l)e !)atl)tiiu Urcorfc l)c ttljntljtun Kccorfc. fi:".. 1 . - BATES C" ADVERTISING Oct) minare, one insertion 1.00 11. A. LOXDOt,, EDITOR AND PK0PB7ST0R. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION,! Olio bipiure, two insert ioum. One cu'iure. one mouth 1.50 2.50 $1.50 PER YEAR Stictly In Advance. Fur lurtff-r r. IvcttisemuaU linera! contract v, i luiiilu. PI'lTSUOKO, CHATHAM COUNTY. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1897 NO. 22. VOL XIX. v V ) . i ft THE BOND Veird Tale of Life from the Tyrolese Mountains. EY EDGAR r'T rTrn r. Thts !3 a M.iry of much eovro-, ond I Worn those who i nly lovo what Is tu!l of cheer und biighiiiess th.it It, m y sadden and repol them. It n ay indeed horriiy come, lor it deals w.th iho darkness vt a s r.-.ngo iinJ e.wtul dustiny. But at tlio s-ame time I havo deomod it a story worth tho telling, sin o it is flllud, otter nlJ, with iho-rnt-edy of a great ir uniquo human pais on. Wo w. ro leva in a lovely village of tl o Aus.rian 'i'v.ol, whoso name I will not hero recoid. our i a-.enla w. ro peo ple of good bourgeois b'ai.ding; my lather's luck ind thrift vora almost proveibiai. Fur years ho had dosired chi.dron, and at las; we canio. My noihor suffered agony at our tint), find afterward, when wo wero Ihovvn her, it ia buhl that tho shock caus d her ilea' li. For w. wore not as other children, but Lomiil together by a Jigtr.urooi lle-h. Oiho.weo we wero two boys formed iu u pineo ly normal way. My b'. other was however, at al. limes fiii- ici-s heal liy and vigorous than I. lie w,ia rali.-tl, I me.y here state, Con.'i.d. und Victor was the nan o Riven to my eit. Cur i.irth rrunicd wild wonder, ond for daya 1 1 opio i'lK'ised o see us. My lather" in ill:, r foiba-io nor a'.lt.wo I us tj b-j no n. An od rehni e, a kin I of mint long s, nee (b ad. bhowo. 1 us, I bo 1 cvo. to the gaping crowds. As for my la: In r. h was pr st:ale I w:t!i gncf nt tlie tUa h oi his w.fe and tho t uiso of j whaU,- held u lddeom ond monstrous pro iii.y. !ul ..fur nwhilo nil Birdi feelin? charge I With him. Itc beeRmo not i n.y ti-ed to us 1 ut. 'on I o us. 'J ho next Hep was easily taken, and before we were '.' ye.i's hi he lavi-hed ou us the it rouges p.itei mil lo e. Mt imwhiio we. had reoi Ived ihe best f,f ri;e frn;:i ili ar. kindl V old llei'.wi'. iiid had been i:ur.-e t throiigh an illness i tloned It to no one lor a very I r. ; tune, whieh threatened to end our infantile but nevertheless it grow and gr .w like a lives. Vy eariy 1 1 eolleetions are oolely I plant in tl-.o dark. tho-e of'l-ein;.' very happy. Conrad Oscar bhreluo treated t In the mosf B 'ou.ed iu a liinjiii'T Srnrt Irom mo. i ml honmable manner regsr-lin , nii j r .fits y. t mo-t i::;ii.ur-!.v akin. They used io which a'orued to us, kefci iis t-oth tho vay ti at my i:utu;e was a rather domi- letter and spirit o. ids contiuot w.tii our r.eeri'i.; en ltut 1 was in every way I dead lather. As we he an.e old r our the stroii ;er and largi r so that 1 per-j lluatieial prospect-Lrlghtened; we drew Imps began at a tender age to assert my ! larger audieno 'S as yu;n.' men than wo superior menial and hy.-i.'al traits. As I ha I tlraw.i us boys. 1 wearied gieaiiy, lilt e boys wo were sometimes taken to j now, under thu continuous vu arpy v.nlk. i lid I v,.;i! recall how leoplojiinl mon .tt ny of our life. I km-w by would Kovk s'.nr.ngly about t.s. and how j In ftrt, and so did t'tnra l, tho Bpeeeh 1 torn what keenly f li.oyed tho miuo i wi h wh ch Uscar fehreir.er wa- wont tj ceiei ri' v tli.it sunoiiiKli! Tus. : nrefcnt us for publie inspection. Then, We v.'oirt ton tan ly visited by mn i O Il.t ... vi.' io;:3 b ho w.i f ami ill" Offered furgieal repu'.a from ' lurorcai cities an.l towns, n Had adventurers came, t-o, ; i.i ..!!! W.aat n nnmliornf t iene I n-.y f:t!.o largo sums for tho i . shioit us as a raro r.h.Voiolo.4- ! rigut K-ai leiiive;. My f.uhe.'s lienPh began to weaken ! when io had n a;ne i our eiliih o; lidr.h mmi . ami thu ta lure of a ienna banUiiu liuiii-o, io which ho ha I i:i trub'e ! the a. a ; rp' rtion of his Fiiving ;, l;o a-.u'.-t. ! he o I to iuiliet Upon Mm a toveie l avMyt.e disorder. I'roia this it soon be ntii j i.i parent tl ut he euuid i;. vc i;'.d e rai'.y; tut, whi o his part.. il re-ovi-ry ha 1 begua to e. courage lied wig an t oiir.icls rs, wo were e. light oat by a m.:u :ia'i ed s ar ischreim-r. 1 hu r.u.n fra.ii the hoar v, h I fir&t ia'.d eyi i u; ou linn, si. uck uie as the most coir.pb fi;:y Kii.-i an 'i'iulo being whoiii 1 ha ; yc: ! c.ii.!d. I havo never had oo caioii . so pi hi ouo most eolctnn r.nd fa: ond in.iian .)' to alter tho ord.et roust d rv that l.rst i.Ieaean" ttrcrcbsloa. Lo was 6t:il voang w.ien ho cnitid io t::;, brin a wiiiowt r o uht ut sis-nnd twenty, w.th a l.ttlo da'ighter, Linda, whom" he had placed at a hoar.diig Behcol In his native Berlin. I supposo ouo wrul i not preo sely have called him a t'eatleiiui:i. tho'duli 1 hu.o always held I him to be far a'.ovo mt.ny who would be baiazed t! ou denied them the t. tie. C's.:ar Sehroincr certainly posseBioil ecdica-'en, and eoiiibinetl with that a high and su e sonso of honor. llo wanted 10 mate money, end frarkiv told n:v father that this was his pruit nt ru ing a.m. Ho whs wholly can- U.d and s-.n 010 iu his dealings, ould my la'her g ve us to him loracortain time, and permit him to manage our es hil itioii wherever he t hose, leeelvingby terms of t on tract a sta'ei and con tint:, us peicentage on all public shows in which we might le loncorued? My lather, i.i ant need ng money, consented. I never regr tied his 0 n f eat, though at lir.-t 1 rebelled aga nst it. l'erhans I Wouhi ha-, e rebelled more tl.au I di 1 "if Conrad had cried Mid pro tested l' t-s. Lut I tieemed it my iiuty to rc-i-eiit ccntuiiiaey of any Eort on niy brother's part, doar.y as I loveil him. liyih stiaio my iniluenee over him os po er.t n the extreme, lie was devoted y loud of me, looked un a me as a Kidding bpirit, and laiihfully foi lowed all my coume'.s. I soon became awaro that th.e iniluenee whl.-h i exerted over hi:a was of a sirangoly forielul kind. I b- ppce it whs what would nowaday to called hvpnotls.n. Weird as it may seem, I discov. red that by the cser ion of a litiie concentrated wiil power I ooul I throw 1 im into a bleep and aftenviad awake him at pleasure almost r.t pleasure, that is, though not quite, and not alway.-.. The boud of flesh esiende 1 torn my right si lo, wh lo It net h.3 just ever tho aorta. The i-hysieiaas 'h 1 had examined us when II tlo i oy-i had nearly all agreed that any opi r.iiioi performed upon us in the Way of tutting us ap rt would certainly reu t 1 1 Conrad's death, while it might feariuily In. peril my own life, even if tho worst di i not result. tit car bhr.dn. t might haveprovela Stern cut d an. As it fortunately hap pened, ho was tho gentlest and k n lest; wo wero taken by htm to many differ ent pa. to of 1 urope, but treate 1 always with Lie tendero-t ca.e. I f hall never fo get n.y del.ght on lirst m eting his dactf ,te. in lieiLn ly this time we had learned of our father's t-udden a; d puinlefcs 1 ta'.h a ho e. Linda's deli cate sympathy to t ne 1. for myself at leas-, tho poignuneo of grief Sho was only u l.t'.le gir:. but her big, sweet blue eye-, her roy mouth, and her air of ev.q"iibita syiipathy con tl not pu-s from memory. Her father obtained per nils ion for her to leave tho tonrding echo d of an afternoon ami chat with tii lu a quiot, domeblit; way, at the iid OF FLESH. FAWCETT. rf our loud, bustling li"ttr9 in tin crowded museum. It would now have leen easy cnoug'i for t's nr S hre.ner to ,'ia--p all mo money which our 'on ii.iit exhibition biougnt hiia in. Our uither ha I i.ii d; wo wero, in a manner, iUi:o hi-i own properly, rut apa t from showing un Midi avnrlc oua spirit, this n Imha hi man kept perpetually de; odtlr.g to our credit a di-llm t pefi cnlagM c:i every ci in t int ho lecoived. l-.ir nu-.ro limn that, he cm: loyoil tutors lor our e.h;c!i 1 inn. and thoujj'.i Coma 1 w.is a dull fai holar and ha ned ill t r who'.Iy failed to learn what w.13 taugh. him, I, wiih n.y quicker and keener mind, soon i.o Ciimo strikingly pioflelent. Knonkde, c diivation, brought mo sorrow in xerl wun ov. i was oi rourso uaio-'ab'e to think and I'cri in a more, rolinea way, out ims veiy cu.igm- inment induced tho inevitablo wood-i of aelf-diFgust. I found myself br ginnir.s lo loa'he tho 1 ond Of i'esh whioli buiind m to Conrad. With my i ro-her it was r.U'tft dl ferent Ho a.'eepto I t.ls e ndi t on without n rnurmur. Giudually I bcau to reaii-e it. hn wa mtiro a pi' t of ra than I of hi;n: Not r. erely a p: eat hl'ieeticin tor me utaj e 1 him at all times, but a feeling inat 1 was ir. a v-ny lite Fouroa and c- nter v. heni o all h:s host enorpy f-prang. lio n a ir.ys eal point of Vie th.s fact v.' H.i notieeablo llius: If a si. kite sot any f-"it overtook r.o ( on-ad was f-iue t.i Fh;:re it, whlic if ho w. ro ili loit 'ii rema lie I piif ietly well. Civo, in i ur thirteen: n year, ho was attacked lya malady which amo near I'lidilig h s liu. To n e iho tediuni and aniety wero irifoirraiilo, b.neo I wo in fairly gool h-s dvh. An I Uin. suddenly, ('no dav ranm tho uir Tying tho-.iuht "v. hat if ho plv uid die?" Hut Conrad roo ivejed, arid, my fcarj vanished, still, a io-jIvo va3 blowly takiiirx ehano within my 1 rain. I mon- to loosen Iheuiniii, I tot. :r. self i ho t.i-k of k'.inin: it. .ro:n tliu hot to:n up- watt!. Inis rent i at i. a.nne r '.c i, to tho wonder and admiration of my ' brother, whoso mental ruwerj it itfTi- pletely 'tireni-sod. Iu appearance I was tall arid fi;r. mi.i a lucre. ) leasing lac . I p. r eiv.cl t Mu.it by no I W! means lll-lavore i, ami w it.-n i mux. r. ai-h d etit i .' ir.ar.i yod lie Ire ,'icut ; sinih.'s of women an I n aidi i:s told mo (hat my looks a' t ranted t'.:Oii. i:u a:- w ays a touch of cm. n-s-iun w .bb'tit with Ihe.r e.tnairin g'ar.o n. nid .hfi troubled mo l.. iu t::!tn v.-rd-. can t-s-p: e.-b. t onrl.i was a Flor.uci si'.tvr.klng lad, aliiiosta hem! shoi'.cr than I, und utun-ga-ing both ai to form ar.;'. Uaturo. When wo ha l passed oi.r ivo;i;y-ii.nt year tho coctras' bcan...' aiinot piti a'.ly ft n hi ng. His dep. r. lei.ee u; on me, his belief in mo, ' r.d intivaso 1 rather than lessere !. X -hing couid havo loen moio pal ctio Uira cither. His spirits robo am' fed in afie.tiona'o obed.eneo to mine. If Ji cloud giooa,e i n.y thouitits I co.ild t ra eo its c;u fiic.lon in the dull yet w.siful eyes up- lilted to me. cn.iVTKi: U. in inn year i -no era tea ngain ' Ecr.m .or ha fourth or lilt ! lime. A .young physician, named Oiaf Aveling, a i Pane who had a ready won eouiol.ulo no'e in the me.li.-al and bur.rli.lwo. id ! ou I w.n believed ari.ious to win 0 di- ! sidt-iable more, 1 a ..e very ccttatobe' us, and With Sciire.ner'ii full s . notion i mado repeated mi uie cxumnaii u tho peiuliar link that bom : lib togctho; I ha 1 never cspeeiallv .ike. I Avt iing. He bti'iick mo 1 9 cold ar. 1 u'ii-ymp.i-thetie, and t cu!d not I u. oon.p: vhon I hat if he shoul I eve make n pro, osal to per onn upeu us a (iw unctivo opera tion, it v.ouii bo from u ouves 01" a aoveiely settioh t hai a -'.t:r Still. I liked hi louveisalio!!, which was o.t n biiiimt and fcieiblo. iio w-8 a handooinu t'o low, wa'u a pa.o keen lace iit by mail tlc.ni ;h eh n.ug dark eyes, and nn a r asseitioa which bee bu.id eoir'in.nid and his shapely All 'n all, I rather pil ed his visits; ; and though !tr many cay ho did not! letfallevina atiulo h;nt tii;t ha do- I eired to operate upon our bend of t'lcsii, he stilt C'in'.rivod 10 m ike it .-ieur that such was his cotuai ui n and wudi. Sh rtiy after our at rival hi icil'n tha J dauhtt-r of S. hreiner icit a relative : with whom fchi- l-.'id I tea l:nig 'into' h"T gvaduaiiou at tho German hoarding- j hool, and came to dwell with ho' fa her. I toon ihi-s for 11 eigu tiiat 1 Sehreiner ha I l im'ly yi -Uea t my j pfisuasions on a i tiiam suceect, and I j rejoiced in con-eqr.en. o. One day I tuld to our friend: "ThU I Is a pretty littie ho-i.e, and I hoco sin- ccre.y that las; ear i meroiy p-i-m.3 tho uext tow months heio for purpo.-ics of rest, wo may re.-ide intleliuitely ua ler its peacclul roof." Oscar Sehreiner started, while Con rad looked up a mo inquiringly with his plae.d, uusiiu! syes. "Do you n.ean, bio'.her,'' he asko i, "that you want us new r to appear in public any more.-1 ' ".Seve 1" I said emphatically, and fix ed my goao upon tSehr- incr. "H:.v -v.o no' cained enough'''' 1 went on. "Cou- lad and I can live c-'iufur'ab y on our money f. r tho rest o;' oi.r day -, be they many cr few. Aa for yo.11 elf, you hat o acquuc l a tnug lit le lorum l ey. 11 I ail tloui t. "Ves," baid Bchreiiii r, "! you every th 1 lor " "Of course you ha.'e," I brc impetus. ' That is -nit my now i-t-iik.ng strr.igiil to havo told ; kopi.vi'h re.1-.0n lor; the 1 1.- lit. i Ami tho point, dear 13 this Let us give ep snow icfinsiiip" roreve.-. 1 detcat it, as you know, and Cv-nrai isn't us give ep 'show le.nasiiip f I I ty any inet ns rnaraorcl of it. Iie-Mes, tow that yo ir ih'.rminj? tlnni'liier ha--. Ctii. io iivo wi'li us wo ciu'iit to in :i l:o tho hapidoet toitof a hou.-o io!d: fcura.y 1 ifidtt i iv t :rs to re i.ain w.th you. 1 ut tin- v.-iii bo imposslOlo if yoj again tr.ve!." Bohreitrr 1 oked at mo with a fmiln that fU 'ly rioepcuud, and thou d cw h"r to rue, taking ra hand in h.. "is F-iull Lc us you say, Victor," ho r. plied. "Atttr all I believe you aro rifflit. i!tit how will you an I Conrad yia',? your tnm? I fear that after a ceria.n .o.'.. of leisure you will both long io tho old lifO liff.lill." "Oh," X ea'd, lanfihin?, "I wlli t;d ; wi U J.inda for an hour or two every day. That v II! m.Vi'r tiro me." 'ihe?o word W..-1V sayiy thrown fct I-ir.-da tohroiiior, who had jus! th-u entered tho room. Uut imincdiate'y her fatli .r echoed my lui?;h. ms-Pft, lifti'tly: "Uh, you must be cuttul h.;w you ta'k too i' u h in that ctiaui! HJaf Aveling might overhear you and g;ow joulo 19." Ti,i3 waa tho dawn of try discovery tha In: AvelinK eared in tii- least for tl.'? tlaujj'ifer o oitr dear friend. Lin.U tossed her tur.y biomlo held an I yavo a contemptuous soi lc, uui v.-iiolly iinmised Willi a biu-h. 'limn, ,r. tho kindliest way, 6ho looked at me uui 6aid: "Wo don't caro a straw, do we, Viclor, ...',,,1'. I..,'u iunlmic nv n:i?" ! "Voi tir.iriT T r.-t.iiir.i-.l. t hon.1 i n affected gaiety with which I opoko cot j iliU m-.vard pr.ln. Linda ha I become a very br.iutiu; girl uo.v, a::u it is not in c:.o ioari birnngo that n mm of Aveiing's poiu parative youth should havo been fas dil ated by 'her rad.ant lace, aurcoled in buiinti'ous h lirof edky gold. Wi en sl'.o and I text hel I olio of our prlvnie ta ks to.e'h r whieh moans when Conrad's ho ;d h;id f-leepily d oepod ttsolf ii) on my s-houl lerj 1 Bomewhat boldly tjuj.--tloned her. "Tell, mo," I said, "do you think that Oiaf Aveling really wishes lo many you?" ; "I Ihmk nclliing whatever on Hie s ib- ) joet," declared Linda, with a little lor bidd ng frown." "Utit li ho p'nould ask you to bo his wife. Linda." I persisted, "answor mo frankiy, would you refuse hini'r" ijhogae mo a slrauge, fervent look, mm which somehow endo 1 by resting 0:1 tho s um oni'.iS f.e 0 of Conr. d. "So," sho eeiai'i ed, w tn great ardor, and wuh a wild, wistful ligiit Pa-hing forth at r.i'" irom iier sweet, tluo eves. Then, in anotiior instant, bho had lura: Into tear, and darted from the room. I t-i.t da etl, ..ubiotis, vaguely thrilled, I knew not why. The l eeiinos of h..-r toa s had wa .e.ied Con.ad, wno asi'.cd o: n:o: " Victr-r, what 13 it' Wa3 Linda angry &t you, h .rryiii-'off liko tf.at?" "uh, no." I ahswor. d, though &b s nt!y, w.ta tho tiis 0! my Hub, a it Wi l e. Ho iosiucd faf. 6f!cd v.iih tho answer tii.-; 0: iiio haa l s r.U .vala on my pnoul '-er. I s ow y turned and rearde ! him, he being uno nseio.is timt I did 80. And t!)en u ttrr.blo thing happened. Momentarily ami yet wi h itucte nc .tc:.o-s te.or 1 etmo ucioss mo ath id- t'.er.ng ooieetation 01 tmsnai. cre.atno j wsa. 1 to wa3 so ndissolubly I nkod to ' in:ue. The inipu so that bo. zed nu wts. ! I supnise, a murderous ou . If it had 1 Ustlii. if some wave of o;h:ca and f a- t.-rr..-l potency had not 6i.ou r.wopt .t a-ide, t od iitows shat migiit have happened! Aa it was, the rc-humnniz'ng change ti o.t pia o, and t presently found my f f,f tiiid heated a", my b.otlio.'s side, with ati altu-ro1 an I romorselul splr.t and with cold t oads of 6wcac clustering on . hecks and brow. Sull, t .0 hour suit, so to speak, it luslin i reverberations through niy lite. 1 tl d u t cca.ti to regard Conrad both with tt 11 ie iiess and pity; but tho lovo which 1 now anew iha I felt for 1 inda hohreinor controlled mo wiih 11 vt 1 tt:c;s. 1 must hero admit thaf I; K: boh nd It a certain strango residuum of cruel toward Conratl. And yoi, was I so wholly Mama' lc1 If the bnvcrcnoo was eflo tel between him and mo my own per 1 would bo iru- ; pn 11 o I had become biiro that n.y j chaneoi of cu v.vn!, in such a tas ', woahi bo about one in ion. Yet thla l'lva for 1 inda, mixed wi'h a joyous pi. miner ng of lai'h in 1 or posit lo 1 .10 f r me, bet my heart thiobbiug wall a oort o tiivine eeur.igo. "I'.vino?" ra nyw llnsk. "And why?" they v. ili f .rt'e.or urge, "fim e U w is es-ontiaily f ellish.'" I gnnt'.hatio f ishness 1. a I much to do with it, a. id yet v.' .al lovo c:oepttho loftier altraistia lov is niicoii' enitd with eg iisn..' A passion into m no is not, nor 1 Vi-r .n. Ar.d 8W;f ly. even horribly, as I niay a d, my io e for tins charm'iij; girl lit. I I -os. o nod into a passion. Almost vheneer Linda and I held c Mi oreuces after this 1 use I my power I own. o:r.a t hypnotic, mesmeric, wliui 1 ever ouo pleases to call it. Nor h word ' of 1 oi!lf!--ii.!i evt-rleft my lip3. l;ut Ly f- :g;;c-tion, by innuendo, I aai certa n j that I least havo &pout n. Whether !.e I undid tood me or no, I cannot toll. It i seems lo mo now that sho understood ! pevfee ly. A'.l this ilmo I was p a -aessed ! l-y a pn photic 8. r.sation that sooner or 1 later my lepre s U fervor of rcntnuc-r j must break bo: nds in terms of trans : port and avowal, Oiaf Ave! ng held several crnversR. 1 tion with me after this, and at last I could no 'oug.-r endure tho kuc.w.edeo I of Ins eviiieul yet eoiieeal 'd parpoae. one tiny 1 -xer;ed n.y in: 11en.it over ! ( oniad. wh. lo the young phtst.- aa was present. Vet it who'dv latui'L -is now and then P I I I p.-eviou-ly faiietl. I'oiirud tirew n- rtoua, petu'art', even pet-V.ith. 'V hi want to say bomothdi.; tha; you piefer I sh ni.hi'f hear," h ,' d-'.-Iti'd. 'I'veofUdl iho'.ight this l.e- e, b it now a 3 very clear to m.e. ) mi o t i on iti'loig tuings irom wo .'or1 a good wiido past, oh, I've cea ud m o t eon iti'iipg tuings Irom wo "... i I r'.'C'iV. iV t i u' ' i i m !M mm t-WOT-Lu YOl CEFCTSK iilslf ' nolioel, brother! yon r.eortn'l deny ill "I i o (:cn v ir. ' I dissented, gn.iw.nii I inv Una Then I made a twift ign of ; tliimioMlltf Dr. Aveling, who quitted Ih room with nil o .d funic on hia lip. which 1 diJ no: ike, jot dimly c.iBpre hoo If !. That evening while Conrad had fallen into o:i of his dozes, a sorvun: slipped n letter wiihin lii.y hand. 1: irom Aveling, and I road it through ccVoral it wa moa AveLtyo. liir.os witnjut v-onruj ureamiua i"ii- eld so. It was a niopojal toundcrla'-e the op- oi aiion of cur d.s 11 ictiou, and it g .vo ii.e pangs of mingle 1 delight an I hopo. "ily lat esiiminalioii," ran 0110 pa F510 0I iho letter. "I as convinced mo unt tjoth yt u and your br. thor stand an ( xcelleet 'thitneo of 10 ovcry. What ever other su go 11.-3 r.iay havo told y.m, lest utro tiiaL I a:u right. That the (peraiii-n wiii be hig uy pi riloiis I do not dony. Uu- thai any scruples of riicriiieii'g Conrad should robtri.in yci is tn yc-.u' p ar uiiWUo to a I'oo.ish degi-eo. You, the s.iierior m.nd and in te.li.viio..'. you, as I am so lirmly eou v need, eraviaif an I hurigering after your liter: y, bhouid I y no means recoil Irjai Irving to nttain it because .'earful of ?a filicing your Iroiher. On my word of hi nor as a ivioutifie man, Con rad will inn no greaier risk than your self, llo lu-cd know nothing of tho coming trial. File r would, naturally, bo udiuinistered to ou both. He eo lid receive it while asleep, 11s a matter of course. I Bhouid choose the night, after ou have retire I. Sehreiner hn I bes" be to.d, beyon I doubt, but Linda, oor iiitio syinpiitho'ie io.il, should not be phoeUcd by any previous tidings of the truth. Think this communication care fully ovor and answer me at your ttr.uro convenience." hot n uffei-.vi.r l I found an oe-asion to v'.ve Cscur Schrc-i::er tho loiter from Aveiing. "dead,"! evijoinol, "and deeido or us." I wa- leailully agita'ed, and ho pjrea ved that I was. "I I know e-ome'.hing of tl its-," he faltered, af:er having glanced at the has told you?" I whispered. 1 U' you'vo not brcatho l a w.rd to l-.o, and I bh.a'.l not." lie ieit me, end durii g tnotlier hour Conrad ; ii 1 1 ro irod to fed. I as cd a i.o-.t a.'ixioa nn I trouuio I iitght, and 11 y distress ;o.u od upon n.y b: other or r.o ii Sceme '. He grew ft-ntrish a! mid niaiit. and r.a wakeful aa mj-M-lt A ho.-ri'olo I't-af Los t mu. towaid dawn i'.at he raiiir poihapB be 0:1 the verge cl' loino serious seizure. Ad tao i;et:t Hay ho was 6 restless cnti vigliant that I had 11:0 greaU'.t clif li; u ty la ootr. ning fiom Sehreiner his oplni ris and vu-ws. l.ut at l.-ng h I did obtain them. 1 see now that ho wa- lmmais dy undo the in lUCufu of Aveiing's private pr r ai a-loii-. But these wero not his sole rno'ivo for deeir.ng that ti.o operation ; head i tako pli.co. Ho had observed c.i.ly too cl! my ea,'or lunging toe free dom, though itschief ea ise 1 au but too uro that he did tot then oven ren-otcly bUrpOcl. iTO BB COSTISCin 1 Id o-entir.ler.t'.. Mozart's sal notion that the re quiem ha hud undertaken to writ for his mysterious custoaior won';, be his own death-chant, proved a prcj-.hfctic as Hogarth's serious assent ta the jocular BUgifestlou when "The End of All Things" was Conip'etc. mere would be an end to the painter. I'Vohtor's intuition was not u; fau.t when it made hlai urge thi .-ctfipior taking his insiniotians re- .sbo-.-titiii his last re.-tiug-p'.ar,", 10 set to work t;t (nce, as theto was no t m, to lo-.c; when the tomb was ready lo the tenant the tenant wa? ready foi tho tomb. Tom fhcri.lan, bidding Angek L'ood-by with tho remark, "I havi t.vcniy iii'-aths to live," gauged th term of his existence to a nicety. Awakened from a stc man's slum-l-.'.'i- ty ti'C baying of hounds and th upioar attending the pulling down ot a taj ia a neighbor's garden, sport liaLai:,' MilUt exciaimed, "It is an oiuenl" and ia u few days tool leave (.f iv.neii i-apcr forever. IoT, long 1 c'.oi'c his fatal Illness. I'nr.ce Alucrt said to the Queen: "i do ik t cling to life. You do Lui, I set no store by it. If I knew tn.it tlio.se I loved wero well cared for, I should 1.3 tfiiito ready to die to morrow. 1 am sure if I had a severe : 1 i n s 1 should give up at ouo. 1 bh .uld net ..trac-do for Uie," The Ii-liH Ilarp. The o!t1-.-tyirt Irish harp was ahint !Viur loot high, had no pedals, and w.is stung to tliO back with straps. Ti e (.no belonging to King liriau Dtuit. who was killed at th.3 battle of (.loiiiaif in Mi l. Is still preserved in the !iiii,eum at Trinity College, Dub iiii. It is black with ago, and po'. 'sliej, bur, woriii-cateu. The old relic is adorned it li silver ornaments. The King's sir.. Teajuo, took the harp to Home alier the battle, and presented It to the l'ope, togetho! wiih tho crown and regalia that had been worn by his father. A (succeed - i i l'ope Kino it to Henry VIII. U gcti.cr wun tr.c tuie or -oefendor of the Faith.'' and Henry gave it to the F.-iri of C'laut icarde, In whose family ir. wis lie! .1 until the beginning of th. t igliifeiH.li eetittny. It then passed ' "'"r-o " ...... ..t t , . ,j, win tuc eMage boeacjo its owuor. lui'i.ugh several hands, until 17tij, I L S 'k&M&f f I , ...v ntrr her first "treat- ! 3-i3 O-- . bs&J?Wk tOrrow'ns 'vuoa I meD'f a bulky nedlc:.! tvorB. a fw in- i $-erT55' - KKM 5flSf-:!ime fur a T..tWtato!i(.iud ft 4? . hi riUtiH, h fair science I vr.n-r.e fliiOll nt leptomar.iii a polite iiuc for a m tn o n ;rlme. Yet I'nir science frowns not with both sides of her face. Mrdlefil men. us Is their hub.!, disagree as to the mural rospGti.-;!idi:y of the kleptcuia uh:c and even jurists do uot rest In sweet accord upon the subject. So emi nent iiinhoriiies tA Judge Noah Davis and .ku!g' Cos have handed down the opinion that "every one a responsible who knows the nature and eonse nuetices of his acts." O: Her judges, ex pressing the iifivr.ii; ed Ideas of their j :'onstitueuis!. have u-n.ieriy recommt nd- ed alleged k'.ciitouirudacs to the cure of : their friends, convinced ihat medical treatment, would cure tiiem. I It is net so very In, : since the world ' began ;r ;.i:sidoi' Uisauiiy au e.vteni.l.1- tion of crime or a disens.. amenable to ' ircaimetit. More receinly siili those ' only hare been cuiiiddcrcd In.-ano who' raged, raved rind were eiiiirely wiihoiii ; self-control or saving giace. .Vow there are physitiaus icirned in menial tlis-i eases who claim thai four l::';hs of the I hiir.iiin race ,".r-' insane tipnn some point are liable to give ixpivss!oii to mor-1 bid impulses. Just heiv ill.- work of the moralist jurist if you w ill ctiiiies in. As prac-i tically n'i men are or may become cap-: bly destructive forces in the shape of' tion to decide is w hether the Individ- : ual to whom these come is not always : capable of siippre-ving them if he hi. That M range, i;iui;e.isu.ed. uuguessed power, the huninii w ill how tar is inai, or is it not. respmisililo. Aro md tend- j ble destructive for'-s in the sliaie of morbid impulse. ivpivssul until they ; lie out of indiv'.daals and of rates be- ; caiwe the moral uaiauce is ijn:.u.aiiieti 1 bv that same human wiilV I And is it imt the duty of ho law to ii must bo ia to lr.nr iii.'iu who 1 Hence of Insist Unit 'lie moral l.-.:lat maiiitaii.-'d iitid tin givin? bid Imp'.ilse.? punished'.' T'. steals wh'-n under the i liquor Is i:i a tueiitatiy ir.-;;wuil!e conditio!, yd tl.o i.tw takes po a ."count of that cr h.d Is f:at ho shotiM have taken enre ! t-j ' coinc m morally iri'esj r n:.,;.ie. l-lngiisli society .-tnd Hn; hiiv-i nut the !.:; ili go of : be sreaiij suiVu icd at the --I ally and ;!'.;-h ccui't3 cu-odiiig to alleged po- culiantios of au Amtiicaii Cuiisin ia law. So long iif.o as the early sevejties iho Loudon Times, '.1 commenting upon the case of a gciticwouiun who had beeu arrested eh,u--'d with f.eaii'.ig SDiiie ha!ii'iier. Si.eis fiot:i a shop, that any one in tr,;iety enuid name oit'-haml a dozen dames of high degree who were a terror to the tiaduspcopis on account of their thieviii.r p.vprasi;;..-.. Further more tho O'.if.rti riy Ui vie.v. in Is.'ii. In au nr.: said: Tl or., even i .a the Loli-ion police, .it of p'.licr'.i-g carried s of high r.'U.k and pa cat; -.lioie are person t'i .f i his !;" so well exit .- hidi sii.on. is vt posscsii:g ;: known a-cM ility thai :l Horns are p i mutual sc.".; ihem to si ci aepmieg to tm shopk..-r:..i cc.:.:ma-:;-csres mil d-.-fcr-p-om hand to hand far Tl: ai'.enihints allow tl.ey l.k.i w;:bo.;t t'aeai. and at'ier- ebserve waul s. ad a !' goods pin !.. I:-.' wi; a t'ne prP'cs of tlie i! to li'.cir Ipitses." rre same poli.-y ra'gat have ,at in the instance that is suaiably the been carried nttractT.g s.i.-ii wi.lepii ad at't-n: on lust now If the s'.'. -pkeepi is had bin Uuown It. or li.nl a.s much faith iu foi ilgners as ia their own beloved, If ec centric, aristocracy. Tales or the exploits of kleptofiian' aes in the ah: tr.nd w ould do very w.dl for hiinioioes rend :!-'. bid for the al ways apparent undercurrent of sad noe's and suffering. One lady, varying the expression of morbid impulses, ar rived at complete insanity by yielding to a fancy for Ihrowiug things into the fire. She r-nn fesr-d to her physician that the impulse wa merely playful in the beginning. She had thrown an old pair of dipici's Into the grate, nud had hecn ftmit-"-d it tin- irte.'.r.s caused by the sto'vhiiig of the l.-atl.ev. N'-! day she throw an old ha! late the tire ami enjoyed st ein : It bom. !a another day she va s'l'.'i risi .1 l-y a s'rr-ng do sire to throw so'iietir :.'.- i'!se into the tire, and as ihe obje-d neave't nt hand happened to be n l.atitUame pr bo.-.k. mad iiae cvei e than see '.; 1 n. '!' t!di to be es';ili!i-!i.-i. aid the- desire came . her ev lt!i, l.e habit seemed Tae victim of i: ia the shape of l::--h cau.-cd !ier .tr until sue hid iair.i;.-e to throw a violent p.ivevvMV. . hich caused her ..oK v...... .! ..iii-..,' lit'. Ill Sue hid yielded io the mor! .M someih'aig of vaiue i:ve ilie tire. A. homely inslnnoo of tiie exlsu nee cf kl.-.ptouiduin 1- that ti' aa thiol ly p'iy lc!au. This aeod mam v. ho is a high ly lespeeted a. ember of the community In which he lives, aad faithful v.ntu death la his p-.-o.a Si-ioe. caiiiiat bear to leave a patient's Incase without some trilling souvenir of h'- visit. Thimble, tftiools of ili rend, spoons ond K.-iso:-. are carried away in the doctor's pock- I ets. The situation Is so thorough!" un derstood that the doctor's pockets are recnlirlv inspected by his better half. and the article are q.iiei'y returned to their owners. specialist ia menial disease ha a fund of queer stories- of kleptomania, One thorough s.ong woman, who came tor ttvatuicut for Hit trouble, contrived tn oarrv away aftc mnt" n i'.i.,;r mca.cai Willi., a ir runiebtis 'ind the dottor s on gloves. Ai! :bc?e articles, v.'ito qu.ij- t'tiis of other ftcien ;.oas. were tni'w.iMi found 'n a closi t of V ? lady's houar. The closet was a dar and t;:U va,s even the file tlevtlo.aed that et erytam particular innulac approprlaVd east i ii to the closet a ad iei-r loohed at arterv.-nrd. persons of high mcral .standards ar.d bright intellects have nt.t infretjae-atly enriched inedlcai lore by eivliig e.n'cful necouuto of their kleptomaniac cxper'. rDcrs. die lad, who was ro.-overlo.? from an at f nek of fever, saw a 111.1:1 pass h:a wiadow ivpariag a big watch c-hnln. The boy laid jil.-nty of ir.oney to gratify bis whims, bat he hern me possessed of a desire io pOiSet that part irtiia r oan in. His ilri aa.s and wak ing hours hr-ennie an ngnny. As soon ns lie was ahln he v.;i. lied ill the streets fed- that e.'a.in. He saw It, und v.nti!:illv Fir.v the man lav it, wiih a waieli atMehed. upon a Jovel-r'a eour- j tor. The boy dashed in. f eiaed his prite j r.n-l rscaped. Yi:h r. gt.i::y eonscienoe the th'.t f .--ent 11. e ivatch b:i'-k to tao jewcii r. but stiil found no pleasure ia j the p-isrrsoion of tho cltain. At hist ho j returned the (bain, and siilfcr.-d no 1 more from a morbid ii'ipv.'a-v tviil-'h he conM always have rested if his ivill power had not been weakened by ill ness, j Instance ss are vahloiess. pave r.s .aey establish lhe si.'iins t.f the to.-iiial or moral dise.i?... But th" consideration 1 of thai .(Ui-.m'ioii. iuvidvlniT as ii does a n-lder sublet ! than licit of kleptomania, might well be enf-rrd upon by nil the people who have t:'",c enough fo stop to t'-'ni; what 'he mor'ed and ('anger- nns iniij'd'so- tire, nrd 10 what e.vtent ihry ran ! entiM'.-.1h"l In ihe luter-t of ;n'.:;i' r.. oral:- tad ill.- gi-r.ei.'il 'T0"d. i The 1 d,-rtri:--!st'..'n; I The riei-ira. s-o.fi'.-e ba ' dei' hv.aii'ut !i"s ta" !..-paii-ui I'r.eii elccl'.-h iial ; wires ar.i1. oili..;- -.'.'.'.sl.to'.' has r-.'.'!"!:id a p-iiat of Hrt'ory. ry, ia a iio of t:.iuu; viri-.-.. trcdley A ; ructions, LTleeti.-'l!. ns sh'r.vn i-y an . b ':' t ia i''.:'. ity. r.iid iv,--i!:-.!s,-s a iarge ex the usefn'rit -s of 1 l-.-clricitv iioa of dav i: IV. Vi' I in the din--' pfihii.. to r vi! 1 witli . f 1! dace, i ivtea 1: n t-iwi-.s 01' :not: s:io.r it ci , Fdii t!;o rrcidl . !:i that K-'.va ide.-irie ti proitaeed econcmlcally al a w p:4vii''i'C' dots all the iu.--kai..i .-.i xt It i-rnpc-ls. bihis and in-a'.- s c's. nms the eirvatO's. the jirii pirfsrs. tae rraaes, r.:i 1 ad liin-1 lavehiii'd-..-. and is -.isea for p-'aia; fC! ( xrava'.iutr. tnd for rcc-k-eri-..-.! It -s even applied in the IvaiMin.? tr. it no; I.-.-.;:'; iinasvi.il to see ea I to r.u a pole, ity; ihe If. Mil- (iee;r vr e buieaci a way boxrs. i-ir.l : what e i wi!' lie net liiii v, iul wwer " Acidd. nf ..t CXier.sian of 1 lee; t-s i...-;i;a has u.idi.-iilar'.y .ra: of ras- i-t l.i'..toilJ i- r persoa- diiaa.naiy I h. a ir ibe h i.iake a 11 ac a i ! ci.iaaci'oiis ;'P..l i.;Vcbsive sw I ca!s who i l-t-y u..i'i the sir ; comp.-nii ., by b clfiia.s ' : 1 iii.iurlts rt . eived in u-al e ' itccldeii'.s. 'I hey are fo.ilor. i of tlisrt -r.utab'.e lit: jl'i.et s. v p'-.lt lice of c.nainan:catli:g w.th n.i pt i v. pom they no ideui'.i'y a.- c.ia- i r 1 1 1 ami iuy street rr iw.i.v in il a il .if.:: a.d.oas i'ii'a.-iiiii-. Soiln) e le; d-e aa.l stait e ta.-: . ed 0' t ma: ' l.ln l. It tcr ii 1 ti r. ...!:..,, I w!io. it b 1 trade ct 1 f.j.y f Cl ! Oiobe : trade ct the ba 1 r.i'V 1.1 C'.TV ;' a the :.u''i-o.-e I. ri- A t.- aa ork at id ia a-.il f u.-i.es the I Ci ho-.thd out in a; 'lice. I have ben ;.! '." whni U'lld o." found twill lay-., my V, II, a re d to please." po. pli.-d the ed abot'i diet! '- r. '-Yesterday yon a'.'owl at iu any chai.gc in your Times. " 1 .Nimtr.. "Fnualural 'a,h"r," eobb-:,: the Uc- ! roir.e. j Indeed, he was to '! an .-xtcnt un - : natural that the Ftag- tean.it.ci- lot Uuu no at tie end of the ww-t r -.rtnae I'.a. r.ot 1'rt'iiD was s.v.'t 1 1 ft. ; ..1 1 r.-.K, 1 b, II--'1 rci P';y a'j tear a . .ail f.i" 5e-,-i" -w-1; vv-.i-. Fill tUe woii i '1 ; .-vo you TliO IioiiSO oi D.U.V. id'.a rutty, tal r.atr -tills iii" wore tiier-aa TiV ) ino: tula u.vc: mar.aaic-i at his M'. Ail cr: -d, -A' 1 1-5 - it 'i a 1 :i Wut-rw c-jiu bat ca;.UVJ --ul ben! Oh.ftO'.ii 1 1 bat ay way to f-o 1 ih; spot, havo over o-n win. 1 mat nicase Al 1 Vap I'e'.iO aarra mo n.ji i" , po ilis '.jiitoiic his spirit, l-.e lore His ipii -t euiiir.i lo, t-iba,' thi-r. ( Tun otii' : Ltioi.-" ,y nt hi.- r:i! n.t ta-::, ti.uu, aa 1 a lU'i a-irru U I Wili'S r.tean.l-id ia a p-ihvjn r! ; Llriii'it .oaulama And bfvi as "f sir.ir.g", i t ) i.a-a ! Ou miiuj p bar. .'.ua '1 nn I ik.eJ : ! a.; marolo lory SoC.aol AYhile S-ioe The E;iriug li.'.:) ' went, Wil 1 .'!u nnvi-'i -1,1 i:-.x rl .ryJa 1 On hill, aiel ii Wwa K 'l tl.re'.-..'! Th fumro's ci' 1 Aud. shu I '-'rimr, tn s Aro 1-" .liiiis- rpr.a;; 1 -)-.-i':'..-i" i arp " hazo, r s;a bug, .ater-.li'.y-. Wall 5I1 JVV-. For eirth w.-.s ali 5-i '.v-' An 1 heaven .s .-.il'i t . E.e'li wun lerinu- i.r-ati Ihit m i l" "S loam vo it. I What w .-ii l"r 11. 'Mini And v.-.ld lirl.- 1.1 tl.e W00.it.iud can We sigh t- u ,nl; of 1 And But whi! nt In-. t!v world wei -'wl ' in Hihiiii-i ro!.. - 0, i.'.-n. 1.'. lea:e.in01 iui;- E"hM I' wo kj'h to r.a ! an - . ... TIP- hot.a oar lir-ans Ind 11 t-ao-iaiaag, AuJ iiio :' v fair -r lb m '''' i",:i''v ' Wliiie ao'.vs w. ro i.n la-t. Ah, wi'lll Their s fiv 1 i-r-.'.v And nil t'") '. or-.:; tliat mil In o-.i Vly last nr. '. 1. En., wie ii w'j tr In-ar a And uiuai--r.v a I'l ;r v -i i.,,11 i .,; 1 . t:. l.nj I c.t the Cow. aal b'utJ ".19 ar-y ha il-3 cr-.ps a'.; 1 1. ii 01' i.n 1 01 03urw, i kn ran 1 :( o: Kept ta.t.a' .-. rl-'bt .ia no di. u t ir -;; f.l 'his y -d i..inr; he r.d-.ol 1 a bi'.' That ioia Iho L.cy wi.'t K-'-a ca g.vla y ju Lied r vu-d ! rr.i! UaleiS And cods'.n H-nry, r.f leeiiu' bine, Aiid J.JfcSli't otv.i to Uli u Jj. He ra'-s tun c..-i.u do -n't piv . Well, I eon i.'.i ci p,-, :i;j laiiVii waj He's Just ; p 0.1 a- a tow;., he s also ,0 U iii i '-ci w'aut , r.n 1 ho ;'..t"3 it r.t uai .li.uio Lis o-i r-ot putt la' v.a' in.il; unless Tha co .- y- v.-ia't lo--'P a k I 'cr w en g There -..'.t:.v W.I :i un I-' t , n"w, w .0 rar.s .as uh: -etl U''t-:h3V i'U ta- b -st t at in-. Why, :i.:ite c-Hii't lie -p inj fols a" 1. r ni-.v b llH i Ho buy 'i'l'' ''' Aad s 1 iie'a aii his -.vit . 1'ao cj'V if -u'i yjj f.je.l rvoryi ilaf ;'a le. y.r. to rrnc li ua'.eu .r w .1 Aad I h:ivrtncti-ci that tha men who a. tray b, e..i ta n-i Tha hintv -: uo iu tuisia an tin v-iryoa WiP vff That 11 v. You cioi't nt '. - a -It y.iar tra c or ii- a i.i:. I it s,L aioaa I aa ': fcco tarover 'Tis n To tr.:' i 111') s natH-r v ico tho ;ot io f. !.e tho v r. j e.-i) ir.v.n mill: you te t. e . 1 0:vo'..iuU Lf.-.der. i Memory's lieils. .'.'.i-'i Hie no-. i a :d. b.lt ties ICI l I'M' ,i .-.-11.111110 The Sweetest o W.ld ThJ bi.'llt: ir.e- 1 i ' it it ; ' then, ' Ia t n 10 mr; And I n,-': I K ' , There's t; l-.y iir .. 1 hoaie V, U'-R'.i ar.J l .13-1 And And "."be y W I sway- Lot r. i nnd tha idee? Who til" citing i-i I .!,-;-, ri i.r. l ot r the foam si'.? Vico not. 1 O c.'B 1;. I, wh ; Tor tl; t Your :!oi I to it I -it; y.i ,:K- ii III! I til j'.Ug III'! ho- ir.g a.o s.n g And r. , from llt.i 1 --.In ici 1 th.' p fro 11 Um sorrow 11 ! fie h aro U-j l-aveu Liko u-'i i.tr is wie a lim s'..-!!i blo'.via - liko thes'iq .( 1 roai 61 ::! And i liiin y ' ii" vl-.!! lnoy in" ol lie'iuly an t bliss; AuJ do not iho r" I r. - s ;uyo '1 c-t tin) prodigal's Uis-V 01 (taraerl ; f t- p 'vi9 The sun is s'i 1 hright rd Ih" poratl; th'-ro ln- 1 ,-t '-licjit till ra li-tnt sen:.!-; Hea't! b" -ill 'hero's a la v w r.'-ni-n',,. in tii" liiie.' o an 1 bl i-i tl of th'tvine.-l Far tot lid fbi'l r.-an'-r-) uro sipfiag :.ir oil In tin' r, v-ry wnwil. l.c I tho tirir..; in a mot iter are cliuudng. and ino kiss ..t a mo'.iior U -we"t 1 F. L, biuutoo, iu Laditj' Uouic Journal. 1 1 j j