T - 'J 2 Just I ouiul the Poor Open. In front of tlie Tombs tin? other day wus a little crowd In which the central figure was a wnimm :iluiit t .veal's old wlifise sot) lm.l Just lieeti senteueeJ to two yi'iirs in prison fur rulilu'i'.v. "Lil any out- vit hear "f cueli uinn Bti'ous iiijtisllee:" she exelaiiueil. "The Judjji' was aiu lilm fr m ihe start, a was plain tn all. KoM'ery! Why, how couIJ they eall it r-bheryV Hilly foinnl the iliM.r of a t..laeen store open ami Went In to see what was w i'oiiii." "Ami w hile he was looking armiinl he Blllokeil a elcar." mi id one of the elMW.l "ll,- i w iii il up that he -li'l. Imt It' tint man had K'eii there wotiMn't hi' have paid f..r if;" "Hut he tool; away two l"es," s.iiil another. "Of Course he did. 1 nit wasn't he In tending to go bad; and ask the price of llii-in':" "lint they said he tool; all the money out of the till!" put in t!ie third man. "lie may have dot,,, ih.il." ; e i 1 1 tin mother, "but wasn't it t.i Keep 'h niiuiey safe f..r Ii.ni as ..wi.s tl. My lt'illy a robber: Never: 1'" r. the bl 1. Think ..f two jeat'H l:i prio for that In ' bey'." "That's, a pretty sever., sentence.' (aid a man in an t ;!':! to .! hi.s m pat hies. "SeM-ro! 1 shot:!. I -.iy !t w.i!" sh..ii! ed the man. " !iy. v. hen hi - lath.-i rollbe.l a il'ii.vl'J s. S'Jiin el Willi tliey ,.,ln't ;ei.. h.m but :i je.it and a half in the j'.;::!" l'n-e I'ivs.s. 'In Till Who 'N in I i l-i o. The l'.oard of Sup. r Is..; , ,.f s.-n-I- l'iltlcise.., I'::.. La- '.-n . . i -i lei iu the f.-:i nihility of t iii - t'iej. lists Many of the !..!!.!..! . aiv hi !:iv.ir of the tin asiiiv. but -.,. i s-ij v.. ,..ei,!j bei-illlse Ihe wll. 'lli.U It" :i p iUelfu! nllllU filctioll. IMe. Who i- most out spok.-u iti its :. !... ,- , the fe! lowing 1 1. . i I fe.i-oii for liis po.iii..n- "The filet of Ihe lit : ! I . I' is." lie. "Ibilt Ihe I I. ;..! is Mlj.efs. ,i.; h. horse to stleh at! eVte'lt tiia! .1 IIIIIlll.-'l of ilelUsI ! le W ',!, h h:l e 1;.--.....V Mtppi-rt-d th.-iisjitids ..f j p!,. prac- tietllly Mil!'. .1. 'I'll, se nr." I.M IJ sta bles hay ai.d fee, I fa, :.. : a:i,l i h.-ir lls-'cnts. the blael,-. .ith. the !,;::, sh... -and the earrhiuo iind wa ;..n t: -.iLer. I am told that 1....m i:..-ii .'n:d v. . :n, :i iu Sim l'rari is.-i a:.-rhl iiL; w h" N. .Now . the effect i f this is to i.si-,.y laauy thonsiiiiils of iloihii-s- weith tavab:.' property, ai.,1 I s...uld say that th.- VVheeblle'l .illUhl i ' il H" I'O ser ;pi.- uahist pa; hire it fair lieeti-:. !'.,i- ,,f 1 111' Stl'ei IS. I If Co'.f-.', I it'll l."t pi e pat ed to --ay wh. i h--r t i e lieet:-... .- hoii'.l be S I i r 8-'. or . - v -1 1 a u ri a 'i r s'lia. p, . year."- New V - W-rX ItllW I Ills? Woo.TrrOno ilaa.lr.-l ii . l:, u,,,,t f.,t Hay ea.-.-..i'i a.u-ih lint cuuni U' . .u-,-.l l.j UUTb 1 ii jii- a , -in ,.. K. .1.1 HfMV.V I',,.. Pi'..;..-,., T.ihil.i. (1. Me. the 111, I T-l, j. .. .1.1 he ll. 'V I-.r Iml i.t I., I. 1 -.11..- hull,,,,!, ',. aa : ., .. , .,'l'. tl'l.t III) I-.';.' , ,t' ..U, l..bi"e;;' I'i'i . . -:s T'.:c,io. H:.,.;.:sa;a :-'.',,,'''V.'.n'!' s..'.'i li.el 111., ! In- t Wl-.Nl' .v 'I'm' aa, W. Wai.i-i s,ii" Kiwi Ii.- ' H-ltl's l ll.i:'..', I I,.. (is .lire, i i . in, .ti t ', . I'.-,, , f II,,',, a, i by ait iJi u ; :is: . i i h- :li..r.' I- :. Den 1 1 ..li , s..i, . I- Ihe n! '. N I t. I.., : I " IMT '-, !.' i..- ' heel V Y . ' I I- . ,.s N. -, h . eve, j II t,. : '. '. , tllelleV I-' -I'l l.- !. I'. lieaic'dv i . N .. : lluai.-r is ti e "iiney. Vl'l'-s st.,, .. .1 : Skiivk 1;.sio. I . Mill'Velou , '!iv lie free. br. Klc I'", ,1 Ue ii, it - '.,,. t ; 1 , . 'C! l'i'h St.. 1 1,,-,:,.. l'.i. llll'l-ll le a . en In, ii.ii or Tli-t i i, we. , . 1..M.I.,, ! ...... '. ,.: ,.. Ills'. I.t t ,. , ho.lv V. lis,,,.: Ii,; , ,. rtuu'ily t.'i ah -i,,.,, ,, . I. ha-a. st.y i'1 w -r is fr. Uiiwl.m '- r-euthtUB S.rap for rli l.t.n teetk'nu', sen. 11- til, sIl'llH. r, il l,-i.. I t .:.: i . nix tlun. alluH l ain. , ui-c- wttut ,-,.U,'. -.',... . i hoiil The rseiia; .,r. a ,ui ' I ' sli.j-.i ,1 !... tiia con: ef-am.3 el ital.vi-l ua:-. hiv.iro. .Ill, a V In II,,,'. u s ( iiiiiIi ,, !,(: , il,i, ,' II i-hIi to tt.e ,1 Hi-a-r hni'i. ,' ,;,..ri.,.. ut i'.irUvr i.iii.".- T'.-ij. ,., .1,1 ta'-, H e'l .ii i y t- .Ii '.! -.-! r ' m t i ' h' . fcf a", a. ,li !-. 1 r. K -In,, nil ha.' ,v A i : : l ull I I- -t iei.1 I 1.1,U. I. .to, ,-. I'.. A t. an . f II. I "a -on a-M.u . t . ;l..n The Foundation Of Ciooil Ucalt! Pure, Ri And the. tnircst, best w iv t purify your blond is to tuko Hood's Sarsaparilla Hood's Pills. v.t.r: A-sK VOl R (itilST I OR jvJPERIt The BEST INVALIDS 1. JOHN CAKLU A 0N5, ew Yurfc. Over iji7,, 000, 00i) uro invest, d iu tliiu country iu ilueks nu,I "eese. TLo first bis mouths of tliis year taw S:l- 000,000 iuvtbtod iu liMildm moro thiiu iu lS'.H. The Deiin of Wtstininster Aubiy has oll'ercd u plitco there for n slab or mooiilliuu purtriiit of I'rufcbsoi' Hux ley. Tins eonitiioiust iiauio iu tie; new I'ui-'Hsli pailniiiieiit is iNoii, No fewer tlulll ciolit eeutletiicu w ith that uamo hiivo seemed election. A medical journal is of the opinion that the trolley has sa, d more lives than it has destroyed, ly ivm" tin pnlhie, espi ciil'.y i:iViiiil,rapi.l tiiiu sit and fr, s!i tiir. The "Civic reilel'lltloll" of I'hlca::.., a eiti.'. tts' or;au:.iti..ti for tin- i u lore, ui. til , f I he lav , is m-ikine, thin 4- , vccssively war ti lor the mayor and t lie st i cet c .minis a , tiers. .il. V Is so plelllll'lll Itl N W Y"l'k tiial tie otin r .1 iv -sj", 1,0 in w as io iu, 1 m.r 1. 1 .h! a! tiie i .it... oil in , -.- -loin t Ii -ol oil.; p, i cut p. r annum. Tie- bat.!, of Ann: ic i hi. called am li:i;oi its toci, !.. .id, a s to v ,'. up ui a pi'po-;- ti.m to eat it . . n it -loiv, o: s '.."in", ii 'ii ;;i t',i,, b. eilse it fuels ' I ,1 llic.ilt Iu lend at a pi o it. Tie i. da i i-. c, lit'.;, in Moscm, 11 i - s:a, a in I i w no 1 :i t he list t . u'. . its , -s i."" h''" to eh if t;,. II, v. i- Stiit- l' ,,i, 'hit' .1, i i:t'ii.-! who eaiiio from a p ' if ! i tn I . 1 1 ' ti l r-t pillule net w h.ch . c t d .: n l-ii a't. it tl'.a was ti, parcn i - '. tiie i re; i , n .. a!i t a. s.-r.s iiv.it.: in his n-ittve i.i:.i-.-. . Tii.s , ...i i-.t ii -fi-' '. '. "',,. n pe ,.'.e are riiisiu ; a stroti.: ptot, : a , a.;:-i tl." c it, ii:. n ii.ee ,.: in. it n -i-cau', iii.- lie! n-t r m lict s::.:.. I.iiiiis th... New V.. r Sun. Ti. y ciaiin til it 1 1 1 - V w 1. 1 I! jui ,- ',.- i-ei.itt.i-tion .. ta.- Mate a:i I ol ,.:h-r ca:i:.:n ; lieliistt ii s. Tle-y don't want , .pie to wiv or Hunk " ic-i,l hois, !" w!,.-n they s, , tiie liratnl "Oreitoii" oil entitled m. :!-. The l.-.fsc eanii. ry '.a - stal i. .1 lnis'ue-s, but illtU: 1 kilo wu ,,f its biisi ii,.- - i ;. A l aiciiio Tribune writer lias b, , :t hjiit.li.; .eil tile lillii.ber !' tt .'i eU i .it se i la .lauan.-y .ml I ', ar a i.-y ot tie- pr. s.mi v. a:-, an 1 le- ii i Is th,; r. (-.I'd j ili.pr, aa- !e:.te,l :n t i i - world's histoii. In t i.e..--' two iuo.i'.hs .... titydhe vis-I-, liii'ludiae t eiily -. I lit s, .ha, .;,,! , i.-:.l'.'i:.i s. lae:-, f i.trte.'ti ....;. tiv- bir,; -, t'lr - i'lih-. thr-e bri;--, two ii.iri;..u! lie. ,, Pi . -iiips m,. I on.' pi!..: b, 11, w,,' W ri . I, Wlt'lil lotai lass of 1, l'.l I l.i s. ( Iyer hall ta. se .,-s. ., ,,r hi;;! in- ., w, !e oc, -as:, ::,- j h, s. v. !, d.sa-t. is, .-. : Si, ,,ai.-r l'. i.. , hh.J ; st.-.mi, r 1 '. . t-1 N-eht.-roy. -J I ; f. i rj i.e. it I', ica-iii, I"" ; st a,ni r Ki:..- 1 I I . st; -ana r ('a. cot:,, ; ; -:. am. r I :n: i dial, i'., a:, l st . aia r Th- V w V -lis I' .-! remarks; A : c..:. -I a-:ai.!e par; ,.f Ihe ,i ih-. tie;, in j lie i v :.u . t '.u ; . ti i'al : , . i :i- ; 111., 'it 1. be. II C I', ., , i.y lite leer, a -e.l j lile,..:!. ot tlie post..!!'; V. I'll I, !' ..Ill I J 'stem th post Is !'.-.; ll.nuv op-'! ite I at a 1. an I .in I I :::: I h 1 t -1 I.e. ii.it ot '"ad bu-ln.-s tin- i - h, e i,i" a v.--. h.- ivy one. am -i-.tia p. abo il '.."'. I inn th, ;,, ,r pi-t e.,.., i. I: i-, t in n l .re, . ry - . I l ; ; u ; to - e tiiat t lie p -ia! t '. , .ii.- I - now m it. -I'lailj luer. a-iii . I ' 1 1 a :i ; t ae , ( I 1 1 t t t :, I: :,.; w itii .1 uly tie- r, p. - ,,f tn tW, UtV 1 il'-i si postotiiees los, o Si',.. T;'!."1'!. eillli of ilbolll So I l.in ii I ,.el la-: year, or m -re tliau 7 p r cent. Tie- tj.-xt ten cities iu j 1 of i. eclp: nl--. luuke an vi lli ut .iowi:i.-, that tiie pie. in lies- thirty e.li. I1II1 Hints to aln.lli Sai",ll'l'l. As Hi,; evpeiises of tlK -postal service do I,, .t increase: in iitivlhimr like tiie same ratio as the receipts ties.' returns show tlint the Treasii r . is st.ahiv workiii-' towar is an eusv eoiidit em. Harp, r'.i wc'-ulj saj s : I'he Kiiir pi ml. rs of leoiisaini make ub.oit 'J.",, iptil.il.iil ..,,.;is , f m, . la-s, s every air for wiiicu tin I.- i- ui pro-en! n , m u - k, I alld iio ll-e. I'lieV lili-lil make 1 1 1 tn of It, but t iiai tale s t i,,eh Capital, and tile runt w uud be iiiisitle niiie nf'o r it was in i ie. List year an iauueiis. , 1 1 1 . i i 1 1 1 f v of surplus nedas-es was dumped int.. in-. Mississippi riv. r and there it del n , huui, but iini.-li also ran il.t i s.,:ae of tue bnvoin I, .-twet-.i r.itou K ni.; aid th a lin'f and iu tin se small, T and more slu--ish str, a:us it feruieiited an I oil much misel i.-f, killiii- the lish ia.ii 1 making pet iferotH stenches. The plmters ill',! Very niivioiis to iind s mi llsa for their inolussos. M:e I with e'. iy it makes iron. I lire-brick; a limit.. I am.umt of it can be f-d to cattle and it will burn, but is nil liicouv, ntoiit f -1111 of fuel. li is pood to l it 1.11 br. ad but the d mi ni I t'..r that Use ol it in this country is insi-nitieunt in eoinpai isoii w ith the supply. If tin1 coolies of China and India could be tan :ht to eaf it on l ie . that nibrl,t make n market for it, but Chinesu uud In 1 in ii coolies are not very omul pa.v, and are better at n uin; with oit luxu ries than .it eultiviitiiio Ihein. fan bii.v one ndvise a new use for muliissea wnieh will euro t ii I - waste? 10K FA KM A XI) (iAUlHhN. LIMK IN rol'l.rtlV YMiKsl, V Where l:ir.i,'o niiinbers of cliickeu-s ore fompelieil to ruiige in liiiutcl in closures iiir-sluked iiine ulunild be used liberally. iSeiittcr it late ill the even iu nfter all the ehie'iem h.ivo b'":iJ to roust. Now Voik WurKl. CtT.Tl'UE Ut' Till: IliUlsU i llKsl'M T. I'he hoi'se ehestniit is tiowii from the seed without any dillieulty. The nuts may be planted in the full or iu the spriiie;, but if kept i.v. r winter they should bo burial in the soil where they will not lu frocn, or m dry sail, I iu u cellar. They limy le plant, d where they are to stand or in rows, from which the joiur; trees are inovid when one or two yoiirj eld. There are two varicti s of this tree, the white (lowered it ii I the led. Ills called horse elu sluut because the tints lire siived for tee.lilio horses ill parts id' iail'ope win-re these t l ees a, ro vv very iibuudaiitly. I'hey are said to lie very nut ritlolls and to be eaten by the hoise with iim IiIj. New York Tunes. l lil M ITI.I'. iiiU IIM ss ol Mll.k. This eoiuiii ui trouble nt tiiistim. f the year I- iu istly due to some Iti lection ol the taiik by ncid of prei lolls IniiklU-ts ndii. inn 4 to the palls. Souie times It may be cause 1 by overlie it :n; of tiie C His, but I'.ll'el.v. Til l lllo-t coiuiu.iu c .a- is ii- ;-!,., -t p..i,ctiv to ci. -iti tiie palis i,r iniikpnii-.. I ii -s, should lii-st be c'.e re ,1 iii cold walei in which coiuin.'ti wuslini.; s.nl.i is dis solve, i. A s! ,:' b; u .a ts is ,1 to cle l'l tlie corner- iii no a inv. The e.i.-is ale thell llle-ed w.tii i..,t wat. r twice, then a:;::;i with cold, -n-1 th- n tarn -d bottom upward on a -:au I in a sh i lv place out of door- I i .Ira n tor :m hour or two, wh u tiny -hoiild be l', ui 'Ved to the ,1 tiry !'.:;!. ilefore be lli ii.-d t ie'V -.'iioiil I I... rinsed with perfectly cud water. It is a'.l-e;ed, an I poss.blv w ;t h 1 it; : It, tint ill tin' majority of instances in which dis- l l-l s h,, been ,'olHey.d III li. i 1 k I lie Cause lias be, II the is... of impure wai r i.M r i iisi til.- m. iisil-, Amer ican Tanner. tin; nvKLi v uviiM'.sr. No killd ot ! 11 1 ill llililllais ec- ptiii p, u 'try wiil attach a h. ad el bail. . I'ow Is will p.-ck at li to t ..tit th, plain and then cat tiiat.b il tn stioii.: beards are r p. lion' to all other km Is o! stock. W itii tile s, il !,; lm; ll 11' v. -'el s now et i,, l aiiv used for bariej iiaiwi'-t v.ry little of theyiain i .il'epl'. d oil tiie -reirid, and there Is not iiiueii Use takim; t i , iieid after 1: to-.ithirwh.it it se a t . r , a. In tie ohl, ll time, wiieli bal'it'V wa- cut wi'ii a reaper a. el gathered in coCisbke hay without l-iaditi tin ie w,ie al ways a -toil lu iiij rakri :-. t'-uai v tii s.. u,-e ba lly siaiticl and cotiel t.ot be -...id wilhi; , ui i :n Clop, but tn. y mad.- e..,.,t t, , ; a tiue-h, ,1 b.V tie laselve- lilld -tolia I. MiltlV b.il v -row els Will pie'. I 1 ;,' ,,..( w ay I harvest l'.i-.', ll'. tiie e-,.,i can 1 e .a:' .1 in les, I; ii- ii ulaiii- j., iav u I I 'It, bolllld b lol e i ,111 put j-,',, c cl ! iuiii if boiin I , ti a lerioi- n- . :, a- cm, us it must ;. when will, tlie hiiiv,. -tor. - I', ,-t ,.i I'uitua t r. A I'l lll l I I' 11...! .:!. e;:i.'r i itei.is i, ii.- i . a issued p. it.-.- utoi-s, in, ljj i, u,. ;,..,. e,..,,,! ,, I r SUppo-ed llllpi- - ;., !,!s oil til p e e. il III till- C er.t y ,. ., ;,u l Jet i. t v user ,.! t in- , i i',e:e!i' imp'. iii't.1 will n. Iui :t t a it i: is far fro.u hill.- perhe'iu ii-twhit it slioiiht I be. What I- wan:, I in th," imiiiiiim'i t.il'iu pl-.ii :h is I , .;. t rid of such a lai -. area of In, -i: -cil surface, ,, nil ur,. c !. struct. 1 ,,;i ti,e principal ,,( the We.J-e, t n is hn; ui',' to bo tore d int.. the soil, liftiii-r and tii!iiii' it over, rci'iinii much more pow, r thun Wollid be ll, , ded if t ill' trie' loll CCihl III s-'iue way be r, due. .l ..; iiioidcl. Til" .'l ictloli of tlie beal lll.' sill la,', : i I the bicycle and -initial' iwht v.-'uiele. il.l- been reduC 'l to ll 1 II I ll , III 1 1 11 by ti- Us ot w'l itnre eaibd bni i-b -it i ;, and it may l.e tiiat sum. ton1 tniv v,t Iind a way ot ap,.l nm th - same pilie clpn! to tic fnelioii.il sin'fac of the ploii havin.: n r, voiie iti--t.Mil ,.t Imvi ni it I'tuu am stationary. II re is room for impi-.o.-u, nt in the ploiioli, even in the fact of tiie ten thousand patent-. -New York Hun. THIS TUK I Hi ll'. If one wisii-s to rais-t the tiuest-lookm-; fruit and theliu-st tliv.ir.d, lie will h ive to tain it t tie! cipicity of the tree. A -re it iniiiv tree set twice as much fruit as they can luilv develop, and the result is a Iii-; bur den of inn. intuit! mid tasteless apples, or pears, that can neither be sold nor e it-ll. It does Hot he, iu to be as Weli known us it shiiuM be, llmt half th.j apples u nloved lr..m an overloaded tree will irmit the r. st to develop into as iimvy bushels in would havo been secured from the whole crop, had it remained upon tie! trees, while th,.' well-developed hiilf-erop will have it lla .or and a beauty that will cause it to sell for ii good pric-. Then, too, an overburdened treo is so weakened that ii has to lie at rest the next year iu order to re cuperate, whilo It m duubtful if even this rest from production rcstorea tho tree to its former ii-;or. Tno oi.o of apples uud the ipuiity can be greatly improved by u proper pr intux of llio I he limbs to let the Minll-hl into tin) top, mid by ii thiimi.'e; of the fruit, when th tree is ovct 1 idod. Fruit trees tire wayward iitluirs uud on 11 in t be left to their own devices, else they will try to do too much b ith iu wood -rowth and in fi ii t t-M'owth, especially when the tree is hi -lily fertilized. In this connection it may be well to say that the fertiii T for fruit tree shmiol be .iu tieularl.v st role- iu potash and week iii ii i t ii -ii it i, fruit, not rank wood -fowtll, tint I a needed. Let the ot'cli ai ds and tlit sin ill fruits h ivo phosphoric acid in the sh ip of b in meal and potash in th : form of wo.) 1 nshes, uud o,,od results may coiili dently be looked lor if one is also paid to pniuu;, thiiinin-, spraviu; etc. Wood nshoi al e p il'tii'iilai'ly vain ible in any km 1 of liaiit-;;row in-;. New York Tribune. riiiiv ropnr.it. Tier is an lib .obit uecisily that tin- tariii r use hit corn bidder by ieedill,' 11. bir 7J,"ll 1,111 I acres of c u ii lie t y. ar pro bleed 1 1 1,(1 ID.lli),) ton of fo 1 I ". I-! tun ited nl " a Ion, th. p,., la ! is w .rtu l,0:h,iMli) and ll Is site I- ,iy Ih it to-lhirds it tills w is w i I - I ether by eilt'lii- at iinpiop r pine, fed iu an improper maiiuer, or b c hi i t left to btaud and fail w here it i;i'.'W. W ell cu e 1 c .i ll bid let is ll' i louht ,'dl v , .pi il to en -ila ; in. a fo .l, but, u I'oi'tiriat I ,- it i- r ire for c n il f 1-!-. to b en: ai t h- proper stu - or t . con. out lie h and bri-iil. Too early ."itt'ti- whil th plant is mi mat ur-, 4ies th p lore-t to. Id t.'. I'he late c It, while Hot so objectionable, l-p- tes, nta a io..-! a e.uiiti ir.'d with tlit cut at ti ri-iit stii; ' The best t.me for c'l'tiu l.wii.-u the ear is j dented, the Iri-k-i are dead and I lie le.ii es ar- in i an. ii -j t turn, t ut at tins -ta ;. i: wid-i.e tii-i i: rent est fe.-diti ; vain-. It w II sho.'li ' I It w.ll cure m or - to i Wee.iS wiieli it mould 1, h itile I to th turn. Mil '!i of it is wast.-i a i I its villi! r due td I'V evpos iri! U'l I '!' til ' 111 'til i ll oldl- il il lly a I .pted ot h iviii-Clt of ,1 , ,rs and drawiu.o it to th t sio '; as wanted lor leelimr. Wh'ti treated in tins :a-liiou it I'lU,., to be temp! iu ; f i.i I, nut with propel' CUV It will be eaten wiiii rclisli by till cliiis -s of stock. t. eoiire it li t I -1 b' mil thl'oa ;h the cutter llll I led H ll l -i' il l. ('..I'll fod der ii. iv furi.i-:i tw I'tuir.is of Win .1 i;ly rat: m f ir lnhi hoi-, -s and ciltic, and : ho-e w ho ii.ne one -iv, 11 it afiir li'ial declare tiiat a t r due ai low a lie for t tie c eil s bit t - . j ch'd i.y tiie stock, the folder his ouet lnrd t he V line of I !l , ll I-. M J own i i ene is th r, lie:'.- to - iter.-, c .; n I' .dder , . ipiite a- al laid a hay for w inter in ; i-tock, an I I a- i oai,- !i-..,.i , ih it pr leiieai, w i i iw ike I ti mers should be so slovv iu IsCo.-ln.'.ln.'; lis v. line. r a i; m am' i. ii. i'i n son: a. Wood a.-'h is th i'. ', fe: till.'.,-!- foi '.l'l pes. I'll- f ill is Hsu ill . the lied tnuo to i uy :-heej. I'ab'ei- "i emtio' iiavc t i i rich n i ol or be C III 1' I !..- oft"ll. I'o c itcil a sa, . p by the ll, ec i.s cruelly, take ta ui ... t hn hind le ; or I tlmk. I The sup. ri iiit - ..: pure Lrc, is ,d )i .u'try is I ,r ;eiy ,iu to th ; better I Cite tint til y III' le. j In an ot ,.u, tlioiisan I ;.n;iis, - liuudre 1 ii 'ioil to til- w hite, tin', e j int. die 1 to tueyoik, and one hundred Io the sh, ll. 1'or -oo I results iu e,'' pro luelioii ' t ii - hen hoti i d li , ii.; t u- w inter should 'lot I"' a! o'le I to 1.. Co ll- colder tllrttl ,' lol ty de-lee-. Iii one hundred pit;.,,:' t u- yolk, ' tifiv-two p. r e :.t is w,t i. b.rty-livel pel cent Is ml ,iu 1 f it, iu I on - p r c 'lit each of aiii ruin i:d-,c 1 r .11 and min er d PI.lt t r. S veuiy-liv- per cut is tlie averao '. i'-u . ' it-a, an I !i 'y p r c,:ut by an llieu'i it.-i . 1' ..or in iciilii-H and c 11 "1. 11:1 I I I Ail -I I I ,.p,.M,llrtl' a e tin: c iti-e of the dilVefeuee. la ot.e l.nu lie i p i t , of tlie wlnti ol'aiie;-, iib nit 11 ;iity.f,,nr p, 1 cent is water ; twelve uud a hall' per c ut aib itiii u; one p, r c uit mineral water: and two all I a halt per cent su-ar etc. If propel ly kept and judiciously up p ! I to Inn I.po i.lry iiiinure h worth on -h ilf the e 1 t ..f til .' fo 1 1 the fowls -et, an 1 yet iittjc ace unit is taken of tiie dioppiu-1 w i n tin estimate 16 n;a le ,,f th.: profits. Wh ui well ui I'iUi'ed an I oilitivnted the ( 1 11 lib i t r is.ili ;ri'y will yield 11 pint of v Ty tin fi n t t 11 stool 11' ea-h picklu , ail three piehin-i IllilV b ' m l I l'.m H eipl ll to over twenty ipiarts to a -,.( i.iro Iu I or Il.oUlj to an acre. 15 i siir,! to put 111 some eurly W i 11,1 of corn for fee lin- the cows by uud be, when the i;tii-i is eaten l wii,i.id tiie dry t ime com . The epneo planted may be ti-iliv I out by ullimiug oiu s.piare rod for each oow per day. Tuns, for twenty caws 011 acre will last cijiht days, and this is uliout th( Hps,! of tini-' to occur between the ncc :s-i ve plan 1 111 ;s so as to llisuro tuicces-iou f fresh lodder. ill A I XT AX l t l KlOl .S. In South America it parrot costs it tli me. On tiie fin m of Mr. llitiry Kjiuaii id' Yolo, t'al., is 11 I'oW Willi litter cf three ciiiviK. Hubert t '. Mct'abo has liiemoi ia'd whole of the luble and can recite it word for word. In China, "the laud of opposite," the dials of clocks are made to turn round and the hands stand still. John 1). Miller.a Connecticut farm er, nwiKi 11 foiir.li.--ed chicken, 11 livi.-U'-eed cow, and a tailless horse. Mrs. Hurry K. Sohatiiiaii of Cin cinnati has 11 baby hlc-sed with double, nielli. It has two pupils iu each. A breach of promise niil, bi'iueeht by a lady of seventy a-ailist a eeiitle lii an of i'i-lily-oiie, is the theme , I ju.siip in M.irliiiette, Wis. Xeliie Newkirk, a Hi ; Trainc, (Ohio) nirl, has a cancer oil her toil;' lie, which the doctors suy is due to her habit of chew m r f;um. A new variety of cotton is reported at lliiiiu, N. C, which bears three times as inaiiy bolls us ordinary cot ton, with a much I'm, r Maple. There is in Wauelmhi, I'la.,n family td ten children, all bom to one moth er, within foiiy-two months Ta-v Wele twins, triplets mid iU iltt lipids As Colonel l,ei::h, a I! iltiinore . d; toi',w:is wriiin v 1111 article on the daii ;;el's of li-.iituiii 4 a bait of li-ht in n;; i lit, 'led til- open window, struck Ihe pais iKlures o, r his hea I and teiiij o ralily blinded him. At Lake (ieo.ee. N. Y. , John Hilt lett of Sabbatli ay 1'oiiit, while out waluin ; killed a lat 1 le-u ike. To his iistouisliiii-iil, he discovered tiiat the lepllie had Iwo In ads. Tlie body has been p: , one I in alcohol. I'Yrdni and I'e Lone, ot Men! slow 11, I 'elm., ate a d".'. ! aula h lit oys: u's, and tln ii bet that he could eat the IV lua.iid.T of th ..y-t-i mail's .- lock, i I", III three lllill'lt s. He linlslle I tin! task in two and one-half tiiliiti',. s uud died. l-aac and M .-.s I n l. of Arcadia, 1 11 I. , ai : t w in bt hei .. Tli-ir wives lire twin ci'-tei -. I'.ich hoii-. iioid has t w e'.vc child: . 1. -'...:i i..s mi. 1 live pari-. In each lamily w.ii a pair of twin-. I'he M---I-. Mir!.', ate V-i years, d I. At :i I', e. it: - lie ,. I'eiru , 1:1 tuit tenpt 1:1 I. ei .bni. tw p .et.i.., i-ulitac-m- only tni.e folio pay,",, sold lor III. 1 he poet lived tor tour Jell! , a! 1 tuni In. s ,m Ireiu fj". 1 In .-s io 1, II v, ur, an i siipp.ii led a lamily ,d u in. nib' r on t ii.tt sum. Ann.!'.; th- ctirio-itie.s ,,f liop.eal jdimts ale me p, ir.s !,,iiu I oee.isi.m- ailj iu in 1 , .a:. ut p dm of t u, Ih.il . l.ppin- Islands p.. . iris winch, like tie.-, oft!;- ocean, are composed of e irboii.it of inn.-. Tii,: bamboo, too 1 i, Ids iiii, .th, ;- pled, ins pr iduel in tiie shape 0 1 '.lae i-pals, which are fouti I III Us joints. rielllli'Mpie (ieiiei-iil idliilil. The late i.11- iui Trunk Woltord was a pictur. -, i- siiimv.iI of tlie old time K 'iiiuckia i. I; has lieen sal I of 1,1 ill that lie w .1 a ci os - bet w ei n I a v Crock it an 1 Ih h..p I'. 1 com, and j w iiii- he said "w u 11 " a 1 I "I ii 11" an I "p::.i " .lot- p.. mi ) and "ot" ju. knew I b ihe aim .st i.j h' llt. (ae..! wii u as;,, , at (' laailici luiu'.i what d.sii s 1,.. pi-.-! rie. I loeiio .s fioiii the rial,,. rale bid of laic he lep'.i, d: "1'iiip ibmiplin's and a b'li.-d in 11." lie was 1111 ideal soldi I Hie Forrest of ill- f.!..'tal III'IIIV -y.-t l,e colli 1 Hot discipline his troops. Wh -11 relink, d lor this in a r. view of tiie Army of th, Cumberland, he said: "I know iiotliit.u' about lour drills and ma neuvers, but my bus know how to siioot. You may take nitv two rcn 111 ills 111 th army, station t'letu whar ion pl-ase, mi l 1 wiil t ik,j my re-i-111, ui, and wh it 1 don't kill of th, 111 I will eUiise out ol'the state of 'i'eutiess..,. in forty-eu'ht Iu ll s. 1 1 o 1 1 1 s v 1 1 1 ; C..iir;er-.loiii ual. I'.iets AIidiiI CelliiliHil. A i r. 11 an scientist attacks a nebu lar bell, f b,- a-'.erhll:; tiiat celluloid is 1-1. it' ,1 only oy all open ilallie.aiel that theieloie there is no more reason to be al l iild of the intl imuiabiiity of citilti loid arliclci tii ill of the iiill imnialuly, for instaiie of a liiiisliu dress Tho story oi the c lluloid billiard ball w hich wni i-ait-d by eaiitaet with 11 l. lining ci r ir ly in on the rim of the billiard tilde, and which ill its thru set a lire to the billiard cloth, ho declares un true In cans.-impossible Ifthuburn i: ; i tid of 11 ci-ar is held closely 110 ii nst a celluloid billiard bull, the l it t. r lie ll 1 nt point of contact and vapors ai i-.-, but the heat is Uot Hiif tieieiit to ignite these vapors. The l'l airic rlinnni'i's Still Sail. Sietiin raiiroads halo not yet crowded the prairio schooner entirely out, even thou-li the steam engine seems to be threatened by the electric motor. I.a-t week 11 train of live schooners from Northern Kitisai nriivedat Will In Wu! la, Vnsh., bound for tin- ( ir.uit l'alouse. Two families of immigrants occupied the wagons, and the out lit had been on the road ciu.r siuci! last April. New York Suu. Highest of all in Leavening ABSOLUTELY PURE DONT OVER-EXERCISE. The Dungcr Willi h Confronts tlie Nov ice of the Wheel. When Corbet f, nlivnys niKpiil fur lieymid his fellows, rocs Into training, 110 cxactinj; exercise Is unilortaken ut the outset, so (.'i-eatly do Ills mentors fear the evil conseiiueiiees of over-ex-erllon. The yoiiiix nieii of the Yule uud Harvard crow, exorcise pcntly all iviu ter In the -yiiiiinsbiiii before uiiiler tiUUiii; any severe work upon Ihe water, uud even then the solicitous "coach" permits no 111:111 to reach the limit of his endurance. Zliiiinei'iiian, UliiS f the bicycle, as llanlon was em peror of oarsmen for no many years, tridiis In precisely the Hiiine manner. When out of form In consequence of 11 lotitr period o' Inactivity, lie resumes work with the utmost cure, avoiding nil fuii-ue iind over exertion. 1'very few days his task Is slightly Increased and In the course of time bo Is ready for the starter w ith every muscle train ed to Its utmost capacity, ami a re serve of stretii;lh up his hliM've, to use the expressive ivords coined by the Ki'eat cycler himself. What a contrast there Is between nil this and the reckless expenditure of energy by the young woman am) the young man who have just become enamored f ihe bicycle. With no pre viniis training of any kind, and no at tention to diet beyond that Involved In consuming as much Ice water, cake and Ice cream as possible, reeling on" miles by tens and tweinies. uud then pi home overstrained iind almost In a utiito of collapse to recuperate slowly iind repeat the folly when they have tiiitlicietillv recovered tn drive uatlll'e to another dangerous test. Statistics of I'tiriiis. (J,iio has the greatist number of funis. 2;, I, !.'!! 1. Iiaiiug L'.'!,."ri.-os acres, Illinois Is second wiih L'tn.iM farms nnd :tn. I'.'S.'.'TT flrres: .Missouri in ing third, with i;;i.s,oia farms uud 30,7so, "'."J acres. Both tlio niftlioJ nii'l results wtcn tyrnp of Figs is taken; it iaplcasnit u:ul fifrosliing to the ta?te, and acta renlly yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver ami Huweta, cleauses the sys tem cllectttally, diipilj colds, hcail ncbes ami fevers and cures habitual cor.sti'atio'i. rsyrup i f I'iga ia the only remedy of its LIiul ever pro duced, I'lcasinp; to tho tasto and ac ciptaliio to tho fdoniiieli, prompt iu its action and truly lienelicinl iu its clll'rU, 'rc.ar'. il wily from tho mo.t healthy and u;o enhlo substances, its tunny excellent (jtinlitied commend it to all nnd Lavo uiudo it tLs most popular reiuoi v known. icynip (if JiH i- fur cale in RO cent lollies by nil k-aling druc; gistd. Any reliable druggist who may uot have it on Land will pro cure it promptly for any one who wii-hcs to try iu Lj cut accept any 6ub.titute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAX HIANCiSQO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, nr. t.eiv tORK. n r. J Yes, it's ready ! OUR NEW ggj-Sent by mail on receipt of i cents in postage stamps or money. JOHN P. LOVELL ARMS CO., S I'. S. AK. nt for "STAIl" AlTOIIATtl' 1'AI'KI; l-'. I E ) jv ojj " H ness, vaslu tv g What difference docs the quantity make, after all? If you spend five cents or ten cents or a dollar for an aid to washing, don't you want the thing that will give you the most work, the best work, and the most certain safety for that amount ot money? That thing is Pearline. Cnn PeJJlers and some tinscnipu'.ous procrrs will tell Ton " this ir, n fwi ti" DZll or "the same 04 1'earline." 1 1 "S FALSE Feailina is never jicil.llea, f and if vour grorcr sends ou something in t 'ari i f 1'esrhnr, !ji w. JDaCiC bonest- it fat, 40 MMEj PVLB, New Y" Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report A Know-Nottilug; Jury. Tho difficulty of Impanelling a Jury In tho early courts of Wisconsin may be seen from an Incident related tn "The lteneh and Har of Wisconsin." Judge Irvln was on the bench, and a murder triul was pending. (J. T. Lour, familiarly known as "I.ucy" Long, was undersherifT. There was ililticulty In getting a Jury which knew nothing about the facts of the case. The reg ular panel had been exhausted, and a special venire had been Issued, am was tinally returned. "Well, Mr. Long," asked the Judge, "have you at last Keciired a mitlicleut number of Jurymen who know nothing about this case 7" "Yes, sir," replied the polite otllcer. "Six of them know nothing about this case, nnd the other six know nothing ot all." GREAT BOOK FREE. When Dr. K. V. l'i. ice. of liiilTaln, N. Y . published the first edition of his wink, The l'ceple's Common Sense Medical Adviser, lie announce,! thut aftel oNi.ooo copies had Ihch sold at tlie tegular piiee, Ji.so per copy, the pinlit 011 whicli would irp.iy liitn for the en rat auinutit of latioi and iiionry fxpendial ill piodming it. he would dis tiil'iite the next half million In f. Ai this number of copies has iiliead v been Mild, lie is now ilistiilintiiig, atso!nl,! fitt: .soo.ooo copirs of this - ,11111st com- pi. te, inn rest- I Ol 10 I ill); iind l ab Halite comiiioii I No. 1 l; J sense ined- ienl woik , v,r ( published tlie ucipieiit only tH-inir reiiuired to mail to him, at the above adduss, this little Ciu'loN with twenty-one (?n cents in one cent Mumps to pay for posl.itte anil p.uk tiiK o'jr, anil the 1'iiok w ill be si ut h mail. It is a vriitable medical lilnai y, complete in one volume. It contains over loo pages ami mole than 100 illiisti.it ions. 'I'he I'ne JCtlilit'H is precisely the same as those sold at $1 So except only Ihat the books pre bound ill strung liianill.i p.iprt covers in stead of cloth. Send Sow before all ate given away, 'i'hey aie ituing oU i.ipidly. MEN AND BOYS 2 Wint to Irnrn Kit bout Hew t How 1,1 rti'k nut s QtXHlOn? Know Iniprrf,- - Uuon and no Uuar.l ntikl-n Frniiil ? th'tocl insra'i. nn 1 F.ira.-taCara rhro name ia pordlile? Irl, the titx I.y ttia larth ? What Io . all tli MlTerrnl I'arU of U Anln air Hew to Mi. c lluiao l'r"PTly ' AllthM and oilier VaU I ' Infnrnialloii t-aa I u ol.t.llna, M lH.llim our loll-l'ACiK ll.l.l STU ITKB ilolttsK IIOOH, lil.i, will fomar.l. po Aid, ua reeelptor ouly 'i.l cfnta In alainua BOOK PUB. HOUSE, 13 r.eoi:arl 8t.. Now York Oltj, TI;i,T.INFNl'"nllill"'iiii.l tint H',i,.n.. ml I'.ilhin Mii.t t'ulti, wi 11. o.. .o ,t -da,., lam riot:,, ui.lh flii'-.i'..l 'e .-, M.l Is .f..i- bli. em, rolUr 14 41111,1 lain . ,.f anv ,'l in'C Nil,. I. Ihfi "f trrll, mar i.-r.'( ,o, . ..lc wa't A I . of T.'il I'ollantur Flval'aimol Cuds (or T"H-1 ! Ciaits. A snul'ta Toller an l t'lr of Ci t , jail tut BU Caul. Su.,. Klyl.ot.iJ Hir.,.. AJ I,.. RKVK11HIIILK CoI.LAIt 1'OMI'ANV. TTFrmolilineu, Nw Vori. STKill.yHt.. rtet SOUTHERN BUSINESS UNIVERSITY I VM 11 Iti Uii, A. KTIVHT Y li.O I t IM.NT I.ViT K All. Thr- iikliiv lK U TU M. i onm-.r. inl Ciiw, Htih --iii elf It-u.k u ; umt 1 1. !i- ! i' rini'-iit. Ml OUT II M ia f I'KU K ITI Mi u m eiutty. Itoth n.nnitif.l. .s.. ut l n. t pens n lut'tl- rate. V niu fur t fUa.t0.7uc ut 1 J'urn-l. PASK-ER'S i-tAiw urisHw JfeJcV-r... . .. :. I. . : .- I! ' half. ea 1 . 1, ;o 1 ..."'. Ml Kil K.lt I,' li"l..r' Oray HAIR DAI SAM An dopant book for your table anJ constant reference. Send for it NOW. It's New and Nice. . ' . ' CATALOGUE 1 -1- ll UUflti WHkHk ALL llii fA'lS. d la ileal I oimh Sjmm Tii-ih U.1. I'mH brimming full of illustrations, and show ing how the thousand-aid-one tilings really look. You'll like that. There are Guns, Rifles, Pistols from all over the world, and S01113 of our own make Fishing Tackle, Dog Collars and Cha:ns, Tennis Sets, etc., etc. You can see our LOVELL DIAMOND BICYCLE The Finest Wheel on Earth, the Williams Typewriter you ought to have one. There's lots of other things too. laisloN. LA Vhich have you an eye to, . quantity or quality, when you buy something to make washing easy? If it's quality, you want Pearline. In effectiveness, in economy, and above all in its absolute harmless- no matter how or where you use it, there s nothing to com pare with this, the first and only - compou nd .

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