High Postage. Th following were tlio rates of post age In this couutry tn tho year 1SMH): ETery letter composed of u single sheet fcf paper conveyed not exceeding 40 miles, 8 cents; over 40 miles and not ex redlns loO miles, cents; over 150 HUil net exceeding i'.oO miles, 17 cents; tover L'oO miles and not exceeding 300 liilles, 'JO cents; over .""0 miles, cents, IJvery. letter composed of two pieces of paper, double those rates; every let ter composed of three pieces of paper, triple those rates; every letter com posed of four pieces of paper weiliin one ounce, quadruple those rates, and lit the rate of four single letters for each ounce any letter or packet may welith, every ship letter originally re ceived at nu oftice for delivery, with 0 vents. New York Trllmno. Mo le tioud It's Statement hi his class at Vale, says Vv. Snipe, lx;m a student who climbed street lamp f...ts :i nil removed sttict sins for his room ornamentation. The chief of po lice at New Haven h.-ppolied ly acci dent ono day to see the sUns in his room, and after iiifortnins him that tho tine f-r 'hits rem.-vin such articles was $," per sl.n. ln.pr.ivd how many ho had. The youth replied, "Potty." Th chief said if he would return them the mischief wot U he overlooked. I'll hntitluc up the sUns the stud. 'tit dlscov erod that he had hut thirty two, and that nlitht he stole euht more in order to return, as he did lust day. precisely forty Uns. Ui-uuie of oooiiieiOn f,r I'nlnrrli That i'oiu.iiu Meicurv, :. vier my xxi.l s.iriay ..- r ilia nense of - if o i .1 'ii ,,.-! i -it ,1. ii , ,r I ie- ni.,,t s stem -.f , .til .' ii. ll sirt... v. 1. .1 .irt.. i : I I.. t. r U ll- 'I eX. c'l e:i I -i Viet. "ii - I : "lii r. :.'.i le ; !o - , I ii -. . t; Ii in:,, ll,. i : ,.i . ...... ,'.,. 1' ' ' ! - ' ' r- :atl . t-t. II' . - i .,i.,ri ii "'I"-, 111 I . . I. ' :. 4 l K. .1.1 .'I.V iV l... ' 1 . I t . . :!,.,,.,,,,.,, . .,. , ma. . i i'lv.'ir. 1 1, ,'t ',, ' , ' . . .'j! I I l I - I ".n.ii '., l .;. ! - 'ii . t .... ! ,,, ll I- t..-. il l:: I i. a. - ii. :i, " ,. " ".., I... K.l.l :, ",.'! ,v , ... !'.-:. , . ,;, I'ai ttf- 111.) I..!-,-. -. i .,.;-. ., r untie. 'I'll ' I.; !. .-". ,i mutt; "Il l less 111! lithe - !.e .i.i el a -ir'n! I av.t cr. The True l.neiilvr i'rlmlpl Of the plant um .1 ia in.ia'ti'actiit irg th l lfiu- .nt remiMly, Si rap f Ku-, h i- .1 perm. Drntly K-nt.'"K'ii elf -el .n rlu !.ii n in -.:eni, liile the i tn'. i;. ..:.". ill e evric's ant n.lti-rr.-ii -oiutieii-. u-ii.i. 'y -oM a- iii.-.l cues, ma pvrnin"ntl ujur o i. in. iii!..riiii.' you wi'.l ti-f t!, tr'ie tv:!'.. !- m!y. ;alufa. lured t y tho i..elu.r:,i.i i': - rup Co. I i n:. t . ii aio- .v.. . ; :. . : .-i I I, ni.d i.'.o .'ntli.r, ct Mi .. .- t 1 . Ml..iy. T iv.i-ri-li-,l . r.". llUi.ii.s..t n-.ef k-'i-a-,i-i.; r .r 'eM'il.iti!.. le.-aii.e lit 'ii Ti-. i;. ye. e, I-. - ei-' ; uiy Irri tated !) Hi' isae j '..;i. I -Air: ; . r- ll'.kill ; ilestr-v- ::i.i;:li .... ! ;,: 1 . . .iv.T. ll U't a h.i'.if. lat a i; 1 - i will tlti.l CI. ir.-eu.'.'.i ,.ur.. , N.-T.-bi-. s .1.1 ly iTIIu'Clst.- ex ..r) wtl.T". It k free. I" I" StT- tins le'as.-dy l".. Nexv V.rk t'liyor x :iie.i.;e. Ill tl:e . f.U .ti:i;.Iie .-tales it Of. " iXer i 'lie-fourth e! tl.e j ; i.i.tua i .i tor Uu Ltrta. r. t want v.rv m .t- :,t. ! ' m.n tn f t'nttri Jt te- lie. t.-:. i ::. i v . ::a .m i -l- lllll'il- te '.ill I- t.. e ,. A ,.' C , lilt- .:i.-. A.! Ire :. M x ... . t..:lit.l. liiu Uus jsi. met ' ' ' o i :'rv-o. 1'etr- It. Mleh., has n.-xv a tliree-o. :.t trel ley hue, xx.tli f..n:y :;.i;.s of Ira i. II iiutercwrn is it imili It enii-il i'. Itnf ' It lalo i.ilt i' !!'-. i.t. 'l ll O I roll- e. It:. ..I It : b! .Maltii tt.ili.ll. a lea.-'ir. . ! ' at lr .it.. , la vi i rhi. io lit ei,'.ia.e:i: uu! eoa.i'. x j ll. action. V.- Iiav- ii-l t-j. xxr! at l i- '- t "ire f t t u-tm:'ti"ii for -i x"ur-. I.t.:r. Iii.i.ia. lump M., Ii irri.-: '.re, l a., M.t. 4, 1VL H- r- tie' '.iv i , . 1 1 a ' i ' 1 1 .M i ''i, in a i t me . lii;.- a nr ,t: n o itu-r a -lutiyi... FITS ,.. ... , , ;:. ; :vi V iMut Nl ia'K K' --toeivii. N . : : i -i e.n '- Ma: vet. .... I- - Ii. ,i ... ..( iv ,1 I tic free. S- i e. . . - .; . .... !':, .... I'.i. If Me.i-eri in ' -.i I ex .; ::f.e Hi. Vintiiix '- ttilntr S i'ip fur et. t-tii-n tret liiiv. . ; e i.. t In ..ain. reil a es li.l'.a i ia l ttuit, 11 1 ' .t M l . nil, . till'.'' :n. I eeii . J.'.e. i Uillltf : ul le-i.-.r- i;n. ; r a i.a I ' -'."! I i tie' 'at- 't-arii. . : ii.d.vi lua.-. lov iro - V . i V., 'f. re'ief...-. ! i . : i. i . . .. .-k y.ui'.iru:..-: t ':. ;:. Tie. ! t. i'i : a ." A.i.a. a -a a 1 i-li m ry i.ix r. 1 r. K-:r..e:-- - x xi e It ... - r . Kaia. ;. . ....'.! r i e ". la!i!e'"t. .-' . i',. .ii.l . s: .' ( 1 1 "-. I rax-' r". !I.Mliir. X III I. Iiii--.'i'. . hi j "r Tiui ' iti-l-t tliil ll I.e. i' i. taei rae'l cit.c fur ex. ry u.i- a ,.; a '. llern";i vxtl I v. . r ! I v . ".. ry iii.iu VVi O llil-l Je'llV"'; l I a I."" '!;"' If sffllrte.l xxitli' r. ex caje Pr. I-nnr Ttmniiv OD'9 e-xv liter. 1 'l '.I - -ea at -ei J er t ti IT ie, 'Some folks in.iiiit.'iin," remarked Ihiss between pllfi-, "thllt in the next World we shall f.Hoxv the s;uue i.e.-u putioiis ;i- !n t!ii-." "And in this world." said Mrs. I!, y.ni nr.. s:;,.'kiii,-IneesMimly."- P.o'-ti.ti Trail-, rij.t. Tired Women VtV'.ii-, xv. a1; :ei ail vv ra a' v." 'in! Ill pnritl" I 1 I !. -aa ! reti a; 1 I,. ,a ie. 1 v It.... I' S.ir- ij aritla, ; . raaia at l" ! i ill -tr-i.th. ;.'t II I'- . eaa-" Hood's Sarsaparilla Is tho Only True Blood Purifier Prominent Iv in tV pi.i.ii . , i ' . ll i- 'Id l'X-il dnu.-i-is. H. ,ix i Hood's PillSnv:,Au:rr.!,;;.i; Waller EaKer & Co. uniiiea, T!l l.rt.l Mn'..fiurr-i of fl PURE, HICH CHADE Pnnnir. ...iPtirixni ITCO dk UUUUHO bnUbULH I Lx) lij On Hi:, e.'titiiirnt, . r..i'i"vp4 HIGHEST AWARDS ft,.!ll lilt- Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS IN EUHOPE AND AMERICA. - flVCauiion: ,',?,;" T,,.,;',': ' 'r'"f,i ',f"''"n'' ""ri" 'i.".'''i :i1nrlV. Iiirrhr,lrr, Mll. ta irtti.J . it i .i I .ltii' SOLD tit GROCERS EVERYWHERE. HAITI H BAKtH 1 CO. LTD. DORCHtSTER, MASI. li r i Tho t'etitra! Liberal ( rc;aiii.ittior of I. .'ii. liiii is said to have accumulated t-Clil.tUNI to 10 Used ill elections. I Japan has laid iK un her implements ; ot war, hut she j- not letlin;; them eel ! far out ,,f nach, notes the Wadiiuo- ton .-slur. The New Oil." us Pit : line asks for the ti I m diit iiieut id' wom. ii on the ; M'hool hoaid ot that eity. Tiny are i 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1', hut so far no woman has beet'. j appointed. ! Tlie l ea -on the s it i-r s of Jackson's j ll.de feared a ma-acre bv the lluu , i: ': la ii .us, was evidently Kciuc j s. x i ial of the Indian- had been nias- .-acred by the eon-table-, itplains the ; New Volk llidepelldeut. They i - p. eted of the Indian- what they would do in like ciicuni-taiiees. ! Pietity of iiioii. y xvas fort In'onitii'i f 'l tlie Ku-s o-i'iiiuese loan, (u the d ty of i ue the loan xxa- subseubed lixe times over in Kti-si.t and lifteeu lieu- iti L'ratice. 1 1 the other hand, tlie ill'.f! to place it nexv 'J i, ll i, OilO hr.i.v.iiaii o.iti in Ivif. p' hi- been i I y coi.iix tie.ixi.l, xxeu tiioil"h tlie name of the II. ; !i-eiii!d is ooiuiicted w it!i it. the had markets of the 1'ntted Si. t,es are -f.pphed li olll f.eir -utiree-. Tl.e til-t I- tr 'la d .::i''-!'.e iiiiuinu. dtx t.i. d In t x i ;i t'tie ; i, ad or. - . t the Mt : :pp. xai.e.'. i t.d the -lixel' !. a i re ol tin- ii e.i.x M eii.-a.ti-. I'iie - '. i -urv i- 1 ic an i I'.nti-ii l' " i ..l. la. Tiie third i- tit ba-e bll.il. .11 -i lit tfoia . .,..i !,.! ,ie-livi r i:i:: and 1 1 tin ;ti : it; b. - I ill till -Cotlt.trx. a.;. I t tie I en t a 1- lxliaed (or el !. 1. .id. A f -. t ::i . lat;-iie..l ii. :i 1 xiriti -: " l ie iivi.u il a ; re .' Ue circulation of l:it 'ii;.' f- : tie- -xi'll.1 1- ea'a'il'ale 1 to I e I J. to I.,,.!;,,,. a i ,...pi, . To ;Ta .. j .tax il a .! tat- in i iitit 1 we may -tit. tiiit r. e.x.r iiolexx. r t at :. I", I "e 1 -ipiare in i a - . f -' : i 't'aee ; I .at ;: i- .:;:,t i o:i 7s!.--! ' toil- of p ii .. 1 , at, 1 : -.! t :. I , t :.al 1 1 til. ir.itn- 1. r, I J. ,o "i.o ' . r -pi-i -.. tit. 1, itl- -:, a t .. .....:, t. .1,, it w.eu.t take ,.v. : :; I year. ti t . elui. e. I a I:, a o! it.!- ..I l a a , ..eat, e mi::!; t ' p:- -- aa.l ptie th.-:. i . r:tc.!ly upward ! t i :n liMtiy reach out- l.uh'-t at. "in- i tuijl.'p-. l.'pplti ". all t;i.-e an i ix :i tc hi.tlie-t A p., the pile w.. a!, I I'laeh ' t!i" tii'i '!ii:'e. tit aititu.!': of pi i. m ! l-o'ind li'liiiV 1-, till!"-. t'a!c:i'at- j iti ; til it the axet l a laa'i -pi t.d- tlxi' l t..!ii'l- in rea i'ti ; hi pip r iti th ' j day (tht t- a v ry ',. e-'itti.it. .. wo i'.Il.l that tiie !'. i of the xe.f'.d ait -e ttier nil i la.i;. "i-e ipv tun . ) lix i- ' !, i.t .. ti: 'iv tin i ' ho 1 1 y v..it - l'x.i i- ' It. ' tie pap- 1'-." I I Til- lli lil ! l -ai ii i : a !,. .oii.biai- tip I'.I"-. i ,, V I ri i''.'i.i.iiiy . ... I'.lt . ,! -. e. l t ." Ii .. in:.: I. .e .- i ' . 't IX ' V e k . ,,: ' . , ; ;, i dl'l, life l'.'- ! I ..ft. I t i. ix i :. : : i. i - x ! -i.i a . I -lea a' . : !; fie: i x . lot. in t '.. at.;.. . ,, . : at : .ii aa 1 t r ix I, ,,. . .1 t e N I : . I'" t. l! -e, a. I : . a . i . , i . . ; i 1 1 ! i ".i 1 . ..: - ii- r ol lie er. -.' , : tor a. i. i - a a it ; - : .x .ix 1 i.i vx h it 1 -, a, a iiiy ii . I a . tiie -u'-i.tlt l- IL.ti "' -: :e :v I ., "t- ea. ll :i!;y vx i - i i e I i tie ! t i.'iiary . ... . t ," i . , , -i'i-' :..r o-i tint ,,,.' i- a .- , a a. ! . I .-' . t ' t ' " laet; . , a . t . ,: ti i::i. tie- p- r j : I. . , i ., :...,-.:' .: : , a . a a a :-e w n.ei il a i :i. I. IV: t : ilia a. .x e .tiie ' a a , .. ,: , , l.fi ' It :,. "-.!. tlx. ., i vi ... I ' e a.- -. i . I i.i po-l fiix a, : a. -ap ai:.- i ! i-. :i ,.f I : : :. Ail . . iv, li. i, th. , a , '. : .x vx it a I ii-l-.::: ; tio- .i, i xx . i . tiiii a i, tri al to le. I that the ! -1 . e .a . - ii I i" xv- a r . .1 'aie a- ' . :i i I !; l:. . ale 1 t I aei, ilia i : ..- : ii os i: . e n uee . r v t : . i : 1 1 ., - i.o : i i ... '.i 1 .. eo'ii" praet ie.t- li' -e'i ie i! I) at -tri. I i t 11'-;' I I V l'iil aiox I ill" ;el V I. . .!:. : - - . a . ' '1 ill et i . iet in ; ; ::.. i tn" i' itt rv are attaeiied : : - i a i . 1 1 la ai hue ii a:i- l i : -. I. x llise til ' l'iil. I I at- I e . it.., : - e ... l a- p,t: -at I I "- t . Ill i I -, I I" eie -ti'ie.t V I - aa I t. I.'lltl-t ii - '.;' -.'!. : lit. . r : i is la - at... ,:.d i ... I i p i n. .x i. .- i iie Vil t el l i ' a d ....... . : : ! . I i." I, F0K FARM AMI t;itii:. lTt'iu or vi.oxxivn. Tlie safe depth to w hich to plow is as far as the soil i- fertile; tho infer tile subsoil should not bo liroU"lit to the surface until it has been enriched bx manure. It is ulwax s to be remem bered us a leading principal in the culture of the soil tint the see 1- of plants elvnx near the surface, mid f. r this rea-oti the surface soil should be the richest in available plant food, so that the yotin plants may liiid abuu dant!niitiimeiit at tiie time it is most needed; and, if deep ploix nut, tie.' raw infertile subsoil is broil ;ht to the sur face, the newly e-x-rm i ti it ill seels will pcridi for want of loo I for the erowth ol tiie yotitie phitit, uti.l it xviil licNcr reach that beyond the weak foots and below the surface. If it is d '-ire 1 - and it should always 1. d. -ii-ed -thttt the soil be made deeper, it should oily he done a little at a tune, and by tiie help of siillieietit manure t enrich the new soil. I'.-ep .j,itviti.; should be done in the fall, -t that the winter fto-t- may cvr; a hen. Tumi! iiitl ielice on the liv-h soil. Nexv York Times. l'l.XNIs XM lil.le l lili'l I V. 1 . ai- a ;.. th trieity t i tiie ti ial" u'l'oxx lii ln'i iitu.iti in- -rurdti appiieitiott of t of plant to st IIIIU- amon ; axx x el -h.lV" tin pnte a tae or willi and d"Ct .f iltli" tl. ll' XV ille'l to i who Ii i 1 i- b-iekyard t: udeiis in t i'ii a-. ( i .'eat w. re the '. a;" "il el in print, but "i .... I out, ati.l the i :n -. . x - xx ere left in lie ., .ii ea i -e and i iV-c! I t:i tii ..ifow-.h of the .1" ii'- a-a- It ai't' pliV.-tX.;. Illll. lite I Up .il, l.ejht l.ili ; at the loot- appeit- I t iinelteeii I'..!-,.'. 'lien, an I i:.;iit ox. rheal is the l.lte-t I. tie ol llix, -ti itloii i i Minie '! .ii- i ; e-.!ii"-,l:ti ; -t'llioii,. The late ti I., ial P., i- i'. toil ,,1 I'hllad. Iphla pt ox. 1 I., ill- .ox :i -at ;-: i.'t l ei tiiativ y. al - a .'. til it !t;ht pi-.tti.; t!ir.ei.;!i l'iil ;! I xv a- pi-t what plant - needed t i. p t lie in lif.iilhv. N.m Conies an ad . .:.,' 1 prof r oi hortieuiture :r. i a -are- ll- that it I- tile el air elee tf.e ate that I ti d I, and tills all the -tit he,.; it we vx.iaid keep our crop i iin.r. x i! Iiaut an y e --atiitii diii - :-i : ti.e i tit.te txx. iity-f.'tir liour. It- lie in! .e .- .- I. it xv j : . i i 1 , lai iti I tltt lix !!-. !. -.- lACept Nov Yot-.. S.i:,. n x.. xirin i ..I Yx' il' I X el' vx lilt.'!' ; -life I'i be lil I il ' : l-.e.xti i 1 f ra.: x III. X ox . It' .it I'I.' xri - i i riii.i:. iiiri i- -on ii there iitlde lit harvest e. l, which wiil eiovel. If left 1 1 xx U Ii. e .,.'1 dy Itij'il' th. i tall, e-p. etaily p i-:ii i I. It i- elov, r if t lu ll it 1 l-op i. e Ii. !.l ai'o i' tae ei nu a- to eat tie ra i - of tiie fall a It aieii over ,!i ii.. I t.. b. tt a- i, 1- pi'- li ti." el. J I l.'li . x . a v. rv Im ie Till- XV li; a crop .'it rout lie- -Kiioxvu la i f acre i. 't it ii t ll it xx UU e it S I't.'iii- h. We Mar. iover lo lie I tliil-, and " 1 ... elox. i : . r xv ii.t . r '1 ma". I I ill e If II I . t he I'll! al e a a- I, ;s ...iter e oi ltt i.ei I Hi ilti' : i i ll.'l he ell eat. i t 1. .. ' '. ! iie 1:1" vx ei d i- a : eaa : . . .1, and ".. ' ..,, 1 1 -t are ti.) -I- ; :' ll to .-.a d taei" i e. vv ith r.lvt xxee I la . x ir ee. pi I'i pi iee- x r ,- e lia ; max- Ii iv ; ,.; v,e. d ,oe- hot -I li t tA lil" - 'li Is loo-i ."d ill I XX iet e t he -oil I - 1. i.i-,- lied i - ed xx lil -ta! t to eianv It I til. II 'II a ; li- I..--I row i h .ti r an I t lil. r tii. in that el clover i. i alt- i- - ii" clover eels a bio id it will -i.i .;ii- r 'Most of the annual I 1-. Am. fie i:i t 'ult i valor. K. We are I i.r..ii'..h tie I'ai no r w h. in -pri-e. i, vvu-'ti pii-e.in : eoil'itf y, to lin 1 so few ii- rock suit for their -toek. ti-. - it Wlie'ievef XV e fill 1 ll 11.1111 W ll I speaks of it in the ; in wax !i'"io st term-. Tie: writer can say f r. on experience t li 1 1 there is n,. other way ot saltin.',' stock nearly so sittis laet'.i v in every way as by the. us; of tiie rock. It is a si ttl.d fact that stock suited iiic ! a xxeek take t o iniieliwiieu ixeli to thoin, whiell has the clVeot of xxast'i'ii. in noli nutrition in the animal winch the system r.tpiite-, an 1 before I in- next saltinu day conies iii'.hiii I ill . -Meets are caused in the sy-tetu by the lick of salt. This beiii..- th" ease, the farmer who dep. u.U upon weekly -nlliu", bo ho ever no regular, c.itinot ia l to loose milk from his coxvs and If. .-.li from his steers nad other fulteii iti -t .ek. Some resort to tlie plan of putlin ; a little salt into tho fond ev. rv day or two. N-.xv, this is all ehaiiee xvork, nnd ciLnot i;ive the lies, results, us the animal itself is tho only proper j 1 1 me of how much to take, and will never take too much or too hi tie, when eiveu flee access to it. Now, when stiibi. s havo boon tittcd up xvith salt Poxes ill the stall', the sill ply can lie kepi constantly 1.. foro them l.v iisino either h it lel salt ot rock suit -the former liixin.; tn lie supplied every fexv day- xxhtlo a f. mi or live pound liriiii xxill last for xxeel.. Allolher itdv.iliti'.e of u.iii'! tiii'!i sit it that it can lie thrown into an d ii.it v inati.rer and not interfere vxith the l' to l. The annuals can lick itt it as desired, and no evil results i waste in food or salt can follow. Then aa'ain, for field saliiie; in the summer, a lump can he thrown on the ground. exposed to tho -tin anil rani, without loss or objection, while when 1 atiel salt is used thehox will he half the tune empty, and irie.;ular siiltiu;; re sults. - I'arinor's Advocate. AltntT TliAlSINii lIMI.H There can Lo no tpiestioti that nnitiy :i protiii.-iii"; animal is ruined l.y luting put into the han Is of a trainer who ii to-itively iucoiiipeteut, liiid-tenipeie.l. or lacking in j idiiii 'tit. Over and over main h ive 1 seen a yoiia ; cnilie, xxith tho finest working iii-tmets -polled Ity il loll. i-voiced, Clir-lll-,', -weal iie; lad or Hi. ill Willi no ktn.xxl cliio of tiiiiiual ltnlure. The tongue is an titiruly in etulier, an i so is the iiand, iiii l it in iv lie taken a- a fo'iier il niletleil tiie mail who n-. - hoth in mo re thin an axeri ;e xvay xviitie tr.ii ti me a yoiiiu- atiiiii il is a failure in that special il ea The c oivei -e is of c uii ie tru a . a rule. The tn ist siic c fill ti nti f i , he who strives tn produce teihn .i i fleets l.y a iiiitiiiiiuui u-e of word and toue'i. An aniiu il that is roar, d at, -c d led lit a rmuli way and hai-hly jerked or punished, max- IteC'ine a lair sort ..I' in iciiiiie.lni: it Cililllot eo l-t It- XV iI'li 1U the li..s' int. diieent in itiner. What a dill'- retic" one sees in meti for ti-ainin: it t lo in. I It use-! i u of th- la, i.t awk-iv.ird-lool.in.; eitlh'iiieit 1 have i v, r -eeli xxas ipni. t III i-ter ill tfiiitini ; -toek to sli '-.x liieiiii-lve. o:V t . p. r .etioli. II iiiiiis"lf ieil.liii 1 nu 1 .xolilile 1 Ihio'i ., the yard like a duel., hut xvle ii he was at the leal I of a i.tlll of lieif. r you felt t lull evet y thiiief was rio.it. The two seemed to liave ,i ! ottd nf syinpathy, and your eve dai ot rest oil the m ill at all, hut ti xv hat he w as le.idin A liirdi, ill tempered man docs a world of mis chief, li l harm is often done l.y linn; :!i!le-s, ai'.houii ood-iiattired ial.. and men. Sacli fellow.- will noxv and tli an take liberie s with th: utii- ! i mats put under their chare; '. They j xxill Hi., tickle or slap the iililtuals, and I hen spring ti-ide in order to ell- I e.iiir.i teetii tin 1 heela toward re sent netit. Of til iv have it lutili;.; j and kicking Imrs t with th" j'reate-,; ea-e if the bad Ie on -i are heiin early J i noti;li. The c. rnllc at in;; plan would j IIO dollbt be ll.-etlll, but I Illll coll. j vinced that f il lll rs all 1 stnokow ti"-' Would . l -. ti vi'l am unit of f.oo I by eiieeki ii ' fault . a a I enc nir i nu X ni u' it -. Voiiti'; f inn h in Is a. id biid liii ', .toes breakers ..:' every d.";re need, Ilk" ) lil lie Il llllatlt terriers, to be ' xx ll ."lie re I. " -- L u I :i Live. Stock .Iniirmi!. r.i; XM' Weed, io!. la 1 iie nx ailal de mi: Yell'.xv I I II V I field are -tan laf I . MIltl'.N Mtltii. itl'.iw in.; crop i ol it. - ill the soli. an 1 .1 "1 Wethers III li ke! oliloii-. i-t tut -t ii i in ; ol t h - ni wilt I U'o.-Iv j , th . eT'Ots of dfoll iht. II il i of t Wot hi i di br in will eixe i miieii or ill. II I . belief ll .1 Illll th f m ovxth 1- . iltl I t.'ilderili ,1'UI ial to - nl IIIIV . pi. tiny table. The ile.-li i f tin Aii,'or.l na.at in -ai l to be w iiolcsoai.', but decidedly lilipaialab'e. I'lih-.. tlie pii'.iets aie well matured before e iid Weather they will Hot lay ii ! r -p: Ilia'. I'i nit a i l xeiet'ible that co ue into tiie lunik, t clean all I teliipliil.e look Uil; are easy to -ell. A on, i I cuv is uiiiuio P. manufact ure .-..metllllle; O H of untiling, but II p mi' cow cm r.ai lily inal.e iiolhuie out of .-otuetllill". I'l'.f s.or I! .In i ts c imputes that lie re I- :i loss of Ir on forty-eintlit to hit y-fotir per e -lit, i 1 value i f maniirt that is b it i''n." I to tie- xve.ither. Takine otVtiie heavy collars at noon '"" I'rushinu; shoulders and hiea-l will rest tho horses an I do much t nr.U keepine; theiu iu fust cl.i.s condi tion. A deal of moiiey is beino made by bie.' lin,' Slietla i I ponie.. They Cost lib. cit as much to raise to three years us 11 ste r, u:id noil for from twice, t.. thrieo as iniic'i. Whi'i e feriiliers or ni mure were applied in tlie spriiii,' and the culti vated crop h is been cut short bx drouth, a summer for:i",o crop may b. sexxn, or fall barley, rye, oats oi wheat, s ) as to utilise tit ' soluble plant food that othervvise miht bo washed down into the subsoil by tin; heavy rains. Perm iiieut pasture, if it is to bo mail.; th-s most ..f for f.'.ra.np'j pur poses, should never be, lu ivvii. Mow ln , ' ciicoiira res the stroneer-raw inj; orasses, mikes tho pasture much coarser, and do-troys that lino bottom Iierbuejo x.f ttia-ses and clover, which is n'l es.'iilial characteristic of a I ;ood iMsliircs. (JI AIM' AMI u mors. The de. pest hole ever ilii; by u. at:, that at Speicnlici ( iei iuaiiy, i- only l.lTJreet. Tlie leather apron aa worn by the b'iiek-iuilli is iiu nlioiie.l by l'.lny a t in ii e iu Ji le. time. N.i tr c has vet been Ineasiir, -I tail. IT til u the ;:reiit .11,'iilv plus ill ti ppt land, Australia, 15 I leet hi ;h. A horse and harness .-..Id laeently iu Monroe City, M..., for St.". and a pair of horses only bioii;;hl arricr reef is a con! reef cxl. ii 1 in:; iiloin; the tioil liwe.t cast of A'i-!ia!ii for uearlx I. ".I I miles. lohii Murray of I'ai itilown, I'.-iin., had no children himself, sy adopte 1 fourteen orph in-. An 1 he live I to -be 1 if.'. Mi -. M iry M . .re of Newark, found under life sentence, in the peniten tiary for bur;larl;.-, h r lon-lost soli, wlin Weiit Wet so;u ' years I. fore. I lible snails tn the amount of Jill, llilil pound- are annua. ly shipp al I. Am Tica fio n Franco. At th ' plac of exp.nliitii.il they ate worth .!?1.. 1 per 1. nut. The lif l merchantable zinc made in this country was produced in Northern Nexv .ler-ey from mines .nice rich, but which of late x.ars have fallen oil' to a very small vieid. (.'hiucse clocks pi.l' strati -yr... Tlie dial- turn roilit I, while tiie hand- are stationary. There arc two dial on each clock, one for the hoars and the otln r tn indicate tiie mintiti s Tiie nut iiorities of the tuiiiu! prill paiily of K-ii-s X. ti. l in my, li uc urn he I I'.i-t.tr Aiitle .-, nl t'i i-i"-'i- dnlf, In f..-l',': be. Mils- he refll -e I tn Cnlitm le a siil.-ei iber to the "ulli 'ial" liexx.-p.p r. A votni; mail tw Mity-.'ie.lit yens old, W.'!.;il'll 'I'i p 'tl lds, die I lit roitifie, llamitohh eniiitty, 'ii., ia-t We k. II" WIS six fe.'t, txx i lll.'ia hi"!i and hi- lin:ueii-e bulk was -yiu in. trie.iliy tl.-t f 1 1 nl ie. 1. A heavy -h uxor of diminutive to .. little hil ::er th lil potato iia ;-- tell at l'.ir iiiti.::t..n. Me., a few day .- ii"o dm in ,' vx iuii th" people call a "elnti I buret." 'I'lioii-ands ..f the creatures foil i:i tlie t nil an I ihe u.-i :hii inn;-liehl-. Tiie di. iinmi l wed line nf Mr. and Mrs. .lo-. ph Manuel of K eilii. bll..k polt. Me., Will celebrate. I 111 that toxin recently. Mr. Manuel :s itiuety-ei ,'ht yt iii s old and his wife iiin.-t vi. Until nro iu ixcelleiit heal til. Tho oldest ll Id Feilovvit. the Fluted slates is : aid tn be (.' ipt. I'liniiu. t '. William - of t iklaii I, t'.il., who w.ia initiated into the order iu S-J at I . -troll. II t is now mole tinm '.'.I years i Id imd is in lull p i.-e -Mo:i nl his faculties. Ten Mil 's ii tic Your Ilea l. The iih-Ii o' olo. isl - are x Xpi . tui ' Woild. I- to re-llil ilom the lloltelt Stanton Avery b. tpie-l nl c-1 oil, IMHI to the Smith-. Oiiaii I n-t i tut mu lor ..ie purpose of 111 iklli;; re-, ale aes in the re.iioii'- ..t I im il j I ail, -ay . ihe St. I. -.ills ll. public, but w lul.t American llle r . 1 1 1 1 . . ; r a-lx lo explore tiie i-leat -ea of etln r tlial -urroiinds mir ;;!.ili,', M. Ilelliilte. lh" l'l --tien a lepl III lin lenlolneieal lore, is eXp.-l im, nl ill .'il Ins own 1 k. lie ha- nl pilot loon-, e nix Hi:; se. I-! e;; l-leliil;'. iti-tl'll-iin-iiis, to er. at iiei:;lis, and lie: auto- ii it it- recoid- made there by iiis th.r tiioiiieter, bar. .meters aiul ..tin r instru ments arc ..f iii'-fi bi:i; interest. One of Ihe b.illnnlis w ineii ascended l' a il.I;tilt nf IU l-'J lllllt s, letlllllt'd Willi ll laeold which piaixod that it had be, u in a stratum nf air w h -re the pi es-ure xx as niily I d inch nf mer cury, and th temperature 10 I deo-reis Fahrenheit below Z-l'ii, lfltil de ducted Irotu a lone series of experi ments warrants M. Ilerinite iu niiikih" the assertion that after a height of l'J, il'h) feet is it ached, the mercury (alls niic deofee for each n hlfxct ..I a- cent ma le. Chinese Arlillrial Oicstiuti. lf. l ilies, ilii Aaierie til piiysitMau who spent some tune iu China, found thit the t'illlieso h:i 1 il wid kunw! ede of what xve call artificial ili"...'s tioii. "Whenever," ho says, "iti.aits nf the indigestible class arc to bo u-.al us fund, the cook increases their as similative character by tho usj of pepsiniferous tripe and vinupir. I have often out of curiosity examined, tlie numerous dishes of tho Mo!ii",o li.iii eiitsiua with a viexv to aseertain inir their constitution. Whether it was boiips or stows, rairoutii or fricas sees, pot-roasts or boiled, I havo found trip.; finely shre Ido I or thinly Kliced iu three dishes out of every five. Tho ratio was largest iu house holds of wealth, where well paid cooks woro tho rule. As they diseoverod the peptic virtue of tt ape iu nil animal foods, they ltkewiso found the same tpiality in tho gizzard of tho bird kingdom." - Nexv York Post- Turn About is Fair Flay. Mr. Fptoii, noia.ss tho ii i r shaft I wish ynil folks xvoiildti't nutko so much noise; you're keeping our baby n xv ake. Mr. Forthllo.ir, blandly-Oh, we ate. uro we? Ask your baby Low ho Ilk us it hinii.elf. REVEALED IN A DREAM. How a Doctor Piacnoaed Cao and Cured Him Putleot. Ono of tho most anaccouutuhlo ad ventures In the phenomena of tho lives of tho physicians ever recorded rns ro- la ted by Dr. Charles Hoclitnnn, Of As toria, I I., at a meeting of yio Ameri can Medical Society lu this city Tues day uftoruoim. Tho tscleoUflc men pres ent wero much ltiteresteJ lu tho strnno freak of nnture the iiractltioner dis closed. They ludlevo It now and vulua Me evhlence regarding tho much-dls-cussed opinions on tho conditions of tho mind or brain In Bleep, which Is also n subject of strong U'uniiu Interest. "It seems to me," said Dr. I'ockmnii, nrtcr introducing the subject to his lis teners in a formal main, or, "that It Is a truly remarkable occurrence when a physician makes u clear diagnosis of a mysterious malady lu dreamland. Vet : lhiiviMli.iie.su and done so to my utter amazement. tVhon, purely characteris tic instinct, I examined Into my dream and found It as a spokesman of fact, I I was stricken speechless, but since I ! havo come to the i elusion that tho phenomenon Is not mysterious or even strange. 1 xvas called to attend a Ii ; i lo baby suffering tho most rigid spas- ; iu. idle convulsions, the cause for which 1 found Impossible to discover. I first tiixv the poor little Infant on Sunday iiiul by Tuesday hail become perfectly nonplused as to what to do for It, fur- , ther than to administer temporary re lief. 1 thought of nothing else than the ; poor little one's sufferings nil day Mon thly, and retired that night with tho i ?hlid's remarkable symptoms mentally , photographed mi my mind. 'Tuesday morning when I arose I had 1 bee:, tn See the little patient In a dream; 1 had discovered ihe trouble nnd con- e '.ved a ittuple 1 1 en ti.ient for Its curt; which I had administered with entire suet ess. I poti calling at Mrs. 1 1:- ! x nod's, the child's mother, this nioi u- j lu:,-. I stepped to the curlier of the room ! iu which the cradle stood, and raising ' tlie ii, rant's foot observed the little ruse- i colored spot 1 hud seen in my dream. ! lu an Instant, almost before 1 knew j what I was l'!ti::, 1 drexv a slender i pointed lancet from my pocket ami i quickly puncture. 1 tiie spot, when out j came a needle three fourths of an Inch loinr, head lir.-t." Nexv York Morning .b.imiiil. ".My liiiiiiuii.i g..t ever so many falls ' when she wa.- learning to ridu the hi- j cycle vesti 1-day." explained tho little gill io I',:,. ...Her, and thafs. why she's so long eomii'g ,!,,wn. ,sn.'s e-,,t ,iu, i l'l.,. s all uxt r her." rhie.ie,, Tribune. Highest of all in Lcavcninrr Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report RUNNING FOR BOYS. l'wrry Hoy luu ltecoine u Kiiiiucr if lie Trie.. i'very Aniericnn hoy should learn to run. In (lieece, in the days when lin n u lid ix. mien t....k better care of their bodies th. iu th. y ever have since, every b..y, and ii'l, im., xxa.-. taught In run, jllst ils Ihe Aliielieau child is 1. night lo read. And as far aa xxe can .iu-Ue by the s, allies hey have I. -It behind tti-'iu, there XXele Very fexv llolloxx i lieste.l. Spindle lege,.,! boys ainnlig 1 he i reel.., file Persian buy xxas liiiuht I" sjienk the truth, run. ride and shunt the l...v. The laigl.sh buy isenoiiragcd l" run. Iu fii' l, at r- uu of the gif.il linglish public school-, beys of thirteen lllld futll leell X t ill . ..l iliie, like I'ulll lil uXXII and i:.asi iii l;u-!,x. ran cover six and eihl miles el ..ss eoiiiiii y ill Ihe great hale and hoiin.l run:. Kvety boy is turned out twice a xxeek, nut nf ll.tuls, and made tn run. anil till himself full nf pure liesh air and sunshine, ami gain in. nf .streiiiiili nnd life than any auiuiiiit of xxeiubi pulling or dumb bell work iu stuffy gymnasiums xxoiild give him. See the result the IhiL'lish buys, as a XXllole, lire a .slr.mger set tlillll XX e American boys. Ilxery lhiulisii :.-!ino buy is lu soiiii- extent all aihleto. And tli. il is what American boy s should I e. Not because football, baseball ami ten nis arc valuable lu themselves, but fur the e I tiny do iii strengthening boy s' bodies. P.y playing ball every day for hours In the open air; by exercising his arms, back and leg muscles In throwing, I .ai ling, running ami sli. line; by going M bed early and -nine hp all bail habits in pivpiii-iitini! for the games, a buy siiir. s up stretiu'th, which ho can drnxv ti all his life long--that i-i why every hoy should be an athlete. Hut Hot every boy can play football or baseball, lie may nut be heavy nr strong enough; lie may never he able tn iie.piiro the knack of catchinir of balling the ball, r.v. ry buy can become a rntiiicr. St. Nicholas. It Is much easier ft) pass a good reso lution than to enact it. TheOrcatcst fledkal Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S Medical discovery, DOKALO KENNEDY, OF ROXSURY, MASS., nil discovered In on Ot out oommon pasture v..e,l. a rt'iiicly that cures every , kind of llti'ii or, treui the worm Scrofula down to n common pliaple. Ho litis tried it in over eleven hundred eiises, and never fni I except In twieii (U'th thunder liuiiior). lie has now in bis posst-H-'ioii over Ixv.i hundred certitl cates of its value, all xvithiu Iwei.ty mllos o! Huston. Send postal eanl for t.iok. A lu netlt is:ilMxsci"'riei'..,.tl from tho first buttle, iiti't it ..crf-i't can Is xvarrautud when tlie rittht . p.iiiit tt y Is liiken. W.ien the l..n-s .no u.Te.tJ It enus. ho.tln pans, liktx Iieeill.tB passing through theiiii the mine with the I.lvi-r or Wow.'ls. Tins is cniwi. I l.y tin duoU beinu slnppeil, and alxv.ix s illsnps'nrs In a Week after titkuu it. It -ad the label. It tho nt.xaaieii is foul or bilioim It will en .sn t.piena.is'i .' Iliu lit II nt. do uhaii : at .Pet cvr ii"C"s-:try. Kit thu Lh-' you .'an f t, nnd i'uoUh'h f It. pi.-j, oua t.iM. sp-.eiital in w.tlur at b4 iLiia. tloU by all Drtih'h'it A PAIULYTIO CURED. Ilia Grandfather, Revolutionary ot dler, auiT II U Father llt.th lled of I'aralyalu, Yet tin Third Kenrr utlon I Cured The Method. i-'reia the 11' mW, Huston, Mass. lako a tliiui.li'rb.ilt from a clear hky, it stroke of paralysis oiinio to Mr. Frank T. Ware, tho well kuoxvit ilostoii auetloucr and appraiser, at" l!33 WiishlngtoB Mroet. llu went to bod one night about six years ago, fx'eiuiugly hi robust lieullh. When lie uxvoko hUluft si Jo was stlfToued by tho deadening of the nerves. TUo lutorvlewer BoiiRtit out Mr. Wore to get tho facts. li" gave the luterestiuB par ticulars in. his owu wny: "Tim first shook chiiip verv miildeuly whlht I wus lulaui). but tt wiL-i net liLstiiurll its ef- fet'Ut, nutl In a few weeks I was lible to Ihi aliittit. A few uiontliH utter, wh.'U i xlmustotl by xx-erk Itn.l dreneliod with rulu, I went homo in a very nervous state. Tho result xras it m'.miiiI ami mnro sever.) dho.'k, lifter whtell inv left arm mid log were practically helpless. ".My grandfather, who was it soldier In tho liev.thitloiiary W'nr, ami lust an arm In thu htrugitl.i for Aiiieri' iui Itnteiioiiilein'o, dieil llniilly of paralysis. My father ills., ilied of 1 aralysis, nlth.uigli i! was e .mplieiitetl with .ther trutlitle.-t, aiut so 1 had seine kiiuxvleilgo i f the fatal elutra.'ter nf the .llsense xvhleh is lien'thtiiry in our family. After the seeoinl shock 1 took warning, for, iu till probability, u third would inrryine elT. 'Almost everything under tan sun vim riV'.nime ndod to mound I trie I all the reme dies that seeiiic'l likely to do ill iv k'oo'l, eleeiri.'ily, iutLs.-iigo and .sa"ialists, but to lloelTeet. ' Tliei'iilv thing I found that helped mo wii-l'.-. Wiili.ims' Pink Pills, iin.t I verily be lieve that il it hadn't been or those pills I Would have l.een ,lea I years ng.i. "Yes, 1 still have a shght reminder of tho last attack sis years ago. My but arm is not as strong as the ether and my left font ilraifs a little, as Ihe paralysis had th" effect ol ileiuli'iiiiig the i.erv.s. lint 1 can still walk a (.'.lu.l illstniiee, talk as easily as ever, mid my cfiieral l.enllh i spleuill l. I am renll" I'Versevcnly years old. alllietivth 1 mil gener allv taken to be twenty years younger than Unit. "fh" Pink Pills kept my Mood in gun. I c.Miiliti.'ii and ll thex" that is xvhy 1 mil so Veil, although cheeroiltiess may ltf;. "1 have th'.iis'ht ol It a cn .it nnitiy times mi l 1 lioiie-tlv l.eiieve thai the Pink Pills hint' saved my life." Mr. W. ire has every ti'.. .iraiie" nf n -n felly hcjl'iy man, .and arrives at Ins .'Iti"" pr"tii-tlx at eiiclii "'.'l...'k every tiiormiit.', alth' ti-'lt b" has r. i' if I an ... xxieai in.inv retire from If'tlVe life. Ills experience is w ll kii'.xxn to ii Kr-al utility pic ill I'.o;- t en, where his . oii-tiiiit cliet-fuliies' has won hiiii hosts nf friends. lb' says thai ill his ..pinion both his father and his tir tn lfalher c.iil. I have been saved if l ink Pills had been (il'lllilllll-le al that time. Pr William.-' Pink Pills for Pal- Peoplr l"l!taill llll til'' elellleli! neee-ssary to give Itcxv life end ri. Inn ss t . Ihe blo.nl anil n- si. .re sllllttere.1 nerves. Thev linn be llii'l t.l nil lrut!gsU er .lirc.-i I x mail fr..m the lr. Williams' Me.li.'iiif '.. S.'heii.'cta.ly. N Y., u: o) ei ms i t i -Imx, or i l oves U.r HM. Whenever liny lit l It thitv; happens to a man, he says it hurts just us If some one had cut his heart out with a Lnlfe. A CooHns Subject. The story of Arctic explorations Is. that earth nor sky nor ocean can have a tern.r that will be allowed tn bafilu man's fixed and Inleii.se desire to know, lie Is determined to t.-ar from the heart of t'ais xv. a id Its ex cry secret, and no xxave sn 1 1 1 1 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 1 ' i ami in. cloud so biiicli nnd llu lee gulf so wide but ho xxill make his xx:iy. Amid all the Ios4 ami distress, and cold and hunger, and frightful tl.iuger ami axxftil death, man has. year l y year, wmki d al the sulli tinti uf the problem nf the north. Ib.xv since Franklin's time his ihe map giuxxu. clulfs, e.ipes. Islands, coiitl lielils, have been liaecd. The Pi. ink pace iiruitiiil the etui of ,he earth grown small-"', perhaps tlie Iniiti lives who, solitary and nloiie. shall stand where never man stuml before, tn say, "This Is the pole."' Kansas City Star. 'Io you believe the theory that char acter is ilelerinilieil lo some extent by what we cat ami drink';'' "I do." "Then a person who drinks sa-'e lea la likely to develop Int.. a phih. siiplur, I Illiposc."- I'tlStull llnbe. The Onward March of Consumption is Mopped short hv Dr. Picic s (...bleu Mod ie.al f.iscuviry. If you h.ivi n't waited be you (I reason, tluie's complete rc covciy and cure. Although by many believed to be incur able, then is the evidence nf iiiliiilicds of living vv ilnissxs to the fart that, iu all its eiiilier stages, con. : siiiiip'.i .n is a curable ? disease. Not every "case, but it Itttgt per "s ..'i,'(- ff ittsi'S. and we believe. Illll V 11 S " ior cent, are cured by Dr. Pierce's Coltli n Medical Discovery, even after the disease has piueicssitl so far as to induce ic pealed bleedings ftoui the lungs, t-cvcie lingering cough with copious expectoration .including tu'icrcu l.ir mattei ). great loss of llcsh and cxtrcuie tinaelatlun and weakness. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM SOUTHERN BUSINESS UNIVERSITY l.VM urn it;, ,. KTi.Vtll.Y 4.HI s I riK ' l.vsr YEAR. Ther u. lily I'UM TK l, ( i.iiiin.-r. ini C.urw, Willi is i.ip ii,- li.ii'k'ii.' K.i.1 .tillc l.'. irlmt'i.C. MIOI1TII A Ml tetil I I I'K .l II ITIXIi -. Clu ly. la.. It m'X.-s ifliiittti- I. No vttiiill in. Kl peiiiw lit. .tl ruta Writ for tAtutoilue unit Jouru1 ViF. nnnutup iistuiih prtrfirin ruriii-in oho I ninn ortuuiu 'r.'ii. r in .lin itnntili.'rna I ui.t; 1 1 a i -i. i. ik,.. ttoi.it.j i'i..- I'-.x . "itt t,i..i.iu ffl.t'ti. su .... Jaw. IS. ft'l'lf!. I'llll l', CA. I OlSTtIN FRIESIAN CATTLE a lt',e.s-. I T I'Ulii, l.tl'lcr, ,1,-1 I -It II I V. l'o li s A I. K II V JW-iyj. V. . MOK U 1:4. l.n.t Tt-.".' at. 11 1. mm yi2$krij;; f ii n ii inn F5m 1 1 17 tl'HtS WrtlHt All l.il FAILS. O L BM X o.lKil STritp. I n .UK t..sl. U0 I