Sr. it. . LY . tack along the whole Coi: federal.. ,,, ",. . i.aiimm iu Mnmin nnni. i mi mm, mhi: S. vim .il -lays or fllkiham leCOlJ Uno. When told of this p.upose. I Alu";1 ", ,,V(;,;T ''n ! W a.-ii I no luN, l. 0,Oet. 11.-11. very im-idcl l..P,-.o,u,l ,!rtUUiI OietB,a pointed Gonera! W. 11. F. Loo I,, Urn 'n k I k ut (..l hl2 If ll' lited Mate, sa.d IVoIcks,..- Alien llmtvhho Ci-obd School. -. ,l w f ,!..,,,. in foivo of "" '7 '' ; JIkzo.i, the moteorologial ol the lo,rne,l iron, one of t Nihoiai :,uo, an.! to the liaztrdof the atiHi..t V.av"'fv' '",v'"1 ";''Vnff lho . ' lM ',ni1 j Weather Durcm, this morning, i, l'.f. W. C Tom. ebb',, km, IJallmins in Wealhor Son in. Dm In: r.rrir&r.; HOBTIBfi'S Railroad SHOWS ! TOUHSDAI, OCTOBKK U. 1MI.1 H. A. LONDON. Editor. WAR RZMiSCENCES. ZfoMi War History. Circus, Museum and uu1yf,-o..t, J'"" lurMcr the left-tip tno Uu. lllt. , . u,o ,r,:ii kvos ..f 1 1... publie x.-hooi., of eeousidoriUioaof tt :.t i-rut of the 7';' tl!::'0 ."'et l'-v ''"'".""j winch noes not m s a l.r.t..t. o, Li - -iy. was nd,,i. ;,, .h, sch.l mTTCBft&n fhff irdir.-Coneral Lv ,,;:,',r.v.l with l" 1 V "'' v"'; : ,'" "' Moeri.,.; hull......, ,.! '.i in,- ... i.....v,s ..j 3 f 8 E dttUUU &' J no. U;,ttlK;or,l,nvl:...o1t!v ro- TVTl' V"' ' "T ? ' ' ' V ', ' ead, own l-a-lo ,. ., .loir mind .1... .,.., -f I-.... f ' M f J fiS A V ftPT .,,., Til- u-l-U-U I'. IV t'i:o ill '-!. t- '1 ' '"""'I F" , el.araeli'l', l.ilt (lie t'l.UcI .StM'i-s ii M.iom.. li" .M iloi-o,,,,,..!!- fc'i.lkyfi I yUSl L-3 W Menagerie, OX CUAl'EL II ILL ROAD. in' cri'i.l i-ssi'uliitl to t'tio :in i'-; mill I pi i'j!:iiY"i lauai.'1 il ( i i." i.l! : i :t .. -i-.i Hi.. I III i'iiin Hplllt f.:. It.-ivin,' ti... il .L..'1-t to '. v......... I... ... It,ih :,,.,r :;.y. 4 'I. tll'f. I K I j I.-! I',';' ..-::i', ) I'.;..' W.-.l ilci I I'U . f I.. 1 .!. l.a nr., J i.i !.) 1 i i!,.- .t :! I. (it-., i fir.-.-,. no: i.- If I'! i (.,! ... : ..! . :. ; . .i . i i : -:.t i i. i .-..- 1 i : 1 ,i r ! I mw hut or.o hope oT .-i.i-oc.-i.-. ! 'I'l :.-! t xv:s to suryri inc i i . I ' lh:it i-inl. I r;fivi-a to v. ;-.:! nt , luck in lini': an 1 im n mi -i i nl y ' Uiiult iu i.'! I, ii'v...i--!i. i;iv, iio Chatham h Cavalry t oimjkimios. i1i1Vii ill0 lM lH. .L..... iu u,," t,r . , . .-ii ha.', s-.nn. loll una ni....-n tin. f.'i-a. Chatham's i-iivii'i v foiupaai, s. 'llioo t ..f.,,,.;,, ,i: .ii; i. ;i ,(,' i:..;t wero two full Clival ry C'.iii.t::i s t.:f fa: -tons 1 1:4 !;i ;c ' 1111 ii'oiy. Xauizml iu this i-oulii. it'o. li .uul ' ana Jra'.via;' their li. .. 1 n.'Xi fi .roi Co. of the 5th N. V. Mr?) ami J tl:; fti-nt-M ,j .r , , . ., couia.violtii! 'Ill i'.o.-,.' r.:.a:.m, large ilctai-hmoi.tM in ollieri'OH!ii;i:.K.s ;v , y( i ,;,.,( ,;. raisoJ iu other count int. oiimiot ,ii0 f,:, is ii; li 1. 1 urn.', to HOW give M kotcl of any of tlt.v-o ' ci-n , :k-- ainl as-a;:'.!. t bo cavalry companion, out with tlu1 i'.i of eoaiu of ttie survivors wn hop" to publilunl fnllskeiL-hcti hioo i: t- r. I'Lo moat ilespoiaio tlht tint 'h mi'1 oavii'iy C'lijiiH.'il i 1:11,1 ChRiubi'tluia'ti Uali, il f.w uiys'ri. lore the smr.Huh'r. Tuo 1 ,r 11..0 1; ,1.1 ,v.i .i:..!,,..! ",uu " 1 ,'l 1 i,' 1 by Ovi:i. liufiu I'm.-: iiu'i':-, in H,;7: : P l lV;: ;,Oa thd UTia of M o'ol:. l:r. ..o... .,;. ral Ir.aut vv:i 1 t'-ii:l'o: 1 ';. '-:n ' ... dim with .,0:0' -iv..'.y j ' ; .1;.. v. from tho V.iIU'V. T.vo i .;. ;i linx-:. rt-i I 10 ftt-r, Urn fo.timnn t ' it..:; i!K-;,- !i ,. . to move n-iint I'tMi-r ' :;,; t . too w ; . . . ; eveuii. of llu h, S ,. ii i 01 ... 1 r,-- ! iXnwiiUin Cmrt 1 L u Ti.. r.:' t , .r t . of our (tiuiy wa u :i v. I i ! y '. .. fv ;..: ,; i . ary aivi-i. i'. of .',! ij ! ( i 'o. . Vv .1 .. .r., .. j, j F. Lao. I. ti-m.-'tsl of il -i:. ' jbsou;;!. il ttn j my (,N ('.,) bf..; s I---, u" 1 tl.fa v c lay al S-.ouy Cro. k. 1 . 1 f.-om ibo ' Court IIoih.-. 11 tin h. 1 f .'!. t.-.t- f,.,. v. , .... , rOUtS, liU'.l Ollf COl'.l ISO. t' I i to , , luako a Ki.,' ic;..i!r .S : :' : ,v ; ;j of Dinwitl ho, i: of. lor to : 1 t. r.. . ,;. Ci'oek. M.v'iiiij tah1. a ' .t.o'ii ,.,1 1(-, 1v leaving our tuiius l.ooio,. o' ,a! ; , P'l 't 01 M!i:r. late on ':!. .1 ':!;. '.i t.M:.. fan:; . t tli t.r lii;;!.t 0:1 tin- i j; tv r , ut'.ir the famous Fto : ;: ! k i:.o Tiiis point in omo .ix no. . -it is f:;! . , ; .( ,-, West t:f Piuwi-.hli.) tout! M01:.... v.. 3Uu was then hi'M by M ij ti. ... . , Fitz Leo. !bo rat.kii'U cav.i'o-y o;i . r -v ,; ,v of Army Nortlni u Vn -inia. N. x. (,,.;.', ;!l . vv day, Marcli ol.r. w- i:i-.vol in. . 1 i : fool tho ftiimv. t invi-i.m :n : ob : ;.c .1 . 1 uo ad to tho tight nlo!..r the roa.l cod ing Chauibt rbtiu Ibin m ar 2,lv -. tJrowdtsr'st. Tho H i., is ul :i! mi'!- Tvay botwoon tho 1'ivo 1 r!::i ! ' . o Court House. It whi iu '. p i -: "' a.-.i ' C j Uaep, au.l oveil!r,voi; i ii I ' ' ' : 'iu ,,:i,-.' nearly ouo LiinJi'! .1 . d. I !i" i:v..r fl;. , . ueeupied, iu Ivroo. iu oa.-l Lao!:. i ,., 1, Tuis was my day to i:.o- o i.t f" -::t. .:,.v V1.,4. Xhad with 1110, l.-t - .; ri ;':-. : .,,,,. v f.. ; .. , .. ; . !. . ; , Colonel C'heo!:; tin ':.d X'-m.. ." ' hl ..: v. .. : ; lina, Lientt nan! Cul m l ( i i. nn i tor.vnr i' i : -.. . !::.!. a:. the 5lh Noltll t'.ooii: :, Coi'.;.'.i Mc ., , , o... .-; '., ! , ;: : Weill about HUD !. .. il.' o-hi r . i. ,: -; , ; ,. c ' nr; JI reginieiit tho o i North Carolina.! , ,, (i. ,.;! n,,-,; ! ; ; Lieutouiiut t'jlouel Mjoi e was , ,., .; ;V ;v i;,,.;,,,,, j f:;r .. . , ,.; back, guar Jin-,' tho trii:i.. As e ' ,..;, .; t p , j f ,.. ;.. ueared the liuu. 1 Ihieiv fornard a : van.v of t'-.-' C !,. !'; ,: squadron (.Captain iirwi'i thv 5:1; . .j,-,.,. ., . 1 .i..,t .;. , ; ,A; to recounoitio. As soou us ti.o d.-.nv i , (m -,-:. t .. ., , ,,. ,.;, ; rals saw this, tii:y c.u.'so l ovti a :u. ;. ;: : , , , ... ,, J, .. ,,. .. f, , mouuted force, 1 laio, and ad i;.,a u., (;... r, ; j, ,,. j... . t , c vaucod tjvard u-i 1 nd. u-.l t. .r; "u.i. 'iov o ! ;..!,. iho'f .', ; by Ueueial V. il. 1.'. Lo, to .ti; :ih..i' t ou tl : , . ,;.,... . ;.,;,,.!. ':,. my frcut regiment, tbo "v.U. I ho. I ...j,,, . ,, ..; ;, ,v .,. ,. them iu check. l'loUou1.! by fores: : .... .. . .t , ,. , , j , . a,ud Uudcl'Ljn'.wib. lUc 1 .;-lii.v pi- . , ;;f.,,,. ...,. ,;. , : ..v:. rather ftron,; i. if Col u v L M.-N-i.!. 1 . .,, .,lV ,,, -s ;il . , . 1 ,,. f. ... ; was thou oiderod to tlniu.-nut lay ' l(.r , r M.:j, , . ..,-...c , whole cotuuaiul and uttaok. Col-: ,;,,.,,(,. j. tli l. j;, i;i; tmvi'! v s-j onel McNeil held tb-j )i;,'ht, 1 'o:j;n 1 j . 1. .., ,v - (.....,, Cheek the left, and L ovunn iht '--i- . L.; , ;v ,Ht,.r Clvs.-vs :i. tin t. Uaiues the eeutro slilitly to thoj ( ; ,: . i.i ; . rear of tho 1st aud 5di, tho w h n.-( ., ...v. .... . supported by Uoaiu's bii;;a.b'. . , . ....... ; ...... d, aud by .MvOr-ifeOra bu-it-ry. t y.i v . ,.,.; svae, who !..'.'a U-i. reserve.) After a suort ski; uiiu, wj j yty ,,.Vii ca:o: o; 10., ut:o. 1:1 ..ill... i line advanced, and under tho 1 sou I 7.5 ;.nij,i, ,; ,v j,,.. ;OM al direction of Ueu. W. 11. I". L-e, I ..; ,,.Vi ,..) ,.t t,. v..,., ;j rushed upou the enemy with K:'1 a' ! t, (,,. . .r., .,, , ..,. ;(:,.. ; 1 1 u,.... Ui'.a-d, spirit the 2d pressiug Lij centre. ! wo,,tj, o uiul . VI ,,i t.f th,. and the 1st aud 5tU sweep; g la i j s ..,.. ,,.4. 1 (., ,';r ilaoka. lb'aching the ltaa. Cjionei j d'ae'loss ot -ho c.k l... i o a ,1 : Cheek aud McNeil! pliiDi". d into tho ! cr; ,j water above aud below tho f-jrd. : O-v.eral S'.tfidan fiit!,k;v a ! .'.'. a dashed actons under a deadly tire. ' ,j. j..4t ,t ti.j ,.,. ;, "n aud carried the Federal liu-.-a on the: ;,-, t (i .;,..,,; (r,:.:; ,:;: opposite side. umbers ot the eneiny . ..-phe liw,-, then, aiu, :o i perished 111 crossing, an thoir whoa-; ('haiubt ri-da t 'r. t !?. to. '. ' ,. 1 force fell buck rapidly towards Doi-I s,;iji h'h '.oi i n' '. A1 1 m i -i;; li widdio Court House. To finuh their! :0 (', .o.k. s .;. f . , rout, Geueral Lee ordered up his I orlUit 'ihfir c;vii-.-o r;'.:.!c ,a ' other brigade to itiaka a inountva ' t, )r(lP (,.. (i..,., ; : ..; ; :ri.-;.-.. charge, tieueral Loalo found d;ili ; .,,.;,.;, ... v: i;i ;v t: , r oulty in crosaiu the 1'mm, ouawvount i j.. f ;!..., .-.r! da" C;i-. U. in t . of obstrueiious iu the ford, : m-'mi: i.- ;om!i: :.d .:,';i l.. , : ally tho killed and wounded 1 j.,.-, P, ., i:, , :- !;,.! . . and horses impeding the ..iy ' :.fav-v. foe t'o ii-:vv :".!. c : - .. ... His squadron ovu it was hurXl a-1 M .y;,,.! ;.is - ..i il o'.i;. !,...: , , ,.-a Xaiust the lleeing foe. Tms mu -Ji ,..;;,. , ;;. ,s .'," :,! o,.l.,u 1. - oo out gallaut force, led by Colonel : 4 , j: .,,..5 j-a ;, , '4 , , , Savage, of the loili 'i:ii.,a, in per ! ,,,.,;u ; ., ., .hak'V ,u i.,.; .1 sou, was some how tepuised, and rc: j;t;Aj,i .j.. r,, j,., ip,.;., '. coiled with heavy loss, two thirds; 'ejj,, ... ,..r,.,.' ,a ;. ,".1 I toe. a: i falling iu 1L0 charge. Iai.iantiy tuv ; , ,vo is- e,i 10 i!,e :.:i t..l -.j Yankees rallied; and j'ist then, se jofti.e J-t i.iii- j.: ,..,,;, v :; ! ; fteivicg re-iuforccmoL,is, they ad VJi.n, ;.p, . ,., .... . ). :, T... deuly wheeled about, and, m i a, j t.,,,, ,. ; : ... ;,':,::;. .): ! .," repulsed my two udvauct 10:,! n-uts . ,;ooi--1 7" 1 Ma; . . ., I.t - , ..j Wencfal Lee, seeing the a.' .,,,Ph ; ..,.,.,, j K;liL,v of the t.euiy, both iu uumbt it. und j doad. position, quickly ordered Lis whole , So fur a Ik: command U) re cross the i'-.i!:, and doca!:-, t' i.u ilUid the V oSt bauk. ibis (liccti-d, i it sl.ed a l.nio of taeti pa:tj set to wot It loitilyu.g. ; tllir ,S cause-, ii-.d r il lor 111! r -aiao, by 1 iio o.'.oa i'..-' 1 l ii.Mi,-. I.nonu lo bo s:ri.-i'y 'rao. Wi, 1 t''H brave -ti.d ', 'I'o, !.:., -c.-int l.i !;. f.-ll. bis bi,o:n loai'.o;. for a 1110,11 al, to bis T:.o ic ro -uid. 'i'o--o i-io on tuv fnc ! '.. i ami 'o !'., :) :;:' ! Fr I'oon n, a eo n-io-,-, bore 1.: . -.:: to M.o-.r i ,..!. i. ni. j :-; . too ,:! r e.-0 U Ol d. I' I . Or! ,f ' ni.ioii a .-.or 1. i: .-s 1.1:1! ! I - v t no laf to ! .-.oil com, I . ;o it. iieitv-f 11. . 1 inn. ju.e 0 I. -is 1:1 cm-cm- 1 of,-a ;i I : ie ,'i 1 !, u;io os i.i:tr,ioin -da 10 a a en-, .0 s Iho .! ni tb r.'id't, -riua.. 't-is betud VoiiMi, c.i: Lev unto. i !.) lho bond of I C 1 a: I ,:o dal an 1 union-., oad, ie'i;;i.:;r prom hi -t. he t i'oo, el, "A , ' it ( hoaa i .' v . t p 1 ! : - . As the. i O l o. , I ! 1I..-M d I ) ih.-ei.Ver li.c 1 n 1 -: ! : . 1 1 1 . 1 il i I -i orn .5 I ' ' a p-o ! iiK too,':,.. ia ; la, r .1.0.1, a :no i..'.i an l 0 1 ;. j-mo. '. . I o" .-e ! r a 1. 1 ;UiS ,'i,ii ', u. ui, 1 v.iil I II t.-o e.N p. I i uel, i-. leo .i!0. liaini.o.l I ' ' (.I0 ol' !i,i- I, -Ml lis I'O .1 !.i:.,,v o: , '! io ui 1 1,0 eon i i 0 a - li ! ' r u , .. :. ' l ;,o ia:' 1 .; ... a.:. ''.'; 1 .so ! a no I to ii..y' , l.e e:p aineil, -'any K -o clear c.'i'ci plum o! Uos net .Some (...onLiMs a.ono iioi; li.c air 1'i-t t : . 0 M : I V !1 ill OU ' .. n, ... . , ,, ,. ... i. i!io armor taal 1 i.e .- 1; 1 j ;. 1 . ,. , 10. - .1! ,v '' j 11 il;nii i.oili-a l ! :.'i!.o:ii- ,., ;''i''' ' ; a, b;- of, li, ,!.' 1, si.a b ..ii a. ...... I ,, . . A ., , 1. . 1 1,1 1.0 1.1, .,;,. ,a 1 , 0.1 o. ai 1 1 i ' .- 1. p 1 1 i.i . Il catisod 1 I :;.in-ti I,. :i" u' 11 1. ...(. It "j 1 ., 1 . '. i' 1 mo 1 1 p.. 1 1 ! .1 a- iho i o.) water, ov, 1 v Kfo a:. 1 : : 1 1', ii 11. t ,: i h" . Tnis ; . f ii . p.nvt n i.f m nnn-b val V! r- - c ri. is ..! ei-aip in cbi:.: n o f i". a ia.'iti Wiio know lis V. . Il 55 c r v : 0; i 1 bo v. i''i..a. il, I i, " b. .- i.u 1. .V .i. a iin, ih, ...-;-'.. 3 i' , . , , " c " . ,', !! aho" i.l;. in o ,.i!.o.v loot 7 1 1 as a. L in - tj K C H J C a" -5 e 3 M . " P- c r, " 4 fl ? o O j sf S3 It I "3 ti r O s S Th" - c n ; -4 a ! ::,( Il Vl -.1 v.'. il F I r- i: .b . ;; Vfl" 'it' f'l.' i r. It'o' in t 1 . i.UlVl! 11. - I i ... I.t, tt 0 ,1 i ' ir ctiM i-'.s 1 x I'S 'i" s!-;; a r,;.v c,)s:rRr(ri i-:r cars. ir i ; ; r tt 1 rii fir, 1 r ruin Nt; nkwnkss. THE BEST ? ,r, pa 1 1. , v . 1 1 1 . . l i t': ; f ia.i o , af - i.i . 'ii ,ro A;!aut f. .::::... ..k aU i pilots 'poo: a;; a .rra iil "... t':ii V. o p i. .-: ? f ' w '!! s :! 1 h an as o v as '! :',.; o.i-l:. saving all 'i -1 "il i sj'lcmliil 'l'iiiii!iiiii.:-s, itml !;.:-.r. and cluap ;i at t v-t lia l and as Wo t rv to I: -op ev v ;' iii.o for the cisb. i 1 :. ) I rouble to show :-:x it sox's. litei.i 101 : Oa.-M 1 1.:,'. . .10 1 hal .-: t:oi.:i:i"il : Vo,l.!ii: n M.a- 1 .., la ; ,' la - 11. i -i .. i u. :!.'i':b !l 1 , . 1 . con i.l TitiN If CM... I O.-.l ;,l il , i"',:iie O'.-i.-' a wt d. :;!o.r Lf.. i'Ol l'.l ..V, UI .r.'o i oo'O 11 I k. ; A rft- of b':l,0 . - . 1 ! : . i ; '.-i .' ! f :n i l.e " i ivhioa t'o,.ii. i ed : 1 W ..!( : 1 ; 1. I I'.-.,.: :..; .fo ,1. 1 . : laf .b 't :. i. t:. !. : ;o. t .0 i) . ' --i.oai tM.l die. .i-i 1 tOia-.s :.f, ,; : :a .-t c-r'-iiti to i in. e. 01 t to j I v:c iiti.-i i i'i !. 1 ,,.',i t-ii i.oe:- (its ! 1! I .' and n;.--.: . I O'er i'l'' lile 1. ..' e.iJiti-if.l 1 v ti, ; 1! i 1 si lit . ! i:o t 1 ,' in., ii i.-vt i; s ifioib ra i i o-. i.j. i ii ,;,i,.;,,rs t-n-; ouoti-to 1. an i 1L0 to,tn is in a ci. ; iilion t'i p:ta:o. I'l.'iiiS, aoioc; to -lO'l.OHl.OO u iJll.-t'.iS 9G 'i'i.:-! . avc a:i ilel'i i f A:;or d 1 ii'iiis'.' iiiiu ti; 1 lipaaii I 'i'w :-.;:;. On;., i a-i. 1;!.-- Vt S ..; ii,t. h i s ti a; ui o: I O0i!'!!l t. ;-!;.:;!. LUli ;.!oi -.: I i! i'.i. d ! "'i -" J V.- -' I' s I. !i . f ;' ii,,- ,'h; , Tio y woo : -.1 I'i and !.' i t l JiCal t. :', oaro , Ol P. H.. TIMT Ct .I71,1H72 V" ei'ar'i'ilt o ra'isfaclion. tsho ctitileitiphne making )!. S. JFUMAN, Cashier, I.F. - FY VIHTFE OF !, -T1-r:..,- ! -an f I'bitMra ; l p. i'.i:.- Ml 'llo II I'll M".N1T. to ;,: r, mi Stum's Sf,iiiR i -- uv i ir ii 'I l.i'i I In Oult o- a !j 'ini'i llii Ih'mU "t 3- II. - .T-iiiai, il.iui ICI a.'r. an,l . ; a. ins Urn Inn, l "I li. T. ...ititmiif o, mi ,u .n'ri'i, tor. ,. "i.i.'trl". r,'rini of nal: .... n, oioy i-O i' pctil i-jvili. aa4 i . -1 a i . s lili lu'i'ieii from ma -:! in l-.i-. i" "U fur Iu .'.ut- l. o ,i.iiiin. 'i,i:.Milslonr. I h 1 1 RAILWAY. a.;iN (iILL, llKOKlVER. ; V. o. ,a co - ! ,,,a ,. , it at, i a I . ! a'., r -, I. 1 e i,... j. ,-.' a, I.i. a.'o i .1 i:.;:o-.v (.,a:o a. ol li e " : ' ' '. . ii H'o JiMo.. X. i at li i . ) '. 11 !.' ! V a : A ioii ibii it : ao ..... HO. i1'. Two e.oci.s ' a -v..: .' .,! bail , ! In So i. l., iittb t ait- r -. a.,---.! 1, vi y i a: i, . ; i. i.,. ..r 0 v...-.-,.i:-i lie pi-y. o.... '. in ,iv ii :.., : , an jv .1 up in ! t ii : . t o. i.t. ' 1 i;:' i .ri-iitiiH-tM. !. F; oo i a Ai'lt-rmati, ' ,io . .: i , r- .id i'o. Kmr;'s Xo.t i y a-, an Id- ui 1'aioioea p.r , ., i 'o . , . ; I. e..' C '. : I till 1 I. ' ' r ' '; :.':" nr '3, V"-fairs : ' - i , f IV. ; ,: ; I, . ! , I'oiivicnsod Schedule. ia el'iVot dtiliO 2 !td, iSS),J. I Al! V. ;;; , 1 M i II I H llU 'lltS v" j". 1 NO. I. S, . JMall & IHMCD V I. m. tt llnillKI'.ll. :Ari-lw, & 55 p. m. 'inai 1,1 l-in- Tlilo. U-vi, -i.J " -'.i' ;. : 1, " I'i W ' , . ... - i- " 11. JO " i ., ..i-i : .-i.-nnro. ! " i.' ii'i " , t;n Airt. i " l.u . m. r !i !-..un. N... I. ; ol it', i. iu t)-e midst of these s-piriu-d tuove pf,,, i f, was the t I r :oi viclol V. As if ai.,.a,i iija i'o.ii d e o t pou n Is nil i UMoi ,:. o aaia, lam; ioi' ti.e Ihc Coin lie i- imtv a JJa.linj.-ro pi-.. 1 i i,-i ,r ui Hi1 i mo r Oil the tlnoj U -it Wi-.i S, ii. f, an i r !'.- .-i.t of the ivn-r- pi.s:ciaiis pit senpiious or o:h.r oll j;....'. , aiali-'lis'. ii a li- v. John b' 'i'a-a le,ilak., ,.,-,,-- i-il' y: "I bun lii-en a Minister o! ,, I bo Mothodl&l iii'i-o.ipal CLurea f, V j ments. Colonel ol t.. j..iir, t-p-caiiv th cviiiy. An i:a- m Urn- C,. .:p..ot-. Fr. l-a,c h -., v.,tls t- ttu, l:iv,f , v.r . .'. a ... r. Virginia, Uiado a at tho a'iKio j vrvlo:1 pr, vailed in tt.e urmy of Kn. r, He la 'i:; lao ti. n. i illlti.ii ' i bi-.d'.o.a! or ' 1 right and ciiptJied a immbt-r of i -rlj,, , ,, Vireb.i,. that the aha y ,,f , tvirm boartfl, aeiive, pti-;. Vn-t. ,,;(, ' M,.of cdv an IV. V'" 'V'. nritiniifits. ., ... a i :.. , . ...; i... ..... ;. Our Joes in these spirited opera-j ure, on tho defeat .f S'-.i-rid i.t, and b-urd. 11- ban s-ivoti the aluia u.ator' p (,'.'. tions was: hi.-j hauhtv trooptri". M v own in i.r- on,-, thousand t wo I, undi'od un-liifv :;,i,es j.uo urgiuiu ooyitue, ttuieu niiu j aiio was in.-pire i tviiu a iil'y i-:o, iloil.ii.s. j Dm" .St.'.e Dioooto! v". Try im ii- ll."dv HO '.V. '1 I I, O i . i 1 1 v ' 1 -, I. I I Fico at i. li. i'i.kiii.'ton 'a j. a,- ;.-, !o fun.i-ib the bis' LH. iuiii UilAiliili ia ;;;!V slVO1 '!' s'.'i ; U il" I lit lnwo.-'i prioi's. C.i'li l' Wi'itO lOf tO'sl.oilS itliil I l ii-t's on any ki.'.'l of p M ,:iii.m vou saw this ., ... i :.. .1 !.,.. ,,.r. n lpn wi-iUr.i? it it in too a,i. .,1 IU" "'"'.'"i " i-. t'floNs. N,,. 3. li, i 1 1 ..i-vaii' ttrivK 7 'iO p. m. tliiM.n l..iivo Hl'i " li,-l S r - 5 I'l ' II. ,... Mliii. " 4 '' " l .-.v, M,.ti!.' , " 135 " S'1'.t I IONS. .,n h 11,'UUil. iS,.. 15. 1IIXED. I. n, i: .:-.-. nr AiilvB 8 00 p.m. I ijih-cc l.i'iivj 4 20 " .M r, v.- Hi , ro ' IK) ",'. l.l-t .-ii'. -I" rrivi, n vi t-K" --l-.l.. LVtf I S t:.-..i. -ii t 'Oil' "b a auti ttas lii.-pii fi vwui a ,'vn.i i-a-, uo,:ai ... t Dai"; tjt.'.e. ' t; ;H , .,f i.-. .i:r .nc 1 n. a e-ti wounded. jthtisiusm to achk-ve ti.i.-, lo-.iii. , - - - - : , " .- , , ' ,' , ; f:, -ad" in tbo I TbeNorth Carolina brigade, 110 uio,.t,i, de8poih-t.ev and des..,,,:,- bod Ahm-meo T-a roller; A cotu-sp ...d, at nl!i.' th-t KiLin 1 , ' . " ' U killed, wounded aud missing. Ueized tho tieait of 'th., Oimtli-rac". e.,r.: ; tail', ran by ste,;,;, t.t-ut .1 nue !i.,m !,: v. n. N,., cotm '' .' . V -, ' ' l"" My loss iu field c.ffietM was di-! Uul tho tmo sua luave tne-i of Hu:. l'..'.. Kl-i.v, o buine I list .Sat ; --y. -;'.'": Near lure tlicio lives a les to -o .'.J' ;., .. astrous. Colonel McNeill and Lkut ibri-ule eium,' to Ihcir clnrs. and .;.ai..y. To' ioi:; la I -..,-. -1 to a j -Int i n.-o -.u,' ea.n, :vA d a out i .,:; lt, ',L nantColoeel Shaw of the 5ih were! raided to t c:r st mdar.l. Vvith o..e t-. k oiao my. ih.- inowas a-eiije.u. 1 e aooi-;i wn. ao l.e n nv u- ; (. ; n,lht both kilkd: Caut Harris, acting Ma -1 voice they revived to do or ,1.-.-. Th.'i d-n'a!. About ?s.I.:D.i msaranoo vi us bves aad has .., tor slay, daw.y Iron. ; 1 " , -' V 0 )i :Li t. CtOF ipr of same regiment, J.ati ful'v ! long and uoble lists of killed hi, 1 ea r,ed on the m::i and two hus.dre homo over M mwht m bis Iile. IK, l-, rWs - I - v -:, ' wounded: Lieuteuant Colonel (.ailie: wounded at ( nahiberlainlbiiil if. !, .ioii tro .,n st-a-k, l.u tlm is ' has t..,vtr soeu a court house nor ' ' 't ;. eh 7, ' .li'ii'ii'tioiit l i von U oltbe 2d. lostaaaim:aud -Major Mo-' Lted. of the 1st. Lad a shi t, w m:;:iv tve:o too;..;,i, -.-i iu .iikU' veil l.v.u t" -JH.j .! i;u i;;;-nn:t;s. K it; a .v. C. -.15 1! .Mi Al l it 1 1 may e. vr'. Sun luy. x.. u rii uafsii (onm:c'1'ions. T'-iiiie x.,s. 2 ii a-1 l,-.iiii,-i K-iy-'tioTlllo June. 11. ii wall Hi" Mli'ioio 11..1-1 Lin-. f T all p ilun ,,i-a an I r i a iy.iimN.. -J ,.,nii"- s v s.-iiiforil vv a '0... i- mi -i-I to- 1 .1 if. NerOl n:i,1 Soii.b l', I, .-in I 'O "" ii-sl,M tvl'li tli.i lilt'limoU'l iM-ii-;,. 1; n . N -r t .-.n 1 Soioii l, ,tiii,l, nn,i at t-.OMiit i '" t.i'1, a,,- f.,n.ii; .ti Wosa-ni H lt. fur V, -io ! t, : 0. mi. 'I'i t ii No I,', i'.,i,ii -,-s nt Miiiilsou iii'i, no- v - tt, r,i it. !:. i- r.Uoiuiuke au-I i.t I i :ua- -iili .'ti, 1 tuft. s -0 Ti. I.oi'NP C NNfCTlONH. , N.. ,- i..,, :. at tv iii.u' fovowlth tb N. i-.-lk ; w. -t... tt I-. u. for li-. ii,.k'Hinl nil 'lni N. i. Vi, . l ,,l I, . ..iM,M Willi til,' IU, h- i- p. i.. 1-. v.nli mi 1 soaili n.iuii.l. . ! ., if, ii,- via ..iM Air Liii, for l a, i , , to et i i.ot all foluiM N.,r,li anJ ...', . , t .'ii.-i , v, .,- .1. nioa. ,n wiih Hit Al io, l ui.'r. s i l'.uli 'on. 4.-e-k..iivillf,nnd '., 'j di,., . o no-. 'I'rooii i-,,iini', is at ilm , ,, -', i .... -.-' ii,' . i-,l AH- Line lor Cliarlvlie, Al- , o! I. li 1 ail l.'-llili. foil ill. tv. t. Ktt y, Gi-u'll'ana .i.-j'l lSivo.'.