r Till lit, DAY. (NTOlSili. II. . :!.-. "SCiiKlil'I.K i'ITT?iiH)iIO' It, I'.. Tim .imMii8irtmlii nn the I lil.-li'T..' rallr.it ! til! 1' undent l,i:ll!.'ll. Il wan fft lo..V(-lliKii,la.lv,1.x.'.'pi f "VflV."; '.",.V M ''l I'''"' KOV'citlV livt veal's 'mo H m. unit u i''t. ill. , uii.l -inivtwui 1'iili-lx.r.i nl 11 1 . ., , in. in,. I 'li.-ip hi . iiinun.a l" ' .-i.n I"" f.' :i ji'ii'l l !l:i' i! I " r.iiji' il'.ili'l , : ml .jwuniiift ,l.r..l.,ilmll.v.KU...i'..m.un.i ..,.,.,... W(H ,,y ,io tjmmmm wtww . i..iwi.ay. J V j i : ! 1 1 -' Pl'-Wet'S, (I Wblllll 11 fjl'l'.lt ot,nd l)Ujj:y iiihI t-addlo hir..; in ,ny im!:'-.1 al omlod mil' enurls Im- for sal" CijKaI'. AppiytnJ.J J .u k-I 'nr.' too war than .sineo. Ami.m tr 8DD, Jlh 'in With hoiiio ol I hi inns' ilisiiii;,'- --.- I ti'siicl lawyers i.'l' the Stale. T.'f Musi Cuiiip tVi.' lino "I Mien's Uli-i I it.s'tiiiec llinv were .lud'i! I !:l'lo;cr, hoy's lulls in I'lttshtii'n lit it u in ii llcailuii s. liyiiiim Ai Ili'uihui aio now rt' ceivin l!it) hirosl iin.i liust st'lt't li-''! Block ol tmds tln-y havii ever Iwi'l. Afi'iiciis hriiij; pluwtl flrnnn l tho nc.'i.liMiiy jf iin.ls, whitiii is mi il.li'iiV.!lliL'.!t lli.'ll li:u l""i;.' Ikiii riccdfil. I.- .. :l l t. r....... 1.. I,. I i ii ft 'IM, uii'i " ., . Ilio Sini.- Fair, l'i'Xt wi'. k, will b- only ?1 ;U. wbii'h iiu-hi it's oi.o a 1 iniH.-ii)ii lo the f .ir routls. " Atioiln'r .'Hi- ii.s.i ol 1'ial "M" lar liriind ol w heat iurt ri.i-r In cr rivo at i'.vnnui kV Headivi's liii woulf. II I'fliest m a Jo on tin) nui -i If nt. . - ! Tho circus will ho held in Mr. Jacob Thi'M'.-.on's ll.'id, .'iiji.'-ile Ml'. Ti'i'I'j'f nsnh'liee and s.il h ol Mr. II oil's, '.viiich is a very v"li- VCilit'M h'eali.'li. t ;,: ......li,,! I. .,..:i,-r"s Kii.els. I.el '.'. . . ll hi re by.1.1, Cot-i'Mi, Ph'l.i.oiid. X. I' .linn! line!:;!!, and L-re.il e:'..t.:s iis!..,, !vi', lie' h.'st in .juaiily. .-'l;.!-.! I...,,-:. who has 1 ad ten ,a!-s experience. ! w.ni . I i-.'U nd. I. .r li.e .:!. in- ,.f ilio- Tl.o p'lhin r,'...:iil itii.ns mv ivn'l : i'lis..;' A . I ..!. 1 -1 ;: lo can liifi.is:, 'i.e. I M leeninnien-! cir. a . w.;- Ihr -iva'cV. ovent ol llie'sliiel in Wa.s.iW. al.d the pnliiv j :lh"'' n li'n !-y .'.i:' .,( ll.e datioiiH. S'a.i.eh.,' my pa-sp"rt shnrliy ;i;;,,l.;Minis;i,i!, iMr.'.'i ,:.. vay '.:.;,,. I .Sini".. !". v ..;. all l!.o cii'.-u.'s I Mi'.veil. ; .1 ' ' i i tee ir.,. !, I'l .1 .'M X , : V.. ...... I . l.ivllv r..i .,!. I'll, id ' ll'al',-1 :--.e'.. ..'.'. V 1,11 l!,:. I 1 1 1 , i.-. , I -. 1 Vi' . t.i..L- .. I'-.. ...;,, 1 I I . ... 1 hi 1 .1 .'.' n I I . ' I ' . 1 '. I . ". I.'etii:'. I.'l fntods ae-1 Is i ennds an i vin.; :;. i li.-m".' i,-.i,e h id 1-1.1l mir .M w tho '.:! day al .me ..'c'ci-,';, liuily al IV.i.'.l'.i A" Ilea l, n'.-', j,l -' ' .!mv, i ! u e l.a.l n ! i .i hei e , , :;;.U' n.ii; h Ivller 'im- havin,; rest what the hi-iie- iv.iiit as v ;ii ;;s . ! i;...i ;,:n iM.'.s n-f t. no I th.'.i lil' . ...1 ii. Wa'.MW. i ..'..t a ..it, ..I men. f.i'iio und se:. iho'.t. - - ; Vt'i ealinn! II n .'.el-lair! w" vlhe CX l'.n,h"le:".l'e so diet's ol' Cliall'.a"! do not loh.i.v .Mr. W. V.'. l'.dvar N' rood oxan-.p'.', and wi ile I.'l' I ' ' iil.'fiilUi I heir I'.-iiiiiii.-e ie es n! I lie : war. W ho v. iii l.n tho lir.-t n r. ji'iinl ? .. ,'. , , , Mi'-i. An:. AUi.ni, of Mick. Mi'Hi:itii:i t.t.vtf':.ii. ii e.rit'cal y i mill her I :'.u i ; .1 n'y n; 1. ' is th i e.v of Mi. P i-in .V ! wilt .Ir! t .. t'.iriy Ve'ir i . PjM o' lest ni'ViV .r "f ive . .-' laiu'ly, weli u.i .i.i a i.i '. Itt.-t . U:)-i St .!-'. -'.!:; e n t He. 'i li.-. ii"W :t'i, a'. W. 1. 1.' . in I, in ,v Son s i'.ie :t . dies a'l say ! 't-y are the h.i'e i-nei. .-: ever sionv n in iios in.irk"t lie'. have i . i ' It, s! a;, i cif .. - :."' V.'Sis :ei l .' '.' - a ' " ..i.'. ,-i' s:i w 1 1 v. . . ;.. . c.;.., m..I .-. e I innr , - They I, ).' Iiai'e ip..;.'.l iee fl.iost ii.iV ol ,1 ess .-.in Is a! tV. L. Ji imi ,V Son's ever si, owe. m this lliar Ut'! , ai.'i their pro .sure Uf l-'W llSili'V li.uri.'l. w i. ui. i can ..i.i- osin-eial iUleiilioii In ihe spici.dn! hi,, I'i.m M,,hri-I .ilk I H' v.,iMH tmnoaud'ti'em lis ill' V n.urk' l. o;iM ca:i your l'lito ti itu.ti In-r i'l the uie.ir.lfri ; Of I he N C i'r-s Ais, ialimi flil.n.din.r il,.. Atlanta I '.x mwihoii this week. They will also lake an Villo, Tennessee. We wis!, ti U j ':. Wn:.,:.;, ami in V.liu. ha.u I a deli.iu.',. .rip and iv.iet it,. a w, " ciiuiio, onj -y a wuhti.e.,,. I':,, ; , , , .. . . " v i . . j .!l, at.'.,- ! ,.s !....',. a cin.vd lis 'M -W. II. wards, dentist, will: iKUiiMC.: w-.:, i. Xe,l wck a visil Ji v it il nt tin Momlay usi.l I'ties ; o,,.l! a r. et ..-n.:: c,..' t i.i.'.m. .lh ; cx,!ur.'.inii U) Iniat'.ai, nn,'a a'e I .:i-.i day, und Piltsborn' on Wednesday, i Thursday, uul Priday, tn'h.w,, the; third Si.ind.iy n! e icn ui.hi ... pre- ; pared to .1. i .ill kind ot de.it.il w.nk Crnwu ami .i ide;e-..ioi k a .-pciaity Oflk'O in l)r. iWiajiiu's t lli.v. On last Suur.lav Halei!i I-si two piM'itiiUM.t and u;-ul ei'.izoti.'i. . Mosul's. Y. (i. L'jichurcii ami ll. I". j bA'indell. 1 no Inruier was wlilaml cve: nn i v iv.ilv Mr li.e ner j , -. ,i- ... i , , . :, , i .i ...... .-..... i m, lilt III itll't ll". It-. II'. II in.; I, ,-.t I Chathan. cniinly lii.e, and over ',!,.' Lis arrival ul man's esialo had boea a merchanl at i! .lei , it. .. . Tho re-iPar iju irtoriy nit'etin-' of the cmuity uliianc.' was held iic-ro OU last Thursday, and the uttenilanco ; was so ainall thai Veiy lew ck.z.-.is ol this place knew that u;iv ....'eiiinr WHS b. in- boid. Some a:;.., ! before tuo pipul.sts had .. - .lied tho Alliance, lis .p.irti.r.X , ," im;s : hero were lai'-olv aUemled and u:- traolcd a considoiablo nv.vil l.ij.ii. o-opnani, ..r tho tiereo lun,, town. o- I'ehsinal 1 1 '.::! s M '. atitl Mrs Stenco rayh'i' have ii turned home from Grei'i.sb.'ro, whore he hud been quito nick hui is now nearly woil. Alter a sickness td marly two wooks tiio editor ol the Hl mm ''crawled oul'" yosleid.iv and Lopes to bo ail rieitt in u lew days. MrS.i'..n.:y 1 iiiytol iHS-oueon a Twit to .lrs. Ktuaoii A. Sandors. in Jobiist.ii. county, whoiscntu' ihy Ml'rt. Herbert h X.ii'iis, ol Apex, ih vUtliii l.cr grand tiiolbcr, Mr. A. E. Crosj. Mrs. A. (S. lleadei, has e.,i,e mi a V'u-.it to hoi' old hoiiie in C'a.-Weil COUIity. , Orn NKW IJiahi Ills Tho Ue.'- CRD will te 'ay .,.000 in'.,, ils new ol- fices Oil tho see, -nd Slier ot V. L. Loudon .V Sun's new brick si ore. TIlOHO i.'iico:; eci'lipy a. .l.-et.i 11 bj TnJ loot and are lht o iii 1111 iii her, ami are an condni lahie ;is il...s,. u.-eiipi. d by uny country Weekly in the Male Tho lalch-si f i ri; will hai.,- out and a cordial v.-elwoinc will lo oi.'.omic'.l, it herc'.r.l'.uo, to all tint UlcoIUj's ninny Iriombi. Tim old l!i r.iiil buildim; will ho l. h ii inniii a; tineo ami t.s. miuich v.-ic-i i t. ns a ,r.i!cil ion lu tin. n,. w lni!.iiii;r it r i i i - t lire. 'I'lii! teurin;; Piculili injil.iiii:.- will rem..'.'.' nue ol llicebl I. m. linn: Us nl , (J.iv. Manlv, Senator ilav-vi.ml, lit'li. 1 1 a V Win i.i, Il.'liry . AlllI.T ! it r !.i;'l.'lirs us in Us .asl liii-iu-A". ii 1 l.isi' i.l.l i'iiiiiih i'(ni!'I talk iii-iis Tin; city i i illicit mi I lit' wii.-i! ili'i'i i'Mli:iy 1 niHiist'fiii.'f.s llu.'y 'islu!n, whicli is :i n in-il l.y a cmii.i ft l-.ti' ! li '.i nl i I n I i run li' iili;ii. 'i l,o Htivctn The clitor ol tin' IlKrolin Ii.i jilit ' uri hruail, v. i-ll lighted ami lniiiiii the l.tiMiliii-; in llic .siii'in el 7!l, 1 fully in ii iiiifiiicd." Tho old ii.-imuv a i l has oi i it jiji , il t vt-r siii.'c, und n ilin'.iily wo li'-'l sm rn.Ti't til pailii: Willi an oi i Ii ...ml, Imi .such :s iili'. . . .. ' "J I.:: i ilii I s is I .iMIN'l .--harli is I in. j ,4 ,,:,(,, t i . .t I n. mi.v 1 1,..;,,,." l..,!li:1, ,; y ,y tho Ii liii.ir, i, ,,. ilus ".i,pi,iii,ny, :ii.l in 1 1 : I !i Mi'.-f ol I In' .'.!. ! !..:! s. V. s, M.i' t'if iuvl tin!' i-. all. mi Imly I ears a "..Hi e enu.l 'li e. u- Is , n.i inir licre wiih its t : -1 . : . ; 1 1 1 .-. h i.'i.v. . , .i ... ,i t, ,. ,. . :. o.h- ., !.... ......I ' I..... ..il I . . , ,, reineii. hi-i' nl I I ciM. v. l it h Use p. ; . '. . liavt ! ier..ii.;:i II,.' i .'ii n l ry ( lv. ir,; ; iiie:e w.-tv miey I ;. : Ii o.i-1 -) w il !i . vi need me ollhe Irulh nl I ii i s a-scl'-. 1 Is o'. li lea ins, I i iislia I !y e.xliil.il edj t ion. 1 vi.siied an exposii imi I here nt three pl.uv.s in tin-, imiiii v: one wliere anion;: other Very interesiin I i l " al Si. I . I W fa :i ', III i li 'XI day J I I I iil,'S tVel f s.t n, pies nl id! Inn Iron hit Ii.i- l-l :.'. and lint II. I'M tlaV l:i!i I'.miill'K s in tint wm 1,1 :,ml ll... ''.''''' i ' ' 1 1 ' ! I ' . e I'll' . 1 1 . '' . I .' - . h -! ei.tet'i'l'i-iii.' c.ii'.lf. ;; -'lit ,'..;'. d i!i" at.eit in i ! -i , .;i.! ai.l ".he edit. .s t.!.'.' ..! I '-e , ra :.'-' '::.ei- I":' t -i cXMil.i: i'.!', :' '"' : '' I... ll..- J-.ti ..! . I'i.'.-Ys !; ;r l.-.-.r.-;.'! -. I list i; i.i i;i;il .V!.'ii."....',.i','i!i'h.iii.'i! an i ii i' iios.i.va w.. i vi--,t i,;.i-,.!..r... J I. is ci r. u - ,v ni.u u with an i l,t : I in h. r ai n.s I has ir.iveii. d ii! t;.f. M.;!" M".i'i:.i ' :.t -I :! .M'..i:'l,iett.r li me ! .nil lier j j i;.i. i.i.'l '.-. Mi.. I to I".' one el ti.c:jj' (i,e Iriiii. She'wai ". i I , i. : ! ' .lav!. .iinii.: Us el Inl. in Is are .,.1 , -uric. I him amllliej .v.!i;i' i.eiivc .'. :l . Ii I '.. i't'.: i ai n Itp ,!,,- I, . ). S I , s p. ,j: (. J w i iv'iiiiaii : tiaVi'i- .nt I. - ...v ti ira.i. ! tM-arni a i;,j ; he .1 e w-' mi ihe train .;ai hered ': ' r,'K t; 'l'l-l j"-t! Ill I'n'l'J i.c.-ir,,.! I., r h!-'e ta:; i,s The p.'., '-;,'.;. j i-.'i"l.ir!.ir vvik ,'Vidi ii'iv ili..u-'. .''.': i. . -'. ie. -u Vi i". lev. I ". ! ' i . ; . i , ! . ; ' :,s i ;!'' h ,d V w:. li'ediV:, : '; ''' ' ' ' t"" I."ie, I .' .'. se. .i Iieee- j I 'I' ii 1 Ills 1, ... 1 1 li! 1 1 . n i . I'.ii'.il-, 1 .s iiaiiy 1 I wmi..! . s 1 i, :.! . ,i'. !' hut a..-: : lieel M y eve v ::!. i-i:. s .',..-. i''..f iif : ''''' :n c. .s.:. ry i-Apfit-i'M ,:,e t in ! id'rr. ec.li.-tek ammiiiiiii to I ihu..:i.','.i,'ti.s c-:o.ii..tii'.: i.fiv.lio rubles. 1 direct".! her to tho i ,!.'., in..- n.i;, !.. w . v. '..it.e l io ; American consul in Wai s.iw and Iv.i.t".- a.-.'.i. w.i nt.e.Ki mmi .'f ; l,...iu hi r atiieii. lis e...,M ;.'.. I..1' i. i ami I.'l .I-'! I'M" j JiliXIM T. P.VM'M ,.e an::.... i-, I ,.i,.i h.-Uii,.; Inr :e en'i.:... s. ( :. U' !..r l:.e,ymh,.i . ' .'.iis in irav.ij Uli' bar tutilht. , - .. ... ; , ' "''"',' 1":"u'"") -'' 1 !t,u 1"VU '""'"'; '''''MH'i.ls, a,,, i;'.::" ""t M'."',,l ., . v.-v ,. i ; il'IVCI'll.-.l'ti-,' a i . ii s e . I l .1, 1 1 e. 1 1 "' ' I'"'1'1-' j'lvp.ii'.'il tar. 1 .ns i-r''''t 'l i':'i;y i'n-te.l liio Inun w.i:; -'!,,',y i'K-ti"v'- il" ' " :';:""s .over Inf e ,,iiu v I ii,s!i;av Ihcm .it', y pit niio pno e, so lint evcy i . '""' ra. i.vti pieii'i es, in iai; ine ; " uy Unit may bo to, ; Ti'fii, li-iaiiy. fii the ! ly l-.l.tro 1 1 1 1 .nn t:s. -ii W!il i.l'li in:sii,!i:; ,.," i a oav, . ' tu.- ;. . mi '. w hat a ''!"' a:.. I h i'.v ij'in k'V. p - r: everyh.i. w;,i li.; uiii.i:. ie I. tuo hn ;i lo.il s i ri-.-i.."l ami every '.i.U'.,' ; i, .... .... , '. i. i , , .1 . ' ii ' i. i . .. .. I ' i ; ... I I. i I ' . ,,iv,- ,.i,.i i.hii.M.M i.e r;.:m..y v.i'h vvhi, !i ue it:iiue,.M' e. rolls fail l.t tilthfi'lod M.eiu ita.ii ai.d jirei.aretl l.rim liiln.io!. ! tni-mr-e i.-re will bn a 'ivat unny cou. n .iuinii pMsms, who int. iem n i; c:r,i! -, le.il wlct i u. en. no hero mi Ihe I'.'.'j in ordei' "lo let t!t-; r oh ildre: , mhi li.e animal s". Ol o.Ui -e, t i.v m;v. li.eiv is 1... harm il. lins, I,.,- ;. vi.-,i'ln u mi i ie i-; an ins!,',;, u r-l less,. ,., a itml h.-mrv. A e'nild, u m i me-o sees Ine 1 1 ci' :el il. l ii,.. ia.,' .iti). Li-'tcr FrcM sl.iss:;!. T.... vi m.u, Kt.s.si.v, I Woe and im rrive.i rath, r l(e in V:u-.tw I'lL'l ll entire ,en;ln t. n 0 In li.e i;: oat .M...-e..v.-Mi.ii,.i..v; !.,.;, is Mlmeci on I , I... I' s'il,i,l I.... t'i,--.i. V. . , .. . is Ull. av:.., v1 it. t) ,.0.!U( (U,., tt:ih..i. - .:i. the ...i v hasdeii.a led Int.ii ()i 0,,.,,. nui; lloUls itft p.u,. aim..', v. l!i.M:r..ml"s ci. ie-o! Kurope. .No liavcier en 11 10 lhiiii,i;u itie 1 uy "1 W.i -:i ..x , e.-pi cm..;, il ee has a l...t-h ;.!.' ie, witle.iil b-'... ; itioroor le.-s ,. . 1 . m....- u ,m, n It -. . !: -I ;!v l.r im- ;:. v h " -' ca ', lei ar - iitw.i.ee ;-. .,.. :u ly tvti'y.siitel and piliiiie j-sa -.- marks ll.es.'eljool s.me batl'" n in, e. . ii.a.ii til M.ine ,;i ;tt pel .n. ;e. V- i- '.t d one 01 li.e c.'.otiali I o!n pi . mo ll:u, vviiieii ,-civi i '..1 em : . i v a we, no hisi,.ry i'.iiin isie.i. didn't so-' the ui.'.i.ii.i.eiit ! I'.'l.ui.l's -rrei.test her., K..siiis.,.i a.ih..,; ,n id,- .ty is pai ticmi iv il.-li in 11 iiimmI-. t' I, i K ..- i 11 -, k, . -, in,- s.;.,.,. '.vim loii.;!l .j vlmutly I n Autorn.'.ui in dependence, which buing anhiuvod ho returned Id his unlive country o I'V to see i t s linul pari it ioti ninon;.' im1 nil ou j;re:u pnwtiis uussi si, hit in iiny and Aus'ri.'i. lit) w;is t li nod U,y a Imiijj ii me in pris in nt Si. IVior.-dnir..'. a : i - J n I Ii is Ii bora' .imi 1 ho ( . ir o!!i ivil lum Ii im tiWt.r.!, wliii'h h) ll'lilst'd on I hf iridium t It'll lit) hud U'l emm'.lv In ,h-'i..J On Hie Ktmi ii ) : t II. nl. bus lii-i'ii ,., I, i memory ,u.-,. isHi.il I ! .'ill I ho I II 1 I ,' ticlds ill Allli'l'ICU ; where Im tnm.'hl. ' Tun Poles :i i't- n bi'iivf and putri. tuic il! Imi lln j .- n t?i't lur the rcloiMiinu of tlu-u ha i 1 1 1 1 t - M-b".'.e seems ri reunite Ihalicvor. j War-aw is as .jri-at in b.uul v ami id tun Kins now Urn I'csmI.'Iilh ol 1 Unj ptViii nor jri in fal of Poiaml was :ili.' nvllii's! Iniildin. thai I .miw. I; j - a ( lii'cii ;h'y Ko'i.an t ':il l.niic i-iiy I Mil,! ' !,t! I'l. 11 II 1 1 1 n M I'.' V.I.' I . -. ' I I V I 1 1 , illy fWai ins wi: h l.e:; ;ii .-. w liii 'are j ..t rl it-u i t v iiiiim'i '.iis 'abuui tin- ; elimvli ilm.i's, Ao -Mi-.h t, loii'ii- j di i I he ml ram-.! ,s.m,,'.iini's dilli.-nU. ' i Iii! (-il v is vri'V iiriloccalii. and cv i-tv U'"tl car his n liri an 1 wi'ciiinl ; cl.i-s ':i i ! me i,l, !,,- ,n,y , 1 11.. I enee Inin r in i riee. ! is wii.I I Ii.i . is . ., ,..;,i,it.. ..!... ;.. i..i.....i.i.. ...... i i. .. ... .. .. i ' i ; . i i...- i.i . . . i i im ,. , ,i i, . . , ., . . .. .I-, . i. ....... ,. . . . ,...', .... ,.,..., ..n, . , .My nh ervai ion ; u W.-.r.sa iv oe; . ,1 Inn It,,. n f .,..::,. I. .....I... I 1 1... a 1 1 ' I a he;:.-,!' h y ee !.. ask me ; ,,v - mie mnn.-f. Vim cmid 11 etnr was preMv eh se I-. Iiii, d I. iiii, and he -!','l"ll'',l.v 1 1 -.1 15 " ' l; ;,y v u. ,.; . . Ct.h 'led. ! . Jt- I:,. ws s.illlhil'o sliulii.'l. ' ,':,r "! 1 l:"' 11 I.:s ride in M;..i..w. Piv-eMiv I h. a. d aimll-cr ;;l eal ,n , !,;. I so. ke t i I h;. w, nil III in ( iernm ii w i : i : 1 1 iie u m ..'!'.i;n.)d and ((,;,J n... .;:lt was an Ane t ii -i:i Irmn v,.V York. Sim had lost her i..tss- ' mm' t I '.purl and ha.'a,.'.' and wis ile'iT- 'in J"h'i leu ... tt. .-.I In "n It.."!-- I i' Ihein wii'ni'iit t ... ii .'...,.!, s .e -,l....ved a r.W im'.i;, U.'l. I-I --I issen 'ei'H , arrr. ;n-by lie .si-amer tin. tin Irmn iplV,,,a mday sny thai I he ,v!,,liimi ' i ; prea.I.n- wesi wc rl. Th i'ee b'lmis ,i, i ,,s!M'.t..e. . i-: vn IM-.. il... in.Iu.: ' ! itts v.-hi,;, liavo hiilieilo been : ..j,,;.,. onap-.irtv ol ;') melt, hull : ' ol w h.-ru were said lit be S.ft.ti.trdi. in th'. vici.'ih'y ol li.taiino. v live mii.-s i!M!:i iiiiy.ui.i ami : , , .,.,; terminus nf the rilr,.S. ! ''"- the island .Vm,, 'vi'',,:l' , ' '' ,' v'"" , V ,. ),,;;.; h ban .tll'l iii.-u .,, l i.i,,, )!;il,y j, !;l Y b, . r.t, : ( in, ,;,,.o wln-ro the rehollinii tir.-t p, ,, Ut out. and where inii- t was res : .,., I:;st Ftbruuy. In the las'. ! pi.riy there were l.ili men. " no 1 news of ihes" ri.-in-s havy caused ',.,.,.;,( ,,x;. ue men! u. Havana. II is ais. ri'p.'l'te.! that .'Is ;'. u,n I w.'. I,.,.,; j, . '2. 7r-.it men in t '.meinn ami witi, ' mil) utt- it i.i.'.rehli.'' to war I I,;ls Vlll ,s. :;si'.-.t I ir.n i i ,in ie t ire. i !:s;.-.: nr.is 1'i ait ie Fire. ivvii.ni (in l". f.'.Mi. ..,.,.. ......-.. hilprauie lire, l.-u.i.ed iv a hili v. in !, swept I he tiistri.-i "I Si. Vn.il. , i.e-ir 't n n; pe;r, lust i.-elit. Tlic i.U' , . t ( Insi's i'fi' i.ea V h's. l s. ! Al i'iiiii I'l'eek the small tle...t of I he t 'airtdi.iu Pa. i ii - l!a;iwny was ! threatened. Thomas llminn', the seetinn loroman, itml P. 1 e.ard Lu- can, l.is assistant, tiinifd oul l0 : rt,thi tin tl'V. l'i.e tltmts .a ine u pnn thfiii wU.'n 'rime hoi's.- speed, cllllin- till' eseapo. . Urn, an w..s Inirm d m death mi i he tract. i ., , i, ,.,.;i, ),. 1. I era Wleil In ii.o ; n'l h.iiise, here he died Within a lew It. nil's. The two sins ill A I phnns,. Si. dol man run oat In mil! Ineir laiien's l:.V' 'lacks. Arlhiir. need twilie. j the elder brother, e.u.nntVe was uiU'nci .'alii on Im i. .1 . ,,.,,,.,.,:,.... u-iil. v i riniis L , j . , ' J - ; N'-nvb -rii .Imitiia!: Mr. If. P.- lie.tth, ,d 1',,.,. i.-.l.l us Tue-lay "I'.i cnrin-.is o.-1'.i r..iu-e In it cauio HKd.-r observation, rmir weeks 1 w:.u ir iii nowiy i'leure.1 uit.'.in.l near !""' came across a newly hat. in- 1 chit -ken, wiliim,.. knowing at li : -I In - ,v t.t acemiht for it. Iu-I vi i;.it 1 n'. a p 11: ri.l.n' lies' wa-t .lii'.-.Volv I el..s.. by, with the sl'.tll ol U u. . Iilil ot psi I ridge's eirs ami he.. '.::,'. 1 he hen I tdcV'd.'l.l 'V la:d :n : e en I ridge's t.esl an I I Im bird had li-i'.che .1 iho e' ahuio v.'ilh hero'.vn. . - i The Mississippi tiver is at its low est point, nt S;. l.-ns in the nmimiry ,,f 1 In- o'de.-t luii.hii.int , ;.!! uavia- ti n, is piaoin u'dv uu. ponded. , All Fleet! if i:i!i Kilici!. (KEATlJAi!mN.:T...v. Muss., Oct. i:j I'l'iiiiklin I.oiiiii'. r...f, an i-l.'i: p,-;lu whoso Miili Las mane lum I ifi 1 1 ic , i i broil.! n..iil U,o clool Heal j w0 1 1 . 1 , , .(. hi hit! tmd ir ! , moi. ns . Ol till! M.1111,1 lltynilil'i'.IUS ii 1 1. Ill ! iiiii.io lum lanions il eii'Sio linn i.i U.i-11 on !,. .:.v!ii niiiilo lum lamniis ij'iy lo li;;l,i i hi) 1 1 . 1 1 -. . I' 'i' 117"'.,. Jm. i! hi " ' 1 Ilio .sal I l r.'. inn nl Ml' 1'. . a nl lit' Hl'lli II) llll' (l Hill' lll'I'l' II..' I- III viTif.' is ..,'a:.i t.. if I,.. -I. nil; roincily Hi.) :i ii.-. s.iom aiicrimi "i .i.i , , .. j , i , I. , la in 1 1 y in the ui.'i'T '.'..t oi Hi hous.; heard him i.o aiai v, , I,. ..). .xplode and lin y ran lon-.-.-iMin il I.AvttH hurl. " M r. l'niit: wa I nui 1 Ivi.nr h ihii con verier, lilelcss. 11, r, sind Vulis hud passed li bn.lv. if.a-li Ins A l'iie:ii tin' r.;.:'ii r..:i. , ,. ,. Al I. ASIA, (il, ),:!. I.; 1'ii 1'.' .,.-;,i....1i1u , v f, w.irt consl'lei .i : : o ( X '.'ei Midway al tl.o t-;.usi!i .i .-.i.i.i.Ik I'li'i aflCt 11 1-111 . Il W.!:! I.''.'.! .jnln I !'.' .1 Iii.' whi:!i still' "1 in tin- hi..il:,;: ii.'i'ii jil.'il by lim ! X.' rr ) i'i'i:.1'! li"..!. .Hie of ll.c ni. ii-. o.i i;..: .Mld'.vny. iili-i liien i'. iii ,lil .',, S i:'i (S)liii!:'lcd Jil'.'li'l id' t,.o 1 1 (.;.!. i ! slioiv. Ti'.H !.;'. ii. ;; v. :: i .1; i . '. d'-l'".V('d im ('i III.) p. I..' .111-111 Kit,! '.'.; I'.' .I-. .,i i ... I 'ii;.,.,.. I,.,. I ..... I for it -.V hi it1, on !.".:.!;! ol 1 win I, il v.4-i .l.'ii-iii ... Ii ll I ':,i Ihiiiilv .1.". . h i :n iht.r i m l tun:. li!.c.::: S! ITt'li ii f A ft' i:i ;':i ! . i i'..:i ! near ;n,:.:i . , ..h.i ii ll.ir y l.'-'i ! ' she Ir ."! ! lata!' V wmiiehn..' I i. Kit :i I I j l',,.l'l'n';' 11 . 1 ' I' : s'll:,'1'!' iliiihi;;' I h , ; i i.'i Mi: ( miu en. an i w :- :.: ; V,'. , ;-" F' ' '' ' ,: t';u'' t "" Ki V.' t'iiiiiire'; t 111' ISaii, j;t V. 1 1 Ll. I'A, ( , ( I. 1 . 1 - M ,. rF-- ; ! i Itiiii'lni. ti:- wile ., a h.r i mi Sivi...; near here, ;-,:,ve ii'i'i, t...t n. wi.i.m n.iee ,. i ,.;..' ho'i s, I.i ii,.'e..li .. a II id' I "en m-;.s. , .Vs o! I ii " i; n 'n't . e ee ii I iv;i :',. i lie; e I ii i-; e ve ii !.:;". il 1, 1 vv.l s ,, i' a l i . ! i: ve n nn ci'e.l 'i.ee I n vesl i tl ion. : li.,tvevei', f.n,:'ii" ;i Ic'iihiivn are nl ;i e I il,' I ep.'Ci. The . iiiv In'ilv d.'V.'l j ope I, tumili Ir:.' ; -pec;ini'. ' muni: v. led li' .'loiidii:'' 'ci.uis linn!; li: v v.:;l nil I'V. 1 is past thirty live Vi'i.rs, i'.i.d h..:; ! throe other ihi.drei'. Huost'tl Kv Trrs'.v rias.M. !st.-olU..il:,. N.-ttfu, 1 o.-.'-i'. j A nl.'.vii I.:', N (V. !! 11-Vim Mnrtlta Miller. i lie el ,! -i.t. J V! i ler. living li vo mih s ,--..v A--:e vil.e. tsiiiinu'.leil siin ido bv ntnuiiii' .., horseir ilh two tr-ice el.ai ns i.i-i.n- ...1 to n ihUm' ti s: a hie :,.i mia . S.m I. ,! a h c !,.!,! i,'! ., , . , ... ... oral limn '.Its, iiad .sativvu ..'ii.s ol in naui: y. mi:p venl y-Si x IStsiiiis :'i;i!cii. , ,;;., ;,",;, v,,,.,,,., . , , , , "; 1"-'"'1" i''i-' ii and ....... , M ,- I . I r ... . j ....... ,. f... . , ,. . .... ... .. .. , . ... ' ' n Zv,' . . ;,,:.,,..( i . '., .. J p.,,.! J,.,.:i .u k in si tk-i' :t. I. :!. v'm-v. s oV'.h k hut ev, !, t). l!le pj.-At ; illi'l' lid m.rl h e-'iil l :t! j. .!'i i. ilil's loll an ear Wind -v.s rattle i, hmis .s rocked, ili.-.l ',i:i.;e hmis ,s rieliei, ii..-.lies w.-r, but as lar as ncrl l !., re wa in f f. 'i.nis .l.tinaje iir. . .ek w:i le:. "Vl'1' :i ,v. ' -:'"''-' " . , , " , tevvsi.icl lil.servi-': ..Ir. .Ia:ee s ., . . ..... 1 a!,M' K w V W ';. : 5 .''m'1.'','; " coli.ui 'ii al I. ia s n e, in .M', J; ( "ceM.i'yiisiiip had ilee ni;si..rt,ii.e .vcslcrday ol havim; h. una ami ''"'ol "ally heei-iled i-y :". Him.- o. , ''' U . si'lit t:ear. In is e,i,..iv, :!. I I hi c 'i ''''", '"s '''-" ' ba nd Were ee, 1 al,,!"st ' " l o I r . :, m, s K I. ,n is a.i Mi.iiiii.'.U'.i, ami sew on o; ine woim Is. an I at -t i ii ii Patrick w;is re-1 !..: wt il. It 31 .iy !; as "tiiie!; 1': r Y-h:. Mr. Pred .'-P.b-r. of 1 'vi::;. i.i wrui's t cut I'.' It-.. I a ev i e i 1 trouble for liiinv ye-.i. wi:i.-". t ains in bis hick an-1 ,!s.. I':- i ' biuii.l.r i n itU el' .d 1 le I . i ,! i.", !ii ,sneai! - d Ki Im y e nc:. iMlvi.--t.ur .......... . 1 !. 1 I. ...i bcj;,tii the u-e of Iveetiie Pnle:s t f ,viil.f , ., I ;. . lvr j., ,.,..( ,.p t, 1 ,.,, ,if j K 1 .biev ami I.iv.-i trotthhe t.fteu vives iilin-t-t iiii!.-ti.t r.-ih't. O'f t ,-;.k xv",i v,. . ..; ,,i . .'., . .-,,).. a,t. s f ,;. AKi.lt P.il.m le..'.- n Ug Sun 0. The t on! inueil ,, . ,uplit is li'tvino jls elV-cl to iin u!;ti mil.;: .1, ;;r 11 i.e e, ,! wo! ks in li.e Ininiohsvii.e. '., . H,,.( ;,,. 1 f 1 I e f 1 h ; s 11 o ... ei eolft? ll larO liiiu.b-i et' plain-, Ml;, bo oltlicl t cb .1- e.v 11. ... A Wfatlu-r proplit-l ms the .f :'-. l"ne is n. ai ly al; w hi:.- tl is w.i. which inctiis 1 h:: t I hi:' w ill I." a : !.. -"'d winti r. iiiK .1 v.illi blm.te,.: ; l:i ue. uUnd. I Tim xhrJl h.mso nt (ho Siiimnii o n.i.i... iieiu-Slony Ciiy. T.'.. v.i.h l:!;i'.'n-J .SiH.Ki iy ni-l t. r t.ur ui.n- ''''"'" ""' 'i'' ; :.;, !.'.';. A in m .i Naive. Tin.. i;Kvr s w.vi: in i't ..v.iri,i for ,(1,,, j;.,,;.,, .;,.,.Si i .s.ilt i: :,, i .... , :..... i: I j" '-'.' I "' 'i I'M '!. I'M !"''- ,-;!";'-,-.r; iiiK.'i'il I.i j.m t'.' ! if i 1 1-.! s:i!!!.:i'l'oii r-r ti i n - v 1 1 f'lM.l.'.l. J'i icn .: 'PiitN pi'i - !', ,. ...i, l... Il l I',, ,.. 1, , "".'". , .h i! .ut lo N (,'-: I' h tut oi-l nlory niii.'i! i :. njr-., y,.t ii j4 n f i.-t licit ';' . ' '' f ,' , ' '" i-i " ,ltln" to"l!' i ' IL" ini.nis cr.;,,.. ,.,, low.ii i!i i.:i line ol In - fainl Ik in. e H ; al I'l l slojipin l'.! in I.id i.ie!,,.i.i,.r ti'iii-ts nl. Ihc i i i,-: i 1 1 : r ii in' I !; A i. I nt! i'.iM'tii.it. . .. , ' "U'l sc ii M r t... ii, , I 1 ' IS llll l.ll'il I.'l III! SI lltll'll ,, , ., .... i i i : -S and.'.o ad- , ':. ' , :,' '!.';; lain - Pain R.liu. l.'.-n diy a w. ek j-.,-h. ! -M.i..' r.'ein!;i ' i lie f;i fn I y I'.es l, l ,,, . , i.,,.:!,.;,.)... , ...iv ho M.r d l.v il. A , 1 ' ' ''I' neiiiai.iir i'l:-' "V.'iv pain ,;! a h il t, i.-'V l .'i h' ed ::.. I he In .i l.-.s ; , I.-.,, ' '" '' 1 ' ' S ni'1" :.'ili" lias Iii he K.. Inf. I, .1 I.' when ine.l:.'ii A m'.ii'i in .iv .r.i.i.ji!ly Imilfil (!'. Ii.ll. Is i a. which ,"::-.' :. .-nie ,., -i'l.,;: nn.-thir.l l I I'.'.'i ive imti.e, : t '"'I'.' Ih.i p.n Is he ;,ieh ciui (n.lv he ., , . , ' . l- i!:n is !o pt a! . Ut,:.; may I-, .,,.'! n ei.i'.is (.cll.'iM A Il.-ilh.i' ' : !';.V "'' i e i . i v I by :.- l ! . Clil'. il ..i v ;;.i-! n ,:i r.e f ide .- -r a r.-li:".. i 'i'' p iVi'e; i) iiueli! . : c. I :;. Purl Sl'.'ii.le:.. I); 11 J l '.. 'iii i li'.t-l lh-,! m ,'! ,r f .n:.w if", ' I '''li . , f ( 'hi itO!i. 1 i.i .- ic:d,ii';; f i ie, ( 'in.l '.'ii iind v. 1'ni' sih) bv n il ",i. i:- e, '.. ..... v l , , s I. c l'.,i.:.'. ii, -i.i. !, i.iei. v:ro;:'j : c-v. '- f K . PY ! p-..'i !.;.;'', !'-':" i ;si' ' ? j , j '. ::: " .'! r. n. I.y V, (!. M ,1 - -i i',, I !! 1 , ,i, ,. .. !, 1(T. i lY,.1', '.:.:',,:,: '"'" ' ; I' J.Z lii w. n - J. &, Baling, ! ,- ir. N i r .V . mA ! L-.iv --.m-.t- , . ; .. . ',,.-i i'". m ,v : i .:::-..,!.-. t";. l". i- .. i ,' ', tV ::.m. II 1.- il A- ! ..1 ...,.,.,.,1, . . - ,' ' ,! ... ,''" '' ' '" ' hn 1 ,.,..( V: .' i ., . . ..' ..J,.,J... gg5;.5i.r; , r . . . ";"-; ' ' ' ... ? U-k. .i: S i -I-, - nr..'- 'Mir si.:e A Qfmno- VfHVCii inn ."ff rOIHUlllOII. i uiuiy iuc uuuy agcuuai utscoat.. y I utt s Liver Fills, an abso lute cure for sick headache, clys pcpsia, sour stomach, malari. constipation, jaundice, bilious- ti'tk r-?.fAV!-,-! iS f iff EiV I II II v Dr.TuU; Your Liver Liibare ! ; the. fly-wheel of life. I shall eve: r 1 .- .1 1 . -t i negraieiui lor meacciueni inai Lrdiifht tlif in to my notice. 1 feel i , . . as if 1 Ik'.J a new Iv-.-uso of life. J. Jairieii;h, Plaite Cannon, Col. T R 2,. 03SSr I Hit S LlVQf FiiSS J ,.,.,,,.,,, ,i..'vl,,..!.,...,: i,..-,i., in, ! m - -r' -m v v.- . .i i.-k at itn,'f.i..r..f . Hl.n M .i.i. I.' i.-.' I .1-: .lii-l,W. J. Ill in I 'ill I .'lie , i .,1 ,. . ,,!. i, , .,,i ... ,i... t.i..,.i i.ii.l h, N ... ,, xl lh,. i,... ,,r m ,m .'(.-.III', -ll.r.l'.lM 'll.'tVl.'.S -f i.l.,l.ii.l ' 1,h.mi.im m., l,.,ii' i i: s.i:i',..vu:i mi. I ..:i.r, r ,,., ..,ll,.,il.,.4., , , ... ,i.i j,..-, : 'T.!:, Z1!! ' ;.;.;,-' -."h-.j- r.-i.uri r t";J:;i;;;.(i,:'-- ' ' i ,.-t! 10. It '.'". ' O ni.nlM'i..iir. j . ?jJ,,!!T(5 SAI l: i;V Vl!: I i ' A I II' . t II T'.l";! iff I S".'. I' I . S l'l!i.,:- .,, ..v j. w. i, , ,.i, i : .- a ri I i.i "-k "t- I " .'.'i.-.v.:iii.,...n.....r i'.-:''"!-, n -i ! .ti i . ..,ii t. l . u. i h .Uy I v '..'i'. '.-'..'. in n mil,., Mi-- I i In I'i'u- , I-.!',, III.- .I-.U-..1 I -" .1 1; -i. I,.:,- II..' Ilil..!; M-ii'y II -:i.'.- - n. 'r I. Oiii. II P r- n J r . ,vM.m ,,ii;'-.,-,.:,. n, il.-.-'l.-l i.' -r'i's'.v' i! 1,11 l.l.l 'i.J V . )!u";:;Z u- iur: I im- li l Me . ll.-l a- 1 1 "Ir- - il' h :i . . Hi," 1 .1 '.'.i :- n ' 1; ,,, :,,,.,-,; ,,.,'., i " "''li .a- ,-.- i.-l- .-".sli "1 .li'ur. i .i y. -'i i-.i. ..,u, u i- ,. ... . i. , 1 1 Im !,.: U. e.. II- 7. V; i-'.i'iiii.';. e ilsi-.-' '-' i in ! i.-.i-. :. v , , .. , ..t n' ' n.-i, i. n.'m, i '. i. mi l l! -I ll! .'im. li nn -' - i' t ' , o,'i. ::, i! I i I. ..i.v, .il'... !..'. t-Vlair-tn :llit.- -r ..r -v. . M-.r-'ia. -I. it-. I-.- I . li.'i, . 1 . ci.-,,: , it jr.. i., ii i'V this u , rr pays to .lOYATTOCKEB'! V'i- ili.-triliiitc tnoi'i' Pry (lon.l-, s. 1! ni-n't) Slues, dimi-li nn. re lii'incM w il!i ( ':i:';i.'N ami do the largest mail ni'iler business, at rc lai!, of any North Caro lina limi-e. our stock 3sma I THE IAEQEST. i oun mess THE J il li.i-!vl..;v jiavs b) deal j with us. I ur new Fall Stocks arc i ' all in ami wcro eniit: ai-t- j ed for iiefi.ru t'ie rise in I v.iiiK's. so tl.e-o a.ivatil- ! a:;, ' arc v. mrs. !"?I03. a. dbiu-sow ; Chatham ZLeprcse litatix'c. kli WM k HI, Oct. 1 '.". ; TOTTOX GINKERSjuai o'ztii: to !Cai YOUR PROPERTY mm IN TUB :. '..jr 1 1 I. - This is a lliune rouipany ami iio 1 1 " -. rvi- the patronage of nil North i'm ,il!i ians. P v-.s prgtitii.e-l in IS dS ami l.as ..I i.vor half a million dollars iu i-.u.l Ihi ie is ret one cunfidtod !;; !it 'l;,'iiinst it ! 1, ,-,e. y-, - liis( s j,ajtj promptly. Every , , , Mi h ; t 111:111 1'iiybt to insure bis , .'t u .ei : y. I'm ii iiuM, Ac, apply to , s. H- A. LONDON. ACLNT. V. S PUIMUOS;:, Piesidout. , S' pttiubcr "JO. 18U3. EVERY CITIZEN -OF . I W ifti I il H Ml U U U i I IIOBIT Til SlIBSOIBETO X-COHFEOERATES ought lo read The WAR fv. R M M S Q f P M C P which will be fHUmSflCCa 111 CV- ,... .. thm chej'ishthe ;US2B2SOl 151 CIATIIAM'S GOKFKDIQJXAiTIS The RECORD has always done its hest to pro mt)tv the pros perity of all the people, assd to advance espec ially the inter- of haiia. was established i 1878 Iiyits pres ent anoFs'ietoi j and its sueeess- eareer has piienomi in Korth !nr- nalisin. In the future, as in the past, the RECORD will eosnhsae to puhiish the lat est new,-; and be a 1'amiiv Mews paper of which its readers shaU r.ot be asarned stop wmm iti TV-' Subscribe &t Okce . inn