.I, fj l,MW..t..f'hrlli 1 'I if'iJ.'Tnitl' ft ttblfl ' f ljc hat!)nm Record. l)e l)atliaiy ftccorft t . Losnois, EDITOR AND PROP-ITOR. BATES ADVEKTJSifJG One i:ars, cf; jasMdioii i'l. 00 Olio ton re, f.''0 tail Picas. . , 1.60 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Strictly in Advance. Oue emie, one aivsti. 2 59 VOL. XX. HTTSBOliO, (HATH AM CO UXTY, X. C. , Til C USDAV, J AX CAR Y 27, iSUh. XO. 22. l'or lr.-r uJsci'.ia&ini am JiDtril ' foutra.-i.i -.i-i.j k njs'ii-. HB OLD-FASHIONER C.AMES. 'id... . ?;! ! apsurciitly coming to sn, For !..::k s . j Wi',! Pa- laddies !' :i ui.y i'u.- it'-, i.d.h;,; away TLv -,ii2-i'.iil. kl.i'd vl uul' daddies. T!k' k.ll ir a L. vj v called 0; t'viag their l-i:.,. 'J he : luck. a t f la.i.-bler, Ls ..Ver; O-y : v, il! ucvvf give auy Jc- At. J ' aa kiipr iti ckv.r. C: eras kA,, kikv.: I tl:nt tiiey ..ri- tall. A -:d p.- ;! ;. v. '!' :.o 0; I t A :'! i 1-1 !':. .it. :;r i.v.:ih.- e rrkkn;., t bs..;-baU, Nk mat- '.vi' ir a; . ie- ..a :-,":' TL i-,:-. ! k : ce .p wi'. no '. -.ager be A;: ! : .. . i; V.I. f-'b'.h- "da. U .1: fM tag. t.- bieu baa a the r.ek" h- an art that is lira: clu,k. aire, La.; Tan'Mied. r.-.r-oM:.:. ui.is.! la ek! ir. ite hole;" "H-n-;.--.!c:-. ' i.5 1. .1 .111: . t he f:tshkn; 'ite he- wo ' '.v. t win giacef-iby i-Al, A:.i . 1" is, :.o Vggt r a pa-ska. ' Ii.'!? , j;c'i" .1 iC.o.'i eiifr in anyone's iknd. For c;ik. :" cJy Is wiskgg: ' Star t!.i ' h.-.'" !ui .kpaitee., aad ca v e T-::i :k.d No v iti. '!:. ill going a-lishlug. 1 Ccti:i!:;:.r.:." ir. sv-ite "'I "its kits:::;, A:; i ! . U ' :':ci.Ji3 n:isi(-r'' tUo !'.t;!e A? u.uch Si 5 hoi sa:'.j:ar3 pon!U.c. Lavo !. "II;ii' :. toil':.', coii.i.r. And r:.i . Gr.t as the a:e Teavia? n:- rcr cs'.ii:ns i. i ! of but wh:-?!!air ih-.r ia:iy sir -J Aie :-. hi. t IMC, l'c-r wLcr. i.- e.-.'.-J ti..-1 CIV- IV, 1 Th- vhr :! i. '-v.-.y "a ! t'i'M' tr. r if in hs ritji.-ij. 11. c.v--h- 2 :s c -r.-.e aad : WiiJ'.y to stay, F, r It.' :;- ,i; n c'd .ii for laddies. A , : e a x-. t 't cont v Hi piay 'Ih'i .-.:-!-fa.-Li.,r.t-d r:-!U.v? cf 'h-.-ir dsd- X. :,.o n.-.::- Sua. MISS NAXCY'S K.U ESDROITIXO, : Trf' V-:'J 1-n ;'C'in' U:i:! V"'" - J!': . ancy .irnie--., nsUd tlio I fi-K- tieu ci u.c-e. .4arp.ry. Ifr , tor.:: a hrrp r.n-1 l-.-r t-ys had an : ftupry ?a 1:: la ti:. ::. "It was Joku Maihiiam," answered y, ec i , tiy no.:h. as she took off ii-.r tor. t. b'.it the tone iu which the iiu:;t::-:i had ber. asked brcupht ill extra cc.'e.r to her .htik mid a spar-I.!r- of les.ntir.ent to hu- eyes. "I tho'.yi-.t -." v )Spv;.kd M!.;s Naa ry. !:i hir i.:ce irriiatir,;; way. "Mar-:.-1 y Ana-'.iorer I n.id Hdak you'd be es-luirit d of ctiiai If." " lVL.it f- : ask. -! Mars "Tia ri'-t iiw.irc '.h,;r I've ,1 .a,, .mv-tliinc to be nrh ia-e-.l of "t"). y.-.i j., i t try 10 plead inno cence," K-so'.tc 1 Nan-y. "Von ei0-i,; t.-jb; asha :aed cf oin.q v.-ith that Markhsrs f -H ", and you law it" "I don'r Ln..-v an; s-!h thins;." an-s-vertd MatBery, faeins U-r aunt brave 1. "Joha i-Iarhh-iM i a respectable j-iitius i..;.n Vcti C. .,u't like him be cause 'ii- rt ; I to be tr liiblo lif tween he M.irhkai:!? and ike Arir.strotips. That biippcr.'-d b.-fo:-e . ithor ef us was born, r.u-l theu-'s no r.'iisou why we should l.t-ep i.;. the .-(tiarfe I. If v.-e see Ct to l;:-.,-- ca-h etaer 1 don't know M ho's '. t ,. ;.f,.vc:;t o-n- doing so." 'I cm." r. -t f.'d Mis-s Nam-v, grim ly. "Yo tn-.-da'i tliink -a;i l ,b-,hn Mark Lara notdu'i thioittl'.at a cent of tuy jTopeny'll ,'.-o lu'.'i the haad:- of huj in -f that family :" O. yon cm d-- ju.;t as you see fit to about jour p'.'oi eny, of coinse," said Miirper. 1 haven't anything to tiy liboui that, but it you think anything votl can do about it will proven' ,To!in and 1 ft am khiiitc t-ach other, voift-.? . 'j "'-, wan; Tonrl"?:" proper"-, but' v Ith tho pretnest lit tle blu- h Imat in.-iblo and a Mil" toning of the ve-k'o at the Impart of the words "he dei- want 11. 0." 'Mairt i-y Atms'i anc, I'd liko to know bow far this matter has gone," cried Mks Nauey. iu wrathful snrpriso. ' To Judiee by the way jon talk one would tui pose it u all snileel betwe-m you." "it Is," answered Margery, with eyes that never flinched before the angry ones of her nuut. "I promised John to-niiLt, eo'.iiing home from church, that I'd many biai as sooa as he lias a Lome for tae." Mis Nancy fairly gasped for breath. 'Yoii'ie a foci," she said, as soon as the could cc.r.raanel her voice, "to take up with thai feil.;,v when you might ianrry iho squire's nephew! ' "I wouldn't ma try the squire's nephew if he was the !a-t man on earth." said Margery. "la-ok a: him tloiigside Jo'.a Muri.ham, and 1 know that down ia your heart you can't help owning iha- he":; an Insignificant appl es for a mail. Ail e.i nn sec to ud i.iir.. in liiia N ids moio y, I'm Mire, an 1 If ! had a tk.oi-aud tinns inoie than be has 11 have jti -t as mueli i eiuiompt f,,r hirn as I have now." "oii may m e the day wlu n jou'll wisn you bad .-.uie of hi ; mo'i, ,' ,,aid Miss Nancy. "Wait liil you're .bdiu M itkhaiii - wife iiit l poor as poverty tiad tliln-'ll look diifi'iHiit t.i you. ...f . o;tte h ' '. ..1::- and oil think that I'll f hai.u- My lab .1 when t find out thai I can't prew ut lour mnriyini; him. lint ,.u ni-i" i r iiii.-e iid-t.-ik.n 111 your i'.fi... V. t ' ' .' v and I'll see ;' :,:" : y f r ; .'U ' 'J'iCu.i i" -l.if ul-.-UI 'L.1'." II IM. IV CI" cd Marsrry. "Wo c'.ou't aut your money. 've buth ftrou: an.i will.ujj to work, ui;J wc'il get aloL-. Lon't woi-i-y r.lj'U' Ui.it." "That ea.iin'a v..l. bv.t you'll &:nj a UifuriLt tune by uuJ L.y," ta'.J isif Xauty. "JUit itucLiU; wi.it 1 tell you." "All r!sl.t. I will." ruplU-J iJai'guy, aail thtn the went to bcr vooai, tci to th:::U about vl..,t lii' aua. LyJ tuiJ. but about tiic things .'Uc lin.1 ta!!;iJ vl with lit-i" lover li:,,y wILl-J K-j flora tliurcii tot'ctiivr. Oiii' ilay Niurv dtcldLj to ro .0 i tlse city to ! scat- sUcmjIiis. alio was clways Kfra'.-I e-f !!:!, jo la to fci' tiic train, asJ rc::i'ra!; uirivcu nt the Sta tion st ,-!t halt uu kcur tt-i'oro i: was due. Sibu 'JiJ set r.a tb!.- ccoasiuu, and as tbo riuy was a very warn ouc the; sat ilr.vn on the j:J-i t f .-i -,u iu tl:v ii.icle of Eoua- large box.-"-, ef fri '.cht t'.iat hail been unloa-Jc.l thorc. tfilakln:? it taore coir.fortab!a timo tau !'j tho etuffy liulo waititss room. I'ret'y tooa she iicar l i.uts on tii: platfoir.i. ami pr..:-:-n?ly xolwh iroia tbe or!;e-r : of :hc i'io oi I'.'Xt-s rcachcl hrr f.i?':-. ' Ix-:y ii your :v.3:rlu;u't.-.l rroje't getting alen'; ' v-.tf a?l:ea ;y ou-- cf t!to ur.een iei:'.'t s. An.'. 0 roiea v. -ii Miss r.iu:y vcta?v.'.zci us V.-i.-lrr. :! to tte ffiHire's ucrhc-v caeveJ; ' It scerr.s to tir ju:t at j,r:.-;-cut. T!io fart !.-, tbo girl's ept another string to Lcr lr'., ::r.,l '.ho cb.tuoes would be Ciiiu.'t ac if i: wa'.u't. for '.ho fact tint be? aut fen era u:y snit, be cause ilio tLlaiei t .htj- t get Un cle Ai:.os' incticy, f;:J ii.o'J l!U-j to unito the twu proiui-r-s. .So I'm rata- . er swecti-r on the nuut at rre.?r.f ihr.ti 1 a:u ca the u I eret the find at Mi n Diur,t j.e throuch the ul 1 ladyV. in.T.t- ence, you see. i-.: giri s a little la:--, but tli.-? littut's -r?i), rhe lu't a daUy, ' you can bo sure of that: It's a j'.!astleu ; If ha-ittg hi-r !u tbo family .o-ilila't ; paying n d"ar priee for nil hvi- r i- j;,:i-:y, j but you sr-o ibcrc's a chance of being : able to (.liako h':r c:f after ;i l-'f'.e. I happen to know that a now lali.oodV j going through this place, ani the coin ; paay v Ul have buy a pk-ce '" land. ' tho owiif. and th' lard she iutcuds to fcive to tUo bill iii a widdttv pie sent. Now. jiit as seoa a.- 'he roa is put thiougb and ji's ,ure n cnue ibis '.and will Is vorth aiorc thr.a all tee re?t of t!:e d 1 lady's prepirty. If the rirl cots a dot a cf ;t an-1 1 i--.t 'he girl I can sell it to th-. railroad couit any aud aiake' a ood Uu of luoacy on: of it and we'il 1 e ludpcnilciit cf the ount, aud wht a 'h;ir happens. Sf it evei' to. I'll lei! Ut to look out for L,r affairs rr.d 1 11 look out for mine. I'm l(y out now lUat iUv a,,a't Had cut rrw r,,,riVliI 1 ,v:iat (ft ,n;1 i3nd : before I break the news tn l-.cr" MUs Noin-y li?:enc 1 mP1. er.;--, nad ! f,TC- very v i le Oi-C!!. j ' Vi -, v, b. a ,' l'..T'pen.s. if ii over ! doi," s!: chin kh'.). "I dou'i Pirilc-. e i you'!! ev.-f ti.o chance : o-t're- I -.;:-: f'i-'. n.y suiar' your.:; Iran' T dor. t I sujipofe 1 am u 0.. i- 1 tyvitr ti;ot;ht I wa- - but 1 lather jv.a.t Fid a match ! f,,r you. since- I kuenv whar , do. I ! d.-ii't l.'Clievo you'1! ti:iv 10 ihaiie- no , oft. I think I'll i. a l!tlc-cr 111a. t-e-i j the f-hakint-'." Just ilseii tin? train i-iti:-.: al'Kt-t. aa-l ; M1.-5 Naucy p.t aboard of !: without beiny Si-cn by th" youne; pen i Piuit e en I us. i -u she caii ho-.v.i, ; a-s lu.-k wc'.tbl have Ir. .-i:o rrr: thw ; sejulrt-'a tivpiic-v at the st-.'.-.Mi. j 'If you're itoia.: i.ot.u- ' -i'i t.:i;-;.t ' waik .'dei'r; .Fi n.e ni:d l.-'ip ..'i: t foiuc 01 toy bundle.:," s-. fa, ! in her I very pli-a.-nii! laai'.iiir. -Fin .bi.-t alio-.t tir--d nut. I've Lieu f-'M-!n ' t-i il ;.-.u-l ' deal of bur-iti.-;-.- tu da )'-.-.: S'.i l a I elred made out. jrirhiif Marrery the ! south forty ni't-c of too farm, and Vv ' Won rrieiiis carpcis and fnrulfuo and lineliujr out lio-.v iaui ii it's oin ; in co'-t tri n.t tip a yiiune,- .'c! !e i:i b:aiM.V;eep- iue. uf : .ur.-e th''' wou't n-.ed nee j tljincs 1 i.-ht 0 .vay. but I 'i:oti:;hi I'd ' cf fOine idi-i i v, ',-u i vpf a.n ; WOltbl I'I." j "TUey who d-i jv.i wean ' .-ir-k-vi i the yoiui? mull In Vewdeb.-ran ut. i "Wliv, Marfviy ami Mr. Mark hear., of iniu-ne," an. wi-ii-d MUs Nau-y. '-AS'ihi erted the sejuln-'s nopae'v la turprisa and eoiistt-ruutioii. "Why, certainly," ivplle.1 Miss. Nan cy, as if she bad aever had any ctlur idea. -He's a t.ieo joint..: uia,u. lie's got braius, and when he ts Margery he'll 01 money, for the m-w ruiliw.d's joing to make the land Fe deeded b-.-i worth u suus littlo furtuu.i." "I'd liko to know bow you Unew nhout the- now railroa-.l;'' cried the -is-tonlshcd j ouiiK man ', I keep posted on such nuaters," said Miss Ntiuey. looking very vise. l!ut here wo aie at toy gate. Thank you for brinflns my bundles Won't yen come in V' No, not to night." was the truff re ply, and Miss Nancy chuckled a the joung man went his way. "1 guess I've p. it about evca with you," i-hc said, uoddini: her head after his retrcnting figure. "I cue-ss ho was about as much surprised as Maracrr'H lier nieee had seen her, and came out to meet her ulld help ln-1' v. lib In r puu- dhs. "Miir'Hrr, I've got something to tell you." said Ml Nam y. anxious to kav the nutter disposed of. -I've thought It all over, and 1 don't know but you 10 ilaht abotil John Matkham. It U fool 1!i to let all old utild.e stand iu t!io way of youiu folks' happiness. I'it. coiieluded to let yon do a3 ymi thill!: best, and I've had th" t-miili foriy det-.l-ed to you, and when John (.en j oll he II (let lhat too, If ymi see lit to turn It ovor to lii iii. Anywrv, it's y--.it .v f. do ?v-r. ','. hat j , u ph-a j ,1!, 'M;-,, Aim' N.-.n-y." Cii-.j if-Hg'.'., looUIurf at l:cr as if the fcit title frho baJ i.ouv crar.y. "I tbvitLt you'J in.v ie icu.siut to our marriage'." "I'"o!h'i chaui.''; thi.ir li.iaji i.ot.iv. tituec." Kai l jh,3 X.ttiey. "T'utiv! tbo:v: fjuj't buy iav : o or I'll di'oy th'.d bai.UboX. I Lear a vhUte Uowu tbo roal ti-itt couiiJj liho JohuV. Vou'U l.i'1'.i.r t'o uud ti il Li in the news, ai-J, by auJ by, aiur I'c had a cup of tea, hil'-s L.'La la tj u.,; l.c." xr.- Vori: Ledger. MAN DANGEROUS, Stttittica tihOrt- Mc; Ic Ayt to Ccuiiiilt L'rJ:uc ut 29. It ii a e'.nrruiar fac:, jet ono eub-tu-:r.t!at(.J by s'atk'ics. that ciott eritue is oouiuiitted in New York by n.eu twenty-cine yi-ars old. This is' not ot-ly true ef th" lesser but aiso of the si-pater erlmei. al'ltcugh a raau W iTLSUtned to be ct that period of bis life not ouiy la the zoalth of his pbyt-; li'al, but tlso In fuU cud cctnplte t;os-t-ossion of hii mental rower-j.w!ta a coji'iato cpri-eeiotiiyu of rijrht and wroug a ad their resi'CCtive conse o'lence?. This coti-iiiion is a lK-obieia which Lets a-nt b.-ou olv.i by the stu dent of eriaiiaolosy, aud cae "-hicii ii tr.a h the aicre .. ju:;',!e:c by the fact that the ages of t-.tucy-one. twfary-t!:-.-n and forty-.'.'ve years nearly dual ir, with the laierrciiirtg years s'aowiuif a far less rercctitaije of eiiiuc. It is indeed r'dh'.r that the criuiiuul teu cle-acy should bo so i:ron at tv u-uty-ulno, v,-;;ls no such iacl'aatiou, so far as eritv.iaa! rta'.i.-t.Vs show, iu aa gnat a decree for the iucceerlius sixteen ycais, and then another outburst of the tuiiual !a ir.au. This coaditloa is found to be tine by actual Ugure3, and ::s ail statistical computations at which a vera ire conditions are suiisht to be dc terniinsd are 2ii':vcd at by this racthod, so taay thu siudent of this snbjeet, us v.e.'l as the ins urauee magnate who bates his rates on the general flel iigu cf losses in piopoi-.Ioa to the rlska takou, nttd decs to with full safety, ctaploy it !n sol'-lng the probleia beforo hhu. C iiat-le? K. Baker, chief clerk o Oiperintecdeiit Lctlirop of ihe i"ov Vcrk buit-au of tat inks, has mnde '.hi3 suhject eino of close study, cud v.-iH soon have coiaplettd a table sho-Aing litis to be true, lie has already com pleted one relative to murderer ?erv lag life seuitr.ee:. in the potia! Innitu tieas. aud its i-jiurcs bear out iU scl eral eonr-iu.-iai. lie otVers at ihij .iai- :.o e.xplaastion for this, brt hopes after he Las .-xhauftid ihe fibjcc-r. ':0 fjr us tiie prcetatatlou of fiUi. is eo:i-fcrr.c-..l. to be aLla to set forth rea:OU5 wl'.y tho;e yvars should 1 : product!'-:: of tiro itu .-t criraer. Uo liiile... and bnrrnws. Tiw inor.are-hs have had to undergo so n.auy trrows public and private a? tiie Faiperor J'rar.z Joseph of Aus tria, and no one ha? ocer borne rctsfor luii" v.'i-:Ji jr. c.irer courage, tn his fata lly b u b st his fir -'-hot i:, a daugiitcr, who::!, tin-.-as'i si-" died a little child, ho is said cover to have forgo'.'ec. H'.s next brother, the l-.'r.peror Maximilian, was ixccu;t;l in the lU'inie cf life by the Me:;b-au. Xh- fare of Li only sou is too trserk f ;r mote than an allusion. In later days he has lost another brother; a gran leiaughtor eloped with a youne: cMker, his v. lfu is la bad heab ii; his nephew and heir Is an invalid ami the next prlnca iu ihe line? of su.vts sion is a scapegnsec. Ilii pul lie hf.r ins be.-n one of ineos sar.r toil ate I daue'.-r. In ihe oar!;- p -ir: cf his rebjri he f.-..V:r- i -everely f.et.i t2:o Ua-r::er ct o vc-t.i i be asr-a.--:n. lie ? e , 1 tj:i-:ucccs.-f'.t':ly t.-'.iu the l";.-n :i in l;C-. and v.i.u tau l'rnssbiiu iu lsd'j. lie Las le-er, ...'.s'ed fro.n tie-'-iii.i n y. .-,er -ii!-li L" on-e p-i sid.' b aa.1 of whi. ii be fot-r.'.eriy hoped to le? emperor, as hi: I'-fcfatix-r.". vere, And yet. la spite of ueh defeats, no piii!u is more I -;-:-.iv-.d by Isi sub.b'vu. In d'" d. his p.. r.-o::al;-y t'e.. ei.iof bond by wiiieit hi- hoe-i r-ois doiaiuious are I.cpt toi;e:he-r. licCe'Kiy the eiili-er-..' Ol-'eieled his (I'th jear. ll:s it:;:.;r...l ntt.l 10v.1l t;;aj'-;ty was pl.e ed e:i the tia-ono In the iv. ol'Ui-.iii.iry year ef 1S1 when his uu: le Ferdinand ahdkated, and Ids father .i. i,:), 1 to take iiji the burden of Hie ,to n In p en', of seniority as n sS-ivc-reittl he s ad to (1'1,-ea 'i "- T..l:i ai-'Ue. A fcimiile I'li-o bitiiisuishor, Han bgrena t: s, tne ftmpiest form cf ii,e-etiiiiuisacr, t-.ta be- made at home cheaply and eafi'y. And it w.-ll to httvc at hau l a : -ai-de ontrivau e for f-xtingiiisliiag a n.all iirA ut its tinit. Tak- twmty pounds 01 common salt and t.-n pounds of s .1 ammoniac ni trate of ammonia, to p.. had of any ile.je and dissolve ia seven gab be.s oi v.-ater. Ftooure ciaart bottle of thin ?hi-s, s;eb a- are urdlnarily usel l- dii'Cil-t.' tuid till '.'a thi-. ecrki'.i-; tih'lv -.aid v'li::.;, '.) pn wa! ( xa,i,iai!..:i In case of lire taro.c si ai to bleak hi or near the ilatv.e. If the rue is iu sii. h t"i place as to preveat tho bonle fioni bie.'ikiur', a- In wo. 1 i.r .-otton. knoek ob the Hf-oh and scat tot- the eontems. The bu-.il.irij of ihe botib? blv-ratej a v-.--.-t.iin ne.eui,; of ens, and tho bout of the fro j-.'-nora't'S more, thus work in; its own destm. ioa. Niituio llluoiin iteil. Iho lk-yal i;or.;e, in Colorado, 1s tc be llghtc-d wb'a Vctrlciiy. The run 11 in r time uf the trains through tbU remarkable eatnoti is s;o ai ra iiu d that touiis's an- eonij.elle.t to pass through it at night, and tiv" tiin ; prewnred ftuni viewing H beailii.s. Ti, obviate tills the railroad company juvposiV 1,1 tnalci; Ii as be,i.i as day. au.l, if anything, ti ad. i to bs scenic b amies, becausi! of tin- accentuated lights and shadow wlihh loU-, play eicl' and b-nwefcil the i-o-ks, Clear I iiilcnlmnli.ii- I a idl idy Have- you P.f'dg.k- a, P. tit-N-kil. I , liovCa t'Oia a j,-. ai tho Sturt. a young man k 'i 'u i ; FIELDS OI' ADVEXTCliE, "".'..TILLING iNOJOCNTti A'lO DA KING OLLL; ON' LA'O IX'J LiiA. 1 iJiii i:f.ipja l.iti UJ a ..i.i: ii!.ir t!all.v l.y alal .ivt Miul !t r iu Irtl.Kii-i la 1 1- : j::avc llctilii l.v I iiilol Sl.iSi t. J.;ii ' ins li "Vi A K.niir ii-jy't li.i; ii. 1 1 .0. Tho licv. btaa'ey Wii.-ot!, ..-1 ;.. il! ti-a to.vn of Jia'uoiia. a lit :la u..v F v.uSau Uie:?o,Ciil., be. ides l. i f: ed itor of the ilaucae; bet.tiui.1 1 , an e'.i-at-ouad alhkte. j!e cau hold his t-vu v ii'a the gloves v hli any amauttr ia the e.c.iiit.y, ati-l he is Li - o-,:i liuht-i:-.,' e liter, ssys a 01 ie.-.por.dL-::t, of the Ne'.v Vork Saa. And he doesn't carry a fun. ileisa Faptist. and he riles the circuit, whkh uiabrace- a 111:00 er of sm-ill :aiii?'r.g iuwiu in toe hd!s- r.ad jitoui.laia.i of : i'.-ahcra S5.,'i JJict'o Fo'ittrv. Y.'he:i ho 0:1 'he cacait Lc p' ea-.ii :s ia a t.nva oa fiuneky ::ior:.:ah, a.ij ia tho afte'ao.)U putaci the jkvoj w;th the !u:!yv jtia.' lai ihu'c and ra'.r'hciv. v. Lu ate always u -er t 1 a- 0 a"iro"v:th Ir.n. Jb cm bit! sir.y of (hem thu. Lnt turiit- u.p to far, aai they have no cad ot re ti'tet an 1 ; ictirati on !.r io:a. TiiCy ah ero---I j hear Lis so; v.?ns1 wIh.L tliey st'c.i!!y approve, an 1 ale. cot Iter iho'Ec v. i:. Wilson is the :;.,i,i ii.,p. ttiir preaei:?i who hat c ot r.-ccne-l ia tiiat iecion. On ouo ut hi;; recent cireiut ttje-i bt ra.ed a i.a-i named Cm'iu l're;a In e'iiaus ?Ir. V.')!: ou ca'itc- up v.ith thcta 111 a 1 a;e!y piaee on the r-.-a l aeioss S'ari;cr"s :a-:ei.'. Ihea-e v cr j iii:ee lnd:.!;:-, aa 1 they had fin an dov. n roil v.-civ itbaet to s'ab biiii ti i'-..-.ith, pro ttraiably with the inieetio:; of i-oijiug him. Th--pi ejetu r cauie upon ''' -. a unexpectt! iiy. and h-jpia r 1;3 Lorso f Mitered tho In-.ljatis ii.'.h'. and let. 1 lae Indian (.! iho i-uiii-.m knoi.-kou'. on ti-u point of hi- riiia .:u-i s-tretohe.l las length on the road. An other recti -rd the prca, h-r'.. il-.r ia his f.-.'lav pi . Tiien the preciiT had rttt tr.!-. '0 dodce the kaih, in tho baud of the thiid ndi,-:i. r-iu-t wLich h-- did a neat Ml of in-a J,i ,ac. Ihe re. -n't . f v.hkh v.-a 'hat he c..p-. turc 1 the ;. n!,- and .-."it 1! : 1 i.taa i-.ra-viiu-t I", iho dtivi. Ly t!.u lUiic ?-lr. On;,:) i .. 1 ?cra:ublo:t to !:; 101 an i .he t ' orovo t'u l;:i:.i:..- 'di, 1 ! 1 ) the 1:1 .-. t tool, h. . lit. y reiidc-i-e.l i'i t- t:i; l.nv. la a icce.-,! Sunday the F'v. Mr. VTil-oti ::;' ! a 1 uuusaaiiy I cry ii - pre-; bed ::i tiie iaiai!l.:f l i" n ..: j .Isiium. li-c hrl a In.; .iiidtci.e- ,,r..l his s.e : iao,: wa.. fall of hp cHSooi.-tt -. onercy nucl elo juence. The ivo le listened attentively a: lei-.,-: ; i gathered iu gi-onps to talk it over, fa the t.'ieruoon Dave rutn.un, a to.; u biiliy. who has been 111 many li:ji(.s and Im.j ti: i-epirr.ioti of b..i:i, a hard raau t" handle, u- i-..-:-.d lie preacia-r 0,1 the s-tivct and i!-.aav:.kd a i-.-irac-lion ot an iincniRpiuii .-ut arj iteiu a: Li:a: t !i which ha I eppcjivd in that week's istue of tus. J!au.nii.i tientrael. Vi'il.on declined to retract, I'utaaru iusist.-d. an i AVilssia replied tiiat lie ui.iu't j.iibiisu a thiii,5 utile.ss it was true, and that ho ptopose l to stand by vhuievisi he In 1 . aid, an I to pub lish it !i';.sin it he ia..-u -lit U-s-t. l iuii Put :l -lUl ptlikd 1': l;p Co.if, n I'.iit th pica --her t ) g. : ready ban in-:.;.:: .-. ail I Milled, in. it. it ih- preacher's coa: was o!i' bef ,ie l'.;i a;t:a ci.t there, and the blo-.v lie I ,' meant for tie? e.f.iy noio land I in the a:r. Thi l.'iit.C ?''i: a lot i . -. tl U r.- I i-v this. I :.t oeik his I e - ::: I - , i- i'.'I li i- -ii ie i- i ,! a;. V. 1! ct, bat th i ti.rl.t i ai ne-oitit.--be :.i led fi-eu. . : 1 t-i :k:..a. A- Jhtiuatii cut". 10 oti iiviin ..- i...i a o; t-ol deait him a b! - vith tie, i;i.! v'hic., hnoekul hi'.; o:V liis f- t. and c.ia'd: lii-.n on ihe j-: -.- uii ins ir-:t a -lso fi-il. Tbo Imhy taiopi l t In--. j..c: atl-l !. ne.ved til - iit'.y.'!;, b if he c il'-i'l'l 1. 1:1.1 any-; ': ;-, i'l.-.- j ie 1 wa . . ; : it. k f .; I;, a au I del 1: ' ! 1-CHl-.e a -i!,.;lo loo v. l'.t::a:0 liiaiily u.!'-i- up after In: li.i I bveti tirelc'i-.l "! the :i defalk tbr-.-e iiiues. and s it "'as .,!! a iaist.il;.'. rm-i tua' he di lu t v. ant ihe item tahfn b.iek nt ail. 'i -.e joiinj pi ca .-her i-j rooi o popular th ia ever, an I it p the. univrr.-.d opinion thai any la.tn who can ' Ii'!; Im-j Fiita.i'u" u tho wan for thru t Fur Putnau Ut.a.'.e!f, the aikir scetris to have been a means vf ct.. ,v Jj lets not tiled t ) into a lev siiicetheii, has loo.liik.l Lis .bemeaaor. an! declares that heietftt-r he i-. ou.jf to ch ar.di tc-ery ti-ae the Re:-, Siaal-. y AV.'ioa prea ':es. Heroic I.tfe Samj, At a limner of the Quilt 1'iu'o ia Xow York Major Ikt-po L. Piper, A'-i.d ant idaperi'itsadeai. of tho I'r.iie I Stalei Fiio-1-s.i-. ia- Service, t d 1 tht-'o st vriea ni h-t-. tc l csguc ,: ' ik the Ik -t dull yray of moraiag. on -lanttiiiy 2 , )2, thc.o "cut d:s- C i.-i re t bv t :ie a.d of strou ; fd.l-iOS t'.-oiii tho ill-u-y ..( Iho S tuk-.ty L-:.;hc house, e,a Nautaaket Island, tho i?.-uii-tH of a vessel just above tho hoii : -m ia the iiire. tson of the lb - mil I'eo.vn tdia.iU. Word wm teat t) the cin'.aut of the Ufo-savia staloui near by. ',ui ii.'ul kaoiv thai tdj blo-o :i-"l I'r jw a sh ..lis is one oi iho m.? t e! iii.'ero is plact t on tno (,'obe, mil over utteoii lad-es from land. Atwer.'y-tlirei'-foot surt'hoat was inn out atl-l maa ie.l by a crew of fceton nit. Tho pat tings v 1 1 e ,h o t bctireea tho l.u a a 'id their families. Away llc- v the lit tlc: boat ; t'aey could not see tli- shin. They i-opt Find it. Tho tlier.uoiatter legist i-o-i t v eiity deieei belo C free t in:; point Alter long Louis of se..rch they i'.c.iU I .lie M reck with sOVell h.lu-fi..-.-.eii ia. il ehii.tiiig b the iii.gin,'. Thiey n.i l bg--u there for tiit.'eu h mi s in the p.-dtiug nun and sloct. There w.iosev.'l in tae. boat. l'-.-uld she carry seven m uf.' Theto w,n li.i dl bato in the luiu.l of Waller Chasj ou that point. She mnst cany them "1!?3 boa' c.p ma b fa-t lo the v tec':, fit: I tli.ti : p:i'i.i r. i'c-a cei ihe sLi.r?,-liea i.4. . The iuj'.beil ! ' i: .,: ! i.li Jui.i't' i.i 1! l.y .t il t . : L.1M of the Li ;..t :. "il;.:i 'n ohi" o: i- ! no tw. ';; o..t Li 1 V,'.i'l. r "i. i . ; ': Cains iji.'uiii Luiio. 'Now, if a:. 0 ii;-- jji..a lay: a linger oa taut I II jt a i'l 1....W you to .o?.? i,iu-. J .1.. i ... t -.r !, and y.ai v.id oi. v ; i. - . ..a .,-ti.d.-.' At h. t e-c. j aboar.l, and tiim taehouii v. atd r'r t-. -:';.' li-t-.-M'.:. Three honv..' L-.. I lj'ta.l ihciu only eao n.tio f.v ay ir mi '.Le ; a. :.!:). Aaotiier st. s:t "a' wa le, :ti at 10 o'eio. '.; a; id -il' ii M no ;)!:.:..'. J.o,-ilde t . kecO heal-..!;.-, aad .ii:; wc-tit too archie oil..-,. : a.-, scV:.n la.-'.e "'cay h .a - thty .- H -i'i:.- f.i the beadiiii' cr.: . Wh a ihe biavc i ll.j-.vs lea.-'.H'.l thj . ijtloil ai'tel tiitl iV-.-ix Lo'ivs of Ivii the :bs p.- S'j'i i-j e .'-.-- t!i ; s-'...l.c.v v h- eocr v .is iiis a.'c i :a e.Li : IitJ ya.i t then a'.I, V.V.ici .-' 'Ay. luo'.litf. ail, 'h.it:': Oo.'.i' ; id t-c i.--- o.r, as ho j e:ab. ,ee 1 ). .'. li.i tec 1 t:'.U:e t to his j ::::d t ii.l, '.','-..!, bey-', lets :-.-': the hvt-e 1.1 0. .. .-r .i'i I sia;? o;:t 'h ' j p-.:tii 2 ' thai e-o'C! : !io -i the L, ivb's j : ii' ...::.. k 1 a : t ... . tU rotiktii c: ::: -. J'.. el ;;.:i- ; .-a 1 t y j t of 1:. s "...-. ':..' ie;-.?. ded in the a ia ai e-:' th : v e-:ki, Jt ueetiee I I--) I.-:'.... .';t).;-i-;.jr in XvViia!):!, liVh .'n in jru:;j7 c-i tho 1 "1 iv e; that i-.:-j:.::t t .- 3 tti:.-i2y ii .;ure--, vekt :U p-"3".C 1 ' j h. 1 .ye ; .11 .-; ia -h.-t.'C. , -. - vr-e:c.l i.i ' '.jva cf .Mar fiu.'tc, !:':. '1 itc stor .. '-v;ii ,".;.e ,d tvirotie int. :.e. :y, ha--::.;r .l.-tr:;yjd tni ii'.'aihott.- ? ta-v-.r oil t'i. br.ak-v.-&; er dui I'-o, i::.; i.:a.. aa-l v-a- Mi:! t..t !:i,e? v.-iih :.-. a'1 'i f try. Ihere a noiii'e f rviiie; ..'... k 1 at I'liirjnat!.-. I'd-. j-..-;y2e ia tno i.-.-i.-rhLc-rD-x.-l 0.?-vuic--l t'10 v.Lol-j day liyit'.? to ics.eae the fealora ateii.trs. Doe.tt, no it?; in-'?, mrria-s a ..-I ike- lines a'l hat! fuiied. v.'i-y:t ea ::0. 1'iie-i-o vas ui t.,p--! in ci;.-. -p;ctic. a-j-.ie-. 'i'uc near est life- -'.iviii .- s'a'i'.i ..-.s tt ;.hl,i :: :" . A t .iCi-raoi c -.'elccii t ni-ihi. Cil H-Utte-, i . : : fro .- e: . -v v .1.1, 'A'', v .. tr :.n, v. i:h a b-:-.-.-; th vtk. !.-; tsai. ';:( t . e ;e a; j a : : 'I: v.--.: cleared. -lie ll'-ld lilO bl.O if lliO no e-iieei on li-ia -hatevgr. a i? likhe, 11. t c'...-n t :"!?. of r be to r ihao a-?V iioiel la tiiecyes k-ii'i'ir . w. aid in biro this r.ati-e to kseksc the seoi-ft of Lp aa'.-lote, which, be said, ': a t i ecu handed ii,m-g m t;:s family for j --iit ratio c.s. Ti.o Mia'te was n ory !.:"..,; one, an 1 so .-.11 t.ru it Lad a ti.i.uo 1: is a well !a:u-n ii it that c: ft-.i-a . tho Zaiua Lave au tidoie.. lor i'u? ra-ii-o dciliy -.naka p..iS ir.-, nlii It ;h.y pr.4:-ro ti i s.eltl wuhia ih.-.e os a f.uaa.ii.. '. Tito Mentis in an diu-n I;....:. Oat of tit ? p.iA.v- of t .v. ti' v tvo Sa ra -i'iiS vein 1-d d atuki 1 la.i I i : : ' i; a i.'ii ii'cii '" pier.:'.... v. .a. i halt pes i '...' .1 jr.: v.i'iy t.'e.a . - po-are, !.',:. the s :. v: .an - ve.'ic ct -t a toy ...i the Ik cd ot N.ri 't-iai, the it a a e.ijteriiote : idril ef t!:o ii!i;-j e.ottp, feeou v.he ie- they mat lb. ally taken by lae i.H i.ioa y i. ht Wiliiauis u.-ii- dci l than ah.e. Jehu j Fii t Au tra'i.i'i el a.i- i.es brotight by the :-',e;i'll. l '.'-1.11 v .. state k:at t o? ?;? n-jaas hi t i k, ..-n t .-.' uei-gh-liori'aij i-'aa l-. ssu? f ity tv.iL-o ill tact, b it H e'-. OVei t i!.-. a by .1 f ale winch ble-.v toe. a out of their c.ua.-e, an lforspity d.y- ihi y drifttd help-le-sly ut th" lv.erey ot the tiaves. Nn.o oi th-i piety died in the boai. olio wis killed iu laiidiog at Xuiuuitei Is an 1. i'.n l.iiics tr.uii the port they kit. an bivuo e-M!aj"."l oil vu-ichiii fhoig, le.ikng o'ily ei.'glit sin vicors. They ute up the httlo foad thty h.ib h.li - IllVelcd b'-s f ir V-allt of VMltl v. t.s they wi ro iik-.' t) spren I sails p. catch tho lam, vxhi'h f.'l hcaviiv. "lin they store 1 up iu so no tiab boxes tb y h.il oa h.-atd. iho island they evi-iitaally reached ia iuhabned, and tUa popia took nil possihla care of them, b it they wei o in n vt-ry low con- d;t,-'ti whea ti,e sjea.i.lf e !;e.l tbetu mo, tioi euuviiH h-i-.y uieo been ic-bu'riii t-? jlfu lokc, ), La i 1 . I b.i 1 ..- es .".-- . -.cat tkk- ttv cr t'.-.-s 'eti'i 1 a.. :i I e' t th ':' - v a-'. 'A'-, v .. I ' ..'k ,1, . .'S... ... r .,'.. I ' '" ' !' ' : : 1 -;- "A' I a.,: la , 1:1 V-11 , ,1- VV: '-";- kt: ,T.s i-.m , -k v?!- v;1' i ;-' A;"r'v '-ilea,-,...! to a b:--:-- can,- last! ' '"'- a 1 "'. '-':'. w,"!.e r--:c to v.'.:-;;;,(t;.'. a dk.ua-e;. V :i.r:V " J '.' - "' .'.'";k '.-k'l-i c::! ' ..... ,;,;k:. t--e; itv::;'o:Mck..ri ;::.!.:..: :e, :.: V .V .. .'..s.e! l..c . i v.- i -.. ,:.y-! . : cc-e K.iltl, I' . . ':. 1 '.l, I ,lto- r.' u. '.'.- vc, A io . p.itiy i i.et-kaat: the us.isl j I fill 11 --o; Irolsi hf ft'. ::' ; V jiadl.r. "Ifit y' C- . ' a ite i ...in e.e- sane rtn; eu I -ct, v-,,.-: , r;: g"t:-:; .-.illdove i en t. .- -:".-,:-. i -e I a l .,-d I .."..';' '. . V?tviW ' " ft tl" .lk:.e'.i v.k. .-, N i th at.. ,-", ;,', L' "; . : I I i: e-1. i. o ji.t t ..:. r .' ", ;-. : o 1 eg: . ;?""-.! V i lit th.t c..-. v? ot .ie :: r!i Ley c.t.ue ', '.-sX'-'-'" -a htifo ftoae. vhiea va i.e.'- :- , ." . k. "i1 XT-'"'- j .-.try 1 1 ic..iec.-. but i i-itcua 11 v-.tae ,C . -k.,'-)'X, ' ho.-ae.oi u iar-o bi.-rk maud a. v'ki , rk-.xikek v B:f '-pii ' kao". u ki the lie i0hb -. ir.j iiih.ti-i-e.:".:3 "' "".7 'Sk.J' ' - . ti.. uoin.f ol 1. find, t.t-t-.efoiC; v. iy ica- Nke-'' -"-' " '- 0!t)-'.'1r. I !e: laaalb.. i . -.hi? ,Si dc.i iiy "'. 'I..-"'"'"". ""-rti" at l::f Cj " :i A.rr an !:i:it-.-, an.; Ulu - ' ,..:: :.u.te. . !-;. iu.ti.ipat.al son." mhiuc- Tl?.".- were p- ii-.urs and a . iroitik ...v.ril.. 1... a. 'liio . ilk d 2 ' - -;"' "r''-- -I v,l.c t Ii:- .:..-.!,,- . k:;:i, a id th. ' 's ti- ik'.tg tai.e .-e tlunv ia , -k i " ' d-e a , "i ' i :e.:r, !' ik -s -i k.nrs r...d f.-, rvvai.-s - -v. ' :k,e- -mo' La- a clr.i v.eua 'l ' " "' ''' kr.a :-.!-:. il t ;,. g I t ,-oa , ...,-:,:. !. d. .r.ii.ii-ie m-i- f lb '.;''. :'-! U . ; .il.i-eV e-f j ;.!,...., .,, :s ... ;he j.--;, ik. hired !'':: 1 ha - ' ' f ' ''' : !.a,. a'.,.-: t t'- . k-.- wile ' ;' "' '- -ea. I 1. ... !,; ia: :. - :.,: i i I .... - a I .t . " '-:'' '.-" ik ' - ' : i' s':'- wi j ,, ,.,.-.,. , -.. ..';..,.; i-, :- - - - - ; ' ' "' '- ' ''-"i- " ''-: . k -.;".: it : t a" -: th v.- :; .71 - ' .7.. r -'-. c :b - i .net. :.: .!:::.. I 1 . ; -. 1 0. I h ' ' ' ' ' cr-"- 1 ' ..' .... : . 1-? it r :' i I k k , .-, 1 ! .' j .- .1 ik .. .;...'. - i.'i t- -'..' p :.nd ; .'. e i. .-..:. U ..: ha. :.;. '. et-l .: . .. ..- . ea- ;' - d - aac. u-e I i-i-. .-.!: ; . bk.atc. 1 : 1, i- v.e- -'..'i.V;.:: ''' dr.--br.. k: ia -! j ..-l.- k 'i. ..." b '15 .. 'J i 1.0 i.v:.- .! VM:a;:i: 1- j r. :;.-. 1 ik : :.i ed '. ' 14 1 -: MO" . . , ,. k' j . ... .1 I. ' 1 !- I . . 1 . i.i il,--i.c.r,l ! !..;.-' W .1- ... L-c' I 'Y 1 -. h u : ki ,.: . : ice e. l!-c hit -. b U :'. 71 CtilO .-I. ikl-'- ! ' ," - '.' ", i-.fk v- ll'i bis ci It. in. 1. i rot.-.t .ei.tt.i I ""', 'I , ' ' ,"' ,' I . In. . i -!. .- .. : e. el '.:::- r.-v a!'. I I : . , , . . : a. :: ' . a lov in . i-i.l.ili.i':-: -ii. a. i.- t- .'. etc i in- . . . . , , j 0C BOYS AND GIRLS TH:- iw TKCIfi DE.PARTWCNT Or TKC HAHL.. Juatot tsujhofca ur.U Cute D0iu2.fr of xhe Li4lle loli U very where, Oalcrcil L,iid l i ii.ts.1 It-ic ioi- Ail O'.Lti kit- to i-cil. V. U; ii Fa;. a Wj. a Uoj. 'VL. p.o-a v : : a p.'tle- b .;.' V a:!v cot:'. ; n't idcl la :.i: ihe .... t: V.'- -hkca A chlid so ;u:c-L o? ia:::d. 11; echer a.-vcr ra'.e.d 1 i;t .. e, A::d 1 . w-.'s ni-.'a.-s thel'.-; Ii: : cv.-; -.--.;,. bab; cry, O- 1 'i his :i:t..:'3 ha::. "lie ,;j Or aiade the Ag i rever .n !s; ho f'ja: war . bee;-?: b..gi: ' rs, rl .di'.cs? ; He.- w 7? ki.v. a cher Ley:. II.. alwav: -T.i.;:c.i iiaia at :.!: .. i , -' :.:.- ; 'git; : A:- i :. v i :: ta'i.tk : ;' 'tre j--"a s . k-.f '.-'.:;' ;:;.?': '.; A; J .: : -. . ' :.: A:.-. .": : 11'- !;:.;k.e i J.. Wi.i : ! . .":.. i ' ::-.-. ti A ' . ; nr i nr--2 -J:-. .i!l : .?'. ::.: '...- ::. . !' ,2. .t Ii- :.. .-, F:. .: 1: II--- !.ik.:e,i I .::" t . ir.-at !.--. eh ef d..y ' lie t.ev-.-.- i.Tirei! L. til elk. . k e; IV n tho -) m-t. An : rs v.-r .nw(v.i ! a his -at, : :! 1 ,-vt-.- ! nr.r 1 :! i.h- .J.--r. i' it tr-.:'-.-, 1 ici;'.i ,-,oev s-'c ; f hitl- Pi, 'a y. ' Hew 1..-. couil ic-vcr ii'. :i:-v- -bk.;-. 1. ,-''-. I 0 -i 1 k" ! Ice;:.!-:!.. A -V:. .if-: :i-i ,e..-chi;r. ?:- .- l-iariuer; ih:e;.-ji:aid. .laugh t r a;' Hannibal I'U i. :,-i:aii:. cf k ixiag tec. Ik-., is :.,-. y.eihgri' ft--a do " )2g in ll.-.ii.a;,) a: i dab:-. ..-. ' h" ex r,:.pV ti.' : ;l.,n 1. i. !ai 1, arn ; c at - ei'-.j l n.-y :'. a- i.i.ithcr.s . I,!..'. " ; - .'V W i.-V, cloths. and -,u i I: ii 1 ,! I-, i .. le ir -a- I -i ui tl? c raL v ris: ban Is and -ai-. kin. :' . . la t a- ii-s. - r: P.ttu. l-mch girl get, ,- :.e :':-. :' -wander V-ui ' for ; i. ce i ' ei'. 0 -:i" ''. i : lj live a. e':-e Ck'i.iA:. trai.ti.ts, an-1 many j - - : ttld: - a:.- haii---a la a bad of we ... -.: b ! j ut iu ,t hjavbomo caso v : ': :. s. ' iKedlee. A ti.e fdri l- ui-s away, ti-it e: after sn.ol.tt Is b:-f.i;;. eif t. en tn - okh and. ihea tai -. hole :.. la . il a:-, i ca. " iicel iti iht i tpcr .: g. id v'.cee ce a r,. - To: gift ' 'l Oil: , 1 i i le 1 1 ' 7 A iviu-i to ia.. a'l nr.- tii eie t.i be id' raotn. !':..;. It' b. -c b- a P y "l .- a i - aib t c da . : b' la; --ai he..- 1; to ie 1 cr i v l:h ' a.e;ed (',-. ..e - aet:t 'at a: ; i ws v: '-. ,.-.., -it r It -.A:-- is e lame In, n.-.dgu h';n !-.v.;. in ;!. . -.i ..ii' b.e.n'i ve il" 1 a r-ifiUitlg 1 :' there ;. a h ::ig:-, 1, a ' of ;. otU' ii:"'!e:' 1 1 'bete U i d . , a :ie riic id-o barn b.- h-.-.::. If tlere a bri'ut o,.e. be no' et. ,.,ia. ,,!' ido.i. f-ar if ote- bey is pnuid of las biii ills, ai- I an idea- js eiiVioiw of i'.H'.o. liie.e .tie Pva cr. if r..iig-t. and ts- iv.-r-a lab ie than before. 1 !' a ho i or --rone. ' ' i has in jut t J eti. and is .-'fry r,,r it, forgive hint. All the s, hie, wdl -!ai- bv Ihol; ciiiiiveaai.ces !.cv iv.u.-'i beti.r it is ih.i'i t-. laive a great f''; JtMkiiilr ToliCi. How old are ymi. 1. arV isi-ed .4.1 Mi-. Tro'ter of b.tle Ftind lep.xaiit. T am lil mid 5 12 years, sir," icplied Ik U -1. who h'.n J r-t -ot I'.it.i fra.-ileiis. - v.. -. 'i 'ir, -;k bainimit, "no i :s::e:ee e),'ice 7 ,. -, K.':?'-!-l ' T re, t.i.. i,n 1 " " " ' ' ' ' ' " ' " :' -! ' """' I LllilL? mote c:ii;is t en.' i.t. i.oo . you know j jou it..u fce.p on full sioi4icLi" AVcIi." replied WUic, "I cati tleey oa uy hi k.'' Lit tie. Hob A vr, I ould walk the rope ja&t as veil as the lu.-in ia tho cir cus it it wasn't tkr cue tldug. I.Atie Wilho-What k t..e".: ' Little Iiob-I'd fail cif. "No. deal',' i.-:!id a u.o'k-r i, her i!.k' cki.'d, .Lc do. 'oi ra;. I mustn't road U 0u.'' "Ti?.;:. Mu:w:i.'' b02S'J Ui I Liiio cue. "ivi.y'i joj i Fuse- r..-ai lo your; elf out I u-. TeStL i Now. b at her via-.', troai the c?w ii:v v.-e ! I.' ;., tne sheep, and wool is u:ti ie- iato k..th -.i:J cloth Into o-its. ' j . what :s your ."-:t made f yours, '! uraiuy? Tiiitry ".': !:e:;tg-k.;, Og: o' . :.:tl:i.l':.. A littU- girl has an t.te-k who has ft usbt her to cpe-u cud :.h'H his crush hi' One i-n-1'.1:,'. hovve vc;-, i.e appear ; '! w.th a:: c;-.!;cary siii; LsJ, whicli h . i:f; '.'. the Lr.ll. IheSci.tiy ho taw t2:o i child -'oraing wt?h ids new hat crush- -d ;uv ac'eord.oii piaiu. "Oa, uecie," ' .-i." -: ?. -t;-. . .... j3 i.ard. I've laid to sit cn i' but J cir ' erct it mor ti.aa h;if sl.g'." WHAT THL LAW DECIDES f"-r th- i.-s- 'f ti.. ft!',4.--i ? a littler ' ktdl -.ho i:U'4 le-'' ii.e:-l c;v the spout ef ? c. rj.-c rk'.h r in a L'-re c- s.hoj, n-hde t.:cro wph la-r fidtct- u ii;:d;e a .liiicii-t.se-. it :s heid, k Iici:,z..t.k- t. At-lii-.'i- -Mats f:3 f 1: A tiiat the ikr.'.-caor is u- ; 'a.1 . . 1 An cjdiuau'.e rc.ul.eilus th. .a.atbi.i" t hears :n Lleii iaLurc-rs aud iae- -''aiiiie.- s!?ail bg ctapicyed va ti;e pub 'lie wotks bc-2C!:lrtj n the- e-ty, and miking i's viola::o.. t; i .i-ei;t-. a.,or, l ! hfltl. in jkttt ts. MeN-.by (la ), Lif F. I H. A 'he'. t- be t-.vr:Ii.-i, ::., tl,; FesiS- l-i'urr- c-Lly Cut: create- suei. rn ctTvUso i An evident and nc i.rioo? abaudou . raent of a pubh'- road, V'f.:i ti e pbj s I le-nl closing' cf it, i-titowc to the tooub ! ! pal uti'horlties. o:i 'k- fa It a oi whicii ! pri'Stc! parties iia'-c c-.'tten ied tuc.ney .In iu'prore-rii..-H, is held, in Liab'.witi vs. Tilmllo .'Mil . C-i T.. I; A. -1 i;', i. c.-m- minite an estoppel acaias: i.v rcasscr tioii of the p-ii.lie i ae-.;.t;t. A clam, of a Lace -tcad c-e atpikn In itf-p-rtv iiiVi:yik To :e'r:'-.d cr.-dlt- is. ;.en :.-.:. .: e-MiTevar..'.- i-as i reti set ailde tit ti.e sul' cf a -rc-tit.ir and be land declared turjeer 'o l-u pubr ufitt. is tiphchl in Kfiii.r.:'- vs. Fust; :i:i.i;l;:l H.i!.;; ..Ahi a '.. T.. P. A. iif'S. Several bidgt s dis-c-ni are I very ukhn- ratc opinions re-view th- autt.b-es on to sur.;,-ot oti b u'i sid: 1 hi'-ia? Grcwaiits :a tho psrlcr. t x 1 1,-si ie-n.-e for use tiir j.c-rt day ia a. I otirrli ,f July celebration is held. Iu lien-n vs. i t,ee;.;. :-J::t l. ias-uranc "..uapauy 'Fa a. hc. r., p. zii. b a- . :d tiie innr.VK or. ;h-- birdd'cg un do n ei.:i:-s -rohi:.;t:;..( hr-wories to be k.-i" t, u.'e ii i ; ali.iv-sd" nil ti.e Vir.-m- s's, ' any usage of cu-.:.,.oa or 'rado" 'o ihe Citiiu... --"".Tiiiiau.i;-:::. An heir t;.. i.taat pJacci i.y h; mt.. er in pos'ess.o:: of lar.d r- c.'"t far h'ni and "-bivii th. father tr.'-jr.-.js to dsviso ia hiiu, !s h.i.'. iu Uoi.io liisurane.i rompary vs. Mendnthnii ..Hi.., r.r. I.. 11. A. r'.T-l, to have an Insnrable lateaest, althor.srb ti, laud n,i:, bottg-ht at a hiai-ter'.-:. :-.;bt io partition and the flccJ La It..' y. t b.-.i, r. -r.de be.;ao. - the tlicn f-u- eotiar-.'i A.; ':t.- r- ;.c-;- its--, r--': i !;,p.-ed. The dei a ,-. ; a;: " a - :k:a t,ia! pcr ;i Hi .- f ha.-i.d ir..-'...-L: .-.ihciit lb. lee -'a':- f-iita i r s-.lki I a.aiki I ve-i- , r. ' n a 1 -si ft..m i'..it i! t. lihk-s ',.- C piO-s! of the 'h sti ,b 'io ; ec-naa -... is.- nth ,v ,.1 I :aii i ha: vt. Coaipan;." i- .tt-e t'a.v lo: t i' i '-. ie.nto, a . i..ii. J i he risit t ; i kt.es 1 ii o i o 1 . n ,1 ' i . 1 1 1 i.-.a f 'a i- - b: ' be.al': ir is c a r i , ': -v. a .: !-. MlAls CISC, :-'('.t c'.. -r ' anr itiated t-.c ili'c ' i" tsli n't'. " Plies ,:-I - - i I ia- sp'l ,' .-f Jilli'i: lit :- I -i-e-l en -i thot;.;'-' .vt , i ' .at!ii.-. "iiuty fio-l a .... eee,' : 1 , V l'.-i.'iniilna -.i' Pot.- la:c. Tne :.- . r" r.i.n.'ng ;.-.:-.--' ..a, was fa in dan- to tho Clou ( ana Japaocs a for ages b it j: Mtte not L? l V bi ihiro.io until 'ce early j-.,p of i'-a c.-.i'iccnTii t-ontu.'.. . vepea ,"ii.n a ..-, a d emau fiv.m Soma'.-., la Voisinand. 'uvi iited id. - ar;. fays llafper's boju-l XaMe. lk.'!-:-" was appre:t;i:i1 to a Berlin apo ne-ea.ry. w-r.c .'-e fell .i wli'j aa il-helo' -:, w ho, iti co isf lie-'!.-,, ol Oouia so:;.,- v. a'.-h L c:..-. ".id emu.' r bcn. aifei-ed ic ' n h iat ; art cf tsiaU'il;; t n b li.e young apieeltuc". tbiukiiig !:! fofiUUi- w.i- a.- fc-v.l is i.e.ar. p.i'oiiiotly , .,. .,v, .lV t-.Vu ta. i.,s. ,,-,(,-, talOiiy. i'l 1..C y.-ar lo'i' In ia- pin .-'ic "l, lc.lt fi.-.iad iir-oc: oi a: 'Pat i-iiiiitrv. y ic ; . tl" i- . v. ' ' '! i i-d- I hi:n ittg.al hi::. t i u 1.. irs La' ti I cOld A.!.' The poor fgiia v V i ' , v- . ,-, b -en aUi-.-iy imposed e,- u:,d lie so.? ;i iiv-ro nlde'i h- h.-ei a ."d s . niHiOj proved vehicle-?. Ik :'.:1 h,.i:,Ti.-l bi fit? ; -issii-d 'I of l:,;.l l J . dl, ae.l vo.-i -1 .-.t t'i.1 luancr in. '--aaati?. 1: jo Ul i i en -"I iia", !tcv;n; miy.-ii a number of d'ifi nr.- chid : ot . ai"h lo getber for tiie ptiio x-.,- of tr.ni.'s. dui-.i-blc crtiedets, ia the !. . of b.skiUij thcio be u. cldciitaliy stuinblcd iii.oii the art of uphuig p'O 'Claia, i.n 1 :..,d-di-nly found hini-.i-K ; iMii-,f.j.'ine, ii,.iu n poor alchemist Into i, .--.:-.cj-.m . n ie. - 'Plus fust percii.tiii ia litaimfae lured In l'rcsden in r.'pc, and was broivnish red in color, h ivi:i-; been lu.'ielc C lib lly of n brow n , iav liiliiiiiiit 1 iUi il to Sei.iii.s AY ben Mr. l.ahouclieic, the LnPsh j.eii ieilbt. was in iM. ' icrsbtii. ai one time, be sau the Hutch utliibie. dive bis bo ml deep Into a box of ciirari phietil for the use of visitors ami flu bis pockets full of tin '.ii before going. Wheti ti bbiul hi.iii tg.tvtlcs be t'suitl- 1 v I ;0 "t ji . II' e :