(Sluttlutm Itccord. if II. V. -LOIS' lOIS, EDITOR AND ritOI'lUETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, KATES OF A D VERTISIMC One square, one insertion- $1.00 Oue square, two iiiBortiutig - 1.50 )uo square, one uioutu " '.60 For largor advertisements liberal ton nets will bo made. $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. VOI,. XVII. PITTSPiORO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, AUGUST 22, l8iW. NO. .72. II .ol While." When (lie nun's g..lJ spears wore fulling Ou llio utv-iiia.l iiinrn, Hid I hour clear t'.il.'o calling, Calling from the corn? li.l I hoar it -Ireum. or lcar itf Win I distant, was I near it? Win it Iitrt:i1, was it sprite, Calling: "W'liit..--l!.h Wlii'.ul -Hull Whit" -HohWhit"'.'' All, I hoar it, ami I pen it Sitting mi tln rail. Is it real, can it I") it, My 1 1 fri I, the .Uail? Ollt lit HClSt'll, "lit "f C IVer, Turni'd a migrant, turned a r.,'"r, Sitting li.il.lly in my sight, Culling: "Whit " ll .li Whit"! r.nl. li .li Whit-) -P...h Yl hit"!" N"t at han I, my gun ami s"tti'r j J.'fl at ret till all. Out of SITviv'H, lltlil itV. h 'lt'T II 'Hit, after all. II- h .'han,-.! Iiisc .tey hal.il , lu tin lag-w.'e.l-i wilh th" ral'Mts An I tli" in iniii'r "f his Might, Aii.l h.' i' ills: -11.1. Whil ! It il II .1. Whil" -II. I. Whil"!'- Hut it's li" ..f m "ttl". h i kl.M, Oa th" II r. -( ) rail, Oiiti.foutcy. mil ..r-!i i"kl.", Ii' th" sa il" ..LI iia I. 'I h.'s.. an' ii. it lli.i s.i ia.l h wlii-ll m .Mill III" lei irs a:, I III" llu-tl"s. In th" aula 11:1' - y 'II .. blight N.i not: "Whil II .!. Willi"! II. I. li h Whif II .1. Whin-! ' - HiiMit T. S i vsi'.N, in 111" ( ' -ill n ry. Tho Fourteenth Gaost. HY IIIIViT II'KI'IIAM SI'DSl'i:. .Mr. tViiiks : "My dunco I believe Miss Wnddingtuh. I i yuii care Miss Kate Wa IdniL'toh, In r pretty lugnish I'll-" Hushed with indignation : I "in u st.Mii-tn .1 t li it vi. ii v. nl nr.' t.. speak In luc y.ui l.huw 1 couldn't refuse with Unit limn I lady Houghton inli.i hieing vim, and looking over in v sh. udder at my i'ar.1." II" i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lils waistcoat a little, li. i'iuso Ins shirt I.... nl ...iul '.l l.i.i iniii'li : "Is llial why you wail.'il f r 111" III till' COilsel III o''y V ll'l, plt'lsc ill. Il't gu let's sit It Hill." Miss Katie nils il.iW II ll 'lllll II II I be gins pulling a ruse t i ii re-: "Yuu'e ti t ah d me shumcl ully, huf.h't full?" -V..I a Int." "In. I eil y hi have; an I il'Hi'l tilget with y.mr necktie.' "Now which i.f yiur pretty wliile teeth have you iigui ,st nm?'' "(' m't t oll so -al. plain liimji-.h, in stead of u dug turn- I'leiie'i I rase ,? (' 'Hie, li'iw, .li I'i'i e in...'! in l, v . 1 1 -hhiru Park? Oh, h'-jist lik,. y,,u ; hint that we weren't piupeiiy mti-.i. ilaeeil, 1ml e w . r alt rw a r.l. " "eer mill. I the laslli.ill of the (II- troduoliuii," sail h , lii ling a Mini" bdillid his glnte. "Vim kuuw siieli i:il i.i lnel imis niv lilinnst tin- lasliiiiii nl the s.Msi.li'. " "V.ui iiu an Mieli inin isl iiilruiliie linns nit. .jinte tin- la .i:uii .'" lu; i'li MUVe.l ; "i.iil Mijijiu- e we tin 1. aiel hiiinis. we l i.ik walks tu'-llu-r, a n I il uiees t..;;. I her, an. I went lisiiin,' lu elller, illl.l I put ..li tin- , iiii.I Kip piis.i I was in i nriie-t. " "Never mini whst .hi nippu.-.'," k'ii' Mii.l shurph. "Vim kn.uv ipiilo Well thai at the si asl.l" " "I'.y IIil' mm a in ii.l 'ii's lancv lightly turn tn thunnhls nl llirlat mil. " "I hhall leave you at uii" if vuii'iv ko ilippaut iiii.I ru le,"Mii I Miss Kali", nn.l iiji mi I then -iii mi niiutht i neat with the linht at the luieli. "Iulu't you preteii.l ymi were a luu risl, r ?" "Nu, certainly n..t. " "Oh, Imw can ..:i t. li siieli " ".t isn't a , I .h.ln't pivtcii'l- I I am a lmrriMcr. " "Well, even if yu.i lire, ynil neeiln't ipiililil-, an. I la si. ! there are lots of ban ister w tin .loii't earn i.s nuieii - " "As much as a slim lilaek. Tin-re's your I'uiisiii ,IaeU -lull h" p'avs lil lar.ls splell.ll.lly yn 1 sliuiil l ni'i; him lit Carr'rt ilnrin;,' term lime. " "IL.ther .lack ! An. I, ln-si.l. s, Iu 'h a p'"l Hurt, mi I I like him nuieii l.el- t 'I- tlntil yen? (lii, Imw e.iliKI ynil .le- :v.' in.- so? Why, thai hmri.l (ilea- il iw. r jjirl uii.. ilruve me huiae in her 1 liroiihaiii I kn.iw it", unly hue tho moment we -. t in, Mii.l, 'II illv, 1 dear, tiial man y.-n s,i nil! ine .1 vuiir- ' nil' with nl I) istli.ir.i nu is ijuil" ill-' CJllt lor ulli! of Wllllelev'ii i.ll-! ineti ! I'.li ! ii hire. I irnest !' " "Ullt 1 IISMHO Villi, I " I "Now, isn't it tin,- y .ii cim.'t.i ; Mi s. Hooper's as ,( hire. I t; i i . -, t V Weren't yon sent for l.eeaiisc at tlui i last moment there was a mini short, im.l i-liu was alrai.l of Ihirlei u at ilm ! u ! V There, I knew yon coiil.lu'i ; deny if. Why niiyinc siioiil.l a k ; Until v people to iliiin. r, ..'. . In, sh kn.wsiti I. ai -h.il on-.. h's no; a .lin li.T, its a in ai. A H I von call ..ii;-. II iw if. I is tint ih name .a'i- all e ill. 1. 1 .' ;i li I it "inuea a nl iii fcll iielloii.i in 111" hall ii-'t to talk jioh- , tics", or theology, or school huiii'ilM, ur tho liuw woman." "A guinea wasn't tho price," miiil Mr. luiikn glooinily luting olio of his glovcH, "aiel I wasn't : i . I ; it win KCIil ilil'ei'l to Whileley, illl.l We Hlcu'l Itusteil wilh tin) money, anil I'm really a harrisler with a mil praetice, ami yuu'ro cruel. I'.von if it were nil trii" vou nee.l mil. hit no hiiiil." Miss Kalo wit silent fur n mumeiit tl II .1 lislelieil to a few Ii ll's of "Ins IJ-vo do III. ill (' till" wall., that Kiillli'leil ilelight fill in Ih') ill.stallC;'. She re in, inhere. 1 how often .sliii hinl ilalicotl lu it with li Mil ut Ivisllioiirne ami how well their steps were, inatehe'l. She lookeil ut the yoiile; man, nii.l In really was so h ainlsome iiihIkuoIi goo.l furiii thai in the In l I-. -1 1 1 ilk she is. . a (:i iiller Inn". "V. ui know 1 shouldn't h IV.' mill. led sii miieh if I had lieell iihloiid, lint cvoruiui! will in ike fun uf III -," 'I'll. Il she .spoke carne-lly : "Sliii ly .Mill Ctlllldll'l llllVi! Iieell slli-ll n - such a and you c m't In; t.'lliug lah. hoods." "I assure Von," he said eagerly, "it's in .t ipiile as you think. I"- hi st, ippe.l ahruplly ind ros . and walked lip and tlow n th .- few yards of the con-s.-i v.alory. "(ii, llnr.) is a my -.fen, "cried Miss Kit-'. "A mystery, iI.imiv s-'iisii'i I here? Was il a lu t V Tint would he rather Ind form. S:ill I niig'it -or was it -oli, do 1 -il -anylhiiig lint lie hui ri.l thing I must think? I shouldn't care aln. ill your bung pu ir, Inn a hired eji -si, a sort of waiter with a eh- ui shirt fl out an I unspotted clothes that's tun -nh, I'm sorry to speak so ci u.-lly if it's Iru -, I. in it isn't?" He hud pulled o!V his g:..v.M-a;id the buttons and II lug th -m down- -nut l!i button-, on a chair nil I cime el t.t h -r. II g av.'u little thiMul el". i !' 1 1 . rr coil ;'i, an I then s 'em -d c'i'ie I li,- words thai stil 'k in his I'll' . il. It 'ally he lo .ke I very h in I s un -, iiii.I i , i i ; i a g'-ut h.-iii in. .Miss Kaii.'seyes .iwelt kindly on his I'm: fur hair aii.l w ed-eul feului-e ,. " I'lii-ii 's a mystery," in- si, trie. 1 ut l e t. She dropped h -r fan, and as both .-.looped to pick it up lli.-ii- lent Is came in contact. " There's a nnsterv , but - -" "Von iiiu-i, I in,i-.t, rein- iub. r Ilia: a I in' matt r siau Is yei, iu in V e ., ui- a:: niipo.-.l -r, a dishonor liil.i mm; sii;-. Iv y.iti id evul.iiu for my, for oil i- . . wu s i I.e. " "III. -re's a lliv.-.lel v," Il : began a -liii, "nut il'.s ii il my s -erel, I inn -l keep ii ; it's b l.-r, u i kti nv.to be a g -IllleUI ill 111 I I I.i s- in on-', . V -II ill y.mr i'Vi'.; yet r. Ill uiiiei- tile ).. let's w o-.l "I could li .1 1..V III v d -ar, so w il, love I I II it ll-ill.it- mure. " 'll-iw d ii-' you !" sh said sh irplv, and !hi II added with a faint smile, "I belle ' i!s a mi.-. plot lltion, loo." Ilor.ie - I! inks I i ike I at h-r Very C 1 1 el II I It , 11 'id II 'I' el es tell II 111 so 'I ", I to iiil.o'esl th an irii.'s in her fan. A stnile eaine into Ills face, a ralh.r rn".uis .-iile. "Mi.. Ua I iiiivMii." I,. aid, as h' sal down on a s.-at elos I i h"i'-, "it I -illy is a secret, uii I I am pledged iu hoimr lu t. ll it but : on.- p -i son in v w i f e, tii" in- a very Ion ;- p.ius.., "or in b.-tlii-othed." "Th d may v -ry w !! In to to or i v.ui in. ire persons, sue answered, desperately. "t inly nil'. I b die ,'," h : " lid, "ll I I. in-. I well en. nigh to be engaged, and nothing c ime of it, I'm sure 1 should never l ry again. " "llaveyoii never I n engaged?" she llsk.'d. ".Iiist now yuii seemed very anxious to know uiy secret. Are mi prepared In pay the price? l-lice me, v..u can lint lu half as auin:is to he ir it as I to t. ll it. " Miss Kate felt thankful (hat the red ill her cheeks might seem du" In Ih ruby -hiss uf the fairy light. Sii -given half-hearted little I iu ;h, and mist ei nl, "it's too alisiii d, really -- .e women may be inquisitive thuiigii not sn much so as yon m n. " lie luuk.'.l very grave. "lint," h ll'lstt ere I, w ill ted it to no one ::ii'' in' wife or b ti'otii.'d. V ui know that I loo you; I as!; no .pi'Miou, only say that if y.ui will promise to be my wife I hen lean tell; if afi-rwiird '...II ale tl s at isl',"., or It your people tiud my po-itiou nisiilli ient, well, 1 hoiild hardly su you for broach of I'' " M s. K it- hid her t ic b dmi I her I'au tor a m irueiil, then suddenly shul il with a hang; Tell in.- Iiist ; thou, perhaps afterward -" "N..." "W. II, then, I accept, but of eotitve if Th -re was a m inkle in In r eye, but a sc t smile on her lips. li.. pushed lis chair ploinp'i to tier's. She e uielu't in t e, for sh : was a:;iiiiis the wail. "Kate," lie s aid, mi l as he. hi . Mi ni iiioimd le'i waist. .e put "I it'll Miss Wiidd ngloll still ;" al must roughly she put his arm a..iy. "I!nt I'l l Miss Wad liiiglnti i lilt) engaged. "Perhaps you expect mo lo fall in your anus like a girl in a story, or begin kiisiug you like the vulgiir creiitiire iu "Tho Professor's Jiovo Story." "(!ome, hut I shall call you K ite, even if " "Vim may take my hand I didn'i say kiss il." "Th : whole thing in so absurd. On Tuesday i veiling I was with Howard .lolies, a Very good fellow II II 1 old scl 1 t'li n :ii of mine." "Oh I know him ;hc plays sn funnily iu charades. loesii't lie paint ur do something?" "If" is one nf our most brilliant young artists. I win at hissln.lin an I a man we had both kimwn in Paris, who had a studio in the ltu- d" Vait gir ltd, but wouldn't w ork an I lui I sunk to I cing a mod -I, eaine iu. "Howard,' he said, '.h mo a s -r- ice." " " 'lp to half a crow ii. I've prom ised In gu nu further. ' "'I tl m't waul money- at lea-.t-ynil see Whil ley gives III : n ld jobs sends in-' uut in dancing m iu some times, nr t o li II up a pi if at tliiiu -r if peojile Had su Ideul , they are tliir-l- eti. Tu-iiight I'vj a dinner t n pige i ii it t and - - " 'I do n'l think my tin is clothes would lit you,' mid .loncs. "'Oli it isn't thai. I've, a lioceiil suit. lull the engagement is for the Ihowns', Holland Park, and I know them so - -' " 'What do you want me to do? (in in vuiir place? Well, you've a nerve! It w. nld he rather a lark, but I can't. Tin "iiing lo the I .aiigh ini Ski-leliing ( 'liih ; it's their evlnb linn. ' "Tho pour fellow looke 1 at him piti fully, and said, 'I may Ins.; my pluee if I don't gn - it's loo Tito to make other arrangements.' " 'I am nut so staid and sober as my clients thi'.k,' said Mr. I'.uiks, and the idea of going lis ll hired guest, tiel.l.-l 1.1", so I oil'' tel. II" jumped at it, but ill id ' m ! promise to t. ll no uiie, because if I did In wolll I g"l into trouble. Vol. can gii"sswhal I fell when I found you ill the dran iug r.io-ii. I th. eight you in t.i still iu Sw ll ei lau I. " "We ciui" ba 'k suu'ii'l- tha'i we ex-p-'cie I," said Miss Kite; ".md yuii g . me y.eir wur I uf honor. " "Yes." "Then you may kiss my luiud it's no list: Irving In gel the :.." of my liug. r -till l'e taken nil' my glove."' -Westminster liudget. lYeilinir Horses Aiitniiialicall. The Maine mail who rij.ee.l up a c mi hi. hi ii In in) clock so l hat it would open a .sluice and h i sonic grain fall into his horses feedbuy at a ceiliiin hour iu the morning, i.s doubtless an fiieiiial inventor, in one sens.-of the it nil ; but I he plan is iu operation in N.-w York and other eilies on a still larger scale. One clock, specially de signed, is ui ide to onelate from 'JO lo Tl clocks m a .single si ible, mid pel haps II .h'.ell tables are 1 1 1 1 v so ".pupped. 'These are mostly owned by milk c iiipaiiies. It is often desir able to have horses fed at a very early hour, and this plan makes it possible to eive t lit-in grain ur any other dry stuff which can be si. .red for hours and then dropped through a Imppcr, lung before the mall who must clean and harness them is mil of bed. 'The box. s that contain the fund over night lui.; tiiip.l. nil's in the bottom, and lire provided with suitable sp.mts dis charging into the manger, t'roui each ii trapdoor a w ire runs to the clock, w Inch i.-. iirrain;ed to liberate at the designated hour a heavy Weight that moves a lever to which all these wires me fastened. --New York Tribune. I!ic)i'lcs in South Africa. There seems to be all ext laordiuary cm.) for cycling in South Africa. 'Tim .'oh mm slun g Star states that cy cles are moro generally used ill that town than probably iu any other town of similar si in the world. Tlu-io are, il ad Is. some I, Oil I machines in ill's by all classes, from the head uf the milling industry down to clerks and sln-p assistants. line liiiu has s.d.l lid I in the last two years. Indies me taking In cycling freely, and su nr.) educated Katliis. When Kullirs that nr..- not educated follow suit, what a splendid niarkel for wheels m South Al l ien t here w ill be ! Not a Normal Male. "Whit's the matter w itli the h-.-ise?" said the animal's owner al tho race Hack. "lie's fast aslcep,"r. piit d the stable ho. "W. II, . a, 1 1 til that win. It's (he only liiiie he ever is fast." Wash ington Star. niidi:i:vs nn.m. M 1.1 S I I S -..S t'-lll" ll.'ie, y. II igll.'l:.il-! I'm 'i lialli- l I', have f. T-si Veil d'Ui'l Kii.v ii ii v l.ll.-i-, l'". J .1 ...r e.....e S N-..V li-t"ii an. I Til tell m T:ii-. r-.nu I hoi" - leen - is 1 1, A i l vli n Ju l pill a tail in ll lli:l,"S II 1,1. vull l.ll .'.V. A ii. I il il tins n ..i,t ii...r 'I'.. walk in al, ll- r. Tin ai in.a'," .a s -,-u iiltIiI h.-r 'To - I ii. im.l il' il. An I I'll- tall let I r. ...ly. I- I. and stands I ,r , And -i"ii il put-, a nai "U. ll i:i.-i', -- a .-up .. I'. And .-a I. I i .1 .I. e. A-i-l h ill .- li i- p. An I li w.tV.'i lu s'ipp a- 1 ' i I . only I', ..ii s -. Y-u lu' ii .!;! I" .1" lev ii I An I . ...j.).. .-.all i; V. An I .1 il-. 1 l'.l!l .. I.!..- W niiii i.e. N '. ."!i , w '"-ii ..'i . ;u a '- i a ll I. n ..' .a gi.'iil lu : h".i. M- -I neielT- I i . dell-. ' I Im-Ih-I" ,..'..e g..,e I . ..- ;i Till: I'. nv in ei;. All kinds ..I aim n il. do w..ii 1. i fill J white mid gul I, an I . aeh suit" diiV.-r- Ihings w nh'.iil ever b. iug laiiehl. K aeh eut in lini di mid I il rii i-li i ic-. Tle-i" iu its t.wu line inin fit . an ediica- j is a r rvuit th farm Tilled ff.m ti.ni which, m c.ei u language, ! th I ike, mid -e. u miles uf nun pip" gue-. by the tin in.- of iietiiicl. I supply iv.-iy s.piare inch uf gr i I. A Canadian pr..!'i , or t-uii ince.i ii ' 'Th,. ..i-eeiilious,. e,,st f'2 i, n i.i. li I'l'i.-ud who di 1 ii. . I b- li. to in this in- ulmus nriiiim-nlal iilimia iid.-.s I r. on licrit-l faculty iu this way: lie bought j India, painn from India and limzr, a b.ii.y ben, r uf u hinit. r, mid ... ut il j mid live si.ee. m n, ..I crie.n, k.-nti is to his skeptical friend. 'Tl vatuiv; im I l.al nii i-. (ire. at spue is g i , n to bia-olll" ll great pet ill the lloll ", bill j g. 1 , 1" 11 III s, C.I r I ri t i ' 1 1 s Vlol.'tS llli'l show,., I no signs i.f wauling to luiild a .. s. I im.-ct will. Ih" gle, n- illllll llllt ll, ., lie Moll lllV III. I'll i li;-, ll I,,, se :, u hllge glllp'-l. 1 ' - i 1 1 JO.OIIll leaky pail full uf water was put mi the j (,, .vijinn nati" and fur. i n trees mi l tl'"" Ih.- back kitchen. Tin" j hlii-ulis, Int.: h.-.-ii planted n.'liy.i.r b.-atei' w is tier.-. II" was mi!y a since ss7 nicluding while an I I '..I - baby, to be Mir.-, but the 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 . -1 1 1 liej ,,rlulo spruces, tell ilill'.-i'.-nt vainli- .aw the wat. r ....nig out of a t rack m j f pui. s, in tple., elms, I ire'u- s mi l the pull he scampered into the vnr.l. j ,,kri. Th.'i'e am also uieh il d i of biuiighl in a chip mid began building plums, pears mid appl.s- hi.-daiii. Hi. uwii.-r was called, mid j , iar cui.r lias be-n gmwu f..r wnlc!i". the bill lelluw, v.-ry miieh i ,, ; ,, pi,,,.,,.,,,,, j s:i, hieh ii . til-h.-.l nl what he -a. II gate 1X,. , l 1 1 piled rapid! en li I nf- uldels to liae i,e .-il! I. It Where ll f,,,..,. I s 1 1 .. I I II g. Nollll I'al'ullha was, and tin- iiniuslri'-iis h. aer kept ,pi lil mid nil uro-t i. s . I' . I .-1 1 , I.e I at he. work l'..ui w.-.-l,-. wh-i. lie had , I '. doctor . ui" ilia 1 1 no built a .-.uiid .him all iiioimd tin: pall. ' p,,, ,, .-,,,,11 ll .e, ..I' V.ut lido wis, Anilieaii I'lirinr. wlnel, have r, ,.. In n.aily '.I'll. i The .l.iiry cisliii" !.-... nun is stippm inc. nu: . fo: Moi l; .. by si t. nly li'.- I'm.- cm. uf various A writer, who paid a tisit tu .lam- j In I-. 'Tlie barns are buiit uf si rack's wild beast .-l.ii-li-lunelil ill ai.dwuu.l. I. in- lai lu .- mini lis I he . '""el ha-, lliis In -ay : ij,.,. j v, hi.-li is 1 1 an -acted tie' bu.,,ii.-s Now, there lire al I!,.- loon i.-nt lain ,,f i j,e laiui. 1 1 is c m n.-ct. d b te ',- wnti'i' Iw. bcantiliil li.-iigal ll: ei ;,,!,,,,. w,lh all parts of the ,-1,1,. eiil s in one 01' lie cages. 'The cubs TI,.-!, I iiei'e are repair and blacksmith lll'e ol I enollgU to be d Illi-el.Uls, ll:t,,,,ps .,, raill el' t. dot' mil 1 .' I I. ii oil I i,e way I Ml lii, III put ml. , K, ,..,,. 'The e-ip.ieity nl I lie hay loll 111 '" '"".' ""rt miialul toll mil js 0,1111.1 ,,,us. and uf ih" straw lull kl,uw a litll.- nl' how w lid minimis nr." , , i-1) Ion-. There is ai-u a c.iiij.i. i, irausl.-ir d lion .on- phic of con- lir,. ,,.p.,,. lwnt. 1 ii tin- ..tli - lien liuem.-iit I., annllier. ,.,. kkeepeis who i. e. .id ,a,ii Tim I...VS- lint ll. ers ami lmiis , )(1, ,,,,,.,,,, .,, .,,.,, ,,,g n-a I ""' 1,1 "'' "'" '''.' 1'ig just big ,-,.p,s are lak.-u lln.-e nin-s a day chough to a. In. Hie mi nates In he ll,,.,-,. ,,,-e Jill empln es all the ,.., euinloit.il. iy. 'This besides saving ,,, I ,i .;.,,. 11,1 , Ireigiit, piefehls lim annual from ii-ing his lull strength, mid perhaps. In case of Irm lit or I'rei,, from bursting Ilm b... W cil, the box w ilh Ilm tigt r cubs was pla 'cd iu from and pull in, the open c i. re. A sh.lin ; door in Ilm but .is t imn hil l, mil I !m cubs ilai le I lurw aid at I ie nma! thai was It nig iu Iho Iar eon. . r ..I ilm ca;et.i t 1 1 1 1 t III. in. Meanwhile the b . was ipiiel.ly wit I, draw n, and the haired gate uf the cage w is .pnekly shut. It ise isy , however, lo traiisfr an animal .nun a c..u:i:m.l I. . to a Iar .... iu ;-1. lie n going timu from e ipl y ity to cmiipaia! l e Id. i". It is u . s.iei-y III Ic- i. It Is e X ' le I ii I V . 1 1 tli cull - to g"I hmi to gu thruiigh the r -veisc pi-oc-. -s, I i w ilk fin, n a largo cage lulu a box. ll there be tune, Im 1 . .. I I ... I .. I.I eau a,.as , ,., ,., :, ,,.,.,,, , ,1""'-;l'' h ' ,h" 1:"'"'! '"'.'."' ' "' '"" " "' ' '''" '"' hold, ml lor days; hiinge,-, ,..weer, will pn.ve in Ilm mil st longer t Inn his I'eiir-, nii.l h" will, with a growl, make adisiil'.ir the j. nits when the trap will beclus.,1 i.g.nnd him. It isn't las possible tn wait ft.r hunger tu ma ke hmi .submit. Perhaps Ihe ..i.in. il is w i.iled to-morrow, mid the dealer mis got tlm order only ' tl iy ali i mu-l eitch Ilm train with lulu al I o'clock in I ue iifleruunii. Wlnl is o he ilo'te ii.iii '! Here a .,. .it's s ,.e. .. intelligence show- il-ell. li is tear tint ,, tents tli,' animal Ir.uu milcri I : li. X llll .1 this fear miisl be overcome by a greater fen'. This is an easy mniler lo the :l :i l in d dealer. With Ills U lint l I'dge of IlllilllllU. ii. . , i : .i. , . i ... i . ' ' "; " """' ! Hem the nth, 1,. ei.ighi sig n ol ti,. bundle! ,1, str.w in Ihe cage ; t h is ',,,.,.,, , ,,,.; .,, ,,,,,, h, iscinugh Hie imiuial's fear uf liro i ,,.lm ,, ... , ,,., ,,, ,-., ,(s makes , llv at any nutlet of ,-,.,. ! . (.h (ni i; ,( jin I .It I If I't .Iks. ! drew it llitti Ilm iium um, a.i l his The biinail td JU-I , w hereby I coup mime stood et inm Inm ei ...isit poor bligaiits pel legal MTtice free, u' b s,... what Imw.is g ui,.- ,,, ,),, a I 'hit "i('.o ''Ira. tin' . bam. A MODKI. I iSTATIi. One of the Most Magnificent Farm in America. Located on ;i Piminsuhi, Kxtriul ini? I til o Like Uli.imiilain. Ur. William S-w.ird Webb, th" New York railway magnate. has a farm at Shelliuiiie, Yt., which Is undoubt edly one of the must mag nili. nl m A in. 'i iea. 'The liiriii is n p.-ii in-Ti!n !! t.i'iio in I', s exteinl'lig into Lake Chaiuplalli, nh s. i-n mil..-of eon.) 1 fin-. 'fl" I has -p. -ut u"r ,,n in, mi') iu mipio j ing his prupi rty mid it is now a ni.d"l f estate. lie pulled down bill lis to I bull. I larger on-s, leinu. d liu in i h iiis. s, leveh- I meliards and gmvei to plant lien ..lies, tore up nld lull. Is tu give place tu line highways, and in j slmrt he did ever i Inug that could make the pi he .re pie: ur pi" and valuable. Ills ri'sideiic : is lu tin- clu ! mill style. It eo li tli.). s 1.0 It ill, s, j all elegantly furnished, lie' halls an I I stairways in oak, drawing lu on lu I, iiii.I, I u t he su .ii ui.-r i 1 1 a Inn. Is ill " employ cl. )r. Webb; stables am I'D Imi'ses, hackneys, th,.r,oi :hbr, d-. si a m birds, I 'i . ne 1 1 eu-icii. r a 'id poll le -. His best horse, are housed m a Lie. d- iie; barn of .- tone mid w I lll'iT I, ,1. 1 1 is t h height of a I -- tor building mid Is the lalve-t barn lu ilm world. Iai:.g an i ei-mg iiii;iii Hie middle nV-') Ii et lull,' II 1 1 d . I g 1 1 I - lite f. et wid". 'Th int. ri'.r i- illumi nate. I by electric lights. I u t he hai bur diii in r I h summer Ilia be sell the doctor's li'le .-ham yacht, he-idc.s smaller era 1 1 of , '.ei de-ci iptioii. A It u-.-el 1ml , It Is a princely i -late, well e ilc lial.-1 In a tohish those who nr.. uinh r Ilm i,u-lil'es-i,, ithat 'erinoul is a -laic of lull and sterile lai ins. Mi do. s ,1,,. w ,r In ,1. e a prof, ! out . .1 his I a r m ' ing? On th s point iiotlii.m Inc. ap- I pemed , print. Pel, ,1m lam, ,s run at a dead lo .s ,,,p, lograti. a ,-, ,,.,, Al;.llU ,,. 1 ' - i Tile Osliit li's t li.iiu Dinner, j One i.f tlm l.m.ilv ..i t wel t,,..1(... i ,lM;ll.i , s r,,-cu.. at 11.. , ,,,., , u I ,t, victim of c , and a 1 t , .racmu- mil lud i-ci mi in 1 1 a pp. : i ; ,-, j i,,,u ,,'clue ,.i,e ',, i ,.,,vlls :1, 1 eie I an I s h,..:m,l,.' ".,, i , , , ., I elm: li: and w lu til 'I res I mm t Ii up,.. I , ., ,, , ,,, !,, .. f , w.-re atlimh 1 to tlm W ii : I'll 1 1 ec- e c pi ulie, which lay I...-, anui; t!m pile. The attendant It-1 1 In, m I Ml , tie re lor a w Inle, and alter he I, a gone awiiv o.ie u-:ii'!i niu.. euiiou- 'J'hey t.i te not I. nig left ir timiVt, He at once begun In make u lu-.ul of it. Lmk by link II disiippeiire.l down Ilia :es.-.hagiis. It w is Very . tideii' thai lie: (ask was no easy ui. for be fun: In: gut it half-way ,1 .wu Im ii " I In repent his bar gam. lilt h" would nut give it up, an I finally if disipp 'are I altogether. 'Tu: bird looked around as if in triumph, out. lis triumph win slmi-l-livcd. In u few mom 'flits h : was seiz-'d with parox-v-unof pliil, and as all ostrich. ;s d when si.-k, he lay .l.wu on his st. .much mi Pie ll .or uf the pen and stretched out his neck lis far ius it would roach. Mr S lis happened to j pa-s t ii i uiieh the alillnal ih p ill meiit I and liu'ieed the p ..itiuii ..!' the bird, j an. I ut .me sin ni:s 1 tli at le- w i , ill. As Hi" iniial lr. nibl: I'l'iOn which tin s,, j bird- Mill r nr.- mdigest mil and - I in I la r I complaints Mr. S IU g.,v him Ur eil-t..iiiary r.ni'-dy -a lai;'" do-- ..I j cntor ml. 'This, how. v. r. In I ho I- lect on the bird, inch e ml iim.'d lo show sigin of distress Nothing was dune to give tii in any relief, imd within h ill mi hour utter I. ohm : tlm I chain he turned ovtl' mi hi- hick and ! ..,- his la-.! kick. ! Another custom thai pr.-taiN in t-n i em mid ineiiiig. rie lio- e- to di-- eel an J animal, when h" dies tu h al u the i cam.. ,.f his deatll. Mr. Sells pel' j I. . nu. .1 tii" nut. psv ..ii tin- .h ad bud, l-Cot. I'ed I illll lie died pal I Iv " f .Han iiliition an I mil mmcitioii of the tin- stuiiiich. Ihe chain was luiuei Ipalliv in th -tuni-ieh itself .,ing ,li .1. ll led wilii fi'.suly caleii allall'u tiiat it was liiu'u-uiile fur lie' l,:r I to I lure- I,.-, novel r- l'i' .-Iippi"u! into his I .gum icii. M r. S -Ms i-. . tint had Im ' I.. , n : i l.l- In -wali" iy f lie eh ii'i coin n! 1.-1 1 Im mi. -hi h iv.' -..I away wnli It It hulll seliolls Ihe illfelll. I , III- III.. II -ll he lllld-u'lie sel - d -nil.;- nil j tile Ml I.J. Ct. I ' -Ilt'l' NeWs, Till' NoimI III Most I si s. i 'Th. oi. tic illy speaking say-'Timber, ..I' I. olid P-c-land, the mil Is tie- : w I winch e in I..- put to Ih- great, -t I i in. I ut use-, bin as a iii i tt.-r ol tact , I Im . lie is liiu-l II ed, nil account ut I il - i ii in I nice. j,,. mil., r ol I ! . . ii. , iueli eo'nlii -i--s I ii it -I I t ii-- is 1 , n I nil . !. lie UN ,.f -1 r.-n 'III ami d a I a : mil', li u l m -s and .-la-l.c.ly in a .. 1 dr.-.- winch lr, olh.r li'.-ecni I.-. ml. ha-. I., , n in, d as a material for ship- . .1 , , i.-,,.. i f ,1. It i, :,!,., "inoloyd in itcct- U'e, e, "i:,, ikini:. e,iii, ;. hull w.nk. c..up.-riug. and a I h u em I :i I. d .. m ..III. I W l-.s. Willi" ill- lull. Is nf ,,.,..ll t il i" ,, far tl -in ri ; I m, and I I 1. 1 1 li a i.il I -r . tl r m m emllirlil ,1 in. I for in. d e.iial purii . I ',.- inul' I "I lu pin.- I- als I Used in hoi-e an I ship e.np-iitit. ('.:u- n i -1 i I ii r i " -: . 1 1 1 1 . i- .-xir.icle I from it, j.a'il eil 1 n, i ; , h, r.'-i'i and lamp- ; 1. 1 mi. S-: mt. r . oi I h r .i -i,e.- s. i te the II ighlu'i h'l-. iu l.-a I ..I em- d -. I mil. 'ineii make r..p.-- of the t in-i -i- balk which the It mi.-hald ii. s rid I . ipin ui. i - - le.-p iu w at.r and ; in ill. - t..i in ikiu-f a e uir-e km I .n br, ad. Tim nil obtain, d li.'m tlm s t'...is , ,., .s ,11,1. isi.hn.-.hciii. imi ..I tlm pel .inns , .: i , : ... i . ui iiu i 'ii. wmiic in.- f-.'ii riaiii". si 1 t r lir I- iii much 1 1 1 1 1 ( i -it i. ii . r I In uu.Im,'. l oud. ..; ,,,ii-:e.l l-lru- ! iu, ul-, an I II, li -nu. in -mid ' ll al- iiio-l m.eiusi. I mtimirt nt .,, lac- it..!',, n In tlm h.au.iftiel.irc of liicf-l i in U.'h--. and, above all. pap, I ,,.,1,., In Ml-in I- and It in of t hmi -iii.d- of acres el I . i lit - lo. Is a!'-- en .town every y-ar, imd ih tiiub, r .-, ,,-t n n t -i i t Ic eii'el' iu li. ri.il ef I'.'i di- h im I A ii . i lea li l.iuid. r is nmr. u- d man all .'til- r I. md ..f w 1 put together. lieuanllcss nf ( ti-l." .V in m w in ilm a Int y ar- stiaw hut and h i in : a general l.i.--d up ' pearuue '. cut. red all :iplo.i: b-ii am 1 -im e r. e. nl y , and all. r l-.ol. nig ar. um. I a l. w lnnmles, picked up a imlilbel' ul I lilugs stal led t.' walk nil : w it ii I hem. ' I i.i .ui wish to buy I hose articles,'' : p .in. Iy a-k. d ilm eh ll,, ml. iceplmg : tin... ', I ta ml hot," replied the . iln I', "Will -ll Olid I bll ihelll?" " Timu pi.-1- put tU'-m back here : . ui 1 h" cminler, " aiswercl tlm clerk. -1,1 ul . "Well, I glics- not, yoiiu r I'I'lll. I ; wilh III ih' 1 le. I'l" pi opl leior nf this , Inc. tn c.iitie Imrc mi I carry these '. t 1 1 n g - away, " , re yuii, hid I.' 'Then per il ipsyou hae sunn: letter Irmn him dll.'.-lnig 111" tn let you hlfe t'lein." " I ..1 lei ll. . I lim. I tluii'i need ho I t;.r. The I in it al tun i - a public mu and hangs right nit here u, fmnt ,,1 ymr .tore. What do, thai sign sav? The e goods milst go regardless uf I. f cue and take thcni.' Well, ih il's pi l what I'm dumg. I iiilskiim t uon leg .1 die-s ,.f co-l." - Hull ,,, -. I . s-. All Old-Time oul. A pp'tty irirl illi wavy eurl. .a . v Iiing parly somewhat lat'l. A li."i..-ard walk. A l-viiig talk -. A I.i -ing lal.l.'iiu at th" j-'at". , iii'.'.iilighi night. A hand s,pi.-. .". light A I'll I" r. f.'ren...-1" pupa. A hill" ki-s, A hi'l ' Lii- . A .-..ii-iei.-iti'iii wilh inaiieiei, A lilll" eliur.-!., "Tr I. a. I or wur.-" V"U t.ik" llll- inai lyour i(" t ' 111'. A I l"llihlllig ."-, A loving pre ; liltl" Wlf" t" ll" Willi III". ii r mo it or s. A siiiiill cuiintry sent Tho milk n,... I. II "Tli.-r, 's the new moon -h.ok at n i.ver your left shoulder." She 'd can't." He "Why ? ' And t-ho ...i'it. .l mutely to her balloon sleeves. Pstch ilogists imw liter that the rein. in ii young fellow holds his arm around the gill's waist in n hummock is to keep her .'r.. m tailing mit with inin. M. iit. r -"How much do toil liguro y 01 ..we' ? I llicketts. ji "( Hi, t In n , . 1 1 talk nl. ."il the national debt. Till hot III H, of t ise, bill gift) 1110 I I III'-. I, m I ui. r inn iisl.cd Scottish visit. ),, have a eif.'nr, and is about tu pay Sandy- a, nil, ye te lu t h payili f,,r a" t Ii I ug a' fol'llileht. We'll tos: up fur this, Sile "I l. oil mi I hi lik he IS good .h-iiti-.iy" He "I'm afraid he hasn't had in ii'-li i 1 1..- r I -1 ; c . . I knew I had two cnilie- in inv l-etii. an I t ti ii I 'i, nil ,, .,.,,;, Hud." "I ha." a very sup r.-tilimis t"liaiit down on lie- south side." "In what wa "Ib 's behind iu relit for three month-, I ul says he w-ii'l hi"e be cause I served hutlce nh In in mi I'rt tlay." "You said y..U would pay this lnl Ii. t Tim-'lav," said the c.dlictor. "V.-s. s.. I did," was Ihe reply. "And I w. m't :-. . back on m t w m d. " "All, Ihani. y.u!" "I ll pin it next 'Tues day.'' M:.. ... "I ,- ..,.1, thud, .lack wmihl a-k tnii to marry linn if ins os s wei . belter. " I or..thi ''I i.l. ed, if In- . .nlf kin w it, i,e. nl'.-si.. ,; - ;,l e .rv j V"" "'" ! ""' "'' l'""''' j T.-aclml "W, II, '!' .Iiimy, ymi w. re lint pr. -.-Ill . -lei. I : ; tt.-re you .If. i tinned al h .'u.- ni cms .pi--nee ..! tlm ; i lie'.iu. I'.'v f I he tt.- itie r?" Tniumy ; "No, ma'am ; I e-nildli'l com . c.in-e ; ul tin I ..in. 11.- '- w i di on were p.,,, so that ; y.ii w mid he willing to nnnv ." , Siie "I am tar ni"ie geimrous than ,,u me, . ide ul ! . I wi-h liudtuii w,r..ich -o that I ml. 'lit he willing i t,. mini .ei." Will toll keep il n io in' in, '.' " I In be i ll l 'e y.u llll liil the cows culnv) Iemm. as tlm f.-H.-r sivs. Sail I i is-, an th . :i :.'. j h, fuc down loll lie ill ' I. Ill' Mr. Sc. tli,- I don't .eo wh j .' I"'"de shuiild It making such a 1,1 "' ' '" "" "' " "'" l I h' "'' - t.ilkiiig i . ihe m , d uf a '" M's ''" S'"'1''"- A 11 ' ''" !1IV "'' ' :'"' h' "Wliile." said Ilm t. aeli.-r loth.' i n, woiuau'- .-Oil, ml are a luce lili;. I .. ; luil tmi shouldn't give up soia-iit. Ymi-hoiili b ti, ore maii- I . "I e ml, ' i . pi i d W il i m iu tlis c, Ui-. .l it', n. "P.tt-i body -a - I doh't t.i in- a 1 1 r lie 'I in I . " Tin- pat lent had ju-t d s,-i ih , . Ins sympl oi - an I lie p!i -1,'ian gin-pel hmi by tlm 1, ,nd. "My dear telluw," hi eil' d. "I ciiiilint I i-l 1 ynil how tie li 'liii d I am t Int y ui sh.mld cum tn iu". V.ui hi" a disease which has hulll. d lim piol. -si,,:, for t ears. Hilh t i lo it his a ! a s pro.. I taiid and It ...ilway, wi-lmil to e tperinmut nu II in -.-ll. Ill save nil, I shall be i - 1 1 1 . i inl, nu I i: I don't What's ihe ...II? i: a I In i- (h.ialiil It. 'Thf fiiriain had lis noli ilm third act and lim inoumiitary Im-h thai pre ceded tlm rtsu uplioit of the .. if,.tii n'.r on l i.' stag" was broken by a steh -t. r an voice from tin- nun ul the audi torium . "is Hi v i lis p.!,, ji, tho house ?" A I all, heavily whisht ic! mini mjeii pti'ig, a front s, at seat ins,, up, "If I'r. He. ginspiiu i is iu tho hor.se," i suiiied lim i.ieiiloiiaii voice, "iie I i l me I was to e .in, here and .-ill I. I at I" o'clock ' ' hi : . -up. ni li. II iggin-pikir, look rn.. le I, pie'ii .1 up Ills hii iiii.I .-, ne u, I walked dn'tllthe aishi n lu id b 'i-l .in-i .-.it 'ni iiod ie applause.--Chi. c ii u '1 : liume.

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