(Iltatlutm jttccovtt. Cljatljam Rcor&. II. -fV. LONDON, EDITOR AND ritOI'IUKTOK. TEAMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, HATES ADVERTISING Ono square, one insertion One square, two insertions -Ono square, ono month tl.tO 1.10 2.60 $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. VOL. XVIII. PITTSBORO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, JANUARY 215, 180(5. NO. 22. For largor advertisements libor A un rant' will bo made. IWkiii Uoml Night. "Toed night, (."nr- under tlm moon T'n lovely iii(;litliiK'il sings li'T tinm Ant Imb rose-tree., reft of the (lower of Juno, With that tlm twilight fulls so soon, (iood night. (i )od nioniiiic, denr: tlm sunlight glo'.r. O'er witkltii? lily ami lingi'iin;; rose, Ami every woodbind walk mm knows 4 'Icnin- In tlm glory tin- dewdrop throws, (ioo I morning. Oooilliy, dear; lo.v in tin1 sky tiroi-n anil dnlTodil colors li"s. Ar tlmrn more lo ith, who silontlf ,Sny, hand in hand, nu 1 iy ' to eye. (toodlivV -Household Worts. Tho Lesson Ho Learned. BY IIRIiKN roKIIKST OnAVi'.S, "I'm going to int ii stop to this sort of thing!" slid Mr. Me Kirov. "If I don't, I Khali certainly come to tho poorhoitso. I liavo't saved money nil these yearn to rain it down on peo ple's lieu -In an if it was hailstones. No, Doll inln, I haven't got live dol lars to spile. Your bonnet i: q lit : good en .ugh to wear for n nioiitli linger. Everybody else has got theirs? Will, if everybody dan is fools, that niu't no re:. is n that you should lie. Six dollars for a stib'Ciip ticni to help buy the new minister's furniture? Not if I know it, James. When I cuius to ISloodvillo I bought my own fnriiitiire, and IIu'Im'h no reason that new minuter shouldn't do the siiine thing. The groom's hook? I never saw anything like tli'5 way our housekeeping hills rn:n ti j I It "ml be a deal cheaper, so f ir as I can hci1, to no to New York aud board at the Windsor Hotel than to livo h o.v, unless you and Surah cm manag.; it little more economienlly, Matthew. Aim! us for those singing Ics'iins that Lucy wants to tain', you may tell In r 110 !'" "Lucy thou;lil " meekly begun Matthew Slat iill:'. Hut his uncle interrupted him curtly : ''You may tell her no ! in Is the question !" John .Me Kirov wui a man ill the local diah cl, ". avc, nioncv. 'A I! in..? u great .V:id that who had ii lot ot deal too eeonomi'eai to in ai ry, He Hi t invite 1 a iirne in plu'.v, Mittluw Starling, to eomo w:i!i his laniily mid k-cp hoilse ill tllO old led l.o iicsfoud, ami thereafter took ci e lit to him-clf for supporting all the Starlings, u'- 'iii.1, . . . . though Matthew toiled diligently a! his trade of shoemukiii ', and Jam s the eldest so.:, in iingcd 1 1 1 . - farm with skill mi l stie.'os.s, while Mrs. S; irliu j; end her two daughters, L icy and li lin la, were the mod ! d.tiiy-womo i and best managers of the i Miily, In an tvil imtir Matthew Starling h id borrowed a thousand dollars I' i I'liele John, to pay off an nhl it lit. He had kept up tlm intere.t pretty Icgiilarly, bat it would hive been about as eny for him to pay oil' tile national d Id as to discharge mi obli gation of a thousand d dlar; an I in this iv Uncle Me Kirov eontrived to keen Ir.m ground down into the very dust. Ifud it Hot been for thii thousand loilnr ib.bt, the Starling l.i'u'ly w mid have crept out from under the h irrow of Uncle Jdui's tongue and temper loii); r.S", "It don't seem as if wj could stand it, "said Mrs. Starling, plaintively. "1 don't cure how mite'i he scolds me,,T said I'elin.hi, "'out he Inn no business to tyramu.e sodreaifillv over poor mother." "If I could only raise money enough to take a quarter's singing lesson.", 1 could em u n hundred dollarsa year in the church choir," said Lucy. "IK" said James, Inn filing, "That's a big word, Loo, for such a little, one. If Une!e John would only let me plant a crop of tub i 1 1 in the sooth tit Id, I am sure 1 e mid raise twice lis much money us the turnips will bring us. lint U.ielo John sticks to old tra ditions, and that little if stands in the way. I only wish that the farm wore mine !" The housekeeping book was partic ularly nggrevatiir; that morning, and Mrs. Starling had shed a few quiet tears b-fore the interview was over. "I hate whining women," mid Mr. MeElroy," an I I h ate extr iva int ones?" "I try to do the best lean," said j our Mrs. Starling. And when the book was fluiu ' wiathfiilly on the table, an I w hen j Mr. McKiroy had dismissed his nephew's wife, he sat thinkin ;. "I'll do it ! ' he said, ulou 1. "I've I had it in my mind for s cne tim I'll send these S.miings about their i i,i- liess. Til put an en 1 to tliese ever- lasting imposition! of t!i d.'s. TUiv only care for ni' j.i -t t'o length t,( ! my jitirse. They hate m , i very one ! fif Vm. I Can see tliv i:i;Ii 'nil, i! ill j 116 they think me !" An ho sat there, lnd conic to the door, with ft yellow envelopo in his hand. "A telcffiam for you," fluid he. "Twinty-live cents, please." Mechanically, Mr. MeKlroy paid the money, and put on his round silver-mounted spectacles, as the lad sped away, "I wonder who it can bo from," said he. It wus very biief. It said: "Stocks have fallen. Your money ii all gone. Sorry, but could not st md against market. "JI. Raven Co." II. Rivuii .V (!.). Yes, that was tho mime of tho Nashua Street firm to whoso euro his diligeutly-hoardud fortune had been consigned. Ho read the brief dispatch over and over again, as if it were impossible to com prehend its full in, 'aniug. "J don't understand," ho repeated to hiinsel "1 don't understand. I thou ;ht t hose stocks were snfe enough. I only believed what those scoundrels told me themselves. Stocks fallen 1 My money all gone! What will be come of mo now V His hel l fell forward on his folded arms on the window-sill; he uttered n eroan which mcni'l to conio from the very depths of his heart, "I am n poor mm!" ho faltered. "As poor as old Jon Watson, tiie eloek-mender ; as poor ns Matthew Starling him-elf. The Hiving of years have all gone at oiiee; and I mil a poor ni iu ! ' "I'nele MeK roy, don't iniiul it," said the cheerful voice of Matthew Starling, w hen at last he had mustered courage to tell his trouble, and sat with his head supported on his head at the table, with ii faej drawn and pinched in it'll'! ha I just recovered lioiu n long sickness. "I'm doinj; weli at my trade just now, Herbert L nig has proniisjil to take me into partnership at his new shoo store, at IJloodville (' liners, mil you shall in. v -r feel the los of your money while I can 'handle an nxe or draw a lineal. 'Never feel tin; loss of my money!" vaguely rep nite I M -K roy. "The man talks like a too'." I! it novel tl! elss, there was u graiu of c uiifort in the words. "And, aft all, Uaclo John," cm solin;ly whispered Mrs. Starling, "inon 'V isn't everything. You'll tee iiow nicd we shall contrive to live. I'll take a boarder two, if yon don't obj et. Y uir CJiiifil't shall not b. interfered with in the least degree ; and we m iv even manage to save a little at the year's end." Tears came into Mr. MeKlroy's dim, llllle I VI H. "Y"H always did have a good heart. Sir.di," said he; "but 1 wonder how oii cm have any patienci left with me, after ill times I've M'olded yoll for hilf a pound extra of coirec,.or a nutmeg !" "And I a n goiug to take in dress making!" declare I P linda. ' )'i. voii'll see, Uaole J ilm - you will live like a gentleman. You n edn't think tliat we Iriv.: live I on your generosity all the.-;.! years, not to try and repay It IIOM." "1 ! ( i e. rosity !"' said Uncle John liaid y certain whether the words wore in serious earneat. lint no, there was no covert light of .sarcasm in H 'liud.i's bright, brown eyes us she bent caressingly over him. It was real love, real gratitu Ij that sparkled there. "It's just as they all say," declared lamiH, the stalwart young farmer. "We owe everything to you, uncle Jjhii, an 1 we don't forget it. And if vou don't want tobacco crops raised on tiie place, I'm blessed if you shan't have your omi way. Not a leaf shall be grown, l'nt I really think wo can do pretty well with a viu 'yard on the bide hill, now that grapes are biingiug su 'h a profit, instead of using it ns u' slncp- pnstiu e. " And Lucy brought him a letter. "Jt is from Mr. (irovcr, uncle,' said she. "ilu oil'.Ts to give me singing-lessons for nothing, if I will help with the Siiiidiiy-seho.il music; and then, pretty soon 1 shall be able to earn iiioiiey for vo i, too. Pear uncle" with tears in her eyes ".vo h ivo all Ii y. d you, oniy we didn't dare to tell you hu'-v mil 'Ii. If if yon would only' let me kiss you. Uncle John! ' The ol 1 man clasped her in Lis iirms with tears streaming down his wrin kled checks. "I don't Ciic for the money," hr faltered. "I. 't the money go, if you will only love in 1 ke this. I never whs happier in my lif '! I know n.iw what that feeling is that has bee u chilling au l freezing me ail my life. It was my heart stai ving to death! Yes, ye.1, we'd begin lh' world over iigi;o, clii. drcn hi and I. We'd b gin to cm- j, IV OM 1 -lives llt i:ist ." Hoy welt' fitting t liug i:i the ! dusk of tho evening, when th"i.' cam'. a knock at th.s door. It was the tele graph lad, breathless with haste. "I've in a do a mistake," said luv "I've left tho dispatch at the wrong place. It was for Mr. McAlbin, at the hotel d nvn th i i.treet. There wasn't no dispatch como for Mr. MeKlroy, at all. Please to give mo back the enve lopo 1" 'I ho family nil looked at each oilier ns tho boy rushod down the road with his freight of evil tidings for some one els ', "Aud my money is all safe!" said Mr. MeKlroy, with along breath "all safo! It seems like a miracle, don't it? or a lossou sent direct from the Lord to try us. Well, it won't be thrown away on me. Jun, lu re is (en dollars to subscribe to the furniture fund. "It's too niileli, sir,'' said Jam -h. "No, it ain't," shouted Uncle Me Elroy. "Matthew, her's your note to mo for t?l,0')'J, I make you a present of it." He tore it in two ns he sp ike. "Deliuda shall have her uew suit ns quick ns she and tlu milli'i-ir cm settle matters between them," he con tinued. "Luey shall take singing lessons' and l'il buy an organ for her. And S irah sit ill have a hire I girl to lighten up the farm work a little. Hush don't say a word, ono of you. That mo!i"y has cfnno back to nu as if through a miracle, and I mean to en joy it." The next ho went to tho city nn 1 took his money out of th hinds ot Haven A- Co. "Allow us to ndvisj y.ni not to dis turb it," said tho senior partner. "We are just nbiut to pu. it in some excel lent mining stocks." "Jiang your mining stocks," said Mr. McKiroy, "tiovetninent securities ure the articles for me. Ik' else good, straight bonds and mortgages at six per cent." Tor Mr. .McKiroy had learned tn ro lesi "ustl.au one in the course of the last 2i Lours. Saturday Ni;;ht. Iivhlllil's (iiviltcst (!U'f. From tho beginning Iceland's great est glory has been the unieersal edu cation of her po ip!e. (.' tlu entire population of "H,0 there is not nn individual among them (ex -opt idiots, of whom there are less than l')Ll in th i country) over H! years of uge, but can ad and write an I h is so.no knowl edge of arithmetic, history, and ge i graphy, nn I, in nldtioii, generally knows some English and I misii. Tlu education is carried on in tlu liumo'. There are but few elementary schools, as nine-tenths of th.; piop'o uro to widely scatters I to admit of eolloetiu ; tho children into regular schools. In some districts there is tin itiner ant teacher in each parish who "hoards around," remaining with one fimily for a fortnight or a mouth, and then moving on to th.' next. Fre quently several f unities arrange to have their children move with tlu teiic'.ier, mil take turns in housing the little (lock. The work of the teacher, however, liei principally in outliiig and defining u course of study. The real work of ins' ruction is performed by tho parents diirin j; ilu long winter evenings. Then the family surrounds the centre table, a large keroseu lamp su-pended from tho ceiling and great chunks of burn ing peat ablaze upon t!u hearth ren dering tlu room comfortable nu I at tractive. Tiie bo ks are i;ot out and several members of tho family assume tho duty of teachers. Mo inwhile the women knit an I spin, tho m n rea 1, and tlu old folks ai they Bit with their feet to the tire.hol I the little children on their kuees an I weave yarns tint greatly delight tho imagination of tho woo folks. AU children are regularly examined by the pastor of tho parish. Every child must possvssan elemen tary education before bom g eoulirnied, at about the age of 1", and iir con Ur ination carries with it certain import ant civil rights, the observance of this ceremony is rigidly practised. There are a number of high schools throughout the country, two ladies' seminaries, and what is known ns the Latin School nt It vkaviK, w here the yoit ig men are giwn a live years' course in philosophy and tlu lan guages, preparatory to entering t!io university at Copenhagen. Tiic-e schools nil receive money appropri ated I y the novel nuent. New Yolk Sun. A li(r for Mrs. 'let el mil, A black Japanese poodle, nine mouths (ld, and weighing but otic mi 1 one-half pounds, bus been present d to Mis'. Cleveland by Ail :Ust C. K avd, nn t nthiisiustic deiiioeiati.' n l nirer re siding lit Milwaukee. 1 1 is md to 1m the saiali 'st pug do ; in the Unit", I State", and is inten I'd a-i a playinate for the children. Wiu-hiiiKtuu S n . tllll.DUEX'S COLUMN. THE I AND OF BTOIlY HOOKS. At evening whru tho lamp is lit, Around tlm tiro my parents sit j Tlmysit at homo anil talk niel sing, Ami do id playiit iiDyt'iing. Now with my little gun I rr iwl All in the dark along tlm wu'1, Ami follow around, tho forctt 'rn 'Ii Away Ijeliliiil tho sofa Ine'.;. 'I'll "re, in tlm lilKht, whero le im en i spy, All in iny liunti'r's camp I lie, Ami play at bocks that I have rea I Till It is time to go to bed Tln'.-e are tlu hills, thos ar i tie1 w odi, These an- tli" siarry solitude ; And thereby the nvor I y whose la-ink Tlm roaring lion eonies to drink. I see the others fur nw.iv. A if In lire lit e.i np tV-y lav, An 1 I, like an In linn scout. A rmi n I their putty prowled almut. So, wln'ii my nurse cmnea in for nr, llo'im I return from nero-is th ' i, And go to In d with li.i 'kward In ki At my dear Ian I of storyliooks. - lloiii-.in J.oris Kn.vKVH'iN. A It KM WIK MINT POO. "I haven dog," said u minister, who had just beard a precocious crow i,tory, "wlio is very MigneioiH. One Sunday he followed mo to church and sat among the people mid watched my movements in the , til ut. That after noon I heard a terrible howling in my back yard, and of cour-e I went to see what it meant. I found my dog wus in a woodshed, standing on his hind legs in a dry goods box-. Ill held down a torn almm-ic with one paw and gesticulated with the other, while he swayed his head and howled to an audience of four oilier doj;s even more sa lly than I had done in the evening.'' New Y ok Mail and Express-. sun sat now N ON A UK a it. Hets-y Huisoni, whose homo was a Hindi red farmhouse, built close up against the almost perpendicular side of IS ild Mountain in New Hampshire, wnii otic of the in 'St indefatigable ; berry pickers in New England, mi l nowhere did she find such big, blue, lusci nn lurries us on the southern slopes at tho base of old ISald Monti" tain. Here tiro had laid waste acres of ! valuable laud, I avit'4 in its path j many n blackened stump and tree trunk, mementoes of the fiery visita tion ; and here, too, the blueberry bushes, li ist of nature's children to respond to tiie soft influence of sun and nir, grew luxuriantly. It was in one of those lire swept latches that Betsey Ransom found herself one w uiu July morning, heaping the last pint of berries upon her second t'.ii-qiiart pail. For h n s she had picked slea lily iu the shade of tr. es aud bushes; but now tho fiery rays of the sun shone directly down upon her, and were re tlected with power from the rocks mi l ledges far above, oil the moiiutain-lde, while, far below, tlu valley lay shim mering in the hot July ntim sdiere. Looking about her for a comfort able plae; in which to rest and cat her midday lunch, she espied, at a little distunce, a blackened I g, and thinking it a more desirabl seat thin the ground, walked slowly to wards it, fanning herself vigorously nil the while with h t siinbonno', and sat ilidiy dow n. To li.jr intense horror and aniiiz -incut, there was n sudden convulsion beneath her, and with an angry snort, uii rose a big, black bear. With a shriek of t rror, Mrs. Rm som leaped to h :r feet an 1 tl id for her life. She had not run far before some obstruction throw her violently to the ground, an I glancing over her should 'l a-? sho regained her feet, great was her relief nt seeing that she wui not pursued, but that bruin re indued where she had found him, nud was devouring her lunch with evident satisfaction. "Wh it's the matter, mother?" ex- j c'aiuied her hiisb in 1, as bireheaded, I breathless, she rush d p 1st liiai into J the b:ck door of the little led house. "A bear! ' she puilel, as du took i the rill ! from its hooks; "he's cntin' j nil my bin berries !" "Siioo ! give hi the gun, then; you ' C Ul't shoot." "Ciu't l.J"slu replied. "Cone an I see ! " nu I she ki pt on with the j w upon. 1'ickiu ; up an axe he foiiow-.d as : fa-t ns his rheii. ii itisiii would permit, ! nn i w.i -. i'i time to sec the bcai quietly j lunching the lurries, aud his wife, j part y shielded by a thicket, with the iii!'. lit h' r shoii'd"!-. j C.aek ! and the biuin rose to his I hai.cches. I I'- '. I.tld tile il l V be. I -I 1-olh.d ' i)V , do i I as a s'o:: . "Vi it do i ', w .l- ; . .ci v . .i ,t v.nir berries, but h .v-' i n lie i a splcioiid j i ii. -skin. Kir pvietl of ,m. " .;', nt'n's Com : n.o.i. 1 BOUNDARY L1XHS. Disputes; Botwcon the United States ami E'iglaii'1. What They Wito and Huw They Wi re Kid th 'd. Tho New York Herald give a tine ly nud interesting resume of the various boundary disputes that havo arisen between the United States ntld (ileal loitiiiii, showing how tle-y originated nod how they have bieli dealt with in d settled. Th"se dlspnles begun soon nib r lie United States became nn mile pen lent nation nud tiny have nriseii nt various limes mice. They have nil been niiiicablv settled, either by at bit rat ion commissioners or by treaty, i xcept tho pending ono touehiii,' the Alaskan bouinhiiy. Tin; first oil .' to sprin;' M, iditted to the St, tVoix li ver. In the treaty of penc of 1 "si 1, which deliiied the line of nepiratiuii between the Unite 1 States mid Uritish posses-iciis to tin north, the .-oiirco of the Cimx Iiiv-'i was specified us nn inipoi't.mt point ( li tin1 boiiudeiy liii". A quo llou was noon raised as to what liver wis meant by the St. C.oix Itiver, nnd niter a warm debute it was agr- d to refer the niatli-rto the adjudiealii'ii of three (Mn.iui.-.siMiiers-, one to be liained by the United States, one by (ileal liritain mi l a third to be seh et ui by the two so named. These com missioners gave their decision in IT:', holding that the Seh'diae was tic liver int. n ,-d by tin; ti-'iily. Tlit- de cision was accepted as tin i! mil sitis fitclory. Then eauie l!i I'a -nimoipi d-ly U ty dispute, urising nn I, r the arlicu it the treaty of peace w hich coneed-'d to the United States tho islands within twenty leagues of the coa-i. Tie United Stit.selaiineil (Irand Menan. in the I Say of I'lllidv, aud the i.-laiid-in l'assani'iqilo I Iv IS iy, a p u t of the Uny ( f Fundy. These islands were claii I by (ireat Itrii iiu mi the grouii I thi.t when the treaty was signed they were within the limits of Jlova Scotia, and heiicj Were exempt from cession. A prolonged ami heated diplomatic controversy ensued, and lina'ily, by the treaty of lihei.t in lSIt, it was stipulated to submit the dispute to two commissioners, and it they failed to agree the final arbitra ment was to bo made by some friendly sovereign. The commissioners nereed to award three islands in the May of I'lissiimiiquoddy to the United Slates nnd all tho otlars to England. Tnis compromise was accepted by both sides. In 1S1I, when the Treaty of (ihetit was signed, the northeastern boundary was still in dispute. Two commis sioners were chosen to settle it. but alter several years' consideration they tailed to agree. It wus ti., n sub mitted to the King of the Neiie'.lauds as a sole arbiter, who made mi aw aid, which the two governments ubsi. qui ntiy :ievol t i waive. After years of contention nud dtploni iti.' 0"!i'.rn vorsy the whde northeastern boiiu iai v whs finally si (tie I by the coiiclu -ion of the Webstt)--Ashbiirtou treaty m 1MJ. Meanwhile a dispute had aris. u u--to tho northwestern boundary. As early as 1M1S a temporary m reenielit had been l ittered into by e mveiitiolt, but the opt liiiig up of tiie country soon ca'l ed for a deliuite and perm i lielit itiiderstaudiug. The c mtroversy waxed so win in thul in 1st I it was wade a part issue in this country. The parallel of .11 degree-, H miuut, was claimed as tho northern boitndary of the United States, nnd "lifty-four-forty or light" became the di liiocrutic cainpaieu cry. K iglainl ceiitelided lor the I.Mh pi.fallcl. In ISIti the Muehanaii-t'ukeiihani treaty wus concluded mi l rut i lit-i I by the Semite, recognizing the boundary. 1m,. as running ns running along t he :i.h parallel westward to the mid lie f the channel which separates the luainlan I from Yiiiieoiiver's Is, and and tln uc southeas. to the I'ucilie. 'J'lic e on Htissioiier.s nt'poiut. 1 under lid trcatv to locate tin; boiiutlaiy iinc d str c i us to the iut 'i prrtatiou of the t' i aly. nnd a ti- re and protracted cout,. nt i.m arose w lueii came ineir n i-c i ,i t u : :i hostiiiitc-, lei! in ly.l a joint mili tary oeeup iti'ti of the dis,;;te i ter ritory was agreed to, all 1 finally til" whole mutter was settled by nrbtlra tion, pursuant to the Treaty ! 1 S'ns!i nigtoii, concluded in ls7 . It will thus bo Set u tout ail these b i iu biry disputes between (iivat H.'itaiu aud the United States, how iv r I- in-; k- pf up er ti-redv wagtd, were tilt ally settled . iley aid t, the ere lit of b .th i,v ,.,,. tratioii e in 1 1 i d a i ,i- ti. The Alii -kiiii bound irv i emuius to be deter- j miner!. Ac invention providing for a survey of a p u t of the lin bau ul- read v been entered into be Kughmd, ! I'.ud the United States nil I a similar ! in ruiig.'lui lit has been li e oininclided I I'm- the ileteimiimttion o! uiiothel' I part. Mi migei 1 ' in the Hanks, "There were some amusing sights nt Vera Cruz wli- u the Fr -neh nnd j IS dgiiiu troops were i v; euatiiig Ui i ci'y and le.ivin;; Mexico for their for- eign home alter tin; eoliap-e ol the at- temp! to jil.ii"! Maxiiiiiliaii on the ! throne," nud (i n. i'.il J .1- Sh.-ibv tho ! ,x-c,,,f, derate. "1.1,1 in;; their. I jpaigusiu M xieo these troop, hid I b-.'eli pl'.'liy lie ti y all over the llitil' I i -ting portion, of that wonderful I , ., enlliiliv. no I us I hev ' 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V SIlW ' - new wonders tlie.v Mere com iuually s'leeliii.o' novelties to carry back home with th' in. They hud colli, otcd speci mens of tr-tty neatly everything animate mi 1 iirmiin ate that was in tho Co 1 1 a try H ud i vo ry com puny wa lo id ml with them. 1 ley h id young moun tain lioii', ant eater i, iirui'i lilloes, bud-of rare j'iiiin igc, little ii ti; in 'tis, and hi;? on-s and curios eu'ore. I quit" enough t i 1 oa I many wagon:. J'lieidVte. ls li-ver iliteleb d that the sjeci lis saotild b ' curried away by jl'ast." the i, but they bud hesitated to j Jlyotl pay a M-hool-1, ael.i I' :l colil- ..r.'cf th. e) to dis,io-c of tii'-ir coll 'c- : .,lim. nt .-h- wi I not ob ervi. the gram i i 1 1 - iluVin ; Ih.-ir marching for fear i mniiciil err -r.-. I tin-re would be trouble. "lint when lley were ir-a ly to eiu I bariv a..d ieav.; Mexican sbo'es the 1 I loud' .- Wei'.- Hi:. tele d d '.'11 to th" 1 w im! !'. Th- y w, re lined up nn i ! ordi-ri d to crouvl iu iih. Then eiune : tie s. i nnd lo -ier in !. a-e a.! animals in-1 i captive by the men. Tie v w-. te I'lied up lie 1' r the muzzles ol' the flow niie- e nnoii from the I o t, and w ! :i : in iiu ' d, an 1 there was m. thing to be don,- but to ob. y the oi l r. all-1 the Miiim.iis were release d, mid s:i''!i a collection as wen . i.U'r'.iu "IV was a ' surprise to tl .- i-lli.'-rs who were in I ' 1 ' ''The men had tiie smaller ntiimals , , , , . . , Concealed bell- nln tlie.r e.l'ies atid , ; coats, pereiteil i,u their shoulders and 1 .... . ii ii'.i ii- " nl'le, iitol the whole c iliectin'i re.-i in- bled tiie march of N .ah'si". lb ciioii in thonrk. Tiie men gniubbd at the order, which tlu-y declared win use- less mi I iini-easoiiiib!.', but they obeyed aud went uw.iy without their pets. There were loads of curiosities left ly- ing in a pt'oiui.-cuous heap on the wharf at'ier ti.e i-ii left it. It was one of the most novd sg-hts 1 ever saw. Kati- as City ' vii i no '. lii eping an Ol I ( uiltl .id. Many people wou b-r why tho mail istul'.ni li ui the .general 'o.-t"tVice in t.i euelal to tho various rail- road -luiiou in nu ancient dilijn nci. The h;i!ol i Tun in a recent i'siic. giv.s the toll., wing reason: 1 "M.'Iote raiirouds w. re thought of ' uc.rtaium- til- a perpetual con- ( true: with the goveriiiiieiit to cany the ' mails b.tweeii Mi xico City and Ki . I '.is,.. l'.r in my vents his st.i.e fiilth''iiiiy lu.i K: lite long j .liruiy u-itil one d iv th ' ' lit : ul fill v. iy b-tieeii thes t,o j.oiuts was finished nu I tin- mails oi dered gt by train. li lt the ; old lonti.iei wu-still in t ue . and tiie ; owner ot tie- bgsin. a s.ig or grand- sou of tii oiigiiiil coiit motor, firmly refuse 1 to r-li iij i'i -li his rights, nnd stati d that he weii 1 e.rry the minis by st -go, as ti-na . II In Id out until i! was finally agreed tint lie should lde,.d lake the mails ll' o Ul t ll o g e m r a 1 pest I..U d-'.tv. i th in at Hi-railway sta- 1 1 oil a ii 1 1 1.' or s i distant, fur which ho' was to receive the same compensation c ilii ii for in his contract bo- mukiiig the tnoiisiui I iu;ii- trip to El I'.iso. 1 An 1 tins is why th. ,,:,' stec coiicii Clll'ies ti.e loll.:,);, ni ;lls t'.loiull ' the city f r i.ui the p..-t ..lli -e t, t. - railway si it i.,ii and back again. It noiv 1 1 laid out ol d.te, but that !. i : f,...vl. .,-,1 ... ... v, r aid euuiio' b . .-..t as !,.. ' M m- can llei.ii l. file Age nT Peer. It i 'illiie .ll (writes .j- sup) os.,, 1 1 .g iiia ud to:"--!. . I to so ak with cer tainty ns to tiieiige o! 'dei r ; but wc hue niideniable list in my that there I were 'It tiie .'Ol Uieligurry luiest slagf j ii; w ui d "i i i . l.'y y. ui's uf age. Sonie ' in i . ti t a u 'it it ib-cr ul tni u ', he ngc i I j six nud seven score years. In lso(l ' wiu'e Mu.do'iiic I of ( ileiig.i! tv nnd l.oi ! P inuioie wire hiiuting at Terr irieoira. a huge stage with gigantic antlers darted out i f the wood, (ileu carry kind I. on. Kudu:" that it iind a ci tain ear mark, be nsknl hi ' I n - -ter I . i xpluiu iiiiu-u it was. i " l'n it," n ).ii. d the forester, "is the j ear mark of E .giiuiu MueIiiiii-( bg." j (Eweu-non-of-.f diu-tiie-y dung. ) Ewcn j whs a ll .te.it'.iester. who huddled LoO ; 'iv! 1 "-tiers of the j "' " ' ei i- pi I'-ta veo in me I ill ( i ii ll ..u ry fiiiuly ever sftel win do. tt ' h Amerieau. The Ties! Snw. N'"w "tbilly the .now is faninu- fa t. . '. . .,,., f.,ii4 I Or wails the wind, iiwhil" the ll,i-o -Mils j ;,rg sh.id la l, j Which whiten hill mi l daie, t ie mountain nnd the ire". l.ight slop- ,r, her e .M-rh't of while. 'J in- ti phyr ,-purts liims' lf m plci-in,' sliep. l-'ro.t fr"";'. s vietiins c ao'.arcd Lv I' eiei'inaa Ni-'lit. si'ais p.-i-t tlm pallid e'.oi l- mi l nightly vig.h keep. rl0 ,.,. pi,,.. mru .,w mrm Imr ' r if j i,e.. j IVre.-iv - the hiding darkle- ' disappear. '""'"; .71Ji;lrn,.:-,Vl,, ,,"r W,,il" w,-:,ri"-f j,,.,'".' ,',, u,,Mt ,,,,,,,, :m.,.v wid bar. i I And en- hig'a noon s,a! ,ni, h the sviiHh I I Spll'.'', ; vi,er,. wv.- In-r llowin.; mhes in i titer hhi", I'lm pure whit" snow ha w-pt. until is. lilt no t r.u" , llv'lt in t"-irs whi"h rta in rills nnd le ks aieov. -I'.-r. Marshall in Spin. ,-tl -d I, iMa-.1 tiieai. HUMOROUS. "No w under these eg ; are too soft. " 'WliV?" I'll" clock Is lil'tel II Ulllill.t i li: Ig-is- -Yell know (bibiit-, don't veil? lbl..':'S-- (Hi. I have 11 1 1 - ! e Ii 1 it g 'U'lpi-iliit i:.!-.- w itii ii,i:i. A lecii' ii.-irri.ige i.-oiei' i".:ds with tiie i -xpt'i - ion : "M iv tiseir fafii" tloli'hlcs be il'.tie ,.',,-s " If tee conceit wa- I i K t-ii otit of some p od" th -iv woiidn't be en iii'gli of 'em ! ft to hm.g elotii- s on. Is ., I- .-l l-dioggan slid-': I:'- irijlity rlippi-ty, hi-ntlier. 1- i: -"iiivciy leaeh one cud hef.-ro 1 1 ' j li u t itiir tor tie- otln r. lie That's a verv i xi i !iv.tL.':int cook : ,. ,, 1 u; v , Votl have ;.'. Sii" l, , s:n- .--; :i H to think we have viet'iais to leirn. , : r lest Ii. llig Hie soine canvas bee i , ,,. . due.i-. W iiit,-! ,. ;i i-o i.t-t oil. I ttuest --W eil, link.- it canvas luck i limit, t in. n. ! "--I'-'h'il do anyliiiug fur money," ; i,:-l' ''''u' ''Ve," replied '. Meaii.l-'riii"; M.i--. "Sen-, f 'iiers'il ; ' " ' 1 ll' ''' : Couiiois-ctr You have painted that ! picture in the iuip.-cssioni-t stvle, I see. Ani-t No. Yo:i hive bjea leaning against p.. i J i-idley What :ir. y,-u going to be 'when yoi ure .:;wu up, I'.obby 1 , Robhy i'm "on.ig to be a man. Yii it ' 'uv .v"" l'"1.--' to be,' w" ,lr" tauglit l-y x;"".i"ii.'Css:i'rn i su..,., . , m ... t , t.. A lei-'iaii-l wd'i tii'Mn-y t-i burn - 1,1,- l I . leak" a go-. 1 m i h S""'"''i bi'st md I hat I''"'1'1' """l' '' -"'"" Ml'- Sn-u'-s - "Y, s s.. is Mrin-c." "Sirn.gV" """ ; tt,"lt ' !"" ' -v":i ''"T"---' l-'"1'd- iS ""' ' ! '"' ' " M 1 Mr-, ti.cet'. I want d to tell y.nt.at the bii.y in- cut a tooth, Yoiin; M d liel M TO on lne 1 how c .id 1 yi u be s, . c it ele-- as to let the child p ny w:th a l.ni.'e. Mis. S.iag g-s I was out u'tir t;ps tills aiti igcog. 'Mr. Soags I w ho has h id xpeti -ive i xpei lene s ith ti; - Not ti; s on stocks, surdy? Mrs, Smigg- - N,., o -ti icii 1 1 s, ,;,.. p, ,:., .,,,1 ,.,lmil mtUtlv lt.n,, , ,.,., ;li the L -i dV p;g,vei ,vu. .,.,, ,,.,,.,. ,.,,;,,., lu, K ,,.;..,;-. , ")',:; ,.r ,,.,.s. puss, ," "Wiiv, ," si,,, replied; , , Nt..,l,. Ils ,..., ,, the n.. Tdi -Line I-'"! Rb j .-lists. ""' llui'lovd thing for b cyei-sts w u t..-ii. -. So I'm es k n..w n, t her.- is oi.'y ne l:t piact'cil ii.--, ait-l that is by tiie in- Veil t of. u w ol. s i ! , i o ist l :i ! ul.ieli l-alie. 'I he id. -a I - I hat w li n . lit ,.,n long l'.uis a m tn s companion, en. c laily it s', - . ., w oi.iu.,, js pretty e r to -11 t. til'. ;,t so ii -1 I ;c of fie fid-'. I 'r liiiariiy '! is iiee-ssuiy to stop md 1'. t. 'I'ii ; tow-line docs uw.iy with a ii ,,l aid a lo-s . I' tunc. h,-n the Ma li.-n 1, n. to-iii' coiiip it, ion , le .1 f : it g. out conies t le to- . iiif. Tl. ' worn ill's bteve e is hitch. oi to t init . ! 1 in- loan, mid a w n the cell pie go, i h . j,. - j , s, i .,ii I kl.iel.i I b-.ek. i's it.el-eiv i.n ping her fei '. on tie- pedals. Tho itn.-iition consists of a r ibb. r eotd. nboiii. lour be: long. Wh- li in Us.- t.he ruble:!' gi es s,, ;,.,t t Ic re is no j -1 king, As to t he i d I" joiini lul of thrown nr. on 1 he ma-e l' i-ie legs th ; inventor says it ItlloiO'lts to Hot ill lie. - N ;-.v Y'.lk Advi l lis. i. j p, ,.,-. is . KUg-jesUve, npp,-. j ,., Moii-eiuuniitlid name i : ,,.. M ,. l':e. I : 1 1 of a o . i. M .i. ... I . I MOV V f -V d '

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