Jj M P lllMrtrfi ftM Qkdhatbam Record AX, SKPTKMB&K 9, 1891. H. A. LONDON. Editor. Yoiume XX. With this issue' the Record begins ft XX'th volume and enters upon She twentieth year of- its existence. A Unman being is an infant in tho eyo ol the law until hoor she ia twenty One years-old but a newspapor (and especially a North Carolina nowspa per) is ooneidered quite a veteran IbDfr before it Is twenty-one years oldi for so short-lived is tho avor-igoj newspaper that it rarely "'Pi"-;,1!,lceptiblo of two souses, that sense that ono survives to that age. To! .viu uQ av0Pted which will not lead illustrate tue trull) ot tins we neeu OOIV mention the fact that, ol all tno , ntntrn thnf fhi-n lining nublisliod ill I "' .w.. - quences, our neyu..in..iu m,... uii tablisbed,. only three uow exist uii -. teoopal rushes to tho re.-etio of fin der th'e Satde eui tor. "reform" legislators and declares So that tbo publication of the Rue-. lljal tlll.y ji.j not ritYa tiio law to obd for ninoteon yoars by t,,u 8iU" j moan what its words plainly iiuli editor is something unusual in North j L,aU, i Carolina journalism. And its pho-j Whether tho courts wi 1 sustain nominal suocoes is not duo to any po lt!ljs opinion of the.Atlorney Goner ouliar advantages of its locution, bo-1 10!lmi,is to be seen, and, as i'. is, eause during its existence seven c t!- i,, opitnon is not the decision of a er papers have been established in I 0()Urt uuj j,,,., no more binding of- ibis-eouoty, anu, ailcra snoit car eer, bave passed away and been buried in the crowded grave yard ol North Carolina newspapers. The sad'experionce of too many uas dbmonstrated bow precarious aud - hazardous is tho attempt to puuiisn 0 newspapof in this state, ami yol early every man thinks lie knows all about publishing a papor and is proih80' in bis criticism of aed ad Vice to editors ! During all the long years ol its existence the Rki' nt has endeavor-1 d to give its readers their money's , xrorth, and its only critics ami fault- 3odtr ha?o bnen thoso vrho have toad it' without paying for it. Wo , ." .i i have endeavored to g.vo tho pe.- .l ol ChoUia.n a county paper tbatj ould compare favorably with the oaDers of other couuties, and a pa- . t 50 that could be read at every fam ily fireside with pleasuro and profit We have Dot advocated public ques tions because they seemed to bo popular, but only when they seemed 10 be right and proper; and we have not failed-to oppose any and all pub lic measures that we believed in jurious to the best interests of the people, oven though they appeared to be plausible and popular. We! i OOlievo lliui luo j'cuj'io, o"v I lator, will have no respect for, norj ooufidence in, auy man or paper i whoso sails arc always trimmed to eatoh tho popular bi-oez 5 and is always trying to bo on tho popular si cib. The Record has no new promises for tho future, but will continue in , tbo f aturo, as iu tho past, its best ct lortsto promote tho prosperity of lltbe peojile, aud to give its read ers the latest and most reliable news. The Record exteuds its fraternal greetings to its contemporaries, with all of" whom it strives "to dwell iu brotherly lovo." The latest sensatiou in this state is the at;ompt of Gov. Russell to re ioovo two ot tho railroad commis sioners Miij. James W Wilson and 3. Otho Wilson. Tho law establish ing tho railroad commission, do olaros that "In caso any commis sioner shall, as distributee or lega teo or in other way, have or be come eutitiled to any stock or bonds or intorest therein of any such com pany he shall at once dispose of tho samo: and iu caso any commissioner shall fail in this, or in any ono of thom- shall become disqualified to act, then it shall bo tho duty of th 0 governor to suspend bim from office . and report tho fact of his su-pon .: . i.u r,r,i-t i;.,,..-.,..,! A.w.ihlv ... . ,. . and the question of removal from of I aco euau 00 ueiei unueu uy a inajur- ity o thegonoral assombly in joint session." This law, Gov. Russell thinks has been violated by tho two Wilsons, bocanse one of them owns an inter est in tho hotel at Round Knob, and j the other rente it, and tho South ern Ruilroad Company stops its trains tbero for its passengers to eat dinner. Tbero is no allegation that tbo railroad company owusan intor est in this hotel, nor that these two commissioners own any slock, bonds or other interest in the railroad com pany. It would seom therefore that some oth'er. inotlvo than a desire to 7udicatea violated lawis prompt ing Gov. Russell in his attempt to remove these commissioners. And it is suggested that bis motive is spite, because they refusod to grand bis request to reduco railroad rules and that ho wishes to put in their places commisioncis who will do bis biddirand become his pliant tools. It is bad enough for a slier i f to attempt to pack a jury, but it far worse lor a Goveruor to pack CJurt! So strong a pressure has boon! Tho Wheat Stales, brought to boar on Attorney-Gen. t8'" sa cral Walscr that bo has at last pub Statisticians have boon ostim.it j a , ... . .,.,?, Miifat ?20O,O0d,.Ht) increased rov l.shod a letter in tho Winston iu "j American farmers from the publican, declaring that in bis op-: cnhanCt)t p,. 0 wheat. This cor inion sections 52 and 53 of the liov- ,,a crossed tho dollar lino in enuo Act, passed by tho last Lcg'ts j lS'Jl, and since thon tho grado ot lature, do not apply to poll and prop-1 price ha been between 43 and 01 , ,r, ,,, ,' cents, tiio domronce btuug nipreson erty taxes. These are lho loJ lo ..om.o rxteiif.ol course, by tho aootions that have boon ho mno.i ihs , V il.;i)US grait.8 0( wheat. An csli eussed and '"cussed" in regard to nl,iio which was put loith a year ago iruprisoument lor con payment of by a government authority gave the . jviiliio ol tho wheat crop ot the . .... ! United Slates last vear as $250,000, in nis puoiisueu ujmiiu" iuu . torney General says, "There is a strong resumption against absur- dUj. jn a s.llluiory provision. So, , ho ,.lM ua0 ofllll ,.t ; sus tQ ttbsu,.j COusefiuenc Thcref.no - ,i,. ... ni.Voiit this odious law . i ... ... I ...... feet thau the opinion ot any oilier lawyer. liaising Tax Valuations. 1 rtora mo LeslnsMo UlsiA:ch. I a . fllnv in liU triii jerusaieui to Jerico i'.U ii.t i : hands of thieves aud robbeis, just so sure bave tbo tax payers of North Carolina falieu iulo the bauds of a set of extortioners. We have, ' "whereof the memory of man ruuutta nottotbecoutrarv," had a law wLieh couiprU a man to" go to the iisl taker i and give iu his property for taxation jaud swear to it. Uut" theso I.. fer i ... . ,i j ...,.! l.wrii f,.v ii U-.-.iUw Ujo kvy uilkl.ti. ; 'phey now say t iat it is not right to i,ka auv man's oath in the mallei of . i. it listin;. aud to show how l.ttlUli. oifiwost, ana liiat among iin.v tirtiieve what tax navers siv, tj;ea days ago. In ' . t)f t0 rse tLe tax vsl .Mtloa f horses, sheep, mules aud ; cows. They raised cows ten per . . .1- I cent-, eUecp luiliv jibi irui., uui si o tlV0Lty per cent", aud mules foity ! five per cent. If any tax payer 01 ; this county wauts to kuow the tax j value of bis mule he cau get it by j adding 45 per ceul. to what ho swoie ; tho mule was worth ou the tirst day j cfJuue. They say its only a little j ou each man. " A l.ttle on your cow, a little on that blind nrnlo, 'a little ou j that ewe lamb, and a l.ttle ou that i mnl'i.,1 hftilur thrtv mi? is so sinuli I vou wou t miss it. '.I.. i.:n ...i,.i Tl... iii-ddIh tuv i 1 1 . rtioiiuers reform. : - )0nar Hheat ami Demagog uory From lUe Sow v-.rk w.--.u. Dollar wheat iu futures means that the buyers of wheat, both in this couulry and abroad, tool sure that the pieseut high prices are to L-u maintained, iuty meau mat pit-s t frici.H aro ba,;c dpoculaiive operatic d not unou nuy I , . , ,,, i II 1 if jm ii v a i.l lie nilild. ' actual relation They tutan that wheat is sil.iug fori more thau a dollar because it is ao tu .liy worth moro than a dollar. 1 Auil the dollar is a good dollar too, "v,v-irv " adoliarworlh 100 cents anywhere m the world, irrespective of any ua tiou's liat or decree. Dottor still is the fact that the far mors still hol.l U-e-sovouths ot tho eatiie wheat crop. For that menus prosperity to ihe fariuors. aud pros oerity to them compels prosperity ev ery where else. 15e.-t of all is the end which the facts Lave made of the delusi .n taut tho price ot wheat is in auy degree dependent upon the price of siiver. I No man who has wheat iu his barns ; at this time wnl ever believe that . again or base his political action up ou it. Dj Ur whes.t is tho severest blow that deifl igoguery ever received. Siting for a Town. From Ui, Sows itu I olj.i-ver, Aus. 2J'-li. The whole ot Aberdeen is now in litigation, or rather a suit has been oujnil I'J recover at 1 tue p.-op-iriy :() ftlld around the town, so I am - told by lawyers ju-t from Moor Icounlv court. The am.. unt involved in tho litU liou I(l about 81,000.00!). The suit in-titulcd bv the lielliune heirs, whoso ancestors once owned all the! nronerlv in that section. It is allesr ! ed that there aro defects in tho title by which tho property passed from the Bethunes Dr. liethune is said to bo the lead ing spirit in the prosecution of the suit. Do has employed .Mr. wuey Rush, ot Ashcboro, and Mr. Rutus Fry, ot Troy, as his attorneys. Dr. Hethuno has contemplated bringing the suit for some time, but it was not until this term ot Mooro county court that it was actually instituted. Valuable Com in Indiana. From the Now Y-.rk World. E. 1'. McCasliu, cf Scottsburg, Ind , has a new variety of corn which he declaieB will yield 250 bushels to the acre. lie has a field of seven acres this year which beats anything ever before seen in the cereal line. Every stalk has ut least five ears, and some stalks produce twice that number. Tho ears are largo and tbo corn is fiiua and sound. Mr. McCu.-lin so cured one oar of tue coru two years ago. When be platted it he had JUSt .US grams, nun irom mat uu ee- cured seven bushcia, with which he planted the soven acres. He hopes aoonto bo abloto rurn.sli enougU seed to euablo every farmer iu the West to try tbo now corn. 000, and when tho fact is taken into c.msidoi ation that many of the far ri'.ors hi dd their product this year be fore the increased prices became current, and that No. 2 wheat sold last year Ut 01 cents, it is exi renin ly doubtful whether the irain t tlie lanners, over what they received tor tim .vheut last year, com jartd ' vJtH w wjtb what thev are recivnit; this ' oar, is more tiian 5100.00,l".tK; but COO or 8200,000.00tt it comes must opportunely to tho farmers of ihe I'n.t.ul Staios Win al is one of the big crops of the I'tiilul Slates, and has bound.-.! ahead with great, rapidity, as tin agricultural interests ot the United States have developed. Id lH.'O there was a wheat crop of IOiUpKO.CuO bushels, in 1S(M a croji of 175.H'lt. CO') buihels. ISTiloneol 2fhl,000.tltiti bus is, iu lSSOone ot jll.OUO.OOl) ' buxhiN, and in IS'.)! one ol dllUHM), 0oO bu..hels. About -IG'UHiO.UoO is tho avei:ii,'e crop, and the United males jirounei-s, in oioiiiui yi-ar, about onetiitii of t!io wheat grown in the world. It ctatids at tho bead of eounti'ics in I'L-snect of wiieal products. France and Hussia being sccou.i and tlnrJ, aiut lu.Ji.-i tourtn. until Uio recent tatnino in that conn try, following tho plague, reduced tho available supply for homo con. sumption and prevented the expor Ution ot wheat in largo amounU Hungary, in which the crop is not very good this year, is the fifth ol the wheat producing countries ot Hui win-Id. the t. tal of ihe others be iUlr by comparison insignificant, i.t leas; tor export purposes. In tli United Stales are those ol tiicm. in an ordinary year, witn au avnage ,.r .-i 0(,0,00 bush els, is M iin.csoia. Then comes North Dakota, adjacent, with a product of (iti.OdO.iiUO. aud howth 1'aKofa, with ! '. I 01. 1 I. Oil T! ,1 ,.-.M,,1 fit VllhEUU -'.''.- -r-" is about 2.'i. 000,000. aud ot Nebraska 10.000.imil Those are tho group ol wheal States, but they are not the only ones. California producing in ordinary years wheat t tne amount ivi.iiOO.OOO bushels, and Ohio having au average crop of o5.000.000. Wis cousin, which adjoins Minnesota, produces, relatively, very little wheat, but .Michigan, has when tho larmi.ig condiiions are good, a large vield. OteiToiiUas been iin reasiii'' - -. its wheat acreatfo eonsideral'.y. A mong ihe wheal Mates in tuo r.asi, I'eiiiisylvaiiia stands ti r t , with an average crop ot 20,0ii'l,0u0 bushels. Man land f. liowing vi,h 8,000.000. ai'd" New Yoik with T.Oull.tOd There is comparatively little wheal j raised in rsew ti'gljiiil. and scarcely auy in the (inJI Males. Alissotn i is a large w lieat gro , i ng State, exceed insr either Indiana or Illinois, but Arkansas south ol it yields very lit .1.. ... .....1 I". S Newspajiers. rri,m tUl UllliUfa(.turir. Out of 11,000 newspapers and po riodicals in Ihe world the United Slates has nearly one half or 10, S3.Y I'liono nearest are Germany, ."1.00O: rraiiee, -1,100; England, 4.000. Nearly It.iH'O.UOO.OOO copies of news papers and other periodicals are is sued iu thii United States every year. The Statu ot New Yoik alone prints more papers thau all the woi 11 lyum south ot the cpiator f ' ' ' j . , ,ooulltaiilj t mitWli aild ,, . ,. , lw 1 : i 1 . 1 ......... . . t 1 ,.. n me rivers 01 11,11 ami tuns 01 typo ii-cd, would add little to our con- ception ot ihe educational value of the books and periodical press ol the nation. Ju no other country are the people so wo 1 supplied wuh : books and p Slates. .riodicals as the United Hoy Fatally It 11 rued. Sj.0i-l.il 1.1 ilu Cliurl'.eo oiwenvr. Concord, Aug. 27 A most deplo 1 rable accident occurred at the homo o. Mr. W. llaivey BUckweldor, m i o. 1 towuslup, vit.-rday at 1.0011, when Ransom, bis teu year old sou. met a horiible death. There was no one at homo but two young boys. Ihe older oue does the cooking, and baviug been cootined to bis bed from the effects ot a severe chil', asked the unfortunate child to kindle the fire. The boy picked up tho oil cun I aDd began pouring oil on a bed of hitlt dead coals. In an instant there was a terrible explosion, sprinkling j oil over the clothes of the child, aud ! in less than a second he was a mass of flames. The boy ran iuto the yard sereamiug. when the dogs became frightened aud bit him several limes upon tho legs. The bov rau until he j fell from exhaustiou aud pain. After being carried to the bouse, bo died withiu two hours. Killed by Lightning. Roanoke, Va., Aug. 20. About 5 o'clock yesterday evening lightniug struck a threshing machine at which 16 men were working, on Brush creek, in Montgomery county. Wiley Simmons and crank Dobyns were killed outright. Cabell Dobyns and , '-"" ' a"J wo f thetu having died since. leu j """"V" , - COl.nl":'. uuuuii. ww m.mv.m.mw -' slightly damaged. Danger to Klondj kc Prospectors. I Sau Fraucisco, Aug. 2S -Thomas Magee,wboiseu ro.Se to the Jilou dyke gold Holds with a parly of Sau : Frandscoatis, writes tho As'sooiated i lVe83 from Lake Bonnelt. U. (J., ui. . der dte of August 15th, continuing previous repi rts of tbo lei ril le eou- j Utionoftbo White pass frail from Skaguay and relating the almost uo ! suriuoui.t-.ble .lillun.ltics D been countered by the gold Liu.ter. who prefer that roulo to tun mote foimi. , dablo Cuilieot pass route, lie ami ! his patty 1. ft Skaguay on August 1 10th with niue burros, consumed lour ' Hiul ouo-hnlf .lavs in iii.ikmg ti.e trip : .a fM.lv m I'.il... I5i.iim.-I.. Tiveu ty-iivo tim.-a tlio pack anumils wi re bugged up. m e.'.-!-ittt':Li n t u.- iy the ui:piU'kiug ot each lo-id, but h'o mo lifting of tho animals , inch iit-eei.si tsted th-3 unpacking ot biUM's imd the progress i! the :-i.pi'i:'- by hand! over tiit-so spots. Ti:e Ma'e paity took a bo. t up fioin San tai:0i.-o- . iu sections, but wad O'.'aupclicd to leave it : t tl:o lieai-n al Si;,iguay, i.s it w;;s ulteriy iiiiposiibh' toeany :l over the tin. 1. Altlieluad of lnko; Hi unet. howL-vt-r, tiii-y lomid a iiua ' of boat biiihb-is who eiiai ;," d i.o more for good boats ttmii wniild l-e paid iu (S an rra!.eieo (.r'l lOv l.ey tat' or.'ess abend for t 'uy five b.jui-.. which would occupy t ;i-m u:i..l ocji- ; lembi t 20i n at li -i-t. ilr Magee tloti!.-. u.-it the nr.j 'l ity of tLe crowd no.v aiS.Mg.M.v will have to abandon ail h ol it ng yea: , into t 10 Yi:ko'i cotiuuy and is eei tain Hint laic c tins i-oi.n i Lav.: lie also do 1 any would-- no clou ce of doi: p'.ores lLe fact thi-.l so tie lii'osijivt'irs Hi-em la uVi-l I 'ok Hie met mat onec u.au i'i.o-i .m-'j;"-.,' ; ....! . . t I ... ....... food and other buppn.-s a-e m.-t to . be purchased I'.r ill or money, as 1 .- 1 1 , l.o om-has auv more ti;n bo abso : !... I 1 I '. I. i .... .. 1 1 11 . .1... i- lUll'IV ll'teiiJI I'll .I.lili'lli. ur IK""" ,!,,t T.-,tl .muml, is alu.ut ri.ht lor each man, but savs that hundreds .1. ,..,,t, 1 1,,., of I that amount, for them. ai.d !J!cdict.s d.sa.-t r Millions lor FaJ tiirts. Washington, Aug. ; 27 -A.-si. timt Secre'.ai) li.-iham, id the Agricul tural lcpitlmeut today t-s p: ih.h .1 the opinion tint the A-u-.i icau far mers t'.r.s year .vou-d ree -i-.-i- 111 th nKiegate "from f' P'0,0tni,nuo to .jo;i OUO.000 iu excess of wt,-u li t-y re ceived lr.t ai' for tliO'i' I urn prod ucts. This, ho t-ayr'. iu.-ans much to farmcis, as they have learned 111 the s.-ason id hard limes through which they hava passed tuei-onom z-whi-.ro t'ney eou'd. and to l-o cai. li.l in buying. They will um- ti.e niotcy that they receive for their crop. to pay oft' th"ir debts, eauci I moiigages b-.l iu mukn g impiov.-i'ii-uts 0:1 ihe farms and farm imiidiiigs. Tnia seems l.kc a vast sum. but stati-lics sustain I lit- claim. riilfhard's RnithtT Itilicd. Atlanta. Ga. Aug. 27 --A s;. -cial ! Iron, CloUJlaii.l.N C,hnv-: ib-ore,- K Pritchard. bn.t :cr "f S -nui--r I ;,., I f '.i.iii t'-uai'iu:!. whf thesheiill' ol Mitchell county, w is fatally wounded today w !iii:- ntlemp 1 ting to anc-d Jionioe (. ir.anil, ( noted desli,-:ado, near t li'.l.liand. Hhcrid Fntchard ha. I a wanant for Garland and h a ii. ;;;' v went after him. Too d- spera.io lireu at tiio shclili', one bail p-.-'ielrafm; the j lungs and another passing through ; his neck. I Gailand, alter he had shnl. l'risch unl, turuod on D puiy Uial-ick and began firing, but lU-.l-ck was t .0 : uicii 101 1.0.., ....-..-.'.., u . i (iarlaiul die t in a f minutes, ami 1'ritchard was takei hou-e and surgical l'rit chard is lortv-on to a nearby aid sought Vears of ni;e, and has a larye lam l v. Otl'n.-er DWilock is .-K'ht'iy ed. wound Winston Republican: Tlif.ro was a lawn paity at. Arcle Ial . Uaudolph couiitv, last l-riday cveuiug. ami ai least 50 persons were made sic by eating ico cream, whieh 1.1 some way was poisoned, and supposedly from the cau. in which it was fr. z m. For- tuuately 110 serious results fo 1 iwed but Caere were said to be soiue inigb ty sick folks iu that town and vicinity lor a wiiil.'. wue-uoc.io.- ijaiii'iu-n to have had seventeen patu Lis uu iug the night. Marshvillo Home: Mi of Goose Crc-I: tuwm , J. F. n-.-!k. hip, reports someihini' rather Mian-" and markable in his family. He says be 1 baa a daughter 17 years cl I who has ! never spoku t bin. iu her life. She . talks with tho otaer members of tio ' family but refuses to talk to him. y.-l . her pareutil utVectiou towards him' seems to be as great or geater than tbat of hi9 other children. Sim fro j quently goes with him away fiom ; home ou a visit aud listens to him , talk but never n turns 'a word or an j wers a question for him. Her men j tal faculties aro as good as the ever age and she is to au extent educated, cau read and write. Theso are the facts as given to us by Mr. Hulk him self, lie does not claim to uuder- stand it hituself aud does uot know bow to accouut for it. Killed by an Assass mi. Danville, Va , Aug. 27 Dr. Ji:o. It. Cabell, a prominent citizen of Danville, was assassinated la-t uiyht at bis country home near Cailands twenty five miles from here, by El deiicu lnuii all important news ward Uaukins, bis teuant. The weap poiu's mi tlio globe. It has brilli on used was au axe. Owing to Uaok . ant iih s rations, stories by great ins' bad management, Cabell would uiitiinr.-, a capilnl Iiuiiio.' juigo, coiu not rent him tha tarm for another j.h to in.irkets, iU-p.iriiiit-iits of the yearand Hankins refused to move a li.u-itl,ol 1 an I woman's work and way. The fatal dispute arose over ,,tiIL.-n -ial del iirtinciits of iiiiUfii- ; 0f ,T0 aUl verv feeble. Dr. Cabell luis mailer, ur. vnui-n was jt-ais 1 was a brother 01 t-x-uuiossmau . George C. Cabell, and vm for many years a muuiii-pi .vsiciau 01 iue cuy . ! 1 1 H iriOVf.II ITOlll lrt M V 1 1 ' 11 HUtltll Lt'll vears ago. Kusly Nail Caused Her Death. worn u.. w York w.tui. . G.gglomaun d.ed " her homo ou richer aven e . New 'n. J"! Trdy nrteron om blood po.son.ng, the result of. "t on her hngor from a rusty ua rl 0 ftw dV8 - 11 " when her nrtn hegw to 1 Jl t ho eallod .:. Dr McO el.an ot r, t Hobokou, but it ws too lite, Tj, f,,,, Chicago, Aug. 28 -A sovero wind storm nve t over tho wert -nihub u: bs rf Chicago tonight, doing ct'ii eidciuldo damage to buihliiiH at scvcl-.l noints. At Norwood rat k the dani-iug pavibon, iu wii-cu a pic l.ie p.ur'y Imd H-.-ught nl:i-:tcr, was bioviu down. 1-iloiig oua womau and i'jjuiitig liirce o'li'T pe-'f 1 '. llui.n I'l.ion: e hum tiom u i-eliable source that Mr. llu-hUla lock, a prosperous farmer cl Alike .-oi:i;tV has b.-i-n putting by each vear tor several ye ns b.h-s of cot ton which he del not need t 1 run his tarm and by this moans ho bad gathered to;." t'ler 3:10 hales of the tinest grades of i-ollon which ho was hohl ii..' I01 IU cents a pound. A lew -lays ago lie closed out the lot ut r..at r.rie -. a northern mill biiytni: it, which br light him over SlIIOOO : I.itii o'iitoii .lourual: There was a j scei.e and s. mi.; cxeilemenl at Hall's Creek (amp meeting Sunday. Ii .-coins that a y .mug mail named Watt.- slole a young woman named Siioiuv and 'married lur near Hie (-.ii!:; irioii-id. Ths irl's fathei I hen s olo !iei- bom her husband. l.-.t.T t tif hii-bmd a'aiii stole her 1'ni'n ..he 1 1 ! man. The latter lill-d . . . .. i , :,, "I' V .1 ti e, J1' ."'; "t ' u-I ll k-k but 10 cou.d 1111 i'et the girl back, 1,1,1 1 ' .i... ? , . . . , ...j, . 0:d.v 7 townships out of Ml I- . Uit! l,ubl,c 8C"""1 special tax. The s.fiiat 01 ial pi imaries in Sviuth Carolina weie earned by aieljauilii over Irby and Iv- ans. Di.J. V. Mcliay. a former cifi z-ui.f Ham. t. coin. t y, ihe.lat his lioins in Ciirraw, South Carolina, la-l wi ck, lia-l Ml years. Ou Sept. in'.- r 'li'tii l!io corticr cii.' ct I'm' princip-ii building of l'u-l'.ek-ford Sii-ilai mm. at Sou'l.e.i. l'nte.--. will be laid Tin.- if the bus p tat to bo tm 1- for eoioied eousump tr.es. One of Hie attra-tions of the State Fair wi.l tie an old lady seventy two years oid, Mrs. Smitti, of Wayne county, who w.ll have her flax whei i '.nd tl .X ot h. r own rais-ut' ' m, d w:ll show how cloth was made in tue I m 4 :igo. (i.-oi-ire W. Parro't, Jr, son of George W. Pinotl, president of tho Capital C't.V Dank, of Atlanta, eom-iiiitie-.l i-uiei lo bv slmoniii; himsell j,, the head ixnu Pai-mit bad inherited aHout sio-Mmo nee...,. II- fi:!;!-.- I in wi. Ml wi. le ' Nov V-tI-: :i month ago and lol iltiO.000 aiil.iu a wecii 'j-j, Jo!i-s, who negro pn-ao l-u :i lire-toning I'm ..111: ' t n.llll.-r. ,,.; ,- e mil near li.l.-V.b. and baK iiri-k-'ii um st-t-ei al t'.oni' was wljil. -.-.ij ps.i not long .'go-elii-li.'i..! up l-efoie colli t, went liisehai ie.l. nd thu had bi.- t.n i lin y eo t-. pui Failing 10 ou th'- !'! oacher, J .me i.av tho1 v'osf. has been sent to I La roa t i win k it nut. So-neflung to Depend On , JiIK.f ot the drug tirm f.f f.tii.. - S.iii. Cow- ell. 11.. UM ' s;i -ak-.il of !); 'vill i's No .v D.sc.ov I ...... m .v ! hat l.i' Wil.t T hi- will- I-.- m.i vs : I1.1t in-' wii.t -r In j was at ii. k.-d wii.h La Grippe, and I her case irrew s- seri.nn thai phy-i 1 ciatis al Cowd-.m and I'a'ia c m'd do I no'ih;!.g I u- her I seemed to dev. 1 I up in'.-. Ha-tV Ooa-ll-iip iou Having ) Dr. K' ui'' N-w !) -covery in st , laud s. lii.-uc l"'-s ot it, he look a bol ' 1!.. hum., .-u, 1 to the sunirisi' ot a 1 ; , . ,,.., irom tir-t .-he be .( ,.,f .j.,.,, J.dl-.r hot il.w ! ( iir i;j ( M. N illl(,, Wl l d, : Novv Diseovmv t u-Consun.p j uc ,.lis ull, L;,.,js js ;iranecd t Ul,; uo, work. Try it Fr-,. ; lniil () )llU,s .a (; u LMking on's 1 1, SiorL- m YORK WORLD, 'UlltH'K A WKEK EDITION. IS I'ages a Week 1.V5 Paper a Yiar UGH ONK DOLLAR. Published every Alternate Day ex cept holiday. j Tim Thri.vn W... k Kdith-n of tlm ; New York W r!d is tirst aumtig all I 'we-klv'' napcis in si e, I iciiict:cy i Ji t . -u. mid I be fre-lincs-. j a.v Ir! 1:K-V and van. IV nl ll- coiiii in.-. t!.c mi rits of ;i rcnt si : id lilt .it tin: pri a-of a d-llar wt'ckly. j i Ir- p..iitii-:tl iiowm is iioinpt, coin-j j )i!vli:, :ii i-;ii'.tti- iM-l i mpal t il! as till j 1 its iv.-t.b-i-t. will te.stil'y. It is against Hi..' ni.m.e.i.iio.- i ii i for l!ie pnylo. 1 1 prints tin- news ut' all the j wnnd, l.a mg .-pet iat ri.iu-sp .1.-. ..1 jnlcn-.-t We '!l'.-i- t!ils unequalo 1 iirwspa .. i- aild the Chatham Kl-roiMi t i-t !.! ..ic ear for '2. '.". Tlie , , . . . .- ' 1 tWll p 1IC- lo S'i.jU. COTTON GUNNERS THEIR PROPERTY IN T11K Tliis is a Ilo.nc- coiiiiiipiinx ni.il ftf- trves tho p.itroiini,(' of all Ni-nli Carolinians It was organized in lfrs utid luif .iid over six hundred tl.ouun do!! ir 111 losses in:.! i.- m t m- coiitcs'io I c!.nim .igaihst it ! .'.Ii hisses paid proiupflv. U vw' ii.iidciit man otiglit t iii-iiie !;ipj pi-.-p.ry. j I'.u' U-rnis, Ovii., apply 'o II. A. LONDON. AGENT. W. S. I,IIMUOSF.,I,rcido:d. i.-n',. 2. ISO 7. r:sK TK.NKssi-'.s; w.vi i:n mh. i:xro3rntN. Cposis at Nashville, Xffay 1st, aud Closes Octo ber 30th, 157. For this oce- s:ou tho SEABOARD AIR LIME Will Kill 10enrsimi 'l"iKtt At VKUY KEDUC1LO KATES, tbo following being total rale j.'.n ts niuutd: A. 15. from 'liH-l.i x. c. s. c. N. O- f.-i i;-i . I !!;",,!',.!, , iwufw .1 ... . iiHsi.-ii. K" M-nr-.- ; .. liolii). 11' M 1:'-:. II. .'j jif.-::-i.. j n,,,,:. .!-.!, Wa.li-nli.im, " '.'.'I'' Wi- 1. .11. ' -.ii J t llllilliSI .il. " V'i 1-l.t-... A T:. k..-.i s-.l l .laliy l.,-i iiili- i i..:il li.'ui: N.-v. ;-.!-. Cliis II Ti. ki-!8it .1.1 .l.tll,- Ai.nl '.' I l-i-rivii. Fiiiil ll.ni in-ialy-J-i ! ui i-ftle Olits.i ('. Ti.-k-'t-i-i 1 I l''l l -.v-i n: t ! . . '. , 'i'llleugil IH.-l Vli.il lii-OVi'i'll nil I'. -l.i:s SEABOARD ASH UM TO - NASdlVILLK. Pel mau Sie. piiig Palace Cars Ii.niila- tu-'i v uii. ie i-i.'ci.i. I'.-r fiiitlii-r liit"i in. el mi.-1 Ir.-ilu m i v.. .-. i-i.-.. i.;-,-ly -.-i. .111!' . Til Li-l I I I Acoi.i . r .iil.Ji.ff II S L.aul, S. P A , 1 S S llatchi I 11 . C. T. - ;h, N. C h igh. N. C T. D. M-alO". G u'l. Ageu1, Wil micK'-m, N. C. Geo. M.-P UaUle, T. P. A . Char it.it N U. Ii A. Newlaed. G'Mi'l. AiJ-lit, Pn3s eoger Di'iiartm.-u'. A'l-inta, G 1. I.. ST. JOHN, V P ami Gen'l .!min-..'-r. II. W 15. Glov-r, T. d. And- rson, Tialfic Manuger. Gun'l P.i.-s At General Offices- P. rlMi;outi.. 'a. Going to Buy J A Dictionary? C.ET THE BEST, i Webster's International. 1 A Choxo Gift v v v v I A Grant! Family Educator I A Library in Itself v '.' Tho Standard Auttio. ity SOLD BY AI L H00KSELLERS. The Interutioul Is new book from Y ovor to euvcr. fully ubreutoI Uio timoi., Y nrl is tho sa.-.cebst-r ot tUo auihcni io T iin....iitv...i .. 'i'.m .iits vem ATU-llt III T ? rcvislitf-. 100 cdlio'-i' i-mployed ftr.U over Y Y $:i0-),000 .pnuicU tofci-o tho tlret copy X X wai printed. ... . 2 Do not buy rclts cbao.cto rdo 2 ?comprtivcly worthli-tii eclitioi.i. T i a. nl1llu 'krv ,.m.(..... . .......... A 1 X f iKsrimea pageu mid full purticuUrs. G. fc C. IJCaniAM CO., FuM!sl!ers, X E-parNOFIKLD, MASS., V. H. A. $ HTCOUBtErDAltir Sai crovirin Td X?v York, J Alliiiitii, Kifiinioixl, Norfolk, Aii'l all jMiinls NOUTH ami 1 SOUTH. i 'Trains Leave Pitts- boro-- 0:o0 a. m, 3 20 p. m at Pitts Trains Arrive boro-- Il.-15n.tu, 5.2 p. m. Ihiilij ixci'i't Suiuhty. FINKS T FULM1AN KD TRAINS. VESTIBUL- T. J. aNDKUSON, General Pass. Agenf, I'ortsmoiitb, Va. H ST. JOHN, Vice 1'ies and Gen, Manager ! V. E Me. lir.E, Gen. Supt. j i!. W. 15. GLOYEll, I I j Til. Hi-; Manager. I C. F. & 7. V. RAILWAY. JOHN GILL, Klciivkr. Condensed Schedule. In l!Vct May yOlb, 1S07. Noii 1 11 I tor ml No. 2 IMILV b 115 r. ;4 1 -. ! . V. mi, in 1 1 1 : 1.. -.mi lni.it 1111. 1 j Anivo 'l Al.-jr !!.u Nil No. 1. DAILY. Mi Miy . Kii:- .l i I. .-.VC V..'.jllC C"V. I.-..IM- M l..-.-..tll. Anlv- lit-. .-ii-Ua-.i I ..i.- i.t,-. ufl r I v. i aim. is v no ' U 1: 10 utj ion 1J4.1 1 i i 50 A- rill' I 1 Not; ri: iwcnd. No. 4. l.AII.T. 7 tf. n. ia vii U I'l " 41 " .11 (' IU 6U ' n.-lllixitnl li 10 - M.ix .ill ' MllA.-'ll H.-il si.i'illi'S 1 ...l Mli'1 .- .-aii.i-nll-i "No. 8. Sof llt llolMi, HAII.I. !.eavi. KHycll.-vlllo U- it.- l....i Mill-Li-at" It.' I S;.t llisM An. v. Max:. Hi 1...-IH. Max'.'li Airivi ll.-lllirllHVl.IO 4 11 p. A 11 ' f. tl (1 1. ' A li no Kouru Dor.su. No. Iff. DMIf Ki.'p. suuilcf 1..-.JV.. i:Hin...,i:r 1.. Ml ClilllKX ,- rriM- lin i n-lH.ro 1.1. -iv - or.--i.-ii .r.i l.'iuv . si"kl tl.. AlliV" M:l II-...U 7 40 r m. v -iJ III 10 IU M ii iu 1 10 soeTU LOfNli. No. 15. Hlxo... Pally hie'i'l Suuds'. I.O.IV.. MH'ltH'iU I -av.- Hi-. k. '-.lain Arrive a.-o .iw.-.t-o 1 .'iv. r.M!iiiro liivH Climax Arrlvt. Itaius.iur 3 in p m. 3 en tl'i " 6 44 M ' BU CONNECTIONS At FHyi'ltcvllht with AiUntlo daft Llu. t Mnxtoii Willi Car..liia IVnifRl liallr.il. m Sau fi.r.l with s,-:tl.Hr.l Air Line, ill OiiM iwlinn. wlih Si.iiilii rii Ititllway, m Walnut Oove wlih NiTfolk .1; WoUru Uuilwy. W. E. RYI.r, Gcu'l TaM Agent J.W. F.tY, (i pd'I MAuact-r. CuTOAta, ind Trsda-Msrlts ohlaiiiarl. And U Ftt ent bu-inru eonrlnctrd rur Modcmtc ret. Ou Orriet is Ophoaitc.U. S. PATiHTOrr1" And wo am "i-rnre patent iu ltd liiao tuoa Uiim reinnf fr.mi Ws-liiiut-tna. htud model, drrwlng nr photo., with dcnr tlon. Wo AdviM, if U-ntlj or uot. tree uf charge. Our foe But dun A i II latent 1 K-eord. A pMMitT, "How to Ol'talli riteiit," wtu nAmw of eriual clii-nti in Jour Elate, coauty, o UiHU, teal f rev. Address, i C.A.SOW&COJ p. Patint orncr. WAMiiiaTo. D i i 1

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