$Ik !)nll)nm Record. t)t dhnlljnro Uccord II. A. LOUDON, EDITOR AND PROPBTOR. Oi' ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR St Icily in Advance. One square, ono insertion $1.00 One squire, two insettnuis. ... 1.60 One square, 0"e moL'.h . 2 19 VOL. XX. I TITS I ( ) R ), C 1 1 A T 1 1 A M roi'NTY, N. (''.. TlU'liSDA Y, MAIJfll IT. 1-s'is. NO. :) f.r -nn-.i-i li'i?rl LIFE. life's but a troubled river, flowing on To t"ii:i t!iu o-ian, v.b'jiu luiiu Dumo Is Kale. Wo flwit upon Its Fiirfaco, tlion nro gone, I-carnlm; it le-som wlnni, alas' too lato. Wo fjnaiTL-1 with tlio niuubtna wh:li "lis there, rjuf k tit the flowers that blossom all around, Herd am tlm l,n'itlc? In this worlj so fair, Till c loads cl.f.) tbl"kcn, awX tbo vIsIoq's dru'vii'il Drowned In oiil or:c, or In our faulty reason, Vihkn sees not what tilings are or ought to ho, Bo Jnrnfi'ii our l-.nowlodge truth confounds with treason. Atj-1 ril wo.1'1 toll us we'vo not power to e. Contentment I 'tis a lo-.eon past our learnlm;: Wo fi.-uMi tin: Impplne-s thr pods do sends Tot far-oif w..nds mil myths wo'vo always yi'aniiiifcr. To a'cop to noamles near our minds won't ton. I. flo I.!f..' Is I -tit Mi.-kins nml frultlnsii.str.ilu i i. r To P"l bnyon 1 what is within our rcali: Tlio rl' cr flows mi wit limit ft moment il' Unir:-.' To listen to ho wisdom we would tench; And l"uin i.s reached the, dark mid frothing ocean, Whl -h Ciiict" all mil w ll Its secret! keep; Wo Mont i,l Mii; wi ll weary onward motion, Tiil nil ! over and In 'lenth we sleep. Charlotte. Mansfield. own little story, anil a ilim, broken j memory of tiio f.rst heartache and ber j n AN AUDIENCE OF THTEE. ITIiss Faith's Advice. Miss 1'iii'li Ril in clce companion ubiji.m man!, with her fnmilinr spirit, apiece of crocheted edging. Her Imich upon the moves of tangled thread v.fu very front lo, even endear in,?, anil her look of content as sho hel l it up mid noted iis cil'ect ns n whole seemed va-t!y out of piopoi lion to the caare. Mis Faith was still iretiy, villi thepnihe ie beauty hell ns flo'.aiu fie ri the wicck of yciis. Her hair w as p -maic-i' as cilver ihan it had ever been ns brown, nml her eyes, 1 bough they nan I'M thou- vivid nlow mul caornp'o. bail Ruined n kind!y cytiijiat hy. licr teiulcrneH bad even exteiidcil t; (ho eiocheting in her hand and i n) ruled something to tb.it usually very iinju'isonal obje "t that her fancy bad frcttol into tbinki'ipr a l eRjion.'-';. She i ascd her hand nllec tiuii.i'ely over it now-, as the figure f n jiiiifnj.y,',e nmeb ronvcntioiializcd, repenting itsMf liki bi.-tory n'ain and ncrai'i, fell in icnllo"! to the floor. "Jt'd mo.s done,' s-he tbunfcbt. "I ran po baeli M tlio oak leaf pretty eouii.'' A rbatifl in the oirihet pattern was the tbiLl' dive.'io i of Jt'itith's life, that i an o;i mot-.r 'uiiousl v to the rdm . cr i- tho tune of the famous liai'ier who played upon only ono ptiinq;. To mi nut tho comiutf f n stii k rir a stutie may h? a pient eent. It is not hard fo tin leistnnd bow a I i f o tun coti-i-ts in taking infinite piiiiii with runny little thiiifs may pet its slips of pxritement, ini.-rest and iiuvclty from a eliiuio in n pattern of rnvhot. The exatiiiuatiiui of the wmk nppent t 1 to bo S'ltisfnrtory, n-id Faith laid it ('ii the ttldn at h-r side. This table va d 'yto 1 t i tii nsi-s of her ait, nor v. as (. cr irofaii',d by the pr.T.L'U e of any irru!cvant substance. Then? were ri'.w r. d nj ols upon it, draw n up in lines like soldiers ready to icceivc a;i attack, hooks of various r izos lyint; like veni nus by their side and vmioiu rolls of lai-e, the finished product of their warfifo. Faith re jjarrtcd thetii wi'b approval, but her ba'id that had lain upon the table fell away from the aevn.-t "ine.l ta-k, and fdie s.it i be.vatehi ic the red coal, the (dm lows the la updiplit threw upon tho carpet and li'.;e-n.i.' totha clatter th.it Mnvy, he.' maid of nil voik, ua i mak ing ni a j ii1 1 of the dib aching ' .1 kind of juitrlery sho p,pf.s thrimli vi:h tbos-j li dips," thought Faith i i grclfiilly, "a sleight of band pet foi'in:i!:ce, to ee how many tricks she can do bol'oi o ono of them ill bieak." ut bar face did not cloud, for she bad learned resignation, fiho had sur rendei ed to Mary the dishes and all the rest of the h iu-eb ild divinities that sho bad servtt' so deftly and cure fully for years that she might be mote at leisure to while away her time in j her own innocent fashion. i Sue vtviHei eil, as she sat starniR dully at the Maze, bow the crochctinp had come to moan so much to her and con bl not think for the instant, then half ic:iif inhered, saddened a little, lost the thread of me.nory n-aiti. le-covt-re I it and fell to iuusinjr,herelbow jctint; on thu table, her cheek in her pubn. She could hardly believe now that a certain few years of her life had ever leally happened. They must have belonged to some other anil wandered wilfully into her own, for there no home for them in hers or likeness nnto anything they brought. Wan it po? TU y bad gone so utterly, so completely, and she wa happy now in her own hrrudess way, far inland, rut of a!! reach of st-rm and reef. She was sti:l loo'ninp: vaguely, half i?tfi'.l!y, ar tbe tlrp, when her door bell r.r5 nu l some ono bal entered th- roria and was hurrying to ber eide. "Aunt Fait!:, s.iid a girlish trcniu bms oice, "l'u ovi.e to ask you to h-'lp m . Mot he;- s.iid you had suffered like tlii once and you had learned to t'ji'2it. and I thought perhaps you could show me tho way." l'aith locked down ujhui the slisht tisuro crouchcil there, sulihiucr. and tai l her hand gently upon the luown hea b lott fbo did lot understand abi. tit the sutreiiti!.. "What i it race?" sho asked. "Oh. it s Phil:'' she eiied. "He duesn't care f r i-:c anv more. He's taking -Ten lie TUo'iii'dh now, an 1 I eau't loir i.. Mother said other women bad t j lea" s n-h thiiiL's, but he'd always b.'eu happy, end I could come to yo i. Vol coal I h 'p ne," t'c said, ! ki i d r.; poaliuyly. ' V u cocli t-ai;:i t:.e t i forget.'' "Yt,'' said I'aitb, slowly. Then it tarns back to ber, all bet own longin'' to fonrct. 'Tour littlo gtri," v.Lipcied Fai.b, Rtrokiug tho bta.uil'nl mass of p.iiden hair. "How was it I learned to f i gei? Let me think. Yes, I romomlur now. Wait a luinule, dear. I v. ill show yon.' Faith slipped out ol the i oom and toon returned, bringing three rolls of very broad crocheted lace. "Can you crochet, firace?" "Not very much," Hail Grace, wonderiiigly. "Well, I 'will teach you. This is the way I learned to foi get. Tho neello slips In and out, and tho sunlight and firelight shiueou it,andtbo laco grows and is no prctty.nnd it bringo comfort. When I beenn, I couldn't sec the ncedlu b, how long ago that is! for tho lenrs. That was when I knew bo would never come again, and I ha. I my wedding dress all ready it' grown yollow in n ebpst in tho garret, lint after nwhilo the lao took up mv trouble drop by drop till it was gone, and I couldn't tell you today where it j is. So I'll teach yon, dear. There arc the three rolls I did in tho three ' years, one for ea' b. They arp yelhiw ! now, you see." I Faith opened or,o and npread it out. : It was an intricate paUci n, very broad. I "It'a hard to do," i ho said, "but that ' is all tho better for tho forgetting. If ( I'd been n man, I should have gone ! away to Afiica. I've often thourrht it : would do a good deal tow nrl imikin j a body forget to pee the puii falling, down like ft ball and the dark come as . if somebody bad blown out Iho light, j r.nt I couldn't very well, so I learned ' to crochet. I never gave tho lace I away, you see, becau-io I had vo:ked j my trouble into it, and 1 was afraid, j I thought a long time about it when j Alice was niarriod, but I was afraid it i would some way mako ber sad when ' she wore it. So it's all bee. This is ; the first year'n you see I've Hum- : bered it one and this is tho second', and this in tho third'H. There's the I thri e." Faith bandied the vo'.U over and over, lost for a minuto in tbo asr-oeia-tions which thev rovived. Her neice scemod to bavo forg tten ber own grief for the time and was observing bcrnutit curiously an sho bent over tho j lace. I "That's a fern pattern," said Faith. "It's very prct v." ' Faith sat silent for a time, smooth- ! ing out tho creases of tho Lies nul ' drawing it out to its length. It scuiied to have tho effect of an enchan.cr's 1 want, for it summoned old face? and I r'lvnei at will, and Faith grev blind j to the littlo room and tho needs of her guest. At last Grace moved impa- j tiently. "l'es, yes," saiil Faith, liko one j awaking, "to forget. This is the way. Here is tho old pattern. T will teii.di i you. Sho bustle 1 about, finding thread and needle, seated herself at Grace's side, drew tho thread through her fingers ami bojnn her work. "There," .'he said after a minute. "lo you see bow ii's done? It i-n'l hard. Try it." Grace took the needle helplessly. "Do you think I could forget so, aunt?" she asked hesitatingly. 'f did," said Faith. Grace had returned to her task and ma le one or two awkward motions w ith the needle when there came a i i.m at tho door. "Jt'i Phil!" excbiime I Grace, springing up. "urnce!" sail the recreant lover, s'an.lin awkward. y by the door, after Aunt Faith had admitted him and had retreated toward her hair. There were shame and plea ling iu his voice. Grace caught her lint and went to him without another Moid. "We'll tiy the crocheting some other time, Aunt Faith," said Grace. Then seeing her aunt's half cla.ed expression, as if sho hardly under stood this new development of nll'.iirs, she inn back and kissed her. Grace's face bore no trace of sadness as she turned to Phil, an 1 they went out chatting mtriily. Faith listened till tho last f..otfa!l on the crust had died away, then care fully rolled up the lace. "She thinks she's baipier,"thought Faith, "but I'm not so sure. A man's heart is uncertain property, but a crochet needle," as she laid hr hand approvingly upon those on tho table, "n always tho fame," Springfield republican. Ai'... ma Ward INci""'! I'mm t.i ! .twVwi.'.l I : ii oi'i.i. I HcV.O A'.'i.il'J. V.':;;d we'it to T.ol- i do:i, v 1.JIV t .io Fir.dii.i b !l i i b.o i " iii: hint only tv iu- u n !.( i : i- ! tl!..' lte:itii ti . 1 1 -1 1 lii".,', I,,, bid i .1- I lyterc.l tin? ic-pi.-1 .'.adc ! c i m f U- '. own Co!iutiy,.,.n J,v. h:.- ipiirtit I j kind!; 'Jriii'.r. Tho itinei iv- y id : 1 t i h. t y.il s If 1 him t ) tl t.'Wl: i.i ii- i ir.d IViijis; haira. Jt was n'i .ut !'i ? : mi 1 II- of January, 'flu day of iho lie 'lure evil"1, ail with it early c in; At tf ii.il -. J;c!"i e liiioil a Ii i"u 1 l'u i suowsioi'ii) br.)e over ti..t' imri of Pennsylvania and ra v.' I furi i'Miy all day and ni;h!. There me mo oi cr poiis yet lui ig who r.Miieiidur thai storm, mid bow regip'.fullv. iu view of ' its si . a i; fe. o 'it , lii.yi.ave no )l;n i lea of lii-iti Allium: M aid. All : spc -ii'l ir.iim were a'oauilo'ii I. Wh-u I the lei'ti'i'i' nipi lived on the sla :D that liii'lit mil looked about him, l'l 1 all tilt; large t heal re he saw only lire.1 i men, each in liie vent his 'mpou i n'.ii ! j fjr; all tnvee, ns it lro p' tie ), beiiv: far the r ar. I The ilo eo men looked boo ly nndii.i i C'lmtoi t.ible. A' one of them k;,A a!' tern aril, they did not think there v. eie ' enough of ihom to do ji.,ti, e to Iho ocea.ooli, and they felt I ic a , kwavd I lic-s of the siliiuiiou a id n'nu"'d what t he outcome W'j:ild be. Iv-i.p-j iio;that roloa'.n lav) of hi", at it., si I I emue.',, Ario.i.e, . a Ivaiice I bj iho Pud liIit . and beckniiiir io the ih ce i.h said: "(.'o:nc up, eoM-r, gciitle'iicii. I want to spt-alc to you." Jlo ha 1 to icpcat thii invirati.iii be .'ore hi?, audi tors nndirptood t.iat he meant what he said, and inisterel eoura re - ui torward. When iney ha I (alien sea' i together iu Ih" I ii in t low, Aiteiiius iMid: "Ti;eie, now, Ihat'n more socia ble.'' Ije nn-ed ii'il went tui: "Geutloiiicu, you a. u ea;it.ed to seo my show and hear my lecture, if you aro i o ub.j oed. JJnt f understand that undei iii Mih this hall there i( an excel- j lent, cafe, and I suggest that wo spend j the cvt-nb.jj t hoi o, you as my guc4j. " i liiuitgh relnctiiiit to lmegothe show OF SEA SOLDIERS. m:v: !i" END'NC ROUNJDOFTh: Of A SHIP S MARINES. Thr v Arc r.u.y Afloat or .Uhnru -1 Into Mn.,i..iey In Tlit lr I.ir. -Uluil I liey In, 0-..I linw Tlipy Io It-" viuiinr.-" on si!p ii'id In llan.'ici.", T'liele Sam Lai two kinds of sea wmiiois, the web-footed onc, who, wcaiincr a blue eibiit with broad, roil- , iiicolhu', (recalled bluejuokei.-, and the amd:ibious, who, dressed in soldier clothes, with stripes oa their ; trousers and sbevrons on their sleeves, ; arc called marine?. A'hore, says the New York Sun, tho habitat of the fo.-ino n in bawaeUs at every navy yard, and you'll find a semry at tho i gate and one at eveiy turn in tho y -I'd. Afloat y.ii fiml nenhiea at bit come along with the ccrpm :d of i the ;uard as he makes bis rounds of : the ship. At the door of tho captai.i'a cabin idanda the orderly, a b:it:y, iu- telliceti! looking no. dicr. J'e mu-d ; nepiis b. iu!elli (nt.for be lei. to cairy itiany i:upiet !tit verbal inc--' ii'-e . In spite of y mi i it he makes you a link; m.-rvi u i l er.ieti;' es when ho mbites cid say!', "II iijUain v ishi ( to ee Mi'. Snath.'' No ono onleis the e.ip tain's i re'eiii'c uutil the orderly lm-i lirrt taken in t in liaiiic. (.Ii,;; cn'e.i the heels topeli '. and the band l ises 1:1 salute to vol (is you enter t'.o . c.;bi.i door, no ...utter if you are r"ing in to get a co.i.uieiidatioii or tho , toughest c'.d repii iiaud there is, with 1 a Tew days i t; peiuion from duty at tached. I.'own bclu- thaie is a littlo narrow j space be'.wi.cu two bnlMnn'is, whe.ro , it'ri dmk oii.l ho', and stiul'y. There I is a sentry down there, and hi.i duty ; i - to guard the ..tororooms. From j the ii.it in o of Lii surroundings ho j can't walk, be can't whistle, he. can't sing, and if Lo goes lo sleep on post 1 be has a court-mat tial before Lint. ' Along tho berth dock one comes across some long bright objects, look- will be tr.uclii'ig c S'.r-.r. I.i. -t iii'-uii : w u'.io t'.c s a ii . ... ; DUTICS i i the re.-u.t ui hi. I the Fin ).; can st I The. e i b"! lit ll'e ct this n ,! ii. : tin .al fhaii"e, Tin t in ts ami ie,l "s i'vi vi'.i t I" P ! i . : J'." i ,0'l , It. n ov.o'ony a...! it i.i t o a: I'dy w I. i'i ui'.'U - !' tibiexbi! i!s of Hoi United too l'aiis il.p.e ilioii, in til ) . II ' ' 'I i iots i:i TVtiitNylviinia, th W o-l i':. I'liir at Chi.Mo, the (Xpe-i i n I ' t'r Istiihii-.s o I niMiaa, at r.nval .! i'i-cm f.om i t n to i'on a-ola, al oa d sl.ip in every part of the woil b with catur at Tiipoli, with Scoit in Mcxic, with 1'araey at lilidensbui i, will Fa.ingiit in ?loi i!e buy- nll.'iit mid ashore, nshoro and ailoat, liii" mo soidier of I'lii le Sam has mad" hi i record. It is a Moiid one, an 1 in keeping with til" III lit'l of 1:10 C1.IJI-, ''Semj er l idci : 1 PROGRESSIVE F'EDEKIIj. Itfliintloilil" 'l'i In n Ni f. I l l el in ilimi f . t Hi 'at inn. 'I ho I, .wa 1r.be of T i I i Knn- n and "m ; I a l.n 1 tot on'' I a t "'itt .a a -i.i :o; to l..r - X .V-l'.V.'' .'.-r Take 1 1:0 1 p'i:ai ll.b r i f the fowl hfl ' f! ' ' " ' I pnilly dti'.'ouii ,o; , .it ab e:i. e of that. '' ' f'y 'X 'I a l'.T-i;ly killol aui ..al. piece of fv:-l;!rV , biiteber'a mp,;!. nu.l :1: ,. l,t ph. c it ,"".- .""ttJi '' 1 'ill !') a lo.; to hi' li ii: ii.- mic.-; will ! X- W' likely to lea, 1 .,:,; if i.'.uv.cr i '. jpfrt-rr'- &f, T1V, ; "iiaw ing he will find it i u 1 .vlial fox. " " P i.-; not lni iit-ry V The f' .r v. .il not at NVTti ii liif t be n.cepted in i 1 faith, but it ' will be Sfiiiiplid. ' . ea' tin' o :a l i 'i; r ; 'j- ' "2. ih" sri no p n.'o rii.'.it at (' mV if. tili ;:,XC- r-t f daily (li:-npieai nlice 'nov . :i:iit hi i " eonlidelice is iaimal l, n! t !n'l e I I 11( 1 lir drivtim nl. loin- d-.llv 1 ire'lr. , 1 1'. Ill jilt t their li '.la il..,l I. ami 'i fun 1 1 di ti ibu 1 i" ii . i:.!. is 1. 1 A'l 1 ! I' r'i ar'ini r I il!"' ibe. ban In I tr.-'it. i t1 .i'p I i ;i t i; and leeture, ns thev saw Artemns had ! !", '"'""-' I"." i'o.s0s, tw,,e,i,iy iii.uiiii j'i io, " iTiiiiiuiK uiiiiei ai .;r, (ioinjclo-r.f to investigate, you ne t.i ped oa the shoulder and the "-entry over 1 lit: to: yo.hies'' courteous y info, in you that tl'inntho' itii per- no ruiud for them, tliothreo agreed to his proposition, the lights were turned out, nail the littlo party de-cjuded t j the cafo, w ho. e for hoars they mado merry, and whence o ;o of them at ba t was most reluctant to etnrt for ho.no. Ho sa.-. 3 ho uuvor had a tnoi-e Ciijoyu'ole timo in his life, and that if Artuaiu.s WurJ wui not at his be: t tiieti bit bos; in 'is t havo beea "patt a I whoopiag." For (ho stories bo told, .iii il iLo way ho tuM them made theai forget t m-j iia lt ireum-taace, and com plo'.tly ba lislied any lingi.ring regret for what I hey had not le.'eivod up stnks. c v York Times. i rpirrr Wiiy to Cnlcli Turtl. I Iot voyagers in tropical seas aro neiu.iiii! fd w ith a peculiar lish, F. remoin, known generally by tho tiiv I inl loiaie of the ".sucUer. " Tbo (lis j tinguishiug charaid. l i-tic of this fish is laziness. I'n ,t iliing to exert itself j overmueh in the p ir-iiit of food, it j has d" eloped an arraT-'e nent on tho I back of its head exactly like the cor I rugate I solo of a tennis shoe, and at I artiiioial i.i appearance as if inado and j littcd by tin.' hand of man. When the -neker ti els itself ia the viein.t.v of any inige Moiling body, such as a ! ship, a shark, or a piece of flotsam, whose neighborhood sceuv. to prom : ise nri abundance of food, it attaches itself firmlv thereto br means of this curious contrivance, which permits it to eit, brea ho and perform all nei ci nary fuii 'tions whi.e being enrrie I about witnout any exerli .non iispart. It can nttaeli and do;ach itself iustan taui otily, and bold ' si, firnily thai a ili:cet baeli'dit'l ) all cannot di'-lolu il without injutv lo the li-h. The Chi nose, who ha. e siicees- f illy traim d t ho i orm a ai : 1 1 ii'id tbo otter to Ji.-di for them, have taken the remora in ha:d with the ha; pies results. Sev eral good si,'"il specimens having been caught, small iron riii". are lifted to their tail-. to whith arc attached long, : lead.!', but virv s ront', lines. Thus f jtii sous are not allo'ved t handle tlio-i tiolieately mljUstid but dcidly in -ti u meiit; ol wa.lV.ie. A liille fiirth''.' along on this dock h the "so-iiiy over tho brig," f r ine brig is tbo sin'j.'s p-ison, where, in roiiipb.de solitude, and on a bread mi I water diet, uii offender can medi'nie and seethe error of Li.: ways. In the forecastle the sentry keeps oiil-.r nmouz thoorew.nud nnoccad' ii ul eye on tunt fishiag boat drifting down with tho tide. .lack sometimes goes fishing and iiiake.1 queer haul. With n coin as a bait, he drops over bis lino, gets a nibble, hauls in a little blown bottle and doesn't show his catch to I ho sentry. And so the marine doe tho sentry duty of th" ship an 1 this explains the ill-feeling that has existed from lime immemorial bet te.-n b!ue.;nci;et and inai me. However, there ate other llungs to be tlono besides iflo 'e!diy-:;o. The murine are a company of infantry and form the a Ivancetl guard ia operations ashore: tuey light a b .tteiy of gun- ns al iilb'i is;s aboard ship, tin y eh an ship, they coal ship, tlu-y ptii.it ship .m l tii ir work is n-ver tluongh. JHeatheio aro trn.blous time in one ot our South At.,, ri'-a i neihi ors. I ir- coir dry is ii a -t ;ie of : evol n ion, in the eite-.s law and order are sas jieii.ind, save tho lave of tho machete. Ono does not. venture out on the street unit."- i ho n iiv tinned alii witha eua 1. 1 ehil'lreii m e itidn i Pm: a, t h;' di- i.; o u i I' Ih" :!'" ; is tary of th i.i'e i..r, :h" 1 alanc , it , nay, to bo pni I to the hoi " of each oa , hi (lea ll, a.'to. li:o; to i; o state laws J;0ei nillg i.ilie i';,l"'-o, j This is a l ' lii.o ..n id s'.e, to: ward nnd 1'iubaMv mnri. ti.e beuititi.a:' i . a new era ia Tn ba i i i I i ')t i e:. Tlio ' I owns ai o a pi 1 1- "ive 1 1 ioo. Tut-i ! hold lli'-i'- laa 1 in t t"fi d , ntvl me j American ei'.i.'.en '. Tin ir pet t.t.n ia si. no I by them, not by ci o s liool.-, but with full v. ri.'ea siuoiat ures, v, il i the exception of y ie l.iaa, the o ,ly ! adult in the tril.e who cannot write his own name. They all uu'lor-laa 1 L'ngli h and arc fu.iy cogiiiaii of the , eil'eet of their cour-e il' Con aesa lief', i favorably iiion their petition. Aliiio-t rll Inliini are tiino'oii j fibf-ut a loj tiu ro.y forward plogait-i , t he load, e-. J In y b.iti.g bark nail al- , , low tho govern. ii"tit to di.ii t ' i -1 . i i i- i to new relations v.-it h the whites and white, oivili-aitioii. !' t! the f,o' a s have nit the pa 'P for a iu- noi c.iieat of olantary a ba.n '. They tl ti ,t ; piopo--; t iat the t iba' fuiios sliaii bo 1 1,'keii out of t lie I . ea i.rv a id ha mo .1 over to 1 he ii, but imply tiia' on tie ( govei niie. nl'-' bool, ' e icii ii.c.itbcr of tho tijliu shall h.t' c a si.p..i-.i: bi.alc : aeonunt; ai:d t'tat io' "to la'a hare of the inte-est )-ha.l I ; ; eat by the eov- j ernmeat for bis indi i lual beti. tit in- j stead of for the bom I't of the tribe n" ' a ruars, It is boptd thai the e?:atnplo sr by ' tbo Towns will be f Howe 1 by other citien ludia'is w ho h".ir of it, or who witness i's goo 1 el':'c -t -. The -sa.' mid Fox Indians ia the s e nei'.'hboi' a 1 I r. a 'i. m n :e Ti-,- .f .l. li'-iir I v f- .'il,: II II I IV IV :.: il." I r .Mi- :ii: Ir :. ;li- lii- i ei,.ia ',,"1 a," i- : An I I-. A '. I v. .,11 t !l .- j I I .-iiina il I. th, li-- a -,.'-h i ,1. ' said !. '-. .1,1 ! v si ';.! V Hi Wl An I Mi- . la tli - Whv d dreams are dread I. .I.'.i.o lllj'll! l"1 ' i ii t -. i.a I tnil i, l n I Hi i tvidovy.. I'"'- in,- S -aruin .t-r eil: !.ii- lit p, l it tt v V,)l ml -' o 1 ii" i.-c, ait . .o. .,! a '. 1 i" .". ;;! i,e i"e, "It'" m- ' (.,.,, , j , "hi- s litis II. ai 1 I mid the IViet'io-i I, th" elil-'s -n b" s Put two piec s of l. 'i i ' slippery n.i I .' .-ail,! (. be n! ay pre . in e and f, ie- " I id I i" ska'c "i e i i lor.nc, l.iiud ' " ii l he -kutc and l.a'el '-.i;e- lli'-i'! ily Ot Ion i a 1 e ;ard I -lippety a t if it had 'r' i far wi on (')n i .-1 ir i la .'kiiiL', ' ' eeii t he s!,,il o an 1 dipplno i:iipo..sii,o. - ! a s - lo ether w it n II few- ill'OJ :l of Wilt T hood linep Colisi let e 1 I he iplesl ! ,n of seiidin,' in n f i.nilnr (dillon, but they nrii still nfriiid lo en'ui e on what tin y H'ganl as '-o i a ti al a c'laice. Tiny nro not yet so ad. anee I iu th-- spiii: of ci . ili'P ii '. a ' I he low m. ; but a lit ! I. while hence th" will prol ab: i i t over'hi-i.' n'a: in n" l I'oilow mnv I1o"!on Trans"! ip. nl f '! d .or f bet w eel 1 1n in , they wil 'lip Ih"!. Chicago In. idi'i.t. Stlollil tit .1 'Il Hi fit 1 bat it ,1 , 1 " ,l,-:ii li"t "ft,. i, hap; e. ii ay lie fr: in ;i" v t no t a i A 11" This contitty abend ia tin way in oim i espe :t Ih ti '. ,,i!al I ,iv. lo I'oleli,, 'eiiietit , ii.il - 'M-'llaC' : - I !' t "I II a i:or-e i tl.'.il l.iaaii"! " ' "il'ltt v h ! a in ' a. . w .-re ) a 1 v b tmit I. -it laa 1. -.!' Ill" id "-h '1 ho Amei icaa w onn n a ; i.atheied lilid.-r tho lim; S. ales coiisuluto fir !. a i- a suhber in a blue ut.l nt I ho ea trance; the." t heni w it li in, sometime the United "li. There rui on guard ir: many of hivouafUiti .:oe. no IV la t . at i ba 1 1,, d -ui on tae patio, shaded fiom n bridling sun, at other tone-i shivering beside a fire in the compound. These soldiers iir'a.n pe I 'he li-hermea set out, and' are the same mai iae i and their ship is Twelfth M:irliufln n Viillil.im. At the reunion of the siuvivnrs of the Twelfth Massachusetts in this city Wednesday, Secretary Kimball made the following statement: "I am aware that it is a startling statement to make that the loss of the Twelfth Massachusetts ct Autiedam was the highest in percentage of any organization. Union or Confcde ate. in any one battle of the civil war, and even tho highest of any organization in th- entire world, in modern times, in civilized warfare, nndsr normal conditions, but in there not good reason to believe it to be true? "The righting was terrific, as every one knows. Let me simply say tlia' a letter which I wrote to a fiiend on the 31'tll of September, Mi2, says my company (A' Lit I twenty-two men killed and wounded out of thiity, mid of the eight who escaped unhurt live had missiles strike either their cloth ing or equipments. Only thirty-two marched off the field under the flag of the reciment when relieved by the Twelfth C'oips. One of tho Confed erate regiments, the First Texas, Hood's division, whi h wo eucc, al tered in our advance through the corntield, and which a'terward ccu pied a position a little t our right, aa l killed and wounded oat of taken into action a percentage of lots of 62.3. "-1 Boston Globe, w hen a ba kia.; t.iitlo is --eon, two or ; throe of thes i"ke:s are slipped over- j board. Should they turn and stick to i the boi'oin of tho sampan, they are ; carefully det:i"hcd by being pushed forward with the inevitable bamboo, J and started on tho search again. Al ' last they atta -h themsi lcs to the su- pint" till tie. Then tho tishermcn haul in the lilies, against which (;eiit!o sii.i ion the hapless Cheb.no sm ;gles i in v.i i ii . Once on board tho lugger tlio useful t emora is detaehed, and, i at onco realv fr-r use again. Cham- I bers' Ji tiriia!. A sphi on an Ire Viirlit. The wind is strong and steady, ami the !oat glides faster mid faster. Sharp pxbriu:ton of ploasnro testify that tho j'a'f cngei s are enjoying it. The sj eed incren-ps. I'ci .re lies a fn Id smooth a.-) plate ghs and as level a- a bi'li ird table, l or two miles it cx tenos without a flaw. At i's further edgo lies a tremendous crack, filled w ith ground up ice and be iving black water. The lull power of the wind strikes Ibe white wings as the .smooth- e. -t ice is reached, mid tin craft darts a-.vny at a tre.iiei'd .us pace. Faster, f. i'ter, she flies, till she is travelitg f i-t'T than the wia 1 that drr.es ber. Tiio air 'eems to be full of electii"j sparks, r frosty hao bbusj tlm view, eve v benit i throbbing wirh ilclight at the wil l, free s) red of it all. Pc foi e ono Las ha 1 time to think, the crack seems to be rnshinir at the boat. A moment of inteuse anxiety, a catch-, ing of bria hs, a wi d pumping 4 hfiii ts, ihe'i a shriek of excited jry. The pood boat ba-i flown the gap as a hunter i ! nrs his fence has flung it 1'phiml In r with never a rap, an I is tea i'i.j rway over at.otli r g"ud bit, a .ao.p'li :.he ha' v l'.ed to turn h any- I U.mg ni ne soii.l than the cold, sweet aii'. Outing. rival inn 'i t iie in the haliior not fur iimiiv, Pi eventing- looting, suppressing lues, bu yiag tiio dead, such was their duty into: tho bo.nb.i, diiiCat cf Alex iiinliia. For the manner iu which they th'l I n i:' duty look for the letter of l.oi l ( lait ies pp'csfoul in the files of Ine P.nti-h Admiralty ollices. It i.ipiitn ,ui interpstingund pretty sichi to wn'eh the ceremonies whic'i ia..e place i.n board ship on the nr- ii hi. -a i.iliciiil, fa,li tn an idol', mi a I iiiral, a g o o: a!, or '. A 1 t h cutter dashes up to ', -vi h sj'.ay ll iiitr Irom tl... ar-, the hip'- ! ; l -1 e sounds ".o.-n. tea. I in . ;.i boys oiler the m.m l"i.'. a th. "t'i.n: steps on the e.i.i;; way, an 1 la.. . ,r ;.i:n receive-- I. mi a '.ic St.; i a In. .punter ibcl;, A-, the t'Vovnll: at; In. liiaiinc o;"licer, in qui. k si, i'p t'.'iie-, commands, " re : -cut arm'." Ii t, whylo manao gu-id, drawn up ia line on the port si Ie of tiio qua. to-dock, bting tbei. lilies up hi salue, while the, bugle sounds a lluuiish and tho drum a roll, one for a commodore, two for an r.d mi: at, tin ee for an amba sndor, ai d four for t.ie pie -i lent. Tho marines on a ship n.e, collectively, called the guard, and tho ceremony is al e 1 parading tho "iiird. It "takes place on the arrival mid depatture of nil v o'Mciai of rank. If the of1iri.il dot's i.ot i isit ihc ship, it takes place when the boat living his flap p ns.es hv, and it abo tnke.s p'aco when twosbij.s of war pa-s eaeli other. Ashore tho mnrino is an it.faa'r" lnal p 'to and simple. He do. s ,.,". f ot I lits s. at i y duty in the iin.v v,i: i, a.d w hen ii t in guai il ho i- i to -i .Il i led lit on the parii le e: o:i a ! , ; 1 c I iirti -ks io- m tho taiget . Ie: -,. '1'" i - !! 1 1" i ; a c n t nl er ii ; ':( at t". i ,, I, ai t hi , e is in t ,.c a;...y. Ia a b.p.tal.oa on i .i. anle. l i i- a:e Saiitu of the New York barracks. fn s; on have en , i i"!,t o ."II -no', win picked lip hi! fie eit v iv .1 it i u In li'Dtn. Avail), the car i at pelt large c iaipmui place to lace at certain a tons of t he year. The interior i the ear i , dc vide l into a main c anpart in t,t, corridor i n one side and two ...!. rooms at the en i. Ibe hospital roper i- in iho larger comr nt t uei.t ; it contain'. Iweniv loin isolated bed t on '( .! I al e . I, a n ; f",.u powerful spi in-.'", b.n-.i i.i'nii! I.e. in front of two may be o; " bed is nro-. id, table to h .l I On the io eh.i ,.b.-r the beiieat he f ,J. in. iv ; 1 1 1 ". - - -1 nai A mati a h"i-i. Oill j M palling, i . a the due ,1,1 h'd"' I I i louv I oil ll" I. t a 1 b: 1 .-r 'hief ill the the Cairo'-., .- I hi a troa; ! ..'. he w int ' li-ld where tinli', the iat hi hot se tole i go in.. I n soaio w a v ml the boi'-e I, a I ii pn: t mil I y for em ro , midw ni n ii i 1 il t.i i r ii 1 1 ty its i.i te, but with a I a 'm-i'y hat i.- a I. in t i'n-i edild -, t e do. 1 i-.i the lue.iiH of c.btaiiiim; t:,.. I d; li't" it m a -i ", i -i tl lor friend, and , at bis iiia - ttleti "tt.i ,t, ia d lis, .,! ir v. 1,1, d tor ii liii'-rv is ia 1 a f., E. I. I V.1,1 li f, r '1 be .11 raiiy inv miiaciiloi i a . e n ' Io Fl 111: XTilliclm IT. le-,-1 1 -lll-niaii. The house t Ibdn'tiZolle; ,i j ,-s- I sessos a fatu'ly tali -man. Si .ce thel ti'iic "f tlio bli etor .li.hn (;..!, ., w!,., tl anished towatd ibe ml of the tl:'- I teentli ceti'ny, ea -li mr h i-, w o a j pi ssil.'lc 1 r:'oi e d. oiu: lo .,. bi.nde I to lii-sure "-S'.r a sea'c 1 i a, l."t. 'I Ins j contain- n rin , ia who h ts set a bla '. : stone said to ha-, e be. a ibopp 'd by a j hil ;p toad on t ho do. erle' of n (li'iiv -. ! of the family just is '-'chad li'iii J bit th to n .. ii. Fi. de, !. !: i lie i i!0 I found the tiag in a i ea' e'o.,e, v id h ..I ,o l d t" b locaisi' a U,:l, v Ft 1 1 at- a " a-, i F. t.t f the filly j cui.laiiitd it, St. Jau-gi'i Oaittte, l.iial .1" ieti ia If IN to th" 1 Hi. ".1 ll 1 Ftriitejh: la; oil n to 'or 'nieee'.s. o i- jit i i b"- O.MWltte 1 '. hi :h lit d eiiimin..-, if liuie ni od w ith lits i oveicroue n.ahc him nil ca-v ai i a I . ct a! v j. jt v " 'n t In r In- ims , r e in t i.i i a : ;a nt.r. - s y ie- iiiiiliil h"W I be I 1 w:h cvldeiu" of besiiiiacy in hi .'prroaeh. Tbeu t-tt the trap; a strotig stiel one, well (.take I i.nd cntir. ly conce.ibal wi li bai vt'. He w ill . oi.ie a i il'.ual for his sapper, end this time lie be comes a pri ., - V.. A. 1 1 t , in Fin a,, Field r iol Fit csiiin. Hie 1 let H i.; T. I. Tl.l-i cUi io.'.'" lis'i, w hich e si.igai.'ir !:" '-i ..eii'.n t.i ele.drio power residintr in ma iir.l, is na i.iha'.iit.iat of water i iter:, ami ponds of .ni l ot her ii .i ts of Sunt a w in re it w a year 1 ''-;, The pow er Uoeli iirst tli I.O not nr it.v tl.iiue 1 1 Laa1 ,o!i Sl'SiiK. s!i at M t? i a' -s s'ip on ire? north, bat yo i 'e on it. If you ' l:a,c- on a pie: .. lather I her will l'l:" who h r e ' .-en '!: l'l t.';e i',,i - te ! s, - j i -.- v. '" il have ii i,i. tiio: t . :' :!-h gi'.i'ii to it arc, ai: . ' ;. a .i e f th- j. p.e .,-(, ' tl li"k ilea 1, liad 1 1, en iie .-. sp;Ti.'."a i ua'o t ui- id. I it ha" lea' fed in u;, :: i.i tl "! a jiaddliap ia th v ii. t he i.nli vid'ial ho feed- i' is scan o'y i i tho wn't r Ie f from the eyinn a us i.ili it. length of the pv.nn otti'i i . feel. ( 'apt nia St 1 nan, ia hi Snt ana a, i: i mi a c.ii e'c lri po', w hi.'h h ', o'' many opjior'u iii -; nl' . . 1: I anpt'.' I, bu- a t .atliiiv, w a a a uv an. .t a- iu his ! in n i :, iii ' to ins n word): "i ti i, d a 'out twe". t i.iip l a c: in p it wi'h a. I w .tin.ii' i a'. e', re i i I - the) v o, Hilary a In int;' the lie- li Sariuatii Ainerieii, !' I ia the) a ...' i io in order it - p cy. ee' i ic eel i ei ia fed ;-. Tbo i."0;,liie:l i :: bint I v ro 1. Tiii'.-i .'.ti ', bill. In eel ion made hv T. e ln;'h a -h ek i'ae e-uiil ,nt tin CO t mint of of iho ar e, bad l:r nl t . in l up ! a-ol d- y ditf y ba nl, Jin tl, li I" i In '"( t'l" !. lii. eit; P: le.ii'i d thai n.y t ,u - .ad I i l.t.l! e 1 meat itan.-d w two fee! lou,. ti l l lit i a f ill An Huglish down i v a IV liol'-il sa lor ., ho k fr lior diil lie re" so. lie I inie Hit -ai lti.it l can pajs up a taick. a.nl 1'Crson holding it. Ai i. li n I- itnpauioii w ('( 1 ..; !i ; pouriu" o 1' ion w ,r er ih oa w iiich t lie eel had bcea 1 1 il iiii'oidt, in hi i I are. " l i . e ; a ve. y mi I on , f the method e ia In':--, met hod Know i'l: power- , lU!l!" t ' th"V e.o; pen' ic I .' elve '. Ill, iil. o ta, iiia.lv Ii tl:, rent but i as .i,ieh I folt. ioi' er. ft a a. list, b f .10 il. ,.n t laho . having '.1 i.o a", loiiy 1 ii.i l nr aid havj '.' 'llO"l,. kat-ckod i t he"il ii c for ," b '!. : '1 li'.e thu I v.tnt a ad ;i"l. while m f.b iu ,-,l A , . f Nil- I ,1. .cup. .- I by tho t-a' tire ii. mid cruel. 1 ii ii t tho e el ade of in, I, ,, .a", b. e.-- l"p, i a cult- lu-.ii i . ade i l.e po,,l, '.,. ,h. .1 .ha.. "! ' ,'. Detroit l'l . e Pre . , i nr,t:el"l. ill I' Five yen s fn.' a IP po, t" I j II I I, .Is lo: , nil !i I V la ' !' p'a .: con-t t: Wii. laa, ! a : ha- 2 'a I .o o taut tree: iniii' of t li-iii lis I 1 1 lour v.-.n oh'. a t lat'y bail to ai pla ntia pr.el ll in e -ll ..a'e - 1 ".i'l l i t. have .-fi 1,0.1 i w Al, I. .a h aa ! ! o. f"p" in Id. .lit 1 .io:; 1 in -P Id I e e ! ' i i'leii ol t h" iij.i' I w it ii li"! 'I' nil i' foil '. in: t;oVei am . III!' The eoe.-.aiiai. is mi" of I i most v civilized man.- 11 I.i e V,,a in- t ho I . O i' l .Ve 11- V"lh it th"lll .i Mill,- 1110 'a to Mr. ', 1 aiv n- I mi. ti. Ii.l Hi ii' diag A'istrc -i io 'I vv o ol my b ia .1. i i v. boine Inst oi.-iit in caiu. I'rien.l 'j i -em, ei'- J, : i I!- .1 di ig Mist ,v i bn . '-ii' (i cent b it to pat --Fuck. Tlnr ho',ri. t rip ol of c wiance. I '.-i t'v i. a the ''i. : , hm, Has..:;:,,.,., o mi r .et nod s. , u II his ti i Mo iltiiy '" pi oi I'.st.s on the patience and perse- N.it .pt I n.Mitrh. Mr Midd' -;V - The ;, . f. .'ay da tvipr :-iu." i;i;n a lngii'jinjj.,,1,.. air. Top. hit Well, the i'r..I...,ji ii wtong. 'fho uightini'- li. : jm ctiuie rests. Chicago Nt .- .,.

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