OLO BY THE HANDFUL. i i i, i mt Cloaala of Giant rfajqultoM Kaep Traaaar Baekera at Bay. , Gold In plenty may ba found In the lands of ttw Volador River, a tremm f moderate volume that cornea tumbling- from the snow line of the 6 terra d 8t Martha, In South Aniprlea, but, though the lowland region and the riv er bed where the precious metal abounds in fabulous quantities are eas ily accessible, the uMwguttoes are so thlok and terrible there that all at tempts to rifle the sands of the gold bare so far failed. Ellsee Rectus, the celebrated French geographer, was the discoverer of ttls Wonderful stream, whose waters sweep over sands that are literally golden. He told the news to the Kreuch Vice Consul at Rio Haeha, and this official obtained the concession of this Eklo tado. He took with him when he set out an ingeniously constructed gaure tent of large dimensions. For two days he tried to live under its shelter and watch the operations of bis workmen, who tolled in the stifling heat, clothed In thick garments and protected by heavy boots, gloves and veils. At the end of the second day, however, both employ er and employe with one accord gave up the struggle and retreated. The next to try to wring fortune from these auriferous sands was an Italian who obtained permission from the Vice Ouitnil referral to above. The Italian started out with h party of six, who shared with him his belief, nd so they took along no special pro tection s gainst the Insects. They en dured for Ws than half an hour the awful torture and theu fled. Yet there are human beings who can venture with Impunity Into this hell whose guardian demons are mosqui toes, and these are some of the sav age natives of the mountains from wbose rocky steeps the river comes tumbling down. These savages, who are nioso,ulto-proof, are rendered so by their bodies being covered with the scales of that awful disease, leprosy. The mosquitoes will not touch them. But neither gold nor the gauds of rivllliatlon will tempt them to labor, and there Is no human power, appar ently, which will drag them out from their rude caves on the mountain side and make rheui labor for the whits man. New York World. Heretii s la Russia. A new heretical sect has been discov ered in Russia. It Is known us "The Pilgrims," or "Wanderers," und num bers thousands In Tomsk and other Si berian Governments. Their mode of life Is copied from the primitive Chris, tlaus; they believe that the reiu of the autl -Christ Is at hand, and give that as their reasou for retiring to Siberia, for when the archtiend comes the orthodox church and the bureaucracy of the Gov ernment will tie destroyed. There la mors Catarrh in this section of the fwootry than all other dl-eivea put tnitetlier, and until the last fw yinn waaauipoel U m Incurable. For a great many yea re durtum pro nounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by oonMantly failiiiK to cure with lo al treatment, pronounced It Incurable, Science ba proven catarrh to bo h conetltu tlonal dleeaee and therefore leqnlree constitu tional treatment. llU'e Catarrh Cure. man. ... ..,- I,, r t n,.iav Co. Toledo. Ohio. la the only ooneMtutlonaf cure on the market. 1 It is taken internally in d.svs from 10 drops to ; a teaepoonfiil. it. acta directly u the blood I and mucous lUTfaceaot the system. They otter , one hundred dollars for any case It tail" to ... . . f. flrcolsra jiml testimonials. 1 free. Addreaa ,, , , , r .1. fnrnrr & Co., Toledo, O. M Sold by Druggists. 75c. A good many iblnts ca t l found oU about human nit'.uro by I'barin tea cenli j admission. if re. Wlnalow'a Hontblnf S-rnp for rhIMsen taathlng, aottens Ibe Kurna. reducee lnAammay lion, allays puto, 6re wind colic n bottle There la a Hrergtli of iul!e emli'ranre m j Ignllloant of e utage ai the ru- st daring I teats or prowca. FITS (topped free by Dr. Kmni'i Oriat f BRVS KurTOttSH. No fits after tirst day's use Marrebma curt". Treatise and f -.nutrial bot tle free. I)r. Kline. Kll An-li St.. i'tiiinu. Pa. Whi n a man tt lea to I brow n si one with lilt left band he ran f-jmiatnize nub n woinau'a throwing. TkaRevlriag Powers el Park er e (Winter Tonic make It the need of everv home. Stom. ach troubles, colds and all distress yield to it. There Is a time In a (ilrl's lifn when sha tries on every hat she tees, for aba knows I hey are all becoming to her. To Keep Ynnng needs no magic eliiir. It oniv repiirn a little dally care of the heiilth. Kipaus T.ibiilei re dure doctoring to It lowest cost. Kirength Is Incomprehensible by w. akno-is, and therefor the more terrible. It. Kilmer's PwAnr.ltooT enrns all Kidney and luadder trrublei J'amphiet and Consultation iree. Laboratory. HttiKhiimton, N. Y. Though flattery b'ossoms I ke fileodsh p, there is a great difference In the Iruit. Pico's Care for Con-umi't ion U nn A No. 1 Asthma medicine. - W. ft. Williams An tloch, Ills., April II, 1'4. The personal pre ncun 4 I ' shoii'd bn tne coat-of-arms of some individual. Illvn.ro tJet IllneVreorn and I'ae It II j ron want to know the comfort of no corns. It takes tlitin out perfectly. IV:. at (Iriignista. No one will ever shine in conversation who thinks of saying tine things. Peculiar In combination, proportion and process Hood's Rursnparillii possesses peculiar cura tive powers unknown to any othr prepara tion. This Is why it luu- a record of cures unequalled In th history of niHp'ine. li acta directly upon the blond, and by making It pure, rich and healthy It cures diseiwn and gives flood health. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the only true blood purifier prominently In the public eye today, tl ; i 'or fj. II.& Jt & Dill rare habitmil cnnetipa nOOQ S rlilS Hon. i'rl.ecetit. Wl.M KI Men. Women, Fots s"i ler s, m Hike a ihree months' ir-eof I'm ticil IliioK- KKbHINO Yoiican learn It flurlnit voarsiutrchouis t your own home nml ,-sn earn from ! to is dollnr. j week sfier yon h i vecomitlet-i Mi- three monlte' course. I will seek employment for v tl l-'orfutl particulars write to t II A III KS IIKItl.T, Moi -ir t'sios, llunttusitin Co., Pa. ASK YOUR DRUdGIST TOR The BEST .Nursing IIothers.Infants CHILDREN i, JOHN CARLS SONS, Nw York. France now claims that in the event of wars she can put nn army of 4,000, 000 soldiers into the field. In 1882 it took 351 bushels of wheat to pay for a self-hiiuliug reaper, while n better one can be bought this yeur for th price of 187 bushels. Puul Novieow, a ltussiau, is writing io demonstrate that poverty is duo to humun stupidity, us a result of which it is said not more than ouo person in ten it well fed and well clothed. Ho thiuks tho stupidity consists chiefly in producing too littlo and wasting too much. Secretary Herbert, acting upon the recommendations of a board of naval experts, has ordered that cellulose from the pith of cornstalks bo substi tuted for that from cocoa fibre for use on I'uited States war ships to prevent leakage through apertures nwule by the enemy's gnus. Figures received at the Indian Hureiiu, show that 30,000 Indians arc now engaged in funning stock, raising and other civilized pursuits. About 2J.0O0 voted at tho last election ; 30, OiMlout of tho total population of 1M7, 000 are church members; IS'.l.tMI'.l are self-supporting and .'5,0 KI pay tuxes. According to tho Medical Iu-cord some Kuglish ladies, residents in China, li ivi; stnrted a society to put o stop to the prnctico of binding the feet of young gilK Chlliatil- li, who re nt I lit iiii)M i iiiienee, ask the mem bers of the new society to juin them in the foi nintion of a Natural Waist Society, to put an end to tiuht-luemg. S in Francisco h:is 1 lie tall building fever, and is to have a fifteen story all'i.r that will tower ?I0 feet above the sidewalk. Clans Spreckols is to bull 1 it. It will be so much taller than anything now standing there that it will be plainly visible from nil parts of the city and from tin; bay. It will be but 75x70 Io. t, mi l will be really a big Mtmre toner. Clipped liv a big dome. On paper it looks to the Net York Sun 'v no iu. huh uiihiiiiiisoiue. Although tho eiht-hoiir workinu day isslill clamored for in France, it appeals from the report of tho labor commission for Is'' 1 that the ten-hour ilay for children nn b r sixteen pre scribed by the law of November. 1 St2. has proved impracticable. Although the bill extendmo tlnf time to eleven hours has not been passed as yt by the chamber, the inspectors liuvo been instructed to act upon it as if it were law, by prosecuting no cases of in fringement in which the hours worked do not exceed eleven. There were in I!!, -,5:tl rcpirtH against factories employing children more than eleven hours, the result being that most of tin? l.uge mills in which adulti had worked twelve hours, or even more, have redib-ed the hours for all their employment to eleven. Tin! record of Sunday suicides in Chicago, according to thu Tribune of that city, was most extraordinary. Seven pcrsiun live men and two women -made the attempt to end their lives, and five of them succeeded. The youngest of tip' group of unfor tunates was a girl of 1. Ill-health was the cause of one, insanity of one, duinestic infelicity of two, melancholy uf one and liipior of two. It ih no ticeable that four out of the ceven used j oisoii as the a-ieney of self-do-truetiD!i, the poisons being carbolic acid, laudanum, I'.iris green and mor phine. This peculiar prominence of poison as the means of committing suicide is not confined to this instancj. it prevails all over the Tinted States. In two-thirds of reported cases tho pistol and poison are the agencies in ue. Last year I hero were 1,7211 cases of poisoning to 1,504 of shooting. This year to date the poisoning cases exceed the shooting, being 1,218 to 1,1 HI. The extraordinary increase which has taken place only during the Inst two ysiiis, apart from the pathetic side of it for poisoning is the most agonizing of ail forms of death shows the ease with which self-niurdor-eis are able to procure poisons, and argues that some more stringent re slrictions should be placed upon their sale by ili ujgists. A I'lii trul Hear. The clumsy unties of the Min beat in the lion house of the "Zoo" daily attract large crowds, much it. the satisfaction of Brum, says the Philadelphia Hecord, who delights ill a huge and appreciative audience, lie has recently been furnished with a ih-w toy mi the shape of a log of wood almost as large as himself, with which he pounds on the floor of his cage much after tho stylo of a laborer ramming cobbles. Once) in a while he drives the log against his own foot or varies the performance by throw ing it up in the air to drop on his skull. Another favorite amusement of tho playful brute is practiced in the morning, when tho tin Moor has been recently washed and is still net. Standing erect on his bind log ISruin takes a short run and then slides along like schoolbov over the slip pery surface. Before be hail won renown as 9 poet Joatptin Miller hud failed loliicr, lawyer and editor. FOR FARM ANI UARDFJ. WASTED FODDER. Taking the estimates uf the I'cpart ment of Agriculture as to the arc grown to corn, and the per cent of waste of the corn fodder annually in the United States, it appears that this annual waste on the farms of the country amounts to over $500, 000,000. Just think of such an enormous nu nusl waste of one of the products of a staple r'H. Suppose that the farmers of the United States were re quired to put their hands in their pockets and throw away over $500, 000,000 annnally ! And yet that is the equivalent of what is going on re specting one of the great staple pro ducts of ths farm. Save properly nnd feed tho corn fodder, njid sell the hay for cash, for it briugs a good price. Indiajia Farmer. HOW TO ISF. NITRATE OF ROPi. Thist fertilizer is very quickly soluble, and thusuets i in moxl lately, being taken in bj the roots in a few hours after it is applied to the land. Hence it should only be used when the crop to which it is applied is in a quickly growing condition. Thus, it. is u waste to use it in the latter jsirt of tho Reason, and the best time is in the spring or sum nii'r, soon after the crop is well started in growth. It is advisable to divide tho quantity, sowing bajf of it Inter and when the plants ate in au active condition. For onions, it should be sown in three portions, the first when the seed or the st-ts are put into the ground, the second two weeks later. and tin mini two weeks alter tne seooud, thus preventing any loss of the nitrate in the soil by washing into the subsoil before the planti can dis pose of it New York Times. SF.LL1XU YOfR rlOS. The chief obstacle to success in growiug pigs is me uanger oi becom ing overstocked. Tla'ie is always a protit if pigs are s dd while young. Ifut many farmers who have a line lot of growing pigs will not sell them, thinking to make greater profit by iin lUitil they they have attained full growth. In most cases this is a mistake. The older a pi grows the .mailer is usually the profit from feed ing it. Ik'sides, it is poor policy for any class of men to try to always get all the profit there is in a tra ie. We have known men so close at a bargain that I hey could liually find nobody to trade with them. To live and let live should bo the aim of nil. A good rule is when breeding animals not to re fuse a reasonable offer that would leave a fair profit and not stop further breeding. With stock that increase m rapidly as do pigs, a very few brmiliiig sows will quickly replace thosi! that are sold. If this is done repeatedly through tho year, the profit eaeji time amounts to more than could be m i l bv feeding ani mals until they attain full growth. Iloston Cultivator. CAMPalilS AHAfNST WF.KPS. Inquiries! are constantly coming to us concerning the best method of net ting rid of noxious weeds, especially perennials. I'egin by sowing the in fested fields to oats in the spring, or wheat or rye in the fall. Soon alter these small graius have been har vested, plow under the sUibble, thus chocking the development of the first crop of weeds. V lnti the second- crop has started oil the plowed eroiiiul, go over it with a disk har row, corn cultivator, or any other farm implement that will kill the young weeds. Repeat this operation os often as necessary this fall to pre vent the maturing of any seed or the development of root-stocks. Seed tin! field to winter grain aam this fall nnd repeat the operation again next year. If tho weeds arc very persistent, ns the Canada thistle, quack grass, etc., cultivate the fallow often enough to prevent any green leaf surface appearing. Otherwise the underground Rtems will live for a long time. This is the best method of treating an infested field, and if persisted ill will be successful. Now is the tune to begin the work. Io uot neglect it.- American Agricultur ist. CROSS Hit F. EPS. Tho improved breeds of poultry have undoubtedly clone much to mcke poultry breeding successful and profit able. It is acknowledged that the dunghill fowl cannot compete with tho improved breeds, either in the production of eggs or flesh. Never theless, wo do uot believe in the aver uge farmer going iu for pure breeds. Ho should leave them for the foucier, who understands the problem of breed ing, and is steadily trying to cultivate and improve on them. The geueral poultry breeder i-j in the business for egga sud poultry, nnd he will hud that high grades will give him batter results than pure bloods. Poultry breeds up very rap idly, and it is much easier to grade up ns in stock breeding, always using pure-bred males, than it is to hold one's own with pure blooded stock. In the latter case tho tendency is npt i to be dowuward, while in the former it is always steadily upward. But ths most serious objection is that pit re-bred fowls are apt io be of a delicate nature. Tho breeding tip and in to which thoy have been sub' jected hns weskened their constitu tions, precisely as it hns done that of all other animals of the "improved breeds." Certain advantages have undoubtedly been gained, but these are always accompanied by a sacrifice of vigor. This is where the great great merit of the cross breeds is so clearly shown, for iu them are to found the desired characteristics of the pure breeds united to the hardi ness of the common stock. It is this combination which is needed by poul try breeders, and which they must have if they are to find protit in their work. New York World. HOW LOKtl TO MILK. This is au old question, and tho writers seem to be confirmed iu the belief that the number of cows are so few that will not dry off in comparison with tho whole number of milch kiue, that the question is rather over dis cussed, and assuming that the ques tion is one of great moment, that Practical Farmer is inclined to be on the side of the question that a cow is better for six weeks to two mouths drying, before dropping her calf, and will give all the more milk for the rest. In our owu dairy this seems to be a fact, nnd others report the same thing though there is a "cloud of witnesses" tin the other side who are just ns strong in the Iv.dief that if a cow is fed well, she will give milk for many years without deterioration of milking qualities. Mr-. Ella Rock wood, w ho is a most observing dairy woman, in discussing th s matter iu an exchange, hns this to say nt its close: ".Sentiment aside, the cow may be a machine, yet the is not one made of cast iron, but of delicately formed nervo and tissues that cannot bear the continu ous st rain upon her vitality without its impjiring by continuous milking. It sids in laying in a Btore of added vigor, and conserves the vital forces to have this rest." Perhaps the most valid argument iu the question is that of the maternity of the cow and its otlices. for dairying is tho commerce of tins motherhood features of the cow, und tho continuous, never eud niK demands upou that function with out rest must have sooner or later its weakening effect ; then iu the plan of continuous milking there is no chauco for the expanding of the udder by the slow secretion of fluids in the natural way, nnd tho function of milk-giving stimulated by tho natural reservoir process's of providing for thi suste nance of offspring is interfered with, and the cases are numerous whero cows when continuously milked have not given nearly so much milk the second year, an I a cow in tho writer's bum to-day is strong testimony to this view of the mutter. There is tin doubt but that mimo cows c m stand n i amount of this continuous milking nml not bo injured iu the end, but as said we think that they aro tho excep tion, and that six week's rest is a reasonable demand upon the part of the cow. Practical Farmer. KAIIM AM" liAIIPF.N KOTF.sJ. Ibm't wait until fowls are infested with veruiiii, but prevent such a ca lamity ti) your flock. When miik is to stand n long time, stone or ubiss vessels should be usod. If milk is to stan 1 only a short timo in is preferable because easily cleaned. Sheep intended for mutton must bo j kept quiet, handled gently; they ecu- i not be made a part of a system of farming that inelu les restlessness, tin steadines and continuous chaugiug of conditions. When dairymen buy cows from dealers they are liable to bring disease into the herd. A strange c iw should always be an object of suspicion, un less procured from parties known to be reliable. Iiord"aux mixture is found a sure preventative of curl leaf on peach trees in Washington, according to a report Mr. .1. F. Cass, uf th! State Horticul tural Commission, published iu tho Kurnl Northwest. The more you cut sweet peas the longer they will contiuu) flowering profusely. Allowing tho see 1 so ma ture early impairs the vigor of tho plant ami shortens to a certain extent the period of flowering. Feed off all the old corn before any of the new crop is used, but do not feed any corn in the summer if green food can be given the stock. Utilize everything that cm bo convert 1 into food. I'ven weeds cutl bu fed to swine. The increase, in the yield of pot itoes isniaikedlv influenced by an applica tion of potash. It is found that tuo, nsh of potatoes contains over fifty pjr cent, of potash, and that men as j in y eld follow t very closely the per cent, of potash in tha fertilize applied to the soil. Eoonoiin ij essential to success on the farm, especially when pric-js are low. The most extravagance practiced by farmers is in tho use of inferior stock. It is more economical to feed urain to animals than givd the largest losublo return therefrom than to at , jit to save by holding on to the iu .'i ior kinds. tfi'Aivr ami n itioi s. Oliver Goldsmith wrote "Tho Vieat f Wakefield"' in six weeks. IVtwcen the NiIj and the Red Sea uli it it 1 1 :i ti t forests once blessed a soil now dry sud desolate. Wihl dogs begin to bo a nuisance in some parts of Kansas. They grow up with the c tuutry too rnppidly. (icrouimo tho captive Indiun chief, acts as a police magistrate for his trilie. He bus been a prisoner for ten years. Hoadiey, J. Ringer of Kenwood, W. Vs., is exhibiting to curious neighbors a white groundhog which ho caught iu a trap. One leg of a pair of trousers was found in the stomach of a big shark caught near Annapolis, Mil, some time ago. A i'ine.year-old boy of Warsaw, Ind., committed suicide because he could not stand tho taunts of his play mates about his mother. Francisco Hazaiue, son of the lato Marshal Hizaine of France, is report ed dead of yellow fever iu Cuba. He was a sergeant in the Spanish army. A cherry treo in Guilford, Me., has acquired considerable notoriety by beariug ripe fruit on one side and blossoming on the other at the same time. .lam. s Settle, a Point Mills (W.Vtt.) boy, went Io sleep on a railroad track. When the train cime along his faith ful dog tried to puli him oil', but both were killed together. Ill Fayetteville, N. Y., there was a great celebration when Peter John soa became of age, the iiL'e id 100. He can remember "hear telT'of Wash ington's death when he was six. Rieyeles nie now nulbori.ed by the French postofiiee Pepnrtment for the disliibiitioii of telegrams, and an al lowance of $.'1 a month is made to messengers for the use of their machines. What is asserted to be the oldest lifeboat in existence is preserved at South Shields, England, as a valued relic. It was bmit iu 1S1.I, and dur ing mole than lilty years of active service was instrumental in saving l,H2h pi rsnus. John Fassnitelit of Detroit, Mich., was walking with n lady the other night when a tough followed them and accosted the lady. Fsssiiacht struck him, knocking him down, and went on with the lady. Shortly after ward the tough was found dead. Fassniicht was not detained by the police. I'ncle Sam's Pensioners. The United States have two pen sioners in Algiers, three in the Argen tine Republic, in South America I twenty-five iu Australia, twenty-one iu Austria-Hungary, oueinthe Azores Islands, thirteen iu Belgium, four iu Remind i, one has wandered to Brazil, seventeen have found refuge iu llritish Columbia, two are at pres ent located iu Itulgiiria, four live in Central America, six in Chili, eight have found homes iu China, three are living in Costa Rica, five aro in Cuba, Denmark has nioro than her share, there being twenty-four of our old soldiers now resident there; one has straggled to Egypt and one Io the Fiji Island i France is well provided, h i iug fifty-six of our Civil War veterans; (i.inteinala has one, sixteen lire tit present eiig ig -d in up holding the R -public at Hawaii, three nre braving the yellow fever in Hon duras, one is on Greenland's icy moun tains, three nre pacing; India's coral strand. Italy has twenty-five, nine are living iu the dominion of the Mikmlo, Cores has one, Liberia has two, two are living in Malta, two iu Mauritius, fifty-oijjdit in Mexico, ten iu the Netherlands, four in New- Zen land, three in Nicaragua, thirty-six eh sj by tho glaciers of Norway, six have found homes in Peru, olio lives iu Portugal, live are residents of tho Republieof Colombia, one has somehow or other got to Roumania, three are living in th" land of the C.r, two in Siain, on-! in the island where Napo leon breathed his last, and ona in the island w here he was b n il ono in t'-ie Society Islnnds.oue in the South Afri can Republic, seven in Spain, thirly fonr in Sweden, seventy-seven iu the Republic uf Switzerland, four in the land of the Turk, one in Uruguay nnd niii ! in the West Indies, this rec ord forming a most remarkable testi mony to the ability of the Americans to scatter themselves all over tho face of the earth. New York Tolegram. Troubles of Stock-raisers. Tho Tucson (Arizona) Star gives the following to illustrate the troubles i f tho stock-raiser : fine firm of stock men, not so very long ago, sunk a well and made other preparations und then put out some 2000 head of stock. Recently they hunted up uli tho cuttle to bo found that bore their brand, nnd although they had sold none yet.nbout 400 head were all that could begot to gether. Another man could find but niuety-two out of 1500. It is said that the depredations of tho Tspngoes will account for much of tho missiug stock. Pumpkin seeds are very attractive to mice, and traps baited with theia will soon destroy this little pest. Highest of all in Leavening MM AD60LUTELY PURE "Praying for Papa." "Did you ee that, m later?" said an elevated railroad guard to a New York newspaper man, who stood with him on the rear platform of the first car the other nlgut "Yes." "Well, then." added the guard, "you aaw my three little children. They were kneeling at a trunk la front of the window of that bouse we passed. Over them stood their mother. She was about sending them to bed, but before they go she teaches 'em to pray for me. Yes, and she brings 'em there ao ns I can see 'em. "And," be added, with a manly at tempt to stifle a s,, that welled up In Ms throat, "she lu.s told me what she tells 'em to say." "What Is it?" Inquired the auditor. "I do hope you won't think me fool ish, sir, but, as I guess you are a mar ried man and a farier, you may care to bear It. You see, It Is this way. The kids- they go to bed at 0. That's about the time my train goes by the house. It's right on the line. So, Just about bst moment she brings the little "uns up to the trunk In tbelr nightgowns aud makes 'pro kneel down with their hands clasped on their faces. Aud then they pray and pray " "For you?" was the Interruption. "Yes. y..u're right. They pray that papa will be good nnd kind, and keep sober, and bring home nil his money, and ," the big guard's voice trem bled. Hut he continued after an ef fort: "I'm rough, tough nnd nil that, but I love my wife and I love my children. They are the only ones on earth that keep me straight" Lieutenant (In Miss Emily's prlvnte slttlng-roomi-"Erally. I cannot find ex pression for the feelings which agitate my breast- I love you! (dropping on his kneesi. Hehold me lying here In the dust before you!" Emily "I beg your pardon, lieutenant; that Is an Insult. I dusted everything myself only n min ute ngo."-Gelllustreerd Zoudagsblnd. ore 15 eivjoyo Both the method and result! when Syrup of Figs ia taken; it la pleasant and refreshing to the tarte, and acta pentlj yet promptly on tha Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tha sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Brrup of Figa ia the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the tosto and ac ceptable to the stomnch, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it tba most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale In 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one vrh wishes to try it. L)o sot accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. SAN fHANCISCO, CL Louisviut. ax new tout. r. V lllfl W Yes, it's ready ! OUR NEW gtgfSent by mail on receipt of io cents in postage stamps or money. JOHN P. LOVELL Ha- II. S. Agent for "STAR" At l fYfTK. Nilliiiiiiliiiiik ( washing. Some of your delicate things won't stand much rub bing. They're meant, especially.to be cleaned with Pearline. l-n r eddlert aiul tome unscrupulous fcAA or "the tame a l'earhne." . T" t and if your crocer sends JDaCK honest ttndit tack. Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report IB&Edini Clothes Made of Peat. Underwear Is now made In Paris of pent. This sounds like a Joke, but there4 is nothing of the Munchausen ordef about It. It hns been known for soma' time that peat hns certain antiseptic qualities. A dead body which w as bur ied In pent for over a century was found In a state of perfect preservation. Teat Is used In the northern countries of Eu rope for surgical bandages, aud tha favorable results obtained by the Rus sian surgeons with pent bandage hnva Induced the French nrmy department to use It In the French hospitals. It lias also been found that peat fibers Iu combination with other material pos sess wonderful absorbing properties. This bus led Dr. Knsurd to use peat fibers for the making of underwear In the plnce of flannel. The new material hns proven very effective, absorbing perspiration and rapidly drying. Dr. Knsurd culls his fabric n "renl hydrau lic pump," and pronounces It nn excel lent preventive of colds. The new tex tile Is already largely used In France. ASSIST NATURE s little now nnd then in removing offend ing matter from the stomach and bowels and you thereby avoid a multitude of disttessine de- laiineiitctits and dis eases, and will have less ftcquent need of your doctor's service. Of all known ageuls fur this pur pose. Dr. l'itrce's Pleasant Pellets are the best. Once used, they are BJ ways in favor The Pellets cure biliousness, Ftck and liiliinis head ache, tli2iness, cos tivcne.is, or consti tution, sour stom ach, loss of appetite, coated teiipuc, indi gestion, or dvpipM.i, witidv belehings, ' ucait-butn." j.aiu anil distress after eat ing, and kindred deratim ni nts of the liver, stomach and bowels. HORSE OWNER nn'lil l U Ink enough of bm iilmnl In wirh lit ba l.!c u care tor it iiropcrly in h'slth still rirkusrc Ills nvmcy mt -l bis pocket If he ihirf nut. Tuccfinpllli lh' tiill c offer oor On Hnndrid Page Il lustrated Hone Jlook tcr-JArriit. li iccbcyou to pirk out s good florae; kn.m impt i fecttont tud yuan! aa list friilld: de lect diai-a-r and effect s cute hcn umr i poaal ble: tell Hie age br the l.i'lhi Hhui to call I lie different pans ol the ant Dial; ho loshoe a Horse propcrlv. etc.. e(c. . Ail I nil. and olhcr vaU' malile Information ran be obtained In rending oar One llnnririd tKO Ulna Iraled li.irfe llisik. wbleh we will forward, poit paid, on recelnl of price in rtatnpa. AMnrcdly the Horse la us) Rood a frletk Io man to Im neglected (or tvsnt of knowledge irtairh can be procured (or only lentv-flve r-nta. oos PesLiamsa lloear.. M U onnd tit.. N.Y. Wja, Kapha?!. Angf Io, Itubcni, Taaatt Tlie "I.ISKrlE" are tha Beat and Moat Economi cal IVtllars and CnRa worn: tlwy ara mad et fine rloth, both aldea flniabed alike, and beint nreral ble, one collar la equal to two of any other kind. Thru tit aU. tiur vtll an I inni mil A box of Tea (Ulan or FitaTairaol Cuds for Tlr-iri Cents. A Sample Cottar and TVrof CuCn reaU for BIS Oaula. Iiaiou6tyle and vice. Adilreas KBVKUBIDLB COLLAR C'OMI'ANT, nVnaklla Be, Raw Tork. tl Kllbr St., Boetoa. raider 1 if A", I PARKER'S ffafo HAIR BALSAM 1 if'Srj Clfanxn ami li.iilifin the half. I A4rw Tr-mntf, a luiiiriitnt fmiwtrt- SrST! J Neer Faila to Keatere Orajr SfiK--llnir to ita Youthful Color. I Curri i-lp ili..i. limr t.l..n. j'iyfl .yir.andl'"at l'r'Hg" i A t . i) in time. Hold nr druustnta. aaMfMii&j'lr.i.'r An elegant book for your table and constant reference. Send for it NOW. It's New and Nice. CATALOGUE brimming full of illustrations, and show ing how the thousand-and-one things really look. You'll like that. There are Guns, Rifles, Pistols from all over the world, and soma of our own make Fishing Tackle, Dog Collars and Chains, Tennis Sets, etc., etc. You can see our LOVELL DIAMOND BICYCLE The Finest Wheel on Earth, the Williams Typewriter you ought to have one. There's lots of other things too. ARMS CO., "V,T: TOM ATM' I'APKK MtrKNKII. LA ni!:::::- ine easiest icctiiuig is with Pearline. Yes, easiest for every body. Whether you re doing the hard work of house-clean- i nig yourscii, or Having and get through with it. It'll do more work, better work, quicker work, than anything else. You ought to look out for tlie wear and tear in house-cleaning as well as in grocers will tell you tins is as good as I IS 1- AI.SK l'earline is never petldlel. you fMnetbine in ilace cf I'earline, le '3 JAMES V LE, New Vurk,

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