Uiu-m-iuii.i -1 ic Lir.-rr jt-nc i 1 r-i sv . .-v,..i..v.-i--v.-iy-m.-'iiv-.i :h . i.r on '.i'IJit. N :r i- Nen Y"' !.. ed near Cameron died from frirht t , .'.,.., i ,..i Wash, ur on '.cUit. JN :ro h M'W li"i-.. cu near (.'luneron ilieu Jrom lriirkt el APIA flTGfWfll ttjfo tkamuuw iicfoa ....h voi,- iiaiu-.t minr , -.. ..-. ' ; "S'r''- !x: Twenty Years Proof. BgS J gHliH ' , iu tin Mate,' in tho ...id-itof hi.; W. s. on, Pok IS. ls.r.t. :st'u Vork, l'i-b. IS. WIipu (h- ....ij' N.va,,'H Station, lost all' hi Tutt's Li VCT Bills keep tllC how. 8 VWV BKl'.tKV 5! I S!W. tisenilno.-i.i and (hal'tv work, wa J,,th..a:. short of :.4..-.--i;it proof lVjj.,!. " .'a 'v i""!1,,ll.v iuoladiii;- his dwelliiur els in natural motion ami cUwise stricken down with an iaeurablo that the sinkimr of the ii.dih-ahl,. IfjJj Viwu-riwuiH','it . V. ' "l furnitmv. Oihers e.-n the system of all impurities An in'pnv niTI'l." JON. Editor. discus a,,.. ,,,de u helpless ,,,- .d-d.,, in Ha,- inuhor an,! the - iiiVtI' are' so" , Tli! 1 absolute cure for sick headache, M MlY U IMl - lytic To UUn an I to ins ,u,v IXVJ fT' 'e loan, Uiat Mni,.. a' dyspep.i.1, Sour Stomach, con- ftltHbUAt. PKKKl H. A. LONDON. i A c : 1 1 CO.--." ov- ry TttB-Democrat fina will hohl their next State Con- mv-s'erio.is a.-t oi' L'r vl h t veution ft Ru'leigh on the '2th id mis!: miyoue in hi f cadi,;-- . f next Mivy. This whs decided woahl have ret-hi -d a: his -.i. '.'! ; -rtn ot a nipp.tixT fif tlir-if State po- atH'u-ti'iu aiL'l l" -nied cutive couvuiitteo. on laut Tne iue was lHrg-ely .jj, , ..;,.mj a t !. 1 mm. !.!;:. ii;'. . an. a ae - . . it .'ri rl -; i: urn resolution wa itdoit.l in.lorsia;: t-. vov!; with hi p.a n.:-h :. .ri i!?', f io recent mhlroHs of tiir;in. i: il to .1) I'tai which he ' '--' siii!-e 'm'-I !'' V Jonea C-f the National le;nocvaf.:v iou-rov.1.) S'.v won! of uoalh. An I , n '(;,.,, .,; ;.;. t i-;-visl..:t! " Executive Coiivieittoe, i:t v!iK'h h s. t-w.wu ih-.n a yea.- i:-.- Tas 1 c y. :, ' . t Spain a.:-i t! , iretl the union of th.- silver ot.-iM eJiti,!.: the -in i.pa t- !.':!; ! Si :1: they wcr- jn-.-;. l it tliA'itATf. (1i'.iivrixioi:it i'.!lio.-:t.-'. Ilie'lt ot i : !' 11:1 t '. C !.. "I l!'-' ' '.. , , ,i -v- . '!!, ,!,:; hnniv.1 in the exiron.e southern Stipation an-.l kitulre.l ...j-jeases. t-i::,,-;'!:,.-:':.!-!. il.' :v, V:.:;'a'h h ' i"" 1', ;i '-""'v- (1 . ... "Can't do wlliioift t!ieiii" 'o- .-an- v.-.-nvio e-. .-.0 ' ' ' ' ' . ? , . i i i:" Impress Iran's that IU v. . . ;.. :! ,.;..,, :.. v'.:',;;:-'.' ;'"'":'1l'll,ll"Jl II. H. ,awi,oii and Mr. it. A. ih.r- R. h. Smith, Clule!-!)!!, Va. atmj? of their State pxo- a!itu-.MU au-i i- -aica " ..h.-iou o- h,,.,i of :;S, Maine v, 'h - !: 1 ' V ' u,;;;;. ! ''h ivt t. .i wv,tem Moore county, ii writes I dull't know h.o'.V 1 am!. I u.ittee.hehlatUaiei.h. work do:,, l.at not s. , f,.?l f!i(. Ik!;;:,;m. ; , ; ' -ly i h-ir d.eHin;,!.. w ithaU ,h,:r ib j, , I luvc ?klayniu-ht. 'Ihis mret- Althou,'!i heiplesn ,u lo J c In , Jnvithi.' :,.f so;.;., iit-n. ir- . .. " ,. ,. , , ii .in, i , M.i., i. ,.: I -oil . i , ,.r .'. i , . , . . ; -, . , , ' I 1 "'i ; v" Liver disease lor over twenty rg-ely attended and it r.i'.'s I w.. imi.ih..i....i .u.t -i .-e i- oi ie l:,!!-: . ; , i: .,!... :.. : :...::. r ;. i !.., ,,. , , .,, ,. m,. j..,,. -if Au early cenveut ion hu-allv;! so.-.- t -s-n-.o:? '-. rr-, -in.! ,.-.!;..-. la-u- togive opportunity for a lei!;: nn-l m r 1 iie-:;'".-,f'' ;'. e-.ovoi r aj;i-eHt?ive cainpai.'.-n. Ami v .: t M-'hin.;- n.oiv p.-fs.i'rs evry x- - properly the co!nv. 't!:-,.T did not :it- i'i ci !i ; . I d. hv pr-' n-; r; tempt to Hliape tlie p .h-.-v n !.. .nr palpi:. :: i-Ies ;nv vM'ii- pursued in the coiiii;.'..' c o-.n-.en, ' -a - ' P',v- 1 : 'v- '' :; ' l" '" but left that with tli.- onv-nO'i. ;: .en h :. The hject of this oioci.tio-i t " t n v.. ! -v ..:i' 1 -n will he tonoti:innie :!. m,1 i I ia a i: a " w ;. onledr4, six pul.'es of th s p i..-to-.. oourt, or ratlnn' to-ratif', iU no, a- !' 'at' .-lh !: iu.Uions made ly the v(.-?j---;i-.e e-! m .. p i t : p- district convention... iht v. a:!. n ' not many otiiccrs will h n.::i;ii.::.- a:. 1 '' ' '-' ' !""' ed by our iut -hi t- --n.t !.. h ' i i-n-: yet other iiniiovr.ini imsin-'s wii! !;".r.::V : r 'oe W transacted rtf.'i if -i:i ": look- a-'"., i! .: .:;;: ! : ed forward to w it!i i!i!t !i '.'.resi I e-i - v ii-' by all who dec ire u'-v. rn- ::;. and at t: . e ment in thii state. : no a,! ns- Iu a few we; t'r toanti.-s it;, o-v !. .;: i r-:,,' ; llj ''l.-t i thai ,! v h I a, !,; the nidi Miui.--ri ! i fi t- . : ' iv 'row . I, i' wo; t :. : yi't i- .! .. i ki- i. . i Ot-'.:.' : .o::cv :a i !.., ,,.., , .,, ,. j,. p,.i,. , , . ;; ;. ; , i i'i. ,.v 1 e. j-n.is :i ... ,. years. Am now entirely curel. Tutt's Liver Pills 1-1 :i ., . o;-! e.l i i ;. a- 1 1 v. a e'i w h I.'ii n i !- !.)' :::. n: 1- . u."' ! HitL jo i wio.-li. !.H .',,.-,,; ni,.i If 111!..'. t:.H mil li. vi I H I j I PI B ft ,,i .n !. of ... w, .-nov ii. i-oh-.i, MWKkiVMi'A L , . Wf n'ai ti i,'iialivi Oi t;t kd!'4.::i I.::. l ot . ,ii i ! !!..' . : - i ' . . : o i :;!',' i"l "l.V. ! t'.'':c' ..: :'!. Y. a- !'.i "r : n l.-t- I , a li.W I .1' I.;,' It.. !. I' 1'. ',;', i .: o . ! i. I'.- , i! y :.. ... ft 1 1 : , - -l I " ! ! t-1 .i i . I ' , i i ; i.. i,. I. . ..r '.-f ... .'(' ; ,.. . I. i I: , ; , I,, '. ''I',' I ' e.l! r !. M :. I i : o.ii ! i. no;;, '..i t; : ; -;;.!. !, .: r-i io . -t .i' I.,.' it at.-i i he tliroHifhoat tlie ' :ic will !.-. ; a . i'r .a :! hold their pviainirv . r !.-.".'a-.!i; .'. :'. ' :"'.'V iJLlLjL lueetinLrs, and then t ? ; i j- e . ; ,. , . t.'onveutior. f-V t'i p.irp e oi . : .. .t .;. ,, ; electhlUT delegates to I '. ' "e.v- ,( . j i: i vc.ition. And w!:. will h t.'h-.V' ! , , . p irtieip.it'' in the-, p; K .;..:! Xllirt liuesti.iii is ea:-.!. a v .1, (- , (. , for, at the meeting of e'U'-" .' . ... , , . ( ,,; ecutive coaimitt. he! I ! :; No- veinlier, the folio vin : -.'ln:io:; ..... . . wart adopted. .. J ; ., "That am. wairr !';.:;! . :' ... INTEND TO VOr.'. W!Til I'.-' IS T! !' Jl-JXT FXKtrUX, AM. U:ii. Hs;;!' V; !'. . 'o. THE ItE-ESTAlU.IS!!M.;- '.' oi' AN....O " ' - ,-" ;' : : i . a, Saxox si'i'i;i:.MAi y ani ! o.isr ' ' ' ' KRNMKNT IN Ni'.irii ..!;"!. !N ', : V. nrinniAi.r.v isvitkh to ! w: : . : ;: .'In'. . is all oi- orn I'KIM via rs." '''!' ;-'! " ' This invitation hoaid a i pi- ' ": ' :- i'; ed by all citizens of Nortii t'aro- V, .:!;, p:,!.! ; -!;. 1 : : ;' Una who really desire a r.-turn i I' b ; 1 ".; v. ..- '.! . sjood jfovernineiit and the n --s- -. ; . ;1 taldisbiueut of Au'.;-h-Sa.ei s.i- . ... . ;., i , preniacy. And uh .i not - ti: -h (? : '','r. rtirethis? No Pr. xhlent is to i ,. . ,; elected tbi year, :'.n 1 s it .!.,-. ih-i-.d the a--'. U- 1 not matter that yon did iv . t.:r-- .!:!. b ; ' for the Penioeratie noaa'ae 'or , i .;,;..-. i a. ! President in ls;2, or i.il.'.', i 'v.. i ,.. ;o-t I.; th.- . -will vote with as , a ih iw : 1 - tion. i lie o'.ov t.'-r .'"ii;i!' ,i : anyone to pai tii ip.:!- in (.::r ... ' jriiuaries is th" inie-rioi t" : " with us in the next cte.ai.ei. r. -ardless of bow la ha--1 , r I-.-' ,; t.-fd. voted. Th"-.' who r, !'as 1 i,. . : for 'Cleveland iu !v.i', ,-n: I tbo . "; ". , n , . . . . . '-.Ut. wno iyiu-viI to vote ior i.r.- ia n ! I IS I. ' oM . 1 !" ' ,1 (' ! Ci i.oi I! -s. P. .1 . I,r . :. . 1 : i, :.-., , .. la- .. . r . .- " i O i I .i'i. ;i .-.,!; 1 t ! .: til ;i I I ' n I .l'li-".il - . ti i' ' ' ' lo.r.'.i . hi .. : I ; s 1 1 j- i i . i ! i ir : I. r ii i. ; . . ,: . i'i' .i. t ' ' e:i lot i ! ,. r": ; .. .. I e , t "I le... . . , ' "' i' :i . i' "!'.;. i ... . .1 -. V. . .!.' ..!'.-.. t "'I MO.. -II... ; .1 IO- I ! . ..! ." . v Ie Wo I ll.i l -i i i ! .. .I ..; j. . . :i i ' I ! . .,.. i l ' t ; ... wr I "i - 1 rv. r.i:SL;-., fc. I --!:. ! AM' K; VI) ?. t)H,S Ii V . '. i' i . ? :i .r. M. ii I ' ! p.r in- (iiiv;.. it..: I iii 1 y f Sun I;.). i 'i . I i ii T. .' S n Il i f I '"I'M', l.'l II .o : : - of -!, I 1 , i -t . '. O ' I i (.'I' t I . I'll I t " ..; . ' ' I 11 ! . W.l, .-. ' I .'I 'I ' .. an ! -I 1 !.' F.i A .So !) ! .'' '. ; ,v io.. I :.. I.--. .! : i :.at li-r i.. 1 :s i ' 1 " i :v la -, ii - i i : o i ' '.. 'l ... Ill, 1 ', I . '. i. .' ii. !' " .(in .. I . . .-. i- , I ! . ' . I . II il V. -HI II 1 ' b 53 ii i il A U b SJ t? it i i y U it ti. ' u a a fl ti;i .i .j Twenty h:s hern dosing sin ssfnjsi !- hUxrw4'A ci the a . I'M r: ';!;asRD i j i . r ii i i ,ii i i in. :i .v ,,, " 'i o X . o! k, ', 'an.l th.- i' i !. ; i i.i.e. !h a i' L.h.r. "iehe IV) - .!'(..!"'; V.-,- ! oi' '.nth -i !... - i-v lh pi iive i .-. -: , :! '-. . 1-SJ, are all invited to p-irti-'ipa:- to an ': ii: tat i. ..: iu our primaries and v,,(.. u ith I'm';.--; 'n .!- - to .-.a itt the et I'le.'tioii. e--::-rr. .-s . ! - .' ii..t tae !. ,h Tei' ; ; .e- v'.-t.'h "A he .. V, -. - i. ; w - :,i. 'o .a i' " u .: - ... . , , .. i. .a i h '. . r i : e .us, : i i . . t - - r i no; 'Mi 1 e ,;..:.,. ... !., "to ! , .ed . :. r '! ' i-. ' '.!'' ih ;-. on-, here. ! : IV 'i -!i ;. I . pi-a'tie.J:. :i:.',:t. , I : r. ... . e ,'. - ir.. 1 i '! I i' . V i! I: .; i., I ' I I... I..' ... ari.!urs now iS'i.'.jt.L'.ll-4 -v v.v j J -i .: k f 'tvi r. if 4 ! 2 6 4 C i S J ii t. ' J il fcJii ! It nil H At!.;!!:. Hi. h. .' :,.!. .oj-f.,!U IVM f i I'V.'MS. i .is a ; t e ine li-.i, N--.v Y.'i!.. , : el.-i !i -il ;i:P- a, id ! . 1 " ,i- -o .,' x ..;i...'.. .ha! - i. i, v ;-' o . P .! .... , . t An 'i :'i ! 1 isol'Tl!. iivcaUses' cock ii-s NoiiTii a.n-jhat Un'i wstli 'c.vcrv chrtHifrc of . o. v. : t soi l . : 1 oi' ti- ,.i '.-h. I'-.i i-. ' '. :- '..V t .til "t i ' !..';'. 'V V hh. . ; . .. m. :. th.: :;-: , i:o. .sail t : ' : . ' i. .'V : .Il M to i-n.i'ii: - i.' , ii ; ' i ' 1 p . boro '' v ;; v w i i-.-. v ! v , . ; I V I' o : "I - 'I I i . ' '' ' i i ;i i ! :i i . I . ' I . t 'j - -. .v o. .. i .1 . !.-. v i.-o. - I II" i I . ,t ', ', 'ii '. ..7!l W : " ' V .'.. I .1 I ." i i ! !.,..V- I- l -. .ti-..' v " a ' . r. I " s ; v . : .-, I! ' .. .i -. 1 j ! .V ! ;y i ,.. - p. i'... :. ... !.. i. n , t . i ! : n a in " L'" p. t 1 ! ;i in, fj -a p lie ii v . .1, A Uankrnpti'V hill was pa.--..-! r.-soiu' h.ji s!;, .aid 1 m i i-,,:ih by the Hou of' U.-pivsentativvs. r:';il ,':,;,,t- , , t.'i - .ew ;.a iiilld e..'.!o.l l:;.-. : .''iii on last Saturdav, I'V a vn .- .. , , , - ,. ' S Ml . :i l''l I I 'I. I p. - t i I". I. I 111.-. ! e... - to 125. As is usual on ne-trlv - iur; , th- .,. .... .tu 1 1 i i.is .r.e(. ery important measure in d n- osiih.i. th- e .rth-.j-rahoi:..'- Yankei- gress the Democrats and Populists h vt pr..;.-. i hs i.'. ..et is voted toi'ether iii'ithist the iJeen'o- 1,'M'. . i - ..ij-. --.!' -. . licans. . i 111 i:'i o'l'iii-.- i r. -I ,i 1 i--. n t a! : . i ' ' i ' ' -I I-V M'. N i V. Si: V we ; .: o-i i-r. :', i i.:i- !. '- do w v - 1 c:-.i; ' -r Vo.ii- - -:f ne , o.ir r ;.. . there 'i '; will ibai i' " v.-:-v i. .idi liiii i r : - .! a:. t .::.- i-n ! r t iii.i i' iii ii:e o", :ii. . : t " .! I '- I' . i'. I. . i --. I.,) e l.l... I ,. !. : r: in iu- 1 !,:'( t: i i;V on -: in ; , in. r. .. "i. i.'ll of I Is M.,.,. !;-. i if. r ! sea: in,. a l.'s; . net ! v i'.o er Fi .; 'I -..0 -v:. I V. I---. ', ;: t ! i, "..ti ':'! tie-.; ri.-: . . e . 1 .' tin :f : . p lin.t .? - iii :a . i . r :. lh.' i: l-.it ! Il-it co:.' .-ii.il. le The main reason why the IV no- 1 1... ,,t ,a;i, -, a.; t,,,uh; '!l",v; :-' '''. . i ' :,- rats and l'oja!ists voted a,-ii;,t eoi,,-,!. ,- j' this bill was Wen use ot its inv. .1- 110 s 1:1 f: .! s -e Pie t: I'lat: , , e e.-iti-e -. - iPlie.-eet -,...! jl , '"11 I ' . an "I or Hie Pie 1; fin l's l-.-Ve ::..,.! all untary feature: that is. a debo.r . ; t- - . - - -T . ...,:.,,, '.-ul-Me r-:,!', er--H'.-of a-f; it will m,',,;,,:,.., t'l.-r P'.-.si..:' . a: -.1 in des may be forced into bimkruptcv a- s.' vo'ioV,. thai :v s...-an ti. v. r I'ry-T: by aeela!:'. .rioi-. .-a. 1 it ti-ut eivcaiiist:-:.- 'i .n.-.n t!s v initi o. (.--. ::-.. oi : .. .-!:::. in a l a i.l-. r oi v al's .w . p. o,.-r p n ! - , : .' io,,-e, 'a:a ii ; l.'-ul, t.iciil-;. .: ;.'..! .'I 'it 1 .o'.tl' :,. s 1,1 the i ', iii I iii .-vho. of wiih- i'i .-'at a!.-1 Wi-.!-. ! :v. M-"iv d n "i or tn- Pi-- h r.ii rs t-av.- ,.-! :!.,,,;! ail iili; ;t :.; m, i Uoii s: v w i : ' i ; . S;jn . : p, -- v K hmi y.f.r i Trains Loavo Pills-j The poJical ; cnsitpaisi of ! will he hot im ihv. vlvvihm ITHE RECORD Uvil! do its tit" jrnosl for the rc- i dC23Srf502& of XorSh C'aroHsja iVoin the cou t ic 3 of I he g&ng of mxv.vuiUni& dcmn&'ogues, who iuw lVY I !.!."! A N l-.-i ihU' .- !v ; '.r i : .... ... i .. 1 ! o "! ii . ; in- r .i .a N i 'lh; -)..", It. .ii-ni !'.,- A"fiit, P ! i ... u'!., V.i - I .lo.iN. V P , s .'. ten. Mini ..i-r 'i"ii "..i-t. r t; o ;.; in !.: j. prainst his will. This bill b; a s,ib- ,:,.o;.. ;.(. i., :.,r m.;:'..!-.., Btitute for a Uaiikrnpti y bill pass- i i ;d' . eii .a pd bv the Senate at its extr: si-s-' i." ''s '.i'" -1 pnin at th- re: nd:..- -n.v. sion, last spriii";, and a eonnuitt. iii.r .a,d pro-.i ..!. i's c.-Uoii luauii- ! li-el'hiioil-. Nittio'i'll of d "I ii'. Woi t a of t i.,,1 el', fea.'i , P..!' ! i o-,,-.,:!,-.. c-.er a. --V,.,! I,-i ia th,- liaildin-'S. .Vt., u.ie .l.-.tit.;,, ,!. ' ' F. S. ' '1'he.jJ.r. i oii-. in.-. i f.oni vare-ii- It was. -,t rir-t int.-al.-l tb if t h--: canst s. A:-!r,'i:: v. ind, a In a ' -i.e'i',;-Naii.eial l'o..i.i;i:tt-'.'S of the 1 1,-m- f h !,,- a! t i :-e i, I !e w ai I day Yin -s- v . v; V, k a r.-.ti.- pi.i'tv, the p.-.pio's pili ty, - day. a -.d a: I. r ni.d.t one t on;,! (. x' . Mil the si to r I'paho.'iM partv plu'iiv:,-. -i--is..f f..re.-t ili.-t in ,. .,'..'' i ..ii...:. : - . . ii , . - . .... . " I saoiii.i mine ia a j'-M a. i.o.--.s n ui"re t if. 1 1 -i.. o i r.-et ion. I!e:.avv th- oi.-rs wh.. i.e.- i i : v t- the voi.iaie.-, of ..;,. .kr with the !, r;:'.. n i; w i; iii ovr.i:. ! .-ill! Ma ii..'.- n rnilnnmu. I,j 1.,...., I.O .l I ,..v..v.v,v. , . l t f - : i ' ; i : u' lit.1 -1 r c it luiu::.! '.- to agrreo on a bill that will p,-.s ', u..i! ao.o.i.st any .tb r i -! is i ii i . i f 1 1 .... " . , t pom oraucnes oi i ou"ivss. it is trv in ..i:r , a ..;:. a conrr- s ins , - . . ; " o - ...... ,.v a reasonably certain that some Rink-:''- i; t reruh;te the labor in yr;:, ? 'pio"'-,!!:' ne'la-h I 1' il't F"'-'," !. " "': ! rnptcy biil will bo passoil and be. ;;'t!'.jf,,,.;;ill ' a'-vi veat it'oalil '''jecrioa : .a -e'l 'o ' hai'". ,' 1. Uu. ti.i aloi'-b.v tl e'-': o 'n- 'H'- f ?';' come a law durin.'tbe ores.-nt ses- a,,, i.,,.. ,....r.. . it wa-,di .i-i d ih;.i eat Ii -.ii:,'ti.;!.'e'.. wind .;,,.tl : s.,-etae!e v.hiehon.- ," '"' ""' U'kKi -no pWSe-rCT?-.'-'ir s .ue Hy nu'c mw good old Siajc. .- I ... , ; j Cirfi!R, v! i ru i .'.l.i.-a' o .Uai,.l. m:-.vi a . rr- "' 1 " 1 '' W .',.MV . cuiia.iMiit e!,i,!f rMooutTi Ftm. .... , I, ,e, ' I . OUO.5!l0r.1'..T!U C. PlTCHT 0'f:- . 1 ' ,i iul caa w ai iMie-nt lu lei lice tl.u lut , i i : n. ' : . t 111 :is ;.i. ' K.'.lt.u fr.i'l H t -h. h-:-n. uion of Coil-'reSS, and it will be tl;e I dmr o-i i li. .-..Ito'i oh-at t:o.s t.t' s!'''o't l-'.i' aa ad'O'e.-s to the is sel, io,a ; :.,it ;,-d t o V i r mi ,s. 1 1 ! ' '. ' . . " . ' '' '"' Uad iuotS-1. ! iilic .r 1-V.vo., rith ttrt9 , ' , , , . , . ,' . V " ,-, a---- i :' it , . ., i , ! -' ;. ... , , . ' ., 1 ,,i 1 -l'-'i'le; - w t i e :.!. 1. l C--S tion. W ulv., if .a'r.'U t.r ut.1. frco ol first Bankruptcy law that We have the south and the wla-at-ih-idsot " " 11 " nvu .!:.... .tow.-..."f .n.s v.-iv uni "asal.t to be out on . ch.rw. o..rft,'..,oLoiiil,..::...c,ir.,l . . th" -is' li'-ral i-o-op-rat i.ei or 'PI the accnUlit o ti;- dust. .... .i..'- . -Lit I pop... A p:Hitr. ".. WDl-uin fttleia.." itt baa since the bankruptcy act ot . , , r,--. ,. ,, . ;, ,. ;.:,: ,. , -r- i- , .I- ';,- : a --.v. ..; ao it-' m,m t .-u4i ti-mu m jru t .;, cuu-t;, ut ,,.- , ,-, , This r..lut.ion Is the in.'.! dan- h" i.nla.-v, -; on- In.. sent a roport.-r ' . ; '., . . . u-nuite. ai.w, 18G7, by which many lawyers maib much money -j-eroa-i an I r.-o.b.p'otiarv p-roposi- ea ;i,p.:.--n. am. t .n-w i , k it .w u t!:e ,-e-, I ,,,.. rd Air I, rue W d- ' I tion v-t m l ie i. congress. '(. : he threead lie. ,-s m.is made pao- n, s.biy t- h-arn as n-ar a-, p-wsi- '; '.' " ,r"v' a.. ,. -rlan! n- inei.i-st tone llmtiiii tail , !- ole t--, m. at of the da.nare tloae ," ' n - '' i a" i: ia- :-.i: of this eo-oiiei'atio'i uib he hf th.- lire in !... u. tttl lii.rn i.et-t ..:! '' s '' - 'i-. -':-.- bv invert- l,n .... : h ive ha l cn 'Uahseethnad !e.,-is:a-:'' ...... ...... i , - , .. . l . .. I . . i i Oi t nit ri-n I,'1,, ii v. : l..- Of I.... iii'.. iii 11,... ml I, i.v i li' mi. w iiicn in s iii t' to oie iiie. .'ii . """ " i .. , a ' !. a . ::;!!'. : p.i.-e. cm ! i.k'.S. i-:... i... ..!" th.-i m,A T!.a li,-.f.,vt.t..l.vJ:v. t i. . v., !.. i',,' ,,, .1 i-:.!, -..t i! nei-i in .Juno, ana the e-'np-a.-n is .-up!-,, c.aiuiv U tvvoen I .can. a .. u il i :i I w---::i..ii u.-rK . i.i.! Gov. Russell for this most prop.-r other ,,ctk-,is of the .f'rW, V' T "' "V""' iTT1 "'"'i ,,l"-'':''"b' "ona-i.'s ..J a,,, ,,, . . 11 co'iuiiv l n- i..-o,n:.r to he sii,,-,i. I. i:.;,i,. ,),., , ,,,.,!:, -latum and tlie towns ot a! o tei-e-t. removal of a man. whom be ou-ht , T.0 Mk t of .,:iv;n ; . iu that State, and the silver in.-n ; South,-.-., Fin.-sand Pin.-ht-r-t nar- We ..ifer thsune.n !e ! i.-vv-p. never to have appointed. But wb.it ; tribute to eTai.aohnsetN. ' are fonfiih-nt of winniiiv. mwly -.cap.-d. They wore sav.-d per and the Iiatin'ii Ih.oio. t an be said too denuuciat,rv of. . , . oy t!ie people i,o turned out ami ith:i,' ve ir i'-r Tin ltussell ty'iart; moved rom the presidency of the le-islation in favor of New ih-.j-- s;';':' will h- in Or, -on. vh.-re th-- the ct.unty. Th.-h.ss isoveii vr.-aJ-Atlautic and North Carolina rail- - land. Tins ...ei;,l ie-. i.-dath.n has '"n-r, ssi.,nal ,1-ttin:-, v. ill .-r than b. was ,;t lirst thou .-hi. i'i sell, if Hancock's published Jt't tv'ltlX' "'lr'H'i fT l''"-1'1 hk r'A' TV ' ; tlll ... - . If i K't.ed .'V .:! evpioe!,, i Ot the I. . s., ...mutv .last week ,t ..- 1 1-vear-' : -wns on t lie bne of t be Ab.-rd.-t-u v... i.u,- s s s!'.:..'. ainst him is true? H,u- - ,.rs uf th.. ste-.m-r "Flora Nevada," . oM f was . nd Ash,-!,,,,-., Uailroad we.v ihu at- C.A.S.MOW&C0. Off Ptint Ornct. VVaHiNviTun. 0 Veteran. NACHVILLE, TENS. Yfoi OFFICIALLY KJU'SKIKSTS CK-k publishes a letter statin:-; that : in Lvnu canal, Alaska, on lVbru- sun-onnded by the tlame's and em-d and (rains on that line were an.' rioi'v. vn-ii'i' niV : n.,.,Sif t.t t.ls CoaMermcy. ,1 li 1 .1 l. l 1 M .. I 1 - 1 .1 ... ... m- ,01111:.'. l to tieain. " i'Hi'u. mi. .11.1111 liiue. ov.nel'il u i iii,uvinrj . ti-v.iu,r uf Hi lai will tne Atif rd.-.-M and Ibckti...!i F.ail- ""' fct01d. 2olla Tolo," tlicxt csxn G.1 vci3'".ci l?,o clo- Uvoo wish all ihe latent bscu'S IVom evcrj' u here io the county, state and nation-su!L scribe for the Russell tittered to retain him in !ilV nadi. 'j; TbeSona, sr.J vil,:r Orsanlzi n Hoe if be tHn-icoekl would oer- m ... AT ,-'11.. -r I'.el.. f I , .... . , . , , tne .i.ii,i-.-M and JiockfiM F.ail- .-i ta.t,ia.fu e. !-.ir. i.t.-.n. i: ! wa-ix. a. o.nie ii ne inu.i o k vonu.i p. i-. Mrs Manila A. Ii-ke, of D,.v., i ne ia-t annual rennioi-ot the W.1S i i, , , . h-r.i., D .nr.- n n n,u .-ii..i...i ; I sonallv assault M.r. Josephns I V-in-' t-r. N. H.. . 'in'" 'ituc' s her mtentnei ('nil-.,! (',,;, r, d. rate Vet' i, ins w iii .,' ' t ' i ' I m v-siii"..'x,..i.i: iio..'net. ms.nuri.. jiooiar. T Sidles, Fcur To-cn Sumn ! ieh. the editor of the AV,,,,n (;... to rnn hV;; ('' , Wb. Id at Atlanta on the ,,!, of :(t,:: ,:r,lj!:;;;7V:! rV:'.,., j S. A. CUNNtHCHAM. CEITTS A IS mtcer! , di duU oj .N, iiau-i'su.-it. :.luly. ' Mrs. .Iw,us. ku .-..-.-d ladv wh !iv. t-r. 1 sc,at swi : tuw w f,1 V w OIJLY THREE WEEK.

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