C! ' STAHDTflB TEST. Board of Experts So Decide. BanrtiMi !-Y5st!2i!l3!i Fnrtt tntc. Ua L?;;ll Diana:! Bicycle Ciuii ?al AfuiJ cf ill Ccrnpilllorj. Wnera there ate co tn a. i ir.uk ts et M Win thtiE?V:, ail ctV-laA at first Iff: hi -n t it vi r .i'il ?jct!r to tits Aautl "Hr, j.l - a t'w fao't Is wall ktfMls' . ,.:( a cov-rid t?i.r " ' ': i-i-.'; ( r . v p -:fsitur. ta etrv-.i Sj ni u tin Jlr,yV. a is:-il.i . . . t wo;i-irK- ' ftt't f-.ttota.l .i.t! W, twei-et .-.:" ta-: ui (: tea, wb . '." m3 , hM Pa np.Mp'"' 1 .-.-.r! Li fwieter, f-"'' i..-r')i-. the tr!i 3i.i:'i i;f C.:ts?-3 llti'j t ; t ?a-tj tKjUli. Th Boaor ' !:iatUft -. btrf-t wi.l sou.tf li. tblrty-tersa -e:!-fcn.j raai,-. that r tia re': UiheoM c:Viadh.oii.!i t Jfoftt K Lv?!- A.f Ca., ( iliwtsu, Ut..., ekeuieiM,. ol til oaisStfatwd Loff.il jpiae-.-.nd. "r iavw?.'ktlj4 A taaie Pa a tuiwnsa ni'.isr iij- c?aart.i! e. Srs is ite iOR.4jrvu-.Wn at wit.!, sad WioX li.Mi iiis.(.l lUrty-ieva J til sag? tfjwm fctat wt n : : Tu jii M'.l-: tpna S or : m ', t. f-.ipi, " !! ':'.' . fc'-t ,.- - il. .:.-,- -aTiy ;. . . ... ? m.V -! .rt' ' !iSta- . ,v : .-i i : s . t - . J . : Mt '- tij.'. ." . 1 . finf . ft : - nv. for';-- ! . j. i im?. . - fcr:r ifcr : .... SswiM-- ' '.?, . . 6.t.-'-(.., .'i v,. U!J f I'- i : . tar-. t:-, ,u avi-.;-.'.. Vi'muio Ws., rrevM--.-. I', j., i--;::t. L, JNrS'kiil S.-i i:-?t'"'. .'U.. i ',!, aiSj J oaLI ;.-!c'ka to ft V.:.-3!: .'t.'-ATti 05;: a Cart '.Sal .! ffcr t'.K U- . j . t " , A c'. .'. It-!.'- ;i ..',','7.i,..!. iif, '' .ij. j .: i.:ve.' T.'C ttftUj -'i k-..--;:U.i.J Ull Jil tii..i wci-a jtf :? i-rortM m!i.Z'.i.v. '.-otirjioa. U 3or;r:a 6ff obiiiatal a:oj' !?;. atMf&rt;' fat Jn-"i 41 a-is!i t pASOSt o -,u V. C:mi. 1U ', ti-iillo. tiri. Kir T-ut, "i. ? !UfMxwu I ?'isv, tar i- (lit.;, G .t (v- Li-.". . Sola's P.- .Xlir 4i will well, :cvt u rich co!.,r ar.l i'Uv!.., '.vi? burr n if-:p'.ui:'Vj, ii h good .rally upj.'tt;l n-ith J.?rt l!?t;r con tai::inft' at actual In the form of fei;phate. The quality of f.ob.i- :o h irn froven by t.uit form of i'otash. Our b'U ;'! 'fii voa whet to a, J hjr t: i e f'.'.wj fjr tr.- a. . i7.,i is'n -a i rl mi'-p i 01 mi ftfsm HOUSEHOLD MATTERS) ' Fish fn Creuin. j Take a pint of cold boiled fii,J i$ Wove boue, (lake it. Minee a f"V ' rsprigs cf watercress, cover with swee? ' hiilk, Hcnld nud season with iv halt' ; tearpoonful of salt and a saltspoonful of whito pepper just before eeuding to the table. This is a delicate break fast dish. Finnan haddieand smoked Btiirfjeon served this way, after a thor ough cooking, are excellent. They re- (jmro no salt. ' Oetit-loii! IVHimt Wafom. I'canut wafers are delicious. To make tht iu, stir to a cream one-half cni of butter and one cupful sugar; add throe-quarters of a cup of milk, two scavf caps of flour into which one teaipoonful cf baking powder ha heen t-iitc,: aud a tcaspoonful cf VAiiil!;'. Turn .1 baking pan upside, down, wipe the bottom very clean, butter it, and spre.r.i the a knii'e to mak Sprinkle this chopped rr roll in a moderate ovo soon as the tin cut tho cake in from tha tin and place in hoard to cool. Keep ia tin to pre serve their erispueas. Idont (iiiddln Cnken, 'Wholesome" and "delicious," used ia conjunction, Imve an appetizing sound, that not belied by the break, fast product thus designated. To make ideal buttermilk griddle cakes, beat into a quart of buttermilk one tcaspoonful of soila, a half teaspoou ful of salt, aud flour to mako a rather EtiiY batter. When smooth and lisht, bake a rich brown on the griddle. A com mon mistake made by many cooks is to adil e'g to pancake batters; but, as a rule, dikes made with eggs are never f-o delicate as those thickened with rtcvir alone. Po not have the griddlu f '.vimminir in grease. If you use tha iron griddles, a bit of suet or fat pork, tic.l m a piece of cheesecloth, and quickly wiped over the griddle with out leaving an offensive trail of fat be hind, will be quite sufficient to keep the cakes from sticking. A l'l! Vor Salt Mnolierpt. An authority makes a plea for tho vaiher maligaed salt mackerel. It is indigestible, and consequently d'? liked, lie asserts, because its prepara tion and also the method of eating are not understood. The first point to be insisted upon is its thorough freshen ing. There is uo danger of getting it tiK i'rerdi. because fait can 'always be 1 a.Kbd; bnt there is the necessity of getting ri.l traces of the curing pro e ?:. If f ho;' J thor. be broiled, and it it ; ) inaged iuio boiling water for an iiiaut, .:.er it is broiled, this o;.ra:ion will p!ur.;p :r to au atrial t.ve apt'earatse. It i better for be-i-ig '- v.-.i'a n li:tle o'ive oil t'.'in Ir.ntet l.eiors broiiing. .'i'.-i r.s )' is font to ttio table, lemo.i , j'.iee i sp inkied c-ver it and parsh-y l- " . a li.c plan t. No liquids "h..:;hl ;,'.'i -i while the fl-L is being t-a'.-.i. I' i- the eo'-trary cnstoui. that ' Mppiti't 0' ii't-e. poi haps, sifter every t'lout.m! i.r two, that has given it the reput.'ttion an indigestible food. v.-ji!c iu v,n;jrv it is a valaoble oue, and a u-ful ndditioa to the breakfast menu. --New York IVM, H'i,i.(ii,)i,i Tiint. A?"" '.ue ii u'-t suitable f-r frying 1 or for t . w, lus; of f.-its. Iouhnn -j or f, ;ttii's lire not ell bettor f"i.- I i:i drii i da.: i b:in in I.-n d. l;i pitig ! earpft. I'Miieiuber id nay ! to : u o, ji iih tli.i j. ile. an 1 not 11. t lIZ-ltlKf I'. Tii" v.- i!. i in w'ii..'!i'tlie fresh tongue, mutt in o- i 1 1 i U i IimiIo.I uiii v be d ?'r .-'lp ol' H.bii-t t.i the st- ek lot. Taii'.e: lotbs uro now lit-inR made of silk end h i' '- gaiutrd cousidernble v - Mil.ir'-r anion J siioso who can af-i-o'd t ,:!. l"oi rial Liii:' tVi-i.' and bed linrn one in:tml p'ofovi'i 1 t.i a i.iotioKram or two. p.Mtv-. atrl a simple -le'igu to a iBi'U- oil.'1 ..;! .' e ite A ;ii t'.,:oi should belong to every bo'a o'.r-" ''.;!) r.uis up preserves. (,!,'v f..e be us.. 1, tin. but ' gtituuluted sii'.v.r should l -. not n-e cans made from '.'Uiontiie 1 Lduss jars. A point !i n, !.! -. I to tho house, maid's stock 'if weapons iu her jom n, y with dut will lo found tnot ef t;.-ti.'ioi;s for ro'ui'.ii; 'li.it eueiiiv from ti;oii!,iii;.s, corners of tliewind.iwsa.su aud civvio,.. ,,' titebasebeard. )ii"of ih" simplest nnd most rf-fi-ienl tiieans f driiug a way rats is to s,t s.m.-erof chl. -a ide of lime around the place which they frequent. They do not eat t'ae lirao, but its fumes are very di-:orH.ub!ii to them and will re. suit in their leaving the neighborhood. Ta iivi iu.il nnd exclusive tablecloths, he'.: stitehc 1, and with hemstitain-d i.ar.i-.iu: ; . l.mteh, a-o found in great v.irieiy of a'.iraetive p.itterus. Fur uf t 0"'i ii-as atiil small tea tables tho b-t Sie I cio'hs ure thirty-six by '. Lirty-si and tli'tv four by tilty-four. They nay be bad in tinest damask as wJI as i;i plain hemstitched effects. Au excellent calves' foot .jelly may lie made from the hind knuckle or hook in i.l-iaii "o? tiie fee;. Indeed, many 'ive it the pieievetice, thinking it ln's a better taste, in making the tradi tional ..-lives' foot jelly, considered spo. daily p i'.-it,,o!e for invalids, r.ce set of lV;t or "'io:ters" are allowed to one ga'lon of water. Tins heated slowly and hiuinicved geu'.iy will give two quarts uf jeliy. Ttif Hnrnineti..!- mill Men's Welgbt. ! A man weighs less when tho bar- j oineter is hi-li, notwithstanding the ! fact that the itmosphene pressure on I tu n is more tnan when the barometer is low. As the press'ire of air on nn ordinary-sized man is about fifteen tons, the ri:e of tho mercury from twen'y-nina in. dies to thirty-one inches adds about ouo toa to the load he has to rtri v. Fii-.-iiieti's X"uter .Fiteke's. Iu Btrlin the hremeu wear wf )r jackets, with a double skin, which th y are able to fill with water from the hose. If tho space between tho two layers becomes overfilled the water escapes through a valve at the top of the helmet and flows down over the ilreiii- n like a cascade, protecting in:n o-tbiy. mixture over it. usiiiir ; bi- 1 aai va tu tinwviu.. i - v.Sf.. t.. '. thinly Tvith finely bVL:d T'- f?1S 1 .h" u "BUd od peanuts. uil bak ! 0,re,', w VN? "A l'ot v -n until brown s Or x.m (ml brwer wcn .tt Vffi,: It "a" 1 '" Tvtt uuut'iott, Po hit ."ail! make ni trjr h v s .- A A '"I I m i.ttakca from the own t Ad e with th( . . Jr... iw r.:.M.l .s,.i sauiires. lift carefully a...- n .t.v . ... . i:'jgi'r'i..? tfD. I bnT an on the mould- i hL. Prayer of th Pcdnstrlfiiii, HTucp tue tills Jay unharmed, I fray, From wbceiuien scorcbiuit v.o nnd Jowo 1'liej oerer look nor care, not they. They bowl on o'er and rt-Je awar. Ar.i who tbej are tbcro'i con cua AuJ yoo with bi-oku rib and ttvua. frotn rek!4 driving, T tieplor, Ouard ra tbla day. 1 fear tba Wr Who drlrea for acme aiiin l, pott atoro, (Kaeh year tiielr numl-ers grow tb Uiura), They daU along uitii l'd i.'ror And accjdfDti rid them nilh Joy. But If It I ordained t'lat I Meat uiet lo-day wiiii Iiat.p'ni if-'r, That "opite of bow I ef.ive ai;! try, la t;i!te uf cere r.rd waran. cr.f. An struck, run o'er and ssi'-cics V., Uruut in tlie fnvcr I ru J.i. l.-t rvf, while yet I a!h nnd I'.ct have r.t bnt the b:.'i. or clitn.-o, 7!e:.t ihat which breali t o,- ' I'-ir Cu-, l' rarriufe auine rwt i'Hj ti.r.ii own, boa naipe oi nuiuU".- t, !;; to kiivru. ' Kern we, I r-rmy, wnbannd lt day Aa I to forth wV're danger But If th harm .r burt I tuvot, It it be done, 1 pray, entrea', B thone xveponaibie complete F(? darrnee aud oouiioui'o 6. Lonia Svar. btrsns lhtns riieuinnit.v Th's la the fs of thlnjjn inn;nsr!sk j A 8t Louie man baa Interned a n;bbsr i cloak wbtcb ian be craasforc:d in-o a ' mattreas by blowing u up. te.-y?i.,n i U bio.n up.ow.dayc A bvea fraated for a km-J of cap wblva, , fcetag blKn up. nxy be C'4..5 to ae- vij ! as a plilo at nlgbt cr ta a bfe ; server In oas of shipwreck. TMs !e a I nvoaf con7ttei: thlug to lre! wa ' en the ocean. Ther !a e.lo t U'e i -e-sr?er corset. Bev.vr tU-.n any c-' t'u'.va, hovrvr, U a pevaliax fc-.K-r.at rhtla devisi'd by Irurmua. It is liStwwopea with the (jcltla of gee or otie.- bivdt and ! lmended for weail:f arvparel of f-.T Hulnss. o Ujrht is it that a pr;a 1 :i a voyage, if did In s e-.ut or drece of It may be sure of fJoott-c in cue ti t or faillui: over.-o-rd. Tien't TRV f ao lev !ieat fline I-.:' '-i.n Bak!r., I'oivdaf. ii i'.1 'Jr.njT. V. K. fi. r. Coon-say, H.c&c-.Oiid, V;rg:-j-. It ij fai.t trsa; tbe rri'jei: er a:!, e4 y?t ility are aecu.-rd -'i Imc -kit. ; I !te perm-i"jli dure I. Z hm '!r first dA.-'t ute ot P - , ior- ji- H'.Mf'i i-"-ei trrtr-:eVref. J.'irlal j- t;'i to i tis.;'ij fr-r It. h. &. Ki.I.va i-t :.. J; Ar '- -., Veil, fi. v.-auea laac.-l r.- ii..ittr a ai.e a'ic, t : j; er tt. tr as .- :n- a i;i:u.. To iii'v li CelJ In uiii 'Ui, 1 ' Lkint I'rcri, j ii? ii a'nuii .! TOrnggitta itfuai sf-9r ' i- f- .ire. &c. "9 -wr cm! red. cf ta :.-..-. p.. . a !;:! -g. w.r i t.- i.. :r t'". star To'-.ace.-VlM ii'- ' Pu.'-.t r..eif C!-et;-ii. Kj 'r.vwt bow lr.t:e we :.-.' ' -M 1 t en-, ps i r.'ii v '-v . i-.at.i a k:ad ,'-'.l!- '.ir UJ t'1'' icr New Minii.1 T o s.i'i-r S"?l C. .int .!.-U- IT- la.-h I '.-.i i ! at, :-rii..y V-vi c -n hi' ta'e S a... v-i.i hi', ai'..-.: it. t : t'tio inn N ,M ics iun i i.f s .ji Srj'irs , Li r.-.-v '. i , .-a-. '. -i i ai i 11 : i-i'm A. ?2ieri.-eii :, mi get their (tr.et ti-I jeir farm seed tsrcples, vjra and oeu, ri-iciveiy tettitrt. 8;..i t.viay, t E .Ln-j-m -.i ..... ...... .m,,.v-.--.-u j in. .mm m-m .v m. im. mi mi.mm!.,ms'rvr9mm',ruJ1lGWXXQf'U!X' j 1 it r c p ! y a P to:iui:ioi')u.i Uin quin.'sl. oil 1 1. tr"'lll' U ll'IIIS ll.? t ii " l h i' "Wr mei'.v lihVIl.W or" Commluce" tii1 si.''t?n t.'tic .ul'iica liop injr oi re" i liit ion in 1 1; i? . .sL CMU.'l In ho iiiai!' a rqorit tlmr otigh cittn p.iri.-.on -t w im ii n 1 ! the hettr class if cy cles av:ii!. ahlo iii opoa mark ft. As a if suit of tho export nri-J the criti Cter C. Dicla-.td by cal oxaim- fg nation of .'t7 H ( i t f e r o v t j make?, nr.-J U without any U prejudice, a this publica- jJ licit mi ir.ii. ViaiiStisfc tatinply an nounces m favor of tho LOVKLL DIAMOND fl over all com petitors. Z'SXSSSimatSl'SZ t. i u u 3? I if ouin'i rtt, j From the Jtivcrd, Euthneti, TX 1 K.1 unman u h.it,.rIu.in,.ni tnnv... i l0w;ir Jtmt "womaa'i ft" than Mr.. Jn.b ft enter, of Baabnell, III., wit ot ex-City Uralal WonTor. fla had entirety re eoTensl front the I'lceta whiob kept hr bdfast tunah ot the time tor fir or tit years pt, and aay her recrrT li due to ibst irall-ltuowu rtine ly. Dr. Wllt!aiiji' Pink rills. ;r. Wearer la flfty-alx year old, and has llTid ta Uusliull nearly thirty yenn. ii be Is of nnquoetioiK.i.le Tera.rtty and nn t'leivlshed reputation. The a'.ory of ber re-at-very l luterestliig. Hiie aj: ' I u,'l'l4a for rive or nit yoani wtth the inuine ic&t ooiuei !.) women nt t.'nt tiu -if iiy life. I ww ir vh n,tkcned, was tin-H-An uoieU of ttte u na to da iy cn work, S3-tu;Tered by a 1 my I'OTer to dv3i'lo. 1 j.s durt nbesrint an i nI'ie!i;.ly. I took rmnj dttf.eat n-.a-l! -I- e-t. In f-it, r f ...!. itk -ll.it .i a,: t'. tt'ue, but entiling a 1 i do -ne aav i. I c ad abci! It. '.Viiltiiis' rink TlMi ' r I ,i!e Pearae, and roine of i:v frler.-'e tt-n li-nee !?.! tt-u Ii'!.!. I ir.a In i. m n.hid to iry tbeie. t bouiriit ihe (!rht ' U:.'.Hi2&'y! been botbered with I ii' J7wk'iVJI L,-i trcoblrs sine VBJrf--j43&C&Sl began takbig th A i. iS Hiaur, itlia. I haro rooommendod the pltts to m:iT ring r.j- hia the vd tiling that hii.e' me bi 'i-.o i.-iil tuat oouiH to ao man women at a? jv." Mss J. tt.'WsATts. nutsrrltisd and orn o bofor aia tbta J.S-J Uy ut Outc.lsr, A. I). ls)7. 0. 0. tl.oia, Xotary PbHo. Wh i w.auau la pa-slnt; beyond the age i raotber'uo.l, It It a ertnlj la her life. J iieii, if nver, rr.ipsr a'tentln to bygloae 'i.oi I r, iixiir,.'..!. Ti !fn.lAit kufVAf.. ig; w.i- ,iia:iper.r at t 'iaact health fill fo-io !' tr. inlaw i'iik Pills ar n-ie-l. vlJ i.-y ... .,;aia la a u.t UnreJ fora all '.as c ae: ' .-pury to give Lew Ui ind r'-"-" 'j-' 1 '""J- 1 i'-Jnfl nnd m V it. Yr l.w r. a .- ;r rcft.-.i for ttio feMrrtof ' a.-u:4 l--,!inree r-.'i to n-l :hi- i!.u".bi. 'it .1t W bett" r t' be s t ir ; t -.1 -in:. -ii. i - :-ii ere buro. rr w:i.?r tt l a ,i?:-L''' ti? in t'-ef.rna. Te'irr o- t;i.".x. . in . .n-!r.e ;.v(Mtly. luiatiliayureli. i nn i: t I! r'll C!K' Cllld. loo 50 ::lt be k-'-. it t. r tr j r!l for M icrot to .fa m lUj.(i(:-.,-. J i4iiptttne Hn.tniK.il. C r: t r:... ho ebovels anow ner en .sros-ibi-a -n. 1.'. neighbor's (.remise. r-1.-re4iA, r T'i tiloH iiili':8t'-'rtlib' i -tJ ki -h-T f. t.i fc-B,r,.a4. S. ai-j l)-:l .j-.ij V?'.Ji ut. Tftr lift ti . Sft.aai. .- '.Ke, like th root mark jd n-any t)lsi.i . .s - -; Y' rT -,..t bien wl'hout lit 't Care for ...iii-.it:.. .ir XI vor Lir.iis FssRll. I 'at 4. N .e.. .VI ar i. 13st I w.tc y,..ana ii.eu '.w;" lacgbt t tb : l..e p! hit intirr. ,". w nSoetbiagSTriip feroM'drtn .- j.. ifua., mauc'tig inSei'iv . r.naret wind oul'.a, Ac. a Lottla. t.-ti.l. t li i-. "mi 'i inks tioh tds cf f"M ... . -. .- ; r.iv (--..: fi ,H.d a t ifV .t wbt -UoiJJ bsaUdof Ad- !:h ' -!.! '.4do !: poas b.e te grow fiS 1 '. j-.sf.-:e r r-.'.y. if evrr prod :c "d oss SAl.i? . :..:- Btla tbla rrr of ,Ta.k..f.' . irt-. S ess Celt-in C o. ( Kow'aThttt I e..- off ;r .! Hunt'od Dv'.iars Rwi;d fer i ;;- on- - .if i'. ..Th toot cianet te '.ni ! ' i. j'ciiKNat A Co., To:d;, 0. S'e Cm U.nUiie.!. b-V.r..ii F..'.(. u. re - i... if. e,..,-, :-.,i tiniieve blru ytt- 1 -'. ,. . . . . I,'. n i, -iin.vM traeaat-Tiont -. i i 'In .ri-i'-'v b,t to Cfc.Ty our auy obllifs- ei, ui!i.i r tiifrlr firui, . , e .jM-.t if.ti, NVbolesaleDru.jsUte.ToW i'. W.i.i5i, Xlax? St Mabtiji. VTioleiu:-i'ragg-.ats, "id'As, Ohio. H .ii 'atarrr. Curs U tAVenlnwraailv. ao.-Ingd.-esjtlg upon the hIol ar.l ma. o'.s e'ir-f.i-s of the tTitrn. TeHiinnoi' ne:t re P'-.r". r.-.r i-.t;-i. sol by '.! uvitwi. i'-.'.l't j'aeilj- 1 .'.s aro tba beat. LOVELL "DIAMOND 6 i ikes Precedence Over AH Aui.7-w.JI r. tffll CvfAt'-S' fe-t-as. Tjt.ier, Free, lot'en, ftbruary t!. '' V iKi'trn iView ef o!r.arv.e, l-hiM9i !- ,,, ).-r aii : i'-ur letter of rr.r tary 7 reetd In rply ill -.y t .j vi. -i vo t hit-.lt ycu for ii.7i and wuld a'w eay t'u'. inia 1, ., , i . it - ever kr- of .- i. i".er of your rlnst hatog ti- r- j- u -.wi rifl.t out a 1 1M fai-. ond rt w'nt ' M r i t.it !.--ic tv.t 1 don't xnirk you have made sny riti.ir., for ti.u i-n.ir. nil hack you up ii the. ata'.eraent. ' e willing to jjo ..jr b -. rets rrputal on of over 7 yfra thit thi Lovoll Dii-:..l ia ii bett bicycle built, not only in tni country but 1 n a- y cU-.er . Just, m -m ai vo-j Ita-j tha pnrt elthtnH article in, which yo'.t sunt 'ii ui.o 1 ci tt-d and tin'-ie-joi to ea, onj In yo-ir lottor ure ki .J eii3',;h to t.v tbat it would be printed ana that yr.u a.kad n- advert irejiant, eif'.a or anything of thi kind, o tho.ild b plaaiad tu have yoj BenJ ua a few cepi ty m.-til. Aliin thrJiinj vu tor your kir.l letter and rvlwvt wlshlnj !') t"it very tett o.' i'icvo, s resain Your r it-ectfvil i". B . L. lin P. Lovell Arms 147 Washington Street. 131 Broad Street. 121 Massachusetts Avenue. cur Catalogue " Famous Diamonds of tbe World " ol our nearest TF!2rT::TWrTZm'tt ta? - gtriltga?ffe 5nw!(ia the LatrO. . In be ebeenoe of ft family, Mj Spore Moments, tiie prlvato grounde of a certain BcoUieh lord were often used by the untlea of the two nerffbborlug rltlsfca, at thereby a esvlnf of fully a mile waa efTeeiteti. OccaelooaJly, toe, when b!a lordship ra at home, ctteaipts were made to "ma the MocliAde," for, whenever any trespasser woj caufbt by his lordaUp tie bad to obey the command to "go back the way be had come." A loo-al hawker, wben centlonsly wheeling his bamour eWng the forlld ltn path on day, hoifiH'Ccxl to see Ills lordship before the hittt-r aa-.v htm, nnd ros.'il.r turuln? the barrow rotul nt Cown with 5-1t b.;-li to the dreaiW iairj, w no, coming- up, gavo mm a ten-re reprlmnrd a ad thej or-lered hl:n lo "vteel rVu: and go back by tus J road by ihicb l.c bad o-omo." Tbe wl! y Uav. ker rt'.d au he was bld- fln, tbareby tnrrJnj li;s barrow In Uis direction Li Tfhlch he wished to go, aud so sfft-ctuiilly ou:w'.UJ;ijt the unous- .VtSDg blind. Ths clergyman who. a few Bmtday Bite whipped out a cneece knlfs from bebtp..1 Ids pulpit aud braniilsbed it be fore Ma throat, and another who during hU sern.on weighted a balloon with a whisky bottle, may hare couvlnced their congregations that drink la both sulclt'al fci-d debs slug, but they seem to bare furgto the nils of rhetoric that such s! si ilea burlesque both tbe snhjeot and tie object. Eccentric and "yellow niethous, whe'-her in speech, or Journal, fum, er soclel life may enforr arten tion and excite comment, but are rnere trlclous in charactar and of doubtful utility. iTTOf PLBfllS, ATTiV:raTIOM! roSITIVKLT as i mmm sees "3 )ht WTma"niiniarTrir-mr" 1 or thk cri.PBnAJ'Kn JACKSGN AFRICAN LIMBLESS COTTON j is nv. nr,D nt? THIS COMPANY. jJI.ANTCRS AR9 WARNED 0T to purcbt I oi otners onering sreu cic.rning ii in pa ol this oedrfu':y ,i-oiiflc vrld, c re fed net lu ur pnm.en, wr toid wlthoiit I r.T.i ...i n t ,.....: I (Ji'lre.i.n bq.ilhn;k-t( ep:ire eiJ genuine. S9fid fcr cur Sm i! ffsrla Cotton Pisntrs. A U hi 1 M' A M Jti O. JACKSON AFRICAN .:. .:. LIMBLESS COTTCN' CQ , 9 1-2 I'eailitrce St., At' mln, Oa. -"lil--- -4.-1 r-Msaxt otio C- cacrn. aw. r. R!8CIY. Trw. c. a Kra u. . BOSTON, flASS., U. a 1 an 11 1 111 sawn uasisim isa Agent wanteJ in every city and town. If none in yours, write to us today. ff 'w" W-S'asriegw-aiirieawa ' '" ltlr.i...illilrw-mW. -il,.,-1r.m.'a.wil.Mr1 A New Swindling ajchem. Hie new rlllaia poses as en author, lie writes to the typewriter, saylnj that be has a treat deal of manuscript to be copied, but It la of Incalculable value, and he requires a depoeM of 13 security for Its safety before It can be forwarded. Once the trusting yonng woman has forwarded the deposit, the oorreanondence with the author enda Bobby's View. "1 dont want te quarrel, mamma. But It's this way don't yon see) I can't sgree with alater, And aha won't agree with ma" Qaeee)eee.ee)ee3 Hnvurei OFILjM ! IN! erer give a remedy containing Opiu m to your children. Refine to teeept urong, coitosout M edlcioet that tie tot Alone nauteating but dtsgerout. NoRIAIN'S rXeetralliler Cordial Set children from premature 1eti. 3 arriee hettth and a new teme Jl te number! of turrrt. Ro cheekt. good app'Hte. reatored D igettlon, are r'tultt of Kl ute. 1 1 la th aovTlgi remtily for An atTectloni of the ttomarh tad Lower bowelt. Abtolutely curet W DVSl'KFSIA. ? f, and joe. at drugaleu nnd dealer! W THB NORMAN CORDIAL CO.. f rop'a, J CWAai.iitioN.se Y i FOPMAH'S INDIAN WORM PELLETS 2 f Rcno Worsu. 1 lie HeM I icr Pills. T 10 and jc. I e44eeeieeeaiee L.' a 3 u f,t "-as3 ,lf HP S "a :t.t i t ii ajjj 3i FOR 14 CENTS! Wewi k t ue.cec j f. tni KC'iti . I9l ada, 11 1 rk. IIDii 1 Tkf. KmIf arlf IX""- anltit H m l nil n:. 1 aifcrok On(int.r, .mi atti i Vtotorit I.tttutt, l.o dih.kibi, pa l.r issssrs'iUu. ii-s ' f,n".j (';"-;;. 2 I of tali o;to tr.it".- I l..T.t.I.Jitttk. g, Pit.-.all.iiO ft ilea : tc. No i, Bfca ftatijJl of tali o;io bp-u 14v v KAXg: W tnvitt fomr tea ad '-J know nil r?AJBjBl"Vi tm i. aiMta tars re., i-i rao'ni. . g, KrgltCttittSimMHS Other Wheels. LiTABLLStltO lMi Cdiierial 7)ipartmnt. 3: -y sioniray b e. iv I ! i:7U.nU I VII s UlVIVLb ,-,..t',.,.H-n:-I:i i,-,'.v ti y;ur leU.'r of I (yvi MlaSOraa'laMaels SlttS. .. I i, e: tCHe, -ii! si '.Uiii I o:a retire k'rctti fcf. ORtAT CLgAPtINO SAl- ef 'rl .tij -tt I be:.t-i; ts ir "j r. i i.iu. n Coi.fb C-.r.." I irjxVJ ciMl, beit St.lS te SI. Sent i , ,,iorlr ;. .in' Lol rtiveiiv f. I enlist!.. I.i M M rwkt teraiM'wirtfror ' ",,r , ,..'. . -,iVh L3-r?5rWJ- "- oJ.a' A JSlt.-'f''J'l "ka I.', . ti . lli-". fi,,rv.SPAf;fins.Wagtiiiu j-orflebra!!d.-.ik-.'Ut9at.,.V... ent diruot BwiJ.SeeTialaltiltlf er.onil,Sieit I vl ViUM aaca. 'WaHr.a Ake.l,"tMi,t . . V. 3 LB AD CVCIB COMl'ANY, Chlrai.. J 8 J.l. No, Ii.. 9. mnwinrmn n awaMBawaJti in mini eiarirT- -' p-. m," i.saaswrs.-i mm miKmTJml fj WESTERN REVIEW of COMMERCE u- Pradhury Publishing Co., DEARBORN STREET. Chicago, ftb. 15th. Jo'.n P. tll Are C. Boa toe, Vats': Cr.t liooni Your ettteawd favor er the lilh 1 net.'le V.and and 'content e noted. thank you for your kind word of appreciation. W st.an Just hot we any. tii't ror eorefu! and aelentlflo oonetrue tlon and real practical alue th. lovell Piaaond la undoubtedly the bett wheel aide. In our Investigation we examined 37 leadirj kj, e-nd wr eatltficd after mott thorough tetta that we wr Jutiified in Jiving the Palis to the ' Diamond." Contidrlngw ware not Influenced tn any way by financial con Idaration. not ev.n In the fora of advertitlng patronage, you ty r.at attured that the deeltlon aa unprejudiced. j thing you sueeeta la the coming eeaaon, we are Youre very truir. Co., M'fr's, S. A. BRANCH STORES ; wawawawaawawavjsswBwawaawawawATwSwBM Worcester, Mass. ALT Providence, R. I. Pawtucket, R. I. Bangor, Me. Portland, Me. agent or sent ty us on application. , $1.00 FOH YOBS PHOTOGRAPH. rnoroarnoN i. SQCAW VINE WINK CXBX IMCAIXtR, Write ua lit How long you he natd ej old hr. elmiuont Pquavr Vine Win, tng State Dltaaiet tt cm'i. td U'oe namea of tbote it cured. 4th Slate tbe difference betwoen lit otrenin and ectlon and the atrength end actl'.n of MoElrea'e Wine of Cardiil. On receipt of letter enclosing r. rently taken riiotoitrnili we will tend yous 11.00 Bottle Sqi.tw Vlue Wlue (Ir'ilJtK). rnorostTioN a. Liven mcuiriNB certit icatts. Write us 1st Ilnw long you have known, used or sold li. '!. A. Vmiiumt Liver Mcdl clue. lt:id b'.uK' Dbi-op"? t! euieil. J.1 Olvo eameeef tbot' . in - I. till S'ate tbe differ erne betnecr. Mk si'eiiKth nudecikn and tho aircuuib i-i 'i n.-'.Kn of .'. II. i'rllin A t'o ' '.!'. er I!. Kuiiitoi" and tbo C'.ottd noyita Mf.liili! i" . a "lt!-k Ura-.icht," botb cf which (.-.hi .' Vioooy l.jl' a of lioi t en-l Eler" cf. Hi rl s, are' lo'ie to'A at auou. U e:n.a per y-ec V.' go, n.d aiini'ld tot i ml! S OfOr IDr-i'niii! I'lin-iamrra ur? not Lnni fed upen, wbli-i i-r, M. A. r-iiuicns I.lvi r We II cino, pin'.., fo in tho u:ts: r.i.d n:ii cm fully evlvcte.' l'ni.t, rcpt ulkisof co.t. nilii the Imi.Is of iLe Ituo'.a nud Items cf th'i itrbs by car secret i.i.M'em exireeo-l ai d tlncitD m ay. et.i.-it So "11 tt !.i ii.eu :0 Cfii'.a. I he i. .iKi.n cf t.no dltr.. reico in th!.:: On June S.'ili. IS.i.l. t!is Sup.-en e ';eirt enlotuod J. II. Ze'bn Co. fm-a njnniett U'l"g end erlli.'U nicilcine under tbo ttauie cf "Pr. bi'i'ui "is I.iTst K" Hi lu..'' Zti-lln aaie -...-.-r too'.ir i-ili taM, the toeif-cli-.e win '"!., 'lod n" "tiin'j;- tfr. 'H Clue for the iiejt'"cf tin; Di'si: ll'l" ..! ley." Aud Zv'llirs w.iuer iva.lhed l i tba cam, ar.d '--i:!ii'ii1vr:i:rv,;.-.::e n.ild "tiint l ths Liver kidl-Iimlbt y tiiaknia w.do l-r tho tarn', fc.rci-.tla." V. br: 'i.e-e celt Int.-. o evld.-tu e con ! Cirre bt- Hint nil tin ir LK 'r MeOlcloo ! :! - i' i-?.."nviejiclrJ,f Again, the toili-d htnlct Court, in t.i-J Zoilln cei-e nt Kiiem I'le,', 'in., enjoined t in Old proerletoit of tho artle-n tioc cal'e,! "Dlaok bru?''." fr. ru j-o'l" ! rutins; fraud by lining t!ie iroMi '.' nttutliig oar trade nme. e.mt "lilnvk I'rrn- nt" M mil kiD'.'.i till ef'ert-lirit vet, tin v fu:,i.-F.li t'isc th t tt waaekUbiUDi'd In is-)'.', and l:e!icer tr.e- -i by ttlloviiig tbc'r fLlimiTi to un'rul! fni' reprcfent It as l-ien-.tno a -our iccntili-e ir - c!o. tl-ty clvlii color f truth to tho C ceptlon by pabMMiir.x t'"0 plnf.iro nf H 1 . 6liiiiiiiiis on their wrapper, thereby '-. elating tti.-lr triicle wll'i n -r fr. M. A. Sin units' Liver M.-.ilelne, wblcb beetab!lth-- I In isa, fr-.i ere)- pt'-baro of wbleU hut borne Me plulcro i ir.ee u rt-ielpt ef l.-'ler erii:!oririr a reee- tlf taken niiit.ir-T.i wo v o; ,sil vou a il l.) I'eckaco Lliei d:.-'r; i t lr.K ( V. blMJ!.:.Mi Mt'.H. CO., br. Love, Mo. InU-re-ftlny Mi-gionn Itmn. An American v.-'.i-.j !:aB rt-. e;iily elslt od tbe ancient ib-iKr:il City cf F.'mU, ilctlcn, oa.vs the liov-t-aot-'e iialace is tbe mo.st inteieitinc i'nin iu Aiurrli-s. It rlnea on a broad trtpb -r--. fend eu:brac's court tuon cvurf pin of mighty p'.llaru. ai'd lotiK ftretcbw of empty halia. One of the pyrcmlds ta snrniovcu-ti by a temple, ni.il atio'ber Is UU) feet iaii i.'' 0 f'H-t wliV and 7'i fw. ih'f h. with a plv.fo-.m f.vt square "a top. Tr.o whou i !'y 1 prono'.iu'tl a ' in J-l otitic p'.v-ture of diehitiox aj.9 yrmu WAfn:a Lif pik I 'l at'n ; sta.a- lycV.rl how.a P . '.V. 1 : V 1 1 . ) I i t t.i - j. j - I AC UI UJ JUj-, f-HlRLUTTt OOMftiEHCIAL hVaaao-'.-.ti..ii. .o!.-l,.Ma-.vl,ri.-...e p ii $ S 1$: S3 -u "', !.y -l tfla g tji t' I'r.d. y..Mi.hni., t G S ? il if l' ti. A, U-tMumi, Ohio, b. W.A 'liOll I AYI.OU," ;1V. US'" TK.N SAYS, ig hf .-. '-. -vt'lhe, TLn. a f(J r c m nils the M "Wi si hsnIii:- tinv 1 k ( 'nst- Mi ui 1 " says in b.-i.-suordTtd'. ;;.tli, 18'." : "Our rcpre tirabitive.s have tie rcf.ire gi' en clofp nnd ciiti ea! Riicn'ion to the clahns of all the leading make. of ey elet fta found in their cata logues, i"d 89 .1555. presented by f nuer.'.s and in- S te rested wheel men. A s a re sult of ihor oub and prac ticed testa snd extuniua t i ops, the unanimous vrdtct of our ei ports was in f: tvor nt the LovFi.b Dia-M-.iNP.' rnanu facturd by the Jolin I. Lov ell Amu Co., Huston, Massa- O chu.sett.a, and cas basfd up on general aud s jnini e t r i cal excellence in every part of a bicycle, cou pled with cor rect and scien tific design." ' M.iwii'a. J'ww . . ! n ii. rauutiwia-i.al H W A tt ki r.itniilit-.ieninrv &3 fjl

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