w Y) . (ihaiham iStOd k - - - YirMRAI, APRM, H, WW. H. A. LONDON. Editor. Tar Vn-uWs Ion- exooctel I HB I Hiili'iK h hmir Mu - esW uasat last nt to hoi h :ache..of(,,e.,oress.onlftstMon. iv an 1 iiw to liavo l.vu unfa- -', , . , ,. . 1 . ... inessa. Hay. and seen to have Wu unfa- 11 1 1. : 1 Toraniy reeeit'.l. 11 11 a eie.u ,,1 .1 tion, ana concinues iy sa. nsir mia "the war in Cuki iii'.Tt slop. It .1. . 1 1 .. I T . .... 1 1. 1 ... 4 . . ..' '. ' ' ' " '11 ... i ill I." I lilMSiMl'. S I I s .' -e i! ! 1 4 I ;im l ,. , . . ,: l , iiUf i s i-d . ,,: , i . ilU esptP.i-aaivui t .i " - mimenlinCuht: an i also ( n. ilioP-.. him v. us,- the a.-n.v and n.vv,s m-p-Le n -t- fov thU ... . I 4 re -oiill i-ot ( itii.is nii'epi'ii dence.'ae.d his f.ii.ue to do tl:i: tins yiven :!'''-:: diss if isiarj i. !. (I: Mays the h-suc i-- r.f v. tihCoti fress. And what v.;!! t'.sijiv--. do? x- ..!t U . v.f .Ml Ulil'l 1.1 ' U l. .Ill' I I. ...,. , , , .. . P. ' ." t oej-f. d-it'S aiiythiiiir A. very sp. .in:.- ' i d.--.-!sre war fleet to !.-.! .' dav's d d p.- defiiiit:-. i'i" s" is ' liu-iu t '.H";'c-.ss ,; ui.ee. it eltd ,l I ll.-o.o... ui'is.-it The Spanish . ui'.-r ! av -.rud-un e in I'uh.t pis pu'si iu au.-th. r ohlirm 1 ha. m 'Hie v !ei ehan-j .hi mitlook. au-'t a vi -p 1 dechiratiotl of 'V P'. .-.ei; if It tils to a'Vit it ail-, "he.-. '! 1 is liroi'osed lirniistic" I- i.:l"..'SS'V viewed. ' si'M'.e it i- 'ire e.-a, -.tl i.s a Sn.ao-Si t -.1 ."PS leu o- !,..! :s and tv i t l.ers it i - p -rro. silK'ere eti'ort in eeh.-.l:' .f ; ' prahle adjus'isi ef witiaSit war. President ?dcKin!ey is iiis i.tess iln'e nns'eU r, t.f-i to ir without tf-mii'ie-utimr -r. vpp. m:i: atiy oj'- iui.Ul )'! is 'olerress will have to trive i: .-riiit:-i and resjieciful ee.ti- ,, ,......,!,.:. u-i,!-,. " ."' , ',. " . ,'. , to P-ta;:: the ,u sasiso ,ua symp.-.thy ot m.e irve-it l-.u-opeau rowers. wh.oye earner Sucre's- tion Spain wa- hi lue.-d to r this armistice. The Spanis'-d-; p. -have now vii Id. d an-t order to a-., .-t -a.-'". I'nife.l Staes c:p, h: justly dens;:: I. Ti, -. havi- otl--i-".l to 1 .p.. sted 'U-hitra.ss .; the :1 to dld-oer- i ! ev li V I the Maine and U-a!d.. Ih.sr fir '.. Th. v s : , h . "l'S revoked t:;-- i r:i 1 -r ahor.tthf 'ta. - it o and have- allow.-,! th to th'-ir h.s.i"-. A. ''''" eal now thy -.rio-j of h'.sti Iiav.- "rattted a lities iuli.ia. that our eaiver .11 h t-t et t.i-t (leniaiid.il. Since U;e ahove ' i- irn::. i; thn latest tele -pram- ret. 1 r war iis-vi-table uiile.-sSpain s'irreu l.-rs Culm na-sslitiot'.allv. A r s d iri ui ha Vrobal.ly Keen pass -1 by C -;i ;r.s 'eiv this i- ivad' re.- urid'niu' tin- uidependeiu-e of Cuha a-: 1 dif.-et- ., . i -, 1.1.T lie' I i-'-iu ii. oi a a. :.ie. i u- t.-rvciitioi: ui sc. nriii' Cuba's in depeiideiice. 'i'hl- is almost a de claration of war. an 1 hoi-t'iii i -may be . xneete.l to !!.. any day. Washiu'jtou City is aiiatue with pxeiteiiietit, and a nu. .lutiop m feared in Spain if h-v roverninent vields fui-th.er. which is not prob- able. It was quite a strikiiiLr oini i clence that (b-ti. rithu.di L.-e left Havana on last Saturdav tin- Hth ' ,' ,ul"r is:-.:,, of Ainil that beine: the t tii third snnp-ersary of the surr at Appomattox ( sn t-!b ui.-e Yes, on the i'th of April. Gen. i'itz'niiLih l.ee was one of tin . m. . i ... i i M-ate othcer, would at erw.uds be- come the trusted and honored rep- resentiitiveofth, r'ederal ovem- lueut in a forei-n counti-v! So well arid worthily has this ,. , ' ... , nld Cot.fedei-aledischar.red his de- licate and perilous duties at Ha- ., , , , , vana, that lie has won a place in theheartsof all Americans-North as well as South second to no wasatriuniph.it tour, a contiuu- ous ovation trreetitpr him all alon.ir his route. At every stop crowds would lus(il.heer"hi.a and hail ,. ' , i h'lu a Honmc I!'''' .n'ro.aml his welcome .t U i.siiiii;rl..ii v, its ospeeially di-mi'iisi rati' .-. mont distm-uislied oll'icers iu th" t-r use ,,, tl;e warin.-r st -.tes ,,i , ,.e f th(1 nv,u. a 'p. .'.,, i t ! Of m r. V sirv KV VII?" n c i l . ., South, (lei.eral Miles said late , p, .......... . ,. ,.:,,.. 1 1 , ;,. veip.ai.l lie sIo,v !-, aint ilelil.el .ii - i 2 ' ' ' M I . fU.I. -1)1 u- Coi. federate army that th-n sur- ,. f , ..,,,, .a if io.it.nie th.p , w n .j j,, j;VcrVi hiim was sldi, tu.r ... s. j. iwry i.l... i- , . r. , lips no i.imu.n in tl ' htiU"- and v.: a- attacks upon , .... i- , l.y T. J. ivirii mi I . Dvt iii a.-ili .f s..- Teudi'ii.-il to tin- I ii i"D jinny, ait. r ,,f troops wi;h a vi.-w t ,-onceii- i" S !" ,isl troo.'s the sitnati,,. T S,U'U rl0,"i,fli ,IS ' "'' . V U: Jm.r. n-.-. ; ru.i ..,...."'. '-e. r.-, a terrible v.-iir of four years. Tat- trillion had bc-n ordered today. n l ' 'il" i I ,' o i that man shop-ly am sauetiliea. lingt,a u, ., ,,, , c, ri)ie r..eui.'rof tie did he or anvoi.e else then " 111 lieconie cfanp! leal, il, el II is honl (. ,,..,,,, ehau,,,.,, ,-.,ny. I ,vil ..l Mr .u.w t edn he oi an on. . s ten J'ot. 'iist Tailroad coennis- ,llv In; ed . hat t la- Spann , ()11h.okers. Suddenly, pubt.c .u.-.. uu, r. i,.,.,.',,.. .r ... ri m - Slmil: tleif he M O.Sei.p.il ( i.ntp.1. 'i..osi i.iuio.iil (iiiiiiim- ..,...,. ,. . ,1 ., ,- , . ... , , i ., , ,. . . , , . ,,... , ,v ., . v ii... HI . .1 iv ..f Mnv. IMK. IliS Tkk State Au.ldors annual u- ,. fvt,1!. IV! vcveadimrXo- vrtulnr !U, has just Ueu .. . . . - ,nb'ihp-l It shows that tho to- , , t .,U ,-..i tl1 ,lSN1!M 1,1 all! . ( l "! "M--l!Vl r,m,,u" r ?-.vi;.s-)l. Hii. which i over a mil- lion dollar less than it was a y,-ur - ' ' 1 ' and personal .r,M'oi-t.v inthisstate 1..-I.4 l:een tu-dle .leereasiee- iu I--ivun1 property inthisstat hal ceii v. ( ' 1 ,"fV,',is'.!!L;- JU . . 'he And. I..;- i-a !s :; 1 1 ; : 1 1 ' : 1: i to - tnd Ci!uiemnst!i'cuf.o:i, Mmt me.v O.tl.ll1.' ..i l.l.ii.l V ' t ti. n - i ' I orevai's '.a r.i:'.n comities, oi ;m- ..otntin.' i.i.'..!i!..i-).-at listtal.-rs 1 - . - of apponitr.i!.' a man ist t-iuer mereiv p. -ive him -a iiu!e joir ... . witn.mt re.-ar, to:i.st.f.iti.atious I the position. Hentes, as ;.h i'-'-.th n t!a- pi:ic,-nrato list f .. .11.., . . ,1 .. ...,,; .,,11 ;yr,:i P.-i. : 1 1 i i : 1 1 1 ? i jn-ivs ii I la'i-t i. indidVivatM-srs! T:ii: St.ste MiDi-riiitenpe-it i , , Vsohe Jn.tre.dion has issued a circular. calMn;,at!;-nt.ont.,anrt , .." i ! o I . f I I cl-.Pi.-.i f h: t ;.v.'... V. I.-.-. ... .. I-' ....... ......... ... .. .. r ..! ... . II a UP- , or n-lier i-oatii-eted v. ith the paioli xehool. to sell a-ivrhimr for ti: nse a s-i y s' i! ; Sei :: !. He says Ih .' s .s.-s.-!i....l o!-i i.tls li.ive vi- .-'t-d c!i:s I pv i.v otn-ri-.,' ! as a.. ntts i. O S.'Ulll! sapi lie .'.-in just thirty- , tllis'week. a-1 t l in: I :ist w sea n v . ai's w.sild'nt it he tpii.... a e.iiucideii if the net war sh. aid eeein tl: On J.ee l.e.i ' es tl a V a'pi. K,v V. '.. April lii.--"T.-ll il t.tv.-it t '' t t 'Ui ! ".;iv at '.IS Ceptain i. -; -1 . t!.atth.-l'i iiedS..,;. ;i.e U. i!.-et i ; r i.a. at.lph '.. . .eo ' to!:.. tietn v' We :sl !, .r.N t i-:i-::l i . .',. rd. iv :.f- don the. il p ; .l'a'P.d i:im. ii Cat f. .. -! .! ;,,,., ;,s in' ti." ' i"! V'"! paj-u- .- 'rr. -p. it was .-videi;' I .ei. il.teade dto -..-thelssi P. it ,,,,.,,,;.;,..,..,,. ,., rii,jU.l ja s.t;..ort ..' his ii::o The Hv. had air. .-de ; iL" 'ite'i;. :v it '-"rro i V is' I he 1-aehe w:i, .si i t . ;!!! v.as t.;e sitafMs, -.:;..! the narrow Wet P'.aa;- . id-s. -i and out. :i i. : 'i s: i,..-...- toth" ' e ii h pa:i'a:i i -I .;. ..!. i- . ! io I . .- .!. . l-.,-.:r ', i:e on d h taihis -. ores pp.' I ti-; ; .'. ,. : j rlacai sLluP- hi the lipped saM-Sae- W ith .me 1 I,!- ! 1, v. hi 111 h- h lae f -i'i iM e'd f.S' the v.-l'.-.l laPPt;. ( e lietal I., e. oe- in.- on board the ! ei-n. mad.-t nit boat a tar-' t f. .f repoubled hies, eio;,i,-. c,iu-ai;..a;al whi.-th sfrom - iia . ..as a- i -sio.: iis.-d. .el'V one oil Vic- Consul ( i l'i.-'(e. I id- ' I he lup. ie. -t e". ! -""il i d to sink as luiiiet'o-,;-. be.-n in th- i- epiiip-l, .. no ii,,'.i oe.-,; te iie- i--land Ml . : ;., n -io-d his le.sd to a ;,!.;' par! i. r!y a!.U-P.e . roup. .-aVPl. in Psas he. I ii to ; is-ar -ail wad, is; shall all I..- ! ai K sooi ll!' s. ,Ji' I lava w!;. a tl. end Lc- s.-t lin e. ;a.e.i a -i. l ila v, ;coph- found that Cell- ;e- I'e.dlv iroi'm-and t hat all the Amm leans were von: - v. :!ii him. Not f sec the I'liiled Stat, s (lau- i'oa'iue' p-o,n the stali'.. t Ca si Nu-vo strm k mauv r.-sta. u!s as purine- p,,,,'s t..-,l! at tin- Stub little less than a i-daniiiv. The p, ,..'irtm.-iii. he noiiih.-d the !iU Correspondents were besit-red w ith thoiatie , t il.it w..ld ha.i i-..!i!,' frou ea - . - vr ii uesi i,,m; as p, tin- mb li tions or tin- Americans, andv.heii tl.o i:. .1 ev.., cteil a Po'iiPaPilil.-.u ,. ,i-.i., -, -i-!.. .. was iiki-lv to mini. -nee. Jr.. .po- el-l.llleut olin-l.-ps Set at a loss as .ail ths r, ii. d as much Canvas I'm i farms. T.V-is!,;-i.'ton ied u C.e'i.rd Mi e m - udh; -i.: to ; ,vt- : ii iii;; omiu,;":;,:;.:? iC,;;; r i . ep... ii .... l i .... Mioiici, ii. v . liii'r.u'ii, .in. i ii.iv. lt.HH .,, ;(r., , .,lt ,mM - c(!,,. Wt.l vithdrew l-is tender of resi"- nation, but ibissell has declaml his ot, ice vacant and will appoint anoiher commissioner. i. -1 . us ! i i i I'lcsnli lit 3lcKllilev has l.ind the militia rc-vdn.ents of IVnnsy!- vatua iiliil .('V.- 1 oi k tue ( Plnpll- n. . a,.v:.1!lt i,,.,., ',i... ,ir,t troops'to be called out in the event of emcre-mit iece;-.-ity for ludL-ment for Uti.oun m tavor of architect Norton, of Durham,' wl o was so badly hurt by a rail-' ,"i'a,1;u"' . i.y the boftlT of iirtesi.-.u vvf-bs ..,;t jS.ppp.iiiM.aeivs of the s;;j,i:r!l rt titvo xvu n-claiiiicd lin, nn.de prodiKtive. ! oiina.ua. .1 ...-c.'nco . ,;,.. .j,,,..,, j, , ,,f , 1. .,. ;,.' . -:.i. Amu 3' ice (..ante'l m uhi. V. .uUt 1, April 1 '. -T'.e Spanish p.vvnmie-ir, throusrli 1M 1.1 m iit..v Hanoi- ! 1 1 lit 1 i" I iii'iri -.(. 1 . ,.4 ; ,- v ' ,, ' t''tu,IivtuvilaniniHn1a:u..v. nun-nt to the Mate lmmerd. ' 1. ...... . ... ..,-1 . (Ja-nm Ue-rent ot Spam h.i I com- '."'J :''""'-'1 l.nu-o to pro- catai today wis w, i-mt co;,a;- tions; that ller iiv s .over,- ent had jrrauSed hn-al ms?,t,,. hov.s o nland o! t u. w.iu-.i the c !iumr t ii'i 1:1 I'iii-.iav.e.n w ald deve tiie , ,v ., ' .. i.y rne uivn i.ev;.: auu eer l.- (..a..,,.nt )V, t jt. disaster of the ..lai'i' au t t'.i' hie-ror U' (hsar-.-r ...ll'I1, i.'I'l 1 n :..'.t.. .1" h.e.i occasioned i'i Spanish hearts , , . , m ' : ,, , :. ' .': .. .v;.,.ii..i.p. " '" u-'.i . -i.i;. mi ' pul.ie opini-m u,,,.., the atiitud-. of So.na. the ':, also repeats t.e otter ot tae Spanish -ov.-n- . . .. , i Ui .1 'i'i-.isi ! notiti-aii.m of tlie Sp.:Vu ,-x..rn- montto the fnited' Siat.-s.. ft!.e , .,..,:.. !P,. ,m-"- " '' , '. ' ; s,n:ial l.-nus : -,-te,; V. o ,1- fopfs d:spa(,h lest up.!, .a- ae::t -.:;; ti:e oa'.elal hrieSlv siate.l tile pict tnat:.!! al'M- . . , . Itie Had i'i i SI a i'iv, 1 11! ion, 1 'St it n.-l ns from t!e Uaet't. ...... I t - p't l e; . e :i .at afJidf apl-re! . 1 e p"! "'t of St i. PP-t it;.l sioli. i.alee- Iv. that the a . wit iiotlt eos.ptsolis. i ;y v, as v. eel ve. 1 l.y the Stale P, palt-u. t.t aiP r tie- iir-t ea'-is. ; in. -: isj;. and was of th.e Main sld.jects o! coi.s.... r:-- li'. u a; ii." so.. ,. i ".. ." - !. id t I'I. Aliho i I. U!e Si'. St!- i-i a. .te v...- .-u; vs.:..; d Mtu t.a- Usual se.-p-ex of . ali. id l.e.-'t ia- tents the .Vii-evi!... -.ipamars co-.-t-nts v.is s.-ure.t: -i-hrsv -Her Map -:. the ::ieen .at- IS i ue ti'o;p.. tiu"; f'tha. la pefidoil o: il. s ; . h is I !l f.idav an i.r: - i lioiis. ilev; r in to 1 del i e.s p. . t"S:i"i:- of 1 i i-ia s 1 1 ' ; !a S......1-.I , :t;Sia .i rai I'.!;.., I It- lo jSoei.-'PU ; j.. ait e. i i i ,:S,e the '!'!- '..!.. 'Si-; Pl oy and the t :.e iaeat has ) ! i .' 1-1. Of c,il.;i in-ii; ,j ; ii.o-e .::.; yes! vf... i:;.;. i'.., 't i e v , t yi:.v.. it wd! !.- t pn,,!""" p. p it pi: dw - hs- th - i :-;i:. (j:t; ,:i ,, , ; ,;i it... I'-o p sa. -s at 'i 'did -I'uoia- op C e,p,; ;.i : ., -.; - p i e-aop te.el.iet ' P'---" d tlU- the o-s of t..e .'! . Si. .' as im lle.l'eap Ju... ii-itelv l'oi;o.e 1 i O ' S S 1 1 Ii ! 1 i dS'J- and reit. T.ip. i eP,'e--S a.S oi' eoMi.l- J, -r M.. j.-T v. t ;,.,,.,,;, :-,-o;m his .p.oaisa p. r ; a. P . I :; Pi (f.r.a tea.;. f,,.,., tt S i-. T 1 tip- IPS I- I I ii! Spaiiish ipathy t'.-lt f .r I o ari j., tt. l':.;t...i Sua s ... U.p. y and for th" Aaie,-;e;!i Uatio;: ' j.,, Si..in;s!i i.,i ip-P-r fee: s csp j;,;. ,it that be call count Upon th. roj.ftesv atid sense of ji'.-tice o the l eitel Stiitc- L-.P, ,! ;,. ;t t. i: p c opinion hi this -f t hi 1 'oarth-A i ,. t ) the i-Mise m.-n;.i.!e . id it e in, it r.-soi vi s it. - . - ifini ea:, on! a-pi.-tion oi fact ;. '.vld-h be settled he !.:.:. lie.! 1'he Sjiiii.;-:. t.paistcr I'. ti.e assui i ate. e lhal. hi -a' is r.-aiy to - I hp it th-- pr. lot's. ip,i;i;,.'; .i,,,,!.,,. quotha; t j;,,, j,,, ciusiol. - ar- w'crts . lesion. a.-a i.y p. iV, -I S. U hose eoll II -idva-lee accepted."' Havana that ( h-in i d loan - had ; or- d th. J .,,,, pr.nr.pt in ese.-uliiij , , o I . i iiioeii e 'Via. e;:i t a , - -7. , ,, .,.,. ..'.e.t ion . . aria'.-s n-c ..n I.e. n (I,,!;. aul-aied today. The ll.st this will be to brin-- a ; -:i ' :',';' ., '!." i - r - '" ' i "''-'" .'",' ;,' r1"1" V V"" ; 't..::,.,Jr, i-oii.-aleii .!, i.ir mud: .t.-pen.is up on t ie-liur.at ion ot the arn.i-ti. . j , . P 1 1,..,-... p. j' 'e' :'"f' ' V' " 'j ' ;ittitn l... llf t,,,. insurgents ,.h i s ,.lt Vv'ash'n.-toii is th.a of r.jeeiiim the ar.aist iee. S.,:o,- , , .... . , . , , (.'il' - s.i.ia. ot t he junta, dee'.a I'e.t to- l.:y that tiie armbriee was simply a Spam mi trick, dcsp-neil to create ,i. ;... i,.,, i i, i,..r.,a were unreasonable. Fro,., his sTand- point notiiimr short of imlepen- A ".Vri'i'f i-f'.sl Eleor. ry. T!m 1i-f fi n.rt.T rl" c .-:. :ciy r i' ii.v ir..i J. - !'i:l O-s-vvcsici. i". ei -i: i, ')! !!iat lave- :. '.;: ' ' i i p. a Ir tui-1 I-i V. ii.it liie Navy ul J),i. Bi,i.i t.. , y.rk .-1. i'ol-t Moim-s A-ril 5. A a nlB- . . ... ' . cor 01 mo ny'iux M(iUi..n.:i u-ave j w t.os . ., j t (......y , U ,)f tLrt pi!t)!,:,ut. f ;;i.-u.M ot tu.:iavv ifw:ir is d-.-clar- t,j ji,. s.,j.i. " ..j,,,.,, information in our ,ms- . v,e lliw vii,.,;. there v,:'l ru.h Il.,ht:n., ,tw,,Ml T;.( s .Savv irt ,K; j., ,.,..:;;: to ,;,.;. As near as 1 ...,. :f , .. v;v i, u 'ps. 1 e.e jijii:,!i -avv is not in coi:--.!: :oti to tui:i. As near as o..:i l.-am it is nearly sis weeks pi.I la its preitav..tioii:-, i n.! ee!l 1. U iiad that tllie-t v t into sV j. ,Vt)Uv ,,.,;v p:ut! I , i!' i ui 1. j f ' . -.. ,. 1. 1 r ii.t '1 1 1 ... i..t it- !,.'! h, Kp.o.i , :t-,,'111.:- nor:nai;on as to i..- v:t!i;" -.,:ul,ti":' "! v-." .i"11 1V v itc 11. t .1!''" t- Co ;'S Wits '1 he Soa'nish i,ni.,a;,lrut ...u.-i.-ps suspoe'ed jim , j,., f1::.,w,l and in- ' . 1 ... I l. I . I 1 .." pi I p.'.onaation v.i p. I .i.ive J e , s ' - e iin - ;'s ,'r '. ' ? ' , n tie s.pi a roa !.. ;v t!:. re is a ,,r .,,,, u,(. ....i.i,,,, llilS a, y 1 hps tvom .M,!...,..,! wao-rs sp,,, Mi-rej-.-.t" t'a'ei pi ::'.ii!mi war i'1'v Spain's l ..'.P. i ile ' eafi o i ti.'Si-.m.! 1 1 ; 1 : -1 fi .l?y mud .-.pi . si;e--s is' try iie ve.i w.ps'.pe t! - iPUU huaio, ..olddlieSli;. id. e- to il j -.,-Si, i f u.,- , ij.s P . 1... ei out s hi ,.,,..,., . ,f i l...... i:.f ;, .,1)lt..!X ,ju , v-, ,vji ,,, ,. V(. ,;',., .. s. avv unless we ,.,-.s; ;;,e A'.r.iailc to Wi P. , j., ... ,.,.,,1 thisc,Hlt.-e Wottiil . ,. Lv... eoalin- St.-.tn.ns on ,;,.,..;.,.,.., i:SO!ll! j, ,,.. . .;' t he se-si . ...vuiia! isusit ! a.s of ,.,;,.,. v. ,,.fi..,-l. v en.sd i n, i pet IliiiP -i lies ill li. II t I t.;e Allan: ' J il l- il IP-sit s;,ji- pm ts. ifv.e ci-.'s Slain vo.pd hae . l;otv.ni.sta::dil!.e; :i.ut!i in ships and the ielv.iSi-,, i u.r ereater r- nr plan m lv d.-nned. A-i so..:-, a- ln 1 1 - - t tiie . he Si at I" i'e li I shal p- I OStpltleS I.e.JPI i ill ... -.p.,1.1...., ',!,.. l;i. id nd.-apti. i in- ta n- tins t! li.eSp 1,1 pr.-:-. te it i-iaial. w. ,u!d le Jin -r. e-U!sei--i in e.v IPS- i e . ird'-rcd hi SSe illi- !.i.-u.a!.-l I. p'Si ui.' peeiaia.ioil u. v.a.r. Id':.- I'.o- West Mjm.dr.ar eoilM take .- f Havana and suhjil.rap. it P.sd" of an i;oi:r. It Pm! i not p.- ; . eessarv f r ine i o i" t;i l'p t ii in Oi ap..- i i ( I .. i is ipahsii-P . d'iiec eouh! tel. bail or, whic'u b. ra'elv n.ili'd. da lls into tin- t . , i :i v i I'i m:i t i;e i SP .-id. . The Cub in-: ha v.. the r d the island, and wiih iia-.atia reduc.-.l L a pa u '.I i i it- P . . ., , . .. .. m- wane Spier.;:, miviu' ,,!.",l,'-!' !'d y-' 1 '-j'd- L a Pa w n a arcs tie are ciy we. ep 1 r.-n-t. tiatives there ee as-i;.i:;ee h as the p;Piiots i if the ttnl is t li:.- independence . I e oi ; in t liree ' !f t more elaboi tibt-. -i ha-i been e can f..r -t !! the . el. :.iei'"ly !--r .ha il s!c add phiii oi i,os P. i .. is . . me ion oi ti.e Isilhij-the pl-i cu i-sp. .iid.en: i. uealiy'.tii of tie iieeis of til-.' so : i--ss e'pres.-.ed aily u itli those .pi 1. the World t.dk'll with -ervaiive of ci. and ti..- leloi.' "'i iler- alklnz en Water. Frjiu U p A;, i !ifws. , it is repoitct tu..; in eastern W a a-coipiiv ;i Pan P-e I l.e liaise olSpenechasbedipreachiiies.UH- titicatiou, and in ..rd.-r to carry out his points he a',:, outiced to his ve i. 1 ... 1 tieaiel'i would that ui last Suii.iay In valk on water. Saturday ... i . i ... ... lil"nt la- V.-elil Pi a point ami illini' . i i - i . . up . some posts and laid some ai.ks aioue; jp....;i tiilee inches a.cr th.- water. Snndav morn- 1' y -'d'l'Ointmen!. a tarve. rowil asseinPled to see ihe wonder'ul feat. Paring the ,ii,l.t some moan ters1,,,diis,.vera.n;i,,!;tesinpra- - - - i -- - came to the missi,,- plank, ker choo"-; lit,.- v went tin parson a- ;--'his head i voter Tl, m,w u'"l""-ri" enraee,! "is- l"'1 .. "h ur' lltU 1;uth ,U santtlilCatton. Vashimrton, April 1 l.-TI.e ('on- sinar reports an. 1 tlie rej.oits suli- .... . , il- I l mope- me .-spanisil oiuciais iio u. iuti lfere wiili the distributions of Vmericaii supplies. In man v places the appeals of the stiirviii"- to III. appflis .r I no suown o. Spiupsh oiheials are spurned, tlie Wi etched people beiil.e- told that the iiiei iciiiin must, take care of , the m. i V.ll.ll KI.I..1I ........... .Bl lilt I. ...1.1. li. 4 I-:. Jul .uowvu.ic. :,!:,; ii.irv, Ah.sh , l-i-il :, v'u Seatiie, Wash., April S.-lAt about 1.1 11. . ki :n... l .:i noon umay uu vhumhh mm, .,.tW0l.a the Scales and Stone J louse, at least HI men met doth ana a I. tree injured ntoi snowslide. Fully hy t!:e slide i, tise snow hord.-rs in t 1,.SM i. u'e nunder rf others i'o or less seriotislv in a ' ;) people were overl.ikpu '.ml are eitner l-uried in ine saow or scau'veu an'e;: uie noriii is in me nva'anriu" 111 a more or less injured cojiditioa. 'll-.e point at wtinii tne accuieiit (Ci-ur- iv I i- ue live nines man fi.nep 1 .'lillli;; i l i(.l. . I, i'i.r;., 11 ( III" tly oiV.-ied a iwuntvol- :t irr.t-t for . - -y v. ...... - . i.r. u yim, .:ut nio-i i.m,.'" vaM.lts. and 1-roke the o ,nt;.-. ow they are v-t;, k,,,.., over hours' ' l'-T i au.o! u.nal tax. I v. ,. .. ,1, .1 ., 1 , . I , .. I , Ivt-r, i-oion ii. a Seal I ..!r Line . .. . :. ... i .... i . ; 1 Vi''' "',':"'VV ' ' " 'T'A V"' lie sr.n.ed t. pass netween two cars ret had heenh-it stimdm,- .. , , , ; , ... ,.:.,.,.,,,..;,. ' . ; ,; ' "p, ' ' ''V,.' .. ...l..'ii ....... iu.i. u i;i .e . u.-.-.- dac iiiori.ia.- l-v a f.viyht train. ri,.;i distance l-nf.uv t!,-,;is Ciitlld 1. 1' sS'Pped. When P leased heieil to t ae iO oainl tit;e iliseloits. it is Haid that the fruit ei'oii in the s.-.nd hi!1.- v;.s not hurt hv the IWi'lit i-oid seati.ef, ;)!, 1 iiie pros pects for a full .Top Wi le IieVcr I et- ' ter. KKiU'cni) i; v i j;s i ytA. 'I'm: Si: m-.o.m.p At:; Lin;: annoi m -i:s !!!; iMi.i.ow ilrrs !:.: 1; vrr.s i oi: S;.;a i !. ( c .v.- ! i. is p. tm;;: j j..i i. tx liAit'i Mi nii-:. m; (.hi i ire.i.ni..! v'oiiferelK e of ioe 31. V.. t ippa-;,. .-.oitih. I !: te . one t'.,ie for the round trip, tick' is ,: sr le y,a 1'iid Kh, v. :th linal l.'init .May .'list. Ni:V tH.i.KANS, i.A. att.ii.al voiteioi i.iks. ilateofoie i'.iie tor the round till., lei... tickets on :-:-,! .MilV lil -'.Ull, . , .. t lilteell da s. i (elief.l A.. i:,l IV ot tile I U S- i.aeri.PiUn.i-.hof'ihe r.s. llatvot ope tele tor the I'oUiid trip, tiek.-isoii ale Mav I'.'t 1. - li't h. (i.-lier; : I A..i:.! lv ot the lu s-! v. ith tins! lis i: .a dune N Uti'i M.K, VA ' S..;.;:., m liaptist ami Auxiliary Conventions. lhite ot ..l,e fare for the louiul trpi, tn ..( t on .-a;e !pi, 'Ji-d ot!:. v.iiii t aal limit ol iote.-u iiavd. CM.vili.i I'Ti'., N. C. Tv. . at ':. ! ii of May ( 'eiebratiop .. : the aieeklelililir.U' J li etai a. ti 11 OI ! Illdepel:.:. I.ee. liac- ot oi e- fan for the n-umt I , . i . . , -. ... i i ,,.,1 ' trip-, in In !i; !i -ale .'iav li . ii-I'M h ,i J' ,,,.t ,.,. ,-.,. u,luh,.,Vi f,,,;,, points uithiu a radius. .ftvoi luiiali.-d miles, tn-kets. -a sale 1st!. -iuthv.it I, tinaliimit Mavi:rd. Ibsni 1 L fi derate Y t-; ci-i;;;. i Cat.-of on.-i ' at per lid!" frav- I elh-.l. tickets oil sale M.-.V l-th- im'n '.i;h tin,-.! l;mii May L'.'inl. J eorfiiil itifoneatioii iu r.-;;aid j to tl.ei-e rates call on or ad; ill is ! auy .v-'-i;i ot the Siai.oaPi Ao Idae or w tie- to T. .!. ANiTISOV, (ieli. l'id l'assi.,i'.r A"'e'it. I'ol tSllloUi !l, Vil. , j StrOtJe" iH0rtiliC2tiGn i T- .- , v" I'oitily'ih-bodyaainstuise'me 1 ... T.ih',- T P.llc on .iV,.:rx. !t,a,r,.r,.r,-;.-,,-l,d,(. ,!.-: , i i petx-i.n, r -'t-r siomacn, r..r.:ai'u ' .. . ... ,,.,.,:.,. it 1 ': COnt.tliut.O,l, launuu.0. ls.i,.l..i ness an-1 ad Kindred troiii.e r-. "Tj nyY q5 Lili " J)r.Tntt; Y ur l.iver Piiis.sr i. . ii . . . t. . I . ri'f . T 11 tile I. v-liilici -l lilt., i biluli . ill - . .t. jvjr.tcful for ihc accident that , " . . - .- , Lnmohtthcm to my nonce. 1 reel a? if 1 had a new lease oi li!C nt r. 1 j. I' asrk th, lattc Canntm , Col. TvtVs Liver PI5h X K IV .UlVKiniSKMKNTS. (,, uu aim Mini"' ":iiiph-h u.wiiiii., cmt , y. ,...,, Ht . r a sprinu a. ijuniM-rc a..-, ruiniins s..mh win. -- ' V.C Cl K)Mla,.,m,. , ,, .,, ,rll.rl. J"" Ju w":i"M ''- l'" 'l l-liw I a :.mll rt. ....k mi I ...ln win, ili.-ii.e fi.ll'.wluit lainl Mtnli Hi VntiliowH t..wii.-hl, IW 1JII o!H to Willi.' lllllt 111 S nil l lllli IIUK. tliiu.-9 wiili tils liu- a 'U; i i" -I'-nJ l t -.It at. 1 pi.liiiiM-., tl.ii.'.i v.Sili l.P ..ih.ir in.,.-. p !.-. i.. p .si ....u. ti.Hi. u s c ru.-r. VZvvm ,,,, ll4,(1 , ,,,2 ,,;,.. u.o iiimiuir. 40 IO 1UW. 1 d(frMa eH.,t Biheuce u.l ..U r...l. wlih Uark- n0rtii tt in p"i i.nk. tlinuje n..rih wlUi 8am ui Pnrk Hiiuot.ui cj:p.i.- id nmt nn.j iiu- o..n.r m i.ot n. . u,.co win. tbein.o.. uC ,90i,..l. to ilo brnElnulutf. ci-.ln.ns a- but 15(.,acr(,, xnewnu .. tr b-..iu a .r t ti,..in l .lwrlbjl tu sail iLnrigiB-- Aurtl 14 lJi. ii. A. LONKON. Au,.aoy. 1 fi iwp va -4 jj Jig. VH A ft f tu SPRING NOVELTIES. All cf VJLkh;e ivJcw Open for Inspection. All tho Sa&-Lianablo V-'cavcs of Dress Good. All tho Dainty Styles of Wash Tabrics. All tha Coasiption of MIXiaTERY ARt. All the ropulai Veiling Creations. ill Til: D.SS GQ3DS DEPARTMENT Has la-en hroiir!it toiietlier a r- wnieli are tnt.y le.iipun admit of. Yotlu Wash n;d see tliis lamtitifitl li iv t!u- (Jonds could jike' I'i. ..vrrl B !K!ih5 K-'' . Tins .iepaninen. more mm- ,.,,,) -,, ,, po t lia n e ei : k now 1 n, this vo.t know that every one can he pieced. V. L, LON p.ri-i'sito:;i, Moci :it. imis. Ccmmeroinl nud Farmers Bank, tje 1 1. ,k;ii, r. tr. st i KMHs" ri)M)irii.)N !)K K M 13 M II 15. 1897 '.-.i:sal Sto-k Paid l'p, $ 1(K,()OI).00 Snrpius imp; i, '20,000.00 N.-t I'lidM h d Frotlts, R,3.1.72 i '.-posits, 381.iliy.3i; Sip'e d. -posit 1-oM-s for rent. No iutt-r.-st paid on deposits. itl'.-rs it casta iniers every n.-eoutuiodat ion consistent with safe bank is '. A tiieal.i r i'f :;.v )d l.u .iue---; oTi -es for rent. d. J. TH .iMAS. lesid.-st. Aid'. A. THOMPSON, Vice-President, ih S. ,1 id; MAN, C.ishier. H. V. JACKSON, Assistant Cashier. J. J. Tit. .mas. Ua'etirh. A. ilo , ;..,( ! ivi hi. A. A. TinvrrsON-, Italeigh. ii. N. ! i.r, liiil a:i'. .). 15. llu.!.. Ua!eie.h. A. J-'. l'.vtsi-:, Aherdeen. 1'. it. !h: i:v, !;.i!ei:.di. .!. .S; oi i-.Sanfnrd. J. II Sitri-nuitD, lialeigh. i r i.ap. Iint.l.iiv. larsi.ro. I Ai.iV . iiio.vt.'.s 1 1. Hi. I sis. M.ii.ieii. i ( :.-. . I S&S to Mr 3 : Iplll Q . tlgglgSdla l.4 ti fPt'OKx W C Pt ; ft !2ig SI S h J g kUZi&& ffiil : j ; I n 1 12a Fayeis-vlile S:p, t. "ITnckr's Store. i i , T , T T , KALEiJH, K. C. Vif'H T I? a 1 V BUMMER Treucii ( );-:;.i'id ii-s - All entirely I'e W il-ll eve'li-i Ve I'l-si'liS .'i' iu- ..... i ele-s uide 0.,e. u-i .,.:i,t. . l . . l: I; reach (h.'-ui-li-'s-Ammiean l niitin.'s. Murpassiii''- in inaiiv Siyiesth.-l-'rencll I 'ri:U .in,.;.! Ul in- i-' iw 'vi.'.-.-'i. iiil 'V1 -l 1. .1. .. M . .T ! ,.: 1. !... 1.... P, 'world, lhal Irish I Hmi'.i-s -Kx- eei' ipi;. j'.taio l jn.iiiin ; p. i- v.-n-d sUj- snA LIN!.;N VnVj AV I'ld-: Cl.Ol'il vt.ry sheer -sott and deiieit.' s'l idiiei's in stripes and bars, '.il inches (iac. per yiiid. Hiadi Art (i in e'ha ms Or -rand ie -.. ... ., i ... . ; a., Jiars, v ' c., J.i ai.il . iii.'l.es wide! I5c.'k-.'ana -2.-.C. p-.-ryard. ,,i Sl,0 1IS. an inspection of our Stock will pay you. ltyoii cannot visit Kateieu wnte to us nmmi h famm. IBBiM & FEiiHALL. Apl. 11, 18!S. CHAPEL HILL, N. C. -Ai, Worses and Vehicles hired at Reasonablo Rates. J. E. Holing, I'l l TS no HO N. c. Watchmaker andj jeweller. Cood work guaranteed and at low pricss. Office at dwelling on suoox oast ot i store of W.L.London & Son 1 1 IS collection of Sin'iiitr Fablics t a ust oi wiueu sp lee uut-s not Boobs. line toappieeiate it. You will be maiuii'ac. ured for the prices Veilings. Ever lady wants a nice veil this spring and we are prepared lo supply that want. N &SOJV. .. 1 1 t'NTKli, lialeip.li. H. A. .1. onuox, Tittsboro. VITS, I )i!l liain. A I) MiM vrii. To K'S NOTICE - u l!iv!ii ,.ih lllf 1 hb H.lnilnlstrAtoror John Cl.i'i k. .1' i-i.-im'-i, 1 tiwny n..'1'y nil 'rs'ini h .Id liu-i-l ilru-hiIiii.1 nil I JfiTilPiit to exhibit tle Miin; l". nit" i.ii or L'furtf the 3rl Any of Marcb, lK.'i. JOHN R. LANK. Mifli H. Ifi'S. , , . , . . nl V 'B Lfli ffiP Sftlfi i KblfeiX IW UftlBl l-n!.rvp...riru...-iiii..l brU. . n. mi i u.-1.. r. n. w..m .. l iu on mondav. Hi.- Ji. I .'ny ..f M iy, IH'JM in II. r-iiirl li niio ilimr i-i I'.- 1 1" i! . I'lT.r f.r .la in tu liil,.-i.i ei I I-t '..r Cft-ti tlilrio'ti m-rw, U i i..X'e- - v -t ufi'-r Mil .Unit t" film li.imp. K'..a I I.. i:.. lwua-i nn.l M ul Dm pul l 8. M. Hull IimIih i no. .. I'i'Mh.iru. nai l I'.t Imvlnit bpen imri-li ii. I liy h it-1 Holt fmin J..I111 tf rlng Aod I .r i i-: '.v ...vi.. . I '.y iliu ll.iii. Ji.lin Mnuulng. A ee ."' i in! .n of Die Ian.) l..r atlo B.-m Hill n l.iir.i ' .-. .u. I lll m il;., lino tiulldlug p.ts. Tin li-t l will I." .1.1 In l.ns t osuii lli iur.:liiflrs. Hiiit i r -Ji-ei ml bl.U tn-rrvt I. Tup April Bib P.H T. D. KOM.lCI, liB. 1! IIAE, Any. Truaire. tgage. il I'.y viriie. i.rn vi'lalii .Iwl of m -iriu)l rio-riii- l l .1 1. l-n'tlsliitll Hi). I Kill, to W. H. S. I!i- .v. j. in Plii.y r.glalrr.'il In Iho u!Il. nf Ki-n- l.i ..- .-t I In lur I'liHtlmiii ('.unity. Iul).ik0. ei. i.... ml will i u t'i.' Joiti i1iy.il April, It iiSi -aii kisv. ..m-r r .r tin dim Mici.m( I' I I'i '.r .iih, ilii ira-tnf Imii.I iherelu con- I . . li i p .r.'ol .t l.iii'l In s.tl.l ui.ui.iy n.1 .t f N. c ,., , ,,. im.iml! r.-ii -I uil.e lino of Ui" x iii..ii i.f in'T!' ,, ,, ( M;i!,.h IUl) !,,.., i: ihmimihii, o. s. .i.i,i,,h Hr.. w. Il ......r..v... am lan.U I..rm.rlj- nwnp. l.y Jhn M .I...I..S. ui. I i.:l..T ..i.iiiHiniin! uliwy iwo i.. u..,1 1,.,.sm,r ,r ,. rillH ,arcll w. m6 T. W. HCflllOVra. K (1 KEiJllOTHH. Ailmliilnrm.ir. W. U. HI 0IIOVES. It j- II. liny.'. Aiiornoy SPUING ... THINGS. Our Stock of Sprinsr Goods in now conun; in. They bloom iu every yard of our whsIi (roods. We liavethe prettiest line of Ore-iuulies ever shown in Chapel Hill, come and sen them. iiiueu,(jinhani, White (loods, .Ve. llamburtrs, Kd.irinfrs, Laces, Rib bones, Cloves, Hosiery &c. SHOES. We sell the well known Eagle, Archdale and Elkiu. Come to see our store and see the pretty Spring Goods. The time you e-ive us will be pleasant to us and profitable to to you. j. T. Durham, rl,aTiel Will JT, f UHpO! J3.111. XI . V. , Cun)Ci. Muiu anJ Coiumbi Su.MU.

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