Tilt ttSUAV, JUNK 23. IHim. XGCilX. RECORDS. SCHKIII I.K IMTTKIMKO' K. It. Tho inwriiRfr irnlu on Urn rittt.lM.ru' mlli-ovl lllVf.A 11MhIm.I-ii' lllltlV. PKI-tll Suiuliivn. HI U tn it m. nnil a !IOi. m., (mil M-rlviwal I'iiihIkuii hi ll . m. aim ' i" I', m , m Mmicuru wilb i lie irmii n.nbli.ir rli.su imm.'.-li.'ll 111 miimiUHvilii,i.-iBiii3o V. m. i. The shniteu. dsva will uow beein to Coffins for Hide pine, oak walnut by 15. Nooe Jr. For cash you oau get grtat bur gains ut liynum & lleiidcu's. You have only a low more days in which to list your taxable?, so you bad better attend to il at oneo. Wo lira pleased to learn that the lira in the Cumnock coal mum was extinguished last woe It b.iforo much damage was ttouo. Tbo nnniul season for the '"first cotton bloom" has arrived, mid the R-xo'io has been noltliod of several. Tlio fi-m that was sent to this ofti 'e was by Mr. II. J. Sloan, of New Hopo township, which was picked on the 19lh. Why not keep cool whpn you can buy a thin coat use heap as ihey ire Hulling at V. L 1 tndon & .Son's Then that straw hat. you need can be had for very liltlu moony. Ne'I g.M) Khilta at New York puces. A lew of those jia uk ) shirt" at Iocs than cost. V. II. Kd wards, dentist, will '-it 1S iiiiin on Monday and Tiles ; od I'litrhnro' on Wednesday, i '. .ir-w.iv it in! Friday, followmt; the .'iiniii ot each inont li, pre ; ..red to do all kind ot dental work 1. rti w u ami bridge-work a spciaity Cllico in Dr. Chapin's. Ladies, don't you need a ni-.-e cool dns nut to cost mu.th. money ! W. L. Loudon & Son will sell this week nice eimllies lor 5? J ets. n yard Nice uinjjbams, former price ti.. 7, S uud lt cts. ill Bell tins week lor 5c!s. Beautiful lawns lor fj. worth ti cts. Whilo lawn for (ij cts. up. All stylos ol nioij embroidery and Iji'.es very choap. I'oi'CMST Mkkti.no.- -On last, Tues day u ineetitift of the executive com luitteo of tho lVojdos parly, of Clint ham, was h-ld at ttiis p!,ie to reeom mend a dolpjinto to be icnt lo the l'oplillst National convcuiioii wbirh niec-ls in St liOitis July '2'2. Hon. W. F. Sirowil was i-lected as this delegate aud liiirinou Seurs as hij oltiiLale. HliMINO I'lOKlN Cl.viMirr ill-. JjUOlui Hat ley, ot ihiM e.aiuly, cui'lil a turuiifge pigeon ftl bis homo a lew days ago, and on one of its feathers ware written in red ink thn follow iug words: ' II eiiu'hl or shot re port to l'. Kerns. 540 E 11th St, tlhesier, IV. In accordance wiln this request Mr. Hatley bus writ leu lo Mr. Krns not lying him Where his pigeon is. This is what is called a ''lloininjr i'lgeon" or ear I'ier pigeon, which doubtler-a had been scnl iiiu by its owner to test us Migiieily and had bocomo lost, as tjuile ollun occurs. Tub Kknios (iuito a number ol Chatham's old soldiers will ittteud next week the grand reunion at Richmond. The plan is lor tiictntn go in a body, leaving hero at- 'J o'clock Tuesday morning and arriv ing at Richmond about 7 o'clock Unit Afternoon. It instated that all veterans who thus go in a body will be entertained free of cost fit Rich tuoiiii, but wo would Biiggest that every one carry one djy's rations with It i in . Indued it would he a good idea to curry several nico Chat ham hams, iu case provisions should be scarce ul, Richmond. The railroad fare will bo flio Irota this j!acp. Every vete ran ought to get a uniform hat and badge, a limited number of which bavo been ordered and can bo had at the etoroof W. L. Loudon & Son. Rkiisonal I rKMs. Mis Cora Ful W, of Smilhlield, is visiting Mis Maltie Ihrio. Miss Lulu Rosa lias returned from a visit to relatives iu Warren county. Mr. Charlie Rrowcr, of Aberdeen, is on a visit to liia parenta at this place. Dr. Matthews, of Durham, has de .id. d lu move here and praclise 'j A V- Rainier, f V. 1 i-.'.i ."i tt ' : t to her t '. i . ' i l.C. ilr... I, Miss L zy.io Foiishe" ha a visit lo her sister, Mrs. U. yoile OU A. Mai- toil, at High 1'oint. Mrs. iMarina McClonahan is lit Washimiton on a visit to hor sou, Mr. J. T. McClonahan. Mr. Nat. Hatch and wifo, of Wake county, are hero on a visit to his brother, Mr. C. C. Hatch. Mr. F. M. London, who bos been st, dv'in decorat veurtatRrookrvn ; htudying docoiative url at UiooKtsn,; is at home spending his vacatiou. , n i i i i Rev. W. W. Rose, who has been ; taking a rest for his health, has re : turned to bis circuit ureutly im proved. Mr. and Mis. B Nooe Jr. nro visit i ig relatives ut Washington, wheru Mrs Noon's sister, Miss .Minnie Roth rock, was married yesterday to Mr. J. T. McCienuhau. Prof. Collier Cobb, of the L'nivcr B:ty, accompanied by Ihroo youni; coutleuioii ol the (i.-oloflical Purvey paised through here a lew days ago en route to do coal lioldsot. Deep River. Road Law Ei.kction. It may bo proper to mute to tbo voters of Chat bam the reasons why lleia will bo uo election belt! on tbo Dili of next month, us ordered by tbo county couiiniissioufers hint April, upon tbo question of working ibe road by luxation. J ho reason why there will j bo no oltctiou is simply because tba ; ' I . . I.. 1 : 1 - . I ! I - t inn Old not proving any way j hv vvliii li ll riui'il lin In 1,1 Tim iMiun. I tv Hi till IJ 1 i S SI 1 ll (' IS ll ll III I 1 1 K t thtt lll'l ,..,,,, l. al,,1(-Zld tlio.u to do, j una Hint was merely to order an eltc I Ibey had no authority to up point Ibo icgistturs aud judges of 1 election, uud Ihorofoio called on tbo and clt-ik of tbo superior court to ap j point them, but ho did not think thai, be bad the authority to appoint lliOiu. lu BO liiipoiTaut a matter, however, the Clork was not content to net without legal advise, uud re q lestcd his uttoruey for u wiiiton opiuiou, which was given m follows: l'lirsnouo, N.C, April 18;b IKOli. Mr. R. 11. Dixon, Ciei k ot Supei ior i Court, Dear Sir: In uuswtsr lo your iuq liry as to your duty and aulnor ity lo appoint Ibo regis: rurs and judges of election for ihecl-'ctioi', r ileivd by the county commissioners of Clnilh iiii to lu huM on the D.li day of next July by virtue of chap ter 11) I of the l'ublic Laws of North Carolina, passed tiy Urn Geii.-rat As Humbly at its se-sion of lS'.lj, uud eiiullod "An ad l'.Ji- t'io improvement, ol the pub.ic reads ol Noilii t'aroliua ', 1 beg leavo lo say that, in my opin ion, ll is not your duly aud you have no authoiily to app mil s ich re gistrars aud judges ol' flection. The act itself doou not give yon such auibority nor impose eucb a dulr, uol dons it contain .iu) juovi Riou or provide any uiai'lunery for boldiug any election. Nor cau the pmposed election ho held under any oilier law. Chapter 1 o'.t of the Laws of liS'.M, entitled "An hit in revise, iiiuduil, and consolidate the lit eiion laws ol North Carolina , in its lirsl seclionexplcs-ily repLiil.s "chapter six teen of Tint Code and all laws, and clans -sol laws, relating lo elections, enacted subsequent to Toe Code", and therefore the proposed election caunol be held uud. r any election laws In rololoro iu force. Nor do I think it cau be held under said chap ter lu'.l, become that act, in its 7ih section, expressly lieciurea iui i&e Cleiki iu their respcelive counties Hliall appoint the registrars and judgisot election "on or befoie the flfft .VOIlililij ft N7'i fllK'iT lli.il ! ci''limj ct'.inj i ll ct" lit", wliieii it is Muiply iiiipossiblu lor you to do in tho matter of ibo pi oposad election Urlit) held next l'ihj Thai it was an oversight, or uu intent ioiuil omission, of Uu (iciio 'al Assiiui'oly to provide the proper dec lion machine ry in sai l coupler ISM, may lie cited chapter I'M of the L iws of f !;'.)."), enacted tv lev vaH al tor wards, entitled "An act to regn'a'.e the workings of ti.e puh ic r rids in Jo ue, Hjde, WhL. , i'o.k and I'ai.l hco c. unties". Tins not crdert-d an election iu those counties lo bo held iu November, ll'.'i, and expressly provided that it .should be held uu der the new election law Che said chapter 150), and accordingly the clerks of those counties appointed the registrars anil judges ol election at tb t time piescrihed, lowit, on the lii's t Mouday iu .September preceding said diction. The attorney of tho county coiu iiiissioiii.is concilia with me in this opinion. II. A. London." Sub ipicnt lo tho writing of tho above letlor, at May court tho Clerk also consulted wiih Solicitor Rvnum who concurred in tho above opinion, and liieteforo no regisli a: s or judges of election havo been iipponte.l, and no election will bo held next month as petitioned for by some of our county moil. Weekly "W'culiTcT Crop Mullet in Cfiiti-iil OJU'c, J,iU'i'jh, X. C. The imports tit correspondents of tho Weekly Weather Crop IJulletin, issiind bv the North Carolina W.ath I cr .Service, lor the week (-tiding Saturday, June 2u.li, 18!Ki, indieate Jagaiu geiier ihy lavmable eoiidiiioiis except ovr limited areas in tte nortlieru portion of the lviatern Dis trict and a lew eeulial counties, where crops are sull'cring Irom too much rain. Tho leinper.ituro was below the normal the first tluec da"s ot the week, a id reaehcil iiormul or slightly above the latter parts. Rains wore frequent and hcncticial where not excessive. Much damage recur red by hail in four counties Tho amount of sunshine was deficient A fowdaysof diy and warm weather are now needed, in order to enable larmeifl to cultivate crops, which tire becoming ve.y grassy in many local ilies. Sanford Expies-s: His nu unusual thing for a imtii-'or ol the gospel lo renin. li in en. ! one Mel I for a qu i li-r 01 n v. 'fins ll is h it . i case .v il i, A. N . 1' el'j us. I'l esin lei i:i:i :ni.n-li r ami a hat. von! Moore county, who bus bad duuge c.l churches in Richmond county lor that long petiod of time. The Ut n - ,y nil.. ' ";' " " l-'or no I of Laurel Hill church was celcbialed by tho congregation last Saluiduyinl a very appropriate iimuuer. News aud Observer: Ono of the . r i t i:. ... . queoios'. iiruio in iiiumiii; in, iu ... . . . . . . corded is t he prank il played at Mr. i x 'r.. i,. ),.'N 1 Alex. K.uu s ut xNeuso. In .Mi. JJi i in s, barn lot are a row of cow stables, A 0C(. ,ieJ h(!, ,;,,,; s(1.uc!f ,,10 binlJiiiW l,,st ' d Mi ai r. S.ituidav. The cow in stall number one was' killed, the animal in s. ail uumber two escaped ui.lial mcd. I be cow iu s'tiil number three w,.s killed, and tbo cow iu stall number four was uuburt. Theonlyexplauaiioiiof this strange incident is that tho t-tails are built ut the root of a large tn-o. In tho stables where the cows worn kill ed the roots of Iho tree luotrude, while iu the other Iwo stalls the roots ,u-o beneath the surlace. Tho boll .of li-bluing atiuck tLc lieu. Charlotte News: Mr. E. A. Irwin, ; of Morning Star lownidiip, hud u horse killt (I (mo day Inst week, by a bai bud wire fence. The boise was nl largo iu u past tiro tiiid taiiagiitist tbo tonco A burb lacerated li is breast and cut open an artery, euus ; ing tho annual 'to bleed to ueaiu. Tho horse whs a fiuo one, Mr. Irwin . . i 1 LMMI I .. mad l.avmg pui'i ci. i" " ; " l,,w.c mi Ali.uii. Icrcounlv man .;( V i I I'M if n"r. WI,B 1 ' LT IU W.iyi 11 through the woods last Friday, w be tell dead to Ibe nut Jin was a teamster lor J. O. Immuh ami nun ami Had been in bis umim! genii health. J 1 oh it disuano is supposed to have oau.Hc-ii his death. j Durham Il. iuld: One of tho host , railroad sohn.!u;iM and tiuu. tables , ... .... , 1 1, i i,m b. en recenlly goiten up and patent j i d by D W. WhilaKer. ol iuit cny . Tbo repoilerollboIlHialdw.-is.howuiyoung lady Had lieeii e.n. w u a r ,i ,.;,.,,.I iJnidns-'. ai it. is I lialchet across the bridge ol the one called yesterday, t he "1111111(1 is an upiight piece 01 nr.. sue, i- wnifu is attached "a eireiilur piece ol tin. On tho circle i i a sc'ued.ilc ol eiu-h of the lour roads leading in'" l11 !,:iui. At th. 1 bottom of each of the scbeduli-s is a small whito leaf whoro any change iu the telnvlal-j may b-s nolod. Down below tho circle is etlac.lutd a calendar of lS!)!i In the ceittor of the circle and around on the tour sides of tho back bond is space lor advertis ing onythii.g that the owii'.r of the g"iido' ma y desire. It is well got ten up ami is a good advertising scheme. News and Ol i ver. Friday even in,; last jnsi at dark " mo.-t fearful, incident occiii'iid on Nouse liver, it liois' mill, in Wake cm. my. F M. 1'eriy, with I wo of his sons ami an o: her geut Ionian whoso name eoii'J not bu learned, weio crossing the bii.Igo at 15 us' in a two hoisu wagon, drawn by two mil es. When aliout the center of tho bridge, which is a very lontf ono, about sxty I. el of the'slructure g ive way, precipitating the wiig'in ami team and men totLe riior bed thirty lei t below. One of the mules was instantly killed, the wagon demolished and while, si range losiiy. itonool I he men wi re seri mis y hurl, Ihey wore all prolly badly bruised up The bridge did not sink -tniigbl down, but h.U up thu river. iTolHL with b'..'.u lorct; as to throw the wagon and lo mi and men uoovo and out of leach of the wreck, other wiso all woii'd have boon killed. A geiillomitu, who took a look at the ruins', expi'i'S-e.H great astonishment that any; biii;? or anyhooy connect o.l therewith csi npMl instant dcai h. The bridge had not b.en condemn od and was not considi red ui. sale . -Lire on ( otli:i- Ci r.-i-p ii'li.Cc! CiiailoU" OlmiTivr, FiNi vn.!!:, Juno -1 Farmers arc 'really a ai ineii over lite iiipcar:iiice id lice on Cotton. 1 hi-V v.oioll.s mil iced 11 bout a week ago and were then co. .lined mortly to llil, si ill ami "blackjack" liintls. Thev have in creased and sp.eid rapidly and ut.. tacked cotton on ahuod all kintl.i ( I soil all liiioiigu this see! ion. They scorn to s op Iiie growth of the plan', iu a low hours alter Ihey attack. In a shoit time tho leaves wilt and shrivel and drop off. Tho prevail iug opinion among farmers is thai lhas'alk which is hi! will send out new sprouts aud thai the greatest damage tothocr. p will be in late maturing. There is a diversity of opinion us to what l'.ill remove the hco Son c spy Hint hot, dry woalh or and warm nights will destroy ihem. Oilier s 13- that a hard, beat ing rii'ii, will rid tbo cotton of them. Ten Tliousaml Drowned. Yoi;iimv, Jiijiio, Juno 1!) Ten thousand people wore drowned, it is now estimated, by the tidal wave on tho island of Yes- t. Nor! horn Japan, which was aceonipiuieil by a suecos sion of fright I ul i ai thtptak.'H, lasting for about twen'y hours. lk'siib-s Hie town of Kumaishi, which was woolly destroyed, many other coast t iwns have bjoit washed away entirely or in p a t. i.T!.a. WAsruxoTON, Juun 22. Secretary ()Iney today received tho dispatch ! Irom" Mr. Herod, uocivtary of the j United Mates legation at ToLio: j "heal hs caitsoil by tidal wave i-sti-1 iti ilcd at otl.OOO. 'in reports to date !(-l)no mortaiiticj nn.oug Aineri- cans. Chased into a Freight Ttiii". Montpciier, Yt., June 22. The mid night express Irom the north, duo at Montpolier Jun.dion this morning al I'Ji-ld, ran into a car of the special freight about Kill rods above tho ttalioa at Moalpoiicr Jillielioii, 'The log was intense and nothing con d b.) Sinn bjyond twenty feat ahead. The express came around lh- curve an I before any stop could . in nb crashed into the saloon car ot Iho freight. i S -vera! drovers were uMuep in Hie I saoiou. ( (no was till, ed and tinolli .ttr injured so that, ho died today. , w L T tirand Island, Neb., Juno 2(1. A telegram Irom O: d slat s ihat that ww visited by a cyclone at 2: o'clock this nioriii iil'. which destroy. - ... 1 , , , i 1 ...I I I, ......I, ., I i.,.1.1 .,,,1 ui-i.r.tn, 7 ...... i. ...v.. ..... ii.. t'.o pr.i.c.pa. noic. an.i wiec the town goueraliy. ,, -;, wiw,nn innunsi. ti.iin.to .is in nu budding and crops in tho surrou ig cuutry. It is i.nposstblo to ) ono to round treti oc.ans jci. o, v...... a... , t" 1'!'vu, . ; A l'm-Uniit Vnvn.'fi i A 1 el Hoiim 0J H!,e. Mew Yokk, Juno 21 Frank Charlson, formerly a sailor in t he ' employ ol John Jacob Astor, sailed lodi.y lrom tho Ratlery basin in a twenty loot cedar boat lor i.iver- ' ruiol. His brother, nNo a seafaring man, accompanied him. the loon : expect to get to Liverpool in their , Utile trait in wMy days. A Double Murder New Oiilkax, Juno 20 News was ; received here today '' ' specnu to hit imnonow in on nia. -j a, .i.ini ln.une n r !u riusiir n. c. . aor th9 lihj SI,!; dated Bayou .Jou la, j Castillo, a .ue.uber of tho C.ban . ;;r.a. r. .l'u,;;;-'j Lai La or a liorrih'.o doubio inurder ul ,U it, is ' nutiuiore fitting one an j j w ,iH. H,i (J. w. c.ihh, ..-mr.ius w m 'im that village IiimI night. Mr. Tele- expedition which ho will lead yrM Niihoro Laiidrv. a biirhlv resnoced ! Cuba. It is said that he has bought Piotp'H" iti-" J- Aami-y ia iiie uivii,iu-,r old lad! and U-r adopted daugh.erJu Reamer which will Uke one Z!TS? SiXSTZnEXX M.hs Made mo M...I..;.... ii,.i,,...i m.,.i iiiu victims. They lived in a small houso abou; ami olrom the alaliou at Jia ii i(iou'a. Thoie weie no imilo oe 'ell-;.,:,,.inis id llm house. Sci earns were u.lini ju t,p diroeiioii ol their home ub011t .u, ,i,i,i.iv. IVoide who went lu , ulid was the milt tor found ,jl0 ,,1 laily clnnd uikJ liei daughter mortally wounded. IJoih had been li igh: tally out up and t ho floor was covered wdb blood. Mrs. Landry h throat had been out from ear to ear, evidently wn h a razor and sho bad bhed in tho breast. The " nusO, the wolintl exioinung 1ro.11 ear to oar and frightfully disfiguring her. Sho was still alive and managed to tell what had occurred Sho has since, however, become unconscious and canuot recover. Miss Hubert suit! iwo negroes cnleicd .Mrs. Run dry's room last night and proceeded to steal everything; in sight. Mis. Lit. dry was awakened by tho noise and screamed. One of ibo negroes struck her with :t hatchet and at this moment M:si Hubert came 111 the room. O.10 of tho negroes grab bed her nod the ol Iter struck her with the hatchet. The negroes an- Huppnscit to nave cros-u-u 1110 inei in a skill, as one that Was on me lia o.i tiaula bid is missing. Every otl'ort is being made toerleh the lunrdiMcrs ll caught, vengeance will bo swift and sure. Run by it Deail Knuiiucer. (j i.i:siii'mi, Ll, Julio !id. The westbound limited i xieess on tho Chicago, LSill'llligtOll ami Q lllley Rail 'J8.i Uayof July ISJS.Ht tli courl h.ius J.mt in way lo lay d:i;,bed across lite iliining j i'iiiHi.ro. n. v.., or.er fr tiu. 10 iiie iucIiuhi wa Utii bridge over tho Mississippi at a ir6.-isuirari.4uu.i iy.i,B a. mm onunty . ? ., 11 nf 1 Linliiiii, N. 0 ,ou the wntoiK or Tui-Ky Creek, Held ol a miio a inintite, xue structure trembled and swayed, but the long train crossed safely. The liieinun had becu waiting for liugiui-er Cablings to siiut off sleain hs they itpproachetl the bridge. 1 11 stead the tr.iiu gained in speed. As the traiu shot, towards thu I5iir lington depot the lireuiau stizod the thioltlu and stmt oil steam just in tiuio to prevent a cullisiou 1:1 the yal ds. Tho engineer was silling in a ! ' " : the I natural nos.lion 011 his side of cat), with bis bead out ol tho window and bis hand on thu lever. ll.i did not speak when spoken to and tho fireman ihseoved that one side of Ku-.'iiieor Giddings's head was crushed in and that he was. load. lRi is supposed to bavo been struck by a mail bag crank, Inn miles east ol tho bridge. Tho blow did not move him lroiu bis position i or can o hij baud to lull from the t hroltle. The train, with lliivo hundred persons on bo.trJ. ran without con trol until it ero.s.'d Iho biitlge. The I id that tiidding-i did not slacken tin on approaching the bridge c iilse I the lireman ttispeak, but tholiain shot on the structure like a catapult ami was across Ueioro 1110 nrcinan it ii ed lor the lever. Spain Heady to Fiitlit. Londus, Juno 21. A dispatch to iho Duly Mail from Madrid says that the piaiform adopted by the St Louis (invention has caused in tu ti aitgir in Si liu, ami that a c.mllcl with tlio United States is almost , fixed. I Too Uotl.schilds have loaufd the L'ovi rninetit lOil.OUO.OOd o s ttiis on the security of tho Alinadan quick silver mines, and tbo money will he mostly applied to tho purchase of war ships. Tho government is responding to an undoubted national Htintiuioiit, trustioiig probably to receiving help fiom other powers. I'sfiijifd Convicts Captured. C,riosi'iii l.'ii '0 Ch.'irlouo Observer. Apukii jtio, .1 u no 17. S.x convicts engaged iu grading the Ashcboro .t Me.ntgoineiy lliilroad have nnu'o llie.r escapo this weok. On Monday two white niou ami three negroes made their oe ipo, but two of the nc groes wore captuied Monday night it happened this w-.y: Mr. Will If uu liu, who liv-s four mih-s north of A-di dioro, saw two negroes wearing tbo stiijicii iu :i pioue of woods uoiir hishotiss Ho took them an old tile lo loose the clasp from their legs with, and told them il they would wait till dark he would hi ing them soiue citi . ius' clothing sud put them across the river. They agreed to wait, and Mr. Ritalin made hade to inform dpt. McMurry, who has charge of I thu emmets, uud tuey were bur rouudod and cap! mod. Tin I ileal l'iinaci'ii. James R Fmncis, Aldertunn. Chi oajjo, says: "1 regard lr. Kios.''wNow )icov-ry as an Meal i'auacen lor Concha, Cold au-1 Lung Complaints, Imvini; used it in my family for the hist five yeais", lo the exclusion of physician's prescriptions or other preparations." R-v. John F.ursus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes: 4T lntvc boon a Minister of lite Methodist Kpiseopal Chutch for "() i i e .. l I VKira nl' nini'll 11111 I AVfl llflVOI' III Old f::..7.:"" ' ,. I IlliJ 1 111. 'ft I" HCiiiin-i wi f,..- line suen sppoiiv reiiei as w. iving s i Mew Diseovorv." Try this Ideal Couarh Renipdv now. Trial Rot lies nixmu. . ..D Jmh' HurXliTld Shoots. ' 1 - t , i j ,,-iiita, K.ins., Juno 21 - In a fit ol ins ino jealousy, O. h Ran, n ; prominent younjr man bore, shot j and killed his wifo this niter no- n, ; then turned tho weapon upon luni sett.anu s. ni a nuuei lurougu niso n , brain. I bet raged y was witnessed by two men across the strcel, nut ho t tpnckly was it accomplished that Itticy were unable lo inloiloio. Another Filibuster Expedition. Ni:v Yoiur, Juno 22 Thfl Recor ..... (,i i k uriiiut ixmioi inns ever t Hont. lo Cub i. Hie cargo will coin, sis of 2.."H) rilh'S. l.OHO.O'K) rouiids o' ammuiiition, 2.000 ujalohes. throe tins of dynamite and seven Ilotch kim guns. Tnis expedition is going to ilaceo's ciimp. Mr. Goo. W. Ilinsliiiw, of Winston, is engineering a scheme lor u 81!00, OMi) cotton laetory on tho Y.idkin river on tho Yadkin uud Surry lines. The factory will bo on (ho Surry sidn. Northern capital will bo iu lerestod il the scheuiR goes through Mothers will find Chamberlain's Cough Komody especially viilmhle for croup ami whooping cough, ll Will pivo prompt relief and is safe and pleasant. We have sold il lor several years and it bus never fail ed lo give Ibo most perfect saiislac lion U W. Richards. Diitjuesne, li Soi l bv Bynum .t Iloidcn. llucklcu's Ai iiicu Salve. Tiik Bkst Sai.vK iu tho world foi f'uls, Biiiises, Sons, Ulcers, Halt U'liilin, Fever Sores, Tidier, Chap ped Hands. Chilblaius, Corns, and all S'iln Ernnptioiis, and positively cures files, or no pay required. It is guar inteed to give perfect satisfaction 01 money refunded, l'ricu 25 cents pci box For t--.uU by O. R I'ii.kinoion .New Ailvei tisenieiits. 5 AND SALE BY VIIJTUK Ol the r,wora .'.aCftliieJ in A i-prtiilu Up.-.I of tii-.rty.ii; ifvn't-'il liy W. .! llaniioh iiit'l wlfo M ty J. mi the US. li .f Sciitoinber 1M5 iin.l iltiljr -fi-,.r Je,l In ll.-Hlhl.a-'s i.nico for Cliiuhntn eutin'y ll.ii.k"C. V", lutH tin', 1 will, mi Tt'EsuAY, lh.' n.lj. Inlnt; llielnn.la ot David Womi.le, Mart. id Per r mij S 8. ll.iniiey. U Lelng Uu-luti.l ilevlsrd 10 W. J. IIiinu.,11 by I1I9 fnlhnr J. 11. Unrraou Uo.-i-is-e I, mid r.iiiliiliilng uii ucrob mole or lead. This Jutu- u.l IS'Jt). T. r. l.I.OVO, Woiufiek .V Ittiyen. MurtunK'". &ANDSALK Y VIRTUE OF th p iwurs eiiiiintucil III n eorlaln Ueo l ol mor'.Kii." .')!' ul.'J liy '1'. S. Ol.lham 1C. L. l.luJ any en Iho "M li ili.y of Deto'iiLwr, IHiiS ami .luly riM icli- i In K'rfl.ter's offl;e for Cli iili.-im comity, ll. ek "C. 1". ige 43-' 30 al I will, on Tl'KS. DAY the 2xili .lay of July. 1R6 offor for 8Kle to the highest liMiler for ciisU at the oolirt-liouse duor li) I'll'.Hboro, N.C, the Mlowlng laud tonll: A traei of ihihI Blniaio lu l'l couoiy of Chathatu, VI! '.I tile tt'ivti"litp, b aiii.l.vl o-i Uio iiortli by the Inn.!,, ul Ciiii. Y. A. Ol lliain, on tlio .'ml by Hie Imi.N ,..!., hu A. .Oiaimni, el ul, on the euu'.li ,y J.il.n A.oialeitii.o.i the west by T. K. Cole, .ou luliiliu .5 iiiiee more ur teen. O.L. I.ISDsAV, JllllO jJ. lS.'fi. SI HlfSBSUO. W..in:i. k Ucs, Altye. 5 ILL FOR SALE RY VI U- ilbm. of mi . xectit loii i.-HiieJ lonie trom inesn. url of I'hiitlinm roun'y, lu fnvorutCO. i rt , .'.,.! h: lit---- the Inrmors Il .:l.r 'lll Mnnurne. 1 iirt:' C.tiiiui,y. I wilt mil tor ens!, in publie icifiloi. ki :ti ir'-lioii:.o d-.nr et will cuiuny. I on mommy, the ilili day of July. lH-.C, till tlv jr-ior:y of e.-tlil iMniii?iiiy, couslstlntf of one mid ! iw.i-IUtlis il i!-Sl ni-res of land eltiiate ul Slier ! Ctiy N. t' o:i whli-li Is sliimted U:o UoI.LKIl j Mil. I. of null loinimny, toK,thr Willi the SI Z illMUXK. Iioll.ril, 3lCHINEIiY nnd all NX TI'KKS ll.-d Willi ,.r lu Hllld Mill. juhbIiu, i Slierltt. LKOF VALUAHLE LAND. livi vlreio "f mi order of lie. e'U.erlor e.-ou-t of Chlll'aul.-'.ll'K 111 Hi" .Mse-f It. t. Ili-oll-ll el Hi-., vi l-.t.ti 0. lb-i-l.-ii et ill, e will-ffer for Mil lo 'he li.;h.-ei bid ler. at the i-,, url li aise doi r In t I Ltsiioi-.i, S. ! . on Hi" ''Ut dny -I'lty i''.'". the I 'It- H'.lT l.lll-l Oiwi.. iiifliinu,.,ia,-i Il. i.i. ll t- 11. 1'. ll'-.l'leil, lylni! on Iiie eoinhwi-sl en I soielie isl of iiiu liu-, run by Surveyor Hold st. li. nnd on ibe south of iho Ml m-ivs sold l-y Mi d J am Hi-ad n t" I) '1'. Melvrr. tin. I lyliiS'h ... ...... ..t I. ill.. It...... f-.,..,lf. .1,11,1 nine 11. e I lands r.-riuerlyowii'-d by Julia llule, lr. Urnv I el nl, vmiutiitiin H.H ni-res tien n or less lernn r eii!i".iie-ti in i-ii-h, r.-iiiHlii'ler lu six 'noniii!,, h-b-rre l piyii'-ni l-i be swuied and lo;ir Inter l-sI nl 0 per cent it inn side. It. H. IIAYr.s, A. 1' l.ll.l.UKT, June l.lsyfl. Coiuiulsel-inois. 1 CT, VCO SLXCXSXXIOXVD, VA-, FOR THE CONFEDERATE RE-UH1QH, juraa 30th- xult: aa, 'ds THE B3Y3 VA GRAY IbcS liitliwest nre orcaui.ing Hum t;m ttnttu n o r, 1 1 1 1 ,u 1 1 1 4 itll lo i un over the Seaboard Air Line, with choice of the Famous Kmles: Via Atlanta, Athens, Hal cigh, Petersburg (all Hail Via Atlanta, Athens, Hal eigli, oter&bur, Xtf orfolli. Rinl Insioric .Iniues li vpr. S FECIAL TWAINS RY ROTH ROLTKS Ei?!1, t'i! MMi. The Only Line Via ()!il Point (Jomfort, Hampton Jloails, Hip Haps, Fortress .Monroe, ami Virginia's Famous histo ric Waterways. 2 llemilar Soliil Daily Trains Iu addition to the Specials. -17''.' ''" '.' I1'1' lickots and space in spcci.il or roiruhir trains to W. R H r.M KH, Agent S;iab t.-tl'd Air Line, Fili-.b ro. N. C. Or write (o T .1. Amuks im, tlne'l Rasj i' A'eut, I'orisuiouth, Va. LANDSALH-nY VIllTl'K OF no nnlorf tlw siipnrlnr mun nl Chatham ; county In the " r Mi-jviar ... ..... ,...111 M XI IV II V. M',. I ...,ir hai.mud in llecl-iior'i. .ftl.-.t "r chut- ho Aiisiry i.nr.w w i. limn iMUIltv. ll. Juno 1, 1B'.i6. Cotllllllscl 'Uor. LEADERS IN CIjOTIIINU. T77"0 still loail in Clotliiiio-, f'lioes, Hills uml (Jents' ritriiisliiiio-.s. We mt only show yo i I be linost ihkI elioiijiest line but twin; tlio liirgvst .stork Lotli in Dtnliaiii n lid lttnliii.iitdii to .-e-lcrt IVniii. (Jivo us a look wlu'ii at rithcr lihtrc ami lie ronvinro'l. T. J. LAIUBK. Tho Clothiers and rarnish crs for Burham and Sur lington and Surrounding Courttrv. SAMFOBO, Fin-nil tiro I":ilors. I'mli.T tiikors. Aii'l A mMils I'.u' Ltnl ileu k Juvtos Fiitnos itml ()r iatis. Always on ltauil u full stuck of Furniture, Collins, Pianos Arc Orders bv mail receive lU'ontiil attention. Vpril 2. IS'.h;. honor yeiiR iSueeessnrs m I. W. Uurlmmi, Raleigh, N. O, I'roiirietors of !U MARBLE Mil We are prepared to f urnisb tho bos MARBLE AND GRANITE iu uny style or shape ami ut lowest prices. Call or write for prices on tiny (1esims and kin-1 of TTFH.7I.1ir: illll 8tiV M'enlion that "ad." in tho Ilix'oiir., you enw (his when writing Prompt attention uiven all orders. COOPF.R RUOTIIFI.S, to SEWING-MACHINE HAS NO EQUAL. PERFECT SATISFACTION Nbw Heme Fewing MacMne Cc. OR JOE, MASS. 30 Union Squar N.Y. Chicago, III. St. louli, M". Atlanta. 6a Dallas, Tox. San Francitco, Cat. 1896. EVERY CITIZEN OF- tmm county 1 'WM if ft JL vr SUBSOEIBE TO THE During The Coming Campaign and keep posted on the political af fairs of the country. THE RECORD has always done its hest to pro mote the pros perity of nil the people, and to ance espec- Et the of inter-Chat- ests ham. The RECORD was established 1878 hj'itsp res ent proprietor, and its success ful career has been phenomi- nal in North Carolina jour nalism. In the future, as in the pa&t the RECORD nilS cominuc to publish the lat est news and be a family news paper of which its readers shall not be ashamed u . o.LYTnmicffiTSAr ?X hi IhW

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