Chatham Record TBI KSDAI. AlGl'ST 13, 1SH5. XOCiLL RECORDS. KOHKUILB riTTSUOKO' It. IC. Thn pMrnnger irftln on the rii'Mmm' rnllroicl leave 1'lllnboro' dally, pxcopl Stniiliij h, at V.M ft. hi. iid 30p. m.,iiid itIhh nl liun'mm ni 11.45 it, m. mid &.'J p. to., niHkliiR i-li .-.nini'i'ili'ii nl Moncure wllb ibe train Uml ti-uviw Hatc'tili hi i.tu J. ro Tbo oltl "iJui'Uo" Hloro, onrii.ti of court hoiiHO Hipiiiro, is fur eule Cukap. Apply at liKooitn oll'mo. Wo regret lo loam (lull Mr. Inliuin S-, ot William townahip, hits boou slrickou Willi paralysis. There will be eiioiiLli corn raised iu Chatliao- this year to ruu it blooU ale elill on nearly every Bpring branch. We invite till old soldiers lo write for tbo Hecoiid imy iiieiileuta tnd anecdotes of ibe war that tuny be of interest. It mutters not what bii politics may bo every cilizuti of Clinlliitnt, and rapecially every cx-CuiifudtM'ute, uuglil lo a u but-r tbo lor tlio IIkoohii. very ex Contoderato in Clint ham ought lo subauribo at oneo lor tbo Rtconu und road its "War Rem itiiauencea", wbieli will bo publiHlied in every isnuo. Only 50 cents until Christmas. A corn curiosity bas boon brought to tbo IIkcoIid'h iiuihoimii by Mr. Jtoas I. llill. It consists ol six ears ot corn joined loollior, no larjo our wilb live sniiillor ones Bin -round iuir it. Mr. Jones M. Watson, who cur-, ries tbo mail between hero mid Chapel llill, bus travelled about us many miles us any other mail-currier in the Stale. Ho bus been cur rying ibo mail ever since July 1st, 1SS0, und sinco Ibut lime bus truvol led over 150,000 miles. Tbo ludies of the Presbyterian church at this place will given lawn parly at the residence ol Air. J. J. Jackson, this evening front (i to i o'clock, for the benefit of their church. Tbe public in vited, und re freshments will bo served at inciter nle trices. On last Monday a llash of lifbt liiufi struck and burned up tbo barn of Mrs. Baxter Johnson, of New Hope township. Ou tbo same day auolber flush struck and knocked dowu Mr. Muuly Durham, of Bald win township, but did not seriously hurt biui. Tbe same flash, however, killed livo of bis hog. John Hopkins, who was curried ' to Kaloigli on the charge ol selling a Witness ticket which hud ulruudy been paid, bad a preliminary hear ing beloro a magistrate and was put in jail for trial at tho next term ot Wuko superior court, lie swore that ho hud never been iu the peni tentiary 1 They aro now receiving (ho largest stock of chocs at V. L. Lou don & iSon's ever brought to this county. These goods were contract ed for last May, beloro shoes ad vaneed and will bo sold to their customers much cheaper than shoes bought lately. It will pay you to got your wiuter supply ul once. A low ot those cheap hats for ladies elill on band tit W. L. London & Son's. Just to think you can buy a $1 but for 50 els, tt S3 bat lor 1, a man's straw hut lor 25 els , worth 75 cents. A suit ol ready made clothing, all wool just for $7 00, worth 810.09. A nice lawn dress tor 60 conts, a lady's waist lot 40 cents, worth 75 cents. Accidentally Poisonku.-Wo much regret to hear ot tho death ot Miss Ella Scott, a sister of C. H. Seotl Esq , the esteemed chairman ot our board of count commissioners. On Thursday ot lust week she had at tended preaching, and on returning home and not tooling very well who thought that sho would lake a dose ot medicine, hut by some terrible mistake she took a dose id poison and died in a short time iu great agon. Tho unfortunate mistake was not discovered in time for the effects ot the poison to be counter acted. Her sad und Btidden deuth has thrown a gloom over thut entire neighborhood, where she was so much beloved. PirtHONAL Items. Mr. and Mrs. Il'inry M. Drnne, id Savannah, are here on a visit to Mr. John A. Womack. Mrs. Mary L. Powell, of Kalcigh, is here on a visit. Miss Lily Moore has roturncd from visit to Cartboge. Mrs. C. A. Boon, of Elon College, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. M. Holt. Mis. Edward Workman and chil dren, of Savannah, are expected here today ou a visit. Mr. J. Georg6 llanner, of this oounty, bus been appointed chief deputy by U. S. Marshal Carroll. Mrs. J. U. Currie and children, ol Fayotteville, aro expected tomorrow on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Jackson. We regret to learn that JJev. W. F. Tboiu, the beloved pastor of the Presbyterian church at Gulf, bus received and will probably accept a call to two churches iu Caburrus county. Mr. Charles O. Freer, of'Deluwnro county, New York, who bought the farm ot Mr. James I Morris, a lew weeks ago, arrived here with bis family on last Saturday. We hope they will bo pleased with their new bwme iu the "sunny South". Photractkd M kktinos. This is the annual seasou for protniclcd meetings and a general religious a wakening. Those meetings are now iu full blast and are being held all lover the county, in nearly every neighborhood, aiid no doubt many souls are made happy and much good accomplished. These meetings, wo aro pleased to learn, are being well attended and interest is man , ifosled. And any stranger attend ing one of tbem would not think that, the times are as hard us is gen (rally reported, for bo will see every I body nicely dressed and looking happy, aud an abundance of good things lo eat. Indeed at every one of these meetings there is a regular : feast and each good housewife tries to outdo her neighbor in t he quality 'and quantity of her 'goodies", which sbo oilers with prolusn hospitality. New Hi'ii.niNua. During lasl year more new dwellings were built iu our ancient 'Jiorougli Ihan during any previous year ol its existence, and now more new stores are being built than during any previous year. As heretofore stated, W. i. Loudon t Son are building a large brick store, und now in addition lo thai two other brick buildings aro being erected. One of ihein is being built between the Kkcoko otlico and the old Uamsey hotel as u barber shop ami store lor John L. Council, ami the other is being built adjoining the now store of W. L. London t Sou. It will ben brick two-story building 21 by 58 feet, the first lloor ol which will be rented as a store and the second will be the Kki'okh's olliccs, which will probably bo tho nicest aud most comlorlublo olliccs occu pied by any country Weekly in the State. Tbe old llwoiil) building will be torn down und its site lett vacant. This is one ol the oldest buildings in our town, and used to bo u part ol tho old hotel aud was occupied court weeks by tho lawyers Irom other counties, who in years gone by attended our courts in great numbers. II its old walls could speak they would recall many an incident und anecdote connected with JJudgcr, Manly, Haywood, Miller und tho other great lawyers who occupied this budding over liny years ago. yit tin' itiv iuu. Letter Form Vonngsvilli'. Yol NH.iVlLLK, N. C, August 5, '!.", KniTolt IkKciFKn: From the hum of the saw and the hammer and the click o the trowel one would think this town was on a boom. A lariro tobacco warehouse is go ing up by t; stock company ol about 13 stockholders, 10 democrats and three third cousins. This is about the percentage ol third con-dus in this county, but Vance county has more, but a prominent third couiu (old nio a short time ago that bo was coming buck homo. 1 heard no rea son assigned, only said he could not stand 17 colored magistrates in his county. It does make tho govern--ment ol' that county look .1 little dark, but never mind about those relations, they will all come back But alas 1 1 had liked to have lost my subject, on the boom ol our town. We have a tobacco line factory running here doing a good work. A High School will open hero on the first Monday iu September with u lull corps of teachers, with prob ttbly a student body of one hundred. We have three dwellings going up and the foundation is being laid for a plug lactory. We have here three churches in the place, 11 stores, drugstores, throe M. D's., a good board ot commissioners, strong po lice, and It! babies, ten democrats, -I republicans, 2 third cousins. Crops aro good here, cotton, tobacco and corn. Wheal was an average crop, plenty ol fruit. Well, the protracted meeting season has come again. Kev. J. 1). Wicker and Dr. Stale are carrying on a meeting this week ul Oak Level church iu this com munity. We predict a good meets ing lor them. Dr. Staley will start to tbe Holy Land the "Mill of August, any one wishing to read bis notes- by the way would do well lo subscribe for the Christian S'ti lor three months 50 cents. The health of the place is fine. I am somewhat ol a stranger loyeu but il you will admit this in your most worthy coin inns I will give you another note, bul il il should find its way lo the waste basket you must excuse a poor woman. Mits. M.u ni A 1!i:ves. For tli HtoJKli. litickliui no S. S. ('oiitVrmcu. Tho iUickhorun Circuit Sunday School Conference was held at Duck borne church August, Urd, and 4th, l.S'.tf), ltev I. W. A ven I, President of the Conference, was present and presided. Tho attendance of dolo gates and visitors wits very large, un usually so ou Saturday, all of whom were most delightfully entertained with good speeches, cxecllci.t singing and tasty viauds for the use ot (he body. After hearing reports from tbe different Sunday schools speech es were made on "I lie best method of conducting Sunday schools" by Jlev. J. J. Hurt, nud on "the qtiuliti cations essential to tbe best t-access ofaS. S. Superintendent" by ltev. 15. IV Holder. Also on "the best sys tem of instruction in the Sunday schools" by W. I) Matthews, L. N Maun, ltev. I. W. Avent. T. P. Itag laud aud llev. 1! P.. Holder. Wo bad singing between I ho speeches by two singing classes. The Lbent zer class led by Air. M. K. Maun, aud Puck borne class by Mr. Thus. W. Church bill, all ol which was ve.-y beautiful and charming, and delighted every body present. All wuuttd to bcur moie of tbe saute. Au important pHrt of tbe program ine was on Sunday morning, each Sunday school was allowed from to !!0 minutes, during which li'tic, p i-cLcb W' , wi-re umdc by u picst us talives ol each school present, inter spersod with singing, after which Prof. J. II. Sledd, of Jonesboro High School, being introduced, addressed the Conference and held tbo undivi ed uttoutii)!) of tbo largo audience for nearly an hour, who almost for got tiny wanted to hear more sing ing. It could not bavo failed to in terest every one who beard it. Tho following were elected officers of tho Conference: Hev. 1. W. Avont, Pro sidonf, J. D. Champion, Vice Presi dent, W. A. A vent, Secretary ami W. J. Sentei, Treasurer. The next Sun day school conference for lJnekhorne circuit is lo be held at Kbeii W. A. A vent, Sec'y. For Urn liKi .uiu. IE icli in oiitl Il)iiiibliiiis. liH HMo.Ni, N. C, August PI, 1S!1.". Our farmers are now beginning to put on long faces as it looks like we are now just entering into a long drought, us all growing crops are now needing ruin and soon will dam age bad. What a glorious time the people aro now having eating red bam, m ut ion, fried chicken, roasting ears, tomatoes, Au , and going lo the pro tracted meetings. As we have not seen a piece of western bacon iu town in two years, and Irom the large shipment our merchants arc making ot the Chats hum bacon, il don't scent like times aro really as hard as some of the grumblers have them. While wo have been blessed with so much rain, ildoes seem so st range that some people will lake the ad vantage by mixing some of the wat er in cider und selling il to their neighbors! We saw a man pass through town a lew days ago with a jug of it on bis shoulder und mi umbrella stretched over him. Jleing asked why he curried Ibo umbrella, ho said it was to keep the c;der from souring. Uuess il bad been water ed loo. J. E. Spenco and County Lectur er llorndoii will address tho people at this place Tuesday, August -illi, ou the principles ol the Alliance, a largo crowd expected. Our uios'. prominent business men in town should subscribe to t ho Kkc oihi und not, bo dependent upon get ting the county news by borrowing their neighbor's paper beloro being taken out ol the ollice. LoNti Shanks. Slate News. Ilockinghani Uneket: II the Chat hum llF.coiln don't look to its laurels the Wadesboro Messenger w ill take tho pennant. Ju its lasl issue il says that "M r. and Mrs. L. L Lit tle came in lasl night Irom Cleve land Springs and tho mountains. .Mr. Little is exhibiting a curiosity in the way ol uu i x shoe, which he ran across in the mountains. Ho says they shoo all Ibeir oxen up there." Morgan ton norald: The Herald has iu its employ u negro pressman named l'hillmoro Carolina Castilla Sophie Alexander Virginia Jofl'er son Sherman lliggius Falling Duck In Tho Second Choir Heading The Damper On High According To Our Neuralgia And Coo I Subiiity Also In The Latest S:y lo Can't You See The Point Isiah. This name is bona lido and is no joke. Who can beat it for a name? Aud yet so many people will say, there's nothing iu a name. Charlotte Observer: Mr. J. C. McLean had a peculiar accident to happen to him yesterday morning. Ho was drinking water oiitol a dip per when some one came up to him and playfully struck the dipper, meaning only to throw the water iu his lace. A worse calamity belell him, however. The dipper struck against his teeth, which were false, breaking the plate which held them hull in two, and he swallowed the hall which was nearest his throat. Tho plate got nearly to the stomach but was rescued by Dr. Graham. Weekly Weal lice Crop Bulletin ( ntrtil OJi,r, ludcijh, X. ('. The reports of correspondents of tho Weekly Woather Crop Bulletin, is-iiied by the Noith Carolina Stale Weather Service, for tho week end i ig Saturday, August lOih, 1S'.)3, in dicate a very warm, sunny week, with local showers. Tiie temperature rose steadily during the week, with maximum feinperature-i on Situr.lav above t'l degrees, and a mean about S degrees above the normal. A good many very beneficial local rains oc currcd which greatiy benefited crops, but many sections in th' northern part of the Kislcrn, and in the Con-, Iral and Western Districts are sufl'i-r ing from drought, which is chief! affecting gardens and corn. How ever, at many places whore the drought was most severe last week fine showers have fallen this week. With a good season next a splendid crop of corn will be assured. co cures are very good. Farmers are sowiug turnips and beginning fod dor pulling south. There are now 'S.i-i negroes in the government quarantine camp iit-ar Laglo lass, lexus, more relugics from the tlmndonod Mexican colony are looked for. There are l'JO pa tients iu the small-pox hospital and the deaths average live per day. New cases are on the increase. A Novel Means of Suicide. Mohtuomeuv, Ala, August 12 A special to tho Advertiser from Cull man, Ala , says: Mrs. Carrie Honh committed suicide bete yesterday af ternoon in a novel manner. Site steeped a box of matches in hot wat er and then drank the water. Two years ago she lost a favorite son by death and her mind had become af fected from grief. In Philadelphia Sunday an the hottest August day iu tilcveu jsirs Klofotis Kalians ! PrrrsBi ao, Pa., Aug. 12.-A body ! of 100 armed Italians, carrying a red j llag at their heads, marched lolhel centre of Shady street mid Forbes' tbe purpose of driving elf laborers employed by Loot . .V Hiun in grad-; nig the streets. I tin liulians were ing iu the employ of Ibe firm and made a concerted demand for uu increase in wages from 81 23 lo l f0 per day and were refused. Their places were Idled and on Sunday the sinkers al- tucked the men who bud taken their j j places. Tho police intcl feted and quiet was restored, i Hostilities were unexpectedly re newed this morning, however, und ; the laborers stood their ground uu j til Ihe Italians began tiring and then they Ibid. A police uku ui was sei.t iu aud a force id' reserves were hur ried to tho place in patrol wagons. .The Italians tied when I hev saw the '"i captured They will be held for trial , ou charges of noting. t cs, ami I hey ought to be severely punished. While Americans gladly welcome tbo oppressed of all liatii nj, and boast ol' this country being Ihe asylum for all who love liberty, yet when foreigners j come here they must obey our laws, j And above all things, when too luy j lo work they should not bo allowed to prevent other persons from work mg. JM. I.K.roiih.J IligliYYii) men Lxlci iiiinuted. Ti i'sdn, Am , Aug. 12. The Star's ; advices from I'ronteras, Sonara, Mexico, says: Six weeks ago Col ; one! John Weirs, a messenger, was , killed and li,li(H) laken by highway j men iu Sonora. sou'h ol ISisbce. Tho j Mexican authorities have pursued I the bandits with unrelenting vigor. Seventeen of the number who were i in some way concerned iu the, affair j have been convicted ami shot. ot tho accused was an Imliau. rorty oihers belonged to or s uiputi i.o 1 with Ibe rohhcis have been pressed into the Mexican army. Ncaiiy all who were taken were from Frouter us. All of the robbers who had iu fcsled that region have bueu shot or are under arrest. (Jeoi'gia's New Col Ion. S:v.nsaii, (hi., Aug. 12 The first buleof new cotton received today from Dawson. (It, weighing -ISO pounds, classed as good middling, good col or and staple very good, was sold at auction ut 7 ce'ils per pound. Tho second bale of new cotton, which was received today from Ameiicus, ia., weighing Jti!1. pounds, classed fully middling, good color and staple very good, was sold ut miction nl 7.o 1 cents, per pound. There is a twelve year old child at the Insane Asylum al Ualcigh, who is deaf, dumb and blind and an idiot. Ju lge nowcll H. Jackson, of the U. S. Supremo Court, died at his resilience near Nashville, Tennessee, on last Thursday. Several English Missionaries have recently been murdered in China. They wore chiefly women and chil dren. No American was killed. Charley, the IS months' old son of J. A. Yiekcrs. near Durham, drank some concentrated lye out ol a can, where llic)- were engaged in washing and died that day. Mrs. Muggio Quldiug, who lives near (Serniunlon, Stokes county, committed suicide Saturday even ing, while her husband und chil dren were iu town, by saturating a handkerchief with chloroform and inhaling il. A Household Treasure. P. W. Fuller, of Caiiajoliurio, N. Y, says that he always keeps lr. Kings's New Discovery iu the house and his family has always found the very best results follow its use; that he would not. bo without it, if pro curable. (1 A. Dykemnii Druggist, Catskill, N. Y., say's that Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubtedly the best Cough remedy, that he lias used it 111 bis family e.gut veurs, audit lias ; ... , .' , ,, . . . , . , UCVer failed to (fo all that Is Cialiued i' Wl.e ,w,l 1 1.. ,. in.iwoltt . ' long tried iinil tested. Trial bottle free ut (1 It IMktngtotfs D.'.ig S:ore. li 'gular siz i Ti.Kv au-.i 51.00. A l. S. Int-prclor iu Alaska bus just made a l.iK'Oiuiie trip with nolli- : ing but a canoe and dogsslod. lie d d it iu a lit tie over six tiiontli-i. , Jlr. L R J'vans, agent at Wil mington for tho Armour packing company, was drowned at Ocean View Sttmdiy iif'.ornoou while bain i.ig in tbe surf. When moviiie into our present home I f Hind a boitleol Chamber lain's 1'aiu lo'.ltii left by a former ten ant. On the lahel I found the stale : ment thai it w -is good for cms and burns. I enn testify to the truth of this. Nothing in all my experience , lias found its equal for treating bhs teis or burns. F. K. Durctt, man ager Lo S'lenr Sentinel, Irt Sueur, i Minn. Tain IVilm is also a sure cure ', for l lieumatisiti. For sale by ISyiiuin , lle.H.iii. Druggists Kennelb Iti.etnore bad the good fortune to receive a small bottle of Cbambei Iain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy when I iu e memlu i s of bis family weie sick vvilb dysen tery. This one small bolile cuied them ail und he bad some left which be gave to (ieo. W lial;er, a prom inent lueichaiit rf Ibe place, Lewis ton, N. C , und it cured him of the same complaint. When troubled .tb dyst ntcry. liinnboea. colic or elmleia inollui-i, give this ii nudv a trill mid you will be laore than pleased witb the i e-ult, I'ne prais't Hi tt natur ally follows its int i ihliicl urn aud use has made il vei v popular. '2t nid 5" ci li! b.illh'S I 'i sale by I'.vt'iiiii Ih-.sdi-n. D:ii;::.i-s!r. Ol the 'JIU newspapers iu this Siaio nino are I'opulist und seven l"'puulieuii. n,... v., ... i i io i,.. ui,,.,.,.,.., .,.,, ' .,ii,i t ' i ',,!, I (,m,mi;imon; fl'.l)m ,e ,, t wm, ,,- ,,,;,, ,lilf. ' - uinoiit. !. (;, hv the caving in ol an use of which Itiicklcn's Arnica Salve. Tub I! est S.m.vk in the world for Cuts, Praises, Soies, Ulcers. Suit lihelim, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, find all I Skin Krtiiiplions, mul positively cures Piles, or no puv required. It is guar unleed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price '-'5 cents per box. For sale by (1. li Pu.hiNoroN. New York World. TlirletM-week Kditlon. Tin: Twii i;-a-vki:k edition of the New York World lias l -rii c(inve' l cd into t Ik Thrice a-wcek. Il fur.ibli ....... ..-..!' iv,.,-..c .,,.;,.,- ,., - ,. ' . 1 ' 1 '. . ' ' '. " '. . ' , , , price ol uNi-; iiiii. i. au a vcai This gives 1 .'", pup -is a year for One Ibillarard ever paper has ('. pages eight columns wide or IS column in all. Tiie tiiuh i:-a- kkk 'u:i.i is no! only much larger tbiiu any weekly or semi-weekly newspaper, but it, furnishes the new s with much great u- I'rcqiie icy : and promp' ncss. In fact it combines all tin: crisp, fresh qualities nf a daily w ith the attractive v e.-ial lcaturits of a weekly. Tlio Tn kici - .-vi:i:n Woki.k niiil file ( 'll.M II am l iiii;ii iil ijuilile .'id for only S'J-l'i.i a vcai. m Aieiiii:i. I'l'X SMI I II. -A I Uu' IwHi'lh'i' i if tin' lilMiC-l lillli.T mi l II.' llill I list , hy liiv. I-:. I.'. Sell, Mr. I'm vrii-t I., rvx i" Mi s l"ii smiim. il;tiiginer f 111-. AUiiia Small, nil n( Ciia'.tutm couiny. Xew Ailvertiseni.) lits. IWOI'l CR-K X F. 1 1'TION SAL F. 1 'I Cy Vll'Ole nf ;lll exei-ull.ili Kstti't! U'm till' Sllieriii llt'l r Ch.-llliain relllllyiui 11 i,nn-nl iil.lllne.l III il lilstl.-e's ciill'l, enlllle.l W. I'. SI;-.' inert- auiilii-l Sllnry Salmon it 1 Aln tiul.-i Sal in. 'il, I will t'i-ll ,.- i-i-h ai j. ul. II.- niH'ili'ii at On t'nlll'1 Ihuikii ilnnl'lii mi III" Vml ilii) el Sept. Is'.i.iiit l'J M , ii nai l nl lan.l In Ileal- Creek ..v.-uMili n.lj.'lnlnu- Hie lati'ls ..f W. ('. Illlll u-l, (ifiil'no ShleM., iin-l iitliers I'eiitatiitlic ,ie aeros. j. J. jr.NkiNS, sia-iirr, Auk I, Ifi.i:.. NOTICE! At li ineoilnu' "f Hie FariiHTH Miioi-il I- Ire la Mill -i li.-e Acn.iei.-itl .11" hel l In I'lllslaii .1 Antnist ,1lll lhs.l tln S'.ll.-ll Inn At;eill.s ivil'lel Imvllii; wrlitnn tip ft;i;.'.'l."i ."11, mil 1 Soil !i'p!leaten f"t iJ."i.iiil hint lii-eii ma.le up to -.ill .1 He. Neilce l.i hi-ieiiy glvi'ii te all aeuts, suiii'i-vlsors unl ether unl-'et-rt tine, a NU'eUtl;; nf Uu AbMiielllllell Will he lieM ill Uu i- 'Ul-t Ii'miskIii l'lilnlim-ii lit 10 ti'i-liN-k li III , eli Hie ith il ay nl Sept. 1S03 ill whlili t lillfl iill'l J.lrti-e lln-y are re.i.-slo. hi lio lie prcsiMll 1'nf the !rai..-;i'il iiur t:iittuilt hlinliii-bs. W. CO'.U.K, Aileill. D N'D S ALK-P.Y VltlTl'F. OF h in ,,.- ortrust i-Ye.-ut.vl I- me l y iMi-ac II. ci.-i.-:miii.1 reuiven- l In Itn .k " 11. I'." "ii ihmi-s HIS l.i 4l: 111 III" elfl "f III" renter nf ili.lsn rii.itluim manly, I will sell ut. imlille nii'Mlmi fur i-li. at Hie eniiri hmise i nr el snhl county, en SMCilll'AY, till" Utll ilny of Seli'ivnli'T, IS'.li, tll'i reftl estate ilOM-t'lhe-l In snhl ilooil as I'.iIIowh: Imi liitilui' hi a Htake, li.ier's ei.riier Cruti-lillehl'u Hue aet I'lltllllliV N. K.-,,h;:'-ee- I). HI poles IT' hit; Vliril.ll'H.-..-k to sit. 11, oil'llO!' lit Hie tlewer, ile'ii, . wllh Hie .lower lino N. ('.7 ili'rwa K. It l ll'M, lliell.-e N. lll!-ei-s I' :ll' poh'H h II tilend .-nierof lie-.lower, lll.-ll.-l'S Willi till) .lower lli polen ta a suiki- I'oruer i.r.l-.iver, llioil.'e K. 11 p..ji l-.a -t-i!.e In lite low-e llae llun-.ti's enrner, th-'iiea S. n-lili his llne ril pole-, to a re I oak Iu Alston's rue, iIumu' N. ft'. , l-vi-.'" W. KM .ol,n n tt Ii AHton'.- Uu'-, to a re I o-ik .loners e.-ruer In ANI .u'k llns. He 'll -. S. wi ll .1 . ne-i lillii .S-i p ,.vi hoi lll.-k iry In li.'rs line, lli.-n.-e I'., with sai l linn I '1 p h's to a il-.w m 1 h:w .Mrner tf Tin -rly 11 fi'il uakl, Ih.'ll.K N. wi ll Ills inli"i- line IS! polei III the Hist slllll'.ll ll'KIVpt III" pol'ttotllif Iho il.l mill Mte i-onveyri lu 11 K- liorso I an.l .lo-.l:ua J0I111-.111) e itita iiliu;ai..rU'2Tilu re-1, lmiilt I near Slllt II, 'po. In mil. I eii.iiluiin e iin.t.-, au 1 011 wlil.-li Slelili.'ll lleuley 11 .W luul lei. J..US Mansinu, 11. A. I.i'Ni .' iN, Atlotaey. Trustee. Alii,". 1.1 ISM A DM 1 XISTIJ AT 'K s xoncii. llavln: Iil.-illlle I '1-4 a liti'nl of ,i. n. Hi i.'le il.. 1. 1-0 1. I h le' y 11 11 y nil porj -es lillie. -ii.- il-.s' k-iI-I .1 l el to exHil'lt On. !auiH 1. mill nor ihci vii aav of .v iiciiiit, ls-.'.v W N. Straiili.iu. Ait; I."., iv.i-.. M OlM'C Ati F. VI li iu ...f p. wi-r i'..iit ilne.l In a i- 'rialn m rt llll I to ll" lin l.-.Ulie.l t.j tv. A. .1 .1 , I r.'oii'r .l In the irevN'tT f 1 I u tiall.a n i-oiiiiiv pae-. ...i. ami .'OT, I w III n. 11. lay en- ami Cay se 1. 1 p- Iv .i, at tho ll't li"li-i' il or In ll I. town of I', ulioro. sell n' pniiii.-u i--i. r..r ia-h n i-ei-iaiu met ..i- pueei ol lan.l 111 Cl.ailcim my on Cnlar ire. k. lei- j .inin .- Uu- Iiil.Im i t ll K. I'..w.!y. n. ioru an.l "iii.-i f, i'.'n'aii-.iti-' UI...U-liW a-.-ros anl kno a i as t he l,.-,v ly place W. I'. DOWDY, Sliirlg'ltJi"J. A us. ',1M", Poor Health means so much more than jvou imaetne serious and 1 fatal diseases result from! rtritlinjT ailments neglected. F Dnn't nl.nv with N.iture's g .j .. r nri-fntrct- orift-rirtnltri If you nr feeling out of sort-, weak and KcncraUy en hnusted, iiervnutt, have no appt'tile and can't work, begin at oncctak- : Brown's ijlron : Bitters ble streiiKtheninsr Hrown's Iron Bit ters. A few bot tles cure- benefit comes from the J nvn'i ttitim fr M pleavatit to take It Cures 4 Dytpepila, Kidney and l iver J rNsuraigia, irouoics, Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria, Nervous ailments A Women's complaints. flit otilv I lit ftcnuine it hascrosscil rcA l.tiil.' ( In rert-itit of Iwn n- ctnnit4 w V W r.l c.. Ten R.-utltul Wurld'a Kir Vkm anil bouk lu-t. F BROWN CHEMICAL CO. PALTtMORE, M0 I Tried Friends Best For thirty years Tutt's Tills havd proven i blessing to the invalid.- Arc truly the sick man s friemL A Known Fact For bilious headache, dyspepsia sour stomach, malaria,constipa tion and all kindred diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS AN ABSOLUTE CURE. PiTTSBORO AGADEUT. For Girls and Boys. 4. I. Slalwy, Principal. Mi;; F&nnic Thompson. Assistant 'tin- fjill ;..-:....n will liegln MUNIIAV, AiiKiMt .Mil, K.I. 'I'llerollt'll lllMllll.'lloll I.. Kltflll III, iM lliei'..l.!l..fl s. l I lii' iii. lie., Iii n.. nil. ni le whl.ii wn lime n lilfli H. .. ami el iwi-l.'nl .le.nillneiil, 'lirm y. .iiiii im-ii tiinl yoiitti l.i.lles Hre iroittriil V ol tlie I'ni. ll 'lll ,-ilTlll'H of life, '1'lie ii'lvuiiiiit:.. ..1 .1 h ml eoiir.-i' In Iheory in.l .'.l.'l.'i' ..I will lie iflveii 1'iiiiiy ivli.i mmij anil. i. Hi' le.i.iiltii;. Tuition i -i- iii'.inli of four weeks: rilin.nj i:nnii-ii iii-.-in.'liei.. i m 1 i n,.-, N. lie l:n-li-l. I'.i im,-Ii. :.. fiOll A-Iv .ii, r, riii-ll Ii III in. I M ini lii.i.l. n'nl I .-.' r '..'.li'ii. l 'I nil Ion iiin , i I... ' i. I .io in. Hv ut ilixMolar e.-l.-li lil'.ll'll; .ili'l li" .le.lil.-lloll llill le ibhiI fur llt.:-ei , ,-veil In i-.ise-- of .r. ,1 r;ii-li-. ril:i"M. Wiillen e.i.iM III I'.'M'lll to Uu' i.iiii.ii It Hie .'ii I ..f e;i. li m'--..i. Illly I, IMIj. .Sin ei's..r tn I. W. lmrliiiini, Raleigh, N. C, l'rojiritMurs of Wc itro irimri'il fo f iiiiumIi the lirst. MARBLE AND GRANITE in any st K or sl in o and ill lowt'sl. in itr.s. Call or write for ilositrns und pi ii-os on any kind ol" il Mention thut you huw tliiH "ml.'' iu Ibo lii'i'oiiK, when wiilrtie; us. l'nnintl altiMition iven lo all orders. UOOTICU IMIOTIIKIIS, lvAl.Klllll, N. 0. Murcli 7, lK'.t.r). HI OTJO-T TO 13 sum:; YOUR PROPERTY IN THE THE CHEAPEST (.((Oil SCHOOL l . TI1K SOt Til . Illilll lflST lNSTlll rr and nrstNKss coi. l.KAil., MALI: AND h'KMAI.U. Fall term Ik j-Iiis Aii(!iint l:ltli, IK'.i.",, Fnallli, l.nlln, (Ireetl. Ilerinilii, .M.-lMietiiull.-.s. I'en tn.-in-lil. lliieli K.'u.tng, MuhIi-, IVIi'graiiliy, "Mmrl lliii.l, ll' In i-ollofe bullillnir, ier menlli. Ta llinn from 11 1. f ( per in- nth. y I'rof. N. K. Ooi, hue nf tho Thoiniwon ni'luHil, wier rlty. S. c, win havo rlmriio nl Uu- iitiiiiien!4 iietirimeiii. ii.n.iI l.rleli i.iiI.iii;d, iri'tty greutnla anj anli llniin I'.hIi I'.irk. lor lui'llier liiforniiillin aO.lrow J. 3,1. liAl 111 HI.V, Suiuniulcniloiit. THE LIGHT RUNNING n SIMPLE ACHiME THAT GIVES . . J1 m In fy i - - - - - i SEWIHGlvtAGHINEUO OR MCE MASS. 30 UNION Sa.WY CIHCAGO LI ST. LOUIS tWO. ATLANTA G. --1 fo n s tc dy r- I LAND SALK BY TIRTUK Or unorilW'it the 0irIor wort of CKmhair nniy fetnlwed Id lh me"f I, A. Wmniiiik, uJv inlulHtritorHlM Mnn, M. 3. tBInftd M M.. T will mtnlri, on tl t dnr ol WjAomlior, JW6. hi iti cffurt-Imip rtoor In rltirTboru. . of"' MilHlo tho MghtMit HMrter. B follnWIsl ItniO". mmir-i.-tof lu -idjnlnlii ihp Inftflii of Bi.twrt K HUirillTun, liuuin mrrnriwin llirt wiiw Ot Nw Ihtpm erwK, tUflff(( l"'ul put Km, mm wii'i win ..,. "" "- " , one hKllcMH, rcmnftfdf vt ii paid In nil fnniitli i. a. miaiftWuii"wvHi. Vfoimii-li Hays, ttortny. Attgnat I, IW. THEFARMEnS'tfUTIlAL OF NORTH CAROLINA. 'I'liU U it hnniA lrfsifrnrjco tot the nrotci'lion f t"i properly (only nfiuiHft ivmn by t5re wind, or light A (liflrtflr o'btaitrttl llifoa i in. IuhI tidffinliiluro bv which fcacl Cmitily can lo or,'aiiiiGd into a dis linct "Hrancb, tv.ul bucL UraDoh is only liitlik' fot Ichkos bus tainod vrithlL audi l'runi'li. Ijossea are puid by a prr r-il.r nHHi'SStrwrit of pit tbe memberH of uy Drancli. , A nulif enri fifi ftPtdrod for CO ciMits on ?10H wiirlh of propt-rty in hiii'ihI iiiiil in frond" for u norioil of lliirly jours willuuit ndililiotml coe(, t xt ia Far aetri lowsfH m your awu Coutity. . TIi'ih plan of iiiHiirarico baa been cporatdl for twenty yours in tlifl'iii Sfafes at it crtftt of only f 1.60 lo -2.(11) on tlu f? 1.0(10 insurauco. fjiiciil Ae-oiitH aro wanted in tbe Coinrly of Clrni Imir.'. tor lurtuer inioriCiniioTr. nttareaa ii V. VOBLPj, I'f.riH.wr Oakjjev, N. C. or riTTrtlliillo, N. (J. EVERY CITIZEN - OF- CHATHAM COUNT Ol'CIITTO StniSOtliB to THE - RECORD. EMIOHfEOlRim ouglil lo read The WAR REMINISCENCES, which nill be published in ev ery issue, and thus cherish the memory of CHATHAM'S Soldiers. The only paper published inthi great, county. Every person ought to keep informed abom his county' af fairs by reading his county pa per. STOP BORROViN.b ;i, only threk ctsts a week. Subscribe at On:c , i K I ii I ,1 1 .

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