lie Chatham Hccorfc. JET. A. LOSDOb, EDITOR AND PROPB'TOB. BATES OF ADVERTISING Ono nqnare, ouo insertion SI. 00 One mpirrn, two insertions. ... 1.60 One square, omd mouth - 3.S9 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR St ictly in Advance. VOL. XX. PITTSBORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 18'J8. NO. 27. For ! rzr - advertisements libera) IpOIltracta wi'l tin 'undo. SNOWDRIFTS. Xlston t9 tha plaintive stories Sun by moorland winds todiyl Dirges rluif o'or vanished Klorlm, Loyh unit hope have flown mvav. Wlwre aro Sujiuiur'a airy mlnstruU, Whuru our warblers debonair? Ch i to -y sluij ono strain prophetic, tun ilii'y cou-iolailon bear t Gaild of faith ! What promise RoLlon Ntfstlos 'iii'a h your rtroopliiu wing? Vn would Ivariis halm unfoldou In our lie iru until th; Sprlnir. Satih It. "Xot a sparr-nr faliutu On thtf ilr 'aiy, ilreary snow, B it 1 cry to hcnvuu eH'lxtb, Aud our IIiiaTualy Futber knows." PI ITH'f A n r.T M'v r.. Whau Boliey Dire oamo h-inio from the war without hi strong rig:it arm Ruth Trovor's friends woudered if sho wouM many him. "Of course sho vill,"snid the friend nho know her "Why shouldn't obe? Ho's tho sane Rodney Dare now that hi w.n whs ishj promise l to tn.u'ry iiim, isn't lu'?'' "l:es, but there's a difference," was tho replv. "Thon he had another mm to lislit tho battle of life with, Xow woil, I ftunpnso It won't mato nny diU'e'enci with Ruth. She always va"s peculiar. ' "Thank ibKl for such peculiarity," raid her fri -nd. "-iho woti'dn't be thewjman I have nlwavs bjlie ol her to be if she i e!'ns ;d to many him be c.'.uso ho ha I lo ;t a 1 arm. She will take its p'a.e to him. I know Ruth Trevor too well to hchevo that tho tha, frigid. y, "out I think my opm i lc-.i hai ever o.vurred to her that this ion worth considering, notwitostand loss n e 1 in tke the slightest diil'eieiice j iug." iu thei.' plans. " i Cousiu Iluh came. Ruth liked him. And her friend was rig'it. Wheu, ;but ho v.-a-a't Rodney Dure! Mii ono day, Rodu:y Da: e said to Ruth: lions of ni )uey wouldn't havo tomitud "I liave co. no to t.ll you that, of her to marry bitu if sho had had no fours?, I do not ospect to hold you to . lover, your;"e t3 mo. nndov existing ! "I su pose yon haven't changed ci.'cu nsUucos if rou e.iro to with'- your mind about matters and things?" draw it,"' she ; oo u,) boforo him w ith romo'ilnn-.? akin to ang ir iu lior faco mid looked him s piao'y in tha eyes. "ilu 0 o-.-er qive 1 you any reason to think I card to withdraw it? ' she asked. "Xo," was tho ronly. "Rut when ou givo it I was m.tJ, Now Ian but pa. t of ono. " "I'll talto that part of the man that's loft." she said. "It's the part that tho Col icv Dare I love lives in. Never speak of this to me ag.uu, ncldol. An. I he never did. sho : i Rat lie would not ta k of ma'riaje : Until he lu 1 obtained e nploym nit of 1 horn sod, and for ihis ho begun to tit ' ltim-clf. It was almost, liko begiuning : lii'e over in learning to mako one arm! ! ) the v.-o k of two, but ho h id a bravo hc-.i't a id n strong wi I, and 1-tvo stood i ready to hoi hi 11 in tho t'.mes when 1 he felt inclined to become dis-1 conrnjol. ! Ono" day Ruth sail to him: j "I'm poi ii away to: a month or ! tf". I've In I a lef. r from Aunt .Mar- , tha, who livci in tho prettiest little ""untrv vola ?o yjii over saw, ami she wa its mo to viit her. 1 sua l eijoy n breath of pure nir so much! .nly, I wi .h yo 1 we.e fr-iiivj; with 1110, Rod ney. 1 sha! I thi ik of you back her.e in the cltv nud feel half aibanol of mvself for bavin; audi a good time that you caiuot share." "I have brought my legacy home "I 'hall share it in thinking how with me," she t ld her mother iui her much goj.l it is doing you," ; rem. u. as sha deposited a pack ige, lie said. "Ono doo not always have ' wrapjied in thick brown paper and se to t ak? part in tho pleasure of "others 1 curely tied up.on the pa lor table. On to be bone 'He J by t ham. There's a j iho wrapper was written: "Ruth tort of relic intlnonce, you know." j Trevor, to bo given h.-r, unopened, "Thit s unids quit j metaphysical," after my dea h," in Aunt Martha's lu'ifch.'d Ruth, "but I think I under- prim po iman.-hip. itaud what yon m-.-an, and I pro nino "You don't meant-) sty that you to enjoy myself to the utmost in order were left nothing but that?" cried that you may feel this 'redox iudu- Mrs. Trevor. c:ipo' to tho fullest extent." "It's as much as Inspected," au- Rofoie Ru'.h !ial been at Aunt Mar- 6wered Ruth. Ilia's two dayi 'bo fouud that she had , Tint eve viuj; Rodney Dare ca no in. boon Invited there for a purpose. j Suddenly Ru:li be.houtht hero? "Your c ii-iu Jl't ih is cotning novt 1 tho package, which had not. been week," said Aunt .Ma- th 1. "I w.iuted I opened. you to meet him. I know you'll liko j "I must show you my leguov," sbo hun at Icav,, I hope you ii I, an I the sai 1. brin ,'i ig th package. "Cut the bet or vuu bko bi n the bettor suited string0, Rodney, plea-e." I'll be." j ir-a did r.o, nud Ruth took (he old, Ruth looked at her qnodioning'y. ! worn Bible from its wrapping). As "You woiidor what sort of A plan I ; she did so, some papers slipju-.l from have in r.ivhoal, I suppose, said her nil nt. "I'm not going to say any thing more about it now, but Hugh knows." "I infer that it is a sort of matii jiionin' pi iu," sai l Ruth. "If it is, V'-U it aside nt once! I may like my lousiii vo ymuch I hopo I shall but I coul 1 not many him." "Wiiv?" aked Aunt Marlha. "Rc'.i ifo I nui t i marry Rodney 1)nre," answered Ruth. "'And who is Rodney Pare?" cried Aiiut Martha. Then Ruth told her about her lover "A man wi h ouo arm!" cried Aunt Ma-tha, "aid a poor maa, tool You're "i'e b.ipiso," slid Ruth, quietly, b it with .1 bravo steadfastness in her voic?. "i3;tt, foo'ish or not, I love liim. I havo od to marry him, j an I I shall keep my word." "lou vo got tho obstiaaey of tne in you," said Aunt Martha grimly. "Rut tins stubbornness of I your." may mako a great diil'oreneo with your future pro ipects, as well as my plans. I hao co.i-idorab'o property that mut go to the children of my wo brothers. You represent ouo of thorn, Hugh tho other. Iwnnte lyou to marry each o;hor and keep the property together. If yo.t persist in yonr determination 1 1 marry this Rod ucv Dare, Hugh may get it all." "Let him havo it," said Ruth. "All tho wealth iu tho world wouldn't in i'ue ice mo iu the kast in this mat ter." "You're a Trevor all through," said Aunt M-titha, angry. m ir'.! o: it . n o 0 iu spite 1 f her-c'f. 'Well, siuve you've mado up your I nm can.ilit in cry'tnl showers, Feathery flul.-os anil fairy blooms, Vlnter fillips licr S"entlo9 flowors O'er her darL unlovoly t'.m.s! Airy whispers (lout around ni, "Trust ills lovo and ml", Thoueh his kwnt-g; arrows smite thco Lo ! Qo glvotb saow Ilka wool." Itoyal totteh and flashinir token KinL'ly proscnoo hero rovoal. Faith In lllin may bo unbroken, Love may smllo In woo or Ey tho splond or of IX is pathway 'Dlmi.n 1 ttaii In triple ray Sum I am that Hi is near m;, That n KI112 b itb passed this way ! Clara Thwams, in Sunday MiL'ar.lno. I ph ACV tn-tTViMv miud, wo'll lot tho matter drop; buH ii you nro not mentioned in my wil j I you needn't bo surprised." i "I hivon't aked to ho renumbered : iu i,"sa d Ruth. "I don't want, vol to ! think lor n moment, Aunt Martha, that j j I on re fo: your mo :oy. I nsiiiro you I have n.ivcr given it n thouiil." j "Perhaps not," rcspoudtnl Aunt i Marth.t, "but money comes hnn ly ' sometimes, and ono wants to think ! j twice before throwing away such ti ; chance ns this." j "I would not change my mind if I were to think a thousand times," said I Buth. "I on just ol i-linhionod ! 0110:15b to believe that there are other ! things more aoeossary to one's happi- nes thnu motiev. "Very wo 1, you'll do ns you choo30 ab )ut it, of to use," said Aunt Mar- said An it Ma: tha ouo d.iy, tho wock before Ruth went ho no. "Xot iu tho least," replied Ruth. "You're a foolish girl," snid Aunt Martha. ".Maybe, but lthiuknot," responded Ruth. When she got homo she told Rod ney all about Aunt Martha's plans. "Po you think I was foolish?" she asked, smiling into his face "I think r.iii'rca noble, true-hearted little woman, ' he answered, aud kissed her. "I hope vou'lt never rcptret giv- iu,t up your sba 0 of your aunt's for tuna for a man with but ono am to! protect you wi.h. I foel unworthy of such a sacrifice." "There was no sacrifice about it," : said Ruth. "I don't caro for the for- j tunc, and I do cave for von.'' I .SiL months later a telegram camo ; savinar hat Aunt Martha was dead, j Would Ruth co.ue to the fuucrol? Ruth went, an I after tho fitueral i she and Cousin Hugh sat down in th j o!d l'a;h'onel jia-lor to.odur, with ; Aunt Martha's old lawyer aud omor t -vo ot Ii ; um nute fnonil ', to listen to the rea ling of her will. Tn it f-ho bcpienthed to II ugh Trevor "tho property now in her pos session, to which site had jut title and claim," with tin eteoijiiou of tho old family Bible. That went to Ruth. between its png.'s and tcl to 1 ho floor. M10 stoopo.l and galliccd litem up. One was n somewhat bulky document. 'The other was an envelope on which her name was written. "Here's a letter from Aunt Martha," she said, and ope'ic I i'. As she rea I it it tender liht canto into her race. Then a look of sm pi i-e and boa ildcrment. "I I d n't understand." she said, j looki g from Rodney to her mother. ! "She says something about deed-', i What d'cs she menu bv that, I vuu- dor?" Roducv took tho large document J from Ruth's lap and unfolded it aud , danced over tho half-written, half- 1 "It meain that you're a wealthy little woman in spite of yourself, Ruth. Your Aunt Martha bad half her property deeded to you before alio i died. Tha'! which sho spoke of in her j rwill was tho other half of it, which j had not been dc?de 1 away, and yuii, of course, supposed that represented all. Sho leaves you hcrold a id other property iu i'.s iciuiiy, to the value of a good many thousands of dollars, should say." "It can't be!" cried Ruth, exc ited ly. "And yet it must be so. Read lie' letter, Rodney read it ulutul, and maybe it'll seem cleaver to mo;" Rodney read: Mt Dear Nicer. ItcTn: I do not think I havo very lontt to live, therefore, I sha 1 so urraao realtors now thut there need Oe llt tla troiibl In (llsposlnn of w hut I leavo lie bind when I aui d id. When yon told mo yon could not fill la wi.h mv plan noont a ma rlaeo with lla!i 1 was inuu-iui:u. it 1 di i lhn, vou would (! ir-jt ll:tlo 1 mo If I ion 1 have lis I n.y wav -:jnt it. Hat tiy n:i l I y f b -i;hii to ,'iui ; it l--, and I cruij to tre.i'jvo that you were rUht atid I was wrong. I calonlaterl from tho h'.'al, ynu from iho hpart, and tha heart ii to bo trustml most Iu such motto, I tl'.ial:. I admire you for your honesty to your wom anhood aud your loyalty to your OD"-a imvi lover. Y"H Sid j "tt rlRht, my dear ui'ji.n n.-t rlaht! .'ind to prove 10 you that I l-car vuu n iii-wld for not fallim 1 1 wlili an oid woman's fooil h ilaus, I shall hav)lia f my jir ij or;y (I'mmIimI 10 yo i (it onc, so tha", at un.' limit iiffrmy il'-a.h, which i lmv rftaon to hviievn may happen at any Mm1.1 and so I d'iily, it I thi ro v.-ill bo fur you will t'- to t;wn'pns-i"f.-l.n. (1 1 blivs yen. drar X-, iih 1 uialv ! you v 'ry bnppy with iln m in you liavi clio'f'a. lie oiiiclit to lnj't i'id -f sj loyrd-ln-arted a wife no yi.n will iv.a':e liiei. Somi tinti'-i t!i:n hliid'y 'of tin w.-iiian who uevr i"fit tmii'h liappii. si out of lite, n i l may thl ' firing y-'-n nuro dij oynvnt lli.iti ll has ever brnii.dit w.: "Dear uut Martha!" uid ilu'h, foft!; with tears vol.i ig '-wi t!y down lier thcoks. "I wish she could knov: bow iiitieh I tliauk her for lor 1. faey and nor loiter. Do you know, Rod ney, I'm lint 61U0 but T V;d'le til:it moMV" Tor answer he bent end LUfd h;r. "Vour lore and loyalty aie wori'i a thousand legacies," ho siiid. A is I Ruth threw her arms about his tuck and cried: "I'm so cia. lor sake, Rodney!" New York Led . QUAINT AND CURIOUS. Traffic on the railron I bet ween Tientsin ami l'ekin has increased m much that a clou bio track must be laid at once. Tho largest room in the world under one roof and uabroUou by pillars is at St. Petersburg. It is Otli) feet long by 120 feet in breadth. Sardines aro now being packed in f'lu-s bottles, low wide-mouthed shape. They loo); much e'eauor and th -y nro far handier t iau the old-fashioned tin?. Tho oldest city in tho wo. Id is Nip- I pur, the "Oiiler Rid'' of Rubviou ; tlio j foundations were laid 700:) years R. I ('. ; the ruins havo lately been tut I earthed. j Tlei lelbcrpf chemical students n.n compelled to take accident insurance policies rnngi lg iu cost from 2 l-'J cents for the onlookers to 7-3 cents for the experimenters, j Tho British steamer Algoa loaded I for Hurope at Taeomu, a low weeks 1 n jjo, 377, OOJ bushels of wheat, which ! at sixtv pounds to tho bushel, givo I a total'of 11,310 short tons. I An ordiuauea in Cleveland permit 1 i n Hebrew who observes the yabbftth 1 ou Saturday to keep hinbi linrd saloon j opeu 011 Sunday, but liu Is Hentilcs who may p.!usy billiards therein. Tho latest euro for a rntllesnakebito is coal oil. When bi:tn upon the hand pla-o H i:i a vessel lillod with oil, and the poison will come out nud vise to tho surface of tho liquid. The governor of Connecticut does not hate tbo power .to pardon or to commute puaishmeut of cri ninals.the state board of pardons, of live meai bei s, having sole jiui-ktic'iiou in such casej. Tiio Ror. Thomn.s Loxham, who for forty-se ven years has been rector of a i-hiiich near Roltjii, I'.iigl.iu.l, lm given 8'jd,il,)i) to a part of his pai i--ii t'ji- tho erection of a church aud schools. The law which nt present governs the practice of law in Franco forbids the simultaneous practice of medici .10 nud pharmacy, oven by a person who may bo in possession cf diplomas iu both subjects, A short time ago Amos Pnrkis of Ilaitford, Me., felt a pricking eon a tiou in his side. Alter an examina tion ho pulled out a common sew in,' needle, 11 ;1 ihreade 1 ficiise. Ho doesn't remember when ho sua. lowed it. A sensation has been evented in Madagascar by tho appjarnnce of a carria -'o iu the streets oi Antananarivo. It i-i tho first ono thai has 0 "or breu seen in the country, and belongs to the ma vcr of tho city, f'aidi'.iu Deslious. Live bee are sov.ietiuxes nhipped on ico so a - tn keep then doruiaut ilur iuj; the journey. 'Jlii.- is part iouln'-ly the case with lu.ibin It 'c, which have been tukc.i to Now X":ilau I, v. here t.icy are useful in fevriiiiu tho r.-l clover w'iui'Ii has been i itroditccil into tho colony. If you wish to get. an i lea of Iho long timo that has elapsed inee the (ueeii isited Ireland you cannot g.d a better notion of it tiiati by luoktug nt tho oak 'ihlch tho (Jnoi-n plantr.l nt .Muckross dctiic-nc. K;.!iainev. Her Majesty and hir court could iilnmM be a -c iiiiiuoilated beneath its branches ud iv. l:uniati lee I'ttiu -. Admiral Mnkurof of the l;u-si::n navy, has, iic.-ording to tho .Valine Record, invented 11 species of ice plow caj'nblo (f breaking through ico from twelve to oven twenty inches thick. Tll0 exwenniei'ts havo pi ;uf ,,.o,-v tint i-oV proved so silt- eminent lias trivet' orders for tho immediate con- : stiuction of 1vo vessels of 10,0u0 horse-powc." each, armed with these plows, liv ii:eaus of which it is ox- 1.0-ted to k.0 not only tho liver ! Xcvn, but uls.t the various Muscovite I ports open to imig.ition th-o'ighout j the winter. The majority of Ruiu's ! ports nud naval arsenal s are ice-bound duriug more thai four months of tho j vvfi1'' I What Slio Lost. ! Husband 1 have mado all sorts of saciiliccs for yon. Now, what did you I ever give un for me? j Wife What oil I ever gie up for you? Well, I never! hy, I gave up half a dozen of the nicest young men in town. Fun. Tlio Chprrfnl Idiot. "It must bo lis'-d to lose one's mini," stid the thoughtful boarder. "It ought to be easy, if your head is cracked." the Cheerful Idiot. Indianapolis Journal. SI0W MADE L LAW. THE LECAL PROFESSION FROM A FINANCIAL STANDPOINT, Chore Are a Ttvf Who Malta Fartttnoi Tver? Var, but, Tliero Are Othare Who Am Obllaod to Work Hnra for Very Small Wages -Somo Bij Tops. There are hundreds of lawyers in ?Tow York who earn less than a day laborer does, alleges tho News of that ?ity. Hundreds of others mako a f.ii : ly comfortable living, aud a hundred or ?o ninko from SjUOO to S2",0"J.J a rear, and a lucky few make a furtuuo. To bo a successful lcwer iu ."u.v York means more than to be a s tc cis ful lawyer in probably any o'hor city in tho world. In no othor ci'y nro 'et so hi;;h for the great lawvers or o lov for tho little ones. You can ;ct the rcrvices ot IV Tombs t.hyst'jr tor a dollar, or those of ono of half a lo on others for a littlo less tiiana nil. ion, Tticvo is no maximum or ninimr.m fee. New York lawy-n barge jti'-t what they can get. and out their own valuation on the : r 1 .-ices that they vender. A goul law j ver 'out, of course, not one ol i'; ! ;',re:it lijiits cf tiiobnr will try n case it from $0 to S:!iK a day, and many ith(rs just as good will do tho sumo .hitig for half this sum, while the Ves charged by the men who are con ! iidered as beiug nt the bead of their ' orofessiou aro well nigh iucredible. j "It pays to he a lawyer after yon : !iave sueceeued in making a reputa tion, and it pays in proportion with :hat reputation, sai l one who is nt the :op. "Of coarse, it ta'ies time to ouild up a roputa'ion," and sncce-s to nany men couios late in life. When 'attained, however, it is stibtnnthi!. Ptrha; s tiie bct paying bu-utieis for 1 lawyer is that of attorney to ccvpo atioas, As an cxam)lo of tlio l;i ;h ,'ces paid to corporation attorney-: I ; may mention that John F. Parsons eccived .'J0O,0'id for orpatnzin j the sugar Trust, which, by the way, was ifterwards declared iilecal by tho :ourt of appeals of this state, an I w- -, I bolie e,recogui.:e 1 under the Lv-v-J'-f N'ew Jersey. I "Pcr'iai.'s the highest foe paid ton awyer for nttetiiiiug court is received oy ,fojcpU H. t'hoa'.e," conanued my hifot liinut. "VYheu he nttendn court 'or another lawyer bo gct3 a fee of J1000 for each appearance, together with his retainer iu tho case. T11K retainer is never less than $"000, and s often much more. Tho biggest fee ' Choflie over received for ono nppoar nice was 100,000. This was for his iti'iTiment before the United States su premo court to havo the Income Tax j iaw declared unconstitutional. When Iho corporate interests involved tiro ' considered, the fee wan not such a ! ; eat one, especially as ho won his , ?f--e. I "As I remarked before," continued this lawyer, "corporation brninesr. oays best of all. As a recent instance A big fees paid to corpo aiiuii law vers, the t'ti tii of Oucrg'Miiieiiner, Un- . .ei'iiiyer .V Marshall rereivi-d t'ne other lay a fee of ?1(000 for dinwing up ihe articles of incoi j oration for 11 1 brewing company. An o'llinnry law- ! vcr would havo ilono the work for n fee of .?I0 . Coiiipnnie ii in ever, at e ; ivilliug to pay bi,r sums 1 be started . .-ight." " flow does criminal compare with ! civil v-ractice ns to fees?" I a-ked. I "There is a great deal mo o money ' in civil than in criminal practice, j Jrimiaal lawyers never get as bih rce.s as civil lawyers, nnd for a very rood rc-asou. As a rule, rich men do j lot commit ordinary criminal ofTcncs. 1'bo average criminal is batd up. In j 'act, bo commits crime usually in 01 j ier to g t money, nnd .seldom 1ms I nueh to feo lawyers wiih. A crimi : .ml Ift Ayer must be content to take I .vhat bo can get and be thankful. la ! vany rritninal cases the lawyer who .lefe 11 d-i a man accused of cri 1.0 is on' . if pocket himself. There are no such ccs for the ablest criminal lawyer a (lio o-.i - which Heury T,. Clinton r -reive i for di fending the will o th1) late Commodore Va'ider' i t, I". i feo iu that ei"e was j?-."0,0i;0. " j Rut 'lure are law ye: who m.i're money in criminal juae.icc,'' I ve mavke.l. j "Yes, but they arc few. If 11 man makes money by criminal praetieo it i-. due more lo until ing indii--try than to anything else. He must be work i:ir nil th'j lime because his fe s bi 111 oivi.l.uiil coses n:e Monll. A good fee in a criminal en would bo from "lOo I to I .i ' and 1 here are rot many of I the hiltev (.'iiltit,'," In Imiliiiiu up a practice it i um V. it Ii all yoiiim luwyei.s (;i tilar.-.' the h nnlicr i-f iheir acqUiiintatnv I'o this cud Kiel ate nearly all in politic-1, i.nd many arc club lucnibc s. i Many of the creal lawyers of New York practice like Rnglish ba-iisters that is, they oniy appear in court their cases being prepared by another lawyer. A number of young luwye-s who have means are also aping tuis KngH-h fashion. Clever attorneys not very lrtrne 1 in the law, but pots! t hunting ciicms, bring them cases. The hi' tor charge moderate fees for tryinjr them, and the attorneys get a i rcnt deal more out of tho client. I I.lmi.lf .1 1 i-oiii itlitli. A strango sight wis witaeso ! ie ccn'.'y in the Southwestern poli.e court. Aneldeily man, armless and legless, wascouie.l inti) the witiics box by a po'ieeinar1, who held him as though bo were a baby, while he ma lo an application to tho magistrate for n i extension of time tin dor au ejectment order lrom the court. Mr. Marsham asked hi:u bow bo (amoto he so af flicted, to which the helpless man re plied that bo was born so. He got bis living by making beaded ornament with his mouth. His Worship allowed biiu a few additional dnvs to find fresh accommodations. London DailvM oil. UCAfOA'3 KINO 13 A EABf. Two Veai-u Old, but Ills Conntry I" Well Governed. j Among tha infant ino-.arcln of the tvorld should not be forrj v.ton David : Cwa, tho baby king of I'ginda. lb s ' li'tlo chap will be two years eld next i July. He was e: o - no I v. hen be v.v , I three months old, boeau io lti t i'.it .cr, ' Mwau-n, was s .cu a vf ke.I oid 1..,". 1 that be bad to bo depo-e.1 for tu-j good of tbo community. After t'ue wichci king bal d Ve ! about o''e y.Ling that ho could tiiii.k :tf 10 make thing utpli-asoui f 'r 1 he jeiijilo, who vr-ro Irving to cirib o Lg.iV.da n :i-1 hr.d br-n ov iurn i : r ' I'o-m.n C'r.'hodn nrd 1 rote '".'. 1. ; chiefs go: t g -ti Or are! dC-.'I.M'od t'-at 'i W.l-gt had lo'" Lis jtb. The i.-.t'e '.c I'.-vr, 1. rv :1,'lii.c po:i ,; cl-:.:i' - tut ii ono 1. ! 3I'.st of tin i.iln" ii.i its rt Ur;vi !. are now (.hri-tiam, aud ilio-.-o 10" ; melons ro iiariCatholicnnd i'i o .- a o chinches s nticre.l about nuio-ir 11, ; vilhlgt The Naiairciabe cut ::e-b ;.! le ! Is 0m" people. On Kuniiays the a -e--ii- e ailendair; of wor li i n c' the -.-! i:-:t! s-rt-''-s is mi i, ; 1 rciVJ 1 I -' ' i'i w ei-i; days. Vi,.-v 1 1: I 1 etion is tai.OO up fie is 1 1 :tv,': . "f t lu o!d-f.r-hioiie 1 '.In listion ) ar: y" i hi.-h was o te of liic pi-r jiii-iics .-f the i iiuuM-y I'afsoii i:i years ( by n-1 whieh is still re t ol solyre in some purls of t he con lit iy. : 'Iho oli'criiigs lit tif N;!'::i.-einbc cat :e- ' thai consist of tow N. i t.i'.ci's, 'la'i tains, s-ngar cane, r:ic!.s tied U:' iu . bauiina libro an 1 otherprodtier i of the con ntry. His ros'ol aivl ilu-kv mab-s: v, I'i.' -; called hy ! '.'s i.:- ' ' lu: , an p.:i'i'.i.-i ante s:tb-.:i;:i;e for 1 -a i . lie i- jti.-l a-; Cf-iii.:;; n ir:y other iit-th- ilot-cd baby, '.:.:.'. a triih lu-ue I io'is, as li-icii.c -i ;i l;i:i:r. Toe atVaitv- f tiir kingdom are e..;i dueied by a rc; '.i-' .- c i.i-i.-ti inr :' (icnoral Ap"iio !. ii--u.i, prime mini tor; St.-niis'n'ts Mag i.tngo.pri.iio mi . i.t -. of the Roman Ca:r.i :e jro i:: re, a'-.d 'ho llev. Z.iciiai i.tli Ki.tito. New York I're-s. Hi st 1'rnl -i ilon A;nint f ot l. While eveiy ouo admits the r.cre -M'.y that exists for g tariiing nrain t ( o-posu.-e, c-pccinl'y when there a . siui.lm cliati.ies from brat to c 1', til re nro very f.jw pet-ions who tako tnc o i '.i cr.'iiv.i precautious iu t .: i-Vi.pi r -v.-iy. Thry ui j i.liiliy win i . ti;i vi.niiij,- cba s nrw i'.imediiit.-'.v .- . k out a t ove- oaf, n ja 'hot, r. Jc i: i 1 or a ntuiUor. The shoulder cape (.me . ! into me nud the'i.-r boa or wrap I that l- pu lei up clu-o n'o iu too no ' and coves the cite; t. is -isc ;r j Iho legion that need-: the 'cast piotec tion in the-c ebaiwe". If, ins t i ' this, thicker sho.- n id w .'finer ho were put on ad n warme e.i i ing for the iim'-.s v.e e n'V tde 1, :i: i trunk of the bly cviild take noic'.i ; letter care of itself. Cod and ex posed o'ltro.nir '""t and too inn u wra1 pin I fiio'i ct ;h..' l-ody e;c:t'o co i . caption and p.ixo .h" '" '' (: d 'ea . i-mid si n- i'io iie-.h.d i' to g. vo the throat, cin-U and nr,:i5 ;t il.'ish of cold salt and wa'et- e i -. hue n'u v ii.ou ri'-.n-.'. An p.ii; c spoil '.re ba'h of thi-i : o. : i of r eat nl van n-.-o, but tiiM tria' oei't "' t " throat mid cho t i- al oost ab obttily necessary if o tc would a''oi I n tnul;-.-tudc of ills ti nt nlVe.-t this portion of : the rv. teal. Now York Ledger. A Mexlrrpi (''ln 1 11 til. Oil 1'liilav. ; Mrs. Sitia . S;cre;is.:ii eo..!r;l'Ut. ' to the Cent uy au urticic on ".Mum ' miiian's Kmi.ive," one of a .-eric d.e . vote i to tins i'teach 1 nti -rvention to i.Vo.i-'. In d-.-eiil.i .;: si rre ! t'nat foiiowtd the siege of Tiitbla.'di . j .-tcvcn.-on sa; : It ;o i; Meiean c i- t.i'u on Friday to brm i,i .y oil .!: ! Piua Mavo;-. J-n us wn ; a'ki i j infl.le iu tne rbare t!ie iw-r'-ou wi.o happens d t. be 1 1-1 ttiponhr at uie time. J ' ii as t,u:t.- a l .ii , - i h e t i: . , .lu las under ..i X.-.vh'. sh-ipi . a ol . ' oioeti'ee i ! 'n o-e Ml :.o...t y aato- -la-,-.-i ..- .-. !'.'.i:ii ii-.-1 to tn c.-. a u 1 ir.ui r -,t to . '. t'n '. A i i .'i ; -a iiC ti i.e. I.. :' w : o 'i oil t l ! tr. n:- . n i i i it. i--'-.. iy b;".s;ht, :. :' poor, to :. :'. I : 1 c ' c o: .In ;;is: a.i I t'-.e ub,eetio.M 1- i.o:..i;--::.-e,.n..l lti hi'.b'OUsiic s i i:ly to to; 1 of ,,i.- .,,;, sendiug olV of lire crackers on the j I'on th of ,lo:y- ;-eii j, boot ' no all duv. I n i'ic v.-a' iu" our I Is.;:: .lu I ,, .-laom-d in Vi, - . tne Fill 'a Mayor t' l'b" tic h.-li-s , , ti- u -i,:l I'o i.y. Na. . b on III, a:i ! j hi -t, but lid I. a .1. M. I 1 1 i . - te -,' , li.'iiy, w 'e i c- ii ' i 1 v w;i r,.:i ' ."I v. 1'h a w ill il.i:' 1 '.aciiild .--,.! i' jo-i , . . lite ,., tll e c. TMl-. ,-oiU M.-.tilliK 1.' t.ion I "lie:-. i !':..'.' 'lti l. eo-vi. .iei llr.'.l i.l I llur.iiimlo'i ba.l ( a f.'. "-c'.l liiuifr. j Hiutieni-p on liu Mil.joi ( of ,i ics i i lio em th. Ho .'-Lowed n i' h I ii" ai I . ! j diilg ai:.s iiiiit li'C tlietljiia! VP!.l".1.i i iioii '!' t'-.i e.--ti, : ev" ut e u 1 v :' i- ! re.i.'d "f t :.-.- i.-lst :o:j ea: l .a.i lit the :-.r-.c .i.ii t'i 1. a,:':oi t';. . . d ! ol th'i luoo rotat i ill sou id I lie i'i 1 that is. to leiii! hen b,.lh the iir j and the- inor.'h. Rut tbo !c i ':"::i:o; i of the iay wdl S e noo ii i...i. v.ipi I litUU tilO lc!l;-th: t-i'H Ol I h 10 i, ! a id thus i; will cone n' o it that W'i.-ii j the ch;i'. ;.'e ba : reaclie 1 its inaMltiUiu the eat t h and the mo on w i 1 cneh tc j . ol e once in a 'C.iodof Jtfly i'uo ot our j reseat days, the moon b viio; j alwns s the same fare to a.d the e.ii th. A siiuiifii' evcio id' c'lat'f.e. ba I l-cp-o p.ioe thti-ngh by moon nnd cait'i in ti.o past. There mice a time wbe i tlio moon ipvo'.vc I very in a; 10 the eailh's s:i:f-icc, in 'on and carti: going round o te in from throe : vivo hours. Ti.e t jta! pp;iod of t c change wa c-tiniatcl at from ;",!''", ('.i'i) to (t.OJO. tr.Ml ye.:: s. Rostov I Hcia.d. j ' SUFPL ANTH 0 THE C0"Y. MAKING F'JTTr.R CiniCT FROM TH FOOD F'D TO CATTLE. Iho Urged ll' c ivi-y o' 1 Paltilurv Invctit-T - I'.l -c:i-U-'ty L 'tl J' tt in the ll in-, i r'. i'e . .on ..- Cl-a . Into It" t Pit iy .Vui'it V. i: au: J'.- v'no AsiMn.c r.n'toe v.ih int tlie ct a c;-w is wVi. ".Villa d O. Lit'', invenior, o;' L.ii:i:..'ir, 'id., 1 r C-. J.le.-i.ici y, says c.o . w Ynk ITer p.ld. i t !'. chief t Mr. I':.y pio- p- - os tc O'aploy in tic ..-odt".-i..'i of ! ; ; .- i1.: .- tly I) ;..i t ie ' eoevi 'h- i v. -A -ii fi.-m ii;o f-j'-l of e.v.tlo wuc -o l.i-I'i is n- iu the t h'i: n. Vr. Faydisi-oM;icdi ist. that thr-p-v (itii u- .h-i.-aceri'-ti': tiM- ; ' 1 dihVr V. va i..,i-"; f'f ''tit'.:, i'..:.-.r. ct:'., '.v.--.-. ow:a.;lo tv.n gc 1-. ..' ci . e;. ( 10 V . , he hilld Ol I' lod , i wh'cb i '!.'' i-i.,. un- fed; tho oth'-r Mas ine kit.d of lae.-.obe I f t irol by '1;c j-.iiit; i.r the plnul v ui'-h 'iiri'islual tlio fond t i the cosv. Armed with tho-e two '.ecre'.s. M'r. Day "i hi -- v o: !;. : i"r o:r-i-ied in .::r.'.. ti'g a .d t:r-n nf-etio tin- iv t'i:eht,:y . .-.- i . vbt-h n-v lisuaii'i I'l oa.L t,' : i ' . ; t by lull n :.-. lie leicved. 1 in plod "cicK ll"" thl VPT. tll'Ie lllll-r. b'tn oil - n ill. h uii't'eied very slisihtly fr mi til - i.:' I lie ntii ..'i! kilUoOai. j!al.i' ( i :.:: this i'i '!. lO'Vl '.I en V. as to i'i i'i ;i :be e;;e'ali:. oil bv 'ji.illg ii t 'a .' i.'I.C i i.ttjiicill co.l- st.tuti-j.: n- tha ; " sc I by tiio nni ml u-ii 'le de.-.i. .! -in otic, r wor.N to j niiilie the auin-ai I . t t --r e-il oil of grass, coir, a.: I ii .i ar vejetab.o silbstftUct". : Tne se.-ret in 'hi i-.-.rt of thepvo - CSS .ill', i'ay '.'I'll io.'o-oj.l i' ':' :a,-t t o' e" l ,.! :.:: i vi .-..-t.iblo crlm-'i.v.liv.t'-i - troll.; y -:-t: Lea hotuf'. T ,.e ill I. ifie; . whicii t' o found in oils are iiei'ly a'! ev oo' oi the nit-o-gt-nous she.itn i:i w i.i.-a '.lit' global'"" cf oil a"o coat o.v . J' ". - to t.".i sh -nth is due t-r ta'.i-wv smell of ta! low, the mm on si..c'i it n.uuoii, as , we-!i a:, ab tha rank i-'ors of many veg- ctablo oilr. V.'lv.'u oiis nr.-. ex'rae'e-l by bent, or 'lie itier'.'.T.i.ea! io.ou-o cf prt-s-.ui o, t iie celctcrc, a::- ui': oreactis ehr.ncter-isti.-i of ihe globule slieo'bs n o i n ) artel to tue oil f lobub-s thetiis.eho-s, ntid no art ca i .-..'pini t t-.rm at tcrw.iv.l. Here coacs in the g cat d sjovt'iv in ti.o ii:,e of tho o'.e-rtri : lift it. .'lr. Day I'or.nd that when tbe-e oil-. and fats were s -i !! t-. ufl lo tiio radiant energy of povc; fal el? -trie lig'ut th" nitrt tonous fhe itlio voro sbrivelied a:iil t.a'-f io lic i j put iu a conditicu to he milked o.tivc vtrad.d by a g-n-t o pves-uro, witho it i:i-;,:;J CuU a iii v.nt.' i by the cba' a .te i-' i rs c f tap a.i-im.-.i er i l.i ut l -it. Auotuer elV.ct was nho probtccd. Whate.'er ti'if.e'bc wc-ia '.oii,..t.d wi.h nny pi .icn ar oil o. i.t: ' us kiliel by tiier- ' l et l e .;:.iit, bun iefiv i.u, i.rr . .ic;o f.ref o.a a.i;. o: i natho tni.-roi-. . nd te.niy to 'bo loelns a cultn.-e mmtiniii tor a iy desin-d wi- Cl'..c C, Am eis the micro'es dps. roved by the liii! ate ti.o,,. i.ioleh e,oi-e put--.-f-ie'.i "it l-n-t Jeciiy. a.: 1 s. la nitlc'cs !..-ttd on U.V lit.' ii a; aro iv.ldi.y pre. 'cr-.elas lo.c-r as i h ;- live- pro!. Pie 1 from new invasion ' of t"t ur-'s n.v.t f .1'i-trov.-rs. A it losui , li.e vil lous l.iudsof l.i itier. cn. c e.c;c..t. a.douudov , the L'av ptoee-si-- fjow iu, st rebutrk. able kcoju i l ower.-, far su:pasi:ig t.ioso p;-o;iii .e.i by 'l-e i Id fa . bione'l n.e'boti-. For tb- satnc t ca o t, t In; uw ntfl cles a:o no' n :c' "1 o-,- :. :y l'jcn.1. -, such a . it'i'n " it : ! .d typlv 1 1 feve-r, wh'p i ..a i'.-ci -. Lwlnud ti u-a mine 1 in the iiik tt 1 an , as well by c .'.itn -a. nation cincuu . t iio ii .iy p: o 'C " the troa'.iuPtv ef ii'.pli ..I t" a l ii... w, n of tbo. i ; .i" riiyuio as :;o'. end v i' h a a-1 oi:r-, b -. ; ; i '. of animal -. a f .iv li. ...nd tlu'i' t.:e a; p.i :' .. . f. o:ii t ,ie cV -i : l r ,ed ccni. I thou be '"va in! ' . O''- 'I' !,;.! M-r.-r, .I..U..I 1 eoolied would ha e 1 1 tlie good ip:ulr.ic- i f I'leeitic em :-i.' lir.'Cc t;.ls ,.f no-.!' to . o.o-;' i; i 'ii d i o sil '.i'ae reduced four .Had. Ill thf -. 1 ot led 11111 -.'.ha v t. . r . -s . : ae. i tai-a - .-o i'.i 1 a pi.-, .-s; in ta. : Jiosir e to i'm i ii:. s ire ii.ii,'' it -i -f l.i-. ..r. 1 ! : ; i ! b'. b, -li, ii- e y. ',;! w i o CIO: VCli I'i id i . 1. a li.'ill to jt. i o c ; e. i oeiitrd v. ,; i '.'.; . enii'e rana. ct :t no'. ."-.i'p! cl 1 :be i-hvliciiiiis ei the Johns li-.o kin- Iv ; ;ta!, a:.d killed tlo-iii all. FAtcn.ti.ig tap iu : " :' bis procos. Mv. Day found thai f ui:- ami vogota-l.l-. s c ciih r '. i i -'. . i.d very nearly iu thc.i iiiitural u-iuitiou and si.e, or tlicy cnbl 1 e la:'. '.- iliy nml bard as v co l, lc iuc a. in si,e, and weight, then ground to powder audi af terwaid ta stored again to a food form by supplying moisture. Tin- Slnnn i nn. "Some hateful persor," said the Sweet Young Thi te, "uas declared love is a species of hypnotism." "I guess ho is ru b ," said tho Mean Man. "Fe'low usually cot i ma : led with bi3 eyes shut." iudiuu apolis Journal. 1 POLITEKrr,-, IN TATTERS Nor K.isy to .Itiiliii' a Man 1 y tin- Condition o ' !io '. iota--. I!.! IV. s.i-s. Tho TTtab. : 1 1 '. -;t;i ''lain v. a s. dis-a;-pp-t i:u i-i 'be ('i-:,.n.-.' wh. a Arch C.i ,;-.', '.lie s'oi i a- ;.e- at liF;;rl;ot ;...;e' v. i:o l.A r o . : h" rlntion '. i li. -e.- ; l:t i ! IV!" :" hill Pouio if ' o;: : .. :.i , su- a " a.ily :: , d ; e . ii re :.?. I;n.; r.i i.i': e -c , c: -: "1 i-i-i.; the itii: oc . tl n .-:' i. v.oil hi.ig ! :'i Cridg,. ..-- -r his ..-i-s iu v .-..', r ii i't o :0 ...t i.l.l-i: - i l il 'g0 tl C ..'.'. i I'.'.'C ni tbo. ill l !::'. t ''.'it 1 t!' '."-... ...a .1 i i tbo p. : soil cf t r o :r ' . r. a ., a t . .: mi 1 ii;- f.i a-' t ;,, ,;,..;! ; , I. .. -: v.n b'.i kt.'l. n be on.-,. il.M -. Cut . ni., i;:m lihob.'is. -, o; ;.' i: i rid," lc : e jtf !v t.-. i ho ;.:oro o v.", is n p. ".''o'..d I il. b i- ..; :'i yoll tell oi Ui P lla no : iiii-n i ottld care to sliaro i i ui-- be .( .ti ii ing on; cf .-'(' i. 'I. n i. He did not i ppear to bo erco-y. si. (' r .Le, v.i.ribai.l once ciiii-( d eltisiv.' g.. . I iiiiti. . '..i hi i soui n'touiiuii ' I d .11 . '.: kl'o.V," If. s .il " - . An 1 a i'l s. c!ass j at I r..-v v- u v id .ale. I w ea'viive l noil US I, Lot mo .1 to ('l e! :c ...jn,. ill..: a 'chip of tiul dil sir. d c...oia.i'iil all 1 a I bi.ll to ex p.l.i.l W 1. li'' lie a '!. - Y.'i i . - rv.- . u !-al:i now dial I !" j ; : ,.. .)':" Iti iiiii'c l tho t... . ud - ".'..:: mi. uot i..-!i. vo it. l.t.t I svas c;.:i.-!.- i )' i. tiii-t 1. 1 iu f-.'i' tiie valrar iC o.'t . f p-.'-.-vty." . ut y ti Lav-. b al'o'i' your ' a. ;.(.' i-:o':l-..i'. V.'a't. T v,-.f, !i 'oww (!! I . :: oo- i il ' ol :.,:- '. 1. i oiled. I c :r i '. ! l.ia I -.1 'a,-' -.'''. I tors' ii. y i.p .! .' 1 ''-a -l.'-d : y l.oeci an. 1. ii--,r no i - -.;! no ! t line I .jvpii ;o u,'i a tl -." ( . lo .-'.. n.-'dei r-y tr.'-.tbct; ally. j ;o ; voi s. I .is tr .t-- i vilely. By a b . : :::. A red-be Hcl liviike t:;u ii sviiO I pt'i'lauo language. 1 think he also s i n -k u:e, but tiiero v-ii:. soino poiifn -don, and pe: lisps it w.,s a tele :!:: ': 1 tie. Rcc-i'. iug such iii'ii.::,: y "t: '.ci re: il,.' un le -stand what mi.:, ii-r t ,u pl'-jliipf !' .'.iol! cf a g o r leuui . " 'W-ll. r d.i'n.,."s.n: ! Ci idg -.tnrd- t-d;y. "Poo .1 .::! money " "v-.a-'ily, I ou pci i'-j.'':;y tin-d-is!.iiid. Y. ii ai pre i.i e the c-nor-inity of t he cii :; e, 1 si...'! sue for e?r0 tn.' i il oiiar;e.. You w i.l jay tlio eo t and giiu ire $ urw a; a guar a of r.o i :a t li. Yh .n 1 win J :l.a I ley it:: t :i-.: f a1 : . t-"- ych-.i n ftii.i ve i wiii i:e ..:.l ie :.i' ,r a! in.i i;!.;'pr vr.tu liowi r t i-o-ue ) a I'ie.ise five in ' the a - soon a - ; o sible. I a .i avare t.;n. ti.y p:v .:; gui-so and -il: b " "iV-.'l, I .b-i' n o,'' i Cri-s;.-!, draw ing I'li '.i. " inn co " "Y.. n urr'y -b i'i do tot my word? You i; i f ly d..u't oile-tiii.l t ut I W tl! Uli'U o l' tiio I.' .iiu, i'.l is .a. fi ally Bl d '-.- i i bo 1 ';'' "N . T .-'ion1 1 rn "!i".' sruess thu'o was ev.". lvio.p hii-u.c lo it ih.a.i you'vo toi-1. Hut " "Yo : do. i't d.-ny thi'Iws da u a;ed :c iou-lv? This - -.. This ppolcl m-.-.i. ll'.iis o:i -. ' 1 "X '.': ni. ii iiit: but I cnti't go into it." Tho tiMiup lookcl upon tho stoto i eppcr with '"roil lo;inps bcit.uing from hi' one o i eye. "i -err. Vol a .- u-'t in symratby v. liti ' iio p oo a id opo. es-icd. You are n. ted t t .e 1.1. V. ;.: . i ,:.:L 1 ,-e, .. i ou aro itK!' '-. lings of -:.; bed out by cri 1 Never - oin-nient e ! v.ill ' ting Jigs ' - 1""' oi i Mith- l:r 1 to go Cbici ..o -.1 a ' it J Mr ( '. I'm V -I. 'a on i m i. : -(ii 'i'i. , li t -o.i : . , i' i -i o: t. f. - is :.-,'.! bv m .., !b lac's. '.::, v.hidl . till days, is e. bill t lit ll.ll 'It., 1 bv John L. tciii ', : lo i:'. .;i;..r . f the soar mash!' imikiu uhlskev. never- boliii cold v., -trer flons : fo inino n pool lie! P. si -let! .lolltl o- t ie o o " ' him d i ' lie;. It ! al ii'; i:a- bad ils ,s ,a , o. endow i-d v. ii i . ' ,, I In . l-.t I . I t ll it I is s- t'nil 'lie I .-.a., o. I I 1 "1 I ' I ; ..- , " ta ' - t.'11-.-.t '.,.. io. - -1 i-i t ho - i - - I 1 i fo d i-.t lea i 'l.llil. Ml' bad i-.ii ai.' a chil l I tlr.t ' off 'i beard his f:ra'id:n'.ti:-.-r '. :.t t.e ii o: her lain t'Lll. i lie ll .'.: ' ;:1 io op of 111 .1 plopot t .,,ii j, . ,!i- i ..fill s voice .ii.i: ceil l'p ii.-a d it ir. at di - ,ai: -p. it is p-y art ve. nnd -how. no eiidilfo of its co'ipoy or mori; of joius.--BiirdftoAU ;Ky. ) ilecord. lii.'l Trtti"n. Sfppl tapes tor measuring nve made in leii-oh-. ran .i.-ig from tbreo to n tlionsaad feet, lapos of a titou-avl feet in Ii-uuth a' o made o i y one-eigiith ot an inch in wil h, so ns to save weight, ii 1 1 1 nve u-i:a'!y mule to or do ". Tat os of g ...;it b..i.:t !i are ii'od in bridg-u;i I r.u.toud v. . k ami iu meisu: ing st Snni"'i ue-s two l"()J-iutit tjp s are joined iu measar-ius.