Will renllzo (ho Rrcate.it amount of good In the bortvst lime mi J at t Uu least expense by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla ThoOnoTrupBlixxl rurtrtor. All (lrtiKlts. fl Hood'ft Pills are cany lo take, ciuy toopemto A Manoiiic'Sigu. A limn Is kuowu by liU motions If tho looker-on hus tlio dlsivrulug eye of ft'Kow-craftsmon. Sui'h Is the point of u street scene- reported by a St. I.ouls uew-spaiicr. A strungot' iu Host on stood lu front of a Columbus n venue npurt miMit house 111 process Of construction, apparently luterestod Iu wlmt lie saw, ami picked up a lrlek, ivlilcli lie turned over lu his band one or twice. "I will give you n Job If you want It," said the foreman, who bad observed tho stratijor. "What kind of a Job?"' asked Hie oth er, aa be shoo!; the brick dust from bis gloves. "Laying brick, of course," was the nnswer. "I know from the way you picked up that brick that you are a brick mus.ui, and we are short-handed, with the cold weather ou us." "Thauk you," answered the strauftcr. "Once I would have Jumped at your offer. Thiny-tlvc years ao I wander ed those streets looltlutf for such a Job. aud couldn't liud It, though I needed It us much as any poor fellow in the city. I took (Jrocley's advice and went West, where, I have laid teus of thousands of lirickd and employed men to lay mill ions fur 1110. I don't need the work, but I am pleased that you rocognled ia mo a member of the craft." . The stranger was one of the largest contractors iu Nt. T011U. Ho Sut Down. Ho was no orator, but lie knew when bu bad satd all that be could say. He was a Maine man. and attempted to ppoak lu town mcetint; on a subject Hint greatly Interested blni. "Fellow-citizens," be sans; out lustily, as be arose- "lVllow-eltlzeiis!" A long n nd otiibarrassiuu: pause, and then he added: "If I only bail the id 'as I ought to have on this subject, and had the words to express those Ideas. I tliiuk I could relieve my feelings." How the crowd ehis-rcd its he sat down! - Lewis ton Journal. Cleansing. A soap for olomiing silk is made by beating ono pound eoeoanut oil In 1M? degrees 1'., adding half pound caustic aoda, mixing thoroughly. Then bent Lalf pound white Venetian turpentine, mid to the soap and again mix thor oughly. The mixture Is covered and left four hours, then Invited again, and ono pound of ox gall is nd-l-d to It and well stirred. Next pulverize teiiue per fectly dry. good curd soap, and add it to tlie gall soap In sutllcient quantity to make It solid. One or two pounds of curd soap will be needed. When cold the muss should 1"- pressed into cakes. It is perhaps as M unit men don't i;row wings before they get to heaven; their wives would use them to trim their hats. AX orKX LKTTKJi. WHAT MRS. I. E. ERESGIE SAYS 10 AMERICAN WOMEN. fti:ili.t nf Her Mi binrlioly rendition Alter thu Itirth ol lltr liiiil. I feel as if I was doiuir an in- justice to my suffering- sisders if I did nut tell what l.yu .i K. I'inldiuiu's Vcg-c t a b 1 e l oin pound lias done, for nte, and iis worth to tlie world. I'roiu the birth of my child until he was four years old, I ivai in pixir health, but feel ing eon- vinced that half of ailments women we imagined else culti vated. I fought against in v bad fi iurs, until obliged to give up, disease I Milled tin ' I was nerviiii-, ached with such t-ensat ion on tlie t My best doctors, hysterical; my bend a terrible burning e.i, and fell as if a Mil r m the irea n j baud was d'-awn ti;.btly ntmve my brow; inllamma' ion of the stomach, no appetite, nausea at, the sLrht of food, iniligestion. cinistipatioii. bladder and liidney troubles, palpitation of the heart, attacks of melancholia would occur without : ny provocation what ever, iiuiiibness of the limbs, threatening- paralysis, and loss of meiuory to Biieli tin extent that I feared aberration of t he mind. "A friend advised Lydia LM'inkham's Vegetable I'ompoiind. and spoke in glowing terms of what it had done for her. " I began its use and gained rapidly JCow 1 am a living advertisement of i'.i merits. 1 had not used it a year when I was the envy of the whole town, fur my rosy, dimpled, girlish looks and perfect health. ' I recommend it toall women. I find a great advantage in being a hie to say, it is by a woman's hands thi- grea' boon is given to Women. All honor to the name of Lydia K. I'inkham ; w ide Miecess to thu Vegetable Compound. -Yours in Health, Mas. I. K. Hkeiv 8IK, Herculaneum, Jefferson Co., Mo.n . Sparkling with life rich with delicious flavor, HIRES Root beer stands first as nature's purest aud most refreshing driuk. II est by any test. v.v , , Tka Cbrt 1. Hlrw r... rkHvltlpUo, Tlio Iowa census shows tfiot tlx St nt o has lost heavily in mu mi fuel tir ing industries in tho Inst ten voars, Thero is something in this 'vorhl t 1 even moro vnluo tlinn a gold mitio, A four-inch vein of tellurium has boe'l discovered at Victor, l'ouu., which su says 7,000 to tho ton. As tho exact year of (iutotiberg'l birth is not known, l'JOO has bee i finally selected by tho town outhori' ties of Muinz, Germany, to eelobraU his tivo hundredth birth.biy. JcrcmiaU Hend, a wiio Englis'i authority, admits tho ubility of Ala bama to produeo iron cheaper thin r.uglatid, but thiuks freight charge will prevent serious competition. Twenty-four govern incuts, including tho United States, Japan, C'liiuii am) IVrsia, nud nearly ull tho Knroperu conntrios have given oflicinl notice that they will exhibit in Paris in 1900. They say that tho people of North ern Wisconsin nro fertilizing theii lands with the finest potatoes tvei seen. They would be glad to sel them for a cent a bushel, but cunuo' even givo them tinny. Farms in Kuglaud are selling al only twenty-five to fifty percent ol their former value, aud in 601110 casef no bids can bj got even upon tho lowest basis. Farms within two hours' lido of Loudon uro deserted. t'haiincey M. Depew recently re. marked, "When I siiy every enterprise, every business, every institution must advertise in order to bo a success, 1 only voioo tho opinion of every thoughtful, sensible- busiuess man."' It is generally acknowledged that most boys beuelit by lifo at a good public school, and F.ugland's royal family have iigniii given evidence ol their agreement with this principle by sending Prince Arthur of Coumiught to F.toii. A society to cheek tho declino in population in France proposes to at 1 1111 its obj -ct by legislation. Fam ilies containing more than three chil dren are to bo free from taxation, ivhilo those having no children will lo taxed heavily. A man-of-war's man has been com plaining iu tho columns of the daily press that tho term "Jack Tar" is no longer reully applicable to tho mod ern sailor on a warship, bineo not even a t in 11 of tur is obtainable on board the new cruisers. Homo one suggests that under these circums-tau-jes '-Jack Paint" would do for an ap pellation. So great has been tho ex tension of the province of tlio engi neer in naval mutters of Into that tlio New York Observer fears "Oily Jack" would bo nearer the truth than cither of tho above nicknames. And yet "Jack" will never, it hopes, be come a mere og in the wheel of 0 complicated nautical mechanism, or at best a senseless automaton ullont. un conscious of his own dignity and dwarfed iu mental aud moral power. Manhood is more thau ninchinery. The Now York Tribune exclaims: liieyciists have pushed their frozen way to Siberia, have mopped perspir ing faces under the Temples of Thibet, and have discussed tires aud gearing beneath the shadows of tho great Pyr amid. The maidens of Norway have laid their lbeu aside.nnd tho matrons of Germany leave their babies to glide nbioad on the public highways. Tho tinkle of the toj familiar boil startles tlio brono ou tho tracks in the Argen tine Uepublie. Iu Loudon, in New York and in Paris wheeling is tho fashion able fad of tho hour, a fad extending to every elsss of society. But about the very last place whero ono would ever expect the bicycle to become the rage is Venice, where all tho great thoroughfares of the city consist of water, and gondolas constitute the or dinary moans of conveyance. Yet, neeoriling to the report of tho Pritisli Consul at Vetiic , just published in London, the Queen of tho Adriatic has succumbed to tho clinrms of the wheel, which monopolizes at tho pres ent moment all her attention and all her interest. llei'tdYcd by a Hriilgp. He wat rather a nice-looking old ma 1, mid when I observed him ho was c iltig north ou Clark streot, says a writer 111 tlie Chicago Journal. When he stepped ou the bridge ho didn't no t ice thai it b.'g.m turning ti let a big vc-i-cl through. He walked slowly, with head down, and appeared to bo in a deep reverie. The bridge swung clear around, aud the old man stopped ou terra linn a and continued his walk. H vcr notice 1 that tho bridge had thrown him off his course, and thnt he was going south instead of north, ns he iuten bid, until he reached tho C.tv H ill ; then he ginnned up nt tho lug pile of stoae, scratched his head 1,11 1 w. nt over mid talked to the po lie - 11 111 on the corner. "I havo lived li re twenty vuars" he hiccoughed, ".ml this it tho first time I knew tho City H ill had been moved to tho North side," and the copper' most per 11 isive word, failed to straighten 1I10 cent U niau out FOR FARM AND WARDEN. SWELLED HEAD IS A TIMtKEY. This disease of all kinds of poultry is known as roup, and is contagion". Tho treatment is to bntlio the bead with hot vinegar, wrapping it iu a bandage soaked with tho vinegnr after ward. Givo tho turkey a pinch of chlorate of potash, dropped into tho mouth tw ice a day. Feed soft food, as oatmeal in hot milk, given when near ly cool. Keep tho bird iu a dry, cool place. LAYINO TII.K PttAIXS. Tile drains should be laid perfectly lovol if it may bo so said on the slope of the ground, that is, tho drain must bo evinly laid, not up aud down, thus leaving hollows in it for the saud or mud to collect iu, and thus close the tiles. It is pito practic;iblo to uso drains for irrigation, as well as drain age, so that by forcing water up the tiles iu a dry season tho laud may be moistened for the growth of tlie crops on the land. This is quite feasible, and has been done when there has been a supply of water available with asufl'icient head to fill the tiles to tho highest point. New York Times. It A Ml lnilUIATlOS KOH FHllT. A Canadian farmer reports good results iu irrigating strawberries by currying water in pails from a shallow well and pouring it on thu bed ; mid from this beginning iu irrigation he has erected a reM'i voir elevated above tho level of the beds to be watered. which he fills by hand pump nud dis tributes bv hose. With this crude ystcin of irrigation he lias been able to raise as many us 1, 1-0 boxes of strawberries from a measured acre in a very dry season, and thus huving al- st a monopoly of the market, he wan able to sell bis berries at a line price. Massachusetts Ploughman. TIIF. 1U ST HATH. The dust bath in n poultry bouse is as essential to the health of tho poul try us the bathtub is I 1 a human be ing; even the little F.uglisb spin row may often be seen on our roads en joying a fluttering of wings and feath ers in the road dust. Some men don't know any more than to "Wait until Hinimer and go into the fibber;" yet hens and the snuill birds follow the lietntes of instinct and crave f-r a ln-t bath every few days. The iloor of both roosting room and shed should be dry enough for this purpose. It is not nee ssarv to have sand, loam or oad (ltlxt is better. If impossible t" do this, put tho dust iu a shallow box whero it is light and sunny during the lay. y-irxii I'AI.VES. As soon as the calf is dropped it should be put 111 a liuy.o room with low partitions, 111 the lull lavs of the sun all through tlio d ay, 1111 I not in a lark, close pen, away from the sun 1 good air, a'id never cleaned out from fall to spring. Now you haw- got the p n, be mre aud keep it w.-ll littered with straw. The pen, or pens, should open into a yard, so they could run out and in when tho weather is suitable, with free ncce.-s to water; and above everything else, give them a boundless amount of pure air. As moou as the e.ilf is born we ns ist it to draw what nr. 11; it will, nd then milk tho cow clean for two r three days; then tench it to drink the milii warm from the cow for two weeks, then begin to Iced skim milk with a handful of wheat bran, and in crease the ipiantity of bran as it grows oi ler, and then udd about uue-hall ground oats. Give this until ubout seven months old. One thing I wish to i-poak of is this, which is very much better, and saves mi'.cli time: Heat the water nud temper the milk with the hot water. Iv so doing it is snre to get 1111 eveu bent every time, and it is healthy for the calf to have more bulk. American Furm.'r. ft.owisii rxiF. ortr.rN ciior.-s to f.x- 111(11 TUP. SOIL. Perhnps the proluclion of heavy fodder crops like clover, b-iekwheat, rye, corn, etc., for plowing under may bo good policy, writes A. C. Went, but I cannot see why it is not better prac tice to harvest these crops for which the husbandman has been laboring through the seasou, and utilize them iu two ways, for food as wall as for fertilizer. I tliiuk the day has gone by for waste fodder. I cure not how pronounced tho roughage may be, if it be cut and cured iu time nud iu good order, it may bo profitably fed by mixing with it any one of the nu merous concentrated foods, which can usually be procured at low prices in tho market. I heartily advocate the raising of such crops as oats, peas, cowpeas, corn, rye, barley, etc., as fodder crops, and believe everything should bo saved for silo or mow, aud run through a first-class power cutter. This is not the day in which wo csn afford to waste nuy portioti of tho crops, whether it bo coru fodder in sections where the graiu only is sought, or swamp grass on the thousands of acres of tui drnined eastern swamps. Iu the latter case ,;f the grass be cut very early and cured green, a second crop may be secured from tho samo plat baloro cold weather, and tho r.lsult will bo hay of very fair quality. Let ill i fer tilize more, but do it by feeding' more. Many of tho best termors still fudhcro to tho advisability of plowing under green crops, and wo believoiu tho practice on light nud sandy soils es pecially. Such soil needs vegetaldo mutter (humus) to absorb and retain water, ns woll as noeding tho mineral elements of plant food. American Agriculturist, HINTS ABOUT HAT1SO. During tho past few dry season:, rye has not only douo good service as pasture where grasses failed, but if cut just before Leading lnnkes a fair hay. Of course it is not uoarly bo good as clover or timothy, but it is much better than straw, and is readily eaten by stock. It is cut wit ha mower, allowed to cure, thou cared for ns timothy. It is not difficult to harvest. Haying machinery has 1 improved with other classes of farm implements. A hay crop enn be put up with very little hard work. Tho crop can be cut, allowed to dry, gathered up with a largo fork, drawn to tho stack, nud elevated by horso power, or can bo elevated onto 11 wagon, hauled to the burn, nud unloaded with a hay fork. I'ilher of theso methods must bo prac tised where tho crop is very large. Improved slings, tracks, harpoons, etc., have made tho operation com paratively simple. If, however, the highest quality is desired, and the amount to bo harvested is compara tively small, it will pay to rake before thoroughly dry and put into small cocks unlil completely cured. This is especially true of theclovers and pnas. It can then be loiided upon a wagon, taken to the burn, or dragged to the stack by menus of largo horserakes Where material can bo secured nt reasoiiiible figures, it undoubtedly pays to build cheap sheds for liny which cannot be put into tho burn loft. If it is absolutely necessary to stack iu the open field, top out with wild hay if it can be obtained, or cover with cuuvas or boards. Unprotected iu any way, a large amount is lost, especially if heavy rains should occur before the slack has settled thoroughly. In any event, keep tho middle well filled nud tramped solid, so that the outer edges will settle most rapidly. Tho outside layers will have n hiillieient slope to keep out rainfall. Hound stacks keep best, but l icks are easieat made and nro most common. Indeed, we believe tho truest economy on many farms will consist in com paratively chenp barns or sheds for hay storage, contiguous to well-built nud properly fitted sanitary stables for stock. New England Homcbtoad. 1AI1M AND liAIillKS NOTES. Air and sunshine are health giving to fowls as well as to people. See that coops are well oiled or whitewashed before the little chicka are put into them. Do not be deceived with the idea that incubators need no enre. Tho best that can bo made require atten tion. It is not a.' much learning how as to be willing to give the constant euro and attention that secures good work widi the incubator. It is reported from Franco tint tho fresh juice of the poppy plant applied to ricent bee stings gives immediate relief and prevents iullammation. Now that warm weather is here, care should be had to tee that things are clean and sweet about too poultry quarters, and the ventilation good. Give the old hen n good dusting with mutV before she is taken from the nest with the little chicks. Petter do it a day or two before the chicks come. If your hens begin to moult early do imt feel badly over it. If they nro yearlings they will with proper care be ready to lay good priced eggs lor Christ inns. Do l't forget that somo belated piece of ground may bo profitably sowu to buckwheat. The bees and the laying hens will divide the crop with profit to their owner. The space rcq-iired for an npinry is not necessarily large. One-half acre is sullieieut for U00 colonies, and these should produce three or four tons of honey annually. In California aud the South, 200 to 500 pounds per colony is considered a fair average. In Petiny lvnuia there have been secured from .')0J to 100 pounds from a single colony. Tho demand for beeswax always ex ceeds the supply, and as no adequate substitute for it has ever been found, the demand is likely to continue. Iu Switzerland, tho taxes are often paid with the wax sold. A top of overngo hay removes from tho land twenty-eight poumht nitro gen, ten pounds phosphoric acid, and thirty-live pounds potash. Commer cial fertilizers to replace this lost fer tility will cost about Stl.'Jo; hence, thero is not much money in selling hay. JJetter convert it into meat, milk and butter, and sell these, as it will cost less to send these to market, and tho fertility will be kept on the farm. From sixty to eighty-livo per cent of growing grass consists of wa ter; hence irrigated grass Uuds are great yicldcrs. QUAINT AM CURIOUS. Algeria furnishes the best corks. Japanese make twenty-five cent watches, A l'ekiu (Chiun) paper is 1,000 years old. Ono Englishman in 2,000 rises to distinction. A New York insiiranco company has got up a now policy iusuruuee against losses by burglars. Tho president of tho republic of An dorra, iu the Pyrenees, receives a salary of $15 a year. Tho shad of Morocco weigh from six to ten pounds, Consular Agent Cobb reports, nud tho bonos are not a bit troublesome. John Howard of Oaago County, Missouri, might havo been in worse luck. One of his 125 apple trees was left standing by tho ubseiit-miiided cyclone. A great-grandfather, grandfather mid father ami son, all working to gether digging a cellar, was a rather unusual family gathering iu F istport, Mk, recently. A mass of eels weighing !100 pouuds clogged the water-wheel which runs tho electric plant of Kivorhead, Long Islaud and the town was iu darkness for several hours. Slavery was abolished iu Brazil iu when there were freed 8 MJ.OtW males nud 700,000 females the o wn ers being compensate 1 nt the rate of $100 to S-'iOO for eneh slave. Mrs. Ellen Miller, aged eighty-two, who died recently nt Wayeross, ( i 1. , was the mother of sixteen children, and her children, grandchildren and great grand children number nearly 200. J u a lot of old paper stock received lately nt nmill in Audovcr, Conn., was a ltible,tho inscription in which rends: "This Uiblo waa used iu the pulpit by Jlev. Steven West, pastor in Stock bridge, Miss., from 175'J to 1818." O. II. Vctmer, of Hlmdiill, Me., claims the distinction of havim; built from newspapers three years ago what is now said to bo the best boat in his town. His miterial was thirty-six thicknesses of newspapers pasted to gether. At a Chinese fuuernl in Visalia.Cal., three Chinese stood at the gate mid Lauded t-'ii-cent pieces, wrapped iu paper, to every one who passe. I out uf the cemetery. Small boys doubled back and went through tho gato sev eral times. Of all the nnmoroiH instruments employed in our times, the oldest and most widely known are the druui,hnip and bagpipe. The first of these, sim ple ns its construction is, has literally played nil important pint iu music. It originated in the north of Asia, nnd win for more thau two thousand years theonly instrument, kuowu to tho rudu nud roving Tartars. Icing Vegetables for Shipment. "One of the most remarkable new departures in tho freight business," said Mr. Omar II. Uartletl, general agent of the Louisville mid Nashville llailroad, "is tho idea of icing vege tables for shipping long distances. Jt has been tried spasmodically iu other yenrs, but never until this yearwosthe plan carried out to any extent. Now the New Orleans hhippcrs are ic ng their vegetables right along. We have ulio.idy this reason hauled twenty-live cars to New York city nlone that contained iced vegetables, and the shipments to Boston, II11IV11I0, Pittsburg, lhiltimore, Philadelphia, aud in fact to nil the northern cities, have followed out this new idea. You know the shipments of cucumbers, cabbages, beans, and all kinds of gar den stulY havo grown very rapidly in tho past few years, and now tho pro ducers hove found it necessary to ice them. Tho process of packing ie quite interesting." Now Orleaus Times-Democrat. A (Jriiesome lint ht lib. "I wanted a bath iu a North Carolina hotel," bays a traveling 111 a 11 jn "Hiirdware," "so I rang for the bell boy and asked him if they had a bathtub about the house. 'Yes, pah; nice ones, sail, 'ho said. " 'Jlring me one.' "In a few minutes the boy returned, bringing oil his shoulder a coffin with silver-plutcd handlesand a lid nil complete. " 'What does that mean?' I asked indign.mtly. " 'D.it's do bathtub, sail. De land lord used to bo in de uiidertakiti' business, snh, and had sunn coffins when ho tookdis hotel. His sou is a tinner, sah, an' joss lined de Collins wid tin, Try it boss. You'll find it berry nice' "Couquering my repugnnnee, I opened the lid nud found the en din lined with tin, ns stated, nnd I took the bath, but I didn't feel jast right about it." Just Like a Mass Drum. 'That man has the greatest voico of anybody on tho floor, ' said a specta tor at a political meeting, ns a spread eagle orator sat dow n after his speech. "Just like a bass drum," replied the companion visitor. "Yes, strong and sonorous." "Yes, aud nothing ius'do of it." THE FRESH-BREAD CHARITY, j What On Worthy New York l'Utlau tbropltt I Poind. One of the oddest sights that New York affords Is the procession of the hungry which move past Grace Church nt ten minutes before 1 o'clock every morning. It Is the parade of the unemployed the hungry poor. Eighteen years ago a Vienna bakery was established In New York. It cnino from tho ceutennlnl nt Philadelphia. Ulghteen years ngo tho proprietor of this bnkcry began the nightly distribu tion of the broken loaves of bread to the hungry poor. The custom has pre vailed ever since, and the foreman estimates that two million loaves of bread have been given away during tho elghtceu yenrs. The retail vnlue of that bread would ho more than $1."iV 000; Its wholesale vnlue would be one half ni much. In the winter months fresh coffee Is glveu with the bread. Hoth coffee nnd bread are n charity offering by the owner of the bakery. The men begin to assemble n little before 12 o'clock. The tlifit comer stands Just In front of the bakery door ou a side street. The rest fall !n behind him, nnd before I o'clock the line stretches to H roadway, and along that thoroughfare fifty yards to the door way of (iruee Church. There are hurrying steps from nil directions as the hour of distribution approaches, for the late-eoinois are like ly to go hungry. At tcu minutes before 1 o'clock the bakery door Is thrown open and the Htout foreman npix-nrs. Two bakers' assistants bring out sonio boxes plied high with broken loaves. ThW Is fresh bread which litis been upoih'd in the baking. When the loaves nre a little defective they nre sold at u low price to small shopkeepers; but when they nre broken the pieces are kept for the poor. One of the boxes Is placed at the head of the line, and the first man helps him self to the fattest chunk of bread tint he can distinguish in the Unlit from the doorway. Then the sliullllng line moves past, each man picking up his piece of bread and going 011 his way. Many are tramps by profession, but most of the brend rocetvers are worUlngtnen out of employment. Plowly the line pusses. There I;t no scuffling for place. Ea.-li lakes his turn. Sometimes 11 man lingers for a minute to make a selection from the box. and the foreman has to break the blockade by ordering him ou. At 1 o'clock the last loaf of bread !. seized and 1 arried away. A dozen hun gry, disappointed men turn away with out complaint and without even u phil osophical shrug of tlio shoulders. Tlio neighboring doorsteps arc pen pled with bread-enters; but ninny have taken the food to their hungry homes, nnd may have gone with It to the parks, their only lodging-places. ' Sweetness rS w v 1 cjaa tl'ut aTill In tho pulpit if you wuut prac- tlcal prouchintf for thu physical man; thru put tho pill In the. pillory If It, tlocs not prac- ( 0h tiMO what it preach'.. Thorn' h whole iro.spel in Aycv'a Suar Coated rill?:; a, "gospel oi P) sweetness ami light." People ujed to value ( 0 their physic as they ill. I their religion by V its bitterness. The more bitter tho dose tho (t) better tlio doctor. We've got over that. We ( ttako "surar in ours'' go. pel or phy.sie now- a-days. It's possible to please and to purge at (W) tho same time. There may be power in a ( pleasant pill. That is the gospel ot , (S) Ayers Cathartic Pills (j) ( y More pill prlieuta:.! in Ayrr'.i Currtiol: paj;. ' Pent Itce. J. C. Aj-t r Co, I.utvcll, :i.i a. 134 Loonaril Streot, N. Y. City, for it mrv.s iho purpose ol IV-will ciiejelopn'diiis rOKtiiigH hundred times H,r Sue. nked. Il ;.s romp'.rtcly lndeied, m.:lii the Information instnully hv.uIhIiI,'. With ties viiln- able Isi-.k yen bate a ttorld of knotvl- rdsa nt your llnm-rV end ni.tl e in 4v S U easily Mipply n luck of enrly educa tional iidviintiisii'". AMien r-ndliiL-, "W d"ii'ttoii uiiiMiinlly nunc ncross ref- rrenees you fail lo u ii.ler-l in Nn'l "nc. a mii.iII timount to pay for IniviiK snob knowbdno lit liHiul? Do you know it bo Cru'-ns wn, n-nl tt here lie lived Who buiil tin: l'yraiiiids. mid when? Thai ound travel ll .'i leet per sk uiiiI.' Wb.it Is the lenirest river in tlio world? That Jlare.i I'o!o in eiited tin-, oimuiss iu IMii. and ho M;ireo I'olo wa-'f Whut Hie Onrdinn K not 50 ( Tin-l)"ok conlains tlion such nialli-rs ns you tven.U-r Ion pure ol half it dollar CHEAPEST & BEST. GERMAN DICTIONARY OF 624 PACES FOR ONLY ONE COLLAR. A FIRST-CLASS DICTIONARY AT VKICV KMALl I'Rlt'K. It ff1M Fnatl h Wnrlfi with t ti frniftt K-iutr If ntt ! I'ri.itt uritiu,i nifl (irriiin vvt.r Is wit'i tMfcllili I'rOnllJco. Bfin jHistpai.i on n elt(uf$l HEAD WHAT Til M v Hvtt $Air r-4., Hny .11, lt The irin IMi Ciopurv I rft-p v. i nt m t m'ifn plMiir d w.ih H 1 Md nut ni- t ) fljul mi li i l-ltnt Irt o honi iMMtk llrs s.' (ft.i.ytO -fc mid liK-loseii find $1 furme. Al. M iiA--ntn BOOK PUB. CO., 134 tconard Street, New York City. oney in MONEY IK CHICKENS 1? YOU KNOW HOW To keep th.-m. hut II Is wrong to lei the poor ihliu:. SnlfiT .nil Die ol Ihe v. noui Mit'.illeii wbii h .frlii-t lh, m wp-n In m;oru of r.re. Care roiCil h.ve been rHertrd b.d Ihr oitni-r poewtwd a Utile knowl edge. urh a can be pro cured from lha ONE HUNDRED PAGE BOOK W offer, rmbrarini; th VftAVTICAL KAriiuKNCUaf 7 Tlio Motive. "Why have you pursued me nil theso years'" wearily asked tho princess of the dmnin. "I don't know," answered tho wily mlscreaut, "unless It was to give you a dinnee to wear nil your costumes." Drawing his mantle more closely about him, he nodded to the leader of the orchestra.-Detrolt Free Press. Not in l'nr.'a. A Princeton student, who Is spending n year lu Paris, recently wrote to a friend In this country to send him a pair of good Amerlenu shoes, n corn popper, nnd a book of gospel hymns. Tlio Child Knjiira Tlie r-loaannt flavor, Kontli action anil nooth- . n cr effect ot Syrup of Firs when in neo1 of a Inxatlve, anil if tho fiilhor or mother be costive iir liillotH, the most gratifying rcuitts follow its iHf mi that it Is tho best family remedy known an 1 every faulty should have a bott'io 'I'liero iniii-l lie some mistake ntiout mange ,lul--e liclnx kooiI re i- you; 11 is so Pleasant lo take. Aic Vnii Snliflleil Willi W Imt Ymi Knoir, Or H.xial yun lilmlly improve vour stork of kii.ovleiltti Vmi in iy net Iiiivo Bil or JiiU you urn spnro fer n I M-tiliiinn vnoyclopiDillii, 1)Ut Jiiiican alTiinl lo uiv I'll ty cents lor n Ilnnd ltniiki.riichi'i'iil tiiinrm itiou. You won't wiwit In -;iv i I'll ihs iuili.. you nro ilenlroiiH of in. pr,, vol,; .iiir niOul in, 'I I'i'lipvo tlnit n five, liiiiiiltpd.piw Ime:, 1 ) 1 1 1 with n emiilt-iiHcd ma- eC mOii ililn k mm ledare, will Iw rond by iiii. 'I l,i wilu ibl,- l-aii-ii'liipie tin will be rant liisiiaiil lot- illiy renin in ; laiupi by I ho Hook rnl.ll-liin- HniiMS I I' I nir.l St., N. Y. City, !'. rr p i -..m who i,i rut l.ii ifei iieelupn'Hlii sleilllil litlw rdv.'Oll.-ip-' Ihis nn-t nlfor nt l in e nti'l slum lii-, mind twili Iho vuluublo J.icl-i eolliiti'd iu I bis book. I'l "lessor Wlulns says Hint tlio electric wild wtileli are sti iuiK overhead nre tlio i a-:-es o! tornailues. I l ls -tnppi'd free bv Ha. Ki. ink's Oiikat Ntnvv IIi-.-tiiiikii. Nnius, uti -r Hi iln-sine. Jin el,Mi- , in-,-. Ti'"nti-t-"iid f.n.' I rinl liot lle live. III. Kl INK.IIM Arch SI I'hila., Pil. A pNM'hiihielenl talioi at ,rv is to he estuli llhhcii in it,,. I'tiivi-rsity n California. finv l.i-i .rtti Ti.i'.Miis Ilnn'linr-llnni !TP nr V'iilli ,:.'! 1 wi.,,'',ms I., Ii.tHiius 8,mp Mf'tf lie., rieiit-l -I; i'.i, l a. They will m'lij oll fn , i-:ir.,', p. inn, p.il.l, .i ir..;ir pn.-kot Hii n !. ,:, v.i- pi.-s liniii-1 In rl.-lli, profusely II llivi.ii.,l. l'..'-r iieil mini AlUll'l LI mily. Tin- liollcv car l-i to he ti led III the Maine IuiiiImt re:;l,i!is to haul Ions to tlie iiiulu rivers. K. A. It w 1, Tl ,i, iVil.i, w., : " Hull's Ci. Inn li I are earn I my ,v,fo of calarrli fifu i yi ar a:i a'id dm tin, ha 1 no retain of it. Jfj n .line car.-." s-il l l,y rn;,'iH!-,, 7 llonK hummers an keeper ,. eneinlly )j"od book t IioPpvc rw.i' lure fir Consumption s iveil niv li.it -, lire la .1 -ntii'iieiv-Mrs. Ai.l.lB Inn i.i.ass, l.'-Koy, M eh., I let. :.ti, U The Woman i.Mn .-lioii- "llniv much Is be wort ti " Mis. Wii.-I n. sii-.ibl'i-: Syrup fer children ti el li'ii-. !.' ie I In- unlit, minces inlhiiiimti I Mil, .Vim) . ; i, In, em es ti iiel eiillc. -V. a bottle. Thi'idi is ttliu ride Metcl-s have as dirty leindsasll:,' nets. If afflicted wllbur eyn-u Dr. Iiwiio Tbomit 911 ' t) -wiiter. Drucvistsxi'llut ittc per Lolllu Itatnle cloth is used as machine licltliik'. and Light. ENCYCLOPEDIA lie,, lit tti-lt be tho nam of tlio .".'0 p: e t ook sent postimld for ,'k ill slumps by I bo BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE. - and - of i-.Miliiiintiniii of jiii- t J j e about, tiny It nt Ilia very and IMI'IIOVK Vti I ltsKI.C. A VV E L L D R I LLE R nl ilili-iv ti-Hii,' ee iniee ii lue r 'ru Si.,. ! ', i'l Vl" T, known from Maine !- KlortuV wrrr. in m r.-.li-li.e lo uiiriit irli- rtlnrs lie liouirlii: "Ii ' I ii iri-.l rfrolleu I h.vr in ,..ii If I i,t ,iu lllir nucilur fir LIB work I :n i.'ii d.ivo Hiii'ii-rr ot y.in:' ilr-uinra 1 I" ' ' " . syJUA JL'"1"' Treated free. rno.ii (Tuu with f.ff.U.1. rn,..l fimfiv thmto fit kcfl'M. Ttnm 111! Utr ilW""' "I'iillT ,',,,,f' naOKi VV"".' 'nf m.rV '.:!" HII, nnillU -u4 WHISKY I I'lli.rured. UiHikwnt uriuni II. Dr. B. . tlOOLLKT. ITU.tfl. (It Chickens. A nmn ului (icvotcil fl vrt o! h.f lit, io'oMUTIJJti A I'lH i.'IT.V V AIH At A i:rslMS. u.it v a p9 t :iiHa. A- thr Uvinif of h)m h. lf uiid laiiil'.r ilfpi-mlrd on it. bo (rtt.e the mib)tt m ntU'ntiim hi only ft Iim iI il In cad hIU cm. Itlftrti. B 11(1 IhO IT ! lilt WHVft lriT'd him I?. tU't ho bn1 f (iri't miH-h moil'? and luft hmnirfd- of nlil:.blr i hirk- cif n t-xpi'ftBii'niiiitr. Wh.a In V'Anioil in ft I Ou'-i Venn it emlicKllHl In Mil bk, vhich fvA poftfnlit tor 5!5 cents in ttmniiw. It ti rti Im p m liow toTWiTt tmlCmv iciM'i. how to J-ivii fur Kiitft anti hI-o fur t titfiiuti;. wnl'h Fonln to Kim fur Hm'tlliiK liirKWft nd rvrnihinjr. inl'fl. yno buuti) knuw iu lhii utihiiri'l. IUOK FI B. IIUl'MK. 1M Lroaud W N. Y.Cuj. Bcu rtj r&i IPS a am tm 2-1 t3 De i'ouk Syrup. TuimGucU. UM "1 C3 In lm KnM It ilmwui', ffl f i