E5 THCamt. JUNE l"80J. H. A. LONDON. Editor. THBQtieen's-Jubilee was celebra ted this week throughout nil the iM'ish possessions, that is, through out every part of tbo World, for the dun Dover sets on the vast domains of Great Britain. This world wide c'olobration Was in honor" of the six Cloth anniversary of Queen Victoria's accession to ths throne. In June 2fe37 she was croWnod Queen and lins reigned a longer period than any other British sovereign, and herloy al subjscta hava great cause to re joico and bo proud of her long and glorious reign. No ono would have jfredicted, whon bIib a girl of eigh Ifeen ascended the throne, that her Ttdgn would be the longest and most :rotablo in England's history. And yt it has been-ae a briof retrospect Will show. J)uring Hie sixty yours of Victo ria's reign EngJaud has acquired new territory or.o-sixih larger than all Europe, and her subjects now number over 400,000,080; or nearly die third of the world's inhabitants Australia, at tl.o beginning cf her ffcigu, wasooiy a pcnul colony, and :fow it is a most prosperous country with A population larger than thai of tho tli ir Sou ii Colonies at the time of the lie vol u tic nary war-, 'f ho vast acquisitions of territory in asis. and Africa alo.ie would roudor her reign iltuNtrious Tho Englishman of tcday can Scarcely imagino the difference be uWoou his surroundings anil those ot his father, when Queen- Victoria jr'grn t'j reign. Tha marvellous progieis of the ago since then has maJo changes and improvements, '.bat w-ere not tlicu dreamed of by the visionary. Tho construction of railroads, tho invention of the tele graph, telephone and phonograph, eioctricity applied to so many use ful purposes, and tho invention and making of so many comforts and conveniences for man's enjoyment, have made a contrast most startling ils well as ploasing. Suroly no Eug ifsliman of today would wish to res turn from tiit'30 .10 called "hard times" to tlioso "good' eld days'' of sixty years ago I Victoria has been great not only as a Queen but as a woman as a model wile and mother. She has had nino children and her descendants ! are to lay tho mibfiesi potentates in Europe Ono grandson is tho Em poror of (iermany, and a grands daughter is tho E npressof Russia, llor pri?ute virtuos havo cudeared ber to all Englishmen as much as has tho greatness of her reign as Queen. The Seaboard Air Lino deserves the highest praiso for its earnest and enterprising efforts to improve the aouutry traversed by its roads. Its latest scheme is a Travelling Indus trial School, which will exhibit and instruct at some station in every oouuty on its line. It will be at Mon aure, in this counfy, ou Fridny of :iext week, and our couutyinen will then have an opportunity of learning .i, ...III nt .ls I.. I 11 w .... . them, and at no sost to tneiu. The exhibit will cousist of the latest improved agricultural iuiple-iall moiits and labor saviDg machines , . .. lor the men, and for tho women household conveniences and outfits Jorcanning.prserving, pickling.chuiu ing&o. Experts will explain the use of all these implements and give, , . f 1 1 . 1 iree of cost, pracUcal object lessonu. This rew enterprise is a most prao- tical one and can be used to great advantage by all who wish to enjoy its benefits. By it our farmers and . , 3 , , housekeepers can learn how to use to the greatest advautnge everything n.:aed on tho farm, uud to render themselves more comlortabk in their homes. The annexation of Hawaii t ) tho United States would bo of benefit onlv to those American reaidonls id Hawaii who are urging iC lor their own personal aggrandisement. The; Urge majority oil ho inhabitants ol . the Havaii islands aro ignorant heathen, who are utterly unfitted to Kiioy tho rights and privileges and! . V . i i .- oi ! tod.scharge the duties ol eil.aens ol, tbo United stntos. By the terms of this annexation ; troaly, now pending in tho Sonate, these Wands aro to become a pa,.t , , tt . j o. . and parcel ol the United States anu , governed ns one of our territories, j The United States mast also assume j tha imhlic debt of Hawaii t the a-; 3t raount ot four million dollars. Most of our people think we will be doing iroll enough it we can pay our own I . , ... .i.- .1 u. f debts without assuming this deb f Yes, Congress, seems to be trying to give relief to Hawaiians, Cubans ,d other foreigners, instead of help- 5ft our own people, bere at home 1 CHATHAM UliJIIMSCENOES. HY J. 3. JACKSON ESQ. REVOLUTIONARY INCIDENTS A TREACHER OVa TORY PYI.E8 HACKISa M.VICH hC. The Whigs in tho Revolution in this section ot the State had a hard time. In this couuty and In adjoin ing counties, lliero were many tories people who never knew 1I10 causes that brought on the war or whose cupidity in those troublous times in duced thorn to side with the Kins; and mako their foi tunes by robbing and plundering tho Whigs. For this wU'm', few of our able bodied men joined the continental' nriny. They wore needed al homo to protect the c untry from tho rapacity and plun uerings anil stealing of those mar audurs who or very many of t bum met in the end with a sad fate, as 1 shall mention below. They had place ot deposit for the property thus stolen. My old friend, John Garrett, toil 1110 that it was well authenticated by t rail 1 lion that one of t heir pi tees was on Cane Creek, below where the late Jesso Hciily lived. They would lay by in the lay and as soon as it was night, Would sally out 111 different parlies and rob ami plunder ana be back before day. As showing the character of those times and iho dis' ros-t our forolat'i ers were, suhjecled to I w.l; mention a few incidents, which were ol al most daily occurence sonio wherein the coui'ty. Joseph J. Alston, whocaino when a boy to America with his lather John Alston Iron) England belore tho Hevoluiou and sou led in Hali fax county, had bought laud in C'talham county and built him a house not very far from tho present resilience of John 13 le Grntl'aureid. 011 the waters of liarlans creek. He was living tlie.o with a low sorv nil is. His family at the lime was in Halifax. A luithiul old negro ro-pe.1ted.3- advised him that tho tories were going to kill him. Maid ho had hoard it generally talked in the neighborhood. The old man Als 0:1 paid no attention to tho warning until one night the same old serv ant rushed into tho house telling him "'they were coining that a large party ot them weio close at baud'' &c He instantly mounted his borss and made his escapo. In a few mi 11 ui.es the baud came, took whatever they wanted and burned the house down. Tnis was in the Revolution. No person living can pouit out tho plate where the house stood except by tradition. No Whig could l;o down at night in peace und quiet and f.ee from apprehension ot being robbed before day. The following narrative was giv en me by Orran ANton over forty years ago. He lived in Chatham county, two miles be'ow Slailey's mills. He will bo recognized by overvbody iu Chatham and Kan lo!ph counties, who ki'.ew him, ns u gentleman of unquestionable vera city. Ho was & great nephew ot John Alston of whom I shall hero after write in ibis artitli. In and dining tho Revolution, John Alston a younger bio lor of the J. J. Alston herein before named, moved from Halifax county, JJorth Caril.na, and settled oq the Hick ory muuntiin, not lav from the pres cut. site ot Emmaus church. Ho built him a large log cabin two cabins and a wide, passage between them. Ho was a man of wealth for those days. Ho bad a largo number ot negroes, stock of all kinds &c. He was greatly annoyed by tho tories, so much ho that be concluded to break up and move back to Halifax couuty. Accordingly, bo packed up his wagons, collected his stock and intended to make an early start the next day. A leading Tory, whoso name I wilt not give, as ho lias dos. ceudants who aro good people and in no way to biaino tor bis conduct, :ipiH.ai.cd at his door and asked hira (Alston) "what dots all this mean? y,. W!,gons aro loaded, your stock got up iVc, A:c. You aro not going to. leave, aio you'f "Yos, I am. I can t livo horo in any conw Y(.)U k,n niJ Cat.lo, hogs, pull j()VVn my flMI(.tM c , and I must (..uvo" &c. "Well, Alston, I pledge you my word of honor that if you change your mir.d and stay, ijou shall not bo interrupted any f,, Uo VM vory posilve aljf j vision finally agreed to stay and or ; dei-ed his wagons to bo unloaded &.c , !&c, &c. This same tory professed bu a warm personal friend of John I Alston for tho following reasons: ,SumwlinlG before this, the Hackneys, wuw Wero a staunch Whigs in the Revolution, came lo Chatham on a mill from Halifax where they lived, n nd caught him and took him to llalitux and were uboutto hang him. They hud the ropo around his neck, and oivini; t the i nil neiuro and good olEcers of John Alston, he was Mimed Well, a few day after this Alston J! STa d()Z(,u oliers untlir com,nand appeared at both doors ot his house and says ho "Alston, you aro my prisoner". .iys Alston in some excitement, as was natural, "Did not tcl, me tliat t Ml0ul(1 you not bo int 'i-terod with if I staid"? "Yes Alston, hut tho times have changed." They went to looting tho premises and among other things seiaod his noblo black riding mare, brj(Jo unJ hn(,JIo &c Jlo pftl.0C(1 Alston for three days, he pledging bis word lo surrender himself with- 'Col Pyl.'H who would b'J in Orange 'county "uo wished to be paroled i to enublo him to Htart his family ond! ' that ttmo at tno i.eauquarcors oi tf ehub0 (ljm t0 Htart his family effeuls on l!l0 ro;ld back to Halifax i .. . I more Purely iu eiUDiereniiif uun . county. J J em , e". Joi " Bon. -headache, Indigestion, Cnsli P surrender hinuwf accord I P'od, Dizziness yield to Electric; parol" An-1 "wi In the ! Bitters. 50c. and 51 00 rer bottle at evening reached the house tit nU'.R rilkiegtou Drug fetore. Mrs. Tyles, wife of Col Pylos, near Cane Creok, and staid there all night. Tho next morning they saw a man coming at fu.l speed down the road towards tho house. The family and Alston wero all in the azza.cac'i wondoring who tho horse man was. Presently Aislon ex claimod "It. is my mare! It is my mare"! 1 ho horseman got to the gate and with hands raised above bis head exclaimed in yreat cxcitinient and alarm "Every 0110 but 1110 is cut off, 1 am tho only ono left". Old Alston lost no lime in going out and in no vory pleasant or complimen tary terms pulling him oil' of his mare and mounting her himself. 1 recontly heard one of Chatham's houoied officials tjlling tho follow ing. S une years ago a distinguish ed old Baptist divine had a loaded waijoii and the horses balked at a hill. Whereupon another wagoner mounted tho suddlo, and com men codpojp'ng bis whip and curnhnj the horses in a loud tone Ax:, and the wagon moved right on up tho hill. W! i!e this was going mi the old preacher looked on in si!ent Cintempl ilion, saying at 1 ist "W. I.. it must bo admitted t a! c.irsiitj does good sometimes". Again, 11 was reported in tho papers and 1 think not djnied',' 'thai dining the session ot the last I.egM ituiv, when some reliic'.ory negro member, from ' Wilmington would not vote as (un distinguished (loveruor w,:n 'd him to vote, lie the tiovornor, s. 11 for him to 01110 to hisotli -e and by way ol enligtening him in tho exercise o! his duties as a Legi-lalor, prticeed cd with great earnestness to ad miuis'cr to him an awful aisH Now these two are atuhoriiy and if old man john ANton, whi n ho was pulling this tory off his mare an:i giving him tho benefit ol his boot, did indulge in a little cussing, which is not improbable, ho is justified in future tunes by high aut'ionty b-.uh iu Church utui Slate ! This February and March iu 1781 seems to have been the crisis 111 out Revolution and the protecting hand ot Providouco was cieaily over us Cornwall'. having driven (Jen. Green oer thu Pan returned to Hillsboro where he issued his pro claiuation inviting all fi lends ol King George to join him. lie hud every reason to t onk that, ho could recruit his army by thousands ot tories trom Orange. Chatham, I. in do'pii, Mooroand other counties an i thus havo a lormidable army, ('ol i'ylo who lived I have heard on Cauo Creek 111 Chatham county mu-tered 4 )l) ot the t irics and stari ed to Hillsboro lo eulisl. while num bers were mailing ready to lollow Unknown tii P-, O I Lee wilii his legion arrived in the crit'ial t me, and sent him (I h') au ordi i under the Icigiled name ul i'lii .t ;n to joiu him at a certain f ioie and place ouhiswav toll. lid) no. I'.. le obeyed the order and the crowd reached the appointed field, full tf liquor and ol k illed of rein 1 1. 1 iiis wu.i ou zl.-l February 17fll Geu. Lee of thy Light Hoise iu effect look the com maud of them himself, p r.sonatn g Cd. Trltm of the IJ11I1.-I1 Army. S30 Carullicrs P'igis lijl and l't'2, and while Lse waa riding along their lines and making his arrangement au 1 surrounding thtui with bis L'ght Horse, the noli d Faimir.g who was on of I'yie iiu-ii. repeatedly called outtoINli and his brother t trios 'that they, Lee ami the Icgioti, wen Ameiic.an cavalry" &e.. ifce. No n t or whatever was taken of b!s warnings and Fanning at ouce made his es cape. Our Tory, on ol 1 John Al stou's mare, when from a hill, ho saw Lee's Light Horse drawn up iu the shai e of a new moon, was suspicious that all was not right and refused to go further. Hesud be wool! wait there and sen. He very so m did see ! The tories having bet a surrounded, the legion on n sigual from Col. Lee, tiriog offbisvistol, commenced cut ting them 1twn. TTley protesting that "they who King lieorge s men Few of them escaped out of ovr 400! See Horry's life of Marion. ..-il. i.Lw.f. i.,' U'l,v io,, :, l!ll,luoiU 0f.,M-cl.tMui'l.ui,d.e.!pJuid h. o..,1 hi. t,,llmvP,- w.r ,!,.( to I l.o i earnest wuruiugs of Funning ihut lite Licht llorso were not Jhilish but were Ainericsns I can iaiaino no reason but quern deu cult nr.fv, yri mum dt:iit!iittt, whom U t;l wishes to destroy, he firtt deprives of icason. Again I have read in t-ome hiloty, that at the very time thin awful exe cution was going on, Tm lion with his cavalry was close by, witinu proh ably a mile of tho pot, which he could have reached in a viry nhort time. Now why did he not do it ? Instead of lining so, and thereby probably putting Leo nud his men to the rout, hearing tho noise and ii ,,, i. ,...(. ,.,,,,,.,,, 1 iv, r , Hillsboro. ond cut down several com panies of lories ou the road who were j !t "iit.iudialely t the wood chopper. ; ou the way to Hillsboro to j iu Corn rl,e wo,,d chopper paid it to a gro wallis, mistaking Iheui for Whig mil heri tho grocer paid it to us ., hi, I litia! Bythtse, tol.im(Uoruw..l:iB)'BubsL'nlt1i1- W e immediately haml j minforesfieu aneidentn. all leeruilii.Lr I It hack to the tanner for anot'.er j unforeseen accidents, all reeriiiting of the lli itish army was at once slop ped, and bis expectations und hopes of organising a powerful annv with which to overwhelm Utn. tireen, were at au end. Who so blind ns not to spc in these ... , . , -, occurrences the hand of Irovitleuce i , t r .i . . i lettuiu;; uui loieiaiueia uu 10 viciuij and Independence T Electric Hitlers. Electric Bitters is a medicir.e suit ed for any season, but perhaps more; crenerally needed when the lauguid, . exhausted feeling prevails, when the j liver is torpid and sluggish and the . need of a tonic and alteratives is felt, A prompt ws of this medicine hus t olteu averted long aud perhaps fatal j bilious fevers. No medicine will act Washington Letter. I Fromour Uflirumr Uorrospntxti-n: . Washington, J aim 18;h, lfrOT" Mr. MeKiulev is a graduate, of tin Ohio tel.ool of politic-, and few slick i er individuals hold diplomas from ! that source. His trotting out of that now treaty for the annexation of Hawaii at this lime is a very slick attempt to take advantage of the ptjuliiity of the idea of annexing Hawaii to detract public nlieution f 1 0111 bis ft lire to announce his Cu ban policy, 111 hccoi dai:ce with prom iscs lu-ide ou his beln l: in Congress Had till! pcop'O not been ci.iiii'ti li;g f . r action toward'. Culm 11 is not. like ly that the Ifawaiiin treaty wmild I ave been heard fiom bcfoip next vinti-r, liOtwilhslaii.ling the ibei.ira rion of some of Mr. M-Kuiley' f ionds IU-A It. was bi.toght tol ward loassisitm Si-.-ii.iiors i.t iiitclitgi ii iy dispose of t:ie tai ill" A.tti.tugh it w ' l known thi; many o' the .h- r.i:ic S caior.-. f i- vor the u't in : e umcxvioii of Ha waii vey few of 1 1. cm have commit ltd tht nisiilvi's on tnis it. w tie .ly It is too inip.ti ta; t 1 luiiier to he uv euhul oil tiie spar oi' 1 o nj.'iuci.t. ai,.i it will not b'i mi:ii's 1. -Lou il the de ii'K'rats opposn a.iy i t fiupt ii.i railroi.l tho t eaty t'wougb !h:' Sen uto at I he p' escnt, session. Noii.10; will be 1).; bv allowing the treat v to go over to toe ivgu ar session of C ingiv:s. Already the qieslioliis biiing ask' d, why d.t so much for Hiwad. sivci-ii luou-iin l milts a w.iy, and nothing lor Cuba, which is Fiirt'diii'g 'i;i.t at oir doors, so to sp a' l'liiio is sonic tali; ab)ut deiayi!:;,' a1 tmn ou t 10 Ha waiian treaty unto Mr. .Me K niey a greos to dt soui.'t iiing fi r Cuba, w ic'i many toii.U m.itt id-o u I ma tely come under tho c .introl ul the U S in some form o:- 11: her. Some b'MI'.lelllt C Si liiilola favor laildiug caucus to decide ju-l hat nit 1 1 , i ti.ee shad take toward- t'ue Hawaiian rn-ut , b it r.o'.hi'jg d li 1 . t -; l.a i yet been detcrn.i :d upon. S.maior Ti hu iu l.as p opo-.-d an amendment to tiie tar if o I ib.n would do more (bin al. iht icci iil al tempts 10 ic.-tiiei iiiiii; ation li povides for a he.i I lax of fltilon ach imiiiigt .ml and makes ii a mis den eoiinr tor any niu n vi:o docs lu.i 11 t nil to beitmi-an Au.eiii'an eit zeti and to r.-in i;u sn.-h to enin- i,t. L'. S forth.' purpose of rngagi-ig in any 1111 chaiiica! trade or mmoa! 1 .001 Tu'-ic is 11 provision that, the tax .-'mi 1 ci ,!(' to he levied as soo.i as I ic I S a I )p s ll.ii J.ee cuiua.-; of siiver. Ff-arii.g that t!.o nit : 1 rn.t tarifi aniendiiient iuV-: 1 1 ly S ualur Pet tigil iv might be al.tpled "U a diiee! vole jji'iiaior All'.-on, who is ic charge i f the tHiiff I. ill dining the absence of Scnu'or Al I rich, r -an t.'d to a httic p irlatiH'iiiaty ti ick to Iio t, and s'K'cei'ili d. Ho moved thai it be laid on the table and the inolio . was carried by a vote of !" to ."52 Had Squalors .Morgan and Pitiu-, the only deiiiociais v.l o vote i for t .e tuoliou, Voted itgiiilisl it, :t Wool I have been defeated by a vole of ."4 to li ! mid the atiti t u-! :uu aal neut win; IJ have bfen a. I I d tit the t .!:!! bill Ii is but fair to si m1 that Sen a'.ois Morgan and IVitu- -tiled their oppos tiou to the ae; ndment to be that it would create more and worse trusts thau it would i.-j-ire existing trusts. Senator Vest gavi- S ualor Allison blows straight from tho f boulder in a few remarks dissecting the figures set forth bv Mr. A lison iu plii'te ol those submit t.'d by Mr. Aldiieh when the change was made iu the sugar schedule. Mr. est b lieves that t-aeb sugar tchedu'e has b en alii tie belter for the siua" tiU'llhan theoueit succeed' d uulwuh-tind iug the public how. against favoring ibis colossal moooiiol.. an 1 l.o ures- I sen ted figures to back uis label Ac cording to his figures, tue present lai iff gives a protection ol iHi d-giae tl,e BcllBilldo 11 c. Ill tiie Aldrieh Bi-hedulu l"i c uts, and the caucus sehedule, flttci wauls adopted ity the Senate, il cents. Thus it is that the republican Senators who op posed the Wiliou lull beea i-ie t ley said it gave tho bugar trust to luuch piot'Ctiou have put Ihciusi l.-e ou record it) favor of giving tho trust exactly t -n cents a hundred pound more thau the Wilson Uiili' bill gave it. What Fifty CVuts L'aiil. Ft.'.ni tbe Wnlil.in N'i'ws. A lew days ago a gentleman, who was owinir us paid cents on sub seriptioti. e liundoil it to a tanner Ior ' l0i" 01 W0,Hli 1,0 " 1 "''" V:i'a 1 load of wood. Tho farmer gave it j to the wood chopper, reinarliinc, ".Xow, Ishain, that makes the !?1 no I was owing you". "Yes", sid Is- i ham, w.tu a grin, "and now lean: buy some meat fur do hd eti ul : homo . Figure for yourseit und see , ... .f ' k . what that lone .id cents did. Killed by Lialtiiing. Special m ll.e I'luiili.ue Obevrver. Salisbury, June 17. A colored wo man, wife of lioo Miller, was kdled by lightniu here this afternoon at 7:30 during a violent electrical und ; wind storm that swept over this kcc tion of country. She was in the. yard rling with her t-lrdlren, be hind the Louse of Mibs Alice Pearsou on Eliis street, wleu btr.iek. SL threw up her anus ahd fell buck dead iiuiu mu nuuis. For the fnt lime in tho bi.tuv of the Lnitcd States employees st the iMecutive Mansion aio t be um forwcJ, A Great Exhibition Free. partment cf trie SEABOARD AIR LINE Wiil Make nn Exhibit mid Conduct au Industrial Training School at Moucurc, N. C, Friday, July 2nd. 1837. I'KO.M I O'CLOCK i'.M TO", O CLOCK P. M. Tlii'i'xh lilt will .iii-Ii if AurliMilnii'.il t in : ineuis, h i i"Y' I i' .nr. iln e-i's aa I ii'HICh fi-r cinnliiK'. i ri'V'i'Ma j, iil 'kllii J"lly, l'U'inrnii'1 chi't'c' m.-ikiia: aci.' I:in',i'f. imMilinTMi-A nn-1 nil hin t nr mai-'il'.; y Men will Intoivat nicl ft: l I" 1 1" ci'iifiirt mil i ll: "t"iirSiuiliorn pi .;!. Yx pe ls liivi' 1 111 ;.!).-1 . uui'li nil win' ilf lri t. li,irn Ol art .( imikliiit g iml Ijal'.i.T mill fhivRo. pr wi via nii'l raiiulHK trulls, nmkii e J-IIIrs, J. 1111-. frail luiilrr, nail pl' kli'e; Iu innny oUut wiri. will Oi.' pi-iplw l.f mui;hl l..v t.i i-hvi' t'n Unit ii..w ii'i in w.iM'.t-nu iho fisini Iii',:.'.a, I: 'M n nun i.iiyihln 1.1 m I he i-vi Lill.lt. 'lli" Ih'IIkh ftri'spn'inlly Invito ! tn iiiti'iul n.p fxl.!llLi..n. Tlio ill.pliy will Ik hi'g-r nn.t iii'W.. c "iii .' aa l 'i( KT'-i'iT la!iii'"..t ilii.nl. umi illy in- a al III" ;."l -it It oral iilr-, Hi u yni Imv.' 1 -mmv-I nillen 11 . T.il.s l iliiliit aail In In.-li lal Tialnliu' Sell .. .t 1- cai rii'.l t ynir vory .I.nr, n y ni ni'iy i"elli'i lui'in: lnlmrsiiv Intf iiiii 'hlui'i y. ninl learn how tn ink" e il" i f ti.e UiliiSi. inn I" iai Din firm ami la III" g it I"n. Tii-so ilu. ir I Air I. In.. In undoraiklug ti.lsui to.'i r.-i' Ii pes t . ii-lil tlio fai in.'rti iil'.inr Hh Nr..' In in i '.iii; a srimiier .-aji'i'rn ..I u,. ir w .rk 1'iiri.u- in.- I'lri'iM in in in 10 i. li ..VI i. k. h.I lr.wi..' mil bo .l.'lU.'ii'il l.y pr.nia. nt g.ac!.' .mi varleu sal'Ji'.'ts e" Inlorp-'t 'llie l.innern aro ro pnuto I t" bntg ll.oit fi'ii ll '.n lew-kxi of pr .vwl. uis, mi l liavu a (.'..nil "lit Uinu -..a.li. r i in :-k"t pi- n.r. V 'iirs lriii . John r. I'A'niii'K. I'lil.-f 1'i.lui.irlal Acii:. TRE OBWERSin, J7 Joiiclii'i's. '111? tttletits ( S u 1 1 1 1 1 o r Scliool total, Vr.l. )onr ;i month : hrii-f coulees. full coitrsos, law nililir-li.'-j!: ol' j.liatitiiii'V In.i'ls ami si-!iini t i i ailuaic f.iUfs- cs ojuMt to Wom.o'i, siimnii'l scliool tor toarliiTs, M-!io!ar- .-Iimis and loans lor II n.'i-.iV. Ad he I'm. im.m' ALir.i:.M.N Chap- 1 11.11, N. ('. J-ina 10. 1817. HEW YORK WORLD, tjiiiki: a vi:i:k kdiiion. 1- ra'es a Week I. "til A nan -ras tiM-fiil t 1'aic rs a luii' I Oil ;te ;t iri-.- .t :fi il.ulv tol- t!ii l.'l ar a war. - ti-r than I'Vi r all thi-: n r:vs or all THE WOULD ..LL THK TIME A.'i'iii-.iro. iitu! fair to ev -rvliodv I .i!ii.iiT.iti,' and fit.- r'.ie pt-np!.'. A g.iins1' tr.ists and all tn :i. . 1 : I'.rilli.int iilti'trat io:is. Stories by groat atidiois in rvi ry mijii'i"'. Splenuiil ri'iiiling 1'if u. mon .-iii.i i the:- spMci.il do; a;1:m tits of tin usu al inter s. It stands first atnotig "vvci-kly" (i.-ipoi-s in sir. , l"i-ctj;ic;ir-v ..f pul.ii ca.i.tti .-m l I'roliiies.-, vtrii-ty and rol;:i!ii!ity of cHitc'it?. It is prac iically .1 di'iy .'tt tlio low pfit-o of a weik'y; .'ittl is vast !it of sub sciilurs, nxti'inlitig to ovory st.-.tc .-! ml territory of tlio I'ni. n and foreign ooimtrio-. will vmicli f r the a -i'-uracy ai d fainiossof its news ciilniims. We uir. r t'rs lliiO'itlalo 1 iifwsi M- nor and tin' Chatham Ui:mni t - 'Otl.e:- on" rogiil.ir s ii two p ipoi'-i M!" a -2 :. tn-io O T!,o ' till- i-iiC.u s:' oil. G. WILLIAMS, SAoTORI), N. C, for Pianos and Organs, Music, . 4 it tt Q i IlllU V' V'wt "calmer. April J, I -f 7 - ii TO -AT- NASHVILLE H AY 1ST. TO' OCTMllKti SIST. Tin? Rnil-'ins and groninls ol'llm Tomu'ssiMi (.'ciitoiiiiiiil. in utimlxM's ami itrcliiti'cltiral lioatttv, sttrpitss Atluttta's ami nearly equal -liicito's. Tlio oxliibils are all ri'tuly, an-1 are interest in": am! instrtictive. The live Slock display excels any exliiliition of the kiml ev er nia'le. The Miilwa)' is great. Till'. Wl'TLIvN AND ATLAS' IL! luiLu.nn. and I hi:nmi VII.LK l'ii A' TANOOOA AND St. l.otiis ll'y. runs solid vesti Imle tfiiins with Pullman's lim'sl slei'piiig- cars, from At lanta to Nashville. J)o not he imposed upon, hut he sure. I hut your ticket reads via Tho WSSTSar? and ATIAHriC . 21., and IA. S3.. iOUSS Ii "aT., hed'.-ei! A 1 a ii 1 il tiiid Nash vi'i.'. i'or iro'i;io- car l.-erlhs, ot a-.y i d'ort.-iii: ion ahout rales. ilo!i-l or iioai'i.'in house ac 'oinmoiLit ions in Nashvil'e call ttpoii or write to t; I- i!.:l N. 1 1 'Hi r.i I'as.. 'i''ei' A.:ciil. At la nla, (.. S: eeia' X.ei;'. : The l-i linil tlij1 iai' sto N-iU il.e a:o cheaper limn s :i ii ' ; t i... me nn: t m-:sskk Vkntkx NI VL KKP031T10N. Jpons at J'Jas'iiviHc, Ijlay 3.st, and Clones Octo ber OOlli, jLSSS. l'or this ixe s i.-i t lit SAU3a:ib ash line v. iii ..'; i lOxeiirshiii I s At Vi'.'.iV Kl-'dH'.T 1 K A I'HS, tin f d'.Oivil.;,' hi"..,? p.lt total iKtert lui'iu d: from , ! I -j:.-.I A. icir- to I. T.1V, ).i SO I oni a on, ll me. i. 1 1 n i II HI j-i ;., II .l M..IM-. I'l l t - h Hi ill Mil '.: . I.i.Ii a, 1 1 n i S:.lll..'., -lie I V. w......-i,..r , ttell.'ll, wi: mi .jjjt. m. ria-s. 'IV i l.i mi n ,, la '. I .1 my A;.1 I 2h.Ii l..).:i.. I. er I.'-Oi 1 lu .i limit S V 'lnin'r 7iU- I'l .srt il. Ti.-ke-.K H-.l 1 .1.11. A.:ll Will f. ): iniTi li. Hull Haul I .v jiii j (.') .1 i;.s tr en U .tf ..I .. .le. OI.H.H O. Tvi 'tH ! I I'n 't Iivh m l Tliur-.liy ..f I'll.-ll Wi r.l. Ale'll i '111 In Oel.il.'T With. I'llllll li.iili inn ,l'i; .Inyn iMai .1 He "I a ile. llil'.Mln Wi'l.ii. he. . .'Oil ail ..till nil llio 8EA30AHQAIH lU TO- r ;.v?-ii ti f.iii:. Pi.l ill III Sleeping lil ice ('.rs ll.in tin n::li witlieii' chaco t i r riirili'T tnierniii'l n t'.r.'iii'.H, m'1h'iIii1", ii.ila n rviee, i '.i-., iiri.ly to tiivm'al Ti. kel Al-lMit IT IH'.'IO ." II. S Leald, S. 1 A . Ii 1 igh, N. (J. S S liit.-hf lot, C T. A , Kilcigh, X, C. r D. M.-arcs (i.'ii'l. Agent, Wd miiigton, N. (.'. G.n Mi l' llil.le, T. IV A, Char lot t . N ;. li. A. X" a land. C. i.'l Agent. Pass tiU"er I)e!' art mi n. Allalita, (ii. i:. sr. joiix, V r an I tien'l M-trayer. FI. W 1? (J'.ovnr, . T. J. Aiid- rson, Tnilli '. M nuigt r. (Ici'l 1'a-s At (leneral Oei .-es Pol tsinonth, Va. '-'. v Gcsr.g to Buy X A Dictionary? ?; CET Tl nesT, Z Wel'Slar'sInternational. I A Choice GTt V ' . '.'X x A G:'ar.d Family Educator v l Library in lisolf V V Tncr Standard Authority Ttii In,cn-.atl"3Jl is new book from X 'i i 'C-vii-, l'iyi-br-'ait of tho times, T : ;j i. i i-Kctfjor ! ttio authentic T l':i , .- -i'i." Ten y Mrs tcre speui m T '-:. . jas)edUor cr..ployd ar.dc.verT l..-j,icji; rjiioiuled befcro the Hrst copy ? . i r-.v.i'.. :. I ii.j not I i.y ro-rinisof rbsolete ttJT "i jar.:1 ivt-'y rcrtlilet. fdilionft. T i-itT'.d ( in.0 jninphlet contxlnlngj itw'.ir.eu i)".5"3 r.inl full particulars. T . S: C. KI.RUUK CO., Publishers, KFTUNGFIELD, MASS., V. 3. A. i i ! F0T.D ALL BOOKSELLERS. it. nJ. LIMITED DOUBLE DAILY SERYICE To New York,- ' Atlanta, Kichmoinl, Norfolk,. And all points NORTH and SOUTH. Trains Leave Pitts-boro- 0::i0 ii. m. 3 20 p. m Trains Anivo at Titts-boro-- 11.45 a. m, 5.25 p. m. Ihiihj e.ivtjit Sunday. I'IN'EST l'ULLMAN VESTIBUL El) Tit A INS. r. j. aNii-:son, Gonorul Push. Ajrcnt, rortsinoiith, Va. P. ST. JOHN, Vice. Tics und Gon, Manager V. K. Me. K K. Oen. Supt. II W. B. GLOVHU, Triifll'j Mauagor. C. F. & Y. Y. RAILWAY. JOHN GILL, Rec-fiveb. Condensed Schedule. Tnr.flVel Mv nOl.li. 15507. NoKTII Bol'Mt. No. 2 DAILT I I..'nv." Wllniliii!i..n Arrms Kayo levillo : l.eitve Fiiclii'Vlllo l.'O.' lll.'.'lI.Vllli.' Juuclli'U msp.m IH AIT r 1 ...I 1.. .' S.UI el. I .;, I.. .i Miet cliy l.r. -liel-O si. !;":'. no l-' Oe Willi. at I ,.v ' I.' .ive 1 hi 1 1 eml ! Arnvi! 'i Airy i.l'ill Hoi'ND No. 1. DAILY. I.c.ivo Mt. Airy Iv.ivh linnil Mull Li'itvn Walnut O..vo i,iivi' si- li'-(I'il An Ive Oii'i'iisUto l.onvo li:.eli-.r.i l .-ivf Ml TCIiy l,etve laiiiuix I.i'hvo Siin:..-.l Arrivn luyi'iie itl luucton Arrlv.i r iyoei'Vtllo l.e ivo I'ayo ii'.-llli Arilo WilinliiKieu 6 35 ft. m .6l 1 ' n " u yo ii ti pa 11 45 " 1 li " 4 ! son ni nocM). No. 4. DAILY, tin. m eo m 10 M i" lOW NoT3. DAILY' I'ivc IiiiipI!nv1IIO An-lo Mux ou I;v,' Vnxi.'ll l.t'..ve K. il Sn In-s l.e ive I . . MIIN Ari'ivo . Hye.ievlili. SOC I II lloUMt, I.puvi Fnyfltuvltlo I. .v.. H..(. Main L.-HV.' Il.'.l Sprlniia Arrli M..XI..U l,l'-.V( MHXI..U Arrive lleniwilsvillo IIS I'.I 01 " 6 II e ii (I is I 30 " NOliTU DOl-ND. No. 16. Mlird Dally rxo' p. buuda Love !tnmi'iir Lvi etlmf.1 Arrive llri-eriHliiTO Lnv (Ir.'.iiisti ro l'.iv.' s..ik-.ilo An Ivo Mulliuu 1 40 a. m. .. 10 M 10 IS 113.1 pm 1 10 ' SOI'TII UOUSD. No. lfi. UllPd. Dull J- Kit'pl Buudtiy. Lntvi. M.'.'tlnn I,iiv. si..kni.lalo Arriv.iOi-11 'ik-i r. I.hhvii ilrw'HHb.ri L.'liVl' OIII1I4X Arrive lltmaour 3 10 p m. It S6 to " S id 7 8 Si CONNECTIONS At FnyrttcTllla with Atlantic Coast Line tor all p. .lots SnriU aud Butt, and Sanford Willi the ;Sea lK.ard Air Line, at Orceuabr.ro with Ififl Southern Itiillwny Oimpany, at Walnut Coto with tha Nor folk li vtooI.to ballroal for Wlnstou Balem. W. E. KTIF, OaB'IfaM Awt J.W. FRY, Oen'l Uaaager. oJIFEDEHATE Veteran. NA3HVILLE, TEKH. orpiciAi.r.v RRpnMr.rtTS United Conic'Jeratc Veteran, United Dauxhtera of the Confident? The Sons, and other Orgsalzntlons. tl.30 1 r. T. Simplsi, Four Tw-Ct Stsmpt. S. A. CUNNINGHAM. Si tciAL Kn.tcno.- iu Cluua lth tWa raffr