A Valuable Tree. A few dnya ago a company bought of 3. W. Adaiusof rulllD, all bis walnut timber, from 12 Incline up, at a goiwl firleo. In cutting the timber they cauie across an old wulnut tree tlint linrl liccn blown down for at ltst thirty yuars, and tiJ been threati-ned to lie burned up several times, but wbeu tbey made an examination of It tbey found It to be a bird eye walnut worth considerable money. The company gave Mr. Ad ams $800 for It. It measured 70 feet, and they will got $40 per foot, which will atnouut to $2,800. Dorer iKy.) News. Jew In Jerusalem. . While the return of the Hebrew r.ici to their promised land Is rojfnnled by most people us a visionary scheme. It Is an Interesting fact that the n'linbei f Jews lu Jerusalem has Increased within twenty-two years from 15.0:10 to between Gn.Ooo and 70.000. An En glishwotnau who has recently return rd from Jerusalem, where she has llred for forty years, says that the old suburbs of the elty, Ion deserted and mined, are be'.nx built up at a sur prising rate, and that the Influx of Jews is equally rapid lu all parts of1 Palestine, so that they are beginning to outnumber both Moslems and Chris tians. A Hertiitnul skin la one of tharlitf rnnnNltctf on attt.vtlTe ar l'8inn. tv lii'Uch. il y. c k y fuulii'S. lutle Mis. try ei-upUiiia. reil rivi liiihl ,tulT nugwornia these W(u:l p 11 v.m l.eau.y of a verituole Venn I nie mpleiely und iiili'lily cured by Tftti'i It. . : ii'au imx ul diur s:uresor tor Tv coma l:i mumpst frrm J. T . aiiuptrlae, tuviuuinh. i.a. CASc.anrrJ Mimnlnto liver, kidneys a&d bonels. Never Mi ken, wcakeu nr gripe; 10c. Daafaess Cannnt be Cured By local ai'iiiioat.im. as tliey caii'iot raaeh. th dinva.iidi.orii u 'f t in o ir. 'larre is only out wny to i uie cl-afii--, mi 1 t'mt is tiy const. tu t'oum re.iin lia.. l.'e.i m-ss 'S iftatru byaol'i jlviivil riimltiion ct til-.- ioui 0113 lining 01 lbs KuMriu.iii lu ie. Wln'n this tube gets In fUtu (1 oil Imvt A riwib.'ng butiroi or in per foi t h MLiig, an t w i tn it, in iiirely Oosrd Deaiuesa is tii re-u t, and un ess the infhua luatiuitc.a lio a out huI tills tul'n re stored to I s nor iiJ c milainn, lirminT will ts letroved foray r. Nuts ri9 out of tea are eauis4 by cttanh. which is noth ng- but an in fla ned rontition of the mucoua S'.rfacri. Wa will RivoOnn Hniir,.,t Do 1-rs for any eaeof Dafns-s (vanned In- catarrh) tlMt rait Dot b- ruivd by Hall's LaUrra Cure, i-ond for u'calurs, tre. F. J. Ch'-niy A Co., Toledo, 0. Fnl.l by Tr nm I -, 7. Hall's i'amny l'ii. hiv 1', bast. otlic xioi .. in i.njiiim (. onvcntlon, At WUmiuirt in. X. C, .MeySth to lltli. 1SJ7. IheSiaVm il .ir Line oif tlio bc.-t, -erv ce, iiuifko t route-h ml u i.ui. rule. In addition to the reijnlur ! li-uilile I : i i i y vrrviee. it is tiropo-,et to vnu ii -iL- 'llaiil i-1 Special 'I'rnlti " i-oiii Vir.;iiii:i, North I'lirolini, routli Carnli'in i:ti'i iii-o u-:i, tmtkinic ininic lllnte i r.n;ie ten.-i with tr;.M, I'roui ill! points North. Sin'li, l-j-.-t .ml Ui-I. lor peeiul rriiita.l ihiiite:-, ii'.iip-, t i't.i -'iil'lc'i. r.ites ivkets le.'iii-i'- nii'l ii 1 hi'-'i n .-ili'iii, sililress nr i-nll i'n H. A. Nt.- .i i.irnl, i.i -.,'i A.t., I'Mh-'r Dept., ii Kniiij.ill Iton-c, A'l.iMa, tu.. or T. J. Anik-i'Soli, Ul u l I'a-'r Ast . I'lirlsuioulh, Va. I he Bonr.l of Arbitration s-sttloi Dulutu's launJry strik-. 'n.Ta.ll:!C for Kifty Centi. Over 4i"Mi cnr.-il. Why not U t Xo-T.'-Pne reifiilate or reinoe your ih-M-i !or totru-i-of haves nioii'-v. miilii-s li--.i!ili mi l nmnli-ioil. L'urr Kunriili'ivcil. 60 ct-iits mid tl-U), ut all 4ruij-'itv. Sydney CS. Y.) silk weavers 81 rselc nthot Ibftfl give up thmr union. F' I 1-; t-i1. .i-oe!ii)ilportiianentlyenr,t.So fits at ui I'.r' ! n e i: lilt. Ki.isk s (lid AT S ui Vi. Kr-ioiiH.-. I-';i-c -L'' rinl Imi t cnntl trem ise. Itfiiu lo ill. K.nif. Uh Ari!i -t., I'uilii., Ta. Mrs. Wlnslow's f iiothi'rj Svrun for children tcetlilni?, sol len llie I'l.nM, reduce tnttiinuna tlon, allays pnia. cures .u 1 to.it. i'.r.a boltie. When hiliuu or entiv?. candy catliarlir; cure L'tlaratit .it n Co "ret, I believe I'iso's I 'ure for f'onsmtinlinn saved mvhi y's lfe lu-t .summer. M.-. AlUC Dodu LaSS, LeKuy, Mich., Oct. Ju. im. il nftVrted n : n -u" c-ion:- Eyi) water. I -1 1 -.'i- Jr--T try a e. ' i.. liver il tti - , ! i ri e Dr. I. Thnmr 1 ut '.'oc a buttle i-ri-i-. tha finest ter ii'i'de. St-Vitus' Iinm-e. Una liott! )).- Fanner's r'tttirc nil-. ..i i:-i 1 ih.i Iiih, N Y. VT. s my inle plrl, owini to si rofu'a irouble. rlie "as trenttd hv p -ynlcians and sent M a hnspit u it hnut eirgcu'Cl. W rorted to Hood's upiivi'l", ami In u wee' we could lee a di:m:e. Vt'.- ioi,!li.'.i ! it vinj her t'-.ts m.'dii i'ie. nr.l tn.liy!..-r 'V-s ..re perieetly n-ell; i here i -.nt a l-h-in h on ln-r skin, ard. he is the pli ;'irf -.f li-.tlm." H. i'. Alms, m wi-t : si!.-, t. N-.v y.iiis. x. y. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by ail ilruiuts. Vt i 31. 6lx f r $5. Uaai4'o R! ie '"-p I'aipt. efflnle.it ad IIUUH 9 I I N eauy in ejctit. cents. Re labia Charjotis Merchants Callon them when you k'o '"i.'liiirlotif, N.C. Writs them If von .lo not o, ami htt- .mr -rili-rii illi-d li mnll. In sn-int'il.iH' atlveriKni.eiin kiu 1 1 meu. linn thin pHM-r. m IKM-fl J3n Mantles. Tllss. Sart.rtoors. fa, J. lahi.aA & UUi eto. l oiiege a. .1 nurd. 1 KTWORK. eimona le Prices Write News Jk Times I'tV'. !!) ise. WiIyAiAUo'i''anos. Oricim Bioye.les 1BUJTER -IN- Three Minuses! DJr me r'nr "r unuuin niakt- ilevtMir rvvoivrt aiiout '' Hiuah tn one ii..iiuu n.l with fo tni.i'h i'aw tlittt a thllrt CMii J' ihttchiiriitnK niit iaUU)n cnura or jut i CUB be uncut wnh oof power. Ilifflnoiir qua'lty f yraiiuiatftl butrfrau4 fnorvot it f'T f he am I fjuavutiiy of milk, iftoiail . thiin with un v nt tier rMt'tire carlv thl only rlKht to hi1 i-. in yuur count. i sA (t Man pbij jswiirr. AnnreM IIOHTHINO CHTJENta to. Charlotte, N. C 8. N. V. 13. 'U7. ENRY STEVeXV SOUS COMPUIY, MACON, - - OKOICGIA, - Manufacturers of- Siwar and Railroad Culvert Pipe. Firo Brick. Milled r'lnv Vine ripe, Chlmnnj Top". Urns, Kle. Well Tubinir with I'erfo rated Hut loins. Will Last I'oruver. Correspoiidenoa Holl cited. UfWALLCOATIKG!U SMOKE YDUR MEAT WITH - WERS LiaillD EXTRMTjfSMOKE M Cltcuui. E. KRUUSER I BRl). MIL IUM, PA. Almost Olind atiW JSA A i I MEDICATED MA INHALER Has no eqnsl far the can of Cstsrrb and Lang Dl esses Uy liisU l . i , UL. mutU it COm rtaatm AaCaia tbX GOTHAM FASHIONS. Handsome GownB Worn by Fair New Yorkers. Elegant Riding Habits Seen In Central Park. (New York Fashion Letter.) - American girls are as ohic at Fiiri siatia. Tbey carry tboir gowns in a loss serious .way than tlieir British cousins. Still we seem to follow Paris fasbions loss than formerly. We are looking to London for our models. A long waist liue is the cry in Bug. land. English girls positively refuse to get "plubhy ;" they wn!k miles at a stretch aud thoy don't eat icu cream (chiefly, perhaps, because they citu't get it). I used to tiny six-pence for a little humbugging glassful, with the bottom of tha glass wny up near the top. SMART KIDINO HABIT OV TURK BLUE WOKSTKD. Speaking of long waists, reminds me of Miss Maximo Elliot, not long ago an ansociate of Ad R.'hnn nt Daly's, nud now Nst (lo-idwiu's lead ing womao. Miss Elliot is a ravisbing beauty, with features clear-cut as a citneo, coal black eyes, full of lire as an Egyptian's, and a ligurn as svelte. Bhe is a perfect dreeer. I saw her tlio other day, on the R'alto, in a spring gown of groon mixed cloth, s::vero in ils siuiulicity ; and as she hel l up her I;irt to enter a cab, I caught a f.leiuu of a green en 1 old rose taffeta silk lining. The bkirt huug gracefully, as silk lined skirts do, and the jacket, hip length, was of a new patturn, tight fitting, cut rouud at Ct.ruers in front; with a stylish cullr.i forming two narrow rcvors that opoueii to show a s jft chemisette and stock oi pain yellow. COSTrilE OF BROWN COVERT CLOTH. The revers narrowed to nothing at the waist. There were buttonholes on them and buttons on the coat, with two directly at the bottom of the re vers at the waist ; and two tiny pockets with a button on each. The whole ras well stitched, and Miss Elliot car ried herself with the consciousness tbat tba coat showed ber figure lines to perfection. A large black bat with throe black feathers arranged with a broad effect, and a handsome out steel ornament across the front, and of course black gloves, finished off as elegant a walking oat lit as a woman of style could wish. Wheels, wheels, wheels. No won der they got into one's head. King Richard cried, "My kingdom for n horse 1" Nowadays he would call for n bicycle. Dowagers who fenr to mount a horse s ty they must leuru the wheel in order to cbnperouo the "younger folk" on their moruinij spin in Central park. Mrs. Hermann Oelrichs and her sis ter, Miss Virgiuirt Fair, tuo rich young California heiress, were ut the bicycle show. Mrd. Ojlriehs is exquisite in ber selection of toilets. I havo seen her often, but never looking more recherche than then. The costume whs of brown covert cloth. The plain nkirt hung faultlessly. The jacket was very dressy; double-breasted, with rows of silk twisted c rd brought from under each arm lengthwise down the trout, forming a corslet in effect. Folds of silk velvet finished tha top of this; and the collar was velvet. Tlio I I r.iriXrt TiAIUT OF A RICH snAT.r. OF JlYiU'Li: OliLKN I'.IUIADCI.OTH. jaekot en mo only to tlio w.iist, and n broad belt of the cloth was worn. It was open just cuouuh at tlio throat to I show a white lie. The sleeves wori ' of tlni medium size, leg-of-mutton J pattern ; aud the skirt was of the uew I i st Farm cut. Mrs. OVlrichs wore a ' large brown miuw hat covered with n nlling pluraoi, nu-l tha effect was Htnkicp etnugh lo m:ike a f.jw ef us forget wis wcra there to sea wheels. Shu carried one of the now spotted skeleton umbrellas in brown. Tlio east side of Central park has ha C iino a veritable Rotton Row. The hours for ridiug and driving are tlio sumo as in the famous London P. iu nydo park. On uicii diys the benches are throusjod and the adjacent foot, paths filled with proinenadeis. Hoie, as iu London, one sees the beauty and fiis'uiou of a greut metropolis ac- SFRISG OOWX OF OREEN MIXED CLOTH. tresses in smart, dog carts, and muny of the well-known bellos on horse back, riding in pairs, and accompan ied by their grooms. Mrs. Duncan Elliott Siillio Ilnrgous that was is still one of the most beautiful women in America. She is seen in the park every afternoon on her Kentucky thoroughbred, Slender. With raven tresses and southern eye,a clear olivo skin, with briiiiunt coloring from her healthful txercise, sho is a beautiful and a bold r.der. Lust week she wore whole outfit thot breathod the "I'm tho latest, dou't-ciiar-kuow-air." It was of a rich shade. ormyrtIe greeu broadcloth, the skirt huugiug gracefully. The tight- littiug, two-btittoued cut-away coat, had tho regulation dapper collar. opened at tho neck to xhow a dark red Ascot tie, and from tha socoud bmtou broadening towards the bot torn a stylisU spotted linen waistcoat was plainly visible. Tho coat oluug tightly to the figure Around the whole was a double row of Pitching, Linen cuff peeped out nt the wrist With red tan gloves and a nobby Eng lish "billycock" derbv, Mrs. Elliott was a target for every eye. The secret of the charm of the habit was its abso lute tit. She looked as if moulded into it. Auother smart riding hubit was developed in dark blue worsted, It had a tight bodice which titted like. a glove, and was as swell as one could iui i.g.ne. All the newest reception gowns have demi-trains. For evening the hair is worn high; for afteriioou, in tho cen tre of tho head in pulls or in "door knobs." I hear that the cycle tea is to bo a feature of tho o iming warm soasou tea ul f rehco, of course. It is sure to be popular. The costumes illustrated herewith were made by the National Clouk Company of New York. New York's Ureat Iirk. An Englishman was showing his : ne. ul, an American, through the iioii-cs of (j ti riiatnaut in London, tho lue uiwhile c.Jtumouting.iu a somewhat nr.tw.iiit manner, upou what bo was pleased to term the superiority of tho English public buildings uml parks. ''There," ho exoluimed, ",a our inagniticeut Tham-s Embankment, a delightful hpot! Why, you have no'.u i:i,; in your country to compare with it, especially in that great New York city; then again, every gont'.eman here owns nil estate, anil, let me as huro you, sir.snch cstateo are no small bits of property." This wt-ut on for a considerable time, until the American, growing tired, said, "But, Lord da T., you havo traveled in our country, have you not?" "Oh, yes, my dear sir, right across it." "Well, then, you should Lave a fair idea of its hize." "Very big place, sir; very big." "And you know New Yurk city quite well, cli?" "Oh, yes yes indeed." "Well, then, you see wo don't want imything in tho line of parks in New York, with, of course, the excoption of a few squares ; but outside of the city we wanted a park, and so we de cided to use tho United States as a park for New York city." "Dear me, how extravagant." "Not nt nil, sir; why, wo even con templated flouting the British Isles over and anchoring them n short dis tance outside the city'a harbor ah u hort of breakwater, yon know." Uar per'u r.-.'Und Table. Pirds Dunce to Her Music. Sparrows some of them, at lenst are inordinately fond of music St. nil Albauy (N. Y.) young woman Lai discovered. When ho was playing h medley on the piaun tho other morn ing two sparrows flew to ono of the parlor wiudowa and pcrohud thom solves on tha ledge. They cocked their little brown heads in a listening attitude, and when tha miihio wnt merriest began hopping gayly about on the narrow sill. They chattered joyously and shrilly, attracting tho attention of pedestrians. When the uiusio stopped tho uparrowi ceased dauciug. When the music nai resumed they again dauced. It wat nuly when tbey were wearied that thoy flew away to a nearby tree and rested themselves. Siuco then thry have flown to the wiudow every morning as soon as they heard tho piano, and danced much nf ter the fashion of cbildreu who clus ter about the baud organs iu summer. Now York Tress. The Microbe of Rinderpest. Trofei-sor E. Symes-Tuompson re cently delivered at Grcsham college a courso of four lectureson"Bacteria and Disease." Referring to the investiga tions now being made into the cause of the rinderpest in South Africa, be expressed his belief that tho microbe discovered by Dr. Eddingtou at Gra hamstown might be regarded as the microbe of rinderpest. Frofessoi Koch appeared to have Ascertained that the organisms could be trans ferred from animal fo animal, but that in the case of somn the antelope, for instance the disease produced; wae rouoh milder than in thecase of others. It would probably be found that the inoculation of tho less virulent form of rinderpest would render cattle im mune to the more virulent form, ex actly aa vaccination rendered us im mnue to smallpox. London Inven tion. The Answer Was Favorable. "Esuienddu," eaid be, hoarsely, "I'm waiting for your auswer." "Qu, forgive me, Tom, I was think ing." "What wera yon thinking of?" "I was thiukiug how I would have my weddiug dress made, dear." Odds and Ends. TRUMPET CALLS. Kan's Horn Bounds a Warning Met to tha Unredccmad. takes religion i'lth sunshine in It to attract a child, 6omevery large trees bear very little fruit. Winking at tin will soon ruin the eye-eight. A wolf In Sheep's clothing la none the less e wolf. The r e a t of Christ Is for all who will give up ln. Every temptation resisted la a trou ble eccaped. Nothing Is gained by starving the soul to feed the body. No man who truly follows Christ ever boa to ntnnd ulone. Every man helpa the devil who talks one way and lives another. When you pray don't forgot those Who treat you despllefully. The best ur-wa evor told in this world waa that Cod Is love. Too many start to follow Christ who stop at the first cross-roads. The man who lives a lie baa a pack of bloodhounds on bis track. The best place for a Christian Is where God needs him most. Be careful where you step, nd those who follow you will stumble less. God has called ninny men to preach the gospel, but none to defend It. Sooner or later every great thought will make lta way around the world. Improve your time, and you can de pend upon It that time will Improve you. There Is such a thing as having re- llzlon In the Lead and not In the All Your Nelghhors Tlis wonderful new Coustitutloool Cure for KM 111 MATISM. The rrinp.lv 1 a YiraltlA rnmpnunil, Kvii.n. -r H.-.is. li.-rl. ana n.irkt. ni l i cit, l u, ... ...I mul.lrlxs . ut tha "l-iht Ui. ii I!. 1,1 rnino thr -l-,'.-,o. i:uru 9 irr ct-nl nt ilu j nil- n.s. t hi'ii i'iu 1. RHEl'iACiD And t Kl! f hi-iimwhin. Fold liv nriiK.K" . iii-ml'T. rrti-t tl .00 p-r b ft p; "I s rr it iir l ul ilriuc-K'.-t hm t k a It lu at -vi, i rt.-r irnn tba i.iunii'iii'M' r. THF BOBITT TR''(? CO. Faieifth. K. C. W.L DOUGLAS S3 SHOE I BEST IN THE WORLD. P Tor 14 years this e'loi- by merit alone, has Y' V ditanci-d nil conijx-'.irors. )r J InJcrsed bv over l.C-JO.OOO wtarcrs as the 7 J best in ntylr, fit and i'nrjbility of any shoe X V vfroflcTcdut.J.OO. r g It is r-.mle in all Ilia 1ATC0T SHAPE3 and Jf! X BTYLESandaf every vsriaty tt teathar. X K 0n ioal.r la a Is-ir flvn sicluslve seta & aal adtrt!ar j in lo -a I rsprr on ( r:irtif 5 L rMor.sble oritr. t"Witia fortatilcti-.!i to & XW, L D0DULA9, Brocatgn. Kasi. jl and health making arc included m the mukiiii; of HIRES Uootb.-er. The prepa ration of this creat tem perance drink is an event of importance in u million well re "iibited homes. Rootbeer is full of pood health. Invigorating, appetiz ing, satisfying, l'nt some up to-day and have it ready to put down whenever you're thirsty. Mide onlv by The Chnrles U. Hires Co., Philadelphia. A pack age makes 5 gallons, tiold everywhere. "Blight" costs cotton planters more than five million dollars an nually. This is an enormous waste, and can be prevented. Practical experiments at Ala bama Experiment Station show conclusively that the use of "Kainit 11 will prevent that dreaded plant disease. AU.thr.ut roti.h the result of i:s me by Actual er pertinent tt.e b- firin in (he United States il ,U in a litlie book vrhv h we publish and will gladly Bet! tsTCC to amy f.nncr iu America who wi.l wnit foe it Ct.KMAS KAM WORKS, 03 Naisuu St., New Vorlv Vr T''itr I'xp'Ticnr mMi, iiM'tfu. MitiitraUr trvAt nn-1 net tiMllv etna Cancer anl TutiMitrt witbotit the hint' Ad'frrf It I,. ILUratiguy rWtpHeP biink aW'Tlt frii, Hi Wttat K'vrtittl Mrpot. 1 lUVIQDSti. U. ml HIRES T Cu h t i b n ! ill I LStrAil ST HCj M Bnat ouh bjrup. Taatra U'joi. Vs Wt Ci, In time. Hlil hr drniraima. f BUCKINGHAM'S DYE For the Whiskers, Mustache, and Eyebrows. In one preparat'on. Easy to apply at home. Colors brown or black. The Gentlemen s favorite, because satisfactory. B. P. llitt Co.. PninrlfMr., Nuhua, N. It. Suld bj all Driii.i.n. qj)ANdy cathartic TlWf all 25 50 Ad&aiMS DRUGGISTS ARSfiT.TITr.T.Y fiTIIRlNTPPn 'r nraaorro-llpatioii. Caiirarfta aro tiie Mrnl l.aia UJJUllU llilil UUflnttfl 1 LtiU ,(,,. Pr iv or ,rin,.bBt rails fa iiatnralrranlM. Saai. p!e anil booklet fraa. id. KTrKMN'fl RKiKDT CO.. fhlrarft. Montreal. On. . or n li.rk. ait. Baker's . MA0I BV ' 1 Walter Baker & Co. Ltd., jj Established in 1 780. at Dorchester. Mass. 1 Has the well-known Yellow Label on the front of every package, and the trade-m.irk, "L" k-l!e Chocohtiere," ! on the back. ' NONE OTHEK GEA.U!E. j; . Walter Baker & Co. Ltd., Dorchester, Mass. ! ! A Southern firmer, wlios; Irmc s.iincwhut in t!u barkwoods, i:i ;m interview wit! i :i i:evy;M;vr coi ri'sponJcnt s:ii-.l: "I am 6i years oIJ, and until I v.ms ria': tiiito v ycais old I was always well and peart, t!ie;i f.r a I wIi.Ij i su:' (eiid with indigestion and could not eat anv;!iini,' hardly at all. My daughter, who livej in the city, sent iiu'somj of Ripans Tabides told me how to taka them, and tliey Itavo completely cured me. I want vou to tell everybody how 1 pot cured, lor it is a blessing to humanity." THE STANDARD PAINT fo STFIUCTUR A. PURPOSES. Pnmiihlet. "Sapifiwtlona Extarior DC( ration." Kamj;!e Carannil D. -rrlrtivp IV1.-B Mat f rao r.y nil. Aabcatoa Boafinv, lliiiiillng Frit, Kirnm PorUlmj, ilnilrr Covrrlnaw, Firi-l'rouf ralota.ElC aUr.os Nuu-t oudortli' uuil l li-i iri. ul Ini.uluili: .Ifiiurittla. U. W. JOHNS MANDFACTUniria CO., 87 Mnidcrt I a nf. New ork. rmOAOO: SJnfcS43IUnaolhBt. PnrT.ADEI.rniA: I70&IT3 North 4ib St. I'OSTOX: 77 h Taarl HI, FOR Woman's modesty and igno rance of danger often cause her to endure pains and suffer tor ture rather than consult a physician about important subjects. Pains in the head, neck, back, hips, limbs and lower bowels at monthly intervals, in dicate alarming derangements. s 1 Rets hold of a dollar hangs on fsrlCELREE'8 I to it like grim death, hut hero llflKli" nr nun mil I ia a proposition that will inter WIllE OF CARuIII I , csfc ou if anything will. Is a harmless Bitter Wine with out intoxicating qualities. Taken at the proper time it relieves pain, corrects derange ments, quiets nervousness and cures Whites, Falling of the Womb and Suppressed or too Frequent Menses. Price $1. Far SaJa hf Hetflclne Da&lers. a N. U.-13 97. OSUOXllVID'S AMD ohool of Shortlaakncl AI'Ul'MT4, . IfataaS awifea qho. a.-tnal butinaas fraai alar nt aaurlna. Sains aapart, aoilaaa ar,,aa aal (l44 u.al. Ha4 for aaadiiocaair lllaafcralati aaaa uaaa. alaaril aaaaiiar lata ib aar Matsvi slf. MILLIONS Vt Ill liSl ( IIK hr.N-MT- l li. uil Tidl.l KA.Ul LfS ni dl-l AltAX. turpi, i-very ri it-i-nti'. ttuld by all N4y3d"-Ti.t and mar. ftjST jO?Vliiii.l. or aarople "- . 'Ii niiiii'i InU Into. TRADE IVIARK inili-..tiiiiil uiily ly Tba Durham Cholera Cure Co., DurUaai. M-C L great Mid i- line tur 1 -i Uii.ui ra. Chocolate I COMPLETE COTTON, SAW. fllttST, llil lllitl I frlilizer MILL OUTiyilS. Ala.) Gin, I'rcss, Cane Mill ami Milnglo Outfits. sWCii. rvery u'.it; umr.r 110 hands. LOHRAIil) IKON WOKKS AMI S! ITI.Y ("OMI'ANT, AK.l 4il.Oi:iIA We Want to Stir Your Blood! Wo know it's pretty sluggish nd that tho avtrai:e man who HEARKEN ! Weoffnr ono lr.1 of Mous' Blnplt Clay Dl Rgonal Sack Suit", all wool, wall mada anil tut color at 95.00 n cult. Wo ofTr 100 line Clay DiaRounI Hack Suits, round or ai)iiHr cut, good wellit to nonr all Him y.mr round, thoroughly well rrn lo and cuarot90d la every way by u., at $7.83 a suit. Alaoalotof H;.ck tiuitt for man tn dark gray cnj-imrrsanil f.im'y pluld ohovlota, ail wool nud wull mudi', nt 15.00 a suit. Tbaa' t re extraordinary tnri;aiiis aud aulus of this aeaaoo'a mak. Having tbrca stores In thla State (Cbarl'Uit, MnHpluiry and Winston) we buy ololhltig lo lar.or lota and cheaper than any othar Arm in North Carolina. V will promlurt you that tlieve auttaaro not matohxa by any llrm In the Stato nt our prlcaa. We and Koodn anywhere by oxproes. You may return anything not antiafnotory at our ax- fenie. Our rulola nionoy baolc it you want t." Write or call on iw for anything In Clothing, Ilnta or UenU' t urulahlugs. LESLIE & ROGERS, Clothiers, IIattr and Furnishers, CHAKLOTTE. N. O. Tlii. la put up in .--. n a i.wiui m'Tif bimI lilt in i.Htiu ins KEN CHOLLHA CURE mi 1B1GAMS'; j -HENS' silTSlji

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