NO ONE TO TELL THE TALE. Origin of tho (ircnttot Known I'.x plosion of Gunpowder. , The KivaU'st explosion of gunpowder Oho world lm.s ever known took place ut tlii- I Mi I'ontd' works on the 7th of October, l:m. With their usual cau tious policy tlie lu I'mita have never Blntt'il Juit how re;it u quiiutlty of ;iuvuhr exploded ut tills time, but It 1b certain that three magazines und three mills in the upper yard wero blown up, cue lifter auother. mid a safe estimate will put tho ijuniilli.v of pow der exihxl'i at I. "i t. mis. In thi.s explo trtoii thirteen men ami oil vv .111:111 were llistiim ly killed, while twenty two men liiul nine women were Injured some fatally. The explosion recurred a little after ii u'eloek in the a f t..rno(.n. It began ill tho ningaino fur powder, the kind used in kirne nuns, and the inoel dangerous, bo'liitf nui. !- led in grains, but In reddish, six si.!, d cakes lib. .ut ati Inch and a halt' in d.ninoter, and an ineh thick, ivith a hole running tlil'.iueh the iriitiT. These eakes look like!t;j,' ho much as tlii- nuts on a Wiioli wheel. At the titr.e of tho ex plosion e.'iIo'S of powder Mere beitiil packed Into j'.-iruo woodoii bo.., lined with tin. each !ox being .il.ont three feet s.pinre. The tin liniiu's projected liliovo the tops '.f the boxes :i'. -ut tno Inches, and. when a h.i- pn.-ked. were fold-'d down over a tin cover titled closely tlpi.ll the ."ikes !' pea, lor. It was tlie duty of o::e of the wirktueii. William 1 .'1 !i. to th. -o tin odj.-s down noon ill., tin .-over, a ! ot iron p" In". u i 1 f..r this purpose. m the day in .pm-i i..n what he fear ed cumo ;.. p:ss. A fi !! work man, W i 1 1 i a : . ,M..i.ifey, was !r m jinc liim the liot Irons (. 1 o',:.',-, 1! brazbT r.boti! twenty !i ards i:st:in ; reels hi I j.i-t at the !.,..! of the ; -n l::a'- ili'.iiir, and all :i:o ;;; i c :;l . -,. .,!. red boxes tl'',-l with !'.' beva-otial jiow.'.er. ready t,. sen'od stowed liv.ay. There were ,1!.. . 1 - " -1 : of boxes that had ! :i seal. d. ,ln-t w ha' hap pened w ill imv be know ti. for neither Creei, n r Met l.i rvej were left to tell the sp.ry. but the ! ,.a b; 1 1 is one of tno oh! o-:i: - irons was a litlle too led and by toii.-hlno a p:it".i"!o of dirt on the tin .-ove" produced t'.e deadly spark Mei 'hire's Magazine. N' .-.virU ". J 1 ei.i. !, b in . h t-.v r.ak-.'r-, uv.-:v t h; 4 ,1 te:j: i. ; !i , lived n'y ! v I: ti Pnre nml V h.ilr-onic t(unliir Comm. 11 .:s to j i".:i.- a.jrovil thii iV-iforo It.piid 'ax. live rone dy. Syrup of f": It jilt-.-iwnt -o the M-!e .1:1 1 i.j ;i, tii ..oil y on the kMeey , -.wr .u,.l lewln to (:.-,. tho il'StO'll elT. I'M , y, it ; r I'll .,,. ... a .,n,j cea.f -n :' nl- w..o i-c it, : t wah lab.iona It Is tU b(il iili i 01. Iv re i. .:.!. u- 11 tt 1. MOD ItfWitr.l. lO(b TV, r.-.i 'en 1 . .. " ' trt M: il e.i : . 1.. !t 1 1-. II. 1 s 1 ' 1 pi rr: t. - v li!. , n I. i'Hli'H Ii."' I'M I- - 1 ' !;- ' II,.. ...... 1 .1 1 I :- . . r, -I , . I .On i-u !-.-.:. 1; a (en- 1 -i,.,,.t, il 4, I ''!!' "s .1 I- e.-lll il 1 HO I .r.-i 1 i- ii. II 1;: 1 1 .11 iriii 1 ; is 1 1 -n in- 1 ,.--M.ii '.....I ..c .1.1 ' II """I 1 1 .Oil I ir. -. 1- 1 -..i.-n . in- ir-v il.- ! 1! i- ,is la- I a !: l! .!! I Mi,: 1 .-il.i-.ii. - :..;.lii I" I nl.Jll.J u.' I 1 ,.:,,(a.:.1.,,,.o.,r,!!.l...if.u :i-. 1 r .1 o s pi an-, f 1 A .A-.','io"lo, 0. a b I-, ui'.. r; 1 l-v -li. i l l lire; V .1 o- I i-.-t. -I t- p.- -1. iir .. 1. -i, . t -. vii tins -hi, 1-' i.i-io o-r- a ,; :;:. o ,1 ij,..r wall's t a':! O'l :o!. -i. i-.-i-v-. --S T, .ml n ." ' ' r .--!." . i till!. -f III'". T.-r. ''. I !i . ii ; I'.i'.t e. t 1 r" r : -i ' I i : i i.-i, 1, v w !i.-r". b" ' . ! I) ' ' 1 a n. aa ha- :!i" ! ss I 11..: I .iv. 1 ':. thin;: - nip for eVil-lien I . 'i:'.is r.-ii-e r . e.!l . : ir 1 ! .. K ' . -'-l'i.:: 1 ' .t ! ".. .V n r. t! V lini S ui .iiiii- . it.- ,li !! v- ii : ..! I . : H'.e. Ph j-.-i ' - !. .r i ' lb-1 il !. ;-:i :!.. t nn-, .11 '-o il ( ail.. Ie. I'l l's s. ,,"-.! -7 N i- in 1 1; 1 -1 .on 1: M ,n. . ... , ' 1 In .-. !l. Is II. If ;! e M OI..H-I l' e -. :.: el , 1'" t a: .c. 1 -1 ji 11 .vii a. i-i n 1 ." ii- -''-"ii I .-vi;i ruin i "l I ...y w a. ! I- j 1 l i- I 'i;r.. ' , em -Ir.-i, -. 1 . Pi 1 r, -; - -. W.i M. Mi-. M. '1. M .r t. 'I'lm I-i'luoi lipiii A'l.iii'-n-.. s ; i:.v.ian "I'bh St. ry I. v r. ' IMi.lli'TH A iiri'i'iiil i Hip Ciainl It'mli el Pi.rli.-i ' .i..ii,-i a-'.. ai.-.n iili 1: . rev. v. I,,., ml iPv- ai 11 t-. Hi..'-, ee-p-a k--i ,.l 1, i- i . 01 1 b.'tr 1', Mi.-h., tin n.ov a I lir-. -e m tr,.,. ley lite', vv :h f.iity mli-s ot tr-i--', lfntfllrtr.l lilieri.pvrsa( Ir. I-:i.irT!Kiini tD' Kj l'-M liter. Ill u-;ii-I -i d ill .rr I ulllo la ti e .-r:'i .Mi.-iat.n M yes - lut:.. over nil"-fan 1 i II ot t:..j 1. t.iili.tiua i- of ,'ur. lira llrth. IVIakes ilia Weak Strong flood's Snrsriparilla tones niel ti.-ni;tliciis 1'ie dieestive orfjaii ."re.ali's nu npj. elite, nu-J givcb refresbiiih' sl.s p. Ic iik uiIjit Hood's Sarsaparilla Is tho 0110 True Wood Tnriller. II.. Jl DIIIa tlio nrtrr-ilinn.r iii'l nml HOOCl S rllJS calliuriR'. S.: Iirtl TT A TT s'i'eit ,T.'rnl for lie- i-eiini v In d liillU i,,,!-,,,!,,,,, Hi.- (11, ie. 1 .. Ulna ' ' b.ioiN' 'T k 111. wii. I', run ..Htunl li.r-.i 1 n. -rum. I'l ni-iusti i'e.. uivfii-lK-in. Ky. The latest iieus from Hiteiion Ayreg states tlnit in eoiiHeiuenee of tho hi;li prieo that millers in tho Argentina K'publie have to pay for wheat, ship ments to Knropu havo been almost .fcilspeinlod. It i Mild 1 1 nit of the ;'.,IH!;) visitors to the Yellowstone National Park ilur- iti;;the past tiiree years, not more than I'M were A iiieriean. Jf the park was in Ihtrope, observes the Nt w York Ti ibiiue, it would irob:tblv lie M.-ited liy about oil.OOil Aiuerie.ins 11 year. The territory eomposin Wesb rn Austnha, aeeordine; t.. the latest eotn pntatniii, eovers nearly l.tiilil.iiuO iuaie mile-', nnl constitute! about one-third of the Australian continent. Tne men of this sin ;!e colony is larger ihiiti that of eiolit leadttio countries in Ivuvpe coiubinetl. The N. w York Tribune exclaims: 'Am -He ins arc c-sont tally 11 yeuer oiis and kitnl-hearted people. They ie-p. nl nobly niieuany rent enier eeiicy calls for the m-inilVstiitioti of brot lieliloo.l iitl-1 e.ioil wii!. I!it 111 their every-day le soeia t ion w it h each otln r they are too olt 'ti delieietit in ;:r:ieioiis eoiittisy Mineli not only srteeteiis social hie, but ennobles those w ho display it. " II !i:llld is noted fof it. line butter. It i . :il -.i 1 a ery bit uni n 11 f.iei nr. r of 1 in 1 1: an 11. w iiicii is e. .111 pose I of 11 bout seventy -'"no per e tit. of 1 doom ar 01 r iln, N. jetalile oil a:id milk. I.rti ' I ; in: it 1. ,. of in:ir,.'.if!ii are 1 rte.l t other con, tries, the 1 xport to I'.u i n, I atitiuaoy b. lie; 11b .ut I bl. i ioioh p.-uiel-, lined at S I 7. I '.1, no '. The oleoma! oai-oo. , t ,!.,., i t i. n: inutaet ure of in if.: n'li is mostly I til 1 .1 il'ti d l'roll'tlie I' II .t.-d "slllb -. Ti..- N. m York M .il and Kpr. ss th'tlks tile ctniaiptotl el l of tile lie.' in- j 1st :ipji.-ar d in tlie per-n:i of W-.' Oiiit Hit ipoft, er in.i 10 pin w of V 1 :i 1 : 1-1 1 Nelson, wii. is i.:V rv.:.: for s.ile tie' :,--. I ils an I r.-hes ot liind'- imvil h.-ro. Tii-sc include the- tell ll.e i.l s Mild ofdefs he Hole wh.'ti .-!l .1 d-.-.MI oil the d. ek of the Vie-t-TV, tie- o-dd sU,,r,l i,:; ., s.o.ted to I. -Ill i ll! C.-ptlllts lift- I tile battle ,.f tie- i.i, his -v. if Is, his li.Usjund and tie- 0,1.1 casket presented lie' l': ed en ..f tie- eit ,- ,.f I, ...uou. CoiiUeetieut Is the latest state 1 1. act a "o.j.i l-roads !:ia." The net I si'npi. 1 ue. It pro. 1 l -s ! u- a ni- 1 11.:-- ..:i ol tin1. I'e n.i 1-, to 1 point .! by I ie I i-.v. 1 I.-.r, whose out II s i 1 1 i i O o I soe t I r...i.U. .I!.- work "I 1 1 111-,-,..s ii,.- co ,t liil'ee 1 - I l! en 10. in. id 1:.. 1 ! 1 1 in.-:. t :i the town-, tu. 'lili'v and t.',. slat.-. 111. Nl.lte s.i.iti.iy Is lllillteii ! i b .-1 , ..I hi 1. I ! road 1 11 pr- o in . 1 . lo 1 I I.. !!.:. i i V t!.e toWlls He 111 -..',Vi s , .: i : - 1 -1 Is 11 s, , ,-t, ,, it 1 . for j I t e on io s-'..ip r- t o ---e I hat 1 he I w-.'iv 1 ! 1 "p rh l"!i. , mi l th- eo-t : ! i ;!v :i 11 ' d. 1 1 -1 1 v. it lips ' ' -.'h- in is 1, ii v l'-M,- I w th o'i 1 1 iv ap- I 1 r :! till'' M.-lioitt th.- tie. J j i. - W 1-:, oi -:-.'i : ir: "Applt . .- Il i b , t ile 1 l,"e ... .1 al.-i s m pie... I. I II -I - - 111- .il " I" I - I ill I If. o i 1 1 I ! r i'e ..ii ! ii it e.i ii n 1 i;iy w ,1 -11 shipped I -ioi'.-.s ti,.- ,. n,ti'ioit la veals t he fact , i licit 1 0 ' " is 11 lai . e t r.eie m this ! . . , , 1 i - i. it ii-: popular e.un.e. I here j I - ' i iivt ieule i-bj el i'i to II .fse-meat j a- all article ol t ""I. that ha- yet ; j b -i i iisc.-i. -re i, an I t ' I'e .s no l'en- . I - -u wiiv it -lioiiid ie. I I'.- more oeti.T- ' I -ill-. U -oil. I t I- c 1 U'll 'U 'II I'lMliC", ! i .,.,. : 1 oi t a us-d iu otiir I hit "pi a a - it, trie., an I . v - n in t a. - I 01 I t her-, j ar- p.-r-otls w 1 . -1 :ii iv colli' , if truth- ' : ii. f-it tin y ii'iv- I', aste.l, htit'iiliv ' f, ,:- - I ,.! hoi Mesh under the stress .1 .'.'viiui-tanees that rendered taste ! a licit ter for oblivion. Tlie horse is f,.T ii - well br-1 and f-d a- til" ,,x, ui, 1 ii is n., habits that make it 1111 oli 1 e'lolial'i.. source of food supply. I; it every pi'i cunt i .11 should 1)0 taken '. 'i.e 11 1 II iioi lt ies to insure perfect li'-.. II 111:; of t Ills eoiiiiu. . lity, so that it e ll.ll 't he Weil sold as beef or homo . 1 :n r tlil'i:.' that it is tint. After a :,,!, - lie- popular taste niiy be edu ce. I up ir down --to hoi'se-iueiit, in I tl: 01 t!i- .. niei-s iii it will not be s - oy abolil Pel U t I lit llflll. " llliilreii's Mouths . irlci'tcil, d.-itist whose prii-lice has been :' ir ii i.ny y ar- lar :. iy aiuono persons who wo'ild coin iioiily be called "of II 1, .', 1. d an -i call ir.-d class," liuds the li, ,:i-c! of .-i.-il !. i I li s of he mouth 10 co.' ihecillelrcll of Mtl'il l(TSOUS a -1. oil-ii : lie. "These children . r- belli.; triiHic 1 iu ad the arts and ,-i':. i-c- -," ii- -'.vs. "yet iu one school Met th-re in I'" T'l'l pupils, ."Oil of l i o. fro n ten to eighteen 1:1 . of a ' only od elenued t il-l I' te, til t W I. Il ll:lV, 275 us d ii bru-di sotn tim-s. :i it. i 17u ii I i o' n a tool :i-'orish. In tho .. .! : r . d -par . ui eit. .n re t hero w ere J i i on i :. i'cii ii'oiu six to tell years of i .-, :i v is i mud th it h i more than u w.t i ' ovid I with tootle o. i.'ie-." ruitiiei' impiiry and in i -itioii -ii'i.i.' I tit it this school w is li .' .iu i c -piio'i III the matter, lb. Kiii.-r of I'.crliii f .nii.1 that of i '. : i 7 i ' ..-is. I i t of mIioui were under . yen-- of a .'', only forty-one, .1- .a t lib- . i t h-oi I'.ve per cent :, , 1 I 'll'ld le. lii. - N,ov York lOU FA KM S V (; AltWI.N. noi.r.ivo liitoivi. I..- ion- viiinn. To roll the e-round after irrass see.l in dry weather is tho most effective method of prevent iu- the Heed from rriiwin- or rather killino- tho first si.routsof the see.l, nml thus luiiiine; the stand. The lollin-of (he surface makes the soil compact and solid, mi l How ,,iiIm ii ,,.1,1, ,,. ;,. i,;..i, ,1 loses every atom of moisture iu the , K,I"H " 1 xt - "' 1 ''"sl1" " !''''-"-' least possibl.) time. I. ate sowin- o( niilk and butter e.pial to that pro-Hi-ass nml clover should nlwavs be ' b.v "".v l,','1' ,ll,lt harrowed lightly mid the soil left as loose on the surface as possible, lifter eovcrine; tho seed at b ast otic inch. Mew York Times. ruortr i ijum imm:i itp animm.s. Convert cirrioti into proiit by bui v ini; auione; fruit trees and vines ho;: dead of cholerii, animals killed by a:i Ihrax and black ipiirter, or other i'.ii c isses. r.ury deep enoueh to prevent d ies or other animals from di.rin down to tiie carcass and entry in,' por tions of it away. Then the coiitii.tnui will not be spread, the lua'inriiil value of the ear." las w ill be utlliz 'd, all 1 the commiiniiy be spared I n; odor ot burnine; dead ln.os. In some instances cholera d eid hoes have even been thrown over tlie In do;., fences into the road for th-. turkey buzzards and crows to feed upon, thus t he disease nil o ve r t he e. 111 '1 1 ry. II itt much b. i tt. r t ' I'hanee tlpm into lu-e;oiis frui's by feeiliui; trees n:nl iues ,tu th,. plan: f they need in so tuany onscs. Ann. 1 loan Auric-l'itur-i-t. rm: i,'i 1.1 rv 01 IP". rv. lloii.-y is oi.taine I by I I r on the I;, i-liir ui tbmei's, an 1 itsc-dor, ta-te and character are in nuly dependent on tile kind of lower which tiie be t f 1 1 : 1.11 1 . I'.M'iy exoi-riei.c-I bee ke. per so in ieiriis t-i recnj;iii.i llic white and ee.-;eiit honey p.'oe'it'eil from tne w, ei.n.-r bo. In io'illlie, W il-O'e 1 ll-l'e Mf' IlUtll ToUs buss-io 1 1 tree-, a v ry ciioiee h..ney, bill d II hef tillltl llo'll w h.te clo Vei ls made from their id. is.-mis. It is ., many t '-lis preferable t-i 111" lieiitel -Co'. . led li-i.'iev from 111" w illte ciov.-f. I'n, !.,-, s do n d visit .li:V'ieiit kind-. .: il .-..-s on tiie siini'' trip, bo:' are I il 'i'. nt k:nd of honey p! 10 i in the -a tno c I. I! lekwheiit honey is tii.-it mad- la-t in th" i..i!i, and is n;- il.-- I: h is a str-itur ibv..r. bill s,,o,e prefer it t If I'll! Ill to the !:. .;.' b-lieaf. I y ! ;v .e I kl 1 Is. Pul a- hueivw ip'-i d '-'s n .t sell S i wel. o'l tie' 111 Il k' ', it is n-u iliv lelt f,-l til' 1 - to , at dill'lll 4 tin.' Wlllb. r. - r.os.o, Cult.v It r. I i it. is., It 's t , 1, -I I I'M! pie.'i I' H I I iIV . i 1 11' of any i. in i k u- m t iiat i j,:i i : liisi.o! icid" ,i,.. tucl l v.: t . all n I hoi'is , t b;r 1 it,.,., wio tl, a ; t h- Mild or d "I, :. . j.- ci... -poilUllll i'i s lip'! I' phi -ed in of a sitt in : :..-, 1 n o iii-u r. kinds llo'l -' A tab I lie 1 1 1 . - i ; 1 1 fr.on ail kinds ,. p.-ira-it on both mother and yoii'i:.- eiocl.-. I'.ut now i'.i'iusii l-'r- neii n ii lut uni a'1! i n-, an I up; '-it '"it iy w .1 h - I I . . - ii-, t iiat iu my f t n- !n i ' u !'.- at 1 1 .Pule I In mi o r! lie . - - are i e.i! i ,bi - to t lie ,b ii ' ' "1 sulphur in the . e-s. He ti -p I iii- tip ory by te i ,u t a s; a i'i, of - i piiur I w ic n . -I. t. . t w i , - io us an i to lie sain ii i ub. r he ,i"ii" n- , . s ,, ,l ',l lots , 1 lisin ; cluck- Uilh t i tho... fed on .'lip our -lull. d. wii. r, n- .. I'I i. li-ir. , list, Tin d for result til 't ..: . '.Iv Ir'l pel' C. Ill 'i other the ..--s I '. I haps I his l.i nt K'aula ;o by p ui- Met e ti I iy p. r I 111 l V be 111 I il.' ' try in breeds I i , i. ami M 11. K ft. Willi. Ail oth. r c iiiditions belli-; i veil, w. know. 1. That Ir. .--ii nnlkin M ill -IV" llP'iler l! IVol'e. thai -I' id 1 nuik iipc; cow I hat e iws fed on "c t iii'.-s w ui cave liner il i c-.w s mill, butter than ..I .luue pas ore I buitor than liio-e fed on dry fod lef. I!., when creainin.e; by deep s.0 tin .', the cream ri-in.,' dm ino tin hi-.-t twelve hours wiii churn easier a. id t;ive a hi-lp r ll ivorcl butt, r tluiu tlie "lifter eriiiu." ra:s'd iu the next (m. Iv li'iiifs, the latter li'tviii:; siiinil. r elobules. I. I'liat the ilr.or in milk varies iireatlv with th" food, ('oinp.ire thai pr ' liiced on iow marshes, :.-, iu land, with tlmt pr .-Iu. u d in the Alps, ui if y.m plensc -compare t he latter uitii that pro luce. I iu Wisconsin, and il-k aliv evpericiteed Swiss chcese makiT if lie can ;r, t tit,, sumo llnvor iu his eliee-o here that he Lrot ill the Alps. If in ehe-HO, why led iu butter? Knowiiiy; this, who shall deny at bust the partial effect of food on the flavor? Who siiall deci le at the pre sent "state of art" that the older scientists were altogether winiii; when they claimed the. base of llnor in but ler to b rtiin t'thcreiil oils. Hoard I .iirv uiiiti. Ft SI I, VI. It. The general verd ct of those who liave trie I it i.-i Ihnt elisi:n-;e always ; v.'s a "T'eat-r return then th" nctiml feedmo valii'i eie'l. litis. Th" inei ibed it by I he explanation lies in the , ' pHlalability of thin food nml its peon- j lii.r iniliieuee in milk sect etioti iu cou- nect ion w i t h its KUfiiletice. It 811- lriority over .Try fodder ns n HiiliHii inU for tsi-eeii Kraha is un.piestioiie.l, -veil by those who are least ilispow.l to l'l'""vo of its use on the ground that fermented f.n.d must necessarily W' uiiliolc.-omc. ""' P'ejudiee a-iiliit eiisilnKe li fast disappearino. Ilxperieiiee has the health of the animals is .pule un affected by its use. The strongest n I- il in T 1 1 in its favor is the fuel that the number of sihn is rapidly inereis. ine an I iiiaiiy of the condensed-milk factories that formerly prohibited its use are now iiertiuttiii ' it. It lins been found that even though it is possible for some people at times to dt b et ft faint sii'";esi imt of ensila-o iu tiie milk of cows that have pur. taken fre. lv of it, just as the chance from dry feed to fresh pasture is plainly discernible in the sprino milk, yet this slight tl ivor is regarded rather as an improvement than other wise. Tne proof of (his lies in the fact that th ' milk and the butler sup plied to our million lires come from otisilaee.fcd ,.im. IJy reason of its biri: yield, irrent fee, lino vabi" an 1 the m iny dill' reiit chin it"s and conditions under winch it can b' j'tolit ilily pro. lac I, corn has b'-ti, nu I niw.iy-i will be, lie.' lav. .lite elisilie crop, as it is t!.i -l eal 1'. i-;ll ee crop of the Tinted States, while all the other forme plants m i b ma 1.' into eiisili;.', tlnre i-. more labor and le-s profit in the work. It is an ex vlh lit fee I ti it only ilurino th-' wiiit T but in summei m lidi a se iso't of a 1 in nd i u i'e is often followed by a drought nu 1 the pastures are burned up. Vabi able us en-iiiiT' is, it will n-t pay to build a silo 'or .'-h then sev. u or ei-tiit cows, 'i in: farm T who ke ps a 1".-, ituniii. r w dl liud it impos-ibie to use t he en -ula 'e pit economic ill v. lie will h ive t,, employ fodder ; hut ile may -reatly increase its value if Ii -util permit it to nearly reach the Ma : for lipeiiiii,' ear-, just as ho would if I'-stmii,:: il for tiie siio, an I, nfi -r a! ioMiiuit to I. 'Coin dry to the hnle 1, en'' it properly by stnekiu ; hi well Iii I h ..-IPs with ventilators thrmtirli tin ui to let in air and ent ry oil' the h-at e-n -i'.iied by tip. e iriuc; fodder. I!, s Ie. in- f i I l-r. u supply of car rots ,au I p u sui'is sit-mld bo r.ais I t. t'ni : 1 1 1 1 tin- iiec -sctry Miculeue-' I i in nut mi tne , ms in oood milk Mow. -New York World. I- I. VI P '. ViCP' v Mil l's.. Our ,-vp .r! h-ir-e tra-b' is ripnlly IIU'cHslll-. Have any ol your foils white, of ' iiy loos.' A'..-, I to t rn. S-iit oy e eiliu. iio-lit Ilia dirk Mi le Will 111 i ke a Ie 'I -e V HUoil -. lb.,, I to suit your n i it L - t . and not c.'ldili"; to you: individual tu-tc. See that the .liars it th- shoiil t s and tint Ii mi .- lit the coll us. I'awin,' is ,. ft-ii eau-el by indlTcs- ' ii in, worms, e i;i-ti'nitiou or disorder ed kidmy-. Tiie m an .'. i s siio'ihl be ked aseleni as your own plate. I'll you evil think of that? Now e. i ..,,:ii.. eiass for your Ipuis. l in o v ut :, so I ,.c ision illy au I they Hid thank .i.i. Arc tiie ilu i-iT- pjife-c'ly clenit, or is there a h i of sour, 1 1 1 Mull' in I lie bottom and corners? ive the mire plenty of wheat brn.i as well as 111" co.t, and you will oi'ow lite e ill witii stroii-; bone and j, ill. P.. 1'no-e wh i have tried both claim licit there, is very little ilill'ereuee, lem- in fie, be' iveeu white and in'. hi: I. -.'iu u-, -x 'pt iu color. You can u iw li , up the oroun I in y-iiur hen park, a id til" way tip: h 'Us irnhhlf tiie Mm in-, and wallow iu tho dirt, will iMtiviiic.; you that you have urn Ie no mistake. It is p to build u wir ' net tin; fence nt ;h eu iu.rh tu retain brown li.'-ho'iis. We have demon oniio.l jr, tliou ' i we always thou-lit ii luipo -sible 1. fore. Wiieti you brill'.,' in a doZ 'U '.,' -;s at in-lit, and they arc so nearly alike that tin iliff.Ti lie i ill Color call In de tected, it is s ite to nsiumo thai your li 'iis are pretty well bred. Tito imture ,,f uiost of poul try ii to be eeiitle mid it is only by eXPeli-nee of rounh treatlii'iit tint they bt come sl y. The true flllll iel p. ts an 1 Ih s his birds, but al ways so title that they learn to trust th. ir keeper. Tin! harness is often a sotireo of Kiiilciine; to tie horse the it! hot mil dusty .lav-. Look carefully lifter its adjustment day by il iy nu I p;ivo the hoiso all tiie liberty and c uufort p h sible. Iu doin- this, however, it is not best to lem: the harness saddle so loose Ihnt it plays up and d own his back. This will soon tnako it sore. Nut if Ttir) Are Xoiirlilnir-. Sw il! lot - I'm K"'"r? to givj my d.iuhler's voice u trial. 1 lie N i.'itlior (who has heard it six moiit lis s' iiit'lit i -I'm iiiraid that the j -rv I'oM. iii not iie.juit it. Su'HOUsr tJl AINT AM t fl.'HU .S Hurley is mentioned on Rome of til? curliest of lv.rypl.iaii itioiilimcnts. The iinuiiefatiou from Ireland be Jin ii diiriii-; the Irish i'aniii!o yours, from IS HI to I S.-.2. Tiie l ii'eest I'.ible of (he world is n iiianitsei ipt Hebrew Hible iu the Vati can, wei,eitiie Ip.'il pounds. I. iehtuin" struck n well near Win chester, Ivy., and nine i then the hole in the ground has been as dry as n Til II 111 111. Tm o cat lish, one weiehini; forty-two pound-an I the other thirty-live, were found in a saw lo- at u Minnesota mill the other ilay. At I'l inev ille, Oreo-on, a t'hiiianian ohiis a bio h.del, which he rents to nn Attierienn landlord, who runs it for (Ttucasian quests. Almost with, nit exception, the Americiii leaders iu t lie li volul i..n ii ry war were thin, while the J!ritili (iciierals were stout men. The observatory at I'l kiu is the oldc-t in the world, liuvitiir be.ti foiiiidi'd iu I'T'd by Kuhla Khan, the first emperor of the Moul dynasty. No, Liiles, Arizona, has a domestic eat iieiini; as mother to two m il. lent kittens. San Picon has a (,'iiiin: rooster ex -rcisin- parental liineiions over iwo motherless ooslinos. The Win. I. Mil shear in o crew elaiins the b. It for vast shearin; iu the liik.. vicvv sect i. ui, havin-she ired at I'.. II. S). ark's place at S.piaw Mat, Oreeoti, reci ntly, I lo; sl p to i lev.-ii in. n. lr. II Ii. P.-iilh of I'liiiadclphi i, ilways erestis n seiisiit ion wh.-ii he writes In-, name in a hotel re is, I . I , suite his mi liiueholv Hum-, he is sai l to be a man id nial tempi ra- llPMlt. rs ill-cellar- first came into use in til.- me. Inn val tpnes. There was only ,,: ., the table, and it held fi un two t,. tiir.e .punts. Th- salt was piac - i about the middle of tin' tab,. '; leueth. Clur.i ll irrin-, who inis jut I u era lii'itel tr mi the W. -t K.xbiry, .Mass iciius, Its, libli i'!i",il, ha- made a r r.-e.,r I, haviu ; bc.-u neither ab-etit nor tardy in her entile r-cl 1 life. W bile a w it ti. s t in a N w York court, 1.1 mil'. I Ib iiieiivi. th" fain ui violinist, s,tid 1 1 1 j. t h-had l.-.-ii pl-iy in ? tiieviolni for fifty years and ha I h in, lie 1 about I'i, no I lus'ruue nts I ilurin : th it tun . ! Tiie ,e.l of It po si paid I'l'iVi iop'l '. ori-inat' -I iu I'.".o. Tne lir-t nppli- j eiinm ..f :i w-i , I..- M. de ',,lfy. r, w ic. , -t li'll-h d a pi ivaie p -t- lli in I I'ail., p. a 'in- I ,,e. nt lip- sire, t el- I til l- and iiii'.i'i r -: 1 1 1 1" ti'ii"- .d i'"l- 1 i.-cl i . u nl, i i i i i i v . r . . ' Tiie l lii.e -.- '-.. o! and u- I c ell ! in t h.- t ipt t .nth ivni iiy . lie- i-ai i i. -t 1 l- I. leilCe to CO ll III li ."ill!ll i- in I I'.'-, w h. n a I'lacksii'it h nt ,:, -.. t . sin 1 to Ii'iv !ir-t u d il lor In 1. I'm I- r iv. d its iii-. i c.eil Ir on New- ; .1 Inn. worked a -i u rv. th iw. Illll Tlie I I j The p.-ut bed is t in- , inbrvo coal ticld. It p.. ut beds coiil, I i. nn. I'i nn- ; .1 slurb... I, tip y would, in lime, be tllin-fol lll-d into lulu, l ul Coal. n, y are en. I of the f. . ! - i.f plant which pr.. w V' rv rapp liy, nit.-i incnc: and nioiiii : ihein-.-Iv - until lli.y are . i.Iniost like u soli I m is-. Them ' loots .lie out b. low, but th lop lav i-rs are t he cru p. from which the new grow lit spring- rv, ry year. Nat- , uinliy, when tli- h ive r.-ni nn -.1 for a long lime utiinole -te I, the layer of roots becomes enormously thirl,. Prat is u -I' 1 in almost nil th-' countries of lvirope for find. II. c. lit iuv. sti- ; paitloiis by the depart uielit of Mate ' iis-ure us that its cultivation and utiii i itioti would 1 f the greatest ml-j vantiere to the p ior who hnve to do- j pond upon coal for lieatui;' purposes. When a at is dug by those who nn derstnlid its value, Ihe lop lav. r is taken oil' nnd carefully put aside. 'J h" growth is then cut out and tin) sod is replaced and pressed down lo be ready for growth tlie m xt miii.oii. j It is otteii the case that under the top layers there will be found it ijnaiitilv of root stalks, leaves, and sometime-' trunks of trees. This becomes ipiibi solid, and is called peat liber. lielow this there is a black, pitchy compound t Ii it in some instances, when it hn loiig been in position, may bo cut smoothly, showing n surfuco nlinost like wax. 'This is the most valuable pint of the peat mid pives out n trc heat nnd a good dent of I. hick smoke. Peat bogs must be. drained and carefully managed in or der to yield Ihe best results. Peat is cut out iu blocks, ami is sometimes pressed or moulded into shape. New York Ledger. I raiispiii ent Mirror (lass, A trim-parent mirror glass, recently introduced iu (leiinany, n llects light; on one si.le, from which it is prnctie- j ally ep.'i.pic, while from the other Ki.k' ; it is trau.-piireiit. Il is proposed tc u-e this type of glass for glazing I windows in city resi lences, for, while I it will not cut off light or vision from th" interior, it will prevent ouUidcri i from seeing into the room. Atlanta Cjtistitiitiou. I PROVED A BOOMERANG JOKE. Uovv rrnfcunr liliiekle tlnco roolnl with nn Kntflisli I.rporter, Mnny good itorles are being told fibniit the Inte l'rof. I'.lackle, nml sonto others will doubtless see the light. An iiuiiisiiirf episode occurred nt the btiu iiuet which followed the laying of the foundation st. mo of the Wullnee nioiiii inent on the Abbey Cralj;, near Stirling, l'rof. Winkle vv ii s one of the principal speakers, nml prepared a set oration, which was put in tv pe from his uiiiiiu scrlpt nt the Scotsman ottleo before hand. At that time there was more mystery nboiit these things titan there is nowa days, and It was not until lilaekie be gan to speak that the late Thomas Paul, chief reporter of the Scotsman, Inform ed his colleagues on the oilier papers that he had proofs In bis pocket with which, by l'rof. I'daekle's instru. tbuis, he would supply them. The grateful re porters ceased from their l-.bors. but were ninazed to litnl Mr. Paul himself taking hastily to his notebook and putting down every Word a.s he signaled ti) them that there was hoinetlilng wrong. The secret was soon out, for l'rof. J'.liieMo made no secret of it. He was delivering nu entirely different sp h from that which he had written lie';.', witty and entertaining, Hashing with Jeiix d'esprlt nml glow ing with patriotic nr.lor but having no more relation to the speech supplied to the Scotsman than the character of i.'ueeu l'ido to the causes of the potato famine in Ireland. Tlie professor pulled himself up from time to lime, saying. "Hut this Is not the speech I meant to give. That does not matter. You will see my real speech In the Scotsman lo morrow. I gave It to tin- editor." This Joke, which re curred nt I're'ineiit Intervals, until lilaekie at lust silt down lis Well pleas ed With himself .US his illldlellee Were delighted with him. gave satisfaction at the time all round. Next morning It Is possible Prof, lilaekie laughed the wrong way, for Mr. I'll ul reported the speech delivered, and nil Its numerous Interruptions, with photographic iiociirney, nnd It was printed in parallel columns with the in. .re rlaborr.te written essay, which i was by comparison stiff and dull. Highest of all in I.cavcning Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report NOTHING ELSE FOR BREAKFAST. ertioii that ('citrrnl A. J. Hmith I ool.eil StiuKcm Dow ii Iii Arioiin. A grizzled old veternn, who lias been IKinll'esily l:npl'..v lug his mind, l eiii.i rk d ye.-tei day : "I Know who was lolling I mi that lleorgiu soldier story ymi printed a vv hile aj-'o. It must have b.s ii ib'inrul A. ,1. Si.iith, or somebody Ie told ii to. 1 spoiled il by tin' ratt!.' tnaUe m. iiiioii. Now , t ,e Sim v ..'(on fral Siuiili ami the rat i I.v-iiii lies has never I u told, 'i vva-u't until lifter the .lelc.ati war ihnt he found .'.ill how good sual.e li' w n.s to cut. Mid at first he was just ns prejudl. . d llgltillsl it as Viill'll be if Voll Were of. leled ..lie lof tlie Ills! lime. It was like this. 1 was along, and I I. now: 'I hey had a lot ,u' tioip.lo al.out Ihnt strip of laud we iinally bought from MeM.o after the i;u:.l:i!..iipe treaty, nnd . .1. Sinit h I think he v. as a lieu I. -mint then w as sein d..w n by iliegov criinu'lii to .... , ub.. nt it. I Ie bad a par ty of about iwnti) lived. . ugh l...ys. in, ,1 th. ) wa-. mil of meat, and mil ..' pretty near rv rr.v thing i-l-r. li was in the bad lands of Arloii.i. and ine ii'id :l couple ..' other nu-ii w:is prospecting thr..ii-i the .'..uiiiiy. ruling what we eoiil'l . ateli. w.'iiehing that Hie Apa. hei ni.ln't catch us, and hiving up of no treasure, save what w.- w.-ro sioiin.: iu l.oiiveii. We ha.l i:iil;;ht ub-ul live big raltle-llllkes the Wil) .Voll have lo a raiile-i.iilo. is to pin his head down with a fm-hrd stick nnd tii.ii : in ml mi him so I v. nil.- v II kill ll'lll. enn't Idle liim-olf V.'e hail Ihe su.:ke. nl! -hull nu, I e-ohin, el el' t be tli e V, 11 h a eotipl,. e. i-s gra v y .low n iiil.. I h ..I' pone baking ihe belli to cll'l) Ihr skillet, and a si.u.i- olhel- Mile. W hell Up eoln. s lieiieral Sinilh. We laid spot, ted him n-long ways off. bill seeing he v.'iis evident a white man. we just put another si.nke on, and ii.l.lrd some l. i.uc corn meal nnd said mulling. "Smith, he loped lip and snvs, 'ibiod ;..!. men. I've I n smelling this sup. per for l hr. e miles: whatever have you got;' " 'nuly Just some siuikes.' "Smith was a young otlirer Just from tlii' Point then, and lie thought we were codding, but the more he looked at Ihe long black bodies curling in the heat the more be felt we were playing It stmight. " 'Whatever are you giving ine?' he nslied. 'Are jmii going tu rat them things''' ami 'Are tin'." sure snakes Y' "'They sure are rattlers.' "Smith smelted UI thetii. and they sure did smell good, nnd Iinally he says: 'Hoys, If that was some of the fricas seed serpent that tempted live Iu Ihe garden I'm screwed up local it. Pass over the eorn pone and the dripping.' "I Ie made so good n mi ni that we hail to put on mint her snake ' we were nil s.illstie.l. Then Smith ipiesi lolled us about snake entolilng nnd i king, nnd we warned him imt eat meat Unit nhnvve.l green murks when skiin. Ib liinde n whole lot of notes In his pock et 1 1;, got on his horse nnd went nvvay, nflcr emptying Ms bottle Into lis. "I heard he fed his largely on snakes after that, nml to this day I'll bet he'd sooner hnve rattler than quail." St. Louis Star Sayings. l,ovo Is f.lmplo in "eiitlinetit nn I complex In" SOUTHERN BUSINESS UNIVERSITY I.YM'IIHI ltJ, V,. KVtnr.V lull Nl I 111. N I- l-.V IT VTA It Tlier u.lily I'M 'TI I. '...". .i.-ri-li.l I -ui with f n.p'. lH nt nn.l . m. - p,-. .rn... rIIOIITII A Ml B...I T I'llttu 1'1'lvi; iwu-s r. t. ' " i n- .i...:.!.. :.,.l j- HOLSTEIN rBIESIAN CATTIE .iii-nri-s.-, l-r niiik. I. .iii.-r, 1 eif nn. I I..-nuly. Full KIM. n V j. W. Aiolttlia. Uo-iTcl-nu. .MJ. l" i -m A TORTURED MAN. VOMKi:i"lX XVII AT A MAN 'AV ST A Nil. A lol.ln.l.l XI. in VVIni Kniivm Wlull Sllf li rill;; VIimiih nil. I IVIinl ,liiy Thrrf U In lo lli-r. ','" '.c .ci,' ', ll'iltimort; JM. Mr. N. A. Kraiiiii.:, a rallrid employ, livini? at 111 S. Strieker Mtnct, bnltininre, was cured r. tit I v "I chronic rii"iinatisiii by I'r. Williams' Pink Pills. Mr. Kriiuinc; mii a at t u, k oil l.y rli'Miinatisiii over a ynr nijii. 'I'll.- diseiuse i. illicit such a hold iii..n liiin tlyit ho was iilinost ciisiaiitly unlit (or work, ninl in . inler to inn lie up for l"ss ot tiiiu- from Ins la', .rs lie .-biUished n rrocor Store in Ills house, wlliell was iiltetiileil to liy In . wife and mother. Now lie is well iin.1 at ' M-r;. every .lay, iin.l h.. ;ui, hi- familv all ! liceinre Hint he .,..-his life lo Pink Pills, j Win n -. en t.y a . reporter a M-.-.-k nif.i Mr. Mrn iin.: -ni t: ''Over a yenr mro I liiet 1 nn nttn-k ! rheumatism :'ui. f,,r niontlit ' .-ipTerel t nt .-p civ. I ihi.,1 i,i,..,i-' ires,.ri. i li.u.s nml ... vciai proprietary leclieiniM Imt i Wii.!. ait .m v e... .a te-. ins, in tact, I ...iti- tilllteil to -I', I. .Id I!," tit. chronic (..rn Ve Ul.l ever I. I lost my w in,, I iliuiliv Hie iloctur i lie. omit. -:n I. a t nr-saimi'il i an I that lie .h i li. . I think I . pern in. -iii Iy eiir.-.l. in:- -tite, -uiTereil from Iterv.'ii'i pp.. i tat i l, ilt--"llll:lil .'lll.l 'ak an 1 i, Kill' nt,-1 thai ..lily at lonif iiiler- short period- nt a lime was f mi l To nt.l toeiv any attention lo my work. I re ei.llv advise. I to trv Or. Williams' I'ink Pill-nn. i .ti l s... In a -li.Tt time I I.. i ifim I" I r i pwe. After inkiiie t lie pill- I wn.-i ehlirely ."ir.-1 aii I am ti-.w a well nitui i nu, I ni," t" nl'eii'l t . my l-ii-iii.a. I most i-he.rii.l'y re. -nn. i. ai, I th- Pink Tills mil . say (liey "are the l.-t and iiio.t r.-hiil'l" nn J effective me p. lie 1 eV T tried. 1 k cp t ll.'IU , in III.' h us-, i.ti.l in .-a f ui.y p-t urn of my I eld symptom- or in any Uher sick in". I slinil ; give them a th, .roiufh trial Let.. re resorting to a doctor or ! any oilier rein. sty.'1 "You ! ii.ii.v well say s-." s-u.l Mr. kimiiiiif s mollier, I ''fo'r if y.ii iia I n-l li.-nrd ( the Pink PilLs ! y.ei would ii. a i.e li re P. -lav.'' I Jir. Willinms' Pink I'd s il :iin, in in i'oiiieii-e. form, nil Ihe . -1 i i . 1 1 1 - ii ssnrv j P. ii v w life and rielnc l- the l.looil j nn. i restore sluiit. red ie tv-.-. I le y nre an iinfniliin; s ill f. r sii-li .Ii .. ii-.s us I - motor, partial parnh-i-, St. Vitus' I .Inn.'.', reuii i -ii, n. ninl, m,i, i-l., iiin iti-.iii,tierv-j i. ns I. .-n. In. -I.e, tl,.. n't..,- ,-,T.-c .,f In ertppe, ; I nlpttntioii ..I it,.. ) a,t. pe nii.l siilliov ; .-.eiiplevioi . nil form- ..f .-al.ii..s- either iu ; leal., or li-mn!,,. 1'mk fill., me -.., .v nil ; .lenler . . r .11 I - .- nl .-t ..ij, , .ipt of . or -iv i.oxes r,,( id in lull, or l.y llni W i i 1 1 it tu -" M' ,, mo .N . V . liini l,y a, t ...H,lllV , .tig Jir. : .- ! Iv, A young lady night il. tined a . nt a box party 0110 luiperoii ns "one who got out of the way vvbeiiev n ehaji iirouml." (here wni Powder PUBE lln I tiie llviilenec. Pantile lb-nil.;:, tl n.-e popular emotion:,! nciress. is now eliding her career iu a I'.i.w.ry iliuie miiseiim. To day of ih id men who wear a little bunch of wlii-loTs ..n iV-jr chin, and are ever .ui tl... lookout for some. thing coniieensl will. I...) Ii 1 days on the ..Id faini. Iieurd licit I'lliiiile was still back of the foot Ik!', is. He Invest ed a iliiue for oi I ac.pi.iiiitaiiee sake, and. althoiih he bad ii"t i-'eli the n.' ti'e.s since I'-17. when she toured the Mai in-Hit. he r. .-..-uicl her. Then h- sirucli up a on vr am w ith mie of the iiit'iches of tho !io use and pulled from ilie folds of a grca-y old p.uket- l; a phoioi.-r.-iph of 1'iiniii". ml the buck ..f vhl. h vw-i'i- writt. il the youth-de-.t I-..) -ing word- "Ii. in .luue 11. ivjo." W hen the aeiress. s of the present gen eration pass around their pictures no such :io!',..eiise accompanies them. -Pittsburg I 'ispai. li. The progressive mail, lil-.e the care ful traveler, never loses his grip. no voc i vrixT To (tccumc a Motliet? If so, tin n p. r lit i t us p. ...iv Ih it I .,-i tor Pi. p.-' . I avoiite p.. si iiptioii is lit. Iced .1 line vlntlicr's rriend," I. a: 11 MAI.IS V ?,.v, vhililhirth Lasy " by .1. I.l! ills' the Fv- t. in for ti aitui ili .ii. llni . io i-lini; Nil till, and i.hoi; o-t- " I. il.oi." T lie p linful old. ll of.-liildhillh i . i ,1.!.: .1 of it- li rims, and Ihe din.;. I-- Ih. n of to.-itlv I. . ii'-d. to both llloth, I .I'lil . hild Th- pelio-l ..f . on!, ii. nn nt j-. ai-o holt. lied. Ih - mother -tl. uiiih. n d and an abundant i . . li lion of ti"iit i-hue nt I-I Ihe chill . I. d. Send I w. -lily oil" ' u ' ' nl l"i The Pi u-).!.-'-. Ai. .ii, il Advi-t I" i ...c.,s, over (oo ill. i-tt tiius. civi.i-: .ill i iili-ail ar-. Sev- I ih ipt up .t l.uiiily doctor th- i oiisider.itioii of Aoiucii with j-iis'ircs- book .lie .1- Voted t i -.i-. : in i nn ii t lioll-i .1111' since-- iu I'ltine lu.iiin.iu oi dluss. V. ii Id's lh-i.n-iiiy .Midi- il As,oei.ili..n. r.ull.ilo, N V. TlieOrcatcst i Uiiic;il Discovery of the Arc. KENEDY'S Medical Discovery, DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBUHY, MASS., Ilft discovered In on.v ot tun common pasture weed- a r nclv lint i-upsi every klu.l of Humor, tr-m the w.rsi S.rofuhl down to n eoimii. n piiiipl.'. Uv l.ns tried it in over eleven liun.lrftil ruses, and never fu; t in two'iM (both thunder lui'ieT. II" lias now in his possession over two tiuinlre.l cortltt cutes of its vniiie, nil tt lliiii twenty mle Of Host. .ii. Sen. I pintnl . nnl for book. A beiiellt isiiHvnvs....'ri.'ii.'e.l from the flrt bottle, and a pet lo.-t cure is warranted When tin) right Uniili!.V is lali'MV. W.ion the b.ngs nre ntl'e. ti. 1 it rnusfsl ihooling fniiH, liku Willi. rnsl,lnK tlirouifh tlieni ; the r,'ini' vvilh tho Mver or Bowels. This is cans,, l.y tho JuoU tlng stopped, iiii-1 nUv ivs disappears Iu W0'k .liter taking it. U 'a l the lub'L If tlie Btoiiia -li Is foul or bilious It will Cti iso s(iie;iui isti lin-fM nt llrst, .io change of 'Ii i ever nec-s-nry. Eat tho Vie- y.m cin g , an. I enough f It Doso, one fil.l. spe aifal in water ul UJ Uuia. buhl l.y nil lriurgUl& oM i C ! TJ-ri't lil PARKER'S I HAIR BALSAM i V' Never K...19 In Ilrsloru Omy Iili 'I! " or J l' Vmillilul Color. ! rCui.:e,..V.i;...'g. 13 rl "Ull Srul'. f ii.-l, l..-sl. CH Irl In 1 1 'in. S"l, bv ilnnritl"'". EL i

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