TRUMPET CALLS. Rom's Horn Bound a Warning Not to the Uoredeeuied. rry HE religion that win BOOU out. . i The brewer s ' horso Is kept fut by food tu ken from the your man's child, i The devil stands a good chance tftftosCi-S with the nmn who 3fSSvL loves uinm-y mid Hopou'nnee is 'God's command the moment we know that we have sinned. ' Th devil will never leave us. a lone; as wo have one little fin we want ti beep. Men who make long prayers In r"' -lie, are often too busy to help answer them. It never makes meanness any whiter jto baptize it ami take It Into tu-' irhurrh. 1 Christ still lite the lmwcr t" mke the eearlet sinner ns white as snow in noinuto. x The lower a Christian goes dowu t help met), the higher stand he takes tor Orisr. Mt was not those who offered the ..ic iest giCts at the t-mple, who wre the first lo follow Christ. Tho ninn of f'tit h is always a man cf power, no miuter whether ho lives m tlong Kong or Boston. 'The u:an is u hirU who miikes loo? prayer:; iu choron. nn-t never dues iin tbjng to help answer them. tV'lwn n fUristlan's walk does not correspond with his talk, the less he has to say in church, the Letter. What do you suppose ;u!?'1k think til Church nieniher nK:ii"st wlnuu 1 1.'- devil has never iiini'-J a dun: 'Undertake emm-i lilui; for the I.or 111 the name of the Lord, and you will soon bi) surprised at how much yon cf.'J do.- ' The man who will not Improve In chance is bound to k's-e It. no ma'.tr whether It has to do with seeking al Taction or making a fortune. ! Many a man ran he found sttiudini on his brothor's neck, while ho clnin.s to ke looking un far into the sky watch' Injf for the Lord to route. How Woyclo Tuldng Is Mnde. Solid lmw steel lithi'S have been made fo. yw." for hollers and sronernl ( use. hut t'i? jjrent demRtid arose when j the'saiVy type !!.-yelr .hiu- iu'o vogue, the din:;!' ti.l frame requirinc ti use of n e-rearer l"u,rh cf tubing an .1 I lieeessiiaiin" this should he us I light m i :''.. Th'T? niv vm-laM -. In the method a f-r prodding a .-old drawn eel f-ihe. but the principle oJ all is i.i-rvtio:.i;.v tie- at", Only a vo'y j b.ljli class of it..-; is (tuniime tor n mirnose. nnl tint I.Pherto employed i 1 11 has I ecu chioi rouii'la'-ni; n y S.viviis'i charcoal s'-'. l, .rruiu iiri.por'loa of on"- tion. U iu 'h form of licit sil a bint ;wo ten I uik lncnes !u diami't--.". A through thi ceil"-; ind nenied ar.d relied Jr'. tube about 1 Uk-Ivs in m.l h,,!e I .nr. d r s hea'o-d. 1- it 'v.- furi'i of a haniiMc!', '.:rh walls of hb'-iit Hi gs:ii. I h:s is .oca i drawn fetniiS-j a d o and over a maa- j rtrel bv meaas of a di-niv-beuc!,. iiutl! i about VoO f-M long, l.e-ujf.f'rdy smnh and briAbt bodi w'.ihiu and wlrhou". ! This Is dra .vi .it once, but in a ! number of opera!'. ors and Lcweeu i isch of hem tie- r.i'-Ml lies to be re j icekle.l ,md rofii. p;;!ed lo prerent !!.' erystaUiz.itKiu !. wiii' h fie d-awiiii,' 1 proo-ss '.ends to ;'w- rise. The firt j drawlnxs of the :.:;ie lcire ! about Ihree-eiglitl ? of nn in-, li tiiie'.:, but tr,;s ! Kraduali.- until a tnl-e is pre- duoed wiii-h U of Hi" tlih-kaess of stout j writing p:.inr. Titis Is tie oIh-ss cf tube i employe,, in bicycles and that impart a strength and ris'.i'i'y r.i of ail propor- ; tioutoit.s llsthtuess. -Hoston Ti-ansi-rii't. : Wear or l oiiniion Itim'ls. ! Ot-n. Morin of I'raace t(.:ys that the .terlor'ttin of ciu:aet t-x.-rpt ' that whi'-!i is caused by th weather. ! is two-third-? d'.i - re t..o wear of the ; horses' feet s::.l or 'h'.rd t the wheeis of vel'.Seifs. jtijt.wjv'.es and rubber tires would therefore iiitnlmi-.-.' the t -peasa of read repairs. Eirsr.n-1 w" ar? all rrn-ro or !$ iiS!e?!'l by r it.-in !i. Th eve bej.M-iu liill:iu;" t, r--.1 and n-;i'r:y, with 'i-.i". heavy pains bwen them, thnre nru rmrm.'. bnw.ii,-; t.i?-s 111 !ha 'ai?, ar. 1 Su:i::ian'3 the henr"! ls an"e-.-0!'.. tho ii--s is a levere puT'-rir, with it conn siit, uii-fmf-rMt'i" d-.-eh.iiv. AM tnee i!i-a.rri'i:ir,! iyaiit--ii.s aiav be r:ncve'i t;y lue Us Sarsaparilia Til" t-.'Kt- In f.irt ttie OaeTrn !' 1 ei ii u. Reliable Charlotte Msrchar-ls roll "n ilii-m -aIi-h "U y. " Wrtj th. mlf vi. iil . nl ioiiI liavi- Hfe.1 l.t Timll In iiii-m rrini; h-1mtO! n.i iiu klunly n.cii nV ii tins rr''r- m' MTnS ' KST WOltK. 1'n.nna'!-' Prin. 8IiWr tN.-s- TimeJ-V.He;.. MUltsAl-o p;u.. U mm. A- Hie.-.-. atRins Siin-in-s. riiiH-tiius. Kn-nl mikihih lliUli t'.o-H l-'le. Maii-ilui tnrci- Aueii: V:::. I .r rntnln,; 10. S. . Me s i mil A en. fUfMs.i. v. v,-r f'.n.'.mii .X C -I He OSBOTINH'S 7 1D eolio'il otMhortliAnd AI'IJI'MTA, . Rolen bos , 0,,i. oct-ui ikiv t .ntviutf Bnin.n pitis. i con-o to ..s,J. .ml Ijr kud.oiui; tmil'l-'l O.Ui Umat. Board Huim Uh ui :utra aitr. LLRtS IfVHtHfc It AUTlS J:tS. . :! TH-11'.-H.'i'i.l. VI niil hv ilrtiiTKl.F.. in tiTttt. niii hv 'i rtitfK i f (.''V.'. t ... wear ''J: V Lr Wff I Sja-v t J W . sArAZ&,-&t ---3. ts i t t-. of a f.t r r 1. 1 ys-'.Kv-The ,r.M nt of lii-l U'0'1 Hc.rr-Mit ot U.dlaml to ( loon Wiilu'lmina, on lur Mte. ::tii birthday, was a lic.itJ'i fill team of four Lories The iitlie (J'leeti i- civv itcd t ridin.r; and driv intvtu llpr deiihlut her mother's nirnetit can l.o well im.i n-1. All h. i lifo her yrtatuat .kaiiire has been her pels- pieo'is, il (!;, eaN, ponio.i end i-.m'm v 'miviii'r ail iuterotod lr-i She is :i;s'i lAtrom ly f.m 1 ( ( d iwcrs, .'I' eirlOii- iii tirj-irc, t-1 u:n poil w;; 1 h f. 'i 11. -r (ie,..l hu. a with rood fl'.l' li!IOW!l'-t'4i! M.ij--ty in Mr.rdi AOet. sotiotti f-.U Scf.'O. iv.M-N v.-1.1 The In let :e i I'.ltV e i-iiv.".vitl fh o,'li 1 , -1 d 0 a-L-vc eieai', f 1-.- C r TI 1m -i ., t'o 1. 1 IU: l.ev.i; r f- iit'.trni nr.' iiii".y r n l it: and I'iaeii, I .LiJ'.'ipti.'!). la botii .i'!!iij:o w .'in act as is '.: cits. Tue, and the e.o : ;i i.uiiit uniform, lu.r in. There Him f.irjs of the h.'j. -.d on, aii.l h" t hioii all tLe A.lleeit Iv.iv.ii her r- ne ihiiil'.L-- O'l til'" I t :. i i'ic;s t!. irs ;irc is Ull'll'le ac'Joiiim j'.lte. rVOU telii nt'.U to ivevv l OIT V INTI'.K l.i'-Tl'Ml- . i-o ev-rv ''i ta i i,n. iU.l.i!l , :! a:i . o. l-'i e:. ?ii .'ri l uerm.ia t.-v.u 1 '..-ti ti i:i m 1 la lies' i!..t M erelt :l- ' dill'.liU tliC Willi'- UMl'. U-!iL' 1. 1 0 . s t ii ,)'.. I il rosso i Tue UN til-' r. ! i -el. 'ii j::aln. fi.;in i-MM 1-1 di-lli.'t, !-il tli.- .t tii it hi einl'l m i:i iu.- a s-. t, ! it lie -I. 1' tn-te !,.r si. ' W.H'l.eHs llenricti.i U.t'luM'.l jmrnr J v r a inneed l .llkied, ot d 1 li.'VOl f -' ! ' I rim ma'.- d r .1. of I hes.' I.l.-ii'otl- l a'-ove. A f g '.v n hs t , to t . ..i.n r; .; i . it tut ur -.i.r a', in d .VlilJ ii0W' to i w:-:t nl ;t j ii. r wl- i ..i. i to: '. lo t'Ut f i tin sh-1 A far P.ior bind- : s fin f .-'.i.i !' K I'-U' ll'i-e tiic f1 ;'i t! a tshi :-., i-.iid-i of the s . 1-- to - bind il'e, finished , dd- aiel loiiS end ot :it ti." i ip of tlio i'ittn:i, a'i 1 hi- i- to I-;..! v-1 rl III lt out a st itli v as !e :ih a 1 1 1 1 u o ! tho sil;; .!tuii' e..;r':i' sh niider by a ! iii". lo.vod l tbitier ii -v TwislS of Vel Vci, I I- liiitiin", ti:i:-!. i sh-iul lnr I'U'V a.-. ' ' i. nt th-i leies. 1, 1 with fancy i.iiti-jiu of the ; wri '. THE I'1 Kl l." WOMPN. "The Pik-I'I i-liidiuu wi uenare often very pfcttv ns jirU,ind some of them iiiiiko stiite'y yiiiii: mothers," writes lliiiuliii (bit laud in tho Ladies' Home Fourniil. "They work generally in tioups of tin co or four, conking, whitewaiihiiifc'i wcavinc; or paiutiiii! potterv. They set tu to have a rood deul to e'jutter about, and their (.mil- itig laces st-e very agreeable. They have most t-ve.-ikeit white teeth. Their ceremonial drcs is v-ry pictiu-Csfpi", csneeia Iv the cottum ? of the Aco'jia aa.l Isiett "iris. All b.trdens are oar rifd by tiic nuni"i of Acorn, Isleta Hiid Liig'iin upon the lr ad, und they bave, in consequence, a magnificent rrriag', even lsto i:i life. The old womea of Wslpi, on tho contrary, sr Uat and 'owa loukiuij. Tiej b' tf3 m'-i v their burilens on their backs diiiie in u The girls of Isiota wear a litflit cloth over their heads So.iinish fashion, e.tul m-iuuo it with tine l-ace. end flitotr,v. The every day dicss of tiio Hojii womea con sists uf a rt-iit of kilt, which is wrapped nrmiud tho tups and fusteifsd with a bdt (t uiodilicatiou of tha blsuUet of wolf-skin) j above, thia i sm-l of chemise covets tho bosaaa. riioir hair is carefully tended, but is ivjru in an tiu-raepful mod" by some of the woino'i. The women of llano out the hair iu front square across about t i the. iuio of tho lips while tho back hair is 'Uhered iuto sort of !,.;nl. Thj trust Iwir linugs down over the fao", often eoucealiug one eve. The nutnartied uoiuou iu W'alpi weir t'j-ir hut- in a rdiantjo way: Tuey coil it t'il' ''' o!;sks just .,.,(,. do em Tho iutcut being to symbolio their you'h and promise by iiuitiitiui; tin squash tl icr. Thii matroua correspondingly ilress their hair U Hvmboiiz-J tU ripoueJ squish.' So mo cf the ni.inlens w. re woudorfal ! v .lnjianose iu !ii'pear;iiu-. " l I T.iOf.-i HKKtMi i ni nTKsV. tu the llosjietin tbi-tre im i. s are f. Mi cut n source to tho Turkish Indue, but in I'eia thosj of the upper classes c.u only i;.' r.i e!os I cu ri.i;:es, to the Swiet V.itors,ocei-io:iaiiy accoiu piuied bv thoir h;is'oan ls on horse back, .-ays a liter in Longmans' MaS'ii.'.me. I'ut ti-.'-y may nv-ak to so oho while driving; th :ir icin bus bands und ' ciun cvoij bow ti tin :;! ns th y pass, and u -i ouo would vent uro to say a word to lils owu wifo or mother w lien the enrringe pulls up - the police wo ild nt o:;ej iuterfere. The liii;li- st liiatic or itPi-eet is loturu v mu bit-U on a, ati l this is do lie h i vi...u a:iy la-.aiber of the iia i ei ml harem t a -se.. V,- . re driukitiJ eoffee o:io day at b3wect W ,tcis, at th:it pari which flow-, bv tl.--- i-o iii Is of a country pal-,...- . t the S iit-fi. Ail a i.'uee '.jul-.k '. v -i :i!'-.- I U r.a I ran b-::u:nl a I ice, ..t'i lo.s back to tho .Oct VVuteis. v . ,r thi-. e i'' 1 e.irriajf. s of tin iop'r;:.! Iiaretn were i--si!ii al ns iu the .Tif.Ions ou th o'u'.t sile i ! the ii. r, tlw bliuls ho far ,1i.5-mi ,hii that it was imi'..'si'i to ...... :f stiv one was iaide, nod vt nil h'.oi.C! our sid; we si Tur', whether i..ti-uts or civilian", e;oin- throu;?'i i1.,- sii.i" .i!'!'irl ivivmo:i, nn loiilv .vbeti Is : einii.oa w. 'o i"'t u! sight did lh- return lo t'uetr cotT-'-'. For i.i r'y a nnu never saw the faea of bis iiiteii.lel until altLr the inarriaae. e;r-i-inoiiv. wh- 'i ttiey with licw into a I,, .nt and the veil w-n lifted for tho !irt tini". Now. i: ls .'enersllr c.u trivr.l liiat !h: I r.deptio. ni-elect bhnll see his future if" loi a m tin v ,i e.l. fasimon yoTF.s, A new I'letieii coibt b . two yokes. ; r, r.ri gray is the correct color for i new stati-i i' ry. The stuV e.-lhirs auJ onffi a:o to be vr.ii ii- sli winter. I'l,, ereeu is the latest tone ia ieiUii : c ird cases and pulses. Swtss embroideries possess an spnealina prcttiiicss irresistible to wonniiikm-.i. iion Ui-.i -h les" oiu f .vis in d uot I'lO o ittle . . bi.l r.ith -r tl aa score Tue old f.l .Ml.- p et):'.i 1 t M it-irtts ln-ii-l.-r, or cieam, decorations for a . a u Til new fur collars are sliRbtlv iojei.r. Th v a.j usually m i I s of t vj tars an I tiir.iioed nith f ibciuating iittle 'nl'.-. TluiiKa 't n iebetcd tb;t fia ipnct Colors will be th" leader tin ubi-.iU in the. wml o.vs are einli :ir ullv yiy to make one doubt tho statomeut. Silk ban liiOi-.-hiels in subdued blue, sr,tn and red tints are used as veGts in ilifl neu L-itiis fici.o coats, tbe noiuted ends of which, lace trimmed, fiill below tho wide bolt of black satin. Most o!" this seacju s costs are br.ii led. as well as the c.iiies. A black broadcloth coat shmvu the other day hud a buck of three bote plaits falling from a braided yoke. Tbe whole teudenoy iu this season's duss materials is soraothin trauspar tut enough to necessitate a silk liniug v,hieh, whether shot or chameleon aives the dt sired effect of biilllsnt coloriii?. The new di!s iniv loose backs and fronts. A 1 i-is model in a loading shoi wis jf blown hroa Icloth, em bioidcrel back and front with s) pliijuc.l black broaileloth The colltr was iu tho new slashed euTcot, and the sleeves were rather small. FOB FA.BM AXD G1RDE5. POTATO BUHS OS TOMATO VINES. Lsto in the season, after most of the early planted potato vines bave died dowD, there will always come an in flux of thesi pests on the tomato vines, which, differently as they seem to s, tho bug recognizes as belonging to tho holnnuai family, snd therefore his proper meat. In most cases baud picking of the old bugs as they ap pear will bo tbe only remody. The hard shell beetles do not eat, so they cannot bo poihoned, besides which l'nris green should never bo used to protect vegetables grown ubovo orouiul from insect attacks. The tomato is very often cut up without belns peeled, or is cooked ia its skiu, aud poison nay thus be couveytiJ to those who eat this fruit. Sf,0HBFRI.NO OF HORSES. Rulivatiou is duo to irritation of tho salivary glands, which is caused by some ucrid quality of the food. What it is precisely in secuiid growth clover tbst causes this irritation of these gluuds iu horses, o why horses and mules, nud uot cows or sheep, should bo so affected, wo do not know, sud so lar.there seems to bave been uo inquiry into it at the experiment stations. But ws bavo tbe fact, aud that is sufficient for us to avoid the trouble. Sotno dry menl given to the horses will stop the flow of saliva, which weakens an aui mal very much. If the clover is cut and partly dried and lightly salted, it will not hae this efl'ec-l, which leads to tho belief that tbe effect is duo to some essential oil in tbe plant that mpuriles during tho drying. CROWINil THE BEBMTPA LIT.!. "The Bermuda Lily should be planted in deep pots," writes Kben E. Kesford in the Ladies' Home Journal. 'Tut iu a challow layer of toil over Ibe drainage material when you pot the bulbs of this plant, aud on this place the bulb, which should bo covered lightly. Leave it like this until a stalk starts. Then fill iu, as this stnlk reaches up, until tho pot is full of compost. I would not advise the us of any fertilizer after briug iug a plant to the light if the com po6t in which it was planted contained n ordinary amount of nutriment. Pevelopment is quite likely to be suf (ieiently rapid iu urdinri!y rich tail, sad the application of s etttii iilnot will fo hasten it that tbe plant will be forced beyond healthy limits. Watch tbe plants when iu the collar, and give a little water now and then f needed. Aim to keep tho soil moist uever wet. When you bring tkeru tip do not place them t onco iu a very worm rooa. A room sd joiaing ouo iu which there is a fire ia better for tboiu, if it is frost-proof, than one in wuioh the heat is likely to rnn up to a high figure. When they "onae into bloom bs sure and keep them as cool as possible if you want the flowers to la-it. COMPOSTINO MANURE, The question whether it pays to compost munuro rather than to haul it as fast as mado direotly upon tbe field where it is to be used, must al ways depend on circumstances. On tbe farm it is counted good practice to haul out the manure as top dress ii:g for clover grass or for grain that is to be seeded with clover in tbe spring. There is little or nothing of valuo washed awny from manuro on land seeded with grass or clover. The roots tako it up whenever tho grass or clover is growing, and by being drawn out early the raius carry it down and uiix it thoroughly with the soil. W hcu warm weather comes the manure fer- neuts, warming tbe soil and develop ing ammonia, lint tbe market gaia- euer almost lnvanaDiy comiwsu manure beforo using it. The gardener has only naked soil on which to upplv unfermented ma nure. When heavy rains come some f this manure will be leached away and lost. Scattered iu tbe soil the nisuure does not begin to ferment until too lato in tbe season to do much good to garden crops. In fact, if it only begins to ferment in midsummer, tbe coarse manure may only dry the soil aud do harm rather than good Wherever furmers waut to give an esrly start to vegetation they should compost the manure. It can be totted down long before the weather is warm enough for anything to grow, and thou be applied in time for spring rains to wash tbe msnnre into the soil. For grain crops that are soeded with clover composted mitnure will psy if applied late iu winter. Tbe composted ma nure can be spread so much more evenly that its smaller bulk will cover a larger surface, and do more good than the same manure as it is drawn fromthi stable and unfermented, Boston Cultivator. A scct'F.ssrrii ckhamebt. If creamery butter is better than average dairy butter it is because the management of the creamery is on a higner seals than in tho average pri yats dairy. There is no gain in tak ing the milk of a dozen or more third class farmers and handing it over to an unskilled creamery nun to maks into butter. Two inferiors do not make oue superior. Two cyphers can uot by any arraugement be made into a whole number. A sucoiSiful creamery must have not only a skilful msnager anil butter maker, but a guaranteed supply of good, sound milk or cream in suffi cient quantity to utilize the capacity of the concern. Tbe more cows the greater will be tbe percentage of profit. Nor cau tho butter-maker nlouc control the character of the but ter product. Poor, dirty milk cannot appear later iu the form of first-class butter. Tho skill and intelligence iudispon hable at a creamery must extend out among tbo milk producers. Poor cows yielding but littlo milk can never pay their keeping, aud no number cf them, however great, can render s crcumery profitable to its patrons. Fur tho higbeiit success under a co operative sybteui each individual must put forth tho same effort that would be required for success iu private ninnugeraent. Dairymen who join a creamery association expecting to gsin more than they give are hardly dc serviug of pity when they discover their mistake. No oue has any business to ask for aiiythiug beyoud what he is willing to give au equivalent for. Men join iu rii'sing tbe heavy frame of a building becuuso they cau accomplish iu tbatj way what they could never do singly.' A msu who on such an occasion docs nothing but "holler" is a sneak, and when found out is always despised. Not less mean is it to join a creamery association, and then carry poor milk, expecting to divide tho profits with those who furnish the best they know bow. Co-operation is a success only when each works for all and all for each, aud this idea lies at tbo bottom of all forms of associated effort whether in tbo factory, the grange, tho munici pality or tbe church. Noy Euglaud Farmer. '-Use''- BELLING nORSES. -o-.S' To sell a horse to tha best advan tage is not an easy thing to do. How often wo hear of somo horses being sold for a moderate prico, soon to be sold fit a larger figure and then again at another advance over tho second price. Tbe lirst thing wbeu oue has a good horse of auy clasi to sell should bo to have him iu the best form possiblo for his kind. Fat is tbe selling quality on tbe draft breod. Nearly auy one can fatten a horso by giving plenty of such grain as you may have.and snDicieut exercise for health. Right hero it must be remembered that an animal taking og fat requires aa excess of water, and should have ull he desires of pure lukewarm water. No oue csn afford to sell a good animal oat of condition, either in re gard to health or flesh. If on dry feed, some laxative food should bo given, say a small armful of grass or green fodder, beiug careful not to give enough to take the appetite from the bay. Should green fodder not be obtainable, a feed of bran put ia a tight pail in the morning, boiling water poured over it, then covered tight to Leep tbe heat in till noou, when it should be fed in place of the tegular feed. Feed this bran three times a week. In place of the bran, flax seed meal may be given a half pint three times a week, in addition to regular feed. Salt should be put in a place where the horse can help himself, aud not placed iu his feed where ho will be ..road to at ull at one time, and do without at all other times. Should the auiraal for sale be a minister or saddler, fat is not such a necessity. If in good condition, they iiroreullycf more value than when fat. Tboro is no quality of so muoh value iu either of thess animals education. Two horses equal iu all oii when offered for sale .till lm found to brins very different i.iieeB i in Doner do uuu ia edu cated over th other, tbe greater will Via Hia differimea in price. Horses of this class need p'.euty of grain, lots of exercise, very little rough feed, and if tho owner does not thor oiiKhly understand them, he, by means, should put them in the hands of one wbo dona Few breeders un di rslaud gaiting a saddle horse, but to sell for a good price be must bo well educated by some one who un derstands this branch of the business. Many a good horse sells cheap be cause his owner does not make up his miud to sell until the last moraeut, and then has no time to prepare the horse io show his good qualities, and the horse is sold just tbe same as it he did not possess them. Roadster, in Journal of AgPiculture. ( are of the Umbrella. If you wish to taka careofyonr um brella sftor coming in out of the rain, let it down and stand it on the han dle, that it may dry iu this position. The water will thns drip from the edges of the frame and the cover dry 'uniformly. A silk umbrella is much itijurod by being left open to dry. The silk, becomes stretohed and stirf and will sooner split thus cared for. When nul in use let the folds lit loose.not fsstened dowa. Tho cresset are less spt to split m tsis ueags, SICK NEARLY THIRTY YEARS, BRILLIANT SKKVICK IK THS WAIt FOLLOW KD BIT PROLONGED BCrrKKIMO. ni(h Pri-rmSs BrlC UrliiKS III! TTr time Tatar Into a Lt's and Death Contbst - Ha 8ieki or Ills fttriiKKl Since the Vfut. From tht Tribune, UnrneHteiHe, JV. T. There Is no man In Onslda County, New York, who stands higher in tho community than Mr. William II. Criggs, a wea'thy farmer, and rasiduut of Bridgwater, an 1 a prominont menlur ot the O. A. R. His statement will not be news to his friends, as they all know whereof ho writes, but it is cotunieu led to the oousideratioa of tho pub lic Mr. Brlitirs jrritus as follows! ''It gives me great ploasure and satisfac tion to bs ublo to give honor where honor is due, and to that end I make this certificate, hoping It may bo tho menus ot others ho ng bonodtod ss I havo boon. ''I am a farmer residiait nearBrlJeowator, Oneida County, Now York; my asms is William II. lirtggs, and I am CO years oU. I am an old soldier, and member of the O. A. II. , havInK served as high private iu Co. A. 1st Now York Arllllvry, during tlio whole four years of the Ht-bellion. Though not a pensioner, ani never an applicant for pension, I contracted through malarial cli mate. disunsK ot liver and stomach, from which I suffi-rod continuously, iu various forms. Ia 19t)3 I bad the jaundice, and it continued for yearn, to a grvater or lesser degree. I never wns free from dyspepsia, aad palpitation of the h-art, and Buffers I from uervom ili-blltty to sin-h an extent that I couM ndthi-r rst by night nor work ty day. Nl'ht after night I walked tbo floor tormeutu l bv Vagun fears, whieh I knew were purely imaginary, and yet I eould not skake thein off. 1 uHins homo iu Jane, 1865, and from then until 1894 I wits constantly attendei by physicians, having employed three at different times during that period. These good dooton gave mo orcnsionally temporary ruliof, but tho good effeeta of their treatment quickly disap peared, nnd le't me more despondent and wrntahdthaa over. "1 did not brheve In Riving up, nnd was about to send lo L'tlea for -nother hysi eiun, when Mr. H. Heifurt, the blacksmith wbo attends to my horses, recommended mi to try Dr. Williams' Ink Pdls as he assured mn they had done wonderful thlng3 for him. I had re.i'l of these pilla before ani felt somewhat Inclined to try tmvr., beforo Sni fert spjke otthrm, hut his recommendation settled the ma ter, an.l I became Dr. W.ll-turapnUi-nt. 1 took Tint Pills steadily un til I h.i"o consumed four boxes, growing better sud better every day, my liver work ing freely, my kidneys acting norma ly. My hoart no'ionger troubled me, und I coul I di gest my food. Ail thai water brush, heart burn. biiTiZ'iu; iu the head, ns if there were a grent o.npty space in my eraaium. disap peared, and life began to bo worth liviii:;, whhibithal not been hliiee my army ser vice. I was cured in less than onoyeir from the time 1 began to tako TinW Pills in ISM. aud have been in fulr benlth ever since. Of course, I have I o be cure.'ul, as 1 easily ont"h cold, nud it Is apt to settle l my right side, but n dose or two of I he Pink Pills soon set me lo Hunts ag iin, and I s-lnill never be without tt.ein, unless something very unforeseen occurs. "I do not wiuit it uuleistod that I am easting any stress against those who are peu siouers. If I were newly I should eertsiuly ask for what I um entitled to, but being am ply provided with this world's Rends. I li not reqiiTe it. My oi l e mirud'-s can testily that 1 have hvlpe.i mny a oue of them to got n pension. 1 lie nioe Mniemom is true in every par ticular. I eeitify on honor. "(HicnMi If. II. unions. - Dr. Williams' Pink Ti ls contain, iu con- dened form, nil the elements ne'essury lo give new Uf" and richness to ihe blood and re?t r sh ilteral uerves. They lire nlsj a peeifle f..r trouble peculiar lo fenuile-. inch as supprwsioes. irregularities aud all lor es ot wiakui-ss. i i men uiey c-n.-rt n radical cure In nil eases arising from men tal worry, everwrk r excesea of wu:ii- ver nature. Pink Pills are sold In bixes never ia loose bulk 1 nt 50 cents a box or six buxes f"r f:!.nO, and muv l.o ha I of all drug gist, or direct by mint from Dr. Willjaoia' noaicini) liompany, ncueuecinuy. st.i, It Took Ibe Klbban. Hear P!r: -' Havinit us-d s-eerat botes ot veur Ttntusi. 1 1 an say that ii is tin- l--t irniedy I have cn-r fnund fur kin Oieses Alter IhIIIik w.t n l ill cur.-i nnu uuicr smiusr lrrparMlinn. Ilirnu-.-b Ilie reieiniiieiiiUUnn of a fili-rul 1 tiii-il a hox if I itiHUnE. ami two apelicatKit.s a ail inai it mux to rn i i a romeletr i ur l a hi- nkinj out on my ! nl of Inn rtandini:. 1 tli.nk il is the heft salve In the WOI IU lei-SKIU ill eiisrs. lourn iiu;. 1. 11. AL!.S.MlLn, Mr. irelnia. It xas. 1 box bv mail f.-r SOc. In Mamp'. ' J. T. Mil rtiilNC. Iravanuah, Oa Uow's Thlaf W fflr.r nn ITiinilrril Dollsrs Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by lian a Latarru t lire. . , i r . J. oieney CO., rrope., io:eiio, t. We. tie undersnriied. Lave known t'. .1. Che. ney for the last 15) cars, and b-lleve him iier feotly lionorable iu all bu-ine-s transactions and financially able to carry out any oci u. tioa mada by tneir firm. tv tST Sc TnuAX, nolt-saiJ uruijieie, igirco, Wit.oiNO. KiNSAsr t; SIabtin, Wholesale Hall s Catarrh Cure is tsken internally, act. Unionist, lo run. OIi.o. Ins directly upon the blend and mucous aur. iceaor ineayairm. irur, mcjirr rail llrngsleta. Testimonials fre ilail'l family Pills are the LtU Don't Tobacco bit ami Smoaa Tour Lire Away. ff..-r ver. remln foi mAhuoo-.l, be lu.v e well, atro-g, misnetic, full ot new lite and visor, take Ko-To-Hac. Die wonder-worar that If von want to ouit tohco ciMiy n-i . l - ....i. .ir.iK M.miv L-.iia tea potimls In ten day. liver 409.W vircd Buy No-To-Bac foui om- oruaelsl. cnler .hniu'a cuaranli-e to cure. Hook Anil samp.s Ireo. Aldrs Ktcriiu lint; Hem'.dy Co., Chicago or New York. Jrrx try a lUc. box of C'aicret?, the finest liver and to el regulator ever made. riTSelopiied fieeanil poi mill iitiycnred. No fits after fl"t ta,Vur.o( I.n Kiss's NebvRstombii. reejiinal b.,it eand treat ise, bend lo Or. Kline, m Arrh St.. l'liua., Y. CASeAKSrsstioinlale liver, k ilnrys and bow els. Never sickeu, weaken or urirc IOC. Roturnstotheftalistlclanof tho Asricul lural Department tell ot s Koed corn erop and .i pour wheat crop and of inferior cotton condition.0. When Dobbins' Electric Soap was flrat made in 16 it cost !k) ce'! o to-. It is vrrciie v th-sune iin.-reditat a:J qualliy now aiidiior'f .otthalf. Bjyll of year r.-i-e.r an I rreeer , your tlothoj. If he hasn't it, lie w.U ti il. Tho American Si.Rnr BefinlnB Company has practically decided to dlsoontinuo tu the Louisiuna sugar district tne incicr pian. Wbis bilious or coitive, eat a Cneeared candy cati.irtic, cure suaiau'.eed, 10c., 25c Mrs. 'Window's 5octhln Syrup for chlldres teething, soften? the giima, reduce lr.3an.rna. lion, allays pain, cures wind colic. a bottle. I have found Tiso's Core for fon'omptlon an anfailius medicine. K. K. l.OTZ, Uli bcolt t., CeviuKian. Ky., OU. 1. 11. VftltP Harris Pieam HieWork.. R.-ileluli tl.flil per stii. Sati-.faction tuaronteed. ANDY DOAT TITrT V riTIBI STPrTt re Traaeef rnasllpallon. Cavr.fls are Ihe Meal ADJUblllEibl tlUafiafllDElU o.. ..... tHnm rrlne.hat raue encf nslaralrrtalla. Saai Jp and booklet free. Id. KTFRMVfl ItKtlKDI Chickens j as it roc errs nn rut. Tea rannot do tUli unlets yon ueorUn4 then) snd know kcv tnntur lo tlielr requirement; nt yon cannot ipeua yearn anil dollar learning bv ex Cerhmce, to yon muti bar the knowledr acquire! j oUvra. we offtr thta to yon for oulj as cent. YOU WANT THEM TO PAY THEIR OWN WAV. Ten If you merely k !P llicin a dlerlon. Ia or der lo handle l owk ju.iicu4ljr, you mojt know aonieibtne about tlieni. '! im "l want wear elluii; a boolt Klvliij the eiperieiKi 1 nnlV 2nB. ot a prortioal poultry raiser for I WW li wai wilten by amau who put all hu oilo I, an t time, and money lo making a Ml reaaof Chlckoa rauliw not as a riitlniSjUut a a inuinew-and IC you will profit by liti twenty-Sra yeara' work, you can m-m many UhleM annually, and make your l ow Is earn dollar tot yoo. polut la, that you mu-t bJ aUls dcleol trousia ia ihe l'oullry VarJ as eona as II nop", ana know how lo remedy It. Tills nook will leaoh you. It tells how lo detect and enro diXKue; to feed fo effsandaieotorraitenlngi whloli fowU loaarefos breedlna pnriKMi and ereriUlii(r, la lead, you akould laow on Hilt mt.J x-t t uko It proStatito, aaat poitpald tor tivontj -Uvj oeau In atamp. Book Publishing House) MEN AND BOYS! Wuut to lenrn nil about a horso? How to Pick Out a Oood Oue? Know Imperfections snd so ciuird uguiust Fraud. Detect Disease nnd Effect h rare when same is possible Tell Ihe age by tho teeth? What to call the different parts of tho nnlmal? How to 8hos a Horso Properly? All this and other valua ble Information can bo obtained by rend tea our 100-PaKeILLU8Tlt.UED HORSE B00 which we will forwutd. post paid, on receipt of 01 ly 23 cents ta stamps. HOOK Tt'B. HOUSE, 134 Leonard St., New York City. ltlvnl Arttsls. Joseph Glllott, the moiiufaeturer of pens, once vlslteJ the artist. Turner. "I have cooie to swap some of my pic tures for yours," eai-.l he. "What ilo you" esolalmed Turner. "You do not paint."' 'No, I do not. but I draw," sahl Gil iott, unfohliiiK a roll of Bank of England notes, "and here are some of my pic tures." Undoubtedly the "swap" wno effect ed. m Rosin's Many I'ses. It Is perhaps not commonly known Hint the iluer grades of rosin are used In the maitiifaeuire of pap?r. Cheap printers' Ink rontains ivsiu. Hosln alaa enters Into the composition of seented toilet soaps of seaKtii? wax, of putty, of sizing and of varnishes. It ltl;ewis furnlsheshydistillatinu a Iubrlpntlng oil for ninehii'.eiy which competes even with petroleum In cheapness. Gladness Comes With a bet'er uuderstandinp of tbs trar-sient vattiiv of the many phys ical ilhi whieli v unibh before proper ef. foils gentle efforts pleat nulelror,v-- viflitly tlircclcil. There is comfort in tho knowledge) ttiat so many forms of I 6l?kness nro not cue to any actual dis ease, but Minrly 1 1 n con-.i ipaidicotiui tion of tho sviti-m, v.-hicli the pleasant family laxative, :-.vr r,of l ips, prompt ly removes. Hut a why it is the only remedy v.itU millioriiof fiimilio.-. an.liH everywhere utecuicl so birrhlyby all v.ho value rooil b.-r-.Uh. Its beneficial citccts are due 1 1 1 he fact, that, it is tho ona remedy tvlilelt promotes internal cleanliness, without tlcbilitat inp; tho oranscn which it n. -Is. Jtis tberefor-3 ull important, i.i ordrr tojrct its bene ficial eft'eoU, t note thcn you pur chase, th.ityou bavo the fr-'iinine article, whu-h ismaiitifa.-tiuv-d by the t'nn forma I'ijr Svrup t o. only, and told by r.U rcp utabl'e ilrugfjists. 1 1 in tho cnioymcnt of coo.l liealth, snd the system is regular, then laxa tives or other remedies arc not needed, if nfii;. ...! iv 1 tli mi-j nctur.! cliwasc. one may be commended tothe most tiltillfut physicians but if in need cf a laxative, then one should bave the best, and with tho well-informed every where, hvrupof Fips stands birrhet end i.-i most largely used and ives moat general sitisf actio Corn i is a vigorous feeder 'and re sponds well to liberal fertiliza tion. On corn lands the yield increases and the soil improves if properly treated with fer tilizers containing not under 7 actual Potash. A trial of this plan costs but little and is sure to lead to profitable culture. an ,k. reuil-s of in me by aeiual e- penmtni en ihe bent Urmi in the Limed Mates iold in aliule lv.r.i, w-hrh we rub i-h ard iil gladly nail tree lo any l.irmcr in A:ncrica wh" "I write f"t it. OtRMAN KAI t WUKKS. ti Nassau Si., New iota. t. n. r.-5. MONEY Uai I)aurb, (Juluatbas, O. nnuilli UrlU ill trie Ds B M Wool t.i.T.i ar . .. i CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS I'll., 'l'ro Ial'a 'V ee e s Mi mm at

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