tlic Ijathnm Rccorb. 11. A. LOHDOA, EDITOR AND PROPB"!iTOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Stictly in Idvance. THREE IN A Story BY W. CLARK IlTJSSELL. m,rri n iT.-On'tniiaa. That vury samo day I remember-! n.'cnu that day on which lo cUaiTei at lhotaM-t lmpi Hied Mr. vllsoncamo o.i deck while Capt. 'Parfltt was patina 'ho wcntheieid", foe ping a lookout, and with an cir of aggression otared into the compass, (hen looked a!ojf, elo vTy uggrcbs vely, ond then sent bis eyes around the to t line, leaking a n o tion with his u od that was ifftnslve wl h ps eif.'ptrotlon of or ticlsra Pres ently, taking his stand abreast the mlz z mi ast to o ward, ho asked ths man at the wheel lv w tho shin's heal wus. The follow i coiled. "Let h!r i m to three-auarters of a j-oint," r.-il'e l c-i'r Mr. Wilson. "And, I apt. Vor t , jou tViil bo 60 good as to t.i:a fail." u.Kcep her a3 bho poca)" roared Till ll: t. "if ti nro making U o muck westing, " c.wlaii: o i Mr. WiUon. "i o ive tho dock, eii! bawled rarrtt. "JS- wh&- chart i ro joi sailing, I e'-rttld I k to kno.v'" sneerol Mr. tl-i-c u. "W hv, dammo, man, we aren't u.uii rl to .Ma Iras. " An anviiy qm-rrcl fol'owcd, a mote n l ay of word, indeed, 1 ut it was hard to i u.'fs at what instant tho blow would come, w th a long and shameful t-p ti e pu u p of it. The sailors forward Mood star ng aft. thon ugbly fn oy ng U-e ppecioolo o' tin two men gestlcu U'.icg end L-a'vi hp. at each other. Free- i-p rnr.orcn the hatch cams CAtt ruse ii ri t y, tip thro-iph the 1 ateh ca i e Capt I'uiii h, b l by a braee of eailots. who e-tniLgied up tne btt ep con.panion steps wl;h pin pi ; races, i nut ng anil h owing, wh lo 1'uueh sat I oio ng on tightly and curt-ir.g the builder of tno ship for con etiii'd.t.g a companion way thut gavo a man n ioo ii t ) turn in. "W hat I it all about?' fho itcd tho old fellow as hU bcurera dumped him down upon tho deck. "Thesh p's being headid for Madras." cried Mr. V.'litou with a contemptuous laugh. "He's a liar, and ho knows ho'6 a lia"," c-ai.i ion re leaking too westeny a courso to fiiit mo," e.vcaiuiel Cat. Funcn ' and ho on. ered the mi n at i ho whoel to j's carpenter a -tu.g n lids rtsp ct shlit the ho rn 1 y a 6 Oie or two. as i hief mate, tiiongh tlio moment hi "i'yo euiposo," tried i apt. rarfltt, j,r ivod on dco'i ho assorted him apiroai hing Caj't. l un h close, and self as en;da n , took command m. oning his words Into tiie old seaman's I and i arried ' our, his own ideas of jolly, round, tu'icU-iel face, "that I've I fleering and ot carrying tail an I tho ti -.I;. -u ihurgo or this sugar-box to learn like, without the least regard to the .i ii f.o n y u." I vi-ws and instructions of l'uii'h and ' i ain't deaf keep your distance," j rariltt. Wilson, I say, on relieving the reepoti io I Cap'. "This sugar- deck aider Furtltt had gono lielow, would lex is j-oing to get home, and I don't look up ut tho sails, and then round up mean to loi yon put her ashore, betwixt on the s a. as though studying the th a an I the London do.-ks, and so I toll i weather, then e-oolly s ng o it orders to 'eo. I've heard of navuirors, you must. lew m this and haul dowu that, taking know, win to reckoning by account has ; lllll -o i ui-in i j iour ui'Kiei" oi ioujj.- tudo inland sumo th ng n ay happen 1 with ton e folks' si xt nts. My rouriie ' is your course, and you'll please to stick j loit." "There's not even yet southing enough," taid Mr. W llson. its. there is, erica iapr. i iincn, i yo:i l on't want to teach rao navigation, do 'ee:" I Cant. Farlitt lushed Into the cabin and returned with a chart, which ho laid open i n tho uock a' Capt. l'unch'6 feet. Ho then wont down on his knees THIS WENT D'lWM OW ill KNEES," an l inlieafed the course with a square thu i b, occa-ioiiaby pounding the chart vi n his list until the deck e.hoed aaain to tho blows whenever Capt. Pumh latighod or shook his hoa t or uttered any obsenation that was distasteful to Capt. rartltt. 1 ielt them disputing and walked some distance torward to smoke a After n r(.ii.. f:iiit F'ailltt loit tho cs'k. tak ing his chart b low with him, and some- What la or ( apt. Punch was borno into ! the can n by tho two sailors. When Mr. Wiis n tou id h msoif aline he s'enpe I i over to the wheel, and I guessed by ihe j twirl which tho nan at tho helm cave 1 the i-ioies that Mr. Wd-on had sh.fted 1 tin citirs". This nd'ord, proved thocase. Scarce- lv hail ten m iiutes elapsed wheu Capt. . Vimnii B tervant a rived on deck und i caned oir. to Mr. W ilson: Tlio i at t'n s'orders urothat the ship ! Is to te brou ht o tho eou'so which she w is s'.eering wuen ho was carried bo K.w." ".'y complimen'e to Capt. Funch, answered . r. W ilon, "ami tell him he ha- glv. ii me cliatgo of this vessel, and that I'm not going to learu navigation VOL XIX. CHARGE." of the Sea. at ray time of life from any man alive, bo hia name Turfttt. or io his name Punch, or bo his name Judy, by thun der!" This inr.ol nt speech reached tho ears of dpt. i unoh, who was below -n the cabin under thskyliahf, which lay wi'o t.pen. Tho roar thul followed was that of a iitill. It wus by no moans inartivu lite, however. The sea words t baud fellow employed vvoro so i,i;ich to tho purroso that Mr. V ilscni coiu.iig to tho bkyl ght, eticd (town: ."It's all rlftht, 6ir: it's all right, don't excite vtiureclf, " ond he then audibly directed the n an at. tho who 1 to bring : the thin to tha couisj commuiuiod by C'upt. funli. 1 was astonlsl el to find Mr. wflfcon ne'.lr.jt in opio ltii'n to l unch. Ho na t snipi el ns 1'i'itcn s in st mate, iinu l'untih was :ndii-puta ly his chief, how ever l'aiiitt might havo 6tool in tMo ' om-'linated busines. Eu. I epecd ly di-cov ro I that Vr. 'ilson was an cx traoidinar.Iy conce ted and very bid tompeiol ii. an. He kuostcJ that old i unch wa not twins to improve in hoai'h. on I an, siu -o 1'unch had made him maror o( tho ship, ho was cl.-aily di'teriin-d to lo.ta n n. aster ut all costs, In duflaui'd even of i un.b him self. A I ihrc men hod no'lnn of tholrown us to ih.4 rompe to ba steered, we was always soa.c'hini? to tho easlwa d or eomothlng to tho southward of tho ethers, t npt. Tunch ha I a tell-talo coiiipnfft In his ra n and when ho wus loo ill with tho gout to l e carried on dork he would sena ids sorvant o tho man at tho wh 'el will lntru dlous to hi T or to iet hor go oif as it night hip pen, lu t e-e nl orations in tho d fee t on pur u;d ' y tt'e 6hip ho w i6 a .de to contrive to his own s.itsfa tion only wh-ntho oarpenttr h ppouul to lmv, the watch, tor if an ordr Mtnn f o:n 1 unch whin Cant. Tarlltt or Mr. W.l-on wa ( n dec;: it was instavtiy lountnr mnndo with tho te ult tha w; cn tho capta us m t In tho ca in they wou A nit are I w Idly for an hou:- at a time, throjten ng n ) a ot ier tha lmv. (peering at ono am-t; cr's exi erieneo, olteu ciiiiidnn:! 1st-, indeed, nn I on more than nno;Lu very nearly coming to bio.v3. riMi'TEnm. Tho frequent changing of tho ship's rour.-o, toge. her with tho in ?esiant in terforin oof tho.-o men, ono an- o her, con-iidorai ly de a.o I ourpaasago, ami t here wer.- times wh n 1 would th.n J that wk bhould never dou lo the Caj eof tiood Hoi o lit all, but thut, on the con trary, the threo ca; ta ns would quarrel themselves out of all perception of the ship's truo reckoning und en J either in putting the v. esci ash ro or iu sending a boat to land on the fii'ot bit of toai they might eight to learn trom the na tivi s of the plB'.-o where ivj wore. Often, as I could ob orvo. they ditiercd merely to spito cue anotlp r. l-'or instance, f'apt, l', on cuitting tho i. c-, would leave ilia fahip under i ll plain sail, royals set and tac.:;-. bo irdo I, i us W'ii- ion. who kept watch and watch the not tho least notico of rnilitt, who, i n I Hearing inn men ci.. u.p oui a' um lupca, i would lush on do k:n I n-k Wilson what j ho meant by shortening sail in the fao j of a high I urometer, while through tho ! skylight you might hear tlio voice o. (apt. I'uiuh out to know what; sad the ship was carrying and what that leltow. wnson, meant iy a leriiig the course by three-quarters of a point, Even about su h a matter as side- lights tho quarrels woro irefuent, for Pariltt insisted upon txhibitliig lights, saying that hi was a married man, with a family of chl.dren do, endent ui on hira, and that he was not going to ba run drtwn nm! di'i.wno-l out uf hail 1 tto- I .nn ia I'm-.'.. u:ic n l-nnltr.iniu iUil hnnkft a id did not do his duty as a shipmaster; while Pi neb, on the uher hand, swore 1 that there should ba no side- ights ex , her down, but sho lay pertectly motion hiblted on board h'S ship; that he had ! loss, with a s ngular noiso of creaking manag-(1 to pass tnirty-eight years ar, . ihrcaJlng the aoove-tourd clanio;-, and sea without ever teen in col-! n frequent du.l, thunderous thump as of lisinn uud without ovur hav ni more to i viator strik nir her. show in a moment of cxtr- ru.ty than tho j b.ntiuc.o lau p: that oil was dear; that j he w is enp a n; und that the b atswain would not i n w what to do if the sidj-j ligh s woro I It will lu supi osoa t at no 6lnp was over tuoro nilseiaUy uncomfortable to a passenger than the Uicidy MoDoiual was to mo. Portun-itely, he 6a.:ors v e e a body of r sp.'ctab e m n. '1 hey took t heir orders as they received them, grinning, indeed, whu ti.ose words were contradictory, and g umblini pretty loud y when liny w. re put to unno essary work througn one i apian i oun e.rraau dug the iu 6truo 1 us which another had g.vcn bi foi'd ioav ng tin d ck. Indee i ha i tho enw been mut nously d.sposed thoy might huee. founapltn y oi excusos for conduct that need not havo s opped short of actual "piracy," which, to bi p.uin. Is ano lji'rword lo;- running aw.iy wuh a vea el, Wo were to call at Capetown, an l I had rnatlo up my m nd, it heaven ever perra.lted ustoi ast anchor In Table 1 ny, to go ashore and represent tho 8' uto of thefthiptothosewhom ght I e empowered to deal the three captains, thong i I would sometimes thm t that It was doubtful whether there was any remedy w.thin tho reach of the au horities to apply, for It was cer a n that Puneh was a.dl in comma id of tho sh p, and next, that, being in conne nd, he hud a ri'ht to ntrust the chargo of tho vessel to tne chief mato whde ho was routined be.ow by lllius-i, bo that despite ihe llaugoon a itlioiltio, I ar.'ltt hud no oToial 'epresentatiou on l ua d, tiad no e'aitn u;on the obedience of ir. Wl son, and co iid a hlevo no end by logging bun or by threat n'mg. Indeed, luilltt seemed to huvo guessed as much, lor, rrrrsnoRo, ciiatiiam county, Thursday, January 7, o'ten a ho talked of "breaking" tho ' mate, a ho called ilii n, ond sending liim forward, I do no: think that ho ever attempted to do to. though repeat edly hud ttt.castli aily Invito 1 to lllo at tempt by Capt. I uncii and Wilson him- It f ame at last to pass that on a cer tain day we were tuposod to b; off tha ( ape ot C ood Ho.e. Wo wero Dun ex actly two months and tiir.o weeks on', from Fangoon that is o tay, wo had ojiuniod eleven weeks in miniums tho In lit n unl tho Southern Oceans down to tint part of tho sea when w.3 were mupposed to be. I tay piinpos .d, f.ot as you may conclude because tho three eapta n?, as I call them, had lost all reckoning and kn w no longer where the 6hip was, but because the weather had beeu so thi k for no loss h period than ten days that ncv.-r one was tho sun, the moon or a tt r to le wp. r r. i tho position, therefore, of th' riddyMc Dougil was wholly ral ulated by what is termed dead reckoning. Peal ro koning means btlfiy tho fnding out of tho speed or a sh p through the water per hour bv mean of a contrivance railed " ho rte' log. v. hen tho epoed la ascer ninol It is tnterrd ih tha ii ii booif. Al owance i then made for wnat is called leeway, if any leeway c.t sts, and the eun o tho spe d, to gafh-r with tin lourses winch may have been steered, enables the mariner t, mailt down up n its chart with rno-ft or loss accuracy tho points of la'ltude or longitude at which his Bhlp has ur- i lived. The three canta'ns were narced la ; thcn'oi l reckoning, i hoy could fin I Uo cause fo" a quarrel iil ho lndk'iu.on ot the r :el log. Tne a! owano lor lee way wus a-sei, ted to and the cour-cs Mfi-rolworo almltti ti, bu unhuppliy tho threo captains had been at logger heals ovir tho rio oning te.ore tho th ot weather camo on. Capt. 1 Utah l ad male the ship's snuatl n a degreo o- two more than Mr. Wilson found It. W'l 6on'a long.tude was soveral lea. ties to the oa6twa:'d of apt, I ariltt'r.. lienee when the day arrived which, ac cord. na to Tartitt's r.ckoning, should show ihe ship to the we6iwaid of Agu bus, tho aru neiiti and quarrels were j inccssi u', bocaLSj WiUou ewore that the ship b longitude was ir least slxt. mile eus: of that capo, while Punch on tho other hai.d peis s od in tualina niux that tho latitude v a not what W'l, son and Parlitt repr eented and that th. v.;tP0:'6 course, thuruiuro, icqulivd mo;o nor h ng. ro matters etoo.l on a dull, hoavj , thlei dav, us we. I I rememb'r. Taero was a light breioi ff ti o port bov, and a I long ojoi.ii swell was s.uggn-niy rolling i up from the 6i u haid. I do not reco. ltiot that the lea I was hove. I very man of tho thr o sklpi er was cocksure o; tne Hhip's position on his own account, but I do not s,y that any oue of thm cvor on'.'e or loied a cast o.' tho load to be ta en. There was nothing to bi soen. The e a line was shrouded by vapor to wiihin two or three miles of th vessel. Occa&iona ly ther i wns a nimble of thu.ider in tho sou.h, but. uo lightning. Thus it remained throughout the day, and thro ighout tho day thi throo cap tains did uoudi g but alter ono an ither's d.rectionb to thu man ut the wluel. A. I day long Capt. Fundi was in a towering passion. He said that ho knew the ship's wiiereabjuts as surely as though 'iablo Hay lay open before him; that Parlitt. w is ou'i ty leagues and Wilson utterly wrong; that, both men miht thank lio i that he was to much a 1 1. to i to occupy his proper r.ost on dcok in such dump and fbihy weather, or and hero iw would shake his 1mm 'iise gouty list at tho skylight and bid his servant step on dook and n how tho 6hip's head was, ami tinll on leamira tnat inn i eour;o which he had or ered Parlitt and Wilson to steer hud been changed by ono or the oilier of them, ho would roar out like a mill, us n many strong and terrible words, to tiiio Capta'n Farlitt's l.fe if he interfered with hit orders to tlio helmsman. Wh n I went to bed that night I was umudo to sleop for some imo, owing to tho argument; tho three captains were holding In ihoir cabin. I could hear 6uch expressions as 'My 11 e's us precious to no us jours is to you." Northeast, tru soy? uoou linger Vot thoy granted ye a certllic.iteV" "Jf 1110 cm oiiouieirt 111 . uui eii a uui iuj lauit, but if my calculations wasn't within a second of th" right spot belore th s blooming mist drawed up and hid tho sky, I'll g'vjup, o va that I'm no sailor man, and I'll cull yo loth my masters. To such stuff as this 1 lay listening; then I heard tome sailors come bo o-v to cart old Capt, Punch away to bod. lucre was un interval of agiecablo len o, an I I io 1 asleep. I wnsuwakuiol by an uproar on do k, by tl.o shouts of men. the buwdng o. Capt. Funcli in his cabin, by a oi footsteps and a gullen Happing tt canvas. Tho fch p lay over at a sharp aiiio; I relieved nt iirst unit a neuvy squall had burst upon hor and heelol In a moment I realized that the ship ! was ashore! I partially clothed mysolf In a few j minutes, r shed out, mil with great I iliffcu ty, eo amte was tlio anglo o t io ehiu s uock, rca neu ino compuniuii steps. All was in daikn ss. I na hod out my hau -6 aud toudio 1 a fg it e. and ft. OCT MT ll.NOS AX 3 TOCCIIED riccKB " now crew sensible of romoVodv iust in front of me heavi.y, and tivic tin o to ti ne givanln. It wa9 Capt. I'uiich, in w. io n the agony and he!ple.-6-liess of the .o-it hat b en temporal ily conquered by wra h and teiror. lio reached 'h do: k unaided and fell a- oar- ( Ing. il here was little to be seen. Here un I there a man held a lantern, but ilio light a feable aad the Uiuaiioa'.kuj i rrT ! revelled mere y confused1 IhS 9;ght. The shin lav over, with har broadside to the eea; lh dark heave of fewell burst ogidiist the bilge and re ol;d in milk t :at I i'f.g a dim ? been upon tho ntnioe piicrecf tho night, making tho ijui"t!y 1 appln ! saiiS g ah-'e out. Itwaivo y thick, th'.ro was no'hing of tha and to loteen. The carpenter was sound ng ov r tin felJo and I heard hira bawl out the depth: I ut there ttcs no depth. Tho lddy M.'Douga. v a,i hard and ia-itupcn the African strand, with I'ar.Ht i.nd Wilson yelling out contradictory o ders anl l'uiic'i lawli'ig to his m uto ol ey hiin and nobody else. Just Leiote (Jaylig'i tVe weather cleared. J. awn disclosed the high coast along our st a: loud b am and I gathei cd from the to nrestuous discourse Q tlio thres captain's that wo hid g P..) adioro eomewhe.e near Ca?oliangiioan i San down Jiny, irovitu that though dipt. 1 w.'it'.'.l talc, la kns hud come ne-ircrt tho tiu h, ad threo men hi Itea h ov i.y out .11 their icckcn ng. Scarcely hud the sun risen when a fain-loat hove In r! t, boun 1 from tho eastward to hnnon s wn. &::o Bigu ivi i our ship ashore and sent boats. I was heartily g:at to get nooara oi jut. --,.i,l t'nilltf una livn of IhO irilW Fai tt and live oi mo also wen ajoard; but oil iunon fie- i clined to lo iv tho neighborhood i f tho . vessel. He sa d that t.nero was no im- media e dang r, that he would go ashore 1 and n.n'io shift under canvas until a-,- ; tii-iit.n elm dd I f- : rnt from Capetown. I W' Ison remained wftu him. I Tho ship va ultimately srot of, and j r.av gated to LingUnd by W.lson a d Capt. Punch in tho cahln: but hy mat time I reccivea my luggage nom u.b hold of the B.e'dy MeDougal, had trans- i ferro I it to aiio'hor vessel, and was abreast of Ascension ou my way to : tug and. 1 lind a mothing h role in the fancy of rundi's gout-ridden shni e camping it out ab.eastof thos'.raadoi vessel, whoso Bituition he wholly though imprnp rly ' nttrihtitod to PtiMf's ivnoraneo us a . manner. So f ir as passengers are eon re nod, thcr.i is nog ent niattcr of n. n oral to bo ca bored fiom th s brief narrative; yet, even in the-'O a ivanced tt-a'arng times felups may bo foun i at sea with more thnj one tomiiuinder, tloitghor.o on y i as any cairn t tho tit.o. Will any shipmaster te 1 mo thai among his pas-senaerj ho does not oy' w th a naut caiman sometimes a yachtsman aud somet mes a naval o:ilcer win hai the highest I posslbl opinion of h s own ju Iginoin and who will oso ro o. por: unity of giv ing his opm on and veiug urn so n oi the log timate skipper by imper iuonti oi icism. ty oiler o! noip ana oy nown right counsel, lut -nd eg passengers will do well sometimes, perhaps, to In quire bo oro eml ariilu ? h w ma'.y cap tains i.i o iolng in charge ot tho snip. inn t.u Cornlghtel br th Aathor' AUIauc. All rights recrved. CALLED IN A BURGLAR. Ho Opened a Kuhlremury Vuu'.t that UalUurt Lockmultli Kaperta. About six month iigo nn order ar rived at th-suhtre.isury diroctliiR tlio Treasurer to have all tlio t me loci 8 on tlio vaults cloailcd, says the San Francisco Chronicle. Among those that were taken out was one on n ro ii i ve vault containing $12,000,000 in iiver. l-'rom tho lock on tlio (loir to this vault the loc'tsniith took only s ich parts as needed to bocleamd, leaving the rest in the. rlnur. Wluu tlio vault was closed the tumblers ii 11 into ti cir places, the 'Vatcli" of the lime lock, or that part that was j ..ft rvmrhl-. nil riiriit .'lllil the lloor 1 ,c w' s. enr.Me lnrTtod-.n SiVllr,lv I locked, in fact, that It waWoun l lm- possible to open it again, for tho part : of the t lino lock that elnulrl release i no en ten on 1110 hisiuo wiiaou'-smr in tlin hands of the locksmith. I he combinatioti knob was turned this way an 1 that, and everything that would in any way tend to loosen the bo t was done, but to no effect. Tho locksmith even went so Mr as lo put a plank against tho duor and p mnd away a sic ige in the hope that, something would piv.i way, but btlll the door remained s.Tiiivly closed, and as tlirro was really no necessity to op 'ii the vault tho treasury seal was placed on the door and things re mained as they were. It became ap parent that some-thing had to be done, However, and it having been learned that "Lilly" Ensign was in town, ha was hunted tip. Ensipn is too wel.-Un-'.wu craekstmin whose ability to pick locks l.a inoro than once landed him in pris"n, and tho propriety of ca'llng him in was con sidcred at sonic length before it. was decided to resort to his skiP. "Billy" went into the iry and at on :e set to work. Ho tinkered with t he combination knob for a w hile, and then, getting down to business, put his ear against ih do ir and began slowly to t'irr. the knob back and forth, listening to tho clicks of the tumblers as they fell Into their places. How no did it no ona of tho bystanders could determine, but it Is i certain that his manipulation of the knob affected the time lock in some way, for he su Idcnly straigl.iened up, grabhsd tho lever that moves tho steel bolts, and giving it a quick, s iarpjeik, tho duor bwun? open be fote tho ns'.onlshed clerks. Ensign know nothing ab ut the lock when ho started In to open the door, and nil Treasurer Jackson Could say was: "lie a a wizard." The greatest mind, like the sweet est fruit, will genera ly ho found to contain a serious blemish. Frederick tho Great was a h dl'-.-razy barbarian, Goldsmith is said to havo written like an angel and talked like a fool, Cowper was known us the mad poet, Voltaire's vai.-ity made him tho laughing stock of Europe, William Pitt had a pitiful weakness for tragic po.-e, P.yron was cursed by morbid sensitiveness, Swift died at the top, i Dante and Petrarch were made great by unsuccessful love affai 8, Dickens dre;sed like a tin-horn gambler, and talked like an egotistical boor. Car- lylo was a hypochondriac. Xovalis wa half a madman, and Foe two thirds a lunatic. i . A. 1 A VAt.IPAEn trust Is announced. . This js bordering on lbs Intolerable. tin, ottAV s'itmnEL. Ilr. Gray ijfju'rrd lives ov,i la the rarki 'In a houso tha'. ii up In a tree; Bo isa"t afraid whsa Uj U-.ars tho wolves br.ri:, And for timers' f or.r)f nau?ht cares ho. ii.) lion mtv ro ir with a voh'e that Is de"p, miihto.-im. . Tho owl ir.ny h.ot, when h- Isa't asleep, AlJ(i tu-., oajlo sir-'atn lu his ca j. ' . , Mr. O.ay Srpiirrd minds not iu the lea.t, win-n hi h".ir.-. ail tho: t'Trlhle nol!' Per he doesn't gst frightened at mm or ai beas', And wid hardly run even from boys. Over he conies t i front of my seat, And up on his hvinehus he stands, AadtU'fn.itt'aatlhl l, pa 'k-full of good meat, He will eat right out of my hands. 0! bo's n gold f. dl r.r. is Hits Mr. Gray, 0 i, a ri'ld good Mlow is he 1 IiUa him first rate, ond in his own way 1 think that ho rather likes me. Jaaiej E. Forry, ia Chicago Ueeord. rnrir instead or cadx. "I wish," s iid a doctor the other day, us h'l witchol n group of school oliildreu troop out of a can ly store, where they had boon spenihu3 their penuic, "that I could fonu a soiiety unions little fo.ks, in which ouo-i uieraber tnm il take a pledge to spend all hia tioeket m ouev for fruit in.itua I of oaudy." It S'uniu.l a fnuny way of putting it, didn't it? Bat tho physi cian was very much in earnest, and at thu moment it probibly ccanrrud to him that, as children like clubs, an anti-C indy o nb wmiM lie a very go-d ono for them. Ho wuntad lo do two thing , to stop thuir fating tho nn healtiifiil sweet aud to coax them to eat more f rait. An npplu or u liunumi or hu orange can nuully, one or the other of them, bo bought for the price of a litlln candy, and tho fruit is much bettor iu every way than tho s.vett. -Kew York Times. A OHATF.FCL MILUOXAinC. The recent troubles of Africa hive ! oallcd juiblio atleutiou to a large uiuu- t)f jll(,ri(stjll;l persons living in the SOlllllOr.l portion of that onti- unit. Amoug others who havo been conspicuously notienlisMr. "Barnev" TjlU.aftt0( wno ins mil.0 a gri;Ht for- tuno in Africa, and of whom a Capo Town j iiirnal tells tho fallowing in teresting iiuec.loie; When a boy Mr. Buruiito wont to tho L mdon Jews' Free School, which has produced so many iea.litij Jews of the d iy. When ho left, iiis teaciior, vho wus much at tiiohed to him, gavo him a penny ond his bl. siiiig. Tho years rolled by, the friendlei-s youth hud mado In woudei'iul career in South Africa, and the iittla "Barney" had become a per sonnge. Ab nit the ti ne when hull London and Paris were going crazy over tho dotation of tho Bunato B.iuk, "Bunny" was seizod with a fancy to visit his old schoolmaster. With great diflic-ulty ho to hunt up tho old man. "Do you recollect," he said, when they mut "Do you recollect giving your littlo 'Barney' a peuny wheu ho left school thirty yours sg .? Here it u back again and n it b compound in- teresl, and tharcwitu U'J u inuea in schoolmaster a check for $325. Har per's Round Tuble. isoESiors spahrows. ' I hsvo some potted plants, gerani ums, fern, violets and ivy, making a nioo littlo window garden for my of fice, says a Fort Worth correspondent of the Puiludelphiu Times. Ia li u ot something belter I have, been using a rather small-necked live-ouuco bottle 1 as a watering pot. Ono day duriug thu recent dry, hot weather, 1 chanced to leave the bottle about half full of water sitting on the window till with the pots. Thu heat was in touso and I moved my desk close up to the window thinking that the dtiit would be prefcrublo to tho uir on the other side of the room. As 1 6ut there I uotieed two spurtciFS- drop down from tho dusty housetop an I light ia my window. Tim pier little things were about d-ino up U'a the heat und the dut : their wh'ftt were bunging liiuo aud their feather! Were droi'py. Evideutly they weie ia search of water. Thoy walked rouud aud round the bottle, eyeing H from all quarters, apparently couiddtriug NO. 19 ways and means of quenching their thii-t from tho contents. Etrery now and then one or the other would hop up ou tho bottle, peering down Usual n nv neck longingly, rresentl.y the two Hcomcd to give up tho f ffwrt uud fell to chaiteriug mightily. Feel ins J for tLc,r , itclpleswes, I went acrosa tho room j fi r a liuio sq'.ut ink well, thiuking to ; pour some water into it for tho tLirsty . birds. When I got bark I found that their oiva in. jemmy i.uu rei.ouu them of their d ffieaWy. During my ub-ieiicu they Lnd found a smull brown fern-frond that had fallen on tho sill. Taking this iu Lis Leak, ote of the (.pirrons had mounted on top of the bottlo, diipud tho frond into the water and was geucrously relieving the thirst of his friend, who sat with widr-opt u mouth to receive the grate ful dr.. p. The two took turn ubotit nt tho dipping till cuch seemed satisfied, lint after they lutt I iil'.ed the ink bottle wiili water ug:iint their com. iug aguiti for u drink in my window garden. TWO JfAfOIITY II ACT DEAlt. In tlin far North, where snow and ii! cover tho ground cvuii in nuincier, two iitllcj Aliibk in bears liv.-d. Tiiey were not us luiyo as thu Ex-uniuer's little bears, si one day in Juno while ibc-ir papa and mnin na were nwny ou Indian hunter f.iuud and took them to his wigwam down by a lovely bay culled Vikutit. Pretty s-ioii a big w.ii'Hhip Billed into tuo buy and aii choree!. Tlio hunter kuew suilore bked iitt'm bean, go ho tool; them iu ins canuo uud p.iddied out to the -hip. The s.ii'iors were glad to see thesa baby bems unl gave the Indian so in i t ibucco and took the little ones fur pets. Tho bears were glad now, bcciil'.e they hill all the bread and miik they con d eat. Oue day an oHloer gave them a saucer of honor, for ho knew all bears love honey. Then yon sliouid have seen thntio naughty things. Thoy quar reled hlid eerutelud each other till t icy had to be put to bed without slipper. Aficr t liiil each had a saucer of honey for himself to stop their quarreling. By uud by tiVy fjrew strong and climbed the rope laddjrs with tho sail ors and didu't get a bit serine!;. One day Betsy, ns ono little bear was c.i!lo-l, full ofT a ladder aud hurt, liar hip. Everybody was sorry. So tho surgeon wero called, but when the.? tried to fix her hip she bit them, aud they had to put her to sloop with med icine. Then they doctored her hip so sho could walk ngiiin. Now these two littlo bears wc ro vi ry funny and cuto and cunning, but they couldn't keep out of mischief. One night the big chest win to all tho ship's paints were kept was left open and tlieio .natality little ones climbed ia and played with the nintf. In the morning 0:i, w hat a sight 1 Ono little bear was red and tho other ery green. They were dark brown before this. Tiley were Very sick, too, bu- cutis-a they bad etitou Bomo of the paiiil. They made every ono luiigli, they looked to funny, but the Cupiuia was atif ry and had them sold to a cir- en. Today instead of being sailor bears and going around tl.ewoild they are made cros by bad b-vs poking stick ut thorn in their chjjcs ia tho cif Oils. Ii they had not been naughty and meddlesome such a thing would never have happened to them, but. ii s'ead they would still be living ou board tha beautiful man-of-war and been petted by tho oflleers and sudors. -Sui Fran cisco Examiner. Ihe Plucky Blue J'jy. My rnspborry paioli is fifty feel sq uire, surrounded by a wire fence, do many bird-, lnuuo t lie i r home iu ihe wooded rooms within teu feet that it is nee ssory t.) protect this patch I y netting, which is supported by wires strung oveihe ul. Tun not hangs over the sides of tin fence threu or lour feet, Occasionillv U bird gets inside, especially the blue j iy. We catch them un I let them go nu harmed. Recently my man und mvnelf wei o near and saw a blue j-iy iu there with u lipo red rusp beriy iu bis biil, fluttering against tha net. My man went inside and chased him from one side to another threo limes, aud finally got li s bauds on him at where tin) fence and rail and net met, but tho bird managed to slip through his hands and down between the uet and the outside of tho fence and g lined bis liberty. All tuis timo he hung ou to the berry and flew uw.iy with it. That certainly is a good il lustration of bird pluck. Meehau'a Mouthly. I! ,. . . LJ OK ADVERTISING One square, ono insertion $1.00 Ono square, tvro insertions. ... 1.50 One square, one month - 2.50 For larger advertisements liberal contracts will be made. TOR THE HOUSEWIFE. WEAT.V BAKED POTATOES. to insure mealy buk-jd poiotoei, buke quickly in a hot oven, mid break each one and set iu the oven to steam a moment beforo serving. In boiling potatoes, put them in boiling wate, when neatly dona drain tho water off, set them on tho back part of tho 6tove with a thick cloth over tho Kettle una . i,.t. them dry. i'or rjsut;il utoes, servo us above, only lifttheui from tuo water wheu donc.iu ft mto B1,oun jut0 a hut milk crock, flQ(1 crt,uln jhem in that dress and avt) 0!, Bt0vo covered witu a hot pl'ut0 till ready to serve. A DEL1CIOTS HI3SBF.11T. A delicious dessert to those who like preserved ginger is made from gelatine, date.", almonds, and ginger, rut a fourth of a box of gelalino in a cap half full of milk and soak twenty five or thirty minutes; then dissolve by standing over the ton-kettle- Add to it four ounces of powdered sugar. Have ro'idy a pint of cream thut has been whipped, uud mix with it cure fully and lightly two tablespooufuU of presorved ginger chopped liueaud two t.cblespooufuls of thu ginger syrup. Cuop half a dozen dates as liao ns possible, and add to tho cream; thcu, udd the struined jelly. Ntir tho mix turo until it begins t" thicken ; thon pour into a mould. Servo on u loir. flat disband powder tuo top witu al monds chopped very line. If you wish the dish to look pretty, garnish, th smull flowers or green loaves. New York Post. A EAST WAT OF IIUKAO MAKING. This recipe for bread making is ao exceedingly convenient way, uud is unpucially adapted to nui'ill families. Take three tablespoons ll 'ur, two tublespious sugar an I one tublespoou silt. Hould by pouring over this one pint of boiling water; let it stand un til cool, and then add two uud one- half hard yeast cukes (not compreobcd) and let it rice. Tuko a dozen . good-sized potatoes. boil, mash aud nd 1 threo quarts o! hot wnter; put through n sieve j when oool put in the yeast made uncording to tho above recipe and let it stnnd. This mixture is better to stand a day or two before using. It will keep two or three weeks in a eool pbiei iu hot. weather, und any length of timo in winter. When ready to inaUo bread, take one large eolVee cup of mixture to a quart of Hour, and stir together without nuy other wetting and knead it. Eel it rise, und then make into loaves. Let it rise again and bake. Atlanta Constitution. norsritoi.n hints. Half a teaspootiful of simar will nearly always revive a dying lire, nil .1 it is always a safe thing to use for this purpose. Fat w ill uot burn if it has .something lo do, f-, if it bus to bo left idle for a few minutes, put a crust .if bread or n blice of potato iuto Ihe kettle. Yellow stains left on while cloth by sew ing miiehiuo oil can bo removed by rubbing the spots with a cloth wot with ammonia bil'oio washing with soap. The cleanest way to drive waleibugs or roaches fiom bureau drawers or el.'Bot shelves is to sprinkle powdered hor ay oi-i'i- and around tho shelves and cuver with clean paper. Keep a bowl of oatmeal on tho wa-hstand und niter washing the hands dry theia in tho The skin will be kept wliito and smooth and has liable to chup by tho process. To remove n refractory screw from wood, heat a piece of iron red hot and hold it on top of tho screw for a min ute or twii, the ii tho screwdriver will eusiiy take out the screw if und while the screw is warm. To fieshon tan-colored shoes, dis solve a t'itlcpoohtiil of salt in a litllo warm water, und add to a pint of cold water in which au ounce of salts ol h moll has been dissolved. Wash the shoes with tiiis, und when thoroughly dry, polish w ith soft flannel or a bil of silk. The drain pipe should bo disin fected nt leuHt once a week in warm I weather. Dissolve a nickel's worth ol ' copperas in half a pailful of water, and ' gradually pour it dowu tho pipe. Au iron sink may be kept, from rusting by applying with a brush a quarter of n pur 1 of iispba'tnm in spirits of tur pcciiue. Particulars Wanted. ILirdiip Could you loud mo ten dollars until pay day? Wiggins li'm 1 Does that mean yonr pay day or the dv you'll pay I iut? Truth.

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