il)c ttljalljnm Rccorfc. aire II. A. XOAJOJV, EDITOR AND PROPBrKTOB. oi' ADVERTISING One fiijuiir;, one intuition $1.00 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR St idly in Advance. j 'mi rijiirri', iwo I unci ions. ... l.oli j Ouo s.jimre, uh- in. .nth '2 14 I For !ir;-r a !voi t isoments libera) ' . 0M1 i. 1- .. : I I,, i,,,.. ft VOL. XX. IMTTSBOUO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, JAM. Alt" Y 20, Ikiis. NO. 21. THE JOURNEY. I think of death us i-oine dcliglitfiil jour ney That I shall take when nil my tasks are ilnnc; 'J'ltrmgli lil'c has given nu; u heaping mous iiie Of I i. -I ( if'-, Mil many a ciin of i!.ic.-lllo. Fti:i I t ill t tilings await me further on. This tin ii-1 -a rill is sii.-h :i lin-rry plnitvt, Tin- distant cs 1 ' ml il mi siipi'i'ine, I have im ilmilit 1 all tlif mighty spaces IVl .ii di ii.s an. I tin' Mai's an1 tilled with lili cs ri'.n- I taulifid iIi iii any ii rt dream. 1 lil.i' t.i iliini. that I shall yit bilndd llll 111, In u in, in tliid wailing itmia mv tout lias s,,:,i-e,. He nit is a wayside, where xvc wander, l'n 1,1 i'ii. in niir tin' Kili'iil darkness yonder Hi. nil Mvim.'i 1 . s lantrrii, .in. I ciics, "All iiln.arii:" I tliink death's train tnvooM through the system A i. I ri.Ms miiis mi.) neons that dwarT ' our mi ii. Ami oln-e beside ns we .-hall liml il.-.iit t, Tin' spirit friend on earth wo held the lit'.IIOsl, An. I in tin' shining distance's grout I lii'niii'. AVti-i li-vi r il!:iiiiiiiiinii'tit may befall mo li plans or pleasures in this world of doubt. i ' i i". that life at worst can hut delay Me, im nialii'I.iiu fate has rmwcr to stay tni i-' in that grand j..iirmy on tin.' tlreat I i'alli i.nili'. , . itii.ii'i' Ainrl ii'atl. I.I. thi anger had illt'il utit of his voice, tho half -s in ii Ii i il lin' hail ilroji- I It'll I'l l I II Ills I'lUgl'l'S 11 1 II tl) I III' sand, and Ills lii-Mil wns lnnv i'il ilcspoiiilellt lv. Tin- gill stated on ilie upturned I a s p o il her hands l.i'liiiiil lii'f lit'fl;. mill s iv it n g back, -.a i filing I im : lively. I'm sorry I spoke ilS I lii.l just now, ixi'ty. no :s i.i. xi itii a plaintive gesture o!' f.i-i 'ili.-itioii. "You're only Jokiu', ntii'i jnii? 1 guess 1 ain't half good on.': nil lot' i.ii; I. in joii ain't oin" In lorn-.v III' o i'1'liuiu'il. niv jolt? Tin' l lr'.iii'' .:s (jrainl. ami no luiMaki': mi' .".l l..ii:,i : jn-l lil.f ymifsi 11'. It ain't thi' I'irtin'; it's It's Hi- l'lvhi' mi' slioi l aiul ulat it .-it t!it 1-5 : 1 1 - t il', lo tu' molt that j-patiiii'il lao Kill's w alio wrUt. Willi a iiiii U mnvi' ii.ii.t -ho ilrow i!on tno slifvo of hfi pinU liloiiso, i nvi'i-inir II I'r.'iii si-lit. "Vi.n'vi' i.'noil can-;1 tor i;, .Ifin." .-ho s.iiil. "1'i l'liaps y mi ilhln'l im au all .v.itl .ail. ail' 1 h.i,. lull ilhln'l, 1:1 1 1, fur ' n.i way tn i-pi'ali n' your I n't tors, l'i l I i n r pioini-f to many you. or any.. no cla'? Can't I taho a pii-rnt l' l iit anyniio It tioiit In-Ill' spoKf to as If I M nuiiiiiitii'il liiui'ili'i' or rolihiiy or i.inoiiial woi'.-i'V Well':'' "I mii-s you tan ilo what you liho, i'l.v," hc.-aiil, sailly; "an' iiolniily- loast o!' all mo lias no rimlit to say a wonl." "'1 hat's Muni, .May lie, lor tlio futtir' you'll Know vour plat'O. titnnl niuhl." lit- wati lift I tin- littli' limine in pink hiii i yim; ux or the san.lstiil it 1 1 wiii.llcil i.u.l til -apptaifil anions tho shailnws of tlio iialilt.l litt't, :i till then tlivw out a I....- t 1. 1 tow iirross tho l.ay. l'.y ainl by Ihi'ti' was a shout, ami ho uiain oil over his Mioiihlrr an, I npatlii'tlcally liaikoil tin' oars. "t'an't you look wlit'iv ytu'f( piinir, yon ih ill 'f Im ou want tu run mo ilow n':'' "I muoss I'll set joii swlmmln' If you'io inn l ixil," lie sal. I, siiuariiii; his viimihli't's. "Moliln- you think we've no in our fins lii'tatise we live loiiuli. an' ilon't tlri'ss tini' an' ain't )) t-i earn nuieli money. I fiim-s If you an in.- iiuarii'l you'll he the ForrioM ; no i (ami ele.'ir! t lootl nli;lit '." 'the yoiim; man in the tweed Fiilt stn 'il up, lieeilless of the heavy polloek ti. f-'uii; at his line, mill startetl utter l .... retl'eatllii; tmat. " The i'.npiiilent hoiuiti:'' ho lilurttnl . .f. Then, as he cleverly playi'tl ilie , ami ilrew It In, till II lay Kusplnj; i.i ir tin- thwart, he laiiK'hetl Mifil.v. i otlier of the girl's iitlmlrers, I .sup- i . ' he sahl. I i lie morning ,1cm nml lvil Trew ; u came down th villnne street to ; 'i'. .lein eavrleil a coil of roiie an. I ii p. iutctl Iron liar - tho utock In-trailo V.i liaziii'tlotis profession, that of ijc hunter. Tie toat wai liciulcj for the tfrny t liti ciiliiiiin ihtosh the hay, tho Holies' I'lllar. They ncrauililcil up ti.e tilt In tho clilT, ami leatlml the In i.v uplaiols. The Iron liar was driv en deep into the soil, ami live minutest la Hi' :he litftiro of n man svun lilli tiver the sea, lertil'y iuj; the birds, ami I-xiiiiln- Mack acalust the lighter buck y.iiind of the cliff. I. idle Tivwlnwo sat steadylnis' the swaying rope, his lieoW tirnily wedded in the boles lie had cut to keep them from .sllppinit. nml liis Muck cutty Kf'l p I X'vA'.n between Ms eleuehetl teeth. I h.'ie w as a frlKliteiied look In bis eyes, f..f .loin had seemed so iiueer iiud so 1.. t!- like hiniself. suddenly the rope slackened, and ! ': -. ii M't w I.i ut amain with a tierce jerk t.a started the bar a lull inch ami civd bis hamN. Then it swayed i, ' ply Uiitilust I he clilf ulci', aud a '...a' cry l'i'oiii bcl'.'w scut bis in. art Into ) s lhlellt. lie peered over the brink w lib iihuost hlRlitless oyea stiil ((illed npaln. The rope slreaki'd ihnvn, slai'kelieil nml limp. He fatickd he saw a dim blurr of bubbles soari ing the smooth Kitrfaco of tho distant water nml Ids head reel ed. With treinbllnm finjjers lie 1. nutted the rope lii inly In the bar, and tlirowlliK off his coat, swiint; himself over the brink. The sun cliinlioil the sky and slid down lazily behind the Witches' Pillar, decking the t.Uy with m'ohl and tbe bltf eye of the far off lighthouse sturleil ilaz'.liii;; lliionh t he gloom. The boats came in one by one. I.niiB (if n r the lllil In the west had liicltoil Into a hazy p'ay, Kitty sat ami loused in the ttiiiiim'e porcli. When the shadow:; drew in the lighthouse unclos ed Its ponderous eye and Klaivil I"'1' for a iit like some hilme lieast as il circle I i.iiiiiil, ch avium' the rtaiknos.s. '1 Ihiiih I'll Just i'ii 1 1 down an' see .Mrs. Ti'ewlowe. dad," she sahl, shakily, lookium' ihroiim'ti the iipcn door, Jeiu's little ciittam'e. with Its sereeil of tall fuchsias, stoo l silent nml deserted. Tlio frenzied beat of her knuckles on the door eelioetl back to her mocklnmly throlluh the two liny rooms. A pinitium' woman, with n dlnp7 shawl thrown over her bead, met her half way down. .Some instinct intangi ble llllil tllidi lined, Si'i'llleil to tell each what she wished, yet dreaded to learn; for HO Words w t i e spoken, IHI iliestnns a.-ked. Tin ir hands nu t in tiuspoUei; sympathy, ami hand ill hand they de scended the hill. They pau-cd on the bluff, stralulni? their eyes in hopes of seeing a dark speck crawl out under the shadow of tho cliffs. A boat was inovini; out wavd toward the deeps w here the conm'er lay, and the mill's heart ennv bitter acnlnst lis occupant, i.u. I the tiny baud of Kohl it I ' m lier wri-i sctiiicd to scoreli her tlesll. When they stood below the creaking slm'ii of tlio Merry Milliners ll.e woman hum; back, ami looked at her piteoiisly. "I'll i;o i.i," said Kitry, loileliliiK the wouiitii on the anil. There was a sudden hm-h as tho white faced i-iil lotleved In and (,'ave a hiirrlctl mbiii. e nrouti.l. "Is Is bo hen'':'' she mapped. "I - I mean- " An old ham', seated In the far comer of the loom, bared her toothless munis and uttered a cracked laumh. ".Nil. be hain't, dearie. I seed him poin' ci.nm'ertisliiu' in his swell clothes. P'raps, if 1 a,'i him prettily, he'd put me in a pi. lur', too: i:ii. dearie? lie! he'." "I mean .loin in Holt my .lein," as she panltd. t.ilehin:4 her breath. 'Ted Trewhn.e nu' him went Host in' on tin' Pillar (Ids uiorn!.i'. Te l ain't back, an' my .lein ain't back, in. .lein and Ted Trew lowe- my Jem - Is-Is-" She broke down, covoriiii; her face witli her hands. The iiitii laid aside ibt ir pipes and went out softly, w bis ptvinm; anions themselves. The sad eyed woman was waiting for her, and tomeihi r they hastened to the bench an I laii.tclied old Andrew's I. .at. The nt hit's were far across the bay al ready. The oar- splashed sliignisSily, aud the boat sped on lliroiimli I he ci cepim; du-k. A I lat the all 1 peered over hoi' shoulder and stood up. coVci ing her liiotilli ilh In r bands. "Hallo:" All answering cry In a man's deep tones echoed in lo-s the water, anil she In ut to the oars once inure. Then she drew back her arm and l.isscd some thing into the air something that mils lined Willi a yellowish tinkle at the urilst's feet. It was a narrow chain of gold, cm-licllii-hcil w ith a heart -diapcd i outlaid - his gift returned. The nose of the boat veered round and they headed up the bay. The Wom an still rocked herself, sobbing softly, but Kitty's cheek-, were dry, tlmtigli lief brc.itli caine and wei't in uncertain Hasps. A hoar-o cheer swelled up through the night ami set their hearts singing. Kilty's head went dow n on her bands, and tears came at last, as the heavy burden of agonized suspense fell from her. One by one the boys toiled across the light, and were soaked up by the darkness under the I'aifombe shore. Kilty roused herself and followed. There was a ihattcrlog crow d of men ami women outside the Merry Marin ers, but they fell aside to let her pass, and they thronmed the doorway curi ously. The loom Inside was packed, and little Trew lowe. very pale ami shaky, was jerkiugly narrating the ad venture between the sips of his brandy and water. Hut Kilty saw no one but Join. He sat in the middle of tho room, the ashen hue of his face, showing clearly through the grime, his hands bruised ami bleeding, and Ids dollies torn to shreds. They had cut away the left sleeve of bis coat, ami the brawny vil lage doctor was setting the ("pliutored bono of Ids iirm. In a moment she was kneeling beside him, heedless of liiciu all, with her arms clasped round Ids neck ami her cheek pressed lo his. "O. .IcHl!" she whi.pcl't'd. ".loill! Join:" P.y and by they went down tbe road together in the darkness, .lem's unin jured arm circling the girl's waist, and her head resting on his shoulder. "It was mighty lonesome up there, lassie," he said softly, "an' 1 was think in' of you mostly, l.hile Ted couldn't get back, an' couldn't get to me neith er; so 1 guess 1 had plenty o' time to think. I'll work hard for you, darlln'; but 1 guess I shan't be able to buy you lit. no - She drew d..w li his big hand nuj pressed il against her slim wrist. " .lnii'." -he said. "It's gone I've mlvcu II back to him." All a in ia has to do Is to look, sail, an 1 lie will h-ivo leneile sympathy tu bum. FORTUNE HID IN A COIN. I'limL for u Million Hollar. II l.l.lcM til a l-'ivf-l'-rmif Mlver l-liii'ti. If you happen to have in your jios nessiou tin) juirtieitlar French coin known nt live-fruiii! piece, you may, iiuwiitiuly, be a millionaire. iSueii, ut least, is tho belief shared by hun dreds ujioa hundreds of credulous Frenchmen and rrencLwoinen, many of whom Hpi inl inoHt of their H are limn deHtioyiiiK tiuiuitilifH of livc f i nne picctis in tno hope of realizing a fort ii no. r. Marco Leonardo Xardez, Ilie well-know n liuiiiisniutist, and one of the l ei'i.iiied uutli.n it ies on cfiin line, speaking of this euiioiia condition of iill'airs, said: "it is ipiitu true that half of I'laiioo still believes in the t-x-i teiico of great wealth hidden in live fl'iine pieces, although many nilinia liiutlHts hold that tho foitune in epics lion was loair ago discovered ami np- pi'opi iiited by olio of tin) Jl.'tliseliilil i family. I "Tlia story of tho Htrangt) live-frano I foi liuio legend may be In ielly told. A live-fi'uiie piece, to begin with, is it i ul it r coin, ami is worth about i'l. Napoleon I. was very anxious to make the coin a popular one, and this end in view he caused it to he cireii- lilted everywhere throughout Franca j that he had iu ei ted in one of the sit- 1 ver pieces before it left the mint a ; bank note or order tor l,lllll!,il(ltl of tliesa same live francs i.e., for .SI,-1 1100,1100. Whether i..! ica'l.v did this in tuit I cannot say for eer.atii, but the weight of eiileliee Would seem to hIiow that it was il.uio. In the maun- ' i'ii)it inoiuoiis of tho Duo do Feltie, Naioleoii'H mini.-ter of war, it is ox- j pressly stated thut the Kinpernr en- elosetl n nolo on the I'auk of France, j duly Higned by tho governors of that I institution, in a split li vc-lrano j ii-i-n ; that the halves w ere then welded to- j mother, iartially leniinteil mi l thrown ) in a heai of similar coins, which tho : i'iiicror mixed withhia own hand i. These coins Napoleon took w ith him 1 ill a 1 11'.; when he went to I nii lo n,, : mid distributed lavishly en route, even : dropping soma of thcui out of his cat- ; riage window s. possiblo to keep track of tho luc!. y coin. '"The news ol'thiso, Id lottery spii-al far ami wide, and the live frain! piceo j leaped into iinuiediatt! favor. From ' that day to this mutilation of the coin has been eolninoii in France, Switzor- ' land, Piolgiitui a nl il.sewheie. Fiery i year the Hank of France is renuested '. to iiiako good seta es of ieces split in 1 a vain search for the live-mil. ioii-l'rane j bank note. ' "There me many stories dealing i with reputed iiuds of the fortune. In- ! deed, w lieu a mull becomes Biiddeid v rich in France, it is common to hear icoplo whisper: 'Tieiisi! Jlo must have loiiml Ninioleoii's famous : coin!' Some assert that the Fuipemr kept tho coin himself, but this hanliv ' .tgieos with Napoleon's character. S.ill it is a current theory that houui of the money w hich enabled Napoleon 111 to it ach the imperial throne wai found iu tin: lucky silver piece, which his mother, Uncoil llortcnso, had wheedled out of her lirotlier-in-law. 1 "Tho most likely explanation as to why the tie-fiane piece tails to turn up is that i'.iiion Ferdinand tie Koths chdil, a Pi'ttitt-h member of the great Jewish banking house, secured it. This account states that Hanoi tie Itoth-chtld, haiing investigated tho tradition and found Kiillicieut proof of its truth, deliberately set towoik to locato the sl,0Ot,U0i nolo, lie iwiintly bought in nu 1 codocted eiei v llie fraue pic e lie could get, ami Ins age its wtie i. lilie.l to preserve uu.l fo. ward to Pa. i i every live-franc pieco which reached taoni in Furope, Asia, : All i. a or Aiitci icii. in his olliee .ho ! P.aioli kept three trusty men haul h" work biscctiny; the ciutis. Some say that ho hail iiiicuted a plan for weld ing them together iiKain, r-o us to defy tletcclioii; olhcis n uui'.uiu that he melted down tho silicr and sold it to the goi eminent. The w. rk was tmlos sal; but in tlio end the baron's system is said to It n o eoiiiiiered. lie touud tlio note for o.OOO.oOO funics, having spent nearly a million to obtain it. The order Ma duly pre-.enteil at tho Fank of Finnic, and, says tho tradi tion, cashed by that institution. "Plausible as tlio narration may com, the great mass of Freitoliuioii reluso to credit it, aud go on, year af- . tor year, nplillin.( open their tivc-frunc. 1 ieces to look for Napoleon's note. It certainly a tantalizing thought that ' .somewhere in tlio world a chock for $1,000,000 is knocking about, hidden ' in an ordinary silver coin worth barely $1. liy possessing and opening that coin tho man worth just live fianes may iu a moment become a million- Hire." Washington Star. j EASILY DONE. j flow u I'li tt If .l 1 1 i"l lliil "f Mil Aiom.T- . iin; mill I'd Wli'iit M lit'fliiotit. She was youngand pretty aud alone, j Her bicycle costume wus neat, tiim ' anil liocomiiig, and lnniiutcd uj on m wheel she tloatnlaloiigovi'rthosinoi'th ' paths and roads, the owiosnroof many , ttdiniiiug masculine eyes mi, I pel hai s : the envy of many leuiiiiiue. She was j enjoying lite pleasures of vi afteriiooti ' spin on Hello Isle. Tho exorcise ha I ! tinted her cheeks w ith a pink glow of the kind that never saw the inside of : a drug stove, and tltat always will buttle tho art of tho chemist, and hol ey es wove glistening with the exhilara tion of health. She was riding up Central avenue, ami had reached r point about midway between the I'asino and the Zoo, when she met w ith an annoyance thut ladies riding alone are frotpiently subjecte 1 to, but which, this young woman dis posed of in a most refreshing and novel iiiuune'-. The uuiioyiiueo iiui'iii'i-stcd itself in the foi nt of a ibidisu young loan of tho masher species. Ho J oile i bicycle, wore golf hose, npiuk tliirt, had liis luiii' pnit-sil iieeiirutWy in tlia middle, and was possessed of usuir aiice largely in exct-us of his utock of common sense. "lie pin doll," said he, ridi'ig nluli..; aide, ami li.ting his cap with a snnln that wus inteiiilc I to be perl'n. tly iire-Bi-tihle, "hut lulie i t we met helm e?" She unswtroil him by thiouing him a look thut would hae withejcd a iy thing less fresh, and moved over to the 1 nit her side of theaviniie. No li ing iibasiied ho follow ed suit, nml witli auoiher how and i-iinlt. that was a . ( he .tei lieldiiin as a inouiiled- bicycle w ill permit, said: "I hnpo i uin not intruding, but " "Vou nn intriiiliag, sir. J ilo not kiu.w you and do not wish to talk to you." "Well, if you doli't know me, let us get acquainted. Vou know " "Slackening her speed, she lul l Mid ilollh ilisinoiiiiteil, ami, Icaiiii'ig ui c ht!f wheel, began In carefully i vaiiiiu one of the pedals, lie w n oil' his u.a chine in an iusiaut. "Allow me tu assist you," said he, quickly Hci.iiig tho oppoi ttiniiy j u- Heiited. Sho said nothing, hut relea-iug her w liuel to lii.n took his to hold, nhte hti went down mi hi.1 knees t i tin-: i l lending I'diil. Ilowaslio i i.i.nei .. i his marrow.-, villi his lace t . t e ground, than she tle.tly cxiia I. .I i. hairpin In. mi her I kola ami ( . l - i inserted the i unit the rear t re o his wheel. I.i tin- tint' he II i I disco. -ere.l ih'i-e was al k-o' ulcl v nol'iie; w on ; with the pi da1, and thai it .. wo: kin r as s .... o hlv ai mcclia i a skid and hicit-tc oil null. I iiiae i', t.o haii'i iu was re-lii!(.. iiiolt'casiielv in it tiroper plu e. As she whirled iierrily out the avc nili' a would-l.c ma: her stooil by hi liieycle w ith a lire as l!at as t lie pro verbial pancake. Whit hit emotions were as she hide ! fruuiiiew a ini'i; the tl t'c i w ill never bo kllo.i n, but il was with ci -est -alien coi; iiiciiiuiee ho slowly w heeled his machine over to tho bieyclo tent lor ruiiaiis. Dctioi: 'J'rihiiue. .Illllt'llS. (no of the co-ill aratively few things that the lmn 1 of i.uprowmont has not touched is the com bell, which is made now just as it w as lii'ty, a hundred and moil! years ug ., and now just the sumo peculiar clanking sound a i ever, t'owbcll-i are Inade Millie of eo -ei-, and soine of a t on. position metal; bn: most of thoui aif tun le of trim and tiu-i-hcil w ith a coaling of broue. The cowbell is not cast; it is cut tVum a sheet of metal which is lolded into shape and riveted. The m. tal loop ai the top, through which tho strap is passed, i l riieteil into the boll. Cow bell -tare made of t. :i sizes, whose Houiiilsraugo throuiih a -ictae. Soiuc titues musical elite1 lallicis w ho play upon bells of one : oi l and nil.. the. co. no to the luanitfactiit'cr, and by se lection truoug bolls of tho mi riot! s sizes lind eight Loll- that are accurate in scale. There are only four lui'toi h s in tho United States in hi. -h cowbells are made, and iu each ca-e tho cowbell is only an item of product i n amiui'; many other t hiugs, ( 'ow bells ai e solo all over the country just the sumo as ever, but niiich tin- t-ri'aici' nnuibci are Hold in the South, tlio Southwcit and the West, where fanus aie laroer, less likely to bo under leiicc, a nlcaitit in e more likely to stray. There a.e sold in those putt- of the country a hundred do. ell cow be I- to t-veiy ten do, en sold iu the Last. Auwi iea cowbells are exported to thowi i.o! con nt i ii s of South tneri.-a and to A us trulia. New York Sun. --Iii-lnktie" Oyster. One of the ig;est oyster dea'cis at Fulton market. New Vol k, said that wt ck.sago in one week 1, OkOno ey t.'is pas-ed through his semi. "lhe season thi," he mi l, "has been vety good, and the oy-.tcis we ur gtdtiug are superior t any we have had for years. Mo t of tho oys ters handled ill this market n'-f w ha lve call 'sounds.' Tnc-e are grown ii: Princes bay from seed tal. en from the I'.ast iiier and State'i Island sund. Thev take a .out three ye u s to ina'ti. e, and are he est for general all around use. Many of these mo mod in tho Western trade. " 'o nil' desalers distinguish tho va-rictie-i of oysters by the shape and col or of the shells. V, o l oysters are brought to market hero Inst we I it', the n through an operation known as 'drinking.' They nre taken down to Port Kii hnion 1, Sta en Islaii I, and shovelled oil vhe sloops i to lloat ut high w a t"-. They remain in those tloats for six hours, ami iluri ig tha time al)s-oi b or Mrii.k' enough water togiiethtoii the correct taste. The water iu tho tloats is much fro-her than that from w hich they are taken in the lirst place. The water of New York bay is just salty enough to flavor oysters just right. After the eysle's have gone tin ough tho floats it would be dillieu'.t for the most expert con noisseur U tlisliiii'iiish Miriely by tho tate, and he could only tell the name of thtf oyster by seeing the shell." . New liy S li I'k flA. A surgical 'l eratioii of groat deli cacy was recently pel formed at tie I'uliliti ( i hthal iiio hos itul the grafting of an eyelid of u recently killed pi.? 'u that of a matt, The pis was stuck in the usual way, f? -s,- . bloo 1 potnudout a tho ttvout'. ii doctor with a sw n't stroke of the Lin ed cut oil' a:i eyolil. Th. o Ige of the patient's eyelid, where the ii'taeh meiit wus ma le, had been cut alrea ly, and utiick us thought tho tb i-Nu-w heeled around w Into the pig w n i si ,11 luing an 1 ultacl'ed its eych I to tho initu's i e i I. Tho jiieeo was main fa-t instantly by Mtitclic. The rci tut says that the ei oiution hus boon cicst succoi"iful o f ir. it" c, !i,.!,li' I Ini'i -III, It Snill,.. Si'er n-.t my erin ..ic day; Took Ilie nil. r a i.i in", '. .iillti', lh, i In. -In-- :el lie' way l:iu till. I live .111 I tlif.'". '(In y,,ii're il l i"' -lei at," sahl -lei. I'auiiir -,ii,, " I icl - ii , sin." Then Iih .,,',I ,'.i:,t -.1 nt no- - -iniii-l ut t i , tin -iic'li gi in. llr .lle- S.IU -. sle l I ell.. 'Ill lo t, gi.i 'l i i inm-1" 1 1 i'ii I: ,1 e.i n. .Mi,t lie i- .-ai l. "It,'! o r n I lir iar i i-t in '1 lmn a tail,, a i.f-iu -!i l ',, .vn.'' - I: n 1..:. J'rai els'-. Alii-r I lie -Sol It, I',, I,-. If lhe North Pole it Itol , I is, ,, ere.l ill IS, Hit will tn,t be bec.tii'-tt bravo explorer ; h.ive c a i d to be inte; e-te I in it. Some limeagi we told you about l.ieuciiaiil P-ay'- propo-id expo lit ion, hn'.i- II.' will i- .tab i- li tno or three l-'.skimn .-'ation-i i i tii" l o north which n ill be in tlm linlnre of stejipillg stnlicl to tl.oo!e. 1'lonl tlio la I one h-' will make u dash v lii a sledge and do rs and mil i- oi,e or t i companion-', nil, I he hope-: to ih-i f the polo and 'el .-al'elv i,.ok t i Ir i last ion du i I'or t li. t ..e: lint Peary is not the oniv ie m who will sc"k t , "i'iir! he ! n-eilt." ('a'. ton Sverdrup, w Im r-'i:r:".:i !. I N.m en's i.lnioili ship, the I'la n, oi !u- ie-eit expedition, n ill ni i! a -i ay ,n h' i. ith sixteen 1 ,ii-u Mil se.ctal'ed sle Igo dogs. He will ,'et its Iar M as he can ill the : hi;, an I t n. n t ry tn cfns i tn.' i a ... si r. ten de ls. The N'orii cgia'i "" ci Mil it mis i.iruisu .,, ,ne ;,.,..-.,.., , 'i'. - tho ship, and Cai.i.ii'. Sv, :,t I. -U sure that ho can lean the p. do. Oiiieil'-" lo'cord. Sini'il III, I Hi. In :l,l.-.. Amelia WolVord te!U of " I'l.e Court , , , ,. , , ,, :i i ,"i ot l.ll,hi'i'l in :-.'. Ni-lmla-. ,. , -, 1 lio an t hot ! ai s ot one i : i n o : , . , ' , , , , , , Arehee Ann .!:'-, nr v.i-li-- .,, me I , , ,- i i . ,i i tester ol Km ; .l.i-in s 1 m : .!.. n I. 1 , , . . . , , , , this is tho tin III. o'iuI si.,: y ,,t tite r introduction: "One day a shepherd w it n 1 1. cuss of ti s iioen 1 1 1 -i n ii:- sho Wil l 1 1'iiel.e 1 t I: s e..! ta -,- . -n I c luoni laud-, by tlio olliee's i. ju-o-'. Ill the col.ii ;,' they totind ,i.i,-i:it-faced Ltd, ro.'liiu a era Ih- v. it u :n oe attention titan a boy is a,.";-,to ne I to giio that duly; thi -, Imi.evoi, Old in. I arouse their silspiei.t'ts. i'.o-x s,. tt.-'v the cot !.! tie iron .'uly, bin t ii:edto tliscoier th. sheep. I hey were About to ilepii-'t, when one ot' their number ly looked into the cradle, :.'!!.! -the ; l-.h u heep lay there! Tho 1:1 1, who wt :ii-po-ed to bo tin' thief, was l,!o i.:hi be fore Kin , da lie i I of Seo'i i.iu.i. i I e WU-, tried, convicted, and M-n:.'t:c" I to die. lie began t p'e i I wi'h Pie king. lie was a poor, iuiior tut i,-. :,;, ho said; he ha I heard of lie- l;,!,le and would like to lead it tlo.'ii.: i ! -fort-he d e l. Would the kiiu te.oiie hint until ho did so. Tho I. in :c.idi!v gam his consent, w hereupon. :!i-- ,-ul- ' plit immediately said: ' i h. n I - i es i UIO if 1 OM'f lead a Wold o i, n ; l i ;-.' i as in v ecu m e oi .en, ' I The witty reply captured Fie kin He pardoiie 1 the -Msotier, a:,d to, linn into his seriico a- e--, r. In tl capacity Archco tin, soon a prieie t.n ol ilo. (iii'l.i-ii.i'-, l'iii,iii n. tiiteri uoie.i by "oh- 'and "::h-, ' and I.a-t Clr. t-tii.i-. th-'-o w ,s a g: o it i ""' , ,i"''' whi-peiml cxelau.;:'. iolis surpt isii iu t'-o lit le t.. m of ('.,.. from the fi out row -. bertv. I'll years anl yets -oler i last .1 nel. Pi o-t uiose i.n 1 ie d fd since the boy i an I git'i ' cni! 1 remeni- : t he w lie,! to st - p. lhe si lit I,- collier- thei e had boon a public oeh-bi i- 1 b.-iiude 1 forii nr. I a'ti t he di ; ill nt'. i. ,.i lion 111 t'lit" town 1 1 it', wi'.ii aliU.;o : oi the .re-e:Us . ,;n!i, and co': - .tun ,1 Clllistiuas tree IL,hto I Iro n top t ' I Un il too :;,c:;t wheel wu- e npii. and b ittoiu w it ! candles a:tlb:i:lii ,iit'i I c I cry on " m t ic 1; ai I x-. :o I.n I I I . all sorts of pi e-ctil s for the boy - in I j l, u moii.'c- that tlio b.iks of gills of the vi'laoc. I -11 illy el I I'.ip- I C ubeii x a't- going to have the s.ln.o taill Couk'nli ill his big hu'Vahi oie: - j kill t of a ecle hi a' I. nt this yea- '! c. at, xihi.-lt was buckle I i-;ht w ith a j lhe I'tinis xi heel was oaspy made st! iug of sleigh bel!-', acted lis S., tlir, !' t':"boxs of t -.r h-t fx . ChlUs and kept ex er l one latiehiu ; a:"l ; I hex took txx o ,.'l t ari-.a-. e w heel and expectant as he ic-ol ea! the :lt-, 'en: axxav jmH. if t':c --p ,i 1 leiidi'-.g otV tin- liiitucs oi:c by oi.e lo a 1 li tenet 1 '.ie ii t .;.'et her . -:i a :o v .! :: vis big. In ill tl Xoiee. r.lai'ing t:iii-ig:t th-- h".b-. lh'.aa Hut last year it was all different, so ' wcie male of l:c cl pa a d -'e tlilVerclit. indeed, that ( u'l.cli.x is boxes oht.un,- I 1 1 oin one ol t he to-c . going to tty the same kind oi iel.- 1 These boxes were about tin iy i.i.-lu--bi utiolt aoain t Ins w inter. And it was' long bx ten m, he- hi .', by l,,ii:l,'i n iUlto iliiiipie eiioit ;h to tiirni-h i !e.,s ! in. oe- w .d-- P s an-l wiidois for any of our inieiit ii e box s and ,;!-. ! wee cut in them, and tiu-x wtie .i iilm wish to get up sotneth'i: new 1 pen. led to li e wheels so that they and striking fin-thi i yc. u 's I !u .-tnnis ! would turn eii-ily .oi tktit p:i-e,, olitoi t.nuinciit. The w heels xnie thou s-pj.,i.-;, . l-y Vim m u old Captain Coni.iiu wa , a li-. ht da noin-i k e! w , od to. I t"--i. taken sick fin ly m tiie w inter mil In I ;.ic-l xvitu u , a . I. at the be. k -ele. to go south, int. I a fee lie- eo'i.t-let-d t'.e f r.'.n.ov. -u 1.. It w it iiotlt Sall'a Cl.iu i w i.n'd hax.- I . --:i ' I as fun tor tin- c "uiiiipt e ' . meet Ho celebration lit . I I. S i -. in- in ,.iei fi! I : ;iil nlhr ir'nl aid .liv.'i.i'i' lie of the Cm hen s.-booi u .tl s.i-..e ,.f ' v 1 with col, ..'el t-;p- i :e'i- I on tl e older pupil, g, t to. et n.-r ,ml,ii- tu.- box,-, iin-l ix P h . i en- ctlsscd t lie si! nation. As a l e t t In popcl'ii .-t! im.-.s. t'.mdli- inn- l.'nn were iH'pointc-l a o.iiu'iul'.oe on ;( i-xeiy where theie wa-' ooii. for ei.t. fltll'-i'llicnls tor tiie cclell :;t e!i, li ' ami Inell tin- CO - were lit.- I lip uitli being undo, stood tha' th, v wore to pi.sec.l-. i are l-eui--. taken lo l.-n 1 hax e the eiitti o w oi k of tlecoi et nig tho 1 thcai so that they wo:l! I svit ig ca-i' x hall and of arraugiug the pi i"-ents, 'and wilhout lipiing. Puiin.; the l'roiu that t nne on a dense cloud of I celebration a boy tiut'cl ll.e.-iauk seciecy hung over the school. Tee i that kept the wheel uoing. teuel er and his little baud of helpers, lhe whole wheel oulv co-t li w which included about u doon of tho ', i! .Pais, and any of our boxs who urn oldei boyn and gills held a meeting j cicicr with u liuiiilucr and s-ux ,-.,tiM early eiety ninht at winch the tlclaos j muke olio like it. For n 1 loi lnnc. of the groat plan w 0' e di-eii ,-ed. P.y I hill p! io It ciinin't be ", : fed, e p, day they all went .-o-niiid w it it w i-o j i -lally it tin- people w ho are to alien. I giauois ut olio another it i. tl 'icjuent j the ex lelu at loll expect un old fa-hioncl mysterious cottve-. s'tliv:i", until tlio ! Christinas tree. It max be n-, I ,-ithci ywuuger iu!!; oi tho tov.'.i we:o all but j tor u homo lathe! o: I". a j.iibli.., xtiUl witb eui-io-itx. It w a also th-' i er'-cl-. ation. mm I topi.; of eoiivei'siit inn unioug the obh : folk, for tliey wire not allowed Tn kio.w unythiiig ul, ill it l ither. .Mv--l.-. ioils b l udlei of l f , , , .-,,'. . iie-i: carried into the hall, the window, of m hich had jii-eiioii y been , ,, -,! v em tailie I, so that in. pryin... ,-ic's could ieep insid,, uu. ,ii the see ft. Two weeks bel'. re ( 'hll-l i'iir. 'IV of the pi'itlle-t little j - ill, ii, -ehool, III! i, I ah'. lit the -.-in,. Ni,:o, Were i'Ii.i i" for siilne Imsteil ,i. . l-po-e, and the v were ut once en i 1. ,,., in tie- feiietai cloak of seereci . hrist mi. cid ar iied In i-lit n'ol -' isp and eld. At 7 o'clock tin .1 's of I he low li hall v.eii: op.-hed and il cov d of l,.,ts nn.l gills, who had been wailing oiit-i,e l .r an Ienir or mote, sill: t'd iu and Idle I the iioi.t seats. I'm! as yet there was little to I, -on lor a big fill t i i :i eoieied the e.ilire I'.ont of tl. hall, shutting i. ut all lie of the st T:,,- inciiibeis of the commit:,-,, bustle, 1 about mv-ti ri !y, ran iu n ilh en I blind!,-., anl o it. a", i i ii, s!ia low i lliite I aero-- the cur t iill, an I tin , e n e'-e ocea i.i. oil s uotli .el Inn-is of Itu-.-liiei ,at which nil of lie 1,,'in.., :' chi!,)' en no. lid stand on their to -ioe-, an f.nilv surii k v. ,1 h ii'0i.-i a'lnii. Pit t to -, , win one -oiind tic,) v.h wliolir ii':es pl.iina'.le a i I w iiieli i et or' v o' e tn ". le - oil' a id W ii'lde. Hi,.'. It Was a '-i 1 : Ii s hoi-o. w h i.-'i nnoiii li i I el er liea -il I iff Hi- in eouiicctioii w i' ii a I hiisiin ,e It-! i cat ion. J!e!i-i'e s. i,',-:,,..i cici t . ,:1t in tint lo-U-o M H i tilled nil, I a hn'.'e tin nbi-r ol' men an 1 Inns wer,; standing a 'oiind 1 he stole mi. hurl up e!o- e tot lie X- ill ! . 'l'n le lias o'llva :i:i-!i! ':, .!. I.iy, an I then bom s'., men her.- I -hind lh- curt :t'n rain., t h-. ..i.-e , ol ti.e -ii lit:'.- ml- si, . ;., , t mas taiol. .In t lis tiiei rea.-lo-d l.,e la 1 1 1-, -o the co l.uo i . -., n to t i- il : I . v I.I ul, I t Id!' Voice-. ni o .1 lie I ! o il in a u iid In! i :! of at i da e. I n- .1.... , i: :.,,.. i. ,.,-,,..; , -. a,,,! r.i,,r eies I n in k. j,, ,,i(, v , ,l:il!,,,; . i i - j ! . - , . . . , , . , . , , "A 11 heel, II 11 heel 1 el ie I little I Sti-ie .le'ikin -, her 'hill! x oiee - u i n.l I ., ,. , .. , , in;.- ati, ,ve t he r, .af i, in.ia.lse. . , , , . ', , . it 1 a wheel it u ,i-i ; I ei r:-, n he, ! i - ,, , , u lo.'h :,nv on u ,,'i!d r ; n i. i- t i . : in an in 'u I It .n .-ni led ih,. li re ...... , . cent re i I the I i -! c , and II v. a - : 1 o' lv lurniii;; i,,i::i. h i, round. J be w er lea let I u :'li .b.lls !-.. col'. III. (-;-.. 'I l,e;e ... , j i nn !y nml eroel e: i . t, I - jacli kniies, I -I. ate , lie.i lei It, it 1 1-li s , enj.-i, I 1,-, end al ine t eieryllii:: el-.-t l-e.l e .ul.l t -ink ol'. I'.vei-y car w a - bia-'iti nil!i i lii.h.t iioin 'mi' al w a candles, mid j the I i n ot' t iie w heel, t :n- -Uj. ..: 1 ; and f'e il elf fi-sli one I u i: !i ; '. I i n; - -I i-l ' popcorn an 1 twine I u iih i il.h-.'is all i e.-'l ji'-'eu. Ik-si, le-. that the s.a u.i-. I eautittlLy il.'i'oi nte.i I'.n; an. 'tlier surpii-e v. as in -! o'e. Fo from behind lhe , in el -t, pped Jack i-'rost, Santa Can-' son, die -e l in tmily l.nci bneehes and coa', and Weariugit powdered ti i of t lie .- ti In ol t lie l.t-t cent hi V I'.li'iy one )', eogiii ',-,1 him ul oii.-e as fapiaii. t oiik'in'--. lieipl.t ii. idi.i was o lie ,.f Pie l. i i;te-t beys in i he l a rherr - ''-.oo!. I I it.l- v.liii' 1 1 me I ,i : , ,' e h c .ni l peak i.wiug to tic ,-, ! i".: . in. d then lie told t!i-.' a t.iieiiee un this Hi i. IV: 1 1 ii ne, ! was im e'ltcil ill Satit'i t Ian-' w --rlts it,.,., and that Su-d.i Cla'l-, !t,i I pla-e I the ,-:i!i- ill tin' ci.'.-. Alter that tin",. , ore a nu ol' so-t; t uti-l I e I, ,iis, ilnitn:; an of which the wonleii. I w h--ei time I ro il d a't I l-t-:i-i,, ii'i I lie .loll e .ti d let 'I-- le itu-'l out ft the win !--ii - t- s-e that ihe In.u'li itt" X w a - i-i ,-d U O! ,1U ; , .If . IH co'l :-f !,, i I - ci cswi'iexe x int. 'is in, l-,t I an I -or i y to -i-y t iitit t id w ei.- he iiel.t!.i j MONETAriY C0M1IISSI0N"5 REPORT. I' II .ilo bv A lit lini'ily tit' I Ii i- Iiotl illlljtollg IttlailO'hit Xltn's -l!lltlitiO.'l. I Titrt report of Pie Monetary Com I r.ils-i .a atipoiute 1 un h r authority of l!c eoiivi nt ion of biisinei's men, held in. In 1 ia'nt oi! is lift .1 aiiiiarv, has jusfc i heeli I. ,:i 1 i p ihlie. Tie- oi i : i 1 1 rf gold I "-tan-lai- I on which liiisi'ii-ss has boon lotio sinr-i) s-7.l is in.iiiihiined on tha ' grouii'l the industrial interests ihi- t.i'ind ci ilaiuly if, t i what the staml I nr I ! hall I, . T.i t In. i end il is urged ' that the Fi 1 Sides should reniovii j n'l il-ti'ilyai li thi meaning ol "e,. Ill l! I . ill tlO'l-Cliy R.IV- in lio- laxpny r by the ubilily (,j hor ror id a hove- rale of interest. Xi Ittlennt i- til". In hi 1 . in n 0 t hi' CXl'st iu r ; ilvei- delliiis, no,- to change (heir h ud tender ipialny ; on Un contrary, ft p!:i,n is provide 1 for them ill thrt "ire'i'ii1 inn by I.u I.i l-liu ; tho issua of nuy paper in on y ol her than silver cer tilie:i!i -i in di tr Miin:::io!H bcloiv Jit), It i-, re mi 1,1 bv the Co'iiniisMiiin ns linger, .11 1 I i maiutniu tho Ju-esi-nt n.a 'nee of n-ing (! .vcrnuieiit domaild j!,li '.pi eis ai In'.ney. 'J'n-' ('.in. mi - uoti, therefore, strongly ni- 'o the l ioiernineiit to xvithdiaii-its l,'t:i:t'i'l o'.ligat 'i.eis now ii-nnl as money, 1,',-liu,. to pro', i In gold for exporters m-l put the. h u id. ii and expense of u iiiitaiiiin a rcdeeniable jiaper ion nji hi the banks. In order :,i m ! : ti e deinan 1 obi i al ions, tho n c -.nt res 1 1 . of g .Jd in tin; Treasury 'uiiii-h 'i I,-., nt ifn to be set as id i) ,!l II Ihli-i eii f l-.s.eand lledeiuplioil ; ml the Seen v of the Trcti" ury i 4 j I'tihoiie I lo .-ed boil 1 i wheiiei-ov tha j "est-rvt-s nee. t rcpieiii-iitueiii . in mm nay, or f'-oin -niiplus revenue, the de mon! obligations (that is, United mutes notes tut I Treasury notes of 1 s.iil, ) cm be removed in such a way i -hat t'i cist to the eoiihti v ran be ro- :Lte si, v ith tiie result of simplifying un- e trretcy. and a I. lite; P c m iidetico 'u the eel t-iit. ty of t ar stall ho'd. l!y lhe '!;l!l t f the Coin'!. issi, m tliewith-lr.i-ial (,f l i n einmeiit paper is so'" 1 c. mtra -li-in c lunot possi-,h- take )i!:i.'-'-, if Fnite 1 Sia'ei notes t.o c.iliei lied p. nr ylaeo will be taken ay the go! 1 I'a.d out for them, or by die exp.ih-.i..n of bank note'. Too , it" nan 1 ol. ligations of tho Flli-'a-.l Slates wefo li t 11 inof y b.isod on nail. r!y; they were only a d-ht. On he ot1. u- lmn 1. a ban'; noie is never ;' ei 1 ifr.tu 1. of o mrsf, i-,rl il.le Ti ex ept f-U' a c -i'le! ::' iou in ncgnl iablo liopeity of c it-.', o- tr.aicr value. J'hf bail'; Hot - e :'. ' to't'l a- the ne p;, ! of a I-:i-Oi i tr.-m action, aud is ...l . I o'l 'he ". '.I- .' j I .petty of tlio o l itry v 're- i j . i- :,: ' bet't ,.n-u pro-lu.-.-rs a ; 1 c :, un. : -. I ni--property !. ::!.i ix . m o. :.;'.:,. :,!: 1 ; -. ' v. V s e.pial ' i the .inly of i : e -1 i n.; the note liabil ity. P.i-ii; ti 'I, or a ; -nun I as tho a. i -i : e - Iras ,e-l:ou-. of th cntllitry. l'lie cel.-. -v of t': , .'iii'.y, in iro : er, ,;i!d in- r -e a th.' tratisae :i,,.. . ot t::c c.-ui.t'y iiiotia-c; lo'iii-il ,':;- ri .'i-l nnehii'i an ; i u ( f t'uo iiove iii-H'it 111:1'. ti: -i,i an inelastio I : t if lhe ci' . :.! -I'.i.-n, wi-i'e by tho very 1 '.-:. 1 of their i '..' ban!; i.ntcs 111. :: ' c 1 be ant : 1: .. . V a Pitsl.-.l t. .1. . t : .... 1 . . . , 1 1... 1. I lies.-; c. ' i ty. Pi u i -iili'i; the pic-e'it tmuotiul 1 hanking .- x - tci.i, I c Cen-ni -si.e.i w t-ro . 1 by a d sn.' to s -i-tive uhso t I- to s..f,-:y : , tne'i.-'e ho'der; !o inako ! tie' '! :i - ta.ii -ri.i :;: i of c-jnid Cilf I rcn.-y 1.1 nil parts of t'.e country to iTei'h- ant: 1 :i J-f-t,"'!, x, hi!;, w iii! exp.ruiin.: i.i r, p.": - to 1:1 -r.vising (raiisactio :s, i.iieu! I h 1': inly contract w hell ti a Ml -tin :: ,i.n:l ,:s!l, a i 1 w hich j w o-.:' 1 hi ' p l'. a Lett: r .il-t ibiiti oi of I. a .kin t I'.ioUi.'S tin ..'t g't .it tho I W, -t- r.i a".. I .-..iit'iei :i Stale ;. I V h:'.- pr.'i i-li;,' for the pa'-tia! ttso I .f b.-i- '. : ' 'ef !, .-ii'-i'ig not-, .twenty ' tii e in-r c-ut. of the c 11, it.i',. the Com I Ho -I 1 prop. - e ti: it tl '; s bel olid I (nil ; h ep f 1 e i--:i 1 ti nil, i'l- :e..l ! f f :t pai t o.' tne . ui ,- -t of a bank ; ' tin 1 it ,:'., 1 a ft n ve;.' - t'- a1 no stnvial ! I-, :: 1 He -rltv sV-.'.d be re t ill ed. P t-'k-, i::,,y i-.ic 11 up t- 1'ixly pet cent, of P'l nr t-in, :l Wil'lo-'.t rc sii.iiut; for is-ne I., yon I six y per Cent. 11': 1 up to i : ;':'y o :' cenl t'lc.V pay 11 tax of t-io 1" r c '.t ; f -r th mi bii 1 1 1 ,hty per cent, an 1 e.p t - pl.t per cc-.'. tmy pay a tax - f -ix per eel'. 'l-ie-i- 11 ie i w , tl I b a p:or lien l;'.li all tiie le otircc-s of t ilt haul., and, iu a 1 111:0::, upon tho stockholders' !i ibbily. Morcnef. all tM'iks i-siiin not -s cent' iie.iti) livo per c.-'-t. of t'i,'!;-cireula'.: ni us a pir iaiu ii' ; i- o.'.y land. For thti'y re d.'a.i'fc'iis, l ank- aie te jeired t keojt a ti.e -r 1 ' no. 10 1 i'nn 1 i-t t!e' 1 i:i,l . t-f tii' I - p'r "."-' of t-10 C.O 1 . -. .1 . li t'.'. - of ' V'- ' ei-i-i d !'.,:iv be c-'.i' If-le I fi t'i s of ! V-l i"i a' n .on -. u-. i b,..i. 1 1- ,'tl.t u:o a.-..- I .-.-..1 - I- ... c.l .-s' ce leak' , :: Pnu-t-so-,', and toe ' ill' v. i' !i mil an'.n.'e :: ef bi'-'iie.- -V n.i r 1'f.l U Ol' f. ' ,,',IO ' oellk I-.'---ock- f ). a lei 1 t. ! , p;,. t : - cm! 1 l 1 : . :tys ay be I a ken i -.' -: :: ey kilo ,--t M b r in H 1 ; No.v t i'l :!-o r,:iii- .1 t ' e 1 1 .' I- I 1 ' . t I , a I.:. : '. .,: ta . il '!.; .1 ie -. w :. 1 , . , . ,.; ;,, , .1 nol 1 i-ust. .-.!.-,.; know Id. n -.', as a i::a , M ho-,- i-ai-Pcihtr b 1- ::, . ; . mg is-o.-l;-, and Wen. ::;:,!. n:: :t sp..,-p,lty ef l '.Is fi at tiro, is .-a.,1!, to supply a b. t'i-r anl ,-t t liu.-t itb-o ll.atil'fi . an I . .1 k. ic. i'ri.:tis' Ink. Major !'.,:'. . a - Wl n (toit-tior Jons -n. I p. lio. : ;s: oil that tt Mas "1 lot", (',!...- t-.-l 1. ci :i tbniiks," Jest eu- .ni to x o sen; -.,- he lueallt, Mill? M:, p. ,-, : "'-a'iv no tel't,,' ul' the,!, s'u, -".:V '..:,-.- i ;. '.:i;; Mm, when it 1J le:u-, " !. '.'.- f..'-' -I'ti-'',.

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