THUKbDAV. HOIST 15, 1M.. H- A, LONDON. Editor. Orijury aystem baa rocenlly boon iriacli dirteussod ami rpiito severely criticised, as is usually llio cono when the verdict in flonio noted easo has tfeen contrary to public opinion. Tb ia periodical criticism of our jury jrystbrtf has not yet evolved any im ;irovoment cn it, nor i;i it likely to do so. Certainly its abolition is not jrrohr.bie, nor any radical charges. Air a thousand j-ctirs from sLe days Of Alt red' tile Great -tho lnlisl.. poaking rai-o ban treasured must ftocredly this bulvvard of their liher. tics tuo right to bo tiled ry a ' jury Of tho vicinage"'. It survived tin changes mado in England by the Norman and in Ua i. .;(, firtdoi King Jobi: it is inoro than nine insisted on as tho principal luilwatl of tho liberties of KngliMmiov. Tn dood it has always been ;v highly prized that but !e.v t iianpes ul. though decided improvements have been made, because the people feared lb tamper with it. And now when Other and further changes are .sug gested, which may bo for the better, cur people naturally shrink from adopting them, and in tlii we think thut-they are safely conservative. The truth of the matter is our present jury system does not of it self so much need any change as Joes th" maimer in which this sy.t fem is earrisd into execution the manner ot its enforcement. The ifiain trouble s that tho county Commissioners do not generally- en tbr'Ce tSe law sufficiently rigid in selecting tho jurors. Tho law i Jlain and explicit, and directs the County commissioners to select as jurors only ts?n of "good moral character and sufficient intelligence''. And yet, notwithstanding this plain Requirement of tho law, there is scarcoly a jury at any term of any Soizrt in-any county in the State, on nfhieh are men v?ho arc neither of good moral character nor ot pufli eientp intelligence If tho county commissioners of Da?idcr. had complied with this law tho jurors, who acquitted Shorn well, would not have had tho opportunity of bring ing that disgraco upon the adminis tration of justice in NortbuCurolina. It is eminently right and proper, and the law requires that jurors who pass upon tho live9 and liberties of their fellow-citizens should bo men 'of good moral character and of suf ficient intclli'jcncc," And when jurors do not po!?03S proper and necessary .qualifications tho ?ailt lies with the county commissioner;!, .Mid not with our jury py.'tem J by year the people from the country arc flocking to tho cities in grcate? aad greater numbers. This is the case throagho'.:t all tho United States, and is not confined to Any particular section. And it is noth fngnew nor of recant origin, but has been going on ovor sincetho Federal government was first organizod. According to th 3 census reports, in 1700 tho percoutago of tho popu lation which lived in tho cities was only about throe and a third of the total population ot the United States. This small porcoutago stoadily in creased ovory decade, until accoid rng tothe last census, in 1S90, it had become about thirty. In other words according to our last cenous nearly One-third of tho pooploof tho United States lived in tho towns and cities, whereas one hundred years ago only About ono-thiiticth lived there. This great and cpntiuuing increase of our city population may be viewed in difforoot lights. It natur ally excites the fears of many per sons, who viow with alarm such vast aggregations of men as dangerous to the safety of society and tho per petuity of our republican iuetitu tions. Evory studont of history re members that ono of tho signs which foretold the downfu-llof tho lioman Knipiro was the gathering of the country poople in tho towns. And yot, notwithstanding this, it is an undisputed fact that England, which is tho richest and most prosperous of all European countries, has the lurgoat oity population in Europe, ber oity population being -13 per oent oi ber total population. And Sussia has tho smallest city anil largest country population of any European country, ninety ono per oent of her population residing in tho country. Whether this inerease of our city populatien is a good or bad sign may be a dou-btful question, but we all ought to-ugreo r.Hn ouo thing and that is, wo should cultivate a kindly .and neighborly feeling bo-, tween the eity aud the country avJ 9ppoeo any attempts that may be Biade to arouse the prejudices of i&bt against tUe other I Stain soetns to havo little siuecm So suppressing tho insurrection in Cuba. At first tho Spanish nuthoii t!es protended that it was a small matter of llttlo consequence and would soon bo suppressed, but month after month has elapsed, reinforce ments atter rei, forcements have been repeatedly sent t'oni Spain, and still tho confliet goes on and the result seems more uncertain now than ever. The latest cablegram hum Madrid annonne.v that ::!Onn Spanish troops will gr t Cuba thi month and 20,000 inoro will bo sent in October il they slmnld then be needed. The p-!icy of tho Cubans teems to he to carry mi a guerilla warfare, and not to muss their troop. in largo lu dies. While l c ur-tcour fyinpathy is with any people sling gling lor liberty, and the Cubans nave been greatly oppressed, yet the people of the I'nited Stales gener ally are taking very little interest in ihis Cuban war. And while this war. 'insurrection aslho Spaniards it, seotns ouite an insiirnilieant at'air yd more troops are engaged in the attempt to .suppress it than Kngland sent to America during the whole of our Revolutionary war. Tlic Legislature Denounced. It seems that something new i being continually exposed that was done by our late "reform" Legisla ture. Among other laws it passed whs one providing for the collection of "back taxes" in the city of Wil mington. This law has some very rigid and severe provisions, which are thus exposed and denounced by a colored republican in the follow. In letter to tho Wilmington Mi - Wn.MistiTO.s, N. C, Aug. 10. F.ICr Mn-oiig.T; Permit me to make a few com ments upon tho actions of the late 'liision L'-gisIa! uro or rather l )ti fusion Legislature, with regard to Wilmington's "back taxes" and otli er things. In tho liisl place, let nio observe to you. that I am not opposed to the collection, el taxes, but Lam opposed lo tho modus operandi set forth in the act ul the Contusion Legislature. Section ten (in) ot the Act fays, that il a person fail to pay these laxo:i and does not vacate the prop, erty in an instant's notice, ho shall be gwilty of contempt of court tor which, of course, be will be put into jail lor thirty or sixty days, or ju ob ably sis months, and in iniiiti m to this punishment, he or she shall be bound hand and foot and dragged away to the State penitentiary. Section nino ('.') says, logically, while tho officers shall have tho man j or woman on the way to the pom tentiary, his or her property shall bo confiscated to tho city or county. I will rr-.y freely, that tho act id the Legislature with regard to this matter is one ot the most infamous pieces of Legislation ever enacted since tho world began. Juat think of it, that the Legislature said that property of the citiz.'ns must he confiscated and tho citizons must be put into the penitentiary tor two (years I What in the name of com tnou sense is tho need ot pulling a manor woman into the penitentiary, after his or her property is confiscat ed ? The very idea is monstrous. I i eoufess that I had no idea that a man could bo found in tho world that could bo induced to enact such a law, but wo found a laro number of them in the confusion Lcgisla j Let mo imprecate the good Lord that whatever curso ho may havo in store for North Carolina or the city of Wilmington, not to alllict us with another confusion Legislature, for it will bo nioro that we can bear. Listen to mo low. For twenty years or more tho Democratic party hold tho Legislature, aud during that time, no law was enacted to confiscate tho properly of tho citi zons, and put them into the peni tentiary, but as soon as tho con fu.jion Legislature met it was done. Old grayheaded men and women must now go to tho penitentiary unless they can pay the back lases, or else they must sleep in tho streets. As to tho negro, my race, Icon less that I am sorry lor him; just think of it, tho very men in this country, for whom bo cast his vote went lo tho Legislature and voted to confiscate his property, and to put liim into tho penitentiary ! My My! did you ever ! Tho negro will havo to learn to vc-lo for tho best men and tho best policies, without regard to party or or raco. Look out. Attempt will bo made again, in tho uextyear, to bamboozle you. As for mo, I wish I had language at my command with which 1 could adequately express my execration, my utter contempt, my indignation and malediction for such a lcgisla tare, which will bo remembered principally on account of the troubles it has entailed upon tho people of this county and Slate. Amen. Respectfully, F. W. Mills. TIjg State' Alliance is holding its annual meeting this week at Cary. Dr. Cyrus Thompson, tho lato Pop it list candidalo for Congress iu the 3rd district, was elected president. Only about half the counties in the State were represented. The Jonesboro Iron Works were destroyed by fire bi?t Tm rsihiy I next morniug, the Commander of the aight. It is suj posed that the lire j Cmp, Mj. Harry K. liurgwyn, wish Fiinated in tu moulding rooia. I l to Liww why our company had not WAR REMINISCENCES. '!. I.ltllo'M VIllMShi. A Sketch or "Chatham Boys." INTERESTING NCIDENTS fiC. Col. John Ii. Lane was to have do livod au address nt tho lato reunion of Chatham's old soldiers, held at Siler City on the 1st inst.but was unavoidably prevented from doing so. Wo have, however, tho pleasure of publishing a portion of tho ad dress which ho had prepared for that invasion, as follows: VH.VTIIAM IlOYs," ( O. '-il.'' ltT!I i:Ko-Ml-ST. n c r. In these reunions, we devgn fo lepresenf. nil of tho X. C. soldier.', in ii general way, while iu a spa i il manner, wo represent only small di visionsof our State lroo s, as the 'Jli h lii'gimcut, and other ivgiuicnls. V who are hero representing the '2i':b, feel that we are only a flagmen'; for tier domains i:i point of territory, ex teud from tho mountains of North Carolina to far beyond the centre of the State, in an easterly direction; md in point f sympathy, from one extreme of ihe State to the other. Wo congratulate ourselves and the audieuci', that we are so foitmiati as to havo with ns today. Mr. W. 11 Lturgvvyn, t ho brother of oi r gal hint and much lamented Col. Harry !". Burgwyn. We welcome him mo.t heartily. Ho comes among us as n stiai.g" r. t t not a stranger, for we who knew our beloved Colonel, know lim, and, through sympathy, feel ha' he knows us. S'tioe our last reunion, ven in one short year, many of our friends uiutiv of our fellow soldiers, have "passed over tho river, and are, we trust, rusting under tho 6'iado of ti e iroos." I design, nio:o especially, today, to speak of tho "Chatham loyc," Co., li," because we are at home, and bj mgat homo, we ng-tin welcome, thrice welcome, our much respected epeak er. and this large audience. Near this pi it of groutid, the "Ch it ham lliiys' company was ot giiii. i! on the 10th day of June, ltll, now more than !! years ago. Quite a number of theia volunt ered at this place. Lt. Samuel K league, who died less than two mouths ago, was the first ouo to step out when the call was made for volunteers, and a brother of your humble speaker. Sergt. A. J. Lane, who is with us to day, was the second one. Q;'ii a number also volunteered at Saudy tliove, in the north part of tho conn tv, and some at (.'.her points. The volunteers who were to compose this company, itiHloil at ilillerciit points. but afu r tho orgmi'7. ,tion, tho com p any drilled here. All over these giouud.-:, was to be seen a fqualin almost every dirtctiou ana the souud of "left,'' "left,'' greeted the ear from almost every point of the compass Just a little more than a stone's east, from the spot i n which I now stand, was our camp n few steps beyond Mr. Jordan's f-pring Wo had all conveniences for camping, nnd I might say for 1. jusekceping Wc had our chief cooks and they had assistants plenty of cooking uteu sils a long table, and uplenly to put ou it. I see, iu this audience, today, the gonial face of one of our chief cooks. Mr. W. (J. Murchisuu, upon whom I am glad to say, time has set lightly, aud whoso life, since tho war, 1 trust, has boon cast in pleasant places. The other chief cook, Mr. Thomas Ilin shiuv, has been dead inoro than 30 years;! suppose some of tho assis tauts aio here today. All this sur sounding country were romarkubly kiud to us, ia bringing supplies to u 60 " uic0 tm" as 01llv lov ha1u'ls1 crt" Bet ul' -aud chteiing lt liu Lueti jii uscuet, nun ituiua el comfort. Every few days our friend would make a jubilee, by a large number comiug to see us drill, aud bringing soui.dhing extra, to give us rather a Sunday dinner, and sco tho ' Chatham Boys". Aud no oue ol them can can ever forget tho special kinducKS of those who then resided heie Capt. Mtthow& and family. Many, very many of these friends are gone, and. if tho roll ot the "Chat ham JJoys" should bo called today, as iu thoso day, there would be many, many gaps iu it, and the roll would be very short. We eu joyed our stay here so well every thing was con genial lo that end drilling, playing, singing, the contents cf our long tablo so nicely douo up by our cooks aud tho pleasant visits of our friends. Aud I could add that some of the "boys" visited tome of their friends; but all of this seems pain fully pleasing now. The time rolled on for our depart ure that timo always comes there is nothing true, notLing sure but heaven. That day was tho Cth of August. Ou that beautiful day a -mid warm hand shakings, and many tears, wo moved oil' iu the direction of Snow Camp bivouacked there for the night and the friends around there wero remarkably kind to us fed us bouutifully, and gave us many comforting words. We rolled oil', next morning, amid many expressions of sorrow, towards Graham, and thence to Company Shops. Our faces are now turned towards the Camp of Instruction, near Raleigh. Sumo friends bad accompanied us even us far as the "Shops'1. They prayed with us, and commended us to the cure of our Heavenly Father, aud with much grief, bade us good-bye. Wo arrived at the Camp of Instruc tion on the evening of the 8th of August. We pitched our tents a trouble wo wero afterwards rid of, for there chuio a time when wo bad no tofits, and wo lost many otlier com fortsall of which is the foituno of a soldier's life I will tell a littlo incident: Tho boon reported 1 at the same time, sending an order to our Captuiu lor a coiporal and two privates to report at nis headquarters, at once, ac curdiugly tho detail was made, ami your humWo speaker was tuo cor - poial, and tno two piivatos wero W, Ct. Carter and Ui course Ihis was new atmosphere to us. Wo did uot know whether we wero going 1 1 be piomoted, to be put iu iiiO guiti'il house, or going to oe thol, lor we could see that the youth fill, handsome, though stem coins m.indiiul meant business. He r pined us to polteo the camp to make it peifeclly clean, winch wo di.i in a ii ui ry too. und glad lo get nil' at that. 1 he olficer of tho day sui.l it was the best policed camp that we had had. Aimy regulations began with us light hero. We helped to form the '-oth regiment, and some ol us weie iu all of her matches iu all ol tier battles in n word sharing her fortunes and her iee:ses, iu Noith I 'aioiiua, aud Virginia, at New liem. ut Malvern Hill, ut OettM burg, at Urisioe Sialion, at ihe W lidul hess, Spotlt-ylvauia, aioiu.d lVteisburg. Ac, Ac, and ou to Appomattox. In all this tune, hesnles i-o neinv, vol miiuy, ttial Wero killed in l!ierc bat ties, many 'f oi.r boys ibid iuthi hospital the remains if sonm ol them brought back aud bur,ed in Ihi old family or church giaveyaid. whiie many are lying and their bones oleaching. f ir fioiu home, iu the old State ot Virginia, w h.ise soil holds tho remains of thousands upon thou sun. Is of our S 'U'.hci u soldiers. Many who saw us leave heieou tho tilh of August. HI, are tilling their long slecj ; ami many are with us Unlay, and know well the uieamug of tho nan e ol the bi.ttU s that 1 havi mentioned. We of this company, who are hero today, will never for get our comrade.-, who wire slam in, and who sickened and diei! iu ho:-pitals; 1 u we will cheiish then memory, as iiu-y gat hired bote to ihe command, "lull in,' ut the soutnt .it the th'c and diilin, we will cherish it as they went ou with us to the Camp of lust ruction, flu nee to I he oas'crj pai t of North Carolina, evei to old ic an, when lhey began to drop fit m our ranks by dista.u1, and ou aud ou. as one by one, lhey we re taken from us. We also symputhizi vvith their iiL-tids, who are with u today, an 1 weepbeeiuso their loved ones are gone to return uo more. Did I say no move? Wo shall ali meet again on the other shore in that beautiful laud beyond the stars. We coul.l spend many hours in telling the pleasing incidents that oc curred in camp-life, on the march, Ac. War, or tho iih! of the soldiei, is not all sadness. Ihero aio many pleasant rcminiscencis treasured up in the minds of the survivors, that would till pages, aud be heard and read with interest aud delight, but time fcrbids, and we close. A Sail Drowning. Special to tlio Churl. '.to Olis.-rvor. LixiMiToN, N. C, August 12. About 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon Mr. il a in in ct Swing and Miss Mag Gallimoio were driviug over the bridge which crosses Abbott's creek, at Finch's lower mill, about six miles south of here, when the horse shied and r.iu the buggy oil' the bridge. Mr Swing spiang out to catch the hoive but before ho could do so tho hoi sc. buggy and young lady plunged 15 feci into the water below. The young man ran to the bank and swam lo tho rescue of Miss Gallimoio. In the struggle and excitetueut she held him loo heavily by the neck and he suuk und was drowned. Just as she was sinking the last time Mr. Hubert Young came upon the scone with a batieau und seeing her long hair iu the water reached down and pulled her out t.u 1 she was saved. The body of Mr. Swing was found and taken from the water about 10 o'clock last night. Ho was about 20 years old. The borso was drowned also. American Fruit. W.S!il.ilToN, Aug. 10. Wm. II. Seymour, United States consul ut Palermo, Italy, writes to tho Slate Department that tho fruit raising industry of tho United Stales seri ously threatens that of Italy. Ue tween oue and one and a hail million quintals of the .r),0iKI,n0O quintals ex ported go to the United States. The increasing production ol oranges and lemons in the United Slates, how ever, not only removes tho hope ol increasing exportation lo this conn try but it causes tho fear that even tually and at a timo not far distant, Italian fruit must give way to a con. sidcrahlo extent to tho American product. A Poor Cotton Crop. Washington, August lit. Tho Au gust report of the statistician oi the Department of Agriculture shows a reduction in the condition of cotton d u riii if tho month of July from &2. 3 to 77. t) or 4.4 points. This is the lowest average for August ever re ported, being a half point lower than tho average for August, J'.)l! Tho reason for low condition gener ally given by crop reports is execs sivo moisture, though in South Cam lina drought seems to bo tho princi pal cause ot injury. There is much complaint of grass and. not a little of rust, blight, worms und insect enemies ot the plant. Killed Ity Lightning. Columbia, Si C, Au-ust. 12 A special lo the State from Spartan burg, Si C. eays: Yesterday at Fair mount, four miles from here, Miss Janie Fowler aud her brothor Wil Ham wero struck by lightning ami instantly killed. Two other mem bers of the Fowler family wero also struck and their recovery is hardly possible. Tho Fowler house, iu which were ut least u doon people, was shattered completely and lh(.sn who were not killed weie knocked prostrate on the floor. i Npprro lliot At Winston, smpcim to tho otaerrer. j Wissros, Aug. 12. Winston came near having a serious not between t he whites nnd blacks last night. i 1 1 c troublo originated over a false r port, which tho negroes claim was e iricnt, to Ihe effort that a crowd j whs going to fake Arthur Tuttle, the negro who murdered Policeman Viek ers, last May, out of jnil aud lynch n;iu. 'Ihis news, it appears, was given Unit- nt all of the col rod c'lurcues turning sorvico and resulted in the j f rmatiou of a mob, numbering about '2"'t, who marche,! to the jail, and stationed themselves fo preveut. as , they claimed, any niterfei euro will I utile, l'he crowd was armed with i pistols and guns. Il was about ;h30 when tho crowd began congregating at the jail. May or G:uy was udvised 1030 of the conduct of the negroes and tho sit uation. Ho went to the jiil at ot.e aud admonished the mob to disperse, tedit g the nrgci es that, they wire violating the law and that them was no danger whatever of a lynching. ile p. ended tartu-sily wilh the crowd to g nMy. but his admonition ap- p aipd to havp little eflect. Sheritl McArihur and Messrs. C. 1$. Wutsou md .1. (V Jitixton also made speech s, advising the negroes to disperse md go to their homes. Jut'g JJiowii went upon the scene next u.:d made an earnest talk to the mob. He told the negroes that Tut tie wa i-oei riug a fair trial and that he won d lo responsible for his pr uc'ion. Some of the leaders, tho names of whom was not learned, consented to lispeis.' if the shor ff would put twenty m n on guard ut the j iil, lo i sure tho j ro eet.on of Tuttle .1 wdje Ihowu agreed to the proposi tu n, andor.icre dtho sherili lo have the men placid on duty. He also uotilied tho uegrues thai be would only givo them ten minutes to break up. trl ing them that tho sheriff .vi u'd iincst all who failed to obey i idcis Fil ng to comply with his b nidi's lrip-csf, Sheriff McArthur c tiled out the Fi rsy th liillotnen, who, w t;i tin' fherifi's posse, weiv station e l on Fifth Mreit. near Main. The mob, at this t'tne, was on l-'ilib and Church Btrct ts oiouud Mat-ten's cor ner. P is estimafed that no less than lo ) shots weie tired by (he militia and mob, the first coming however, horn tho negroes, nnd t-tiiking sever al olliecis. Ftiirlreii bird shot struck Policeman Cofcr, Sheriff Mo Aithnr, Peter Thompson, Waller Nailing ai d otheis wt ic also hit, but none wete badly injuied. Ihe ne groes who did not inn away hid in houses and behind fences, when the K tlemen began tiring at them. Tho report was cm rent oil day that hevt'i'ul r.cfctors wero badly wounded by the J ilcrncn, but il could uot be substantiated. It was after 1 o'clock this morning when the crowd was broken up and Julgo Brown ordered the liitlemen lo withdiaw. Mayor Gray swore in a number of extra policemen. Their is no lndtealioii of any further trouble rourtecn mt-uiixrs ot the negro mob were urieUed und jailed this moi umg. Winston. Aug. 13. !l was quiet and serene in Winnton last night and today. Only one danger signal was sounded during the night to disturl tho peace uud dignity of the city this was occasioned by a citizen shooting at some noisy, bad cats. which were raising a row iu his back yard. N further lrjub!i ia anticipated; however, too uniyor will have 11, i biilemen and special polico ou duty agaiu tonight. Did You Ever Try E'eefriu Hitters as a remedy for troubles ; If not, got abittle now and get relief. This ni'.beiue has been found to bo peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all Female Compl.i'iits, exerting a wouduful di re,-! int! n-nce iu giving strength and tone to the orun. It vou have Loss of Appi tile. Constipation, Headache, Painting Spells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, lvieit able. Melancholy or troubled with I) zz; Spells, Electric Hitters is tho in "d i-.-ttin you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its u -o Large hollies only fifty cnnlB at (1. lt. Pilkiuglou's Drug Store. Salisbury lleiahl: Ueeontly a Mr'l Marti it a dlflli cry IM Hl Heel's Ciiwr.ii. g church in Dtvidson county. The members held a meet ing nnd asle I the distiller to move his plant, but be refused, because his bond had been mudu up. The church peop'e were tl tcrmined that the ihstillt-iy should not remain with in '-') yard of their place of Wor ship, u:id offered to pay all expenses of removal. L- ouaul n greed to this, and nine wagons Wei-n engaged to movH the out fit, which whs canied below Lexington. My boy was laken wilh a disease resembling bloody Jinx The hrsl thing 1 thought of whs Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholorj and Diaithoea Remedy. Two ibises of it settled the matter and cured him sound aud ftcll. I heartily recommend this remedy to nil poisons Mill'ei lug from a hko complaint.. I will answer any inquiries legarding it when stamp is inclosed. 1 l eler to any county of tieial as to my reliability. Wm. Roach, J. P, Piiuii-oy, Campbell Co , Teun. Il is for sale by Dyuuni & Hoadeu. In order to introduce Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy here wo sold several dozen bottles on strict guaran tee nnd have found every bottle did! good service. We have used it our j selves un l think it superior to any! ,i ' W I Mow rsy, Jarvisville, For sale by By una & Ua v v 1 ilea. I " LET wisdom put your DOLLARS ON THE RIGHT TRACK.Iil DON'T MISS ANY OF THE DAROAINS W. L. LONDON A SOI ARK NOW OFFERING. You chii now buv more goods for tho cash than eter. They in tend making a 'CLEAN SWEEP OF ALL Sl'MMKU GOODS. Come a. id see Iheir beautiful lino of goods and th'i sicrificing pi ices si which they are selling I hem. Thev can and will gratify (he most exacting and economical buyer. When you see these Rargftins you will thoroughly appreciate them. This is the LARGEST AH D MOST COMPLETE Stock ever ofl'ered in this place at sn.-h prices. We fully guarantee tho styles, qualities and pricos. Call ut onco for tho Uargaius. W. L. LONDON & SON. PITrSBORO. N. C. Julv ll.lS'.hl CONDENSED REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THK Commercial and Farmers Bank, Ol' KAI.MIGII, IN. as F.Mn-nr.ii to tiik statu, on tiik l'.lm ik 'kmiihh, 1801. RESOURCE-', ouns nnd Discounts, S?'2(1.43 I IV. Oovei drafts. 47- S-J $35,000 N. C. 4 P.onds.34 1K2 .rr Rankiner House, Furniture, and Fixture 1S.702.42 Current Expenses and Taxes. 4.(i.'fU 01! Cash Due from Banks, 1 IU 4'J7.7"j Cash iu Vaults, 41,l!87.H4 $471,414 We solicit your collections and We will bo pleased to correspond changes or opening new accounts. J. J. THOMAS, President, CF. SILER riUNl'lPAt. IToixy Srr.ixt.s. N. C. Krtll Ti'rni will upon Annie" . I".,r'. ,(' w ' per mmitli: H,.r,l In dulw f,r iit-iit li'ilf; 'lulinu M to f .1 it month: Munic per iiwuih; Art fi .VI per m,nth. It l Iwttrr to pm-rlfl.- nimu'V ! ni'iko miMi flii, womoa. tlinu in BairlUoo c-lilMren in miOn1 Iiiy. NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE IF MffiTiE 1199 Tho nrit eiwslnn ir this CHIi b will Ih-kIii Spp- nml)or 5Ui. Y'Minir intsii ilivtrlntf n tnt'linl'-Ht sii- rnlt,'tl Ht fill timt'llHtly low I'lmt will ili Wi'll Ui tip ply (iri'Aiul,-;ue in A. Q. HOLLA DAY. Pres. lvah igh, N. C. FAIEVIEW INSTITUTE AND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. 257 Students in ft'l Depart mi nts from 4 States and 30 counties. $40 to $00 pajs board ami tuiliou for live mouths. Students prppsrcl fnr O,li?o, Tiwi.-IiIhk nr I'.nd ! nw. Ti-li'(jiptiy, Typi'wrlilni;. Mit'l.-. An, tr ! Mnlcnii'l KiMimli'. rj.fiilillntip I Ihsi. ruMtii'iuiMi ; eil tor lu.nlili. Oix-nsi A annul ll:ti. lArgo Cam- j l.igite siait Iri-0 Write In W. T. WHITSETT, Ph. D., OlDWSTILLK, lllllltnril Cl., N. 0. Srpt June 2", mis. in. Gunston Institute, WASHINOTON, I. C. Tliislioanlin ami tiny scluxil for yonn ladios will liogin its fourth year Sept. L'-'ifli, at 1212 and 12M 1 llh stroi-t X. W. In modern Lane;iiiie, Vo cal and Iiistniiiieiital Mnsif l'umtiug, Iniving, J'hvsieal (Jiiltiue and ICloi-tilion, 1 lit best atlvantae;es are ;iven tit a eost as reasonable, as is eon- sistent with flic einiiloynuMit of the be.sf faleiif. l'or catalogue address Mu. aso Mus. IJ. R MASON, July 18, 1805. Principals JACKSON SPRINGS. It is fully to siifTor with Indiges tion, Dyspepsia, Clirt'iiic 1 iarrlie:i. Ivitlney, J'latldcror Feinale tnnibles when you can be speedily and per manently cured by drinking Jack cm i Sivrings water, either at the Springs or from bottles shipped fo you. uo have testimonials lroin emi nent citizens, divines ami plivniciuns that it has cured hundreds of others. It can euro yon. The hotel is now open fr ciicsts, ami the water is being shipped in half gallon bottles one dozen to thv casci Hotel Hack meets trains at West End, VW particulars applv to JOHN V.TIIIjjtPS(N, 1'ioprieior, or JAS. E. WIOOKS, Maimger. VeT Eni, Moore county, X. C June 6, 1835- LIABILITIES, Capital Stock paid iu Cash. Undivided Profits, Due lo Banks, Oi p mils Subject lo Check, $100,000.00 ii,:i'25b-.i :311,405.9a 72 $174,441.72 b isinrss. We guarantee satisfaction. wilh those who contemplate making B. S. JERMAN, Cashier, tDM I N ISTl'ATOR'S NOTICE. Ilnviim iiunllili'il iih (do nitnilnlntritir nt S.irmii l T. ltiiki.i-ri'v, ilin 'MhciI, 1 Imri'l y ti,nlr Ml piT(,n Iii'IiOhi! rlnlniM fiKiihipt miM i1mviuMi1 m thi hiiiuu to mn mi it liefnro th 4ih dnjr nt .inly, lSim. W. N. SIHAIOIIAN. .Inly 4. lSiis. LUMBER! All kinds of LUMBER for sale at the PITTSBORO SHUTTLE MILL WEATHER-BOARDING, CEILING AND FLOORING, Pi.anki) axd Kii.n Dnin, or Roron Hi lit sawed to order at short notice Oood Ceiling nnd Flooring already PkKasKn at uy $l.'20er 100 feet. 33- NOOE, JT. Sept. U, 1801. Ill I Compiises the University, the Col Uege, the Law and Medical Schools, ' and I ho Summer School for Teachers 'Tuiliou S(i0 : 35 Teachers, 471 Stu dents. Address j President WINSTON, I Ciiapkl Hill, N. C, ; for Catalogue and handbook on ''Uni- vei's'y Fduealiou". June 27, 1S05. Crct, and Trtits-Mirks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moocktc rttt. Ou Ornct is Opposite u. . ptcnt orftea and ciin secure patrnt iu 194 lluis ttwu tbuM renmt from Wnnhinstnn. Send modvl, ilrr ni(j or plintn., with dcwrlra. ttnn. Wc advire. If patentable rr not. free of cUar;c, Our ttx not due till patent le men rod. Pam phlet. " How to Obtain Pateuta." wltti namaii of aciunl ctlrntu ia jour fctalo, coujitj, i umn, ecui iree. Auoresi, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent Orricc. Wassin&ton. D. C i C. T. & Y. 7. RAILWAY. JOIIN OILL, Kkckiveu. Condensed Schedule. Iu eflect Juno 23rd, 1805. IlMI.Y. rrainiioiui; Nortli 'iraliiiiuliiitKiiuib Mill a PinMoni;ir. Lt-avo a. in. ' I'M'ip-in " K.lli Arrlvo s :) " " 4. .vi p. m H IM North Hi mini No. 4. Wllnilni.'l,,ii, Kayi'llotlllo, Ai rlTK, tiM p. m. Liavo, -J.45 ia) - ll.MI in.) " ?.uta. in. Sautoril, snur, Ori', Ml. Airy. STATIONS. Ilpmiotuivlllo Mainm Boil spr:ii(e U,p MllllS Kayntlpvllln AitIto 1 ) p. r Umito Pi frn 4 M ' " 4 HA " bi.ulli ll,,uuil. ii-iii i.ouua JNo. 10. SI I lit I). STATIONS. lf. in. Li-avc KamsPitr IHInias OiwiiislMirii Oriniiliorii StoKl'rillnlu Mailtnou Arrive e 00 p. m. Lnara 4 'M W Arrlvo a 40 ' Leave I US ' Pi 30 1 i ' ao Arrlvi' U 15 " Leavo 111 M " ' 11 so ' Arrlvi' I Dally piccpt Sunday. NtiKTII HOUND CONNEOTItlSS. Tralnn N". 3 ami 4 cunueol at rynttovllln Juinr tl .ii wlih thn Ailnntlo Coast Lino for all polnt Nnrili anil Kiuft. Train Mo. i uoinrea at Snuf.r with ttip Sntlnril Air Lino, Nml i anil Soutb Imutiit, ami at, OieouetiorO' Willi tlin Hii'limond At IiihiviIIo it. It., Norili ami South hound, and al Wiiintu Ciivo with tho rorfolk A Wostero II. R. fur Wiiixtoii Salrni. Tralu No lilooiiuoum at Mallao wlih tlm Norfolk ti Wmtpru It. It. forRuauoke ami all iiolaUi North and Vioot. BOPTII ItOl'SI) COWSECTIONS. Tralm No I mmiiH-tp nt Walnu tliw with III Norfolk A Worn, 'i n It. II. for Itoanokeaed all polnie Nonh At ti, and at Itrnomuoro with the Hlrh- i in, 'ii.l k Dhuviiik II. It. N,n Mi ami South Uouoit, and at Manonl with the HnimM A'.r I.I no lo KhIhIkIi anil Atlml ttil aH olula North an,t South, ami at fayotMivlllo iuiiinton with the At lantlrCiNvil I. ton tor t'riarloKtoii, Jai'knoavllle.aDdl nil flni-ida poiniM. Train No. 3 i-onim-l a4 Maa ion wlin tlm si-ainianl Air Uut lor Charlulte, At liuta aud ali polnln Hoiiih. I J . W. i kV, b'l H1U4II,

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