Rrnlners. Ho get of mn In the world more nptly tl lustritttt a oertirtu important point than prizo IlKhtnts. Tho point is with n-iril to the j.uiilshmnut they fjlve unit have to tube. AYIiptlutr victors or viinqufoheri, they emtio out of n rmiti'st tiruls.'il from hcml to foot. That such nvn hIuhiM bo awn with all th lihifi spots ctirml .uci'nis murvt'lmiM. until we know th'it they have use I Ht. Jiu-olw Oil. tvery one knows the virtue of tho grout remedy nml that it will cure bruises, and the moral in, all i-mi profit hy the example. If the tlKtiter know lie ran be so fiKilv I'lin'tl, il is a Itvsnii to all siilijivt to hurls; ttl-y will lose no time from work If they uso it. l.lcorloe uroH -i i'liii-f1y on tho hanks of the livers Tigris anil Euphrates. In Olilen Tlttirn Feople ovprlonkcii tho importance of per manently lien ili il i lTivts and were sitlnlleil with tiiinsitnl a-: inn, hat umv that it U pen rally know that Syrup of Fun will ,tiiiv rjetitly cure lia'iitual i-iiili;utiiii, well in forineil people will not buy ether laxatives which act for a time, but llually injure tU Vbttm. 'I lie onlv Hill that t tuns while llvir.s is thf Irt'.k. 100 Keirartl. ttlOO. TheTcaders of thi p;ippr wilt ha pVrviail to !t: mi that there is nt lt-n-1 oiieilrtiiili.l ilst-aso that scifii-'u li.it tx'i'ii '"lie u cine i.i a I lis ntiii'S. ami tli it ii i-.iiiir.h. Hull's t'lilarrli t'uieH tiio only iiotiiive cure now known to the med o ill rY.iici-.ii.y. ( iii.irrli hrini; a con Ktitution il i1imni-i r.i'iirn a c niuiiit-oiial Ireatiiienl. Hall's i m.ilTil t lire is taken in lernahy, actir.ix u.rr. I y iipiu the IiIu.hI and nmeous aiir;ce ft toe vni'iti, th.-ri-l.y tie. ftroyiiu tll- foiiiiihil ion of the itiii'ii e. Mid Kiviio.' tne pai iciii hi i en . in hy building 11 tm itiistuiiiim in I :iv.Ui..i nature In do 114 its work, i'lie proi!M.'i.n t I'.ive mi inlli'h la. ill in Its curative I'ow. rs I, .tit. thev oiler Dun Hun dred liiiilarsrnriiuye.ivetli.il 11 talis to cure, fc-vud lor iui, o!' lei iinoni.i f.. Address i !'. ,1. finvi v - to., io.cdo, 0. V Sold hy Dnibiii-, Vjc. A bad mail 111 s liati-, t lie tilings Hint noiild do hit t '..'1 i d. For Viio,.i.-i ,. . ;o's riir" Is a n C-'S-.f;i! 10 1." I .-. 'I. 1'. I'ik.mi, 117 'lilfO"P Ave , liro-ik 1. N V.N M. Is 'l If doi.in'1 take mi!' It money to make a Unoil man ri'-li. Mr. W"i,.ii. 's So. thin:.- Svriii- rorelilldreii leethititf.solti-nsthe mi ins. 1 o.:iiv inll.iin illa tion. nihil ?. pain. in.-. hid . olio. :.''. .1 li.it ic. .. inatti i' In 'iv .-a!" mii in.iv Ion;;, Us end is lie Itll. What 1 ease el iteliel il is I Know that inn li ive cum. Iliad reora-r -mows (henl, U1--1 :s i-.. uf rt.'i.'. !". . at .lrl ;-,'isU. A 11 follL -tie? il 'o .1 el eillle i-ll tiillptnt Mill fi'sisled. lit', Kilmer's S11 1 nr II n 01 eure it : I K i.lm v and lilii.l.li-r trouhles. lV.inplili't and 1 oii-ultati..n free. I.iihr;i:..rv. !;';ii-haint. -n. N. V. Wlsipiin i-.im live 1.11 ulial Tools tiample llllili'l' rnot. KIT stoi'pcd free In- 1 ir. Kl'M's i;i:kt Nkmvk Hi-si mi 1. 11. V. Ms in to- fist .a -s 11-e. Marvelous em es. 'I ri-iti-r and 't rial liot lie rive. Iir. hi.tNK. ::d A : oh M.. I'hlia., I'a. 'I lie ill v. tit ii- of soap iv.is a I'lieii.i of f he 'iosi.el. Parker s liin.-er I' nil ' ' I'mml ir for u'linl ivori;. Sa I'.t 11 ;. "'eeple-s, wtv mi woiiieu find no'.'.h r . eitliin ; aud reviving. i'o live an aim;. s Me is to lite. If aft'.lcted with snreeiMi ose Dr. Isaac Thomtw tnu't liie-water. liriii.'K'i't.'-seU ul :iSc per I oltlu Japan e . .1 N mai'ii' Weak and Languid "Our little Hath-riie' ''ad u li pm," cough, alter which .-00 ' 1 1 1 I ab-ng fpen day to j day, p " .r, '.VM':. i : a"'lid. SI aid seil-e.-ly I Mt anything. 11 r :!!; iv:;s ,ft 1:1 1 -all. .i i gave her Hood's Sarsapnrilla ill she so--.ii began .. rave -:o:u-thiiig to rat. She steadily i:nj " . .-.I, and ! lay is in full g I health. II , !!e-h is ....lid. !,.T cheeks rose. -tit. g-il and lo-r s p refp-skiug."1 Hi;- M. A 1 ... 1;. .;i l'iiii,.n St., I'.-abodv. Mas.-, lo t -nil II...... s. Hood's Pills ' lei .... ni.t'l. etr.'e- I .Vil dl't.;:i-M. . 1 The Oreatcst riedical Discovery oi the Arc i KENNEDY'S Medical jiiscovery. DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MRSS., Has dlsoveri"! In on of 11111 eimmon pasture weed; a ron.- lv that cures every . kind of Iliinnr. fr .m tin- ivomt Bcrofui down to a common piinplo. Ho has tried It in ov.-r eleven hnnilred rases, and nev r fniied e-;,-e t in fwoeaso (both thunder hvnoM. II" h;u now la his poises-ion ovr two hundred eertiD cntes of its v i!uo, nil iv.tiiti. iwcnty mtlw of Boston. S-ti 1 'o tal ard for boolc A benelit is ai'.vai-experienced from th first bottle, and a i.erf. et cure is warranted When the rlnt ipianiity i taken. Waen the l .ns are affected tt eanw booting pan-, like needb- passiod through thorn: the same with the Liver or Bowds. 'i'liis is caused by tho duotf boini? stopped, and always disappears In week after taking it. U ad the labeL If the stoma ' is foul or bilious It wiH Ca IPO squea.ni-.il .'e.-iiu.'s at 'irst. Jo ehan-o of dft ever n -oes-ary. Est tho be you can ir.-t. and enoutth l It Po.-sj, one tail. spoon iui in water at tJ" Uaia. Hull i..- .-.il l -i ri.st II: IOLSTEIN F!ESIArl CATTLH arpa-.-.- 1 i t i:..k, l-nller. ll&'J. W. iiol.i: :S. 'lliiucr i..iu. Jld. Try Thetn All, Every Tom, Dick and Harry's Buckwheat. ? THEN ? Frnnce has throe hundred Senntois, while th'a country has but ciolity It is estiintituil that tho cotiiitieroo of tho groat InkoH for 1S'J5 will ruu liver 4",0i)0,(lt)0 tons, of A value of 010,001), 000. Henry Irviug says that tho only remedy ngniust luid iiotiutf in this country" is tin endoivo l theatre, thti ported by the tiovenimiiit. Tho Dituishgovt'iiimcnt is consider in a luipjeet to spend 20,000,000 crowns to supply 000 worthy laborer:; willi farms. It would bo a good in vest men t. John 1 Iiibliertoti says that lie is oct tiuo; money from "Helen" I tables" yet, 11 ti 1 tho book lias paid him 000, ilmttoli lie had hard work to iiud a publisher who would lottcli it. "lne iiinii'U'omi; and iiiin:l.il.Ie responsibility of the ballot" is nl at 11 huge niitnbi r of iniliii iitiiil Now York women call tin- "ritiht' for which mil ninny otln r women chimo". A ini'ilieiil aittliority on tin- virlti of various kinds of food ih-clnres lliat the hi-rriug gives the museles elastic ity, the body sli i'tigili u;i. t M! brain igor, mid is not not llesli-I'oi itiing. San Francisco's l'tro Pepnrtiuiiit Cotntiiiltee has ilielared noain-t tall buildings mid ii'i'otiim. ii I. .1 lli.-pa--sage o! an ordinance loli ,b. 1 1 u-; tho erection of li reproof b iildin ts of a greater height than 100 feet, mid pro vided that buildings (hat are not fire proof shall not exceed eighty feet in height. In outdoor sports this season manv records have been broken, but tie' trotting horse has not done all that was expected of him. In lvtt, when records were so often smashed, it was einlilently predicted tint this sea son would see the tivo-iiii:nile Itott.-r; but he has not made his appearance. The old discussion as to whether or not the horse has reached tip) limit of Ids speed is lilo ly to be resumed (trout improvements have been re cently made at tie- mouth of tit- river Vistula. The old branch into j 1 . - lla! t if has bei ti htlai-iitened and short ened from ten miles to four and a halt'.ati.l tiieciitia! broadened by shift ing a dyke on the left lem'v six tulles further west. The Maiitzig branch is shut oil' by a lock. Tho change, make th" l iver mote accessible all ! nt the same time mil prevent destruction by I'p.ods. The work lias cost ?",'""', O'u 1. The hoeed with ii !i icii Aust 1 n'.iati mining camps suddenly d. velop into 1 large cities is shown by Coolganlie, III'' C 'tl't'C of the Ill'lV lll'lllllg district W. -t A i ts' din, that is on lie edge of a groat desert. T110 vent's ug.i it wa- l;il!ilolu to the Woll I 01 e.llies l IV a lire burned a whole block in th centre of the town 101 I tin) loss i-;es:t-iirit- d at 1, l i-l.'1 I 1. t'u' sun.: won derful dev.'i.'pm ii' is also s.'eii in S iittli A trie 1. It rivals even tin mushroom otolith of California cith in pioneer days. A recent census bullet in, says Worn ! uiiKkiii'l, 1 1.'.i ! l u g n it'll I ho occupation., j of the people of lie- I'nito.l States shows that IS per cent of all p r-'onx, male and fern do, more th in ten year-I of ago are 1 ngaged ill some gaiu!il! occupation. Tno total number o! ' 1 working 1 pc is 'J.', diil, ol which IH.Ji'.O.VI are 111-11, all 1 :i.0l I. 711 '.voineU a g illl of 1 , o'm w..iu ) en since I So-1, a rale of increase tiearl i j three and one half times as grea: i - - the iacre iso of working men. A , study of the tables in tho bulletin re-v.-als some interesting 0 iiniiarisoiix. Id iSS) there was one woman arciii toot in the country; 111 1XH) then Mire 22; then there were but live lawyers toll yenrs later there iit-re IS ; there were d7 woiuo 1 clergym. n in 1shi): m ls'.iu, l.'J.;... The 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 -r of actresses inctea-eii from to It.O 10 ; artists and teach ers of 111 1 from 112 to 10, HID ; ihni-ti-ts iron 21 to '''"; designers riraiightsiueti and tnvi iitofs, from 1 :! tolbui; journalists. to sss ; niusi- J eiaiis and teueliers of music, o,7.Vt I., dl ol'.l; government olliciuls, 111 t, I. s"-"'i physicians and surgeons, . "21 to I. ""; theater managers, shoumeti, 1 tl'., J00 to t'll'il ; boo keepers, ac'Colllll at ts, eho ks and I' .pvtxts, from K.0I1 it 02,.1s2.") ; st-tiogi apher and type w iters, trom 7 to 2 1 , 1 So ; saleswomen, fv in 2.77.1 to ., 1 There wcrt two veterin.'U y sii'oi'ons and forty-sis chemists and as- ayer in 1 S'.IO, against notii! or either in ISS ). A Tailiii 's Cl-.'vcr Kiise. In one of tho h ading journals ol Montevideo tho following advertise 111 tit appeared recently: "A very rich young woin in would like to mar ry a young man of good family. I! II. c -ssary, 1-li : will pay the debts ol her future hudiand. Send answer, with photograph, to I. P. nt the ofliei; of I he join t.. I. " The inserter of this announcement was no other thou one Isaac Meier stein, a merchant tailor, who hud just set up an e-tablishuieiit in Monte video. Iiy this plan ho procured photographs of ninny und'.Hirable cus tomers, Argonaut. fJMt I'A KM AM) JiAKDES. KFJ.r to owe intr.ni. 'I'i : t r.... .. . , lieiu la no Hl'iai iui lliu nicnioU ( 1 J.. f..- 4 1 ,,l,l.....l t , . . , .. " , obtained by buyiuo; every year tho necessary number of thoroughbred mules mid marketing all the cockerels, (.'house 0110 breed and btick to it. If you try 0110 breed 0110 year mid an other tho next all tho valuable points of various breeds will bo lost. Xow York World. WATFll rilOM A SPUlSlt. It is ipiilo easy to raise water lioni a spring as much as eighteen foot be low the level of a building, and ninety feet from it, hy tin ordinary well-mado pump. The pipe need not be more than one inch in diameter, as this will supply as large a quantity of water as any house or stable or burn will ro rpiir To nv-id freezing in the pipe it sliouid be laid below the .surface out of reach of frost, and the pump should lie si t over a dry well six or more feet deep. The water should lie drawn oil from the pump hy making a small hole in tin- pip, far enough below the Mir face to prevent froezimr. A check valve should bo pined ul the lower end of the pipe, in the spring, to re tain tho water in tho pipe. New York Tinii s. Tt liKKVS liOOSTtNii ON TURKS. Tin keys at c so little removed from their mil state that they wili not bear eoiiliiieinent as well as other kinds of domestic fowls. In all our experience, ii hen tlcy are about hull grown, it was impossible, except by closing it, to keep them in the hen house at night. They have an irre sistible propensity to roost on trei'H. We believe it is generally better for them to do so, at least while warm or moderate weather Continues. In the trees t hey are free from tho vermin which will almost always lie found in hen houses in hot inalher. The more a. -tue varieties of barnyard fowls often roost on trees in the miiuuht. It is the ol.h r ones which mostly do this, and if they cannot be brought to tlu' henhouse by tin) time cold weather c. 1110s it is better to mark them for tin- butcher, lion houses in summer nr.- Usually too close. Tne air is bad, !i!: l i i hot weather it is far inure pie. as int and We believe bettor for all !iili-gow!i bulls I roost out of doors. I'-uallv cold weather will make most of t Ik-iii willingly roust 111 tho lien house again. - Itostoii Cultivator. 10 i in.vi sr siwnoN porvrors. A special circular recently is.uedhy liieNew Jersey College 1 Xperilllelit s-t it lull gives the results of the appli cation uf sulphur to prev.-nl scab and rot of both Irish and sweet potatoes, t'l'iin one plot ol ground sul phur was Used at the late !' oO'l poiin Is per Here. The fivshly cut seed was lolled III the slll- ph-ir, and the l.il.ii.c..- of tin- inlphur spiii.kled in the op.-n ions. Adjoin ing ph'ts in the lield had everything in cointiiou with the above except the addition of the sulphur. So striking were the results that ulu-ii the sul phur was Used the potatoes came out in tine shape, of large s c and practi cal. y free from scab, llllla' e'sewheri1 111 the lieiil they Here all, mtli r ue i s c ptions, scabby and lllimarketiible. The sulphur Iei11e.lv is said in lie ipially ellic icioiix 1:1 leienting rot ill s leel potatoes. I'll.- Use of suiphlll' lor preventing fungu-. d.x ases is Hot illUg llell, alld Ms :l'..lC.llion t polat.o s would ! , : i . 1 1 . 1 1 1 y f illoiv win re it had proved of villi- in destfoyin;; fungi on otle-i- kinds of plants. I-'arniel's li ho lon e had scabby pola toes this season sl;.u!d lliake a Hot.) 01' this populai riilpliur preventive, and try it in t planting tune. New York Sun. r.ri-'Ki'T of pood on Tin-; i'i.Ki'i i To obtain wool of good ipialily and proper (juantity the sheep i.hould tie well fed. Tin' increase of the wool in length and resisniliee Colin n to a atop if t he animal It" deprived of the anion nt of food l. I'essiiiy for It. Well-fed sheep pa . for the iner. a .. d expense by the weight of the lloeee anil the better ipmbty of the wool. Yhere is, however, an essential dif ferellUi; to bo Holed ill lo!lg-WOo!ed sheep. To much and too rich makes the w-jol of the short-wooled .sheep too h ug, au incofiv tiicuc) which tias not to be feared in loiig-wooled varie ties. When the sheep receives little food, or when that loot given in sulli cient ipiauttties is uot t-uflicieiitly nitrilive, tho wool preserves its fine ness and acipiires a certain length, but its resistance fails. Il is deprived of grease, which makes it, weak, harsh to tiio touch an I dry as tlax. It.'gularity in distribution of the food is of the highest importune, the wool iioon sho ving the effects of this. This is seen when, in w ittier, tlie tdieep are well fed with hay, grains, beans, and oilcake, and win 11 these supple mentary foods aie too quickly taken 11 way in the spiug the wool undergoes a time of storage ; later, continuing to prow under nmro favorable eircum Hinnoes tho woolly hair is less resis tant, and in a part of its extent, covers a dead spot, 11 real scar, indicating tho irreguluarity of growth. Opin- ious differ as to the action of different (foods on tho wool. All, hovover, ;;roo id iittribtilin h marked j'tfec .1.. r.,.1.1.. ..... 1 n..., " """" rnii " "" """1 """h"-' ..1. 11... 1...;. ; 1., .,.,. '111 f "l l" ""v-.m, ....m,.. brightness and utrengtli, TO MAKE HENS LAY IX WINTE1I. (Sood breeds of fowls are becoming quite common on the farm, nud 1111111 nro using more pure-bred males w rites H. 11. Woleott. A greater interest is taken in tho improved flocks aud bet ter quarters. The results are so en couraging that tho poultry yard is coming to lie considered otto of tlu paying departments of tho farm. There are but few farms where tOO hens will not support themselves nine months in the year upon that which would otherwise be wasted. To cheap houses, boxed, battened an J lined with tar paper, with a shed ut taeheil to each where the fowls can scratch and exercise tin stormy or snowy days, will keep thetn comforta ble and inclined lo lav all winter. The sheds may be pole frames covered ntld sided with straw or shock fodder. The houses, if open, may lie made com fortable by setting fodder around them, to bo removed 111 summer, if troubled with mites A good liou-;o is cheapest to begin with if one can all'ord il.but a clean straw-covered -uo will answer if watiiiand clean. Tho fowls should not be b t out on i-tormy days nor while tho snow is on tho ground, yet they ii 'ed exorcise to keep thetn laying mid healthy. S tha shed, protected from the Cold winds and open only on the south, given them a place, and small grain i;i the sheaf or scattered in straw gives them an incentive to work. A piece of meat hung just high enough to give thetn a little trouble in reaching it interests them amazingly, while a few bits thrown into the she 1 causes a race that is healthful. Water with the chill off should be provided several times a day in cold weather. Keep the snow cleared away from the do r.s an I throw your coal ashes) around it and under the sheds. The hens like to pick among them, and they form a hard, dry surlae.) not easily made muddy, (tiit is indis pensable. Coarse sand and broken, thsi.o.x pounded lino will moot this need. Many cases of so-cilled cholera result from indigestion, caused by a lack of grit to grin I the. whole grain. I find ground oyster shell relished in small qu intlties, expeoi illy by the Leghorn family. Ft furnishes ma terial for the eggdiells. American Agriculturist. I'A 11 M A Vl o !. li'.N NOI'I'.S. The theory tint white Ion's are more teiid -r and Ion liar ly than dark ones is probably all a notion. There is 110 reason w-hy il should bo so, and probably is lo t. Nothing will help your hens nhmg into a lay ing em lit ion sooner thin green cut bone. It helps the lien make now feather an 1 tones up tho system generally. Cut flowers will keep much longer if nil leaves which would be under tho water are pulled oil'. If the flower is haiil sialked, like the Iliac, the bark should be removed also. L ditto,' seed whi le well kept is good for several yens. II -ct seed is good for eight or t"i; years when kept properly Ciblnge, kali, radish, tomatoes, spinach, turnips, aspaia- gus. c mini 1 lor. b a:i i 1111 I peas i.re j good from four to live years. i If you have a hen that seems to get through the 111 .hi i t ti g period so.ui.-r than her matox, set her apart to breed from, as iho moulting hen tt.-hloui lays bene the shorter the time the sooner she will ros'inie laving'. If you hav-.'ii'l fixed up that coop you'd better gel a hustle on. Plug up every knot ho'e ; bitten up every crack ; and stop every leak for a good Col 1 just at this s m.sou will knock a lieu out for laying all w inter probably, or kill her. TIib prim iry req lisitos of n good road are that t iio w iter bo removed, the sin face level, ami th foundation solid. tbl these conditions and an ciiiih r tad is go 1 I most of the year, and the bed is i 1 sh ipo for the appli cation of gravel or broken stone. Whether the raising of horses be comes profit ible or not, the horse most serviceable to the farmer are thos) he rahes on the farm, provided he breeds for tin kin 1 ho prefers. Disposition, o'istitiiti n, capacity and perfection in any d groe can lie best secured by brtodiug for those qialitieR. Pumpkins are usually in great de mand by canning factories, and bing good plies. 1'lcntiriil as they 111. i.y bo on farms th factories are not as well supplied as they should be. (ineii peas, toinitoei, string beans, sweet coin nud pumpkins are tho principal farm products dei-ired for canning by the earners. When a cow is dry sho should not receive heavy rati, in of grain. liny mid fodtb r, with a small proportion of bran, is better than eoueeutrutod food, as such cows are non-producers, and if fed too heavily will become fat, a con btioii w iieli is not very favor able at the calving period, milk fever often resulting when tho co v is too fat from ovorfoodin Ql'AIXT AM) (I RIOrs. The comical cap worn nt the timo of Alexander theiiroat i.s still to bj seen in Persia. In a trench in a 15oston street vns found a rare British copper coin, dated 172.1. According to Ovid the white ane mone sprang from the tears Venus shed for Adonis. The win.) list of Sardanapaliis l.r.s been found on a terra cot a tablet, nud contains ten kinds Taking off the hat or cap as ft sign of reverence or respect was mentioned in tho time of Cioiar. In the fifteenth century plumed hats with wide brims became fashion able all over lhiropc. In Mills County, Iowa, there is nu orchard 1,010 acres in extent and con taining 110,000 apple trees. Cocoa is made from the fruit of the cocoa tree, fermented live days in heaps, or in earthen vessels. Swiss advertising exp'tts now put big lettered signs 011 the bottom of Lake (i. n -vii in white stones. Edward Johnson of Middlctown, CL, recently cast his sevcnty-thiid Consecutive vole for town officials. Ho is iiMiety-four .1 ears old. A woman 111 Tekonsha, Mich., is re joicing over her triumph over the tobacco habit after sh" had been a confirmed sinoki r for more than fifty years. The old 'st known apple tro) in this country i.s in Cheshire, Cl. This seeil was planted 1 1') years ago, mil the tree still bears every year a few apples. A business firm on the thud floor of a -Market street building in Philadel phia in which tlu'iv is no el valor r.: joicis in the 11:11110 uf Walkup llrothers. The costliest election coute-t oil record .n that of Wilberlorce for Hull, England, in lsu7, in which he and his friends are said to have spent not far from 'J.oO-l.dl'O. A Chicago boy found a ri v dv. r in the street tho other day. lie sii ippe I it to sei) wh'-ther it was loaded and he found that il w is Th" doctor took the bullet oul of his Jolt leg. The nearest approach of perfection which has ever been attained by a book is in tho ease of a Spanish linn of publish'-! s, who haw produced a work in which only one loiter has been m spi.-.c.-d. A re l-polle I cow nt Whitilinghain, Eughin 1, has yielded miik c mtttiu oilslv since she ceased calving, live veals ago, ' b. r record boiii; l;l,7ol quarts of miik ol the first qu ility. No t her case like t h:s is know 11. Some Top-Heat)' atncs. "I 11 hut! t ii il I hnv rat ii. r a h ir 1 inline to spi II or pronouue.-, and th it is why I etieoiii ago 111 . Ir.eiid- in lluor proclivity to call iio- Zig," said C. t . Ziegetiluss. "lint while I nial.e I ills confession as lo my own oiiti.ni lish patronymic, I want it under-too. I that mine is not Iho uor-l name 1:1 lie world. Once while I was doing in ws paper work in Denver our editor a I vertise l lor a new ..(lice boy, A biigut iipp. anii ) i o:tug leilow with a mild look in his eye an -were. I thi ea'l mil said he was r. a Iv lo go to work. " 'All 1 ight.' said the editor; 'h t me us., voir nam-.' The oil h-'sj. tatcd a moment uu I i v. tilu illv li-hel out a card which bote tie- nam.' 'Her man V. M 0 geliail -gelagell. ' "Chipping bis li il on Ins loud he b it. We tried lo call him back, but it was no us-.." This story led to others in regard to st range iniiie-. "I 11-e l I 1 know a man in M.s-ouri named Auxie Au chieo Piouzuli Maria Penith Ilildreih Dick iiison Toinpkius,"s ti I P. d Divis. "I have heard D.111 D iiil tell of a colored boy in Washington City who bore the eognoiiicnie burden of Thomas Didvinus Christo;.h- r Holmes Henry Cadivald.-r Peter Jones iieury ('lav Anderson. "- San Francisco Call. A Haft of Itiifs Hi-inn hy I'i re. ''It is an in iispul abb- l,,e: that tiro will draw rats," s:y, Eoiiis Simmon, Is of St Ft eiis. "During a recent big tiro near the river bank in St- Feiuis a tiro brigade neled tho part of Pied Piper of II iiiielin. and, with the axxis taiic of the flames, drov out of their hiding places into the Mississippi a many rats as did the mylhologieal j musician. While the water wa-. : lighted by the reflection of the con-j fliigration, a black miss was seen! floating toward the east shore of th) river. This proved lo lu som-j thou- I sands of nils "They were lien led by their chief--tain, nn extraordinarily largo, black fellow, and, finding their quarters at- ' tucked by tho flames, h id taken to the river for si-ll'-preservition. The cur rent carried them c tusiilorablo d i.s- I. tance out of their course, nud during their passage sonio hundreds of them were drowninL Spectators on tho bridge liiado bets on the race, but they were nil declared off, lucause on thu Illinois side there was no landing place handy for tho fatigued rats, and' as far as could bo soon, with tho ex-' ceptioll of tho fellows, tho wholt' hunch perished in the river." Kan- j sag City Timos, I Wealthy, but nard-Workeil. One of tho most conspIeti',tis business men In New York, w ho is the nxtonsivis head of n company with ninny millions 01 assets, said recently that lie had not taeii n vncatlon In ten years. He Is a millionaire, nud his statement liull ontes the high pressure under which men who manngo the affairs of blK com panics sometimes work. During the liunimer tils family live In their cottage on the Jersey const. "I am able to get away from my office lit :i:"0 In the afternoon," he sahl, "by making use of my time on tho trip down to my cottage. I go by boat, and I take my stenographer with me. In this way I am able to clear up my cor respondence 011 the way down. My stenographer returns at once to New York, mid wheir I reach my ottiee I find tho letters that I have dictated t tw ilight before ready for my signature. That saves me about nn hour a day. Vacation? No. I don't take a vacation. My Jerks and assistants do Unit, but I lind that It Is Impossible for me to get away There are many little details that I have to attend to personally, and I e.'in'i turn them over to any other man. "--New York Sun. ItultfcA on Hioycles. Itidinir along Hay street the olhet afternoon was a young man with a cblld not over '' .veal's old silling con li'iitedly In an extra seat which bud been fi.slened on the frame in front of the regular seat, 'the child and the young mail appeared to lie enjoying the ride Immensely and attracted much at tention from pedestrians. The little one's feet lilted snugly into 11 frame support and Its hands rested on the handle liar. Altogether It appeared just as well s.'itislleil and looked 10 ta ns safe ns if In a buggy or oilier vehicle, says a Florida Times Cnioii reporter, tint more than one person remarked: "Just suppose the bicycle should strike something ami turn over'?" If It should, the man could possibly get out of the wreck nil rig'ht, but the child would not be so fori una le. If would lie almost Impossible for si rider to take cire of a child should Hie bicycle get into n sinasli-iip. It would tie all lie could do to look out for hiui- Klllf. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE Too Xent. The number of people In the world who arc economical nt the expense of others Is immense. The ability to do this was somewhat ploturesipiely Illus trated in a case In which two mothers vi'!'o discussing their little boys. "nil, dear," said .Mrs. Itrown, "my Willy Is in flirty and destructive! All his clothes 11 ro spoilt.11 ri'lit away." "Oh. ihat's too bud," said Mis. tSreen. "My little Johnny, now. Is so jeat and saving. Why. rather than soil his clean handkerchief, ho always burro'.-., one from oi t of the boys." The latest disco very aiimninr-i-S hy tin perniciously aetive baeleiiol'ist:; is that even (he hitherto unsuspected egg of the Ii. 11 is I're.iu. ntly full of deadly microbes. The triumphs of si lence an' so great that men n fus.- to beware of microbe., it liaiin:: I n tlenioustrati'.l that 110 mailer what is eaten a full meal of baet'-i ia is assured Agents Ladies or Cents, $75 lrwy X I't I'lullng H urLt, llrp'l 10. lulumbu O. SKVD l.n I ... wl ,h ... I : il iv; l, ..!,.;. IV l.l-ll III- -.lk ..II. I l.-l.ll V.-ll I w.mIc 1.1 Hi- I . -.Itty .l..-n- j tu-li-l tin 1 . llr "i'lr ll-l tte v. il th.. t..s... s Itiit. l.-m, n 11.- i I. k, n I. 1. u,i;ii;ii, ll,...c..r, 1 $3 A YEAR. 2'rcnlilriitlitl Yt-.-tr. TDK rillCAiiil ('IIUiiN'ICI.K, Hie ureal 00111.. Tllllc lleivs.:itier of ll.e wesl, Hill l.e seiu X liv ii week oil-' year ..i- if a. No Mil.Mi-rnnioi. io esr.ite less Hi. 111 nne year. Samples free. 'I'll K lIKONIi'l.K. 101-lilti WaslilnsMi.il !.. l-lur.-n.-n. 1 ?n Timely Warning. (& The great success of the chocolate preparations of the house of Walter Baker & Co. (established in 1780) has led to the Dlaciner on the market fmany misleading of their name, Baker & Co. are the oldest and largest manu facturers of puro and high-grade Cocoas and Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are I used in their manufactures. Consumers should ask for. and be sure that 1 they get, the genuine WALTER E5AKER DORCHUSTER, MASS (0W for resisting disease-thin people, nerveless delicate The food for all such men, women, or children is Scott s Emulsion. The hypophosphitcs combined with the oil will tone up the system, give the blood new life, improve the appetite and help digestion. The sign of new life will be a fattening and reddening, which brings with tt strength, comfort and good-nature. Bnure yen g.-l Si-ctCt Emulshn 71 .) trait il (tnti net a i'i'"? uJst-.'utr. Scott & Bowne, New York, au Druggists 50c. and $u woMMsra mm r. rr.RiTONirn 'okmio-i srAttE? its VICTIMS, Wlitn Tt DiM Slt la Hut a Wren riijr li-lsii Have I,tuiji llco-i I'o it crl i-83 --Tlic ICitarIitc3 or 11 Halt., morj Woman. From the HitM, Bx'ti-nore, ML Mrs. J. P. Grov, a mari-lo I laly with Kramlohililron, II vns 417 Pinknoy Place, Baltimore. Sho would easily pa.ss for a woman of half her ago, nn l owojhur present state of Roni health and probahly li"r llfo to thousoof Dr. Williams' Pink rills A WvtiM reporter onllnil nt tho lionso a foiv days ajjo ami was informo.l that Mrs firovn had gono out for a walk and would soon ho hack. Tha scrihe was u.shoroil into Iho parlor to await lior arrival. Tup room pavo every eviJonea of refinement niultho ouro and ntlontion of n gooJ housewife. Choice books lay around givlnj? proof of tlieintellitrencoof the family, and tho walls were decorated with many ram articles of virtu and bric-a-brac- from South America, Japan, and other countries. When Sirs, drove was annoiinco.-l tho reporter win astonished to Hud her such a younif looking nn. I healthy woman. Shi'iHwollodiicated.aurt is a flunnt talker and Interostiuc; to listen to. Sho, however, declined at first lo speak ol tho result sho lin t experienced fromtnluug the Piiilc Pillfl as, she sai.l, sho did not like to have tier name appear in print in any way. "However," she nilded, after some little hesi tation, "tho pllla did mo so much Rood that I nilgai lie dointf wrong hy not lettlni; some other sufferer know what they did for mo." Then she said, "Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills nre corlaiiilv all tho proprietors represent them to he. 1 never had such relief from any othnr medicine. A short time a'o I had ail at tack of peritonitis which loft mo in such a prostrate I and nervous condition that I de spaired of recovery. I could neither sleep, cat or read with aiiy degree of peace or sat Islaction, and life wits absolutely a bunion. Having heard that others had been cured of the same troubles by Dr. Williams' I'ink Pills. I (secured several boxes and began to take Ih an. As if by niiiute I at oncn began to improve. Thev cured me, and now I have no symptomsof nervousness or of the disease which so prostrated me. Now that's enough," faid Mrs. drove, in reply to another ques tion. She walked to Hi" door as lightly as a you ne girl and, with a plcasnnt goo I morn ing to tiio reporter, .lisii.-'iiro i within the portals of her happy homo with a little grandchild clinging to her skirts. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, In a con densed form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood mid restore shattered nerves. Pink Pillsare rold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid oil n-eeipt of price (SO cents a box, or six boxes for 42. SO I hey aro never sold tit bulk or by lflil). by addressing Dr. Williams' Medlciuo L'ompauy, Scheueotndy, N. Y. Powder lie 11 Woman, liirls. nil of you. every where, this Is n word to y.m: be womanly. He true to yourself, and be guided by the prompliligs of those who have been through it till and Know by experieuee the best line of conduct lo plllsllo. Vol! may lose 1I1 ni;i.iiiioiisliii of some whom you llilnl; very gay and Jolly, but their e uneseent tilei'ilship will be replaced by sincere ivspei 1 and eoin iiieitd.'ition. It Is great fun. perhaps, to In- a bit slangy in your talk, to lake sitrrepi it ious pull's of a ciavitt or lo deceive your mother as to your where abouts'. Possibly for a lime sin-h a lliu- of con duct Mill a. pear amusing and clever, and you will undoubtedly think you are pleasing Tom, Pick of Harry, by being hail fellow, well met ami willing to tl ive those who have yotir best interests at slake. Hut. when your back is turned, no one will be so will ing to censure you as they. Keiiiember Hint, and don't yield to ilie temptation to In- tlippaut and untrue. He wom anly! P AQK fVft'S UAID RAL&AM Onio.. mi.1 li.-aueli.-a lie- h!r. N.-vt-r Kaon to ill-atom Uray a . ; 1 .v imtr ia...u. , lit .1 Jl .mt Itniio.U and unscrupulous imitations labels, and wrappers. Walter Walter Baker & Co.'s goods. & CO., Limited, , POPHAM S ASTHMA SPECIFIC T'Jt- niTi. r.-ii..f in rim nilmiten.8,.il TiVsKir '" Ki(EEi-i.ii i..i.-k.-ii). soi.iiij- i- V'SrY-i IiriurBins. oi-i' r.. ,-t.i i..tt.aiu Y dhejaon rw-iet of i.n. k;i !. (i.oo. IBBBWBinSSaSBaUHISIiH the food for al! such. r How many pale folk many pale loth, there arc! reonle who have the will, 1ut no power to bring out ineir vuaiuj , people who swing like i ncnil uliim between jbs strength and weakness- so mat 'iic ui) v.uiiv causes six days' sickness! IVnnle who have no life