 near tlio telleui ul tliu pae!,aee. 1 he c. Initios s ... . "1 an llio Vicior ol li.. a nr.- in. r ' glori nis gt -al.-st 111 ail. 's. stitil.ini; !f-:.tli. N' -1 h-a.- u i it to nlways .'auv in-. 'ltd, ."i it d' HI taj ai i- with tie- laa v -de. i r. un: 1 V.'-l lllJlt . I He. ,1 I . , j s 1, v,,.rj. 1 ; i L' I a '.'.'' I .1 .V 111 llmke vevi ak lil.d illi . I.'l.t. l,;-! e.vH, I. .-s ol il.l. n-t in w.-.'l w. els an I I... I..- t. II the . t"iy. p.ia.e ap .piit. 'I'. -lhi ' is a mi" .4nie. . nr.-. ( i aarai.p. si l'V 1 IMiegi.-tsi V, r.V tt liere. li. I,, title,! "1 len'l 'Jol a -e . Spit or '.Sa . ke ."ir Life Aivav, ' Ir.-.-. Ad. St.-iliii.; l:.ii;i ,v i n,, .New l.-rk l ily or Chicago. Many In piir-uia I a -nr.) Via. :n:' lla I p ed:;.' log paia. F" a". iro- Tvery V .iii Itui tin Y hen. la. I. .a Vim i.v liliilit Our. it l everv c Olss 'HI til" Ir in- i ih 'i- n ..... S.i r, - i !.h..w wh o III h -i ..ij.i.i re. Iv is. II inllv ki llii-V leu.'il. I I. . lira i . tiip , a- lainil.-s. siiili'it une gives i. hci. As. ),.ni- diaiiiat 1' " 'I he M'll lie" lia'.ain i, i i to do it a l-y NlMV I file 'I'lllll' l: Ciil- ii li . . in h r "n il ii." i I) ;;iv is . ,.iiin.i i. -s 1' f'.tri.s ill ill 'l .'lsl. A i. t. P ih.iai, .hang .1 ll amis in lin ; and. f. r ill V.. A. I!'." I. T.i!" I". I "hi... says : " H ill's f.1 Inrrli l in-.- f-.ii-i- I in) wile til catarrh lilt. '.-a .-nr- ago a" I -le- I. a- ha I no relni-ii .if it. ll' ii s ou cnv." 'I i lo In aggisls, . -e. It :s oll.'ll t ily Wise IIIUU di-cov. M .poll. ly iiiii u' htuJv Unit n u lool 8. limbics Mrn, Win-low's tei I. inc. -hi i.. n- llull. rtliajf - ii'. ' S- rnji fur on . ri'.lin e- itiil.i'iiin.i. .1 . -.V-.u Isiulc. Nel -ody en ii help n ' i." ii g I ho sllertl'oai lig i j tho man wh ) inw iys lirhla I tla.e. ' I VrrV lnibrr !'noil.l Alum Ilavi" 1..III.-..I Pur .. a'-iio.i.i-1-Tome. N'uilioieso i; Mil I'ur pillli.'. ' .klici-s ' "Ids a ml Jil'i'l..!'--. U i-i.i:ii alien a i up 'ratio ill u I aip 'ratio i e. Iti.or i tiling-'. 1 r. K i'mer's s vv nil K .hi. a lint Ilia. I. h r I.e. ll... Paliiehht an. I C.n.,. t il ..'. tr. .' I..ih.a;. to iv, llomh unroll. N. Y. 'I h" a inf aia mi or e ir.pi I o . . li-l in -Ui.r'.i.'th hill a in ( c vv. 1" I OS Pi i."l l o ll i I YV. I'll ikii I.' I. .. vv.unna h nil I -v -r worry tho I a m ill wan li i.i o' t tii e oinigo to nsk f.,r .r.-ie..ii''i Tr. sncThi.inis I n iiei;i-'- -cl at .-r I tni I. 1 tiiigiiislior whon lis work Is iloiio, ami rtcr a tiling Is sinned, it iil;uj jiu. cainllf is again ready to Iniru au cs bli.i.'iT lliall w lis cvi'ia K-J. j athvr lioltr HDfi II 3akiin llOyrQl : Powder i 1 lsC"3sX' n n. .rnvi lvc ABSOLUTELY PURE HANCOCK IN BRONZE. Model of an ICqiiestrinn Statue for tlio Nutlunnl Capital. A statue of tSeiioral IbineoeU Is tn ho erected lu the iiutiiiiin lu Washington, lilld tht nir lei new stands lu the studio of tho eoulptor. Mr. Idllcnlt. Mr. FIU CQtt subinltlod. over a year iijo, his model, In the sketch, to a committee. Who nt once aoeepteil the work, Tho contract with the Kovenimoiit was for the payment of ,f-l!i.(HKi, the .sculptor to make the statue and pedestal and to nay the expense of caslliij; in bronze. The pedestal will bo of jrranlte mnl stand about nineteen feet hiuh. The height from the cj'ouud to the (op of tlio rider's head Is to lie twenty-six foot ti 1 1 il tou Inches. The model, ns It now stands, Is about U ST. V l'l II. life. size and rests on a circular plat form which revolves on wheels, so that It 'ii 1 1 be easily mured. Tlio clay Is a prayish hue, .something like light tiielal Itself, and to glance at It hastily one might imagine that the easting had already boon done, The stirfaee Is slightly roughened, but were It pub Ished it would gleam like metal. .lust ;is the model now stands, the finished statue will look when com pleted. Flasier will he put over the ligiire as It now Is, and when hardened will be removed In sections and thus a mold of die whole will be had. This mold will be taken (o (he tini-ham Manufacturing Company, at I'rovl- demo, li. I., whore thecastitii ll HI.' k. will be A ll ! Mistake. Th.. blircost inisialie and tro funniest 1 ever Uin-vv a merchant to inake was when oi f my friends concluded to spend ST11 to have illustrated signs painted on fi-noes and barns In the country. Tin- pictures were all humor ous :iud in cohus. to bo palmed on n white background, tine was a bullfrog reaching out after a bug; nnoihor a dog. catching n fellow by the seat of lib pants, and another a snake and a bird, a sort of a takeoff on the 'early bird catches the lir-d worm." Well, the painter used whitewash and cheap colors. Alter the first rain the bull frog picture and Ihe words rf the ad vertisement got wonderfully blended logi ther, and ihe bull dog was made I i chew- tho advertiser' name Instead of ilie other fell.e.v'a trousers; at least that Is tho way ihe blur made it ap pear. After the s ml rain there was inly n vague s..rr of an Indication of an advertisement, the water having washed out some words and loiters mid I.e'viug other:; untouched. For in itiime, tlio lino "Furchaso your Hag gles" on one sign nppoarod as "Chase, our Hug."--Farm Machinery. I'RtfS. Among" reptiles tl ggs exhibit great irieiy. The eggs of ihe allogator are i i l.iugiited and almost eylhnlorical. evenly rounded at both ends, and about the si.o of an ordinary duck's egg. I he eggs of the seji turtle are as huge n; a small apple, rounded, and have a Ih sildo shell. Those of the snapping: turile are milcli smaller, but also rounded. Those of the terrapins and other genera mo oblong, ns also are those of li.ards. Ill eommoii black and yellow-dolled American fresh-water terrapins, ami iu the painted terrapin, tl gL-s reipiiro four years of growth before they are laid. Take a seven year old turtle of this kind. It will contain only very small eggs, all of uni form size. An eight year old tortoise of the same kind will have two sots of cgs. one larger and one smaller, tine in' nine years will have three sots of eggs, the oldest set being the size of a small pea. A tortoise of leu will have four sets of eggs, and lu that year she will lay for the lirst time, and give, birth to ihe most mature sots. Siamliiijf Cavalry Order. i An "hi i'ji y.alryniiin says a liorso I will neyi'i-slop on ti man Into ntiniinlly. It is ti standing order in tho I'nglisli -j cavalry Hint, should n man lici-onio ills- nioiiiiie.1. ho must lie down and Keep poll'ci ll.v still If In iloos so tin eiltiro Ir .mil will pass over lilni, vvlihoiit his hi'iiig lii.jiiro.l A liorso notices whore ho is going, ami is on tho lookout for :i firm Co initiation to put ids fool on. It is an insiiiiet wl'h him, trWrforp, to stop over n prostrate nun. Tlio Injuries "iosiil to human hoings '.iy a 1-1111:1 way li.-rso iiro nearly always inlliclcd iy .ho aniiiial knocking them ilovvn. nml ..I 1 iv Ills slepolllg all llll'lll. ltosloll llcrahl. Nw I nmilo. A now oainllo has hoon brought out Hhhdi cxtingulshos Itsolf in an hour. This It iloos by moans of n tiny ex tingiiisl'.er of tin, which Is fjistotunl in tin vvii liy wiros, niitl which effectual ly p, 'i l'ornis Its task. It Is only in cos sjirv to romovo this iliniinutivo ox- 0k M M, I ol! THR II M ill I I L. .-fm'i a .ttn- rtz&y Soldiering fn tiie Orclirsi vn The last, echo of one of Soiisa'n over tures! was Just dying away over i ho sainlhllls south of the Fair ejroundsi w hen (.'oil. Sohollehl stopped In front of the baud mid saluted the disiiimulshfil leader. Sousa returned tiio saline ami sent one of his men tu escort lite ;en i i'iil up Into the band stand. "That mu sic was beautiful ---beautiful!" exclaim rd the Seller;, 1, ns he shook- Sousa 'm band warmly. "I am astonished, sir, that you cad such results vviili so little iliscliiline." There Is nntliine; Hint Sousa prides hiiusolf more on than 1'eiiiK one of the strictest nf dlseiplimirliiiis. mid ho was naturally nettled ;it the lienor nl's crlllelsiu. "Why, lienoral. niy ineli lire under perfect eiuitrnl. Fin sure they lire lli"i'oii".lily ilrllled, ami I cati hard ly believe that (here Is any hick of dis cipline. I haven't iintiei"! it." ".No, (hat's just it;you don't see it."poisstcd tho Setieral. "I saw It, th.ei'.'li. lloyoti Know that as soon as ymi turn your back on oil" side of your baml to shako your baton at (lie other those fellows till ipiit playing? (if course, you don't fee it, for as soon as you turn iuoiiud they Infill again." Sau Fijiuciso Chronicle. Good Sound The sound of a bell can be heard through the w.'iler at n distance nf 'lo.'.'lHi feet. Through the air il can ho board lit a distance of only l.iii feet. ON III!- ROAD --v"! , to ni ovoty, the Akl' s' voting woman who is taking 1'oitor rictef'9 l-'avoiite l're-i-i i i pi i on In maidenhood, vvu. manhood, wife hood and moth i rh""d Hie " Tic. : cliptloil " i i a Mippotting tonic a n d 11 1 I v i n e that's pceiili.uly adapted to hit lie I ll s. Ii iog.and stu nytli I ' and lining the derangements of the six. Why is it so inanv vyotin ii owe lh. ii beauty to Dt. l'i"!.a 'i l-'.iv.nite l'tesi a iptii.n ? liiiaiise li.mtv of I'm in and face radiate (loin the common fi'iilerlir.iltli. The hi -.( bodily coiidili ni tcsiilis ft. an good food, fie-h ait and exercise coiiphd wilh the judicious 11 .' of the " l'n scliptioll " II i caches the oiigiu of the tumble and collects il. The Greatest flcJicnl Discovery of the A;e. KENNEDY'S Medical Discovery, DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURV, MASS., Iliv ills.'ovore.l In nn.i ot om common pasture wood" a r. iu"dv that cup every kili.luf lluni'ir. Item tlio worst beroiul down to n .ottimon pimple. Uo lino tried it In . 'ViT eleven hiindrisl eases, and never fulled except in Iwoeiimn (liolli Ihan.ler luniior). II" hai now in Ills p..s'H-i.ii over two liiiiidri"l crtlli c.i'.es.if in vain--, a! within twenty nillu ol l!"ii. S'li i al card (or book. A I" iiellt isaP.v.iis cvpeneii.-.'.l from the fir-t l...ttl.',i.n.l a eerf.-.'t euro i . warriiuti'il li'-:i tho right iii.itility is la'i.'ii. W.llMl ill" 1..IU-S III.' IllTeele.l it CIlUS.iS dtlO.l'dllg I'llilll. IH.) ll.S'.lleD pllssilllt through tliier. ; the sinie with th" Liver or Jlovvls. This I eaasel l.y th" duets being -topped. aa l always disappears In week after taking il. b '.'"l 'he hil'l. Il the Htoni.'i"!i Is foal or bilious It will ca iso smjeiitiijsh ,'eehas at lirst A'i change ol diet . ver uec s-ary. Est the at'-' veil ean get. and enough "t tt. Do.-'), one lal.. s nfnl la vv.ilor tit OoJ- tiniH. Sal. I le- all I iruggi't hide EARN Ili, j IF TM' OIVK THI-V HH P. , Y'tn riitnt thu unlr v .ti iri l. r-inml tlu m ; nri-l fcnuw h" tn nt i u-1 ' t ir n-jinn'miM t ; tiu V-n .-nniiMt Hrtl yen ;il. ' !:trn IruilliuK l'V vx i lrlitit-". ai on tntis.t Int v M I; ii iwiciU.. ni'iit.r it .y i.tifi. We -IT. i Hit- In y m f(r ulv iviils. I YCU WANT THEM TO PAY THEIR OWN WAY, J '-iri If you mwly kti ih. tn s ;i itivor-lcn. In ; d.-r to l.:iivll Fm U JiMirl .iclv, "M miittf ki.dW I oincihliio; atioii' tlu m, In mn-i thi u;nit iw nr I tmlltt n Ihh.Ii tilvlntt the vt'T viu-v i ftnla Ot. o' a j-r.tfir.ii Hintry r it'.'f ir Ulllj ivvi l ii!y-flvc yciir. Il ujih WiHlt n h ainun tvlm u ibM bN min i, dixl tlnif. mnl m i.. Mt.ikitin ii t n t ('hick n rnltlittc no. n-a ptii lntv t-ut n diiufl4 n-iil If mi Mill profit by hi iwtnfv flv ' art' work, you oau av nnn Chirk aimuuily, I an I ivinkn vonr Ki'wlii cm 11 ilnllar for jntt. Th 1 p.. nil Ih, 1i1.1t jimi noi-t li ai'li. 1.1 iii tirt trmililp In . tni- I'Miihry V110I 11 mmhi iiH 11 i... .-..ri, ini.l kuuw linw t.. r.-iu.'.lv ll. I'hl Imh.Ii will t. neli )-..!. I it l.-lo h..w K. .I.-ln-t an. I . nr.- ili-.-.i-.. . f"-l f"r 1 iriia nn.l als.. fur futtetilni;: w tl.-li fowls In kivc f.if ' l.ri-.-l.i.K purpi'Sfiii ami I'vrvtlilni?. Iiiili-nl, yul . iiii'ii!.! knew ..11 this auhj.s t i i 11. nk.- it pri.tlmtilu. at-ui ni-ipat 1 i..r mi'in. tif . i-tii- in mainpa. Book Publishing House, tat l-Kl'H.OOJ ST.. N. V. city. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM C1p'ii i.i l-.i"lin U.e htlr. l'Tin..t'fl a ffi.lh. Nevrr Kills 10 lli-wini-o Oray linir ti. lla Youllitiil Color. Cu "'"il' 'I. J. ha.r i..h.j. .VSMenljl '.'at I' l HOlStSill-friesian Cattls IIUIW1UIII lm , ,,s,.a f,,r m 11, bu't.-r, tii'i.-f .-01 1 I.-. my. ion svi.g bf J. W. .l:oIi,i's. U 'Kera rorn. Hii. -' ".tf ns l a mm IIIIUH BUSBUi li.T IP bUHU WHtHk Alii Uf f AliS. Qi

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