I.'!' JJ1 -Of (halfeam Record tUmiUY, tJEPTdiJIBEK 19, IS93. H. A.'IaNDGN. Editor. Intolerance is oho of the torn monesi defects of our trail humau nature, aes jet isitoeeof the most despicable. We ore all nffliet d with it to a greater or lees de gree, -there being scarcely anyone. even the most Bluntly, who La not at leas m touch ol it. Yes, strange wid inconsistent a it limy neeii) even professing Christians are intolerant, many of them, to an extent that is appalling. And this bus been tbe oase throughout all fttid doubtleBs will be the centuries imlil tbe niH-! lemiiu'in. in a republican form government, whoro all men are ton-! wdered free and equal, where there their partisan prejudiee would car is iieedom of conscience and ol , y then that far, although we knew apeoeh, there surely oirght Ur In; less a hitu-rly unrensonuble. but intolerance than any wheie else F. r though tho Alliance and Populist instance, heroin the I'uited I States 1 pap.-l.s may eml.uxe this slander ou men ought to bo more tolcr int of tu. ('Inn cli, yet we cauimt believe the opinivnsol one another thar that the honesl and Christian nieir nywhero else in tbe world. But'bcrsof the Alliance will endorse it. Wit BO? Ou the tontri.ry does itjVe jmblisbed last week how tbe not seem that our people arc uttl it - j '., ,, ;,, ,;l,r denounced it as lin ed with intolerance to an unusual ( mie, and hero is what the Chri'ttn degree?" The trouble with us is ' ,, i,..;it, said about it: liat we are so free and have so much I -. sure that tho bulk of tbe freedom of conscience and speech, 1 si urdy farmers ol the country w ho ttiat we do-not like to be contradict '! tl,e membersbip ot tbe AN ed or opposed in our views and op-1 , r i iiuouss aim ne.'o wo are intolerant of the views mid opinions of all who' (Mtfcr or disagree with us. Mow,1 tot every ono candidly answer i s! nnt i -i '-. ' not this true? And ,1 u , true-' ought we not, ono and ull, try to wstraia this l-eseCting sin of intol- rancef Oityht we not to be wil-: !imf .. .iit,. i i.i... . Zfn , "" '""" Ull,tr, has kept a continual retreat before people tho right a-nd privilege to;lo alVcomiuerin power of tbe entertain tbe.r views and opinions, c'turcb of J sum ("hrisl". even if they differ with us? O&glitl ', we not to bo w illing to ascribe to Tuf W oinan Kauioti ot the Fay other persoc! the same honesty of i ttevillo (Jlror is not only most purpose that wo claim for ourselves? highly creditable to tbe ladies who May we net sometimes bo wrog i wrote and worked it up, but also to nd they be riglit ? " j 5'orth Carolina journalism. We con- This des-pieablo spipt of intoler i gratulale dear old Fuyctteville upon nce seems to prevail in politics tt' additional prool of the intelli- greater degree tbffn i'n ofher n-utt, ! getice, patriotism and public spirit tT8 of opinion. Jlauy men who have of her fair daughters. Send ten Seen good- neighbor members! and get a copy. Tho proceeds ef the aanve ehBr.b have become es JM0 ,01' building a Confederate tnon Cranged", and almost enomies, bo- "mint, eause they differ in politics They will not to.Vruto a difference of op- TbE Proujotionof L 3 ifiionin polftics. This is unneigh- T" Bu8b,e to tLe r"P008;b'f P ' borly, uochrisiian aod ch-ildisb. 8itioD of uia8ter ot lr'us by tLe b' Kind reader. areW one of these in ! A ia iDtly ProPer ai de86." tolerant men? If so, do you iwt think !iu' 8bJ wLile CODgraUliDe bim that you ought to euro ymirseM of "PB Li" Prouoliou we 1b0 C0Dfirftt so despicable a disease? Can you ! aM tLe X U uPn h"f not be mm enough to let other peo-1 "ipetent and courteous an official, pie think as they please, just a long! , , . , ,r ..you think . you please? n 1 ! 1 week 8 Lepotr confa.ns tun you not l'e broad minded enough ' 8U 8'ra ''' wr'tten 'y ,l: i. .1 . from W. V. hcott h q , whose retire to think other person arc lust a ' ,. 1 . . honest in thmr r.olnmn. . J ttoui journalism is, we hope. AS very notable and signiBcant meet teg or conference of colored men was eld at Kaleigh, on Wednesday of , . , f. , J I iasi weea, ana us results may event ually be of much importance. It was composed of many of tbe most in telligent, progressive and highly ed ucated -colored men in this State. The object of this meeting was the advancement of tbe best interests of ttie colored people of North Carolina politically, socially and educationally.) Thev' discussed several important questions affecting tbe colored race, and adopted a mimbernf resolutions. Among these resolutions was one as follows: "We recognize, that the great mis tnkn of Soil lb in tbn Util. Ihirtv tears. aDionu both black and whitM. has been this dependence on soqib outside influence to brink' it up in . - . . . the fulness of those rights guaranteed in tbe Declaration of independence. We now desire to look to the truo source God, ourselves, and our Southland for our salvation, realiz ing that this is our home aud that it ia neither practicable, nor desirable for negroes eu masse to leave tbe Sou .bland and that since we are to stay here, we should, both black aud white, live peaceably and friendly with each other as neighbors and good citizens". The democrats, who have called the "silver conveutiou" at Kaleigb, will realize their great mistake when that body ia captured by the pop ulistsnnd republicans, aa now seems probable. They will, ws fear, be like the boy wbo set fire to a broom -y sedge field and it quickly got beyond ki nnnlr..! At.- in .o Knm.li, '. , , .r, but very eipressivo phrase, they will find that they "Lave bit off morei tfcan they can chaw'T. It seems to have bea a stranKe! infatuatioB- that proaapted these ''signers" ts persist in holding a con vertion, which was disapproved by everv deiaoeratie pauer in the Stale,! bo far as our knowledge e tends, j i,te corn ttre "ater. The strongest free silver papers in Mf w. C. Harp, of Wilkea coun the Stato have uttered their timely ! tv has qq apple that UKasares lit warnings against this ot nventioo. inches, in circtiniferenn aid weighs .lailiu van one pound and bilf. The President of the State Alli ance, in this week's issue of its offi etui organ (the Progressive Farmer), publishes a long communication de fending and justifying bis extraor. dinary statement that "The Cburcb todny stands where it tins always stood on tbe side ol human olivrrj imd not on the hide ot liberty". n this com m ii nuulion lie suys: "I have no apology to offer on ac count ci the speech 1 made at Cary. I en id nothing unadvisedly. Tbe same speech 1 would make again tomorrow before uny auuieuce. Aly 'j1"1 - '"" - 1.'1 ,l,e "-tt'-ude ol le ! (.Mili eu is eiinei ctirieci or i uci'i i cc i. I believed thou, as I believe now, I but my estimate is Till' 1". And not only does tbe President nl the Statu Alliance defend bis ex traordinary statement as true, bi" CVM-y Alliance and populist paper that lias commented on it bus en h.rscd bin). At tbis wo are sur- Dt isi-o. as we nanny inouani iiiuii l!a,K'1 words not endorse tnese nasty their leader. Jn the first i.l-i, .' iicthiiic is wider ot tbe truth than the stu'.cmcut that the cburcb '"' always stood on the side ot ha na" sluVl'r-v- A man who will coolly inuke sii'.-h a slalement, without 1,,,,,, cx,lib.ts ignorance too ai.,lse U) hu labored with. The church, more than all ol her forces omb .ned, bus contributed to tbe In o lorn of men. Human slavery Una caunot afford to lose the services of so honest, conscientious, fearless and able an editor. Would that there ,1 i were more like him I Chatham Coal at Atlanta. Trim ilia Mew u,l ObTer. North Carolina coal will be put be fore tbe world at tbe Atlanta exposi tion. Though the State makes no exhibit, privato parties and corpora tions interested in the State's devel. opment are coming to the rescue. The K ypt coal mines will be re I iireseuled by a section of tho ore i ll:it bo tb.e 'j"11 ,l bAck?ef8 ! vein with tbe bed ot black band iron oal will weigh 1 i,e ei"bt feet hich and will more than a ton. This will show to tbe world that Sortb Carolina has really a merchantable bed of coal. The progressive spirit of Mr. Hens and the company in exhibiting the coal res lurces of the State is i I l Mil 1 I. .11.. ... commondablo. They have kindly con son ted to allow Prof. Holmes to ex Libit the block in bis collection of specimens. Morth Carolina is beryng to be recognized as a coal producing State. Weekly Weather Crop Bulletin Ventral Office. Jlaletgh, N. C. Tim reports of correspondents of the Weekly Weather Crop Bulletin, issued by the North Carolina State Weather Service, for the weok end ing Saturday, Septombor 14th, 1835, indicate a favorable week in most respects. The weather has been nn usually warm tor the season, the temperature averaging over five de grees per day above the normal. Tbe precipitation was jnnch less than the average amoflni, except near tho immediate coaaL A few heavy rains occurred in two -or three eastern coooties. Beneficial local showers occurred ou three ()uy8 l be ,moUDt ot Bonl1in was ahiimlftiit. These conditions were very favorable for saving fodder and wte "'aj. I(?.r eoiton, wnicn is opening wen. louacco curing is finished in the east. The weather has ben too dry lor fall crops and for fall tdowinc. Some winter oats have been sown. Both early and WAR REMINISCENCES. (Main's War History. CO. E. 44th U EG I. Ml. NT. Tbe four companies ht -retofore mentioued were tbe only oues raised in Chatham during tbe year lit!I. but in tbe epriog of 18i!2 six other companies were organized iu tbitt county. One of these became Co . of tbe 44th Nulb Car in i regiuieut, and was composed ehitlly of persons residing iu tbe western part of tbis eouuty uud several from Randolph. Tbe liist offii ers of this company were: K C. Cotteu .Sr. captain: C. M. Siedni'iu, tirst iieut- i:....... I o 'I' l.,;u;. ... ' third lieuteiiaut. At I be ot:.':iuitVi fion of the regiment ('apt. Coitcii was elected 1ieuteimntsCol uel, aud Lieut. Stedmau became captain, un 1 Lieut. Col ten Imviug resigned ' l,,iiiii mill .1 .1 I'niinti were elected i lieutenants I'apl JSiedman uf tr j wards beciiiiKiM.ii.ir, and l.u ut , Phillips was promoted to captain mi l t died iu April. 1KJU. and then L ut. ! Crump became captain and continue 1 , in that poaitiou uutil the sui reii-U-r. ; He was a grandson of the company ; first captain (If '. Cutlet: i. u Inch ' was doubtless tho onlv itistimee in ; either aruiv (I'nion or Confederate; j where the grandfather and gtandson were captains of tbe same company. f'.i.t I V t I nn on t-flniif ral" I it Iimi ft-. i. . ....!lli l... I I u 1 company iu this county in Ihe war til lbl'2, auii liu 1 bc ii A Ijutiiiit liciit i's al of tbis State before Ihe war. U.i account tf bis old age be lesigned his position of Lieut Colonel of the 4l'h before that regiment entered active service. Lieut T. H. L mi' resiguetl in July, and the other lieat euauts duriug the war were N. li Hilliaid. C C. i oldstou and S J Tallv, who was transferred fivui Ci K 2oth regiment. Iu addition to tho citiz -ns of Ktn dolpb, who eu'.isted in this company, the following is a list of tie 't at hatnites who were members ot it : BrlT r 1. Jurat's Drill tJ, WIIIImu braos' n, J, -e.-e !)ry. M. V. Urewer, Helen Brower, Wllllnm B"Wi-u, li Marslil-uru, Sur.afl lliir.-lil uru, wl 11 .m M, Iv.t. Aiol M.fu. J- e I. I M..,n, si.i;i I Mj-r'.i-k. Ociu-:ui Mvrlek. li n. ie..tt-n. Ilusrll BoliWU, Huyw, 1 Br-wko, Nw'.,.u N..-,iu. J im ' N"rv "I, o:U'.'.!i S r.j--tl. MIIi-Im-1 C trier, oilllnin Cliu-li, Al.-XBii lrr Clark. O. U. o nrifin. t.ijli Ol linen. I !l on iVunlr.i.""ii, saiiiuel l-lillllli?. U I) riiinii,. ivJiuuu i I'llUIII'S. Or.-etl PllUlll'. -MlTMl ll I'liiuipK. ii.: .i.. rukiiitoii, Uoi'iTi i,i, w. r. Kl.-liar la"ii, A- N. lilrtiar.ls. il, J. F. Roljr;s,'n, J Im M. lWljeriS 'U. R b rl A. l(.er, S. A. Sainii'U, Jtiiiies Salmi u, liouitnn SU-'m-irtf. lteulii SC'itt, Jame e't-. M-'i'tioti S111H-.I, Olm lliili SinliL, Aifr'l fcinllli. Boiijeniln Suillli, Ilorry T. Smltn lli-UroiJ ;muli, laivlu ark, JiiiiH j CmU-liB-M, F. CrutcLrl-jll, U A. 'CrutcaUi-I'l. Uinr' CrutcLflplJ, wtli ii Ialtiu. Hetlil, k littTl, J..lin DltinukAD, C. II. DlDinuktt, E. K., Dlsmiikeu U. A. D:miik-e. S. A. DUruuki-a 1. U. Dlsmuke. tieurnd Dltmukee, William Ewtrltlgr, Aii'lrt-w Elllugt..u, 1. F. r,ir. J,,in Vuuklie, F.. F FouuLee, l. W !l., Jeliu Ollmere, A1M. Uol(!ahu, 0. 0. Oioc. C. I). Hrr . vrllltam Uarl. Harris Uairli, Julio Hatch, lt,)teri J. Bleks, L. B. Bill, Tbonina Hi:ilrd, Allen Billiard. H. D. Lllllartl w. 8 Bugltee. Johp '. Jackson. Daniel Joquu, Inharu Jonae, Daolel &,)lli'T, u. r. Lambfrt, O. T. Iiog, Tliomaa 1! LumlPf, IsalaU Maueaa, J'sei,h MttiM'tto, wlllttkia Mar, Julin U. Uaraliliurn, Jamm Uarsbburn, J. E. Harsliliuiii. J "lai MarsUburn, J. -i-li Tli"e marki- l III us w,uu,l or 'llea-e, IJ smith. Hi'uijr j Srtiltli, J:iTin.a Smith. ('Muled .-mill), l.i'iuuot Smlili, klarilu J. Smith, hi L Talley, (treen Tail.--, il. V Tallfy. W.U. Taylitr, J 'l.u J. Tlilmau, Aar.n Tillman, W. T Tkvimos, Uuiii; W'eUli. Jaiu-4 While, C Wlill.li.'d.l, E. U. Woet, AU jeri 'D Wl' kor, J D. Wl.-ki-r, M. U WlillAinn, Canii'f WIIIIAUIS. J.iliu Wlllliims, William Wi'Ilibll' tllcl during i lie r ! Thus it will be seen that, iu a l li aclion disallowing a foe and leclur tion to its origiual four oflii-eis, tluri jnir i10 depuiy on tuino alleged nreg were- 130 Cbatbamiies in this emu-! ularity. pnny, ol wuom o- tiiea oi wouiiiis or disease, besides dipt, l'biliips, A I mong the above names will be st i n ! seven Dismukes, all of whom were! brothers, which is probably the only instance during the war where seven brothers enlisted in tho same com pauy, and four nf them died in serv ice. In addition to these seven broth ers there was another (tho youngest) who enlisted iu another company, making a total of eight brothers in tbe Confederate army. Pretty good for one family ' This comiiauy was so forttiuate as not to be engaged iu auv of the gieat ,lu. door and down tho hill. Nci-h-battles iu lMti'J or lilill, until tbe J hois, tired, and the nemo was in bloody dittaslsr at Uristoo hjlatitit i"jHintly kil!.l. I'p tonight, nobody October, lKbd, where it buffered a : i,a ,t.,.n i,,. I() 4.,fy the dead . Leavy loss, it lorineu a pan oi ineji lie ,.r.i,er's jury leium. da vt rdici guani oi uuuoi iui, cin-'i lun ! of justih ible homicitle, ami -eign-dead body of Stonewall Ju kson, in UJ tl VV1U bin rendered, was dis May 18fjd, through tbe streets of , t.huro,.,l. Ilichmond to tho Capitol, where it was laid in state. New clothing bad I I'oisuuid Willi I'oik. just been issue to the company ami they presented, in their new ui.is forms, quite an imposing and inai li al appearance. Its commanding of, ficer on that occasion (Capt. Crump), who hi hia old age retaius tbe vigor il .1:11 ...u:nn .... ..I.,,,,. Dl nis yuuiu, biiii iiiiiio muni jutii.v ing recollections of the pleasiiut at teniions paid him and his company by the ladies of Uicbuiond. Neit week we will publibh a sketch of Co. i. loth regiment. We again request lbe survivors of any of Chat bain's companies to inform us of any mistakes or omissions that we umy luuke- Tho pieriitims paid by fire in'-ur-anco companies in Ibis Sialo during the year ending June 'doih, was $iiOo,i . I Object Lesson Iu Sihcr. Fp'Ili 11. i i;l''li:iltitl T;ue'.-i. j A Iriehd haapul litis ease to A I .Mexican silver dollar contains some I three or tour t ents worth ol silver I more than an A im i i. ;m silver do. j lar, yet it will only pas., in iho I'ui tod Slates at i..-i budioii vain -or i lor aliillo more '.ban I'u'ty eenls. A ' French live tinnc .-t.'.er pice vm ' turns t.ome two cents worln "I .i.vt i , liss thai, an Ann riean si.-, er o oii.ii, ' vet it will v s- 1 ii 1 i.e '1L , lent ol live is.iifs ol al'oul I wo cents ics- ! , Jo.i.w. Wi. p. 0 ' on.- passes as .ml i;,!n 'no' oitui ! w ill o.ily p ;. ;.l Us I'll. lion j l'ne i .t.'j .s a p;-rkv!.y .-.n.p.i- o.i MeXiej is a coin, u V mat n.i ii. i leoinaeof M.ver, ati! c.ii- .pient.y ! Me -Vim luts no johl in lii-r ell I I - 1. 1 i ll you gel u fivld .lo.lai' in Mixu-.. i Vol! Ill i.l l I'll V and oil inn l u o hits I a -,,1,1 i- IV a;c iia -i ni.t M melaiiti- co, iiiii v inal.o tlie nil ti, , Jiioin el a. i ' c. ili'Mcl W Ml. I sliver U 11. 1.1 , J i-I as U I .-stales a un:ry. l':i' Uii.g p.-oi k- eli-!oi', f.if wo 1''" 1 "" I"''1 "' -Ml x -,iv. ..l It.- id a l.j l e onlv li .11 1' I" France is trv. el -.1 i I s: ! II'.',-' Coin. t;e r ate ai'e I',.,;, ill I W r:,l ,it s.'Ven .- ol si. Vi I j Veal's u"- Sue ti 1 1 i i ! i in 1 1 ; i mi - : in ui'i iu ii i' my . but s.ic j sCll Uj OH t"C "cl h.,s' j treals i-aeu oi.e ' I lier i w.icicvor s!ie ..ii'.- ii i isi li" h.r : . . . ii -i ivi'.- a ii- ti.e ' .ig'i U , i no nl l i s- l were a -o,,l sl.Ver live li .uji .- are Wel e a Uank. w Ii ponds to I.1LI lt.ee Wh.lt l.:e iier ju-t as i I ii vi .i an . pit .-, li Miostanti.iitv 'ill- i re.i.-in , I. ! -ntL-r- nee U-lw ee.i loe 1 . : One is su ! ls.ii i i.t: ly e.ie.t i tor the other over Franc ! France .-aw i.cisnl some 1 i-ais Inn k Wil. i as in.ieu ni abie '. lie ll l -.vi-iity is seven j uumlreil lni:..ons ol .loiutrs ol sinei ! and silver i i-peliy lading in va.u . j .-lie oiii-lti'Ie-i lnat si-e woiicl in- u.i a tie lo kct ' any in io ol '. at p ir I wall her g.;. coin.-, aid s.i .-. e I wisely stoj'pe I e nnii.g si.-Vir. j Tt.Cl';.ltf.l alio has ato.il (i-l I oi ,,( it ii ,,i .-i.v.i ibiiluis. Oai g I cl umel.t a!.-' I,', ks upoa one el its .-ilvel doiiai s Jt n, a- i 1 t rial - it. u ije. i i t ol har. li a a-'i-i dollar i. eeivi s a a- gOl d i.l.a' lumen', r. II. piVMc t id ' nil ivi-r it. a iho.;.;!! t ier tluil.u i - w on y n-iJt a- much us the :A is. It Will placll'Utily g:i vo l a tlullar in t-Ai-baijgi! lor evei)' dollar ou c ii rv to it. si. Vi r Aii Lditor in Lin k. A Wiiisimi special of Ihe ld:l. to the .Y, " - Ilvwr r siys: J oe San - r im iseo pupf-rs I ivt iVed be: e suv thai the leceiit thiision ot the Calif ii nia Stipi ' me Con: t uivrs Mis. Win. 1 -i, ,n i Hurbai.k. f.nmeilv of Win-! ,.n:iie iiiuii, oi i.er ilt.-l husband, valued at 7'i 0i t.-i-; .s li.wt;. Cm. , Sept. 13 -stead ol SiHI.ilt) I, ;s given by a n cent sjneiallo t'l.s Cull Irom legun press disp-u cii;, tun. us tbe lawyers' fees. ile.. which will i.iic iint to some thing like t'idtIO). The decis'.o;, bi t ;iks the will of Mr. Win. Waikeily, Mis. Htiibii.k's first, hiisbanil, Bi.o puts off fiiiirieen of Lis le liln-w- it!:d ..in.w.o Im nnnl.l Iliva lent H 1 1 lull !f2u;).0')') of tilt! 5'7.")U.0Hi i.-tate. A section of tin; w 1 ,v was .hi C urt lobe uiicoiisiitiiiioi.al, iiini ou this point Mi's. Ii.ii b ink was awarded the large totale. Shei iUMrin k tin- .linlg. Cll ATI' A Not ! . lV'lili , Sept. 13 When -J ti-.lge Moon iitljoiirned Cir cuit Court ill.'! steppett tlown Iron, the beni b lepllty Slier: !f I'oe sprung forward Irom the crowd and slrtiik him iu Ihe face with his list. Ini-mediaU-lv the greatest eXiHeiiieni prevailed. Bel W cell li.O clTol tS ol Judgo Moon to reach Foe's beml with his cano iiinl l'oe's endeavor in gel another lick at Judge .Moon, to gclhcr with the effort. of peaeeina keia lo hold tlio two men off, il was : a lively s.i'ne. The trouble l'I'cw oulol ihe JiltL'e's A Negro Kohhcr Killed. S.t -tul i'. tl.t- Ni. ai.1 1 oiwrv.-r. Asm vn. i.i:. .N. C, .Sept. 12. Jul. J. Nei"bbiis. wl.o Iivisoii the 1 .i, .kUl e ,, Smith's Moiin. tain, went mtn the yuiil Imlay lo watch for a La.vk and c irrie I bis gun loaded wilh buckshot. He saw i. negro man going tbr iugh Ihe house, a 1 1 d going to Iho window, saw Ihe negro robbing bis trunk, lie com mantled tho iii-orotn surrender, bin Iu- .h-i i cm .1 l.iiiiu 1 1 be lit-'f.) di'oi - j p,i the n unk I raVitiid ran thiouob j ,ulK-rt) j , Sept. 11 -The fain ; ,t(-,lls p Ki uener, fal her, m..i h-' i e(. , h,dieii, ranging in age : flou ix ,,, , w,.llt Jturs, weie p .ison I I t.j .,)()Ul (l r UKO i,y c.th,,, dis. i , rk ,t.Hlitu the, best mcd-' .. . 1 . .. .. ieitl skill one followed another to "In giave, Il.e lu.-l Hiuviving child, 1 1 id en, acid six yiiais, il ing last night The I'lr, sii'iiiiis proiiiiiincetl their ills i ase Ii icbiiio.-it Their bodies wen literally ahu with parasites. Aaiiiit Fito Sil t. Sin i i:y ii.i.k, Ky , Sept. In. Ci oni-l liratlley, liepuhlii an candnlale for lioveriior, in his speech in this cll I idnv, tli iiuialit all) exchii met.; li the IVpiihlican party ever de ( hues lor In n silver, so help IliW li.nl, I w ill w illohuW Iron. it". A Dost i not I ve Kai-tliuuako. Ti:c.ccii,.iki i, Honduras. Sept. 12. ( A eotiiier in lived yesterday from) Vetupmi and anuouueed tbo most j letrtlilo i-ai ibipiake ever known iu thai sreiion. i he loss of life and ,topeilv is enoniiotis. Ihree ftuu Ji, I people arc said So have pel islud i .Sum -lay the shucks commcm-i d. i.t-'.u g aii day and night at inteivai.-. causing nj'i''li !;imtigc and thegieat e.t i'-iir !itiioi,;r lim inhabilal.ls of the: e:'.v ni a ticighooihoMi'. ! Im- .'il :)! .-iv the city was filled by '.:i a hiiiloii of fbiny li ,t' lmuoie.t ; , c iy',v fioiii !,,( tiioiintains and out-::u-.: vu,:i 'es ltii ing Monday ii cut sl.cc's of ll line appesire i al I ih i oit points io the north wes!, risii' to I in incli.se heights. 1 i.jes j i:l- t : i r 1 1 1 1 1 1; the shocks ceased, ' .j i. ; Was li.-'oic.l and pi'otle Jell ', ,,e. !i i !' t heir noun s. Al nine .i'.-,,..'k licit l.ljlit, however, I II 'll- I U i:,- n.iises wen- heard, shortly al- ! u r l.'llow '. d by a reapt'-arai.ce i 1 1 t he ll. lines i n the lie ill n I al lis, w !i leli sic! ho s -vei al l irelred feet. Fright ci ed --i ' :i-.-i;i! ll ' -le 1 t' town.) and at ni;dnlg!l' the church toWel ! I .,1, ciiilV iig ui'ii il the roofs ol . Live houses. Nine people Were j U'iicl l ci''ilecn wi.iiiidt-d. liiini li.ii -.v : 1 1 1 ! 1 s tun led like the hcavs , b-st '-:n onade c on inenced and lasted ! over an lo iir ami a hall, the p.e j I ii -I, in. idly througli the slreels, I la-in an I crying. Just bloie' . 1 : i 1 1 -r i ? another prolonged shock, j w.iieh is varonisly e.ilelliate I In: have l:is;e l lioin two aim a qiiuriei to li.H.-c in lill'cs, rocked the Wttoh" low n a il 1 1 were a crud.c. Many ll-cing peop.e were killed bv roci.s which led in a period show ei- like a hail storm. Smoke lioin tie ni' -it I'.ims I i the northwest rose ;,i an cie': moiis height, I'ol.owed .-hoi-ily nl el- I iv- Ihe btll'stiug of il nnes I ro n ihe mountain sides and il.e thii'.iii':; out ol rocks and .uva. Sl.i'i l'v alter ." reams ol molten iav.i ei liic lo a h.rje nii nbir of houses on She tno'iiila.ii side. Cuttle yl'. . lij, hc-ir if; ll -d and were killed, being ...i -i! :. d in the lava, which con linneil ll 'titinj; in in.iiieiise sU'eaiits. ll :s rep, tried al Yetnpiiu thai s. -ve.it v . .io lioii-i-s iveie deslroVfl. One i. :'l 'oiled it n I lilt)" three dead loi.es have been recovered lime, and many m re are inissti.g ..t I'ovajiianca. I i. il ly -se veil bouse es w ere ile.-l V ed. Miluty live bod ICS w e, e I i'CoVi-1 ed. At C.i ii.-c.it. t Afiity - itine boils, s ,-,'l ,' 1 s . eVe d. N ineiy-live bodies W.-ie it", Icied. At Ciyi.M'Ut, twenty-ii'ne ln,iist s w ,-i e . e- i ! ed an. la I, ii mi red a ml e i Veil I,) lies Were rcioVCiC-l. jt is i i.ifs.sih e ft I i ijive a lu'l ac cull ill ol I lie dis.i settlenn-itls ale slcr. .Many miihIi belli-Vit! It) liiUPi been .lestittyci. M,o l.s evlen.K il over the who! Yelapan eliain ami ll.iini s ale seel i'l.i in Ihe l'.it aya iio.-unt.iius. Tit shocks have now ceased, but lb siii 4.1' is si i.l tliseernable at differ enl points in Iho mounlaius. J I i ' iearcl !: :: the end is not yet. pta a, I toi.'l nr. s nt s. i Iv 1" t-'l l ikes at Yet ipan ami 1 he Many vioi ii 1 y great e-l ! i" t'"' elit.r, ly ci'uset pre V.i I Is. d'sire.-.- n re homeless llitaili tlill'il Kmoke from tho dav ami : 1 1: S 111 V 'I ll 1 nit luring the ighl aiiy ! : nl il t hey ill 0 j 1 1 1 1 s : i e I . I iiiisclerai le et illnl IS yet cov- e l bv lava, w hich is yet hot. The sti 'i.i h is i t i;i, In arable and ll is learn! H at lite ilea. I bodies putllfy ii, wiil Lit ed tiisci.se. Tho troops are helping to bury the death Over one bundled woe placed in one tlelu'li. A temporary field hospital near San Miituel contains over 'JLV wound ed Ti,e p! sicai'.s who were sent lor ai ai 1 1 t i ng. Inn there is a sear ci y of pi. .visions. It is reported that the shocks brought a lot ol mineral to the surface. A Ireshel is leiued I n" rivers have been lull since ihe disaster. ( lire lor Hc.idiU lie. a n mo lv for all forms of Ilt-ad- A ache K.eotrie IJil.leia has proved to I bj tiui very best. It effects a perina j llelit I'illH and tho lll'lrtl tlltllded ba ! hi; mil .-1,1. hut laches yield to its iu ll n-in-c. W- ic ;p- i II who aie T.l rtt i ed lo pu.cniv a Imtlle, auti givd litis il. Ifi cases td babl iiii. t ii a i hi nun 1 '.,,.! !,,,n V.:i... ltlttllli. ci'.ii,, ,;tvmg till! Heeded toiiolo ti,, ii i m . and fmv c tses long resi ,1 In,: i . ni t ,i i me In-im'. i'ry it one-- l.iip.- b iti i ,v Fifty cunta at K l'.-liiiiioi.'., iJing Store. Mi- I. . Mm iii., of Chapel 111. I, 'A.1, -an ah 'U Hie til s. I ol Jan ii n y for China, w here she goea as a u,l-M.,i,:iiy ol the M. F. Cltleh, ,ui.h. i A.M. It.il i im il known cil iteii ; lif ., . i it (... .ii, sii a his w lie I ai I i i e ii s I.i en li mil I ..no i h. e i iiinl ti-c.t t u II li cbl ol iu IllilllV Iclllttdlts ', ,m; ii hi I.e I' ll! I mil il shit li ti il j Ol aini lib. ins Colic, Chtilt in and di m i Imi i lieniedi , n inch Inis. cii i'i d her it, in. I and web. tiive it it Ir.a! and ' o.i will be sin prist il at the pit noil ' ii iief il iiffoi- Is. 'I't and O'l ci i.t. hoi Oiisftir (..i.e by ityi.iiui V Head m, llltl'';'.,l.-.. John 1 M tii:;Hi V. blor of ihe .Vit i ni, S. b -in in, M i, who intmcd o'.il ( ,i 1 1 ..Old lot' llm riesitlniii'V Nov , I'-'-, while Im mum Mayor nf . i i in r.iill.tlti, N Y , is ii.thiisiusiio in bis pi.ii.i'iif Cliiiiiibt r .nit's Cube, Chole in in. 1 I ho I hoot U 1'ii'dv. He says: -I loivii ii t' l il for lb" "st ''! eara and cniisiiler it Ihe licl pirpa I ,n ion i f lht kind in the lieu Ivt t li is hs si i.plt- a i s ug'il ia t, il cofl'eti in tbi i-eeiioii ' I' it u.i ariic'o of meri;. and slum d ! u, .1 iu every house lo 1 I ' r s,4 t by Hi tiui Head-n. li..,jg l L, LOfJBflf! & M. IIA YK COMMFA'-KD Th.-v i ,1 otlt't. i,; iirn v Til N A Si) i:i:Mr.Mi'.::n Tin "Civ-.- I' 1 wi.W- l IF YOF WISH 1 SAYF MOXLY. W. L. LONDON &. S ri i tsi;oi:o s i ' 12. is " conm:nsi:i) lucrour Commercial and li . I . I . -. i ' :i:.: -'. AS I l-M-1 I 1 I' To 1111 ui:sor;; 1 Lou ts and 1 isc,n,i.i s. 1!,:M : 17" -c'.i;.-n,l-.:'.i !-- I'm i.i i i.i c. is.to; i t vol Taxes, i ;:( : .' links. ii:;i-j:.t- 41.2s? :.. O..V. r.l'ii !s. ss:-;5.iiiiiiN t' 1 , l)alikili' ll.nt.-i and 1'iKliiie Cm K i t F.xpei.s ('nsli l'le from Casii in V nulls, -471.111 r. r, ci i, ns ni il b ; (spi.l.d ell me. Is. i del I. e soi ieil M iir ' id be li i i ! iocs or i ci in0 J T HUM AS. I NOIi. H I Aii !.iN V COLLEGE i ' fi T T T TT n m w m mi ifi A o HOLI,.MY, Ko.i Pies b. N C. FAIRVIEW IJST1T0T 12!' AND GOKRIERCIAL CCU.EGC. 257 S'lideids ill all D. p. ii Inielits from 1 Slates and 30 o lie ! lo lilill pays board i.nd lailn li f 1 h'-e mouths. -o: I, li-s .r l, ' irt.ti I f rf, T , 'l'll,-- 't-l-i''. AO. VhI.'ICi I l-Vlll.-l!.-. I sl.ll.ilsl:.-! I--I. Il,--.l.' . -I I'.r l.i-.il. t'l" I- Ann .1-1 '. n I--."- ' . f-ic- -, i.- Wll'.e I't W. T. WHIT3ETT, Ph. L3. I. IB-1, SMI. I I . ' I : ' t -I i'., , N. C. S' jinn- I.-'.'-'. - AM) AI.K -I1Y VI II II I. ! r .1 'I.,- .-ti .-1 i- f''.io .1 t i,.'i'li;iin tf. nun 1 Mil ell il .it tni. ii .ti ill Hi-.- no ,..,.,.,...r. ..II VOMUl. ll"! tlt'ltl "i Ol'--,. U'J.'i, Utrti' in.'-:-"I I tit'l i -I -I'-ci. t- i , .-' .:- .1 Hi.- I i - It I' i-li- "li" 'I t ' liu I ' .-r.-. H. mm a. II..' ' I I'.l I I"- " "'I .i.lii.-iliin i' li I 't' etna it I"" -l-i.il." I'll l.ti-l ell'' II..' I '-"ti'll I ,l im. -M..I kit on - II.- c "it i T.-l 111- -I .-.lie-I II.' Jf'BI I'l.ll ti S',l. 6. In.:.. 1 1 i'.i i II ItlM.oS, c vf.i: 17 "I Hie ivf.i: of LAN I -I'.Y Mill I K .-.nl ill, I In 'I ' " i en 'I I ! ifi'TV .((" i-V'-u'i- l t'l " n- i"n -- "t" ' Mhi- ii-i I'. Sinn r w.'ii.ii i ni- ni. "it I'M ,1 11 ) ISI Mill 'I'lO I .. I I--I I" III" ! 'Z i'lfl.-1't..l- t leilli.'liil o'tlliiy. I I. -11 V I 'U'f I" .-iii'l I I mil .'ii ii..' Jis: 'i.i "i s. e n i ' i . I- ''. hi iiii-1 n iii ni-. .i.H.i- iii i ins-. "i . :i 'i' . 'i' --ti'-ii, ll... Iii.'lu-i t'l'l I'T I.t e.i-li in-- : : i " it ii. : Inn 1. I irii' i "I l it 'I In fit I'lfiiii i--.niit,N e . n o,i waii-iii r lt'" ky llroiitii i'..itiali.n.i-' t -r " mi l ti'll-lniitl! ll." la., l-"l w. ti It.iin , Ii. II Ian ns. Hi- il"'-r "I sti- iu Inn n-. '- ! s. T. Mi Miii.i , M-'i tt" W..iiei, . ; ll.iv-. 1 1 s . Tint Miii'.st .Ju l I-. " 1, M SAI.lv-ItY 1 1! IT KOI in ,,r..- "1 Hi.- piir-il' r ii I r . I,.." ,,i o, i. ,i iii.-i in SW., HI ll.'- i-"ln ' li-U.-e !" '" 1 ''"-'" ' ' ' ' i IT, r r-r -nl" i" 'li- i' -'i'"1 l l'l l' i- 'i" lei'i li' Hii.l I'.lty m-r.-r "I Iiin l Oil. k-"li 11..' .- tnli .in I . I ..! Iln 1 'li-tv lit- O il, ' "I lin.-l: A tr.l. t "I i,.,. i ni,,.,- , ii, ,. i.,., : ii.ii - li s.i I'h r-H-li-'l at I ll niu, ..( i.i I :l.. I.' , ,i.,r.. .. 11- .- li, I. l . h . , li ll..' ii , .. - nli i.i .1. 1 1 I . iii.'I An lav.-r, .I'li 'limi s.,i:,ii. i si. t.v I ill is "I ' I I s l. su. r. . ii u.i l y e.-r- n I- i. .- iiiie.ii I i-i "!.' i i.iir.'i.'iM r-. I. ri.i, -In i ii- ilni'l In six hi.'ieli lli. li.li-. II II llVt.-, i. in:ui-.i"i..-r. ' lllll'l n, ,,.'.., is THE CHEAPEST (.001) SI 11001. IV Til K Mil Til. till l-OIN I' St; I I I I' VM Ili'-IM.sS I ill. I.l til:, M l.l: AN 0 H.MAI.I.. in i..'j!ii.it Aiijii-i mi., is'.1 .. 1 n-'ii -ii, i. t u. t. -rileiii. Hut li"iil e 1"-. I, 11 lieni k k. i-fll-t:, Murle, L it -I. i li, -SI.- ri Kitll It r I.i Oi .-l,l,. II 11 .ii I. ll. ur.l In cll. I'tnl lln- , i' i.i. inli. Itl'in Ir-iii J t" '"i ,- I'n. I. N. ..I. Sll.'l l n X, I.l 11 III llil I.ISlll.-.- I't l I I III. -Ill . .in lii.,:',i'i-eit ri'-'t' li i ii .ii link. I ,.- liiiili. r iiilfriiiiiil-ii .i Mo - J. M. W LA I HI. Ill , si.l" t 1 no Compiisct the I inveiHily, the ( oi 0-0, the LlW Illnl Medical Schools, ami lbe Summer School for Teachers '1 iniitui St'iil : tl."! Teachers, 171 Stu delilrt. A'ldicss President WINSTON, (.'ltl t I for Catalogue -Hid baiidl versity F.. bleat i"ii' . June -i, I'Sih"!. Il N C . Cm ok KKCF.IVIXG THEIR tliotil. K'-'i' V tltjlt .::. ill as cll-'tip as i'i ;uiv ii. ar 1- W;ii.-!i tl.cy b. t'li-V W lo : .'.1 1 III i:i I'lll-li.M) I'tlt il i Ma Ivan a c N'p.iiiL': sixim'.ntk is UETriiit V SlllLr.IVC! ' Lr- Blitz." r.i'Y Yol'Y coons at nr Tin: condition Farmers Bank, I - I I . N. I: t-N I'.II' Jttio OKfl MiiFII, l.S',14. Lii;iLirii-.s. til Sit -h. .i.l. .1 o li ck jtiu-1 in 1 ll.litS, li. t. ? 100.01 M.00 21.02:Jll 11,:25 63 yii,4'.ir oa S-ibj-ct to I Itei-k. Sl71.141.7a We giinrnntco t-atisfaction. se who contemplate making H. S JF.UMAN. Cashier, 4, !iiMsn r i; s notici:. I o.i. . i-i ilil'.-I t- .-i I'lllnl-ttr U T nf J. II. ii .ilt- .ill iiri-'ii , .i..,-..ri-e i i.i i lnii'il llli'l"' h iluv .1 aii,ii, W. S. SlIH'l.'huU. Gunstgn Institute, SIII NdTON, IK f. l'!.is Iniiii 'Iiiit; iiml lay sdiool vitiiiio; liitiios will Itfoiu it I.T tM,l! t'tl id. li-Mli, at 1 I 'J I I l ltli Mrt'ot X. I liloiit't'll llligUill'., Vo- iii.tl liisii'iiini'iiliil Music, liu. I i;i wing;, i'liy.-ical tiro iiinl liliicut ion, tin; 1 .1 1 ( ,'ii: I it-.-i :n I v;in I list's arc given at iti.-l us ifttsniiiilili; as is eon- i-ifiit u tin.' i'iiiilviiioiit ti' i in' Itfst talent. Fur c.ilaifiu' a idless M:i. am. Mas. 12. U MASOX, .by Is. 1 1'iiucipals ('., nj 'I ra.i.i Msrks ohlaloinl. and (II ra rtt im-in. s cori.l-act- rt fur Moormen rets. O jii Orricr it Opfositc o . I"(VB'P! eml i .nil ..iTur.' imt.-nt In lues tliiw lluiu tnoM r.-.ti.it' lioin Wi.-lilsliin. Sinil inol.'l, iirrtii or photo., with d-rip ttt.ii. Wi- Hi)vi,, if l ai. iit.iUe ur not. IVaj uf ct'Oipi-. Our f.'B nnt duo nil painit lasrcnreo. A Pamcmuit. "Haw loOlnaln I'sleuu," wlta iiaiiic- nf ariiml cli ni" io jour turn, Cuuntj, ot to iu, n-ut Imu. Atl'licni, CcA.SNOW&COJ Opr. Htnt orricr. wminoto. D. O. C. F. & Y. V. RAILWAY. JOHN (ULL, Kli nviiii. Condensod Schedule. In effect .Juno 'Jdid, lei0.r. I.Ml.Y. irnlntH'liii: S..111Q i NO. t. I Mall I'aMionKnf M i l .1 1 ii.-ii:; 111. wilitilin.-!' 11, Arrlvit, 5.SB t. in. 111 r.-iv.'ti.-villi', l.t-avn, 11 41 " si.i,i..r., i " Iii! " sll.'l, ' ll-W - .111 Or.-.tlsl'IT't, " ll'.tW Ml. Airy. I " 1.t. m. NitiIi h"iiti,l j SnllOl n. iiinl s i VTIoNS. I Nt. 3. ir. 11. hi, lull, 11, l.l .-IIMille Wrlvo 1 'iO i. 111. i ii " Mail, HI J,itllvo 6 la " , .... " l:.'. s(.r hi;, i - " " i i, II "' Mills " M " i ,, " Al'lIV.' tllM'lll-Vllll' I " Ill I.' rs.liili IH'I STATIONS. IS,.. IS. Miir.u. .MiM.n. i in in. Ltuv.' . Alllv.' i " l..'iv.- Arrivo r. nop. ia. tLl llVlJ ill I 3 im Ariivn V0 l.eiiui 131 " " I'i an Ur. . nlr T'l Sink' S-llllo Ma, 1 1.-" 'li I :,u " Aiiiv I iiully e 't'l'l siiii.liiy Milt 1 II I! U NIi i -ONSITTIOSH. n .li,- n, -. -J ,.ii I I u't-i al KtynltftvlllaJiHU- I h, Ih Il.e Atl.ililH- l"ll-t l.llllt t'T all l.llllt Vcl, mi l l. i- l. 'I'ntlll N". II im.iiiihi!I8 at Haltf irtl urn, liu-i-ii.i, tr l ir l.ina, .V'ltli an 1 .-111111 I, .in I, ii, I a' i.,,', i,si.ri. unit ill" ltl.-i morvt At Ohio li., I:. It , Vir.lt iiii'l Si'tiih Im.uiiJ, anj at u.i.'ini i "i" "iih lit" r-i-ittlU n Wt-aiiTii 11 It. fr Wm-i, ii suli'iii. 'I'i mil N. lii.-..hii.-is at M'll"i iiii ii,- .s-ri.'ilt .v Wi-sii'ih It. It. inr.U.iamufcaautl all i" im.- .s.'iilt iti"! wii. ! sol 1 11 lIOI Sli t'oNNKCTIOSS. ; Ti ains Si, I I, al Wiiliint (! with lh N -I ,k lo - i i ii Ii. II I'T tiiiiunkoaii'i an "itiia i Ii .. . -i , mi 1 ai ortM imiinr" wiui in.-nu n ..i, I lot oiiif li li. Nt'iili aii'l Sntiili lliiuii.l, nl ,.: sin-1. 1 mill Hut Seal '"r. Air l.lna ! .ii, u-h an, I Ailihtk aii'l all iii'lniH Nnrtli aisl . . u ..I. I at l',.i..i"illl" Jillitlltnll wllh Ilia At ii ii. i ...i i I .in.' I, j tit it If-ii'ii. Jh. krt.'livllln.sni il It .it1. . ji 'iii.-- "l i im N'. J t-"itiit"-is al Msa i. il,.-s. ii.i.ii.l lr 1-lni. lor Cbatltut. Al 'll.l s. ii'li. W. 1. KV1 K, tlfu'l rasa i , iiBu'l Uaukj.ic.