Yha Cycle f-attt 6f tilA. tot mo moralize and don't lntomtpt pae unless you want to lcuj rao money. To-dny ive arc nn Infant on the fcheel. hcM up by some friendly hand, trogitfslii2 Klowly, filled with vague, .tears and soothing Rvnip. To-morrow we can wobblo a Ilttlo, though we suffer ninny falls. t The next il.iy our lino Is Rtralghter, We call otirself 11 "Wheelman," join the ,L. A. V. and own the sidewalk. Then rmr.es our rapid youth. W'c co.Th and sooner or later are laid up for repairs. Afterward we learn to ride more se Batcly, and wo think seriously of life. ' Now we begin to eschew the solitary path and s.vk the broad road where two 111:1 y ii'!a abreiiNt. We try ami d'.s cover to cur doilgrlit that we oa:i rlJo tvltli one lu::,l while the other euconi usses the slender w.'iist of a pretty in. Then w; eut.jr the holy state of tan jflem r!Jlit. In a scn.se wo hav to "learu to ride over nsain. TUsre Is an, i&ther po-rio.l of wobblits. but eventual. ly we do lis well us the nut. Now conies the period of cartas ten- I iflerly for M.ia!!.r n lict-is. Finally v.- ivmne o Expert that w j wn ride the s.v.-U narProw ,,lUh. And tiu-n '.Ve cioaU. The Yellow took. 1 he tVorl'l Telegrapli I.lnrn. 1 lie aeiu.i lean m to icit-i;: lipn llnes of the 'vorid Is 7( '.i,o.") kllonte- lcr- in.! im'be.i'r.g n.-iHy I'.'O.otiO v.llo- tO'-lci of s-itunarlne eable Til's total , Js divided as follows '.inerlea. 4.(V;V 'tMio kilometers) K'ltope, "..MO.OOft; Aia, ! f)On,.ii.n; An-tr'ili::. iV'1''.!!.'...; A''r'.a, l:t,- I The , ,iie.p ien,-th of :'.'d these ! vir.-s .joined. ir:hei' would iK-rmit 0:' I 'il.e esia,'ii-j.ie.i. ut of twenty lines of j teh"..,rap!! Let wet a the e.inh and the : moon. I'. Kru nil r t.:ie . il l... I ' I , WT'.'MI. 1- S Ill- " M . , .' .'lOM) J. t '!',!'., ,.. "r ! Tie iejig idv-hf- ia Ai.i ii.n th i i-ok-r : rlajwa g.;e. .-!: i. is. is. 1; !ooi. the Test. For yea.... !r 1 ..ne 1 rr H:K-.uiiti-:.i. UUfli -ii... . . i -... L.ui'.'i., 3 ! 2.:-,' . 1 . !. .-r -iM'.i l..r ::..-. olv jiun! ..,!.: 1 " 1 . ;i i -..A; .la.a,-,,'. Sfilv.ka ut viCi,.iu:u. . , : s . . : r. . 1 Si niti wsVie-s t!:at Cjiuu;t"a4 b-l ' I' ' . 1 he Ashw !!le IV.ilv '.a."Ue 1 "f ti... ., ...!.,, . 5, .r . . e--i.ru N'.rti, ( n',1,',",-:.'."', ,!:'";::. , ;;','r.'n e'e 'Til!..' tin-laei;:,- t .ia :. .1 (: -'5 v i-ai- I :. ;) ,( id it I . j I ' . A- !' .irri ' m N-v .)itli I.t. .!?. ; . .- -. i ... 'l ei:':-. -1 C'rl " -I"' . N"", :'; lul H ... el.-." ft itrp-.. W. 1 i,! ,K ( ::., ! .:. . :. Sen'- re-it 1 1 ' i . ' 1 :, I'xt to u grit ' in !.ci I I'd t i:r a 'dd 11 ii; ).ij Tik,. I. 'VI. .- Ir it I;r:u;-t-i.''.'!"lr A'- ' ' ' i .f. f. :.. Ws-'a .1 -. i::i . I... is iioiu. 1 it fr"- q.i.-..Mv .nei-r.. -t m iln--haiv . f ; at:'.eie- 1 Oil, WI1.1l iil.iidl.l I'.illee. . Mr. i..-o.!.n-::i, '.V,!:-h.:. ' . I. , writ: ' From ..! 1.0 to:': CviT-'.. t .. : .,1. ; .,: j.. ec.it. Ih. ' '" ' A ra-K:U ' ..-: ' V.' 1 (- I tt'l-t 1 l..a:it ..Hi:..:-:.j .s f. ..r " J 'in A . ta.Ji.T Mr I I. i .. I. I I ; -, ., j., I, I, Oil It- ceu t of 15 .'-.ia.-. .-: . "..:'.'.: .-j uAi'f . . . -- . ' I'm.'t nr. R.'..i. -a Ii. H. 1' i i Pi-..-, ! p. - i. -...I ly I tuai U '- ' Til- to l;ie ia Che v Sin.,".-: ! Thifv - r.tre., ir !. kucvie -ig.-l ti Mm. 'V :.: .. tr.ttsiii.k'. . -i: Uvti,uli; il Kits ...c m..."' new ,i ft, - .i t". NrrvP-... I'l. !: ii. K: iv r!-t. Svr'ir f.r."iil'.lrn . i.-i'.-'.i'iiii t-if.-cn l- ...... .. . , y '.'.; ..r r.rr-i n- i'-. Kit n.-'s i : .-.jc. ) ,-ii-i I.-.- i-fi- ' '..-t . I'ti-i... IVt. i llfltl Hi-vr.irt. 8SOO. The r-Adif. ! .- pr-s- w :;t be plewd to eni-ii til l" til'-v . is .; .-M-r I.-l-td-I -I'-.'s-e t! Ht S.-l'-ii. t 'Ms -f-'l .tee- to -"r, ii. u ii :M at . i-ti '. ". 's -.ii-:-ii. H.il! s " i.tsrra I Uie tie. i.e'.. ;,s.':. - ", lfeovn le 1. .,, Oi.i.t-ii ' .' iinttn "eiiica o. as iv ..i ... -it.. ., t .-....-! i! :. f...in l-iti ei -f ti..., I.--!-,-, iv:i, t'ih jn- ' ;'r;ri':V''i '.'iVa ty ?!1 ' '' rn-.'iie-.-'tei's ii '-'s'-.'i.e, h' r, iv. ,n '-Vi'rau've be,s th ,t, i -. -.- ...r-r n-.ii.ir.-e IiiiUkm Imh ...'i;,'" i ,.fii;t. nioV. for its'. pi t.-stie. ... Add.-.. s'.'.i.t "Kr,;.. '.' ' -i '"!nt ildl's'i-'. ise, ot-the lot. It N. I. S... '!. ! 'uta -t-ri-t!' niol i.it. F i'-n litie t Ii".- ar- ij-ai lin: A-taT'eii'i 1 ". :. jte I n to i l.e;. i.i vf litis t Hjol's Pnrotra t':r btr ..iilirn a the very firm ear 1 sovcu years o.J, was I i A nipripsi s The felie-vi..- i n r fHrsai.i.rii.!i -r i -i. liave n.:i II . i s s tirat-i I- ii aa. a.N ( tiaxc- t- a: bruaa .... !, f ,:-e r I s;, rJ irN-ls, "tVe !il; to t-il w Tllia lias d .tie for i.s. fc.ll !.t lit e ria l'r . lit:; toy Kale'j l-cu 7 TSnffl Is Arjcri'ii's C.-ea'fst Medi-.'itte becat'e it accomplishes wonderful enres when all ether medicines fail. 6cia.lj.oil iktiioiidti. $1. .ix,iE. S5. rrttjaxea only It C. L floud A Co.. Apothc-c4ri, Lasoll. ENGLISH GHOST STORY. A Grcweoiue llim-ovcry and tlie Ap puritiim t H it Vol 10 we J. From HmIlmi llolegute, a village near SpilMi.j, I.ineoliii-liin.', (Vim's a most lnysierlons story, which one van easily imagine' Is ratlin the utmost setti'. - tiou anions the simple eoiinfrj folk In the nelshborlM,l. l ev souio linm rumors of human bones iiitviiijr been d)si"iverod under :i brick tlnor of a farm housoii.-rrthi;. village, of stranse. tiiio.irtH!;. tappin and the like having ocn hoard and of .1 ghost having been seen, have boon a Moat, and it was with lb., int. m ion. if possible, of sifting the HiVSMM M I'll' IH'i 'MM (Hill H LjIU-'OITI reporter b.is Just visited the feene. The farmsiead wlu-roiho weird sounds are ..aid to have lveu heard and the s""n s,1',1"'s b:u'1' fu,P ,,1?tan"1 .win me in.. ,...,. i.., to. u Mr and Mrs Wilson and their man tervan'. Mr. Wilsou narrutetl the fol lowing story: "We came here on ld day last. The llrs nigh- ... .... ,. heard y-ry strange llf,;1'" uoucrh some- ( C . V '"' ' , ,, , . . T. , ":,s " " I a - ; "o her time he , ,. , T ll'Oll. in . Ill, .on 11. 1110 tudtinuH i found everything as right n It w Hie night befon1. The sonant man i"'. s.i.M.i, ..i.i s-...rt i. " had to get another. Then about six weeks ago I saw sometliing.' Before getting Into bed. my husband having roto-.ii before inc. thougiit I would go downstairs and see !f the ov was all riglir. as ii was about to calve. I did si, ;liid when at the foot of the stairs, just as 1 w as about to go tip again. I sm vv an old man standing at 1 he top a nd l-vking at me. lie was siandins as thougli lie w as very round-shouldered. I low I tot past I can't sa.i say. but I darted past h:m into the b.(lro.nii and slammed the door. Here I went to cot some water from the dressing table, b'H feeling that someone was behind I nie 1 invtied rn'iii.l sharply, and there agii'.i s' I the same old man. lie ,oiel.;i vanish, ..I. but I am nliit. eer- tain l 'li-.d .-ecu him. 1 have also seen hi in s-evet.;! tines since, thrtiiyU not .ii!:.' so dis: iuci !v M.-s. V. iisi'Jll '.e? endnote! her In- t.-rvifwei' to tite siiiing room, wiunv jippe-u-od 1 gf'wsoiae disciivcry had ,'r,.n :;.a.le. The lloor in one corner, ir sectus. had been very uneven, mid a dav or mo ,i-.o Mrs. Wilson took tip tite brick-, -vi'li tlic intent ion of relay- lug 'If':". N" '..iier had she done this, j., A-ever. t ljan a most d:sa greeablo inlor : 1 tni-'.-il. 1 1 : sitspb-ioas being ed her husband and the 1 w. - oa-etie'ieed a minu'e ex'iuilna ;' '!'. T'.f. e -'f four belies were s.Min iiriud over, '..g.-'lier wi'h a geld ring an l -ev. 1 .'s ..f old bh. k silk. All tile- i::'d idetl'lv been buried in .;ii i.-UT !!. Net" -iii.l silk being b. Vieii -! v I - 1 1 1 T t iiel eU II. 'I'1!.' s"nr.'!i a fvr ,iiis - as tie fuvi'i.T pfosi-ined. but a (lu.in 'ii;- -'veil tin roducd and ti e rio -r .piiekly leveled again. A-k-.-l hat be; eu u opinion was on l!:e mysieri-s, Mrs. Wilson eotitidently asse ;',., I l..'i- ..-;.. a' s.itn.- time or ott.er t'.eii p'.i;,- had i.ii,.-n plac". She ,v , ,t. . (.,. own mind . , , , , -, , 1 'i i.a i:d t.. 1.1.. apparition, for f....i!gh it was suggest, d she niigiir li.ive 1 n mi'aketl she disdained the i(i;1 tl .,.- -,.ieat:i noti.-e. Ir. liray. 'o v!io;,i :!,,. '-'ties we;-,, subtiiit- ,,.,) .f-,.,., iir.t tie y ti::-ht be those of ,v . w , .,,, ,.. ti... eortvspondent - . says !r. tlray on turt'ier .'xani'.natton sia'es '!"' bones are ti doubt. -illy hu- m.l'l. bo: tie b e. v.-s th"lii to be pearly 1-.i ve-i-s ..I. I t...nd e: I'.ailj News. .inan-.' ;e i-. ., :.n of th- e,-,.,t i'!- of : ., ,,..!.; t j. .v is 'hat it Is il tvre ' . .,, it,, ., .1 .-a I. a-, on. --loiter I c-' It; : l.il-s I'poniie TI." n- ' ' "i. v ..f tie- to!!.-, tor is ,..,.s y, , i . , i -.:.. It :, a f.ite v. how - ,.''rj.;,;;;; ; . ,-. h. i. . -. n.. b- th- ;.. .b-.-k .t the tPibl.tl. .!!!! I' lb.- k- teller i! "l':""1'- ' I,,,.. ,, ,. , ..it e . ' d for V IP- h. h is i (.. .). le , ,. i i'e ;..... . -.11111 .- ;' . ii;. j cio, w'.-ir '- A i . i .- "f i!......'.. in- i ;:, ,.f l, .e ,. , i-!. I . If ''I if. I' ' : H .1 ''V il;;'f t..--. , -v . .: ..ti.' P.::..' exr-e, t .., Pav ; s' ra i i i ' i a ' t I do'! tf, a. b,t... ' I to r , "n t . ,,,,), u p -lidi-! by I'ir-ls by .-td-i -ilu v.-,eii."i i,i i.. v ..-ir j. :,. . - , n- i i ;v; i ::.e:'l'ri m I pinnies. .I.e.- ;,(,. ..t alt. ..(: blame . ' . ,,!,,,-,. i ... i .... , 1 iij; t-. a pf.i .ft i-aat- In l-s mi 'tie ma i t, . tv. i ,, .-, Ci!e f...m I '-itu ot-n ituen. .1. An-l'il..-!. s-. i.-'ic, a:.. .;,-.: ilie y.etu'i vvotie n m.iho tr.e i m; oi n o in i-..t . rnif-i y h'.t v.i-i'ii. r 'lev carry one I of !. ..-.t.-'il ub.j; in their hands' far the of its ref;-. ,-iiiim oviitic.i. j Th' t.d-;.s h ive ..i!iih.r ti. v-. i'ii ilie : ue-r.-M. :". "S th-y :" b li.v l to t.i oibire .'P a picture cf 'he fil'ur. j '"' York !-irml. ' .. 1 r,,.f.,-tf.tio.i. ; , ... ,, . ,..,.. r, T'umey X :i oiav I epei von t r '.' -''i': I-"' ' r" ,! '' '"" ",,v ' ' Kal.e i ' i. you ::.-t iv:..,., -t ;1t my , 'UiC- I'hil.i.b ipii'-i North Am.-: "--- 1 est rrvlek and Jt several day It seemed as if !. w.-iahl r-.r 1 e any better. After a wlitl" h Lpuvi t Improve an'l in a few weiis wm iibio to (i oat, although weak i u4 mis.'ral.-.e. TUd, gradaaily ! All Strength in His Limb3 : giro out. The phjai -iaai told us it was ; ar:i!ysi.-, whioii o.aetimiu follow! on at , ! of Jiphtheria, Wj aid everything ' f ir .dm. but hegrw worse until he was la In j itiful con htioa. Hu suffered terribly ;it night and cotr-plaineJ continually of i his head, and in what little sleep be was able to get, nioaael nnfeasitf ly. He lost till control cf tae aws -les of his body and limbs. II ) had no appetite and complained of feeling sick at his stomach nil the time. AftT we had tril many different reme dies and bad about given up all hope we 'OTi.rencd giving him Hood's Sarsa parilla. In a short time he ceased to com plain. Ids appetite Improved and at the end of vliree months he was able to attend selioi.-l part of the tiate. Kow he Is well and quite a strong and rugged boy. You Great Sarsapariila CHOCOLATE OR CACAO. I flow It Crown mid thr Met hod-, nf Vrf imiilriK It for I -c. ! The Mexicans eall the l.ev.-i:iti. eom j posral of the i.oinnl. d needs of ! 'm ae ; t(.,,,, eiioccl.-i"' j .-i,p (, ,ati.lnme one. twelve ' fn sixw;, feet hiitl.; trunk upiiulit. ; nn,i lHlt feet h'liu; tin- wood, ic,lt , w.,,cilt .,,,,1 w,j,,, u color; the ' i,,.rk, lirownUli. ; ,;m,s '.,,. ,., ,,,,..,, ,.,,,, ,,,.,. ,,,, ,.,,,., ,., nmveri I KllinH ,.,.,,,,!,, nn, in,,,!,,,.,,,,,, ti.h , fnlit , ,. H v,., ,. ,,,, tj ,, ,,, ,,.,, ,,;,.,,., , ,,,, ,.,,,.. tw 1.1.1 1 i - il., ,v tilunit li-llf . II .,.,, , ,1l..k,sj,i ,ieii-.-i1oivd: wlth'.r , )VU ,,, ,,,,,..:s,,.,u.v of ,,..,. r.!lut ,-,,,, ,.. r),,:. 'vlic, ,,.. and ndhori.u 01.lv ... It b.v c.,.. ,.1.1.... ,..,....,. I, .,,,,1 ,,. , ! to th- seods ll.MK-i it Is known wlion tbe spoils aro ripi H the rati ling of 1 the .apsttle when II is s!ia!..a. 'Ho l.l.ll. !. rt V..t 'ttl:l no. lt!lliV'.S-l nl ,,,, ., s,!aV :ll,,lllv ,, N .u an), hy ,,. ;,!U., T,f U Hie about tw,,., i.v in nunilier w !i"it fresh they me .' a M. l he- Fathered before Hirj nr.' ; 1 1 " " l! they pieseii" ti t m ii! s.ig:ir. and t!.n tliev are very grateful 10 the p:i!:iit Ihey are very grateful 10 the palate riiev uniokly k'so their ego..." i.e. I! .... . . . . . taken o'it of t!o .lpMil". bin kept I:, it i r for a loin: f-,,, , i,.,.,.. !,.,.., il.,, and ffltil all the y;ir t ieU-rn . but the usual seasons for ca'be i iiu the fruit are .lune and I. c. nihf r. In two .veils it is about Ihice f. et h'uh. and spreads In bra n. 'i-.s, no: te..re then Ii'-" of whieii are suffered toy nri'n; in three years It l..-ji!i to bear fru't. A t-,-c yields from two to three pounds of seeds annually. The s, ,.,is ate nourish liu; and agreeable to niot p. opie. ami nu K""'-"? "-''' i" s""'h A"" ';'.i and in tlie est India islands. The seeds of tin, oil. ao w. t" mad" us" o as nionev in Mex'eo. in the fine o( v'-',v ,!l's l!M' tilein Is still partiallv coiri.nie.l. I'm smaller se,,js being enpioyed .'or tie purpose. ao lowest i!eionr na' ion o! eo'n mott.-v citrr.-'it tn M..i.-.. Is r ih.. value of about twelve eeu's; au.l tliete toils! aiN" many pi'ct'y trau-ae. tiou of br..s!ne, i.. a low.-r ii mount the cenvctii. n.-e of :h.-e . e.!s. .s!n of w li-.-h :ife reek.'"-s 'h. v;!iii.. ot on.- .. m.'t-t v-U 1" v-i v I'.'H.l.i is p!'!!- ii':li! ng b'"n m:i-l-' in'" .-i ' s a-'er b-iv t,, H il ! I!" utint" of citoda.. g:v ,-'.. Th" 't'.-'h o.j an.-ieii'ly emp'.o-e.i .:. f:. indhrns !n r...k:ng these U w:i s'nip.y to roast ti. s.-ds :;i n I tv .-l.-iriug 1! ui 1 r-"u whh'h by reason of !'.' heat e-.i:t.loy..d could be :.-:! re:i!".'ed. the i:a!-.el seeds w.re brui-ed be'-.v.-eil two stone and ir.'i-i" up m'iIj the hands iti'o fakes I",,-. Mm ess a pv-ee.. by j;, ...,,..,., , ,;- pe-itl t'rii ills! dv s.-rii" d ; nieje -Itv is Vlketl !tt gr:n i ttg !!: s.-'ds -.ft. r :!i.-,v are 1 -1 o. I . as to e.M.v- tl t'-etii into a whi It ! pi'if.-c'ly stiioofli. and s.inie tlavoiing Itigicb. nts a i e added, no.'oid 'tig t-. t'.e t i-'c of the prop!, v ho fit'" '. o . ...isen'.e lie' (i.ocoht'e c-ov.'s and einaii'...fi ar" b: ;.!i u-. d f..:' t'i's purpose y :V Sp-l !!:'. r.N: ..tli-r (iron,a,;e.:. an. I . i p.-rf utte . .'a as tnus'n and amWirs. 'live ..:n..imes b.-en added; but ij... pr'ne'pal (t'vor in:: iiigivbe:.: n-ed with rci.i i Is va t :!hi. '1 !e' ' n ; e-i e- 1 1 ; ., ,.m:1r tit. -i i! t. an . r t ,: .,.,,,! , ,.-,, e , , , . , ft tec i-.il art:. ; I- ' l-i. ' i-t..r t t'.e ra. ... '.e-;,,. .i;--i .1 f.-.i'. ,.,-s , ,,nj, ... f -on ll'di.'d of t' . r... i iitly iiive'ito-l -ii-t i il s:!i, W illi "i... ... ....on ,.!t:,........ b.-'ui: k'lle.l " el V .-.'" I" s'lpply I'.-l is f.e- vv .. -lion's lent., is it ' . v i.l-.i.t t let 'a t 'i eo'ii -... of -i d- o id ' ' o th a-.. v. ill be n . bn-.i- w ..rih '.,,'. ;ii ai !n in iv iv ib.-d e,,eo: -, . I ladies li.-r. b. eo appealed to '.im.h -.!-. ..." tii... t.. i-i. a s'op to 't'e t.oe!,i, ),,- ,-,,n, t. i ... ... ., , i, are;., in f i-hi.c. bo.i t : i v i.-i v .;,.,. :! : . ; i i .."'.-. 111! tlie f. ...', el- fa.t. M- n -He 1 III I ,. It;..'-. i-ll-ll.. t , .il) Ai llieli. I, .it they do not ..... ..iir.au. ti'.- icov .-.-. sbi'luhi.T ,,f tie. b.tds b; vvi -in' f-' lMief-. As !... Iiw.-vr, :! f.ot t'ctiv"!- d ; o-i i.itlin.; of p.-opie. .. -, ane- .i... b. ao'v of 1 .'-,-. 1 s mid ie -.,.. th. ' p-.-.a vat i -:i. The p:e-.'i: . rfi.-.n is evidently :.;.-orri.;i!.e. I '.!:: a , ornin l-.-ii -l-.i t : . -'i cm .- ; i a'..-.- i je;, ; y i n t iiis n-.1 -. t "f :' t amu ftnf t:f t:l l.'.iilaf.d. :io-.V f at bh-y.-les aro su'-slitutetl for horse. A' I e. f'l-' m.f ' t Uteie have been as r,.M-v rv. lists a, borsemen. The hard ;. . . , rn, ,(,tu,n of the ground is fo d.tngr- on, for h'tnMne that many ladies who rrjr!y fr,i.nv benr.tls in the saddle have adt t'd tliP whcoL le are at liberty to use this testimonial if you desire, as we feel we cannot say too much in praiso of Hood s garsaparilia as a blood purifier and building e.p medlcio." tJ. R. E. Anlehsom, Cumberland, Maine. Economy Is also a ehnrfterlstlo el Hood s Sarsapanlln. Every bottle con tains 100 Doses, and hence tlipre Is a solid fact ooncisely stated tn the familiar line, 100 Doses On Dollar. dlcine GOOD U0ADS NOTES. I'l'.i'l.tlttt; T.ii'ni'lUi' 4'otii.,iiit.s. law Inn been passed by the Mi-lit-li-i'i Legislature ieiiiiiiiie the linn pike companies in the State "to con strue!, reconstruct, repair and main tain their ronds in good repair, no 1 of the same material and in the same manner as required b.v their charter, within six inoiillis alter the pitssneo of the Act." If they fail lo comply with Hie law. the roads nr. to beeoindilei t'd in abandoned, and ti" I'm titer toll e.tii bo ehitrire.l on theni ll'IIV It lllllU.l (III' I'lii.nci-. ''The benuty of iou roads was c euiphlie.l Satiirdav." says the t'liuny (111.) Herald, "tt'lien t'lie fennels d' I.iviiside ntid I'.lliiibui townships i, i:nc to town with loads of hay mi l ni-.nv ami produce, and the farmers uf i. tiier townships ha 1 to stay at home. The Kiverside an 1 Lliinton toiis!iip la. tncis came t . town via t!ie Loc.tsi street teller. le. i boulevard The fr.i ai ds of the i. the) townships had to iv main in home, because the roa-N " er-. to i tu'.td.iy. T'o slu.t eu ant to be mired, and so no start was made. An 1 all because of lack of t ntt i pi ise im pr.. idiii;; good roa 1 . " rovvei- It. .ili ...l on riruilrs. American huh'1 nys have often clo. ly followed the old l.oin in model, ntid run :-ilai,;llt aeea I rei.'ii' .Hess of oil staelo. It ooetu'4 not to have ooo'iri c I to our road-builders thai less power is ospendo'I in goine; three miles eroirid a hill than one mile up ii. m I hat i' is ca-icr to cut down a bill oiico ill. in f... all travelers to climb it th m natuls of 1 lines, or that no heavier load can be hauled than can be drawn up tin: steepest part. To attain hid. or level- the precipitous sides of lulls have boon ivalod, requiring extreme g;a les, w hen such could have been avoided, mi I more circuitous courses, n it iiiat -. ially longer, would have ar rived a' the same spot with less ex pendit ire ol energy. Mountain reals can be Kept in order only with extreme .lilli.'.tlty. The work on them, the time a : i -1 niiucocssnry energy wasted in stiiaionuling them, and the half loads I ha; fitly can bo limited on them are sources of grout nn 1 constant loss. In loit iun countries every elV.nt is ma le to Keep grades down to four per cut., that ts, a rise of four feel in evei y linn.!. -.1. ns this lias been shown by experience to be the maximum on which loa is can be iblvatitii.TCously hunted, an I even it necessitates the expendit in e of ns much energy in one mile as in inivcling three c'. a level, so thai but . tie-third as heavy a load can be drawn. As the grade m. leases come tins percentage the label m voiced l..voii;e. so eee' iv. that e in :iuer.n ': ten lect list- in a hut. died is ii-.. I iibioal for moiiiiiain roads, aad on I hi' less than one-half can be haute I of v hai is possible at four in a lnt'idi e-l. Hid hut olie sixth i, mifii ,,s ,m the level. S.. li'tle alteiitioii has be. n paid lo this sub'e ! here Unit a ri-e ..f ten in one Lti'i i . -I is often found m in .ia i.i.'.d i v-i.i. a a 10 ci.:i ,t intly ii.-e l by h -ivy t i .1 . and even Iweive ntid lii'te, a in a Iniii'ire.l are by im in.'ai: mil. e. ia;. .a. This i wion.r. Til c .n-.es ,.f o!, loads could be slightly idterc I in many caves t i lln ir j, i.-;i" .... Iv.iut i-'c, niid in other ni-rs tn n r...i-ls cmld be lad .".it. These ,... oael.i to be thnro,i.:!ily looked int.. be fore iiiakina liitlv i '.i Is I i 1 1 1 a ' 1 1 lit b laa.-a la,ni,:in.-.' t hem. I.. A l.tin. W. IVIij Mat.' Aid I.I ad-lressi,.... ,; M isi.li r, .irviau I Slai1 ii. .iic;e rcivully. 'i ueral M en' sp .' of c n litions w n: -h may cvist m ol!i..-r :-' it.--, a well. lie -md in pal t : I find that th.' .'. -ii .f !s! de ai 1 i-i . liuiiiu'.ie I iii Ma. via. id by a . . .....I it e, eiii.al p, ..vision v. hieli pi-'- 5iit.it s. the use of Male fun. Is f..i . u.-'i a p' ii po.se. (let up a .-euliit.ent -I i on ; .- loii-.-ii, and a.neii. i your ( " . 1 1 s t i t 1 1 ' n . I J .... .-I her State-' ate d in:. I' is a vieioit-i .sy.-tem t'oa' ieilircs I..,..!iie I lo p up the . o,i Is. It i a 'v o' k I l.al .iiecllis th" pie of the whole Stale, mid is ti..' n local question. I! .-.id ; "are d' vita! .iiten . to th-citics. I'.e. cka.de your c..nn!iy roa Is to-day. a'l.l to-tiiorrow v.ct. citv will bcuin If -r. The l'eii. 'i':- of . j l.illv share I bv the I'iij- bui tii y .mist a -! rnci e.ti lie -1st in th" vvori; of col v can nap the v aal a t;es. " bout tine, f-eirt'i - of the iTup . rty iuiered.- . f tic country are to be bom I in the l it . .s.tr,tn l held by the c.e i. orations. No , tin- I iric.ei . , r. pi--ei.tiiie iitioiu oil.- l'..:.rt!i of the p:op- el ay luicrcsts, have I ti eiidc-ivoi uin t i l,.-ep up tho rea ls ..r the whole ciiiilry. Then -nil is obvious. The b n. leu was to . iiiii.'ii, ali i bad loads urc I., be found -v .-rvu ii"i'e. ' i'liere exist in son... places strotc.; i.Lj.-'lioi.s to einplovi.i.., c .nvieis upon pahlio rouls. A happy snlu'i.iii of liiis dillieiilty, however, presents i' ilf. l'.n.plov your convicts in pie p.c im; iiiat"ii il I'oi bnilitiuggood roads. Tins has bceiitiie l in a liutnbcr ol' Slates, .,11.1 lias pi ovrcd to be an econom ical in vv.ll as a healthful way of work ing coir. a. t s. am sat is lied tli.it Mary land c.iild employ its short term prisoners .md House nf Correct inn in mates in tins way, and deliver road materiel a lil'ty cents u bui in nny pet I of tbe Sti't'e. 'You must couvince voitr te-i ta tors thai tlie State of Maryland is en titled tojil-tas good legislation as nny other State ,,f the I'nion. You must stir tin-in at home, and follow them to ttnnpolis. You can tell thorn vvhat yoti wiiut in n general way, l hat is: '"First - complete i form in the loci.! load ad ninisti.itioii, so that you will g.-t your money's worth for the money y.ui mev pay. "Second - You want more money for roads, without more taxes mi ini.ii property. "Third Y'oii want tin efficient St :ite supervision to make sure that the new money spent on roads shall be spent to the best possible advan tage. "Fourth You want to make sure for the future thai all property, un. I all the people interested in of bene fited by good highways. hnll contribute their proper share toward l.uildiu and maintaining those roads." (iii ainn and Swish competition has had a depressing effect on the Calais luceunuicul lace trade. JUDGE OF THE OLD SCHOOL. llnr.v, of t liicnuo, In u I iilqui' He ntiodcr of -Mlicr Ita.vs, .Tiidge ibiry, of I'hicago. the trial .indue In ti.., second l,uoii;eri trial, Is one of die few remaining judges of ..'her times, l'ersomtlly and judicially he Is unique In spile of It's years Iiidao ihiry Is alert physically and inc. it, illy. His wit is qui d; and appro priate. When ii Is a pan of a ulini;or a decision i' does mil colilliel Willi Hie dijiiliy of his ottiee. A man of .'evv words, bins. n. in manner often, avo'd I tn; the public, secKiu;; l.o iippbiils", lit erally wnlhiiii: iinl'.e.pieiitcl siree is when he can. he Is In his hoiim life a lov able ehi'i-ieier Kind, sv lopa ' he: ie, approachable, responsive. II. liKes lo live as bo did in his oar her davs, ,. .- ,1,1 ,is Wife col istltu'e tie- holm. ito-.-. Tii..,-,. is an u.'l.v do::. sh.-'Lii.v .and not-.. ,ai ijmos. vvldeh is ceuue. t..,i will, the hon-e. Vl.en his sedate icasier i. -turns fiotn the ben h litis ii-rb. lookina do'i Lioivs mi' to nn ei him. aiid 'f th-. vveatiier is not uioo-o .iii,,iis ti,,. ..v y.i,:U i.tjicth-r. !.o:i-: :!:. bel'-'te liiete W;!s slei ;i eollvch' nl. .. as a mill, oar". Vr. ' bo y, b .fore h" e.lllld lltl'"t . doniesl i, s. VV-lll to I II" house of an ol I v. .mi at. ".'i"!il 1-loeUs distant, and puieha-' I .i.ilK f 'f bi- I. on -e. Tii's old bale' is e in' i nned. lie has been oil the lie.lel, nearly t'o- tv v.at s. lie is a ua'ii ,il im i-a. Had lie i", er ioil n.a ' 1 so 0 ;i .b'si, e. In would have : one to the highest judi . ' a t of the :-''ate. His present ph. oe and s.-vei.il reee.h.ns dier"'.. .'i a din lo i in. b o of the ei' v and eoun'.v as v e ..... hi . Ii beets. t... ii, ver load" a polili, al :. '. il" l. -vel- -ou-rilt a Vote, ho never pai l M polilieal assi'ssnicil' . mm mmiW xm c:- .M ..,t: ; t'V on I lit: Id v 1 11. l e was i.oie! a polithal .-iiitdid:' 10. As a .iu-U" be i revoied. M'-n who ...re ii,,. holiest fear him. l.av. vers who are It h i,;, avoid idu'. I'eW of bis .1" !.-!. u h.ive beill reversed. When .I'lsli... Italian, of tt-o I nil. -I Si'i'e. Supreui" I'., tn h, holds ...nn in i hi auo h" lilo-s to have .Hideo ;.arv d'h" v i-ii liitti ;:s ..ft.-ii a - iie will. When "def .In die. . i I'l'll 'I' ' i-i's bis oi l b.l'!!" he llstlaP;. visits .1 ii 1 i Jury. Win u the Itar ,s-so.-iaiioti of I'. .,, I, fouiity has i, ;.t; tiual baniph ' .In i"e liary lias .he s"a; ...' boi.or. I'e.v . riieinal tr'al. bi 'ids .-..unity fx "! m-.o inioii-..! I'vau 'iii; o! the iinaretiis. . .1,1.1-, la: y p.-. -..',) . '. i e v . t Pi. le,.-. in t o ,'i ,i 1 1 1 ' v v- i... I 1 in- r.-,.o.'..' l y . I'lib!'. I'eeii...' .V IslM hltfh t"tsi.ll. Me.l .'ill. . , I'. .. .stieets and well' t-i and l'ro',1 Ih- -V i-'l-it! s .t'-ii'. 1. .1 1 1. 1 - o 1 1 a ry v. :' -i;. !. -no.! an l v. . ri.e.i. v .:-!n. wa-: ii'.', i ! Irin. i "it !" et'c . d ;t la '-.: Hit !v. , d ..', live w i- b . -.!.- ' :.- ! i!".v l,i'... lb- .1. -I the , ' and oid.i-.'l him a-.'-i;.. H ' a- !'" one lean i'l til" tow II ,V lio si.,.,11. - p. I-., fearless. A Qtu-cr f ir un-l'ir. Iliti" I'.'.vo Mar im n f'O'.i 1 in hT rardcii '!". in!!':!'- I., t . u ! y i n i ember ' te . n it,'.: .oto: and twelve if., lies in if u'lif.-ii i" e ", iii'h : he left for ...rod. but I'nl.fd Ir. ain for the S..i !!- to r'p-:t : f. 1 turn yeilovv. The Co s. w-cet. in !'. pt f.d'.-r i' w.13 il v.-.v ! il to le loo e fiom i (-,,- vini", ; -..! wa- tal.cn in ti e b "t-' ;:nd put a, ay. I c-day It is a; r,r en ami firm as ii wa-. in July, and tli"re is no ln (li. alien that i' will ever cLnnge Its Ftate. Mrs. Marim'.a has hern g.ird eninp for forty years, ar.d never oh hrived th" like? cf this eiiettmhri- L. fore. Ha'iodsbitri; v Ky.) iiavir.fs. .M.iate;.,, f.in '.:.' i I M!. :. a 1c:,m1 h-.U b.y i:i Wt S'.r York, IVnnvylv.n.f.i Ne - e.---. ('oti'-.eetient, Jlliiiy, S'nrtli Jh;'."i.; cti.1 ''.'urvhiiiglon. A husbind is bl..e :: tttrU.-y in that he lias io be lea-ted before he 1,'ives n firistiiia pnseiit. An rtverworke-1 llraln. i--.in ( .'.(-erd, rirrrttori, fn. Dotertiiind to rlsx In his chosou pro fession as an educator, Erniwt Kemper, of Il"srceton, InJ., overtaxed bimveK men tally and phy.ica!lv. H4 wus ambitious, hia mliid wus always on his work. From early morn until lute at uiKlit Ut eoutiu ually pord rver Ida blots. Few persons, ven with tlif' trongist roDftitutlous, can keep up under suoU a atraln. In aibli'lon to his .tudif", Mr. Kempr whs tt-aclniirf a H'di ol mviib tiir.vi inben from his bom". Fiunlly. his exeesslTn study au.l t!in expo.suri of K-'bitt ' and from Foiiool In all Winds o( weulUrr undermine! bis health. lb) wus takin to hu b,l with pneumonia and his overworked l.rain nlmejt collapsed. For several w.'hks In- was seriously ill. Catarrh had taken root la bin system and bis inlnJ was ia n iblieiitrt ooudjllon. 11- was sent toroloradowhereb s sj-eut three Uiontlis without receivi n it any bouoilt. Then a not ed tpeeialiat from Cleve land treuted without avail. and then a hospi tal in Chicago wai tried, but all al,o lutelv withqut teueltt. Finally bis physician 1. -rox mended l)r. Williams' Pink Octriludu. rilla for Tale l'eo- pla. and from tU first box be began to im prove, wtien lie had taken nine bdxea he was eompitipiy cured. This itnous blood nnd nerve mldiulne bad auftomplUhed wbat nil his former expensive treatment failed to atfoeimpllsh. Mr. Kemper saya bil ca tarrh has entirely left him; be is strong rtgath and weighs nine pounda more than he evfei iii 1. He gives the pills the entire credit, tie la starting teaching again and feels abundantly able to continue tbe work. To prove that the above ii true la every respect, Mr. Kemper made ait affi davit aa follows: ' Huhsfribed ami sworn to before me this t je 10:U day Of September, 19D7. It. P. Watt. Kotary PMic. Vie doubt it these pills have ad eqif.ak tn all the raaSf ' feiLcihefoT ttltUo Up MIX & iMte&V- t ra t ir Both tho method and results vben Syrup of Figa is taken; it is pleasant ami refreshing to tho taste, and nets gently yet luvmptly on the Kidneys, Liver atul Bowels, cleanses the pys tem efj-oettially, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures hahitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac ceptable! to tho stomach, prompt hi its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the ruont healthyand ajrrecnblo substances, its manv excellent qualities commend it to nil and have made it the most popular remedy known. yrtip of Figs is for Bale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FftAHCISCO. CL icuisvilu, tr. ew rornc. .r. Not nn Meat rice. o" said Whttler, thoughtfully. "I can't 'cottou to tbe h'.en tbut heaven Is a pli.ee where the Klreets are paved with Kold. I uout believe a fellow's tiru8 would HticU worth a cent to a street of that kind." Indiana pull Journal. "ewnreof QPIUM! 2 Nevrr give rtmeJy containing vOp.i'.i' o your children. a f r (g eUie lo accept strong, poisonom 2 VJtdu'rves thai "re not T 9 A'o'" tiiuiteating but dnerom. ? t NoRM ?iS Plcatrallilni Cordial Saves thl'.Jten from prematufedeath. Ci-rrir bratih and a new lease jf 9 O1 !fe t3 niimbets of siifTerct. J T & X R,mv cheets, good appetite, restored 2 DiRtst's"1. "suits of its use. 5 1 1 ia the sovereign remertv for A!l altections et the stnmach and l.,ei I'oivr's l-..liitctv rntes Dvsiiirstx. i ind vr t finiK'Kists ntid ileaims O T,n- soyMAN lURl'lAI. CO . Irop S, tl.ARI I SfDN. s. C f "NORMAN'S INDIAN WORM fELLETS ? R.-,ne Worrnv. Hie Best Lber Pills O ii unit J-c. J an1 Uquor I?alit ciirfl In IO to t !hvm No mv till Ippt. A, 1.4'h.uiotJ, Ohio, CHOOL AND LAW BOOKS PdfeV W.. tao . nd s.-l.nni.' lt kln.l" ef heoli. f.n nl hluir lie I. ...as at i ui.ll-li.-n. .rl sin- "u l SchoDlil'T Bsoks : Specialty. w.-nti'tor f'tulr. Ininrt"ii ft J" mint' ikmv frlnv t fit- an l't.. st iriml() for (.1. 71 prvnihirN t 1 1 v fu' Svrt.i HMiinliiiti t?. rati lop ufe. it;. I w Ith tri cV.lt-r Ktntflu rti Itouk I-'v1iai , M. M. bntlth, .rvirh't T. Hh'rUti, .orih ttinllitA. agents wanted, i:,:::ini:r,. f Cln-a l'uhllcat. ..tin; moriil, utcful ami nr n imeiit.il t, 'every house- Hj.V f tiiild. Kicl.istve tcrrl- "6- itkh.iM.iiiil. t.iiy. Writs at otiff, if y.-u aro intero te.l STflNDflRO EftCYCLOrEDIH CO.. NOHI'OI.K, VIKtilNIA. VM1AT "BOB TAYLOR," V !OV. Or TKNK., SAYS, t'srb'eilty Praii MtV Co.. KnoiTiile, Tenn. I.i:ntlemen:-In reply t. your lett-vr nf re fit I'Ht... will sa that I did r celve grent be'ell't- from "Dr. Froun'e fi.ugli Car-." I . .-c -nicr :t ilie brrt remedy for cuuubs aa l mi l.- I have ever u.'il. Yours truly. KoltEttT I,. Ill I.. 111. For tale by all druggists at I'ic, or sent dire.-t. PCCfl PflDM Albemarle rrnltflit ylehtsl l-i.ii. aCCU llUnH ehell...iKralnt.ia"r. t.irlnforins v.,..n ... ii. r.,u....p,l ht.M-k write, inuuliri.1 lock Farm, 8. u. XViK.il!., prnp.,i'brlutt.-Bvtl!e, Va Cotton, like' rvrry other crop, needs nourishment. A fertilizer containing nitro gen, phosphoric acid, and not less than of actual Potash, will increase the crop and im prove the land. Our bocks tell all about the subject. They ire free to any farmer. GERMAN KALI WORKS. 9 Nassau St . New York. hpd Boti Couch Syrup. futevlKxid. Use Lfj in urns, poia nr aruniiu. OPW ffl VE HAVE NO AGENTS rTsST lit hit Mid dirart hm lor io TN Mi priM, Mftii mm 4mliM iprofiW- SliipBiy- bra fgr isvmiuuoft. EvrrrtbiAf wrrmoud. 65 at? la t lUrM. m ra Top BnffiM 1-16 II u I i v 01 M, roMUti, tri. Wwa tttot, tutu lUd ib4 Milk limrltfiwi Prta,io SAW MILLS. If vim i"f"l usiiw ."IH. ' "''t. r,t ll,el..-foie l.tnllilt .is.-vii.tr.-. . the mod i'oiii'!ie line of mills "' denier or hiiiuuIu th s..iuiil CORN MILLS. Veryldnlitt ur ubi SStoii., lit tiiiusunl- wood-wcrk;ng machinery, rim,.'.-.-. M ibl-i -. IMK-'r-. llu-Siin band oa .v -, 1. tlls-. ' ' ENGINES hM T.ill.. ,t t mid I i hhal. lan.-iel ; liull.T. instoi'li. flul'' ileliv. a-v. ' j-ri -e-. V. C. BADHAM, No. 1.1-' i M i ii St . ('oluir.t.iu, rt. C EAP.f-9 IP T Ton rmr.M t lii I ! JFu'l t'Mi!' ! i -.i I .,Tl l.-i-. - i'l nvK ni'vM itKi.r. ,.. ni!i li' i ')ulr,,'H-ut'; 4V-1 ( ,.t i.ivil.tlg htr M- k ,u.4 l.'A . rurttl Iim i. y for only ifiiw. YOU WANT THEM TO PAY THEO OWN WAY. Tm If r.t mv;.i.i -m i iHvr.ilon. In or- drr ut !! I -"-wN Jii t'1' 'iu.u, yn imwt lino niiiftiuna .I't-.ir It. ,- m-ft uti-i vnut. we ; 4 5,l:.V.rV..::".T'!:(0nly 25c. Iw.aitv ttv- i.- i-- Il '-.. oil. ' 'a- u man "M l'U 11 n,M ,. .ei 1 ..''''. nn I ... w.aU.natt Iiiii y urn' nt m.iUi al i i..:u l.y ills i,veiitr-so ... ... ., cl, .in'.u.l.l. ,.i ,',..ir :. ' .--ii n -i liia-. tor ... ... , . a , I ... I l.-VLl. .Meet lrellt.!ia ith..- I u- .,'"1 ,. 11 '..'.' ..I-, fln-i k'.o -.--, i . u . iv. , viii Ui yu. -, . , ., ,1 n-i t 'I. -ti loreetfor .,,',- .... , 1. I,!..'! i.UVll 1-dtlW U I--". "''-I .'V'-i v.-i.tli, I'l I ', if iT.i ,,.'.". ,' . s n ,. 1 . i.u." il lr..llls"le, Ik.sij.,' , ..! ..v.-. ay-livi- ..'. i.-. lu llA'rtpS, lii: Pu.j'.lsit!;'':; House i::i i.,'iieiH. :. U ' i."..r in. frl?'g . tiivrn. is . .: nave 'tj l.tvcr.-i.-iii.-mi' iu. -urn, 4i a:. l !.a it a fiii-iit tieal I.tvcp ;tt,.,lictiie 10 years. .'i'lii 11 1 nek The re nrTiiui of v.o niti tiraM8 Cor-i bi-twcen lh i'-?o ft forty ami fifty. Cirent irr.'i,bl.iriiv l ike idam: in tne petiodto Ian li.vn..' .i.rti i'ei to'io Ivlero tit final c..."ii'K c. .!! f.'fid.: ieuii!l es pel iencinff (.iidilBii Un-: licAt.i'iii.ueHn iii the head, tiendii'-linati'! o'iie,- t. i.ltiics of canMila tioual ti'-' ii ! "f - '' t.-re.)u ayte f-itii.pr.tii.-ilcitllvrefiiftiiils.ai.'! tlicra w Bieat lfriil.lj.lil) iiii-i :nel.i:iclily. the patient 19 ilf-Toiirrii'd aud has u uei.boof iLllnwaor BUil.'Cfit "... . it i:ma in her life tlo-'H a ivonian neca iniiie fuiisiji,., c.o.i and watchful lender iwo, i ...ctoi-i nc.ie liecil for a ren'odyt IuviKie..'c "''" - .iRihcii her. Tlie howcli. Minnlil lie t.cil i ,-i.-:;ii.: wilU Hr. 1. A.Wm ii.uii.il ivej ..i.-t. tcu.c, in- J .f llr.bluimnri rJiiuiiw Mn- .o" is ii-.'.'. it.i'ing the wltola of tin-villi, nl i ri..il. It v.i'l lnvi(roratcancl enrich i.i-f Idn.-a, i-.jlli ml streuRihen her rervrs ..nl ii u i rcli- vc Hie sntlerinK and enalilu hi-1 to i:..- -afuly tiirougli h91"r Kers, r'oluut; h- r l.f, :.iii5 piroriJUflt uWCBtfta tail JO? iu t-i :.t:-raii.iriaru. 1 int. liiufT, AiV, writes: fA Dr. M.A.ftimiiionaLlvar jueui" ino una Been niiOfi f r ind to ii..- -.If anil family J V' f. i l-ij fi. It euros Chllta s53 r "''' f evBi t, ltliloua ei i 'jrS-l "' s' k umic!i. I ,.'..'?. Ilii d' tt.Tr: is ua cumpar y r -n hetwesn it fcna inac ,fcv.-5''r.it.l'l" nJ "ivM iM N.-ii,J.t.ver le'Siilator.-' C.I'.m.o r;nrl In Hrvsi?. fhcrc tli.ro Is fie.-.', dctvruluatlnp I Mood luticj lit.i'l, H'c liiMil-ve..ww of tha litain bre..r. st.-illy ci.Kcateil, anil thera nWts t1tn;ti. -i li.' i l 1 line.'H, cBpeciiilly on blooi'i:".'. i.i! i ir, !,-) .! J-.i'iii !ti tlie liuad, '.ni re c ed If m- . -lpem. It may bo onsetl IitIiviikt t.;..fr-.-.v; t.-o lata rHiof Hi lh lnnrn ni'.'f "i.i'f 'i. I with h.i inaetiie, life. Mf-i.-tie-t ..-t.'on.-ui.;...ti) !n femnles will et...i (...fa -;... It. Ir. tdiiixoua Squaw inc IViuo u c cclitlly MU tor tub ftta ilturcJ. llttr'! S ''. Worr.rilei U ttmu. -lll Ps . Mcnlttluir'.l . . ... . ...,n J. ttr.14.1 i . ' ...... i,. e .IBBAI. n.n t'all .. i- '' .K bu.'ti. 'Mll" 1 ...I,..' If.. us .. e.l .in UI Wflo ijIDIV n. . n I.I. ' -. . !. . . n .mi i br vjorth ran 100. I.ii.-f .v ... .i ... n tin r.. ei viwa, n ,u -..! ':. M. uiiici'.il. ut ..,... .... .law. rnaiim, t;.. I- N .no. looou.1 bbil. .1 l-BluO". l 11 W ' ,ldD.. M. llt. ftluutf. 5Efii3 FOR I BICYCLE . Cff t AT CLt AftINC 8AL0 of tT -nd M -nif.il i;ifiul o cnt j-of -ftif. Frie b.-rl iwoijrpni. Wriif fr our ew AK:eyV.:lVAllff'EK k.- '' fcMK;,.f.v..n.ir liounr(rl,HlKK I. I il.liipwblle th.jr lufc K. V. .UltAII ,'Vll K t ()tltSli tairaafi PAYS THE iisrs.ii.ts. trasr money JONtS Or BINCHAMTCIN N. tool. Short t.t-i. CLti bnaid BanJ tut ki4UM CTaiilotte commercial OLLEGE, unrim-MTB, n.0, 57f ho Vai-at.n- F.4ltni. U ttrantee I -Ctloiru.Fl "..'rTeT. u".b I Thompson's Eyt Wa.tr K N. I'. No. 11- to U eoa at ttei to 7 mm a-J -i.l.. ji r-f .-ii'ii- fen ear. .- y J .ei;i 1111 Ol ..11.1 l tj IJ l': i.:l,:.'t ll hca len of TZ f (;r i'l l-iiefl: tinny i)aj;li V "C" A terra I i;i.ti".birltiii their Ok. Jh im 'le'.i'v troiiMes for b-"i.-A. fctnutc' 1 ateiittriiBtlon. tfSitrrfiifi '1 '''- '.!'i.ll bo homo A VT i 1 k -v -iTt- . -W