rUibJt. 511 Kill 31, fSJ8. (lourt of Inquiry's Import. I Tin Spanish Kcp'ii-I. Washington, March 27 The Wasliinprt'W, March 2S. A fall Associated Press presents herewith synopsis of the report of the Span- complete abstract of the report Mi nival commission which invvs- of the court of impiiry, which in- fixated the destruction of the b.d- vesthjated the wreohin- f the tloship has boe:i oive-i the Ass o- battleship Maine. This abstract ei.itod I'ross. It is taken front a ! i; undo fro mi the report itself, ae- copy of tiie original report, which cess to which was obtained today, is now on its way here fro n lli- despite ollieial secrecy, unparullel- var.a, the synopsis 1 in.r cable I in ed in the han llinj of otUeial a- tlie in vitime. an 1 to 1 iv place l-'i:t pers. The report is made up of t he h and of this o-overn-.iout. Ta The Ion"1 expected' report of the oi.yht parts, as follows: conclusions reached are directly 1-Vst L he court tin ts t at opposite to thosMii tne rep rt ot the time of the' explosion, the hat- the court of inquiry submitted to tleship Maine was lyin;-in live and (.'onres-t today. The synopsis is one-half to six fat horns of water, as follow: Second The discipline aboard H. A. LONDON, Editor. " The ivr,"t contains de -I.-iri-i ions in id.' by oecuhir wit.i-M.t and expert.-!. From these stales ltit ids it oh-iriy deduces and proves 'he aos ' i -e of all tho-i.' a'tm li'ii eiiv: instances which are in variably naval court of inquiry has at last Been published, and, as was o-ener ally expected, shows that the Maine fras blown up by a-sabmarine mine. Ill another col mini is published a' the ship was excellent; even thlnu synopsis of this lorn looked for re- amnniuit ion. .ymis, stores, etc. -jrt, which was handed to Presi- t'd nhx? to orders. The ' , ... , , ' , temperature ot tne magazines at S dent McKmley, on last lnday, and ' W!ts normal, except in the oy Him sem; w k onv,ress, on ia.u after ten-inch niu-'aziue, ami tiiat r.ivs.'ut on the occ i-uoa ot the ex- Monday, acconipained by a mess- did not explode. 3 wh ich made no surest ions, j Third-the explosion occurred i . ii i , ni., ,., ntlhl'l o'clock on the evonircr ot And on the other haiult lie Spau-: - ... ,.,..,.. ..... , rebnurv l-. 1 liere uere tv. oe- mh court of ni(uiry has made an plo?tioI1 with n Voiv short inter exactly opposite report, showing Val between them; the ship lifted tftiat the Maine was destroyed by ou the llrst explosion. n ;tn,J r.xuin.i (if i.omse Fourth The court tv ., , . i- .i'detinite ooinion of the condition on I. m- all Americans, lbelieve.mrcou f fnm th1 aivors- ,vi. vu, , at inquiry, ahif the Spaniards vrill l(.m.,,- -pu Washiuirtmi Letter. f From mr Kaeitlar Onrrs(m.lere. WahiX'-jtox, March 2.3, lN'.K Mr. McKinley now has the o:!i ci.d report of the Navy Court of Inquiry on t!nr Main disaster he had the snhsl.-inre of ti.e ivp !( live days ao and has plotted that he would send it, to-eMier with a copy of his n t t i Spain on the report, to ( 'on j-ress !:;! v next week, lie also has a conv .'t idea of the overwheimin::- MPi ment of Congress, whi.-h he lc.s ob t lined by co -re.-iin ibirin- t!;1 week vit!i l-vului - d-'inoerats aa 1 republicans, lie ha-i been io'.I tliat anv wtep he t '.ke.i towards driving S li'i o u o: Cn'u wi'l be j Forty Voiu s in China. Alamance Cilounrr: Mr. and Mrs. i Probably (lie best known wlr'te I'rnest '. Jones, f this place, -rson in the Chinese Empinis havi three ehildren: Wayland is six ii Yon.iiv J. Allea, who reached years old and weighs -15 pounds, San Francisco leenilly. Jr. Al- Charlio is tlree years old and leu Inn been enlaced in mission- . hs 17 jiouiiih1. nial lirodio, ti.e ary work at fsiiau ,'iiai for (lie past baby, is ncven nionths old, iiieas- lorly years, and (hiring the ;;ieat- urcs 7 inches aronea! the wai.-i. er part of tiiat time has devoted "'at weighs 10 louiu!.-!. The lar-je his effort t t he dis ie.innation of babies, though lleshy, are in (he I est of hen! th, sprightly, jolly bos. h Ji ll 1. mm entliusiastieallv '1 p' oi ou!..:. a t. rpedo. of witnesses eoia- ,!,, . t., tllt, M-ime :,f t is t ) the eiVeet t ii it one explosion occurred; that plosion o! The evii p irativ(!y the liionn onlv n column ot water w as tiirown in to the air; that no shock to the si.h trr ess. an 1 yiven if he fads to take such s ltiv-s would take the lea 1 him t ) do so. It loo',? thou;!i fre.i ii liven loss i ma; the so nre and ce le 1 by Co t si end ill step. I' i- .1 force inev as I Wl-i assiii-ed. has thrown nri sed to advocate has d.e, . knowledge in printed form anio.i the C anese. The mission with ivhuhheis i ientitied i.:s established lll'ty years no, ;oul he is now on his tt.ay to .-.ilend the iumii-cchtelMi ial of tli:,t e,n, widcil IS lo lie held at I'.altiie.ore dni'iti- the month of 1,1 -- MiV. A ter that he ejv. Is to r - rr rrt T 1 1 . r i to China io resume his lit, r- AKC I UU ary ia'i- ;iin.i;y the Chinese. Tl'.e p i!ri:.!i !i oft lie .Melhidist m:-.-i: iti is ni.. t h" best Chinese s.-.i il in the ihnpire, and all of his J:ur.,ry ili'orls nit' in the Chinese toniine. I'nrinu" all his years of work amoile; Chinese he has written so-net hin.;- over lei) A windstorm, on last Thursday, Mew down the store of A. Leach x So is at Star, in this state, ltw.:: a larre More, JOOjeet lou r and three stories he-h. CITIZEN OF mm mm V TO Believe their's, Now, what next? Will there be war? Nomaivca n -fti'Hwer ei t her of 1 1 lese important questions. Ondayit' looks like war is certain, and thei Fourth The court can form no of the n 'arest vess. I was felt, n-n- d wa:- ae.v ib' ion uo'i" !. it no dead tisli were foun I. evidence of t ho senior iiiiot pe i 'e-at-anv-p ace. 1 (e more, he has denie 1 t hat lie ha any connection or interest iiiih' svn lieate that writs to buy C.tb.s vouiaies, m tl: ir way i 1 '! w !ii-re ' -t ot Wi i'Vi' rv ( iiine; Fifth From the technical de- of the harbor s? ttes th-it there is tails of wrecka re, the court iledn- ubniidanee of tish ia the harbor and cess that "a mine was oploded this is eo:-i-o!o;-ae I by other wit- fi'om Spun an e-nai-intet' the j of s:i.i;).il!l;).0 'it whieli they won ! a 'Vi i.-i V I:!'1 the r. S. it of a tri!i iban b-:i ile to make he ,(: under the ship on the porr side." Sixth the explosion was due to "no fault of those on board." Seventh The opinion of the mi Til" assistant eiiLTin er ot states that after explosions jri !'.:; t lieexe -ill ion of works in the harbor lie has always found next day war seems improbable. ! court states that -the explosion of dead lish. We will venture the prediction that I "''" '."1".,1 the explosion of Th" divers were ;oi able to ex- . , . ... . ,, .... ; two mairazines. ammo the hottom ot tne .Maine. ar will net U-m, it at all, within j l;U,htl,'ril,, ,,,., dei-lares t!;-lt w!ii -!i was barled in the mud. but tfhirty days. The report of the jt .V;lilllot t;:ul evidence to lix the n e-ireful ex i:uiii it i-m of th" si I vs court of incpiiry has not created J responsibility." of t!i v.-sel th" rents an. I breaks, much excitement, because its ell'ect The report is unanimous and is iM which all p tint outward, shows had been discounted by the -en- all the members of the witirmt a d mbt. t hat t he explo- iii court. It does not reter to tne ex- sio-i w as trom t he m-u. i.. aral belief of what it wouldbe. I j,.,, ,,n-eistenc.' ,.f mines A minute examination of the bot- Tlie danger of war does not arise :j tltl ,.n-boi-of Havana, except in torn of the Inrhor around theves- aow so much from the blowing up ; the specific 'indiu'r t:at a mine sel shows absolutely no si-rn of nf thn M.-iino us from the avowed ' was exploded und -r the ship, and the action of a t-rpd. and the iSiWinn nf ov government, to in- the opinion that the explosion of fiscal ijudr . ; , . ,i i itovo maua.;nes was caus,nl ly 1 lie fcrvene, or interfere, m the( uban 1 0Xlillsiim f ., ,nil,(. war and put a stop to the whole- ',,, rejiort as a whole is a for- Sai'e starvation of the unfortunate mal, dispassionate n-cital of facts .om.ln f ;ilfnf.ul iubwi.l Con- and b".irs the stamp of tlmt strict press is eajjer to intervene at rmci scarcely be restraineil by tne purchase. I nc ;! be up. and iiilluenees that e l to keep Mr. McKiuley- tied ha( aop ireiiMy ncccpti inevitable, i:"! because t hoy to, but b 'cause they r.' ili;: tile people a id CollVlesS i'fe wliehniu r'v d--i Sf.rirualia : shall be wip Til-' r.e. a1 slow iii treiti seiltiiueiit. I'll when SeaaPe fid pietu-e of ha, and ii w i vigorous i,- com an 'oiHei.dism which marks nav ceilure. It is brief, not excodino; !1. Stio words, and ancm ti:e e!'ht the President, who wishes to pro-j i;lrts, roes to tiie vre.-.fesi len rtii ceed more diploinaticallv and con- ; under the second !ea din rr. wiiicli servativelv. If the hatter's i.olicM-'als with th" dis-ipUur an I or ih pursued and fails to avert war, j li"r .- -'" f''.p his th" court . ' ., , specihes witu extreme ininuteuess, then if war does ensue our conn-1 th(1 ,,..,st j, ,t:li (lf t, satisfactory try will be more aj .t to receive the ,.,,, itjon of eMuythimr oui'oard. wmputhy of all the litiropeati Pow- j The normal temperature of the a nu.l tln rnp u-!ll soitii lm over ! lar-e forward iiia-razi lies a I ( 'irllt and Cuba more easily be freed. oeatel of t!l mission ha Is no prec l ' it to explosion of t!i 'st .raire mua of a vessel by a torp 'do. Tiie report link 's clear t hat ow inu' to the sp vi d nature of the proeee linus followed. a:i 1 the ab solute resp -ct fort'i"extra ten it; .ri aliiy of t !.e ?.l nine, t ho com mission his he. -a prevent-'. I from making s-i.-h inside of I h ' V".ss t' rmin 1 cv.-u the internal origin o This is t be att ri xamin ati. in of the sel as would de- hepoth.'sis the the accident, lite. I to tiie re- per.; t h mds I li.. want lUVi'- r:ilill"d that the Spanish ride in Cuba a! out. ileitis were a lit:!" i r ia line with public i! th" stampede lie-ran : Frotoi i'Mvi- that aw w hat he s :w in Cti- .! Iiv t he he alo:i-.'- t he same lilies mi'le this Me"k by Senators C I.iliin'-v and Thurston, who id. so ! sooke from ii'i'sonal e-: n rieiiee tne :.,' l ,,... a,.,,. .,.,,.!,. ., ii i-.. II,. ' abreast of thedeuioi-rats in dornan- 1 m r act ion on ! :c part ot 1 lie a. I- minisir ition. t hat will fro 'Cuoa, rer.irdle.'s of w 1 1 !)"! Sp iin p mis j orlirhts. It isnow in t in-power of j to s iv what that 1 bat if he do -s not that power hi; wil ! tlool lion , score !: s I II; t i id'tts, (;ii, t aa - re doiie will aiiionid ..ll: is. he m- ire o !i have found corner of tin' se i iv now Jiv- i" Fii o . March -M. in Cido by the lo .-:ei'Vil! ides the I. !ies. 1 The r.lille sipf'rers, id million. Thousand dil-ed i'omeli leccdiii',- i mi. ed the ,.'ls i IV t er s th. ' i test i! one BANKRUPT i n health, constitution undermined bv ex-1 travagance in catinp;, by disre-gardino- tlie laws of nature, or physical capital all gone, if so, 1 T...e t : n:n . .:n i un s L,ivu i ins win cure you. tv- lror sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness i V' Si ii 113 and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver PiHs an absolute cure. 1 Til AM for i S ( imiiii s are reii The flood are in. I it is Ivliev- C. ?. I Y. I HAILU JOHN' (iil.L. UttCLKSH i7. OVi 7 NTY r a n o Alio Mleinjit t . Ulotv i;..'n a Safe. el 'I I" 'll" Cl-rl-.!. '. H'VV T Oxford. March -2 - Ai rdti-mpt w is l:i:; j.. ! i - t lli-rht to oilier ( he iron sale a :!ie Soufhera Haiiway ih not by boi-in-.- a ,M:e oxer the combination and jdai :o-' dynamite iilSeh'. Tile opo- i' !l Mll'l- cieni io ctop ihe loi k n ar the safe. The ( ; -mpt to op. Jl tlie d 'Oi- was ii".si eoi-sful and tl'.e thief was I'ri.rht' Tiod (!'. leaviuir his t !s. X.i! !i I,..- was stolon from Vcn'i er.FOii Cchedula. la -:b-ci ,ln. ;:. i l S it:i liei Na. " " " "" M.V I th. r . m d tht 'o is i: cl e t ) The cousin"; of the Spanish llo tilla of torpedo boats is one of thu most serious menaces of war. That flotilla is said to be on its voyage toPovfcoIlieo, mid our jrovernment thinks its approach is too thrcat enincr and mav insist on its with- o'clock only an hour and forty Uli illltos before t he exjih'siou dis poses of the ijUeslioii of acci.l' lu.ii combustion within these ina rin.-s. While the court holds that those ma .'aziii' s did not explode from internal causes, they nev. ri holt ss are of the opinion that the explo sion of the mine under the port side of the ship caused I he t xplo- rivtabie refusal to p .mil of th lecessnrv c .-op-'i'a I ion of i ! j - Spa u- sh iMliimissi in, I. ii a u l! a i i: Mr. M-lvi'il a-tion s!,a!l 1 (pliely oe r. lose it. The House met the dene! lv so allien in r an inci'o Military Commit toe iiids of t he democrats iier th" b ll aulhori--. of t he v.--: ular iirmy n 1 clew i if t h to did" Tent Ani"rie Hiima'lded o ineti'i i of th ae.-i 1-nU an i' h t'a se cupioye I man won w.r! T! thai an ! , Oil - Maine, and ;n olli'.'ials :.:o I lie caus- 1 later on in salvage that lien can only r the act i:i time Another po:a tiui : i in i ii t a li s by t!: s!a! uiir e iusid" ,-l.S S. ). Ill drawal. But Spaiu may refuse and i sion of tiie two magazines, oiiarr o f l,.,c .iu i.,i.,.i I This will explain tiie rem.-. r ibh d ' of iiie Maine, as s i -h examin .' ion n ly be p s sibie, as also of th" bo;t mi wher. the v.'ss'l rests, will prove thai to pll. pun i,i,-: . l-e enlisted uu of actual war ; nii iit provides ; hat at t h" any war in v. hie!: the I . become iavlw (he ;,r!,:v at once i--.lac.vl t- the ; peace I );i s i -s. ! S'.nator M : offer of Cr. tu'-.r.'.-(.'rosso. Wis., to ia!, , aee.'pt the eh d'eii a Spanish editor; also a d- i a :!.-; i ! ; cup'f.i cycle !, irro: erv one of t was ii soi known ; who attempted die robbery. S.iuf.ird llxpres;: Tlcre is a house in .S i'iford whi.-h has four room. I u one of those rooms lives . i Ii.' ot her t :,! ;! ;- :o oc-h- two siioe sla '.s. a bi :op. a bai l or sla p : n I a st'-i-e. 'j'liis buiidinir s ohlost ia the tow n ami I years iijj-o by v hat was s t 'ae tirm of Mol veis. i.-'s deelii I'oweil, of he his place., vnt him mi;.r a'lh r.d . .1 th .V;ir a Om it is tiie pi-a.liy-. i. is Ii b- iv I io-. id ''.:, ciiinerv, e. - l.-i! e ! bvi to have that flotilla at Porto Ilico ! destruction wrouiit. the explosion suppos'mir the remai West. Preparations for war are beiiiir ; pushed as rapidly as men and mon ey can make them. Our seacoast is beiuy made ready to resist any motcru "Spanish Armada" that may be sent against us. And a most ' i finis bein i- shown to have comb as our government has to assem-1 t)ltl ,-, )1V ,,f j,,,. without and ble such a formidable fleet at Key j two magazines ithin. The two explosions w Inch t i:e c.aut fmusto have ocenrr'-d. with a verv short 'interval between them, is an addi- tional dotal!, showing' two' forces operated in causin the do- : struction. T'o.e iiudinir that the ship lilted 1 on the hrst explosion indicates an e.t..,. ..I ....-..-. ..,.!..,,,. , ,f t.-... ,.l, - giatifyins proof of the thoron-h '(1:,,,s tl i,VStid.-'t. liu a' bat- obliteration of sectional prejudice fleship of thousands of urns. The is the fact that the "boys in blue" . character of the wreckage techni- the Federal soldiers as thev : eally described in the lift h part of are hurried through the Southern V':ri t!l" ,-"r . , , , , ces tiiat a mine was exploited nu dities are received and welcomed (1r ,;, sui), ou t,., port si:!e. sus with patriotic enthusiasm. i tains t'r.e vi-w taken by some ex-' According to the latest telegrams ports shortly after the disaster the President has made a peremp- rliilt t!l0 "!" die explosion was tory demand on Spain to put an 1"" t to starboard. , . . , , , . Ine toaturo of the nport of end immediately to hostilities m ,llVll,st to the navy is the Cuba, and to releas- the starving coinph-te exoneration of Captain recoucentrados and allow them to SL'sl.eo and ail ou board, contain return to their homes. Spain's -d in the second iimiin- s -ttin reply to this demand has mt yet l"-"1 th" rl, vt on W , line prevaiiie.ron tiie ship, ami been made. If not irrantod, there directly stated in the sixth lind- will be war. Already ( 'oueress is excited and oa-rrr to beiriu war without further parleying. v. r. ki not to be t ally a'terctl in the pr-ee traction, the oxphsiot; due to sum. f"r from M iirueap'-l:-;. Senator Ma son says h" has a p!"d the eha:- lon-'e, and adds: "1 have chosen ily or parti-; .submarine luini--. for the weapons u this duel. The Spaniard is to l!!l '-"i'i':in:i now thai no; iiiinr is to i i : i 1:1 a iva! war but hij.-s, whieli take from or li.ur years to liiiiid. it ar wore I'm cod np n!y. It is aitoe-oth.or t I ic i'l i'leellilify of the liott Use. dlv was un intt rior Hnw ('mivicts aro Tieate.l. ll.-il.-Ul; r..rr.-i--ii l"iit .f rior'. o.'i-rv.T. At the penitentiary oi" day each l'e.iuii is !-.;ion as ura'.viti.rdav.' Voar corresp. u.., at was pros,. uf .-,( til - til'.; v !!::." In t t:c dinii. r hall Mt'iv I'.'l convict-, ail. like Mc (iin'y, dressed in their best suit of oiothes." To eacii man iliiv-e pint's of tobacco or six candles were is.-iu d. Nearly all took to bacco. Only those who had irood marks wo.-o " ivoii anythiuir. I hose with a black mark trot i i . t h i 1 1 lt. There w re only four black marks. To the women four pack-ores of s:,i: ij" of an ounce each ueie issued. So.-i.o of the men drew sniuV in stead of tobacco. On ,.ach drav.-iil.U- day ti.e plisoli lilies are r.-ad. ll o liviitis idveil a envelope and sheet of p.-, .or. if they aro well-Leha vod and pay the post . they are allowed to write as many as two or more hi tors each mouth. Ali letters are lead Aiirden and stamped by him ed to iro 'Po ,..u j, convict be launched ov -r mv mhie as hunr . aHthe rdainewashiu'iched overt' e ! "ne in Jlavau ihai'.or.and if ) can't : blow him up in th s.t .i" eu-rlh of ; time, then 1 airr-to sit over his miii" and let him have a chano". If tids fellow accepts th-'Se condi tions, 1 think I . i!i rid th- world of at h-ast one Spaniard, and may tr"t a chance at a !'. more." Jt isi.o new as ,; io;: jo sa-i ';a! t lie ia dust rial pro. r. sS of A mer !':, wiiich has lone' !-d the woild, is s'liowu in the fee ; s of the C. Patent Oilh-e, but that fact is em phasized anew by the valuable ni forumti m for all who are interest ed in the continued maintenance of our irreatness and progress in in dustrial lines, and v. ho is not. con tained in the report for 1SH7, of Hon. A. P. Oreoi. y, ;u t iii-jr Com missi! mer of 1 'at on i ion th:t is invaluable to those who do- hu-e lialt:. two I o thr. . tilt if a "iv on Its : u ' I t.:-ob:.!Jet!i; ! w. u d il.'ViS" s.'ii.'!::i.ic wiadlv now in the way of a marine o:ie-i;n-o.f war, jut as American in;:'cnuiiy ; i::i; 'i o ;s -d tiie I'ii's! moilern iron jcl.nls. W'e have iilre-uly in our i.a i vy a dynamite cruiser, tin- l' ..., which in actual warfare mi-rht . prove more da:i-'o:-ous than a half .dozen of tlie greatest ball h ships of t!;e KiSropean l.a'. ii s. J'hero has ; just been com plot -1, l:l' 'ivover, a! it I olV l ed to our ( h t l Uilieli! , a silii- 111.' l ie bo :iM in b s:!i ii"!-. . nor rap- ior ;.) in-; I ha! the (,.) a:i iusi n:o. of s'.s iiiiiui.: a tisti mie-h th ships of ; mine in I -m fatal to our Nowadays matter of : and I, tie- i, c.iiab!eofmi ' d m : h'S si c. mp:i ', e- I ;.s o oiler lio t.V J.. t i : and it may we! i be ie los discharged ffo u ant lilt o vessel cape. I ie ' be 1 1 v. Ci surface l-l.o prove fatal tothe bat in enemy iis the al !e:red ii.-.-r! ir "'' ! i '-.-.tiia was hat ! ieshi p t lie .'li.f. wirlai" is lareely a . aeni e inv.-nt ioi,; L . Wil: lim-toii f c.i am. Ar. I'ayeMcvilh' pj p. pm Lv. r:.yetrevil!e 12 " favcltoville Jim-lion lu 7 liV. Sa'nto:,! I is " Lv. ( ioI.l'S'i'Oi' 'J 1't " I .v. Climax :t -17 " Ar. tlreei.sboro 4 '.'' " Lv. (iioon boro I ,'ai " Lv. Stohes.hlle r. 17 Lv. Walnut Cove f, 17 Lv. llural ll.-dl C, i: " Ar. Mt. Airy 7 -io " Sor u I'.ii n,) No 1 Lv. Mt. Airy ! ) a.i.i IjV. ibir.d II.-, 11 i" ol " Lv. Walnut Cove Uli " Lv. Stohesd.d" 1 1 in; ' Ar. ( bvon.-.bor-o i i . " ' l'.v. ( il-ee''or. 1 11 I )'ll! Lv. Climax S i ! ! " Lv. (ion, a; 'J ii7 " L'. . Saa '.on! " ' " Ar. ravetfovilh-Junction : "n " Ar. i ao;;ei!!e -1 ) " Lv. l-'avt ievilio -1 LI " Ar. Wiimiu-rtou 7 ".M ' .n.ii; i a it uavii. .N i t i v Lv. llenrettsville .' i-o .-. : : Ar. Ma. -ton 'a i'J Lv. Maxlou !' i;7 " Lv. ih- l Springs ! ;i." " Lv. ilope Si ii-s in .!'!" Ar. l'ayett"Vil!e i do " or i n n u'M. N" ? ' I'.'.M-V j Lv. I'ayothv ille i p. l ij I.V. Hope M i lis ." o7 " I Lv. Ued Splines i:i " ; Ar. Maxtoli c 1 1 ' j Lv. Maxlou c- jo " i Ar. Ileira. ttsville 7 la " Nu'.ra i:.i' ii. " IS , : i"i Daily ilv 'p., S ivd iv. nest of the cf this I r 1 A i l j u tw , ; dvocaes now line verr rnme m ipvlnciplcs it ail-!voia;-?Ml when 3 a y-n iiihw Ukd a Lv. It amsour Lv. Ciimax Ar. ( ileeiiaboro Lv. ( iloousboro Lv. Stokoadale Ar. Madison s t ill i:..fNli. Ii 1'. , x "i ". !l 17 !) :i 1! -7 i i .".") iuur, which declares the disaster to be due to no fault of those on board. The inability of tlie court toliud by the evideneo to fix responsibility, as if alhc.. stated in the eighth part, makes John T. 1'iilb-ii. so well known ail thoreportso guarded in expn-s- over the country for his r.-lieious sion of blame, that neither Spain work amon,' convii t.s, "ave a e-ood tmr the Spanish are mentioned book. i The neatest convict is a nerro liauiod llimni I'.ims, from Ma.u- That was a pitiable and shame ful confession made by the Popu list railroad commissioner, Mr. L. C. Caldwell. His town paper, the , turouirhout. Statesvillo fmlnvirf-, states that' w ",' "' ""V' "'" , , i o .i . , I InvoliMitary Itnniei'Mm.i. he frankly admits that, in his re- rri. .,, M, Alry NWH cent vote rediuin."; the railroad The .suimrinir foot bridge that rates, "he voted n-rainst his liettor sians the Ararat rior at I'.ai.nor'H judgment and foolishly yielded to fllnl suddenly jrave way Sunday M.n t . ia; ' "i afternoon, diu iii'' a bapti;;in"T ou- 1T 1 ducted by Jo-v. J)r. ll;iymoio, ai d ) iweifuimiuuim inai me com- fell with a tremendous splash. A mission had no evidence to sustain lanre number of persons, mostly its action! ' little boys, xvere sittiii": and stand Now, what would bethou-htof ? oil t'! brid-e when it w, nt . T , ',. down, and everyone was dropped any Jude, or even an ordinary , - r t . J ' .. . -, into the river, a distance ot some juror, who would deciue nenxe witu s ,,r i() fo,.f. Ti:e water was sev no evidliceV oral fef -tdeep and it was an excit . .. . . iujr time for a few minutes. There dnv T?iicoll ij u.n'.l i,.!,.,,;,, ,.0.i5. were several vounir men ill tne mil Hire to ho up to date u ith the worid of industrial and inventive prog ress. The reiiort will be sent flee to all who apply in wiitintr for it to the Commissioner of Patents, YV.-tshimrton, 1). C. An informal conference of a num ber of the vice-presidents of the N at ii mal Associat ion of I omocrat -ic Clubs was hold this week at the headquarters ot tne association, jnil jj, ,( (, jkini very eiicourae-inri-eports were in.iue, us to ciiinoriranization ana jnhcnd. uie ir ner.-it ouiiool; tor democrat- .,-(.t!u.r meilia-val ic success in tne camo.-iiLrn tins ti....... .,t, ,.u i.. u v..riii..p i t.i.,1,. t 11 1-. ... . ii-.,! i.niiTi..-.ii.v i . , ii . i, , ,, , u- 1 .'. I :l It, I lit I 1 1: 1 I l it i,...t ..v....... term for w ifo lnurdi-r. ;., ,.v..rv ;,..i;,..,o,.i i do more work in their belief that the Chica-o pht- t iier pris.-uier. An- f.,rm ic,,i!,l !, 1. 1... !,.. other m-at uison.-r is also a no- democratic '.National Conx'eution .ri", irom liiclanomt, a. He says an.l 1 1: f- Mr l'.-,-.,i .-,!, 1 . was a servant of (Jeiicralie i.n,m,ul i..i,.',..i ii, ;..t- .i uitiu'' tne war. iuee a counfrv whore the .arts of pea'-e tlonrish aiai r is most favorable lo the eoneral ad vance of science and i!ioittiin. v,; stumble upon the paradox that t ho successful pursuit of eace is nip. r all the best preparation for war. Another way to put it is to say that modern warfare has become a matter of machinery, and th; t tl Most llhrlllv developed and industrial nation will by vir tue of such development be most loriiiiiiaoie in war. tins is a Sitlla- Spauiards in iroiieral are evidently 'iuho unable to eom- rheir ideas are ulto- IV-ii 1. 1 4 No 15. Mixed Kxe'p. :; ".pai pi it i sou county, lb ty-tive It is said he c a day than anv Mb"IU'S t" liea us and mi'it..ry pi ople.and that the people of the I'nited States ar;: realiv in o-reat terror of Spanish Lv. Tadison 1-v. Sli ' Ar. ( iroeusboro Lv. (Iieon sboro Lv. Climax Ar. Lamsour At Fav. iteville with All haiiic.-d Coast Line, at Maxion with Caro lina- I entral iiailroa 1, at Je-l Sprimrs with the Led Sp'-iaesan I llowmore Lailroad. at 1-vmfor 1 with Seaboard Air fjine, atOulf with the lurhanitV Charlotte ilnil road, at (Ireonsboro v.ilh Soulh- i'hey believe ern K iilw.-iy, at Walnut Cove willi rhlv chi vn'ro- Norfolk A' West'in ij.-iilwr.y. W. E. Kw.r., (ien. I'ms. A.'-r-nt. J. W. I'nv,'l Manage ! VI v ihxi UiruH w ; v very change of j The political ! eanipain of 12898 will he hot mid he election THE RECORD will $!o fs ut" must for ihe re- de?2jpion of North Carolina from lie eon ivol of the ang of unscrnpnlonH demagogues;, who now din grace our good oh! Slate. ram prowess. They think that Spain could make as easy work of invad ing the I'nited States as .Japan laade of iijvaiiiuo- China. Their 't-l T- . 1 ... . . i , ,. , I'OUIl III I ll-H IS iill u;i 1 1ICI I lie, in l- ihe l n.tod Stao-s government the three to be .-al and unrelated to modern facts. suu'.uesteii that a Inrht naiueil .Maine or: six torpedo boats a ..,,.o... i;i l.i.v ..f It is not probable, that either of . , .... is mm e ii nut r a- ii- e i ,i inerLreal party. aul they, nit oil oy ti o t a. , ed Jus spiteful warfare in the '. ' r . n the cells of State co inspect be placed ill front of the cell door Uil i torpedo boat destroyers .ro of each Federal prisoner, so each vidod for in th" reirular Naval Ap- t an read an hour at tiiyrht. these propriation bill, now beiu-.' consid lLdds ,'.re arranged. They are a ered by the House, will bereadv caudle, with a reflector, suspended to take part in the war with Spain, in a wooden frame. The decision but they indicate the spirit of Con- is made to .4 L: boutneru JUUway Company antt little fellows, whose heads could be its officers. His rttterauces and ac- seen bobbiuir uji und down like so tions in all his course iu this rail- many corks. Fortunately nohody ioa.l matter have nrude him the whs seriously hurt by the acci.ient. lainrhitir-stoek of all nuprejudii vd persons rd. in . . 1- xuo t-rinmiai proceetim-s a-; Mr- w h (.nl)l ((f 4.o)IM. j.,,,,.,, st()(.j..!:(le ,iml .0 gaiDBt the railroad officials lnue tv, accidentally shot and killed jruard is doubled until the missing b't'U ilisuiissctL himself lat Saturday. , no is fi in.d. : ,:o it. ..i c... k.. .. n 1 i ,i ,i ii is now .s.ini iii. ii, i iiji, Jiiisseii -utterly unworthy of th ,, ,,,. Joi, ,:V!lfl!4 filft i,.,,,.,. 4 ..frc.. ...i.:.. 1. 1. i...., .1 l . iia-if put them in front of onvicts. and are beimr n rra Hired. Alter an early supper the con victs are marched into their (( lis. They are countt d as they are lock ed iu. The overseers take the lists to the ollice. If they are correct i.y ".uard is marched oil' If is a missing convict then it is railed a "hideout." Jon tires aro "rress. Ihe five dry docks provid ed for in the same bill may 1k of service before we have whipped Spain to a satisfactory extent, and anyway, they are needed all the time by our ships, Are You Weak t WeaknPM nan i frits iUelf iu the loot of mhitinn and aching bonca. The blood ia lri'.icry ; the titties arc VMliug thi- iloor ia l.cinK -ipiuxl Cordis are. A bottle of Browin Imn HitliTS takfii in time will rtetnre your irei.g. li." soothe your iMTTca, mak. jna:r blrxMl rich an-l rtd. I)o ymi nmrc kiuhI f 'inn an expenive special cimrw nl' biowua' Irvu UiUvra ia aald by all drulca. MM : Ms I it I . i: s (H p ! Ilavlni; .i!.vtn. an u.lmlia'm. r ..f J"' n CM . k, ii-c...-., I li.-r.'i.)- ii "l(v nl .. --.,c- i, .,. I:i ,-14.11111 H'iiu-i Hut I !i...i.l,.ia it. . x!il hit c o yii.n,i u. in.1 mi tr before Uu 3r-l il.-iy ..r M.-ir.-a, Ii-vS. JOHN ll. LAM', Mrrh S, IK'S. AND SUJ'.-P.Y VICI Tl' 01-' an 'T-li-ff ih,mior..r i-.'irt ..f ( i:iihin .-..unty I w.l! ill c iln at .ii! 11.- mii -U'i'i h tux c niri-h 'Un l'.r.r In I'UiKli'.r.., ni MhvIjaT, tin 4lh nay of aitII. J ihK . ..H line mi lirl I In terst of A. a n- iUo. i.w twl, In tt in. nrrn e nTpye. to him auj w. A. limk l.jr M-ir..n VV.i.rMH an. I wifn t.yilw.l, .ln',-.l MhiIi IK'. j l.rlnn iho tfu a-ri'S nfaaM Ira 1 r. n-iinien a i.t .l.' l.i.'ihintli' ilx a. r.-a i n-yi-.l LvHt'.-l A (I U.-tkn an-l w. a Urak.' to Jai.isi .f I. ia lor ly l.l Jan. I O -t. Int. 1S.H): aU'i ir .-i ..f llld ol employ- i)rHtP ,y t-ri'.lrli-lt llnri.i Kil l wlf.- .lai, . Oct. country Hue ours, eaiia supplying the wi.o'o world with electrical motors, mining m.-ichin-ery, locomot i ve engines, steel rails, and the structural material for modern stool bridges and "sky scrapers." not to mention bicycles and sewing machines, is equally capable of build in;,', armiiiu', and operating an unlimited number of ships of every tvp in;' f very com civalae meclianical nin, ihui, ex.-.t the ihr.' a-i-.a . nr-yei device for lUlll.oseS of national de- New r.l.m .-hureli: and one oilier im.-t or f.,..o.i 1.. I,..,.. ...... 1 .....,.f . .... n.-r. niiiveywl t.y Marl.u "... . ' ' Drnke I.y dm! ilatcl AiiKiist in, ltivj: ,e .1 . 11. even lt our preliminary prepara- t,l.llMeu,l.rM cnvy.-i t..n,i.riei i.r..k- - s thins had boon of the scantiest mujuih j..inii..n iiy.iiMvi.inf.i s;.- -jvii, i -s character, Vo .should l-e able to All aald Un.l liu.i In Kr H I .nlili, five a Lt'ood account of ourselves Chatham conmy. if ..lei Ti-rnmif nle: .r.i ha'f rush, I aWn .e .-. nt .1 in warfare. I-rt iin " I he 1 repress ,n Mi mIitl wl;i (nlt. , of the VS oi ld, in Ameiiciin Month' Marcus. hm. w. a. lui-mi bj JtU w of Jifvitivs. .-ur. rl. I ,01cl31Ioblc,,, tl3-ct 00.2. o,l--1370 "00 clo- !f vou wish all t5ie latest news from every where in the eoianty, state atsd nation sub seriije for the OI-JLY TESEE CENTS A WEEK.