A woman In St. 1'iiul nvore lu court that a im'IkIiI"'!' man had kissccl Inr 2,132 limes. It takes all the romance aul enjoyment out of osculation to re ject that the party of the nceoni! port oiay be keeping tali on her cuff all (ho tvlille for court purposes. That Nebraska jrlrl who proposed to ft farmer "Just for fun" and theu Jilted lilni should he punished severely by tins rourts as an example. The new woman must not be "fresh." Henceforth wo 'lope she will try to be n belter uiau. From Goat to Ho.it. Even the. festive goat la this yornal season tins his Held sport on the common with a tin onu or tlio but of a log. From the sport of (he Kmt in tlio sprint; to the varied ."ports of the early ami Into summer, what u world of amusement anil what a sennit of muscular activity. In nil these, over ho helpful, from the );. ' in the hull field to the our of the boat and the chiller of the turf, there comes in a Inre amount of penally in the shape of seri ous sprains nail niblesome bruises, hut no man is it kooiI athlete, nor does he develop wull from such exorcises without his full share of both. It is a tfood thiui:, therefore, lhat there Is provided something which, if always kept ready, is alwuvs ready to euro promptly the.-e suddeu nud painful mishaps. M. Jacob Oil. without question, passes hiiii'Ui; all sportsmen as the tiling to have, par excellence, in all kinds of sports. It has Knitted its li-t reputation from its best cures of this nature, and the man who would en joy freely the sit inner sports would be al meat foolish not to keep a bottle about hltu. It require only one to stnrt a quarrel, but it requires two to keep it up. Catarrh ami Col.N Kcllcred In 10 to 00 Mine ten. One short pun of Hie breath throueh the Illoncr, supp icd with each hottlc of Ir. AKi.i'iv's Calan lml I'owilei-, iliflfilt" this I'nw-del- nvrr tin-Mirtm-i' of I he nasnl iiiiswii-b. I'niiilci-s and dclk'lii fill lnn-f. It relieves m tiinl l and iieriiimieiitly cures Ciitirtli, Hay r'ov.r, fold-, llcinlache. Sore Thriut. ln iht sand lleal'in'ss. If our itrumri-t ha-n t It in stiH'k.nsk him to procure U liirji'i. A close second to the (ioldon llulo Is this: "Mind your own business." Mrs. W in-1 w's Knothlm; Svrnp f"r children teethlin;. -olti ti- the u'Uiiis, reduce- inlliinima t ion, mI lay- pain, cures w ind colic. S.V. a hoi t If. (iood actions ennoble us, and we aro the im of our own deeds. Extreme tired fooling afllletB nearly eyery body at this senson. The hustlers ceaso to push, the tin-less if row weary, tho ener gelio become enervated. You know just what wo moan. Some men and women endeavor temporarily to overcome that reel ins by Rival foreo of will. But I Ills i.i unsafe, as It pulls powerfully upon tho nervous s' steni, which will not Iour stand Midi strain. Too many people "work on their nerves," an I tho result is seen In un fortunate wrecks marked "nervous pros tration," in every direction. That tired Trs Is a positive proof of thin, weak, Im pure bbod; br if tho blood is rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it imparts life and energy to every nerve, organ and lissuo of tljeho.ly. The necessity of takias Hood's Karsaparllla for that tired feeling Is, there fore, apparent to everyone, and the good it will do you i equally beyond question, ltemember that Sarsaparilla Ih llr; Oi.e True Hlfinl PurinVr. Allclniffplri". SI ru-pttTt'tl only by l I. H-xxl & Co., Lowell, Maw. llilJI n!ll are easy to take, ruay t ) HOOU S rlilS operate. M cents. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR . L. Douglas 3. SHOE nVoklonb If you pay W-t to l lor shoes, ex- m a amino the W. I.. I)oui;l.:s Mine, and O see tth.it a koo'1 shoe ou can buy for OVER IOO STYLES AND WIDTHS, t'ONOKKSS, iiiol LACK, niaile In all 111 nils of the hent (u-lern-il leather by skilled work men. We make and m il mora $3 Shoe . than any t-" other manufacturer In the world. None i'.i-nuine un!e-s name and price is tamtfd on the Ixittnm. A-k vmir rle.iler br our Sft, 4. :, S'l. ", tMlft r-lincrl; i.io. S I and l.7.1 lor boys. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. If vurdi'.ilcr (..ninot Mipplv V'U. -end to l.ic tor v, i-ikImmii;; piice .md Vc-nts to p.iy l.m i lane. Mali' kiinl. st . I of t'te (cap or pl.iini. -ie and r.idtli, ( hir Cii-t'-ni I lept. will nil your ordi-r. -rnd br new lllus- ti.iti-d 1 '.it.ili.i;u.- to Hon it. W. L. DOUCLAS, Brockton, Mass. One of the health-giving; ele ments of HIRES Rootbeer is sarsaparilla. It contains more sarsaparilla than many of the preparations called by that name. HIRES the best by any test. TIC AUK m .11 AUK (IIF.niSTPKKlO. l.'.ii-Mihinttir ol' HOACHES, BED BUCS, MOTHS, ANTS And inw-o'anf evwry ib' tiii'I"Ii. I'aile . 1'amler! Nil Piiixmi ! Sn IHrl ! wl 11.19 ..r hair liBlloii ..r f"r mll-n. iiirlinlinn '' uiiiveiiickrl plntcil -vrlnn" Mainilm lurnl mily ny FREDERICK PERES & CO. 4,-,.i sinie Sirret, iliicunii, III. ,uFALL COATING. vi: il l.: Till VIIITI.K. ii., i .in. fc-n- il- iiii'. "; rliir Mire Hat Cn., Heaver rall. I Morphine Habit Cared In 10 1 1 U 1 1 F 3 . n fit Htti. Stt hat till rurd UF llllkl DR. J. STEPHEN. Linon.Oh.4U IJ i.,ms WHfilF in Imt IAH&. Bmt vouah Bjrup. 'luiu uoua. tn time. Polil ey eruyiimw. J Ocsil. TP3! icjI ITOtt FARM AXU GARDEN. A CBLLAIt PAirtY. Avery good dairy tuny be innJo in n collar, but it is iuilianeusulik) J hut it bo ilry titul niry, with good liglit, nnd a cement floor. Tliero should bo no wood about it to decay nnd make n bad odor, which would certainly tif foet tho milk. Tho cold water tank iu which milk is set to raise the cream will not nlToet the air iu the cellar in juriously if there ia any reasonable amount of vcutilutiou. If the cellar becomes too damp I ho nir may be dried by lmttiug half a peek of fresh htono lime iu it in ti pan ; tho lime will absorb one-third its weight of water from tho nir, thus drying the cjllar very easily. American Farmer. WHITE Dfrt'EIt. The whiteness of tho butter is doubtless due to tho timuthy hay on which the cows arc fed. This is very poor food for cow.i, liciiigdolifiont in fat, having only 1 1-2 percent of it, while good clover hay Inn 1) 1-2 per cent. Timothy is still worse feed if cut wheu ripe, or nearly so. It is be yond iptestion that the food has very much, if not all, to do with tho color of the butter. At the same time cows vary in this respect, but only in their ability to extract the coloring matter from the food. If a better color is dcairu'l, the Artificial co'orin must be used. The quantity of any of the but ter coloring in the matk 't t bo used is half u toaspooiil'iil to live gallons of cream. This will produce a pure, golden tint, which is snllieient. Any larger quantity will give the butter nn orange or reddish chade. -New York Tunes. CF.i.F.iiY NF.r.ns sim:i iai. rirrin. Ci lery is one of tlios; plants that need special culture. It is one of the most valuable veotalilos for tho gal lon, when well grown, but it is U"t ;;i'ovn as much ns it should be on ae iMiint of tho wrongly supposed dilli mlty of its culture. It has b 'en sup posed that as the plntits grow they .dioiild be laboriously earthed up iu the manner iu voguo by our fathers, thus entailing a grrat amount of labor that one now objects to, as the pric ' of the crop is small. Ali tins is wisiiy avoided by tho introduction of tho i-nnillcr kinds, which need no such trouble. Tims it is desirable to grow (Li- dwarf varieties, rather than the larger kinds, which grow three fei t lniij.f. Tho White Plume and oilier nl the smaller t-orts are really tenderer Hid better iu every way than those :,'innt varieties that must have four feet between the rows, ur Mill more, lo get the earth to bank tin m up. Of tho smaller kind-, two crops may be grown, one lor early use, tlio other for winter. Tin sj'i 1 is s mv.i in bi Is to make tho plants for the early crop my time in May. When the plants iro three inches high they should be transplanted into beds in which they may stand three inches apart. This will mako them stocky and increase the number of stalks. In July they ro transplanted to the permanent tows, or at least so many as will leave rows iu tho old beds twenty-four inched apart and six inches in the vows for the plants.whieh is goo 1 dis tance for nil the plants. Some earth ing up may bo dune when the beds arc cultivated, after that it is only ne cessary to put common boar Is against Iho plants so ns to sliade them sufli cieiitly and to force an upward growth of the stalks. Tho htalks will thus be whitened and mado tender, without Ihe laborious earthing iip.nud may be thus grown eighteen inches long with ease. New York Times. SILAOr, FOR SI'MMHn FF.F.niNH. The Southern White or hilo c irn is preferred by many on account of its enormous growth, says O. J. Vine, f Ohio. It should be planted as early in spring as tho danger of frost is past, in order to en able it to ma ture more perfectly. It can be planted -iinilar to any other field corn, nud should have tho same cultivation. It has been demonstrated that silage is often as good for summer feeding as for winter. I mean to experiment this summer on making eusilage from ryu for summer use. Tim rye will be ant about May 10 or 2), and the ground planted to corn for "inter silage. Last year I cut a field of clover early for hay and immediately prepared and planted the 11 Id lo corn. After the corn was removed iu tho fall, tho prouud was cultivated (never plowed) and sown to tho rye, which will be siloed in May. This might be called intensive farming with u ven geance, but farmers mint practice something liko it if they wish to suc ceed at present low prices. It is necessary to plant an early va riety of corn if planted late. I have planted ns late ns July 8, iu northern Ohio, with good success. List vearil was planted the last week iu June. Al though caught by nn unusually early frost, tho corn made very good ensi lage. It had been planted in drills about twice as thick an ordinary field corn. It developed a great many ears Mime of which were well matured. One ndvautiigo in late planting is the ease with which it is kept clean. It does not require more than half the lubc than wheu pluutod six or eight weeks earlier. After tho corn is re moved tho ground requires but littlo preparation before needing to rye. Ono thorough working with a spriug tooth harrow or cultivator, followed by a smoothing harrow is all that ia required. I have sown ryo as lato us October 15, with good results. It was as rauk as could bj desired, some be ing lo4'd. But in order to bear such continued cropping tho land must bo rich or highly manured. It certainly will not pay to wastc'Jimo nud labor on poor soil. American Agricultur ist. BCCKWHEAT M1UDLINOS FOU CATTtjF. Professor II. P. Armsby, of the Pennsylvania State College, says: There nro many by-products and waste materials put upon the market by manufacturers and mills at a price so low that somo of them cau always be fed to good advantage iu connection with the grains usually produced upon the farm. The grain ration of tho station herd is very largely composed of such by-products, tho cost per pound of digestible matter determin ing the selection iu every case. In feeding these cheap foods, closo ob servations hnvo been mnde as to their productiveness, palatability nud effect upon the health of the cow, ns shown by tho condition of tho bowels, the coat and general appearance. Ono of tho cheapest of tho by products upon tho market at the pres ent time is buckwheat middlings. When fed to eitlle, it has n slight costive tendency which is easily over come by feedtuj; it in connection with corn nud cub meal and new process ii meal, the following proportions by weight being suitable. Throe parts buckwheat middlings, two uud a quarter parts corn and cob meal, ono and a half parts new process oil meal. This mixture has been used for thi) station herd for tlio past three months with entirely satisfactory results. Kigbt pounds per day per cow is tho average grain ration, corn fodder being used for eoarso fodder, and ou litis ration tho herd is averaging at the present time about twenty poiri Is of milk and 1.2 pounds of butter per lay. If ensilage is fed onco a day, the oil meal may be omitted with good results. Ibiekwheat middlings is palatable, and when fed in the above ration, no ill elT't-t ha( boon observed on ihe health of Iho cows or of tho calves born while tho ration was being fed. Not only tho amount of milk ii tul butter produced upon this ration, nut also its quality is very satisfac- Thc cost of buckwheat middlings is Horn 811 t per ton, and taking juto consideration tho large amount of protein which it contains, and its high percent of digestibility, it is ono of the cheapest concentrated foods at our command. Perhaps tho by-product which is used most universally among dairy men is wheat bran, many thinking it necessary for the best results. Ou ac count of its low percentage of digesti ble matter aud relatively high priee.it cannot claim much attention from the economical feeders of today. The station herd. as above noted, has been fed a ration containing no bran for over three months with satisfactory results, its place being taken very largely by buckwheat middlings. FAIIM ASI OAUHF.N NOTES. It is best, both mi tho ground of economy and tim ', and keeping the bees amiable, to handle them ns little as need be. In all work with bees tho motions should be sly aud gentle. Quiet, gentle movements mako geutlo bees. There is ft prevailing opinion that bees nro op .eially cross to some people. If one is more susceptible to attack aud sting than another, it is only b emso ho is nervous and quick iu his work nud movements. llareh behavior the bees resent, and usually attempt to punish. It has been proven timo and again lhat tho youiiger the pig is tlio more ho makes out of tho feed consumed ; that each day added to his life in creases the cost of pork made. Hence it follows that the sooner ho can bo made to reach 100 or 201 pounds tho cheaper it will bo done. In tho cool, early spring tho hives should be kept closed to a small open ing, just enough to permit bees to enter. Wo must rciii'inbor that warmth is necessary to rapid brood rearing ; much brood means prospec tive strong colonies, and only stroug colonies can give great returns. It has been demonstrated that tho sow while suckling will make pork as cheaply, counting her keep, ns tho pigs will make it after they are weaned. Tho difference is so slight betwecu I he two lhat it is not worth counting ; coiisi qucutly tho keep of tho sow is not charged against tho pigs during this time. Ammonia has long been recognized as one of tho best antidotes for bee s'ing puisou. There is reason in this. Tuu poison is acid, and the ammonia in inMitra!iz nr tho acid sjems to neu I nil ZD the poison as well. In Nature it is suggested that nn nmmoiiiacal ex tract of quinine is even more eff-ctive liau ammonia aloil". Leo keepers who are much troubled with stings, may well try this remedy. QUAINT AM) (TKIOl'S. Mrs. Lucy Arthur, n colored woman, died in Stocktou, Cat., a few days ago at tho ago of 108 yours, three mouths find 2 days. A minister of Ceretc, Mich., bug bought n Btcreopticoit with which ho will iu fut nro illustrate his Sunday night soriuons. The natives of Africa gorged thorn Helves with watermelons ns early as 2500 1$. C. This fruit gtvva wild nil over that country. A farmer nud his two sous wcro in stantly killed by lightuiug near Orange, Cul., a few days ago while seated at a table eating supper. Tho city of San Salvador, capital of the Central American Republic of tho tamo name, is called the Swinging Mat, on account of its numerous earth quakes. Mr. and Mrs. Win. 15lackwell of Corinth, Me., have just celebrated tho 70th anniversary of their marriage. Mr. Blackwell is 03 years old and his wife is 90. The Columbian half-dollars, lot which many people paid their pood cart wheels, uud some of them more, nro still valued by the collectors of rare coins at fifty cents each. Three big bald eagles attacked n grocer's clerk at S nibrook, N. II., one day last week nnd were mauling him badly when help arrived. The birds were beaten off nnd they es caped. A (iaolic society for the study of tho Irish language has been established 'timing tlio students of Trinity College, lbibliu. In the Tiiam News one tradesman advertises his wares in Gaelic. A button-ball tree over 1 00 years old, nud 100 feet iu height, in Kssex, f.'ouu., has a currant bush growing between two of its branches. In tho past ten years tho bush has produced line fruit. Alaska experiene -d tho past winter tho coldest weather known there iu twenty years. lluring Jaiiuary aud February Iho temperature was never above zero at Juneau or Sitka, uid snow fell utmost continuously. Three fish wcro caught on ono hook iy a fisherman at Lllsworth, Me., tho jther day. Tho apparent catch was iu unusually large pickerel, but in Iressiiig it another pickerel was found m its stomach, nnd iu the second pick erel was a fivo-iuch smelt Apropos of tho march of British troops toward Abyssinia, it is re called that Theodore, a former king of that country, proposed to marry Queen Victoria, claiming to bo a lineal descendant of the Queen of shebn nud every way worthy of her. Some time ago Anderson (iray was jonvicted in Kansas of hypnotizing another man ( McMoiiahl) aud in fluencing ii i in to commit murder. He wus convicted ou McDonald's testi mony and now McDonald admits that ho was not hypnotized at all.aud com mitted the murder of his own motion. Mrs. Mary Harlan of Coxville.Ind., mother of ex-United States senator Harlan of Iowa, and grandmother of Mrs. llobert Lincoln, attained her lOOlh birthday ou March 20. In tho family gathering that assembled from all over tho Union to celebrate tho event wero n daughter 78 years old nnd neon 7G years old. Too Handsome to He Handed. It is rarely that a man's lil'o is preserved by his beauty! '"it such was tho case with Lord Pousouby during the French involution. In 1791, when he was about twenty, ho was passing through Paris. War had not yot boon declared, but there was n strong feeling against England. At that time the lamps were hung ou cords across tho streets, hence Unwell-known cry "A hi lautei ne i" so that wheu nny unhappy victim wis taken ho was quickly dispo-n.d of. Lord Ponsouby, while walking down the Uno St. Honoro, was so unl'ortii' uate as to fall iu with the mob, whe seized him with cries of, "Here is an agent of Pitt's I A la lanterne!" The lauiii was taken down, tho cords wore placed around his neck, and ho was actually hanging iu tho air, wheu the women who played such prominent parts iu the revolution rushed forward nnd cut tho cords, cry in ; : "Ho is to pretty a fellow to bo hanged. " Hi fell on tho pavement, and was c irrio I off by his protectors, who carefully tended him. Now York Mercury. Icochliir Neighbors. "Dear me," conipliiiuedDora.as sho looked out of the window, "it doesn't seem to matter how early wo get up, those Tadleys aro ahead of us every morning, with every curtain iu the hoiiso rolled to tho top." Thnt was the poor girl's theory, but in point of fact the Tndb-ya wen sleeping tho luxurious morning slccr of the wise. They had rolled up the curtains alter blowing out tho li:;ht Ihe night before. Thus easily do some, p opto mak reputations. Hoc a land Tribune. In Iho norili of Liigland public hniies Cio practically empty il liMij tho I lotball mutches. ' QUEEN OF THE ROCKIES. Denver Fpraiig; Into Existence Al most in a Mb lit. ' This booming city, w rites u Denver correspondent, lias not a counterpart Iu tho West; It is typical only of Itself. It Is the will lor home of the cowboy nud mining prospector, nnd It is (lie seat of wealth and reliiieiuent. Tho wealth wus ncciimtilated here; the hit ter was Imported uftenvard. The l.eadville strike Iu the hitter part of tho '70s brought Colorado Into notorlely as a land of wealth. This great strike created a ciVii of millionaires, and (lieu fame docks of elocutionists, teachers of languages and broken-down professors, calling themselves "private tutors." They found employment iu "coaehiiig" the new rich In (he ways of polite so ciety, and teaching their children how to walk nud talk according to Pelsarte at about Ifo per lesson. Some of these teachers of the art of expression and dissimilation carried it into realism and married their wealthy pupils, due. In particular, married it millionaire, an I It cost him !?irlUiuo to gel rid of her. .She then organized a dramatic com pany and went on the road. She is now a total wri ck iu New York-a vic tim to the ohanip.iguo habil. Prior to the l.eadville strike Denver was considered only as a wild and more or hsss woolly town, abounding lu saloons and gaining houses lor the no I'omiuoibiliiiii nC cowboy s a ml miners. Indeed, this wasa large source of trade, for several thousand hibernated ihoiv during the winter. The only places ol amusement were one theater and sev eral "dives." In the former skeleton companies en mule to the Pacilie eoasl gave iiidillVivnt performances, at llrsl class prices nf admission, lu l lie latter song and dance girls of iho nioM braz en type, wearing scarcely enough cloth log for the (lagging of a freight train, sold beer between 1 licit- vile songs ill $1 a lmllle. In a room leading off from the "dress circle," as ii was facetiously called, wasa gambling hall, into which the crowd was ushered at l he intermis sion and ill tlie close of the perform mice. Here there were several faro tables, roulette wheels. chncU-a-luck. over-ainl-iiiiiler-seieii. aud every game known to the trade. The "show" last ed until midnight and the games ran until daylight or mull the crowd w a . "busted." The I.eailvillc strike changed all of this and plained Ihe seed from uhh !i tin present gueen of Ihe Hockics Kprauz. Mr. Hall fniuc, who was recently lu the I'uiUil Stales, says of American women: "They are superior Intellectu ally to the men. This has come about as n consequence of the American man's pulling the American woman on a ped estal and worshiping her. lie has stay ed below the pedestal and worked for her, not having time In cultivate lii.s mind and manners w hile he so worked. Hut site has had plenty of time, and she has made Iho best use of it. 1 consider that the reverse Is the case iu Knglninl. The average Englishman Is superior to the average Englishwoman iu intelli gence nnd education. Iu America, the women have known their own value, nml sol it rather high for a eouplo of generations at least." This is the result of the pedestal worship of Ihe Ameri ca n men. Ho the American women ap preciate the atiiiiide or Die American men toward ihemV It is doubtful. I'araljsH. Frnt thr I'nwt, .Yeir I'orJ!- I "iy. Morris presinner, of No. 1 I'ilt Street, New York, wli is a real estate ai(ent an.l collector of rents, enii!?lit iiMjveriie Id early last sprln, which settled up in his ki lllevs. Soon ho I "'Kan to suffer severe pain iu his backbone, sides and ehst. His symptoms grw rap idly more alarming, until at last lie was as helpless ns a child and could scarcely mo as ho lay on Ids ho I. As Mr. rreshiaer is well known ill the part of tln lown wli 'ni he resides, he ha I many sympathizers, who did all they could to help him. Thoucli a native of Iterlin. Mr. Preslaner has lived In this country for forty years, hav ing servn'1 the country of hlsaioption by threo years' hard servi'-ii in the civil war. Ho enlisted willi I he Nineteenth Illinois In fantry, taking part in miny battles and marching with (i;tirnl Slier nan to thus i. While iu (I-'orrfia, Mr. Prsla'oT was pro nioie.l to llrst Hnreeaiil for bravery on the fl' ld of aciion. H i is imw a member of K-iltes post, u. V K.. an I is ono of the most popular limn in the Post. Mr. Presliiner told a reporter tlio story of his ilrea lful illness an 1 won lorfnl r eovry. Tim reporter met him ius ho was returning from n Imn; walk, nn I, saying that lie lull h aid of his won Icroil eure, nsk" I him t" tell the story. When Mr. l'r"slaticr waseoiti formbly scale I in his plci-ant parlor, Im told the following story, which, he said, ho hot""! everyone who was snlTerimr as Im ha I lnifTerO'l, w lul l lea l. His words w'ro as follows: "To I'LVin with, I was taken sick Just ii yioir nii'l a month nv'o, having taken a ivro old which sett I -.1 mi mv kidneys. At llrst I thoncjit ihe piiu I suffer" I w nil I loon pass nwav, but, iuste id of doiir; this, It grew more intense every d.-iv, so thai In a week 1 could walk only with considerable difficulty. "I called la a doctor, who nald I had loco, motor ataxia an I bi-giin treating nm for that disease. II" . Il l mo no gooil, and a!! sum mer lout; 1 eoiilil scare -ly ntlead to my busi iii"s at all. Then I culled another doct'r and look his tneilicine f.ir several weeks, bin ex perienced M i relief. ir. Truman Ne hols. of No. -Js7 Kiist llroadway, win. I at last c.illo I In, helped um more than anv of the other doctors, bill u lolnf towards fall I Krew worso, lespitM his treatment. I lliiuk lr. Nichols is k I doctor mi l understood my ease, but despite this fact his niinliciui'S did me no Instliii; good. "Karly in November thn little strength I had iu mv Ics left inn and I was unable to stand. I he pain in inyba-k and sides h". camn almot iiiibearab'o and my limlis irnuv cold. An e ecirn; battery I boic'lit failed to help, nnd for weeks I felt myself ur idu. illy growing weaker until all hope left tim. "Soinnliine be'iirelhis I had read of a won derful enr.i a man had received from Dr. Williams' Pink Tills for l'lile People, but was so prejudiced agnin-t wliat 1 thoiiirht was a patent ni' dlcine of Urn usual worthless char acter that I could not make up my mind lo Iry them. As my pains iiierenspil nnd death seemed coming near, I thought of what I ha I read and of the symptoms of the man who had been cured. They with precisely the .same as mine, and at last, with my wile x e truest entreaty, I consented to try Pink Pills. "I am now convinced that these pl:l saved my life, (iradiially my strength be gan to return, the desire to live grew strong er. After having taken three boxes 1 left my b'- l. This was early in March. All pain had left me, and that terrible dea l feeling iu my loirs had g um away I was still vry weak, but licforo I had taken tim fourih box I was able to iret down stairs for a short walk la tho oHHi nir. Now I feel hs if I had been born aain and nm as happy as n child, l'.verv pleasant day I take a wak,iind am sure that in a month I will lie as well iisever." All diseases, such as locomotor ataxia, nt. Vitus' dance, imrtial naralvsis. sciatica rheuinstlHin, neiiralgln, nervous headache, palpitation of the heart, cITivIs of la rrippo, pale and sallow complexions, and ail forms of weakness, eltherin man or woman, disip- pi-ar when lr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pa la I'nonln are taken. Pink Pills cau on bom; lit of u-.if il-aler, or will t sent post pnid on receipt of price, 60 cents A box or six toxe lor .jo, ly ail IresBintr tr. wuuuais aieui Slue Co., rjchoaeolady, H. X. Mr. Hoodlep "You began life as a bare footed boy. I understand V" New Clerk "Yea. sir; 1 was born without siloes." New York Ueriild. Hi art IlhMMmft Ttclinril fn SO IHinntoi. Ur. Atfiii-H'sCuiv tor t ,v ..c-.o t uivi s perfect relief in all cases of Organic or Sympiithcl e I lean Disease in 3U luiiiiitvs, and aiVrdily ef fects a care. It is a peerless n-mcily for Pal pitation, Shortness ir Hientli. Miintlu-i-ini; S)-lis, Pain in Lett Side nud all pymploms of a I hocused Heart. One dose convinces. If your ilruiwist hiisu'l il in murk, ask him to procure it tor oll. it w ill save your life. If some, men wero to lego their reputation they would ho lueky. F. J. riienay Co.. Tolodn, O., Prntw. or Hall's Catarrh Cure, offer flail reward for any case of calarrh that cannot he cured by ta'iiiii Hall's Catarrh Cure. .Send for toatiiuoulaU, lreo. iSolU by l)ruirists, 7"c. Keep your wound covered aud It may heal without a scar. The More Hue I ses Parker's (Jiner Tonic the more Its virtues are rcvcnled in dispelling cobls, intlijrcMiuii, pain ami evci v wiasne-,s. The prodigal sou may lutcr ou support tho whole famiiv. Theve nro ptsipls uMiitr PoMilwC F.lfi-lrlc Reap te-iUv wi n i-.iumn-iircil lis w in lssi Weill ! this In. II i i-usi. nero It not tlio purnt nnd vutl tfimmuifal Kent- mid". Ask y.-iir irrurvr for It. Look tmt fvr iiuiticiuiis. Ihb'.'in', Kvery lima Is a volume if von know how to ri-H-l him. Plso's Cine for Consumption relieves the "st obstinate eoin-lm. Iti-.v. IU . n Ml I.I. I. Kit, I.exliiKton, Mo., felt, "i, lS'M. Special's don't run ou regular time: like wise genius. Walking Would orii-n be a I'Icasnie were it nut foi eorii". The-e prstsnrc removed w ith Iliudi'ieoi'iis I.V . at In lui-ts. Sympathy and severity seldom co hand In hand. KITS stopped free by Ha. Ki.iM-.'s (inn it Nl.HVK lll.slolll-.ll. No lit s ft el' lir-1 day's ll-e. M Sl-velolls em cs. Tri-Hlisei nil :.'.(! 1 1 1 -in I hot tie free. Dr. Ki.iMi.tHI An liM.. I'hihi., Pa. The (Ire of hate usually Hashes in tlio pan. WOMAN TO WUMAX. Women are being taught by bittet experience that many physicians can not successfully handle their pecu liar nil men Is known us female discuses. Doctors are willing nnd anxious ti help them, but they are Hie wrong; sex to work unilerslandingly. When tho woman of to-day ex riences such symp toms us backache nervousness, lassi- tml 1, ful men fdritalion, pains in ir ruins. bcaring-ilow n sensation, palpitation, "all front'" feeling and blues, she at mice takes I.vdia K. l'itikhain's VeL-clalde Compound, feeling sure of ohtuiiiiujr immediate relief. Should her symptoms be new to her. she writes to it woman, Mrs. rinkhani. I.vnn. Mass., who pron.r.t Iv explains her case, and tells her free how to get well. Indeed, so many women are now appealing to Mrs. I'inlilium fur advice. that a score of lady secret.-' riesnre kept const an t ly a I work answering the gnat volume of eoi rcspi iinl-.-iice which come . in every day. Each letter Kanswered carefully and accurately, as Mrs. l'ink ham fully rcali.cs that a life may de pend upon her reply, ami into many and many a homo has .she shed tho f Im ppine ns. MA DAYSMEN fjfl.nl . vnl fli. y u !.." i" ,.U ll'-e I. II i-lll'. II .'i.l'l , T. 0ltl.i1. Hiiri ARKfcR'S HAIR BALSAM Clour Mt and ttutlfle tho hair. Fj All I I 'lt Jl-ll not. Some of llu-m don't pretend to lb lp you as much as Pearline ; some will injure paint, or surfaces, or fabrics; some are only meant to wash or clean certain things. Hut with Pcarline, you will save time and labor in cleaning- anything that pure water won't hurt. Not only can it do no harm, but it saves useless papers aud books which you dou't fully linderstaa.l, niul which yon would liko to look up if you had some compact book which would give, the in formation In a few linr-s'.' not bti oblige! to hnnlla a tweiity-pount meyclopmlla cotm fli or .I0. pm a. LISHINC HOUSE, I 34 Loon- - 1 lurnish you, jiosii aid, Willi just s-uch "' "e Illustrated, with coaipvta handy Iu.Iex. JJo I red? Who built the fyrumids, and when? That sound travels 1125 feet per second n'bRt is tho looKcat river in tho world? Thnt Miuoo l'olo Iuvei.to 1 tim compass In 1200, lud who Maioo l'olo was? What Iho Gordian Knot was? The hook contiiins thousand m f ol explanations of just suea mntlers hs you wonder gar ss. f i about, fuw it at the my low price of I 1 - J J halt ilullav and lUVllOVH XOL list: l.V. W J A ' . 1 iklwactlmi fotlnu-4 illf V.S VIUOI1 iiK-n..v,. . ; - I EKllWN'S IRO BlTTF.RS. IndlgrStlntl IS CaUfCll bv the stomach's 1 i.-t-no eiips I alterative tonic I Pnreaasr nraff rrtuuOf .1 nioui.i ttrn.vm inn I Uken Mdire- '&.ul to bi-nrht inv pfrmii unrleting witn UprpM.. M.:.r.,.Cill. s., 1 Hcvrr. Kulnry s.li Lurer I Trounics, miionin, VnknrM, nervous I Ncnrslria. Gladness Comes With a better umlerstauding' of tho transient uuturo of the many phys ical ills which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant ettorta rightly directed. Thero ia comfort la tho knowledge that bo many forms of fci 'kness i.ro not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of tho system, which the pleasant family laxative, riyrupof FIrs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with tniilionsof families, and ia everywhere esteemed bo highly by all who valuo (rood health. Its beneficial effects arc duo to tho fact, that it Is tba ono remedy which promotes internal cleanliness, without debilitating the orgs ns on which it acts. 1 1 is therefore nil important, in order to pet its beue ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you hare tho genuine, article, which is manufactured by thcCnlifornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and Bold by all rep utable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and tho system "is regular, then laxa tives or oilier remedies aro not needed. If nfllicted with any actual disease, ona may be commended tot lie most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, tl en ono should have the besf, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrupof Figs stands highest on'd is most largely used and tjives most general satisf action. Mr. AanioT. U sley, of No. H2J Bouth Mth Hi., t'hllai 'Iphia, is tho wile of a prominent real cslateaseut and moves in high social eirelos. Sho is also a member uf the rrcsby toriaa Ci'iirOi. iru lor date, of Hep. t unbur lllh, IS Ti, Mrs. Ilisley writeai "I write lo thank you for tli'J heue lloiat rus'jlls from Hut uso of ltipaui Tahul.v, i saw thuai ad vcrl isod, nud thouijhl rarely put much coiilbleii'.'e in patent medicines, I do -idu I lo try thorn. Hince I heatl ta'xliii; them my ilyspopsla has di- ' inltitsln-.l and 1 can feci Hint it is h-aviiiK mo. My complexion ha.i Improved, and 1 feet hko a new woman not tho 'ne.v woman' of tlu presold fad, but a rejuvenated and physically r-yenorated beinjf. (Signed), Jlii'. A. T. Iti-tKr." Kit nn ! Tsleili'i nr.' R-'l-l liv ilril.-i;l.t, or by nml If the i r.i- i.i' i en s il b hi l m-iu In Tn IOiiu I'ii-'iii 1c , I ' in i'-Tiy , Nn. 1 1 spon-ii st.. ev Vurk. taiiiptv 1 1 0. ly o.-ieii. lit ;it.iuii iri't fur DUMPING wmmm Vi.V nml nn-r-'W Mrr-. s .-.l at:.-. !.. re.-, f fi-i.il.l fi-'in i. ur w rks. 'ill 'MV. IM ,!.,. l .nUO. Treated free. r.iii..i run iih Vf vUbl, Luriil tntnir tk.ni. I -im-.l Wi-1M. Fi'.m f-i:.l.. iTirploiri i. fully ,l,rF-. t i l -irn ,:4.-ilwiino:hii-H"ftftmri"m'"i"'-HOOK ..f i.-iT ., - ( I..-...UI-S-. ' "'' FRKC. I K. n. il. UUl.l.N A sos, Si.c.UlUifc Adaula, la. ncnuau all ui ii t i m ELIXIR. CISTS. For Skin and Biood Diseases opium- nil D t i bUBH nitnlr.l. S.H.iv-i HSU I '.I WE HAVE NO agents. it wlinisaule pricii. Hni wlitta f;r nnmlnatlon tel. too si vlrs of Car riiri Co sivl'H f liar IUIC5. " 1 nr nir 'iutu. M CHART Caritage A Hnnrv Mfg C. . II. l aiTT. Sa. f hiblmt, I ill. over the house you need Pcarline. Aib I moro than ever in house tleauiiv1;. J list lonk over the list of things that you might use soap--, and powders and fluids and what and harmful rubbing. OFTEN pomri ncross i Xiri'"Bi'ns an I references la tho news in stamps nent to BOOK PUB a ard Street. N. T. City, will a hook, conlainlnjf 61 pafjei". well you know wlio Cnu-us was. and whom tin of lacit oi ioii-. ' ihp Lyi'.f. Kot a hevrraire an sitntile, carauve, certain, pure. t QoirtHNTtC. ...... .... 'I i-.-inii.r iuu. - -. - - - i .-ouuir, v.iii '"v ..- 8WB i mult".'."-, an

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