(Chatham cccu-tl. I) at I) am ttecori). KATES OF ADVERTISING Out' s. poire, one insertion- 11.00 One s.jutttc, two insertions " 1 -60 Out) B.piare, one mouth .fii) For larger advertisements liberal ,,tn vwX will bo made. KDITOIt AND riiOI'HIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 M YEAB Strictly in Advance. VOL. XVIII. lTTSIORO CHATHAM CO., N. C, SKT'I EMiiKlt x m. NO. I. Ctff y Jim si m r fii 11 11 li lift y V V fit M I'iiIIht Time's KavoriliMii. Old l'lltllcr Time three llllllLjIlte.s lliltll; Two fair, one mid In look Unu ; Their names uro Life unl l.jvo mil Jioatli. When two nrti lost tin) other's wuii. olil Puttier Time Is luinlly fair. Ho grudges Ii'ivc ami Life tln-ir prime, No l.ioks with pride on lioutli ; lil- cam Would ever haste the winter time. I.ifo laughs at Father Time's culil tan1, I.ovo llglits the licitrtli, .lespito liis frown ; tint Death l.u.ks on witli ug'T air, lt.imimtl.i'iiiiL,' all Ills .scythe liath nwwa. Yet Life ami Lev., will last for aye. And lii'alli hut 1'iicv i;an stir tin soul ; !ij live and ! v- ir-utli sunny sky. And scorn stem l'.iili r Time's nitrnl. - N xv York U vurdi'r. A LEADVILLE JOKE. Mr. 1" Ii 'wis is a Washington newspaper writer who linn leaped into fame ns a graduated cowboy of thn wild niul wooly West. llo culiio un heralded to tho National Capital, only u your or two n ;n, us tho correspond ent of tho Kansas City Tun "s, that paper having discovered tho cyclonic character of L .'ivis' stylo, whilo with tho revolvers and knives vet in hi.s belt ho wuii practicing law. S ton ho nindo hiiniilf felt, over the wires, whilo ut tho Pro's (,' uh ho became nno of tho favoiitj st ory-tollers, says tho Washington Pathfinder. 11 i was (rubbed tin by the Chicago Times and since that paper suspended has ben throwing nil' u series of Wild We d yarns for tho Washington Post that arc intistcrpieo.." in their way. In n recent story Mr. Lewis ha di s covered one Peter Demi, a yuan;? Wiishiugtonkiii, whoso friends are "speaking Hevetvly of Western humor." According to L.wis it ap pears that less than u your ago Mr. Demi left tho parental roof on li street and plunge 1 into the. gloiviu ; West. On thediy of his il .'piuturo lie was twenty-three, nut n ripj ago. Jle had i.tn lied laming and ongiueor iiii.;, and Knew in thofo matters nil that tcieno ! could tell. Ills purpose in going West iva to ueijuiru the practical part of his chosen profes niou. Peter Dean believed in know ing it all. ThiiH il bcfdl that yoim; IVler Dean, on a d ly las! hiiinm r, tossed a e.irele.s.i ki-.s to hi comp inioiis, an I lie 1 away into the heart of tlu one tiliout. Th'-n his hair w.a raven black. Yestcrd IV when ho ret ulu.;d il was .siivr wlnt. Western h nimr had worked the e!i in,.;.' ; th 'leforo tho Clitieihiu cliroli.oieil. Alld Peter Dean tells til.! t llo of the lileaelnn ; p; m.v, ., as follow.': "At li' ilwll ' I in t a per ; hi Hum ;d Tlionip.oii ; 'Mi.sv" T.i i.ii;! uoli In; waseillel by tho.ij ab.oit him iu testimony to Ins powers asa i'o;ier- ; Mltiollllli il. A b ll iveep -r, who.-ivme l to bo tho bo-it i it t' r in . ' I and moil gentlemanly hoiil in lln: I jwii, told me llmt'iai-y I'lioiu i on w is a miner lud of practical nkill, all I l!iit h' w.ujud then engaeed in sinking a hhalt. I lnijiht nrraiii) w itli ( i issy an 1 le irn tho busbies-.. Ai th,. b u ke, pel's hint 1 propose.! 'is in u-li to him. " 'All riviht," Miidtiiisy, 'com.' out I to tho hhafl to-morrow. ' "The in -t day I was at the place appointed. Tin i-halt n, already -titty feet de.-p. Prides myself and this person il.is.y, who was tutor to me, there was a creature named dim. That mad o throe of its. "At the mil; ioii of (lissv, he and I de ce.idi' I into th .' shall. .Jim was left on the Miri'aee. Wo went down by mo ins of a bu.-ket. .Inn uuwiii'liu;; us from a rickety old wind lass. "One. i down, (iis-y an 1 1, with hledo mi l drill, p irpet r ited a hoie iu tho bolt Mil of tho shaft. I held the drill, (J.issy wielding tho hled,L;e. When the wind,; met tho wor.diipful taste of my tutor, ho put in a dyna mite oat rid",o ; connected a hoi ; livo lniuute fuse theii.-wilh, and carefully thumbed it about and packed it in with wet el iv. At (i tssy's word I was then hauled lo the Mirfaej by .Jim. I ndded my stiiu tlito tin; windlass; tl.issy climbi I into the bueket, lijjhb.'il the fuse, and was then swiftly wound to th e sittlaee by .Inn an 1 my solf. We then drained the windla a aside, uncovered th; mouth of the nhaft, an ) iptiokly scaiiipt;n;d to a dis taueo to bo out of harm's reach. At tho end of live minutes from the time that (inssy had lighted tho ftte, and perhaps threo minutes after wo had cleared a way, tho shot exploded with it ileal'euin;; report. As u result, tons of rock were shot up front the mouth of tho idiiu't full fifty feet iu the air. It was all very impressive, and gave me a lesson in the tremendous power of dynamite. 1 was much pleased, and felt us if I were learning. "poilowiiiL; the explosion, timsv and I naiu repaired to the bottom of tho (ilini't, and after clearim; away the tho del ris nud peudm;; it up and out by the bucket, wo completed nnothef hole, mid were ready for another whot. This was lib, nit noon, "It was at this point that tho mi. -errant, (lassy, begun to put into ac tion a plot he hud formed against in ; and to cany out which the mur derer, Jim, lent ready aid. You must remember that 1 had perfect t'oiil'ideiiej in these two villain ". The ntory now begins to thicken. " 'I never seed llo tenderfoot git iiIoiil; like ymi do at this bu.iii ess," hind TlloliipMOll to me. This was Mat tery. Tho criminal, (J.issy, was fat tening inn for Kicr.lice. " 'Lotiks like you was born lo b a miner,' ho went on. 'Now, Pin !.;oin' to let you tiro the in-x! shot. L'sual, 1 wouldn't feel jcsti.icl iu iillowiu' a tend rfoot to lire a shot for plumb three miuths. Hut you ha a genius for mining' ; it conic i as eiy to you in r ob'n'ii' :i bird's ue.t. I'd bj doiu' w r.iiig to li d 1 you buck. "(),' imiii w, 1 felt uititrally pleiu.vl. To bo iiIIow.mI to lire a dy iiauiito shot on my liist visit in a shaft 1 felt and know to bo an lion ir. I d 'termiueil to w rite hoiujtj my friend i of this triumph. ' '(Sissy said h ;'d put in the shot, and he seloc'e I one oi' giant size. 1 saw tho h 'lculi: i:i explosive, pine 1 iu the hole; then ho att ich -d tho fuse and thumbed the clay about it as be fore. He .ivo me af'w la-t words. "'Aft 'r 1 gets up," he siid, '.in nn; an' .Jim's all lea ly, you climb into the buAet and lijdit tie; I'ns ;. Tii"U raise the loiigyjll to me it'i' Jim, an' we'll y.i:ik ye out. Bit be shore an' light the fits'. Tint's nilthiu' in ire diseoura ;in' than lor to wait hall' an hour outside an' no c it rid goiu' oil'. K-ipoeial w li !ii it g ;i o!f after you goes b i.'l; to see wh it's th ; matter with her. S i, be hhore an' light the fuse, an' then me an' Jim '11 r.ui you up the second folloriu'. Tins oilghter be a great d ty for you, young man, liriii' a shut this away tho first six hours you're n niii jr. ' "Jim an d (Sissy were at the wind la hi and yelled: " 'All roa ly billowy' "1 wis iu tli ! bucket, and at tho wof 1 scratch ;d a lu itch an 1 lit the fue. It sputtorc 1 wdh alaruiing ardor and throw oil' a shower of spark.'. " 'II list away,' I e die I. "The villains ran me up about tell l'e.l and c.i'ii t to a ,1 'a I h ,',!. Al tlu.s e: i ,i ) they s seie'd to i;el biloaual t'leitioii. 'I'u --y b it h ab in loaed I li,; wiu llaH, ail le nti l h.'ir t lem c irs- iu; tint thii' iteiiiug and shooting; pi eii:n abl y at en 'h other. "'I'll hive your heart out,' I h : I lii. .y .-a v. "lv ti 1 ii nil was wn.'t hi; u l.mi:. I'd s en oil! shot go oil'. Hero 1 was .-.Will glllg sola; tell leel ovel' II Still heavier cii ai' "', all la'iout to b; blown Into eternity. M an .1 Inle t h ; call ill't, on whom my life dep ni le 1, had it'iall lolled la ; to settle sola ; ae li s..' I feud of 1 1 or ow u. "I cannot tell you of my agony. The Ins; was spitting lire like forty li"ii ls; the narrow shift wti oh iked with smoke. 1 hw an ; tliere helph;.,', ,iw iltiug d 'ith, while the two r.is uls, (Sissy and Jim, were trying to kill each olh r above. Kith T from the sin ko or the ex 'iteiuent I fainted. "When I came to myself I was out si. lo tho shall, safe and sound, whilo (iee.y ami his disreputable assistant were laughing at their joke. Thero h id been ii i shot plao id in tho drill h lie ; t ho li -ar'. less I S issy ba I palmed il ami carried it with him to tho biir I'see. "At m v very natural impiiry, nude in a weak voice for I was still sick and broken as to w hat it all meant, they sii.l it was m Uely il Ii .'itdvillo jest and intended for tho initiation of a tenderfoot. " 'it gives 'em nerve,' said (S issy. 'It puts heart into 'em an' does 'em good. "As soon as I could walk I severed my relations with (Sissy Thompson and his outlaw adherent, Jim. Tho next morning my hair had turned tho milky sort you see. Tho Lvidvillo people with whom I discussed tho crime laughed. That was all the sym pathy, nil the redress, I .;(. "After that I rim; Mist without de lay. When 1 loivo th.! District of I'liuuii'ii iigiiu it will not bo for ljea lville, nor will my n ;xt mining connection he form ' I with such aban doned leu Imrians as (S issy Thompson, and Jim. " Sum's in Failure. Mann I toll you, nothing sueeoe li like failure. I) iu Nonsense ; you mean "sue ecs. " Mil tut Not a bit of il. There's n mm who hn failed nine times iu twelvo years and now hu'i a million aire. -Now lork World. C.uollini liier birds. Tho danger to w hich rie is sub jected from the time of planting to the day when tho crop is soi l are m my, but probably I lie greato-d. em tity lite rice planter has to eouteii 1 witii is tie; rice bird. It is said tied this bird, which is known iu different localities as Java sparrow, bobolink, reed bird and other names, destroys from niie foitrth to one-third of th : Southern rice crop. Th y are slaughtered iu eiiorinoiH numbers by tho s ntinel.' employed and ulso by sportsmen, but such is their greed that tiny will hardly fly when a shot kills th; com panions by their silo on tin; same bush, but wiil continue to e it until they air themselves slain. This maio , a heaven for the sport meii, and many take a Iviintage of this s uson to put in a few days' i hooting iu the rie; lb-ids. This, however, has its drawbicks. In order to get at the birds the "hunter must leave the banks and enter the fields, and in doing so be meets with many obstacles. There are bog holes for him to bee mi s mired in, orb' may fall into an old dit ' i and have to swim across, and there is l!i . A i i ger of catching malaria, which at this sea sin of the year is particulirly danger ous. Hut reward sweetens labor, and if a couple of sp irtsmen kill from ) to 1,00:) birds iu the course of a d iv's hunt it is not c nisi lore I remarkable. When, however, what is left of the crop, after the frost, fresh-ls and rice birds have hid a turn at it, is sacked into the barnyard to cure, it then falls prey to au enemy second, only to the rice bird the black lerd thru appears These ravenous birds will settlo upon the .-tacks in great 11 umbel s, and as th ; sheaves are stacke 1 witii the head, that which contain.- the rice outward, they have no dilH.-ully lii appeasing their hunger, ami oft times i veil a gunshot within a few feet will fail to drive them away. Sportsmen stand at one end of tho long row, and, supporting their piece) on tho en I stack, will llrj a!on .;tiu line, and inure than '.l td have been known to be killed at a single ill i eharg '. Philadelphia Times. Wnii.lcn Yiiffis. Wooden yarns were unknown up lo a few months ago. Now tin y are being ntili'd in several classes of goods. They are not entirely coin posed of W, ,i I, iibollt h ill their Com position b III ; wool. Wood pulp, glue, borax, litharge, tallow and nil.; or two otlnr iiieredieiils are well a-itated alld il:s.ole,l, th liiixlur being then inn through holes and drawn into slriinds, which are lolled, dried and poliahe I. Tin y in i y t hen ! be iiileixviiieil with wool yarns or; broii.ed and given a metallic lint lire, and can be knitted or woven into j coo. Is which have the a n; icai unci; ol ! fabrics made Imiu the ustt il libre. Some of the wooden thread.; have been bion 'il and worked into fancy j patterns with g I results. Tannic acid is largely used iu bronzing, also a solution of permanganate of pota di. A bath of oiicholl is employed in the finishing. The broii. 'd pulp yarii i ' are glossy and attractive. Tin y loo! xvell iu desi'iu;.'. So ch v 'teiy are th wood-pulp yarns made and so well are , tin y introduced into the goods that j it is not easy to detect them. 1 hey are Ih xible, like wool, smooth, uni form, clastic and otherwise much like libre yarns. Put liny have no felting power. They can bo pulled apart abruptly. If the presence of the yarns is sus pected a thread should be removed and an attempt made to pull it apart. That is, try to bleak it, pulling grad ually and with siillieielit force to sepa rate it. If wooden, the cuds will break nil' short ; if wool or other libre the ends will separate irregularly. American Cultivator. Want California lln-", (unraiitiuo ollieer Craw receive I a letter from Charles Curry, I'mler Secretary of Agriculture at Capo Town, Africa, asking for a shipment of California lady birds. Last year a colony was sent to South Africa and they thrived rapidly. As tho bugs rid the orchards of pets they moved into ttie interior ami all truck ol tnem has been his!. Now the orchards are again infected and tho Secretary of Agriculture wants another shipment scut. Mrs. Hubert Louis Stevenson xvas a visitor at the looms nf tho State Hoard of Horticulture recently. Her orchard at Apia is badly infected with scale, and Mr. Stevenson wanted a colony of lady birds scut on to see if they would work successfully there. She suiil from her luted advices that if something; xvas not done promptly her entire plantation would be destroyed. The lady buds will be snippet on the next steamer. Sin Francisco Chronicle. i .iiMMtiivs ;!. vhn. w i nous., nn i .i.v Oil. wli.lt a dear, It'll ,!u:i,.i! lii I yoii kn-ev t 'i.-it 'ii , r' lalie h, r. v "ir v-'i -.-11 ? t il te .In-! li let the H..,.f .tli in ad ,i"r Ii -a 1 . w . -d it 1 1 r : I deellir II 'W II I II -1 1 ...e- ,.i,r ! I III illir t'le -. ill. -1 IIII I Vu.'k III- Itnl" Mid.;.-, i And toi -s- ti 'v "ii WelL-ll" Ml!..l' (Ml e lll.l ,S IKII,. I'l.'oiui l-;-. s'' oily a ! ir-," do;-, who wit- so ! 1 1 oli '. -o fein le-s, so mtellr gent, and o seine iu allaiis that he was culisidet'eil the ehniiploii of the tow ti. lie could thru h any dug round ubmit, and a!u.i- di I it when il was lu cessary. Put he u:i III V'detlt. I i xtreiuely kind and be i howed great kindness and protect''. 1 in inv a .e..lli.,ii an I saw him . tow n in good eon.'.i- I'.ei gilt a sp.-ctally bad '".ill h I III. lie clime nud into the .lining i iiuily wi ii! din i d h'.tlc tie. up il .g at to tramp do '-, 'i v. r. tein-d Int'i v safely out el' lii. Iloll." ( ue day he hr speclllie'l iiollli into the le u . room, u li- ti- lii' Iter, tin; w n tele his heel-. lb' look.,1 Up (fiug hi- t.u). a-' lit. A plate ..! and tile little .1. oii-ly. Ili'ewii w is nil right. touch the 1 1. was tliriotnh 1 ' his ni'i'-ti r, wng- lor :.om--t lung to oo.l wii . . . ! dew n, snteln d a' it ruven e'lled til think tied e did led idler to When the little .leg inked for another plulelul and had his own dinm r. lie ki jil th" bttio bog fur ijuit.) awhile, always pel suit t ill ' him to cat lift. Al night he t ink the do; into his k'.IUiel, himself shajuug "Ulside. Jle w:n not at intimate with tile dog, but treated him as a visitor, nut atiiiiytiiiieiis.a friend. The tramp I'mii'ly went on his way, strong and will, and a , plump and sleek as uny dog iiei .1 What was said between t hese 1 wo iloj;s, botuitt meeting tilid l . ' '. ' . . j I.... ii..-iiii,; ,o know. .Wit York IVs.'. 1 lll'I.l.,, Wele getting i', It was to for they hud Harold" M iv, ready for a eat. I. u n b-; a X' rx -la til part nlilv inx lied II ! Iiei ii next door. Te-sie i pn ad a tablecloth on tin ii I big, Iblt .-.tolie under the f rent oal. Mid llossi, chicken in I! si i'u raspb trie Tessje t, t it I on lln; salidw it'll, graii'lui i'. pretty a saiieerful of bl; .he led by J!. rllni's plate, and mollcr beside II neld's. Then lin y rui to th. again, t" lid I"" i. dves. Why, .ee h, It !" I i-pbi rn patch e. rs for tiiein- i ee hi I't !" said T. s ill' W hell back to III table ; Volile beeii -teallll II Hold's bel'- they lio.lv "Whn can it be' '?" Mlitl lie-sje. "Well, there mm plenty more rasp- ! berries lii the paleh, that Is oil" ;;..od j thing! And we have only lo run and I pick linen. " j They Lurried away to lilt I he saucer oliee inot'e, ut the same time keeping watch of the table. Nobody secnietl to go mar it, yet when liny ciinie back again they found Ihithii's plate x as almost in jd x . "Now, that's nn an !'' cried P.sssie. 'Siy, Te-sic, let's hide and wnh-h : and when we catch tin; thiol we'll oiler him some raspberries an I cake very politely; then won't ho be 'shame 1 !" so they crouched down behind tho currant-bushes, w hi-.pi ring and peep ing. They hail not wailed long be fore they saxx- the thief running softly towards the table. A boy? No. Aiii, I? No. Ii wa ttie cutest little Mpiirrcl that xoii exer saw. I low Tessie and lles-ie did lail;h! Youth's ( 'oinpiiiiiou. I'ldalm -. as llni se 1'rril. In the lir-t I--U! nf the Planter we gave t he cxpcrieiie ; of W. (i. Ilinson id James i-lau I in rel'ciouc.. to feed ing horses and mule: on potatoes. We since fouii I tun farmers, J. ('. Lamp ley of Darlington county ami W. I ). 1 1. miss of I'loieiit'e county, who me utiii.itig their potatoes in the same way. These g. iitletueii are net lining it from necessity. According to the r.'liniuto it Colonel T. W. Woodward ol 1'i.irli -Id it taken three bushels nf potatoes to npial ill n u 1 1 1 in nl niie 1 u In 1 el Com, but I l.'ll if it took four thn cost of feeding on the potatoes v mild be far less. It is well known tint a dry summer is favorable to potatoes and just the iippo-ite for corn, ami this fact ought to be sullieicnt to itubtic every limner lo plant thrni iii: hiriielv. Carolina rinntcr, I DIAMOND i)i(.(rl.'(;. South African Mi no;; Worked" hy Native L.lb.HVl'e Gii.irdin:; Against ting Tin It. nl Pl'eflUilS ,S!' tll'S. "The South Afrie-Ui 'Il im eei mill' are wrked a!.,e. I ei.tn ly by l.a . I ve ; , A im1 r(imi; laborers the K-.llir Zulus, nud II u- ! Wj, n Uil. niiVUi,, IM(.,.,Villll t,",", " ' ;1 "' ,,, man who ,i i. .-, a h-.u- next, "!',,Vl""'' 'Ihrs- receive i ' " . ,,, .,,,,! ,,,, , ,,.,1,1 , about , ,- ,,, I h, and are hnvd , w ,ls Mrilj..,t s a bullet fori, ten u .,f three ,,.:. ti,-. Itiirn. ; ; .m , ,.,.,. . f til j.,s xU.il,. it this pri,.,l th.-v a..- o mrli,. I in i ,- ; n n U:iu if jm th ilnVrl. , ,-.. I "I- 1'H'itial re th'' of the . , ,,...,, 11U. ,,,, ','1"' ''..tiipotinds e,ei-lsl .f ! ,iU i.wi , ,,,,, ,,. ,.,,,,,. ,l,.,v,,. ''""s "' '"''''o -f - u giie.i it-.n, , (. (, w r iimM l. i,iMjh 1i;ik ' 'niLCll hoiloM i.pilile, :u,' ledj ,,,i..u V 1 e n 1 i 1 1 1 . 1 ' - lit!,,,,,,- bi it log board fence and c.v in.gsex- ,,,, J;,, v.; ,.1,..M..li, . tl;.n, the .'...I ncrrs of ..round. Within tie- . .M!( ,,,,.,, u.,lh ,.,,, co,r,, re st-.ie., a h'.'pitMi. b..a i. line , , ' . .. ,,,, u,ltl ,,.,, houses and ..li,. I colivillel Woo and wil t nr.. I'urui- h-l ti- , I ut u llleol..,; ', : 1 , , ti , , ma. a! i. e.i . ,1. I 'II 'in t h. ir l. i ni of sen ic I li.-ltiV. led sli.e.v, d lo h in- any i . .a, e, u :,iea Iloll With tile OIls.e Wot I I, Slel ill' nn h i' a .-x i it of rlo p r-ou al .-nr v l 1 nice iu of. I.'l to preXel.t I he t te I of l llllllolld-. Win n t 'e y , en e ! I roiu t he uiiil" siii. It t If x in e car. I ui s arel.el, mi I tinny . t""'i 111' il "d'-l'l-'d to l.dlice tie Joss Iroin this source to :i iii. li "S'ltwith-lati lin j iili tut I- d ho'.'.i ver, the theft di nn... ,d- .-lib c ..itiiiue-. It n i -tiiii:.l -I ta il !;..' 1 i I.. J I p, r cent ol the dmiiion 1 f ill'l.l al'e stolen ex. I X X ai'. I II nl .1 r to prevent tin- a v r;. strut et.t law wis ,,,-s.d pioMii,,.. ,,,at nil lough .leimoiid- -h el d I"' t'Ll-t-led x.ith the dete eiv bin- ii i tin. ( i-v . I'iii.i n! .as .i..i:. a- liny vote j liu'lit iu ; Hi.e lire far 10 r,ir. found, and that i . ry ii.au who -olil a j 'J'.. 1 ',im m I - u-utej , .... j, u:.t.- I by limmoiid must give wit ii il a coiUli- j tlie local gov.-riiiii'-iit '. iiepiire into cute of registry. ';"iy. can - s Mil cited" nf The penalty for having au imrcgi.- the coal mine tires f Piot-ni ce.iiity I. I'e I rollgll d il tilt ite I I - S: V'gl V :.!! illX'e j I-t It!' died tlkili: evid"C'. ol; the Cape Town bretkxxati r, an i '.... w ,ik of the Coin In i--io u was d:-lh:- mere ftc: of posses. -ion is prima I f,.,.;, n.iiulv to an invest mat ion "t facie ...vid.eic ; thai w ill secure oivie- I the condition of the I'-mrd jet. l itis 1 ion. So it happens tii.. it it one labor- j m . ,:. , ),. eii te: tire in :..' .1 u . .r r wants to do up nttoth'-r h" in ma ..; ! .... , ;.r .,.,,.,. the li t: s, ii lid it i--to slip a ro'i'di iliin.ioii I into tin ! buriiin ; yel. J I xpl "si n n I : i r e.pb- olliel' labor l'- eo'll, or Hit" III - lo gt.. .Ili.l th.'Il li II til police (o l.eej, a sharp lookout. ( )f course I in- police lual," a :- treii, the eotitrabr u.d -toin is found, nud the in au is In lot- a term nl's xi li yi at A ere it manv Uhju -t :-elltetlC,'s IliXe It I. . I t I . I It b l,V lit ell sceufi'd iii tin- way, bin .! spite th--opposition to tin: Ian, lie' eo-upauy i powerl'iil enough to I,. . ,t in force. "fheic are olii.r .Ii en 'i I li. Id- ; out i do oi III" K Hub "I I . d. II let , bill t hey are d libel!; w r I. I. ' a. el ill . III. Hilly exp'oile I b . d I . v .fkl.t ..it t heir ow u ace . int. I ae to!,. 1 pro duet is not huge and tl, woik i- X . I' a I 1 I el ., tilt.' di .'L4 I b M l II. o i ly in ii who have been liii'-.ei - 1 1 t ' w .i i. 1 y I In Iisolidal ion ..I l a - 1 1 'i lex lit ill" , into one x .e t crp tat' tli Mid tie -tl'i v. I 'til I'e U li.-! I . i .: pr i iliielion. Tins latter, b. tile w ,-. , has hid a e i i ' i el e.l'eet Uj'o.i tit... I v. i . : Kim', i e. it -elf. As hit" us four x . ,i -lejo Kiittbe! ley hid a pog'i ali 'i t "i II II or gtigl I I p" .pi". It w.i .hid ..ui for a ele il city Mel clij iX'ed for a little II lit:; boom. Fine I, I i.'l. block- Ml 1 re-id. noes were Inn. I, hotel , ail t h "I'l'i and wall I' xiol'ks Mid ev rl nn:; p.-i-'ab,-ing to a mod. in city. N'..w n good third of ties" plae s are .-mpty and Kimberly i- a- .lead as a New li i i town that i - il"peii h id u;i ,ii a -ingle mid. Ail the supplies and machinery for th,' mines ate lae.v bmi ;ht, ..: course, by a single company, : that more than t xvo-t hn d of tic bu-ine of the toxxn i , ; on . Tie re t , i,..i 1, ing there to sustain a town rxe pt ill lllille, Hill Willi I lie op-Mil . up ol 111" gol I lield I 'll "I ill ' pop 1 ilioll moved on north to .1 ,; m m -l"i rg. " A New Kin. I nl ( utei pillar. A ni'W kind of e il i jiidir appeared in llisiiiiirck, Notlh li.'.ota, nnd th. legion tin le.ab.eit-, , , h I ix , a II I pro ceeded to d ll'l le III" h I do tie - o! I diage. alt. r lie iii inn. r of lh pest thill have I. it. Ix .all!: -I" I this eitx and its vicinity. Sun on. n , : i . I that the xv u iit ha I spun a I'-eimi u( nil-ll-itally it loll ; t. xt ure. and aciti.'. n sent a c. it'o. Ol to n III. nd ill the II t I who owns a silk-wem ing null, d'ae silk weaver I'epoile l t i tie- bl eu. il ek man that the thread Hi the cucoii xx a-al most a. strong in silk, .and similar I Alure, an I that li h had :, handful of cocoons he would xv. axe a lliindk.fehl. f It'oitt tlielil. S: ,et" lie Us id the worm Mi 1 c nib have been scut ti) Washington lor tne i. .,.ii ,,t I he govern in nt e .perl -,aud the North I l.akidi.ns lire t milk ittg that p. ruals xx hilt I In y took to I, i j a -t i . a x a u - j able gill linen inlure. -N xx York Sun. Alt Old IWr-i (tidij Fin-., Magistrate Jl.iineiU Is hillL'hllig li. nrtily over a ease thai u adjust, d m.-,-,- him the ..tin r day. a iig..ii ;i...l.d with mn.en.l wat. r r.i.-s laiekid up to tie .u:1. tone m t.'-.m. 'jf u bot tom.' . ';.: :-h i.-!it eed t. el., i.nu me lii'i'e r pi .. de.l to mil. ee I hi- wiigoii by I- Hge the j'lgs Ol.l' lit II tillie to II e .. !..r, ,1 x . .;i : ii ho st 1 mi the op- i o-iie side ,,)' the curbstone, reaily to I a .I...',, li j;i -. h.a lb .ii aa-ied, '.v le u ' lit. atiery t'Oe i-t- I ' i 1" d th- full ' b eiiii-iii'. ti,. ,,!d . ,1 . ,v'- ai r. : t on li,.. charge "f lll.ltl I- II. I' ' I. . I. W.'i"!i .1.1 ; " ll-nii ei I. ad IV' en ,r . , h lu tie. el i lu-il. i I'l; !. d lil.t i, 111.- t H - I ..ii, .1 .i'.'.l n '''.''. I. , Mel Hi' ii :i limit.- i in- gii'i!. In lii'iiv n.e. ..... ,Ap'.iieif..:i le- toel lie n-t ei-i-hed Ilia "I 'r,at that h, H- libi" Mid ; ,.,,.. , ,,.,v f,. ,... ,, he had j Mi .,, ,,v j ill . mid i knew in lay oxx It l.e.al't that , I w. mi. I ii.ue tin' i a bri.-k- at tie ni xx i i n I Wiisab 'X s:n- x . ai s a 'o. 1 ' U .1 want. 1 to :. ho XV It Xiollel I- i ; ii '1111, an I 1 couldn't leap my.-ell." j d'.i ' X .i.a'i itiou w i- : itistaet.ny, all 1 (lt. r ,,,,,, ,., , I !itt.(v . :j 1;lil.ljU1, ll,,ini!v.....J'1.i t. .1 Iphlil II eol'd. -:oii h :.- oeein .f l Mid lnaitv iixa have b en I., d. Win n lir brok U in oi." place tin- mini r- r. .,.rt I to an ..tie r, e inking a in-xv -iiatt. To avoid tie lire .ei an upp 'i' b vi I, a -hit!! was -uuk and e 'ill I:m li " il . hi til lei I j.na. i..J. ly b. low til" lii' . S t ,i, lii e nn t hf. e.l ;ii a i a alii tie a. .!! i - w re di . V .'.I Oil!. N 'I ill II ' 1" it tit . ei ip 'j-. e.ul I d ' avail. i t ,w t ., i'.r, , mil ti. -.pb nd'.d , i:t I , , a j,t ae: i.-.i . ly abaudoii.-'l. ii ii a i ill a- e il hi. bill taken i .u i, x I ii lo.t a part till! 1 "II .i;e. J',. o'ej ,'l ol llle C . I 111 III i s - 1 ' ' U t ! i ie.t.-n 'i .1 . i i' i'ii ' nn ; C I'l te 't ' .. deli- ti -axi x.alu.ible a pi .p. I ty as li,. I' I pit. Malum II. laid. Vv, Ojii'tiiir.' ior tin' liliti'l. , .1 tga i c .iu lie I' .-h.selx it; .C 'A XX .til i!e I''.' t ,.f I e W..I Id Ul.lilV "f II- ' -tol.l life 1' .11 ' ll'l ' I' d. p. .It' Mi t le HI'. !' 'II I s I. g. u id. I X priclie d. and iiliao i , xe ': -ix. dy by t he i. iu I. 1 1 nil very l'ic: iMve pi o I. s-ioti. and lh in i t -ki.lu! "p- nitt'i e.aiu laiire -ini- .x.ry year. The r. a-oii for it-- 1. in a juole ion p...--. ticitlarly ath.ptc I to the blind is lea b ill II :d"l -talt.l l id.. I x , r . title i, 1...-.V -th it xx it n one -. ii e falls II- ahseiie.. 1 s ued til lite 1 bv t ie illi'l'. use le'llt -U. .... tit I -lilf I S VV II I! people de- 1 I V. 1 of i lit til sense ol touch be et, III s hi" till fl it IX at d. The b.iud it. n an 1 xi imi u of Si. I'eb l'sblll'" HI. I i t Iiei' I oM III. I, till t'lt Ii s hex e no! In , 'i -1 nv t . gla-p this idea, an I lh" numb r ,1 t ie in w u. m e hia-s ill s e e oi .,au! ! x i: n la a ii. . I'h'! li- id of thai pro!, s-ioii iu tie' H I slau . . j . 1 '. n I Is ltd. till blind, in, 1 h" h i a l.i . lass of pinei-, t hen I." I i,-t fuels . .. I v it. t, ii, -t, ii, - ,,! miis.i -e, VV.,.1 Me i ike Wise depilXld i't -I'.-l.t. liivaileil hi Hats. .j e ! iax' i-'oi. ,.! a h"U-" bx I. it . I . i , ... b- 1 at I )e,'i ng bx t he It ".XI, to., M. j I'.xa niii ; .lo il I n 1 1. I'n i I a in ill of ex Mix U ;lVXer hill lit ill'd t p it e. Iliihts III the wall-, Mil occasion. i i,x r. c. ,..- I an u ii 'X peeled x i.-it lis in a bat who e it led I i.i'o'i en a x nt ' ni I or, Mid t iii ..tie r day they d 'elded on mi investigation. A hole toiiud iliid.i the I'ilV.'S XV Is stopp -d up, and ill iiilee lii e bals began I appeal'. 'Mir-hi Ii t he v ei.tlhitor i Ilitti til' ini lit i niul into the cellar tl.ey ivvariu.-d, sixly li-.e being killed iii one uiglii. About J.IO have b eu killed, a hal I -. t. , b, in g found drowned inn basin ol water. foe ii: pie clop lit s,,utliwe. t"igi M. .-oirt soiilii. a -ti ru Ixau-.-.s aiul u,.i : hw est u a. Aiuau-a.i l.i t he In r ;e t .a 1 ' I . v. r grow u. 0. Mould iifhf. 0, n.eli. v Vk liliedJt vvtrin, . .ive 1 1 .iiit'l inx' I' ." r i' Inn III i li, list.. l.oai ex- -. Wltleli'lOilil 111" I: SI . Ui'' . Ijl.i-ld her wiilnli li y angl t , Wat-I. her. inv little "ii '! SliieM I,, r in;. .' e I. i.e. If. xx in;, h e.i rl -.'uiiil,- vv ith 1' ur, Lonely I . i,i" t! d-iir, 1. el.ely aa ! 1 ti r " '.'. i! tali a l ee -. ', vv "' and -in, in, i w ...!:!. "f I'.ve .and I'll s J . I ,'.. my perl. "( i-. . ' i Illlit. 11:1 little ..lie ' t . d is . t h"e. tla! illiL I .I.XSIi..- J ll.'MIHoN. Ill '.M0I101 S "W ii it '.. i- t he outcome .f x i: lilt'air u lin .Ml I J o'.slts, Cliarllcir" "An iii"triii' id .-'il.nnil n year. " l'ti-1 .'i iiii.i.i i -Why do you speak ..f that i. .t I it . "In Fiddle?" S-e-:, i . 1 ' : : i . 1 , : r 11. calls, its n vile ill II. Wii'-f ; il i-ho',1 .me nn, i, a favor, He!- i d ! ,; j !. ei ttil.g it, lieX thltter tli in--' V t Ui .: tiny lire XV i. k lllg Vol. I in ii' g r I la. "I xi. !.d"r il J. '. I in',' 1" to '. XX ie I. I get t' ,V ' I , ;t 'l. I, 1 ( lee " Yfll Will "N , .I.IH.I. . ' II I the teach, I, "ie .I tlx- ' toil l . i , i t laa -e a gallon. " ,i. .. ,:. .i I le n- .-I I.. knew ; his I t : : , a- xx i . I a t i ii : a -s. Mi- . V .'ie t- i, it would yoll do if I -: . i i. : i " x,,u-.' lb- -I'd s.e It I e "I, , ; lis. I : el le t bdloXV xx a . n il l I-- xx i.lii.g to marry y..u. A l Ui "I.-- V II le X el I,, ar of XI omen ei i,!. I- I I, ::;;!,; with lll-'ir .111- ph.y . r'- in..: . 11. mi - Not .-ft li ; ieil xx h :. it .1 a i,ap".lt they take the i i' -y ! t . i. ,e 't e Hi !,. V. 1 be. Ail T I'llll I : . :.. is- you i-a m re itcipunntiiiifc--itip. li. --'i'L. :i iiee- pt my ..fl'-r of n it wiil drift into mere ae. pi . lit me !.:p fa-! i tiotlgh. "Win! l- th ' - re .test tlillieuily you rue ei'i'. r in a j ei in y to the are! ic tag it'ie -'.' a i." 1 t i- linpilsit ive mall. ", i t tin i, .cix ii eii ," xia - t lie prompt I I ,!y of tin- pr.'fe -i"'i a i ol"i'. r. "I thll.l, " : .,1 tie Uli.-OJ.nl tiCIII'-.l in in, "tl.at 1 'i o "in nig t le t'iite a pow.-r it, city j. 'line ; I xx i- pu--i:ig bl ph.- .' si. t'da; , au I I noticed lit bi I '! : lie; word 'p ill' on his tl.i.i.' Te ' :' t '"" ' a d : Hat xv !.,.. l.i I. in. .',-11 .a,.':;..: tare, - ti... 1 .a ; r le - vi-' an I 1 I " si- "i t 'I' 11 ' I! I I iii ' I -In M '.... O 1'. ,. - I'l 1 I I. ' I' "I: it p . -:b!e 1 1 il, i :i, i.e. are ma!.. I 'II: i e .". i e i : li i 1 1 I. i x l :i ; xi l-h d v.H.r 1. ...I..'' " ix Ix le e :: gill " I . il ', xx aa! ' I'e d It r- nee mil ,i'f I I ' I .row u I : d. ' " ui a t il c it. in 1 .1 .tell vv in re he's I I iie lit XI HI lin- ill. ." said t ho lii . a 11 .1 . " N i, " r pi I' 1 the man ix H il a bail i I . "X I' hi- e,X e, "is- I -.-. -t i i il h . i I-.- irni'i.r t i ride a b ex el, . " doles - 1 i I . chicken Is lolll'leeil i, a. ol I ts -eii llm cm i on I'll tl. I", el il ' ''."!.'.' .1.11 I '! Ill') I.- S niii. IS;. Mil" b . th ! Ch.ck . .. ! e,'i. have any t- ftlt. 1 'He" - II it I l..ve. V' 'fk'li r I'"', b llm eiHiie ag.im I ie r huntii, : f..r our in -t to. da; iiie.-ii li -e - Wiiat did y.ei do ! Vi . i km ; I'. i'ii .-, ,i u - nil i hap pen. .1 to be al o;ia I at I no lime gave i, ::n a b ii point-. "S n ha I i, aimed all le kitoix-," -aid the n.o'ii r of tne inn leal infant pio.iigi, 'm lo ir I. .sou-." e-." I'l id j.-, t ue . ii.i.i i.t mil .it-inn ; "out think ol tne numb . d - i I ii'--'iis it xx ill t.ll.e h.-f to lolg t." She - I wouidn'i be surprised if the prie ol ii in - , wiit down next year, dour. lb- . doomilx j - l'init Won't inal.e ally 'III! 'lellee. by that tillll) thei will learn h ..v to make i,,oro , X p. II -i 1 e bicx eie '.'..-' I il 111 t s, " "I Irivii linish d your port rait, Al i s. Ie Fash," s.ti I the it,-t. "All but t ue col.. I ing ol the fa.'.." "nd why I-, yali llnl li'll'll that?" "I wanted I n nr from xou u, to whether yoii pi . t. 1 1 ...1 uv to huvi' ymi I ok li. ult by .,i merely interesting. " ".ung man, "said the p! 1' on chap lain to th" convict, "d . y.m riuli.o that yon inn. bin t. .1 x uir brilliant pt'ospitds, thrown a'viiy votir life Mid w ill nil v disgraced y our family name?" "Oh, ie.; not that !" said the prisoner stoically. "I c ull lii'l do it ; my fam ily name is Smith. " Wnl III a ( oiliest. Caller - I vvi-h to ooliHsl lux uncle' wii. Lilivi. r-ls the est, lie Worth It? Caller lie hit 1 lid, llOtl. Law, or--Let me s.e. That's fitly tllt'llsuitl lot III'', and li I ly t hi .111111.1 lor the lawyer mi the other side. n. It's worth it. --New York Weekly.