l)c IjQtljnm tUcorfc. 11 COTw 2Z. .4. LOS DOS, EDITOR AND PROPBTOR. BATES as- ADVERTISING Ono square, one icaerlion 1.00 Ouo sajupre, two insertions. ... 1.50 Ouo eiiuare, ono mouth - . 2 19 For larger advertiseatcaia liberal eoutfaeu wilt 1)0 urn In. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAH St Ictly in Advance. VOL. XX. PITTSBOUO, CHATHAM COUNTY, X. C.niriiSDAY, JANUARY G, 18'8. NO. 11). : e v' V " - ;: I'S BIGGEST TO PROTECT si." i-' -' T lie largest gun ever built U now rcnsti tictcil r. llio Rethlehctn (I'enn.) Iron Winks. Tina enormous pieco of ordnauco will weigh, when crun, lcied, 12' tou:i. It wiil e:.ceod by six ti.'.u v,-,i;Ikt the monster pun which Krr.np, ed Germany, exhibited ut tho World'? Fail-, in Chicago, and in lengih it will bo nearly live feel Ln-vr than tho German gum This liViir le:- gun 3 being fabri-f-ntcl nailer '.ho War Department. It i.i tho 1ig''-.i order ercr given to any establishment in the world. The. r! it c;i" w ''tins buiit under 1 bo s Hp! Villtcll llfll.:. nf John 1 Mrig, f ui'iiiiily n Lieutenant of the 1 1 1 i t; I .str a army and a ttandard nit i! levy fiuihority in this country. With bun is (s.ociated Captain K. L. Zalinski. United State.! anr.y U' tiro Tho tiovernmiit insiieotititi Moik is i;i the ba iiH of Captain Ira I;Xnll, nf tin tirdnnneo corps of the ni iijv. .Mi thrc-.- goutiemcn are en tue nor. t ronnd ivi l ver; onu!ly ;co to every Vh?n Gureni' r Steinieiiber nil ilel.iil .'f Hie iruneii?'! undertaki:i,7 a a 1 Scrretary nf Stale I.evi vr railed it vi"0o'rc.-.si. totlie limihri'M ju'tif t ?.f Slat.' : I the intention of tho War Depart- j biiMncfi of the yi , nte: t ii ipi rl.itiee in iiiOiit, it i ( piuionricc 1, ii to mount the j ei.iiiicrtinu with tlu Mate va.H d-i-(..'er.t pt ivon a tpeeially built f.iunda- 1 main of while pino ti.iibrr, t'iey wen; 1 ion 11:1 r.i.:ner Sii -.a!.". Tho proton- .it tlo-ir its' end lo h'luv, whom they ti ni f.-'V t!iiu ran v. ill bo a tf.l lel. ! could Fafely leav.i in rhari,'!! of Slalo v.hi.-l, vi! v lii'lly iuelo-..! the erevv j matter during their ub-en.-e. ha M nn I tli.' jji-e-aier pal t of the gun. I'r.iru tuviioy-G.-iieinl M.'l'avlan l bad pre iti po.Mii'in on lliii'.n rShoalfi Iiio fjreaf j ceded thorn fp.m the- S'.'e. I'ieee of or lnaiieu will have full j It roomed for a tim' tl.e trip would 1, weep i f the channel leidinij; into j havo to lie postpone:!, or that ono of Xew V'-rl; Harbor. There i not, it i- , tliem would havo remtiin In hind, tloelnred, a ver-scl afloat to-day with ! when Secretary of Stnty I-vii n;r wmorot Httfileicnt ?trenth tj re:-i.t fceted to tlu (iov. rn.-'r that Miss rJi ElGvEcT It will Wiii-li, "Cirrlese, J2Cict:, auj i! It r,',i dc mour.;-. 1 n a special fuuuJalmn at in shot. John 1'. Meig3 efiimatc 1 that a blow Horn tho nc'iv fruu would 1 have a sti iLir.g enercry cq'ial to t!mt of a UOOO-toti f.hln whea l uj.ninr; r.t full j hpeed, 'i'l'o shot from tho gun. he 1 r. ids, wen! 1 f'.jft:!i, ctaek and batter, down any a.mur which i: woul-.l be po-:iiblo for a f hip to carry. Tbo calibor will bo f.i::tijn inc'uc?, j the lcng.ii. frci.n breecU to m.zzle, j will bn f. riy-nino feet two inc'.ies. ! Tbrough llio brceeh in a vcrti.al line' th'i tr in v, iil havo 11 r.-ea; ur; -mcnt o( j exactly I'r. o ft-et. Mr. Meijf- com-. putes the weight of a shot for the tio-.v j nun at a little over 2-int) pound:-. That wc.i'H m i. e t'ni'i :i ton o( metal. 'J'he : henviest shot-, lhvd in Euglan.l ha.-e! not weighed over ;:miO punnd.;. 1 The juiw.ler e'ir.rgij for tho Auert-; can gun will w-igu nearly IO1111 poutid". ' Provided extreme flevntton for ranso ' eon! 1 be f'braino 1, a sh. t from the X;w York Jf-itlur ;,'.in shtuld be able li travel m : 2 tliaa fi- tceu mile.-, j The I-".', .i'. rt hiii.il range ever at-' laine 1 wv. 11 o;vi ti..i famuiit ''jubilee r.hct ' in I'n.'-I md. The lii' tmee; mMi'.rcd about twf '.ve rtaluto miles, i f'ho T'i.itc-l H'.:'U s has never beuve 1 atteciptc.l any hc.ivier piece cf oil--nanco fo: e n-t (Ufcnee tliMi a twelve- i inch ."an. TI.? weight e.f a piece of 1 th 2 later er.iibi-r i tippreximatcly liftv t.n.s t'i iiio sixt.'eti i.i. h f.n : there is oh: e. vj.l a junip of fereuty lix bill in. icii-t- in weigh!. The liisl ingot for tho now EiUen Inch gun wa ; en.,t rccatiy at licthlo hem. It v..i". f .r the tube forgit g an 1 wei,'h? l ei.Li poand-i, The ni. I;. t forging i- a!iu out. It weigh t'0,000 pmii.is. Itilvi tho contract made with the 'Wai- Department tho Iicthle iv'.rlc, wi; turn out all forging 1 ir the gir it sun. The toinpei ing and aan-.'nliitsf nve.'c.-s . ill also be apj lied Ut- the jJe'.hlehem r-h.-.p:.. V.'heu all I tie pari' are on', the t.il-e, jacket aud liocp will bi shipped to the l eited HtR'.e? a -Cij.i! 111 VrtK-rvlift, t i'io;'. . V. TL-r'. t'.ey are to be as se ;i!dtd tojrtli-r, and the nun itself lirled and ma le ready f. r s; i vi. e. j All metal used 13 llui.l corn pre f.'sed. 1 The siiL-eili.-.-ition.i which arc being nd- j ueicd to (Itf'.iiand the mo.t exa'tiug physical test:. Specimen pieces of uitt.il are taken from all forging, are subjected to elon.uution, breakiiig and bending tests, l'iualiy every part of the gnu must be of forged metal. Tho tub", for in-lance, has been cast and t ough bored, ilt will next have a man drel introduced through its length and then be placed uuder tho hammer. For this latter stage the Uetblehem works have the largest hammer in the world. It i.s capable of delivering a blow of 120 tons, er ome ten ton: more thin the lamou.s Krupp ham wee. The building of the new sixteen-ineh pun is an expensive undertaking. The fciinitsdf will cost about SliiO.imo. J'or Hinctle guirt the average cost totho (iovernweut for ail fortification work iu tin' count iy 1.-1 ruughly pr ton of gun. Tii a oott of ih gun cairitg and tup i;t trin tb boi ud i M msli W K -'V . i'i CANNON f NEW YORK. j again aa tho weapon, whilo tho cost for foundation "ill. it h estimated. round out a grand, l itrd of at $:j00,00ii. The b.ir.ida' ion f. r tho tccn-ineh 511:1 wi!! r.iqairea ib.-pth, it i" caid, of fifty foot if tarlh hz t Ij 0 bas'.i, Tlj3 fonndiiii'u uti:,l bj coanucteU of coucic c. IDAHO'S VOMAM COVERNOr?. for Tito TXcfUn M! Mr(?(itt l'lillil Itli' i:rn,liM- linli-. Tho ii"ws Uifir for t'"0 i;ck.i a woman had filled tho esei'iiiivn euair 01 ino ritato ol 1'lalio a tluuj; inyii' cedt'iited in this country':! la.itoiy created no cud of lively woaucnt throtifihout tho Xoi tlr.ve;!. Iho woman is TNJ 1 : Iiif-iireiT!eeve, j who for several av. u Ik 1.1 v.: hj)nnil)lo vlrt't.H nbont Malm'.-; Slate- niililinj;, havitift- f..j the l.-c t f.inr year.-i 'been j.riralo rcerelary b the tUiv.i- fll:iiifcr-.v , ! I 1 M- V I- '.1'- I 'III I I 5 waaacgi ! 1 -: 1 .1 Gr.V IX THE WOr.I.D TO PROTECT NXW VORS. fins heavU'r i!;..a t':: r.i ml jt m :-V..-.-.vn t y Kiarp r.l tl.e V.'.-iM't rir at Chi: Koaie-r !ioals, ia t!io j.jv,vr Lay. Xo vessel coui.1 r.-i-:t a dbot from it. licc-ve bo left in cliage. Tito Cover- A vehicle to travel twico this dis nof wen nhiiost eiunncd by the bold j tatioj could readily bo built, but it plan, but .Miss I'ccvj La 1 proved her-1 would need to bo twico its woight in te'f mo.-'t eflicicul, bti'.:g familiar with I order to r.ccommodato twice tho bat :ill tho roi-ilisio v. r'lz iu tho building, tery 0'piipiuent. Thi3 typo of vchiclo and the Governcv consented t i the is cousirueted v.it'n tho viewcf a speed plan, anil nH-s j'ceve w.vt left at the j of from nix to twelve milcau hour, Sut'.o iioiufl chithr.l 1:1 full Cubevna- i but a velucle can bo built to approxi foii.il 11". tliciir y, v.i.ijli tho e:;crci. e 1 ! mat3 thirty miles aa hour, although it iu n li.auiic:' t'n.-.t not etily gave satis-1 would necessarily bo made as a racing faction to the Go erncr, but has won J iipparatu.s and not fit for Btreet worr. her great di- tine'.ioi:. T-vo one-and-one-half horse-power before the G jvi-mor otid pariy had i raotor.N weighing J 72 J founda each, been absent i veiily-fottr h.jr.ri mattcio i nvo found snliieictit for a hansom, and (if gvcid iint.O! ii'ti - ere brought Xo are operatfil at n inn minium speed of Miss Jlceve's avivnt 'J'iio tiover-j 1:530 revolutions per minute. ii ! a!M he ere i.iry n number of iiniuo tiv;t 1 lie Imd left a to whieii tmy ha I iittii I nu l it v a-i left to cretioii to issue tl'.r t iom fippliciili'.eis fi oni (i.ivi ruoi s e.f tie ir signatures, Mis . r.eeve'.? di -j ,, ot re i'.ii:U- f-.r extraditimts Sl.aes, and many oiLier i.i-e. ' She sought !eg.ti .-. Iviec. bit', the at torney im'o-.'i'ud he" :hc must ucpend upon herself, a - h did not "care to be mixed rp i:i the net.? of any female G;.-enivr," V'U-ti th" Goverimr re turned ho wn.- "v.rvri'ed at tho amount Ol' f Xecn'ivo bUM.l.";: .1 his tair BUbifl- t-.te had tuvu.-.l rut, and frankiy ad mitted the ex..- li.jii-.-e of her judgment. miss MAiiOAiirr itr.F.vn. mi althoneli in one iustnnce- the case of an application for extradtion--lic said he would not have issued it until he hud given tho protcstanls a hearing, lie im'i announced his determination lo defend with vigor every act of "Gov ernor Reeve,-' including those .pioted. ( urn ill in (lie Alluntie. Experiment. have been going on for the past two yemt for the purpose of tryiug to leuiii something of the characteristics of the Atlantic ocean as great moving body of water. A a lciu't ibt hoU AtliuUc ii ihowa to l tlflwtjf clilUrig t !)lU'J H!dr?T!D4, Ilk la lECfiHOHJ ioA, ELECTRIC CABS INNEW YORK. Horseless Vehicle U.ivo Heroine a I"ix. turo In tho J;Ib Citv. H!-L-ti-io caby, hansoms and broug ham? iuo a vaccuas i.i Xc-w York, eo r;,t ' rr.ic iiavm--:! rsri VOi.iT. l.l.leli of a suerers that tho company opiTal in;-; them has just given out zn order fur 100 new vehicle. During .Tune, tho lir?t month of their o.e-rr. 1i)n, a total number of C;U call? wero ro:ei ved, a vcrafin;; between thirij'-f wo and twelve per day, currying 15n'i pas-senpi-i I'li'i:' miles at rate similar to tii'i hoiTc-iab f-ysU-m, ami eachmontn :inec th.at time- has seen u steady in- ne i:i t'ue rev i''e. 'I he hot rcfultM obtained Irom tLc-Ba vi hii'le:' :-lnrv that abonl 11') luuv-e-pi iv 1 r is :otpplird for i propulsion r.t. J001) ponnil.s over ordinarily level road:; at a speed of ten miles an hour. This eoi. -umpiion of power is n trills fiver two and one-third time.'' that of similar work. ni rail", whir!) indicates that t!n ("luipment ol the battery i carefully adapted to the total weight of thovehi el and jiiM huflieiont for praetii al tiavrlin' raiia -ity. Tho maximum weight of a battery for a hansom weigh U00D jiouimI h in 1200 pouuila for a di'.tanee of twenty-live miles at tho maximum speed of Iwedvo milca or at n'l avraS'1 npoed of six milea. , I.ni-gi't f n! Iron Tipii J'vci- Mnuldot. Tho largest pipe ever cast wai turned out at Uesocnirr, near Pirmingham. Alabama, the other day, Tho pipe waj Uiai t sevriity-lw o inches in diameier on tho i lside.und r-evetity-six uud one-quarier iuches m diameter, out.-ide measure lil"iit, and twelve Jeet -six iuehes long over nil. The metal in it weighed 20, not) pounds. Tho seenty-two-ii!ch pipe was leouhh -.1 for the Xew Orleans .V X uiio-asloru Railroad, to bn u::e I for e ilv.:tv under sLeir tvackv. A O'.a'd river can ;hw tlirougli 'nm i'f the.-' pipis It ii a large a the reat. sewersof l'aris w bicli were built of b'-iel. uu 1 st..U,r, A In. rli j itei.illv ) .ooi.li'i! una liorl., The tenth anniverary of tho I'res l.yteiian t ivurch at Waterloo, Iowa, was celebrated a tdjort time ago. There would be nothing remarkable about that, (uly thut the church is part of a solid rock, having been cut cut of u big boulder ten years ago. Gtnttal HouUagtY'a black cbtrger, eu wbteli Ui hoped to Hit te tUtsn. i-. ft I tlii UV m tli! 2 i.N'ClI PTl-E CAST. . fitfticn Mun rnoM a hoi k. .l.litutf'' ll.'l'nr.. Tw-. !::' f-.-t trii-l.-iiii; i.v'-r t'i ro.i.-i-- 1 ivi'iriit n u.- ta-li:o, a fi ii hi!.- f.i (..TV fiii.li- 1 ta.l .-a I, ii'-lio.K I'"' sIllliI'jA.- a' pi'lv; T.e-i I j t : .- e'.... lunkinc He I Hi" Oi.r 1 i 1 1 1-- : j -i' -. .-ri 11 1 iiis: '1 v, tut ! l. . .::r!" t 111:1 : i.t-V ii..e iu'.ie 1 rujr r ! O if (!. I f.irm-i-'Jkiii : 1 vr lie r.i it - I i;iy.i-i.! wa- If 111v.1v: fl.io "l. 1 lolly f..."- f:-o:i. ii...n,i;i:; ii.l f.ati-1 ill-' '..int.- ifft at i-l.iv. 'I .-.- lit-1-- :r,'.ii!i r:it - -.1 t'o lii" h -: ( I nell.--.-' !i; il'.li.' It-.w 'V .ii i-- il:.'t t.ii..i far.' of ni" I'.ti-'i. .! ::; I. '.r.t: J ".01 c-: :;' Hi b .: .inr 11 1 . ',,- . .Irni,. Mll'l tlli'1Sll tin-. Rid!" Jiv -ii' -lit on th.i wind-oA- .-iil .suel.iu ': a M;r.U -1 b imni. w li-:i siid denlv 1. i.i.etloir..' ila' teii in t i ( i . 1 1 ; Li tho 'rinsed l-lin.U, nu I I!" she sai l, '"kis I her real iUick, ' itnd t In 11 .1 iplickly darted I'.it iigaiil. Rut instead of a kiss it puved t,. bn 11 '-tin Mid the .I'Vender v.ai a b:i: v ber. .Ic.-i- ir s-Tenineil, no. I hen Illli!lii.l Inoked in her 111 lilt ll till-"I- .:is the tin "i- in I he point ol- !i.-.-ie tone..!", whieii w.i . -jot I i 11 fjr iplite bin Il'.it mamma o'ew out t he stiniriT It 11 I bullied the tongue, so J e ie a Very 1 1 1 a . much a riritte r-liox n: ever. Tin M.-rmil f inli. Tl.o hermit e: aii is not sov.,-1! pi-., tectoi a:i mo ' '! his j'L':t ii ; -, f."' hi-, tail ha nosliellv rroior. II" is then--tore I'm cod to iMolfi'tn bv puttitig it i-.ito an eiiipiy :-hell, uMmlly ttiai of a whelk, "ii i then wa'ks ale.i.t o.r iSgl.O: M i'li'lotU MO use- :iMe.- him". f-iotiieiinica t'v.. lu-rmit irai-swl it to obtain pos!'.--. -:on of the i-.ir.u; ii-. II, nnd tiien thue i.. a br.ttie roy.il. Vh--i tho ciiili grow... Inrger he only ha - i '. 1 h.tnge his old : bell for a new on. , an I it is very nmu: dug to ne.'i the.ie ere.". tures slinpinr t'v tails lit st into cuo f hell and the:ivinto another, until iiii y havo pleased themselves with a '.'00.! fit. Thev i'iv be f.'.und at all sizes fi oru the cralf' tha f.lis - tolerably b:-e .!.-- 1..!l -. .1, l..U , I. . ""en iu iii- i'.ne- on: .1 .,. -, , liabi'a'.io:: Lni'oly e: '.ee.l:-. tiio -ljo ol a I pe.t. Detroit Free l's e.::). j ln I i. Alargeionr.d ha I, v ith enormi us eyes looking forward. ::-.i lii-tiu.-vuis!'.-ing msrl: of th.? I famiiy. M.mv si-erit.'i ;ur,-:.cs?. t-o iv.ithcy tufts tiiared on the liead.c. :e.itiy reierabli.is luur.s. The ow l.-i Hvr -occtm-na: bii.1 , lvirsum - thsir pnv bv i.ij.t, and sleeping i'.i'i! ing the ii-. to enrbie tle.m to :-, th In oi'iU" j r rey, t.n eve:' art etiorinou iy i.i,'.", and eap- able . tal-.ing in .';. r.,y of lii'i::. Tlie:" p.iwer of vi i-ei i- i :- J rlf.i.rd bv tho ir."'h'"l ill v. hirh tho j eye i lived in u kind of b.iny .-or'u.!. lUst llliet.le Wll'," ll.:i ,,'l' s l-'lll . liO'l nict't:ililr.r mionia'ai 1 i v":v r.i'i r-picuon-i in these i.i' .1 . Tii" powi-r ed hra'dug is ii is.-, v-iy ibiiri'e. i,n 1 greatly 'i-sist" iii- ' I" m'd." ... iMMtr.-i lio'in fro:,. 1 1-','. I, ti.tyiire ful'ilidii ! witii a ii. -. . -.vrim-.; of I'.o'.v.i'. ii'.llii. :.'.-., vi hi e a..-o ivv. :i! - the ino'. eiiient-. n! tin. win ; I'l'i-m bei'o: ' h'riii beri' d by the wary mouse, and s,. ' in -v.r noi.-el'-sf is then- livzUX thnt th.-y .-e". i j .vl.ti" tobi-boi'"" .,, iii by li.C- in I like a ! ti:fl of t,ii. t!ed,-,w li. ' 1 A 1 io-. Wnl-.ls t.i (.11 u. Your even-day t -ih'i is a part i f vour character. A .:iil ho looks like ,i "fiirv" f.r a, f.lovi :i m the 1 1 1 -. 1 1 1 i . . I I., not lob., t rusted, liowev er title!-, -lie may loo;; in ih. rvi-nimr. X. eaa'tel how humble your room may b. there are tif;it lion ."s it f-hould ron tain, vi: a mirror, wio.h.itand, oap. to el, C'.unli, hair, Pail and to.uh In'ii-iie-i. '1 ho.-e a, o j.l-.t n essential t,s yolil bre:tiiftt-.t, before whi 'h o'i slioii-d inak" goiid mid flee ll-r "i them. I'a'-enis v. ho fail toprotile t'u.'ir . i'ild: . u v it It iti li npplianer1-. pot only iii.iae a ure.U int-'ak.', '.n' roum.tt a sin .: ".uis.-ion. Ln..k tidy , in the iiioihi'i:'. and lift. ; tin" ilinn.-r mil k i:. oi-. i'..pi'UM'- y.'in- t.i!r .Make it i: i :. '" .f our .la i!y li!.- !. ! ' ir.-s ui. " b ti'" lift. ''n....i. V-rii ' dr. -.- pen, need not be, ni.y ihtn f j b- iter than calico, but with a lib!. on. i or Mime bit i.f oinameiit, you h ave an ; nil- of s,;f..i" p.'et it nd .'-at i'-fil '11 ..I. ! that invoi iitbly cunes itb beiu;: will j dressed. A i-irl xv ith tine sen -ibiii- ties cannot help feeding embarrassed and awkward in a rag2r'd. dirty die--, j vv ith her hair nnketiipt, it a stranjrri I or liciphboi' comes: in. Moi'iMiver.yoiir sc If-reMaoet should demand the decent iipparolini.' of your body. You should make it a point to look ni well us you can, even if you know nobody will see you but yourself. V.mtii; If vo of ' ; (1, ii the boy heroes of t be re vol ill ion, tin' first and .ilmnst forgotten ni.r '.v is Niitluin r.ein.i i. In the spring of I 77.") he lived with bis father, a farmer, near the vilhir of Shoiidiaiii, vhirhvui nj.po'ite 1'oit Tirondi -rriga. Farmer Reman was uu Aiurriran, deotcd to tiie caiuc Reini t)f a roving dinpoMtion end fond Of p'.y, yithn )iiJ ff"l! fKWti tl' lnlie d'id Fa i f..l mid the aeiplaintalici: of tho boy a wkonu f.e.hor.i eoiiijio.-od t! 0 eairisou. Tho li tie fe'd.jwa had line thin n liiele.' the wails of the fnv! :uid f.e'l'V tun- ana liit-ii ;..,tti.i:i wen', ln-nl,' and 1 saw how tuiims were mo itig along iiieie. J to the ii li: M:.;. Lilian Alien, at ! the head of the faeifii't ii con Mountain ! l' ; --- 1 ii' 11: up t'i,re-ii".ii t in- f,.rf : t t j j "I ii,e ainl eai't'oe, !' posdbic. tho ; I'ol 1 a'oi i: - ...ri , j Tie: 1 po.litioii viiii whl.'b belled ii't I Ari'oi 1 ;r, I' 1: .',.,-: . r.n I . .ill J.O-f(l ' '.h"-i 'li 1 ii li , ..' 01' v. hi I; w -i . to I uiii.ii ; I,.., - . m h,-..e- bof... ami '"HO I ii:ll. " II th. ::lr to Alb-ti lie I hi- lite '1. i 1 1 W i : e to fo-l tii'-in li' Siloi, I;;.'., J. v, hell t' I - ,wti.d (lioi :i ,W. ui't.ii:, Uu.!, -, j, io-heii th.. latter m!:.,". i:, 5.,-. In t, , - i :!" ! o:i! d !.l i I : i ; v. n a !.i':.'i d :-a, p oiit 1,0 lit. f -r A ! ' ,. e.'. M.',' 11 -:!;. : in. Mien ' I. 0-1 i h . ;. -. 1 1 1- .1 v. . . ,;ie 1 f bi.i.r I Ii i. ..!..- lik- 1. adn.-s i.oi 1. nee an ! yet it V 1 .-V-' o'i. !..- I Hi- i',: .!.: nit I i;t to In I ; I ..' i ,e ' I , ,d 1 :. 11- h. f. d ... 'W hy ,! I.ii,. 'as :i'.: i-, i: !- V, .-I'..':i:-:'l.wh.., a : ' v. : Milled. - . l.'.vv Ni'ihati 1,1 I. lie - be. 11 the .:.-iili..li of a-1-1 ...it ' i: -ile.l A : : i.. iilid lb 1 i'. ..':i -I Ii s- i .-1' j ! I.i. j nil v. r ! . and ; 1 - r.-rv i.-i'li-. Tl..- Mi;- illi.il' l!,,'.!r I', j !!...-. i. "bli go. -ir.'- I - iiid : , j,..,-. ' I i.iiiv, tin w.-i;. I Li !:ii.1:i.'i '.. . j a ! i t i -, t.i i, if yon w oiiid .-ini t i liud Ii i :n . ' I 'eiiij Lire nil' ti.e i -eiimiiiniaiit.i!:.!, of r. ill i :.e, t in- vol pel -on In m i Alb n n iel. .1. 'I lo- ; poli lb:,' fell i 1 1 1 t l.e hat: N nf tin. '. i tor.- in -'iy ii ). ,iid ll, ;:', I'.-ral I '. he .!;(i,jr; , lio v h:. I f.t.-d. and the remained in t he hi' :ni: of th--i :: ili.U! I. - i n v i.- -io;i - Ian- -, ' n, ! vl.r W !.!! ii , :o i:.:il'b"H 'I a'-.i ii. lu a nt ! 1 by ( ;-. a; !. ! ini: . The I I:!.- 1 alt v er: ...t I I.,'. ..Uo ill Mich I ' . a 1 . . I . '.i . jit iiii'.d, d'hr iiiIm were di.: ed ; i.cti: m tin- .- tut lit .:i!er, ! Y.-J ..: e , ) .-k" 1 v 0 .; whi-j er. Vo. ,i , a- in; id, an-i Mlieh puree. . time S,,i.i I i-eii Jr.t thai overv moment in I to be rut to V Itoa Lie J uti h". . l v.n in d I i:e op pe'nie i-hore tl.. ir eeiiinuinder turned to Nullum lie. ni'i a id lavin-T Ids ii.iud itj on hi - s-oeii !i r, .,;;,l !,!:;, 'ij. : i way tr. 1 1,.: , y ,0 ; : v j , d.ij.ie! !., ,'iMin r'-. :on, tho i--,u!i'i:u ; i.i'.'.v. -1 tov. m d the fort. heard ti io l-lll'' 1 : hi- f't'O io ami baw I i j t i n : t hr. n .): a rovt t .-d v a'- v.- it J. i .1 tie- -...IN. " lili-.V ' ' : ; :' i 1 iir l:n: , ., ,l e up ;.! A!i;-. the .; i ar : ie ,e !' uu ir wav to t-e in t::e i :-t.:.- iiniv id i of vo'U-rv, ear- i.f the l;.'::-h ; ' tn i pri.i-; fi oni i ii ': r'..'l i;.e b.iv ' " I M ': ' ' ' : '" ' ! ' a 'H'i'' i b" -I. i I 10: - .. t:,.:i',..: ''i'.'.'i. liny 'ip .,. to 1 1 In .athm lie . .til. Wi.e.l i t. -..I ill-. 1 in, -'. ! the ,- t he ;, he i li:.- boy io in A tile :,y t Ti" ,.,,.! ; ,';,:,: ,:1' , ... -. ., I iho t '. i. v. ei', i i ii ,1 ui., : up t i.r -t , . Ie I iil... i ' 1 ll.O!!'' i -Oi ' V , . . I A'.ii n' . S.iniit a .": r.....ti. ii '. a... i ttio I.t;.. i-t ..ut of bed I.. i,"i..;.,d. ...: .. I., - ,:. . V-.i t dir. ii 1 li.in-.ii..! Vii.- ti.iimill.. -In M h.., 1 .o .ot! ii in-.-!.. lU.i.li.. !-.'' It I.-. lint i.rlie: ally l.-i-nn til- over iei pi r t :it. of woo l l.:..y be r.oi- viu.-l ieo'.l :. I ii" stro'ii e l a;.- vvi-iii I r. ut s.piet iiiydian' - o'-e-h.dl .-f 1 j-!- cent, i f m. .- tur.. fi oni dry "nil, li.i! 1-y .iitii::K the sa.i.e mii.Uiai .ut.. a ' i nun nm.t .itid con vr 1 1 ,i. ' u i t.i ,i .' '.' e.'i.il I y no a n i of htat. lb.- !'.i-i ' ' " I :-' iok". t" tin extent of in'!.- i . r rent tim V i ie iil ol t ::r v . . I liniy 1"' ,-. m-.i.'i'.- r i in io i: i i ".':r i l-v i oit.-in - in nei.1. and f..e.i i' m nl-.- '.!. . ,-!' u .'...,! m- .. o . ... :. : in a' i.' '' ' it . i.i . , ; I .m i V i...'. !'.. :. : . i . li ,,! . i , . . . ., i-. . '.' . i so i 1 a- 1 . . 1 !' .!,!-e., . f :., . 1 , , : i ;. , , S I ,1, !:. is if rlrt. . .'.r. At'ri ;h-- o'.i ...ii i - -1 I i- li-al aii,.e 1 v. i.t, i ' !e 1 : r v. , ,:i, iiirole i i di til:.-.! i.e. the ,i ,,e hold- in-' '.ho a aeti m i 1 in - dull,.:' Alt r tn" -epaviitiou the v, .o ! s i' i'. tin' r- iia.oin li ,ui 1 i; boii, I .!.. i i i opr a l a ;r. to n mi ar, w in -h is ,1 i i. and In cunr ; 1 hr ,n a ! ite ol'liuieo: roiu- inerer. Aretateof lime is used for makiim' iie'i'tie a-id. I'ai'y thlrr-lifth.s of n'l the wool iil.'ih 1 and ncetute of lini" proline, d in tiie world ir e made in th" United States. I'uby 1 o.Ul) ) aci i's )'er year are clean-.) for this purpose. AVood n!r. h d fi'iords n pel feet substitute for ennui nimho! for !i,aniif:i--tii! iuii i.u.l iiurhanieid pill po'Cs, (Old at b -s than oiir-tbiid thr eo-t. It im usr.l pi itieipulh ns a M.lvenl in the tnnUimj of sheila.' Mir 1 1 i 1 . i ; i niakinr; ce'lu:i'id.pboto,M'.'iphie paper, etc. D makes iu;iiiv I eautifnl eiyr lints. It lk ant i-. pttc. and niucn iiied for linhriPiitn and for lein-vul" b'.ng tn bull. ba:H" 'Vt .I.hi1'( A MUTINY AMONG APES. ON A VOYAGE FRCi1 AI-hiCA THSY CAPTURE Thi $-:.. - ' - otin-rr. iin.l fiv-.v eiiasfU ThniutU tlm Uu -out i -iii.. Aiii!i,n:, xvioi i:-.!Ht i itoi.- .,;: , i .Hiio-.i ..tin - ie.e;io-il lt.it k ay 1'r.i-t ui' i: man- -. T have had toi.ie tra::gc ere w.i in my csixiiciiec," tuid eld ( i.i-luin Hon- so'u, "bet the luiiiuest kind of a -ioo'a :: j;ii.iliv tli"t I ever fc:i:ifl vi-h nas em.- e.- bl,- Ai.i.v.11 line?, and i nap- 1 e:i -.!.': !i ! s i :l ii v . .t.,....', it.-, i. i- ,1 ,.i' i to . ,1;,, ... , i! c ... r;- A i.i' the, ; ti. .- tut".-. -.. .vii.a:i. T. T. 111.. ' li!" o. t t: rut . .Vii.a:i . !'::' iiH'e, v. lien !. I.i ! h.S ill.jrll::! OH h.wei ll! i.adw v. N. r. Vol It i i'y, ("!.' i,.-. 'is rl v.:.l t i'.il'tei , .1 by him lo i el to .':! ie.. nf. I oi ! . u;.g I ni l, , I' '.i:.: : ! i.' a- . .' :s- i..,d eoii, .'I. 1. V,. I'ild 1 ,., - oi . ;i:, l I'-. -, b.-l V e'e ', Slt.S '..hie i.i .-a i t !: 1 ( - i. i.-.o ten .0 Th.' .'!).? i 1 v.- ; .. e.iou l .in '. l. ,:!.'dl..; T : ad - ., i .'.-.. the : o::--". lio. -r .1 i o n: v aiid ; ; a ai i v : :. Oil-: .liMikd loll li hil'i'e ii I if I tin-. lit!- el "..' , li ml .- I h ii ') 1 .-. .. li ' a ) i t ! :;i .. ! .t :, ll , I,..,., , .!.,. :,.,'.; v j ,, , . ih-ii -eowled a; tii.V.' "iiio., i'('i:;.' ii,.-- f.i; ...fe . ii;i;;. h to in lo e 'I In li v : "''1- in-... Tla. . ,,,1 ;,J-.: , t. .,!; .-.".i ..-ire. ,,:...c,-:',' !.. i ., ilt a :.:,io o.-i'i'.ee (,..;., tl,,.,,-,..!-..- in i:i-ii"t I to i- m , ;, t.,f on 1 o ii ! :,:(-. or- , a-n.ns 'lo.' ai. ri ... I.)':,!:!:- bad been I.i,i.v. i t i n-idridy tin :.-i i .fib a long inn: hir a i'i an.'l .;np the unwarv -';i:i.;i! in I 1 i I i 1 II il l' a. -iivaon v a" r. to ain i n lae;.'-' j-.u I . I .nil'' ,"' :t :o'I, ' - I J - -' i vi:;,,.:.' t ll" sii'-rii'..-. t f. . a ; I : v. r- en tried !!,- ii.;:- t- r ti: ;ei:'i' i- of eaiii:;; f..f .i i iitt,, !...! ..in' limt loo! I.e. ., ,; i, j:,:.;,,!'i..r U in;:' Africa. Still f n' v. :.i--'i i!i-.. .an v.e, ag" ui.se ip'.e'.i'.'y i j,. .. i :...i i., ,- i.-, a- i: died I,,. a,,, ,. ,ve r-r-.'h-'d 'i v.- j ec L. ". i.-r i.i .: :' .- ti.e ' .'" ut-:e aii uhu'l mi lo- yard, i'uri::,;,' sati, f. r it l a., biov. m;' Lato :::i i si.iii had I e.'M ( b:i :. . .:'iV : -. .1 ! t! e t'.o n-.-M v c.v gmug :ni " '"lis; to ma i hf ii i:.;; the mi; ai .o; by ban-- ii:ir iipou tin r.tar a it v :.s e '.Uir'al. fiie ..j.es ii. i tu fed a ' 'n-a : ti'me be- bee ami ii jntit.t ii.ro been thai I had ear.Ies-.dv iWtor.e.1 the bar that ic- euiad iho ei.;e .ieor, fur v hiio I was luol.it.;: .iloil 1 L a startled veil trcm t. v t . o . -mee' s, a- ti.A iif.t.i,. ;..c:.t ! he V v ( ( :iig ui' t lies llg- fei.:g like :.o-uiirv the-. a "ives, while i tiie i ia.i.d i 1 ti.oni -.y h "' i",r.' --i "i: ""'j i';.i, :''.' f.ji,. "" ceu-' ' a' 1 ever witnescl wu-"p e.-ei.l. I "si..? of the' , . , , . t iu : -in oU'.l '. : 0 ih :! 0iJ a- m ,, ; .--t a - ..'irded r ,t;r oa liitilltii. .1 the :!.:- : a'..iliiy of i.i:i. -:'?. .. . . t he men "i." r a; e i :. t.i. v i-..:mie-t"l!:-.'! .j. i- i.t t!i I , a, li ' C I I'-e'leCil ,,..t )., , ,. .,, e:cai . : tiiv, v. i a ti.e i ito r:in.b no bu'lirv, tit y v . i L i stay that i !. .- .ene i :ac: !' -e;!d ,v y- a !..'-0 i ii. y .-:,!!: v- nii i ; inir .t,-.-.1 i!. -omr-tn.o , '.oim; f: " ii or.-'- :-.'. ir t.inno'hir in tbi-. way. l or n. ,v ly uu hctir t'"i 111.).: '.enpt i rx'illilll )il e.,','1 inm d, and til- in..; i d tin li.ee tl." .-"tit" n ' on d. rh ii. !'. : idea:', i , e eitr'.-er,', ut i. , i : r efiu.,; yeij :. v iii.'li I han- n--. doui.i w . i ;: of etii'.-ii-asfeiiii'ii! ,.:i.i i tviee t . th. i - :'. i ', a!. .It. '"A. !..-.! t.i,' i '.' ei..',i.ev- .-!,,- l;p j :: ". t:. -i 'e '.!" - :- ar- up at I :'.- , ", . . . -,-;.:.:, ; ," li-ov i i - th-ir j i iv I.-!:. .1 I-., h: v t.-.tb. a-:-or u I ..n ;:. .'.heir v. a: :.! ll 'oil knew I l iar t i rcn-ver p. -.- r-si r t,. .-in',', iitet t..pit n int.. e,-, , Ap,., re v v :'. -:.i o: !vr...ti.. . a", i in in rnom I i.i.. I ,. tine bam li i.-.;' br. .1 i:C"n g ieen v- '. -i i.i. . ' i , I.-,' :i a. be: v hi, h h..d j (' " 'ii imar I t . I ,i: 1 "lib li"'.:., .' a be, i I :-j r,s',- it l". -isi.lt- :': ii ! ti,r M-heu-.r viknl I...' ' ! n., I ", ,'..., ,.'... ,-. would iied tin- M in i Mo '- ef I l.rtii.sht th- f.i ! I f -v.i:.i .. a le, ti en ; be': a:'l'.e:l i I' i 1 !,-, -I s.,i.o"i-l !:..'.:.: a to .iei t'ii-ir'led it ui on my liinn'o e; -. and you may be a -iiii d that for t ii" i e: int :: i. i "f that vova.'e Hi.- :e.-u::;y n that gale was I r i'.'i Indv loolii-.l nil. :. - ituipet Uol.ud Table. I W hv llio t;ul rr.ii'f r.'.l. Aii inbabitjiiit of the Seiily islands was Mi'iici; by tar fi t that the rats their seemed ti pa . "-per ;:i rat ly, ah j thoni.r'i the place i very barren. He j rrsolvid to inventigiiti' ti.e ratine of j tbi.-. and iltgrin;: up- M.inr of tin' ticst.s I by the (ica-hr:'-! f jiiud that the rats ' hail diimeC'd crabs intotin ii bole.--, and in ..id, r to pi . vent It.. i ere pe hud bitten ntV their le.rs A Ti'p'ka ilxati.i ju.iii t .ok three .collar buttons for insomnia, mi: taking iheni for iiib vbicU bod been pre- I nciUnid l.y "iflt',.d ftiitjnt THE PREACHER'S SALARY. Ail tvaiu;rlit Make a C nil ratt WUle-1 l'liva Illm V:-v XV ;i. ; T t-.r.r.H of the Cnited i .Slates, notably in tho o wt-.uro ihu re-, j ligioua t-xprcs&iou is the ilrouge.-t,iitd I the congregations tho pooic.-l, und ! tli- .-e eli.irnetcri&t'.ca uro always com- I iei !, there i- an ever pic-scvit c,;i- ii,t ,m to iiinit the J.rraeiiei' nut Lit t. h.f.e and what he in going Ui get, and ii was on this sub. c-ct a veiling p;eu b- ; r taikod the o'.hoi' Sunday r.t u::imv ; 'ih u l'rpovte! . i -'At 01 n ol my ..p-n,: i.e.:.,:. w:-ei, J U'ld been eiilo .1. ;i. v.a-, ,a i ' ce'lidui t n revival " iKa.dn eo".; Ic of eeielui t a l'C ival J UviiiU eo' 1 the memi em iii',.ing. tiv.-uu tl-ey .'i I U .1. tliliik I U !' II' t .e'li'i: I', i.t a:'. "T vender what t j it liliow ex pcei.. t" e-rtv' :aid one. ''Mine i an rat;.- of ..;:!.-!..' .-aid the .;!:. :' "'J'-' eit".-- ;.'oo'l .!.." ..'-, and ther I'a'-c :"i io :-.-.4 ' 't . .-. .oi I J. r.'Ci.oi. v. e tr.ight- a wi.'i make up inir i. i'oi-i t.i pny tor ''The ei'ii .ei.-.'iii.-a :m I e o..iing p.rsio',;, it id b'foK i: !. tutieii .-o. lill'l I Mt-il'l! I-O plit' e.L ulll'. .'' it woii'i.l !,.. uVcidni'v ri.ii'iirraasing I bi"!;e:'i. '.Vii.i, look here, brrlhi en, y.iu d.iii"! har lo wot ry ub.e.i v.i'a! y.ut ::'e :."in.; to pin ui". 'ion it'ie't ha.O t... I .ii .no i. cent Ui-li . "ll Wiii'it i", ii-.d 1. ..In not bine t i get money for i..y M-i-ii. Mill, 1 l'tt-e to it '.-, and J'il a,-:', i' t.i t!'i v I you (lot a lich in i..y -en.... i.- vi:i'. I a:;-, bore y. i.ijn t i-ay mo u l.n-i.."!, i.ii'i ii f l'"t i n't vol n! nil ll tv.ri I ri .-' ;,.ni Ik X:., i that fan-? i h a bar- ' "J iiev .i..'l. ed t.. it u i:i i,i'. at uiian- i"i'.'. mi I "'i. a i vith i.i.v ' ''-"aeliiiig,d.'iiig ilie be-t I knew ho.v, nnd pi ay in;! fn'' strelicih ! t.'M tho 1-"h to the peep!-, and to h-dp thorn j bo belter men uud won.o n, nnd I ' kept it up for u we.-k and war, ic.-idy to start :u on tlie wv r-ud v.eeK, w lien mm of rav men cume ia iiie behind too little log meeting Im irf hero F win rending my bid.ie. " "rj... you i e ;,'oiu-; to preaclj anot Uef week'.'' ho bilitl uti.xtoin-'y. 'Vrr.,' e-sid I. ' Well, for tl.e Lie, I'? siike,I-.iMher itiol.-on,' be rai t n. the to. ; pleading loiiis, 'I "..', M.ii'il.vii: and go '.'.". You've hi! me v '.. :r.y lie!. i.i.,udy lh.it I il hdC to f t!! the eOly :uv of nitt'es I've pot .vial a yoke of xeailing jj.j-.i ,.j ; ..-ii'.tie to pav y.er. , b;,t J .. c you al , i ,.,i ; rtailv, uud i: u,!i sl.iv av.rii.er vrcek , ' " i'" gt uy u.. ..imik-i-J p-- , vin.'.tel iviot 1 .':.- - -a th- uhl woUitm : and the ( i-iidre:;. ' "of course.' I.'.:;rL.:;i the preacher, , "i- a-"'t ' l" -;':" l '. l!" 1 I1:!-'; "- h'-'! ; -. .'R'. n-'1 "-' nri ' V ui-.suar I willingly, but inrii-icd . n my eomiaf ' u'.TUin puti suiAiiisi i ;i. o "a it-'ae. Y.'.ishiugtou 1 1 one as io , nv i.ir.'.s' i-iv tu-a i fol-ocl. The xvliy and who, ii-.-.vz of tho colors - ' ''irds' .' nra bus beet a l.i.oriia there loV f vecut&tiim, trots t..e niiaiut : nrtniMiig:; id Sir Turn:.:,.-- Ib'.iwnc tt , ''"' . "ieuiii unci's work ot Shafeidt. iu h'.r t..u .'iolcri-.i! law a v;pii.v.;ory '"'1 i he v unfit;. ,,. m ci.-h.l ot ine sbolh (;f ,'-'' : ''''v Vvi---'' ii' Witls plnnsiv .Colirb; : . that til'1 beauty ft ' '' ' i iegiitO nv.ci ot'."!i cqumueiy n tra.'itve 'np-rtr- is lnicieie a nr mo de'.i':1!' (.f hum 'ti e.e.-. h:mee, a a ha si.".""., ptr- : illiidy ''.hit.' '. "r p'l! C'tlt C'f :-i:'!ii iil ii.'ie-! i'e i.'so :re IU tint nrfter nnn-.i er ot cat - ;:ii,l iiyrame bii.'s a .i .iei. i.i.; by a br m-vol "tit T'l'iividenee for th" ,,-v :h" spoi's man a:id i he liei.vtnt i e: f the ej ieure. -it comes a man v. In. as .n ---er. it:, that the cold! a of i ,;-s are due t. the it liin.nee el" 'heir 1 1-) t "'. a l U uiaiii inp.i on t! " i-'iaginaiii.:! of th" lieu bii'.b 'be '.hi itoivof aueob':- billo Pi on l.iibi.n iii the i-artt-r of y.'.tii.,J ,;,.:r. This :,rb- ! i-o larces i; r.n I V'.OO if ! l.e I e 1 I bM. !!- I t'-'ViOi Ut on tin .-.'. of :-i.V..!':. irg:.-. did !.y it aa is re, oi -1 of t'o... i ! y e"-:: : :-. 'ieea of 1 h" pares.'.: : b I it o " ' '..-' i-pbiiu u'iiv the .-.Ua';lv ivi vn. i; - fnwis pa o .In. o ptiio vbiie c" -r. i--- V.. i ioo.l- tl.o-. i . 1 .-.(.-. ,i i .1 sh-il r- ho- .- -i-.h . . - ,, :;,;'-',t U-m.-.-.. !, ut L.i per 8 1 Maija. ioe. 1 Iir P Ii. Mio.il ii. a iii. L.ii-croi. A i.,."'Od i-l'i.l true-': ' i.lory is gcill uu: UMimi wi-m ::. n-. .-. i. uiii, evict ti-,. violent t bn'ii: imis and ' api me" "i ti " :"r.i." ""'i "i' i aio i ie.-anled i i tu. nviti com.ui'c. An i.t:;.'n."U .cntieman. i tippoars. a v i' b a fi b li ! I nl leu ,., ., ... j Lind'iii 'Hid i.i tiie e Pi's" of a d.-eus- 't,:;"-y''i i i'- - " ;'-;' V-'A- t e .ii;i:t ;,v i. e;e -i i :: er ;.. -a- p-.MU- f, ; i , , .:, .eii' , : : "i ir : l!." ',' .,'..'. .. -i'i le, ,.n i '. " i .'.-. e rO ' - ',,'. . . ,. I ii..- t i I "Uhi.T . '.. ... ' Iil V ' i,' i.f I i P. .. " 'eili he r :I tl ;:tn .:.: i..i,-e ' i. ', 1. ' ! idied thf man. ".No. i,. .' ii'.d tin- rut" Hi it . n, "it a- i he il'p iiiti i-eu nor I win lalliing tt'o-'il. "Pii1 iii not va.h, " vv nt on the r.n.-itub'e; "dero is no nmperor a b.o! i-copt thetiei mau i'.iiieinr." Alter vin. li. l'a'.iio Rumor has it. the police o!!iecr aid th" Englishman agree I to lee)ieaeh uthei'd secret and pnrtel on iemd terms. Westminster ( Sqzette. ltornnts lVl-itUo n. The Vriissi.oi goveriimeiit is very much tdirrrd up over th" ili' overy that dining the last (iiaiter nf n cen tury many ed t!m !oonm tits which t"l! of the preatnea:' of the Fatherland have been threatened with complete destruction, owitiKto the bad quulity of the paper upon which they we-r written. Ten y -i ar Denmaiii found that, its records were incurring a like fate, wlnia in Italy the record cf th young kii'Hiloin wvh (tiV Y I , Jr. 1 ii 4: :i. :