Happiness and usefulness depend upon par blood. Hood's Sarsaparllla m-ik purebood. Thla Is the tlrn.i to take Hood's SBrsapsrilla, beoaoe the blood Is now loaded with Impu rities wb oh mint be promptly expelled or health will be In danger. Remember, Hood's Trm- a the best lo fnot the OneTrue Blood Parlfler. Hold br all druggists. $1, six for IS. BIAA?A PISIa act V-armonl us'v with tOOQ S t II S Hood's War. aparilla. MIRACLES Belonir ta an older aire than cr. But f we aull have things thai r uWad ua of tbettiisty j.at. Voder date of Maroh !5 h. JS37, Mr. H. S. Lipscomb, of l'aeolr-t, 8. 0., writes: "i'ieaso Sad check for 8 don. RHEUMAOIPE. it it workuisr miracle In this country." i' Mr. I.tiiaeorab It but one of many who suffered with rheumatism. He 1 was cured, and belup; a merchant, has been selling and recommending RHEUM&CIDE to all hie friends ever since. It Is purely vegetable, a magnificent blood purifier. Cold by all Drugelste. Trice ei.oo per bottle. THE BOBBITT DROP CO.. Ralsi rh. W. C TP TJ,"C f We direct special atten. JC XVXLLCi1 i ,lon "1 'o'lowl.ie re. tnurlinbie statements I Soar Madame : Yours to band. I reoom mend too Moore treatoient heonu.-e I bare tried it, and kuow It to be just what he eu.vK it ih. i -was curea oy it, and have remained so tight years; have known of many o thorn being on red of the very worst oases. i-yai moans get tr. Tinir trulv, W. E. Viy$. hi KIKA MPKIKQ. AUK. Th above to a lettnr written or tne lew Kev. w, Hat. to lire. W.H, WiMJon. N9w Aiaioa, H. , Restored His Hsarin? in 5 Minutes. My ae Is lil. I auf fered from Catarrh W year. Hail intense head ache continual roi-lnff md slnainr in ears, took xM easily. ly bearing Oeiran to fail, nui for three years ms Himott entirely dear. nd cm tlnualiy :iw worse. Everything 1 had tried railed, ludoapair I com menced to me Aerla' Medioalion In 143, and tho ettcot Oi the Writ applloariou wai dimply wonderful. In leas than 9 vo minutes my hoarlnj vu fully re- i. ' umn porroct ever sino-, ana m or months wm em.irely curd of Catarrh. Ku Bhown, Jackjboro, Tonn. "Whereas I was dsaf, naw I hear." At the age of 69, after hav lh suffered fmm Catarrhal Peafneta twenty years, am iriuy manarai toatato tnat 1 ara entirely cured by Aerial Medication: ray hearing, which had boonmeto bad that 1 no'iU not hear a watoh tick, or conversion. ( fullv re jt stored. 1 will verify this twJji tatem?jir. Medloins far 3 Months' Treatmant Free To in'roduoo tMs rroatm.nt and prove be yond doubt that Aerial Modioatlm will euro Dearnes. Catarrh. Throat and l.unt Diseases. I will, for a no r; tins-), send Mediolnes for three months' treatment fpje. Aidros. J. H. Moore. W. P.. Dept. K. 7. CinolaniH, 0. Three Minutes! rf power t9ing applied .tlti tlic- jHsh4r revolve ii.out Ai tiiuei la oua i.jnuttv an 'I with to i caj that ft chl.d ! iftuchurnliiz- I bo rtfh.dn ohuru or jr i nsel our tr fiu ilmntqua-.lv kuiiIh:i1 bnitr nl 1 of it f.r i ia ame my .r milk, titnmtta r anl t u Joft time with any other ciivtin.tveryiMXl wanting onetiiiw. . o'iry rtrftit to s it i a your oouiity. is ati aiv i sUer. At! (1 row UOKTKinu cxiwKcii tu. thtrlott. N. C. MILLIONS Thifippm GfII0ti9iniTKF.N'-nr-np In itec. t tdfrom(T!t.,rU.t.(.l l.l'S & l.ouboi-gv 4MF Mid LI( h in r.aina IHK SSi .mrbcuPiflAMHOG&CHIC- mark. vf y i. rivi finniriia nrinn fD;i UnULLHtt UUtlL wuicn cura vcrv nrd til ARAN 1IE. to non inn di.-e. Suid bv all . iivi s.1 c and mi-r. cb 1 1. or aanile ! y n;:u. for TRADE MARK MarntHituifdoLly t'y The Durham thjlera Care Co., Durnam. N-C. A area! lil Hue ior lirummt'ra. Re iable Charlotte Merchants fall on iht-m when ton k" tofharlotte. N. r. Writs them If yijii Ji, r.ot ki. ftnil l-vp yo'ir oMt-nt rillcil ty rutit. In AQwi-rlnK ailvt-rtlftcmeutb kindly m". 'Ion this I .i-r. T tl f??'Te1Hf1 Mantles. Tllea. Sath.tioora. V ia4.fti UiiVi mc. Col f.llej and Thlnl. fHTVTfVfl ' KSTWORK. "caon le Prices lltillllHH rite Tim lies H'w'. Ho'ise. mVTTTH?1'- M N'r)r:EU S,l6-18W.Trad iitU.i.UM tino. Organs & Bluyciet i;KO. U. MISS, Trrneurer. GEO. B. HISS OIL CO, Speciil Paircltra ari Asiail Lsbriciats, OHIO'S nnd Wnrohouces: Nr.n. 47 and 49 Snith t ollce St., ( IIAKl.OI IK, N. G Dr. W, H. WAKEFIELD ''an to consuitod In Ills ofTk-e in f'HAIIMITTK, . C, No. 509 North Tron Street. On uy wee!: dny e.W.t AVedncsday. His prsu-tli Is limited to diseases of the Eye, Eaa.Nose&Tkroit Holme FHrm Ievel "ECLIPsh" Is unetuaied for aim !liolty and accuracy, riil gives uaivorsitl tumefaction. Prlca with target, H cash. Kend for circular. W. C. HOLMES. X2 North rorayth Street, AtlantH. G. OSJ30ili.l JkD'S 0 aoUool of SUortxtJtxid Al HI'XTt, U4. No tort brnki uJ. i iui iniaes rrn dsr et taring. Buioh paiMr. oliAfa itrTacr sal Kuoilt u.-l. finil for hsadnmaiff Ulasbated eua- H. N. IT. 14 -'97. Jwunca frntnc fui. ciot ratio. Bwt ttujirh byrup, Tivtii OouO. De in time. pt.to ny timggtuta. a.'-VrV'E 4ffiT TA I-' An Indian tegead, The mystery surrounding the origin of the Indian race Is greatly enhanced by listening to some of the quaint le gends. Here is one of them, related by the older men of the Mojave tribe: ".At the time of the Mojave, the white man, the negro and all other people lived together with their god, Mule- velia, whose mother was the earth and whose father the heaven. 'They were all supplied with food, clothing and many luxuries. Bildes these they had tools and all kinds of Implements and machinery to work with. "Everything was manufactured, and especially matches. "One day Mulevlia died, and all the people, excepting the Mojaves, fled, after looting the camps of everything they could lay their hands on, not even leaving a match. "Here was a pretty 6tate of affairs, and the dead god awaiting cremation! "There seemed to be no other alter native than to dispatch a messenger for a spark from one of the brilliant luminaries of the upper region, and a coyote was sent to a star for some fire. "After a long time be returned with out success and so hungry that he tried to eat up the dead god. "Mastanho, the man, sat by rubbing willow sticks together and produced fire, which they used in burning up Mulevella. "After the cremation, which took place somewhere near Fort Mojave, the mountains at the foot of the canyon parted, and the Colorado flowed through and swept tne asncs away. "Mastonho now became chief and di vided the Indians into tribes and gave them their allotments rf land." Los Angeles Herald. Experiment lins proved the feasibil ity of employing prisoners on work outside the prisons, like toad-mnklug, iirainage, building, farming and other operations of the soit. This will prob ably be found the w ise way to employ them. Keep them at something use ful outside. They are a jermanent class, composing everywhere a defin ite percentage of the mass of society, and ought to be turned to the best eco nomic use whl'-h nifty also be tho best for their reformation. They are capa ble of doing a great deal of good under enlightened and 'scientific manage ment, and receiving a greater measure of it than has been possible under tba methods heretofore prevailing. Th.? criminals of the State would leave a great mark on the public works of the State if their energies were permanent ly aud systematically turned In that direction. Ptit they must not be left idle. "That way marines lies." The crime of keeping them locked up with nothing to do would be almost as great as any of those of their own commis sion, which tliov TT-crp thus expir.tint. A Hen's ltemarkable Fist. The length of time a hen can sur vive without food or water Is some thing remarkable. About the mldilit1 of September an Ohio fanner put a settiusc hen In an empty barrel, placing a lid on top. no forgot all about tho hen unril three months after, when ho was surprised to find it alive. It ba l remained in the barrel during all thai t'.me without a drop of water or food In a very short tinip It was restored to the flok as well ns ever. It isn't only microbes that make kiss ing dangerous. Purely a Loral Dlaoaae. Eczema I? n lncal disease and needs lv?al trcniment. Tho Irritated. il(.aed skin must bo soi'itiM niul moc!hed and hoaled. No use to j.wMiriell iind ruin your stomach Just because of all U'-Uing eruption letterlne la the only elmple. .ti" and c-,-tum lire ior Tetter. Ec zema. Flngwnrm and -tuer akin trouble. At druggist!, or -y r. M. for PO cents In stamps J. T. i-hiiptririp. S iv.innah. " Po Von Know Him ? R.u.r.ir.n, J. P., Jancary 2. 1W. Cor.. V. H. Osnons, (ireenshoro. N. C. Dear Put : Two ye u-s yesterday since I took my lai-t drink In the Instltnteat Green? lioro, and liarc not wanted one el ce. -o much for Keeloy. A happy and succejaful Ncv Vcr to you and the Institute. Yours Truly. M. L- TTavxes. I bundle the Malcolm I.nve Pianos. rro! C'anadii. of i.'liapcl Hill. X. C. has one an! snv ir la verv miKH anmtreu. fror. I . Kav- My Piano U the bet in Chapel Hill." 1-n, special price's in Pianos and Oritnns write ot cnll on John B. Wrioht. Oreenshoro. Js. C. otton. With careful rotation of crops and liberal fertilizations, cotton lands will improve. The application of a proper ferti lizer containing sufficient Pot ash often makes the difference between a profitable crop and failure. Use fertilizers contain ing not less than 3 to 4?,; Actual 'Potash. Kainit is a complete specific against " Rust." All .ihnut Potash the retuliicl n t:e hy actual f.. ceriment cn ihr h.-,i farm in ihe United Sure. is n.ld in a hole r-tu-k which we f.ubish and will a Liilly mail free to any fur-n-i i;i AmeriLS who will ivme li..is. t.l KM KAI I W(1KK, ' opened that UUttlC V Rootbeer? The poppinsrof a cork from a bottle of Hires is a siizml of good health and plea sure. A sound the old folks like to hear the children can't resist it. HIRES Rootbeer Is composed of the very tnert'dlenls the system requires. Aiding toe digestion. Mootlitnf the nerves, purlfvinn the) lilond. A temper ance drlti It for temper- auce people. H. l, nnlT br The Charm infra ca.. PHIIa. 8 -taut W n.T.-v.yM H n J"'" iiin n . wAtKiso -sticks rort WOMEN. Tho walking-stick for women is said to be coming in again. In "Guy Pares" they are the fad of the day. The cane must match the gown in color, and the head is often jeweled with stones of the pamo huo. Some times this jeweled head" is made to serve as a vinaigrette. THE LAROE WAIST. Large waists are said to be coming in fashion again, but curiously enough it seems to be the aim of nil dressmak ers and tailors to give the long, slender lines and as small a waist as it is possi ble with any breathing power, and the lines of braid on some of the new jackets are most cleverly arranged to taper in at tho waist and broadeu out over the shoulders. A rSEFTI. HINT. Tortoise shell combs and pins for the bair are very much worn at pres ent, and a knowledge of how to restore tho beauty and luster of such orna ments is of value. An old-lashionej rcoipe book, written when such crna ments were treasure. I by the grand mothers of the prefent generation, advises rubbing tho polished surface with powdered rotten stono and oii. The rotten stono bho-ild bo first eit'ted through line muslin. This will remove all scratehea; thtn a pol ish is to be applied by gentle rubbing with a chamois to which a little jew eler's rouge Las beeu applied. WIIERl! BEATTTY COtNTS. "1 am inclined to think," said a man who had a great dtsl to do with the stage, "that three-quarters of a woman's chance of getting a start 83 an aetress depends upon htr person il beauty. It is not that alone, however. There are some women who will at tract in spite ot their bemty. I Lave seen that frequently in the course of my life. A woman who has a largo degree of beauty without the power of attracting makes a decided impres sion at first, bnt it is soon gone. I am cot sure but it is a certain round ness of mental and physical develop ment that, makes a woman attractive. The feeling tuat sho possesses it gives her an equilibrium which is pleading in itself. That a good appearance is a benerit on the stae eau bo seen in many cases whore there are both men and women holding prominent posi tions who cannot act, aud who depend only on their looks." Philadelphia Times. "aMEMa'8 rATjACE." "Amelia's palace" is the cynosure of nil travelers' eyes in tho Litter-Day Zion. Everyouo who spends an hour in bait Lake City, Utah, visits the handsome three-story stone struuture dignified by that title. Tho woman whose inomory the building will per petuate is stiil living. Amelia Folsoti Young, the tixt.-entu find favorite wife of Etigham Young, it stiil hand some and remarkably wull preserved, ho well ha-t she managed the bb.-ral estate left her by her Union- busb-in I that it h-ti increased many times in vaiue, and sho is one of the wen!tiii".-t of her sex in the far West. She his exceptionally re'.iuol ta-it'.s, and in fond of travel, having made several extensive European tours. Mrs. Young is a devout Mormon. Sho re sides, not in the palace, but in a sna cious houio a few blocks west of the ; lnatorio building. b-j is a cousin of ; Mrs. Orovcr Cleveland. Xew Orleans! Picayune. CHOICE OF OOLOrt. The choice of a color for a gown or ribbon is mcrti important thau is gen erally assumed. In looking over an assemblage of expensively i?-essed women recently it was noticed tint a very small percentage wore the colors which suited them. A woman reads or is told that shades of magenta or tints of green are fashionably worn, and she forthwith selects tnem, ottea with most trying results to her good looks. Colors matching tho Lair tint in some shado are safe. A red-haired woman, one with tho bronze red hair, looks her best in sables and reddish browns; a golden-hatred blonde with blue eyes 6hould select a gown of some shade of her hair with a bit of her eye blue at the throat. This, intensifying tho color of the eye by a throat bow of its predominating sUade, is a hint to be remembered, particularly by women whoso eyes have lost some of the yonthful depth of color. Edtcund Rasseil gives his formula for artistio dressing to be: "-Match the hair as nearly as possible for day and tho eyes for evening wear." French wo men, it may be added, wear white in the evening, after forty, almost invari ably. New York Post. WHAT LITTLE G1BLS ARE WEATUN''!. Tweeds and cloth of various textares and colors are being use 1 to make winter frocks for little girls, and plaids, whioh aro always becoming, were nver handsomer, says Woman's Home Companion. Some of them are ao large in design as to allow only one block in tho length of tuoitkirt; and they are held in equally as good stylo as the more modest small check and tho less pretentious plaids of smaller size, which are much worn by children of all ages. Stockings to match these plaids are affected, and in most ot the newer ones can be almost perfectly matohed.The Scotch Highlander stock ing, showing the plaid in the foot and half way up the leg, where it is mot with the plain color which predomin ates in the plaid, is seen with these natty coUames. Coat and sitirt cos tumes are extremely rervieeitiile, und are largely worn on the street. A blonse of some simple silk or wool material is worn underneath the coat, making the costume ans?3. for either xtreet or bouse wear, licsides the reefer-shaped coats and iailur jackets, the Eton costs and boleros are worn, in which case they are much trimmed with fur, and lined and interlined bo as to give tho requisite warmth. HOW ENGLISH Ginta STUDT. Tho English students' power of con ccntration is remarkable. They re spect perfectly the study hoars of their friends, and will tolerate no Interrup tion of their own. The English excel, says Popular Soienee Monthly, when tried by two of Professor Kraepelin's tests of mental capacity : Amount of work done in a given time and power of concentration. Wherein liea their advantage? They will tell us that their strong and necessary ally is vigorous outdoor sport. The English girl baa, of course, known from childhood the habit of outdoor life. At college she plays hoefcey or hand polo, cricket, lives, aud the games with which we are more familiar for at least two hours a day, and oftener for a longer time. Two hours is a minimum of time spent in exercise. At frequent intervals, usually at the end of each week, she seeks recreation from past and prep aration for future effort by spending many hours in the open air ; in boat ing on the river, it may be, or in tak ing a tramp of thirty miles or so. During vaeations she not infrequently makes walking tours of longer or shorter duration. If an Eualish girl finds that her mind is inactive and unreceptive, she recognizes this as an indication that she needs recreation. She drops her books and puts her brain in fit condi tion for stn iy by some vigorous play. Under like conditions the Amerioan student, not recognizing nature's sig nal, mentally scourges herself for dullness, and urges her jaded mind on to overexertion. I onoe heard an Eng lish girl assert that she could dawdio nil day, bnt could not study for mora than two hours at a time. a nnAva uoTasn. Sho was a careful mother. The fam ily of children had been well brought up, but they were rather fastidious in some things, and bard times had made it difficult to pleaso everybody. How ever, tuo good soul always insisted upon the plate of porridge and milk every morning for breskfast as a good commencement for the day. Other tood might fail, but sho managed to provide the jug of fresh milk out of her limited resources, and the boys aud girls of that household thrived, though commons were often short. Hat olio morning the mother hap. pened to look into her jug after she divided tho preoions quart among her ollVpriug. Uer own thimbleful lay at tho bottom, and in the milk destined for the plateful of porridge in trout of her was a great ugly cookroach an exaggeration of the ordinary roach, it seemed to her disgusted vision. Here was a dilemma ! How on earth was bho to find another jugful of milk? Meauwhilo the children were enjoying their porridge. They tasted nothing amiss in the morning mess; and, in deed, when asked, the eldest boy thought that hisp.,rridge tasted better limn be had knowu it for a long time. Could she sacrifice a good breakfast under the circumstances? For not a child would eat onother spoon'nl if tho horror were revealed. It was a puzzle. Yet to ket-p silence, and not to drink tho milk herself, meant that the distressed mother would have curi ous eyes upon her, and that would never do. So at last, in desperation, rather than send the children away buur;ry, she poured out the remainder of tho preoions fluid as if nothing were tho matter, taking caro to keep the .iisyiisting insect at tho bottom of the jug, and then with an inward prayer ior strength she proceeded to cat. Tho meal ended in duo course, but the Nt-oret remained undiecoverod. Every body enjoyed the morning porridge except the mother. There is heroism and heroism wo aro in doubt how to classify this bit of Brisbane experi ence. The Queeu slander. don'ts rort slesdeb wome. Don't walk to excess ; a short walk wiil be beneficial, but long walks are flesh reducing. Don't wear black; black has a ten douoy to make any one look slender. Light clothes are most becoming. Don't strive for long waislcd effect) or use pointed girdles ; the longer you make yourself look the thinner you will appear. Dou't have your lingerie too close fitting; have your underskirts gath ered around the hipa and a full front in your underwaist ia good. Don't stay up lato at night; get at least nine hours' good sleep. A woman needs more sleep than a man, and nothing keeps her ia good condition like lots of sleep. Don't use artifioial means indiscrim inately to make you look less slender. If dono at all ic should be done by dressmaker who knows her business or the result is horrible. Don't weur stripes ; checks, plaids and horizontal effects are belter for thin womeu. They should strive for becoming, deceiving effeots if they study art in dressing at all. Don't wear a large, broad-brimmed bat it loots out of proportion, espe cially a-i the face of a slender girl is usually srunll. A moderately sized or small hat will be found much better. Don't forget that a well ronnded figure makes you look younger and is considered a mark of beauty. The starchy foods, massage, moderate ex e'eiso, rest and sleep will produce this. Don't fail to have your gowns made with an eye to hiding the fact that you aro too slender. Full waists, fancy fronts and bouffant effeots are best, while draped skirts or very full onea will detract from your slender appear-auoe. y kAM'S HORN BLASTJ.' W train Notes Calllnst the Wlcka! to Kcpeutaoce- THE man who tries to take up hie cross with one band will never be able to lift it. It Is hard to make A cold prayer In a warm prayer meet ing. Wherever truth Is made known, Clod Is speaking. Cultivate the hab it of casting nil your care upon Christ. De a happy Christian and God will make you a useful one. We fire always In great danger when we hold on to a little sin. The mercies of God, like grapes, are alwaya found In clusters. Christ is not well received where ht servant Is improperly treated. The man who keeps a bulldog should not talk very much In church. The great man of to-day 6hows us what all men may be by and by. The greater our growth In grace the greater our need of common sense. It Is hard to believe that there is death in the sin that wears a mask of gold. No man Is strong whose character has not stood the test of many trials. The fault finder would growl about the weather If It were raining money. The world la full of blind Samsons, who spend their lives grinding In a mill. Determine every day to do your pray erful best and leave the result with Ood. A big man In a little world Is as much out of place a.a n little man iu a big one. It would be bad for the Church If she knew no more of (Jod ili.in her prea Ai d's teach. When a man'e wife believes in his re ligion It is pretty good evidence that he has the right kind. There are people in every church who stop believing the Bible whenever a collection !s taken. When we get to the end of life we Bhall Dnd that nothing good has been lost. Seek first tho kingdom of (rod. and uo gift the world can give will ever hurt you. If the devil had to wear the same old coat every day. he would never leave the pit. There Is nothing like telling good news, for imparting n pleasant tonei'j'o the voice. The devil is never anxious about the Irian whose hope of heaven is his wife's church membership. Thl world Is n kindergarten. In which God's little ones leara to spell out the meaning or life. REMARKABLE ItEC'DTERT Of a Toons Lady of Gitennrt, Near TorU, Iroin Anaemia. Fmm the Courier, Buffalo, K. Y. Miss Lulu Stevens, daughter of George Slovens, the well-koowa blacksmith, of Gas port, Xlna- ir:i, County, Xev York, ha sur prised her iiuiijlib-irs oouslJi'r.ibly, by not dying five mouths a'i. when tb phyatotaas all she could not l." This was quite a remarkable ease. The yjuau' wom iu, who Is vry well known, on aeejunt of hi-r musl-iil abll.ty. had bwn a very healthy girl, uur.l about one year as tvheu she bean to fall, and gif' so palo aad apparently bloodless nail so weak that afn-r a few raonlhs she was given up to die. Last winter a physimau w.io was visitor at Oasport met Miss Sievens, nuj see'.uK Ii-t o;n:ioiatd condition, nnd her:ii(j from thfl local doctors that the dia-'iise whs anaemia, prevailod m the girl's moiher to make l;or try Dr. Wililums" l'iuk Tills. 1 .uetlystie eomuioncol tne treatment she began to mend, and li-i v hum February, when she iieolded 10 take them, sho bus beootuo well aud strong and the plciure of good hea th. The mother ot the irl, Mrs. Bteveus, say.s; "Every o:ie In Gascon knows that T iik Pills cured Lulu, aud I feel very thankful that we hear 1 ot them in time to save my uhild's life." Dr. Williams' rink Pills contain, in a con Jensed form, nil tb o-emeata uecess.iiv to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered uerves. They are also u speuiOe for .roubles ijeeul ar to feinnb-s. such as suppressions. Irregularities nud nil forms of wo.:Uness. 'ihey buil.i up tbe blood, and riore thaelowof health to pale and sallow o-et-k-i. In men they iiifect a radical cure la nil ruses arising fro n mental worry, overwork or excesses of whatever nature. Pink Pills ftr s-old In boxs (never In looso bulk) nt 50 eents a box or s x boxes for 92 80, nnd niHy i.e had of all drutvis:s, or dlr-ot by mail iro:n Dr. Will ams' Medium Compauy, .Solienecta Iy. X. V. CASCAftr.Ti eliminate liver, kidnoys and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe; Inc. Wan o Onto, Ottt aw Tolbdo, 1 -, l.ufj.e (Jooinr, f. Ffmnk .1. 1'ntNar aiM oath that he Is to enior iiArtner i f t a Arm of K, J. ('( It Co. , doing btilies in thaOltyof Tol.do, t'ounly and btateamrexald.and that savld firm will pay the turn if on a iumisid pvi-laim (or ceo t aud avary ooae oi oatahrii that cannot ba cured by tb Us Hall's CUtahrm Ccae. i llicit J. I hsksy. Sworn to before ma and aunacrlbed in my I s.. praaenoe, this itn day of Davember, aiAif A. D. 18M. A. W. Ot.AOK. ' s ' iSWrv PvbiU. Hall's Catarrh Core I taken inUraa ly. tuul acta directly ob the biood and rauooua auraoaa of ta ayaiam. bend for testimonial, trra. If. 3. CstKir & CO., Tolodo, O. Eold by Druafieti, 73c. llaii'e rniii f Ilia axe the beat. To the Southern Baptist Convention, At Wilmington. N.-C. May Mh to Mth. 107, the S.f.baa d Air I. In oiteri the best aervice. ;ulcket roatc and a bait rale- la addition to th regular superb doublo dally aervloe, it Is nropoaad to run three "Baptist Ppecla! Traln" trom Virginia, North Carolina, j-outh Carolina and (leo fjia. making imme diate concectioua with trains from alt point North. Siiuth, East and West. I'or speoial printed matter, map", time-tables, rates ticket', sleepers and all information, addre-s or call on II. A. Ne'land, (teu'l Aet., FasaV Dept., 6 Kimball House. Atlanta, Ga., or T. J. Anderson, Gen'l Pass'r Agt , Portsmouth, Va. JrT try a loe. be of Caeart, the finest liver and bewei r'lro a'Or ever road. I earaM ct (rat along without Plae'a fore rnr Oonenratwloe. It alwaya cure. Mrs. K. C. Mo0Iom. NMdbtus. Mas.. Oolober 31. 1-Si. FITS stopped fre and permanently cured. No fits after first day' e of Da. K Lisas Oar At S tltvtKcsTOKiH. Free atrial )nt t eand treat ise. Hend to Dr. Kline, K1 Arch it., Pniia., Pa. Kansas City, M )., Is to have a bom pro daot show. K.TeBae for Fifty Cent. Orr 400.000 cured. Why not let No-To-Bae regulate or remove vour desire for tofteccir fcaves moner. make health and manhood. Cur guaranteed. AO cents and J1.0U, at all arugviat. Nw Jersey law still provide for punish H; "oomnion toolds" on the dooklna;-tool. Mrs. Winslow' Soothing Pymp forchlidreii teething, sofien th gum, reduce Innamm. Uon. allay pain, core wind ooilo, ioc.a boitle. WlM billon or costive, eat a Cairaret, faqdy cathartic; cur guaranteed; 10 .. Zx, Will Pistols and Pestles. The duelling pistol now ocoupioa its proppr place, in the museum cf tho collector of relics of barbarism. Tho pietol ought to have beside it the pestle that turnod out pills lik9 bullets. to be shot like bullets at tho target of tho liver. But the pestle is still ia evidence, end will be, probably, until fcveiybody has tested the virtue of Ayer'a sugar coated pills. Thc7 treat the liver as a friend, not as r.n enemy. VJ Instead of driving it, they coax it. They aro CM compounded on the theory that tho liver doea its work thoroughly nnd faithfully under (J obstructing conditions, and if t!ie obstructions y- are removed, the liver will do its daily duty. "When your liver wants hslp, get "tho pill that will," S Ayer's Cathartic Pills. y)ANDY CATHARTIC CURE C0HSTIPAT10H 9 ia 50 ABSOLUTELY GUARnNTEED ' ttn rleBtijhn.-riftfrre. 1.1. STKBl.iyO RtlWnT IT Tea Docroa "Ona larr of ? -. -V--a.-- 1 rXrh.BVh7m.retS w iKtC eo.,v;rir!l.-kcn, tree t-anr one n.em Wiik t l.isjaper. Imt cannot thrira." A 17 U A HT I K '., ;rmid MiidH. Slich. 11 mm p. mmm mm t, - IV I I' MH TJl !. . m-m- ft M I , 1 f t, ' :-n N Jl :i I "VI 'i ktva Pi 'Y-MtMli l t V. fW f II 1 r. U I '1 r il ' 'I ' l It A gentleman residing in T street, N. W., Washington, D. C, assorts that he sutured for many years with dyspepsia, indigestion and biliousness. He tried every known remedy, consulted many physicians with the hope of fretting cured br even relief, but nothing seemed to relieve him. Alter meals he would feel as if a ball of lead was lodged in his stomach, tired and listless, as though life was scarcely worth living. Finally he was attracted to the ad of RIPANS TUBULES and concluded to try them. After t!kin'4 the first two or three he was surprised to find the relief they gave and soon he felt like a new man. He has never been without Ripajis Tabules since, nor has he suffered since. THE STANDARD PAINT fos STRUCTUR AU PURPOSES. rsmfifSt.,,8.ingestlon3.-r Exterior Dec-ration," Sample Card and Dcfcrlpi'vefrlrol-lst free by mail. AKbesto BooBnar, Buildlnjr Felt. Steam PacUlcc. Boiler Cuvet te. Fire-Proof l'alnt.K. a-abcaitaa Nou-tonducllej and Klr.-irirnl Insulutlm .llavtt-nala. n. W. JOHNS MAMTPACTUKINO CO., 87 Maiden me, New ' nrk. CUTCAOO: 940 k M Randolph St. PgltADEUm A: 170 k vi North 4tii St, I'OSTOV J kJ9 reaxl . L. DOUGLAS DOLLAR SHOE BEST IN THE WORLD FOR 14 TEARS this sboe, by merit alone, ha distanced aU competitor. INDORSED BT OVER 1,000,000 WEARERS at THE BEST in style, lit and durability of any shoe ever offered at $1.00. IT IS MADE lit ALL TEE LATEST SHAPES and STYLE and of every variety : leather. ONE SEALER IN A TOWN given exclusive ale and advertised In local paper on receipt of reasonable order. Write for catalogue to W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Hue. 8. N. U. 14 '97. MSu PRIZE WINNERS. Wo Huff Cochins. Buff Bocke, Buff Wyaaottea HI" Ml I'-tvaa. Hn.wn Legborna. Ladwjandiut". White Bocks. White Pjr.ndnta. f "i-.Ji.L llai..iiurR. it pn-uiluma wr.n cm s kinds of chickens at rour diowi thu winter. C"'"! ""r 'P,',0' niattoafrse. WVEKalun P. YARI)B..Ciulncy. 111. PURCHASERS afanafacturer to wearer. IDnstratad catalogue free, l oderwear departnianf . AddreM CO.NHL.MBU8 isirrXIfc! CO.. Tray, N. V. iBT!TBi7P5 The IraproveJ Vanitnnth French Aftiiwayittiib W hit. rr aaie at sue. per bu., ly I. IV. 1 A.NhER, lul'io t'lty.Taaa. BEAUTIFUL WhlW C0"HINS Plred byan Imported Cockerrl. UeKSS Satlafactioi. guaranteed. Mtss I. aura Berry, Danville, Ky. ET KH'll nulckly; d for "Sou luvnilcn VWi!i ALL DniJGGLSXS ",,,'wof tlpH". fsrr. ts sre the Idral Ijiia CO.. f Mrai.'tnr.lrnl. t'ati. . er m Vcrk. Sil E, WON'T RUD OFF. Wall Paper la t'ananltary. IIAI.KOMIVF, IS TEJteoMAKV. HOT,iLi; Oi l AND blALCH. A I inSOTfMF ti a p ire, peru-.anrnt and artistic Ml AK AS I firef", wall cVuln. i iy for the brutb fAUnUnU I IlllaC by mal&ir In cold water. For MalA h-r Paint Dealer r.vervw here. . ..:..i.i. .i..,. i. it.,..e.. J j l mm .'IA 1 I f a JL M. MM, TEE LARGEST STOCK OF IN SHE STATE TO SELECT FROM, i ' AND PRICES LOW. 'PIANOS AND ORGANS f tbe moat tellable makes at Io I prices nd on ern-y terms. I, Write me if you wnnt anything in my lino, ana yoa snve money dj it. GOODS EXCHANGED OR TAKEN BACK IF NOT SATISFACTORY. E. M. Andrews, The Leading Fnrnittire Denier, CHARLOTTE. N. C. A. Iiaaia ii win llama I . i7TT 1 -Mr a " f