TlilKtIUY, M.lltCH 3, IMS. H. A. LOSfEOW Nemo l.hh.O'.i New lie vii. A eonvspoiidi v.t of the Facet Se ville Otsanr, writing from New Bern, thus describes the elicits. Vi'iisliifiarl on Letter. Tlia Reit'iil Forest- Fires. From lh Rulelgti New ui o-jservor 37ih. I fY.tiu ntv U'-ciit..r iliirrMtisn.l..n. Washington, I'Yb. 25. ISPS. Tlio French bark, President Fe lix Faure, from liarrv, reports that The following sum.narv of tli ! 11 11U. tm J ','w,mr.V HU I ,OJ ,. , l i. 4i,.. t c. ...... 1 nor kocouu mare aim iuieeu stiiiors , oflast week is fun.isliod us by Mr. j vro "'l "verl.oi.rd. u -it ... v.. ,!.,;., .,u, ;.. or results, of Fusion in that citv: ..." .i .':!. .T i.. tu..... W. W. Ah!u .nnl is tkin from n A terrttic hurricane has dpvas- ' 'intji't"i ;u ii .in n ..i - . -- ...... - t that Air. tait hi ai.-w v aieuoma, lioiiiij- gienr !- un- ThZuH may be war Editor I In this city there are live negro;,' ,t t" make the iveouli,.;, of: report m regard to them that Mr. U'lted ow ( aled-mm, doing gren Jta"01- i policemen, mid two m-roea Cuban b.-'.li-erenev a rider to an : Ah- has just made to the (Jeolog- damage to shippinfr. J lie hum " j Hoard of ,u-ho..,l c..ianiissiouvis:;a,m,..;-i:,tioii bi!i,vas ivfivshin.r rve.v after spading the past ! ;'" 1 the IiviicliSmi ar between : the city attorney is a mahtro; the -u tj.(..'v ,.i;iVS ,,f (.joky sfatesnnt.: ; week in examining in the burned j boat Lioyolty. of m- u:- Spain airf tLa United States, and ; Kegisb r of Deeds ami hi-- -:.."-: p. ii.. (hat he had vote, '.'as to -'- iufoatio,. M . , , yet wc caanot think so. Kach; are Lyrics A!, t -i . has' ; ,,,-the bolrercney m,o .itiou that , to h llw. Fhibidelphia Keeord, ,HedS;; , . ,. , . . 'f.):ne about sm -i' theiasf ! '.. mi;. v .,, .iunt-vl !as-t M.iv h." l!1 1,111 l sertHMi eM'.ms nom i . oountrywactmly rrePanng forjj;ua V(S 1VrtS!U of region u i 7ur?.. .r - and hat ft i Aiken eount.v. s. ( '.. north tofhat-1 ''.t d.seaso, while am, war, and many person: and papers ;tU-ea populist.-, and ivpubli.-aii.-. ! :K.t ,dv iv.idv b vote for the same I';11" eouuiy, S. and east to i '-'t! in both' Spain and the United i Craven is lrivdeenialdy n inibli-; tim ind.'tv-udent Alarll'oro fount v. t .. uul thei ( lareiu-e H. i.telvm of ,r.i States are clamorinff for war. and;eau, so hui as the po'i-dis i,d: ;.,,uv;'l,.,i readvloV-.te for."';'' s'w i,t il.lvn- '"; r:' ,V!,S !.Vrk eame to Ilalei-h en a sore.' are clainorinr for war. andieau, so hui-as the popedh-ts and : :. :ill(V. l,.,t was v.s'v i.i v..e for."';'' -l't ;ir,V!- !':itIl!''' ,V!,S : Vrk fame to Ka.ei-h rn a spree i iuiii i r it I republicans coulinue their ea!i-.' ,.i,...1f nf v .will approximate m otent .",000,-i 1 ridnv and died at the larlmro hopettlmpeoi.Ieoithi- n; y j,,. t;u, lp.i!ists i-.:i':'.- v v'-'h he re 'oie i Vsa ";'' pivi- r -V.., Th. : -, , .v ,.r,.llV a i, ,y nd,y moruinp. ueces.ary clarity. If;out n,tiiUj; in tiie .lie... -vibnl i. ,i of i f,'. li! Jl Wati.u t ',:.e:, h ! -v ' -r.'.. to-.-,:,! fi e u;h- -j " Ji'" "V-" -v ii-l.t 5 mid come many or the pev-; r! e snoiU is a 'i.v-tion I an. tu-j ..:.,., j, o;,n nppropri.-.ii.m bill : ,v !'! ' mii H-tvh.s Cade ha-sVen yt we country mit so par should Jiona imw an himm'mi if i-.-oi'.1 !' to esivji'l, !l never go iuf.- it,- just as was t r l W i I: t . : : .: no o: li'i-; are t, i . . vaae Gnriur tne war ootwi en the ,y ; , j ; i : . t Ktates Many of our re:.d ? veil ' nuaibw of c.u::ii remember that so many ie(vi;us hi in the .-!. 1 1. s (U.-d the l !:st t'l-io'i t ;;.; , aial v.i.; ai is.-Misii-i! bv the i Vv . ,- thai .'.A i'l .-a. ! - tl'.ey w li t;. I. ne i IStil were clamorous for war, ::;:.! yet when war did ro..:.-- ih; v at home an.l let tl."'.r i e.-e pe.u-e-ftil neift-h1t"f do tl; fir;v ;. A: :! it would o just the H.u-.iv i' war should be declared 1 1'vl.i. Spain and the Cnued i.i.uc.-. We have no iviore idea that vi, ; Sjiauioh government Jj-'d any f 'dinr to do with the drfivretioi; of tiier'-.c ( Maine than the British 'eni-; f, ','. aient- had. It is mueh inure ; ro"-! . thle that it was the H-fnli-di v.-.n-I: ! o: .. r.v 1 of the Cuban ir;s!:i;;-t. order' A. v -!.:.; 1 -V. to f-asttue respoiii;i!i'.i!ty y.- v.. Ih's- war with Spain the United . "'j'" States could pain no -vy. ba: -j',, inisrht suffer uuk-Ii In.--;, i f o';r .-,., untrs should quick;'- whii-Spain -!V; . there would be no m ire .-'-iry in : x ? -' ' ,; it, thau when a lanre a'.sd p ev.- .. ' .V '. itt1 nn beats? a small r.n.i v.v;:'.: one. And Spanish c;"!;.v:a r.n.l ' privateers would ahm.-st rnirj A- '' v, v" mericau coinmeice and driv V merican a iVom the hili .u.i-.. i ' V In addition to (he loss (.1 huiii i:i life a war would jrreatiy i:it-iv:;se b ; :'..; the public expense?; and add : our a--.-. - . : puhiic debt many milii" is. No. . '''. no, let there be no war, bn' jet .', . ,r.!nineis and conservaii.Mii prevail. ; Let wise st itesnviu-;)iii a-i 1 a , v!:' '' '' Christian civilianon cuide .,v. l.riV'.'fie. ii i i I-.. : govern the rulers and peoph- ; r" , 1 ' ' " 1 ' ill ' i: 1 : ' both Spain and the United Stafes. ; h'. , , . : 1'hns far it has r.ot iu-en ie.adt v. i-, .. : .-.-.. known what caused the biov.imr iroceiu-d per:.;-i up of the Mtin. A iiav:d ene.rt of 0 l,lv:u"-1. ! ' . ,, . , . coaxes of ( inquiry ia still in session ta'.i' ..... i,,,. ; testimony, but no inthivtii iia.-, i v. . s . t)een published as to what iii.'.t t- -- r.i : . : tinionv is. It mar be a w eek, or mor. an avi iv. a -e- ; ' . V . .1 II in Ii!i:ici-ii. I IMl! !'; are ku.-.v.i i. bm b- in-1 lh,,s .. , , , N , k-., Sl ( lo-oi'.ioy si,!i'!e I, a'lii n .lie are , .,,(, , ,., 0 j,,.,,, ni..;-. n to hi .1' !e n s;l hv i-p-:t i-'.i'i jitiii ri fr. :; Incoino; pi-s. j 1 eit-are s'i'o ;e t ) ive;; I o::cer i lone-: .Mr i lliurs n- i I -idebv "I A' rt h ralM i!' ., : ;:r e .Mr I i. -..!.! V. Will r. n. !:i!MII. Wei e .l.'lill i.e-ei'tl ;;liil , l.wi .j-' i,i i. h.i-h iMiriii-t i.i .i.-iii 1378. 1898, Arrest disease by the timely use of Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges tion, torpid liver, constipation on4 oil Kilirmc .-Hcpices. TUTT'S Liver PILLS j C H A T If A H C008TT EVERY CITIZEN OF P'.ii'l lie that i:e Jnu :; a-s iv- ' " . ' ' ,' lupi"i:". d i his pl-n e ile-.edti..d:-p--j! '.d the United -A et 1o bril Ml "i l'' ' . .. Siat.s would t- :h ove.-Cuba and. !:'v--'1l:iVri,?iMi1'-1 ;!V,,';11S ' Tl- i ci le li. fl...-ir Mi, h t ul '''b' he stiii lvii.-Md it: il.a; he ts prooatue ti-at -. n.en, v.fie, M(. VV(. M ,..., , p:,t ..Mii,tv. , n! neers. who . ..1... i...r.,,.. .1 .... , e.e 10 lll.e ' !.---:ess: ia ie- m is Sp.du realise.! t hat ;t had l 'ub':. ii v. o:;!d .' -. V a war i:l iii rrl. r t " save :p.;;:i-h p I.! . : l : : i 1 r if eppe.-ir 10 ' ' :!' pe . i . f 1;.. .. 1 :.. -n 1 1 . , . ... ,. I . i t 'ii'.'.'s ;i -1 1,. it ;.. v V.'.;eoi l 111.11m i 1 ei 1,1;. v, ! ul. ".!! ..- V iehnrdso!. of .'.! ;( coiijitv.-- it"" - -.v ..... i . 1 1 III, tin .una a i:; -a; ia .s. ' :'"V. :..,,.. ;. ,!,.. i-viii.on. of Hlid-'U coiu.fv, an, 1 o,;e ' 11 ,:' r:' " ' r,.ni,.- .-ll.i!.:.,.iuM:..vii. . , . J...... .. oss iroin tiie tlestru -tion ot i ' uiil !...:1.,nn t.. no'.);'' ' ,,; ' 1 '' " ' ' t:,l!.--is TO the t 'X "" n..w' ui.i. i .i ... ......... .. ; .... , , . .1,..,. tlli.l II MV.-IV.I W Ii .m,. ....w.en tel. aiidi"."1 ':V,,,V' "' I',''" ' '-x' iff-'"" i. j i It. e are. iki iue i.ii.e le iiov Win. h TIME TABLE, BC. 4. --TO TA K K K' VK "V -M0M IV, N. V lS'.i7.aiC a. m. t.r tlu (iovi-rn n-i i t "I I'm l y .VOO I.i . lM.,iHl .s;..'vton, t) ih.-iM t! :;,! it is 1 . : t. ti to tri-npled v.; i.i- !e.:r. Ih rt !, .'. va on are t-di.i'.u- re.:-.-e. b.l oiilr v: iv, - t- cv.i:a i! e ; I''"""1'1 ' ale:,'" the. ay of the loss , :;.f d iv a Men's thro-as. ' '' v. !: is I'.-ter !;:;!! ail. tiiev ' : I I o.- prrp.u' ML: o !i : i in v :-t i I i e'.; i :u an ::: neva h! , t,, i.iore inforniaiioi! iii.tu i..'e-. ; era:.': ' ,!.. jr!e .:ie!i to lie- pill ' le. :. i, ! 1 V-i. v :i: ' ,.. i e . -..;. i i ti'.' ''nor! of t!ie :'-'t it: : i : . i "! I'..:.'! of i eoilrv, i.o sit- .V:T-i. i.v. tie.- in lia-.aa.! i.alb.M-. ill order ''lsl"'"l r!;.M wise. ! ef ti.e .Ui;:ii iil.'.i. . c-lowi; r,i -r v.. :T iuo' a'oue iil-i.i. :. t lil'tee,! i-.Ii!"- ante, l'.of V.,'od or about : 2 "tU :!; t- d-naa-j hill biii'ii...,! il it ilii'il in I a 4e. ti1. i . s a er : vai.r- . -1.7 I ... '; ', e.,ii,,. - : i.e. , t(, -oats hi i.V. v.d.i.e; w:i i ::;'.! I.i. ' j bi.iwn up by .: T'i':-: l,i-eii, are :; : r ..-,b..,lv. so h ' !':..-;b-, head fuer.'rrteMilv ::i. '' ' :.: etr.s f. r that v ,:r !'. . hi : a u.'j.'iv.'. of I ' I': eruniri' i prop- .'11 e.t :-." .T."e b: 1 :; o i: ! ;i:;.',:U.i i.iaii : :;-..! H f-r f re; n il . v !,: :.i- h! I ffiicinr v. ii! .-.aio'.Mii to li: If stock,! '"' due?li:!'-. i',--'d, -ie.ills, le.i V M e. rec .biii' ieh A s'el ai ei l.'i of rtbi.hare biina d, turpeitine j iievin I ..t J-'1. i .i. S i', K distill-Tie:, a'ld other I:, is.'.'l la lie- ! due l.'eli!. V i,' Joins Mi':- ,1 i.v v. iii reaeli an amount ; win : .ii. , m. e I n.-r-. w.1,1 n.i r - is,:l lv .::v;:ter tl. ;l'l ;'"''--"' ". value " eK i: '! , that done t. iialber.'a.lvi. !!et U i en ! '"I" 1 "" "i'-'-'-i' '! hi r.,n:;i:i' ; i .. ! .J.-r ..... :l i I ,.t ...... t 1 . 1 .' . I I ! ; e . . . . II i loot ..? .. il i - ... .'.,. l-oes are -Umatrd to hire be.-n !i.m-.:edo:-.t. ! '..I. V.. j The ihv i.nrr.etl ;er.-e-t o;it!i.-: , 1 V:','. u i r::eu la: i wie.-ie t'f".' -JV:'.-: W 1.- I iiU'ia :.. ....a oieie v. a i....- V,'. A i. petifion of this tiie i'ii ... er. p.-i-t. .! eVi rv l.-w ye ir mi '. :e -.-i-a-i-. I ' a v.-; !i.-'i t.a- ti- Her e a !-!., I l!l 1 ul i.i .1 Nmt.i J , ' : u.-lr-srsoti-e ;a.,re f'tit ieiii j eel :.. : -lit- -1 I.i iv.. i-iiT an.l On'y V. irei-ri. Ti mo S i 11 lur l lmay li.vp. 1'iliy rj-T. fi.n tny. Miii.lny. fr.ilu Kl'MIJN. 'Ir.m No I. X.l '2 P M ' r '. 'j V I 1. O'l'.f 1 J 2 jo r ilni-r. 1 16 s r-1-i...ii .in, 1 1 1 X ll.iw llr .ii. !i, 1 f.'l . S I in . ..I, 11 . A --:-:! .11. r;t Ut I -:ui-...,i. l: fl.. j .0 'i e K -x t.i ...e,. ii. i-j i- i M. i 1 1 -4 . i i : ( I . M 1 1- ii- . i via- ! e. i" V v v.r . m i 'il l v. till c. .; u-.ii w.-.t.-r i a li. Si: 'i ne' - le: i 1 ''s i:..V -e. I'.-r. i e, i. :a !'.':. t: ' l ; l;.. li. i Mian tee ee.'.r-'ii-ill:. ! '.li-- rv i loii. a V'-t i I'd i'.-i r-.-i. l.-'.'b. 'Ja. '.'!:!! h-,- io Wa-h- t'o. vl'e.-s. iwi iii. I '!..'. iv. : 'i ! Me ,! .,:,;, h ha. i .! rs fro a Ibid .'. T-nb or'-' ai' ;' '- !' I- .o. :'( r ar..i -nb x to try ride ii ids ;:m;i;! 1 e-s. 'i' .-on- ; 1 a. ! iana : il i ;, ,1 111-1 llii-V l-aa ii I ii- I..-.-U 1: 1 M I- .r n rlur In) a. lie- lint ii--.ii !!. I I.I" I' -l ill n ' ii I.i ('.i b . l. 1 - P- r W is ;n I ' e :u t ol nil; ine n i i ill , Win-., il i . r 1 1 il l;p,-.i. in I. ..' I i-. o : i rii-to-l i, ml e . I.i I i... ! . I ll - I 1 1 n n lis ! ei '!, a i I 1 1. 1- i.i! w i-ii : ii,i .. 's -.. iiaeieli, iisMi" r.r.'iiiT I t- -.Iv i.i. . i I ..ij.ii uii-l-r t I f ii ; ti ul 'i;s n k I in- wi.-i.i i ii ., ! 1;.! til. in ii I 1.0 e,r.t! A it I p i.'.'s mmv to TAKE THE CHATHAM wliieh for Twenty YEARS vaisce ihe best !in(eieH(s of he people of this county. d..-i W )::'!. l i nl I)ii .u l'. aiv i: v 1 i.-viri two !, lu- ! -' - .. i . i . l'. iii-eiii J..iirr;d: Mr f.i':ni loi ' j ! illll. n il.l Io: . II sl.ife lieitl- 1 '.-ll!i!.' M b'-, iii e .let., i.i y .s.,,e I,,., .,.-! i ! Tan. en-. :i,-. i.i,i iii-i re ..'.. t lad., I'.b. 7. !..,! (i s ;., ; '. I . .o,v beyn.aU I;.;.-u- 1 ne. olu e i'a.eo'.'.- a-- 1 ia 1- ". ,,j :l ; i,,e: ,,n.i; A -l-itf Iih-I '. r.-... aiiti'ii-aiiiin's -liidia tbabli. r' 3lid.r-t. is ,, r. 1 m.r ft mi-h- nn.! Mi ! . Mid h"pe : ii hs :- oi.i a id la Ij-I.-ss ill ll little ! Kiel- li p. le-.l ii(. a 1 i..i.-. ,., .- -. a i tii .i i la.;.:. i.-.r li'iO :!.i-, sa,s tiaeii.rr i !..-;. I ....iin.,' ...( yiia.i..:. ,i.:.i ; a I.-' N.'--'. -. it.- is i hi a ..-o in. li.-s : -ti,i t.d '!.t in ki 1 1 . II- w, u i I'n New York, Atlanta, Richmond, Norfolk, v.-!--; I ' !:.-. . ' t ; ! ' ! e . 1 : I ".i.e --X- t'.e ! j by tiie wr.vl; i f ;:. ,.; ii is pi. .i ..hie ti,: t i...,i, ia a::i :.. a- l ri'ie iiiin.i. l:li .1. ut : nna-.i .11:111 Ik.oiii,- I..-,- :oi m- i, ,1 ! e.a .... ,ri:, ii-.-.-i-i -n. -.1 1.1. ye-.l-, . is b!::;-;' !.-.:i si:-.e he j - wm i' 'l I'i- d -er. n . oil r ii;V.-. j-'i e-;- ! - un-t--r lit u-np . 1 1.1- ;: l! v ot lo'.'at be 1 "''I ii'-el r.-.n I n'.li l-i urul 1. Tllli: li advocates now the very same principles it ad vocated when first established jin 1878, and lis not like a ,.'aii pni,.! Noli weatiier cock (,( ni jthat turns with every change of before the court makes any report, i 1111,1 u;ii-rede...iv,.rH a- - att.-r ;h.-v .,ie laid b.-f .-eCon-iess . u id.-h !,.- could e .viol .it sixty .lit-1 I a.. u.. '"I i-l t ..-; T, . T 4.,. C CI Cll y n,,nl- : ':,,!!--'w'1't- l'--':"'"t sriaMir. .,:.,, p;, . vs to ' wil ii the feieut t its not j.ossil.h. io the ! "an m.-i -inK.ii "-rs ep .1 h J, i'&illS jQZVO 1 IttSsa . . . ' , - ' -;'"'" .-ii:. PW- ,ie!a,. fai! he is , ri.,.i hum:.:, i-odv. (Ha of these ; '""v C... I . .1 . TtllC WJEUh Should uoi lH'Ci.nie uudlJ-C ex,-i:.-.l a.alilv ia bi .- tii- . ,-,-adv to .-i.-i. and not to bin a 1.- - I'.'f ua.v round I'-' "' " ,':"'1 P "Ci oertlie sensati mul publications. (ho.:; ...i 'ni .iis.-ii-;..." j... ha ! are v hi in ir ii'iiih'. l..w-: by thv "Ii '!y k'.-s, v n: iu a t . the .::." 1 readv to a-i . and i,it a: to bin a le rl aif way r.iutu! I "' 1 ' '' 1 1,1 - " "'" 11 '' :'1''' 1 I ' ., 1 1 . ., 1.. 1 .1, !... 1,., .1 . ,.-: i'l- wm -I i 1. r aiu: li 1 1 01 ' 'Ai - lei e- ..lie-.i l-.l !, e.i i m-.U ! -ll. I.l l- t--l:.. IVi.l:. tl:el''- i i e ii.- -ii ii in: i.i 1 . 1 It now sec-ins pr-i!)ali!e that Judo Ewart will not be the suc- essor of Judre Di-k. as dud;,'.' :nj fav.-red. This iie -.tei.i-Mie United States IMstrict Court -'j'!.vs h? kisses ail alike, for the Wesh ru Pislrie!; of .North .t. j,,,'. 'jj, t ;arolina. It has been a month, or an.; l.;e-liy ilaiia r -l m.i. ,1-;.. 1 ae . if llie saee-ss of flaw- i-aek of his ro-it w it ii hi loes. All- 1 :-;! a e n5 as i-ppoi;. uts o.x.'i.uv va: ii .n, and i'lvsh eii'orts o-,!;- r was pi tarn hisles up wiihj ilifi t. be pailia1 in L.-to-vin.: ids a... u,a !- io----; . 'io,;--h votes his heels set I -. i! . r a-aiust his sr I no.; ai-; -:i!is He- 1., 1.,. ;., ,i 1.1 rhe Sen tie. .-i.osi and Pii- eoint i'e-e out. tin;--' i'lo) ii-r to k en ihe 'aatt-1 iVoia eonvertiii..' the soh s oi his feet in-; b-1.1.' il -I lion Ii! :.-. I il 1 1 n. ; I.e l. -Wi-lh I boro and Lett 1IIJ- Li e in 1 bui-e ai idi. to a v ritimr on hi-.h 1'his fresii a ' 1 1 . 1 Mas started by : wiaiid indite. iiM-ioipu-iil love h tti r ! Hei-ie -e. ;ti vi- il. t . .iohnson. of to some blushing da'.ns.-l of Ids . 4fs.ii ih winulia:..r. 8-ar. i,.,l ... ... ,-!. I,,. .....i:..,,. 'p., ,,., I-I .-.. l-i . more, since President McKinh-y ! The SteP-of IvYw .Jersey has f.r .',.";,.., ,,'..!-,.. .,i ....; .'l. 'r.MS i,,,',,,. ., ,i H if ! 'l ..::' in-! .'.v.- Toij V-nl. t I !: : .:' i-- .1 i'i nt C' ,; 1. -ii'i : l.-'ii 'i a'-- I '. . '.':;-'.!.i -.' i" il.-.'a'lir- "iU.-ll 11 ! i-iw . iii r. . .-r v.-i 1 ' 1 . rvi-i. Ian!.'-. r ; 1 I r-.l. 1 .. .1! 1 !.-. f -. i ; :sp-.-i"le ..r.-- !. 1 :i tiUara n tui.l l-y mi U- a!.:s. I -oust . a.- polii-V o! ilia: nomiuateil him. but as yet the Sen- several yv-irs .- u -'ppr .;-ri itiinr ate has not acted on his uomina-1 Ht!,0U0 a ytar tor tae bu;i Ini- ot . Jon. and Senator Butler says that lu0:,r ";!V'!'- u'-1' .1",,':,:v ! '' ' lam.-x:.! e -u I! ,,;n. ,....,., ii,, ;hal,-n!rmc-.i,: ;M,-reti:e Suud-,v Civii i-i!! . j '. i prriw. :v -'.r iier-i iia i i-. -uu; ;. s eii- :.;,... ler ii douu uis Pest t poL-i 1 wo '.i.-i.c.s l . on.-- Lwarr 1 nciniuat ion, and while ti e y to-- t-:t.'. 1 ie l.'.e.i n popn- jnctives promntiru? hi.n uiav n-' la .' hw .'';k' n ,NV' l! 1 ? " -r j'"1 , 11.1 , t iieeis 01 tu- ..;e,.,t roii-.U nave bv- be commended yet we do i-onmic'-.d r,-,, , s s;,, nj-iniiVs' --. i -, -. ' , 1 ii bis opposition t Ewart. who is u, great, that t'h"i'. "is ' a bil'l be oot a fit person for tliut hi?;!i J u-. fore the Lee-isletar- now to i::- dicial oosition. "ro-.-e cl.e approp: aaii.-e by tu- Nor is Ewart ii position he now 1 tne western criminal d;-.n a t -1 I In- a 1 I !::!!"( !l f I -in his i 'l Mr ptp.IIC.-lliS Mill Voie a-iil list f: ia'iioi. lor iii.iie'sat ion thai h- en put ii ni'iii. aa i '. ll:eatiol, iii 'hi.-. body was !i 1 ti'oubie iit :di. .-.-'.-iinst th- - ! v iiil.. the Kdic-I h. a I', ap liu 1 j u,',!"' lira, iio-ham. Ala.. I'. b "S. ...S.-v -; red ativiui'ts i'.-.- net nils b. . n ','''', '"',!', 1-1. ide t'l lob t I.e i.oii-e of John ;;i- ! . a :i: ii. -i 1 on, s ii. r. 1 i ei i.i - lol hali " hi le. "i i ev e:v ea I .1 4 .... :.. i ! .. , it ouie'i 11. 11. is-e -iioiies. 111 ii.. ll -i t l:e .': l":-.t-. i-oi- -ii. ..... .... , ' ........ ..l : iioe.'-e. J. 1.1 ... -. 1 '. .11 1 1 : s.iii-.ii-: wa s made when the lie-H vi re ab- I ut. so last i.i;.-lit. when thev went ! 'Ml a 111 3 2d J'. n Traia Jlnivo at Titts Lcro-- 1 1 -If. a in, 'J.r) p 111 thiHij t.xwj t Saii'Liy finks r rn. I.Man viv-srii.ui. al.ii-ll. will b. li !t '. et 1 ot at. lliai m m IBID, ; WMlt K t I'.VAi i : 1 1 1 ION.' .- P - . . ,.: t .... s. -Jl Pnees' 1. W o is la!) I ' 1 (if :4 Yi ar : FuK ONK HOI. I Alt lb) 'i ll INS T J aNiiib.tiN. S"';,-. j,,",, iiiii-(l. '1 .Nl. ' ',''" '.Vi'" '." '-"."i " to ehiuvh, th.-v attiiehed sprin-' . , V, tit person for the ouu aom .. .mkMo ,...,. .....h. , ar.- :..,,. it .atit(, their door, so adiusl.,1 that l'- "'- " Ah.-naie lay ex- holds, .-.rudee.,' Siivre IL.-j.nhlicaiis. eiMs in !,. !, va:,-won.d m le 'j, w,.uiaiire if tamp-red will, c-pSuml .y ; which he was elected leiise, Idvho, i'el-r'.iarv A I; V ti'e ! Ii- eoilleieliei- pUOJleaU. :l,eT' sion Legislature of js"t. Aini :il- irotu all aectioiis the St-ite v,.s t- i.;i though then elected as one i f iiut. ler's "non-part isai.-" judieiiir, Ewart has lu-ovod utt'-rly aatit '-: ftho Bench because i f ids in!. !,- political partisanship, lie i the -cmly Judge in Xorth ( aro! w-n ver made political spe-ch-.-s w-jiile a Judge, and he beeii . rv aptly called the "Erinim- d'raii. 1 . ... :,.:., i.i i .se..;;.tiver,,-kin.s.Vf ..w:, ,p,.v fouml V,il ul'ha not ol ions' ii --e .-pai-. -an wu.' tn.'.t la;r-hir, lyiu- ii-ad inthedooi- N.-w V. (li titinii I'i.i. A'ciit, I'ui iMti. t.tii, Va. NT JOHN. Vli-0 1'ieS iiiul (ts-li. Mali.i'i-r wil v. I'li.dly work saeiessfully. i-:,v:i W.-i k Ivblietl u'.' I he : s ' . r'.d ii f.r-; am ;.d v i: UE.C, i"n Supt. ''(. ., y 0 i.teis ::i si r.c, ! n "jlieieV ; ii.' pi i.i.M ;-..'!. an 1 .h-- fre -nia-s-. a.- ur.u-v a-. I v.iri-1-. ..,-' ,tc.iiiieiit it w 11 r.iiivrif lie!-. I tier.- . ioay. .Viost liityliiut- s. aiiil taii-i; iis ii.i- l.eio.vui: in-; men of the o-.rtv were present, dialnui-, wl.ii h i.viu-red in i-oii Aft-.-i a di- a-sion. resolations ;,...- ion wit 1; a fe w re:iiarks of .)i-r- ' " ' , .si-j.. 1 ..1.,.;... i... .......... I .- ...a . D-.a lbli'il 'i-ani-'i-lle-i'Mi-i -fc j'.i..t 1 ;ri".Tiu;; ill- i ' v .ill j llMlllllllii. ll.l l'lllieills I ' ! 'O'-- ... t t . i I i leaiiifet, issud by the national eiit e. unlit ios to make mi !i i. .il es ! Halifax, N. S.. Feb. 27.--After ',' U,-N V. '"'. '' '"' VV,,,'K.V I;-, i ,-.l-i ;i . .f I i ... ;.! ! v: -i-1 1.. ? v 1 . it... I!'. -!...,- !...!.. ... I. .1.... ..,..! ..;.,. r- l' P'.ilt I.Ml new.- I l-i. dipt, CM. - his nil the tmlhs n.' . re.:t s-',. Ti ii Hi" .Mii-.!i"u-. lueiaiin fusion. eip.'i.l I IrliilC. Ferrol. Spain, February '21 Th- work- id i ii.s!. The murder of the coh.r- d iio.-.'-niastcr ami family at Lake City, South Carolina, is one of the r.i. brutal and inexcusable . ci-iiui-s thai -"Woiiid Mm i.bje.-t tobiin-a the disabled steamer i.a Cb-..,:-' !""" .-',""".;-'". ':- -i- s.;. ...... ... -1 s.1. ,.,,!.! i 1 .,,...1.. t i.i., 1,..,. i'. a .-.-.- ol ie-ni r. it .. . . ... ..i.i. . - ..........i, ..i viie l.O .-III lllll III -I III I .1.1 ll. ii - , l I not. 1 don't beh.-.e in ph, v itig t he borat a:!" p. ni. today, h.-ivill- He-m.ei .pohe, ; I.-l e-r I he p. .r. hyio-rite. Ibit ti.-.t i am not ii been t-iw.d ia by the r.osloii bound . ' , 1,1',,N. " '' '"";v- ai. the aval y instruction uiilliniiair.' is eve tein .- ot myilis- steamer Uomiin. i" l,l,,,,r "" .-...! i-i-i.i ,ie...a '. i.. .,.isil,.s.l in. iin-.tioa to t:i!i. :.:li';ii. t-i nf I :t 1 i -ii.. ivn ii.i t-I fr. nn li!.-e lia.l .10 i ill I 1 .it.llit le.V.S th irovornmeut with ih- -reatest ln fi-liou-luell." I'erkii:-. -'If VoU i he New fou-ailhind b.isiks i'li- p"!!i'-"a th ' It ha- lillhl- aetivity at the arseiml and dock were a miili-'m-iiv. I presume you day, Fi-'o. 17 uulil Wednesday. -;;t ii!i s r.-.tii.i.s, stories would itdiuit that there w:is some l-i-li. -J;l, when she Wiis pa ked uji a uti-'r-. a i a mmmmmm I'l-al ( a'l-i-, Traiie KUris o'Unli.p.l. Slid all 1'at- eu: ousii., coikuc-.o 1 i.r modchaic fci. 'f-i-lral V Th(''iir- re.-.iiei-tabiiilV.iiiionu--tilemy".Siiiip- by the ilotnan. The .i-U pits.. n-n:'- ia '!.' Is JMl. Iii. II- Ou Ornct is OfpomrU S. P.TlTO.pct i.-.r: tin n: s of tae v -.HVif Ii ai.-in "-.ri'if.i' nr.Mii i.t'tlw s.ii: " i-s. I ban- !:o doubt I t.r l.;ni nl.i.ovk oiien nti lo.ieot bi ll ul I . II 1 'i.' s U'l.rk ii'.il -wo nave ever ncar.i ot. ;ini;v. sa ' Th- i.twailia im- s!.. -.1,1 add at 1,-ast an air of ,vs- reaching l.-uuL seems almosi too bgl.ta pan: -h- pression is tii-.t war hot ween Spain p-H-t-ibiiit v ti. them." Tie' shouts ;;1 inr..-: .-t. merit for the iuhmuau wivt.-h, a ami th Cuiti d St;. t.-s will break nf iau'.ht. r .-ou vinu-d Mr. Ferkius ''. Hivcrs at Work. i We ,.iter iii's nne.piale 1 i.f w.-pa who committed so teuiblea crim a "ut iu Al"'iL" that h-had eimu-h. ! ,,.: ai,. the ( !,,;,, K,:,oki. f- - Czar K.-ed has not vet uivcn his ..lxt ,,lst' 1 d" 1 . Vc-i"'- r " "T 'l'l-c , , T-;-- ., 7" , ' One of the men who attempted ronsei.t f-.r the House to pass the d-vers are lonstautly on , ' .- '," rHKWasinngtmi Vf Almua:c the life of the King of Ory.-.-ee Sat- Pill authorizing- the ,.,ili.sti,at of the Maine. When the romu.iss,,,.. . ' for 18'JS o-".On pagf-a unlay has been arrested. Itis two additional re-iiaeiits of ;irtil- returns their reports ill I.e most L, ' , ' '- ' of facts acd figures ol mu.-h inter- name w ivardiiza aud he is a mm- K-rv iu the armv, which the Sen- "o resti;.g. it is oein-eu iu-i-1. or emp'oye m tin- ma -or s omce ut atn has uassed. and without which UAHl ,mw 111 l'":!1: Athens. He refused to n-ive the it l, t., .'..-.......-li- mumeatiou with high olheers ot ' d ' n-iTim nf Viij lieenp-itilieis t' 1.., l., a,..,. i.i., the warshius that the report of the ny virtue ..f Ui.- i-m aiiiol In co'i.un cents. , ..... , . . . ...i,;,i, i..,v m.., iMliiisil,... i l'ard will not bo made for weeks. .n m .r....x.ui..-i n-. . ia-ut i lie- li ia ; - iiruueill lias lit'. - - i 41 . . ti .. l ,t:,f :,. ;l w. o u . .i i.-yinc i.n in- 4 m m unr.-n, sssteiu ol sea 111 '" IU, ' "U1U. ' ' 1 ui.ul, r.-siii.-r.. ln.,IU-o..f l,:.-r ..f.l,-.l f..i ei.iiiii.iiu cuiiiy in a.4 --c t," i'HJ!'i tm, at New Bern is now beiinr held. , u ntV,., V(trni r- U-i-.ns.. I ho .-...i. in favor of this legislation U mak- - - . . . i m -u u.. im .1 .y ..i .,. i-jh. t tue cum- , rv .l.'liil. .-a I O'.lll 1 , . ru l .nine 1 .ll l oil- . .. , . l,..uH.lm.rln nit!ili..r. N. !. !. l..r.U.lnririli r I I I I'll II U I 1 ll'iil ir.r.i, - a li .-l i-f Unit III '.- . i. July In New U-nm liiwn- .M idiuetiiwn. Pel.. 1 i o. J . hhl.. I.iiiil--I mi iti.i u .r'.li by Urn Inn-la ol t re mule from Wilii.i.....n hiiuii n.oilil. llr.'-'.V in ir or i-h'-.if.., vilih ili-crli 11, in U' lui. it .trt,,tl.l ... .nil. frHllf o:.;ei . i'i iii,i ii i ii i ieiii s ia i.iiiimi- wnya. uiir wc u..i uur u.i javcji ...thhui, The political campaign of 1808 will be hot and the election most iiiipor(a(. THE RECORD will do its ut most for the re demption of North Tarolina from the con trol of the gang of unscrupulous demagogues, 'who nOw dis 'grace our good old State. is tl-o "Old. :E33lia."ble-' tlat can cxl ways "too d.o-p-323-cledL on. Paurinrr. "Hnw to Olitnin rutciit," nit! ! rnnipt of actual clii-nin In ui.r tU:c, cu-uity. of leitu, t-Ul Ircu. s.duteta. Op Phtint Washincton. D r- cc-t and value for th- i.fti.-e, lion and farm, (.let a en; .v. Onlv 2' - i . t ... ... I .. i.. . . . i : . : e. .tin. -ef. oil it it uiir THE annual iish and oystt r fair ' . , ',. . i-oast def.-m-es. but oublie oniniou accident theory in growing. 1 1 l l i : ' l.iUl.M i I IT liJIU'ti lit I f . . .. . . 1 . . . If you wish all c.a.sf-GW&co. the latest news from every where in the MFEDERATE county, state Veteran, "."ion.-suii scrioe ior me NA8HVILLK, TENN. OPMCIALI.V KVIVRKSKNTS (Jolted Confederate Veterans, And its opening was a great sue- 1 elusion has h-en reached that uo mg itsell s.ulistiiiell.v h it n. W a.-h-: ii,i n-lii,li iv ,.r.M,r..,M.I.,t,.. m-ccssitv ovists for it. I II -ton that he will i.lobably see 4 , 4 . i" i.-ns'i u 'i v.--iii .-'. i inu-vf lien l.iii'i, rnii in m ....a-.., ... ... itnHtuI ilHUPhterB Ol tna mniuni its entprpr.smg promoters. . urm, .y. i,1V(lK.inir M - v.- -,,.. r,-s4 f.,,,, T.-,.-h ,- died i.i h.i ..t. w. s,,u. . . ,. u u VnJtcd Daughter, o .... . . .................. . "" -. , ,,,, j c DlV1, .,! .. ,i. uuu -f j. The Soas. and otner vm-v""" I ue I.iOidiieii k s.ivs I hat a eow last night trom the et.eilol eating ,,. .,..VBan.i w i.-,-Mier nni .i ii niwn, An armed omdiet involving all the Central American republics is r.,f r..i:..i. i'.n.i. i it ' llir. lk.lll.44: u r t : . ..nil. .1 41. . ... . ... .... . , i . i. . -- - , . , , -Mt atei't-.l. . i-jl,;!:;- I;;!:.-i.i ill..; s s iM in peanuts, ll-eladhail swallowed ri:ii,tf ,,, ,.r..,, it b u tr-i ..f .... r... Ty,n.Cnt S'l-o oung8 paper, has suspend,'-..; ,,. ,..,,.,. ,.;., st.desville a fe Iv ,1 -,vs ;e.o for I f. alaree ouantiivof the nuts, and ..ia w. l-l.t. .,.,. ih,. i-00.,Mr. T,. 8pl. Tw publication for lack ofnrooer sun-: r e,,!i,.i '...: ri. ,-;,,. :i ,,.,a,,,.,.ss- .....L-- w.-ih li.tviK- ..fiArwaril seized with ' '''-s- ihil iavu.u. s. A. CUNNINGHAM -SCf033SZ) I ONLY THREE 'j'irfc lied hist 'l ia sil.i . iii- the bi ii.L- cull vulsion-. .-c.i ...-hnw.-M CENTS A WEEK. J