A New Metaphor. "The world la n great baseball gnme," Bays tliu Muuiiyunk Philosopher. "Kv L'iy man gets ouo chance at the bnt mid ouly a few make a hit." Philadelphia Hecord. All rprlglit Mini. There Is certainly some Blight f. ellngof liiinilliiltinii In being bent ilnun ami obliged to creep aluiitf fur foaj- .( n snap In tln spinal ); in ti. It Is Mich .lniii blmw nf tllscri'iitU'loi that wo feel t iularias-eil. It hi m-i-r. ver day when linuhao tukcj Komi holil mi a stitch In the hack. There Is verv little Kvinpathv for "lie la such 11 hlllit. fur li so well known that SI. Jucolis i nl "ill cure it promi'lly ami that, i enlect is the cause uf so mii'li ilisnliility. Why not keep the ivino. I y always ou hand ami (ii'cwnt such tliscouiitirt. Hum nud an climbed bull help to make it farmer in a through his laud liilildly. When Nature Necils nsfbliuu'e it inuy iu beat In rentier It 'rnui'tly, hut one slinul.t re nieiiiti-r to Use even the most perfect rtmit-.lii'S only when nt'Cilt'.t. The best nud me .1 simple iiu-1 gentle reiueilv la llu Syrup of in itmlacl urcl hy the Culilnm u fr'ifc S nip Co, Oinnha, Nol , Is la kini: nlont laying A plpo line lo lie oil tltti.ls ot Wjeiuiut;. 8100 llrwitnl. 8100. Tli? r-a,l.-ii ,,f ties piper will he pleascl to Irani thai there Is al leu-t nla- ilrea.h il ilis.iise that seieie e lias li't'.- able to inn- in a. I in Unites, nail tli.it is I'marrli. II all's I 'stiiii'li euro Is lie) only po-iiive cure known to tie) ll.tr.laal fraternity, l atan li Li-lilt; il ti.li.stiui tlilll.tl lll"ras-', IVipiires a eellslillltienul treat- inriil. Mali's I aiarrh i nr.. is taken iiiiernally, ttitilirf ilnvetly en tno lilee l an l inn. oils snr fiees ..f III" svslem. there!. .l.-slri.yilK thu foumliltioil of the .lisea e. an I nvilnr the pa tient si rviutli hy hinMii.it up I lie e.inslitill inn anl aoislia,- nature in iln.nj us ivurk. Tho propriel.a's have o mueh lint li in its cnratim liotvurs t ail thev oiler tine llun.liv.l lle.lars f.ir any i istf that il tall to cure. .-t-lel fer lis.1 ut tu.Hini'iuials. A'l. liens I-'. .1. riihM-.tr A Co., loleuo, O. If :.M by Uniuiiusls, ;.V. Tli.) IliinVayn Mui.'i.ta in liavi lo-'n teen '."J I lubes a way. Tnln U Nl iliiiliii in' nl i'lnsnre. enneclallv hen nee.i-i.iieil I . rn-. Mi i will ple.i-i . es In. .11 perteetly. la Mi-ouri diev "cut r. un ai d deaden t niher la the .1 irk el the in n. ' 1 . K 'liner's SwAMC-lioor rare tli Kiiluey mat lliohler t nuilaY. J lill..ilri HIal .'lillsll.lat nil li'eu. Lilians lory. r.iin:hauil"ii, N- V. Camphor ami etui eoltoti nrn (lie ealef oo-.i-blrueuts ol euliiilulil n h its. Take l'arhir liin;rr Tunie llama With you. It w ill ei. ieil y.nir espeet. ithuw iu aUit- I lug eolils, an. I inai. el-ah. I a I.e.. j A I iein v.'i linn is m it uf ie urlrn; phono, j Krupli c o nek?, wliie i ca i tho h air IUsl. n l J of btrikiu.; il. It Wili Pay! To make nn. pr-'Vi.-inn f-r y.eir physi.'al health at this ..1.- 01, I au." 11 cold or Ceim-li. mi n 1 1 1 k nf .neu-n..iua it lyph .i l j fever n .'.v may mill,.' y ui an inva'i l all win- ter. l'u-t ..fall I... sure that ..ir hi .1 is pure, f..r heailn il.-p.-n I- up. n nr.. . I. : A few 1.. tiles ,.f II ..,.1', Sar-a; arill.i .vill I n 11 p.iynm" iiive-iae'iit uvr. It will -iv.- v .a pure, ri.'li hi land invn-'nap. oi.- -y-t.-m. I s Sarsaparilla I tie- One Tru" III-.-. I PuriibT. Hood's Pills iv;:,' f gARLY to heJ, Jj- Harly to rise, ' T,. Cat cakes made of hucKw heat, To be healthy and BUCKWHEAT JUAKE5 The Best Cakes. Always and Dainty. The Greatest .Medical Discovery of the Arc. KENNEDY'S Medical Discovery, DONALD KENNEDY, CF ROXBURY, MASS., Ban dh-'overod In on ot em eommftt pasture w I- a rowdy that eures every i kind of Humor, fr :n the wrsi aerofuJ down to a emiriv n pi:;i; l.. He has tneil it in ovr eleven handmd eases, and never fat '.! x '"i t in twooniwt (tKilh thun ler lulu ri. II" h is do in bis possessi, ,11 over twi loin Ired certllW oates of us vain", ail within twenty nitle Ol Bost"U. S ai I p..tal .air I f.r twolt. A beueilt is ai w iivsexperienceil Irotn th first bottle, and a ii. rr .. t euro is warranted when the rl;,"ht iu:iotuv is luken. Waeo tle l .ti.-s are u!T""ted It ens hootlnn 1 a as. hko ne.'.ll. passing through them : tho same with the Llvor or Ik.wel. This is aas.. I hy tho duot being toped, and ai-.v iys .lisa;. pears In Week .liter takim; it. It aid the iuoel If the atoa, a.-t, is fmil or bilious It will ea ia squeaau-,h .'eelius at llrst Ao ohain;') of diet ever necessary. Eat the be-' you can ft. and enough at It. Do.so, on" t.ii.. s...iiilul in waior al imd time. Soil '., an I niu"i;iot ASTHMA - POPHAM S ASTHMA SPECIFIC CU''r. i-f in mv mln'iUB'b-nJ fur a t Ktti ll j v k iW. B"M ty lrut,f !nU. i'ne P . nnt putpui u r-riH Af $t fkt. sit boi.0 V' .M K1- M. n. - in. h tim1 Hi'tiitiiM' 11 ii 1 1 : f r 4, l i.iktt K KKl'IN'i Y 'U. wn l. ;irti tt luriii .Mir .;m- h.'iir at vtiuroM 11 h mi' it ft-1 i iiii Kfti 1 rxrn 't ti l il'illjirt tk wti-k itD'T iui h 1 Vfi'. nil'!' t. 'I ttu' Ihri't luotitllH1 curst. I trek niilii ni.-nt f"r vu K--rfnll t Mom, huntluniiou Co., 1'a. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM HflHI ul br.ulilV. til. tub. PruHi..-. B luurl.t fn.wUl. M.iar Fll (o lii'.tora Orsjr 11 ,r ta ll Youthful Color, eu,, K-4ip il Nuct A ti.ir IUII it. m Our federal etatfl unit municipal governments pay out about 81, 000, 000, 000 a year. It IK pnipOSCll tl) llllHC a nioiiuniout in lvichmoiitl nr at Mount Vernon to Miss Ami Pamela ('iiiiiiiiii'hniii, tho lady whoso Icttcro canned tho Munich of tho country to purchase. Mount Vernon mid thus present) tho homo of Washington. Tho serial rights of Mrs. Ward's new novel in Eu.Iau I and Auioricii Imvo been sold to tho Century Maga zine for .'Jd(t)lll,cXclu.siveof tho book rights. In botli countries literature is a paying iro!ohsioii for musters of it, declares the New York Tribune. The l.'llltcd States War 1 rpal tinelit has ordered the water .supply t be shut oil' the mills 011 the J'o river, Wisciiisiiu, 011 the ground that all the wilier is needed for navigation. A Chicago paper thinks that 0110 mill is of moto import inco than ten boa Is. The record of woinaii's progress on her way to eipiaiily with man is en laiKin daily. Three wonu 11 ban. Ills have been arrested in the Wist, and it woman horse thief lias ei'.pp. up in Massiicluisetls - Spi inulield. We must hot be surprised it ho hear al ho tar distant dale of the woman train rob ber. Sue is about due. The l'.ii ;ii-h II "Use ,.f (' 011 n nu is Compos , ..I' Il hi M. I'.s'. ( )t these liio 1'epie-ent r'.n-hm l, 'id Wi.Us, Scotland an 1 I nil Ireland. They re ceive 1. pay. I'll.' el. CI loll e ietses lire reported to annum! u.tiillv from .j'J.lhlil to .t,'ii'ii, and tb. 10 I- holier ally a further ..u'l i .d' :;l,'l 1 ' to 1, ."i"ii ,m mi ll i y 11 1', li llie el. ell ..ti. All ilislalicc ol' llie depressed coll ditioiiof lliielish nericulliii v occurred nt the sale ..I' l.aii.loti Abbey recently, tth.'li i'.d;l acres ..f land, with farm- h..il-e, si.ibliu.", h 111 st.a.l, itii'l .seven III. .,. 111 eotta -os, I t 1 i ;li only ."n hi. ru'tei.11 years 1140 lie.' pr ip.m un: viilued.it .-?lil l.il l'l, nud four years a,'o it was actually iiiorlae..d lot JTil.tltl l. A M !C 111 boy ii.ii.; at Paeiiuen. Mi i.'.., thoiii-'lit lie would have some tan by puttinj; stoii. s .01 the railroad tracks, relates tli N-w Orleuis I '(ca ll ue. A train Cline aiou; nud was de railed and w i'i clo d. Ti' iin w recUnu is a capital criui" in Mexico. S, the buy was arrested, c mvicted all I haii;,'e.l. In this c.omli'y he w.oil i have been a. 'lit to a rot'-.rm s.Oi.iol, mid 1. tiier boys, unl-lcir l by h i fate, w .oild ii u , e.iill!i:l ' I t 1 ami-e tln liis. U s bv eh Ian ' 1 in.; the hv. s j of tr i.n nieii. l.'Mii M xo'o t ho ud- . lUllllsl lall.-ll ol justice Is luel'Cl 1 lllly I severe. I An Ohio man was ndiiu tl.ri.ii'li 1 Ol, laiii.ni'i tin- 1. 1 her do, hell a pally ! if Indians out ab-.iar I tiie tram. He had in lll'd ot tie' led.:.. red 111 it H - J fi.lidlie-s f.'l' til. -water, and Coliclll led lo test it, so ho puile I out :i boille ol j whiskey and invited tin-ntto take a drink. T lie were lO'llou,' loth, alel '. Cehtllllte.l to lake .hiliks by tlll'll.-' Iliitil tin; bottle lias i-uipty, and tliej i all rather full. The Oiiioan was verv j much amused at the spectacle, as Hell j as the oth.T passeii". rs, until it; I Ulllll-i'llli lit Wis brought toll sll Idell 1 eonci'isio'i by a Tinted Stales marshal j who happened to bo on tin- train, and who walke I iiji an I aire. to. I tho O'n. .an I'wi- violaliu-' tie" liv n.-ruu-t j dispeusih"; i i ir I 1 In. bans. Not did he find tie- l.eny line, which was j imposed on him, amii'-me;. J Niiuir.' 1, d',1111; for Cauloiiii.i ine- ar lists w ha' Ley l-ili' all 1 liu:t 1. ,-ly tried to 1I1 lor liieui-elves. Il is r. ported from u. any localities ihit th- phyib'X' ra, lue mo-t .-eri"Us pc-t that has ever allacktd the iues 1- I 111 out. Tiie experts have tried eleiy remedy to May till' pl'o-l'iss ol the pest w it holt avail, and six years ii-,, the vuievaf..-ts of the Soinuna i;:id Xapn Valleys ploiiiiled 110 ail tti. ir vines a:i I r. planted Ihe ui'o'.m I with resistant stock. Tno 1 in rt ie ii v- 1 that ail noii-fe,sta:it ilii -, were doomed to d--lnu'li 01 by the pil lioxera. lillt l'e olts liav.! r. Celltiy C"UI' to the State 1 n-pect"l' oi Orehai '! 1'. .stslhat iitn it. riil lalltti otV in the lavages i.f t:ie pest h is b-eti IioUced f..r some tini-. Vine, iitl' cte I with it are now ainiost free. Tin; Insoectoi has i'i'i;'iu a th"io 1 :h investigation of the pleasiu-; I'hen ,ui-un. IK; tlutika some natural etieiiiv ot the pest liu nppeat'id .'!' that stone deadly diseasi has attacked tiie phylloxera and is ex teriuuiiitin ; it. Wiuit'-v -r is the cause the r. suit will mean -tcit gain for tin" mevar di,ts. SI. retcrlurir Wnntlcrfiil t lne . At St. I'etcrsb'irti a retuarkablo as ti'ononiical clock or timekeeper is re ported I" be on exhibition. It is fur 11 'sue. I with ninety-live dials, which i nl.cate tiie li .nr at thirty ditlcreht pi.i'.lsol the (4i1.be, the uioveluetit uf the earth around the sun, the phases ef t'ie moou, the signs of the zodiac, lite crossing of the meridian id titty ,taii and the orthodox (irosjoriau, M'lsi.itbiiaii and Hebrew calendars. The mechanism is u complicatetl that when taken lo pi.ee. tor transport to Si. I'ete.-sbui g it rnpiirvd nearly twl jvjM's to put it together agaiu. FOB FARM AMI ;HIEY CIIII "AENH ANI ri.OWF.n IlKHS. Feed your poultry well, and loosen the, yrotind in koiiio tempting dace for thPir dust bath. lo thiH after each rain, (live them a dump place to scratch in when the weather is dry. (live tliein untie pounded boue, and reeii food, nud iu every way leasun the temptation to try what your garden lias for them. )o 110! blame a living hen if she 1ms to hunt for eo material, but help her, nud yon may enjoy yo'ir fliiwiT) ill peace. Womankind. FA KM IIANPM. I bciievo fanueiM bceom iio ab orbed iu the cue of hold crops, m weaned with tho heavy labor ill ill" field and the round of chores at iiioru 111.', noon and ni'ht, that they have little or nun I or muscle left for any Ihineclso. Thcv do not look upon they homes with eyes which take in the general appearance A llorist said said to mo llu'.t a m 111 who did not like llowei's would want to cultivate . .me of his own alter wurkitiir a mout h ilinolie llottel's. If people once i;"'1' " desire lo make the best of homo, a little elVoit will l;. 1 a ircat waybill makiii improvements. If one mem ber ol a family begins a fjo.i.l wurk. the others w ill be (itimuliitod to help it nlone;. Wiimniikiiid. ni'.n spots us 1111:01. When cieam is raised in a damp place or iu any place thai i moldw led, foliud s..,- arc often seen oil It. This Is 11 p a'uli if !'i:ioin that lives, :.,... an I feed - up. Oi liiil'i, or cheese, and 1- .piito mi 111 hi 111 elit es ! fac (01 i s u'l I d lines. 1 1 is n.v imp 1:110 1 by, or il cm .i, a e i tain .loo uuii isi ti..u 111 the milk or c iocs-! Ih it devel ops a cheesy llavor and hence it is in jurious 111 a butter l 11 ry. It lU'i'ulll panies the coiiiiu iu blue in - .1.1. an I "illnrol' these sh tt 1. 1 not h per muted to L'fow iu ui'.ik li eis-is. J'lie I . sll 1 1 Is a disagree ible lll,.r III the butter 111 l ie iio.n sii 'li ci'eaiu.aud tli rapid siioiline; of lii leiller. it 111 iv be piev.oite.l by k.- piny; the milk lions- rn' cellar dry, or by fresh white wiis!ii'i.' it, in i s 1 ti jr halt' a pound of c .;.ias ii ihe wash. Tlie eeliar in iv b dr.c I by k -epi'i . n h 11 ill ipiantili of fr. sii h ue in 11,1111 I ch 1:1 , .iiu 11 winn 11 his be. '0111. ! slacke 1. This lake- 1111 the 111 .i-tiro of the air, and so dries the while plae '. -New York Tune,. mil: 10 in v am' i' 1 ti" rn si:i.i., Tli.' luhl tune to sell the products of the firm , w It'll they are real." to ,eli and w heii t .111 c in b had lo haul tin-in to mark.!, write 101 ..bseiviint fanner. The rieht iim-tu lay uny lliiiiL.' is w h oi 11 is ti ed I and y.iil h ive I he iu. on' y. Tool' Uiciiard ..nee , ud thai anvliiin.; biuo.iil becoi-' it was eheau, and D t because .1 was need." I, prov -d .b ar to it, purchaser. 1 ..lie w 1 pei -ii 1 1. 1 to buy a colt at j a -ale, bv a rein ilk ol tip; auctioneer ' lii at llie clt iv. oi I I i' iv t ao nolo tw. Ive In. Iilhs In h v viitli money 1 1 1 . i ., 1 1 left to b iy an 'in. r. tiie time arrive I ! o p tviu ; the t:." colt woii.d n t --.'11 I .f e 10 p iv it 11:1 I I h id to t men tli ai'C . Hit II tl'.tle l i "ft til ' Hole li ne let th-' 0th I' l,,oi do til Wh 11 ii- 1 ;h t , bank biek. u.atiue; in I lii, i. ;.e s: t:..u. S.-liin 4 w.-.i a", tu:,e inouielil, an I 11 : s. ,'ise in biiv :n ; w ii loll.,' to lllodel'U ll'i ,0 ic -iooiM bo in,- ;i' ,! in our fat :u- 1 s 1 :i it tr in - ie- i at lip- te.l.or- o,.o I horse - HOC led, II.- Hu e. I'. 'on un iiaiich stuliel -.011. M": -1 1 in:. 1, oi 1- a i iiu abundantly to ic- that s -il 111 oisturo i, one a tt--t I 1, tors iu cio 1 ro 1 1 :e :l,i,ms of acres of land : v of un I not ex hau,t. d bi the t'Vl le of lii- ;: tin 'tl".',. na!" ra. ! v b i t ''.it III' 11 laud whloll lets b'eli We I cultivated, th'Tl" Bre pool ITops 1" e rise Ihel'i; ha, hot been MilVl-tctit lal'ilnll. With otir pl'eselit kllowletl.-e the farm r is p et ie -s so far a, ab--o,''io pr. ehtioti i.'i iiij iiy is cou cel ii' d in such c 1st ,, but he cull do much to reduce the extent of the in-j'-t! 1 I .. li 1 .-' it ,i:-J t ie s ul Hi c,,ii li t.o'l to readily take tile ralllfllt lis It conn -, an I th. ti 1 duel in; evap .r tti.oi lltld lie- lie-. Use of the ,..1 nio,t'ir." as far as poss!,l-. In Mime ease, ii.uli-luii'; the Miifici is the best thin 4 ; in case of most cta.ps which can b cjltiv ited, freipieiit shallow eiiltiva ttoii, IcHviiiK tno s itrt'ace nearly level and finely pulverized, will b-j the best menus of rcdiieiii ; cv ipoi atioii, as jti veiititis; the growth of weeds ami all plants we do not want is the best 111 thod of prevelltltl ; liv-dless usj of the moisture. I'rairie Farmer. SF.t om 1. how ru S.IKOUI M. When si' riihiiin is cut down early i i the season, or in tune for second growth from the stubble, it is asserted that this late product is duig-rons to cattle if they are allowed to tot 1 upon it in the field. A recent iustanc" of injury to eo?s is report I iu the Ne braska Farmer- The owner of some eows having turned them out to browse this second (growth, f""ii tlisc ivore I that there was mimcthiu wrons wit'i the animals, aud before they coul I b driven from tho field two died. F.ii ven others died noon afterward. Our No braska contemporary says tlis.t this is 1 one of th thing 1 )'. it otiht to be widoly known 011:011 funnels, that there ia devoloped in growth Horhtim a very nctivo poison, and that it ia al ways dangerous to tin 11 cattle at laro, 111 Ileitis eontaiuiiie; it. This miiy bo true, but wo doubt it very much, for it would be a rather anomalous freak of a plant tobe first haruuess and then noxious from the sain root all iu one siiisoii. Tho State experiment sta tions should look into this mutter and report results. --New York Sun. COTTON Kl'.KII KOIl MIM I1 OWH. There has been ami is still a great diversity of opinion unions dairymen iu regard to the value of eottotisi cl meal for feed in. milch cows. Some have reported adversely as to its value and 1 iVect upon the butter, but others beli ive that it isnpiil, if not superior, to any kind of raiii for making the best of butter. Wo now h ivo a re port direct from tin experiment Mil lion iu a cot ton-;; row . tijj state, t'lat is, from Tex is, and IVfosor Sotile hiiiiis up his experience with this food as follows; 1. ( 'ottoiiK.u'il and its products in crease and 111 lint iiu the milk llow, 2. It III 1 1 1: till II ill' per cent of fat in the milk. il. It enables ciiuniiu ; to In! dono at lusher temp r it ures, thus largely taklii;: the place of ice. I. It render th 1 butter harder to color, silt evenly an I print satisfac torily. o. It " jvcs tli bu Iter a m or.' pre isy upp eirnnco, it still', w.ixv consist -lie 1, no I 11 llit and s -iinewli.it tallowy t ide. ti. Tli-s 1 .1 foot i it iiti'V -r, nr ' n it 111 irked, and have been highly ex t,' v'erated by mi.'i ; mil sine' cotton see I an I its pr . I ids are s i c'i iji and vahnbl.. a, I' I for dairy cattle, il is po ir ccouo iiy not to in ; it m ire Irce- TIM' IU . K AM) Till". IIKN. The tpi stloii is rcic.itctlly n,ke 1, "Which i, lii" iiioro prolil ibie, th duck or the Ie if.'" lit order to tb eid,. this 111 ilt r un i iiterprisin ; poiilti v niali, I'. II. .l ie dis, Hamilton, N. .1., iiiadt a test. The result is reported a, follows: At a week old tho tliit.'klin ; woi-hod lour ounces, whilo th 1 c'uc'i only reach d two ottiiCM. At tw 1 weeks o1 I tin; tlucklin roiched niiie ounces, and the clue lour ounces. At th:".1 1 w.""k-, ilip;liii 0:1c poind; cluck, six an I 11 .pi irler niine s. At four week,, duc'iiiii; oil! ponu I mi 1 nine ounce.; chick, ten ounce.. At live week,, dueklini; two po inds and two ounces; cluck, fourteen ounces. Al six weeks old, tin .'.iiiiu;, t'.v.ipounls and eleven ounce . ; chick, 0:10 i.iiiii I and two and a half ounces. At h vcu weeks old, ducklliu', throe pounds and live mine's; chic!;, on pound nul seven and a bill' oiitieci. Atei'.;ht wei is ol I, ibiekliu;, four p uiud-i; chick, oil.' pound nil I twelve otitic js ; At Hill'! W eks old, ll'lekllll,', four potiti I. and oi'-ilil i.'UiiV,; cluck, two poll nd -. So it c an bo He 01 tli it the ,iimo time wei-ht of the clue as double 1 by ihat of the duck. The prices for drc s ' l I'uvis.i'. 1111 v. r v closi to each othi r, so lhu lip.; iiicr.-as.otl prie.j per poiuid makes the pioiits oil tin , iu, "k greater, ii.t!io i:h it takes aboi'.'i twice th- attioiril of foil to gro v t hem. Poult ry l "per. i'aiim ivn 1. tii'i: Minis. l'.edail the gt .aiu; stocil liber ally. I, t th-' pigs sc.- what the orchard 'looks like. Keep good collars oil the h oses iu hot neat tier. If th" fences tire k-pt in repair they : w ill a l l valtl- t 1 11 pine . I l.ill'l leave the hol s,- tint ing lly tune without first covering him with a I h-ht blanket. Keep tin' hen houses clean and I swe t. Flesh i-aitll bountifully spread I un, br the roost, is a wonderful help. ! The Wyiiuldtes and Plymouth Kicks nr- 1 'th goo I farm breeds; ; tin y are goo I layers and excellent for t he table. Tin- .1 liry 111-111 who .lumps a in iss of ; -I caved girl'i-;" before his cows, for t , "'tioiu's Hike, is 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 r his ciis j to il is 111 ire t'iri if Iu diluted hit 1 uulk with w liter. Thii is the tinio w hen Wt-etls aro Ifotiuing their bCttla with which to j trouble you am .tier .season. lo-troy asiniuvof ticiii ns poisiblo beforo tin y are ripe enough to grow. There is no general purpose breed of fowls. (;i.- will bo better for eggs than for market, aud another will be belter for market than for eggs. Study your market and choose ne "ordiuglv. In au aeit" of gootl clover soil two and one-'i'ilf to'is there is enough phosplt arte ii'.'i 1 to protl icj a crop of wheat of iit b 1, hols; of nitrogen for a crop of TI bushels; of potash for a crop of 10'2 bu-h Is. For protcctm,' fruit trees from rab bits, probably t i - easie-d nud cer tainly a very 1 iVetive niethol is to rub axle gre ise on the trunk. (Ir in the early part of the Heasotl kill a rab lot, cut it open an I rub the ruw riYnh on tin: bu k. If the winter is v. ry severe tins will nut save tho trees, liuidtng the trunk with id raw, lathi er screen wire is effective. (JI'AIXT AXI (I'RIOrs. A matrimonial insurance Co 1 11 1 nicy luisjiist been org. tiiied in K'iiihis. K. W. Cimpbell of J'o. I id dpliia. has a tiioiiHliiche Iweiitv-twu inches Ion;'. .I0I111 1 1 1 1 1 who has just died lis ti illll c'aief, 1 -lives Kt-vculy child.eil b.j hind him. Miiluicviil knights often took 1 voluntary oath that thcv would iiev.r Kpnro the life of nil eii-my. There arc some sm-ut ati-b wurins in Paris Hill, Me., which crawled it in the church steeple, about 11 hundred feet ; folks woml :r how. A girl baby born a few days ago in Kokoiii'i, liiil., is said t 1 Iu tho foiir teetith dan. ;htei- of a fourteenth daugh ter of a foui t'i.-iit h daughter. There i-i a h"Vt ll-yeai -old child, Arthur l ivlo, coulia -d in th'Ci-in' v j til at Chic i.ro, in default of .-!)) bail, for Mealing thirty c -nts. The hugest hum ever paid by a story papt r for a iioVt I was the ??JI, 0. HI given by Hobert Iloiiiier for Henry Wlll'tl lieecllel's story, "Nol llood," Sliilisiics pit.v,! that nearly two. thirds of all the Ictt-IM carried by Ih ! postal service of the world are written. sent to and read hy II ip.li; h-spe tkit-g people. II. ('. Arm, li.uig of Chippewa Falls, Wis., IVO. Iltlv ilrealll' d ho Was SWIUI- m lit.', 1111, 1 dove out of his be I. II came hear lo e ikin ; h s n.-Ci, a:i I ,ll 1 get badiy bruised. It Is plopos .1 III Fli-Jilld to brew nit n'e lo which calves I'e-.-l 1111 I h ads nil. I I't ef bioi-s a:e ad l"d all I experi ment with til"' d' c .ell-ill 011 III- health "ft lie I I' holt i" III 'II it.'S. ( in-, n'.oi-k, I'.-'iu, prides ilsi l f upon Mis. Augti. a Mant hir, who is u;l yea's 1. Id. She came to this country only 1 1 e v 1 u years ago, und can re in, tuber M ein ; Napiiieoii's iiniiv ell liitlto lor i;.i --i 1. Since I h- union only t.no lt;,hmau has tilled the po-l of chief heel, tin v ..I Inland, anl that lil-hiiian was ill grenl lliike of Wellington, who, us Sir A. Wi llesl.-y, was Irish Secretary from 1mT till I .Si Ml. The war t.-i li t iii.-tit nl dap, in, 111 its rejitiit 011 the war with ( 'Ii inn, i v.s t he nctiial lighting slreiigih t,f the expedi tionary force which did tin- cainpaigii ing a, follow, : Fir,t army corps, li'.l, 0','T ; second army cu ps, l'.l.lM'.l; oth 't troops, l.'.h'.'t, i.r a total of li'l.'.ITd. Killed in battle, Till ; di.-d of ii.iiiiid,, 'Jill J tlie. I of du.'it.e, llicl lldilig 1,1'ilU by cholera, .'1, 1 IS. Th" llicjclc in .lii'iiii. Ill casling about the world for the good things tliel'eof.the .Inpanese linNO hot overlooked the bicycle dolm A. Cock, rill, writing to the Nt w York Herald, says: "Ouo of the droil s ghts jo t -neiitcd in.- upon my landing h I c was 11 Japanese yotit II perched oil j 1111 old style home-made bicycle, get ting din el action from the wobbling front wheel, hisevts turned upward niul hi, l.iuioiio wings ll appiug iu the breee. Th V-hicle wa. e ilislrucled of plain w.,o. I niul iioti, and tin- only spiingiiit s- in il came fioiu its gi ti dal loosen,--,. ll I nt t It-.l lifter the in. inn. r of a New York milk wagon 011 the cobblestones, but it was 11 bicycle and a h uio pro I icioii. " M my of thine trap-, are still iu us. aniorig the Japanese, and the old-style tricycle is not cut 11 a ly igtior. .1. Put a niiuibt t of Am 1 icaii nu l Fiiglisli companies now have agencies in Japan and iiinuy of the modern wheels are b. iug sold. It is not yi t considered ih . "propah thine" f,,r ladles to ride, however. ( iti iiiiis sii;ht at n Fire, A etui us sight was witnessed 111 ( 'iiiciliiinll din ing 11 lire there the other .lay. In the building all the upper floors wi re stored with peanut,, sevt n thousand bigs in all. As the lire ate its way into the peanuts an, I burned the windows of the building out, the nuts rolled out of the win dows III 11 st-ad. stream. I'.aeli nut was blaing, aiidlhey bad the appear ance of a i-tteiim of tire-halls rolling out of the windows. The ,ei iho l-i-.i'a I !.-, winch were a total I Weie valued at three dollars a bag. As there were only f uly thousand I.Hgs of peanuts in Cincinnati, and one hundred and twoii'y thousand in the entire country, the L,s of thi, stock will n five t the market. Ai goiiant. New I se for lite ln,tolllc". The postotlice iu India not only col lects an I d livers letters, pnrccU mid other articles, but acts to a c 'I'tiiiii ex tent us a banker to tin; general public, sells ipmiiiie and salt, pays military pensions and colli cts the revenue ac cruing to the goveriim ut from laud and other sources. P it to the I' -i dle bra 11 of olio of the oldest elliot rs in the department is due the lateM de velopment in the work of the post office. The Punjab post,.!;!,-,- his come forw itdrt, an elementary teach 1 r. It in it only collects letters and deliver th;m, but t -aches boys in ele meiitarv schools bow to write them and address the covers. Iei TliiiiMnir. "Ah! Ii t me th nk 11 initiu'e!" exclaimed ('holly Taddells. "But do you imagine you can keep it up that long?" asked Miss Ktttish, auxiollslv. Puck. AMERICAN STREET RAILWAYS. Iiumenao Bums Inreeted in Tbene Mean of Urban Transportation. The great Importance of the tdrci-t railway Interests of thin country Is ihow u in u striking manner by some of tho BtutlHtlca. While Incomplete, the ligiires are believed to be accurate with in 5 per cent uud are surprising In many respects. New York has tho greatest amount of track, J,rf miles, or more than la all New Knglnud. I'enniiylvu tilu comes next, with 1,4-'- miles; then Ohio with 1.0T7 miles, Massachusetts with IMi'J miles and Illinois with Vol miles. The order of Htutes arranged with regard to the number of cars Is: New York, M.U.i; Illinois, r,Kl."; Penii K.vlvanlii, 4,ti''l; Miissncliusells, H.S'.Mlj lind Ohio, ;."J,VI. Kut this order Is en tirely clcingeil when the number of cni-il per mile of trin-b Is Inketi Into consiiler utloii, for on this basis of nrniiigeineiit the District of Columbia heads the list With (i. III. followed bv Illinois with ti.l'J. 1 New York wllh ...Tli, Missouri with -l.ttt nml M.issiichus .'tls with -l.h'J. The great- cst capltaliznlioii per mile nf track is rlM.LiN), In New Vnrk. It Is If M. Ton In l eiiiisylviinia, $7JAW III Photic Islam!, .,.,.,,,, ,.. , , , , r"" '"" ami fi.e.,11.0 111 i.i.tiis- 11 11.1. Tho funded debt pet" mile of track Is largest in New York, where It Is $'.'!, run. ti ml other high ligures are $7'J.-KXI In Khode Island, $II,WM In New Jersey, r-"'" In Illinois 11 ml $0 1. tit 10 In both Mlssoiii i ami Maryland. The total cap ital liabilities per mile of track are I. -"".Ion In New York, $Hi'.,mk) In lihoile lshiml. $IL",I,-PK In New Jersey, M',s,;hmi In Illinois, $11i'..7((i In Missouri nml $1 1 it, UK 1 in I.otilsl.i int. The banner Ktntes In the mailer of capitalization ore Mississippi, Florida. South Pnkota ami New Hampshire, whoso combined iiipllul slock ami funded debt amount to less than $1i,(mh per mi),. ,,f n-.n-k, Willie eiiorinously valuable me!i'oiioll- l.iii luopcilles In New York natiirnlly give that Slate Its leildilij; posltlou. Blreet Hallway .lottriial. ' r" yiiivortiHins. Advertising Is iml an outcome of mm rrn necessity, nut tsa vct.v ancient prac tice. The llllttsll Museum possesses a Meet Ion of old tireek advertisements prllile. I oil leaden plates. The Kgyp. liana were great advertisers. Papyrus i over three thousand years old li.-ive been found nt Thebes describing slaves nml ci linln.'ils who had run tway. and offering a reward for their upturn; and at Pompeii ancient ndver- tiseniciits have been deciphered on the walls. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. La'cst U.S. Gov't Report TO A Tiny Hook. One of the smallest 1 ks that have been printed has Just been published In Paris. It Is the story of Perraiit, I. Ittle Mop o' My Thumb. There nra etglitv pages of prlnled matter and four engravings. The book Is thirty. ght millimeters loin- twenty i-inlif wide and sU thick, and lis weight Is nl v live grammes. The little volittn 1 complete b.ok Iu every way. the binding being perfect, the pages duly l.e.liibelfd, Illltl the title page appeal ing with all the formality of th- most ilignilied volume. I he pages . in ..lily lie read by the liso of ,-i microscope, but then It Is found that the priming Is clear nud that the proof-tci'ling has beell CNeellelllly tlolle. S.'Vel'lll lllell 111 I'r iiiee nit" carrying these volumes in side ihelr w.itch I'lici't. A copy pre M-iiled lo a I'li-m h libraty ha, been duly entered In Ihe catalogues and juaceil on the shelves. I l.a.-f"iin,l Tiso st'ure r..r on-iiiii'tl"ii IIU lllit.llllll-- llie. ll. Ihe. K I' I'll. l. . S. -It si., ,, mut.,11. by., net I. I'-''- A !s'.ti.lsh prev rb stys: ' Sly knavery It too haul (or lioucat wis.lom." Th A . hi poe-l'i-atinn 1, Ie pi',.l.'iig lue. Kin in, T tl"ilei lire senile t t -1: e in I l.r l . 1, ili'tu-ti-pal.0,1. l'..e ..lli'lif .lie. I . 111-.. New Or t ans is ahoLt to ii dnlge In nn Js. .t tViUt' .-ewer. Hint. VinslowV Soethlnd Pimp for rhll.lion trriliilie, follens tho Ktinm. ntlnteK Inllau. ma ll, uv. ni:. tin pain. Hire., wlml enlie. -'r'. 11 bulllu It cost. jlO',1100 a y ar to keep up tho He's do lieu 1 11 ,-e. FITS tn pc! frra bv llii. Kt.m Vi Oiifat Nkhvk U1.si0. ru. No ilt Hfter llrst .IhiViis.i Jilm v.-loil s ear.--'. Ti .-it ,e sntl trial lo;. llefnu. in. Klm-.'.l Arch .-t.. I hil.. i'a. N ipol.-cn w 19 cie ssively fend of 1 1 oJ I mi l 11- If nttrte.l lthoreyi ose Or. Isaac Thomp 10a 'ft Kt 0-iMttt-r. Irut.c,i.st.3i-llul lr lull in M iitann's llrst In 11 e in nt II Inhabit-.!. o-ckockc)s IWcbstcr's Iiiteniatioiial .sin-ri'.-..i- ot ,.-" Src-aiien -.ti:.'i,i-l.-., M I Mlfrntldlircl nrtlt.-!' ll.arly ll S.,Dai,l'.''.k!l. THE BEST It is easy It is easy It is easy It is easy ;. A f. Mrrrlaiii Co., ooVVrvrisnsrvrt'w borrowing v ir Si vwCf . ' J !'j ' f J f r t'iJZSV - is IjVV the body. The sign of this borrowing is thinness ; the result, nerve waste. You need fat to keep the blood in heailh unlers you wa..! to live with no reserve force- live from hand to mouth. Scott's Kmpi sion of Cod-liver ( )il is more than a medicine. It is a food. The Hypophosphites make it a nerve food, too. It comes as near perfection as good things ever come in this world. Fr irt rom tt S. rlr't Fmulitcn ti 'i n,itf it ., ft .1 V 1,' " ' t.t-'tf. Scott & Bowiie, New Yolk. All Druggists. 50c. and $1. STOMACH AND HEAD PAIN3. A IIKIIKDV. XVotnni in Sutijrr-t ti llo'h, ni Aoo3anl ofTliiht f.s-elui. Via f'l" ft't.-ii'i .ViTi, .V'-" ',", .V. J. Oa" of tli 1 It ii;iii)it w 1 n ni iu Pi's city I Mrs. George . 11 "Is,, ot 2') Montgoiuoory Street. "Xo one to look at me now," said Mr I!lss to a niorl"r, "ivou'tl thtuk for a mo ment that I was s 1 ill that the doctors said I could not iosslhly In savel. Ahout three yuara ago I hegna to suffer frn-n tfrrlblo pains In my stonim-h and it was almost Im pognible for me lo do any work. Thn I haj nevrehea'lat-liiv that ulin .st tlistra 'tttd me mi l Rltogether I was i'i a n-ry sa I coinlition. Of eoursi) I wiinleil lo I. well n;ain, atnl likt) most peo..) in sii "Ii ease -., t e-m- i'te I a doe t"r, spent money for un' lieino and took it faithfully. To my inflnit i regret 1 not no heller, ami uu-ithr ilo -tor wiic:illeft In. Mora mefli.-iiiii WIW ,res,'riln I mi l this I I ni'.', but it iliil no k.hi'1. Thuso terrihln I'llius I'otitiniii-d to iiiHkn life iniseriihlii for I ". Jim tloelow lilanllv t il l im that I I not lie CMP"! entirely, f ul l.Hfts- j w-.irk ah.i'ut tiie h.m,.. h.-r 'an 1 siUTornt un. ; tohl aoiii.o. I .11.1 not ive up horn but dirt ! 1,11 1 r.-liev,. my misery. Nothing niil i.MU-a u-iisi,a ii; w.al I ; 1 gave tiie auv r-lii ..( thi,,), that all ,,, ,,it h niiau !- 1, no !, when. In ri'ii'lin the llrmiw AVicn, I haw lr. Williams' l'mk pills ii.lvt-rtlsnil. 'J'he priiitM l testimonial coming from a resi dent of this eity Ih I mt'to lieli.-vi' that I, (.m, might lu I eilted by th.-.t pills mil not without s ene miglvi'mrs I liouelit a box of I them. i ' Almost a- so-a a, I began to Ink" thnm I felt ri-llevt',1 and the llrst inarkeil lii.lientloti I ol improvt'tnent was "vlu-u Hint tire I, weary, I il..ii't-i-iir feelini; ili,.'ippi-iire.l. This wan la ilself s inietlilng lob ' xrateful for, but other iiud inorfl pleasln,' results f.. Mowed after I hail taken more of the pills. My Immliiehes i-eased entirely mi l tile pain in my stomil"h lr,,ihi..l nm 110 ni'. re. Now on.'., in 11 (jre at while I have all occasional ach" era pain, I ut 1 know Ihe cure, out cent's llie rink Pills, and after taking on" or two of thorn, iiwiiv the pain g-"s. ll all sc-ii- so (fnotl to inc I tint al liiin-s I .-im scar-.-ly believe Hint it can he tni" an I yet I kn ov that if I hail not us", I the,.. l ink Tills I w uihl still Im Hlfferi'lttagollV Ml"!l in few" I pie' b ill this Wi.rhl." r. William,' l ink Tills contain. In a coil- lens.-.l f. .rm, all the elements 11 ssiu v to give now life and rn-lmcs t-tli.. 1,1..,, 1 an l .-.s,,re shallercil nerv.-s. J'hi-y are .-in un- failing ,( ."-ill,- f. r Midi ill.,.-ii,,-, n, I motor I'lavia, l arliul piinily-i-, St. Vil u," ilnn.v, S'i iti'-n. iit-uiii'i:ia, rheii'ii.'itisii., nervotis liea.hiehe, the allei efTeet .. 1 1 grippe, pal pitation . '( I ho li-art . m lo an I sall-w com-.ei,,n- all form, "I w ai.11 eith.-r in I inale nr leiiialc. T.nii I'dls arc s . I I by all ' ib'alers, . r will ! ;.-i t 1 -I aol "ll receipt el pri" -. i..i .--iiis a ii , -r siv .,,es f..r i..rii' -t !i.' are ie er ..11 in hulk ,r hvllio 1 (li bv a I Ii '.-siii.; li . Willia ii'.' M",lieiu t'-uipai.y, S. li. in- -i 1 Iv, N. V. Consclenee Is half blind unless It J have tin eye for others ns well as for Keif. II EdMm 11 ITdjfe n n j!$4rkVm PURE Joke on I'aliner. Senator Palmer tells a story about an Illinois faiiner who for several years had been selling lit 1 : 1 wood for six dol lars a cold. "Tills year," says Senator Palmer, "he came to me with n load, nml 1 told him Hint I did Hot want it. lie offered It nt SJ a cord. I still re fused, and he wauled lo know why I W..11I.I m.t la'o it at I t,,ld him I was using soil 01. al. for which 1 paid one dollar .-unl I hirly seven cents a ton. 'i;.,si!' In- e.vel.i iined, "I heard you was tiling to demo.'-elize silver. II lid I10W vou are trying lo del u.-li,'..- wood.' " Pblln goods liecoinc figiticd when they are marked t'own. Waller BaKer S Co. Limlieo, The I rgit Mmufirturrrt of rf PURE, HIGH CRADE V5 Pnrnne '.nrtPunrni tc fs K vuuuag uiiuvuin 1 ku f-wjv. On ll.n I'onlinrnt. hare rrrit4 HIGHEST AWARDS fl.'l.l Ihr tftl Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS FIIRflPF AND AMERICA. ilVCauti)nV,V',nV'-rir. ' 7 r. . r i!, tt.ut our I li,-r ( miteitROMt. Iltirt'bralrr, Uf it irmtra . u catli i'i. ktft. SOLD BY CRCCtRS EVERYWHERE. WAITER BAKCR A CO. LTD. DDRCHtSTtR. MASI. OLSTEIN FRIESiAN C ATTLC s-.'UJ. W. Mi'l: 1. 1 s. llau-ersi.'Hii, 511. f . , 11 I 1 . 1 10 v. !' 0 11 sill: 11 v - 4 1 DoM toiiBh Syrup. Tasltit litl. Vm I i.iiui s nhiai til 1 1. SI nils. in llinrt. Sulil nr onuriri-ift, xxooooc riHthril'ifl." - iilt.ii i,,lieali''ii. Iitvtionary ; S S, 11,111, Ctirl.tla I'.S tat-.-! 1'rilltllnr !.- I ..llilll. U'W'tl, .Ill.siaw.sill-Tiuiciiui'liu.oi .s, riyvt-. I FOR PRACTICAL PURPOSES. to find the word wanted. M ascertain the pronunciation. to trace the growth of a word. lo learn what a word means. IiilllHH-rs,, hiirliiniieiu, iiasii. from health. I f you have borroweil f rom health to satisfy the tlemaiKis of business, if your blood is not getting that constant supply of fat from your food it should have, you must pay back from somewhere, and the sonH-wIiere will lie from the fat stored up in mm t -i